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Bachelor Thesis at ECON,
Department of Economics and Business
On the next pages, you will find a list of the faculty members at ECON, who are supervisors at our
How do you get a supervisor?
Please make direct contact to the supervisor you find suitable for your project. Please note that you have
to get the supervisor's signature before 1 December1. If you have made an explicit and final agreement
with a supervisor at our department but cannot get his/her signature, then write the supervisor’s name at
the registration form and get it signed by the relevant secretary (see below).
If - for some reason - you cannot find a supervisor from the list, you must complete the registration form
carefully and return it to Per Madsen [email protected], in order for an external supervisor to be allocated to
you. After allocation of the supervisor, it is your own responsibility to contact the supervisor to make
further arrangements. If you are on a university exchange in 5th semester, or for other reasons are not able
to complete the enrollment form physically, please send an e-mail to the relevant secretary (see below)
containing all relevant information.
Secretaries to contact (do also appear from the list of supervisors):
Accounting, Finance and Logistics: Charlotte Sparrevohn, [email protected]
Business Economics, Population and Labour Economics: Ann-Marie Gabel, , [email protected]
Department of Economis and Business
Fuglesangs alle 4
DK-8210 Aarhus V
or first Monday thereafter
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Supervisors within Management Accounting
Contact Secretary: Charlotte Sparrevohn [email protected]
Jørgen Lægaard
Bldg. 2637/L237
Tel. 87 16 59 67
[email protected]
Winning Companies
Blue Ocean Strategy
Balanced Scorecard
Organizational Theory & Management Accounting
Target Costing
Modern Concepts in Management Accounting
Knowledge Reporting
Steen Nielsen
Bldg. 2628/M329
Tel. 87 16 51 42
[email protected]
Balanced Scorecard
Activity-Based Costing
Dynamic Scheduling
Studies / Survey
Models and Simulation of Management Accounting Areas
Lean Management Accounting
Management Accounting in the offentlige sektor
Modern and classic budgetting
Analystics within Management Accounting
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Morten Jakobsen
Bldg. 2632/L206
Tel. 87 16 48 26
[email protected]
Cost Management
Management control systems
Standard costing
Make/buy decision-making
Activity-based costing
Transfer pricing
Rainer Lueg
Bldg. 2632/L215
Tel. 87 16 49 69
[email protected]
Value-based Management & shareholder value
Strategic performance measurement systems (Balanced Scorecard,
Customer Profitability Accounting etc.) and stakeholder value
Managerial costing
Financial Management
Success factor analysis; context factors that shape management practices
Strategic control and Strategy implementation
Control in banks
Control in small- and medium size companies (SMEs)
Business models
Comprehensive literature reviews
Didactics, teaching methods, pedagogy, sociology of education of
(international) students in business
Margit Malmmose
Bldg. 2632/L207
Tel. 87 16 49 56
[email protected]
Management Accounting
Performance measures
Production Economy
New Public Management
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Logistics/Supply Chain Management
Contact Secretary: Charlotte Sparrevohn [email protected]
Anders Thorstenson
Tel. 87 26 48 97
[email protected]
Supply Chain and Operations Management
Inventory Management
Production Planning and Control
Performance Management in Supply Chains
Christian Larsen
Bldg. 2628/M318
Tel. 87 16 48 96
[email protected]
Inventory Control
Production planning and Control
Hartanto Wijaya Wong
Bldg. 2628/M317
Tel. 89 48 63 20
[email protected]
Supply Chain Management
Inventory Management
Production Planning and Control
Jens Lysgaard
Bldg. 2628/M316
Tel. 87 16 48 98
[email protected]
Distribution Planning
Optimization Methods
Kim Allan Andersen
Bldg. 2628/M325
Tel. 87 16 48 41
[email protected]
Multiple Criteria Decision Making
Production Planning and Control
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Lars Relund Nielsen
Bldg. 2628/M330
Tel. 87 16 51 45
[email protected]
Production Planning and Control
Transportation and distribution
Erland Hejn Nielsen
Bldg. 2628/M327
Tel. 87 16 49 03
Supply Chain Management / LEAN
Demand Planning / Forecast
System Dynamics
[email protected]
Sanne Wøhlk
Bldg. 2628/M319
Tel. 87 16 49 05
[email protected]
Real-time problems
Marcel Turkensteen
Bldg. 2628/M328
Tel. 87 16 50 54
[email protected]
Optimization in routing and network models
Sustainability and logistics
Michael Malmros Sørensen
Bldg. 2628/M326
Tel. 87 16 49 07
[email protected]
Production & Planning
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Steen Nielsen
Bldg. 2628/M329
Tel. 87 16 51 42
[email protected]
Supply-chain costing
Financial Management in supply chains
Profitability Analysis and performance of distribution channels
