2011 Daylily Catalog - Gardens In the Works
2011 Daylily Catalog - Gardens In the Works
Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG AABAA (HITE H, 1995) 42",Dip,7",SEv,EM,UFO Red Self bright red self DF $10 ABSOLUTE TREASURE (STAMILE P, 1997) 32",Tet,7",Evr,EM,Frag,Re Orchid Rose Self orchid rose self DF $9 ABUNDANT LOVE (CARPENTER J, 2000) 20",Tet,3",Evr,EM,Frag,Re Lemon Yellow Self lemon yellow self DF $10 ADMIRALS BRAID (STAMILE P, 1990) 21",Tet,5.50",SEv,Frag White w'Pink Bicolor and Gold Edge white & pink bicolor DF $10 AGE OF AQUARIUS (MOLDOVAN S, 2001) 28",Tet,5.50",Dor,Re Lavender Mauve Blend w'Mauve Cream Watermark and White Edge lav mauve blend w DF $18 AFTERGLOW OF LOVE (HANSON C, 2001) 28",Tet,6",SEv,VL Golden Yellow Self golden yellow self DF $15 AGELESS BEAUTY (STAMILE P, 2001) 28",Tet,5",Evr,Frag,Re Cream w' Red Eye and Border cream w red ez & DF $25 AH AH LAVA (POLSTON, TOM, 2003) 24",6",Tet,EM,Reb yellow orange overlay blend with orange brown eye above green throat yellow DF $15 Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM Page: 1 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG AIRDRIE (RICE, 2009) 32",Tet,6.50",Dor,EM reddish orange self over yellow throat reddish orange SF $25 ALBERTA CLIPPER (MASON, 2003) 25",Tet,6",Dor,ML white self above chartreuse throat white Display ALIEN LANDING (HANSEN, DAN, 2008) 35",Tet,9",Dor,ML,Re,UFO Unusual form Bitone rose Lilac petals hugh yellow notched throat Lilac patterned eye SF $40 DF $75 ALL ABOUT EVE (KIRCHHOFF D, 2000) 26",Tet,5",Evr,EM,VFrag,Db,Re,Ext Peach Pink w'Rose Halo and Watermark peach pink w rose DF $15 ALL ABOUT RUFFLES (KIRCHHOFF D, 2001) 28",Tet,5.75",Evr,EM,Frag,Re,Ext Peach suffused rose bitone with deeper coral rose halo and edge above yellow to green throat. peach w rose bitone DF $25 ALL AMERICAN CHIEF (SELLERS, 1994) 32",Tet,9",Dor,EM,Re red self with yellow throat red Display ALL AMERICAN GOLD (HANSEN, 1995) 28",Dip,5.50",Evr,EM,VFrag,Re,Noc,Ext Gold self gold self DF $8 ALL AMERICAN HUCKSTER (HANSON C, 1995) 36",Tet,6",SEv golden yellow self and golden throat golden yellow self DF $9 ALL FIRED UP (STAMILE P, 1996) 20",Tet,6",Evr,Re Orange w' Red Eye and Edge orange w red ez Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM DF $9 Page: 2 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG ALL THE KING'S MEN (MOLDOVAN S, 1998) 28",Tet,5",Dor,EM,Frag,Ext Cranberry Red Self cranberry red DF $25 ALTERNATE UNIVERSE (STAMILE, 2003) 28",Tet,6",Evr,EM,VFrag,Db,Re,Ext lavender rose with rose eye and edge lavender rose DF $40 ALWAYS A PLEASURE (RASMUSSEN, 1996) 27",Tet,5",Dor,M,Frag GOLDEN YELLOW WI RED EYES GREEN TO GOLD THROAT golden yellow w red ez ALWAYS AFTERNOON (MORSS, 1987) 22",Tet,6",SEv,E,Re,Ext medium mauve edged buff with purple eyezone and green throat mauve with purple eyezone DF $10 AMANDA'S INTRIGUE (SALTER J, 2000) 28",Tet,5",SEv,EM,Re,Noc Lavender Pink Blend and Yellow Edge lav pink blend DF $15 AMERICAN FREEDOM (YONSKI, 1988) 28",Tet,5.50",SEv,E,Re Orange Peach with a gold edge Vibrant Orange w Peachblend and gold edge DF $25 ALWAYS REGAL (DOUGLAS C, 2001) 24",Tet,5.50",Dor,Re cream yellow with violet eyes and edges cr yell w viol ez & DF $10 AMBER STORM (Petit) 22",Tet,5.50",SEv,M,Db Red blend w' White Edge and Green Throat Red Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM SF $8 Page: 3 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG ANCIENT IMPACT (GOSSARD, 2006) 30",Tet,5",SEv,M,Re CLUB PLANT - cream with patterned blue purple maroon eye above green throat cream w patterned blue purple eye DF $20 ANDY CANDY (Stamile, 2003) 27",Tet,3.75",Dor,E,Frag,Re,Ext Orange w/ Big Red eye and Edge Orange w/red eye DF $17 ANGEL'S SMILE (RECKAMP C-KLEHM R, 1985) 23",Tet,4",Dor,Frag Pink blend w' Yellow Edge pink blend edged DF $25 ANGELIC MESSENGER (ABAJIAN G, 2001) 20",Tet,5.25",SEv,EM,Re Icy Pink w'Ruffled Gold Edge pink w gold edge DF $15 ANGELUS RUNAWAY (Hite-Davisson, 2003) 32",Dip,9.50",SEv,M,Var,UFO lavender mauve with purple chevron eye/wide chartreuse throat lavender mauve DF $35 ANNETTE'S MAGIC (RICE J, 2004) 28",Tet,5.50",SEv,ML,Re PEACHY PINK BITONE WITH YELLOW EYE AND EDGE ABOVE GR THROAT peachy pink bitone DF $28 ANSEL ADAMS (HANSON C, 2001) 31",Tet,5",SEv,EM Lavender Violet w' Lavender Slate Eye lav viol w lav slate DF $11 ANOTHER CHANCE TODAY (CARPENTER, J, 2003) 26",Tet,5.50",Evr,EM,Frag,Re lavender with lavender blue watermark above green throat lavender Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM DF $10 Page: 4 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG ANTIQUE PEACH RUFFLES (KLEHM R, 1996) 30",Tet,5",Dor Soft Peach Blend soft peach blend DF $10 APACHE WAR DANCE (THOMAS D, 1994) 30",Tet,4.50",Dor,ML,Frag,Re,Noc,Ext Scarlet Red w' Darker Red Eye red w darker ez DF $21 ANTIQUE ROSE (SIKES S, 1987) 25",Dip,5.50",SEv,Ext Rose Pink Bitone rose pink bitone DF $11 ARCTIC SNOW (STAMILE P, 1985) 23",Tet,5.50",Dor,Ext Ivory Self ivory self DF $8 ARIAL DISPLAY (STAMILE, 2004) 28",Tet,7.50",Evr,M,Sp,UFO rose triangular shape cream and yellow center rose DF $98 ARMED AZERBAIJANIS (PEAT, 2001) 30",Tet,9",SEv,M,UFO Orch purple w multi gren throat ez and eds orch purple w mult DF $85 AROUND TOWN (WILD A, 1973) 32",Dip,6.50",Dor,M Pale Orange w' Pink Infusion and Orchid Midribs orange w pink DF $8 ARSON (CARTER M, 1995) 26",Tet,4",Dor,M Orange and Red Bitone w' Red eye and Green Throat orange & red bitone DF $12 ARTICULATE MATRIX (Hanson Curt, 2007) 28",Tet,5",SEv,E,Frag cream with multiple patterned violet eye Cream mltiple patterened violet eye DF $95 Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM Page: 5 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG ARTISTIC WEB (LAMBERTSON L, 2000) 32",Tet,7",SEv,EM,Re,UFO rose raspberry with pale raspberry watermark above green throat rose raspberry DF $16 ASHLEY BARTRAM (TOWNSEND J, 2002) 20",Tet,5.50",Evr,EM,Db Red with white edge double with yellow throat red w white edge DF $19 ASHWOOD DARK SIDE (NORRIS R, 2005) 40",Tet,5.25",Dor,M dark purple self green throat black purple self DF $25 ASHWOOD HEARTHSIDE (NORRIS, RICHARD, 2002) 22",Tet,5.75",Dor,Re deep red with yellow edge over green throat deep red DF $20 ASHWOOD INFERNO (Richard Norris, 2010) 28",Tet,6",SEv,EM,Re Hot Orange Hot Orange Display ASHWOOD MAGIC CRYSTAL (Norris, Richard) 0",0" Display ASHWOOD RINGS OF SATURN (NORRIS, RICHARD, 2005) 36",Tet,6",Dor,EM,Re rose pink with darker ringed eye above green throat rose pink DF $25 ASHWOOD SEEDLING (NORRIS, RICHARD) 28",Tet,5",Dor,EM,Re like Flight of the Raven mauve DF $10 ASHWOOD RINGS OF SATURN (NORRIS R, 2005) 36",Tet,6",Dor,EM,Re ROSE PINK WITH DARK EYE rose pink w dk eye ASHWOOD SMOKEY JOE (NORRIS, RICHARD, 2005) 30",Tet,5.25",SEv,M,Re purple with rose purple eye and black purple edge above bright green throat purple Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM DF $50 Page: 6 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG ASHWOOD STILL NIGHT (NORRIS, RICHARD) 28",Tet,0.50",Dor,M Purple Self Purple DF $15 ASHWOOD SUMMER EXPLOSION (Norris Richard) 0",Tet,0",Dor,M White w' Pink Center white DF $75 ASHWOOD SUMMER SUNSHINE (NORRIS, RICHARD, 2007) 34",Tet,5.75",Dor,EM,Re rose pink with rose band and gold edge above yellow orange to green throat rose pink DF $125 ASIAN FAIRY BLUEBIRD (LAMBERTSON, 2006) 28",Tet,5.50",SEv,M,Re lavender with blue eye and edge with golden to green throat lav w blue eye & edge DF $60 ASPIC (CARTER, 1995) 28",Tet,6",Dor,EM,Re rose lavender bitone with darker lavender eyezone and green throat rose lavender DF $8 ATLANTA MOON RUFFLES (PETREE, 1985) 29",Tet,6",Dor,M,Frag,Ext medium yellow edged gold with green throat medium yellow DF $8 ATLAS SHRUGGED (HANSON, CURT, 2003) 36",Tet,6",SEv,M,Frag amber gold blend with soft gold watermark above chartreuse throat amber gold DF $30 AUBREY JOHNSON (JOINER, 1998) 26",Dip,6",SEv,M,Frag,Db,Re soft pink self with green throat pink DF $15 Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM Page: 7 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG AUDREY HEPBURN (Kirchhoff David, 2005) 30",Tet,6.50",Dor,EM,VFrag,Db,Re Pastel Orchid Pink Blend w' Yellow Halo and White Gold Edge peach DF $65 AUNT RUTH LEMON LILIES HYPERION 35",Dip,5",SEv,E,Re Early yellow bright yellow DF $8 AUNT WIMP (BACHMAN, 2003) 42",Tet,6",Dor,M,Frag,UFO peach with fine gold edge above yellow gold throat peach DF $45 AUTUMN ORANGE TRUFFLE (KIRCHOFF, D, 2007) 29",Tet,5",Evr,M,Db,Re,Ext orange coral blend orange DF $70 AWESOME BLOSSOM (SALTER, 1996) 24",Tet,5",Evr,EM,Re antique rose with raisin plum eyezone and yellow to green throat antique rose DF $13 AWESOME CANDY (STAMILE, 2000) 25",Tet,3.50",Evr,EM,Frag,Re yellow with a cherry red eye and picotee edge above green throat yellow w red ez & DF $15 AWESOME LUCK (Stamile, 2005) 30",Tet,5",Evr,EM,Db,Re Orange with red eye and edge above green throat Orange with red eye and edge DF $45 AWAKENING DREAM (STAMILE, 1995) 26",Tet,5",Evr,EM,Frag,Re cream yellow with purple eyezone and picotee above green throat CREAM YELLOW W PURPLE EYE Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM DF $8 Page: 8 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG AZTEC BEAUTY (CARPENTER, 2001) 22",Tet,6",Dor,EM,Frag,Re coral orange blend above green throat coral orange DF $13 B.J. MCMILLEN (BACHMAN, 2004) 52",Tet,9",Dor,L,Var,UFO orange yellow blend with light orange halo above yellow gold throat orange yellow DF $35 AZTEC WAYS (KROPF, 2000) 30",Tet,6",Dor,M,Db medium red self above yellow to green throat red DF $18 BABY MOON CAFE (TRIMMER, 1998) 22",Tet,3.13",Dor,EM,Frag cream and plum with plum eye and green throat cream/plum DF $8 BABY TIGER PAWS (KLEHM, 1994) 24",Dip,3",Dor,EM yellow with deep purple eyezone yellow DF $8 BACHMAN PURPLE SEEDLING (BACHMAN) 0",Tet,0",Dor,L purple purple DF $10 BACHMAN SEEDLING (BACHMAN, 2004) 36",Tet,7",Dor,L,Sp Purple purple DF $8 BACKWOODS VIOLET BOUQUET (COPENHAVER N+D, 1998) 23",Dip,5",Evr,E,Re violet lavender with darker violet purple eyezone and green throat violet lavender DF $8 BALI WATERCOLOR (STAMILE P, 2002) 35",Tet,9",Evr,M,Frag,Re,Var lavender with silvery watermark above green throat lavender Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM DF $16 Page: 9 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG BAMA BOUND (WEBSTER, 1986) 24",Tet,5",SEv,M,Frag bright red self with green throat red DF $8 BAMBOO BLACKIE (DURIO, D, 1988) 24",Tet,5.50",Dor,M,Re,Ext deep reddish black self with green chartreuse throat reddish black DF $10 BARBARA WATTS (KIRCHOFF, D, 2009) 28",Tet,6.50",Evr,E,Frag,Db,Re,Ext,EMo EMorningOpener hose-in hose Peach Cantelope Cream Blend w' pastel Yellow Gold Edge above Yellow to Green throat Peach SF $75 BARBARA MITCHELL (PIERCE, C, 1984) 20",Dip,6",SEv,M,Re pink self with green throat pink BARRY GOLDWATER (KIRCHOFF, 2008) 34",Tet,6",Evr,M,Db,Re,Ext orange gold with rich red eyezone orange gold BASS GIBSON (Rice John, 2006) 32",Tet,5.50",Dor,EM Yellow orangle with yellow tooth edge above green throat. TEETH orange DF $8 SF $75 DF $400 BAYPORT (STAMILE, 1998) 16",Tet,5.50",Dor,EM,Frag,Re cream rose eye and edge above YELLOW TO GREEN CENTER cr ROSE EYE DF $10 BEAUFORT SLIM PITKIN (OLSON, E, 2000) 36",Tet,7.50",SEv,EM,Re pink with huge cherry eye and wide pink border with white edge above yellow green throat pink DF $19 BECKY LYNN (GUIDRY, L, 1977) 20",Dip,6.75",SEv,EE,VFrag,Re rose blend with green throat rose Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM DF $8 Page: 10 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG BECKY SHARP (HARDY, MRS WT, 1964) 32",Dip,7",Dor,M,Re frosted rose pink self with green yellow throat rose pink DF $8 BELA LUGOSI (HANSON C, 1995) 33",Tet,6",SEv,M deep purple self with green throat deep purple DF $12 BELIEF IN VIEN (NORRIS, RICHARD, 2007) 40",Tet,6",Dor,EM,Re yellow orange with red eye above green throat yellow orange DF $100 BELLA SERA (STAMILE P, 2002) 30",Tet,6",Evr,EM,VFrag,Re mauve purple with silver lavender edge above green throat mauve purple DF $45 BELLE COOK (BROOKER M, 2001) 24",Tet,6",SEv,M pink self above green throat pink DF $19 BEN LEE (HANSEN RA, 1994) 20",Tet,4",Evr,ML,Re,Ext salmon pink with dark violet to lavender blue eyezone above bright green throat salmon pink DF $10 BETTIE LOUIS PRINCE (Carpenter-J, 2008) 28",Tet,7",Evr,EM,Frag,Re Pink blend Above Very Green Throat Pink Display BELLE OF ASHWOOD (NORRIS, R, 2005) 28",Tet,6",Dor,EM,Re clear pink with gold bubbled edge above deep green throat pink DF $35 BEST KEPT SECRET (KIRCHHOFF D, 1990) 28",Tet,5.50",Evr,Frag,Re,Ext Rose Pink w' Coral Rose Watermark rose pink w coral Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM Page: 11 / 139 DF $8 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG BETTS ALLEN (CARPENTER, KATIE, 1988) 20",Dip,6",Evr,EM,Re,Ext Rose Red Self rose red self DF $8 BETTY WINKLER (HANSEN D, 2000) 24",Tet,7",SEv,Re,Noc,UFO Red w' Cashmere Edge red w cashmere edge DF $12 BEYOND 2000 (BENZ J, 2000) 26",Tet,4",Dor,ML,Frag Lavender Pink w' Gold Edge lav pink w gold edge DF $15 BETTY WARREN WOODS (MUNSON RW, 1987) 24",Tet,4.50",Evr,EM,Frag,Re Cream Yellow Self cream yellow self DF $8 BETTY WOODS (KIRCHHOFF D, 1980) 26",Dip,5.50",Dor,E,VFrag,Db,Re chinese yellow self with green heart chinese yellow DF $9 BEYOND RICHES (CARR R, 1999) 28",Tet,5.25",Evr,EM,Re Orange Coral Blend and Gold Edge orange coral blend DF $12 BI-COLORED BITE (LAMBERTSON L, 2002) 32",Tet,5",SEv,EM,Re Stippled Deep Rose w' Deeper Eye and White and Yellow Sharkstooth Edge stippled deep roseBI COLOR DF $22 BICOLOR BEAUTIFUL (CARPENTER, J, 2006) 28",Tet,7",Dor,M,Frag,Re red orange yellow orange bicolor with yellow edge above yellow to green throat orange DF $35 BIG BLUE (STAMILE P, 1995) 24",Tet,6.50",Dor,Frag,Re Lavender Self lavender self DF $9 BIG BROTHER (BROWN EC, 1984) 24",Dip,6.50",SEv,EM,Ext Creamy Yellow Self creamy yellow self Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry DF $8 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM Page: 12 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG BIG BULLY 17",Tet,6",Evr,M,Db Masculine Brown Gold Blend w' Wire Gold Edge Brown/GOLD Display BIG CABIN BEGINNINGS (Brooks-D, 2000) 28",Tet,5.50",SEv,M,Noc,Ext pink w' Green Throat pink DF $25 BIG EDGE FRED (HANSEN D, 2000) 25",Tet,5.50",SEv,E,Re Pale Amber w' Plum Eye and Edge w'Gold Dipped White Knobs amber DF $14 BIG PEACH MAMA (KIRCHHOFF D, 1996) 34",Tet,6",Evr,EM,Db,Re Peach Pink Self peach pink self DF $10 BILL NORRIS (KIRCHHOFF D, 1993) 29",Tet,5",SEv,Frag,Re,Ext Sunny Gold Self sunny gold self DF $11 BILLY STENNETT (TOWNSEND J, 1999) 21",Tet,6",Evr,Re Pink w' Gold Yellow Edge pink w gold yellow DF $15 BLACKBEARD PIRATE (MOLDOVAN S, 2002) 22",Tet,5",Dor,EM,Frag,Ext DARK PURPLE BLEND WITH LEMON TO GREEN THROAT dark purple blend DF $34 BLACKBERRY CANDY (STAMILE P, 1989) 25",Tet,4",Dor,Frag,Re,Ext Gold w' Black Eye gold DF $10 BLACK EYE (GOLDNER AH, 1984) 30",Tet,5",Dor Lavender Pink w' Dark Pink Eye lavender pink Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM DF $8 Page: 13 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG BLACKTHORNE (TRIMMER D, 1996) 26",Tet,4.38",SEv,EM Cream w' Purple Eye cream w black DF $8 BLESSED ART THOU (MOLDOVAN S, 1998) 32",Tet,6",SEv,ML,Frag,Re Orchid Pink Blend and Lemon Edge orchid pink blend DF $10 BLIZZARD BAY (SALTER J, 1995) 28",Tet,6",SEv,Re Near White Self near white self DF $12 BLOND AMBITION (Petit, 2006) 5",Tet,24",SEv,M,Frag,Db,Re Gold w' Red Eye and Red Gold Edge Above Green Throat Yellow Display BLUE ALERT (STAMILE G, 2001) 18",Dip,2.88",SEv,M,Re Cream w' a Violet Blue Eye Above Green throat cream w violet blue DF $14 BLUE BEETLE (Gossard James, 2010) 28",Tet,5.50",SEv,M,Frag,Db,EMo Cremepinkflowers with eye of charocoallightblue lavenderblue marroon blue morning to chcoal by lat afternoon . jamies best blue blue shades Display BLUE EYED ANGEL (Trimmer, 2010) 25",Tet,0.75",Evr,M,Re Lavender w'Blue Lavender Halo Pale Blue double Edge DF $55 BLUE EYED CURLS (LAMBERTSON, LUDLOW, 2002) 36",Tet,9",SEv,EM,Var,UFO medium purple blue-purple eye Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM DF $12 Page: 14 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG BLUE VENTURE (CHILDS F, 1982) 30",Dip,5",Dor,EM,Frag,Re Blue Lavender Bitone blue lavender bitone DF $25 BLUEBERRY CANDY (STAMILE P, 1993) 22",Tet,4.25",Dor,Frag,Re Cream White w/ Violet Eye cream white DF $12 BLUEBERRY SUNDAE (STAMILE P, 1997) 24",Tet,5.50",SEv,EM,Re Cream White w'Blue Purple Eye and Edge cr wh w blue purple DF $18 BLUSH OF INNOCENCE (BRANCH CE, 1991) 26",Dip,5.50",Evr,M,Ext Light Pink Self w' Medium Rose Eyezone Above Light Olive Green Throat light pink self DF $15 BLUEGRASS BUBBLEGUM (BURRIS, 2005) 28",Dip,6",Dor,M,Ext bubblegum pink with rose veining and raised light midribs avobe light yellow green throat pink BOB FAULKNER (POLSTON, 2006) 32",Dip,6",SEv,EM smokey purple mauve with darker purple red eye above green triangular throat purple mauve DF $35 DF $120 BOB FAULKNER POLYTEPAL 0",0" purple lavender center purple Display BOB'S BABY (MASON, M, 1997) 25",Tet,5.50",Dor,M,Frag,Ext dark lavender and cream lavender bitone with a yellow to green throat dark lavender/cream lavender DF $20 BOBBY MARTIN (TOWNSEND J, 2006) 26",Tet,7",SEv,EM,Re Light Purple w'Large Blue Eye and Small Gold Edges purp w blue eye gold edge DF $49 Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM Page: 15 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG BOBO ANNE (HANSEN RA, 1994) 25",Dip,4.75",SEv,EM,Frag,Db,Re,Ext Hot Tangerine w' Rose Halo tangerine w faint DF $10 BODY RUB (HANSON C, 1999) 33",Tet,5.50",SEv,Frag Pink Melon Blend pink melon blend DF $25 BOLD AWAKENING (CARPENTER, 2008) 29",Dip,6.50",Evr,EM,Re cream self with dark purple eyezone blending to lavender over a green throat cream DF $75 BOMBAY BICYCLE (BRANCH CE, 1990) 20",Dip,5",SEv,EM,Ext Pink Apricot and Cream Lined Rose Bitone pink apricot & cream Display BOLD ENCOUNTER (STAMILE P, 1998) 26",Tet,5",Evr,EM,Re Orchid Cream w' Plum Violet Eye and Picotee Edge orchid cream w plum BONIBRAE SHARKY (MATTHIE, B, 2009) 20",Tet,4.50",M,Db,Re pale pink and ret teeth sepals plain pale pink DF $9 SF $125 BORDER MUSIC (SALTER J, 1995) 26",Tet,6",Evr,Re Cream w' Purple Eye cream w purple ez DF $12 BORN TO RUN (STAMILE, 2006) 0",Tet,0",Evr,M Red w' Gold Edge red DF $50 Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM Page: 16 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG BOTTLE ROCKET (STAMILE, 2006) 40",Tet,8",Evr,E,Re Orange w' Red Eye orange DF $38 BRIAR PATCH (Grace Larry, 2010) 30",Tet,6",Evr,EM,Frag,Re Wine Burgundy with white and gold teeth edge on petals and sepals green throat waterspot WINE BURGUNDY Display BOUNTIFUL CANDY (STAMILE P, 1998) 26",Tet,3.50",Evr,EM,Frag,Re Cream w'Raspberry Eye cream w raspberry DF $15 BRIDEY GREESON (GRACE-SMITH, 2003) 26",Tet,6",SEv,EM,Frag,Re rose mauve with blue violet watermark and blue violet and yellow double edge mauve DF $110 BRIDGETON FIRST LADY (APPS, 2001) 32",Tet,5.50",SEv,ML,Re pink cream blend yellow edge pink cream blend DF $50 BRIDGETON FRESH PAINT (APPS D, 2001) 29",Tet,5",Dor,ML red with orange edge yellow throat red w orange edge DF $22 BRIDGETON HOOPLA (APPS, 2003) 30",Tet,6",Dor,M,Re,Ext Pink w' Violet Eye pink with violet eye DF $19 BROACH CAMEO (MOLDOVAN S, 2002) 32",Tet,5.50",Dor,Re Lavender Rose blend with Cream overtones lav rose blend cr DF $30 BROADWAY CHARMER (STAMILE, G, 2004) 18",Tet,3",SEv,EM,Re mahogany with garnet red eye and edge above green throat mahogany Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM DF $15 Page: 17 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG BROADWAY MYSTIQUE (STAMILE, G, 2004) 22",Tet,4",Evr,M,Re cream with patterned lavender purple eye above green throat cream DF $12 BROADWAY RAVES (STAMILE G, 2002) 20",Tet,3",Dor,M,Re Red Orange w' Red Eye Above Green Throat red DF $15 BROCADED GOWN (MILLIKAN B, 1979) 26",Dip,6",SEv,EM,Re,Ext Lemon Cream Self lemon cream self DF $8 BRONZED AND BEAUTIFUL (CARR R, 2000) 28",Tet,5",Evr,Re Amber w' Orange Blend and Bronze Band amber bronze blend DF $10 BROOKWOOD BLACK KITTEN (SHARP L, 1995) 22",Dip,2.75",Dor,Frag Black Red Self black red self DF $8 BROOKWOOD SUNLIGHT (SHARP L, 1994) 23",Dip,4",Dor,M,Frag Yellow Self w' Green Throat yellow self DF $8 BRUE THE REMARKABLE (Owen