Winter biomonitoring survey for the Waipaoa River and associated
Winter biomonitoring survey for the Waipaoa River and associated
Winter biomonitoring survey for the Waipaoa River and associated catchments Gisborne District Te Turanganui a Kiwa Prepared for the Gisborne District Council, September 2014 Nga Mahi Te Taiao 0 Contents Section Executive summary Discussion Recommendations Background to the Waipaoa and associated catchments bio-monitoring project Project objectives and deliverables Bio-monitoring survey methodology Site selection: Background Site selection: Proposed methodology and selected waterways Survey methodology: background Survey methods: periphyton Survey methods: macroinvertebrates Quality control: macroinvertebrates Survey methods: macrophytes Survey methods: habitat Survey methods: physico-chemical characteristics Survey results Background Macroinvertebrate community indices Periphyton Macrophytes Physical habitat Physico-chemical References Appendices 1 Recommended variables and measurement protocols (Matheson et al, 2012) 2 Macroinvertebrate sampling protocols (Stark and Maxted, 2007) 3 Provisional guidelines for instream macrophyte abundance (Matheson et al, 2012) 4 Macrophyte monitoring field sheet and worked example (Matheson et al, 2012) 5 Periphyton field sheet, scoring table and visual Chl-a assessment table (Storey, 2014) 6 Visual estimation of periphyton Chl-a (Kilroy et al, 2013) 7 Physical habitat assessment (Storey, 2014) 8 Total macroinvertebrate taxa and animals present at the Waipaoa and associated catchment survey sites 9 Habitat and water quality recording sheet (Palmer, 2014) Figures 1 Monitoring site map 2 Periphyton weighted composite cover (PeriWCC) (Matheson et al, 2012) 3 Existing and new instream plant abundance guidelines to protect river values (Matheson et al, 2012) Page 3 6 7 10 11 12 12 13 20 21 26 28 29 31 32 34 34 34 39 43 44 47 52 53 56 63 64 66 68 69 74 75 18 24 25 1 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Tables 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Some indicative taxa Te Tairawhiti Indications of effects of macrophytes on periphyton and macroinvertebrates (Matheson et al, 2012) Provisional macrophyte abundance guidelines (Matheson et al, 2012) MCI by altitude STS/QMCI by altitude MCI by land use STS/QMCI by land use Total EPT animals % Periphyton enrichment score by altitude Periphyton enrichment score by land use Visual equivalent Chl-a mg/m2 Macrophyte channel clogginess Instream plant abundance guidelines (Matheson et al, 2012) Physical habitat assessment by altitude Physical habitat by land use QMCI scores by habitat MCI scores by habitat Conductivity and salinity levels ANZECC default low-risk trigger guidelines for selected variables in NZ rivers Waipaoa and associated catchments data summary Land use categories to be employed in the Waipaoa and associated catchments survey Candidate sites for bio-monitoring of the Waipaoa and associated catchments Periphyton scoring system Macroinvertebrate Reference chart (Stark and Maxted 2004, 2007; Storey 2014) Physical Habitat Assessment (Storey, 2014): evaluation grades Sources of current survey data MCI Reference chart (Stark and Maxted 2004, 2007; Storey 2014) Periphyton reference values (NPSFM 2014, Storey 2014, Matheson et al, 2012) 26 30 31 35 35 36 36 38 40 40 41 43 44 45 45 46 47 49 50 51 15 17 22 28 32 33 37 39 This report was produced by Murray Palmer of Nga Mahi Te Taiao consultants, for Gisborne District Council. Field work was conducted by Murray, Joe Palmer, Vanessa Awatere Tuterangiwhaitiri, Mihi Hannah, Grant Vincent, Cherie Te Rore and Janic Slupski. 79 Paraone Rd Gisborne Te Turanganui a Kiwa Phone 068687133 Email [email protected] Web 2 Executive summary Background A key focus for biological monitoring programs is to identify the state of health of freshwater bodies, their life-supporting capacity, and their potential availability for activities such as potable use, recreation, mahinga kai, amenity, cultural use, irrigation and food production. In the context of the regional freshwater planning, such monitoring can indicate the current state of water-bodies, the likely effects of activities on water-bodies, and whether water quality in these may need to be protected, maintained or improved (National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management 2014, NPSFM2014). In the case of the Gisborne Tairawhiti region, the inclusion of a bio-monitoring program will also complete New Zealand’s national river data set, helping to advance the scientific understanding of our streams and rivers. This report contains information from 14 freshwater sites in the Waipaoa and associated catchments (Waikanae, Taruheru) in terms of periphyton, macrophytes, macroinvertebrates, overall physical habitat, and specified physico-chemical parameters. This information is stored as raw data and, where the option is available, reported on in terms of Attribute banding as in the NPSFM 2014, the macroinvertebrate community indices (MCI, QMCI, % EPT taxa, % EPT animals), periphyton enrichment levels, visually assessed Chl-a levels, and macrophyte channel ‘clogginess’. The results and discussions around these are summarily categorised under land use types. Land use and physical habitat proved to be the greatest predictors in terms of the biological characteristics monitored during the Waipaoa survey. Although land use categories are outlined in the New Zealand Land Cover Database, this survey utilised a revised approach, more closely reflecting the unique matrix of land uses and geophysical contexts comprising our region’s landscapes. Extensive Pastoral The three Extensive Pastoral sites surveyed (Rere Falls, Urukokomuka, Pykes Weir) exhibited levels of periphyton growth in the Excellent category as measured by the Periphyton Enrichment Score (PES), and in the A category for Chl-a levels (NPSFM 2014) as visually assessed. Similarly, the macroinvertebrate community index (MCI) and quantified MCI (QMCI) scores were in the Good or Excellent categories. Macrophytes were hardly present at any of the sites, and hence the Macrophyte Channel Clogginess (MCC) scores were excellent also. Overall, the sites scored 70 to 81.6 out of 100 for physical habitat, positioning them in the upper Good category. Winter flushing flows would have reduced levels of periphyton and fresh sediment deposits at these sites, and it is anticipated that there may be changes in levels of periphyton and macrophyte growth with warmer weather and changed land management practices (e.g. increased spring fertiliser application and/or intensified 3 stocking). Re-monitoring of these sites during warmer weather will help indicate seasonal patterns of water quality in terms of the biotic indices measured. Key characteristics of the Extensive Pastoral sites were some level of control over stock access to the stream (e.g. fencing above the upper stream bank), the retention of the natural character and form of the channel and riverbed, and a level of woody vegetation in the riparian zone (generally tree species comprising 10 to 45% of the total riparian zone out to five metres). Semi-intensive Pastoral One stream site was included in this category (Waihuka at Otoko) with the aim of more accurately depicting patterns of biological condition in subtly differing pastoral settings. The site was in flat to rolling hill country with a strong grass sward, little woody vegetation in the riparian zone, and free stock access to the stream. There was strong periphyton growth (mainly sludge and green filamentous algae), however the PES score was in the Good category. There was no macrophytic growth. MCI and QMCI scores, were Fair, but just above the threshold for the Poor category, at 86.6 and 4.4 respectively. Habitat scored at 51.88 out of 100 (Fair). Lake Repongaere, the only lake surveyed and a candidate for Outstanding waterbody status, exists in a pastoral landscape that can be described as Semi-intensive. The Lake has high natural character, and the littoral form was intact at our winter survey, despite full access for stock and periodic summer grazing. Macroinvertebrate sampling at the Lake outlet yielded a community typical of shallow lake or wetland still water ecosystems, although there were few taxa present (5) and no grazers. Physico-chemical water quality from one sampling run, however, suggested a eutrophic state in the littoral zone. While Ammonia N and Nitrate N levels were in the A band for their Attribute States, Total N (590 mg/m3) and Total P (6700 mg/m3) were significantly below the National Bottom Line for these Attributes. Chl-a level (laboratory assessed) was 270mg/m3, also well below the National Bottom Line for that characteristic (NPSFM 2014). These initial sample results suggest urgent further attention. Mixed Intensive It is the consideration of this report that a significant land use within the alluvial Waipaoa and associated catchment plains may usefully be referred to as Mixed Intensive, reflecting the patterns of rotational grazing and perennial cropping that are consistently carried out on these highly productive versatile soils. Waterways in these settings are typically modified to allow for ease of cultivation and land drainage (the Whakaahu site is the exception in this survey, with the stream’s natural form largely retained). Apart from the Whakaahu (which scored 56.14 or Fair), the rural Mixed Intensive sites (Taruheru at Gordon’s Bridge, Waipaoa 4 at Matawhero, Te Arai at Whatatuna) scored from 20 to 25.25 out of 100 for Physical Habitat (Poor). Where the Mixed Intensive land use coincided with Urban and Peri-urban landscapes, habitat scores differed markedly however. Although the Waikanae at the Airport site scored the lowest of any site surveyed (19.25/100), the Taruheru at Campion Rd Bridge scored 48.21 (Fair), and the Te Arai at Footbridge 81.79 (Good). This was largely due to the presence of tall, woody vegetation in wide riparian zones around these two sites, whereas at the rural and Waikanae sites, stream shade and woody riparian vegetation is absent. Streambanks at the Campion Rd and Footbridge site were ungrazed, and at the Te Arai Footbridge site there is a diversity of available fish habitat. Whakaahu was the only Mixed Intensive site that showed notable periphyton growth during our winter monitoring period. Here, however, the filamentous growth was significant, positioning the site in the Poor PES category. Similarly, estimated Chl-a Equivalent levels were at 307.04, well above the NPSFM 2014 Attribute threshold of 200 mg/m2.1 It is suggested that the shallow stream profile, low stream banks and broad flood plains, mitigate against the potential for high flushing flows to remove the periphyton and macrophyte build-up from this site (as they would do in a more incised stream channel). Further seasonal monitoring will assist with the assessment of enrichment and plant biomass in this river. Macrophyte beds were present at the Mixed Intensive sites at all but Waipaoa at Matawhero and Te Arai Footbridge sites. Where present, these varied from 0.78 to 248.56 units of Macrophyte Channel Clogginess (MCC). Macroinvertebrate survey results indicate Poor Water Quality at all the Mixed Intensive sites, Rural, Peri-urban and Urban, except at the Campion Rd Bridge. The Whakaahu site, which has largely retained a natural stream form and character, provided highest scores at MCI 76.6 and QMCI 3.65 (both in the POOR category). The very small number of animals present (26) however, may be indicative of low overnight levels of dissolved oxygen (DO) associated with the prolific periphyton and macrophyte biomass. All other sites scored below MCI 49.4 (Tuckers Rd) and QMCI 2.78 (Whatatuna). The MCI score of 85.4 from Campion Rd Bridge reflects the presence of two individual animals (one Amphipod and one Acarina sp.) amongst a total of 249 animals. Reference sites The establishment of ‘reference’, or high quality natural character freshwater sites against which to compare impacted sites, has provided significant challenges for biological monitoring practice as a whole, particularly in relation to the lower 1 It needs to be recognised that the NPSFM Attribute thresholds are based on laboratory Chl-a analyses, whereas the current report uses the visual assessment protocols developed by Kilroy et al and identified as providing a potentially accurate method of assessing Chl-a levels in-situ at a given site (Kilroy et al 2013). 5 reaches of river systems. For the purposes of this survey, the Waihirere Stream is utilised as the Lowland reference site (altitude 8 metres ASL), and the Te Arai at Waingake Intake (120m ASL) as the Hill Country site. The Waingake Intake site is directly below the Gisborne City municipal water intake. 2 Despite the presence of the intake dam immediately above the site, and the attendant flow alterations on the morphology and ecology of the site, the Waingake site is one of the few in the Waipaoa catchments where upper catchment indigenous forest protection occurs, and adjacent riparian protection is evident. The Waihirere stream is set in a reserve and park. There is dense, established native riparian vegetation adjacent to the site, and most of the upper catchment is a mix of regenerating indigenous forest, pine plantation, and some extensive pastoral farming. The two sites surveyed both scored over 86/100 for PHA characteristics (Excellent). PES were also in the Excellent category, and Macrophyte and estimated Chl-a levels extremely low. For their invertebrate values, Waihirere scored MCI 150 and QMCI 8.06. Waingake scored MCI 145 and QMCI 8.17. Total percentage of EPT animals (taxa sensitive to pollution) were 90.3 and 93.4 respectively. All of these macroinvertebrate indices position the two reference streams in the relevant Excellent (Clean water) categories. Plantation Forest (growing) Plantation Forest (harvested) No plantation forest sites were surveyed during the current project. There is a paucity of such sites where there is also existing GDC data, however we have access to a small stream draining a catchment solely in Pinus radiata and for which there is flow information. It is anticipated that this, and at least one other plantation forest site (preferably recently harvested), will be surveyed when drier weather makes access more available. Discussion The Gisborne Te Tairawhiti region is unique in the solubility and calcareous qualities of much of the sedimentary geology that dominates the region’s landscapes. This is expected to provide the source of high conductivity and pH levels evident in the river systems here. GDC freshwater monitoring sites tend to be on the main river stems, and focussed more towards flow recording and prediction, than towards water quality monitoring for ecosystem or recreational value. In terms of overall catchment assessment, 2 This site has subsequently been moved to above the city water supply intake. 6 however, the sub-catchment tributaries surveyed are of higher biological condition than the main stems, providing both better habitat and water quality. Overlaying this, while the sites in extensively grazed landscapes retained good condition, there was a general decline in biological value as land use becomes more intensive. Factors associated with this decline are the modification of stream morphology, free stock access, and nutrient leaching. In such a context, land use has proved an accurate predictor of stream condition as measured by biotic indices. Despite this trend, nutrient levels at some Good or Excellent scoring sites were relatively high when surveyed, with little immediate impact apparent on the biological communities present. The importance of flushing flows, especially in the context of stream form (e.g. incised cf open streams), was apparent at the Whakaahu site, where low bank heights allow such flows to dissipate across the adjacent flood plain, leaving much of the periphyton and macrophyte biomass in the stream intact. It appears that habitat assessment as conducted during our survey is a similarly good predictor of stream condition as land use, with a high correlation (R2=0.9367) with the MCI site scores. Habitat evaluations, adapted to the particular waterway setting, may also be of value in describing ecological value where other forms of biological monitoring are inappropriate, such as at downstream river sites. This would be enhanced at such sites when combined with Chl-a and nutrient sampling for ecosystem health, and microbiological testing (e.g. E coli) for recreational use. Improvements to stream physical habitat upstream and adjacent to the monitoring sites are expected to mitigate against some impacts of land use. Recommendations The following are the recommendations of this report. 