Masa Israel Gap Years Catalogue


Masa Israel Gap Years Catalogue
For the most up-to-date program listing, please visit
Taking a Year “On”:
The Benefits of Gap Year in Israel
By spending a year abroad, you will gain a
taste of independent living for perhaps the first
time in your life and enter college with more
maturity and self-confidence, greater wisdom;
and experiences to handle the challenges ahead.
In fact, many leading universities in Australia
encourage admitted students to defer entrance
for a semester or a year to explore their interests
before deciding what to study in college.
Israel is a country of great diversity within
a very small area, offering many historical,
religious and cultural opportunities. Thousands
of years of history, a variety of ethnic communities
living side by side, and an unending flow of
international input via satellite and cable have
contributed to the development of an Israeli
culture that marries ancient with modern, local
with global, and East and West to form a unique
identity all its own. You will immerse yourself in
a culture as varied as the people themselves, with
literature, theatre, concerts, radio and television
programming, entertainment, museums and
galleries for every interest and taste.
Israel is also a global leader in innovation in
many of today’s most relevant fields. Spend
your gap year in Israel, and immerse yourself
in a new culture, broaden your perspective, and
have life-changing experiences that will last a
lifetime. You’ll also meet peers from around the
world with similar interests.
Masa Israel Makes it Easy
Masa Israel Journey, a project of the Government
of Israel and the Jewish Agency for Israel, makes
it easy for you to connect to exciting, lifechanging gap year opportunities in Israel, some
for university credit. We provide you with simple
access to a wide range of immersive experiences
that are as varied as Israel itself and help navigate
the entire process at every step along the way.
You can choose from study, volunteer, internship,
international travel, and customisable programs.
No one makes it easier for you to spend a year
“on” in Israel.
In addition, Masa Israel offers a built-in
community for program participants. We host
social events, excursions, overnight trips, and
activities that give you the chance to meet
participants of other Masa Israel programs. We
also provide a support system and help make sure
all your needs are met during your time in Israel.
The Masa Israel Community helps you (re)connect
with your fellow participants both in Israel and
once you return so you can stay connected to
your experience beyond your gap year. Find out
more about the Masa Israel Community at
Finding the Right Program
At Masa Israel, our mission is to assist you
in planning and creating a successful Israel
experience. Our participants range from 18 to 30
years of age, and each one has a different reason
for going to Israel—whether it is to enhance their
resume, have an adventure, gain a new perspective,
or simply experience a different culture. However
all of our participants have one goal in common:
to immerse themselves in a foreign culture and
have a successful international experience that
will positively impact their professional and
personal lives.
Masa Israel offers undergraduate students the
following types of programs:
• 1st year/academic gap year
• Traditional gap year
• Special interest gap year
• Jewish studies programs for Men
• Jewish studies programs for Women
• Coed Jewish studies programs
• Preparatory (Mechina) programs for
new immigrants
For personalized assistance in finding the
program that’s right for you, visit
How to Apply for a Masa Israel Grant
Masa Israel grants and scholarships are available
to those who have not participated in a longterm Israel program since 2004 and who will
participate in a Masa Israel-affiliated program.
For full eligibility requirements, please see the
application form at
To apply for a Masa Israel grant, you must:
1. Apply directly to your program of choice.
2. Complete and sign the online application.
3. Print, sign and date the last page (the
signature page) and submit it to your
program organizer.
4. If you are also applying for needs-based
funding, make sure you enclose the
appropriate financial documentation.
Funding Your Journey
Masa Israel Journey offers every eligible
participant between the ages of 18 and 20 a
grant of $1,000 toward the cost of participation
in a gap year program in Israel. Masa Israel also
offers additional scholarships of up to $5000 for
a 5 month program and a $10,000 for a 10 month
program based on financial need and can connect
you with other funding sources that help lower
the cost of your gap year.
To explore funding options and view the complete
list of gap year opportunities available in Israel,
visit, or contact a Masa
Israel staff member directly. We will be happy to
help you navigate the entire process of finding
and choosing the program that’s right for you.
A note about program costs: the prices listed in
this catalogue are all in US dollars and are subject
to change at the sole discretion of the organiser.
Contact the organizer of your program of choice
directly for the most current pricing.