Paul, 2010) 34",Tet,7.25",Dor,ML,Re Rose Lavender w' Large Watermark and Stenciled Lavender Band above Green Throat Rose Lav w Watermark Lav band Display BUBBLY (JOINER ER, 1989) 20",Dip,2.88",SEv,Db Apricot Self apricot self DF $8 BUFFYS DOLL (WILLIAMSON MRS WG, 1969) 12",Dip,3",Dor,Re,Ext Pink w' Rose Eye pink w rose ez DF $8 BUMBLE BEE BOOGIE (KIRCHHOFF D, 1999) 30",Tet,6.50",Evr,ML,Db,Ext Pastel Pink w' Melon Cream Polychrome and Gold Edge pink yell melon cr Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM DF $16 Page: 18 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG BURGUNDY BARONESS (CARR R, 1997) 28",Tet,5",Evr,EM,Re,Ext Red Self red self DF $8 BURGUNDY TWISTER (STAMILE, 2003) 36",Tet,10",Evr,EE,Frag,Re,Sp citron green with burgundy edges and tips above citron green throat burgundy DF $34 BURMESE SUNLIGHT (MUNSON RW, 1984) 18",Tet,6",Evr,EM,Frag,Re Yellow w' Pink Blend yellow pink blend DF $8 BUT WAIT THERE'S MORE (Norris Richard, 2010) 42",Tet,5.50",Dor,M,Frag,Db,Re color from Coral Majority. Bright Orange Display BUTTER CREAM (WHATLEY O, 1998) 28",Tet,7",Dor,Frag,Ext Yellow Self yellow self DF $60 BUTTERFIELD EIGHT (REINKE, 2004) 30",Dip,8",Dor,E,Frag rose pink with dark rose halo above deep green to yellow gold center throat rose pink DF $19 BUZZ SAW (GOSSARD, 2003) 28",Tet,5.50",Dor,ML,Frag,Re Creamy white /yellow tooth edge above gr throat creamy white DF $54 Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM Page: 19 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG BY TWO THEY CAME (BROOKER G, 2004) 30",Tet,6",SEv,EM,Db bright orange red with lighter veining and slight white edge orange red DF $74 CACTUS JACK (TRIMMER, 2007) 32",Tet,6",Evr,M,Db,Re peach with dark plum eye above green throat peach DF $70 CALDERA (LAMBERT J, 1989) 20",Dip,9",Dor Peach Rose Blend peach rose blend DF $21 CALMANITY JANE (Trimmer, 2010) 28",Tet,5.25",Evr,EM,Re Dk Pink Red Eye Display CAMEO GLASS (Moldovan, 2005) 28",Tet,4.50",SEv,M,Frag Olive Tan Pink Cream w' Rosy to Lavender Pink Eye above Olive Green to Yellow Throat Olive Tan Display CABOT COVE (MOORE, ERIC, 2009) 28",Tet,6",SEv,M,Db cream self with plum colored eyezone over green throat cream DF $8 CAJUN TWO STEP (MASON, M, 2009) 28",Tet,6",SEv,M very bright pink with prominent deep veins matching cherry pink eyezone over yellow throat sepals are darker rose pink bright pink DF $75 CALGARY STAMPEDE (HANSEN RA, 1994) 22",Tet,5",SEv,ML,Re,Noc,Ext Light Cream w' Red to Rose Eye light cream DF $8 CAMEROONS TWISTER (BENZ J, 2000) 40",Tet,7.50",Dor,ML,Frag,Re,UFO Wine Purple w' Pale Watermark Eye wine purple w wm & Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM Page: 20 / 139 DF $10 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG CANADIAN BORDER PATROL (SALTER J, 1995) 30",Tet,5.50",Evr,Re Cream w' Purple Eye and Purple Edge cream w purple ez DF $8 CAPTAIN AMERICAN (Gossard, James, 2010) 44",Dip,7.50",Dor,M,Frag,Re,EMo,Sp,Var RED WITH STAR GREEEN EYE IN CURL SPIDER VARIANT FORM Red Display CAREFREE WAYS (BRANCH CE, 1994) 38",Dip,6.50",Evr,Frag,Noc,Ext,Var dark red purple ez light purple DF $8 CARIBBEAN FRANK LEAGUE (TALBOTT DL, 1993) 24",Tet,5",Evr,M Near Black Self near black self DF $13 CAROL TODD (TRIMMER, 2006) 30",Tet,7",Evr,EM,Re pastel lavender with pale purple eye and purple gold edge above green throat lavender DF $78 CARIBBEAN REGGAE MOON (TALBOTT DL, 1994) 24",Dip,6",Evr,EM,Db,Ext Tangerine w' Red Eye tangerine w red ez CAROLINA FLYING POLY POSSUM (BAXTER B, 2002) 24",Dip,7",Evr,E,Re,Ext Heavily Ruffled Pastel Yellow Diamond Dusted w' Large Soft Red Eye and White Raised Midribs above Green Throat yellow w red ez DF $8 DF $100 CARPENTER SEEDLING 0",0" Display CARRICK WILDON (GOLDNER AH, 1987) 34",Tet,7.50",Dor,ML,Re,Ext Yellow w' Red Blend and Orange yellow DF $24 CARRIED AWAY (BENZ J, 2000) 38",Tet,5",Dor,M,VFrag,Re Shell Pink w' Gold Edge above Green Throat Pink Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM DF $15 Page: 21 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG CASANOVA (MOLDOVAN S, 1999) 28",Tet,6",Dor,EM,Re Medium Purple Blend and Gray Violet Watermark purple blend w wm DF $18 CASEY JONES (MASON, M, 2006) 25",Tet,6",SEv,M,Frag,Db,Ext golden yellow self above green throat golden yellow DF $39 CAST YOUR NET (EMMERICH, 2003) 24",Tet,5.50",SEv,M,VFrag,Re Creamy yellow with purple eye and edge and soft pink sepals creamy yellow DF $15 CASUAL CHARM (SIKES S, 1995) 25",Dip,5.50",Dor,M,Re,Ext Lavender Pink Bitone w' green throat lavender Pink bitone DF $16 CAUGHT RED HANDED (RICE J, 2000) 27",Tet,5.50",SEv,ML,Re,Ext Red Self red self DF $14 CATS CRADLE (HAGER BR, 1985) 38",Dip,8",Evr,EM,Re,Ext,Sp Bright Yellow Self yellow self DF $9 CAUSE FOR PAUSE (KIRCHHOFF D, 1996) 25",Tet,5.50",Evr,Re,Ext Cardinal Red Self cardinal red self CELESTIAL SONG (CARPENTER J, 1996) 28",Tet,6",Dor,Frag,Re Deep Mauve w' Darker Halo deep mauve self CHAMBER OF SECRETS (Moore-E D, 2011) 40",6",L,Re Violet Orchid Bi-tone w' Darker Eye and Lavender Watermark Violet Orchid Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM DF $9 DF $15 SF $125 Page: 22 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG CHANCE ENCOUNTER (STAMILE P, 1994) 25",Tet,6",Dor,EM,VFrag,Re,Ext Raspberry Rose Blend w' Gold Edge raspberry rose blend DF $8 CHANGING OF THE GARDE (SLANEK-MOLDOVAN, 2005) 34",Tet,6",Dor,EM rose pink bitone with paler rose pink watermark edge rose/pink DF $38 CHANNELED AGRESSION (HANSON C, 1998) 36",Tet,5",SEv,Frag Cerise w' Rose Watermark cerise w rose wm DF $10 CHARLES JOHNSTON (GATES L, 1981) 24",Tet,6",SEv,EM,Frag,Re Cherry Red Self cherry red self DF $8 CHATHAM MAGIC (JOINER ER, 1990) 20",Dip,6",SEv,ML,Re Lavender Pink w' Darker Halo lav pink w darker DF $8 CHERRY BERRY (STAMILE P, 1989) 30",Tet,4.25",Dor,VFrag,Ext Cream w' Wine Eye cream w wine ez DF $8 CHERRY CANDY (STAMILE P, 1989) 30",Tet,4.25",Dor,Frag,Ext Cream w' Peach and Cherry Red Eye cream peach DF $8 CHERRY EYED PUMPKIN (KIRCHHOFF D, 1991) 28",Tet,5.75",SEv,EE,Ext Orange w' Red Eye orange w red ez DF $9 CHERRY DROP (STAMILE P, 1992) 26",Tet,4.25",Dor,EM,Frag,Re Pink w' Cherry Red Eye pink w cherry red ez Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM DF $8 Page: 23 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG CHERRY FRILLS (BENZ J, 1994) 28",Tet,5.50",Dor,Noc,Ext Cerise Red Self cerise red self DF $12 CHICAGO APACHE (MARSH JE-KLEHM R, 1981) 27",Tet,5",Dor Scarlet Self scarlet self DF $8 CHICAGO GOLD COAST (MARSH JE, 1975) 24",Tet,6",SEv,Re Deep Gold Self deep gold self DF $8 CHICAGO PICOTEE MEMORIES (MARSH JE-KLEHM R, 1987) 30",Tet,5.50",Dor bicolor purple ez cream & purple DF $11 CHIEF FOUR FINGERS (ROBERTS N, 2002) 44",Dip,6",SEv,Ext Dark Red Purple w' Black Eye dark red purple w DF $16 CHICAGO SUNRISE (MARSH JE, 1969) 28",Tet,6",Evr,Re Orange Self orange self DF $8 CHILI SPICE (HANSEN, D, 2003) 22",Tet,6",SEv,EE,Re,UFO red cream bitone with cream midrib and edge above yellow green throat red/cream DF $18 CHIRENO (CARPENTER J, 1995) 24",Dip,5",SEv,EM,Re Red Orange w' Darker Eye red orange w darker DF $10 CHINESE SCHOLAR (SALTER J, 1990) 22",Tet,5",SEv,ML,Db,Re Red Self red self DF $8 CHOO-CHOO PRINCESS (PICKLES L+J, 1996) 22",Dip,3.88",Dor,EM,Ext darker rose band mauve rose bitone Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM DF $23 Page: 24 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG CHORUS LINE (KIRCHHOFF D, 1981) 20",Dip,3.50",Evr,VFrag,Re,Ext Pink w' Rose Band and Yellow Halo medium pink w rose DF $10 CHRISTMAS COTTON (Gaskins, 2009) 24",Tet,6",Evr,EM,Frag,Db,Re,EMo White w' Gold Edge yellow DF $59 CHROMATIC BUTTERFLY (MORSS, MORT, 2003) 30",Tet,6",SEv,EE,Re Albaster w' Triple Eye Pattern in Pewter Blue Lavender and Violet w' gold violet Edge above Yellow to green Throat TRIEYE PATTERN BLAVEND/VIOLET DF $75 CHRIS SALTER J (SALTER J, 1993) 26",Tet,6",SEv,Re Medium Lavender w' Gold Edges medium lavender self DF $8 CHROME PINK BEAUTY (BENZ, 2000) 27",Tet,5",Dor,M,VFrag,Re,Noc,Ext rose pink self above green throat rose pink DF $10 CIEL D'OR (KIRCHHOFF D, 1996) 28",Tet,5",Evr,EE,Re,Ext Hot Golden Orange w' Deepening Halo hot golden orange DF $8 CIMARRON PASS (WILD A, 1973) 34",Dip,5",Dor,EM yell gr thr deep apricot w rose DF $8 CIMARRON KNIGHT (SALTER J, 1990) 22",Tet,6",SEv,Re Burnt Sienna w' Black Plum Eye burnt sienna w black DF $8 CINCO DE MAYO (BIAGLOW, 2002) 28",Tet,6",Dor,ML orange with red eye and edge above green throat orange DF $10 CINDY'S EYE (SALTER J, 1994) 30",Tet,6.50",SEv,EM,Re Ivory Cream w' Medium Purple Eye ivory cream w medium Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM DF $10 Page: 25 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG CIO CIO SAN (WESTON J, 1997) 24",Tet,6.25",Evr,ML,Frag DARK LAVENDER CREAM HALO SOMTIMES POLYS dark lavender poly DF $12 CIRCUS TRUFFLE (KIRCHOFF, D, 2009) 28",Tet,6",Evr,E,Db,Re,EMo orange-gold double with red eye and red flecked edges intense yellow to green throat orange gold DF $95 CLARIFICATION (NORRIS R, 2002) 26",Tet,6",Dor,Re Pink lavender w' Purple Eye and Edge pink lav w purple ez DF $28 CLARK GABLE (KIRCHOFF, 2004) 28",Tet,7",Evr,EM,Frag,Db,Re,Ext intense persimmon orange self orange CLASSY STACY RENEE (GIBSON, D, 2007) 26",Tet,6",SEv,M pink peachy with gold edge above yellow to green heart throat peachy pink DF $90 DF $125 CLEOPATRA'S WINE (REINKE B, 2002) 32",Dip,8",Dor,Frag,Var Lavender Purple Self lavender purple self DF $24 CLUSTER MUSTER (JOINER ER, 2001) 24",Tet,5",Evr,Db,Re Tiger Lily Orange Self orange self Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry DF $12 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM Page: 26 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG COBRASKIN NECKTIE (HANSON, C, 2005) 39",Tet,6",SEv,EM lavender self above chatreuse throat lavender DF $125 COLD MOUNTAIN (FITZPATRICK, 2005) 39",Dip,9",Dor,M,UFO lavender blue self above light green throat lavender blue DF $49 COLLIER (BROWN EC, 1993) 28",Tet,6",SEv,EM Pink Gold Cream w' Yellow Polychrome pink gold cr yell DF $8 COLORADO Z'S (ZOLOCK S+S, 2002) 26",Tet,5",Dor,EM,Frag,Re Magenta Lavender Rose w' Wine Magenta Rose Band and Cream White Edge mag lav rose w wine DF $28 CONCRETE JILL (YOST, 2004) 26",Tet,6",SEv,M,Re yellow with darker edge above green throat yellow DF $40 CONNECT THE DOTS (JERABEK DJ, 2001) 25",Tet,5.75",Dor,M,Re CREAM W purple dots YELLOW EYE TO GREEN THROAT cream white w DF $16 CONNIE ABEL (DOORAKIAN G, 2002) 30",Tet,5.50",Dor,M,Re edge hooks & knobs above green throat tangerine w tang DF $24 COMFORT AND JOY (REINKE, J, 2004) 30",Dip,7",SEv,M,Frag lavender pink bitone with rosy lavender halo above green to creamy throat lavender pink DF $14 CONDILLA (GROOMS AO, 1977) 20",Dip,4.50",Dor,EM,Db Deep Gold Self deep gold self Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM DF $8 Page: 27 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG CONNIE CAN'T HAVE IT (CARPENTER, 2004) 18",Dip,7",Dor,EM,Frag,Re,Mi GOLD WITH RED EYE YELLOW DF $35 CONSTANTINOPLE (Moldovan Steve, 2005) 34",Tet,6",SEv,M,Re cherry red blend with creamy rose pink edge above green yellow throat red DF $34 COPPERHEAD (TAYLOR G, 1972) 36",Dip,3.50",Dor,M gr thr copper self DF $12 CORAL AND GOLD (PETIT T, 2000) 25",Tet,5.50",SEv,M,Re CORAL WITH GOLD EDGE GREEN THROAT coral w gold edge DF $50 CONSTANT CRAVING (HEINZ-ASHBACH) 0",Tet,0" dark rose lavender dark rose DF $8 CORAL EXPLOSION (STAMILE, 2003) 27",Tet,6",Evr,EM,Frag,Db,Re coral rose polychrome avove green throat coral rose DF $30 CORAL MAJORITY (NORRIS, RICHARD, 2004) 33",Tet,4.50",Dor,Re rich coral with orange highlights coral DF $25 CORONAL LIGHT (Stamile, 2004) 25",Tet,5.50",Evr,EM,Re Rose red with white edge rose red with white edge DF $22 COSMIC KALIDOSCOPE (CARPENTER, J, 2006) 27",Dip,7",Evr,M,Frag,Re lavender self above green throat lavender DF $150 COSMOPOLITATIAN TRUFFLE (Kirchhoff david, 2009) 26",Tet,5.50",Evr,EE,Frag,Db,Re,Ext,EMo Peach opens for as long as 24 hours. Peach Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM Display Page: 28 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG COTTON CLUB (KIRCHHOFF D, 1985) 20",Dip,5",Evr,EM,Db,Re,Ext Butter Cream Self butter cream self DF $8 COUNTER-TERRORIST (Baxter, 2006) 24",Dip,8",Dor,Re vibrant raspberry with deeper eye above green throat raspberry DF $100 COURTING TROUBLE (SALTER J, 2002) 28",Tet,5",SEv,EM,Re coral pink with black purple eye above green yellow throat coral pink DF $16 CRACKLING BURGUNDY (BENZ J, 1996) 28",Tet,5.50",Dor chart thr burgundy red self DF $8 CRANBERRY ISLAND (Trimmer, 2010) 20",Tet,5.50",SEv,M,Re Cream w' Rouge Edge above Green TO YELLOW HALO Throat CR W. ROUGE EDGE ABOVE A GREEN Display CRAZY IVAN (GRACE-SMITH, 2005) 35",Tet,6",SEv,EM,Frag,Re cream with mahogany eye and edge above green throat cream DF $54 CREATIVE EDGE (STAMILE P, 1993) 23",Tet,6",SEv,Frag,Re Cream Lavender w' Purple and Gold Picotee Edges and Purple Eye cream lavender DF $9 CREATIVE MEMORIES (BROOKER, 2005) 26",Tet,5.50",Dor,ML Creamy white lavender blue eye and lavender blue light yellow edge lavender DF $85 CREATIVE VISION (STAMILE P, 1997) 22",Tet,4.50",Evr,Frag,Re Cream White w' Purple Eye and Edge cream white w Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM DF $14 Page: 29 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG CRIMSON JUBILEE (OTTE M, 2001) 27",Tet,5",SEv,Re Christmas Red w' Gold Wire Edge red w gold wire edge DF $18 CROCODILE SMILE (TRIMMER D, 1996) 36",Tet,8",SEv,EM Mulberry w' Ivory Bicolor mulberry & ivory DF $18 CROSSFIRE (STADLER, 2004) 32",Tet,8",Dor,L,Re ruby red self above yellow green throat ruby red DF $20 CROWN OF CREATION (RICE J, 1998) 23",Tet,5",Dor,ML,Db,Re,Ext Orange Polychrome w' Pink Midribs and Fringed Edge orange poly pink mr DF $15 CRY ME A RIVER (WOODHALL, 2003) 30",Tet,6",Dor,M,Re rose lavender blend with cream to pink watermark above green cream throat rose lavender DF $35 CURRY HOUSE (HANSON C, 1992) 32",Tet,5.50",SEv,EM Cinnamon Tan w' Gold Watermark Above Chartreuse Green Throat brown DF $8 CUTE AS A BUTTON (STAMILE G, 1999) 15",Dip,1.75",SEv,EM,Db,Re Cream Self w' Cream Throat cream self DF $8 CUSTARD CANDY (STAMILE P, 1989) 24",Tet,4.25",Dor,EM,Re Cream Yellow w' Maroon Eye and Green Throat cream yellow DAGNY HOOKS (KIRCHOFF, 2008) 28",Tet,6",Evr,E,Db,Re,Ext cream with peach infusion and lime green throat cream with peach Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM DF $8 DF $142 Page: 30 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG DANCE YOUR DREAM (HARTSELL, 2003) 30",Tet,5.25",Dor,M deep pink self above yellow green throat pink DF $14 DANCING CRAB (BURKEY C, 1998) 42",Dip,6",Dor,UFO Light Red Self light red self DF $30 DANCING WITH PINK (KIRCHHOFF D, 1993) 23",Dip,5",Evr,EM,Db,Re,Ext Pink Self pink self DF $9 DANGEROUS ATTRACTION (CARPENTER J, 1994) 22",Dip,5",Evr,EM,Frag,Re Gold w' Bold Red Eye gold w bold red ez DF $20 DARING DECEPTION (SALTER J, 1994) 24",Tet,5",SEv,EM,Re Pale Lavender Pink w' Black Purple Eye and Edge lav pink w black DF $8 DARK AND HANDSOME (CARPENTER J, 1990) 20",Dip,5.75",SEv,Frag,Re Smokey Pink w' Dark Maroon Eye smoky pink DF $9 DARK AVENGER (SALTER EH, 1988) 18",Dip,2.50",SEv,Re Black Red Self black red self DF $9 DARK DRAGON (BENNETT P, 1999) 32",Dip,5.38",Evr,EM,Db midribs and eye above gold throat dark red blend dark DF $8 DARK ENERGY (GOSSARD, 2006) 36",Dip,7.50",Dor,M,Frag,UFO yell orange thr rusty brown blend w blk eye Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM DF $75 Page: 31 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG DARK MONKEY (GOSSARD, 2004) 47",Tet,8",Evr,M,UFO dark red with black eye and orange red band above green throat dark red DF $19 DARKER SHADE (STAMILE P, 1992) 26",Tet,5.50",SEv,EM,VFrag,Re Purple Self purple self DF $9 DARKSIDE (CULVER B, 1999) 26",Tet,5.50",SEv,Frag,Ext black purple self w/green throat black purple self DF $35 DARLA ANITA (KINNEBREW J, 1999) 30",Tet,7",Evr,EM Lavender Blend w' Gold Edge lavender blend gold DF $22 DASHING DOUBLE (KIRCHHOFF D, 1994) 26",Dip,4.50",SEv,EM,Db,Re,Ext Yellow w' Burgundy Red Eye yell w burgundy DF $13 DAVE RHYNE (DOUGHERTY E, 1999) 32",Tet,5.50",Dor,EM red ez gr yell thr orange red self DF $10 DAVEO HOLMAN (HOLMAN MRS DO, 1979) 23",Dip,9.50",Dor,Re,Ext Pink Self pink self DAVEY JONES' LOCKER (MOLDOVAN, 2006) 30",Tet,6",SEv,M,Re rose purple bitone with chevron deep purple eye above green to lemon yellow throat rose purple DF $8 DF $150 DAVID ISHEE (TOWNSEND J, 1999) 21",Tet,4.50",Evr,EM,Db,Re Orange Self orange self DF $9 DAVID KIRCHHOFF (SALTER J, 1992) 26",Tet,5.50",SEv,ML,Re Lavender Blend lavender blend DF $9 Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM Page: 32 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG DEBORAH ANDERSON HARRIS (TOWNSEND, J, 2005) 27",Tet,6",SEv,EM,Db,Re wine red with white edge above yellow throat wine red DF $25 DECADENCE (MARYOTT, 2006) 30",Tet,6",Evr,E muted rose purple with yellow ruffled edge above green blending to yellow throat rose purple DF $29 DEEP POOLS (YANCEY C, 1979) 20",Dip,6",SEv,M,Frag,Re bright orchid purple shaded blue with lavender purple halo and green yellow throat orchid purple DF $12 DENALI (STAMILE P, 1997) 23",Tet,8",Evr,ML,VFrag,Db,Re Pink Blend pink blend DF $11 DELIGHTEDLY (KENNEDY R, 1980) 20",Dip,3.50",Dor,EM,Db,Re SILVER ROSE PINK SELF SMALL GREE THROAT silv rose pink self DF $12 DESDEMONA (KIRCHHOFF D, 1984) 20",Dip,4.25",SEv,EM,Db,Ext Magenta Orchid Rose Blend magenta orchid rose DF $8 DESERT EDGE (HOUSTON O, 1996) 26",Tet,5",Evr,Frag,Re Apricot Tan w' Lavender Eye and Gold Edge apricot tan w lav ez DESIGNER ORANGE (Blanton, 2011) 0",Tet,6.20",SEv,M,Re Orange Self. orange Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry DF $8 SF $120 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM Page: 33 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG DESTINED TO SEE (GRACE L, 1998) 24",Tet,6",Evr,EM,Frag,UFO Cream Yellow w' Lavender Eye and Edge cr lav w lav ez & DF $14 DEVAUGHN HODGHES (DURIO K, 1979) 20",Tet,4.50",Evr,Db,Re Amaranth Rose w' Ruby Red Eye amaranth rose DF $8 DEVILS MAGIC (MUNSON RW, 1993) 28",Tet,6",Evr,EM,Re Purple Plum w' Chalky Plum Eye purple plum DEWBERRY CANDY (STAMILE P, 1990) 22",Tet,3.75",Dor,VFrag,Ext Cream w' Purple Eye cr w purple ez DF $15 DF $8 DIGITAL IMAGERY (MOLDOVAN, 1997) 30",Tet,5.50",Dor,M,Re Magenta rose /variable patterned purple eye watermark magenta rose DF $100 DISCUS (MILLIKAN B, 1979) 27",Dip,5",SEv,Frag,Re,Ext YELLOW SELF deep yellow self DF $8 DIVINE COMEDY (MOLDOVAN S, 1996) 31",Tet,6",SEv,Frag,Re Rosy Purple w' Yellow Watermark rosy purple w yell DF $11 DOCTOR CHARLES MOLANO (TRIMMER D, 2002) 30",Tet,6",SEv,ML,Db Ivory Self ivory self DF $17 DOC BRANCH (PICKLES L+J, 1998) 28",Tet,5.50",SEv,Re,Ext Cream Apricot Blush Blend cream apricot blush Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM DF $15 Page: 34 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG DOCTOR WHO (Gossard James, 2010) 28",Tet,5.50",SEv,EM,Frag,EMo mauve purple patterned eyezone of blue. lavender blue Green throat mauve white edges Display DOOMSDAY (TAYLOR B, 1956) 36",Dip,0",Evr,EE,Re,Ext DARK MAROON SELF dark maroon self DF $20 DORIS ANNA (REINKE J, 2000) 31",Dip,6.50",SEv,ML,Frag near white self above very light green throat near white DF $30 DOUBLE ALMOND (CHILDS F, 1976) 18",Dip,4.50",Dor,Db,Re,Ext Dark Carmel brown w' Cinnamon Eye dark caramel w cinn DF $8 DOUBLE BOLD ONE (MILLER J, 1981) 32",Dip,6",Dor,EM,Db Gold w' Wide Red Eye gold w wide red ez DF $8 DOROTHY AND TOTO (HERRINGTON, K, 2003) 30",Tet,6",SEv,M,Frag,Db,Re rose peach cream blend above green throat cream DF $35 DOUBLE BREAKTHROUGH (BROWN B, 1978) 22",Dip,6.75",Evr,Frag,Db,Re Dusty Rose Bitone dusty rose bitone DF $9 DOUBLE CINNAMON SUNSET (BOYKIN HW, 1997) 16",Dip,6",SEv,Frag,Db,Noc,Ext Rose Cinnamon Blend rose cinnamon blend Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM DF $10 Page: 35 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG DOUBLE CONCH SHELL (STAMILE P, 1987) 26",Dip,6",Evr,EM,Frag,Db,Ext Melon Pink Blend melon pink blend DF $8 DOUBLE DELICIOUS (TISCH R, 1972) 32",Dip,5",Dor,M,Db,Re,Ext yellow self with green throat yellow DF $11 DOUBLE DIPPER (DURIO D, 1990) 28",Tet,6.50",Dor,EM,Db,Re,Ext blend rose halo tang & mel pink DF $8 DOUBLE DONNIE (CARPENTER J, 2000) 26",Dip,5",SEv,Frag,Db,Re Lemon Yellow Self lemon yellow