Surinagite, taaffeite, and heryllian sapphirine from pegmatites in
Surinagite, taaffeite, and heryllian sapphirine from pegmatites in
American Mineralogist, Volume 66, pages 1022_1033, IggI Surinagite, taaffeite, and heryllian sapphirinefrom pegmatitesin granulite-faciesrocks of caJey Bay,Enderby Land, fntarctica Eowano S. Gnew Department of Earth and Space Sciences Univ ersity of Caldo rni a Los Angeles, Califurnia 90024 Abstrect Surinamite,taaffeite,berylliaa sapphirine,niobian rutile, chrysoberyl,and wagnerite occur in sillimanite-rich,medium-grainedsegregationsin two pegmaiitesofprobable late Archean age which cut granulite-facies.rocksnear Mclntyre llaia-1erzz,s,4go05,E) in casey Bay, Antarctica. Antarctic surinamite contains sior, 33.7-37.3wt.vo Alror,9.il3'4 wt.EoFeo, 0.01-0.2wt.voMro, and 16.4-1g.4wt.voMgo,0.5-r wt.voBe, and 0.66+0.2 wt'VoH2O. Assuming water is absent,a constantBeO content of 3.5 wt.Vo, and possibleFe3* for Al substitution, surinamite analysesrecastto 32 oxygenscontain 22 cations. Antarctic taafeite conrains68.5-69.3,xt.voA12o3,9.7w.vo Feo, 10.6-11.0wr.% Mgo, 4.7-5.2 wt.vo zno, and'0.5-l wt.% Be. cell parameterssre a :5.6g04 (2)A, c : +t.tC4-(zt1, ,"gg"r,;g that this taaffeiteis the gR polyrype.sapphirine contains zo.i wt.cosio2, 5 l. l wt.vo Airor ani Be, indicating substitutionof Be for Al: Be + Si : 2Al. Associaredgarnet contains 9:-l Y.E" 33 to 42 mole vopyrope and associatedcordierite, I wt.7aNarO. Stablemineral assemblages in the segregationsat the time the pegrnatitescrystallized are quartz-sillimanite-surinamitebiotite-orthopyroxene-garnet, quartz-surinamite-taafeite, sillimanite-garnet-biotite-surinamite-taaffeite-sapphirine,and siltim4nite-garnet-biotite-chrysoberyl_surinamite. Tem_ peraturesand pressuresat the time of pegmalils emplacement are estimatedto have been 800-900"c and 7-8 kbar. The Archean beryllian pegmatitesare interpreted to be of magmatic origin and may be related to charnockitic plutonic rocks such as the body exposed& Tange Promontory 70 km to the west. Introduction Surinamite, a rare Mg-Al-Fe silicate mineral re_ (Kozhevnikov et al., 1975). From the Musgrave Rangesof central Australia, Hudson et at. (196i) de_ scribed a taaffeite nodule sheathed by spinel and containing minor beryllian sapphirine (Wilson and Hudson, 1967);the nodule occursin a phlogopite re_ placementzone in metapyroxenite.Teale (19g0) re_ ports taaffeiteand hdgbomiteenclosedin spinel por_ phyroblasts in a phlogopite rock from the Flinders Ranges(South Australia). The type taaffeite is a cut gemstoneof unknown provenance(Anderson el a/.. r95t). I report here a new paragenesisfor surinamite and taaffeite. These unusual minerals are present in sil_ Taaffeite,an oxide of Be, Al, Mg, and Fe, occursin limanite-rich segregations in two pegmatitescutting metasomatic rocks and in high-grade metamorphic granulite-faciesrocks; associatedmineralsare garnet, terrains. In China, taaffeite occurs with chrysoberyl beryllian sapphirine, chrysoberyl, wagnerite, and so_ and spinel in lepidolite veins and in reaction skarns dian cordierite. Prior to my finds, surinamite, taaf_ in linestone cut by these veins (Beus, 1966,p. 33) feite, chrysoberyl and wagnerite had not been reand in eastern Siberia, in nica-fluorite metasomatite ported from Antarctica (Grew, 1980a).I also present 000.3-oux/8| /09 I 0- I 022$02.00 to22 GREW: SITRINAMITE, TAAFFEITE, BERYLLIAN SAPPHIRINE The granutite-faciesrocks of the Napier complex are cut by two generations of pegmalilss. An early generation includes pegmatitesdated radiometrically at 2500 million years (m.y.) (Grew and Manton, 1979),some of which are shown in Figure l. These pegmatites are found at many exposuresin the Napier complex, but are nowhere abundant (see also Sheratonet al.,1980). Pegmatitesof the early generation form crosscuttingplanar veins up to I m across, irregular masses,some of which are associatedwith boudinage, or pods. The last are generally 0.5-2 m thick and extend up to 4 m; they lie at a higb angle to the compositonal layering. The early pegmatiteshave a granulite-facies mineralogy. Accessoryminerals include orthopyroxene, garnet, biotite, apatite' perrierite, zircon, sillimanite, ilmenite, rutile, monazite, and locally cordierite, hornblende, and the rare minerals to be described in more detail below' In a few cases,the early pegmatites have an aureole of darkened country rock a few cm thick. An example of new X-ray powder and microprobe analytical data on taaffeite, surinamite, and on some of the associated minerals. The results of this study suggestthat beryllium is an essential constituent of the Antarctic surinamite; de Roever (personal communication, 1980) independently found significant beryllium in surinamite from the type locality. Geology of the pegmatltes CaseyBay and neighboring parts of Enderby Land (66"30'-67"45'5and 48-53oE,Fig. l) are underlain by a late Archean (2500 m.y.) granulite-facies terrain, the Napier zone or complex (Ravich and Kamenev, 1975,p. 2; Grew and Manton,1979; Sheratonet aL, 1980).The Napier complex consistslargely of orthopyroxene-quartz-feldspar gneisses ("charnockitic" and "enderbitic" gneisses),pyroxene granulite, garnetiferous gneisses,and subordinate aluminous and siliceous rocks, which are locally intruded by anorthositicand charnockitic rocks (Fig. l). + 6605 50"E Locolitiesfor BerylliumMinerols ( Indicoted by Be) In EnderbyLond,Antorctico . ARCHEANPEGMATITES t\ cz cnanNocKtlcRocKS I ^ ANORTHOSITIC ROCKS -Fflvf \||fvvf rfv .<+ar-7i .'..:.. |( v , fl-- ): { {I l. ; ":-Z o^' CAStf " ':':::6"1.