1. Correlate flow recording and water quality sampling with periphyton and macrophyte surveying during the warmer months to help clarify the relationship between river flow, land use and nutrient migration, stream form, and nuisance or detrimental algal and plant growth. The use of macroinvertebrate sampling and habitat assessments will further aid in this process, providing an accurate picture of the state of the region’s waterways. 2. Integrate these data sets (flow, water quality, biotic indices, habitat and land use) to provide a working model to assist in setting water quantity and quality limits, and protect the life supporting capacity of water bodies. Research will be required to better understand specific water quality relationships in our region, e.g. nutrient uptake by in-stream plant growth and subsequent impacts on fish and invertebrate communities. The Whakaahu Stream appears one candidate for such research, which would be expected to include continuous water quality recording. 7 3. Adopt a precautionary approach to setting threshold levels for Ammonia N (NH4) and embark on research on the toxicity of this and other substances in the context of the naturally high pH levels of waters in the Gisborne Tairawhiti region (typically near 8). 4. Lake Repongaere is a site of high significance culturally, ecologically, and for its landscape, mahinga kai and commercial fishery values. Regular and appropriate water quality sampling (e.g. from a boat) is required to assess the levels of eutrophication that may be occurring here, and potential impacts on the values and significance associated with the Lake. This should commence as soon as possible. 5. While the percentage of dedicated Reference sites utilised in the current survey is consistent with other regional bio-monitoring practice, this report recommends the development of a suite of reference site material regionally, inclluding from lowland river settings, to assist an understanding of the condition of the regions’ waterways, the impacts of land use activities on these, and opportunities for maintenance or improvement. 6. Continue, and further assess and refine, the methodology and assessment matrices utilised in this survey, including: ¾ MCI, QMCI and EPT ¾ Periphyton and Chl-a equivalent assessments (after Kilroy et al, 2011 and Kilroy, 2013) ¾ Macrophyte channel clogginess ¾ Physical habitat assessment 7. Develop a fish monitoring component for selected sites and purposes. 8. Continue full bio-monitoring on the following Waipaoa, Taruheru and Waikanae river sites: ¾ Pykes Weir ¾ Whatatuna stream at Opou Rd ¾ Whakaahu at Bruntons Rd ¾ Lake Repongaere ¾ Rere Falls ¾ Urukokomuka ¾ Waihuka at Otoko ¾ Taruheru at Tuckers Rd ¾ Taruheru at Waihirere ¾ Waikanae at the airport 9. Include: ¾ A hill country Reference site (if Waingake access is deemed too problematic) ¾ One or preferably two sites from the Waingaromia and upper Waipaoa catchments 8 ¾ At least two plantation forest sites (one growing, one within two years post-harvest) 10. Develop a revised physical habitat assessment incorporating lowland river instream values (e.g. such as fish spawning venues), and combined with Chl-a and nutrient assays and fish surveys, to assess the biological condition of downstream sites (e.g. Te Arai at the Footbridge; Waipaoa at the Matawhero Bridge; Taruheru at Campion Rd Bridge) in lieu of periphyton macrophyte surveys. 11. Establish research into the role of a range of riparian plant species in bank stability and the uptake of nutrients migrating from adjacent land, and their potential application to improving water quality and stream ecological condition in the Gisborne Tairawhiti region. 12. Establish research into the impacts of Gambusia affinis on lowland stream invertebrate and fish communities in the Waipaoa and associated catchments. 13. Integrate the bio-monitoring and other regional monitoring programs with local freshwater initiatives in the region, including the Awapuni restoration project and other community driven catchment planning and restoration work (e.g. Te Arai, Waiapu and Hikurangi Takiwa initiatives). 14. Develop an education and freshwater monitoring certification process, such as used internationally via the GLOBE program, to provide communities with the skills to effectively monitor local freshwater environments. Support this with the provision of suitable equipment and resources, and ongoing links with expert bodies in this field. 9 Background to the Waipaoa and associated catchments biomonitoring project Monitoring the biology of rivers, streams, wetlands and lakes, and their margins and catchment characteristics, is considered a vital component in understanding water quality and the state of water-bodies. This is especially so in the context of environmental stressors, and an overall assessment of the life-supporting capacity and health of aquatic ecosystems and the values they support. The Resource Management Act (1991) requires councils to report on the state of the environment in order to assess the effectiveness of their regional policy statement or regional plans. Gisborne District Council is currently developing a regional plan for freshwater, including policies for maintaining flow regimes and water quality. A key element of the plan’s effectiveness will be the biological responses to the water allocation limits set. These responses, however, cannot be inferred from physicchemical water quality monitoring alone. Gisborne District Council is currently preparing a regional plan for freshwater management that includes both water quality and water quantity. Because river biota are affected by flow regimes as well as water quality, monitoring the effectiveness of policies in the freshwater management plan (as required under the Resource Management Act 1991) is best achieved by monitoring biota in tandem with water quality. The National Policy Statement on Freshwater Management provides additional reason to monitor biological indicators, as Objectives A1 and B1 refer to “safeguarding the life-supporting capacity, ecosystem processes and indigenous species…. of fresh water”. Biological monitoring is the most direct way of assessing life-supporting capacity and indigenous species (Storey, 2012, p5). Further, as all regional councils and unitary authorities (except Gisborne District Council) conduct regular biological monitoring of rivers for State of Environment (SOE) reporting, establishing biological monitoring in Gisborne would complete the national data set that Ministry for the Environment uses to assess the state and trends of New Zealand’s fresh waters. This would significantly enhance the overall scientific understanding of the nation’s waterways. Several documents, including the Resource Management Act (1991), the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management (NPSFM2014) and the reports of the Land and Water Forum (2012), also provide a policy framework that encourages biological monitoring of rivers. Together, these factors provide the broad freshwater policy and environmental monitoring context for the current Waipaoa biomonitoring project objectives and implementation strategies. 10 Project objectives and deliverables During April 2014, GDC staff managing the development of the Gisborne Tairawhiti region’s freshwater planning process initiated discussions with Nga Mahi Te Taiao consultants to undertake the development of a strategy and implementation methodology for the monitoring of macroinvertebrates and periphyton in the region, and to implement this in the Waipaoa and associated catchments through a physical survey conducted over the May to June 2014 period. This work is also intended to provide an input into the assessment of Outstanding Water Bodies, and into the limits to be set for water quality in these catchments. Further, it is anticipated that the strategy and implementation procedures for biomonitoring in the Waipaoa will inform the overall review of water quality monitoring across the region. The project guidelines require that the following tasks are fulfilled. ¾ Development of an overall approach to bio-monitoring of invertebrates and periphyton, including the identification of sampling locations and methods. This will be consistent with the National Objectives Framework (NPSFM2014) and best practice approaches across the country, while also providing a level of information necessary to assist the Council in evaluating whether key sites within the Waipaoa catchment(s) should be considered Outstanding Water Bodies. ¾ In accordance with the approach developed, bio-monitoring is conducted at 13 locations within the Waipaoa Catchment, providing GPS locations and data for these sites (including habitat assessment and selected physicochemical parameters; periphyton survey; macroinvertebrate survey). ¾ The incorporation of relevant existing data into the survey results, and provision to GDC of an Excel spreadsheet with the data included. ¾ Prepare a report outlining the findings of the research, including a description of in-stream values for each site (via graded scales suitable for SOE reporting and narrative interpretation) and any implications for the Waipaoa Catchment Management Plan process and others in the region. 11 Bio-monitoring survey methodology Site selection: Background A key element determining site selection for a catchment wide monitoring program is the development of a representative spread of sites across the range of relevant social and geophysical landscape characteristics present. In the context of the current program, these characteristics include: x Geology, altitude and slope class; x Situation in the fluvial hierarchy e.g. upland or spring-fed (first, second and/or third order stream); sub-catchment tributary; lowland; lowland delta; estuarine; x Current and historical land use, both adjacent to the sites and in the upper catchment; x Community values identified as of importance within the sub-catchments within which these sites occur; x The proposed water management units (WMU). Further factors influencing site selection include: x The presence of reference site information i.e. data from sites that are typical of their fluvial setting and largely unmodified and/or not adversely impacted by human activity. Reference sites would ideally include the following settings: upland (headwater); final stream prior to junction with subcatchment tributary; lowland (tributary; main river stem; river delta). It would be anticipated that some of those waterbodies put forward for Outstanding, Regionally Significant or Special Interest Area status might also be candidates for reference information. x Where possible and of value, the alignment of sites with existing GDC monitoring sites, providing for an evaluation of biological survey data alongside historical physico-chemical and flow-related information. Such a consideration of representativeness allows for a comparison of the impacts on water-bodies of varying land uses and land and water management regimes, the effects of climate on differing geophysical and land use settings, and the potential effects of anticipated land use change on both in-stream and abstractive values. In such a context, the establishment of reference sites becomes a priority alongside representativeness. 12 Site selection: Proposed methodology and selected waterways A total of 14 sites have been chosen to provide for the following monitoring objectives: x An initial description of some of the biological and ecological characteristics of the rivers and streams within the Waipaoa and associated catchments alongside a background of current water quality data; x An preliminary assessment of the ecological characteristics of those waterbodies currently candidates for Outstanding, Regionally Significant or Special Interest Area status; x An assessment of the ecological characteristics and ecosystem status of any water-bodies currently candidates for Poor or Degraded status (due to biomonitoring outcomes of this survey and/or existing water quality data); x The potential impacts of specific patterns or types of land use. In this context, a land use inventory for the Waipaoa and associated catchments would be expected to include: x x x x x x x Mature indigenous forest; Shrublands and regenerating indigenous forest; Plantation forest (growing); Plantation forest (during and post-harvest); Tussockland or montane vegetation; Extensive pastoral grassland (with some mixed woody vegetation); Semi-intensive pastoral grassland (extensive grazing with intermittent intensive stock feeding and mixed cropping); x Intensive mixed farming; x Intensive annual cropping; x Intensive perennial cropping (e.g. orchard, viticulture); x Peri-urban; x Urban (urban residential and urban industrial). Such a categorisation is an adaption of the New Zealand Land Cover Database (LCDB, ) mapping approach, constituting a slightly revised differentiation of land uses that relates more specifically to the wider Waipaoa land use patterning. In this context, waterways in the following land use categories were, or will be, surveyed: x x x Reference sites (indigenous forest, or where in-stream and adjacent and upper catchment natural character are retained, and water quality achieves Ecosystem Health Attribute State A status): 1 upland; 1 lowland. Extensive pastoral sites: 3 sites, preferably reflecting differences in slope type and geology. Semi-intensive pastoral sites: 1 river site; 1 lake site. 13 x x x x Intensive mixed (rotational): 4 sites. Peri-urban: 3 sites. Exotic forest (growing) Exotic forest (harvest) Left above, from top: Mixed Intensive; Reference; Semi-intensive Pastoral. Right, from top: Urban/Semi-intensive Pastoral; Mixed Intensive; Extensive Pastoral; Peri-urban/Perennial cropping/Mixed Intensive. 14 Table 1 Land use categories to be employed in the Waipaoa and associated catchments survey Waipaoa land use LCDB comparison Waipaoa land use narrative description type Reference Indigenous forest In the current Waipaoa and associated catchments survey, the ‘Reference’ land use will be indigenous forest. This reflects the dominant type of vegetation or land cover which would be expected to occur at the sites chosen. If a similar survey was to be undertaken around a coastal lake, for instance, the Reference sites would then be chosen to best reflect the land cover types most closely approximating to a pristine or ‘natural’ environment for the surveyed site/s (e.g. flax and shrub land). Extensive pastoral Poor/High The Waipaoa definition was chosen to reflect the differing characteristics of land uses in terms of producing their levels of effect on aquatic ecosystsems. The Extensive Pastoral category may include some grassland high producing grassland, however it is distinguished by a level of woody riparian vegetation (e.g. >30% riparian cover) and subsequent level of stream bank integrity, and the absence of dense stocking rates. All three streams in the current survey have some stock exclusion capacity around them. Semi-intensive High producing This typically includes pastoral landscapes where production is considered high or good for the pastoral/unfenced grassland slope and soil types present. This may reflect what is referred to anecdotally as ‘productive grassland’. In this particular land use type stock have uncontrolled (unfenced) access to waterriparian bodies within their grazing zones. Intensive mixed High producing This land use type reflects the high production rotation cropping and pastoral systems common on grassland/Cropping the versatile soils of the Waipaoa flats, and on some of the smaller alluvial valleys feeding into the main river. Streams in these settings are frequently modified through channel straightening, vegetation removal, etc. Peri-urban Urban/other For the purposes of the Waipaoa survey, sites chosen to reflect the impacts of solely urban landscapes were unavailable due to the estuarine nature of the water-bodies present in the Gisborne city environs. The first available sites on these downstream river reaches were in areas of mixed Peri-urban and Intensive mixed, Perennial cropping or Semi-intensive pastoral. Exotic Forest Pine forest - closed Exotic forests with a largely closed or closing canopy. growing canopy 1 Exotic forest harvest Pine forest harvest Exotic forests post-harvest prior to the re-stabilisation of stream morphology. 