Part Seven
Part Seven
194 YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1759. MUSTER ROLLS OF A MUSTER ROLL OF THE MEN RAISED AND PASSED MEN'S NAMES. Day. P i 3 An1"P 57 2 3 7 1 9 '9 32 1 9 T« 29 •"-P- 3 A P- 3 do 9 35 3° 23 1 9 17 ~f. i8 William Blake Peter, Indian William Tuthill Robert Hareholt John Rolofe A An1- ~(^ John Cline David Griswell Richard Peirce James Cason John Moguer Isaac Conkling Nathaniel Brown John Ruland Joseph Mitchel. . Abraham Ruland Jacob Ruland Benjamin Smith Age. ! Jacob Tryon . Jacob Fisher /vp 9 Mo iR An .ttp. 32 lf\ 19 29 39 Z ii , THE COUNTY OF SUFFOLK APRIL 1759. Jesse Platt, I Lieutenants. Joseph Brewster, j Gilbert Potter, Captain. Bower Slason Jacob Cansibome Terrence Newger Jonathan Rogers Simon Cooper Thomas George Benjamin 1 oms William Russels Pack Pharris Domnick Caveny Timothy Abbet Zopher Wilmot MUSTER IN 195 Ap. 3 5 3° 2 3 -76 A P« rln 3 ?8 i/ 9 ?fi J |fl -jQ 3° 33 do tr> 22 Where born. Trade. Out of what Company of the Militia. Lieut. Timy- Scudder Wittenberg in Germany . Labourer do do do Weaver do Baker do Huntington Suffolk Co . . Weaver do Shoemaker. . do Capt. Joseph Lewis a Cook do BlackSmith. New Jersey do Huntington Suffolk Co . . Shoe Maker. do Weaver Connecticut do LabrIreland do Hunting"- Suffolk Co . . . . Shoe Maker. do Connecticut . ... Fuller do Shoe Maker. Queens County do Nail Maker . . Germany do Cloather . . . . Connecticut do Seama.n Berkshire do Huntington Labrdo West of England Seaman . ... Stamford Conn Cooper . . . . Capt. Isaac Platt Germany . . . Capt. Lewis Weaver Ireland . . . Capt. Isaac Platt Butcher Old England do Mason Suffolk Co Capt. Lewis LabrOld England Baker . . . Capt. Platt Germany do Butcher Ireland do Labourer . . . Suffolk Co do Shoe Maker. Huntington Suffolk.. do Weaver do Shoe Maker, L'- Scudder Block Island. do do do do Labrdo \Veaver do ~ d° Hatter Capt. Lewis Germany d Capt. Platt Mason Capt. Lewis Baker ^rusun . Labourer . L'- Scudder P ° .::: 196 NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, MUSTER ROLLS OF ; MEN'S NAMES. Day. Age. Ma. 30 Andrew Bradly 25 46 Timothy Pangborn do 15 Aug'- 9 Edmund Andreiss 28 Mar 26 Samuel Lord 23 Benjamin Higgins .... Ap. 3 19 Nathan Alaba Ma 20 21 Ap. 2 John Jones 41 Ap. i i Jesse Ford do i i Thomas Roe do 2 Peter Slason 19 ;;. Ma. 19 William Forbes 21 22 Elisha Baker do 30 A. 4 Josiah Bassett 23 John Rinchard do 17 28 ; Benjamin Rumsey . . . . do 15 25 James Johnson do 12 40 Ebenezer Loveland do 21 Charles Hadden do 21 do 21 William Johnson do 17 Peter Pond Zachariah Pond do 5 Ma 14 John Sherwood 22 Thomas Hayhurst do 27 do 21 Abraham Samson 17 do 21 Jesse Garret 19 do 21 Sam Powagen, Indian 2O William Ward do 21 34 Ludlow Wagen do 18 17 Amos Lane the person the Company de termined she uld go James Bucanan Ap. 10 18 Michael Allen Ma. 27 24 22 Benjamin Davis do 31 do 26 21 John H olden Solomon Hains . . . . 21 do 30 do 26 Arthur Akerly 30 18 Ap. 4 Ephraim Bayly Mar. 16 Charles Killis 19 18 do 15 Namus, Indian 18 Simon, Indian Aug'- 24 22 Aug. 9 John Cluck, Indian Ma. 26 Hue Manaman 19 " Ap. 12 3'{*» mos. Ebenezer Hulse do 18 Toel Canfield 10 48 ; 50 17 ; 25 40 19 17 23 U Where born. Trade. 1759. Out of what Company of the Militia. Baker Capt. Platt Labr Capt. Lewis Shoemaker., Lieut. Scudder Taylour. ... , Capt. Lewis Labrdo do L'- Scudder Seaman do Founder.. . . , do r Lab Capt. Lewis L' Scudder do Shoemaker. do do do Blacksmith.. Capt. Lewis Soap Boyler. Capt. Platt Cooper Capt. Job. Smith do Labr- . do 'Seaman do Blacksmith. do Weaver do do Connecticut ............ jShoe Maker. ! do do ............ do do do ............ do do Buck in Pennsylvania. . .-.Cooper ..... do Suffolk Co .............. Labr....... do do ............. | do ....... do do ............. do ....... do New York .............. Sailor ...... do Suffolk Co .............. yLabourer . . . for Capt. Job Smith Comp - in Suffolk County. Suffolk Co .............. ITaylour ____ jCapt. Strong do Ireland Butcher. . do Connecticut ITaylour . do New Jersey Weaver .. do Connecticut Labourer do Suffolk County do do Haddam Con do do Suffolk County do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Wallingford Conn Germany New Jersey do Conecticut Queens County Suffolk Co Cumberland O. E Massachusetts do Connecticut Westchester Connecticut Huntington Germany Connecticut on Upward Ireland. .. Conecticut Massachusetts 198 MUSTER ROLLS OF NEW YORK i MEN'S NAMES. Day. Age. Where