TROJAN TORCH - Jenks Public Schools


TROJAN TORCH - Jenks Public Schools
Senior Staff Goodbyes
Rachel Campbell
For the past four
years, my future beyond
high school has been constantly teasing me, dangling like a carrot before
my bright, eager eyes. And
now that college is within
my grasp, I have a difficult
time reaching to take it.
How have I grown
accustomed to this seemingly eternal purgatory of
secondary education? The
only answer I can fathom
is that the memories I have
made behind these walls have emotionally tethered me to this
place. And as much as I hate to admit it, cutting the rope will hurt
a bit. It feels as if every friend I’ve gained and every experience
I’ve had is slowly slipping away. It’s as if I’ve hit the reset button
on my life and I will be forced to start over.
However, as I cross the stage and snatch my fake diploma, I
will do so unhindered and with no regrets. Every moment, every
class, every life I’ve touched and every life that has touched me
contributes to the person I am today and the person I’ll grow to
be in the future. In the words of C.S. Lewis, “Has this world been
so kind to you that you should leave with regret? There are better
things ahead than any we leave behind.”
Erica Engelby
“Don’t be dismayed
at goodbyes. A farewell is
necessary before you can
meet again. And meeting
again, after a moment
or lifetime, is certain for
those who are friends.”
-Richard Bach
The biggest thing
that frightens me about
graduating high school is
the fact that I’ll be moving
on into the unknown and
leaving a lot of close
although I am exited to be leaving for this next chapter of my life,
I can not help but reflect on the memorable times I have had here
at Jenks High School.
They say that as you approach the end, you start thinking a
lot about the beginning. I never realized how true this was until
I started preparing for graduation. While I’m finalizing plans for
college in August, I start to look back on all the little things I am
going to miss about high school. I’ll miss performing at the high
school football games on Friday nights. I’ll miss seeing all of my
friends everyday. But most of all, I’ll just miss the familiarity of
Jenks and the comforting feeling I get while walking these halls.
Thank you for the memories and stay classy Jenks High School.
Annie Roach
All I have to say is, it’s
about time. I’ve been ready
for graduation since the
end of freshman year and
to finally be here is a dream
come true. While Jenks has
been a good middle passage
between childhood and being a legal adult, I’m ready
to leave the restricting rules
and regulations behind and
enjoy life to the fullest, not
having to worry whether
or not I remembered my
school ID.
If I’ve fantasized about anything sitting in these dull classrooms day after day, it’s been moving upward and onward. I’m
ready to get out of here and get my life started. Living in this
bubble in the middle of Oklahoma has made me fidgety, and I’m
ready to see what the rest of the world has to offer outside of these
borders. Jenks and the people in it have matured me and taught
me not only how to be a true friend to those I love, but how to
gracefully handle those I don’t. I feel so blessed that I have had
these few years to spend with you, my classmates, and can’t wait
to see where we all end up. For now, I’ll leave you with one of my
favorite quotes...
“Your life is an occasion. Rise to it.”
--Mr. Magorium’s Wonder Emporium
Cam Thomas
Four years have come
and gone, and as much as
I have anticipated graduation for the last 3 years,
as the date approaches
my emotions are becoming more varied. I am a
creature of habit, and the
idea of not coming to this
school Monday-Friday is
slightly daunting. Also,
the idea that I will have
to reestablish myself to so
many new people is very
Although leaving Jenks High School is nerve-wracking, it is
also very exciting. This is the beginning of a new life. No longer
will I have to sit through classes which have no relationship to my
future career, I can learn about what I truly want to learn about.
The flexibility and freedom of college is also very exciting, no
more waking up incredibly early.
As I sit on the stage on the evening of May 21, I will reminisce
about how good Jenks High School has been to me. I will think of
all the memories, all the good times, all the lessons learned, and
friends made. Finally, when my name is called and I walk across
the stage in front of friends, family, and lots of strangers, I will be
leaving Jenks High School behind and moving on to a new stage.
Senior Staff Goodbyes
Madison Reichert
Dear fellow graduates and the rest of Jenks
High School: It’s been
real. I can’t think of a better place to have spent the
past four years of my life.
The wonderful people I
have come to know play
a major part in who I am
today. Even though there
is no possible way to keep
in touch with everyone for
the rest of my life, these
friendships will stay in my
heart forever.
I will miss everything about high school. The teachers, clubs,
sports, musicals, and people. The idea of being on my own is quite
thrilling, but living at home is pretty great. Underclassmen: School
rules are very important. They create structure. Follow them and
you won’t have any problems. Remember that you can never be
overdressed or overeducated. I take so much pride and confidence
in the solid group of people that will be surrounding me in maroon
gowns on May 21st. As we scatter into the world and go our separate ways, each of us will use our talents and ambitions to make
a difference and live out our purpose. The future belongs to those
who believe in the beauty of their dreams and I am beyond excited
to see what it holds for our graduating class of 2012.
Rachel Lampi
It’s extremely difficult
to comprehend graduation.