self DF $15 DOUBLE EYEFUL (BROWN, B, 1978) 26",Dip,4.50",Dor,E,Db,Re Lavender w' Purple Eye lavender DF $11 DOUBLE DOOM 0",0",Db Lemon Yellow Self yellow Display DOUBLE FIRECRACKER (BROWN B, 1978) 23",Dip,5",Dor,Db Bright Red Self bright red self DF $8 DOUBLE GRAPETTE (BROWN B, 1976) 24",Dip,4.50",Evr,Db,Ext Dark Purple Self dark purple self DF $8 DOUBLE JOANNA (KROPF FA, 1982) 30",Dip,6",Dor,Frag,Db,Re,Ext Medium Violet w' Dark Violet Eye medium violet w dark DF $8 DOUBLE MELODY (BROWN B, 1970) 25",Dip,6.50",Evr,EM,Db,Re blend green throat rose beige & cinn DOUBLE MINDED (BROOKER, G, 2007) 26",Tet,6",SEv,M,Db,Ext cream with light lavender watermark and raspberry band cream Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM DF $8 DF $125 Page: 36 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG DOUBLE PARFAIT (OAKES W, 1987) 23",Dip,7.50",Dor,Frag,Db poly cream pink yellow DF $10 DOUBLE STARBURST (HIBBARD MRS I, 1997) 25",Dip,5",Dor,ML,Db yell thr yellow self DF $12 DOUBLE WIRLWIND (gossard dianna, 2010) 38",Tet,5.50",Dor,M,Frag,Db,Re pale peach double pale peach Display DOUBLE PASSION (BROWN B, 1973) 25",Dip,6",Evr,Db gold thr pinkish lav self DF $9 DOUBLE TOUR TIME (BROWN B, 1981) 23",Dip,6",Evr,Db,Re Peach Self peach self DF $8 DOUBLY DELICIOUS DANDY (SALTER, J, 2002) 28",Tet,6.50",Evr,EM,Db,Re coral pink blend coral pink DF $16 DOWN EAST LADY (VALENTE RON, 1996) 36",Tet,6",Dor,M pink withe yellow watermark green throat pink w' yellow watermark DF $18 DR. WHO (Gossard Jamie, 2010) 28",Tet,5.50",Dor,EM,Frag,Re,EMo has mauve purple with patterned eyezone of blue lavender blue with green throat. sepals are edged in whitepassed on red purple Display DOUGLAS DEBATE (WARRELL, 2003) 28",Tet,6",Dor,M,Db bright red melon bitone with deep red band above gold throat red/melon DF $40 DOYLE PIERCE (GRACE-SMITH, 2004) 34",Tet,6",SEv,EM,Frag,Re lavender with blue watermark and blue gold double edge above green throat lavender DF $45 Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM Page: 37 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG DRAGON KING (KIRCHHOFF D, 1992) 22",Tet,5.50",Evr,Ext Mandarin Red Self mandarin red self DF $8 DRAGON KNIGHT (Gossard James, 2010) 31",Tet,8",Dor,ML,Re,EMo dark red /darker red eye zone and green throat. Teeth, edge, and fangs are yellow green Dark Red Display DRAGON'S ORB (SALTER EH, 1986) 20",Dip,2.75",SEv,Re Ivory White w' Black Eye pale ivory white DF $8 DRAGONS EYE (Salter- E H, 1991) 24",Tet,4",SEv,ML,Re Pastel pink w'rose red eyezone above green throat pastel pink DF $8 DRAGONS EYE (SALTER E H, 1991) 22",Dip,4",SEv,ML,Re red ez gr thr pastel pink w rose DF $24 DREAM CANDY (STAMILE P, 2002) 26",Tet,4.25",Evr,EM,Frag,Re Pink w' Ruby Red Eye and Edge pink w ruby red ez & DF $25 DREAM GIFT (HARTSELL E, 2002) 20",Dip,4.50",Dor,M Light salmon cream blend w' pink ruffled edge above yellow to intense green throat lt salmon cr blend DF $8 DREAM LOVER (BENZ J, 2000) 34",Tet,5.50",SEv,M,VFrag,Re rose pink self lime green throat rose pink self DF $15 DRUMS ALONG THE MOHAWK (MOLDOVAN S, 1999) 34",Tet,6",SEv,Frag,Re,Ext Pinkish Coral Blend w' Red Eye pink coral blend DF $11 Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM Page: 38 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG DUTCHMAN'S PUZZLE (SALTER, E, 2003) 24",Tet,4",SEv,EM,Re pale pink with washed pink cream eye above green throat pink DF $11 EARLY FRAGRANCE (CARPENTER J, 2001) 22",Tet,6",Evr,VFrag,Re Red Orange w' Deeper Orange Halo red orange blend DF $25 EBONY POOLS (STAMILE, 2003) 28",Tet,5",Evr,EM,Frag,Re red purple with black eye and edge above green throat red purple DF $10 ECHOES OF LOVE (BROOKER, G, 2007) 30",Tet,8",SEv,EM,Ext near white with purple lavender blue multicolored hued eye near white DF $100 ECSTATIC EDGE (HOUSTON O, 1996) 22",Tet,6",SEv,EM,Frag,Re lavender pink with purple eyes chartuese throat lav pink w purple ez DF $18 ED DORDON (TRIMMER D, 1991) 29",Tet,6",Dor,EM yellow cream and flesh poly green throat yellow cream & flesh DF $8 ED KIRCHHOFF (KIRCHHOFF D, 1981) 23",Tet,5",SEv,VL,Frag,Re,Ext Saffron Yellow Self saffron yellow self DF $8 EDGE OF YOUR SEAT (YOST R, 2002) 26",Tet,6",SEv,EM,Re Peach w' Purple Shooting Eye and Purple Yellow Edge peach w purple ez DF $20 EGYPTIAN QUEEN (TRIMMER D, 2000) 38",Tet,7",Evr,EE,Re Pale Peach w' Royal Purple Eye peach w purple ez Display Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM Page: 39 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG EGYPTIAN SPICE (RECKAMP C, 1969) 28",Tet,6",Dor,ML,Frag Amber Orange Blend amber orange blend DF $8 EIGHT MILE HIGH (lambertson, 2007) 30",Tet,8",SEv,EM,Re DF $90 EL DESPERADO (STAMILE P, 1991) 28",Tet,5",Dor,Ext Mustard Yellow w' Wine Purple Eye mustard yellow DF $11 ELDERBERRY CANDY (STAMILE, 2003) 27",Tet,4",Dor,ML,Re orchid with plum eye and edge above green throat orchid DF $18 black Red With sharks teeth white Black Red ELAINE STRUTT (COE RH, 1969) 38",Tet,4",SEv,ML Pink Self pink self DF $8 ELECTRIC MIST (SALTER J, 2001) 28",Tet,7",SEv,Re Purple w' Yellow Green Patterned Eye purple w patterned DF $16 ELEGANT CANDY (STAMILE P, 1995) 25",Tet,4.25",Dor,EM,VFrag,Re Pink w' Red Eye pink w red ez DF $9 ELFIN FURY (SALTER, 2005) 20",Tet,3.50",SEv,EM,Re orange red blend above green throat orange red Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM DF $16 Page: 40 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG ELIZABETH SALTER (SALTER J, 1990) 22",Tet,5.50",SEv,Re Pink Self pink self DF $8 ELOQUENTLY EDGED (CARPENTER, J, 2004) 26",Dip,6",Evr,M,Frag,Re yellow cream with mahogany eye above green throat yellow cream DF $25 EMBROIDERY (MILLIKAN B, 1984) 26",Dip,5.50",Dor,EM yellow with green cast amd green throat yellow w green cast DF $8 EMERALD SPLENDOR (WILSON T, 1993) 24",Dip,5",Evr,EM,Re,Ext Yellow w' Green Cast yellow self gr cast DF $9 EMBROIDERY PLUS (BENZ J, 1995) 30",Tet,5.50",Dor,ML,VFrag,Noc,Ext Pale Lemon Yellow Self pale lemon yell self DF $9 EMERIE BAKER (KIRCHOFF, 2008) 30",Tet,5.50",Evr,E,Db,Re,Ext medium to strong pastel orchid with ornate edges of sharks teeth and lace in silver and gold filigree pastel orchid Display ENCHANTING ESMERELDA (SALTER J, 2000) 26",Tet,5.50",SEv,EM,Re Rose Pink w' Light Rose Pink Eye rose pink w ez DF $16 EMPIRE OF DESIRE (Richard Norris, 2010) 36",Tet,7",Dor,M,Re Bright yellow self above green throat yellow ENCOMIUM (STAMILE P, 1988) 24",Dip,5.50",SEv,Db apricot self DF $8 ESCAPE INTO FANTASY (HANSON, C, 2006) 33",Tet,4.50",SEv,EM Cream with lavender purple eye above green throat cream Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry Display 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM DF $125 Page: 41 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG ESPECIALLY FOR YOU (RECKAMP C-KLEHM R, 1987) 30",Tet,6",Dor,M green throat peach pink blend DF $15 ETERNAL OPTIMIST (RICE J, 2002) 25",Tet,6",Dor,ML,Re Violet Purple w' Violet Watermark and Platinum Edge violet purple blend DF $11 EVENING CONCERTO (BROOKER G, 2002) 33",Tet,6",SEv,Frag Deep Purple w' White Edge and Lavender White Watermark deep purple w white DF $20 ETCHED EYES (KASKEL M, 1994) 28",Tet,5.50",Evr Cream Yellow w' Raspberry Eye cream yellow DF $8 EVANSVILLE'S GIRL (Jarabak-Blanton, 2011) 0",Tet,0" Purplish Red Blend above Gold Throat Purplish Red Display EVENING ENCHANTMENT (STAMILE P, 1995) 26",Tet,5",Evr,EM,Re,Ext Deep Purple Self deep purple self DF $8 EVER DELIGHTFUL (SALTER J, 1996) 26",Tet,5",Evr,Re cinn edge gr thr pale cream blend DF $8 EXCURSIONS IN AMBIANCE (HANSON C, 2001) 30",Tet,5",SEv,M apricot self apricot self DF $18 EXOTIC CANDY (STAMILE P, 1995) 26",Tet,4.25",Dor,VFrag,Re Light Pink w' Dark Rose Red Eye lt pink dk red ez DF $8 EXOTIC ECHO (SELLERS V, 1984) 16",Dip,3",Dor Pink Cream Blend w' Double Burgundy Eye pink cream blend Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM DF $8 Page: 42 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG EXOTIC PATTERN (CARPENTER, J, 2007) 30",Dip,6",Evr,M,Frag,Re lavender cream with lavender purple eye above very green throat lavender cream DF $90 EXTRA ADDITION (REINKE, BILL, 2004) 28",Dip,6",SEv,M,Frag rosy mauve bitone above green throat rosy mauve DF $75 EYE CATCHING (STAMILE P, 1997) 23",Tet,5",Evr,EM,Frag,Re Cream w' Purple Eye and Edge cream w purple ez DF $8 EXOTIC TREASURE (SALTER J, 2002) 28",Tet,5.25",SEv,EM,Re Pink Melon Flesh w' Black Purple Eye pink melon flesh w DF $17 EYE ON AMERICA (SALTER J, 1996) 26",Tet,5.50",SEv,EM,Re Yellow Cream w' Black Plum Eye yellow cream DF $12 EYES ON THE PRIZE (EMMERICH K, 2002) 18",Tet,5.50",SEv,EM Pink w' Dark Velvet Burgundy Black Eye and Edge pink w burg black DF $22 FAIRY TALE KINGDOM (BIAGLOW J, 2002) 28",Tet,5.50",SEv,ML,Re cream with lavender eye and edge above green throat cream DF $26 FAIRY GODMOTHER (MOLDOVAN, 2003) 30",Tet,5.25",Dor,EM,Frag,Re creamy lavender blend above green yellow throat lavender DF $30 FAIRY TALE PINK (PIERCE C, 1980) 24",Dip,6",SEv,Re Pink Self pink self Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM DF $8 Page: 43 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG FAIRY TALE ROMANCE (Douglas Charles, 2010) 24",Tet,5.50",Evr,M,Re Pink with cream undertones Sculpting and teeth. Diamond dusted with yellow ruffled edge. Passing teeth and sculpting to babies. Pale pink cream undertones SF $150 FAN CLUB (SHOOTER J, 1992) 27",Dip,4",SEv,Re Light Lavender w' Purple Eye lt lav w purple ez DF $8 FANCIFUL CANDY (STAMILE P, 1997) 21",Tet,4.25",Dor Pink w' Red Eye pink w red ez DF $12 FASHION POLICE (TRIMMER, 2005) 34",Tet,6",Evr,M,Re pale yellow with mahogany red eye above yellow green throat pale yellow DF $49 FE FI FO FUM (WOODHALL, 2005) 42",Tet,7",Dor,M,Frag,UFO purple self above greenish yellow to green throat purple DF $60 FEAR NOT (EMMERICH, 2005) 26",Tet,5",Dor,M,VFrag chinese red with pale red watermark and gold filigree edge above green throat chinese red DF $50 FEISTY (GATES L, 1991) 24",Dip,6",Evr,Frag,Db,Re,Ext Rose Orange Self rose orange self DF $12 FEMININE INTUITION (RICE J, 2002) 24",Tet,5",SEv,EM,Re,Ext Burgundy w' Violet Eye and Gold Edge burgundy w violet ez DF $20 FENTON LAVENDER MINT (GUILLORY J, 1995) 28",Dip,4.75",Evr,ML,VFrag,Db white edge purple rose blend Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM DF $8 Page: 44 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG FIERY CHARIOT (MUNSON, R. W., 1990) 28",Tet,5",SEv,EM scarlet self with yellow green throat scarlet FIERY VISITATION (GAMBER B, 1999) 18",Tet,5",Evr,EM,Frag,Db Red w' Gold Edge red w gold edge FIJI SUNSET (HOLMES, 2008) 36",Tet,8",SEv,E,UFO lavender self with a large green throat lavender DF $11 DF $10 DF $100 FIRE AGATE (STAMILE, 2005) 23",Tet,6",Evr,M,Db,Re red self above green throat red DF $35 FIRE AND BRIMSTONE (OTTE M, 1995) 26",Tet,4.75",Evr,Re,Ext Crimson w' Yellow Gold border crimson w yell gold DF $17 FIRE BREATHING DRAGON (SALTER J, 1995) 28",Tet,7",SEv,M,Db,Re Red Orange Blend red orange blend DF $17 FIRE KING (BENZ J, 1991) 30",Tet,5.50",Dor,M,Noc,Ext Orange Self brill orange self DF $10 FIREBALL (SCHROEDER RM, 1948) 32",Dip,0",M,Re ROM2: w' markings, bitone, or polychrome medium red orange DF $10 FIRE AND FOG (SALTER J, 2000) 28",Tet,6",SEv,Re Light Rose Red w' Dark Red Eye and Yellow Gold Edge lt rose red dark red Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM DF $9 Page: 45 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG FIRES OF FUJI (HUDSON B, 1990) 28",Tet,5",SEv,M,Db,Re tan bitone w' yellow green throat red edged orange DF $10 FIRST CRUSH (NORRIS, RICHARD, 2008) 21",Tet,6",Dor,M,Re,EMo Deep Rose Pink eye and edge with white between eye and edge white pink eye and edge DF $90 FLAMBOYANT EDGES (STAMILE P, 2001) 28",Tet,7",Evr,Frag,Db,Re Orchid Cream w' Plum Eye and Edge orchid cream w plum DF $24 FIRST ALERT (TERRY J, 1985) 30",Dip,6",Dor,EM,Frag,Re,Ext yellow apricot throat flame rose self DF $8 FLAMBOYANT EYES (CARPENTER J, 1993) 26",Dip,6",Dor,Frag,Re Flesh Pink w' Raspberry Red Edges flesh pink DF $8 FLAMING FROLIC (JERNIGAN, 1988) 27",Dip,7",SEv,M,Frag orange thr red orange poly DF $14 FLASH OF BRILLIANCE (ABAJIAN, 2004) 26",Tet,7",SEv,EM,Re apricot cream with raspberry eye and edge above green throat apricot cream DF $20 FLIGHT OF THE RAVEN (NORRIS RICHARD, 1999) 26",Tet,5",SEv,ML,Re bright raspberry with dark black purple eye & edge raspberry DF $11 FLY CATCHER (MILLER J, 1978) 32",Dip,7.50",Dor,ML Red w' Green Eye red Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM DF $8 Page: 46 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG FLYING PURPLE PEOPLE EATER (Holmes-S, 2009) 33",Tet,10.50",M,Sp,UFO Purple Self above Green Throat Purple Display FLYING TRAPEZE (MOLDOVAN, 2005) 36",Tet,7",Dor,M,Re,UFO orange coral blend with yellow watermark above yellow to green throat orange coral DF $60 FORBIDDEN FANTASY (SALTER J, 2000) 29",Tet,6",SEv,ML,Re Purple w' Cream White Edge purple w cr wh edge DF $17 FORESTLAKE RAGAMUFFIN (HARDING F, 1993) 28",Tet,5.50",Dor,EM,Re pink self with goldruffle gr thr pink self gold DF $32 FOREVER IN LOVE (NORRIS, RICHARD, 2005) 40",Tet,6.25",SEv,M,Re clear yellow with lavender purple eye yellow DF $90 FORTUNE BERRY (KIRCHOFF, D, 2004) 30",Tet,6",Evr,EM,Re,Ext burgundy with coral burgundy watermark above yellow to lime throat burgundy DF $40 FORTY DAYS AND FORTY NIGHTS (EMMERICH, 2005) 36",Tet,6",Dor,M,Frag,Re grape with silver grey eye and silver grey gold filigree edge above yellow to green grape DF $49 FOOLED ME (HEIN A, 1990) 24",Tet,5.50",Dor,EM,Ext Golden Yellow w' Red Edge and Deep Red Eye golden yell edged DF $9 FORTUNES DEAREST (MORSS M, 1994) 25",Tet,6",Evr,Re Grape Purple w' White Edge and Lighter Grape Purple Watermark grape purple w white Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM Page: 47 / 139 DF $12 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG FORTY SECOND STREET (KIRCHHOFF D, 1991) 24",Dip,5",Evr,Db,Re,Ext Pastel Pink w' Bright Rose Eye pastel pink w brt DF $9 FOUR-PLAY (PANSING J+K, 1998) 24",Dip,5.50",SEv,EM,Frag,Ext Canary Yellow canary yellow DF $20 FOX POLYING AROUND (Forresster Ceicl, 2008) 32",Dip,9",SEv,M,Sp,Var Spider cream peach with red fetheres Cream SF $150 FRANCES JOINER (JOINER ER, 1988) 24",Dip,5.50",Dor,Frag,Db,Re Rose Blend rose blend DF $11 FRANCIS OF ASSISI (MOLDOVAN S, 1994) 26",Tet,6",SEv,Frag,Re,Ext Burgundy Red to Bright Wine Blend and Bold White Picotee Edge burg red to wine red DF $12 FRED WARREN (TOWNSEND, J, 2003) 24",Tet,4.25",SEv,EM,Re orange peach blend above green throat orange peach DF $25 FRANS HALS (FLORY WB, 1955) 24",Dip,0",Dor,ML Bright Rust w' Orange Bicolor and Creamy Orange Midribs bright rust & orange FRIARS LANTERN (MOLDOVAN S, 1991) 24",Tet,5",Dor,Frag,Re,Ext Medium Purple w' Lemon Watermark and Charcoal Band med purple w lemon DF $8 FRONT PORCH SWING (GRACE-SMITH, 2003) 28",Tet,5.50",SEv,EM,Frag,Re light coral with yellow edge coral Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM DF $8 DF $25 Page: 48 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG FUCHSIA FOUR (REINKE B+J, 1995) 22",Dip,7",SEv,Frag,Re Fuchsia Self fuchsia self DF $8 FUNNY VALENTINE (BLANEY TL, 1998) 28",Tet,5.50",Dor,EM Saturated Rose Red rose red DF $8 GADSDEN LIGHT (REINKE B+J, 1990) 34",Dip,8",SEv,EM,Frag,Var Greenish Yellow Self green yellow DF $8 GALAXY EXPLOSION (BURRIS, 2003) 40",Dip,5",Dor,M,Re,Sp coppery salmon blend with deep black purple eye above gold throat coppery salmon DF $15 GARDEN DEBUTANTE (Trimmer, 2010) 31",Tet,7.25",Evr,EM,Frag,Db,Re Ivory Yellow Self Ivory Yellow Display GARY COLBY (PETIT, 2005) 26",Tet,8",SEv,M,Frag,Re rose with gold edge above green throat rose DF $75 GENTLEMAN'S LADY (MOLDOVAN, 2005) 32",Tet,6",SEv,EM bengal rose blend with cream bubbly edge above green yellow throat rose DF $100 GEORGE JETS ON (YOST R, 1999) 28",Dip,3.75",Dor,EM,VFrag,Re Rose Cream Bicolor w' Yellow Eye and Cream Rose Etched Lines rose cream bicolor DF $18 GERRIE FRANKENBERGER (PETIT, 2005) 22",Tet,6",SEv,M,Frag,Db,Re CLUB PLANT - coral rose with burgundy eye and edge above green throat coral rose Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM Page: 49 / 139 DF $40 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG GET JIGGY (Stamile P, 2009) 37",Tet,5.75",SEv,EM,Frag,Re,EMo,UFO Eye is never the same. pink w violet rose eye and double edges of violet and rose. Pink DF $120 GET'R DONE (GOSSARD, R, 2006) 34",Tet,9",Dor,M,Frag,Re peachy pink with darker eye above green throat peachy pink DF $90 GIANT ON THE MOUNTAIN (CARPENTER J, 2002) 24",Tet,7",Evr,EM,Frag,Re Yellow Bitone yellow bitone DF $26 GIGGLE CREEK (CULVER, B, 2000) 28",Tet,5",SEv,ML,Frag,Ext lavender with purple eyezone and double edge of purple and then cream over yellow to green throat lavender DF $15 GIRLISH LAUGHTER (MOLDOVAN, 2003) 30",Tet,5",Dor,M,Frag,Re rose pink with bright rose eye above green to creamy yellow throat pink DF $60 GIVE ME EIGHT (REINKE B+J, 1993) 48",Dip,8",SEv,ML,Frag Greenish White Self green white self DF $15 GLADYS CAMPBELL (PETIT T, 1994) 19",Tet,5.50",Evr,Db Pink w' Yellow Cream Eye pink DF $12 GLORY ON HIGH (KORTH, P & KORTH, L, 2005) 38",Tet,5",SEv,M,Re Lavender blend with cream midribs and gold edge above orange to green throat lavender DF $69 GLORIOUS AUTUMN (KIRCHOFF, D, 2005) 27",Tet,5",Dor,M,Db,Re,Ext orange with red edge above gold to green throat orange Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM DF $75 Page: 50 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG GLORY TO HIS NAME (CARPENTER, J, 2006) 24",Tet,6",Dor,E,Frag,Re purple with lavender watermark and white cream edge above green throat purple DF $25 GOD OF WINE (Grossmann-M, 2002) 24",Tet,0",SEv,M Dark Red Self above yellow throat Red Display GOD SAVE THE QUEEN (MORSS, 2005) 30",Tet,7",Evr,E,Re,Ext medium amethyst with midnight purple eye and purple outlined yellow gold edge above yellow to green throat medium amethyst DF $125 GOLLIWOG (WILD A, 1983) 25",Dip,8.25",Dor,ML,Re,UFO Pink pink self DF $8 GOT NO GOAT (BAXTER B, 2000) 29",Dip,6",SEv,Re Purple w' White Midribs and Watermark purple w white mr DF $29 GOTHIC TROLL (HANSON C, 1998) 26",Tet,5",SEv chart thr purple self DF $8 GRANDFATHER TIME (WILD A, 1966) 30",Dip,7.50",Dor Brick Red Self brick red self Display GRANDSTAND BEAUTY (DOUGLAS, 2008) 26",Tet,5.50",SEv,M,Re cream with fuchsia rose eye and matching picotee over yellow to green throat and seperated by a faint cream halo cream with pink fuschsia Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM DF $100 Page: 51 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG GRAPE SPLASH (ROYCROFT B, 1996) 24",Dip,6",Dor,ML,Frag,Ext Lavender w' Dark Purple Eye lav w dark purple ez DF $14 GREAT WHITE (STAMILE P, 1996) 28",Tet,6.25",Evr,EM,Frag,Re,Ext Ivory Cream Self ivory cream self DF $14 GREY WITCH (REED M, 1999) 30",Dip,6",Dor,EM,Var Gray Lavender w' Purple Eye grey lav w purple ez DF $12 GUADALAJARA (CARPENTER, J, 2003) 22",Tet,6",SEv,M,Frag,Db,Re very hot orange self hot orange DF $24 GUDRID (MAHIEU, 2003) 48",Dip,7",Dor,M,VFrag,Noc,Ext intense violet bitone with blue chevron watermark above creamy lemon to intense lime green violet DF $20 HANDWRITING ON THE WALL (EMMERICH, 2007) 24",Tet,6",SEv,M,Frag,Re dusty pink with wine lavender eye and edge trim medium with ivory gold filigree above yellow to light olive throat dusty pink DF $75 GRAPEFRUIT GUTS (MILLHORN H+J, 1998) 26",Dip,2.88",Dor,EM yell thr pale yellow self DF $10 GRENADIER GUARD (TAYLOR E, 1966) 30",Dip,6",Dor,Ext gr thr bright red self DF $8 GUIDED BY VOICES (HANSON C, 1999) 33",Tet,4",SEv,ML,Frag Blended Lavender lavender blend DF $9 HANK WILLIAMS (GRACE-SMITH, 2004) 30",Tet,6",SEv,E,Frag,Re cream with dark red purple eye and edge above green throat cream Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM Page: 52 / 139 DF $29 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG HANOI (HANSON C, 1992) 26",Tet,6",SEv,EM halo chart thr tan w rose amber DF $12 HAPPY APACHE (HANSEN D, 2000) 24",Tet,6.25",SEv,Re,Noc,UFO Red w' Ivory Edge red w ivory edge DF $22 HAPPY CHARMER (CARPENTER, 2008) 20",Tet,5.50",Evr,EM,Re bicolor soft baby pink and deep pink bordered with medium pink and a deep pink halo over a bright green throat soft baby pink/deep pink DF $100 HAPPY HOLIDAYS (HOLMES, M, 2008) 24",Tet,6",SEv,M clear orange red timmed with gold teeth on petals and sepals over green to yellow throat orange