here - IFHE / EU 2015


here - IFHE / EU 2015
TUESDAY, 2 June 2015
The theme of the congress: BeƩer producƟvity in healthcare with technology
Get-together Party, VPK:n talo, Eskelinkatu 5
WEDNESDAY, 3 June 2015
Registra on, coffee and exhibi on
Opening of the IFHE-Europe congress 2015
Music performance & photo collage of Finland
Welcome, Juha Rantasalo, the President of the AssociaƟon of Finnish Hospital Engineering,
the President of IFHE-Europe
GreeƟngs from IFHE - World organisaƟon of Hospital engineering, Liliana Font, Arch., the President of IFHE
How to achieve beƩer producƟvity in healthcare?
Esko Aho, Execu ve Chairman of the Board, East Office of Finnish Industries,
Former Prime Minister of Finland
THURSDAY, 4 June 2015
SESSION 1 (in English)
New T-hospital in Turku
Mikael Paatela, Architect, Paatela &
Co. Architects Ltd, Finland
SESSION 2 (in English)
Opera ng Theater: a smart tool to
evaluate HVAC and VCCC performance, Marcello Fiorenza, Engineer,
SESSION 3 (in Finnish)
Säädösten mukaiset palokatkot ja
ken äkokemuksia
Mikko Autere, suunni eluyksikön
päällikkö, PKT -turva Oy
Module opera ng theatres
Achim Greser, Engineer, Cadolto
Fer ggebäude, Germany
Technical performance of isola on
rooms in five Finnish hospitals
Rauno Holopainen, Director of
Technology, The Finnish Ins tute of
Occupa onal Health, Finland
Parhaimmat käytännöt sairaalan
krii sen sähkönsyötön ja sen varmennuksen suunni eluun, toteutukseen
ja käytönaikaiseen operoin in sekä
huoltoon, Harri Liukku, ABB Oy
Presenta on of the master plan for
hospital property located in the region
of Paris «SDIHR» Approach and
Results, Didier Bourdon, Agence
régionale de santé d’Ile de France,
ISO 9001:2008, Quality management Uusi lääkintälaitenimikkeistö valmiina
sairaaloiden käy öön
Cer fica on: Feedback on University
Hospital of Strasbourg capital project Mervi Savolainen, SaiLab
management department cer ficaon, Jacques Roos, Head of the capital
project management dept.of Univ.
Hospital of Strasbourg (HUS),
president of IHF, France
Healthcare system in turning point - new healthcare and social reform in Finland
Aki Linden, CEO of the Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa
Lessons from disassembling and assembling a university hospital
Olli-Pekka Lehtonen, CEO of the Hospital District of Southwest Finland
Lunch and exhibi on
SESSION 2 (in English)
U lisa on of solar energy in public
buildings and experiences in projects
Jero Ahola, Professor, Lappeenranta
university of technology, Finland
SESSION 3 (in Finnish)
Uusi hankintalaki 2016
Mika Pohjonen, Asianajaja
Hannes Snellman A orneys Ltd
Using Innova on Procurement to
develop a Sustainable solu on for bed
washing at Erasmus Medical Centre
David Whiteley, B.Sc.Eng.,BA, MBA,
Hybrid Opera ng Rooms Build in
Modular Construc on
Thomas Fritsch, HT Labor & Hospitaltechnik AG & Univ. of Applied
Sciences Amberg-Weiden, Germany
Modulaariset leikkaussalit
Jukka Vasara, toimitusjohtaja,
Granlund Kuopio Oy
SESSION 1 (in English)
Human comfort and pa ent safety in
healthcare: demands, percep ons and
solu ons, Fábio Bitencourt,
Architec D Sc, professor, Estacio de Sá
University, Brazil
Low energy hospitals - how to reduce
the energy consump on with 50% in
new hospitals, Trond Thorgeir
Harsem, Norconsult & Oslo &
Akershus Univ. College of Applied
Sciences, Norway
Uuden jätelain vaa mukset
sairaaloiden toimintaan
Jani Valkama, erikoissuunni elija, HUS
Medical Imaging to New Karolinska
University Hospital in Solna (NKS) Procurement as a tool for Func onal
& Innova on partnership, Patrik
Puhony, Project leader, Karolinska
University Hospital, Sweden
Miten toteutetaan käy äjälähtöinen
suunni eluprosessi-hankkeen parhaaksi, Timo Leppänen, yksikönjohtaja
ja Tuula Loukio, projek koordinaattori, A-insinöörit Oy
A collabora ve way to plan a
func onal hospital, Hanna Petäjä,
Master of Health Care, RN, Turku
University Hospital/Hospital District of
Southwest Finland
Advanced logis cs systems in St Olav´s
Hospital and how they changed the
way we work, Silje Marie Nedland,,Technical System Manager, St.