born. Trade. TROOPS, I 759. Ap. 5 23 21 35 35 21 19 22 Ap *9 4 33 21 do do do 23 23 23•-< Ap. Ap 4 4 Ap do do 18 19 19 4 do 4 do do do 4 4 4 Ma 27 19 19 19 18 41 46 31 24 20 28 25 46 25 21 18 19 22 22 25 21 22 42 Seabrook Conn do Wallingford Conn Durham Conn Brandford Conn Suffolk Co Seabrook Conn Suffolk Co Massachusetts Preston Conn Suffolk Co do do do do Preston Conn Wallingsford Conn Groton Conn Lime Conn Seabrook Conn Connecticut Hadden Conn Walingsford Conn Middletown Durham Conecticut Massachusets Conecticut do Suffolk Co. Conecticut Suffolk Co. do Labourer . . . apt. Strong do do do do do do do Joyner ...... do Taylour ... do Shoemaker. do Labr do Weaver.... do Shoemaker. do jBlack Smith. do I; Joyner do Labrdo I do . . . . . . do IWeaver.... do Labrdo do do ! do do JHatter do Weaver . . . . do LabrCapt. Davis Lab do Black Smith. do 'Carpenter .. . do Labrdo . . . . ijoyner do Labr' do do .. do do . , do farmer do 'Blacksmith. do Labr- .. do Weaver, DANIEL GOULDSMITH, "I LIEUTENANTS. DANIEL GRIFFIN, I CAPT"- BARNABAS TUTHILL. 1 ! Ma. i Ap. do do do 29 2 2 2 ? 32 30 33 22 16 17 Conecticut Scotland Massachusets Gilford Conn Killingsworth Conn do Durham Conn 199 Out of what Company of the Militia. : John Shipman Edward Shipman Benjamin Rice Stephen Bates Jared Whedon Richard Helme James Comstick Benjamin Tanst John Barrage Ezekiel Bundy Azel Tanst Daniel Lane Tom Hoel Kellis, Molato Joseph Sevvard Aaron Meech Waitstill Cook James Wallsworth John Trubby William Maltby Nathaniel Clark Samuel Bayly Daniel Max Amos Lucas Simon Parmely Phineas Comstick William Crook George Sexton Jabeth Bates Richard Robinson Hezekiah Baylv Jacob Surut Martin Brown Abraham Turner Robert Brown Samuel Teel Ebenezer Field Sylos Johnson. Indian Joseph Hall Ira Whiteman PROVINCIAL Shoemaker. . jCapt. Budd do Barber. do Leather Dresr do jLab r do | do do ! do do Gouldsmith . 1UST ER ROLLS OF NEW YORK PROVINCIAL ME TROOPS, I 75Q. 2OI N'S NAMES. SamueTruTkT p eter Hall Timothy Shally Phineas Beckwith ^njamin Shaddock Thomas Wait Daniel Whiteman Gamaliel Bayly aunder rt\?W s-' John — Day. — ___ •/ '.'.'.'. . j • • • j Age. 7 —2— Ap. 00 (-Jy-v 2 do Ma. do do 2 i 22 23 i 23 1 do 22 1 AP3 Ma 30 do 24 do 21 1 do ig do jp do 27 '.'.'.'J Ap. 30 1 do 28 d o 30 ' 1 1 .' • Christopher Brown Charles Manneman ^HutchenTon Samuel Rucket. . 1 no5 Reeve Nathaniel Wells Lphraim Brown.".'." ~~7T Where born. Killingsworth Conn 20 1 9 24 36 24 24 21 26 | 23 j 20 i 49 32 ! 1j** ! 217 I 9 / 37 ^nfTolk- Co do do Trade. Labrdo Cooper Sadler LabrFarmer LabrCooper do do Labr Labrdo do do Joyner Labr- Out of what Company of the Militia. Capt. Budd do do do do do do do do do Capt. Wisner do do do do do do STEPHEN Babcock Anthony Fowler Adam Pharow Jsaac, Indian, 'homas Baker ' Joshua Larkin ' --..las Cottrel MathewMalonev" Cornelius Jobe ^eorge W e b b y ' ' ' fenjamin Leek'" John Edward ' ' ' EdwardBennit.'."' Coffe Thomas '' Lawrence Poyneg' ' Edmund Perry ' ™cis Summer"' Thom as Rum below ' William Dove fenjamin Stephens'' Isaar Benjamin.. in T " ' s —.. I Mar 15 ..' do 15 1 do *5 do 15 - Ap. 3 Ma 25 do 22 do 25 do 24 i do 20 do 20 do 29 do do do do do do do do do do do 22 22 15 15 24 15 15 16 15 29 29 i . ' 22 20 18 Newport Siiffnlk Co 18 l ? 26 23 20 25 2O 24 22 20 1 169 24 5' 40 23 19 22 17 24 do Suffolk To do Ho Plymouth in Massachts> Old England Capt. Isaac Barr do do do do do do do Zordwainer . do Weaver do Cloather . . . .j do Farmer do do do do do Seaman do Weaver do Taylour . . . . do Labrdo do do Seaman r do Lab .. Taylour. ... Capt . Mulford do Labr do farmer do Shoe Maker . do Labor*' do Weaver 202 MUSTER ROLLS OF NEW Day. Thomas Morris Elmadam Osman Ezekiel Coocker Silas Webb Samuel Hallock Nehemiah Williams Josiah Benjamin James Warner Joshua Goldsmith John Clark Benjamin Patty Seth Marvin Thomas Reeve Jasper Peck JrPeter Hart Elias Bebee Abraham Johnson Jeremiah Dickenson Namus Kellis Peter, Indian Samuel Brooks Joshua Chappel William Minnon Joseph Gorton Nathaniel King Edward Hawkins William Becket Joseph Roger Ambrose Eglestone Benjamin Glover Silas Peck John Clark Randolp Clark Ephraim Gouldsmith Thomas Brown Robert Gates William Penny David Marrow Jr John Chatfeeld Thomas Filer Daniel Cocheat Daniel Minor Joseph Jeffry '• Aa* Ma. 29 > • 21 4 do Ap. 27 3 do 21 Ma. do do do Ap. Ma. 23 24 23 24 3 27 Ap. 12 A. 2 Ap, o Ap. 4 Ma Ap. do do do do Ma Ap. Ma do Ap. Ap. Ap. Mar. Ap. Ap. do 22 21 31 19 25 