red DF $150 HAPPY DESTINY (MOLDOVAN, 2005) 36",Tet,6",Dor,M purple lavender blend with darker violet purple band above creamy greenish yellow throat purple lavender DF $100 HAPPY HOOLIGAN (TALBOTT DL, 1992) 18",Dip,5.50",Evr,EM,Db,Re,Ext Cinnamon Red Blend cinnamon red blend DF $10 HARMONIOUS SIMPLICITY (SALTER J, 2000) 26",Tet,6",SEv,Re Coral Pink Bitone w' Golden Halo and Edge coral pink bitone DF $17 HAPPY HUNTING GROUND (WOODHALL, 2003) 33",Tet,6",Dor,M,Frag,Re bright golden orange blend above yellow green throat golden orange HARPER'S BAZAAR (MOLDOVAN, 2008) 36",Tet,6.50",Dor,M,Re Deep Rose with pink wm and white edge on ruffled petals yellow throat deep rose DF $40 DF $150 HAVANA BANANA (KIRCHHOFF D, 1991) 25",Tet,5",Evr,VFrag,Db,Re Medium Yellow Self medium yellow self Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM DF $8 Page: 53 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG HAWAIIAN PARTY DRESS (SOULES MRS CE, 1982) 24",Tet,5",SEv Claret w' Jasper Red Blend claret jasper red DF $8 HAWK (WHEELER B, 1970) 18",Dip,10",ML,Ext,UFO Yellow Self yellow self DF $8 HAYES RED (HAYS, 1999) 28",Tet,5.50",SEv,M,Re SOILD RED RED DF $12 HEARTBEAT OF HEAVEN (EMMERICH, 2004) 32",Tet,6.50",SEv,ML,Frag,Re pink lavender with ivory lavender halo etched in darker lavender edge trim medium gold above yellow green throat pink lavender DF $94 HEARTS OF FIRE (STAMILE P, 1998) 30",Tet,6.25",Evr,Frag,Re Red Self red self DF $10 HEAVENLY ANGEL ICE (GOSSARD, 2004) 36",Dip,8",Dor,ML,Re,UFO white self above green yellow throat white DF $30 HEAVENLY BEGINNINGS (GOSSARD J, 2001) 40",Tet,8",Dor,ML,Re yell gold edge red yellow blend DF $19 HEARTHSIDE (JOHNSON M, 1969) 32",Dip,5.50",Dor,E,Re,Ext deep rose red with chartreuse eyezone and throat deep rose red DF $12 HEAT SEEKER (Gossard Dianna, 2009) 40",Tet,5.50",Dor,M,Frag,Db,Re Red double Orange Red Display HEAVENLY CHRISTMAS CACTUS (Gossard James, 2009) 37",Tet,7.50",Dor,ML,Re Red toothy with a white sharks teeth surrounded. dark eyezone above a yellow green throat. can thow double tendicy. Red Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM Page: 54 / 139 Display Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG HEAVENLY CURLS (GOSSARD J, 2000) 24",Dip,7",Dor,UFO Near White Self near white self DF $25 HEAVENLY EXPLOSION (GOSSARD, 2006) 32",Tet,6",Dor,E,Frag,Re light yellow with large purple eye above green throat light yellow DF $90 HEAVENLY FISSION (GOSSARD, 2005) 34",Tet,4",Dor,M,Frag,Db creamy yellow with red eye and small red edge above yellow green throat creamy yellow DF $80 HEAVENLY FLASH FIRES (Gossard Jamie, 2008) 38",Tet,0.80",Dor,EM,Re,EMo Hot orange with a gold untone above a orange throat Orange DF $80 HEAVENLY HARMONY (HARRIS H-BENZ J, 1985) 20",Tet,6",Evr,EM bright gr thr pink self DF $10 HEAVENLY MR. FANTASTIC (Gossard-J, 2010) 47",Tet,9",Dor,M,Frag Large Pink w' Bicolor Sepals of Light Pink Watermark and Yellow Green Throat Pink Display HEAVENLY PINK FANG (GOSSARD, 2004) 24",Tet,5",Dor,ML,Frag,Re pink with yellow tooth edge above green throat pink HEAVENLY TIGER TAILS (GOSSARD, 2007) 35",Tet,8",Dor,E,Frag red with very dark black purple eye above green yellow fading to red throat red Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM DF $45 DF $100 Page: 55 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG HEAVENLY WHITE LIGHTENING (Gossard James, 2010) 36",Dip,10.50",Dor,ML,Frag,Ext,EMo,UFO Unusual white dayliliy best to date of Jameies. white HELEN MCCLOUD (CARPENTER J, 1999) 16",Dip,6.50",Evr,EM,Frag,Re Salmon Pink Blend w' Pastel Rose Halo salmon pink blend DF $125 DF $16 HEMAN (Gossard, 2008) 35",Tet,9",Dor,ML,Re,EMo,UFO Gigantic edge 1/2 to 3/4 edge Orange-Red with hugh3/4 to 1 Gold yellow edges. an improved heavenly Beginnings. Yellow Orange Rd DF $125 HIDDEN BLADES (HANSEN, DAN, 2008) 29",Tet,5.50",Evr,M,Db,UFO lavender rose with pale grape band with a triangular yellow throat cream edge lavender rose DF $200 HIGHER AMBITION (RICE J, 2002) 34",Tet,6",SEv,VFrag,Re Bright Cherry Red w' white Edge cherry red w wh edge DF $17 HIGHLAND LORD (MUNSON RW, 1983) 22",Tet,5",SEv,ML,Db,Re Red Wine Self red wine self DF $8 HILDRED WEST (JERNIGAN MRS N, 1988) 30",Dip,10",Dor,Frag yellow self DF $10 HILLBILLY HEART (SALTER J, 2001) 26",Tet,5.50",SEv,EM,Re Cream Yellow w' Red Eye and Edge cream yellow w red eye and edge Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM DF $17 Page: 56 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG HIP TO BE SQUARE (NORRIS, RICHARD, 2007) 28",Tet,5",Dor,EM,Re cream with yellow and pink highlights ruffled border with gold edge cream DF $100 HO-TAI TEMPLE (WOODHALL, 2007) 28",Tet,6",SEv hot burnt orange red with lavender pink mid ribs andlarge gold yellow eye above green throat burnt orange DF $100 HOLIDAY AFFAIR (CARR R, 2001) 26",Tet,5",Evr,Frag,Re Deep Orange w' Golden Edge deep orange w gold DF $15 HOLLY DANCER (WARRELL DM, 1988) 32",Tet,7",Dor,M,Ext,Var brilliant red spider with green throat brilliant red DF $50 HOLMES SEEDLING 0",0" Display HOOTCHIE MAMA (STAMILE P, 2001) 34",Tet,7.50",Evr,VFrag,Re,UFO Pink Self pink self DF $25 HOLIDAY PARTY (KROPF, 1996) 26",Tet,5.50",Dor,M,Db red self edge yellow to green thr red self w cr yell DF $8 HOT TOWN (STEVENS D, 1982) 28",Tet,4.50",Dor,ML Red w' Black Red Eye red w black red ez Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry DF $8 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM Page: 57 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG HOT WIRE (STAMILE P, 1986) 30",Tet,6",Evr,EM,Re Orange Self orange self DF $8 HOW IT WORKS (MOLDOVAN S, 1997) 26",Tet,6",Dor,ML,VFrag,Ext gold gr center gold self raised DF $75 HOW SHOULD I BLOOM (BAXTER, B, 2006) 32",Dip,6",Dor,M,Db pink with slightly darker eye above large green throat pink DF $90 HUCKLEBERRY CANDY (STAMILE P, 1998) 20",Tet,4.25",Dor,EM,Frag,Re Cream w' Blue Eye cream w blue ez DF $8 HUDSON VALLEY (PECK V, 1971) 32",Tet,8.50",Dor,Frag Greenish Yellow Self greenish yell self DF $8 HYBRIDIZER'S TRUFFLE (KIRCHOFF, D, 2009) 36",Tet,5.50",Evr,M,Db,Re,Ext medium orchid and ivory lavender bitone with strong lilac watermark halo over yellow to green throat orchid/ivory I AM NOT A MUTANT (BAXTER, 2006) 23",Dip,6",Dor,EM,Re ruffled yellow self above green throat yellow Display DF $100 I HAVE ISSUES (BAXTER, 2005) 33",Dip,6",Dor,M,Frag,Re raspberry haze cream pink shaded bicolor with electric raspberry purple band and cream midrib above yellow to green throat raspberry/pink DF $80 I SEE STARS (GOSSARD J, 2001) 38",Dip,5",SEv,UFO Red Self red self Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM DF $14 Page: 58 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG I WANNA PIRANHA (KINNEBREW, J, 2006) 34",Tet,6",SEv,EM,Re coral rose with mixed white and gold teeth coral rose DF $85 I'M DIFFERENT (BECKHAM EM, 1981) 20",Dip,7.50",SEv,M,Frag,Db,Re,Ext cream yellow self with yellow green throat cream yellow DF $12 ICE CARNIVAL (CHILDS F, 1967) 28",Dip,6",Dor,VFrag,Re Near White Self near white self DF $8 ICE CREAM DREAM (JOINER J, 1999) 22",Dip,7",SEv,Db,Re Pearl Blush Self pearl blush self DF $15 ICE DRAGON (polston tom, 2009) 30",Dip,7",SEv,M,Sp,Var Creamy white with tinges of light yellow throat Spatula White IDA MAE NORRIS (NORRIS, 2009) 34",Dip,7",Dor,M,Re,Ext pale pink flat self over green throat pale pink DF $100 DF $120 IDAS MAGIC (MUNSON I, 1988) 28",Tet,6",Evr,EM,Re Amber Peach w' Gold Edge amber peach edged DF $9 IMPERIAL ROME (HANSON C, 1995) 24",Tet,6",SEv Rose Burgundy Blend rose burgundy blend DF $10 IN TUITION (YOST R, 2002) 28",Tet,7",Dor,Frag creamy pink with pink gold edge above green throat creamy pink DF $45 IN THE HEART OF IT ALL (SALTER, J, 2005) 28",Tet,7",Dor,EM,Re rose purple self above green throat Rose purple Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM DF $19 Page: 59 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG INCREASED COMPLEXITY (GOSSARD, 2006) 32",Tet,9",Dor,M,Frag,Re,UFO purple with blue violet patterned eye and white edge above green throat purple DF $100 INDIAN GIVER (FERGUSON MRS E, 1991) 20",Dip,4.50",SEv,EM,Re Purple w' Lavender Edge and Medium Purple Watermark purple w lav edge INDIAN SKY (FARRIS MRS TN, 1963) 22",Dip,5.50",Evr Deep Rich Gold w' Dark Purple Eye deep gold w purple DF $11 DF $8 INDY RHAPSODY (ANDERSON D, 1990) 19",Dip,4.50",Dor,ML Rose Red w' White Edge rose red edged white DF $10 INNOCENT BYSTANDER (APPS D-BLEW D, 1993) 36",Dip,5",SEv,Ext yell gr thr near white self DF $12 INTELLIGENT DESIGN (EMMERICH, 2003) 36",Tet,6",SEv,EM,Frag,Re pink lavender with merlot wine eye above green throat pink lavender DF $45 INTERGALACTIC INTERLUDE (LAMBERTSON, 2005) 28",Tet,9",SEv,E,Re,UFO medium creamy yellow with purple eye and slight picottee edge above green throat creamy yellow DF $34 INNER VIEW (MORSS M, 1982) 26",Tet,7",Evr,EE,Frag,Re Lavender Cream w' Yellow Edge and Primrose Yellow Halo lav cream edged Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM DF $8 Page: 60 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG ISABEL MARAFFI (TRIMMER, 2001) 32",Tet,6",SEv,M,Frag,Db,Re intense melon self above yellow green throat melon DF $80 ISLE OF DREAMS (MORSS M, 1989) 22",Tet,6",SEv,EM,Re,Ext Cream w' Medium Lilac Eye cream w lilac ez DF $8 ISLE OF PATMOS 24",Tet,25",Dor,M,Frag Reddish Purple w' Silvery Lavender Watermark and Edge Above Large Yellow Green Throat reddish purple Display ISTANBUL MAGIC (STELTER, 2009) 36",Tet,6.50",Evr,EM creamy white with lavender blue eyezone and lavender blue edge over green throat creamy white Display IT IS FINISHED (CARPENTER, J, 2004) 25",Tet,7",Evr,EM,Frag,Re bright cherry red self above green throat red DF $40 IT'S A MIRACLE (JOINER, 2000) 28",Tet,5",Evr,E,Re cloud pink self above green yellow throat pink DF $11 ISOLDE (LAMBERT J, 1981) 24",Dip,6",Dor,EE,Ext Dark Purple Self dark purple self DF $8 IT'S MY PARTY (RICE, A, 2005) 28",Dip,5.50",SEv,ML bright pink bitone with light pink edge above green throat pink Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM DF $30 Page: 61 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG ITALIAN RIVERIA (Kirchhoff) 30",5.50",Evr Blood Red w' White Edge and Yellow to Green Throat blood red Display ITZA BUTTE (YOST R, 2002) 35",Tet,6",Dor,EM,Frag Peach w' Rose Eye and Gold Wire Edge peach w rose ez DF $12 IVAN IS COMING (TOWNSEND, J, 2004) 28",Tet,5",SEv,EM,Db,Re apricot self above yellow to green throat apricot DF $25 ITZA MIRAGE (YOST R, 2002) 28",Tet,6",Dor,EM,Re tan with lavender eye and lavender yellow edge above green throat tan DF $20 IVORY FINESSE (CARPENTER, J, 2007) 24",Tet,6",Evr,M,Frag,Re ivory cream with lavender eye and edge above very green throat cream DF $37 JACKI KROPF (MORSS, M, 2004) 28",Tet,6",SEv,EM,Re,Ext clear yellow /dark plum eye plum outlined gold edge yellow DF $45 JACKIE BACHMAN (BACHMAN D, 2001) 31",Dip,7",Dor chart thr orchid pink self DF $34 JACKSON BROWN (ZOLOCK S+S, 2002) 30",Tet,6",Dor,EM,Frag,Re rust burg red ez rust mah rose blend DF $30 JAMIE CAROL (TOWNSEND J, 1999) 22",Tet,6",Evr,Re & edge gr thr purple w darker ez DF $30 JAMAICAN MIDNIGHT (SALTER J, 1994) 26",Tet,6",SEv,Re Black Purple Self black purple self Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM DF $9 Page: 62 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG JANE TRIMMER (TRIMMER D, 2002) 25",Tet,5",Evr,EM,Re Pale Lavender w' Black Purple Eye and Edge pale lav w black DF $30 JANET BENZ (BENZ J, 2000) 28",Tet,5.50",Dor,VFrag,Re Strawberry Rose w' Gold Edge strawberry rose w DF $20 JANET GAYLE (GUIDRY L, 1976) 26",Dip,6.50",Evr,VFrag,Re Pink Cream Blend pink cream blend DF $8 JANS TWISTER (JOINER J, 1991) 28",Dip,12",Evr,EM,Re,UFO Pale Lavender w' Black Purple Eye and Edge peach self DF $9 JANICE BROWN (BROWN EC, 1986) 21",Dip,4.25",SEv,EM Bright Pink w' Rose Pink Eye bright pink w rose DF $8 JASON SALTER (SALTER EH, 1987) 18",Dip,2.75",Evr,EM Yellow w' Washed Lavender Eye yell w washed lav DF $8 JAY TURMAN (KIRCHHOFF D, 1992) 31",Tet,6",Evr,Re,Ext Dark Red Self dark red self DF $8 JAYNE LOUGH (RICE J, 2001) 24",Tet,5.50",SEv,Re Beige w' Violet Eye and Edge beige w violet ez DF $35 JEAN HAMILTION MEMORIAL (HANSON, C, 2004) 31",Tet,0.06",SEv,ML,Frag clear red self above green throat red DF $67 Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM Page: 63 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG JELLY FILLED DONUT (ELLER, N, 2004) 24",Tet,6",SEv,E,Frag,Db,Re CLUB PLANT - bright yellow with red eye above green throat bright yellow Display JERRY HYATT (HANSON C, 2004) 27",Tet,6",SEv,EM,Frag LILAC ORCHID /W VIOLET SLATE WATERMARK LILAC DF $65 JERRY NETTLES (KINNEBREW J, 2002) 28",Tet,6",Evr,EM,Re Purple Blend purple blend gold DF $50 JERRY PATE WILLIAMS (KIRCHHOFF D, 1999) 25",Tet,5.50",Evr,VFrag,Db,Re,Ext Intense Melon w' Pink Overlay and Halo melon w pink DF $20 JERSEY SPIDER (GROVATT E, 1973) 46",Dip,8",Dor,ML,Re,Ext Orange Self orange self DF $8 JIMS PICK (WILD A, 1971) 34",Dip,6",Dor,EM mr tangerine thr rose blend w raised DF $8 JOAN DERIFIELD (HANSON C, 2000) 35",Tet,7",SEv,EM Rose Violet Self rose violet self DF $27 JOAN HOOD (NORRIS, RICHARD, 2004) 30",Tet,4.50",SEv,M,Re peach with ruffled purple edge bright purple eye and green heart over orange throat peach Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM DF $25 Page: 64 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG JOAN SENIOR (DURIO K, 1977) 25",Dip,6",Evr,EM,Re,Ext Near White Self near white self DF $8 JOE VEYCHECK SEEDLING (VEYCHECK jOE, 2002) 28",Tet,6",M pale red self pale red DF $8 JOE MARINELLO (STAMILE P, 1989) 21",Tet,5",Dor,Re,Ext Cream w' Wine Purple Eye cream w wine purple DF $8 JOHN KIRKLAND (KIRCHHOFF D, 1999) 28",Tet,5.50",Evr,EM,VFrag,Db,Re,Ext peach rose halo flesh pink self DF $15 JOHN PEAT (PETIT T, 2001) 22",Tet,6",SEv,Re Burgundy w' Pink Watermark and Gold Edge burgundy w pink wm DF $35 JOHN R. PIKE (DOORAKIAN, 2004) 32",Dip,6",Dor,M,UFO lavender yellow green blend above yellow green throat lavender DF $40 JOSEPHINE MARINA (CARPENTER J, 1987) 21",Dip,8",Dor,Frag Apricot Peach Self apricot peach self DF $12 JOY OF COOKING (HANSON C, 2002) 25",Tet,5.50",SEv gr thr persimmon rose self DF $40 JOLYENE NICHOLE (SPALDING M+M-GUILLORY MRS S, 1984) 14",Dip,6",Evr,Ext Rose Blend rose blend DF $8 JOSIE CROSBY (REINKE, B, 2004) 32",Dip,6",SEv,EM,Frag rosy orange with red halo above green radiating to creamy gold throat rosy orange DF $28 JOY OF LIFE (CARPENTER, J, 2006) 30",Tet,6",Evr,M,Frag,Db,Re bright orange self above green throat orange DF $75 Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM Page: 65 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG JOYOUS REWARD (OTTE, 2003) 32",Tet,5",SEv,M red blend with darker watermark and yellow edge above lime green throat red DF $20 JUDITH WESTON (GATES L, 1989) 20",Dip,6",SEv,Frag,Re,Ext Light Yellow Self light yellow self DF $8 JULIAS CHOICE (WALL K, 1986) 28",Dip,7",Evr NEAR WHITE NEAR YELLOW THROAT near white self DF $8 JULIE RAEDER (BROOKER, G, 2006) 28",Tet,6",SEv,ML true lavender with lighter watermark above light green throat lavender DF $40 JUNGLE FOWL (MAHIEU, 2003) 44",Dip,7",Dor,M,Frag,Re,Noc,Ext,Sp fresh pink with light purple chevron eye above lemon chartreuse throat pink DF $22 JUNZI (STAMILE, 2004) 25",Tet,5.50",Evr,E,Re cream with violet blk eye green throat cream w viol blk eye DF $34 JUST A TEASE (SALTER J, 2002) 25",Tet,4.75",SEv,EM,Re Cream w' Lavender Rose Eye and Edge cream w lav rose ez DF $24 JUST MY SIZE (STAMILE G, 2000) 12",Dip,2.75",SEv,EM,Db,Re PINK WITH ROSE RED EYES AND GREEN THROAT pink w rose red ez DF $18 JUST ABOUT DAWN (YOST, 2005) 30",Tet,6",Dor,EM pink peach blend with yellow appliqued eye and rose band above green throat pink peach DF $50 JUST ONE VICTORY (ADAMS R, 1999) 32",Tet,6",SEv,EM,Re Cream w' White Midribs and Gold Edge cream gold blend DF $12 JUSTIN MILLER (CROCHET CJ, 1983) 19",Dip,3.75",Dor,EM,Re chart thr red w lt border Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM DF $8 Page: 66 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG KAREN SUE (ROBERTS ER, 1975) 23",Dip,5.50",Dor Rose and Cream Bicolor rose & cream bicolor DF $8 KATE CARPENTER (MUNSON RW, 1980) 28",Tet,6",Evr,EM,Frag,Re Pale Pink Self pale pink self DF $8 KAY DAY (KIRCHHOFF D, 2001) 29",Tet,6",Evr,E,Frag,Db,Re,Ext Medium Coral Rose w' Gold Edge coral rose w gold Display KILLARNEY CASTLE (Carr, 2006) 27",Tet,5",Evr,E,Re Shell Pink w' Yellow Edge Shell Pink SF $22 KILLER (STAMILE P, 1992) 28",Tet,6",SEv,EM,Frag,Re Purple w' Black Eye purple w black ez DF $10 KINCHAFOONEE RED (GROVENSTEIN L & E, 1999) 28",Tet,6",Dor,M,Db gold to gr thr red self DF $12 KING KAHUNA (CROCHET CJ, 1994) 22",Dip,6.50",SEv,EM,Db,Re,Ext Medium Yellow Self medium yellow self DF $20 KING SOLOMON'S TREASURE (Holmes Mike, 2010) 24",Tet,7.50",Evr,M,Frag,Re,EMo Strong genetics. big bloom yellow ruffles Sold Out yellow Display KINGS POINT (TRIMMER, 2004) 28",Tet,6",SEv,M,Db,Re coral pink blend above yellow throat coral pink DF $28 Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM Page: 67 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG KISSED OFF (HANSON C, 2000) 28",Tet,5.50",SEv Rose Cerise Self rose cerise self DF $8 KITTY PATTERSON (TROTTER A, 1983) 26",Dip,8.50",Dor,Noc Melon Self light melon self DF $8 KLAATU BARADA NIKTO (BACHMAN, D, 2004) 46",Tet,7",Dor,M,UFO Orange bicolor with gold braided edge above gold throat orange DF $75 L AND R SEEDLING 0",0",Db Display LACY REINKE (REINKE B+J, 1995) 32",Dip,6",SEv,Frag white edge gr thr rose & cr bicolor DF $19 LACY VALENTINE (YONSKI J, 1994) 24",Tet,5",SEv,ML,Frag Pink w' Cream Blend cream pink blend DF $8 LADY ELAINE MODRAK (ZOLOCK S+S, 2002) 34",Tet,5",Dor,EM,Frag,Re Cream Yellow Orange Blend w' Intense Garnet Red Eye and Metallic Gold Edges cr yell orange blend LADY KHAN (MOLDOVAN S, 2001) 30",Tet,6.50",Dor,Re Rose Purple Blend w' Creamy Orchid Watermark and Platinum and Gold Edge gray rose purple LADY NEVA (ALEXANDER MRS JW, 1970) 42",Dip,9",SEv,EM,Frag,Re,UFO Soft Buff Yellow w' Rose Eye soft buff yellow Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM DF $20 DF $12 DF $8 Page: 68 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG LADY OF LOURDES (MOLDOVAN S, 1996) 24",Tet,5",SEv,EM,Re gold picotee light pink blend DF $20 LADY STEPHANIE VICTORIA REDDING (POLSTON, 2007) 30",Tet,5.50",Dor,L Fire Engine Red with toothy gold edge Bright red Display LADY WU (KIRCHHOFF D, 2002) 23",Tet,5",Evr,EE,Db,Re,Ext Clear Rose Pink Self rose pink self DF $30 LAKE EFFECT (STAMILE P, 1996) 23",Tet,7.25",Dor,Frag,Re Mauve Purple w' Blue Gray Lavender Eye mauve purple DF $19 LANA ISHEE (TOWNSEND J, 1999) 24",Tet,6",Evr,Re Orange w' Green Midribs orange w gr mr DF $16 LARRY GRACE (SALTER J, 1994) 24",Tet,6",SEv,EM,Re Yellow w' Gold Edge yell self w gold DF $11 LANGUAGE OF LOVE (APPS D, 1997) 30",Dip,5.50",Dor,EM,Frag PINK SELF WITH YELLOW TO GREEN THROAT pink self DF $8 LARRY's OBSESSION (Petit, 2005) 32",Tet,6",SEv,M,Frag,Re Black purple w White sharkestooth Edge purple on puple edge Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM DF $80 Page: 69 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG LATIN ROOSTER (WARRELL, 2005) 32",Dip,9",Dor,M,Ext,Var CLUB PLANT - deep rose orchid with wine red and white midribs above green throat rose orchid Display Laughing Giraffe (Schwarz-B, 1997) 36",Tet,8",Dor,M Red and Gold Bicolor red and gold bicolor DF $22 LAUGHING SKIES (STAMILE, 2003) 38",Tet,10",Evr,EE,Frag,Re,Sp lavender self above green throat lavender DF $18 LAVA BURST (HANSEN, D, 2006) 24",Tet,5",Evr,M,Db,Re,Noc,Ext red with white edge above yellow throat red DF $70 LAVENDER BLUE BABY (CARPENTER J, 1996) 28",Dip,5.50",Dor,EM,Frag,Re Lavender Blue w' Lavender Blue Eye lavender blue DF $23 LAVENDER MEMORIES (STAMILE P, 1990) 23",Tet,5.50",SEv,EM,Frag,Ext Clear Lavender Self clear lavender self DF $8 LAVENDER ROMANCE (TRIMMER D, 2001) 26",Tet,6.50",Evr,EM,Frag,Db,Re Lavender Self lavender self LAVENDER SILENCE (HOUSTON O, 1995) 22",Tet,6.50",Evr,EE,Frag Cream Yellow w' Lavender Halo cr yell w lav halo LAVENDER TALLSTACKS (HOLMES, M, 2006) 34",Dip,6",Dor,M lavender with gold picotee edge above green throat lavender LAY ON, MACDUFF (Mondron Pete, 2009) 34",Tet,5.50",Dor,M,Re Pink with red tiny edge rounded eye of three around yellow green throat with wtreaks of white midribs petals perdonminate over sepals. Pink