Olavs hospital, Norway
Designing hospitals: the Italian
perspec ve, ing. Susanna Azzini,
Technical and Real Estate Department,
Carlo Besta Neurological Research
Ins tute, Milan, Italy
“Energy savings for HVAC-systems”
or “How investments in high-performance energy-recovery-systems will
pay off ”, Peter Künzle, Dipl. Ing. FH,
Konvekta AG, Switzerland
Sairaalakaasuverkostojen rakentamisen uudet määräykset ja niiden
vaikutus käytäntöön
Pekka Teirikari, päällikkö Oy AGA Ab
Linde Healthcare
Commissioning process (ASHRAE 2022013), applied to medical equipment
intended as a system: a new approach
to the biomedical sector’ project
management methodology in hospital
projects, Paolo BereƩa, ETS Engineering and technical services S.p.A., Italy
Krii sten lääkintäjärjestelmien ylläpidon hallinta toimi ajan ja sairaalan
lääkintälaitehuollon yhteistyönä
Tuomas Alanen, Philips
Using workflow system and RFID to
improve pa ent flow in Emergency
Department, Ciro Verdoliva, PhD
student, Cardarelli Hospital of Naples,
Coffee and exhibi on
How to meet nearly-zero energy
requirements in hospitals?
Ken Dooley, Granlund Helsinki Oy,
Energy saving at Ahikaga Red Cross
Hospital project in Japan,
Shiro Tsukami, Nikken Sekkei Ltd,
Muutosten hallinta rakennu amishankkeissa – paneelikeskustelu
Mikko Holmen, PSSHP, Petri Laurikka
PSHP, Timo Seppälä, VSSHP, Vesa
Vainiotalo, HUS
Post occupancy evalua on - a key for
be er healthcare facili es in future
Tiina Yli-Karhu, Design coordinator,
PhD candidate, Hospital District of
South Ostrobothnia, Finland
The electrical safety concept for
medical loca ons acc. to interna onal
standard IEC364-7-710 theory and
case studies, MaƩhias Schwabe, Dipl.
Ing., WGKT, Germany
Care Hotel “ Drie Eiken”
Dirk De Man
UZA, Belgium
How to build cleanrooms in a
Markku Mäkinen, M. Eng., Eloma c
Oy, Finland
Coffee and exhibi on
Lunch and exhibi on
Hospitals and cybersecurity
Jan Mickos, Cyber-security manager, CGI, Finland
The influence of worldwide infecƟons to hospital construcƟon
Veli-Jukka Anƫla, Chief infec on doctor, Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa, Finland
Sairaalaympäristö sisäilma-asiantun jan työken änä
Sirkku Häkkilä, University of Turku,
Sustainable hospital design is flexible, safe and aƩracƟve – lessons learned from current Swedish
hospital projects
CharloƩe Ruben, Architect, White Architects, Sweden
Coffee break
Hygiene – an bakteerinen tuotekokonaisuus vahvojen suomalaisosaajien
yhteistyönä, Juha-Pekka Hirvonen,
Abloy Oy, Joensuu, Finland
Spareparts for you head with new Finnish innovaƟons
Ville Vuorinen, MD, Turku University Hospital, Finland
PresentaƟon of the next IFHE congress in Haag, Douwe Kiestra, president of NVGT , The Netherlands
Closing of the congress
Juha Rantasalo, the President of the Associa on of Finnish Hospital Engineering, the President of IFHE-Europe
Closing Party, Brewery Restaurant Koulu, Eerikinkatu 18
Gala Dinner at Turku Castle, Linnankatu 80
On programme on Friday: Technical visits to Turku PET Centre, Paimio
Hospital and T-hospital: hƩp://
FRIDAY, 5 June 2015