21 21 23 3 2 2 2 6 23 13 21 30 9 9 3 29 3 27 15 do Suffolk Co do C,,ffr»lk To 19 29 2 9 2O 22 Lime Conecticut 27 23 2O 17 25 25 43 3» 26 44 25 Hr> Suffolk Cn 22 23 3» 39 19 33 44 25 18 26 44 17 19 18 20 20 17 17 Trade. c\n Suffolk Cn Suffolk Co do Ireland Suffolk Co do 2O 3 ut of what Company of the Militia. C apt. Mulford do loemaker . S do do do eaman .... S do F do hoemaker. . do iunsmith . . . do 'armer do blacksmith . . do A/eaver do 1 Taylour .... r lapt. Dan - Osborn ( 1^ab do shoemaker. . do Lab'do Cooper do Farmer do do do Weaver .... do Labrrdo Lab Cap. Moore Soldier do Labrdo jCarpenter . . . do do do Weaver . . . . do J^yner do Blacksmith . do Turner .... do Carpenter. . do Cooper .... do 1 . Farmer .... . Capt. D - Wells . do do . do do . do do do Chair Make r. do do Labrdo .. do do Taylour . . r do . . Labr do . . Labr do Lab - v\Beaver 19 3° 23 I Ap. do 23 Ap 5 Where born. 33 | do do YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1759. MUSTER ROLLS OF M£ NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1759. N'S NAMES. Age John Wabbington Ned Gardner William Clark Ebenezer Cooper Josiah Gonnock James Culver Harry, Indian John Quiamps Joseph Goodall Stephen Downer Eliphalet Posterter Obadiah Rhodes Thomas Gamble Charles Sharper Harry Porras Samuel Bekam Asa Hains Joaph, Indian Joseph Parks Ichabud Edwards Samuel Ways Benjamin Meelk Ap. i Ap. ) M. ic,• do 19 Ap. 3 do ... do 3 do 3 do 3 do 3 do 3 M. 3 A. 3 do 3 Ma 26 M. 16 do 16 Ap. 3 do 3 M. 16 do 16 do 20 Oliver Hewit .... Christophen Crouch Charles Powheag Timothy Meach Jeremiah Uttly Peter Powheag M. 16 do 16 do 16 do 16 i Ap. 5 , Ma 16 Israel Dewe John Wags Harry, Mustee Thomas Stephens Amos Holdrids . do 1 6 do 16 , Ap. 16 , .., Ap. do 3 i '9 32 18 18 21 21 > 50 18 23 41 22 31 18 35 25 18 20 19 24 24 25 27 24 19 21 22 18 38 20 2O 22 19 17 ;53 '3 2 Timothy Cleaveland Samuel Hallet David Reeves Josiah Whitter Ma A. Ap. do 9 30 ; 2 4 3 2 * 3 ; 101 3 24 Where born. Trade. 205 Oi '. of what Company of the Militia Capt. D' Wells Labr Connecticut do d 0 Su ffolk C o . . . . ...... ; : ;;; s 1 o e Maker Capt. John Post do do Seaman. ... do r do Lab do do do Carpenter.. do L br do ? do do do Weaver... . do Shoemaker do Connecticut do do do do do do do Groton Conn do do Suffolk Co do do J Groton ~ do do do Suffolk Co do do Connecticut Shoemaker, Capt. Topping Suffolk Co Weaver. do Connecticut Labrdo Suffolk Co do do do do . do do Stonington do do do do do do do do do do Shoer Maker Preston Conn do Lab Stonington do Suffolk County do do Stonington Weaver do Labr do do do do Capt. Jn°Howell Rhode Island Black Smith r do Lab ' Suffolk Co do Weaver. Stonington 7 do Lab ' . . . Suffolk Co do do . . . do do do . . Canterbury do do .. Stonington do do .. Connecticut do do .. Suffolk Co do Preston Conn 206 MUSTER ROI.LS NEW YORK PROVINCIAL Age. David Foster Seth Howell James Lane David Burnit Samuel Clark ]'• Elias Howel Jr- do A , , • •• find out to Rectify U April 30'" I759. Where born. Ma 30 do 30 Samson, Indian Nathan Benjamin James Mackloin Elias Rous Jonathan Parker Henry Downing Stephen Starkwather Amos Yarington Bersdick Crocker CuffeCuffe Simeon Bundy Josiah Halsey , r>:- TROOPS, I 75Q. 22 3 30 M. Ap. 4 M. 16 do 20 do 24 1 A. 4 Ma. 1 6 do 16 do 22 do 22 do do 22 22 Ap. do do 2 3 4 Th ^ a C°PPy of Bought it not prudent 19 21 21 18 V 17 20 26 22 22 20 22 2O 24 19 21 19 24 18 ™" kee P the Trade. Shoer Lab do do Shoe Suffolk Co do do do do Suffolk Co Groten Suffolk Co Preston Conn do do Stonin CT ton do do Preston do Suffolk Co Vollentine Conn do . . Maker. do do .... Out of what Company of the Militia. Maker. Capt. Jn°- Howell .... Carpenter Labr- . Gunsmith . . Taylour . Blacksmith . . Farmer . . . do 207 do Shoe Maker Cooper Labrdo \Veaver do do do Capt. Silas Cook do do do do do do do do do do do do do refusing to abide by the Coll8- Determination, defect lies whether any of the Capts- have omitted forgot or eration of the Quota at the Meeting of the Coll & Captains Quota I have taken some pains and we will take more to Roll till then. GEO. LMuiRSON, NATH - WOODHULL, Muster Masters. FOR THE COUNTY OF NEW YORK FOR CAPT. TOBIAS VAN YORK MAY 2D- 1759. Trade. do 26 do 26 do 26 do 2? do 25 do 21 Martin Myer John Martin Stephen Babb John Brovver JohnBrookman';: John Sharp 17 17 21 25 18 17 20 17 19 Marriner Shoemaker do do Leather dresser. House CarpenfJoyrT do House Carpr- ... Where Born. New York do do do