with rose eye and edge Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM DF $12 DF $8 DF $100 DF $40 Page: 70 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG LAYERS OF GOLD (KIRCHHOFF D, 1990) 24",Tet,5",Evr,EM,Frag,Db,Re,Ext Medium Gold Self medium gold self DF $8 LEE PICKLES (SALTER J, 2001) 28",Tet,5.50",SEv,EM,Re Cream w' Pale Rose Bubbled Edge cream w pale rose DF $15 LEE REINKE (REINKE J, 1998) 38",Dip,7",SEv,Frag,UFO Creamy White w' Lavender Pink Edge cr white w lav pink DF $13 LEGENDARY APPEAL (CARR R, 2001) 26",Tet,6.25",Evr,Db,Re yell gr thr cream alabaster self DF $90 LEONARD BERNSTEIN (KIRCHHOFF D, 1991) 26",Tet,5.50",Evr,EM,Re,Ext Bright Red Self bright red self DF $8 LEONIDAS (HARRIS H-BENZ J, 1988) 24",Tet,5",Dor,ML,Re,Ext Deep Lemon Yellow Self lemon yellow self DF $9 LEVI DAVIS (CARPENTER, J, 2005) 28",Tet,6.50",Evr,M,Frag,Re lavender pink with lavender eye and edge lavender pink DF $30 LICORICE CANDY (STAMILE P, 2001) 24",Tet,4",Evr,Re Cream White w' Violet Black Eye and Yellow Band w' Violet Black Edge cream white w viol DF $25 LIES AND LIPSTICK (KINNEBREW, 2003) 25",Tet,5.50",SEv,EM,Re pink with red eye and redgold edge pink DF $22 LIGHER SIDE OF LIFE (Holmes Sandy, 2010) 30",Tet,6.50",Dor,M,Re Nearest White in Norther daylilies White Display Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM Page: 71 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG LIGHT OF THE WORLD (EMMERICH K, 2002) 24",Tet,5.75",SEv,Frag,Re Soft Yellow Blend w' Rose Pink Eye and Edge yell blend rose pink DF $20 LIGHTER SIDE OF LIFE 0",0" NEW PLANT OF 2011 Display LIGHTNING STRIKE (STAMILE P, 1997) 27",Tet,5.50",Evr,EM,Frag,Db,Re Cream w' Purple Eye and Edge cr w purple ez & DF $19 LILLIANS CRAZY ARMS (MANNING, 2002) 30",Dip,7",SEv,M,Re lavender self above green throat lavender DF $13 LIGHT YEARS AWAY (PETIT T, 1996) 21",Tet,5.50",SEv Orchid Self orchid self DF $9 LIGHTNIN' IN MY BLOOMERS (Owen Paul, 2010) 28",Tet,6",Dor,M,Re rolled back and sculpterin in yellow on pink peach flower yellow Display LIGHTS OF DETROIT (WESTON, J, 1982) 25",Tet,5.50",SEv,M,Noc yellow with cinnamon dusted tips and green throat yellow DF $8 LILTING BELLE (WILSON MRS LM, 1983) 36",Dip,8",SEv Pink w' Lavender Overtones and Near White Eye pink w lav overtones DF $8 LILTING LAVENDER (CHILDS F, 1973) 30",Dip,8",Dor,ML,Frag,Re,UFO Lavender Self lavender self DF $8 LINDA BECK (AGIN, L, 2005) 25",Tet,6",SEv,M,Frag,Re Burgundy purple with blue purple eye and white purple ruffled edge burgundy purple Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM DF $38 Page: 72 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG LINDSEY ISHEE (TOWNSEND J, 1999) 21",Dip,6",Evr,EM,Db,Re cream rose yellow blend with yellow eyezone above green throat cream & rose DF $25 LIQUID SUNSHINE (RICE J, 2000) 27",Tet,5.50",SEv,ML,VFrag,Re,Ext Yellow w' Darker Yellow Edge yellow w darker edge DF $10 LITTLE ENCHANTRESS (STAMILE, G, 2004) 12",Dip,2.75",Dor,E,Frag,Db,Re peach pink with red eye above green throat peach pink DF $15 LIPS LIKE SUGAR (HANSON C, 1992) 36",Tet,5",SEv gr thr pink self DF $8 LITTLE BY LITTLE (STAMILE G, 1998) 16",Dip,2",SEv,M,Db,Re coral pink blend with green throat coral & pink blend DF $10 LITTLE FAT CAT (BROWN EC, 1992) 26",Dip,3",SEv,EM,Ext Near White Self near white self DF $8 LITTLE GYPSY GIRL (STAMILE, G, 2003) 16",Dip,3",SEv,E,Db,Re red with lighter cream edge above green throat red DF $8 LITTLE GRAPETTE (WILLIAMSON MRS WG, 1970) 12",Dip,2",SEv Grape Self grape self DF $8 LITTLE MUSIC MAKER (STAMILE, 2003) 20",Dip,3",SEv,E,Db,Re pale yellow with burgundy eye above green throat pale yellow DF $12 LIVELY SHOUT (SELLERS V, 1997) 26",Tet,4.75",Evr,Re ORANGE WITH RED EYES GREEN THROAT orange w red ez DF $8 LITTLE SHOW STOPPER (STAMILE G, 1997) 20",Dip,2.50",SEv,Db,Re ROSE RED SELF WITH GREEN THROAT rose red self Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM DF $8 Page: 73 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG LIZA DOOLITTLE (KIRCHHOFF D, 1998) 28",Tet,5",Evr,Db,Re Peach Pink w' Lighter Watermark and Edge peach pink w lt wm DF $20 LOAVES AND FISH (EMMERICH, 2004) 36",Tet,6",SEv,EM,Frag,Re dark pink lavender violet with dark merlot eye above green throat Dark pink lavender violet DF $25 LOLLAPALOOSA (GATES L, 1994) 22",Dip,6",Evr,EM,Frag,Db,Re Pastel Orange Self pastel orange self DF $15 LONE WOLF (GRACE-SMITH, 2004) 28",Tet,5.50",SEv,EM,Frag,Re purple with blue watermark and white edge above green throat purple DF $35 LONG STOCKING (STAMILE P, 1997) 46",Tet,9.50",Evr,EM,Re,Var Red Self red self DF $11 LONG TALL SALLY (TRIMMER D, 1996) 38",Tet,14",Dor,EM,Frag,Var Red Self red self DF $26 LOOK HERE MARY (CRANSHAW J, 1986) 30",Dip,11",SEv,Frag,Re,Ext Yellow Self yellow self DF $11 LORD CHAMBERLAIN (MOLDOVAN S, 1996) 28",Tet,5",SEv,EM,Re,Ext purple ez purple blend w brt DF $8 LORD OF RINGS (MOLDOVAN S, 1996) 28",Tet,5.25",SEv,Re,Ext Medium Purple Blend w' Cream Violet Band purple blend w cr DF $9 LORD OF THE STORM (SALTER J, 2001) 32",Tet,6",SEv,EM,Re Purple w' Large White Picotee Edge purple w large white Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM DF $24 Page: 74 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG LORDS A LEAPING (WOODHALL, 2005) 30",Tet,6",Dor,M,Re caramel brown with fringed gold edge above yellow green throat carmel brown DF $15 LORRAIE CHRISTINA (RICE J, 2001) 25",Tet,5.50",SEv,ML,Re peach with reddish violet eye and edgeez & edge gr thr peach w red violet DF $18 LOTSA DOTS (MURPHY, J.P., 2004) 44",Dip,5",Dor,EM,Re,Ext,UFO golden yellow with brownish purple dots above green throat gold DF $19 LOUIS THE SIXTEENTH (PETIT T, 1994) 20",Tet,6",Evr Purple w' Gold Edge purple self gold LOUISE MERCER (JOINER ER, 1973) 18",Dip,5",Dor,Db,Re,Ext Rose Self rose self LOUISIANA SEEDLINGS 0",0" DF $8 DF $9 Clump $15 LOVE THOSE EYES (RASMUSSEN G, 1987) 24",Tet,5",Dor,Ext Golden Yellow w' Red Eye golden yellow DF $8 LUCID MOMENT (RICE J, 2002) 30",Tet,5",SEv,EM,Re Purple Blend w' Violet Watermark and Violet Gold Edge purple blend viol wm DF $18 LUCKY PIERRE (TRIMMER D, 1999) 24",Dip,3.50",SEv,EM,Db,Re Cream w' Purple Eye cream w dark purple DF $14 LUCK OF THE DRAW (SALTER J, 2001) 28",Tet,4.75",SEv,EM,Re Ivory Rose w' Dark Plum Eye and Edge pale ivory rose dark Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM DF $15 Page: 75 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG LUMINOUS BOUQUET (APPS D, 2001) 24",Dip,5.25",Dor,ML,Db gr thr apricot self DF $30 LYONS SEEDLING 0",Tet,0" Display MABEL WINEGAR (LOVELL, 2004) 26",Tet,6",Dor,M,Re red with yellow edge above yellow green throat red DF $100 MACHO MACHO MAN (SALTER J, 1998) 26",Tet,7",SEv,EM,Re Cream w' gold edge cream w gold edge DF $14 MADGE CAYSE (JOINER ER, 1991) 24",Dip,6",Dor,ML,VFrag,Db,Re,Ext Dark Apricot Self dark apricot self DF $10 MADAME RUBY (BELL, 1989) 20",Tet,5.25",Dor,L deep ruby red with green throat deep ruby red DF $8 MADISON RENEE (TOWNSEND J, 2002) 24",Tet,6",Evr,EM,Re & edge gr thr purple w darker ez DF $25 MAGIC CARPET RIDE (KIRCHHOFF D, 1992) 28",Tet,6",Evr,EM,Re,Ext Mandarin Red w' Coral Orange Red Watermark mandarin red w coral DF $8 MAGIC OF OZ (HERRINGTON H, 1995) 37",Dip,7",Dor,M,Re,Ext,Sp Yellow Pink Blend and Rose Pink Eye yell pink blend DF $22 MAGNIFICENT RAINBOW (STAMILE P, 1995) 17",Tet,6",Dor,Re,Ext Lavender Bicolor w' Gray Blue Eye and Charcoal Bands lavender bicolor Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM DF $9 Page: 76 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG MAGNIFY THE LORD (EMMERICH, 2005) 28",Tet,6",SEv,M,Frag,Re golden yellow with black wine eye and edge above green olive throat golden yellow DF $85 MAJESTIC FORTUNE (CARR R, 2001) 30",Tet,6",Evr,Frag,Re wm white gold edge deep purple lighter DF $17 MAL (STAMILE P, 1998) 30",Tet,7.25",Evr,Frag,Re Cream White Blend cream white blend DF $10 MANDALAY BAY MUSIC (SALTER, 2001) 28",Tet,6.50",SEv,EM,Re Cream with overtones of pink with white edges cream white w pink DF $32 MANDARIN PEACH (KLEHM R, 1994) 30",Tet,6",Dor,M,Frag orange peach blend orange & peach DF $10 MAID MARIAM (MOLDOVAN S, 1986) 28",Tet,5",Dor,M,Frag,Re,Ext cream pink blend touched lemon and rose pink with green throat cream & pink DF $10 MAKING DOUBLE TIME (KINNEBREW J, 1995) 28",Dip,5",Evr,Db Yellow w' Deep Black Purple Eye yell w deep black DF $9 MALAYSIAN MONARCH (MUNSON RW, 1987) 24",Tet,6",SEv,EM,Re Burgundy Purple Self burgundy purple self DF $8 MARDI GRAS BEADS (NORRIS, RICHARD, 2005) 26",Tet,5",Dor,EM,Re neon pink with bright pink eye and edge neon pink Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM DF $50 Page: 77 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG MARGARET PERRY (PERRY A, 1925) 54",Dip,0",Dor,ML medium orange red (ORM2) medium orange red DF $12 MARION TYUS (ELLER N, 2005) 26",Tet,5.50",Evr,E,Frag,Db,Re PURPLE WITH DARK EYE DARK YELLOW GREEN THROAT purp w dk eye DF $50 MARQUEE MOON (TRIMMER D, 1998) 24",Tet,5.25",Dor,ML,Frag WHITE WITH GOLD EDGE AND GREEN THROAT white w gold edge DF $10 MARGO REED INDEED (MURPHY, J.P., 2004) 28",Dip,8",SEv,ML,Re,UFO cream white with pink undertones and small ruffled white edge above chartreuse cream white DF $30 MARISKA (MOLDOVAN S, 1984) 28",Tet,6.50",Dor,Re,Ext undertones pink blend w orchid DF $8 MARTHA ADAMS (SPALDING W, 1979) 19",Dip,6.75",Evr,EM,Ext Pink Self pink self DF $8 MARTINA VERHAERT (MORSS M, 1998) 20",Tet,5.75",SEv,EM,Re Lavender w' Violet Purple Eye and Edge lav w viol purple ez DF $16 MARY LIGHTFINE (NORRIS, RICHARD, 2002) 32",Tet,5.25",Evr,L,Re blue purple with startling white edge blue purple DF $25 MARY LOIS BURGESS (KIRCHHOFF D, 2000) 28",Tet,5",Evr,EM,Db,Re,Ext Lavender Pink w' Deeper Lavender Halo lav pink w deeper Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM DF $24 Page: 78 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG MARY TODD (FAY O, 1967) 26",Tet,6",SEv Buff Self buff self DF $8 MARY'S BABY (NORRIS, R, 2004) 27",Tet,5",SEv,M velvet blue purple with white edge above green throat blue purple DF $25 MARYS GOLD (MCDONELL H, 1984) 34",Dip,7",Dor Brilliant Golden Orange Self golden orange self DF $9 MASK OF TIME (SALTER J, 1993) 26",Tet,6",SEv,ML Orange Rose w' Black Plum Eye orange rose DF $8 MASTER YODA (MOLDOVAN, 2007) 36",Tet,7",Dor,ML rings of cream-white and rose-pink with ruffled edges of the same colors over yellow gold center and green throat cream-white/rose-pink MASTER'S PRINT (APPS, 2000) 30",Dip,5.75",Dor,M,Ext yellow green blend with orange overlay above yellow green throat yellow & green MATT (HARRIS H, 1982) 20",Tet,5.50",Dor,Re,Ext Yellow w' Bronze Overlay yellow w bronze Display DF $8 DF $8 MATT ISHEE (TOWNSEND J, 1999) 22",Tet,6",Evr,Re PINK WITH GOLD EDGE WITH GREEN THROAT pink w gold edge DF $55 MECCA TRUFFLES (KIRCHHOFF D, 2002) 30",Tet,6",Evr,VFrag,Db,Re,Ext Coral Peach w' Pink Blend and Coral Rose Halo coral peach pink DF $50 MAUNA LOA (ROBERTS ER, 1976) 22",Tet,5",Dor,EM,Re Amber Gold Blend and Deep Red Wine Edge amber gold blend Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM DF $8 Page: 79 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG MEDITERRANEAN MOOD (KIRCHHOFF D, 1994) 26",Tet,5.25",Evr,EE,Re,Ext Coral Peach Rose Pink w' Carrot Gold Edge and Deeper Coral Peach Pink Halo coral peach pink and DF $8 MEGATRON (GOSSARD, 2006) 30",Tet,11",Dor,M,Frag,Re red with darker watermark above green throat red DF $125 MELANIE MAY (TRIMMER D, 1998) 22",Tet,4.75",Dor Lavender Pink w' Plum Eye lav pink w plum ez DF $12 Melonaid (Baker, 1981) 32",Tet,6",Dor,L,Re,UFO PINK ORANGE BLEND WITH LIGHT WHITE MIDRIBS YELLOW THROAT pink orange MEMORIAL TO STEVE (NORRIS, RICHARD, 2008) 34",Tet,6",SEv,M lavender pink with definite gold edge heart is deep green over yellow throat lavender pink Display DF $100 MEMORIES OF FUJI (Grossmann-M, 2006) 29",Tet,6.50",SEv,M,Db Red Brown blend above yellow throat Red Brown Display MERRY MOPPET (SALTER, 2002) 27",Tet,4",SEv,EM,Re yellow with red eye and edge above green throat yellow DF $18 MEXICAN HOLIDAY (PETIT T, 1999) 20",Tet,5",SEv Red Self red self Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry DF $9 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM Page: 80 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG MICHIGAN MAGIC (CARPENTER, J, 2004) 33",Dip,7",Dor,M,Frag,Re CLUB PLANT - pink self above green throat pink DF $22 MICRO DOTS (TRIMMER, J, 2003) 28",Dip,3",Evr,E,Db,Re cantaloupe self above green throat cantaloupe DF $10 MIDNIGHT DYNAMITE (CARPENTER J, 2002) 20",Dip,4.50",Evr,Re Dark Purple w' Near Black Eye dark purple w near DF $18 MICRO CHIPS (TRIMMER D) 0",Tet,0",Dor,EM,Re,Noc ROSE PINK YELLOW THROAT ROSE PINK MIDNIGHT ESCAPE (HANSON, C, 2006) 26",Tet,0.50",SEv,M black purple self above green throat black purple MIDNIGHT RAIDER (STAMILE P, 1995) 30",Tet,6.50",Evr,VFrag,Re Dark Purple Self dark purple self DF $125 DF $10 MIGHTY CONNOR LUCAS (GIBSON, D, 2007) 37",Tet,6",SEv,M,Re cherry red self above yellow to green heart throat cherry red DF $125 MING PORCELAIN (KIRCHHOFF D, 1981) 28",Tet,5.25",Evr,Frag,Re,Ext Ivory Pink Touched Peach w/ Gold Edge and Yellow Halo ivory pink touched DF $8 MINIATURE MIME (SALTER, E, 2003) 20",Dip,2",Evr,EM,Re ivory with red eye above yellow green throat ivory Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM DF $10 Page: 81 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG MINSTREL'S FIRE (SALTER J, 2002) 27",Tet,5",SEv,EM,Re DF $17 Pale Yellow w' Burnt Orange Eye and Gold Edge gold Edge pale yell w burnt MISS APACHE (HANSEN D, 2001) 24",Tet,6.50",SEv,Re,UFO Red w' Amber Edge red w amber edge DF $8 MISS JESSIE (HARDY MRS WT, 1956) 40",Dip,0",Dor,Var light yellow bicolor orchid mauve & DF $8 MISS TINKERBELL (BRESHINGHAM) 18",Dip,3.75",Dor,M,Re light peach pink with rose eyezone above golden yellow throat light peach pink DF $10 MISSISSIPPI RED DRAGON (CARPENTER, J, 2005) 18",Tet,7",Dor,EM,Frag,Re red with cream yellow edge above green throat red DF $38 MISSOURI MEMORIES (HANSEN RA, 1992) 26",Dip,6",Evr,Re,Noc,Ext Pale Orchid Pink w' Lavender Violet Band pale orchid pink DF $8 MISSOURI MORNING MELODY (CARPENTER J, 2002) 22",Dip,4.50",Dor,Frag,Re Lavender Blue Blend w' Deeper Halo lavender blue blend DF $12 MIXED BLESSINGS (BROOKER, G, 2005) 30",Tet,5.50",SEv,EM burgundy cream bicolor/chartreuse to cream pink eye burgundy/cream DF $70 MISTER LUCKY (SELLERS, 1995) 24",Tet,4",Evr,EM,Re red with dark red eye zone red DF $9 MOANA GLORIA MAY (HIGGINS LJ, 1999) 37",Dip,9",Evr,EM,Re,Ext,Sp Burgandy Blend w' Darker Band burg blend burg ez Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM DF $18 Page: 82 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG MOANA MAURICE (HIGGINS LJ, 1993) 27",Dip,8.50",Evr,Re,Ext,Sp Burgundy and Gold w' Darker Burgundy Halo burgundy and gold Display MOHICAN SUN (TRIMMER D, 1996) 28",Tet,6",SEv brown halo gr thr bronze poly DF $8 MOLOKAI (WHATLEY O, 1976) 27",Tet,6.50",Dor,Re,Ext gr thr yellow self DF $8 MOMENTUM (OLSON E, 1996) 30",Tet,6",Dor Tawny Rose Bitone w' Darker Eye tawny rose bitone DF $12 MONT ROYAL DEMITASSE (REINKE, B, 2000) 29",Dip,4",Dor,M,Re light cocoa self above vivid chartreuse throat light cocoa DF $29 MOOD MUSIC (RAINWATER LV, 1958) 24",Dip,0",Evr,Frag,Re,Ext ORANGE SELF orange self DF $15 MOON OVER MONTERAY (SALTER J, 1998) 26",Tet,6",SEv,EM,Re Cream White cream white DF $8 MOONLIT MASQUERADE (SALTER J, 1992) 26",Tet,6",SEv,EM,Re Cream w' Dark Purple Eye cream w dark purple DF $8 MOONLIT CARESS (SALTER J, 1996) 26",Tet,5.50",SEv,ML Near White Self near white self MOOSA PA LOOSA (BAXTER, 2006) 30",Dip,8",Dor,EM,Re,UFO vibrant clear red with huge flaring green throat red Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM DF $9 DF $150 Page: 83 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG MOOSIE MY LOVE (BAXTER, B, 2003) 25",Dip,5",SEv,M,VFrag,Re white with pastel shades of pink and pink edge above green throat white DF $90 MORNING MOOD (SELLERS V, 1992) 24",Dip,5.50",SEv,Re,Noc,Ext Orchid Lavender Self orchid lavender self DF $8 MOROCCAN SUMMER (KIRCHHOFF D, 1986) 22",Dip,5",Evr,EM,Frag,Db,Re,Ext Intense Gold Self intense gold self DF $8 MORT MORSS (SALTER J, 2002) 27",Tet,6",SEv,Re Deep Purple w' Sharkstooth Edge deep purple teeth DF $32 MORTS MASTERPIECE (MORSS M, 1995) 27",Tet,6",Evr,ML,Re,Ext Alabaster w' Grape Eye alabaster w grape ez DF $9 MOSES FIRE (JOINER ER, 1998) 22",Tet,6",Dor,Db,Re Red w' Gold Edge red self gold edge DF $12 MOSES IN THE BULRUSHES (EMMERICH, C, 2006) 20",Tet,6",SEv,ML,Frag,Re lavender pink peach polychrome with burgundy violet purple eye and gold bubbled edge above yellow to green throat lavender pink peach DF $58 MOUNT HERMAN TREASURE (CARPENTER, J, 2003) 28",Tet,6.50",Evr,EM,Frag,Re hot gold above green throat hot gold DF $19 MR. CRAZY JIM (Owen Paul, 2010) 25",Tet,9",SEv,M,Re yellow Display MULBERRY TRUFFLE (KIRCHHOFF D, 1999) 28",Tet,5.25",Evr,Db,Re,Ext Grape Purple Self grape purple self Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM DF $11 Page: 84 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG MUTANT SPECIES (Baxter, Bobby, 2006) 29",Dip,7",Dor,M,Frag purple self above large green throat purple DF $90 MY FEATHERED FRIEND (HOUSTON O, 1998) 25",Tet,4.25",Evr,EM,Frag,Re,Noc blend gold edge tangerine orange DF $9 MY GIRL (STAMILE P, 1993) 23",Tet,5.50",SEv,EE,Frag,Re,Ext Rose Pink Self rose pink self DF $8 MYNELLES STARFISH (HAYWARD M, 1982) 20",Dip,10",Dor,Re,Noc,Ext Ivory Self ivory self DF $8 MYSTIC JELLYFISH (GOSSARD, 2006) 35",Dip,11",Dor,M,Re,Var rusty orange with darker maroon eye above yellow orange throat RUSTY ORANGE DF $130 NANCY TREADWELL (CLAAR EA, 1955) 33",Dip,0",Dor OLD FASHION YELLOW SELF light yellow self DF $8 NATCHEZ MOON (SALTER J, 1994) 20",Tet,5",Dor,EM,Re Cream Yellow Self cream yellow self DF $8 NANO PROBE (STAMILE G, 2002) 18",Dip,2.50",SEv,EM,Db,Re Smoky Rose Mauve Blend smoky mauve rose DF $8 NATE (BACHMAN, 2003) 40",Tet,6",Dor,ML rose bitone with golden rose fringed gold edge above gold throat rose DF $50 NATE'S PINK AURORA (RUDOLPH N+T-DENHAM E, 2002) 25",Tet,4",Dor yell gr thr rose pink w lt mr Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM DF $35 Page: 85 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG NATURE'S CROWN (PETIT, 2003) 24",Tet,5.50",SEv,M,Frag,Db,Re pink with lighter watermark and gold edge above green throat pink DF $19 NATURE'S SHOWMAN (PETIT T, 1999) 26",Tet,6.50",SEv Purple w' Dark Purple Eye purple w darker ez DF $10 NEAL BERREY (SIKES S, 1985) 18",Dip,5",SEv,Ext Rose Pink Blend rose pink blend DF $8 NEAR WHITE 28",5",Re OUR NAME FOR A NEAR WHITE FLOWER NO INFO DF $8 NEVER SAY GOODBYE (CARPENTER J, 2002) 20",Tet,5.75",Evr,Frag,Re Lemon Yellow Self lemon yellow self DF $14 NICE AND EASY (STAMILE G, 2000) 12",Dip,3.75",SEv,EM,Db,Re gr thr deep lav w purple ez DF $10 NIGHT AT THE PROM (Mondron Pete) 28",Tet,6",Evr,M,Db Red Orange Pod are more difficult but not impossible in full sun Red Display NEW SERIES (CARPENTER K, 1982) 25",Dip,7.50",SEv,Re,Ext Clear Light Pink w' Rose Red Eye clear light pink DF $8 NICK OF TIME (HANSON, C, 2006) 36",Tet,5",SEv,EM medium lavender violet with violet slate watermark above green throat lavender violet DF $45 NIGHT EMBERS (STAMILE P, 1997) 30",Tet,5",SEv,EM,Frag,Db,Re Bing Cherry Red w' White Edges cherry red w white DF $12 Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM Page: 86 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG NO BLUE OXFORDS (NORRIS, RICHARD, 2004) 37",Tet,5.50",Dor,EM,Re lavender pink with a purple eye and purple edge outlined in gold over a green to yellow throat lavender pink NO MORE TEARS (EMMERICH, 2003) 28",Tet,5.50",Dor,EM,Re hot pink ivory watermark gold edge hot pink NORDIC NIGHT (SALTER J, 1991) 24",Tet,5",SEv,EM,Re Purple w' Chalk Red Purple Eye purple w chalk red DF $50 DF $19 DF $8 NORTHERN MECCA (POLSTON, 2009) 28",Tet,5",Dor,M,Frag Dark red maroon w' white ruffled toothy edge Dark red maroon Display NOSFERATU (HANSON C, 1990) 26",Tet,6",SEv,Frag Purple Self purple self DF $8 NOSTRADAMUS (MOLDOVAN, S, 2003) 28",Tet,6",SEv,M,Re cantaloupe polychrome above green throat peach DF $76 NOW AND ZEN (HANSON C, 1999) 25",Tet,3.50",SEv,Frag Purple Gold w' Maroon Purple Eye purple gold w DF $12 ODDS AND ENDS (HANSON C, 1999) 32",Tet,6",SEv,EM,Frag Lavender Violet Blend lav violet blend DF $11 OH SAY BUT I'M GLAD 0",0" Display Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM Page: 87 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG OLD IVORY (POPOV MRS SR, 1939) 36",Dip,0" YL1 light yellow self Display OLD KING COLE (MOLDOVAN S, 1995) 32",Tet,5.50",Dor,Re,Ext Red Purple and Ivory Bicolor med red purple & DF $9 ON THE DOUBLE (STAMILE P, 1989) 22",Tet,5.50",Dor,ML,VFrag,Db Red Self red self DF $8 ONE STEP BEYOND (BENZ J, 1995) 32",Tet,6.50",SEv Lavender Rose Self lavender rose self DF $11 ONLINE GARDEN PARTY (Blanton, 2011) 30",Tet,5.50",M Dark Rose w' Darker Eye Zone and Banding in Gold Dark Rose Display OPEN SECRET (TANKESLEY-CLARKE B+E, 1999) 32",Tet,5",SEv,Db Rich Red Orange w' Yellow Edge red orange w yell DF $25 OPEN HEARTH (LAMBERT J, 1976) 26",Dip,9",Dor,Re,UFO Red and Copper Bitone and Ruby Halo red & copper bitone DF $8 ORANGE VELVET (JOINER ER, 1988) 30",Dip,7",SEv,Re Orange Self orange self DF $8 ORANGE VOLS (KIRBY WL-OAKES WS, 1981) 24",Tet,6.50",Dor,Re,Ext ORANGE BITONE orange bitone DF $8 ORCHID CORSAGE (SAXTON SE, 1975) 32",Dip,7.50",Dor,ML,Frag,Re,UFO Lavender Pink Self lavender pink self DF $9 ORCHID CANDY (STAMILE P, 1994) 23",Tet,4.25",Dor,EM,Re Orchid Lavender w' Black Purple Eye orchid lavender Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM DF $8 Page: 88 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG OSTERIZED (HITE H-DAVISSON J, 1999) 30",Tet,10",SEv,VFrag,Sp Yellow w' White Midribs yellow w wh mr DF $18 OTTIS' MAGIC (HOUSTON O, 1996) 27",Tet,7",SEv,EM,Frag,Re Lavender Cream Blend w' Gold Eye lavender cream blend DF $11 OUT BACK RED (SALTER J, 1998) 28",Tet,7",SEv,Re Red Self red self DF $11 OVER THE MOUNTAIN (STAMILE, 2008) 35",Tet,6.50",Evr,EE,Frag,Re,EMo ORCHID PLUM EYE AND EGE PLUM EYE AND EDGE DF $85 OWENS SEEDLING 7R-380 0",0",Db Display OWENS SEEDLING 7R-650 0",0",Db Display OWENS SEEDLING 7R-751 0",0",Db Display PADMASANA (CLOVER, 2000) 36",Dip,6",SEv,EM,Noc light copper dotted over light yellow bitone with light yellow midribs above yellow green throat copper/yellow bitone Display PAINTING A SYMPHONY (BROOKER G., 2009) 28",Tet,6.50",SEv,E,Re cream self with cranberry eyezone over a deep green throat cream Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM Display Page: 89 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG PAINTING THE ROSES RED (SALTER J, 2002) 26",Tet,6",SEv,Re Cerise Rose Red Blend cerise rose red DF $19 PALOMINO MOON (STAMILE P, 1989) 26",Tet,7",Dor,ML,Ext Palomino Blend palomino blend DF $8 PANCAKE PLATYPUS (BAXTER B, 2002) 24",Dip,6.25",Evr,Re YELOOW WITH RAISED MIDRIBS yellow w raised mr DF $80 PANIC IN DETROIT (ADAMS R, 2002) 40",Tet,8",Dor,ML,Frag Reddish Orange w' White Midribs red orange wh mr DF $18 PANDORAS BOX (TALBOTT DL, 1980) 19",Dip,4",Evr,EM,Frag,Re Cream w' Purple Eye cream w purple ez DF $8 PAPER BUTTERFLY (MORSS M, 1983) 24",Tet,6",SEv,Re Peach Violet blend w' Violet Eye cream peach & blue DF $8 PARDON ME BOY (PICKLES L+J, 1995) 30",Tet,4.75",Dor,EM,Re,Ext Crepe Myrtle Pink w' Brilliant Red Eye pink w red ez DF $8 PARTY PINAFORE (KIRBY WL, 1999) 20",Dip,5",Dor,EM,Frag,Noc,Ext Rose w' Pink Edge rose w pink edge DF $14 PASSION DISTRICT (CARR R, 1997) 28",Tet,5.75",Evr,Re,Ext Red w' Lighter Watermark red w light wm DF $11 PARTY POPPER (STAMILE, 2004) 26",Tet,5",Evr,M,Db,Re red with cream edges above green throat red DF $30 PAT GARRITY (STAMILE P, 2002) 25",Tet,5",SEv,EE,Frag,Re Bright Gold w' Ruby Red Eye gold w ruby red ez DF $15 Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM Page: 90 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG PATSY CLINE (Smith-FR, 2008) 36",Tet,7",SEv,EM,Re Orange w' Ruffled Edges and Cream Midribs peach orange DF $125 PAUL STOUT (KIRCHHOFF D, 1998) 26",Tet,5",SEv,EE,Re,Ext Gold Yellow Orange Blend gold yell orange DF $8 PEACH CANDY (STAMILE P, 1992) 25",Tet,4.75",SEv,Frag,Ext Peach Orchid w' Wine Red Eye peach orchid DF $8 PEACH MAGNOLIA (JOINER ER, 1986) 32",Dip,5.50",Dor,ML,Db,Re Peach Self peach self DF $8 PEACHBERRY TRUFFLE (KIRCHOFF, D, 2002) 28",Tet,6",Evr,EM,Db,Re,Ext medium peach with gold edge above green throat peach DF $25 PEARL HARBOR (CARR R, 1997) 27",Tet,5.75",Evr,Re,Ext Cream Yellow Blend w' Gold Edge cream yellow blend DF $9 PECKS POLY (PECK V-REINKE B, 2000) 32",Dip,6.50",Dor LIGHT YELLOW WITH LIT GREEN TO YELLOW THROAT lt yell w lt gr to DF $45 PEGGY JEFFCOAT (JOINER J, 1995) 18",Dip,6.50",Dor,ML,Db,Re,Ext Yellow Self yellow self DF $12 PEGGY BASS (JOINER ER, 1993) 26",Dip,7",SEv,Frag,Db,Re Shell Pink Self shell pink self Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM DF $9 Page: 91 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG PEPPERMINT PINWHEEL (SALTER, 2005) 30",Tet,6",SEv,M,Re rose pink bitone above green throat rose pink DF $18 PEPPERMINT SOMERSAULT (CARPENTER, J, 2007) 28",Dip,6",Evr,E,Frag,Re rose red with deeper eye above green throat rose red DF $50 PERFECT CONTROL (SHOOTER J, 1995) 22",Dip,6",SEv,Re CREAM YELLOW PINK POLYCHROME cr yell pink poly DF $12 PERFORMING MAGIC (JOINER ER, 2001) 30",Tet,6",SEv,Db,Re Jaffa Orange Blend w' Light Rose Halo jaffa orange blend DF $13 PERSIAN RUBY (TRIMMER D, 1998) 30",Tet,7.75",Dor,EM Ruby Red Self ruby red self DF $13 PERSIMMONS, CINNAMON, AND MARMALADE (JERABEK, 2004) 33",Tet,5.25",Dor,M persimmon with braided hooked orange edge Orange DF $38 PIANO MAN (TRIMMER D, 1998) 28",Tet,4.75",Evr,EM,Frag Cream w' Plum Eye cream w plum ez DF $11 PIECE OF SKY (SIBLING) 0",0" DF $75 Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM Page: 92 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG PIGMENT OF IMAGINATION (NORRIS, RICHARD, 2008) 26",Dip,5",Dor,M purplish red changing to turquoise/jade/bluish/gray has an edge/no eye look multicolor PILGRIM FATHERS (MOLDOVAN S, 2002) 30",Tet,5",Dor,Frag,Re ez & edge yell w cranberry red PINCH OF LAVENDER (HOLMES, S, 2008) 34",Tet,8",SEv,M,UFO lavender self with blends of silver with an eyezone showing hints of red which extends into the sepals over a green throat lavender DF $150 DF $30 DF $150 PINE BELT ARTWORK (BOYKIN, 2005) 20",Tet,5",Evr,E,Db,Re gold edge gr thr Cream Cherry eye Display PINK AMBROSIA (STAMILE P, 1994) 28",Tet,6.75",Evr,Re,Ext Pink Bitone pink bitone DF $8 PINK COTTON CANDY (STAMILE P, 1991) 23",Tet,5",Dor,ML,Frag,Ext Clear Pink w' Red Eye clear pink w red ez DF $8 PINK CRITERION (MOLDOVAN, 1999) 34",Tet,6",SEv,EM,Frag,Re,Ext salmon pink with raised textured veining and yellow picotee above yellow to fresh green throat salmon pink DF $19 PINK FLIRT (DEKERLEGAND MRS M, 1987) 20",Dip,6",SEv,Frag,Re,Ext Bright Pink Self bright pink self DF $8 PINK PUFF (JABLONSKI W-SHARP L, 1987) 21",Dip,3.50",Dor,EM,Frag Pink w' Yellow Halo pink w yellow halo DF $8 PINK FOR TWO (KIRCHHOFF D, 1989) 20",Dip,4",Evr,EM,Db,Ext Pink w' Rose Red Halo pink w rose red halo Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM DF $8 Page: 93 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG PINK STRIPES (DERROW, 2006) 30",Dip,7",Dor,EM magenta rose with pink cream stripping above gold orange throat magenta rose DF $60 PIXIE PLAYTHING (STAMILE, G, 2004) 16",Dip,3",SEv,E,Re pink with light purple eye lined fuchsia above green throat pink DF $20 PINK SUPER DORMANT (CARPENTER J, 1996) 29",Tet,6",Dor,Frag,Re Pink Blend pink blend DF $8 PIZZA CRUST (KLEHM R, 1995) 30",Tet,6",Dor,ML,Frag blend gr thr tan pastel pink DF $13 PLUM CANDY (STAMILE P, 1989) 24",Tet,4",Evr,EM,Frag,Ext Peach w' Plum Purple Eye peach w plum purple DF $8 POLLY WOLLY DOODLE (NORRIS, RICHARD, 2006) 31",Tet,5.50",Dor,M,Re solid gold self gold POLY PARROT (MORSS, M, 2007) 36",Tet,7",Evr,M,Ext lavender orchid with lavender eye outlined violet above yellow to green throat lavender DF $50 DF $125 POLY SEEDLING 0",0" Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM Display Page: 94 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG PONY (DURIO K, 1972) 26",Dip,5",Dor,Re,Ext LAVENDER AND CREAM BI COLOR BITONE lavender & cream DF $8 POPCORN PETE (PETIT T, 2002) 25",Tet,6",SEv,Re Purple w' Lighter Watermark and Gold Edge purple w lt wm gold DF $25 POWDER PUFF TRUFFLE (KIRCHHOFF D, 1999) 30",Dip,6",Evr,Db,Re,Ext Melon w' Melon Rose Halo melon w melon rose DF $15 PRECIOUS CANDY (STAMILE, G, 2008) 30",Tet,5.25",SEv,E,Frag,Re,EMo Rose and purple patterned and double edge wide ruffled rose & purple DF $55 PRELUDE TO PANOPLY (DERROW, 2009) 34",6.50",Dor shell to salmon pink with a slight rose halo over a yellow to green throat shell to salmon pink Display PRIMAL SCREAM (HANSON C, 1994) 34",Tet,7.50",Dor,ML,UFO Orange Tangerine Self orange tang self DF $24 PRAIRIE FIRE (SALTER J, 1996) 26",Tet,5.50",SEv,Re Yellow Cream w' Red Coral Eye yellow cream DF $8 PRETTY PEGGY (SELLERS V, 1973) 30",Tet,6",Evr gr thr pink self DF $8 PRINCE OF MIDNIGHT (SALTER J, 1990) 26",Tet,6",SEv Dark Royal Purple Self royal purple self Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM DF $8 Page: 95 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG PRINCESS DIANA (Frank Smith, 2006) 30",Tet,6",SEv,M,Re,Ext Baby Ribbon Pink w' Large Bubbly Creamy Yellow Edge baby ribbon pink yeLLOW EDGE DF $82 PRIVATE SHOWING (HERRINGTON K, 1998) 26",Tet,5",SEv,Re Cream Pink Blend and Gold Edge cream pink blend DF $15 PTERODACTYL EYE (BURKEY C, 2001) 39",Dip,9",Dor,Var Pink Beige w' Standout Purplish Rose Band pink beige w purple DF $43 PRISMATIC (BROOKS B.B., 2004) 33",Dip,6.25",Dor,M,UFO PURPLE WITH LIGHTER WATERMARK AND PENCIL BAND ABOVE GREEN TO GOLD THROAT PURPLE DF $20 PSYCHIC TRANCE (GOSSARD, 2006) 32",Dip,5",Dor,ML,Frag ROSE PINK WITH GREEN EYE rose pink w red eye DF $75 PUCCINI (STAMILE P, 1999) 30",Tet,7",Evr,Frag,Db,Re Cream Yellow blend cream yellow blend DF $14 PUFFER FISH (GOSSARD, 2006) 26",Tet,5",Dor,ML,Re rose pink with lighter orange watermark and tooth edge above orange throat pink DF $200 PUMPKIN BERRY TRUFFLE (KIRCHHOFF dAVID, 1999) 29",Tet,6",Evr,M,Db,Re clear burnished orange self above yellow throat orange DF $50 PUMPKIN KID (SPALDING W, 1987) 18",Dip,5.50",Evr,Re,Ext red ez gr thr light orange Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry DF $8 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM Page: 96 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG PUMPKIN PIE SPICE (JOINER ER, 1997) 26",Tet,4.25",Evr,EM,Re Buckskin w' Mauve Wine eye buckskin w mauve DF $8 PUMPKIN RAGE (KIRCHHOFF D, 1997) 28",Tet,4.75",Evr,Re,Ext orange red ez & edge pumpkin orange DF $12 PURPLE BADGER (GOSSARD, 2006) 38",Tet,8",SEv,EM,Frag,Re,UFO purple with white band and tooth edge above yellow throat purple DF $50 PURE AND SIMPLE (SALTER J, 1993) 28",Tet,6",SEv,EM,Re Orange Sherbet Self orange sherbet self DF $8 PURPLE CHEETAH (GOSSARD, 2006) 32",Tet,8",Dor,M,Frag,Re,UFO light purple with darker spots and darker bicolored watermark and purple eye light purple DF $200 PURPLE DE ORO (DEGROOT INC, 2000) 20",Dip,3",Dor,Re Medium Dark Purple w' Light Midribs and Edge dark purple w lt mr DF $8 PURPLE KABOOM (GOSSARD, 2006) 29",Tet,6.50",SEv,M,Frag PURPLE WITH PURPLE WATERMARK WITH GREEN THROAT purp w purp wtmk DF $75 PURPLE RABBITS (JERABEK DJ, 2001) 26",Tet,5",SEv,EM,Re Violet Purple w' Darker Halo and White Wire Edge viol purple darker DF $10 PURPLE PAWPRINT (HARTSELL, 2003) 16",Dip,3.50",Dor,EM lavender purple self above green throat lavender purple PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS (KIRCHHOFF, DAVID, 2009) 0",0",Db ORANGE SELF DOUBLE ORANGE Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM DF $8 Display Page: 97 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG PURSUIT OF PLEASURE (KIRCHOFF, D, 2009) 28",Tet,0.60",Dor,ML,Db,Re,Ext clear bright orange on the red side with small yellow to green throat reddish orange PUT-IN-BAY (POTTER-HOLMES, 2005) 28",Tet,6",Dor,M,Frag red orange bitone above green throat red/orange DF $100 DF $100 PYROMANIAC (GUIDRY D, 1993) 22",Dip,5",Evr,VFrag,Db,Re RED WITH RED EYES AND YELLOW GREEN THROAT red w red ez DF $8 QUAD EYE (DICKERSON J, 1991) 24",Dip,6",Dor,Re MAUVE WITH PURPLE EYE AND GREEN THROAT mauve w purple ez DF $10 QUALITY OF MERCY (CARR R, 1994) 27",Tet,6",SEv,EM,Frag Near White Self near white self DF $8 QUIET CONCERTO (MORSS M, 1993) 26",Tet,6",Evr,EM,Frag,Re,Ext deep yell to gr thr cream pink self DF $8 RADIATION BIOHAZARD (GOSSARD J, 2000) 37",Dip,9",Dor,Frag,UFO Maroon Bicolor and Yellow Midribs maroon bicolor yell DF $18 RAINBOW BUTTER (APPS D, 2000) 27",Dip,4.25",Dor,EM,Ext LT ORANGE PENCIL EYES ROSE YELLOW GR THROAT lt orange pencil ez DF $15 RAHODUDE (WOODHALL RG, 1998) 34",Tet,6",Dor,Re,Ext Red Blend red blend Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM DF $12 Page: 98 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG RAINBOW CANDY (STAMILE P, 1996) 28",Tet,4.25",Dor,EM,VFrag,Re,Ext Cream w' Purple Lavender Gray Eye cr w bands of violet DF $8 RAINBOW EYES (STAMILE P, 1994) 21",Tet,6.75",Dor,Re,Ext Cream w' Charcaol Lavender Eye cream w charcoal DF $9 RAM (WHATLEY O, 1994) 25",Tet,7",SEv,ML,Re,Ext Yellow w' White Edge yell self wh edge DF $18 RANDY STEPHENS (Kinnebrew-J, 2007) 30",Tet,6",SEv,EM,Re Raspberry w' White Silver Teeth Above Chartreuse Throat Raspberry Display RASBERRY GRIFFIN (Gossard, 2006) 27",Tet,7.50",Dor,EM,Frag,Re,UFO Cream near white with raspberry eye and edge above green throat. 2010 flower worth $50.00 white Display RANSOM NOTE (CARR R, 1998) 27",Tet,5",Evr,EM Purple w' Light Purple Watermark and Yellow Gold Edge purple w wm yell DF $8 RASPBERRIES IN CREAM (STAMILE, 2004) 27",Tet,5",Evr,EM,Re cream with raspberry red eye and edge above green throat cream DF $56 RASPBERRY BERET (TRIMMER D, 1999) 28",Tet,6",Evr,Re Gold Amber w' Cranberry Eye and Edge gold amber w DF $11 RASPBERRY LUSTRE (STAMILE P, 1998) 30",Tet,5.50",Evr,EM,Frag,Re Bright Raspberry w' Rose Blend raspberry rose blend DF $20 RASPBERRY CANDY (STAMILE P, 1992) 26",Tet,4.75",Dor,Frag,Re,Ext Cream w' Raspbery Red Eye cr w raspberry red Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM DF $8 Page: 99 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG READ MY LIPS (RICE J, 2001) 28",Tet,5.50",SEv,EM,Re,Ext Bluish Pink w' Bluish Rose Eye and Edge blue pink w blue DF $15 RED CARPET MOMENT (NORRIS, RICHARD, 2007) 28",Tet,5.50",Dor,M,Re red with strong gold edge red DF $100 RED FRIDAY (AGIN, 2007) 28",Tet,6.50",Evr,M,Frag,Re Red Rose w' Rose Pink Eye and White Edge Red rose DF $88 RED HAT DIVA (NORRIS, RICHARD, 2006) 28",Tet,6",SEv,ML brilliant red with bright white edge over bright green throat red DF $75 RED IN THE FACE (APPS D, 2000) 28",Dip,5",Dor,EM,Frag,Re red ez yell gr thr pink w deep burgundy DF $25 RED LINE FEVER (ELLISON R, 1998) 30",Tet,5.75",Dor Red Self red self DF $13 RED RAGAMUFFIN (Polston, 2009) 30",Tet,5",Dor,M,Frag Bright Red w' Gold Toothy ruffled Edge above Green Throat Red Display RED PEACEMAKER (CARR R, 1997) 28",Tet,4.50",Dor,Re,Ext Dark Garnet Red w' White Edge dark garnet red Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM DF $8 Page: 100 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG RED RAZZLE DAZZLE (KLEHM R, 1988) 30",Tet,5",Dor Red Self red self DF $8 RED RIBBONS (LENINGTON G, 1964) 42",Dip,8",Evr,Var Red Self red self DF $8 RED ROO (SMITH SP, 1980) 32",Tet,5",SEv,Ext Red Self red self DF $10 RED SQUIRREL (BLANTON, 2005) 24",Dip,4",SEv,EM,Re,Noc reddish orange blend above gold throat reddish orange DF $23 RED VOLUNTEER (OAKES W, 1984) 30",Tet,7",Dor Candle Red Self candle red self DF $9 REDEFINING GENETICS (Baxter Bobbie, 2009) 38",Dip,9.50",SEv,ML,Sp yellow Display REGAL PUZZLE (PETIT T, 1999) 24",Tet,5",Dor,Db Purple w' Chalky Purple Watermark purple w chalky DF $30 REGAL BRAID (STAMILE P, 1994) 12",Tet,5.50",Dor,Re Cream Lavender w' Braided Purple Edge and Purple Eye cream lavender DF $9 REINE DE VIOLETTES (MUNSON RW, 1992) 26",Tet,5.50",Evr,EM,Re Orchid Lilac Self orchid lilac self Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM DF $8 Page: 101 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG RELEASE YOUR INHIBITIONS (BAXTER, 2006) 25",Dip,6",Dor,M,UFO pink self above large green throat pink RESISTANCE IS FUTILE (BAXTER B, 2000) 24",Dip,5.50",Dor,EE,Re Light Purple w' White Midribs light purple w white DF $50 DF $20 RESPIGHI (MUNSON RW, 1986) 20",Tet,6",Evr,EM,Re,Ext Wine Black w' Chalky Wine Edge wine black w chalky DF $8 RHINE MAIDEN (MORSS M, 1992) 28",Tet,6",Evr,EM,Re Medium Rose Orchid w' Wine Purple Eye medium rose orchid DF $8 RHAPSODY IN TIME (SALTER J, 1996) 28",Tet,5",SEv,EM,Re Lavender Rose w' Blue Violet Eye lavender rose DF $8 RHUBARB TRUFFLE (KIRCHHOFF D, 1999) 28",Tet,4.75",Evr,EM,Db,Re,Ext Rhubarb Peach w' Rhubarb Orchid Halo pastel rhubarb peach DF $16 RICHARD TAYLOR (MUNSON RW, 1987) 20",Tet,6",SEv,Re,Ext RED SELF YELLOW GREEN THROAT red self DF $10 RICH RED ZIP (KLEHM, 2003) 24",Tet,7",Dor,M,Re rich red self above green throat red DF $24 Riches Revealed (Carr, 2005) 29",Tet,5",Evr,E,Frag,Re Yellow w' Coral Orange Overlay Display RICOCHET RUFFLES (ROGERS, C, 2006) 32",Tet,6",Evr,E,Frag,Re,Noc,Ext pink self above yellow throat and green heart pink Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM DF $100 Page: 102 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG RING THE BELLS OF HEAVEN (CARPENTER, J, 2006) 24",Tet,6",Dor,EM,Frag,Re lavender bicolor with lighter lavender watermark and yellow green edge above green throat lavender DF $44 ROBINS TUITION (FITZPATRICK S, 2002) 26",Tet,5.50",Dor Lavender w' Radiating Blue Purple Eye lavender w blue DF $20 ROCK CANDY (STAMILE, 2008) 28",Tet,5.50",Dor,M,Re,EMo Cream w' Orchid Plum Eye and Edge ORCIH /PLUM EYE&EDGE DF $50 ROCK LOBSTER (HANSON C, 1999) 36",Tet,6",SEv,EM,Frag Rose Violet Self rose violet self DF $13 ROCK STAR (HANSEN, D, 2005) 36",Tet,8",SEv,EM,Re,Noc,Ext,UFO burgundy with black cherry eye and white tooth edge above chartreuse tbroat burgundy DF $45 ROOT BEER FLOAT (MASON, M, 2006) 18",Tet,5",Dor,M,Frag,Db root beer cream blend above gold throat root beer/cream Display ROCK SOLID (STAMILE P, 2002) 27",Tet,4.75",Dor,EM,VFrag,Re Cream w' Plum Violet Eye and Edge cream w plum violet DF $15 RON VALENTE (MOLDOVAN, 2003) 32",Tet,6",Dor,E,Frag,Re rich red grape with darker velvety grape purple eye and white edge above green to cream lemon throat red grape DF $50 ROSE BASICS (RENFROW JM, 1996) 38",Tet,5",Dor,Frag wm lemon to gr thr rose self w lt rose Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM DF $9 Page: 103 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG ROSE CIRCLE (DURIO K, 1994) 24",Tet,6",Evr,EM,Frag,Re,Ext CREAM WITH ROSE PINK EDGE GREEN TO YELLOW THROAT cr w rose pink edge ROSE CORSAGE (STAMILE P, 1999) 21",Tet,5",Dor,EM,Frag,Db,Re Rose Self rose w rose thr ROSE EMILY (PIERCE C, 1982) 18",Dip,5",SEv,Re Rose Self rose self DF $8 DF $13 DF $8 ROSE MASTERPIECE (STAMILE P, 1998) 24",Tet,7",Dor,EM,Frag,Re,Ext Rose Self rose self DF $14 ROSWITHA (TRIMMER D, 1992) 14",Dip,3.25",Dor,EM,Db Peach w' Purple Eye peach w purple ez DF $10 ROSES IN SNOW (HANSEN D, 1999) 24",Tet,5.25",SEv,EM,Re RED WITH IVORY EDGE GREEN TO YELLOW THROAT red w ivory edge ROSY SPIKETAIL (GOSSARD, 2006) 28",Tet,8",Dor,ML,Frag,Re rose pink bitone with huge white teeth above green throat rose pink ROY LIKES EM HOT (HOLMES, S, 2006) 32",Tet,7",Dor,M red orange with red eye and ruffled wire edge red orange ROYAL CELEBRATION (TRIMMER D, 1999) 38",Tet,12",Evr,EM,Re,Var Grape Purple Self grape purple self ROYAL CORSAGE (STAMILE, 2004) 31",Tet,6",Evr,EE,Frag,Db,Re royal purple self above green throat royal purple DF $12 DF $200 DF $100 DF $13 DF $26 ROYAL HEIRESS (MUNSON RW, 1982) 24",Tet,6",Evr,EM,Re Burgundy w' Chalky Cream Burgundy Eye burgundy w chalky Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM DF $8 Page: 104 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG RUBY CORSAGE (STAMILE, 2006) 22",Tet,4",SEv,M,Db,Re ruby red self above green throat ruby red DF $41 RUBY GRANDEUR (NORRIS, RICHARD, 2007) 32",Tet,5",Dor,ML ruby red self above green throat ruby red DF $75 RUBY REGAILA (NORRIS, RICHARD, 2003) 28",Tet,5",Dor,M velvet red self above green throat red DF $22 RUBY SPIDER (STAMILE P, 1991) 34",Tet,9",Dor,UFO Ruby Red Self ruby red self DF $10 RUFFLED PANTALOONS (WEBSTER RL, 1993) 28",Tet,7",Dor,M,VFrag,Re Pink Self pink self DF $10 RUN TIME ERROR (BAXTER, 2006) 15",Dip,3.75",Dor salmon pink and cream bitone, salmon pink petals and cream sepals salmon pink/cream DF $35 RUBY LASER (BLANEY TL, 1994) 32",Tet,5.50",Dor,EM BRIGHT RUBY RED