For nearly eighteen years
of my life, it’s been something completely beyond
me - one of those “big
kid” things that will happen to you someday, but
not anytime soon. It’s the
same sort of feeling that
came along with being a
teenager, and getting my
driver’s license, and interviewing for my first job.
So when did I grow up,
exactly? Because I think I missed it somewhere along the way.
I can’t honestly say that I’ve loved every minute here (because really, who enjoys getting a random drug test, or taking a
math quiz you completely forgot to study for?), but for the most
part, I’ve had a great time here. My teachers might never know
how much they’ve inspired me, and my friends might never know
how much they’ve encouraged me - but I’ll remember, and that’s
what counts. Going to Norman and starting classes at OU in the
fall is a little nerve-wracking, but I’m also looking forward to it,
because being on this newswriting team - being a student at this
school - has more than prepared me for the task ahead. Life’s a
book, and it’s time to write my next chapter!
Natalie Miller
Hello friends of Jenks
High School! As I sit
here to write this I cannot
believe that graduation is
right around the corner.
I still remember walking
through the doors on the
first day of school Freshman year thinking that
it would be so long until
we all left this place. That
seems like yesterday now.
When I look back
on my time spent at this
school, yes there were ups
and downs, but I can honestly say that I have had an amazing four
years. I could not be more thankful for the people that I have met
here and I know that many of them have shaped me into who I
am today. The memories from this place will last a lifetime and it
really does make me sad to leave. I believe Jenks High School is
filled with some of the kindest, most talented, ambitious people,
and I cannot wait to turn on the television one day in the future, see
someone being awarded for an incredible talent, act, or good deed,
and say that I went to high school with them. Graduation day will
be filled with so many emotions; excitement, sadness, and maybe
even a little fear, but I can honestly say that I could not be prouder
to be a part of this class, school, and legacy.
Amy Pritt
School. What can I
reminisce about my four
years here...the id’s, the
crowded hallways, the pda
couples aligned against
the walls? As seniors, do
we really want to dwell
over the memories of what
high school “could have
been” or how high school
will “totes be missed
forever”? Honestly, I
could not be more ecstatic
to graduate and to create a
new indention for my future. The world is awaiting our juvenile
footsteps to implant the earth with our talents. High school was
no doubt an experience with its ups and downs, but at the end of
the day it is what lies ahead in the future that should linger in our
minds. After we graduate, each individual will disperse all around
the country. Most of these people we will never see again in our
lives. The ex-boyfriends, ex-girlfriends, and ex-best friends will
all be footsteps in the dust, whether you’re on good or even bad
terms with them. There is no rewinding to change the past. We
have lived high school and are moving forward to bigger and
better things that will be granted to us in this unknown future of
ours. Goodbye Jenks, hello world.
Hear from our seniors:
What are your plans for
the future?
What has your favorite
event been?
As a Jenks Lifer, how has
your experience been?
Sarah Bell: I’m going to Mizzou to study journalism.
Allie Mueller: Going to OSU! Then plan on studying
abroad and interning in Australia.
Wesley Martindale: Get rich or die trying.
Andrea Mckee: I am going to attend Oklahoma State
University and play softball.
Mirazul Islam: BOOMER SOONER!
Will McDonald: I’m playing golf at Drake University
on a D1 level and earning a business marketing degree.
Kaitlin Allen: I’m going to FSU and plan to be an
elementary school teacher.
Victor Sharp: Total world domination.
Lauren Hoyt: I like the girl’s powderpuff game because it was a lot of fun and competitive.
Olivia Lyons: My favorite would be the football games
and sitting in the student section, mainly the Jenks/
Union games because the student section gets into it.
Brooke Gudgel: My favorite event was the pom
fashion show. It was the first senior event that really
helped us bond.
Kody Hamontree: Our Jenks/Union basketball game
because it was a filled gym and very exciting.
Rakhi Amin: Relay for Life because we got to raise
money for the All American Cancer Society.
Blair Hoiser: My experience was great! I love Jenks
and the people at the school.
Jessica Stacy: Jenks has given me so many opportunities that I am grateful for and appreciate all of these
skills and honors I have gained.
Meagan Holley: Jenks prepares you for college better
than most schools.
Davis Dillingham: It has been awesome. I would not
want to go to any other school in the whole state.
Justin Casey: I’m a Jenks Lifer. I have loved every
minute at Jenks and I would not have traded my time
here for anything.
Ryan Lenihan: FCA, no doubt. It’s so inviting and
friendly as well as being centered around God. You can
go there and just relax for a while.
Taylor Miller: Spanish Club! I love Senora Rodriguez
and going to John 3:16 every year for Thanksgiving.
Jenna Geresi: Trojanaires. We’re more of a family
than a club and I love each of them to death.
Ally Stallings: NHS because I am able to be with students who enjoy learning and serving their school.
Sam Kurtz: Thespians. It’s taught me to socialize and
be friendly to all that I see.