2 Identified through the Freshwater Advisory Group process, a selection of waterbodies in the Waipaoa and associated catchments have been established as candidates for Outstanding, Regionally Significant and/or Special Interest Area status (Gisborne draft Freshwater Plan). In order to achieve an economical approach while providing a robust introduction to the freshwater characteristics of these catchments, it is recommended that these sites are surveyed as sites of special interest, but that they may also be included as representative of their relevant geophysical and land use patterns, key prioritised values, and place within the proposed Water Management Unit framework. The following sites (Table 2) are proposed for the Waipaoa and associated catchment planning program. Note that they include one lake, Lake Repongaere. Due to sporadic abundant rainfall at times throughout our survey period, and the turbidity created in some waterways, we were unable to visit all the sites initially selected, and we do not report on the Terrace site on the Waingaromia River, the Homestead Creek site at the headwaters of the Waipaoa, and the main stem of the Waipaoa at Kanakanaia Bridge. While we believe that the sites surveyed are representative of most of the various geophysical and land use settings in the Waipaoa and associated catchments, no plantation forest sites, either during growth or post-harvest, are included. It is recommended that we visit the sites missed during more stable weather, possibly as part of a wider bio-monitoring project, and include at least two plantation forest sites also. 0 Table 2 Waterbody Candidate sites for bio-monitoring of the Waipaoa and associated catchments WMU Site adjacent land use Te Arai (Pykes weir) Hill Extensive pastoral Te Arai (Waingake water intake)* and ** Te Arai (footbridge) Hill Reference Lowland Intensive mixed/Periurban Te Arai at Whatatuna Lowland Whakaahu (Brunton Road) Lake Repongaere** Lowland Intensive mixed Intensive mixed Semi-intensive pastoral Extensive pastoral Extensive pastoral Extensive pastoral Lowland Rere Falls** Hill Mangatu (Urukokomuka Stream)** Hill 3 Upper catchment land use Extensive pastoral/Plantat ion forest Indigenous forest Intensive mixed/Perennial cropping/Periurban Fluvial order Gradient*** Geology*** Climate*** Middle Moderate Soft sedimentary Warm wet High Moderate Warm wet High Low Soft sedimentary Alluvial Intensive mixed Middle Low Alluvial Warm wet Water supply Ecological Ecological Mahinga kai Fishing Secondary contact Mahinga kai Intensive mixed Middle Low Alluvial Warm dry Ecological Semi-intensive pastoral Extensive pastoral n/a Low Warm dry Middle High Soft sedimentary Soft sedimentary Middle Moderate Soft sedimentary Warm wet Mahinga kai Cultural Natural character Ecological Contact recreation Cultural, Wai tapu Ecological, Contact recreation Warm wet Warm dry Key subcatchment values3 Water supply Ecological GDC draft Freshwater Plan 2014 1 Waihuka (Otoko Hill) Waipaoa (Matawhero) Hill Lowland Waihirere Stream* (Taruheru river) Taruheru (Hansen Rd) Hill Lowland Taruheru (Campion Rd bridge) Urban Waikanae Stream** Urban Semi-intensive pastoral Intensive mixed/Extensi ve pastoral Reference Intensive mixed Urban Urban/ Intensive mixed Semi-intensive pastoral Intensive mixed Middle Moderate High Low Indigenous forest (restored) Intensive mixed Low Low Middle Periurban/Intensive mixed Urban, periurban/Intensive mixed Soft sedimentary Alluvial Warm wet Warm dry Irrigation Food security Warm dry Ecological Low Soft sedimentary Alluvial Warm dry Recreation Middle Low Alluvial Warm dry Recreation Middle Low Alluvial Warm dry Recreation Mahinga kai Cultural * Reference sites **Candidate sites for Outstanding, Regionally Significant or Special Interest Area status *** It is suggested that the geophysical characterisation of the Waipaoa catchment may benefit from a more fine grained approach than the current three tiered classification, particularly when dealing with issues around land erosion, sedimentation and aquatic communities. 2 Figure 1: monitoring site map Lake Repongaere 3 Survey methodology: background Previously, freshwater bio-monitoring in the Tairawhiti region has been confined to: x x x Three private research surveys that have included freshwater macroinvertebrate sampling; The widespread use by schools of freshwater biological and physicochemistry science techniques as educational activities (facilitated by Nga Mahi Te Taiao); Fish and shellfish survey and assessment work, and associated tertiary aquatic education programs (facilitated by Maumahara Ltd). The current project, however, signals a first for an inclusive catchment-wide approach that aims to establish freshwater bio-monitoring as an integral part of water quality monitoring, and ecosystem and life supporting capacity assessment, in the Tairawhiti Gisborne region. As such, and in the absence of any similar previous approaches, the project aims to provide a methodology that incorporates current best practice, while providing the opportunity for innovative and region-specific adaptions and initiatives, and the reassessment of data in the context of the changing needs and aspirations of our communities for water management. The protocols utilised for physico-chemical and biological sampling and assessment derive from: the Ministry for the Environment Monitoring Protocols and Quality Assurance Guidelines (Part 2) for regional freshwater reporting (‘the Protocols’, Davies-Colley et al, 2012); Categories of periphyton for visual assessment (Kilroy 2011); A User Guide for the Macroinvertebrate Community Index (Stark and Maxted, 2007), and the Review of the New Zealand instream plant and nutrient guidelines and development of an extended decision making framework: Phases 1 and 2 final report (Matheson, F., Quinn, J. and Hickey, C. 2012). The survey also incorporates in its reporting the Attribute State assessment methodology of the NPSFM2014, the Australian and New Zealand Guidelines for Fresh and Marine Water Quality (ANZECC) and the National Rapid Habitat Assessment Protocol Development For Streams And Rivers (Clappcott, Storey et al, 2014). The Protocols consider the practices at 2012 of all regional councils, and provide guidelines for improved monitoring effectiveness and national consistency. Some of the outcomes of recent work and discussions undertaken with Dr Richard Storey (one of the authors of the Protocols) have also been included as components of the current survey, as has the adoption of recommendations from Dr Storey of NIWA in his review of our original proposal (pers com Storey, 2014). While some of this work is relatively innovative and still in draft form, the information gathered is being recorded in readily available ‘raw’ format, prior to being subject to the assessment tools provided. This will allow for assimilation of the data into other evaluative formats, should the need arise. 4 Survey methods: periphyton Periphyton is the slimy organic layer attached to submerged surfaces such as stones and wood, and is comprised mainly of microorganisms (e.g. algae, bacteria, microscopic animals) and the materials they secrete. Periphyton can take two general forms: x Microscopic, single-celled algae forming thin layers (films) on stream bed materials; x Algal colonies, growing in the water as attached filaments or mats. Periphyton is a foundation of many stream food webs, and an important food for stream macro-invertebrates which in turn provide food for fish and birds. Excess growths of periphyton, however, can make the stream habitat unsuitable for many invertebrate species. This reduces the ecological health of the stream, and can make it unattractive for swimming and other recreation (Storey, 2014). Periphyton is also an important indicator of water quality, and responses of these biological communities to contaminants can be measured at a variety of scales from the physiological to the community. In general, periphyton serves as an indicator of water quality because: x It has a naturally high number of species; x It has a fast response to environmental change; x It is relatively easy to sample; x The threshold for tolerance or sensitivity to change (in particular the presence of nutrients e.g. nitrogen and phosphate) is reasonably well documented. Since the ecological tolerances for many species are known, changes in community composition can be used to diagnose the environmental stressors affecting ecological health, as well as to assess biotic integrity. Along with Ammoniacal Nitrogen (NH4-N), Periphyton is a key attribute that must be monitored for river Ecosystem Health (NPSFM 2014). Despite this requirement, the expert panel developing the attributes framework, were unable to agree on the primary objectives for periphyton monitoring, making the establishment of specific monitoring protocols problematic. Despite this lack of agreement, the Panel suggest that the most likely objectives will be: x x x Assessing nutrient enrichment; Helping interpret invertebrate data; Assessing impacts on aesthetics and recreation. Prior to 2011, a simple ranking system identifying excessive filamentous algae impacting on recreational, aesthetic or fishing values (RAM1), or a more detailed approach incorporating 12 periphyton categories (RAM2) and providing a potentially more comprehensive evaluation of stream nutrient enrichment and water quality, 5 were the periphyton assessment protocols widely adopted by regional councils, alongside periodic quantitative lab assays of Chl-a derived from removal of periphyton samples (Biggs and Kilroy, 2000). The Protocols from the Expert Panel currently recommend a revised visual assessment methodology, based around the work of Kathy Kilroy and others (DaviesColley et al 2012). This work considers seven generic visual periphyton types, and has the potential to provide an accurate assessment of stream nutrient enrichment and potential levels of Chl-a across river or stream substrate, with minimal laboratory back-up testing (Kilroy et al, 2013). Table 3 Periphyton scoring system (Kilroy, 2011) Observations Didymo Cyanobacteria mats Green filaments Other filaments Other Mats > 2mm thick (excluding Didymo & Cyano) Sludge Thin Films Bare Area Score 1 2 1 7 8 9 10 Based on the calculations of the Periphyton scoring system, the percentage cover of the visible stone surface might be Green Filamentous 15; Mats 33; Film 27; Bare 25. This would provide a PES of 7.79 and a weighted Chl-a index of 42.226 (see Figure below). For the purposes of the Waipaoa project, we have adopted this visual assessment methodology, also recommended by Richard Storey in his review of our original proposal (Storey, 2014). The reasons for this are: x x x x Research so far indicates this system provides real opportunities for the robust visual assessment of stream algal biomass and nutrient loading, similar to that of laboratory testing, thus reducing the costs associated with such testing (Kilroy et al, 2013; pers com R. Storey, 2014); Potentially toxic or invasive taxa comprise part of the ID process, linking ecosystem assessment with public health and recreational water quality information collection; The methods and Protocols are relatively easily learned, implemented and quality assured; They sit well alongside, and may provide valuable information for, a Cultural Health Index or Mauri assessment matrix. 6 In the Review of the New Zealand instream plant and nutrient guidelines and development of an extended decision making framework: Phases 1 and 2 final report, due to a deficit of empirical data as to its widespread application, the authors did not recommend the use of the above Protocol for SoE reporting (Matheson et al, 2012) although it was part of the bio-monitoring recommendations to GDC from Dr Richard Storey (2012). Nevertheless, the system is identifiably consistent with previous methods (e.g. RAM1 and RAM2 which is recommended by Matheson et al) and hence the data be easily integrated into the earlier protocol. This is the approach we have adopted for the current survey as, if adopted as a periphyton monitoring tool, GDC data will then be available as an important component of: x x x Ongoing national assessment of the emerging Protocol; A consistent national SOE reporting, especially amongst those councils having adopted the Protocol; The potential for an accurate and cost-effective bio-monitoring tool. Overall recommendations for Periphyton Monitoring Protocols from the Panel are tabulated in Appendix 1 below. This report has incorporated the above recommendations in the Waipaoa project methodology, but suggests that alongside monthly surveying during the warmest six months of the year and an annual survey to assist macroinvertebrate interpretation, a post-high flow survey should also be conducted for periphyton sites. In our region, such a survey would most probably occur between the months of June and August, as is occurring in the current project. This survey would provide an indication of the impacts (and hence potentially the ecological and water quality significance) of ‘flushing’ flows at specific geophysical and hydrological settings (such was apparent in the extensive periphyton and macrophyte beds at the Whakaahu site during May) in creating a periphyton baseline prior to warmer weather and more stable, reduced flows. This current information would sit well within such a revised Periphyton Protocol and especially the overall focus of the NPSM2014. The USA EPA point out that, while periphyton monitoring protocols may be used alone, they are most effective when used with one or more of the other evaluative assemblages and protocols, particularly habitat and benthic macroinvertebrate assessments, because of the close relation between periphyton and these elements of stream ecosystems. This is the approach taken for the purposes of the current survey, alongside recording of relevant physico-chemical site characteristics where there is no historical data available. 7 Figure 2 Periphyton weighted composite cover (PeriWCC) (Matheson et al, 2012) Section summary: A periphyton weighted composite cover (PeriWCC) can be calculated as % filamentous cover+ (% mat cover/2) with an aesthetic nuisance guideline of ≥30%. Use of upper bound analysis (e.g., quantile regression) is recommended to evaluate periphyton abundance thresholds associated with impacts on benthic biodiversity metrics. Based on analysis of the NRWQN matched invertebrate and periphyton cover data, provisional general guidelines of <20%, 20-39%, 40-55% and >55% periphyton weighted aesthetic cover are recommended as indicators of ‘excellent’, ‘good’, ‘fair’ and ‘poor’ ecological condition, respectively, at sites where other stressors are minimal. Further analysis of these periphyton-macroinvertebrate relationships by river type is recommended to refine these provisional guidelines. Overall, these data suggest that the New Zealand Periphyton Guideline of 50 mg chl a m-2 is appropriate for protecting “excellent” ecological condition (MCI>120) in typical Southland streams, but a higher threshold of 100 mg chl a m-2 may be warranted in some cases where other stressors on macroinvertebrates are minimal. We suggest that other councils might follow the simple approach demonstrated here (i.e., correlating MCI scores with chl a) to evaluate the broad applicability of the 50 mg m-2 benthic biodiversity threshold in their region. If sufficient representation of different river types (e.g., REC classes) is available, then this approach could also be applied separately by river type. It would also be useful to attempt a further national scale analysis in the next phase of this project if sufficient paired periphyton chla and macroinvertebrate data are available from Regional Councils. 