Mashallah! Our 3-4 year olds can now read from


Mashallah! Our 3-4 year olds can now read from
Mashallah! Our 3-4 year olds can now read from the Nursery section. Majority of these
children can blend two letter (/v/c/) words and a few three letters (/c/v/c/) words. Wow!
What an achievement this early in this Academic year. These children are: 
Damara Malik, Bilqies karamali, Siya Parmar, Yusuf Jaffer, Anurag Kotagi And
Aliabbas Mawji from Nursery 3.
Maryam Taha, Sohail Yunus, Syed Ali Abbas, Ummekulthum Rustam, and Hussein
Pothiwalla from Nursery 2.
Elyas Jafferani, Abdulaziz Shahame, Janmoh’d Faiz, Jaafer Hassan, Ahmed Kouta,
Arham Rehaman, Zeeshan Khaku, Hyder Hamid, Aisha Mithwani, Aarifa Hasham,
Rumaysa Jeilani, Fizza Okera, Nasreen Nassir and Abdillahi Ali from Nursery 1.
Siraj S. Admani and Abdulkadir B. Tayabali are the two luck students in the nursery
section who were awarded annual scholarship for the year 2012-2013. This awards stands
for a terms fees for this Academic year 2013-2014. Their parents were grateful and
urged other parents keep up the spirit and encourage their children all round as they
pursue their studies.
It was amazing how the Nursery one class took us the lane of history about the Titanic
ship. They also enlightened us on other modes of transport used . Well done! We have
learnt a lot on transport….
The following children were awarded the star awards for children who portrayed the best
verbal skills. They are as follows: P.G 1: Sayyeda Zainab, P.G 2: Nivedya Thekkottu,
P.G 3: Maariya Mohamed, P.G 4: Ameer Meghji, NUR.1: Zeinab Mohamed, NUR.2:
Faiza Siddiqa, NUR.3: Aliabbas Mawji, K.G.1: Aasmah Mithwani, K.G.2: Rameez Kana,
K.G.3: Aditi Uttam, P.P.1: Hamad Mahmood, P.P.2: Luqman Yakub & P.P.3: Alina
Amaan Qazi from P.P.2 shared his knowledge about dinosaurs in his class ,
the information that he shared was more elaborate , systematic that made
him best from the rest this term. He was so confident about what he was
talking about , he named his toy dinosaurs very well. What outstanding
performance. He was awarded an opportunity to share his knowledge with
the rest of the school during our assembly. Kudos! Amaan keep up the good
job! Thank you Mummy for working hand in hand with him.
Our young children took part in the CASA JUNIOR SPRINTS & RELAYS 2014 Competition
held in Agha Khan Academy Swimming Pool.
Eleven schools participated but Jaffery
Academy emerged the winner with 164 points. Eight of our pupils from our section took
part; they are: Siraj Admani, Moh’d Abdalla, Shivam Ruda, Mario Mascerenhas, Omar Moh’d
Tahir, Jawad Karamali, WAjid Abdul…… and Aliredha Gulamhussein who was the team
captain. They performed as follows:
Wajid Abdul…. Finished 1st overall in the backstroke getting a silver medal.
Mario Mascarenhas, Omar Moh’d Tahir, Wajid Abduls…..And Jawad got bronze in the
Aliredaha Gulamhussein got bronze in the under 7 years relays; he finished his first
lane at speed of 2 seconds.
These are some of the children who celebrated their birthday this month

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