Germany N. York County of Bergen Jersey N. York do 208 MUSTER ROLLS OK Time of Inlistm March 27 do 21 do do do do do Ap1do do do do 27 John Valantine 21 James McKay 25 Will1". Power 13 Andrew Meverick 28 John Middeburg 2 George Bistell I John Terrill i George Horn I Andrew Charles 2 Nath1- Fretengham 3 4 19 19 5 i Ap'do 7 7 Edward Tout Joseph Stall do 8 John Geuter do do do do do do do do do do do do 14 14 16 18 21 22 20 17 24 23 23 23 18 23 23 20 27 Age. Sam'- Chapman Peter White Ap'do M'ch do Ap'do do do do do do NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1759. L John Campbell Will"1- Little Rob'- Cross Charles Cox Dan'- Sutton Israel Rogers Paul Williams i William Murray William Wallace Phillip Hone James Wheller James Emmott Will. English Aaron Artoes jWiJl"1- Bladen George Ash James Diblin Daniel Buttler Charles Tempel Edward Brown James Lyon Pullus Schylus Joseph Bunghall 26 18 18 17 26 17 30 .. .. .. • l8 i 44 20 20 28 35 40 . 20 2O *9 19 23 28 1 30 25 30 J 9 22 19 21 16 17 16 20 "9 , 18 23 19 18 21 31 28 16 '9 A Trade. Lab r Cooper LabrShoemaker Bricklayer LabrPainter Shoemaker Leather dresser. Soldier . Taylor.. Marriner An Old Smugler Potter .. Marriner Hatter . do .. Marriner Blacksmith Baker Shoemaker Marriner do Shoemaker Marriner UU do Baker do Baker Taylor Labrdo Marriner LabrBla.clcsrnitl'i Labr 7 4 Where Born. G. Britain N. York England Phillipsburgh Ireland London Boston N. York England Ireland Germany Ireland N. England !?Tco,t,lan,d N. York do do Long Island jBurlington JEliz: Town 'Germany 'Philadelphia JMarlborough 'Ireland N. York ;Germany !(-England Ireland N. York do Phillips Manner Cowneck N. York N. Jersey City of London Brunswick Ireland do Cork England Gloucestershire Ireland Germany do 209 210 MUSTER ROLLS OF NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, Trade. 20 do 18 do 23 do 23 do 23 do ur • "ssin 23 WaJterMurphy do 2 3 do JohnTenbr 24 John do 24 do 2 4 do do do , ~ Campbell . do James Paterson do 24 James Sayer ''' do 24 Samuel WaterhousSe do 24 John Noblet 24 do 21 JJohn DoiJe. iJohn Moore do 24 do gjrist'-France.' 24 I Jhomas Cain do 24 00 do ig ' Thomson 24 jrtenery Harris do 24 DanielT Sardel do 24 John •- • do 24 iWill do 23 ,r i u Pilkins do 26 jSimeon Ames do 27 (Sam1- West do 26 Ab' Potts ' ' do 2 5 Jonannes Petrprc:' do 2 3 'Rich-- Kelly ^ do 23 Lu ke B u r n . do 2i3 , T 'Ji m ' Carley. do I9 do ,9 IJohn M'Kay John Callaehan do 19 do 19 ,. Boyd . . do IQ Matthew McVea do I9 ames Gam bell do David Wilson . .'' do Ab'- Brawser do 20 Matthew Grab.---' do Austin 1 7 18 35 2 4 J 9 47 r 9 18 21 23 46 27 25 19 26 20 32 23 24 36 18 38 26 32 20 i 23 27 26 25 25 25 25 23 18 35 T ahr' do Ho do Lab r< LabrLabrLabr- Labr- ' LabrLabrTaylor . Labrdo . Currier 1759. \Vhere Born. '. York [orrisania .otidon lolland I. York )ublin • 1 si. York England ^ondonderry do do do do Scotland Norwich Connecticut Dublin do Ireland Germany Ireland N. York Germany England Ireland do England Connecticut N. Carolina W'- of England N. Carolina Galway Ireland Connecticut . Scotland . Cork . England . Ireland do . Scotland . Ireland . N. York . Ireland . .lEngland 21 I 212 MUSTER ROLLS OF NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1760. Where Born. Trade. England W. Jersy Staten Island . . _ 'Joshua Reynolds ' lOSPnl-i 1\/T~- 213 ' '' OFFICERS. Tobias Van Zandt, Capt. Abra Deforest, Lieut. Peter Myers, do This is to Certify that the foregoing being One Captain muster for the City and County of New York. A MUSTER ROLL OF THE MEN RAISED AND PASS'D IN Captain, James Middagh. MEN'S NAMES. PANY I2TH i JDay of Inlistm11 Two Lieut' and One hundred and ^TcouxTY OF KINGS FOR CAPTAIN MIDDAGH'S COMAPRIL 1760. John Nisbet, Lieutenant. Age Where born. Charles Richy . . , . . M'ch 24 Henry Hughes 26 Scotland . .1 do Edward Dellan ... 21 London ..! do 25 Lambert Swize . . . . 22 Ireland Jacob Shearman ... . . 1 do 29 22 Amsterdam . .. ..j do 31 Leonard Genery 34 Jersey do John Lippy 30 Germany do 22 Jeremiah StilJwill . . . 23 do . ... . Ap'- i George Barse 30 Staten Isl d -.... do Solomon Longe 22 jLondon do John Morris 37 Ireland do Solomon Yorksee . . . do 1 2 Frederick Short.... . West Chester.. do John Clunn Germany M'ch 22 John Fulmore 20 N. Jersey Ap1 2 John Freadle 30 do Martin Shyley 24 do 10 Richard Sproung . . . . 34 do j 20 I do George Aft , .-ong Island. . . do 2 John Giddyman 2O I 'hiladelphia . . M'ch 26 Samuel Patterson 30 b do 22 Charles Rawlins 20 Isrew York . . . . do 26 George Livingston . . . . 