Brittany Lamb: The snow day of the Superbowl! We
found out we didn’t have school halfway through the
game and everyone went crazy.
Chris O’Kelly: Last year when we got 2 weeks off of
school was my favorite. Twenty of my friends went
sledding all day.
Denton Hays: Last year my friends and I hiked 12
miles to different people’s houses who were snowed in.
Andi Phillips: During the snowpocalypse, I was
snowed in with Rachel Leonard at her house and then
we hiked frozen creeks with Sam Laptad.
Katie Wilburn: 6th grade, because we went to Jenks
Wild and it was an unforgettable experience.
Hunter Collins: My favorite grade was 7th grade
because back then school was so easy and we did
whatever we wanted.
Kassidy Mayfield: Kindergarten because nothing mattered and we had nap time.
Jeff Rogers: 12th Grade for sure! I’m a senior for
crying out loud.
Kody Judkins: My favorite grade was 6th because of
my teacher, Mrs. Dotson.
Olivia Bersin:Don’t park where you’re not suppose to.
Jacinda Lowry: Live like there is no tomorrow but
learn like there are centuries.
Tanner Lawrence: Girls are crazy.
Caleb Johnson: I learned to work hard and always do
what is right.
Aashna Amin: I learned the value of time. I learned
that there is no time to waste and be lazy. Time goes by
so quickly senior year.
Stephen Gehly: One of the most important things I
have learned is to impose a standard of excellence on
one’s self and then inspire others to a higher standard.
Mason Marsenison: Senior year goes by in the blink
of an eye, so make the most of it.
Calvin Downey: Do not take the year off. Continue to
take challenging classes and push yourself.
Laura Johnsen: Take advantage of every opportunity
to be a part of activities so you leave with good memories and no regrets. Make the most of your last year!
Abbie Mitchell: Don’t wish away your senior year.
Cherish your friends and live in the moment.
Will Kuykendall: BEAT UNION!
Stephanie Wei: Senioritis will hit you hard, whether
you think it will or not.
Kate Guest: I’m going to miss my friends and all the
fun times we had here together.
Hallie Nealis: I’m going to miss attending high school
sporting events.
Mallorie Mutz: I am going to miss the sisterhood of
my guard girls. I don’t know how I am going to get
over not seeing them everyday.
Casey Mitchell: The teachers. Don’t tell them, but they
are pretty alright.
Cody Crase: I am really going to miss seeing all of my
friends every day.
Kenzie Forbis:The atmosphere and knowing everyone.
Class of 2012
is born
Beauty and the Beast
is released in theaters
The first
SMS is sent
OJ Simpson
is found
not guilty
What are you going to miss most
about Jenks High School?
What are your final thoughts on
Jenks High School?
Sam Sabin: It’s an awesome high school and I
wouldn’t change anything about it.
Kevin Diaz: A little strict on some rules. I got 12
detentions my sophomore year after not wearing my
I.D. on 2 separate occasions. Is that really necessary? 9
hours of detention just because of an I.D.
Katelyn Casillas: Stay classy Jenks High School.
Ruth Kim: Just a thank you to all the staff, students
and everyone who helped me through it all.
J.K. Rowling
publishes The
Sorcerer’s Stone
Dolly the Sheep
becomes the first
mammal to ever be cloned
Katie Poe: Football games! They were so much fun.
Kaitlyn Owens: I liked the opening night of Antigone
because I had my first leading role.
Matt Linscott: My favorite memory was The Backyard Bowl junior year because we destroyed Union.
Brett Humphrey: My favorite memory was when
Jenks Baseball did Buddy Baseball.
Jennifer Williams: Prom Night! Mainly because it
was one of my last memories of high school.
Mrs. Camp: Read lots of books. Lots and lots of them.
Good books that don’t have a Y A in front of them.
Make new friends. Break free from your high school
Mr. McCrackin: As you go through the rest of your
life remember you are not the most important person
in the world. The more you do for others the more of a
person you become.
Mrs. Gill: I always tell my kids to remember to whom
you belong, and Tennyson said that “I am a part of all
that I have met.” You have left a part of you with me
and I hope you take a part of me with you.
Which has been your
favorite grade?
What has your favorite memory
been here?
Do you have any advice for
upcoming seniors?
What is one of the most important
thing you have learned here?
Which has been your favorite
snow day?
What is your favorite club you have
been involved in?
The Matrix
is released in
K life Independents
Rachel Lampi
Annie Roach
As the senior population of Jenks heads for college,
there is a lot of talk about whether or not to plug into Greek
life at the multiple campuses our students will soon be
inhabiting. While being an independent shows a level of
strength and automatic diversity, joining a sorority or fraternity seems to be the best choice.
In joining a house on campus, students are not only
open to a whole new group of people, they automatically
have somewhere they belong and can seek council as well
as friendships. While many think Greek life is just partying, becoming part of this community also includes philanthropic events coupled with helping out locally. Almost
every pledge class has required study hours, so by joining
a freshman automatically learns what it takes to prepare for
each class along with everyone else in their pledge class.