-----' A --t-sAP HorrilUiil.itn|)2 /-oll-to lllngsv ,f ! A.AF.' --t-,.. [-^r u L 4 ) i(,"uLa Mrs. /i 'j 4 ur,. t.p r,^.--.1.-._ ,r,^,:.1.-._. ./' ) ^^ ../" ,-)/ (,) EXPosuRE 67"s ..- -.-.-.-., Y-+rt, 'a) | 'fr i /\ | :r,'t ffi'!if',,P.,ii; :-) (j -$... ecf p,,v $ 1.._€-cil--,' l' t00\ ANTARCTICA . Fig. l. Map of a portion of thc Napicr complcx in Enderby Land showing localitics for surinamite, taaficitc, and beryllian sapphirinc ncar trlclntyre IstanOin Caseylay (indicated by Bc), Archean pegmatitcs of possiblc plutonic origin (small circles) are planar veins and podiform bodies, one of which was dated by Grew and Manton (1979). Sourccs of data: intrusive charnockitic rocks (7) on Tange Promontory (Ravich and Kamcncv, 1975,p. 494 Sheraton el al., 1980),east end of CaseyBay (J. W' Sheraton, p€rsonal communication, l9E0), and north of the Tula Mouatains (Ravich and Kamcnev, l9?5, p. 4%). Spccifc localitics of Soviet samplcs provided by Ye. N. Kamenev (personal communication, l9?8) and of Shcraton et aL's (19E0)two anorthosites by J. W. Shcraton (pffsoml communication" l9E0). GREW: SURINAMITE, TAAFFEITE, BERYLLIAN such an aureole was sampled along a sillimanitebearing pegmatitenear Mt. Pyhagoras (Fig. l). The country rocks here are osumilite granulites.The aureole is darker in color than the country rock and appearsto be richer in biotite. In placesno increasein biotite was noted in the aureole;the darker color is due to darkening of orthopyroxeneas contact with the pegmatiteis approached.Near the contact,orthopyroxene is partly replaced by garnet or a garnetquartz intergrowth. The mineralogical changessuggest an increasein Fe/Mg ratio as well as in water content of the host rock; temperatureswere sufficiently high for osumilite to remain in some layers within the aureole. The later generationincludespegmatitesdated radiometrically at 520m.y. (Grew and Manton, lg79\. The later pegmatitesare abundant in CaseyBay but are rare elsewherein Enderby Land. They form (l) cross-cuttingveins up to 4 m in width and up to at least 350 m in extent, (2) subconcordantpods, or (3) large massesseveralmetersand more across.Retrogressionof the country rock by the pegmatitesoccurred under amphibolite-faciesconditions in aureoles generally no more than a few meters thick. Accessoryminerals include biotite, muscovite,hornblende, sphene, magnetite, allanite, beryl, kyanite, sillimanite, garnet, staurolite,tourmaline, dumortierite, and, locally, sodian cordierite. Columbite-tantalite is present at Mount H6llingsworth (Fig. l), which is the first reported locatty for this mineral group in Antarctica (Grew, 1980a). The later generationof pegmatitesappearsto be spatially and temporally related to tectonic zones of mylonitization and retrogressionunder amphibolitefacies conditions. These zones are more extensively developed in the €astern part of Casey Bay than in other parts of the Napier complex. Description of the beryllim pegmatites Surinamite and other rare minerals were found in two podiform pegmatitesof the early generation (indicatedby Be on Figure l), one at "Christmas Point" (informal name), at the south end of an unnamed island 5 km WSW of Mclntyre Island (67"22'5, 49o05'E),and the second at"Zirenn Point" (infonnal name), a coastal exposure2 km soutl of Mclntyre Island. The "Christmas Point" pegmatite is 1.5 m thick and is one of a seriesof en echelonpods in a layer of quartz granulite containing sapphirine, orthopyroxene, sillimadls, and garnet. This granulite is part ofa block ofrelatively unalteredgranulite-facies SAPPHIRINE rocks within a tectoniczone of extensivedeformation and retrogression.Pegmatitesof the later generation are abundant. The surinamite-bearing pegmatite consists of coarse-grained(>l cm) quartz, microrcline,apatite, biotite and sillimanite, and of medium-grained (mostly 0.05-2 mm) dense segregationsrich in sillimanite, garnet, cordierite, biotite, apatite, and surinamite. In hand specimen,much of the microcline is red. Sillimanite crystals(up to l0 cm long and 3 cm across)are white or brown; brown sillimanite is chatoyant. The medium-grainedsegregationsform irregular veins,masses,and stringersup to 5 cm across.In addition to the above listed minerals, some samples of the medium-grained segregationscontain orthopyroxene, wagnerite, pynte, ilmeno-hematite,magnetite, or monazite(Table l). In generalthe minerals exceptsillimanite lack preferredorientation. Sillimanite forms a few coarse prisms 0.5 to several cm in length and bundlesof prisms (mostly 0.05 to 0.2 mm acrossand up to 0.5 cm in length); someof the bundles appear as fans in thin section. Pleochroic haloes are conspicuousin biotite, which is pale green to brown, and in cordierite.Microveinlets(0.02-0.2mm thick) of biotite or cordierite cut garnet, sillimanite, and, rarely, surinamite. Cordierite typically forms aggregatesengulfing surinamite, garnet, biotite and finer-grainedsilliminals. In places,surinamite-quartz grain contacts are preserved. Orthopyroxene grains (0.07-0.4 mm across),a minor constituent, locally have contacts with sillimanite and surinamite, or are Table l. Mincralogy of the pegnatitic aggregates Locality Sanple No. Section No. Quartz s i IliMni te SurinaEi te sapphirine Taa f feite (x) (x) (x) (x) chrysobe!yl Garnet Oathopy!oxene Cordierite Biotite xx x (x) (x ) x xx x x x -x -x - X = present; sanples 2Incluales x x x Apatite Wagnerite Rutile Magneti te Mona zite 'Py!ite, -x (x) (x) = abaentt (Xl = probe ilrenohenatite, and K-feltlspar pegmatite. of this several rAs inclusion qPlagioclase, in specirens garnet which are analysiE are present contrDsitionally ln other sihila!. only. present kyanj-te, and apatite