SELF GREEN THROAT brt ruby red self DF $9 RUFFLED TRUFFLE (KIRCHHOFF D, 2002) 26",Tet,2.50",Evr,EE,Db,Re,Ext Orange Melon Peach Polychrome orange melon peach DF $14 RUNNING WITH SCISSORS (JERABEK DJ, 2001) 28",Tet,6.50",SEv,ML Clear Red w' White Wire Picotee Edge red w white wire DF $30 Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM Page: 105 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG RUSHING DELIGHT (GRACE L, 1998) 26",Tet,5",Evr,EM,VFrag Light Rose Mauve w' Yellow Gold Edge lt rose mauve w yell DF $11 RUSSIAN RAGTIME (SALTER J, 2002) 30",Tet,6.50",SEv,EM,Re Lavender w' Dark Purple Eye lavender w dark DF $13 RUSSIAN RHAPSODY (MUNSON RW, 1973) 30",Tet,6",SEv,Re Violet Purple Self violet purple self DF $8 RUSSIAN EASTER (KIRCHHOFF D, 1991) 30",Tet,6",Evr,Frag,Re,Ext Yellow w' Mauve Rose Edge and Eye yell w mauve rose SABINE BAUR (SALTER J, 1997) 25",Tet,6",SEv,EM,Re,Noc,Ext Cream w' Purple Eye and Edge cream w purple ez SABRA SALINA (WILSON T, 1991) 22",Dip,6",Dor,EM,Frag,Re,Ext PINK WITH GOLD HALO WITH GREEN THROAT pink w gold halo SAHARA SPLENDOR (SALTER J, 2001) 27",Tet,6",SEv,EM,Re edge gr thr yell gold w copper DF $8 DF $18 DF $8 DF $25 SALLIE BROWN (REINKE B+J, 1994) 28",Dip,7",Dor,Frag Amber Salmon Blend amber salmon blend DF $8 SALLY (HAYWARD W, 1939) 36",Dip,0",Evr LIGHT ORANGE YELLOW SELF lt orange yell self DF $8 Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM Page: 106 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG SAM ABELL (Richard Norris, 2010) 34",Tet,6.50",Dor,EM,EMo purple edge outline near white Display SAMURAI WARRIOR (SALTER J, 2000) 26",Tet,5",SEv,Re Red Burgundy Self red burgundy self DF $11 SAN IGNACIO (STAMILE P, 1998) 28",Tet,5",Dor,EM,Frag,Re Baby Ribbon Pink pink DF $12 SAN DIEGO (GRACE-SMITH, 2004) 22",Tet,5.50",SEv,EM,Re cream with violet eye and edge above olive throat cream DF $19 SANOMA FALLS (MUNSON, R.W., 1997) 24",Tet,5.50",Evr,M,Re grape purple with lighter grape purple halo and yellow to green throat grape purple DF $10 SAVANNAH DEBUTANTE (JOINER ER, 1986) 32",Dip,6",Dor,ML,Frag,Db,Re Apricot Self light apricot self DF $8 SAVANNAH EXPLOSION (JOINER ER, 1991) 26",Dip,5.50",SEv,ML,Frag,Db,Re Apricot Self apricot self DF $8 SCARLET ORBIT (GATES L, 1984) 22",Tet,6",Evr,Frag,Re Red Self red self DF $8 SAVANNAH KNOCKOUT (JOINER ER, 1991) 24",Dip,7",Dor,Frag,Db,Re Peach Melon Self peach melon self DF $9 SCATTERBRAIN (JOINER ER, 1988) 32",Dip,6",SEv,Frag,Db,Re Light Peach Pink Self lt peach pink self DF $8 Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM Page: 107 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG SCHNICKEL FRITZ (KIRCHHOFF D, 1996) 16",Dip,5",Dor,EM,Db,Re,Ext Near White Self near white self DF $12 SCREAMIN MIMI (BLANTON, J.R., 2007) 38",Tet,6",SEv,M,Frag,Re,Ext,Var,UFO spider like reddish orange self reddish orange DF $50 SEA ANEMONE (Hodge, 2010) 0",0" Display SCIENCE OF MIND (RICE, J, 2005) 26",Tet,6",Evr,ML pink with cream white to yellow gold edge above green throat Pink with cream white DF $20 SCULPTURED SHELLS (Miner, 2010) 29",Tet,6",Evr,E,Re Bright Pink bi-color w' green throat Pink Display SEA SWEPT DREAMS (SALTER J, 1996) 28",Tet,6",SEv Ivory Cream Self ivory cream self DF $8 SECOND HORIZON (Holmes Sandy, 2010) 32",Tet,6",SEv,EM,Re,Ext,EMo,UFO White with a rose purple pattern round with a triangulare grenn eye zone. White Purple Eye SECOND MILLENNIUM (PETIT T, 1999) 23",Tet,6.50",SEv,Db Rose Red w' Pink Watermark rose red w pink wm SECRET AGENT BABE (BAXTER, 2006) 28",Dip,7.50",Dor,M,Re,UFO clean yellow with greenish cast and soft rose eye yellow/ greenish cast Display DF $12 SF $90 SECRET SPLENDOR (SALTER J, 1991) 25",Tet,6",Evr,ML,Re Light Lavender Rose light lavender rose Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry DF $8 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM Page: 108 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG SEDUCTOR (GATES L, 1983) 18",Tet,6",Evr,EE,Frag,Re,Ext Apple Red Self apple red self DF $8 SEE ME-FEEL ME-TOUCH ME (HOLMES, M, 2005) 26",Tet,5.75",Dor,M ivory with toothy edge above green throat ivory DF $97 SEEDLING 0",0" Display SEMINOLE WIND (STAMILE P, 1993) 23",Tet,6.50",SEv,EM,Frag,Re,Ext Pink Self pink self DF $10 SHABBY CHIC (FARMER, SHIRLEY, 2009) 26",6.60" SHIRLEY FARMERS WORK ON WHITE DAY Display SHAKA ZULU (MOLDOVAN S, 1992) 28",Tet,6",SEv,EM,Re,Ext Dark Grape Purple w' White Edge and Pale Watermark dark grape purple DF $11 SERAGLIO (MOLDOVAN, 2003) 28",Tet,6",SEv,M,Re reddish grape with light grey violet eye and white edge above creamy lemon to green throat reddish purple SHADES OF HAVANA (KIRCHHOFF D, 1996) 29",Tet,6",Evr,Frag,Db,Re,Ext Chinese Yellow Self chinese yellow self DF $58 DF $9 SHANGRI LA (MERRY P+R, 1942) 46",Dip,0" OM1 medium orange self DF $19 SHARON'S DELIGHT (NORRIS, RICHARD, 2007) 34",Dip,7",SEv,ML,Re,UFO reddish purple self above yellow green to white throat reddish purple DF $75 SHELL CARVING (HANSON C, 1994) 26",Tet,5",Dor Cream Pink Blend cream pink blend DF $13 Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM Page: 109 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG SHERLEY CHANNING (KIRCHOFF, 2009) 28",Tet,6.50",Evr,EM,VFrag,Db,Re,Ext,EMo cream peach and pink blend appleblossom peach pink above yellow to green throat cream peach & pink DF $250 SHERRY CANDY (STAMILE, GRACE, 2008) 32",Tet,5.25",Evr,E,Frag,Re White with gray and red edge patern red with yellow throat Cream with violet edgeing and eye SHERRY LANE CARR (CARR R, 1993) 23",Tet,6.50",Evr,EM,Frag,Re,Ext Cream Butter Yellow w' Gold Edges cr butter yell self DF $50 DF $12 SHIBUI SPLENDOR (MUNSON RW, 1974) 20",Dip,6",Evr,EM,Frag,Re Pink Self pink self DF $8 SHOWMANSHIP (SELLERS V, 1996) 30",Tet,4.50",SEv Orange w' Burgundy Red Eye orange w burgundy DF $8 SHRIMP AND GRITS (BOATWRIGHT F, 2002) 22",Tet,6",SEv,EM,Re Shrimp Pink Bitone shrimp pink bitone DF $17 SIGNATURE TRUFFLE (KIRCHOFF, D, 2004) 28",Tet,6",Evr,EM,Db,Re,Ext coral peach rose with gold edge above huge clover leaf yellow to lime throat coral peach DF $59 SILENT SENTRY (SALTER J, 1992) 24",Tet,6",SEv,EM Purple Self purple self DF $8 SILOAM ANDREW TROTTER (HENRY P, 1983) 26",Dip,5",Dor,ML,Ext GOLD SELF GREEN GOLD THORAT gold self DF $8 Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM Page: 110 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG SILOAM DOUBLE CLASSIC (HENRY P, 1985) 16",Dip,5",Dor,EM,VFrag,Db Bright Pink Self bright pink self DF $8 SILOAM MERLE KENT (HENRY P, 1984) 18",Dip,3.50",Dor,Ext Bright Orchid w' Deep Purple Eye bright orchid DF $8 SILOAM JIM COOPER (HENRY P, 1981) 16",Dip,3.50",Dor,EM,Ext Red w' Darker Eye red w deeper ez SILOAM OLIN FRAZIER (HENRY P, 1990) 22",Dip,5",Dor,Db,Ext Hot Rose Self hot rose self DF $8 DF $13 SILOAM SHOW GIRL (HENRY P, 1981) 18",Dip,4.25",Dor,Ext Red w' Deeper Eye red w deeper ez SILOAM TOY TIME (HENRY P, 1976) 28",Dip,2.75",Dor Deep Dusty Rose Self deep dusty rose DF $8 DF $8 SIMPLY SCINTILLATING (BROOKS, B, 2004) 30",Dip,7",SEv,ML,UFO pink with sherbet tones above gold throat pink DF $76 SINGING RADIANCE (Mondron Pete, 2010) 24",Tet,5",Dor,M,Db Light Peach Double peach Display SKYHOOKS (HANSON C, 1990) 36",Tet,8",SEv,UFO Orchid Lavender Blend orchid lav blend DF $13 Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM Page: 111 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG SLAPSTICK (HAGER BR, 1990) 45",Dip,7",Dor,EM,Re,Ext,Sp Bright Yellow Self bright yellow self DF $8 SLEEPY HOLLOW (HANSON C, 2000) 36",Tet,5",Dor Black Burgundy Self black burgundy self DF $18 SLEEPY HOLLOW TRUFFLE (KIRCHHOFF D, 2002) 32",Tet,7",SEv,Db,Re,Ext Lavender w' Darker Halo and Gold Edge lav w darker halo DF $30 SMOKE SCREAM (GOSSARD, 2004) 42",Dip,7",Dor,M,UFO purple blend with dark purple eye above green white throat purple DF $20 SMALL GIFT (SALTER EH, 2000) 27",Tet,4",SEv,Re CREAM MELON PINK cream melon pink DF $8 SMUGGLER'S FIRE (BRANCH CE, 1992) 26",Tet,5.50",Dor,EM,Ext Red w' Purple Red Eye red w purple red ez DF $8 SMUGGLER'S GOLD (BRANCH CE, 1991) 24",Tet,6",Dor,Frag,Ext Gold Brushed Bronze Blend gold brushed bronze DF $8 SMUGGLER'S INTRIGUE (BRANCH-NATTE, 2003) 21",Tet,6",SEv,EM,Frag,Re peach rose blend with rose red halo and gold edge above yellow olive green throat peach rose DF $100 SMUGGLER'S MYSTIQUE (BRANCH-NATTE, 2005) 27",Tet,7",Dor,ML,VFrag raspberry red polychrome with red halo and wide peach pink midribs and peach over yellow edge above yellow throat raspberry red Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM DF $100 Page: 112 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG SMUGGLER'S TANGO (BRANCH-NATTE, 2005) 24",Tet,7",Dor,M,Frag soft yellow with feathered burgundy eye above triangular light burgundy to lime throat yellow SNOW CRANE (MUNSON RW, 1983) 26",Tet,5",Evr,EM,Frag Near White Self near white self SO LOVELY (LENINGTON G, 1969) 30",Dip,5.50",SEv Near White Self near white self DF $100 DF $15 DF $8 SO MANY STARS (KASKEL M, 1999) 34",Tet,6.50",Evr,ML,Re Cream Purple w' Purple Eye cream purple w DF $13 SOCIALLY ACCEPTABLE (GATES L, 1984) 26",Dip,5.50",SEv,EM,Frag,Re Light Pink Self light pink self DF $8 SOFT SUMMER NIGHT (STAMILE P, 1995) 23",Tet,5",Dor,EM,VFrag,Re Ribbon Pink w' Rose Pink Eye ribbon pink w rose DF $8 SOCIAL GRACES (MARYOTT, 2006) 30",Tet,6",Evr,EM melon orange blend with slight red eye above yellow green throat melon orange SOLDIER OF FORTUNE (SALTER, 2003) 32",Tet,6",SEv,EM purple with small white gold toothed edge above green throat purple DF $50 DF $19 SOLOMONS ROBES (TALBOTT DL, 1991) 30",Dip,6",Evr,Frag,Re Royal Purple Self royal purple self Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM DF $9 Page: 113 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG SOME LIKE IT SASSY (JOINER, J, 2005) 32",Dip,7",Evr,M,Frag,Db,Re CLUB PLANT - faded rose self above gold throat faded rose DF $35 SONIC DUCK (GOSSARD, 2006) 39",Tet,8.50",Dor,EM,Frag,Re,UFO yellow with brushed red eye above yellow green throat yellow DF $100 SOMETHING BOLD (MORSS M, 2000) 22",Tet,6",Evr,EE,Re,Ext Coquina w' Purple Eye and Edge coquina w purple ez SORCERER'S HAT (SALTER, E.H., 2003) 25",Tet,5",Dor,M,Db,Re lavender with washed violet eye above yellow green throat lavender Display DF $17 SOUL ON FIRE (EMMERICH, 2005) 28",Tet,5",Dor,M,Frag,Re tomato red with lighter watermark and gold filigree edge above yellow to green throat tomato red DF $20 SOUND OF CANNONS (SELLERS V, 1993) 28",Tet,6",Dor,M,Re red self with green throat red DF $8 SOUTH SEAS (FAY O-MOLDOVAN S, 1961) 32",Dip,0",Dor,Frag,Re,Ext Tangerine Coral w' Red Coral Band flesh pink melon DF $10 SOUTHERN MADE (JOINER J, 2002) 30",Dip,6.50",Evr,ML,Db,Re Tea Rose Self rose self DF $22 Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM Page: 114 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG SPACECOAST BEHAVIOR PATTERN (KINNEBREW, J, 2006) 32",Tet,6",Evr,E,Re cream with purple eye and picotee edge cream DF $56 SPACECOAST CHERRIES AND CREAM (KINNEBREW, J, 2000) 24",Tet,6",SEv,EM,Re red cream blend with red eye and edge above yellow throat red & cream DF $14 SPACECOAST COTTON CANDY (KINNEBREW, J, 2001) 25",Tet,5",SEv,E,Re peach pink blend above yellow throat peach pink blend DF $16 SPACECOAST DOUBLE STANDARD (Kinnebrew-J, 2009) 24",Tet,6",SEv,EM,Db,Re Orange-Peach Blend w' Outer Gold Edge Orange Peach Display SPACECOAST GONE BULLDOGGIN' (KINNEBREW, 2006) 24",Tet,7",SEv,EM,Re cream with purple eye and purple gold double edge cream DF $53 SPACECOAST PATTERN PLUS (KINNEBREW, J, 2007) 24",Tet,6",SEv,EE,Re lavender purple blend with darker purple eye lavender DF $43 SPACECOAST PICOTEE PRINCE (KINNEBREW, J, 1998) 30",Tet,6",SEv,M,Re Lavender w' Purple Eye and Picotee Edge lav w purple ez & DF $11 SPACECOAST PINK LADY (KINNEBREW, J, 1998) 28",Tet,7",SEv,EE,Re pink with gold eye and yellow throat pink DF $13 SPACECOAST SNAGGLE TOOTH (Kinnebrew-J, 2009) 28",Tet,6.50",SEv,EM,Re Cranberry Red w' Large White Tooth Edge Cranberry Red SF $40 Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM Page: 115 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG SPACECOAST STARBURST (KINNEBREW, J, 1998) 25",Tet,6",Evr,EM,Re pink lavender blend with gold edge and yellow halo above yellow throat pink lavender DF $12 SPACECOAST TROPICAL TWISTER (KINNEBREW, J, 2007) 24",Tet,6",Evr,EM,Db,Re coral pink blend with slight gold edge coral DF $60 SPACECOAST TINY PERFECTION (KINNEBREW, J, 1998) 18",Tet,3",SEv,E,Re flesh pink self with gold edge and green throat flesh pink DF $10 SPACECOAST TWO EYED JACK (KINNEBREW, J, 2006) 24",Tet,6",SEv,EM,Db,Re Cream w' Purple Eye and Picotee Eye and Picotee Edge cream DF $50 SPANISH FEISTA (Trimmer, 2007) 31",Tet,6.50",Evr,M,Re,EMo Orange Pink w' Red Eye and Edge Pink Orange/Red Eye DF $50 SPARKLING CHAMPAGNE (MOLDOVAN S, 1996) 28",Tet,6.50",SEv,Frag,Re Light Pink w' Beaded Gold Edge and Gold Watermark lt pink blend DF $12 SPARKS LITTLE ALEX (TAUNTON W, 2002) 24",Dip,4.50",Evr,Frag,Re CREAM YELLOW PEACH HALO LIME GREEN THROAT cream yell w peach DF $10 SPARTICUS ADORNED (HANSON C, 1999) 36",Tet,5",SEv,ML,Frag Violet Purple w' Lavender Watermark violet purple blend DF $20 SPARKS VANILLA SKY (TAUNTON W, 2002) 30",Dip,6",Evr,Db,Re VANILLA CREAM WITH CREAMY hALO GREEN THROAT vanilla cream w cr Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM DF $10 Page: 116 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG SPECIAL CANDY (STAMILE, GRACE, 2008) 32",Tet,4.75",M,Re White with burgundy on petals with burgundy patterned eye with green throat Sharks Teeth White Pattern Burgundy DF $39 SPIDER BREEDER (MILLER J, 1978) 34",Dip,10",Dor,ML,Var Deep Lemon Yellow Self lemon yellow self DF $8 SPINDAZZLE (WILSON MRS LM, 1983) 26",Dip,6",SEv,Ext,Var Gold Copper w' Red Tips amd Veins gold copper veined DF $8 SPIDER MIRACLE (HENDRICKS W, 1986) 32",Dip,8.50",Dor,UFO Yellow Green Self yellow green DF $8 SPINEY SEA URCHIN (STAMILE, 2003) 27",Tet,5.50",SEv,EM,Frag,Re LAVENDER W/ GOLD SPINEY EDGE Lavenderw/gold spiney edge DF $23 SPOONS FOR ESCARGOTS (PEAT J, 1999) 28",Tet,7",SEv,M,UFO rose with rose red eye above green throat rose w rose red ez DF $18 SPRINGFIELD CLAN (TRIMMER J, 2001) 40",Tet,10",SEv,EM,Re,UFO Crimson Red Self crimson red self DF $15 SQUARE DANCERS CURTSY (PAYNE LH, 2001) 28",Dip,7",Evr,EM,Frag,Re,UFO Pink w' Red Chevron Band pink w red chevron DF $20 SPLENDID TOUCH (STAMILE P, 1994) 26",Tet,5.75",Evr,EM,Frag,Re,Ext Pink w' Rose Eye pink w rose ez Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM DF $8 Page: 117 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG STACK THE DECK (SHOOTER E, 1997) 32",Dip,7",Dor,Re Red Purple w' Purple Eye and Cream Eye red purple w purple DF $13 STARGATE PORTAL (SHOOTER E, 2000) 40",Dip,5.50",Dor,ML,Frag,Re Medium Red Purple w' Blue Lavender Watermark red purple w blue DF $20 STARTLE (BELDEN ES, 1988) 26",Tet,5",Dor Red Bitone w' Cream Halo red bitone DF $17 STATIC (STAMILE, 2006) 30",Tet,4",Evr,M,Re orchid with multicolored eye above green throat orchid DF $37 STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN (KASKEL M, 1994) 26",Tet,5.50",Evr,EM,Frag,Noc,Ext Cream Yellow w' Wine Red Eye cr yell w wine red STARS SHALL FALL (APPLEGATE L+C, 1992) 36",Dip,5.50",SEv,ML Coral Pink Self coral pink self DF $8 DF $8 STARTLING CREATION (GOSSARD, 2002) 40",Tet,7",Dor,ML,Re,UFO yellow red bicolor with yellow edge above yellow green throat yellow/red DF $36 STATIC SHOCK (GOSSARD, 2006) 39",Tet,8",Dor,EM,Frag,Re,UFO raspberry pink with raspberry red eye and edge above green throat raspberry pink DF $68 STELLA DE ORO (JABLONSKI W, 1975) 11",Dip,2.75",Dor,EM,Frag,Re,Ext Gold Self gold self Clump $8 STEPHANE GRAPPELLI (HANSON C, 1999) 31",Tet,5.50",SEv,EM,Frag Violet Purple Self violet purple self Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM DF $23 Page: 118 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG STEPHENS RED JOHN (REINKE B+J, 1995) 40",Tet,7",Dor,ML,Frag RED WITH SCARLET BAND GREEN GOLD THROAT red w scarlet band Display STIPPLE STARSHIP (Lamberson, 2006) 29",Tet,7",Evr,M,Re,UFO Cream Pale Pink Sharks Teeth Stripple Purple eye cr. Pale Pink Stipple DF $65 STILL NIGHT (STAMILE P, 1992) 24",Tet,6",SEv,EM,Frag,Re Purple Self purple self STRAWBERRY CANDY (STAMILE P, 1989) 26",Tet,4.25",SEv,EM,Re,Ext Strawberry Pink Blend w' Rose Red Eye strawberry pink STRAWBERRY FIELDS FOREVER (STAMILE P, 1997) 26",Tet,4.50",Evr,EM,Frag,Re Pink w' Strawberry Rose Eye pink w strawberry STRAWBERRY LACE (SALTER J, 1996) 28",Tet,6",SEv,EM,Re Cream w' Rose Red Eye cream w rose red ez DF $8 DF $8 DF $10 DF $14 STREET URCHIN (KIRCHHOFF D, 1992) 25",Tet,5",Evr,Re Bright Red w' Wide Almond Edge brt red w almond DF $8 STRICTLY TABOO (Douglas, 2011) 22",Tet,5.25",Evr,M Grape Purple w' Watermark and Yellow Gold Toothy Edge w' Fringy Ruffles Grape Purple Display STROKE OF MIDNIGHT (KIRCHHOFF D, 1981) 25",Dip,5",Evr,EE,Frag,Db,Re,Ext Bordeaux Red Self bordeaux red self Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM DF $9 Page: 119 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG STROLLING IN THE ROSES (Holmes Sandy, 2010) 44",Tet,6",SEv,M,Re Red with triangular green throat Red Display STRUTTERS BALL (MOLDOVAN S, 1984) 28",Tet,6",Dor,Ext Black Purple w' Silvery White Watermark and Silky Halo black purple DF $8 SUBSTANCE OF FIRE 0",0" NEW PLANT RED WHITE OUTLINE SUBSTANTIAL EVIDENCE (NORRIS, RICHARD, 2005) 33",Dip,6",Dor,M Yellow w' Orange Overlay WITH A PINK EDGE YELLOW WITH ORANGE DF $20 SUMATRAN TIGER (ORTEGO B, 1996) 26",Tet,5",Dor,EM,Re,Ext Gold w' Maroon Eye and Edge gold w maroon ez DF $15 SUMMER SUNSHINE (JOINER ER, 1969) 36",Dip,6",SEv,M,Frag gold self gold self DF $10 SUMMER SNOWBALL (Carpenter-Carpenter, 2011) 20",Tet,5.50",Dor,L Mauve Purple Blend w' Yellow Edge and Chalky Eye Blending into Green/Yellow Throat MAUVE PURPLE BLEND SUN DAZZLE (Gossard James, 2010) 34",Tet,8.50",Dor,M,Frag,Re,EMo,Sp,Var,UFO Canary yelllow with a ruffled Edge. UFO Crispate Yellow Display DF $100 SUNDANCE TRUFFLE (KIRCHOFF, D, 2009) 34",Tet,5.50",Evr,EM,Db,Re,Ext,EMo coral orange blend with wide yellow halo and yellow to green throat coral orange Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM Display Page: 120 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG SUNDAY SANDALS (GRACE-SMITH, 2003) 22",Tet,4",SEv,M,Re ivory with violet eye and edge above green throat ivory DF $25 SUNGOLD CANDY (STAMILE P, 2000) 25",Tet,3.50",Evr,EM,Re Gold w' Bright Red Eye gold w red ez DF $12 SUPER DOUBLE DELIGHT (MCFARLAND MRS DS, 1978) 30",Dip,7.50",Evr,VFrag,Db,Ext Yellow Self yellow self DF $8 SUPER MAGICIAN (BLANEY TL, 1998) 32",Tet,5",Dor PURPLE AND GREEN THROAT purple DF $11 SUPERSTITION (SELLERS V, 1999) 34",Tet,4.50",Dor RED WITH DARKER EYES YELLOW TO GREEN THROAT red w darker ez DF $25 SUSAN PRITCHARD PETIT (PETIT, 2001) 20",Tet,6",SEv,M,Db,Re Burundy Rose w/Rose watermark burgundy DF $24 SUZY CREAM CHEESE (BACHMAN, 2001) 35",Dip,7",Dor,L,Var peach self above gold yellow throat peach DF $30 SUPER MOM (DURIO K, 1991) 20",Tet,6",SEv,EM,VFrag,Re,Ext Pink Polychrome pink poly DF $8 SUSAN WEBER (BRANCH CE, 1989) 26",Dip,5.75",SEv,Ext lIGHT ROSE PINK EDGED WITH YELLOW GREEN THROAT lt rose pink edged DF $13 SWAN LAKE MAGIC (TOWNSEND, 2006) 22",Tet,7",SEv,EM,Re Peach with heavy ruffled sparkling gold edge above green throat peach DF $65 Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM Page: 121 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG SWASHBUCKLER BAY BOY (SALTER J, 2002) 29",Tet,6",SEv,Re Bright Salmon Coral w' Black Eye and Edge salmon coral w SWEET AMY LYNN (GIBSON, D, 2006) 26",Tet,6",SEv,M light lavender with bluish gray eye and magenta edge above chartreuse green throat lavender SWEET SUGAR CANDY (STAMILE, 1991) 25",Tet,4",Dor,L,Ext clear pink with red eyezone above green throat clear pink DF $13 DF $100 DF $8 SWEET TEMPTATION (ABAJIAN, 2003) 18",Tet,7",SEv,EM,Re golden yellow blend with pink hue and chartreuse ruffled edge above green throat golden yellow DF $22 TANGERINE TRUFFLES (Joiner, 2010) 34",Tet,6",Evr,E,Db,Re Sherbet Orange Blend above Orange Throat Orange Display TAKE ME ALONG (WOODHALL RG, 2001) 40",Tet,6",SEv,ML,Frag,Re Sherbet Orange w' Deeper Coral Eye sherbet orange w TEDDY BEARS PICNIC (MOLDOVAN, 2005) 40",Tet,6",SEv,M light chocolate with velvet purple eye and creamy edge above lemon green throat chocolate DF $8 DF $100 TEMPLE OF DAWN (SALTER J, 1995) 