8 Figure 3 Existing and new instream plant abundance guidelines to protect river values (Matheson et al, 2012) 9 Survey methods: macroinvertebrates Aquatic invertebrates are recognised as an important component of contemporary freshwater and marine monitoring programs, and have a long history of use both in Aotearoa NZ and internationally. Such a role is due to a well-established understanding of the responses of specific invertebrate taxa to environmental conditions and change, and, in particular, their responses to environmental stressors (e.g. sedimentation, rising water temperature, reduced dissolved oxygen and elevated pH, ammonia toxicity, eutrophication, habitat degradation and climatic variability). Further, sampling macroinvertebrate communities is relatively straightforward, and the findings can be easily quantified into several metrics of value in water quality assessments. The use of macroinvertebrates in environmental monitoring is also in an ongoing process of increasing sophistication as an understanding of particular species and guild behaviour develops. Figure 4 Some indicative taxa Te Tairawhiti There are several methods of macro-invertebrate sampling utilised by experts in this field. Recommendations for the current survey (Storey, 2012) derive from the Protocols For Sampling Macroinvertebrates In Wadeable Streams (Boothroyd et al, 2007). These authors indicate that the particular sampling method utilised will reflect the requirements of the survey being undertaken e.g. State of Environment reporting (SOE); assessments of environmental effects (AEE). 10 For SOE monitoring programmes we have assumed that the study objectives will be to provide biological information on a selection of streams in a region, and allow for the comparison of sites through time. This approach obviously requires the sampling of as many sites as possible, from reference through to impacted condition. We anticipate that sampling will be on a seasonal basis at best, but is more likely to be annual or semi-annual. Given these constraints, it is unlikely that quantitative sampling will be cost-effective, and semi-quantitative methods provide an appropriate alternative. In comparison, AEE work and compliance monitoring may require more detailed site comparisons where the additional information gained from quantitative sampling may be justified (Matheson et al, 2012). Initially we proposed an All Habitat sampling method, primarily as this was considered most useful for identifying ecological integrity across a broad stream or river reach, and would have been appropriate for an assessment of Outstandingness or Special Interest Area (NPSFM 2014, Objectives A1 and B1). This proposal, however, was amended on review by Dr Storey, and now focusses on riffle habitats (where these are present) in hard-bottomed streams, enabling a consistency and better comparison with other regional data. Although Dr Storey has also recommended the use of Surber sampling as outlined in Protocol C3, the current survey adopts the C1 protocol, as it was felt that the techniques utilised with this protocol could better describe the diversity of stream macro-invertebrates across the wide range of substrate types likely to be sampled in our region. The sampling method adopted for soft-bottomed streams is Sampling Protocol C2. Processing of the samples for both is based on Protocol P2: 200 Fixed Count + Scan for Rare Taxa, and quality control on Protocol QC2: Quality Control for Fixed Count. These Protocols are outlined in Appendix 2. The MCI is calculated from presence-absence data as follows. where S = the total number of taxa in the sample, and ai is the tolerance value for the ith taxon (see Table 1). The QMCI is calculated from count data as follows. where S = the total number of taxa in the sample, ni is the abundance for the ith scoring taxon, ai is the tolerance value for the ith taxon and N is the total of the coded abundances for the entire sample. 11 However, whereas the MCI score is achieved by gaining an average sensitivity score of taxa present and multiplying by 20 (in order to differentiate this figure from the QMCI score), this report will also retain the original average of the taxa present’ sensitivity scores, and report on this as the Site Tolerance Score (STS). This latter metric is currently being employed in the Parallel Water Monitoring Project (Te Roopu Waitohu o Turanganui a Kiwa) with the intention of making the comparison between the MCI and the QMCI more easily recognisable to untrained participants (Storey, 2014). Further assessments of the invertebrate data are also performed, including total taxa and animal abundance, the percentage of the sensitive Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera (EPT) taxa, the aquatic invertebrate families most sensitive to impacts of contaminants and degraded aquatic environments, and the relative abundance of EPT animals present at the site. Table 4 Macroinvertebrate Reference chart (Stark and Maxted 2004, 2007; Storey 2014) Index Taxa total Macroinvertebrate community index (MCI) Quantitative macroinvertebrate community index (QMCI) Site tolerance score (STS) EPT Taxa % EPT animals % Excellent Good Fair Poor TBE TBE TBE TBE >119 100-119 80-99 <80 >5.99 >5.99 TBE >50 5-5.99 5-5.99 TBE 15-49 4-4.99 4-4.99 TBE 1 to 14 <4 <4 TBE <1 Quality control: macroinvertebrates Quality Assurance (QA) is the measurement and control of errors, and refers to inspections or tests which determine whether or not a product or service meets a required standard. Although the authors identify that the protocols set out in the Monitoring Protocols and Quality Assurance Guidelines (Davies-Colley, et al, 2012) do not represent a formal or accredited QA system, they suggest that the existence of well-documented standard methods, including QC procedures, should promote the production of accurate, reliable and consistent macroinvertebrate data at all times. Further, they also believe that the adoption of the protocols will confer considerable value and reliability on the information gained from both new and existing programs. Quality Assurance programmes exist for biological monitoring programmes using rapid assessment protocols in the UK (Dines & Murray-Bligh 2000), USA (Plafkin et al. 1989, Cuffney et al. 1993), and Australia (Humphrey et al. 2000). These methods form the basis of the protocols suggested by Davies-Colley et al and focus on the two most likely sources of error: sorting and taxonomy. The authors have attempted to make the procedures as simple as possible, without adding substantially to effort 12 and expense. Thus, in general, the QC protocols recommended would be expected to add 10 - 15%, at most, to the cost of the data. These protocols would generally involve re-examination of 10% of samples selected at random. The second taxonomist will be provided with the results obtained by the original taxonomist to check the identifications and counts or relative abundances. The authors considered whether the second taxonomist should check the samples independently (i.e., without having the results from the first sorter) but decided that a comparison of results would be more cost-effective and educational. For example, the second taxonomist can explain any differences in identifications that arise, rather than this reconciliation requiring an additional stage. Furthermore, the condition of macroinvertebrates in samples tends to deteriorate with handling, so the comparative approach is less likely to disadvantage the second sorter. If two equally-experienced taxonomists disagree on an identification then a third opinion should be sought from an agreed independent expert. The authors point out that it is not their expectation that formal QC will necessarily be carried out on all sampling programmes at all times. Rather, that QC effort be directed at significant SOE, AEE or compliance monitoring programmes periodically (e.g., once every three years), or following a change of personnel involved in macroinvertebrate sorting and identification. Thus a QC report noting that the personnel who sorted the samples had recently passed QC on a previous project would suffice, but an outdated testimonial (say > 3 years old), or the use of personnel of unproven capability, would not be acceptable evidence of quality assured data. Where casual personnel are used for sorting and identification a QC report would be expected for each significant project (Davies-Colley et al, 2012). Survey methods: macrophytes Macrophytes are conspicuous aquatic plants from a diverse assemblage of taxonomic groups that are often separated into four categories based on their habit of growth: floating unattached, floating attached, submersed, and emergent. Macrophytes are an important component of wetland, lake and river ecosystems, contributing to services such as carbon fixation, nutrient cycling and sequestration, and providing food and habitat for fish, invertebrate and bird populations. Overabundance of macrophytic growth can, however, impact on aquatic and human values, such as: x Hindering recreational use; x Reducing aesthetic quality; x Restricting land drainage; x Clogging water intakes; 13 x Reducing ecological habitat quality (e.g. through depleting DO levels and/or altering pH, smothering substrate and increasing levels of deposited sediment). Although macrophytes have been a part of state of environment reporting for some time, due to insufficient data, no macrophyte abundance or nutrient guidelines for macrophytes have been identified for NZ rivers and streams. Recently, however, and despite a continuing paucity of empirical data, collation of available information has made possible the application of provisional guidelines for the protection of instream ecological condition, flow conveyance, recreation and aesthetics. These are 50% or less of channel cross section area or volume (CAV) or water surface area (SA) (Figure 6 below). Figure 5 Indications of effects of macrophytes on fish and macroinvertebrates (Matheson et al, 2012) 14 Figure 6 Provisional macrophyte abundance guidelines (Matheson et al, 2012) These guidelines provide the basis for our assessment categories for the Waipaoa catchment. They are, however, modified to provide a quantitative assessment of Macrophyte Channel Clogginess (MCC) (Storey, 2014). The MCC is estimated by use of the following equation. The field worksheet for the MCC is contained at Appendix 3. As with other monitoring indices and stream characteristics and parameters measured, the raw figures are included in the site summary data sheets, should the guidelines need to be revisited and a re-assessment of the categories made. Survey methods: habitat Survey protocols for physical habitat include a wide range of in-stream, riparian, and catchment characteristics of a given site or stream reach. In the Stream Habitat Assessment Protocols for Wadeable Streams and Rivers of New Zealand (Harding et al, 2009), three Protocol levels are outlined in detail. In his recommendations to GDC (Storey, 2012), Dr Richard Storey considered Protocol 2 to be the most likely to be adopted for survey work. After discussions with Dr Storey, it was decided to record the raw information suitable to inform a Protocol 2 assessment, much of which is included in the macrophyte and periphyton assessments, but also to implement a Physical Habitat Assessment (PHA) (Storey 2014), which provides a quantified index of ecological habitat value, based around a detailed visual assessment. 15 While the PHA is currently in a draft discussion stage, the ability to delineate sites into quality categories based around informed visual assessments, has the potential to provide a cost-effective method of signposting stream condition, prior to a detailed survey of biotic components. This approach appears consistent with the work of Kilroy et al around periphyton, and Kelly et al around the ecological integrity of coastal lakes. Outcomes of this approach in the current survey are reported on below. The PHA evaluation matrix is attached as Appendix 4. As specific components of the matrix are not relevant to all stream and river sites, this report trials a variable scoring system, utilising only those matrix components that do relate to the physical habitat of a site. The scores attained from the site evaluation are then calculated as a percentage of the relevant components. The ranking we have utilised is thus as follows. Table 5 Grade Score (as %) Physical Habitat Assessment (Storey, 2014): evaluation grades (Palmer, 2014) Excellent >84 Good 61-83 Fair 39-60 Poor <39 Application of these grades is contained in the survey results below. Survey methods: physico-chemical characteristics Overall, an attempt was made to align the Waipaoa bio-monitoring sites with GDC water quality and flow measurement sites, the goal being to have a body of physicochemical and microbial information to underpin the biological characteristics of the sites. In effect, partially complete data sets were available from four sites, and similar sets from four sites on the same river stem. This reflects the differing rationale for the bio-monitoring site selection from that for the original suite of GDC sites in the Waipaoa and associated catchments, where the focus is more towards flow assessments and flood management (pers com Dennis Crone, 2013). For these reasons, and as the costs associated with full physico-chemical and microbial analysis of all of the sites had not been incorporated into the original survey project proposal, three forms of reporting have been selected for the parameters chosen. These are as outlined in Table 5. The choice of parameters was based around: x x x Those recommended by GDC officers; NOF Attribute states; Freshwater monitoring protocols (Davies-Colley et al, 2012). 16 Table 6 Sources of current survey data Parameter measured Existing GDC site New site Clarity Water temperature pH Dissolved oxygen Total N Ammoniacal N Nitrate N Total P DRP E coli. Periphyton Macroinvertebrates Macrophytes Physical habitat NOF Attribute (rivers) 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 Existing GDC data Hydro-Technologies/Hills Laboratories Nga Mahi Te Taiao field assessment 17 Survey results Background The results of our bio-monitoring assessments, physical habitat and landscape surveys, and field and laboratory physico-chemical sampling, were collated onto Excel spreadsheets and assessed against the following environmental and socioeconomic gradients. x x x x x Altitude and position in the fluvial hierarchy; Recent rainfall; Adjacent and upper catchment land use; Identified catchment and sub-catchment values; Water Management Zones. Results are as follows. Survey results: macroinvertebrate community indices As a river moves from its headwaters or spring-fed source towards the coast, there tends to be a natural process of accumulating and depositing sediment, debris, nutrients and other materials as it passes through alluvial valleys and into the delta area. Often subject to reduced flow velocities, the presence of soft mobile substrates, an increase in water temperature and turbidity and potentially reduced levels of dissolved oxygen, biological communities in these lower reaches tend to include more tolerant taxa, suited to such conditions. These more tolerant downstream communities are typically associated with a reduction in biological index values, such as MCI, QMCI, EPT abundance, and an increase in macrophyte and periphyton proliferation and levels of Chl-a. Such a process of the gradual lowering of water quality as measured by biological indices is referred to within the concept of a river’s natural altitudinal gradient (River Environment Classification). Further, a lowland site with relatively high natural character and habitat value, may exhibit low in-stream biological condition due largely to upstream activities. In this context, the results of the survey indicated that in the Waipaoa and associated catchments we visited, any potential correlation between altitude and stream condition as measured by MCI indices was confounded by the pattern of land use at the stream site and upper catchment, and that such land use characteristics were a far greater anticipator of stream condition than altitude. As rivers extend closer to the coast some waterways become unsuitable for the surveying of periphyton, macroinvertebrates and macrophytes, due to depth, bank steepening, lack of suitable habitat, or tidal movement. In our current survey of the Waipaoa and associated catchments, however, twelve of the thirteen river sites were able to be sampled for macroinvertebrates, and 11 for macrophytes and/or 18 