in quartz enclosing the aggregate. ssurinamite in quartz in smll and taaffeite offshoot of main present No quartz aggregate. in the Min aggregate. K-feLtlspar algo pregent in quartz encloging the aggregate. GREW: STJRINAMITE, TAAFFEITE, BERYLLIAN SAPPHIRINE (Grew, 1978, separatedfrom them by only a selvageof cordierite 1977-1978and 1979-1980field seasons (quartz also present).Wagnerite, (Mg,Fe)'POoF,oc- 1980a).Two samples from the "Christmas Point" curs in a yellow-brown aggregateI crn acrossand as pegmatite (22928,C) and three samples from the scatteredgrains to I mm ecrossin oee eection; grrbs "Zircnn Point" pegmatite (2234L(2,3,4))were selected for electron microprobe analyses(Table l) are in contact with quartz. "Zircon Point" is composedof a well-layered se- from a total of l0 samplesthat I collectedfrom each quenceof gneissesand granulitesshowingmuch less pegmatite. The chemical compositions(except for BeO and evidence of the retrograde metamorphism conspicuousat "Christmas Point." A few pegmatitesof HrO) are basedon electronmicroprobeanalysesof I both generationsare present.The beryllian pegma- to 4 grains per section (automatedARL-EMXmicrotite, which has an indistinct contact aureole,consists probe). Minerals were analyzed in carbon-coated largely of quartz and yellow microcline. The quartz polished thin sectionsand the data were reducedby is cut by veinlets,stringers,and small masses(up to 6 the Bence-Albeemethod. The microprobe data on 3 cm across) rich in sillimanite. These segregations minerals (hand picked separates)were supplemented contain taaffeite,sapphirine,surinamite,garnet, bio- by semi-quantitativeemissionspectrographicanalytite (in separategrains and in microveinlets),chry- sesprovided by Richard V. Gaines.Water was detersoberyl,apatite, rutile, and rare monazite (Table l). mined in surinamite (2292C)at the U.S. Geological Nfost segregationshave a margin of biotite and gar- Survey (courtesyof J. R. O'Neill) by weighing hynet. Sillimanite, sapphirine,taaffeite,and surinamite drogen yield from a hand'picked 20 mg sample. X-ray diffraction patternswere obtainedwith Mncommonly have a marked preferred orientation; this foliation lies at a high angle to the contacts of the filtered iron radiation in a I14.6 cm diameterDebyesegregations.Sillimanite forms bundles of prisms Scherrercamera. Duptcates of surinamite,sapphirine,and taaffeite mostly 0.05 to 0.4 mm acrossand up to severalmm long. Taaffeite forms plates 0.2 to about 2 cm in di- have been donated to the Smithsonian Institution. ameter; some thicker plates appear to consist of la- National Museum of Natural History Catalog numminae differing in orientation. Sapphirine and su- bers are as follows: Surinamite 2292C-147434,saprinamite form irregular, tabular grains. Those of phirine 2282G-147435,and taaffeite 2234L-147436' sapphirine appear to be nearly 3 cm in diameter; those of surinamite, mostly 0.05 to 0.8 mm. ChryDescriptionand chemistryof the minerals soberyl forms anhedral grains a few tenths to a few mm acrossembeddedin sillimanite or, in one case,in Surinamile taaffeite. Microveinlets of biotite (mostly 0.02-0.2 The Antarctic surinamite in hand specimen is a mm thick) commonly cut garnetand,locally, also sildark green-blue mineral resembling sapphirine. It limanite, sapphirine,and taaffeite. Quartz is absentfrom the sillimanite-rich segrega- forms tabular plates (flattened parallel to (010) actions. In section2234L(5)(Table l), surinamite,taaf- cording to de Roever et al., 1976) and appears to feite, and biotite are in contact with quartz; these have (010)cleavage;cleavageat a high angleto (010) minerals are in a microveinlet that appearsto be an is not conspicuousin most grains (cf. de Roever et offshoot of a sillimanite-rich segregation.Surinamite al., 1976).The optical propertiesof the Antarctic suis in direct contact with quartz. Taaffeite is mantled rinamite are similar to thoseof the type material deby mica, but was probably in contact with quartz scribedby de Roeveret al. The optic plane is parallel to (010).Pleochroismis spectacular:Z-gteentshblue, prior to alteration. In section 2234L(4\,kyanite, in prisms to 0.9 mm Y-purple, and X-pale yellow green. Dispersion of long, and plagioclaseare presentin quartz near the the optic axesis marked. In sample 2234L(3), surinamite tablets have a sillimanite-rich segregation.The kyanite appearsto fixed orientation relative to a large, irregular sapphibe secondary. rine grain; the (010) planes of the two minerals are Field and analyticalmethods parallel and extinction is simultaneous.However, X The two mineral occurrencesand geologicalobser- and Z in surinamite are not parallel to the correvationsreportedin this paper are basedon field work spondingaxesin sapphirine.The pleochroiccolorsof which I undertook as a member of the Australian sapphirine in this sample appear to be less proNational Antarctic ResearchExpeditionsduring the nounced versionsof the surinamite colors: Z-green' 1026 GREW: SURINAMITE, TAAFFEITE. BERYLLIAN SAPPHIRINE ish blue, I-blue, with a hint of purple, and X-very pale yellow-brown. Powder X-ray diffraction patterns of "Christmas Point" (2292C) and of a "Zircon Point" (2234L(4)) surinamiteare identical, exceptthat a few high-angle reflections are less sharp in the pattern for 2292C (Table 2). All but two of the lines reporred by de Roever et al. (1976)which are accessibleto Fe radiation are presentin the films of the Antarctic samples. A large number of weak reflectionsare also present in the Antarctic patterns. Many of these reflections may also belong to surinamite and could have been obscuredin the filn of de Roeveret al. (1976)by fluorescenoeofiron excited by Cu radiation. The chemical composition of the Antarctic surinamite determined by electron microprobe analysesis Table 2. X-ray powder diffraction data for surinamite Intensityl 22g2cr d 22i4Ll su!inah'? q C r1 . 