36 E do 29 Richard Gam bell 1 33 do Ap - 10 Simon Sharepenny 37 L ondon do Randal D'Bois 26 G ;rmany Ap1 i 25 G<:rmany 25 26\ 1 Trade. Fell Mon CT er Ropemaker Labourer Bricklayer Labourer do Cordwainei \Veaver Labourer do do do Taylor Dyer Miller Cordwainei' Baker Butcher. . Blacksmith Cordwainer Labourer do do do Baker . Out of what Company of Militia. Officers who Inlisted. Lieut. Nisbett Capt. Seddam do do .... do do do do do do do do . .. do do Capt. D. Stillwell . . Capt. Middagh do do do do do do do do do do do do .. do . . . Capt. Brewerton . . . do do do do .. do do do do do do . .. do ' do do do do do do do do do Capt. Middagh Capt. Lott 2I4 MUSTER ROLLS OF George Foulk M'ch 31 Johannes Coughman . 21 German Town. do John Bossley 28 Germany do James Argen 47 (England do John George Smith .. 19 (Essex in do . . . do Michael CJinck 24 Germany .. May 12 Peter Myrtle 30 do May ._ 12 Thomas Martin 30 Germany M'ch 25 Thomas Lilly *9 N. Jersey do 3I George Read 36 Ireland A Henry lagoe | P' 4 26 England :' do David Goindett 44 Dublin I M'ch 29 Andrews Walter 30 Germany 3 Mathew Gracey 40 do May 12 John Peckner 25 IN. Jersey M'ch 25 John Furthingham 28 Germany do 24 William Skilling 31 (Ireland do Walter Harris 32 i do do 29 Nicholas Moyee 23 Liverpool . . . . do Maxwell M c Cormick... 29 :England do Jonathan Welsh 36 ilreland do John Mellington 3i Boston do Thomas Anthony 42 ;England do Stephen Dean 26 do May 12 Martis Vanhoose 25 Long Island.. . do John Burroughs 36 Holland M'ch 26 Rob'- Taylor 20 N. Jersey do Andrew Stephen 28 Ireland George Blakency 28 Scotland 2 Andrews Wicke I do Ireland May 12 John Raysail J Germany do Peter Sprung J 20 do M'ch 29 Burnett Money I 18 Long Island. .. do Prince Edward ; 26 Germany do Francis Elsworth 20 Long Island. .. do John Shamp 19 Germany do George Appleby 23 do Ap' 18 James M c Loughlin 28 JDublin May 12 Mathew Holland 30 jlreland do John Swart Feger.... 27 do do NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1760. Trade. I do r do do Baker do Clerk Out of what Company of Militia. 215 Officers who Inlisted. apt. Lott C apt. Middagh do do do do do do do do do do ^ieut. Nisbett 'apt. Seddam do ^apt. Seank do do do do do do do do do do do do L> Nisbet Capt. Streaker . . . . do do .... do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Capt. Middagh Capt. Vanpelt do d« do do do do do do do do do Capt. Peter Lott.. do do .1 do ' H° do do do do do do do do do do do • do Men has past Muster for Kings County^ BREWERTON> Jr. 216 MUSTER ROLLS OF NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1760. 217 THE COUNTY OF ULSTER FOR CAPTAIN CLINTON'S COMPANY 29™ James Clinton, Captain. «™ s .NAMES. e ge Lueky w ?,- •• • William Buchanan Samuel M'CoJm Kobert Farier.. James Adisson Edward Early Daniel M'Bride Gerlecht Hext. Henry Seise Johannis Felder Martin Roat George Felrner. Fredrick Kinbemh' ' Isaac Emy WMr 56 Kinber gh . . . . William Neily James Dunlap John Ogden . . . 1 homas Johnston Joshua Deans Richard Andrews Joseph M'Clughan" Barnabas Monroe Henry Savage Charles Bran n in Pu"ca" Campbell . . John Graham Samuel Boyd Robert Waugh James Waugh James Johnston Robert Hanmer. Robert Ferguson . William Smith Samuel Stagg Malachi Seker Hans Jury Haas Day of Inlis af-l — /— • • jI •• An'•**# 2 do 24 2 do do 26 do 24 do 23 do do do do do do do do 23 23 23 23 23 23 12 2 ? do do 5 5 5 H° S do ^° 245 do 26 do 26 do 26 do 2 do 24 do 24 do 24 do 3 do 24 do 7 do 26 do 10 do 22 do 22 I Ag e - | George Clinton. . , ' )> TLieutenants. T . ? t, Isaiah Purdy, Where Born. 2C 1 Ulster County do do 26 Ireland 49 do 21 do 35 do 20 jermany 19 Philadelphia 24 Ulster County' 26 Germany 26 do 26 do 30 Germany 22 Ulster.; J 9 'Ulster . ' 19 Ireland 18 Orange Co. 26 Ireland 28 Long Island.. 25 Ireland 34 do 38 do 2 do 9 36 do 30 , •cotland 20 I^Jster Co reland T, 23 I 23 do 28 25 do do 29 L °ng Island. . . 45 Ir eland 24 D utchess Co. . . 