Greek creates a feeling of unity and pride not only for
your school, but the house you have become a part of. It’s
pretty nice to go to college and automatically have a new
group of friends and people to hang out with, whether casually or at a mixer or other type of event. In joining a house
you also get a “big,” or upperclassmen who takes you under
their wing to watch out for you and take care of you.
Benefits of Greek? Automatic social life, upperclassmen friends, philanthropy, study time, test files (we all
know every house has one), and community. What’s not to
love? GO GREEK!
Looking at popular culture, it’s pretty easy to see how
the Greek life appeals to so many people, especially firsttime college students. It’s an instant connection to other
students, and with all the activities Greek life has going for
it, it seems like the best way to keep your social calendar as
packed as possible. But should we feel pressured to rush a
fraternity or sorority?
Many people seem to feel that without Greek life,
you’re just going to be wandering about the campus,
friendless and alone with only your textbooks and lectures
for company. What some don’t realize is just how vast the
fish pond is, and how easy it is to get to know people. You
don’t have to be a part of Greek life to join one of hundreds
of clubs many universities offer, tailored for any interest.
At OU alone there are intramural sports teams, Hogwarts
on Campus - even a Dr. Pepper appreciation club. And all
welcome new members no matter where they live or what
they’re majoring in!
There are pressures involved with fraternities and
sororities, too. Avoiding rushing can help alleviate these
stresses and make the college transition flow a bit more
smoothly, at a pace more suited to the student.
Greek life is not for everyone, and you shouldn’t feel
as though you have to rush into one. There are plenty of
ways to get involved at your university, and people just
waiting to talk to you - so have fun and get involved!
Adjusting to college life:
making the transition from high school
Get to know fellow
Go to class. You
never know what
you might miss.
Find the ideal
study place.
You will be using
it often.
students. Networking is
Work for good
Your grades in
college affect
after college.
Get to know your academic
advisor. He will help you with
everything from choosing majors
to scheduling classes.
Dorm room tips and ideas
shower caddy
wash cloths
shower cutain and hooks
plastic storage drawers
trash can
soap dish
soap pump
ironing board
area rug
floor lamp
window curtains
curtain or tension rod
end tables
coffee table
table lamp
picture frames
wall art
floor pillows
storage ottoman
floating shelves
tabletop accessories
mini fridge
coffee maker
pot holders
dish towels
kitchen utensils
can opener
measuring cups and spoons
tv trays
laundry detergent
dish detergent
mini vacuum
brooms and mops
paper towels
disinfecting wipes
toilet brush
shoe organizer
storage bins
drawer organizers
full length mirror
matress pad
foam topper
pillow sleeves
sleeping pillows
four bed risers
throw blanket
decorative pillows
body pillow
lap desk
desk lamp
cork board
office chair
desk organizers
school supplies
alarm clock
wall clock
light bulbs
command wall hooks
poster tape
push pins
dry erase board
Roger Paul Gee
Stephen Clayton Gehly
Jenna Nicole Geresi
Jacob Nicholas Givens
Jake Colton Golden
Akshay Caleb Gollapalli
Yvonne Gonzalez
Marcella Dawn Gordon
Christopher DeShawn Gosie
Cheyenne Teel Gower
Micheal Sterling Graham
Jacob Matthew Grannan
Whitney Noel Gray
Anthony Glenn Grecco
Guy Charles Green
Michael Christopher Greer
Heidi Camille Greeson
Alexandra Rebecca Griffin