26 9.99 7.95 7 -O9 tr.30 10.03 1 -9a 7.I0 2292C 2 2 <l 2 2 4 -64 4.5r 4.35 3-71t 3.544 l* I <I I 2 I <l 6 r.5ll 1.496 I.467 1.428 1.510 1.495 1,465 1.445 t-421 3 3 6 2 2 | 420 1.4rO r .395 1 .36r r.348 I 4ta r.4lO 1 394 I 360 r.347 r.420 2 I 2 1.3I5 I.3I3 1.316 or Film 2Pron 3vi$al 3.166 3.O84 2.9IO 2-450 2.745 2-135 2 673 I <t <I 2.14 2 -615 2 2 2.635 2.515 2-424 2.635 2-51A 2.522 2.419 2-422 2 -64 2 2.364 2 324 2 -3r2 2 -264 2 .I99 2-364 2-333 2.309 2 -26I 2.199 2.37 2.064 I.997 1.9a8 1.915 1.841 2 063 1.99a 1.985 1.914 1.839 2-O4 r -99 1.96 r -92 l.aI7 1.789 1.76Id r.72Id 1.596d t.816 L?aa l - 750d t.7l9d 1.594d 1.816 I-544 l.5I I.518 I 543 I.528 I.5ra IO present, 3 -341 J.255 l-166 3.OA7 sillimnit€ but 4.68 4.52 4-36 3.79 2 -9r <1 rOtainea 4 -57 4.53 4.32 3 -170 3.6e4 2.9I0 2.453 2.743 2.735 2-610 I <l *Biotite 7.O5 <l a I I 3 with for et bever estinate- I.236 L.262 l -234 t-227 1.218 x 1.I47 r.170 I-225 1.216 r.20r Ll85 1.r58 x "Zlrcon 2234L (3) Point" 2234L (4) I I 10l lc2 Ar lc2 Ar 1.0443 L 0442 1.0374 1.0378 1.o325 I O43t 2cr lc2 2cr L0208 I 02lo I 0128 lo2 <lc r l.oI23 - I 02OO 1.0201 1.0115 l.ol14 1.0049 2-315 2 -27 2 -ta5 lcl 2d2 3Ct 2d2 2ct r -762 r 122 1.596 <I02 I 534 1.518 2dr - d diffuse Fe radiation. (1976, I.226 Ll88 1.173 asfe z). Camra I .0360 1.0360 1.03rt 0_99971 O.9999' 0.9887 O-9a79 0.9786d 0.9765 dimler Surinanl Strensavs Ranlez- -r2- wetsht Per Cen! s1o2 Tio2 3 2. 0 6 otzo3 ctzo3 3 7 .3 0 0.01 9 t0 Feo3 3r-97 33.1 0.04 0.02 36 58 0.01 35.20 33.8A 31.70 0 0.0r 0.02 0 - 9.55 r0.38 13.40 12.64 L2.25 10.64 0.16 0.18 0.20 r.05 18.40 16.37 16.57 16.45 0.02 0.01 M8o r7 59 zno Beo! 0 .1 9 3,5 1 7 .1 3 0.13 3.5 Caos 0 .1 8 0.24 00 - 0. 12 0.09 0 0,05 14.9 - 0.05 0 001 0,05 0 0.03 0.01 0 0 98.09 101.35 100.56 100.01 99.25 99.37 98.53 lons NorDlized to 22 5 956 5-999 5.904 5.903 6.003 5.t52 0 004 0.006 A1 Cr. 8.167 0.001 8.tI3 0.001 Total 8.168 Pe2+ h Ma To taI L.4t4 0.003 4.87L 6.2a8 Zn 0.025 0.018 - Be t.562 1.578 t,571 32 010 32-056 s1 Tt Dash - not analyzed. 0 18.50 0 03 0.03 0 14.67 0.05 0.05 x-os 33.25 0.03 MnO Na^o5 31.60 30,89 31.37 0 0 0.003 0,007 0 8.114 7.751 7.632 7.600 0 0.001 0.003 0.400 0.500 0,500 8.151 8.133 8,103 7 615 0 7-545 1 554 0.100 1.654 I 498 0.002 L.79I 5.291 r.22r t.642 1.523 0.025 0,029 0.032 5.r24 4.663 4-127 6.370 6.134 6.242 1.904 0,165 4.558 6.627 1.545 0 5,099 5.544 0.017 0,007 1.607 1.609 1.563 r.147 r.o55 I 0502 t.0OI3 l.OOI2 0.9956 O.sgSA 0.9891 reflection, "christmesPolnt" 22C2C 22928 (1) zero - 31 984 3t.976 b€Iow llmlt of 't2.Os7 31.981 1.555 3r.974 detection. tde (1976). Roere. et aI. o.o5t F also reoorted 2uoodford (r976). a;a wtl6on 3A1r Fe as Feo. rAs€med Beo content. sAnounts in Antarctic sampLee are belleved Eeported to be not signlflcant. sEstlmtedl see text. Lr54 1.087 1.064 1.O5Il 2.435 shri*age al. l.4ll t.391 r . z e a at | ' l l l u l r . z e s _r ' -n- ^_r O.9944r ^ ^^. O.SSSO' "'"" 0 9880 x = r€ftection be reasurd- Un-fittered @rlected de t-432 r.135 tupurity. cdnot Localtty Sanple No. sectlon No. halysls No. AAA 1r .30 3.r0 3 Surinm ddd AA <l -<1' <f 2 I 2234L Intensity Table 3. Chemical composition of surinamite 114.6 m. similar to that of other surinamites,except that the Antarctic mineral contains less SiO, and in some cases,more ALO, (Table 3). Surinamite in sample 2292C contains 0.66*0.2 ,xl.VoH2O (J. R. O'Neill, personalcommunication, 1980;the large error is attributed to the small amount of sample analyzed, 20 mg). The sample analyzedfor HrO must contain an impurity of a few peroent biotite, for the most intense biotite lines appear in the X-ray powder pattern (Table 2); this biotite could contribute 0.I to 0.2 *.Vo HrO to the analysis.Sample2292Calso contains 0.5 to I wt.VoBe (spectrographic analysis, Table 4), equivalentto about 1.5to 3 wt.VoBeO.No other element analyzed spectroscopicallyis present in significant amounts.The small amount of zinc reported in the microprobe analysesmay not be significant; less was detectedspectroscopically. than O.OlVo GREW: SUNNAMITE, Tablc 4. Emission sp€ctrographic analyses of sapphirine, surinamite and taaffeite (F. Savino, Analyst). ln weigbt percent of the element(major elementsnot includcd). Sapphirine 2234L(3't 22A2c BA EE B Co Cu Ga Ni Zn Li Taaffeite 2234L Surindite 2292C <0.01 0.5-1.0 0.01-o.05 0.r-0.5 0.0r-0.05 <0.01 <0.0r <0.01 <0.0r <0.01 < 0. 0 1 0.5-r .o <0.01 0 . 0 5 - 0. r 0.0t-0 .05 <0.01 0 -5 - r . 0 <0.0r 0.01-0.5 < 0. 0 1 <o.0r 0.1-o.5 <0.01 0.0r-0.05 < 0- 0 r <o.01-0.05 0.01-0,05 <0.01 <0.0r <0.01-0.05 0 . 0 1- 0 . 0 5 1-10 0 .or-0 .05 0.0r-0 .05 < o. 0 r 0 . 0 1 - 0. 0 5 o.0l-0 .r o.01-0.05 < 0. 0 1 < 0- o r <0.01 0.01-0.05 <0.01 <0.01-0.05 0.0r-0.05 <0-0r < 0. 0 1 0.01-0.05 >10 0 . 