periphyton. Macroinvertebrates were gathered from Lake Repongaere but were not evaluated by MCI processes. Figure 7 MCI by altitude 350 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 300 250 200 150 Excellent Good Fair Poor 100 50 0 MCI Figure 8 Altitude MCI score MCI by ALTITUDE Altitude Expon. (Altitude) QMCI by altitude 350 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 300 250 200 150 100 Altitude QMCI/STS QMCI by Altitude Excellent Good Fair Poor 50 0 MCI QMCI Altitude Expon. (Altitude) 19 There were, however, strong correlations between Land Use types and all the macroinvertebrate indices employed, as outlined in Figures 9 and 10 below. Figure 9 MCI by LAND USE MCI score MCI by LAND USE 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 -20 Excellent Good Fair Poor R² = 0.9763 LAND USE TYPE Figure 10 QMCI by LAND USE QMCI by LAND USE 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Excellent Good Fair Poor R² = 0.8371 MCI QMCI Linear (QMCI) 20 Table 7 MCI Reference chart (Stark and Maxted 2004, 2007; Storey 2014) Index Taxa total Macroinvertebrate community index (MCI) Site quantitative tolerance score (QMCI) EPT Taxa % EPT animals % Excellent Good Fair Poor 80-99 <80 5-5.99 4-4.99 In progress 15-49 1 to 14 <4 In progress >119 >5.99 >49 100-119 <1 These considerations suggest that, when taking into account the natural river gradients amongst the diverse sub-catchments that comprise the Waipaoa River system, land management of the adjacent environment and upper catchment of the sites was the dominant contributing factor to biological condition as determined by the macroinvertebrate indicators employed. Considering the MCI and QMCI outcomes, the physical habitat of the Extensive Pastoral farming sites (Rere Falls, Pykes Weir and Urukokomuka) was characterised by: x x x A level of woody vegetation retained or restored along the riparian zone; The retention of the natural stream form; The control of stock access to the stream (although not the total exclusion) from adjacent paddocks. At these three sites, stream condition as measured by the macroinvertebrate indices was measured within the upper Good or Excellent categories. The physical habitat of our Semi-intensive Pastoral site on a tributary of the Waihuka River at the foot of the Otoko Hill, was characterised by minimal woody vegetation (20% in the total riparian zone), little shading, and free stock access to the stream. Although the natural form of the stream was largely intact, MCI and QMCI scores positioned the stream in the lower quartile of the Fair category. Where stocking rates and annual cropping combine to provide an Intensive Mixed land use setting, stream condition at the three sites in the current survey (Whakaahu at Bruntons Rd, Taruheru at Tuckers Rd and Waipaoa at Matawhero) as measured by macroinvertebrate indices were seen in this survey to sit within the Poor category. Only the Whakaahu had the stream’s natural character retained, and this site scored best of the four, in the upper of the Poor Category (MCI 76.6, QMCI 3.65). The other three rural sites (Taruheru at Tuckers Rd, Waipaoa at Matawhero and Te Arai at Whatatuna) were in the middle of the Poor to abiotic category, with scores of MCI 41.6, 42, 49.4 and QMCI 2.78, 2.1, 2.12 respectively. 21 The stream form of the Taruheru and Matawhero sites was highly modified to provide for water drainage and ease of cultivation, and this is reflected in the Physical Habitat Assessments provided for the sites. At the Whakaahu site, however, where algal and macrophyte proliferation was most pronounced, natural stream morphology (e.g. shallow stream bed and low channel banks) and nutrient and/or sediment migration into the waterway, appear implicated in the excess growth of filamentous algae and macrophytes, and smothering of the stable substrate, further impacting on the habitat for macro-invertebrate species requiring good water quality and habitat conditions. The Mixed Intensive/Urban streams had QMCI scores of 2.02 (Waikanae at the Airport) and 2.12 (Taruheru at Campion Bridge), and MCI scores of 42 and 85.4 respectively. The latter higher MCI score reflecting the presence of only three taxa, including one estuarine amphipod and one Acarina mite, along with 274 freshwater snails (Potamopyrgus). The presence of estuarine species in the lower reaches of our rivers indicate a tidal presence that may tend to mitigate against an otherwise low MCI and QMCI scoring. Our two reference Indigenous Forest sites scored MCI 150 and QMCI 8.06 (Waihirere at Bush Edge) and MCI 145 and QMCI 8.17 (Te Arai at Waingake Intake), positioning them well within the Excellent, Clean Water category. Overall, a similar trend can be observed in the percentage of EPT animals gathered from the 12 stream sites). Figure 11 Total EPT animals % % TOTAL EPT ANIMALS 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Certain factors, however, may potentially be confounding the Poor MCI water quality indices in the lower Waipaoa reaches. These include the presence of Gambusia affinis (Mosquito fish) in the streams of the Taruheru below Courtney’s Bridge, and in the Waikanae. These small fish are prolific and voracious predators, and may be impacting on invertebrate and fish populations there. 22 Survey results: periphyton While periphyton communities are common on submerged surfaces in most aquatic ecosystems, it is the harder, more stable substrates (bedrock, boulders, cobbles, woody debris) where periphyton communities are most diverse, and reflect in detail levels of enrichment and flow patterns. Where periphyton communities exist in soft substrate waterways, these tend to be attached to materials in the littoral margins (macrophyte beds or wetland plants) or to woody or other in-stream debris, and do not colonise the substrate extensively as they do in harder bottomed streams. Further, many lowland soft substrate waterways are subject to herbicide or mechanical vegetation clearance. Thus, there exists some difficulty in consistently comparing indices such as periphyton enrichment and Chl-a production between hard and soft substrate stream types. Utilising the assessment protocols recommended by Matheson et al (2012), Kilroy et al (2011) and Storey (2014), we report on the presence of periphyton in those streams where reasonable comparisons can be made, and on macrophyte abundance for both hard and soft substrate streams. During warmer weather, however, a better comparison of periphyton assemblages and abundance may be possible where soft substrate streams remain undisturbed by high flow flushing of stream vegetation. A review of the assessment protocols and current discussions around this topic may also provide a more comprehensive way of assessing periphyton growth and coverage that includes both soft and hard bottomed waterways. Table 8 Periphyton reference values (NPSFM 2014, Storey 2014, Matheson et al, 2012) Measure and Grade Periphyton Enrichment Score (PES) Visual Chl-a (mg/m2)4 Periphyton weighted composite cover (PeriWCC) Excellent Good Fair >8 6-7.99 4-5.99 Somewhat poor 2-3.99 <505 50-119 120-200 >200 <20% 20-39% 40-55% >55% Poor <2 4 Based on laboratory assessment results. < 17% Productive Class and < 8% Default Class streams per annum over a three year monthly sampling period (NPSFM 2014). 5 23 Our results for periphyton concur with those from the MCI scoring process, namely, for those sites exhibiting periphyton growth, a greater concurrence between land use categories and periphyton enrichment exists than between the enrichment indices and altitude. Figure 12 Periphyton enrichment score by altitude PERIPHYTON ENRICHMENT SCORE by ALTITUDE 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 PERIPHYTON ENRICHMENT SCORE Figure 13 Altitude Periphyton enrichment score by land use PERIPHYTON ENRICHMENT SCORE by LAND USE 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Similar concurrence can be seen to occur with levels of visually assessed Chl-a mg/m2, although this is also a consequence of the results being based around the periphyton data gathered. What is significant, however, is the excessive Chl-a levels assessed for the Whakaahu site, where conditions appear ideal for periphyton 24 blooming, and where the shallow wide stream and low stream banks require greater flow volumes to ‘flush’ the build-up of nuisance and deleterious periphyton and macrophyte growth. Figure 14 Visual equivalent Chl-a mg/m2 Equivalent CHl-a mg/m2 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 Overall, from the seven sites surveyed for periphyton enrichment, five, including the Indigenous Forest and Extensive Pastoral sites, showed little signs of excessive periphyton growth, and scored in the Excellent category for this biotic index. Similarly, based on the visual assessment protocols for Chl-a, the same five sites approximate to the NPSFM2014 Attribute state A for Chl-a, the Semi-Intensive Pastoral site (Waihuka at Otoko) into the B state, and the Mixed Intensive site (Whakaahu) fell below the national bottom line into the D state (NPSFM2014). As the current survey project was the first of its kind to be implemented in the region, inference from one set of results cannot be expected to provide definitive conclusions around the relationships between land use, nutrient transport, riparian management, flow levels, and periphyton types and abundance. Nevertheless, as the current survey was conducted after initial autumn rains and amongst subsequent winter flushing flows, it might reasonably be expected that the current results reflect least optimum conditions for periphyton growth (elevated flows, cooler water, reduced agricultural activity) and thus a ‘best case scenario’ for nuisance stream periphyton cover. Of particular interest, the Whakaahu Mixed Intensive site provided the highest level of periphyton and macrophytal enrichment of all sites surveyed. The site appeared unaffected by the autumn high flows, and some of the green filamentous periphyton reached over 4 metres long. One notable characteristic of the stream is the wide, shallow bed, and low stream banks. While there was little fresh sediment remaining 25 on the stream bed, there were extensive, deep, fresh deposits along the banks. This suggests that any high flows are dissipated across the shallow stream channel and broad adjacent flood plain, and may be insufficient to clear the warm-season buildup of periphyton and macrophyte growth. The Whakaahu Stream at Bruntons Rd, displaying the shallow form and extensive periphyton and macrophyte beds. Photo 27th May 2014. The potential role of flushing flows in clearing such build up was also evident in the Taruheru at Tuckers Rd, Waikanae at Airport, and Waipaoa at Matawhero sites, however this effect is assumed from the relative absence of periphyton communities at this time, and will need to be assessed against warm weather outcomes, and any management activities impacting on these (e.g. herbicide or mechanical stream clearance; nutrient deposition). In such soft substrate stream environments it may well be that Macrophyte Channel Clogginess proves a more accurate indicator of stream enrichment. For the strongly tidal sites (Te Arai Footbridge and Taruheru at Campion Bridge) periphyton and macrophyte growth is not assessed, as the tidal changes (velocity and salinity) distinguish these sites from those further inland, and limit periphyton and plant growth. The Waipaoa at Matawhero site may also be best included with these, and summer reporting is expected to clarify such considerations. For these sites, which might be clarified as upper estuarine, the best tests for enrichment may be water clarity and laboratory measures of Chl-a by volume (assessed by water column samples), with possible consideration for identifying a level of micro-algal and planktonic communities. In this context, our initial survey of the Te Arai Footbridge site (Mixed Intensive/Periurban) indicated a water clarity of 55cm, although at one spot, a log could be seen several metres beneath the water surface. Despite a mid-green coloration of the river water, Chl-a was quantitatively measured at <0.003 g/m3 (3 mg/m3), 26 positioning the result in the NPSFM2014 Attributes A category (for still water) and at the limit of detection (Hills Laboratories, 2014). The one lake site included in the current survey, Lake Repongaere (Mixed Intensive), exhibited water clarity of 7cm, and Chl-a content of 270 mg/m3, placing this result well into the NPSFM2014 Attributes D category for Lake environments. Survey results: macrophytes Typically, macrophyte growth is at a minimum during winter months when flows are regularly above base flow and temperatures at their lowest. This is reflected at 6 of the 13 sites reported on for macrophyte growth. Nevertheless, at the lowland Mixed Intensive Whakaahu and Tuckers Rd (Taruheru) sites, significant macrophyte beds were evident, and there was evidence of a variety of macrophyte beds submerged by recent rains at the Whatatuna site. Figure 15 Macrophyte channel clogginess MACROPHYTE CHANNEL CLOGGINESS 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 Matheson et al, noting that there have yet to be developed overarching guidelines for stream wellbeing in terms of macrophyte abundance, have nevertheless suggested interim threshold levels for ecological condition, flow conveyance and recreation. These are identified in Figure 14 below and Figure 6 above. The MCC data as reported corresponds to a combination of the ‘channel volume/cross sectional’ and ‘surface cover’ components. These details are recorded separately, however, in oprder to assess the possible range of macrophyte related metrics. Overall in-stream plant guidelines for ecosystem health, recreation and aesthetics, do, however, also need to include levels of periphyton present. 27 Figure 16 Instream plant abundance guidelines (Matheson et al, 2012) Physical habitat assessment Detailed quantitative visual assessments of freshwater physical habitat have comprised environmental reporting for some time (NIWA, 2002; Kelly et al 2009; Harding et al, 2009). The current Waipaoa survey aims to provide a semiquantitative recording of physical habitat values based on Protocol 2 (Harding et al, 2009), while providing a new form of qualitative assessment provided by R. Storey (Appendix 3: Rapid Habitat Assessment, RHA, Storey et al 2014). We thus provide a bifurcate reporting approach to habitat assessment, namely: x x Detailed recording of the quantitative data (substrate, riparian characteristics, stream form, etc); An interpretive assessment score. Utilising this latter tool, and based around condition categories provided by Storey for a simplified method (Storey, 2014), this report provides a set of categories based on the percentages of the maximum score each site achieves for the overall physical habitat characteristics relevant to its specific fluvial setting (e.g. upland, main stem, semi-estuarine, etc). 