Haley Denise Griffin
Sean Douglas Griffith
Jacob Lee Grounds-Duncan
Megan Katherine Guderian
Brooke Ashley Gudgel
Katherine Taylor Guest
Benjamin Matthew Gulley
Casey Tyler Hall
Danny Telemachus Hall
George Connor Hall
Nicole Janae Hall
Stephanie Michelle Hall
Jessie Owen Hallford
Tanner Michael Halowell
Roy Clyde Hamilton, II
Kody Nicholas Hammontree
Katherine Amanda Hankins
Alex Paul Harbaugh
Makayla Jeanice Hardin
Yolanda Marie Harding
Rachael June Hargrove
Rebekah Ann Harrington
Joshua Evan Harris
Ricky Paul Hartman
Trevor James Haubrich
Shannon Kylene Haynie
Denton Walker Hays
Winona Lashell Heath
Ashton Mika’l Henderson
James Edward Henderson
Morgan Alexandra Henry
Nicholas Scott Herbig
Kevin Tynan Hickey
Daniell Elise Hillburn
Ashley Ruth Hitchner
Michael Preston Hitz
Nancee Hoang
Elizabeth Joy Hofmeister
Ryan Tyler Holland
Meagan Taylor Holley
Alaina Melin Holtquist
Blair Kathryn Hosier
Hannah Celeste Houston
Kayson Marie Howard
Kyle Barak Howe
Cherokee Ryan Anthony Howze
Lauren Nicole Hoyt
Kiara Lillian Hudacek
Cameron Michael Hudgins
Brett Leigh Humphrey
Sarah Elizabeth Hunt
Taylor Nicole Hurd
Miranda Jayne Hurt
Khristian Fayth Sue Huse
Stephen Nicholas Hutchinson
Abiygal Christina Hutton
Spencer Huynh
Thanh C Nguyen Huynh
Joseph Dill Hyder
Alexandria Elise Isaeff
Mirazul Islam
Douglas George Ivanoff
Genevieve Leona Jackson
Rachel Peggy Jackson
Joseph James Jager
Adam Michael Jamaleddine
Alexander Christopher James
Kelsey Taylor Jamison
Bridgette Marie Janes
Itzel Aracely Jauregui
Joanna Nitya Jayakaran
Kyndal Lane Jayroe
Brandi Leigh Jewell
Laura Lynn Johnsen
Elijah Em-Man-Uel Johnson
Katherine Michelle Johnson
Nakail Caleb Johnson
Zane William Johnson
Alexis Shafa Jones
Orion Qwontwez Wayne Detra
Alexa Monika Jow
Karly Michele Judkins
Kody Michael Judkins
Omar Ahmad Kasim
Steven Day Kaufmann
Jackie Lynne Kay
Konner Casey Kay
Dominick Christopher Keeling
William Luke Keenan
Preston Michael Keener
Madison Brianne Kelly
Ethan Wayne Kelsey
Hunter Brown Kennedy
Zam Sian Khai
Hira Khalid
Jee Yoon Kim
John Gunhyung Kim
uth Dh Kim
Kevin Duane King
Christopher Taylor Kingham
Morgan Kendall Paige Kizer
Gunnar Tomas Guy Klein
Mary Elizabeth Kleinhans
Eric Thomas Knepper
Zachary Aaron Knight
Amy Nicole Knox
Claire Elizabeth Koljack
Rachel Megan Kollmorgen
Kelly Noel Koscielniak
Alex Joseph Kowalenko
Samuel Adam-Ash Kurtz
Meghan Mechelle Kuske
James William Kuykendall
Alexandria Bailey Lafitte
Brittany Taylor Lamb
Hannah Taliaferro Lampi
Rachel Madison Lampi
Sarah Vaden Lampi
Samuel Luke Laptad
Blake Ryan Larmore
Joseph David Lavelett
Zachary Tanner Lawrence
Nhu Huynh Le
Ryan Patrick Lenihan
Rachel Colleen Leonard
Christine Elizabeth Lester
Khup Khan Let
Linda Vanessa Lewis
Michael Blake Lewis
Madison Marie Likins
Danielle Elizabeth Limia
Matthew Burris Linscott
Victoria Cheryl Litz
Jason Andrew Long
Dillon Blake Odell Lookout
Regan Nicole Loop
Anthony Ronald Lopez
Joshua Scott Lord
David Robnett Loveless
Jacinda Rose Lowry
Payton McKenzie Lucas
Cing Sawm Lun
Ngai Deih Lun
Olivia Didiér Lyons
Siqi Ma
Krishna Manohar
Mikel Fraile Manso
James Charles Finis Mansolo
Angelica Mares
Channing Karen Marler
Mason Lee Marsenison
Casey Lee Martin
Joshua Jamal Martin
Wesley Kirk Martindale
Elizabeth Hope Mason
Kassidy Glenn Mayfield
Emily Elise McCarthy
David Eric McClung
Zoe Renee McCollough
Sydni Lynn McConnell
Andrew Cummins McCoy
Abrina LaShae McDavid
William Patrick McDonald
Reid Marshall McElhaney
Brooke Christina McGarvin
Kellea Nicole McGuire
Daniel Markeal McHenry
Hillria James McHenry
Joseph Da’Won McHenry
Andrea McKee
Ashley Elizabeth McKillip
Matthew Edward McKinzie
Madalyn Jean Rose McKnight