Business analytics within management accounting
Performance management within logistics
Lean økonomistyring
Økonomistyring I den offentlige sektor
Moderne og klassisk budgettering
’Analytics’ i økonomistyringen
Sin Cheung Ho
Bldg. 2628/M320
Tel. 87 16 48 08
[email protected]
Sustainable transportation and logistics systems
Manpower scheduling
Hongyan Jenny Li
Bldg. 2628/M321
Tel 87 16 59 83
[email protected]
Supply Chain Management
Warehousing Management
Pricing Optimization (Marketing Science)
Decision Analysis
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
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Contact Secretary: Charlotte Sparrevohn [email protected]
Christian Schmaltz
Room C105
Tel. 87 16 49 37
[email protected]
Basel III
Banks and shadow banks
Alternative investments
Anders Grosen
Room C109
Tel. 87 16 49 97
[email protected]
Pension economics
Financial regulation
Design of pension systems and products
Jan Bartholdy
Room C111
Tel. 87 16 49 18
[email protected]
Corporate Finance
Financial institutions
Behavioural Finance
Baran Siyahhan
Room C104
Tel. 87 16 49 54
[email protected]
Thomas Kokholm
Lokale C102
Tel. 87 16 52 16
[email protected]
Tel. 87 16 55 73
[email protected]
Corporate Finance
Capital Structure Decision
Real Options
Financial Distress and Asset sales
Interaction between finance and industrial organization
Credit Risk
Generel finansiering / general finance
Finansiel økonometri / financial econometrics
Markerder og børser / markets and exchanges
Investering / investments
Finansielle forbrugere / financial consumers
Carsten Tanggaard
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Jonas Nygaard Eriksen
Lokale: C213
Mail: [email protected]
Marie Herly
Bldg. 2628 / C116
Tel. 87 16 53 96
[email protected]
Time-series econometrics
Return predictability / Forecasting
Asset pricing
Corporate finance
Capital markets and financial accounting
Banks and financial institutions
Financial Accounting
Contact Secretary: Charlotte Sparrevohn [email protected]
Karsten Wiborg
Room M339
Tel. 89 48 63 79
[email protected]
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Financial reporting
Leased assets
Tax including deferred tax
Strategic analysis
Group accounting
Corporate social responsibility
Intellectual capital report, environmental accounts etc.
International standards and harmonisation
Supervisors within Business Economics
Contact Secretary: Ann-Marie Gabel, [email protected]
Jan Bentzen
Room L225
Tel. 87 16 49 92
[email protected]
Bæredygtighed og miljøindikatorer
Energiforbrug og transport
Danmarks olie- og gasudvinding
Energiforbrug og CO2-udledninger
Christian Bjørnskov
Room L110
Tel. 87 16 48 19
[email protected]
Udviklingsøkonomi og ulande
Politisk Økonomi
Philipp Schröder
Room L124
Tel. 87 16 49 71
[email protected]
International Economics
Global firms and internationalisation
European Monetary Issues
Foreign Direct Investments
Country Studies
Sector Studies
Note: Projects within the above areas are also offered in Danish
Valerie Smeets
Room L130
Tel. 87 16 49 93
[email protected]
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International trade and firm organization
Cultural conflicts in post-merger integration
Productivity of firms, productivity dispersion
Incentives, pay for performance, careers in organization
Globalization and firm organization
Valdemar Smith
Room L222
Tel. 87 16 51 06
[email protected]
Strategiske analyser af konkrete virksomheder
Industriøkonomi: Karteldannelser
Økonomisk /strategiske analyser af konkrete kartelsager
Industriøkonomi: Fusioner og virksomhedsovertagelser
Analyser af konkrete fusioner/overtagelser
Analyser af brancher, konkurrence, vækst
Note: Projects within the above areas are also offered in English.
Anna Piil Damm
Room B15
Tel. 87 16 51 46
[email protected]
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Virksomheders konkurrencestrategier på markeder med
ufuldkommen konkurrence /
Firm strategies in markets with imperfect competition
Supervisors within Population and Labour Economics
Contact Secretary: Ann-Marie Gabel, [email protected]
Anna Piil Damm
Room B15
Tel. 87 16 51 46
[email protected]
Indvandring / Immigration
Arbejdsmarkedet / Labour markets
Kriminalitet / Crime
Nabanita Datta Gupta
Room B5
Tel. 87 16 52 07
[email protected]
Health Economic Analyses
Gender Differences
Investing in Children
Exiting the Labour Market
Socioeconomic Inequalities
Peter Jensen
Room B1b
Tel. 87 16 50 53
[email protected]
Emner inden for befolknings- og arbejdsmarkedsøkonomi /
Population and labour market issues
Uddannelsesøkonomi / Economics of education
Arbejdsløshed / Unemployment
Room B10
Tel. 87 16 49 83
[email protected]
Astrid Würtz Rasmussen
Lars Skipper
Room B16
Tel. 87 16 49 91
[email protected]
Den skandinaviske velfærdsmodel / The Scandinavian welfare
Svage grupper på arbejdsmarkedet / Weak groups in the labour
Familieøkonomi / Family economics
Health Economics
The Economics of Sin Taxes
Public Policy Evaluation
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