25 Oi•ange Co [ 9 Ge rmany 1 ]8 I do y Trade. -—~ rln Hn do do do do do dn do do dn do do Out of what Company of Militia. Officers who Inlisted. L*- Clinton Zapt. Clinton Lieut. Clinton do Capt. Ellison Capt. Neily Capt. Neily Capt. Clinton Capt. Borland do Capt. D. Newkirk Capt. Newkirk do L' Clinton do Capt. Newkirk do do do do do do do do do do do L1- Clinton Cant-, Neilv . do do do do do do do do do do dodo . . . . Capt. Clinton do do do do do do do do do do do do do I> Clinton do Capt. Clinton do L' Clinton do Capt. Neily Capt. Neily L'- Clinton do L'- Purdy do do do Capt. Neily . Capt. Ellison 2l8 ROLLS OF NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, Smith ert Goodgion r , : Biters . John M'M/chel" Smith Duncan Kilcrest'' Moses Nichols David Clerk. '" Alexander Eye™' Trade. -— Out of what Company of Militia. Capt. Neily do do do do Ar\ Ho do do L'- Purdy Capt. Clinton do L'- Purdy do Stuart Ma "sfield' ' and Ulster Co. Ireland 35 do r 9 Jersey. 39 Ireland ' 2 4 New York' ' y Samuel N e i " Patt do do do do do dn do do do do Capt Neily Capt. Borland do do Disputable Capt. Haasbrouck do do do do 41 48 r ,°m,as Power John McCart do do do do Carpenter 2 do Boston Ulster Co. do Ireland . ^0 ;; 3 (Germany 40 WestchesterGx 2 9 (Ireland 36 do do Kent County.'. Scotland . ,'England .....'.' Collier Capt Graham do Capt Ellison Blacksmith do \Veaver Labourer do \Veaver Labourer do Cord wain er Labourer Taylor Labourer . Capt Capt Capt Capt ... do do do do do L'- Clinton do do do Capt. Newkirk L'- Clinton Capt. Clinton L'- Purdy do do do do L'- Clinton do do do do do Officers who Inlisted. Capt. Neily do Walter Slouter ' Tunis Tirwellee ' 219 Ll- Purdy ^apt. Niely . . . . L'- Purdy Capt. Ellison Capt. Hardenbergh do do do Art 1760. Haasbrouck Smedes Hardenbergh Ellison do Capt Haasbrouck do do do do do Capt Ellison ... . Caot. Haasbrouck . L'- Purdy do iCapt. Clinton do Lt- Clinton L'- Purdy do do do do do Clinton ... . L'. L4- Purdy 220 NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, Trade. -Clea,, Solomon Toly ' • • ster Out of what Company of Militia. Capt. Hardenbergh do Capt. Smedes Ar\ Capt. Clinton do L'" Purdy Capt. Smedes do do An An do do do do do do do Hn do Ho fredrick Spinner James Mumh,/ ' ' ' • do Capt. Graham Capt. Graham do do do do rin rln Ho Capt. Hardenberg Capt. Smedes Capt Ellison Labourer Capt. Newkirk Capt. Haasbrouck .. do Ccirpen ter do Officers who Inlisted. do do An. 221 L' Purdy Capt. Haasbrouck County 1760. do do L' Clinton L'-1 Purdy L ' Clinton do do do do Capt. Graham L1- Purdy Capt. Graham do do was mustered and passed the day and year above mentioned GOOSE VAN SCHAICK, L'- Colonel. THE COUNTY OF QUEENS FOR CAPT. EPHRAIM MORSE'S APL- 1760. RulufDurye, I Lieutenants. Abraham Ramson, j Trade. Labourer do . Roach. :;• Glasier Labourer Blacksmith Labourer do Out of what Compy of Militia. L' Weeks Capt. Mott do do Capt Seaman do do Officers who Inlisted. L' Duryee Capt. Morse do do do do do 222 MUSTER ROLLS OF MEN'S NAMES. Burger Price Augustus Pennil Francis Fountain Henry Uback John Taylor John Butler Benjamin Chamberlin. . Thomas Bulger Daniel Runy John Muffit Thomas Roliver William Baly John Hunter James Mott John M'Donald Bartholomew Goodall . . John Skidmore Cummin Shiels Samuel Fantiman Christian Bladner Peter John Michael Cock John Brown Robert Gillis . Dayof Inlistr n'- Age. Ap'- 3 /\p 17 35 do 29 do 29 do 14 M'ch 29 Ap1- 29 do 3 do 29 do 21 do 10 do 21 do 10 do 3 do 7 do 20 do 3 do 30 M'ch 24 do 27 Ap1- 5 M'ch 24 Ap1' 22 M'ch 30 do 25 Ap1- 30 M'ch 27 do 31 M'ch 31 do 27 do 31 do 29 do 27 do 31 do1 27 Ap - 5 M'ch 31 Ap1- 10 NEW YORK Where born. Trade. 24 Germany do 22 do do 27 25 Ireland do . 31 30 do 34 New England . 27 Ireland 28 do 29 do 24 Germany 20 28 do 28 do 4 Germany Ireland 26 Holland 27 Ireland 29 Germany 24 |Pensilvany .... Long Island. . . Scotland 34 ]Long Island. . . 50 <Germany 19 I^ew Jersey . . . 18 1^ong Island. . . 28 il reland 26 II'ensilvany . . . . 27 Ivong Island . . . 26 Crermany 28 do 23 I reland 24 Scotland 24 Pensilvany .... 24 G ermany 17 S :otland 24 ilr eland 22 j do 28 jG srmany 27 | do 35 jlr sland 30 do rlo L 30 29 ; Act do do do dn do do do dn do do do Labourer . . PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1760. Out of what Compy of Militia. 22; Officers who Misted. (^apt. Morse 1_'• Durye do do (3apt. Morse do do do do do do do do do do do do do do L'- Ramson L' Durye do do Capt. Morse do L' Durye Capt. Betts do Capt. r Braine , do do do do do • do do do do do do Capt. James Smith . . . Capt. Morse do do do Capt. Js- Smith : do do do Capt. Braine do Capt. James Smith . . do do do do do do . L' Durye do do do do . Capt. Ben. Smith . . . 3apt. Seaman "apt. Hewlett do do do do do L' Weeks do do do do do do do L'- Volentine do do do Capt. Mott 22S NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, 1760. 