Ganon Heath McMains
Zackary Cole McMurray
Raymond Matthew McVay
Matthew Joseph McWethy
Monica Lynn Meadows
Ian William Meehleder
Elizabeth Grace Menger
Daniel Gregory Mercer
Natalie Joann Merrick
Kayleen Ruth Merritt
Erin Louise Miller
Gabriel L Miller
Haley Lynn Miller
Keli Ann Miller
Maïte Laoise Miller
Megan Kristine Miller
Natalie Lyn Miller
Olivia Nicole Miller
Taylor Michelle Miller
Wilson Davis Miller
Cherie Alecia Milligan
Jacob Ward Miner
Abigail Elizabeth Mitchell
Abigail Lea Mitchell
Casandra Michelle Mitchell
Jennifer Anne Mitchell
Justin Davis Mitchell
Michael Douglas Mix
Jun Miyazato
Tara Ashley Moesta
J Julian Monet, II
Paula Monzon Morales
Clinton Wyatt Moore
Cole Alexander Moore
Emily Jean Moore
Justin Taylor Moore
Michael Alejandro Morales
Brooke Victoria Morris
Kelsey Rae Morrow
Alex Grace Mortensen
Morgan Renee Moses
Allison Claire Mueller
Amy Wood Mueller
Teale Marie Muir
Sheanesu Joseph Mukombe
Whitney Rebekah Muller
Kermit Connor Mullins
avary Angel Mullowney
Maxwell Alan Munchinski
Karina Marie Murillo
Daniel Francis Murzello
Ranjini Musuvathy
Mallorie Injelleak Mutz
Dylan Michael Naber
Hussam Nadeem
Preston Alexandra Napier
Jabulani Ndhlovu
Hailie Marie Nealis
Elizabeth Mallory Nelson
Jake Richard Nelson
Cing Khan Nem
Alexis K’Reon Nero
Tyler David Nevins
Sarah Elizabeth Nguyen
Faith Nyaradzo Nhira
Caleb Nehemiah Norris
Ning Hau Nuam
Chloe Nicole Nunn
Jennifer Ibiye Obene
Patrick Douglas Ogilvie
Emily Gabrielle O’Kelley
Christopher Chase O’Kelly
Ellen Kinue Okuda
Justin Avery O’Leary
Anders Donald Olsen
DèShon Eugene Osby
Kaitlyn Macey Owens
Juan Daniel Pacheco
Riley James Papineau
Amanda Dawn Parker
Sean Michael Parker
Jarreth Michael Parkhurst
Allison Nicole Parks
Daniel Julio Pasaribu
Chelsea Alexandria Patuto
Kyra Jannelle Valderas
Jordan Frazier Payne
Lewis Jordan Payne, III
Jessica Michelle Pennington
Lindsay Joy Pepin
Mary Elizabeth Perona
Kaely Ranae Person
Andrea Regan Phillips
Huai Pi
Taylor Jan Pierce
Christopher C F Pike
Madeline Elizabeth Pilling
George Ross Pimentel
Bryan Henry Pisklo
Jourdan Tyler Pittman
Jared Austin Plunkett
Katelyn Louise Poe
Sheridan Anne Pogue
John Deonte Polite
Jessica Nicole Powell
Tyler Joe Prado
Jessica Lynn Pratt
Michelle Christine Pride
Amy Rianne Pritt
Ashley Erinn Pritt
Carlye Michelle Propps
Joshua Wayne Provine
Nicole Christina Punnett
Brenah Devon Pyles
Kaylah Ashtyn Quintana
Erica Lee Raguse
Benjamin Sloan Rains
class of 2012!
Cameron Terrell Colbert
Natalie Faith Colclasure
Keely Alexandra Cole
Harley C Collett, III
Jessica Ann Collier
Hunter Dean Collins
Lance Dillon Combs
Dillon Reed Conwell
Sydné Marie Cook
Kayla Mae Cooper
Christopher R Cope
Casey Michelle Copeland
William Carl Anthony Corbitt
Joseph Aaron Cordray
Jonathan Ernesto Cortes
Alyssa Taylor Cote
Aaliyah Neagle Covington
Kaily Rea Cox
Parmela Beverly Coy
Cody Allen Craig
Cody Michael Crase
Jordan Louis Cuckler
Klayton Randall Curran
William Cameron Dailey
Elyse Gabrielle Daniels
Zachary Thomas Dase
Olivia Louise Daves
Madison Evelyn Gail Davidson
Aaron Cooper Davis
Donta Cason Davis
Evan Bradford Davis
Jamye Michelle Davis
Logan Alan Davis
Shawn Marie Davis
Spencer Patrick Davis
Rebecca Lynne Dawes
John Kyler Day
Michael Dominic De Tello
Austin Allen Deatherage
Aaron Michael Deaton
Emily Kate DeCuyper
Erin Grace DeGeer
Kasey Paige Denney
Colby Freeman DeWeese
Alexander Dean Dial
Kevin Joseph Diaz
JulieAnne Michelle Diehl
Harrison Dinh Diep
Davis Michael Dillingham
Angel Joe Dinsmore
Logan Layne Dinsmore
Jared Eugene Disidore
Timpest Leeann Dobbins
Morgan Elizabeth Doolin
John Tyler Dotson
Brittanie Nicole Dougherty
Calvin James Downey
Amelia Lynn Doyle