0 1 - 0- 0 5 0.01-0.0s ---- lo27 TAAFFEITE, BERYLLIAN SAPPHIRINE Notdetected de Roever(personalcommunication,1980)reports that a few wl.VoBeO (qualitative ion microprobe analysis)is present and that significant amounts of H* and OH- are not presentin surinamite from the type locality. In the absenceof a detailedcrystal structuredetermination of surinamite (crystal fragmentshave been sent to P. B. Moore for study), a discussionof its chemistry can at best be tentative. For the purposes of the presentdiscussion,I assumethat water is not an essential constituent of surinamite, and that the deficiency in the microprobe analysesis made up by 3.5 wt. %BeO. This amount brings the analytical totals of the Antarctic samplesinto the 9$-lffiVo nnge and results in a reasonablestoichiometry (Table 3). However, the analytical total of the de Roever et a/. (1976)surinamite exceedsl0l7o. Cations total near 22 for analysesof the "Zircon Point" and type surinamites recastto 32 oxygens,the cell anion content proposed by Moore (1976). For convenience, cation totals have been normalized to 22, and the number of oxygens for 22 cations compared (Table 3). The number of oxygens for 22 cations in the "Zircon Point" and type surinamitesis close to 32, but that for the "Christmas Point," and to a lesserextent, the StrangwaysRange surinamites is less than 32. Ferric iron substituting for aluminum may explain this difference. Reasonable oxygen totals are obtained if one assumesthat Al * Fe3* is constant at one value in the Antarctic samples and at another value in the other two samples(Table 3). The differencesbetweenthe two setsof samplesmay be related to the substitution(Mg + Fe2*+ Mn) + Si: 2(Al + Fe'*). The high Fe3* contentsof the "Christmas Point" surinamite are consistent with compositions of associated minerals: sillimanite at "Christmas Point" contains 0.9 to l.l wl.VoFerOt but that at "Zitcon Point," oriy 0.4Vo.ffus highsr Mg/Fe2* and lower Mn/Fe2* ratios of the "Zirc'on Point" surinamite relative to sample 2292C from "Christmas Point" are consistentwith the differencesin Mg/Fe and Mn/Fe ratios in associatedgarnet (Table 5). However, surinamite in sample 22928 has the highs5f Mg/Fe2* ratio of the Antarctic surinamites, while associated garnethas a lower MglFe ratio than the ratios of the "Zireon Point" garnets. Taafeite Taaffeite in hand specimenforms dark-green platy masses(flattened parallel to (001)) having a superficial resemblanceto chloritoid (seealso Hudson et a/, 1967).In thin section,taaffeiteis very pale green and resemblescorundum. The X-ray diffraction pattern of the Antarctic taaffeite is similar to that for the 9R rhombohedral polytype of Hudson et al. (1967) from the Musgrave Ranges in Australia and reflections can be indexed Tablc 5. Analysesofgarnet Point" 2234L "christms 22928 Point" 2292C I Locality sample No. Section No. "Zircon 2234L 24 sio2 Tio2 39.70 weight Per Cent 39.43 39.62 38.98 AI2O3 0-0 22.75 2 3 .1 8 22.49 0.02 zz.>3 Cr2O3 Feo I 0 26.2L 0.01 28.01 0.r8 0.14 0 27.82 1.55 0,02 30.28 1.05 9.94 9.02 0.68 0.44 0.02 0.02 MnO 11 M9o 1l 1.18 q? tn L.27 ZnO Na^O 0,01 Kzo 0.04 101.37 TotaI 0 0.03 0.0s r02.70 102.15 cations per 12 oxygen 2.988 2.948 0 1.999 2.042 0 0.001 1,755 1.751 0.04 LOz.37 2.962 0.001 2.017 0.001 1.924 Ti A1 Cr Fe 2.98L 0 2.013 0 1.646 Mn Mg Ca o.oll L.265 0.095 0.009 L.172 0.102 0.099 1.rl8 0.055 0.068 1.021 0.036 Total 8.012 8.031 8.013 8.029 si 'AII Fe as FeO. r028 GREW: SURINAMITE, TAAFFEITE, BERYLLIAN SAPPHIRINE on the basisof their pattern (Table 6). The calculated unit cell parametemof the Antarctic taaffeite area: 5.6E04(2)Aand c - 4t.lO4(Z)A, which are larger than those of the Musgrave Ranges taaffeite. This site difference may be due to the substitution of Zn and Fe for Mg (seebelow). Q6mpositionally, the Antarctic taaffeite is richer in iron and poorer in Mg than other analyzndtaaffeite and is unique in its signifisancetenor of zinc (Table 7). Signifisantamountsof Be and Ga are also present (Table 4). However,it is unlikely the gallium content exceedsl%o,for large amounts were not noted in an Table 6' X-ray powder data for taaffeitc from Cascy Bay, Endcrby Land, Antarctica (Sample 2234L). Fe radiation. Mn frltcr. Il d(obs) hk12 5 I 13.70 5.846 4.565 4.222 0.0.3 0.0.5 r.0.I 0.0.9 0.1.5 3 3 I 3 <1 3 3 d (calc) 2 d (obs) 3 1 3 .7 0 6.851 4.885 4.567 4.22L 13.7 4.2L 2,976 2.835* 2.78L 2,556* 2.623 2.5L9 1.1.0 r.1.3 1.0.13 1.1.6 0.r. 14 2.840 2.78L 2.550 2.624 2.52L 2.836 2.776 2,658 2.443 2,4LO 2.388 2.355 2.269 2.0.2 1.1.9 0.2.4 2,0.5 0.2.7 2.442 2.4L2 2.392 2.356 2.269 2.438 2.408 2.390 2 6 L 3 I 2.108* 2.0535 1.9383* 1.8843 1.8560* 0.2.10 2.0.1r 0.2.l3 2.0.L4 2.L.L 2.r11 2.0545 L.94L4 I . 8855 r.6)/) 2.108 2.052 ]. 9390 1.8843 L.2.2 0.2.15 1.2.8 I.0.22 2.O.t7 1.8518 L . 776 6 | .7 484 L,7466 r.8548 L . 7 75 8 r.7470 3 3 r.7756 1.7464 r.7239 I I 2 2 5 r, 6788 r .6534 1.6390 L.5236 1.6020 0.1.23 I . 2 .1 1 0.3.0 0.2.L9 2.L.L3 r.6797 r.6647 I .6398 I.6244 1.6028 1.5697:t I.2.t4 1.5571 1.0.25 L.5424t 0.3.9 1.5218 0.0.27 1.5056 0.L.26 1.5708 ]. 5594 1.5433 1.5224 r,5051 I .54t7 1. 5230 1.5044 1.4875 r.4878 L . 4 73 9 L.4458 I.4868 L.4742 | ,4447 3 <1 5 <1 2 5 4 L.4453 0.2.22 I.2.t7 2.0.23 r.4L97 r.3669 2.2.0 0 . 2. 2 s J t.3296 z.z.t L. t . 2 7 2. 0 . 2 6 3 2 1.3188 1.2800 L.2527 L.2378 7 4.)t I.0.7 0.1.8 0.0.12 I .0. l0 0. 1.11 10 I 5 6 hkt2 4.99 3.760!+ 3.551 3.432 3.148't 2.970r, 6 2 5 I 5 d (obs) t.ttL 3.553 3.425 3.55 J. I)C 3.15 2.975 I 1 2 2.520 2 I <1 <1 I z, i)J 2.271 L.2216 I.2t65 r.2042 r. r676 J.I.d 1 , 0 .3 1 1.3.13 3. 1 . 1 4 1 . 1. 3 0 4.0.1 4.0.4 0.4.5 I.2.26 0 . 4. 1 1 d (calc) 2 1.420r r.3669 1 . 3561 1.3418 L.3299 r . 3187 r.2802 L.2527 1 tala r.2340 1 "O? 1,.22tL L.ZlOJ L.2044 L.1682 d(obs)3 I .4189 1.3682 I . 3559 L. 5442 r.3289 t.2788 r.2539 r.2360 r.2322 L.2292 L.2202 t.2L54 L.2039 1.1670 r.1419 1.1343* 1.1180* 1.1097* I .1019 0 . 0 .3 5 0.4.L4 2. 3 . 5 4 . 0 .1 6 0 . 4. 1 7 L.0962 2. L . 3 L I .0796 I .0790 lcl lat 1.0961 1.0797] r . 0 79 9 ' | . 0 73 6 1. 0 6 2 8 1.4.0 3 . 2. t 3 1.0735 1.0629 L.072L r .0525 2at Lcz 1cl Laz r.0597I I .0591', 1.05341 1.0533', 1.1.35 1.0594 1.0587 2,3.r4 1.0534 4cr h2 3cr 2u2 .lct 1.0450] 1.0450' 1.03841 1.0384' 1.0332 t.4.9 I .0450 1.0440 2.2.7 I .0384 I .0378 3.2.16 r.0333 4ot 3oz 3c1 2ez L . 