28 Figure 17 Physical habitat assessment (RHA) by altitude 100 80 60 40 20 0 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 ALTITUDE PHA SCORE PHYSICAL HABITAT ASSESSMENT (RHA) by ALTITUDE SITE NAME PHYSICAL HABITAT % ASSESSMENT Altitude It is evident, as with our MCI and Periphyton assessments, there is little correlation between physical habitat as assessed by the current method, and altitude or natural river gradient across the range of sites surveyed. There is, however, a much stronger correlation between land use as characterised by our current system, and physical habitat as scored by the Storey method. Figure 18 Physical habitat by land use RHA SCORE as % PHYSICAL HABITAT ASSESSMENT (RHA) BY LAND USE 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 SITE LAND USE TYPE The two exceptions (Te Arai Footbridge and Taruheru at Campion) should not, however, be viewed as outliers. Rather, they reflect the quality of habitat at the 29 particular Peri-urban/Mixed Intensive and Urban/Mixed Intensive sites (Te Arai Footbridge and Taruheru at Campion Bridge scoring 81.79 and 48.21 respectively) as compared with that of the remaining Urban/Mixed Intensive site (Waikanae at the Airport, scoring 19.25). In particular, the qualities that the Arai site exhibited included: extensive established riparian vegetation, in-stream habitat (including large wood), shading, stream bank integrity, and subsequent low levels of stream bank erosion. The relevance of the quantified assessment scoring method is further exemplified in its apparent ability to indicate stream ecosystem condition. This is evident if we consider the current site scores against the MCI and QMCI scoring. Te Arai River at Opou Rd (left above) and adjacent to the village (right). Figure 19 QMCI scores by habitat (RHA) Habitat score QMCI SCORES BY HABITAT (RHA) 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 R² = 0.8333 Fair Good Excellent Poor 0 2 4 6 8 10 Quantified site tolerance score 30 Figure 20 MCI scores by habitat (RHA) MCI SCORES BY HABITAT (RHA) 100 R² = 0.9367 90 Habitat score 80 70 60 Poor 50 Excellent Good 40 Fair 30 20 10 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Site tolerance score (MCI) Such predictive responses have been identified elsewhere for similar habitat assessment models (NIWA, 2002). Survey results: physico-chemical Physico-chemical data either gathered in situ or retrieved from GDC sources has been included in the current survey to provide a ‘snapshot’ of these abiotic stream and lake characteristics to accompany the detailed biological assessments. As such, our reporting on these characteristics is not intended to provide a definitive review of the data. There are, nevertheless, certain patterns evident from the fourteen sites surveyed, and some important insights signposted, particularly where ‘one off’ samples indicate an unacceptable ecological condition. In this context, the following considerations are described. 1. Stream pH across the district as recorded with our field equipment is consistently high (alkaline) against national levels (LAWA 2014). Even the Reference and best performing Extensive Pastoral sites displayed pH levels consistently above 8. Generally, only where there was evidence of a saline influence (>0.3ppt) were pH levels reduced (7.7 to 8.12). 2. Similarly, conductivity levels were high across all streams and Lake Repongaere, including those exhibiting the best biological monitoring results. This is also uncommon nationally, and is expected to reflect the particular nature of the Gisborne Tairawhiti region’s geophysical setting, and the widespread presence of a calcaereous sedimentary geology. 31 3. Levels of Ammonia (NH4) across the region, both from our one-off laboratory samples and from GDC historical median records, are typically low. Only the Whatatuna site, in a major Mixed Intensive landscape, exhibited elevated levels during our survey (0.23 mg/L). However, ammonia toxicity increases dramatically at higher pH, being ten times more severe at a pH of 8 than it is at pH 7 (LAWA). Considering the naturally high pH of most waterways in the region, a precautionary approach to setting levels for NH4 and further research on the toxicity of substances in this context is recommended. 4. Nitrate (NO3) levels at the survey sites were more variable. While the majority of sites m,easured by either historical median levels, or laboratory or field assessments, positioned the samples within the A category Attribute State, the Waihirere, Whatatuna and Waikanae sites provided elevated sample results. Of these, Waihirere was the greatest at 4.2mg/L at 27.7.2014. As Waihirere is an indigenous forest Reference site, this result was surprising. We thus resampled Waihirere for NO3 on 20.8.2014, resulting in a measure of 1.91mg/L. Although it is possible an external incident or land use activity led to these results, such elevated nitrate levels in forested streams have been noted elsewhere in the region (Palmer, 2014) and require further research, as is recommended by this report. 5. The majority of sites surveyed, either by one-off sampling or by historical GDC median levels, fell within acceptable levels for DO, Ammonia N, Nitrate N, Total P and DRP. Three sites, however, highlighted areas of specific concern. These are: a. Waihirere: as noted above, which exhibited high nitrate (4.2mg/L) and very high Total N (4500mg/L) samples on the 27th July 2014; b. Whatatuna: where Ammonia N (0.23mg/L) and Nitrate (3.4mg/L) samples were high, Total P (101mg/M3) and Total N (4800mg/L) very high; and c. Lake Repongaere: where Total P (590mg/L) and Total N (6700mg/L) were greater than ten times and eight times the National Bottom Line for their respective Attribute States (NPSFM 2014). 32 Figure 21 Conductivity and salinity levels 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 Conductivity Salinity (ppt) Conductivity CONDUCTIVITY and SALINITY (by altitude) Salinity The full list of physic-chemical characteristics surveyed are contained at Figure 23 below. Thresholds for assessing the characteristics described in our survey are contained in the Attribute States of the NPSFM2014 (MfE, 2014). Figure 22 below, however, also outlines a general series of default low-risk trigger values provided by the ANZECC 2000 Guidelines (currently under review). Relevant to the development of bio-monitoring for the Gisborne Tairawhiti region, the Guidelines stress that the preferred approach to determining low-risk trigger values is for territorial authorities to develop site-specific guidelines using biological effects data, comparison with local reference conditions and/or considering effects of ecosystem-specific modifying factors (Guidelines, 2000). In his report for the Gisborne region, Richard Storey further identifies the significance of GDC developing a bio-monitoring program. Ministry for the Environment is currently attempting to rationalise SoE freshwater monitoring nationally so that it can use SoE data to report on the state and trend of New Zealand’s fresh waters. An important aspect of this initiative is improving the coverage of monitoring sites to better capture the range and variability of New Zealand’s streams and rivers and to reduce bias. To complete the national picture of New Zealand’s fresh waters, data from Gisborne District is essential. In addition to SoE reporting, scientific studies often draw on national-scale river data (e.g., Scarsbrook et al. 2000, Larned et al. 2004, Matheson et al. 2012). Regional council data have been used for several of these studies, thus completing the coverage of council monitoring would help greatly to advance the scientific understanding of New Zealand’s streams and rivers. (Storey, 2012, p11) 33 Figure 22 ANZECC default low-risk trigger guidelines for selected variables in NZ rivers 34 Figure 23 Waipaoa and associated catchments data summary SITES RERE FALL URUKOKO WAIHUKA WAINGAKEPYKES WEI WHAKAAH WAIHIRER TUCKERS AIRPORT MATAWHEWHATATU FOOTBRID CAMPION REPONGAE Date 3.07.14 27.06.14 01.08.1430.07.2014 4.07.14 27.5.1427.07.2014 26.5.14 09.06.14 28.5.14 15.8.2014 7.07.201423.06.2014 18.6.14 LAND USE EP EP Semi-IP R EP IM R IM IM/U IM IM IM/PU IM/PU Semi-IP 108.8 128.6 86.6 145 117.2 76.6 150 41.6 46.6 42 49.4 85.4 MCI STS 5.44 6.43 4.33 7.25 5.86 3.83 7.5 2.08 2.33 2.1 2.47 n/a 4.27 QMCI 5.79 6.61 4.4 8.17 7.48 3.65 8.06 2.78 2.02 2.1 2.12 n/a 2.12 EPT TAXA % 50 60 50 81.2 57 33 75 0 0 0 0 0 EPT ANIMALS 60 94 13 93.4 96 26 90.3 0 0 0 0 0 PES 9.605 10 7.397 9.6765 9.54 2.022 9.8045 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a ALGAL BIOMASS (equivalent to mg/m2 Chl-a) 9.245 1 110.7805 3.588 17.46 307.494 6.377 n/a 1.12 n/a n/a0.003 g/m3 n/a 0.27 g/m3 MACROPHYTE CHANNEL CLOGGINESS 0 0 0 0 0 205.19 0 248.56 0.78 0 48.88 n/a n/a PHYSICAL HABITAT ASSESSMENT 179.5/220 169/220 128/220 191/220 154/220 123.5/220 196.5/220 40/200 38.5/200 50.5/200 43/200 114.5/140 67.5/140 PHA VALUE (%) 81.6 76.82 58.18 86.82 70 56.14 89.32 20 19.25 25.25 22 81.79 48.21 E Coli (MPN/10ml) 550 39 10 328 176 56 353 540 240 66 335 52 DO 10.1 10.1 11.3 10.5 10.3 4.2 11.6 7.4 5.6 10 10.4 11.2 7 Clarity 68 150 160 330 62 65 100 42 55.7 36 62 55 28 7 Ammoniacal N (g/m3) <0.010 <0.010 <0.010 <0.01 <0.01 0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.23 0.031 0.023 Nitrate N (g/m3) 0.24 <0.002 0.012 <0.015 0.085 4.2 0.67 1.78 <0.22 3.4 0.29 0.89 <0.002 TKN (g/m3) 0.16 <0.11 n/a 0.54 Total P (g/m3) 0.011 0.007 0.009 0.024 0.101 0.02 0.59 DRP <0.004 0.009 <0.004 <0.006 Total N (g/m3) 0.27 4.5 4.8 6.7 Phosphate <0.08 0.61 1.22 0.08 2.3 pH 8.36 8.5 8.62 8.66 8.52 8.13 8.49 8.12 7.77 8.19 7.95 8.12 7.94 Conductivity 160 250 360 250 550 870 450 730 890 560 900 1330 770 430 Salinity 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.2 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.5 0.6 0.4 0.2 Air temp c 12.7 18.7 14.8 15.4 11.4 9 11.3 15.5 15.8 8.1 12 9.7 13.6 17.2 Water temp c 6.5 12.1 8.6 9.2 8 9.9 6.4 11.6 14.7 8.3 7.8 7.4 11.9 12.5 RECENT RAIN (week) 2.2 2.2 4.2 18.8 0.2 6 18 2.8 12.2 7.8 5.6 0 1.2 13 RECENT RAIN (4 weeks) 111 185.4 70.8 56.2 111 23.6 69.4 20.4 95.4 25.5 189.2 113 185.8 191.8 Field assessment GDC historical data Laboratory sample Recreational water quality 35 References ANZECC. 2000. Australia and New Zealand guidelines for fresh and marine water quality, Volume 1, The guidelines. Australian and New Zealand Environment and Conservation Council, Agriculture and Resource Management Council of Australia and New Zealand, Canberra. Biggs and Kilroy, 2000. Stream periphyton monitoring manual. Ministry for the Environment. Davies-Colley, R.J., Hughes, A.O., Verburd, P. and Storey, R. 2012. Monitoring Protocols and Quality Assurance Guidelines (Part 2). Ministry for the Environment. Drake D, Kelly D, Schallenberg M, Ponder-Sutton A, Enright M. 2009. Shallow coastal lakes in New Zealand: assessing indicators of ecological integrity and their relationships to broad-scale human pressures. NIWA. Kilroy, C. 2011. Categories of periphyton for visual assessment. For ECan periphyton monitoring program. C Kilroy, DJ Booker, L Drummond, JA Wech & TH Snelder. 2013 ‘Estimating periphyton standing crop in streams: a comparison of chlorophyll a sampling and visual Assessments’. New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research, 47:2, 208224, DOI:10.1080/00288330.2013.772526 Matheson, F., Quinn, J. and Hickey, C. 2012. Review of the New Zealand instream plant and nutrient guidelines and development of an extended decision making framework: Phases 1 and 2 final report. Ministry of Science and Innovation. New Zealand Government. National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management 2014. Palmer, M.J. 2014. Freshwater environments of the Longbush eco-sanctuary. Longbush Ecological Trust. Snelder T., Biggs B., Weatherhead M. 2010. New Zealand River Environment Classification User Guide. MfE. Stark, J.D. and Maxted, J.R. 2007. A User Guide for the Macroinvertebrate Community Index. Ministry for the Environment. Cawthron Report No.1166. Storey, R. 2012. Biological monitoring of rivers in Gisborne District: Benefits, costs and recommendations. Prepared for Gisborne District Council. Storey, R. 2014. Guidelines for Stream monitoring in NIWA’s community monitoring study. NIWA. 36 Appendix 1 Recommended variables and measurement protocols (Matheson et al, 2012) 37 38 39 Appendix 2 Macroinvetebrate gathering and assessment protocols (Stark and Maxted, 2007) Collection Protocols Two methods for hard-bottomed streams (Protocols C1 & C3) and two methods for soft-bottomed streams (Protocols C2 & C4) are presented. A stream is considered hard-bottomed when gravel, cobble, boulder and bedrock substrates dominate (>50% by area) the streambed. Shallow riffle substrate is common in these streams, and provides a consistent, easily recognisable, and biologically productive habitat for sampling. In contrast, no single substrate is found over the full range of stream types and levels of disturbance in soft-bottomed streams. Therefore, a variety of stable substrates (e.g., bank margins, woody debris and macrophytes) are recommended for sampling in soft-bottomed streams. A soft-bottomed streambed may be dominated by sand, silt, mud, clay, macrophytes, and woody debris, whereas gravel, cobble, boulder and bedrock substrates may be rare or absent. The proportions of each habitat sampled should be recorded. SAMPLECOLLECTION 17 Where both hard and soft substrate types are found at a site, sampling should concentrate on the habitat type that is most representative of the stream reach being sampled. Alternatively, samples should be collected and processed separately from each habitat type. Protocol C1 – Hard-bottomed, semi-quantitative. Protocol C1 is designed for collection of semi-quantitative macroinvertebrate data. It is most appropriate for riffle habitat in stony streams, but may also be used, less effectively, in deeper water. It is suitable for use with both relative abundance and fixed count processing protocols (Protocols P1 & P2), and provides data suitable for SOE and compliance monitoring and AEE’s where quantitative data are not considered necessary. A variety of species richness and relative abundance metrics and multivariate analyses can be calculated. A D-net (Cuffney et al. 1993) with 0.5 mm mesh is recommended for Protocol C1. Carter & Resh (2001) noted that D-nets were the most commonly used sampling device for biomonitoring by state agencies in the USA (being used in 35.6% of programmes). In fact, 64.5% of programmes used some form of kicktype sampler (cf., fixed quadrat like Surber 8.9%, artificial substrates 13.3%, grabs 2.2%) (Carter & Resh 2001). Although D-nets are suitable for collecting samples from a wide range of habitat types in hard-bottomed streams (from sand through to boulders or bedrock), sampling in riffle habitat is recommended to minimise variability and improve the validity of between-site or temporal comparisons. The shape (e.g., D, rectangular, triangular, or circular) and size of the net can vary provided it has the proper mesh size although a D-net 30 – 40 cm wide along the base is recommended. If the net is too narrow, the current may carry dislodged macroinvertebrates and debris past the net rather than into it. The net will remain serviceable for longer if the mesh is attached to the frame by a sleeve of tough calico or plastic, or has a metal or plastic-covered leading edge. The net should be at least 50 cm long to minimise clogging and backflow around the mouth. To operate a D-net, the substratum (organic and/or inorganic) must be disturbed immediately upstream of the net. The distance depends on the flow regime, but generally should be less than 0.5 metres from the mouth of the net. In the interests of national consistency, we recommend the foot-kick method (Frost et al. 1971). Some workers pick stones up and scrub them by hand or with a 40 brush. This is likely to make a difference to the data collected, so whatever approach is selected it should be used consistently. Kick sampling works best in areas of hard-bottomed substrate, where there is little or no vegetation. The effectiveness of kick sampling is affected by its duration, kicking intensity, behaviour of the fauna, mesh-size, and flow (Frost et al. 1971). To improve comparability of samples between sites and/or studies it is important to standardise sampling effort. We recommend a pre-defined area approach where a single hand-net sample contains material obtained from 0.6 – 1.0 m2 of streambed (see Guiding Principles section for more discussion of standardisation of sampling effort and sample size). SAMPLECOLLECTION 18 Protocol C1: Hard-bottomed Semi-quantitative Requirements: 1. Waders or sturdy boots 2. D-net (0. 5 mm mesh) 3. White tray or bucket 4. Sieve or sieve bucket (0.5 mm mesh) 5. Plastic screw-top sample containers (600-1000 ml volume) 6. Fine tweezers 7. Preservative 8. Labels and waterproof marker pen Protocol: 1. Ensure that the sampling net and bucket/sieve are clean. 2. Select the appropriate habitat (e.g., riffle). 3. Sample beginning at the downstream end of the reach and proceed across and upstream. 4. Select an area of substrate (0.1 - 0.2 m2) to sample with a natural flow that will direct organisms into the net. Place the net on the streambed and step into the sampling area immediately upstream of the net, disturb the substrate under your feet by kicking to dislodge the upper layer of cobbles or gravel and to scrape the underlying bed. The area disturbed should extend no further than 0.5 metres upstream from the net. Remove the material from the net into the tray, bucket or sieve bucket if the net begins to get clogged. 