Jesse Alan Durney
Sarah Elise Ebright
Hannah Elizabeth Eckel
Daniel Sommervik Edlin
Angelica Jazmin Edmondson
Claudia Griselda Edmondson
Kayla Dene Edmondson
Taylor David Egbert
Joshua Hall Eldredge
Charles Spencer Ellis
Molly Katherine Ellison
Abby Loren Emmert
Erica Michelle Engelby
Desmond Blaine Evans
Olivia Christine Ewell
Jordan Zane Chance Factor
Aaron Scott Farris
Zachary Ryan Faul
Caleb Jonathan Fauss
Jenna Brooks Fell
Julie Ann Ferrell
Austin William Ray Fisher
Meghan Elise Fisher
Shanell Symone Fisher
Katherine Elizabeth Fitzwilson
Brian Scott Flinn
Olivia Anne Flores
MacKenzie Danielle Forbis
Jacob Alexander Foster
Jacqueline Patricia Foster
Sarah Mae Fowler
Quentin James Fowler, III
Isaac Michael Fraley
Jacob Aaron Franklin
Kaelton Lee Frye
Montana Maureen Gaffney
Brandon Levi Gage
Kelcie Renee Galcatcher
Thomas Andrew Games
Ashley Nicole Ganem
Billie Alicia Garcia
Cinthia Baudelia Garcia
Sandra Arlene Garcia
Collin Jackson Garrison
Danial Gebreili
Congratulations graduating
Connor Marcus Abel
Garrett Levi Abney
Amy Lynn Acker
Rosemary Felicia Acuna
Meshach Vincent Imhotep Adams
Dillon Michael Addison
Diego Armando Aguilar Mendez
Sumpa Akhter
Karissa Jean Alger-Root
Dalton Jeffrey Allen
Kaitlin Michelle Allen
Lauren Ray Allen
Aaron Raymond Allred
Aashna Shailesh Amin
Rakhi Shailesh Amin
Sarvenaz Amjadi
Susan Ashley Amstutz
Shaye Ione Andelin
Daniel Robert Anderson
Taylor Katlyn Armstrong
Taylor James Aston
Serae LaJune Avance
Morgan Hunter Avant
Travis Harold Avery
Lindsley Elizabeth Aycock
Joshua David Bagby
Jaymin Devante Bagley
Ja’Lisa Tenae Baker
Paul Matthew Balyeat
Victoria Marie Barbee
Kelsey Nicole Barnes
Paige Caitlyn Barnes
Ashley Nicole Barr
Jason Kyle Bauer
Brandon William Bauman
Ryan Philip Bayouth
Sarah Kathleen Beam
Chad Daniel Becht
Lindsey Ann Belie
Sarah Nicole Bell
Lisa Fernanda Bencomo
Jonathan Connor Berg
Lauren Elizabeth Berger
Tye Michael Berman
Olivia Brooke Bersin
Lauren Ruth Birdsong
Emma Margaret Blackwell
Caroline Marie Blackwood
Justin David Bly
Hunter Lee Boatright
Ryan Vincent Boatright
William Price Boleman
Jacob Douglas Borochoff
Madison Lee Bourgeois
Shauntay Bovadilla
Robert Eric Bowles
Jonathan Robert Boyd
Katherine Marie Bozich
Jacquelyn Elizabeth Bradshaw
Logan Grey Brame
Sarah Nadine Brimmer
Robert Cheston Broach
Adam Walter Brobson
Bryan Thomas Bronn
Samantha Ann Broussard
Alexandria Paige Brown
Bailey Evan Bruns
Franco L Buhay
Madeline Mariah Bull
Daniel Jason Burkhart
Jacob Robert Burris
Taylor John Buxton
Roy Keegan Calicchio
Eduardo Camacho
Rachel Nicole Campbell
Sawyer Duncan Campbell
Lirio Sarai Reynaga Campos
Kaylie Rennee Cannon
Diana Raquel Carballo
Preston James Cardwell
Grace Lois Carey
Lydia Rachelle Carrington
Kaitlyn Nicole Carter
Thomas Andrew Robert Carter
Beth Kay Casey
Justin Dean Casey
Adam Michael Casillas
Katelyn Elizabeth Casillas
Dafne Itzel Castellano
Paisley Ann Catalano
Gabriela Nicole Cepeda
Shalynne Mary Chaplin
Betty Grace Choisnard
Era Mae Christenson
John Wayne Christner
Brianna Grace Clark
Marlee Joelle Clark
Deana Marie Clayton
Rebecca Lynn Clegg
Katherine Marie Cleveland
Emilie Mae Climer
Emily Ann Coatney
Hailey Lasean Colberg
Carlos Alberto Ramirez
Benjamin Henry Rao
Anesuishe Emmanuel Raranje
Madelyn Hope Ray
Torrence Devon Reed
Madison Leigh Reichert
Alicia Brooke Rhoades
Kaylee Ann Rice
Logan Ashley Rice
Molly Elizabeth Rider
Tuesdae Rhiannon Riley
Gardenia Rios
Brent Michael Ripperger
Andrew Paul Rippy
Matt David Ritchey
Anne Marie Roach
Charity Allison Roark
Alec Jordan Roberts
Ashton Elaine Roberts
Cole Turner Roberts
Nathan James Roberts
Kellie Elizabeth Robinson
Michael David Robinson
Desirae Jasmine Robles