1 Day of Inlistm' 1 Age. Where born. i John Halbert 1 ... Ap ii Nicholas Bagh 24 Germany . . . Andrew Bradly 26 do John Switser 26 do John Rinehart 35 do Charles Gollihan .... 26 do .., do 17 Benjamin Reel do 24 , 25 Ireland Frederick Neal 36 Germany do 3 Robert Morril 30 do do 23 Peter Duffy 17 Long Island. . I do 20 Frederick Andrews . 19 Ireland do 14 John Farguson 27 Germany do 10 George Roe 23 Scotland 1 do ii Robert Boggs 22 New York . . . . c do 10 Matthew M Cray 49 Ireland , Mch 26 John Fagan 32 do do 27 John McKitterick 29 , do j do 26 . Peter Fountain do Ap1- 24 ;21 James Collins >2 .Germany M'ch 24 2 Samuel Griswell do1 25 4 5 Ireland Anthony House Ap - 1 8 32 New England . Martin Bovver 5 Germany M'ch 23 2 John Philliphouse 8 do 2,7 Henry Brester 1 do1 24 do Ap 4 2t Nath'- Cook , 5 , do M'ch 24 ic, John Pendrow do1 25 18> Long Island. . . John Hosam 4 21 Wales fohannis Powlis 1 Ap May i 28 1 Germany Thomas Gillis do Mar. 25 17 David Smellin .Maryland do 25 25 Richard Nott Ap'- 26 45 Ireland Joseph Binder M'ch 24 20 .England John Tool c Germany do 29 23 James M Mullin i do 23 23 Pensilvany . . . . John Hank do1 29 22 John Smith 27 Germany James Saunders i JAp - 7 do 31 22 James Dogerty , uMar. l Pensilvany .... \p 2 20 William Gilmore I H'ch 23 45 Ireland Andrew Brown . . 5 36 Scotland Samuel Morse (do 26 24 1Boston William Hedger IVdo 13 40 1Long Island. . . ' John Johnson , IV[ay i "ar. 29 23 jWestchester. . . Holland ) Trade. do do do Cordwiner Labourer do do Labourer Weaver Labourer do do do Barber do Mason Barber Labourer Cordwiner Labourer do do do do do Taylor Labourer do do dn do do Baker Mason Blacksmith Cooper Out of what Comp^of Militia. Officers who Inlisted. "apt. Ben. Smith . . . . ("apt. Morse do do do do do do ! do . . . . I > Ramson do . . . . <Capt. Morse 'J- Durye < do do Capt. Morse do do Capt. Braine 1 L Durye Capt. Birdsall | Capt. Mills i do do do do do Capt. Morse do do do do do do *> do do do do do Capt. Rapalje do do do do do do do do do do do do do 1 do do I do .| do . . . . . Capt. Blackwell j ao do do 1 do L' Ramson !/ j do ~ — *• **--— L' Ramsen do do do do do do do do '"---• -o 1;» i^api. jxapaijv|Capt. Ramson ! do ! ao L* Ramsen Cant. _ L Morse L'- Ramson 226 MUSTER ROLLS OF NEW Y O R K MEN'S NAMES. | Day of Inlistm 1' , A 1 Nicholas Wan John White . Sigmon Brand John Lawell.. Daniel Mahony John Nicholas . . Jacob Dirck Thomas Lalen David Lawell William Griffiths Lewis Cress. Joseph Morril Samuel Roberts Thomas Farrington Richard Speed Andries Andrews Alexander Woosher . ge. Where born. PROVINCIAL TROOPS, Out of what Comp* of Militia. Trade. 1 Ap - 10 ! 3^ Germany . . . . Mar. 25 40 Ireland Ap'- 25 21 Germany Mar 24 IQ Ireland . 1 Ap - 14 19 do ...'.'.'.[ do 27 26 Germany do 6 28 do do 8 23 Nfew Jersey Mar. 24 17 'reland . do 26 Wales .'.'.' 27 3 do 28 30 rusia . . May i 18 Long Island. . . M'ch 24 20 do do1 24 26 do Ap - , 35 England . . Mar 28 28 jermany 1 Ap - 12 3i i Scotland . 1760. Labourer Officers who Inlisted. Cant. R a m s r m do do Carpenter Labourer do do do do L*- Ramson Capt. Morse do do do do do do do do do do do do L'- Ramsen Capt. Morse L1- Ramsen do do do j do do do do do do do do do Hn Cant. Rerr<; Tavlor 227 do Tant RirHsall 1 ISAAC CORSA, COLLA MUSTER ROLL OF THE MEN RAISED AND PASS'D IN APRIL Captain, Daniel Wright. MEN'S NAMES. InSS^n,. Benjamin Campbell . . . 1 Ap - 3 do 7 Urias Smalling do 7 Teffry Strong do 3 William Frasier do 4 Mar. 31 Patrick M°Donold Ap'- 13 do 28 do 4 do 24 Hugh M'Farling do 15 do 4 Harmanus Vanwooser . . do 29 Michael Morris . . . . . . . . 1 do 29 i i **' 19 20 18 35 26 20 25 43 26 27 36 20 26 33 THE COUNTY OF QUEENS FOR CAPTAIN WRIGHT'S COMPANY, 1760. Edward Burk, ) Lieutenants> John Dean, | ; ^'here Born. Oysterbay ,Huntington . . . .Oysterbay (Long Island . . . Ireland jLong Island . . . Ireland do | do i Block Island . . . jlreland do -New England . . 'Ireland Trade. Cooper Weaver do Labourer Carpenter Blacksmith Cooper Labourer do do do do Seaman Taylor Out of what Company of Militia. do Officers who inlisted. ' do L'- Weeks do do do do do 1760. P>E. " 228 vo« ___ MUSTER ROLLS OF __— MEN'S NAMES. Day of Inlistment. 