0 2 73 . 1 1,0273' 1 0131] 1.0132' 4.O.22 L . 0 2 73 2et Lcz 1 1 1' 1.1418 1.1344 1.11811.1093 I .1019 I. I4I4 1.1330 t.tzzg) 1.6380 L.6230 I .6011 1.5690 lat 4ct 3tz 2el 0 . 9 93 0 0. 9848] 0.9849' o.9707 *Not lncluded ln cell reflnement. rVlsual egtLmates.' 2Based on hexagonal (rhonbohedral) rlludaon a1. (1957) !! {lludson g'1q (1957) lndexed thl6 al, FiIn corrected for shrlnkage. - 114.6 ro. Canera dlaneter cell of e = 5.6804(2) reflection as 0.2.17. i, c = af.f0a(2) i,. o.4.23 1.0131 o . 2. 3 7 t.ot24 L.2.35 0.9929 c.v.z) 0.9848 0 . 4. 2 6 0.9707 L.0265 1.0120 0.9842 ro29 GREW: SURINAMITE, TAAFFEITE, BERYLLIAN SAPPHIRINE Tablc 7. Composition of taaffcite from "Zircon Point" Sample No. No. Section 2234L 3 2234L weight Per cent 0.05 0 sio 2 TiO2 0 AI2O3 58.45 Cr2O3 Feo r 0.01 69.3r 0.0r 9.69 9.10 MnO 0.0r 0.01 Mgo 10.64 r0.99 ZnO 4.55 CaO 0.09 0.11 Kzo 0.04 0.05 99 -62 r00 . 35 Gage Ridge Qocated l0 km northwest of Mount $rthagoras, Fig. l) containing garnet' sillimanite, and minor sapphirine, spinel, and corundum, is comparable (Table 8). Spectrographicanalysesshow that ihe sapphirine n 2234L(3) contains 0.5 to l%oBe (Table 4). The anomalous composition and low microprobe analytical totals can be explained as a result of beryllium substitution of Al such that Be * Si - 2Al' Reasonablestoichiometries and analytical totals are Tablc 8. Composition of sapphirine Beo2 Total 3 Cationa si AI FE per 8 oxygen 0.002 3.99r 0 0. 396 0 3.983 0 0.400 Z1 Be 0 0.783 0.189 o.652 0 0.800 0.158 0.645 Total 6.008 6.002 Mn rAII Fe as Feo 2Assumed content 3GaIIium content of Beo, from not included. Hudson et aI. (1967) Point"' 2234L (2) sio2 20,26 19.15 Tio2 - o.0r o.06 dzog 5 1. 1 4 50.71 54.43 cr203 o.o2 0.0 Feo2 I0.05 16.94 o.o2 9.90 LZ. J' "Christmas Point" 1 ? 15 61 .34 0 9.52 MnO o.o1 0.03 o.20 o.03 MgO 15.48 15.45 13.s2 L6.49 ZnO 0.17 o .03 Nio 0.09 0 1.0 o 0.10 0 .10 0.o5 0.01 Beo3 2.5 2.2 Cao o.l5 0.o5 *zo o 00 Na2O element scan with the energy dispersive system on the electron microprobe. Analysesrecastto 8 oxygens assuming the BeO content of the Musgrave Ranges taaffeite (5.5 ,nl.Vo)and neglecting Ga'O' result in reasonableanalytical totals and stoichiometry (Table ?). Significant amounts of FerO, are not required, for there are nearly 4 Al per 8 oxygens.Taafieite oomposition varies from one part of the pegmatite to another (Table 7), and some grains appear to be compositionally zoned. Gage RJ.dge 2045A "zitcon 2234L (3) Lcality Sample No. section No. o.o3 0.o4 0.0r BaO Total. 99.74 cations qi Ti 99.25 9?.55 for 100-87 20 oxygens 2.404 2.327 2.06'? - o.ool 0.006 l-592 A-620 7.154 7.262 7.827 o.oo2 0 0.002 0 Fe3+2 0.037 o.Osl 0.026 0.196 F"2+' 0.960 0.925 L.234 0.753 Sapphirine wl o.ool 0.003 0.o20 0.oo3 Sapphirine is a major constituent of sample 2234L(3) and occurs as a single inclusion in garnet in sample 2234L(2) from "Zircon Point" (Table l). Compositionally, sapphirine of this locality is anomalous; it contains more SiO, and less AlrO, (Table 8) than any of the sapphirines in the compilations of Deer et al. (1978,Table 64) 6d [liggins et al. (1979), and of sapphirines from Enderby Laod (Ellis et al., 1980;Grew, 1980b)of which sample2282Gis representative. Only one other Enderby Land sapphirine, sample 2O45A, a quartzofeldspathic gneiss from M9 2.739 2.799 - 2.514 2.93L 0.015 0.003 A1 Zn o.oo9 o .009 Ni. Be Total lsapphirine 0.642 0.293 14.018 14.04r 14.ol3 o.713 0 14 .098 comPonent of the in 2234L(3) is a mjor rockr in 2234L(21 it is found only as a sml] in garnet. inclusion ?r 2+ 2all re as Feo. Fe-' and Fe-' In recast analyses. (Higgins et a1', fron stoichioretry are calculated 1979) . 3estisted (excePt 22a2G) . from stoichioretry GREIA: S URI NAM ITE, TAAFFEITE, BERYLLIAN SAPPHI RI N E obtained by assuming BeO contents of 2.2 to 2.5 wt.Vofor the "Zircon point" sapphirines and l%ofor the Gage Ridge sapphirine (Table g). By contrasr, the sapphirine in sample 2282G, a qaartz granulite from 'Christmas Point," contains insignificant Be (Table 4) and its chemistry is similar to other En_ derbVLand sapphirines.Wilson and Hudson's(1967) beryllian sapphirine (0.65 wt.VoBeO) difiers from the Antarctic sapphirines in that there is no evidence of increasedsilica content; they report 14.42\ft.qo SlO2 or 1.709Si per 20 oxygens. An X-ray diflraction pattern of the ..Zircon point" sapphirine (2234L(3)) is very simitar to, though not identical with, one taken of a ..normal" ,"pphirio., sample 2M4H (see Grew, 1980b,Table 4). If there are any crystallographic differences between these sapphirines, single crystal techniques will be needed to resolvethem. Cordierit e and sillimanite Cordierite associatedwith surinamite at ,.Christ- N on2282E) suggestftaf signifigantamountsof BeO Table 9. Analyses of cordierite from ..Christmas point', SanpIe 22928 22828 sio2 47.77 47.62 TiO2 0.0t A1203 30.91 29.92 Cr2O3 0 0.01 Feo I 3.55 6.62 MnO 0.05 0.76 u9o ll. 23 ZrLO 8.79 0. 13 BeO2 0.75 1.3 CaO 0.11 0.20 Na2O 0.98 1.68 K20 0.06 0.05 95. /t3 97.08 Total Cations per 18 Oxygen Si Ti A1 Cr 4.974 0.001 3.793 0 FE lln M9 Zn 0. 310 0.005 L . 74 4 o.577 0.057 1.366 0.010 BE ca Na K 0.188 0.012 0.197 0.008 0.32s 0.022 0.339 0.007 LL.232 11.362 Total 4.963 3.675 0. 