Elijah Jesus Rodriguez
James Graham Rogers
Jefferson Steven Rogers
Kaylin Rochelle Rogers
Thomas Edward Rogers
Jake Allen Romoser
Victoria Ilene Root
Austin Ross
Joseph Kelly Ross
Wayne Alexander Ross
Colton Lee Ruby
Matthew Edward Ryon
Samuel Kenneth Sabin
Autumn Tahereh Salari
Katarina Virginia Salay
Adriana Salazar
Mohammed Anwar Ali Samejo
Jairo Eduardo Sanchez
Jesse Colson Schaab
Nicholas Grady Schelbar
Felix Ulfert Schlotthauer
Reed Joseph Schonacher
Joshua Tufi Scopelliti
Zachary Coll Scrivner
Adriana Danielle Sharp
Victor Allyn Sharp
Cody Thomas Sharrock
Abigail Marie Shaw
Brandon Prescott Shaw
Chelsie Payton Shay
Dominique Nicole Shields
Marissa Lynn Shoemaker
Alexa Anne Sidorakis
Michael Joseph Sills
Nicole Anne Silva
Curtis Ray Simmons
Emmalee Janine Simon
Kristina Nicole Simpson
Sandeep Singh
Nathan Taylor Sjoberg
Devin Paul Skelton
Zachary Philip Skelton
Ryan Thomas Skidmore
Alexandria Nicole Smith
Alyssa Nichole Smith
Ashley Nicole Smith
Jared Connor Smith
Jillian Russell Smith
Kelvin Amedo Smith
Kendall Carolyn Smith
Kenneth Allen Smith
Meghan Ann Smith
Taylor Matthew Smith
Zachary Scott Smith
Gavin James Snedden
Allison Michelle Snider
Sawyer James Sparks
Dalton James Sparlin
Mia Lovvo Spears
Joshua David Spero
Jessica Paige Stacy
Benjamin Keith Stafford
Jordan Franklin Stafford
Allyson Mackenzie Stallings
Rachel Marianne Stanley
Emma Christine Steele
Nicolaus Josef Steiert
Abbey Elizabeth Stewart
Kaitlin Embree Stockard
Cheyanne Autumn Stone
Katherine Dianne Storm
Shantel Sullivan
Matthew William Sumner
Taylor Brooke Swanger
Jessica Brooke Taff
Meagan Paige Taff
Suemaya Kader Taha
Amber Jonisha Tamez
Tahira Nader Taqi
Jillian Marie Tater
Darcy Lyndon Taylor
Susan Kimberly Taylor
T’Erah Krysten Taylor
Chloe Ann Tennekoon
Camden Drake Thomas
Nicholas Paul Thomas
Seth Robert Thomas
David Carroll Thompson
Tyler Braxton Thompson
Larry Tibbs, Jr.
Megan Elizabeth Tiernan
Endiya Cymone Tipler
Anahita Torbati
Daniela Adilene Torres
Jose Luis Torres
James Touthang
Emily Suzanne Towler
Megan Elizabeth Tracz
Katherine Anna Traino
Timothy Allen Troxell
Kevin Matthew Tsaras
Christian Charles Tucci
Marquise E-Seann Turnbull
Brandon Scott Twilley
Spencer Cordell Van Camp
Skylar Mackenzie Vaughan
Paulo Cesar Velazquez Ortiz
Calen Hamilton Vick
Abrianna Christine Viles
Jacquelyn Maree Walehwa
Akia NéCole Walker
Anna Louise Walker
Samantha Taylor Walker
Matthew Paul Wallace
Haley Madison Walton
Taylor Alexis Warta
Kaelan Moss Washington
Marquishia Charice Washington
Hunter Wesley Brice Watkins
Collin Alexander Watson
Hannah Marie Weakley
Mitchell Scott Weathers
Brant Marshall Weaver
Hannah Mae Weaver
Keiona Maria Webb
Veronica Jayne Webb
Zachary Ryan Webber
Caleb Paul Wedman
Matthew Michael Weeks
Stephanie Sarah Wei
Haeden Everett Wells
Andrew James Werner
Robert Parker Westbrook
Josiah Keith Wheeler
Anthony Morrison Whitaker
Julia Margarite White
Michael David Whitten
Brooke Taylor Wiederkehr
Patrick John Wilborn
Katie Grace Wilburn
Christine Louise Williams
Connor Matthew Williams
Devin Eugene Williams
Jennifer Elise Williams
Kristianna LaShea Williams
Madison Taylor Williams
Trevor Dale Williams
Renner Lee Willman
Brooklyn Nicole Wilson
Brooks Tomberlin Wilson
Jeffrey Jordan Wilson
Rick Lynn Wilson
Taylor Bennett Wilson
Matthew Steven Winders
Laura Catherine Winfield
Elizabeth Rachelle Wolff
Christian Davis Woo
Matthew Robert Woo
Gabrielle Nicole Woodley
Emily Paige Worley
Elissa Christine Wormell
Lydia Faith Wright
Alan Jiayi Xing
Sophia Kathryn Yanik
Sidney Nicole Yarbrough
Thomas Jonathan Yarbrough
Allison Ann Yelton
Jordan Lynn Yount
Aqsa Zahid
Mohammad Osman Zahid
Zhuoran Zhang