5. Repeat Step 4 at several different locations within a 50 m stream reach and covering a variety of velocity regimes until a total area of 0.6 – 1.0 m2 of riffle habitat has been sampled. Transfer this material to a white tray or bucket approximately half full of water, or to a sieve bucket. Wash or pick all animals off the net. 6. Rinse and remove any unwanted large debris items (e.g., stones, sticks, leaves) that may not fit into the sample container or will absorb and diminish the effectiveness of the preservative. 7. Transfer the sample to the sample container via a 0.5 mm sieve if a sieve bucket is not used. Inspect the sieve or sieve bucket and return any macroinvertebrates to the sample container. (Tweezers may be useful). 8. Add preservative. Aim for a preservative concentration in the sample container of 70 – 80% (i.e., allowing for the water already present). Be generous with preservative for samples containing plant material (leaves, sticks, macrophytes, or moss). 9. Place a sticky label on the side of the sample container and record the site code/name, date, and replicate number (if applicable) using a permanent marker. Write on the label when it is dry and do not rely on a label on the pottle lid! Place a waterproof label inside the container. Screw the lid on tightly. Make notes on the field data sheet describing the substrates sampled (cobble size, periphyton, embeddedness, etc.), the collector’s name, sample type (e.g., D-net, 0.5 mm), and preservative used. SAMPLECOLLECTION 19 Protocol C2 – Soft-bottomed, semi-quantitative Protocol C2 is the soft-bottomed stream equivalent of Protocol C1. It is suitable for use with both relative abundance and fixed count processing protocols (Protocols P1 & P2), and provides data suitable for SOE and compliance monitoring and AEE’s where quantitative data are not considered necessary. A variety of species richness and relative abundance metrics and multivariate analyses can be calculated. There is no single substrate that is suitable for the collection of 41 macroinvertebrates in most soft-bottomed streams. Woody debris is considered the soft-bottomed stream equivalent to productive riffle habitat targeted for sampling in hard-bottomed streams, but woody debris is not found in all soft-bottomed streams. Similarly, aquatic macrophytes often dominate open channel streams, but are rare or absent in well-shaded soft-bottomed streams. We recommend an approach where a single sample is collected from a fixed area of approximately 3 m2 (10 replicate unit efforts of 0.3 m2 each), with habitats sampled in proportion to their occurrence. Woody debris is a particularly important substrate in soft-bottomed streams providing habitat for some taxa not found in other habitats (see Table 2.1). Submerged logs provide a long-term stable substrate for colonisation. Many pollution sensitive taxa feed on periphyton present on the wood surface, or use wood as a direct food source or as a refuge from predators. In Auckland softbottomed streams, up to 40% of the total taxa and 44% of the EPT taxa were found only on woody debris sampled using the recommended method (Table 2.1). For these reasons, woody debris should be included in the composite sample wherever this habitat type occurs. Table 2.1 Number and percentage of total taxa and EPT taxa (species level) only on woody debris (i.e., logs only) compared with a combination of bank margins and woody debris (logs+banks) (J. R. Maxted, unpublished data). Total taxa (%) EPT taxa (%) Site name Land use Season Logs + banks Logs only Logs + banks Logs only Upper Nukumea Bush Spring 39 11 (28) 18 5 (28) Upper Nukumea Bush Summer 38 8 (21) 17 4 (24) Lower Nukumea Bush Spring 40 16 (40) 16 7 (44) Upper Vaughan Lifestyle Spring 43 9 (21) 21 4 (19) Upper Vaughan Lifestyle Summer 50 12 (24) 18 2 (11) Mid Vaughan Lifestyle Spring 31 5 (16) 10 2 (20) Mid Vaughan Lifestyle Summer 45 9 (20) 17 2 (12) Mid Awaruku Urban Spring 25 2 (8) 2 0 (0) Mid Awaruku Urban Summer 19 4 (21) 0 0 (0) Lower Vaughan Paddock Spring 23 2 (9) 3 0 (0) Lower Vaughan Paddock Summer 23 0 (0) 0 0 (0) Lower Awaruku Paddock Spring 22 4 (18) 1 0 (0) SAMPLECOLLECTION 20 Sampling is undertaken while moving progressively upstream so that submerged substrates can be seen easily and are undisturbed until sampled. Hard substrates such as boulders, rock shelves, and man-made materials (e.g., concrete, gabions, shopping trolleys) are avoided or sampled separately to promote data comparability between soft-bottomed sites. The proportions of each habitat sampled should be recorded on the field sheets and final data spreadsheets to aid interpretation (e.g., 5/4/1, wood/bank margins/macrophytes). As with Protocol C1, several sampling efforts should be pooled to create the sample for soft-bottomed streams. A single sample comprises 10 unit efforts of approximately 0.3 m2 area each (total 3 m2). Each unit effort should be transferred separately to a bucket or sieve bucket to avoid net clogging or loss of macroinvertebrates. The material collected in bank margins and macrophytes may 42 be transferred to the bucket by banging the net over the mouth of the bucket to save time. The following techniques should be used for different habitats to collect a unit effort of an area of approximately 0.3 m2. Bank Margins A section of bank containing stable structure including roots and woody snags should be selected for sampling. The substrate is disturbed aggressively (i.e., jabbed) with the D-net for a distance of 1-metre followed by 2 - 3 cleaning sweeps to collect dislodged organisms. Collection is done above the bottom of the stream to avoid scraping the streambed and filling the net with fine detritus, sand, and mud. Filamentous algae should be avoided where possible. Each unit collection effort represents an area of approximately 0.3 m2. Submerged Woody Debris Woody debris should be placed over the mouth of the bucket or sieve bucket, and water poured over the material as it is brushed by hand (this requires 2 people). Several pieces of woody debris may be placed in the bucket at once before hand-brushing separately. Brushes are not recommended because the hard bristles may damage delicate specimens and generate large amounts of detritus. Woody debris includes large branches (50 - 100 mm diameter) and small logs (200 - 300 mm diameter). The woody material should be inspected visually and any organisms removed (with the aid of forceps) before placing back into the stream. Medium to large logs (> 300 mm diameter) should be left in place, and may be sampled by hand brushing the substrate underwater while holding the net immediately downstream, provided there is sufficient velocity. Each metre of woody debris is a unit collection effort and represents an area of approximately 0.3 m2. Aquatic Macrophytes Macrophyte beds are sampled by jabbing the net in submerged plants for a distance of approximately 1-metre to dislodge organisms, followed by 2 - 3 cleaning sweeps. Place clumps of plants that have been disturbed in the net (do not uproot) and shake and brush by hand to dislodge organisms. Sample a variety of velocity regimes and macrophyte species. Collection is done off the bottom of the stream to avoid the collection of fine detritus, sand, and mud. Filamentous algae are avoided where possible. Each unit collection effort represents an area of approximately 0.3 m2. SAMPLECOLLECTION 21 Protocol C2: Soft-bottomed, Semi-quantitative Requirements: 1. Waders (chest) 2. D-net (0.5 mm mesh) 3. White tray or bucket 4. Sieve or sieve bucket (0.5 mm mesh) 5. Plastic screw-top sample containers (600-1000 ml volume) 6. Fine tweezers 7. Preservative 8. Labels and waterproof marker pen (or pencil) Protocol: 1. Ensure that the sampling net and bucket are clean. 2. Sample a unit effort (0.3 m2) of woody debris, bank margins, or aquatic macrophytes using the following procedures. Avoid dredging the net along the bottom in mud or sand, and avoid leaves and algae if possible. Avoid hard (stony) substrates (or sample them separately using Protocol C1). Woody Debris – Select submerged and partially decayed woody debris (50-250 mm diameter preferred). Place over the mouth of the bucket or sieve bucket. Pour water over the substrate while brushing the substrate 43 gently by hand to remove organisms. Larger pieces may be sampled in situ by brushing the log while holding the net directly behind it. Each 1-metre section of woody debris has a sample area of about 0.3 m2. Bank Margins – Locate an area of bank with good structure and aggressively jab the net into the bank for a distance of 1-metre to dislodge organisms, followed by 2-3 cleaning sweeps to collect organisms in the water column. Each sample unit is about 0.3 m2. Macrophytes – Sweep the net through macrophyte beds for a distance of 1-metre to dislodge organisms, followed by 2-3 cleaning sweeps to collect organisms in the water column. Each sample unit is about 0.3 m2. 3. Repeat Step 2 at 10 locations while moving progressively upstream. Remove sample material to a bucket or sieve bucket after each collection to avoid clogging the net. Select substrates to be sampled in proportion to their prevalence along a 50 - 100 m reach of stream. Record the reach length and the proportion of the sample taken from each substrate type (e.g., 50% wood, 25% banks, 25% macrophytes). After the 10 th unit effort, wash or pick all animals off the net. The bucket or sieve bucket should now contain one entire sample comprising material dislodged from 3 m2 of substrate. 4. Fill the bucket with water and rinse and remove any unwanted large debris items (e.g., sticks, leaves) that may not fit into the sample container or will absorb and diminish the effectiveness of the preservative. 5. Transfer the sample to the sample container via a 0.5 mm sieve if a sieve bucket is not used. Two containers may be needed; each container should be no more than 2/3 full with sample material. Inspect the sieve or sieve bucket and return any macroinvertebrates to the sample container. (Tweezers may be useful here). 6. Add preservative. Aim for a preservative concentration in the sample container of 70-80% (i.e., allowing for the water already present). Be generous with preservative for samples containing plant material (leaves, fine detritus, algae, moss, and macrophytes). 7. Place a sticky label on the side of the sample container and record the site code/name, date, and replicate number (if applicable) using a permanent marker. Write on the label when it is dry and do not rely on a label on the pottle lid! Place a waterproof label inside the container. Screw the lid on tightly. 8. Note the sample type (e.g., D-net), collector’s name and preservative used on the field data sheet. 9. Record notes on the field data sheet describing the proportion of habitat units sampled (e.g., 4/5/1, woody debris/bank margins/macrophytes). Also describe on the field sheet the condition of the substrates sampled (woody debris diameter range, type of wood, %cover, periphyton, macrophytes species, bank structure, etc.). SAMPLEPROCESSING 33 Protocol P2: 200 Fixed Count + Scan for Rare Taxa Requirements: 1. Running water – tap with hose recommended 2. 0.5 mm sieve 3. Clean, flat-bottomed, white tray marked in 6 cm x 6 cm grids 4. 6 cm x 6 cm cookie cutters 5. Fine forceps 6. 70% ethanol preservative 7. Specimen vials with stoppers 8. Bench lamp 9. Labels and sharp pencil 10. Counter 11. 500 ml wash bottle 12. Identification keys & taxonomic references 13. Binocular dissecting microscope and light source for species identification Protocol: 1. All samples received should be recorded in a “laboratory log”. A unique job number, the date received, number and type/s of samples, analyses required, results-required-by date, job manager, and sample processor’s name should be recorded. The date completed should be entered once sample processing has finished. The fate of samples can be verified in conjunction with a Chain–of-Custody form. 2. Thoroughly rinse sample in a clean 0.5 mm sieve to remove preservative and fine sediment. Large organic material (whole leaves, twigs, algal or macrophyte mats, etc.) not removed in the field should be rinsed, visually inspected for organisms, and discarded. Gently mix the sample by hand while rinsing, and continue until wash water runs clear and the sample is thoroughly homogenised (i.e., break down lumps of algae etc). A coarse sieve (e.g., 4 mm) can be helpful for removing larger pieces of unwanted organic material so long as all 44 macroinvertebrates are picked out and placed into the 0.5 mm sieve. 3. After washing, transfer contents of sieve to a white sorting tray marked with grids approximately 6 cm x 6 cm (use black indelible marker). Visually check sieve before washing in preparation for next sample. Using the wash bottle spread the sample evenly across the tray. There should be enough water to just cover all material. If the samples have been preserved in alcohol some organisms (particularly ostracods and early instar insects) may float on the surface. If this is occurs add a drop of washing detergent and stir gently. 4. Use a random numbers table to select a starting grid square within the tray. A cookie cutter (6 x 6 cm) is recommended to delineate the chosen grid square. Moving systematically across the square remove all organisms visible to the naked eye. Place captured organisms in a separate labelled vial (add preservative), counting each individual with a counter. When complete, do a final check of the square’s contents to ensure no animals have been missed. 5. Any organism that is lying over a line separating two grids is considered to be in the square containing its head. In those instances where it may not be possible to determine the location of the head (worms for instance), the organism is considered to be in the square containing most of its body. 6. After all visible organisms have been removed use forceps and/or a suction device to transfer remaining detritus to a container labelled as “sorted residue”. Include location and date information (as per original sample label). Add preservative. This provides material for sorting QA/QC procedures. 7. If a total of at least 200 organisms have been obtained sample sorting ceases. However, if less than 200 organisms have been enumerated, place another cookie cutter on a second randomly chosen square. Continue this process until at least 200 animals have been captured. 8. Once a square has been started it should be finished, even if the 200 individual total is exceeded. The total number of grid squares covered should be noted, along with the total individual count. 9. Save the remaining unsorted sample debris residue in a separate container labelled "sample residue"; this container should include the original sample label. Add preservative. 10. The “sample residue” and vial containing the 200 individuals must be sorted by an experience taxonomist. (Note: In situations where the sorter is an experienced taxonomist, invertebrate identification and counting can be carried out during the sorting process to save time). Pour the 200 individual sample into a Petri-dish or Bogorov tray and observe under a binocular microscope. Compile a taxa list and count the numbers of each taxon. Return the 200 individuals to a labelled vial and add preservative. This sample will be used for taxonomic QA/QC (see below). SAMPLEPROCESSING 34 11. The minimum level of identification required is that specified in Appendix B. Do not include aerial adult insects, pupae, terrestrial invertebrates, empty snail shells, caddisfly cases or exuviae. Examination of late pupae can, however, assist greatly with larval identifications. 12. Complete the taxa list by scanning the “sample residue” for rare taxa. This is carried out with the sample spread in white sorting trays. Any rare taxa obtained should be placed in a labelled vial with preservative. This is also an opportunity to remove larger (e.g., late instar) or better-conditioned individuals of taxa already encountered to assist in identification. 13. The vial containing the 200 individuals, and the vial containing rare taxa should be taped together. Record the taxa found in the scan for rare taxa separately from the 200 fixed count data. 14. Return the “sample residue” to its container with the original labels. 