001 Fe as FeO -: A B leI O content estimated fron Na2O content using cordierite analyses of eernf ind povondra (1966) and Schreyer et al. (fSZS). FerO, contents in sillimanite are 0.4 wt.Vofor sam_ ples2234L,0.9Vorn 22928, and l.lVo rn 2292C.CrrO, contents are negtgible. ciency in the analnical totals, then this rutile contains about 90 mole VoTiO2 and l0 mole Voof Fe2*Other minerals Nb oxide having Fe:Nb ratios of roughly l:2 to.3:4, Chrysoberyl (identification confirmed by X_ray somewhat higher than other niobian rutiles (palache diffraction in one sample) is pale yellow in hand et al.,1944,p. 558). sample and mostly colorless in thin section. It conOptical identifcation of wagnerite,(Mg,Fe).pOoF, tains 1.5 wt.VoFeO and less than 0.lVo CrrO, and was confirmed by the near identity of its X-ray powTior. der pattern with that of Colorado wagnerite (SheriRutile is found only at ,,Zirconpoint" and some is dan et al.,1976, Fig. l7A), in particular, the presence of reflectionsnear 5.65A and S.S2A. Parageneses The main stablesilicatemineral assemblagein the medium-grained segregationsat "Christmas Point" Elements scanswith energy dispersive detector re- at the time the pegmatites crystailized appears veal the presenceof significant niobium and minor have been quartz-sillimanite-garnet-surinamite-to tungsten, the latter probably not exceeding I wt.Voin biotite + orthopyroxene. In the segregationsat .Ziramount. If NbrO, is assumedto make up the defi_ con Point,n'assemblages include sillimsnils-garnet- GREW: SURINAMITE, TAAFFEITE, BERYLLIAN SAPPHIRINE l03l sapphirine-surinamite-taaffeite+ rutile-biotite and sillimanite. [n addition, orthopyroxeneis not found sillimanite-garnet-chrysoberyl-biotite-surinamiteor in the later pegmatitesor in the amphibolite-facies taaffeite.Quartz was absentin the "Zircon Point" as- rocks of the tectoniczones(seealso Kamenev, 1979). semblagesexcept in sample 2234L(5), in which a Consequently,the restriction of the surinamite and quartz-surinamite-taaffeite assemblageis present. taaffeite paragenesesto Casey Bay where the later Biotite appears to have been part of the "Zircon pegmatitesare most abundant is interpreted not to cordierite was absent.The dif- indicate a causal relation between these beryllium Point" assemblages, ferencesin the assemblagesfrom the two localities minerals and the younger pegmatites. of beryllium minerals in The unusual assemblages may be due to compositionalfactors,e.g.,Fe/Mgra' tio, as indicated by garnet compositions,and Fe3* thesepegmatitesmay be due not only to high temcontents, as implied by sillimanite FerO' contents peraturesof crystallizationrelative to thosefor other Compositional varia- beryllian pegmatites,but also to the relatively high and Fe-Ti oxide assemblages. tions within the pegmatite at each locality are re- MglFe ratio in the bulk corrposition of the Antarctic flected in variable compositionsof the minerals as pegmatites.Possibleequivalentsto the associations well as in differing mineralogy from one part of the describedhere are the AlrSiO'-garnet (rich in almandine and spessartine)-chrysoberyl-quartz assempegmatiteto another. The textures involving cordierite, kyanite, and blages reported from aluminous pegmatitesformed some biotite imply that theseninerals formed after at lower temperatures(Jacobsonand Webb, 1946,p. the crystallization of the assemblagesinvolving su- 27; Beus, 1966,p. 32; Okrusch,1972).However,the rinamite and taaffeite.They may be related to retro- garnetsin the Antarctic pegmatitesare richer in pygrade metamorphism associatedwith the tectonic rope and poorer in spessartinethan most pegnatitic zones and later pegmatites,although the cordierite garnets, and are associatedwith minerals having and biotite microveinletscould have formed during a greaterMg/Fe ratios than garnet. Another possible indication of the unusual Mglate, water-rich stage in the crystallization of the rich bulk compositionis wagnerite,(Mg,Fe)rPOnF,a early pegmatites. Possibletemperaturesand pressuresof crystalliza- mineral which would be expectedin magnesianbulk tion of thesepegmatitesare constrainedby the ab- compositionswith an excessof phosphorusover calsenceof primary cordierite and kyanite and by the cium (Sheridan et al., 1976).In some parageneses' presenceof sillimanite-orthopyroxene-quartz;they wagneriteappearswith minerals rich in magnesium, are estimated to be be 800-9000c and 7-8 kbar e.g., ferroan magnesite in quartz-carbonate veins (Grew, 1980b,Fig. 5). Partial pressureof water must near Werfen, Austria (Hegemann and Steinmetz, have been sufficientlylow for the associationsillima- 1927), and phlogopite-enstatite near Kragery' nite-orthopyroxene to be stable (Newton, 1972). (Bamble),Norway (Brlgger and Reusch,1875;NeuComparable physical conditions are indicated for marrn et al., 1960), while in others, it is associated sapphirine-bearingquartz granulites, which are with magnetiteor ilmenit/ €.9.tnear Kragerf (816g' found in the country rocks of the pegmatitesat both ger and Reusch, 1875) and in Bavaria (Propach, localities.Sapphirinein the granulites at "Christmas 1976).Possibly low calcium and high fluorine concoronasof tents are more i.mportantthan high Mg contentsfor Point" (e.g.,sample2282G)has successive sillinanite (containing minor corundum) and ortho- wagneritestability. In any case,the diversity of wagimplies that this mineral is stable pyroxene.Thesetextural relationshipsimply that an nerite parageneses early-formed sapphirine-quartz associationreacted over a wide range of pressure-temperaturecondito form sillimanite + orthopyroxene + corundum. tions, and that its scarcity is more likely related to Theserelationshipsare similar to thosein the Wilson compositionalfactors or failure of identification. Lake, Labrador, sapphirine-quartz rocks illustrated Origin of the berYllium by Chatterjeeand Schreyer(1972,Fig.6) exceptfor Beryllium mineralization in granulite facies terthe presenceof corundum. The high temperaturesof formation and absenceof beryl, kyanite, and mus- rains is