1 William Carmon Ap - 29 : Rice Davis Jacob Van Seriver Ap1- ii c do 29 Hugh M Carty James Matthews do 29 Phillip Hambersmith .. . do 12 George Honstine do 12 John Baker do 19 John Mercular do 19 John Martin, Fifer . . . . do 9 Owen Sulliven do 5 Joseph Sink do 12 William McCord do 17 Thomas Carty Ap1- i David Ludlam do 3 Thomas Smith Mar: 28 John Fleming do 24 James M°Gloglin Ap1 27 John Peater do 2 Peter Fowler do 8 Simon Simorman do 2 Phillip Lynch Mar 28 John Riley Ap1- 13 George Doughty do 15 William Thompson .... | Apr. ii Stephen Blevelt ' Mar. 31 Andreas Rupper ' Ap1- 4 Christopher Typper . . . . do 3 John Newgar Mar. 28 Joseph Lyten ' Mar. 31 Samuel Boyd do 27 John Carril j Ap1- 4 Henry Dawson ' Mar. 27 William Beacon 'f do 31 Peter Fresong \ do 27 Nicholas M°Dougle do 24 Lewis Bastian Ap1- 2 Edward More do 22 Stephen Murrow j do 26 James German ' Mar. 26 Vincen Savannah do 24 John Worthall I do 28 James Kearney j do 31 Age. 28 38 22 2O 24 35 33 20 29 39 22 30 27 3? 38 20 22 21 24 33 40 29 20 18 20 26 23 24 28 22 20 23 22 30 35 28 25 20 38 27 21 27 38 TradeWhere Born. Jamaica . . . . England New Jersey. Ireland . . . do Germany . . do ....'!' Germany . . . do do . . . . Ireland Germany Ireland . do Long Island. . . do 'Germany (Ireland (Germany.... Ireland Germany. . .. Ireland j do Long Island. do Ganava Pensilvany . . Ireland . . . . France 'Boston do (Ireland iEngland . . . . do .... iFlanders . . . . Scotland . . . . ;Ittally |Ireland !Germany.... do .... Jtally Pensilvany . . .Ireland -~~~~— "^ '. ———""" ", Of what Company o —- iL.'° Weeks !r-0t Belts 229 Officers who inlisted. ; cIptTwdoright do do do do do O° . u do do Blacksmith • • ; ; ; •. •. •. •. do do Weaver ___ 1 do do r Tayl° .. do do Labourer . - • • • do do Art •' ' ' ' GO ... do do do Currier '' do Capt'. Mills Turner do do Cooper ' do do • \Veaver Capt. Blackwel do do " . . ICapt. Cornwall do Cordwiner do Lt Voluntme Seaman do do Butcher do do Labourer J do '| do do do do Currier '! -'u''" ' Capt. Ja" Smith . . . ' ' Capt. Wright Seaman • ' 'i do Blacksmith JL'- Weeks Ho " jK^apt. x - ,_*. TVTott*-'tti «Taylor u< • ' Ar\ Ho GO ^ do Weaver da do • • . * » r ^ j-it-Vlf^n Labourer do • ••' L'- Snetnen "Capt. Woolley . do do ' "1 do do V do do do do do do do '"I do do do ' ' '| do do do ••" do do do '''M do | do do ' "' do j do do •••' do 'I do do "'' do , do ^, do ... . :i J Cooper do • ' • • ' 1| do Labourer ' "' do | do Stone Cutter . • • do Labourer -^7^7 Sp;:--::::::-^-:::::::: ° ::::::: ::;ter;:::::::: do 1 1 ;;;... UV 230 MUSTER ROLLS OF NEW YORK PROVINCIAL TROOPS, I 700. .. MEN'S NAMES. Age. I John Murray . . . . Thomas Foard.... Ezekiel Holley ... Thomas Reed Cornelius HaJe . . . Owen S u l l i v e n . . . . Daniel Lynch Dominick Murphy . Phenix Lewis Solomon Taylor.... David Buffington .. Simon, Indian Alexander Foster .. Benjamin Hothinson John Foster Patrick M c Donald... Joseph Weeks Andrew Henry Conraet Horn Patrick Carr John Noblett Volentine Huff Jeremiah Ryan Peter Burrough Lebright Waggoner .. William Leak John Harley Frederick Coon John Lane Thomas Crawford James Colyer John Hays John Jenkins George Bucklo John Blee Sam1- Fuller David Mead Robert M°Graw Henry Parker Thomas Howel John Thorn James M c Mullin George Divers Mar. 22 do 26 do 22 do 24 do1 25 . . Ap - 28 . I Mar 24 . Ap'- II Where Born. 28 26 38 2O 21 24 26 Conecticut . . Long Island. Stratford .... England . . . . Ireland do do do i 32 uu 18 Long Island. . .1 do 3 25 Connecticut .. do II 22 j'Pensilvany . . . . Mar 22 18 'Long Island. . . do 30 32 {Ireland 38 'New Jersey. . . . ( do 25 -71 W /estchester . . . ' Ap1- 4 eland 22 Oysterbay .... do 24 28 Ireland do 4 1 35 Germany 28 Ireland do 30 do 2 do 16 do 7 do 28 do 32 25 24 21 35 'Germany .'Ireland 'Flanders (Germany -England ... 26 do 18 Phil adelphia '" . .. nd i ; AT 1 •*36 j do 24 iLong Island. 2 i New Jersey 36 England 3 " 33 (Ireland 33 do 25 I d° .'.'.' 33 (England 2 9 do J 9 Long Island.'.' 37 Ireland 2 4 'Germany Trade. Officers who inlisted. Out of what Company of Militia. t- Ho Ho \Waver Tavlnr Cordwiner T^larlcmnith L3.bourcr do do do do Sca.m3.ri \Vea.ver do Seaman Labourer do Cordwiner \Veaver Taylor Baker Mason Labourer \Veaver Labourer do do ^Veaver do Butcher Seam a. 11 do ! L Snethen Capt. Wooley do do do do do do do do do do do do do Capt. Seamans do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Cap'- Wright Capt. Jas- Smith do do do L1' Volentine do Capt. Ben. Smith . . . . L'- Snether L'- Volentine Capt. Wright Capt. B. Smith do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Capt. Cornwell do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do
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