15. On completion of sample processing there should be: (1) A labelled container holding the sample residue (already scanned for rare taxa); (2) A labelled container holding the sorted residue (required for QC procedures to assess sorting efficiency); (3) A labelled vial containing the 200+ individuals; and (4) A labelled vial containing the rare taxa (not included in the 200+ sample) removed from the sample residue. Quality Control for Protocol P2 Protocol QC2: Quality Control for Fixed Count Protocol: 1. All samples received, processed and identified should be recorded in a “laboratory log”. The fate of samples can then be verified in conjunction with a Chain–of- Custody form. 2. Ten percent of the sorted samples to be re-examined by another sorter. The second sorter must be familiar with sorting procedures and the full range of macroinvertebrate taxa from running waters in New Zealand and will be provided with the results from the first sorter. 3. The fixed count protocol requires examination of the sample residue (were all rare taxa removed by the first sorter?) and the sorted residue (were any animals missed during the collection of the 200+ individual subsample?). A check on the taxonomic efficiency of both the 200+ sub-sample and the vial of rare taxa are also required. 4. Taxonomic accuracy. On average, the number of taxa that are identified as different taxa, in either the full 45 200+ individual vial, or the rare taxa vial, between the two taxonomists must be < 10% of the total taxa recorded from the sample. For example, a sample with 31 taxa passes QC when no more than 3 taxa are identified differently between the two taxonomists. If the correct taxonomic identification of an organism is disputed, then a specimen should be checked by an agreed expert. 5. Sorting accuracy 1 (missed taxa). If average > 10% new species are found in the sample residue then the scan for rare taxa is deemed to have failed and a further 10% of samples are to be re-checked. If the criterion is still not met then all samples must be re-processed. 6. Sorting accuracy 2 (missed individuals). If average > 10% more organisms are found in the sorted residue then a further 10% of samples are to be re-checked. If the criterion is still not met then all samples must be re-processed. 7. Trainee sorters should have at least 50% of samples re-checked for QC, and can be considered competent sorters when < 10% of checked samples are returning < 10% new taxa, or < 10% re-codes than first sort. 8. After a sample has been completely sorted all sieves, trays and equipment should be thoroughly cleaned and picked free of organisms and debris before the next sample is begun. 46 Appendix 3 Provisional guidelines for instream macrophyte abundance (Matheson et al, 2012) 47 Appendix 4 Macrophyte monitoring field sheet and worked example (Matheson et al, 2012) 48 49 Appendix 5 Periphyton field sheet, scoring table and visual Chl-a assessment table (Storey, 2014) Date: Days since last rainfall >5 mm: Site information: Run Method: 20 x 0.5 m circles (observer in stream) Observations 1 or 2 Riffle 3 (circle one) 4 5 Open or Shaded OR 20 x 0.5 m circles (observer on bank/bridge) 6 7 8 9 10 11 (circle one) OR 12 13 20 x rocks 14 15 16 17 18 19 Didymo Cyanobacteria mats Green filaments Other filaments Other Mats > 2mm thick (excluding Didymo & Cyano) Sludge Thin Films Bare Area TOTAL Main colour of filaments: Main colour of mats Main colour of films: 50 20 Periphyton Scoring Table Sum of observations /20 Average of observations Periphyton weighting factor Average cover x weighting factor Amount (biomass) of algae - Do not score Do not score Observations CE, DE or BG0* Didymo /20 0 /20 0 1 0 0 /20 0 2 0 0 Other filaments /20 0 1 0 0 Other Mats > 2mm thick (excluding Didymo & Cyano) /20 0 7 0 0 Sludge /20 0 8 0 0 Thin Films /20 0 9 0 0 Bare Area /20 0 10 0 0 0 0 Cyanobacteria mats Green filaments Sum Divide sum by 100 Periphyton enrichment score Divide sum by 100 /100 0 Amount (equivalent to mg/m2 Chl a) /100 0 51 Appendix 6 Visual estimation of periphyton Chl-a (Kilroy et al, 2013) 52 Appendix 7 Physical habitat assessment (Storey, 2014) PHYSICAL HABITAT ASSESSMENT (R Storey 2014) <10% of the stream bed in run 10-20% of the stream bed in run 20-50% of the stream bed in run habitats covered by fine sediment habitats covered by fine sediment habitats covered by fine sediment; score lower if deposits are deep 20 = 0%, 16 = 8% 15 = 10%, 11 = 18% Thin film: 10 = 30%, 9 = 35%, 8 = 40%, 7 = 45%, 6 = 50% Deep/sandy deposits: 10 = 20%, 9 = 25%, 8 = 30%, 7 = 35%, 6 = 40% >50% of the stream bed in run habitats covered by fine sediment; score lower if deposits are deep Thin film: 5 = 60%, 4 = 70%, 3 = 80%, 2 = 90%, 1 = 100% Deep/sandy deposits: 5 = 55%, 4 = 60%, 3 = 65%, 2 = 70%, 1 = 75%+ SCORE 20 5 2. Invertebrate habitat Abundant and diverse >75% substrate favourable for EPT colonisation. Present year-round. 1. Fine sediment deposition in naturally hard-bottomed streams Example score 19 18 17 16 SCORE x2 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 4 3 2 1 Common and adequate 50-75% substrate favourable for EPT. Some habitat may be transient or not persist beyond a season. and Moderate variety (4-5 types) of substrate sizes and types. Patchy and limited 25-50% substrate favourable for EPT. Score lower if large proportion of habitat not persistent. Rare or absent <25% substrate favourable for EPT. and Limited variety (2-3 types) of substrate sizes and types. and Homogenous substrate (predominantly 1 substrate type). and Interstitial spaces open. 20 = 95% cobbles & gravels, with boulders, sand, wood & leaves present. 19 = 90%, 18 = 85%, 17 = 80%, 16 = 75% and Interstitial spaces open. 15 = 70% stable substrate with 4 additional substrate types and Very limited interstitial space. 5 = 25% gravel rest of stream covered in unstable sands 20 15 and Interstitial spaces limited. 10 = 50% cobble/gravel with leaves and small wood with 25% periphyton/macrophyte cover 6 = 30% cobble/gravel with leaves and small wood, with >40% periphyton/macrophyte growth 10 9 8 7 6 and Wide variety (> 5 types) of substrate sizes and types. Inorganic includes boulders, cobbles, gravels, sand. Organic includes wood, leaves, root mats, macrophytes. Example score 15 19 18 17 16 11 = 50% stable substrate and macrophytes/periphyton present 14 13 12 11 1 = 5% gravel rest of stream covered in silt/mud 5 4 3 2 1 53 3. Fish cover Abundant and diverse >70% fish cover in reach and Wide variety (>4) of persistent fish cover providing spatial complexity such as woody debris, root mats, undercut banks, overhanging/ encroaching vegetation, macrophytes, boulders, cobbles Common and adequate 40-70% fish cover and Moderate variety (3) of fish cover types providing spatial complexity; woody debris and overhanging vegetation or undercut banks score higher if persistent Patchy and limited 10-40% fish cover and Limited variety (2) of fish cover types, woody debris, overhanging vegetation or undercut banks are rare; only larger cover elements are persistent Rare or absent <10% fish cover and Fish cover rare or absent; few hiding places or interstitial spaces Example score 20 = 95% of habitat favoured by expected fish community, lots instream and bank complexity 19 = 90%, 18 = 85%, 17 =80%, 16 = 75% 20 19 18 17 16 15 = 70% of habitat favoured by expected fish community, o/hanging veg/banks stable 11 = 40% 10 = 40%, fish cover is boulders and logs in water 5 = 8%, fish cover is a few seasonal macrophytes instream 6 = 10% 15 10 1 = 0% fish cover, uniform substrate 5 4 3 2 1 Wide variety (4+) of hydraulic components such as pool, riffle, run, glide, chute, waterfalls (appropriate to gradient of the site) and Variety of pool sizes and depths (appropriate to size of stream) Moderate variety (3) of hydraulic components, scores lower if riffle habitat relatively scarce Limited variety (2) of hydraulic components (e.g. a run and a riffle) Uniform depth and velocity and Deep and shallow pools present (pool size relative to stream size) and Deep pools absent (pool size relative to stream size) and Pools absent (includes uniformly deep streams) 15 = runs pools riffles 11 = runs pools but less riffles 10 = run riffle but pools only after riffles 6 = no deep pools 5 = mainly run/glide, pools or riffle hard to find 1 = no pools SCORE 20 = riffle run pool and backwaters with shallow and deep pools 16 = riffle run pool, backwaters hard to find 20 19 18 17 16 15 10 5 5. Bank stability High Moderate SCORE x2 4. Hydraulic heterogeneity Example score 14 14 13 13 12 12 11 11 Low 9 9 8 8 7 7 6 6 4 3 2 1 Very low 54 Banks stabilised by geology, moderate vegetation cover and/or root depth and 5-30% recently eroded, mainly scouring 15 = 5% erosion scars at water line Left bank Banks stabilised by geology, vegetation cover and/or deep roots (1-2x bank height) and <5% recently eroded, mainly scouring 20 = mature bank vegetation, no sign of erosion 16 = younger bank vegetation, limited erosion at water line 20 19 18 17 16 Right bank 20 15 Example score SCORE (mean LB&RB) 6. Bank vegetation 19 18 17 16 14 = 10%, 13 = 15%, 12 = 20%, 11 = 25% 15 14 13 12 11 14 13 12 11 Uncohesive bank materials, sparse vegetation cover and/or shallow roots (< bank height) and 30-60% recently eroded, mainly slumping 10 = 30% erosion, slumping of bank above water line 9 = 40%, 8 = 45% , 7 = 55%, 6 = 60% Uncohesive bank materials and few roots 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 and >60% recently eroded, mainly slumping 5 = 65% erosion scars, slumping of bank above water line 4 = 75%, 3 = 80%, 2 = 85%, 1 ≥ 90% Mature native vegetation, with diverse and intact understorey and groundcover Regenerating native vegetation or mature with damaged understorey or dense mature exotic vegetation or dense mature flaxes/sedges Shrubs or sparse tree cover with little understorey vegetation or long grasses or early-stage planted trees Heavily grazed or mown grass or bare ground or impervious cover Example score 20 = mixed age and height vegetation within 5 m of wetted width, 16 = mixed veg but less mature trees, gaps in groundcover 20 19 18 17 16 10 = mix native and exotic young veg, 9 = mix with some high trees, 8 = mix mainly shrubs, 7 = mix veg mainly grass, 6 = mainly young exotic 10 9 8 7 6 5 = mainly exotic grass, 4 = mown grass, 3 = bare ground, 2 = impervious cover, 1 = no bank veg Left bank 15 = young native veg, 14 = native but understorey damage obvious, 13 = low native veg only, 12 = mix mature exotic trees and native, 11 = mature exotic trees dominate 15 14 13 12 11 5 4 3 2 1 Right bank 20 19 18 17 16 15 10 5 4 3 2 1 14 13 12 11 9 8 7 6 SCORE (mean LB&RB) 55 7. Riparian buffer (width) Grazed grass or sparse litter layer and pathways present for stock access to stream at watering points e.g. unfenced but may have vegetation barrier and Narrow (<5m) Bare ground with high soil compaction or uncontrolled stock access or human impact obvious and Wide (>15m) Mostly continuous vegetation with moderate grass cover or medium litter layer and limited stock access or human impacts e.g. single-wire fence and/or vegetation barrier and Moderate (>5m) Left bank 20 = fully fenced, mature and dense veg >20m wide, 19 = 20m wide, 18 = 15m wide est veg, 17 = 15m wide recently planted/fenced, 16 = 15m fenced but no new veg 20 19 18 17 16 15 = 10m wide potentially not permanent fence, mixed stage veg, 14 = 10m wide new planting, 13 = 8m wide mix veg, 12 = 5m wide mix veg, 11 = 5m wide new veg 15 14 13 12 11 10 = 5m wide unfenced but dense mix veg, 9 = 4m wide mix veg, 8 = 4m wide scattered veg, 7 = 3m wide scattered veg, 6 = 2m wide scattered veg 10 9 8 7 6 5 = unfenced some scattered large veg mainly grass, 4 = grazed grass, 3 = regular watering hole for stock, 2 = bare gound, 1 = impervious or highly modified streamside zone 5 4 3 2 1 Right bank 20 15 10 5 Example score SCORE (mean LB&RB) 8. Riparian shade Example score SCORE 9. Channel alteration Continuous parallel vegetation with dense groundcover or thick litter layer and all livestock excluded e.g. fully fenced 19 18 17 16 14 13 12 11 9 8 7 6 and Absent or infrequent 4 3 2 1 Vegetation (or banks) provide substantial shading of wetted width at baseflow (>70%) Moderate shade (40-70%) Minimal shade (10-40%) Little or no shading of wetted width at baseflow (<10%) 20 = ≥ 90% average canopy cover throughout day, 19 = 90%, 18 = 85%, 17 =80%, 16 = 75% 20 19 18 17 16 15 = 70%, 14 = 65%, 13 = 60%, 12 = 55% 11 = 50% 10 = 40%, 9 = 35%, 8 = 25%, 7 = 20%, 6 = 15% 5 = 10%, 4 = 8%, 3 = 6%, 2 = 4% 1 = 0% 15 10 5 Natural stream bed and bank form unmodified Natural stream bed, some evidence of bank stabilisation (e.g. near bridges). No instream structures or embankments alter natural flows. 14 13 12 11 9 8 7 6 Significant proportion of stream bed or banks altered by man-made materials (e.g. concrete lining, wooden boxing, riprap or gabion baskets). Or embankments constrain major floods within channel 4 3 2 1 Stream bed or banks altered over most of their length or natural flows significantly altered by instream structures (e.g. weirs, culverts) or embankments. 56 or Stream with natural channel profile and sinuosity Example score 20 = unmodified bed, bank, sinuosity, 16 = evidence of historical channel straightening but mainly unmodified or <20% of channel length straightened, widened or deepened 15 = natural in stream substrate some man-made bank materials up to 5% channel alteration, 11 = 15% alteration SCORE 20 15 19 18 17 16 14 13 12 11 or 20-50% of channel length straightened, widened or deepened 10 = 20% channel alteration, 20% in stream/bank man-made materials, 6 = 50% channel alteration, 50% in stream/bank man-made materials 10 9 8 7 6 or >50% of channel length straightened, widened or deepened 5 = 60% channel alteration 60% bank dominated by man-made materials, 1 = ≥75% channel altered ≥75% man-made structures 5 4 3 2 1 TOTAL (sum 1 to 9) COMMENTS 57 Appendix 8 Total macroinvertebrate taxa and animals present at the Waipaoa and associated catchment survey sites MACROINVERTEBRATE TAXA Sample protocol Plecoptera/Stoneflies Acroperla Stenoperla Zealandoperla Ephemeroptera/Mayflies Coloboriscus Deleatidium Ichthybotus Nesameletus Trichoptera/Caddisflies Aoteapsyche Costachorema Edpercivaliae Hydrobiosis Olinga Heliopsyche Hydrobiosidae (Edpercivalia) Hydrobiosella Oecitis Paroxyethira Psilochorema Pycnocentria Pycnocentrodes Triplectides Megaloptera/Dobson.F Archicauliodes Coleoptera/Beetles Elmidae 1 1 15 68 590 2 31 74 7 7 61 83 13 6 1 3 9 2 4 39 2 17 5 Odonata/Dragonflies and Damselflies Xanmthocnemis Diptera/True flies Aphrophilia Austrosimulium Berossus Chironimidae Chironomus Stratiomyidae Hemiptera/Bugs Sigara Microvelia Crustacea Amphipoda Cladocera Copepoda Isopoda Ostracoda Arachnida Acarina Mollusca Gyraulus Potamopyrgus Physa Nematoda Nematomorpha Platyhelminthes Cura Oligachaete Oligachaete Hirudinea 5 2 3 3 32 14 1 174 1 1 12 33 1 227 2 38 797 14 8 185 24 58 Appendix 9 Habitat and water quality recording sheet (Palmer, 2014) SITE RECORD SHEET CATCHMENT/RIVER: Site name Site # Date Time Altitude (m.asl) STREAM FORM % Pool Run Undercut Riffle PHYSICO-CHEMICAL Air temp © Water temp © Clarity (cm) Conductivity (μS) Easting Northing Tide (high) RECENT RAIN (week) RECENT RAIN (4 weeks) RIPARIAN & LITTORAL MARGINS (%) Taha matau indigenous woody indigenous low indigenous wetland pasture grasses exotic woody exotic low riverbed man made Taha maui indigenous woody indigenous low indigenous wetland pasture grasses exotic woody exotic low riverbed manmade SHADE % BANK EROSION % Taha matau Taha maui STREAM TYPE (hb/sb) Rapid Debris jam Macrophytes Slumped bank Other EMBEDDEDNESS % pH Salinity (ppt) Ammoniacal N Nitrate Phosphate DO Tight Good Moderate Loose RECENT DEPOSITS % COVER RECENT DEPOSITS THICKNESS STREAM SUBSTRATE (mm) % cover Bedrock Boulders > 250 Lg cobbles 120-249 Sm cobbles 60-119 Gravel 2-59 Sand 0.1-1.9 Mud/silt (not gritty) Organic mud Woody debris Other STREAM WETTED WIDTH (Av) STREAM DEPTH (Av) STREAM CHANNEL WIDTH(Av) VELOCITY (m/sec) FLOW (cum/sec) BANK HEIGHT and DETAILS (TAHA MATAU) BANK HEIGHT and DETAILS (TAHA MAUI) Other ADJACENT LAND USE MCI SAMPLING METHOD Total animals Total taxa Total EPT taxa Total % EPT animals Total %EPT taxa MCI score QMCI score SQMCI score PERIPHYTON % COVER CE, DE or BG0* Didymo Cyanobacteria mats Green filaments Other filaments Other Mats > 2mm thick (excluding Didymo & Cyano) Sludge 59 UPPER CATCHMENT LAND USES Thin Films Bare Area MACROPHYTES % cover Emergent plants Surface-reaching plants Below-surface plants Av height below-surface plants as % channel depth Total plants OTHER DATA and OBSERVATIONS 60
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