rare. To my knowledge, the only other recovite imply that the beryllium mineralization in the ports of such mineralization are the two taaffeite ocearly pegmatitesis unrelatedto the later pegmatites. currences in Australia and the three surinamite In the later pegmatites,beryl and rare beryllian so- occurrences,a5suming these surinamites, like the dian cordierite (e.9.,22828) are the only beryllium Antarctic surinamite, contain significant beryllium' minerals present; kyanite and muscovite accompany The field and mineralogical evidence relating to the 1032 GRE}I: SURINAMITE, TAAFFEITE, BERYLLIAN SAPPHIRINE origin of the beryllium minerals and their host pegmatitesin Antarctica is thereforeof interest. The petrologic considerationsdiscussedabove,UPb isotopic data on the early pegmatites(Grew and Manton, 1979),and U-Pb isotopic data on the metamorphic country rocks (W. I. Manton, personalcommunication, 1980)indicate that pegmatite emplacement and the granulite-faciesmetamorphismof the Napier complex were roughly coeval. Sheratonet al. (1980,p. 6) suggestthat the early pegmatiteswere "probably derived by local mobilisation" of the country rock. Some of the early pegmatites,such as the irregular massesassociatedwith boudinage (Grew and Manton, 1979),may have a non-magmaticorigin. On the other hand, the crosscutting planar veins and podiform pegmatites are more likely of magmaticorigin; theseare indicatedin Figure l. Evidencefor this origin is found in the contact aureoles,which di_fferfrom the contact effects around non-magmaticpegmatitesdescribedby Ramberg (1956,p. 199),and the presenceof the beryllium minerals. It could be argued that the beryllium in these minerals originated in the country rocks, but concentrationsof beryllium in sedimentaryor metamorphic rocks (other than in the contact aureolesof pegmatites) are exceptional. Moreover, were rocks with above average Be contents (of which sample 2045A may be an example)abundant in the Napier complex, there is no obvious mechanismfor transporting and concentratingberyllium under granulitefacies conditions. Aqueous fluids are generally believed to provide such a mechanism,but it is doubtful that aqueousfluids were presentin the host rocks at the time of the granulite-faciesmetamorphism. Fluid inclusion studiesin other granulite-faciesterrains suggestCOr-rich compositionsfor such fluids (e.9.,Weisbrodet al.,1926),and the mineral assemblagesof the Napier complex granulite-faciesrocks imply P",o ( P,o,.r(Sheraton et al., 1980: Grew, 1980b). Consequently,a non-magmatic source for beryllium in the two pegmatitesappearsunliksly. A possiblesouroeof someof the early pegmatites is a charnockitic plutonic rock related to the orthopyroxene-bearing granodiorite and granite reported by Ravich and Kamenev (1975,p. a9e and Sheraton et al. (1980)from Tange Promontory 00 km west of "Christmas Point") and other parts of the Napier complex(Figure l). In the MusgraveRangesof Australia, a plutonic rock of charnockitic affinities, the Ernabella Adamellite, is believed to be the source of beryllium in taafeite at this locality (Hudson e/ a/., re67). The partial pressureof water (and fluorine?)in residual fluids from a charnockitic pluton may have been sufficient to transport beryllium, but not to hydrate the sillimanite-orthopyroxene assemblageto cordierite at the high ambient temperatures during emplacement.Only after pegmatiteemplacement,as temperaturesdecreased,did the high-temperaturesillimanite-orthopyroxene-surinamiteassemblage react to form beryllian cordierite, and the fractures in the rock flll with biotite. The CaseyBay beryllium parageneses indicate the possibility of beryllium mineralization associated with charnockitic plutonism in granulite-faciesterrains. Such mineralization may have been overlooked in most studiesof granulite-faciesterrains,for the more coillmon and easily recognized beryllium minerals such as beryl may not be present.Taaffeite and surinamite, which may be the principal beryllium minerals in these deposits,could be confused with chloritoid or sapphirinein the field. More anention should be devoted to the pegmatitesassociated with charnockitic plutons; these may reveal previously unknown geochemical features of the charnockitic suite. Acknowledgments I thank the Antarctic Division of the Department of Scienceand the Environrnent,Australia, for enabling me to participate in thc Australian National Antarctic ResearchExpeditions during the 197'l-78and 1979-80field seasons,and for providing logistic support for my field work. I alsothank M. Sandifordand C. J. L. Wilson of the Departmentof Gcology, University of Melbourne, for providing me with scveral samplesof the latcr p€gmatitesand for inviting mc to join them in field work on "Christmas point." an invitation which led to my discoveryof the mincrals describedin this report. I thank J. W. Sheratonfor providing unpublished information on localities of chamockitic and anorthositic rocks in Endcrby Land, and E.W.F. de Roever,for unpublisheddata on surfuramite. I thank J. S. White and R. V. Gaina for arrangingthc emission spectrographic analyscsand J. R. O'Neill, the water analysis. Commentsby W. A. Dollase,P. C. Grew, P. B. Moore, and G. R. Rossmanon an earlier version of this manuscript are much appreciated. References Anderson,B. W., Payne,C. J., and Claringbull, c. F. (1951)Taaffeitc, a new beryllium mineral, found as a cut gemstone.Mincralogical Magazine,29, 765-772. Beus,A. A. (1966)Gcochemistryof Bcryllium and Genetic Types of Beryllium Deposis. Freeman,San Francisco. Br6gger,W. 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