26",Tet,5.50",Evr Lavender w' Pink Blend lav pink lav blend DF $8 TENNESSEE SENSATION (PICKLES L+J, 2000) 26",Tet,5.50",SEv,EM,Re,Ext bUTERSCOTCH WITH EYES GREEN THROAT butterscotch w TEQUILA SUNSET (SMITH, FR, 2007) 32",Tet,6",SEv,EM,Re deep rosy coral with orange watermark and edge rosy coral Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM DF $8 DF $50 Page: 122 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG TET SPINDAZZLE (GOSSARD JAMIE) 0",0",Sp dEEP rED WITH YELLOW STAR AND YELLOW THROAT DEEP RED DF $16 TEXAS FEATHERED FANCY (CARPENTER, J, 2006) 20",Dip,5",Dor,M,Frag,Re lavender bitone above green throat lavender DF $45 THE MOOSE CAMPED IN A TENT ON TUESDAY (BAXTER B, 2002) 20",Dip,3.75",Evr YELLOW WITH A GREEN THROAT yellow DF $50 THELMA DOUGLAS (DOUGLAS, 2009) 27",Tet,5.50",Dor,ML,Re yellow cream self with a pink blush and deeper yellow extremely ruffled edge over yellow throat yellow cream Display TEXAS BLUE EYES (CARPENTER, J, 2004) 20",Tet,6",Evr,M,Frag,Re lavender with lavender blue eye above green throat lavender DF $43 THE BACHELORETTE (Douglas-C, 2011) 29",Tet,5.25",Evr,M Baby Girl Pink w' Ruffled Light Yellow Edge and Yellow Green Throat Pink Display THINGS ARE LOOKING UP (SCHWARZ, M, 2003) 26",Tet,5",Dor,M pink self above green throat pink DF $60 THUNDER AND LIGHTNING (CARR R, 1995) 24",Tet,5.50",Evr,EM,Frag Deep Purple Blend and Purple Eye deep purple blend DF $8 THREE TIERS (GROOMS AO, 1971) 24",Dip,5.50",Dor,ML,Db MEDIUM GOLD SELF medium gold self TIE AND TAILS (MOLDOVAN S, 1998) 32",Tet,5",SEv,Frag,Re,Ext Purple Blend and Darker Shadow Eye purple blend darker Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM DF $8 DF $11 Page: 123 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG TIGER BY THE TAIL (Herr, D, 2009) 29",Tet,5",Dor,E dark gold self with dark burgundy eyezone and dark burgundy ruffled edge over yellow throat dark gold Display TIGERLING (STAMILE P, 1989) 25",Tet,3.75",Dor,Frag,Re Light Orange w' Bright Red Eye lt orange w bright DF $8 TIGGER (STAMILE P, 1989) 24",Tet,4.25",Dor,Re,Ext Orange w' Red Eye orange w red ez DF $8 TINY MISS (LENINGTON L, 1962) 22",Dip,0",SEv,Frag SOFT GOLD SELF soft gold self DF $8 TIPSY BUTLER (Holmes-S, 2010) 28",Tet,8.50",EM Dark Red Purple Red Purple Display TOAST AND JAM (DERROW, 2009) 22",5",SEv peachy pink with magenta eyezone over yellow throat peachy pink Display TOM POLSON SEEDLING 0",0" Display TOMORROWS SONG (REINKE J, 1998) 32",Dip,9",Dor,Frag,Sp ROSE PURPLE BITONE WITH VIENS AND CHARTRUSE THOART rose bitone wine DF $22 TOOTH (HANSEN D, 2000) 32",Tet,6.50",Evr,Re,Noc Purple w' Lilac Halo and White Sharkstooth Edge purple w lilac halo DF $10 TOO MANY PETALS (BAXTER B, 2002) 18",Dip,4",Dor,Frag CREAM WITH PURPLE EYES WITH CHARTURSE THROAT cream w purple ez Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM DF $50 Page: 124 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG TOPGUNS ANITA CAUSEY (SCOTT, B, 2004) 28",Tet,5.75",SEv,M,Frag,Db,Re yellow with burgundy eye and edge above yellow green throat yellow DF $36 TOPGUNS COPPER BUTTERFLIES (SCOTT, B, 2003) 28",Tet,6",Evr,M,Db orange with red eye above green throat orange DF $33 TOPGUNS DOUBLE EYEFUL (SCOTT B, 1999) 26",Dip,4.50",SEv,EM,Db Gold w' Red Eye gold w red ez DF $19 TOPGUNS FIREBALL (SCOTT B, 1999) 25",Dip,5",Evr,EM,Db Burgundy Red Self burgundy red self DF $19 TOPGUNS GOLD AFFAIR (SCOTT, B, 1999) 25",Tet,5",SEv,M gold self with gold throat gold DF $10 TOPGUNS HELEN JONES (SCOTT, B, 2000) 26",Dip,6",Dor,M,Db,Re golden yellow with dark red eye above lime green throat golden yellow DF $24 TOPGUNS LEGEND MAKER (SCOTT, B, 2001) 24",Tet,6",SEv,EM,Db,Re yellow with red eye and edge above green throat yellow DF $20 TOPGUNS MR BIG (SCOTT B, 2001) 26",Tet,7",SEv,Db,Re Ruby Red Self ruby red self DF $16 TOPGUNS LOLA SCOTT (SCOTT B, 1999) 25",Dip,5.50",Dor,ML,Db,Re Yellow w' Red Eye yellow w red ez Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM DF $21 Page: 125 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG TOPGUNS ORCHID RIPPLES (SCOTT, 2003) 24",Dip,5",Dor,M,Db,Re wine purple self above green throat wine purple DF $23 TOPGUNS PURPLE EXPRESS (SCOTT, B, 2003) 22",Tet,5",Dor,M,Frag,Db,Re grape purple self above green throat purple DF $45 TOUCH THE LIGHT (HARTSELL, 2003) 28",Tet,5",SEv,M,Frag,Re light pink yellow blend with gold braided edge above chartreuse throat light pink DF $12 TOPGUNS POWER BROKER (SCOTT B, 2002) 24",Tet,5",Evr,EM,Db,Re Light Rose w' Raspberry Eye and Edge lt rose w rasp ez & DF $50 TOPGUNS WHITE KNIGHT (Scott -B, 2004) 28",Tet,6",Dor,ML,Re Near white Self above green throat white DF $33 TOWNSEND SEEDLING 0",0" Display TOY CIRCUS (MEDERER MRS L, 1982) 20",Dip,3.25",Evr RED BICOLOR LIGHT YELLOW THROAT red & yell bicolor DF $8 TREASURE TRUFFLE (KIRCHHOFF D, 2001) 32",Tet,5.75",Evr,Frag,Db,Re,Ext Apricot Orange Self apricot orange self DF $28 TRIANGULAR TRICKSY (CARPENTER, J, 2006) 28",Tet,7",Evr,M,Frag,Re cameo pink with maroon eye and edge above green throat pink DF $28 TRIAL BY FIRE (CARR R, 1998) 32",Tet,5.25",Evr,EM Orange Blend and Red Orange Eye orange blend red Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM DF $10 Page: 126 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG TRILITHIA (REINKE B, 2002) 28",Dip,7",Dor,Frag,Var Brown w' Darker Halo amnd Faint Gold Stripples brown w darker halo DF $20 TRIMMER SEEDLING 0",0" Display TROPICAL CHAMPAGNE (KIRCHHOFF D, 1998) 28",Tet,6",Evr,Db,Re,Ext Melon Peach Self melon peach self DF $20 TRUFFLE ALA MODE (KIRCHOFF, 2008) 24",Tet,5.50",Evr,ML,Db,Re,Ext intense rose with broad yellow halo above bright green throat intense rose DF $80 TRUE GRIT (STAMILE P, 1992) 21",Tet,5",Dor,ML,Ext Cream Pink w' Wine Eye cream pink w wine ez TRUFFLE HERITAGE (KIRCHOFF, 2007) 30",Tet,6",Dor,M,Db,Re,Ext peachy tangerine self peachy tangerine TRUFFLE NIRVANA (KIRCHOFF, D, 2004) 31",Tet,5",Evr,EM,Db,Re,Ext pastel apricot with plum eye and plum gold edge above yellow to green throat apricot DF $8 DF $60 DF $125 TRUFFLE SMILE (KIRCHHOFF, D, 2007) 28",Tet,5.5",Evr,EE,Re,Ext,Fr coral pink rose with rose ruffled edge above yellow to green throat coral pink rose DF $60 TRULY ANGELIC (RICE J, 1998) 26",Tet,5.50",Dor,Re,Ext Mauve Rose w' Lavender Watermark Eye and Gold edge mauve rose w lav wm DF $19 TRUFFLICIOIOUS (Kirchhoff Richard, 2006) 27",Tet,5.50",Evr,E,Db,Re,Ext Cream double pink with gold edge and lime throat. Cream Pink Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM Display Page: 127 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG TRULY AWESOME (MOLDOVAN, 2002) 24",Tet,5",SEv,M,VFrag GOLDEN SELF WITH YELLOW THROAT gold self DF $13 TUPAC AMARU (HANSON C, 1995) 36",Tet,6",SEv Rich Royal Purple Self royal purple self DF $8 TURN THE KALEIDOSCOPE (PETIT, 2006) 30",Tet,5",SEv,M,Re,EMo Patterned eye on a creamy white base eye has violet base with a burgundy to wine edge ruffled. white DF $40 TUSCAWILLA TIGRESS (HANSEN RA, 1988) 25",Tet,7.25",SEv,EM,Re,Noc,Ext BRIGHT ORANGE WITH DARK HALO YELLOW THROAT AND WHITE MID RIB. bright orange w dark HALO DF $8 TUTANKHAMUN (ELLIOTT, 1978) 26",Dip,4.50",M,VFrag,Ext LILAC PURPLE AND CREAM LILAC EDGE lilac purple & cream TWICE THE FIRE (Carpenter-Carpenter, 2010) 24",Tet,5.50",Evr,L,Db,Re Fire Orange Cream Blend Fire Orange Display TWIGGY'S LAVENDER (Trimmer, 2010) 30",Tet,7.25",SEv,EM,Re,Var,UFO Lavender w' Blue Lavender Eye Lavender DF $90 TWILIGHT EYES (HOLMES, M, 2005) 30",Tet,6",Dor,M burgundy red with white eye and edge above green throat burgundy red DF $50 Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM Page: 128 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG TWO FACES OF EVE (PICKLES L+J, 2000) 28",Tet,4.50",SEv,EM,Re,Ext PEACH PINK BLEND mauve edge GREEN THROAT peach pink blend DF $20 TWO PART HARMONY (KASKEL M-TRIMMER D, 1996) 34",Tet,4",Evr,Db,Noc,Ext Straw Yellow w' Wine Red Eye straw yell w wine DF $8 TYLWYTH TEG (WHITACRE MRS JF, 1988) 40",Dip,8",SEv,Sp Pale Cream Polychrome w' Lavender Midribs pale cream rainbow DF $8 TYROLEAN TREASURE (MOLDOVAN S, 1997) 42",Tet,6",Dor,Ext lt rose wm rose pink bitone ULTRAVIOLET MOOD (STAMILE P, 1997) 26",Tet,6",Evr,EM,VFrag,Re Lavender lavender DF $10 DF $13 UNINHIBITED (GATES L, 1992) 24",Dip,6",SEv,Frag,Db,Re,Ext Light Marble Pink Blend lt marbled pink DF $9 UNKNOWN SEEDLING 0",0" Display UP AGAINST THE SUN (NORRIS, RICHARD, 2008) 44",Tet,6",Dor,EM,Re bright orange like Primal Scream orange UTOPIA OR OBLIVION (HANSON C, 1999) 26",Tet,5",SEv,EM,Frag VIOLET PURPLE SELF WITH GREEN THROAT violet purple self Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM DF $100 DF $20 Page: 129 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG VANILLA CANDY (STAMILE P, 1990) 23",Tet,4.25",Dor,Ext CREAM WHITE WITH RED EYES cream white w red ez VANILLA FLUFF (JOINER ER, 1988) 34",Dip,6",Dor,VFrag,Db CREAM SELF cream self DF $9 DF $8 VANILLA SKY (PETIT T, 2002) 24",Tet,6",SEv,M,Db,Re soft pink with darker pink and gold highlights tightly crimped heavy gold edge above green throat pink and gold DF $20 VATICAN CITY (MOLDOVAN S, 1996) 26",Tet,6",SEv,EM,Re,Ext REDDISH Grape Purple Blend RED grape purple blend DF $16 VELVET ICE (KASKEL M, 1999) 22",Tet,5.50",Evr,Re Purple White w' Purple Eye purple white dark DF $10 VELVET ONYX (STAMILE P, 2001) 27",Tet,5",Evr,VFrag,Db,Re Black Red Blend black red blend DF $19 VELVET THUNDER (BENZ J, 1994) 28",Tet,5",Dor,Noc,Ext Black Red Self black red self DF $8 VENETIANE FRINGE (Petit, 2008) 25",Tet,7.50",SEv,M,Frag,Db,Sp,UFO Rose w' Gold Fringe Edge pink DF $100 VENUS FLY TRAP (Gossard, 2009) 32",Tet,6",Dor,ML,Frag,Re,EMo Burgundy Maroon Red w' White Toothed Edge Red Teethy DF $200 Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM Page: 130 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG VERMELL LIVINGSTON (AGOSTA J, 1998) 24",Dip,4.75",SEv,Frag,Db,Re,Ext Mauve Pink w' Wine Purple Eye mauve pink w wine DF $20 VICTORIAN CHRISTMAS (BROOKER, 2002) 28",Tet,6",SEv,EM,Re burgunday with silver band and edge with deep burgundy halo above chartreuse green throat burgundy DF $30 VERTICAL HORIZON (MOLDOVAN, 2005) 36",Tet,6",Dor,EM,Re PURPLE WITH DEEP PURPLE EYE WHITE EDGE YELLOW GREEN THROAT purp w deep purp eye VICTORIAN COLLAR (STAMILE P, 1988) 24",Tet,6.25",SEv,EM,Frag,Ext Gold Self gold self DF $8 VICTORIAN GARDEN AFTER SUNDOWN (Brooker, 2010) 30",Tet,5.50",SEv,M,Frag,Re Burgundy w' White Ruffled Picotee Burgundy Display VICTORIAN PRINCIPLES (SALTER J, 2000) 26",Tet,5.50",SEv,EM,Re Lavender w' Yellow Copper Eye and Gold Edge lav w yell copper ez DF $12 VICTORIAN GARDEN BABY SHINERS (Brooker-G, 2010) 28",Tet,5.50",SEv,M,Re Light Creamy Pink w' Creamy-yellow Toothy Petals and Sepals Creamy Pink Display VICTORIAS SECRET (SALTER J, 1991) 28",Tet,5.50",SEv,ML,Db,Re Cream Overlaid Pink w' gold edge cream overlaid pink DF $9 VINTAGE BORDEAUX (KIRCHHOFF D, 1986) 27",Tet,5.75",Evr,Re,Ext Black Cherry w' Yellow Edge black cherry edged DF $8 VIENNA (TRIMMER D, 1995) 23",Dip,3.50",Dor,EM,Db Cream w' Wine Eye cream w wine ez Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM DF $8 Page: 131 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG VINTNER'S TREASURE (GRACE-SMITH, 2004) 36",Tet,5.50",SEv,EM,Re purple with white edge above green throat purple DF $35 VIOLA BREY (JERABEK DJ, 2002) 32",Dip,6.50",Dor,Frag Light Lavender w' Purple Chevron Band and White Midribs lt lav w purple band DF $28 VIOLENT THUNDER (FITZPATRICK, 2005) 26",Dip,5",Dor,ML,UFO dark purple self above light green throat dark purple DF $55 VIOLET VICTORY (MORSS, 2008) 33",Tet,5.50",SEv,M,Re,EMo violet purple with blue infusion halo edges light violet purple DF $70 VIRGINIA B HANSON (HANSON C, 2001) 39",Tet,6",SEv,EM APRICOT CREAM SELF WITH GOLDEN THROAT cream APRICOT self DF $75 VISUAL INTRIGUE (SALTER J, 2000) 29",Tet,6",SEv,EM,Re Ivory Cream w' Violet Blots iv cr w violet blots DF $9 VIVID HEART (KIRBY WL, 1994) 30",Dip,7",Dor,EM Neon Red Self neon red self VOICES IN FOG (HANSON C, 1999) 35",Tet,5",SEv,Frag LAVENDER BLEND WITH GREEN THROAT lavender blend VOICES IN THE DARK (SHOOTER, F, 2006) 29",Tet,6",SEv,EM,Re,Noc,Ext purple with darker eye and veining with gold shark tooth edge above green heart to chartreuse throat purple Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM DF $8 DF $20 DF $60 Page: 132 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG VOLCANIC ERUPTION (GOSSARD, 2004) 46",Tet,8",Dor,M,UFO red with lighter watermark and edge above green throat red DF $48 WAITING IN THE WINGS (STAMILE P, 2000) 32",Tet,8",Evr,Re,UFO Purple Self purple self DF $12 WANDERING MINSTREL (MOLDOVAN, 2001) 44",Tet,5.50",Dor,M,Frag,Re plum cream bitone with orchid brushed creamy watermark and lighter rich plum edge plum/cream bitone DF $22 WATCHING YOU (THOMAS D, 1996) 30",Tet,4.50",Dor,ML,Frag GOLD WITH ROSE RED EYESE GREEN THROAT gold w rose red ez DF $15 WATERSHIP DOWN (MOLDOVAN S, 1994) 26",Tet,6",SEv,EM,Frag,Ext Concord Grape Purple Blend w' White Edge grape purple blend DF $14 VOODOO DANCER (PEAT J, 2001) 23",Tet,5.50",SEv,ML,Frag,Db,Re Black Purple Self black purple self WALLY (HOWARD T, 1991) 22",Dip,5.25",Dor,Db Cerise Red w' Dark Red Eye cerise red w dark WARRIORS SPEAR (YOST R, 2002) 28",Tet,5",Dor,EM,Re GOLD WITH BURGUNDY BLACK EYES & pencil edge GREEN THROAT gold w burg black ez WATCHYL CYBER SPIDER (KREGER M, 1995) 30",Tet,14",Dor,Sp Pale Yellow w' Red Eye pale yellow WATSON PARK PERFECTION (JERABEK, 2004) 27",Tet,6",SEv,M,Frag strong rich pink blend with raspberry band and dark veining above yellow to intense green throat pink & raspberry Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM DF $10 DF $8 DF $9 DF $8 DF $125 Page: 133 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG WAY OF LIFE (EMMERICH, 2003) 26",Tet,5.50",SEv,M,Frag,Re purple with violet lavender eye and edge above green throat purple DF $40 WAY PAST COOL (LAMBERTSON, 2003) 27",Tet,8",SEv,E,Re medium stippled red purple bitone with medium red purple eye and white sharks teeth edge above green throat red/purple DF $75 WEAVER'S WEB (KIRCHOFF, 2008) 36",Tet,6.75",Evr,EE,Re,Ext pastel yellow with butterfly webbing in lilac and purple over yellow throat pastel yellow Display WAYNE JOHNSON (HUDSON B, 1984) 28",Tet,5.50",Evr,Db Cherry Red Self cherry red self WEB OF INTRIGUE (STAMILE P, 1999) 30",Tet,6",Evr,EE,Frag,Re Pale Orange w' Etched Purple Eye and Edge pale orange w lav WEBSTER'S PINK WONDER (WEBSTER-COBB, 2003) 34",Tet,13",SEv,M,UFO pink self above green throat pink WEDDING BAND (STAMILE P, 1987) 26",Tet,5.50",SEv,Frag Cream White w' Yellow Edge creamy white edged WEDDING CANDY TRUFFLE (KIRCHHOFF D, 2002) 29",Tet,6.75",SEv,EM,VFrag,Db,Re,Ext Shell Pink Self shell pink self DF $8 DF $9 DF $28 DF $9 DF $33 WEDDING FESTIVAL (DOUGHERTY E, 1974) 26",Dip,8",Dor,EM Near White Self near white self Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM DF $8 Page: 134 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG WEST VIRGINIA MOMENT (CAMPI D, 2001) 28",Dip,4",SEv,VL,Frag,Re,Ext pink with rose halo above yellow eye pink DF $10 WHAT, ME WORRY! (HANSON C, 1999) 40",Tet,5",Dor,ML,Frag YELLOW SELF WITH GREEN THROAT yellow self DF $15 WHITE EYES PINK DRAGON (GOSSARD, 2006) 38",Tet,9",Dor,M,Frag,Re,UFO rose pink with whiter watermark rose pink DF $97 WESTBOURNE TERESARA PARTY (Meadows-M. J., 2010) 36",Tet,6" Redish-Orange Bicolor w' Light Peach sepals w' Peach Edge and Midribs Above Gold to Green Throat Redish Orange WHISTLE STOP TOUR (SALTER, 2003) 23",Tet,5.50",SEv,EM,Db,Re rose red self above yellow green throat rose red Display DF $18 WHITE FORMAL (LENINGTON G, 1965) 30",Dip,5.50",SEv,Ext NEAR WHITE GREEN THROAT near white self WHITE RABBIT (SEAMAN P, 1994) 26",Dip,6",Dor,EM,Frag,Re yell to gr thr cream w fuchsia ez WIDOW'S WALK (MOLDOVAN, 2005) 38",Tet,6",Dor,M smokey dahlia purple blend with darker eye and creamy watermark above lime green to pale yellow throat purple WILD AND WONDERFUL (STAMILE P, 2002) 36",Tet,8.50",Evr,Re,UFO Pink w' Huge Red Chevron Eye pink w red ez WILD CHILD (SALTER J, 2002) 24",Tet,6",SEv,Re,UFO Coral w' Gold edge coral w gold edge DF $8 DF $8 DF $100 DF $23 DF $18 WILD MUSTANG (STAMILE P, 1995) 23",Tet,5.50",Dor,ML,Frag,Re Cream Pink w' Red Eye cream pink Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry DF $8 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM Page: 135 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG WILSON SPIDER (OAKES W, 1987) 28",Dip,7.50",Dor,Var Purple Bitone w' White Eye purple bitone DF $10 WIND IN THE RIGGING (HANSON C, 2000) 28",Tet,6",SEv,EM,UFO Orchid Lavender Self orchid lav self DF $25 WINEBERRY CANDY (STAMILE P, 1990) 22",Tet,4.75",Dor,EM,Frag,Ext Orchid w' Purple Eye orchid w purple ez DF $8 WISEST OF WIZARDS (SALTER J, 1994) 26",Tet,5.50",SEv,EM,Re Ivory w' Gold Rose Edge and Pale Rose Eye ivory w gold rose DF $8 WINTER MINT CANDY (STAMILE P, 1989) 30",Tet,4.25",Dor Cream w' Wine Red Eye cream w wine red ez WITCH HAZEL (GRIESBACH R-KLEHM R, 1979) 34",Tet,8",Dor,ML,VFrag yellow self yellow self DF $8 DF $12 WITCH STITCHERY (MORSS M, 1986) 26",Tet,5.50",SEv,EE,Re,Ext Cream w' Lavender Eye and Purple Edge cream w lav ez edged DF $9 WITH THIS RING (SALTER J, 1995) 26",Tet,5",Evr,ML Lavender Self lavender self DF $8 WITHOUT WARNING (PEAT J, 1998) 28",Tet,4.50",SEv Light Cream Orange w' burgundy Rose Eye and Picotee Edge lt cr orange w burg DF $12 WIZARDS WHIMSY (SALTER EH, 2000) 27",Tet,4.25",SEv,Re Yellow Cream w' Washed Lavender and Magenta Eye yell cr w lav wash w Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM DF $8 Page: 136 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG WOLVERINE (Gossard James, 2010) 38",Tet,7.25",Dor,ML,Frag,EMo Rose pink flowers with a yeloow green throat. The edge is lined with white and gold claws, fangs and teeth. Rose-Pink Display WOMAN AT THE WELL (EMMERICH, 2004) 22",Tet,5",SEv,M,Frag,Re apricot with cream and berry eye and edge above yellow green throat apricot DF $75 WOMEN SEEKING MEN (HANSON C, 1999) 41",Tet,6",SEv,ML,Frag Rose Blend and Soft strawberry Watermark rose blend w soft DF $20 WONDER OF WONDERS (JOINER J, 1999) 32",Dip,5.50",Dor,ML,Db,Re Mauve Orchid Self mauve orchid self DF $18 WOODHALL SEEDLING 0",0" Display WOODS TRUFFLE (KIRCHHOFF D, 2002) 32",Tet,6.50",Evr,VFrag,Ext w mulberry orange brown blend DF $75 WORD OF HONOR (Joiner, 2003) 28",Tet,5.50",Evr,ML,Db,Re Wild Rose Self Above Green Throat Wild Rose Display WORK FOR ME (NORRIS) 0",0" Display WORK/NORRIS SEEDLING 0",0" Display WORLD CLASS ODDITY (TERRY J, 1993) 20",Dip,9",SEv,EM,Frag,Re,Ext,UFO Pink Bitone pink bitone DF $20 Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM Page: 137 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG WORTHY OF DISTINCTION 0",0" BIG YELLOW TOOTH. yellow teeth Display WYOMING WILDFIRE (SALTER J, 2000) 28",Tet,6",SEv,EM,Re Orange w' Red Orange and Edge orange w red orange DF $14 X-TRA BAGGAGE (BAXTER, B, 2006) 29",Dip,5" purplish lavender self over yellow green throat purplish lavender DF $35 YABBA DABBA DOO (HANSEN RA, 1993) 30",Dip,10",SEv,Re,Noc,Ext,Var Medium Purple Self medium purple self DF $9 YELLOW DOUBLE 7-23 (Trimmer, 2010) 0",Tet,0",SEv,M,Db Gift yellow Display YELLOW GREEN MONARCH (CARPENTER, J, 1992) 22",Dip,6",Dor,EM bright yellow green self yellow green DF $12 YELLOW PINWHEEL (STEVENS D, 1978) 32",Tet,8",Dor,ML,VFrag Lemon Yellow Self lemon yellow self DF $8 YELLOW PYGMY (GOSSARD, 2005) 38",Dip,5",Dor,EM,Sp CLUB PLANT - yellow self above orange throat yellow Display YOU AND EYE (BUNTYN H, 2000) 24",Tet,5.50",SEv,EM,Re,Ext ivory with dark purple eye and edge ivory w purple eye & Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM DF $8 Page: 138 / 139 Gardens In The Works 320 Stanleyville Narrows Rd Whipple, OH 45788 740-373-0579 Fax: Region:2 Zone:6 DAYLILY CATALOG ZAHADOOM (STAMILE P, 2002) 28",Tet,5.50",Evr,EM,VFrag,Re Light Brown w' Blue Purple Eye and Edge lt brown w blue DF $74 ZAREBA (CARTER M, 1995) 30",Tet,6",Evr ez w dkr band lav pink w lt purple DF $8 ZEBULON (MORSS M, 2000) 32",Tet,5.50",SEv,Re,Ext purple ez w edge rose lav w violet DF $35 ZOOT SIMMS (BACHMAN, 2003) 52",Tet,7",Dor,ML,UFO persimmon orange blend with yellow halo above green throat persimmon orange Printed with Flower 2011 - www.plantstep.com 10345 - Work, Marla & Larry 07/15/2011 - 06:02:34 PM DF $40 Page: 139 / 139
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