Contact Us
For more information and to find the program
that’s right for you, visit us at:
On the Web:
On Facebook:
On Twitter: @masaisrael
Table of Contents
Academic Gap Year Programs
United Synagogue of Conservative
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Rothberg International School
Hebrew and Israeli Culture program
Young Judaea
Technion Israel Institute of Technology
Gap Year of Engineering and Science
Year Course
Intensive Arabic Semester
The Betar Wingate Program
Bnei Akiva Hachshara
Habonim Dror
Hanoar Hatzioni
Israel Challenge English Track
Hashomer Hatzair
Shnat Hachshara Gap Year
Israel Experience
AUJS Aviv Program
Hineni Shnat Hachshara
Israel Journey
Maccabi Leadership Program: Sports
Nachshon: The Israeli Mechina
PZC Hagshama
Kibbutz Ulpan
Hava and Adam Eco-Educational Farm
BINA: Social Action and Study in Tel Aviv 20
Maslul Ishi–iTrack
Workshop HDNA
BINA Merchavim
Givat Haviva
Authentic Israel
IBC Gap Year
Special Interest Programs
Budokan Israel Martial Arts and
Fitness Program
Aardvark Israel
Aardvark Semester Program
Aardvark Year Program
Aardvark International Program
Aardvark Steinsaltz Program 36
Budokan Israel
Traditional Gap Year Programs
Young Judaea
Tel Aviv University–TAU International
Gap Year Program
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Rothberg International School
Israel Experience
Magen David Adom Overseas Volunteer
Rimon Music Experience
Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance
Dance Journey
Jerusalem Sounds
Lotan Center for Creative Ecology
Green Apprenticeship
Nitzana Educational Community
Desert Sports Challenge
Shalom College
Krav Maga Israel
Garin Tzabar
Religious Studies Programs
for Men
Yeshivat Ma’alot
Aliyah and Integration Program at
Keshet Yehuda Pre Military Yeshiva
One year Program
Overseas Program
Yeshivat Netiv Aryeh
Reishit Yerushalayim
Yeshivat Reishit Yerushalayim
Yeshivat Sha’alvim76
Yeshivat Sha’arei Mevaseret Zion
Yeshivat Yesodei HaTorah
Beit Levi Yizhak
Netiv Hageula
Yeshivat Orayta
Atzei Rachel
Derech Etz Chaim
Beit Shemesh
Yeshivat Yishrei Lev79
Jerusalem College of Technology
Machon Lev Israel College Experience
Machon Meir
Foreign Language Program
Mechinat Yeud
Midreshet Lindenbaum
Amutat Menachem
Shoshanat Yerushalayim
Darkaynu for Men
Neveh Zion61
Ohr Somayach
Religious Studies Programs
for Women
Anfei HaTomer
Tomer Devorah
Beit Chana Zefat
Teacher’s Seminary
Bnei Ubnot Chayil
Ohr Torah Stone
Eretz Avotenu
Bnos Chava Seminary86
Yeshiva Beis Menachem
Darchei Binah
Afikei Torah
Yeshivat Ateret Yerushalayim67
Women’s School for Advanced Torah
Yeshivat Birkat Moshe
Seminary Chaya Mushka
Machon Maayan90
Yeshivat Torat Yosef-Hamivtar
Shalom Rav
Yedidei Yeshivat Ohr Yerushalayim65
Shana Ba’aretz
Yeshivat Eretz HaTzvi
Yeshivat Hakotel
Ba’er Miriam
Machon Alte
Me’ohr Bais Yaakov
Me’ohr Bais Yaakov Teacher’s Seminary 91
Yeshivat Har Etzion
Merkaz Tiferet
Eretz Avotenu
The Dr. William Major Overseas Program 71
Michlelet Mevaseret Yerushalayim
Yeshivat Kerem B’Yavneh
Academic Program for Women 93
Overseas Program
Bar-Ilan Mechina B
Midreshet AMIT Midreshet B’erot Bat Ayin
B’er Bracha Seminary Holistic Torah Education for Women
in the Land
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Israel Business Institute
Midreshet Ein Hanatziv
Yuval Program
Midreshet Eshel
Sephardic Seminary
Darkaynu for Women
Overseas Program
Midreshet Moriah102
Midreshet Tzvia103
Midreshet Yeud
Or Chaya
Overseas Visitor’s Program106
Pnimiyut Seminary
Jewish Studies
Sha’alvim for Women108
Torat Reva Yerushalayim
Midreshet Devora109
Yeshivat Har Etzion
Beit Midrash for Women110
Mechina (Preparatory) Programs
for Israeli Universities
Ariel University Center of Samaria
ATZIL Mechina
Bar-Ilan Mechina A
Pre-Academic Program
Tel Aviv University
Preparatory Program–Mechina
Midreshet Lindenbaum
Shana Ba’Aretz
Preparatory Program–Mechina
Preparation for University and College
Midreshet HaRova
Overseas Program
Pre-Academic Program
Academic Gap Year Programs
A note about program costs: Prices are subject to change.
Please contact program organizers for the current pricing.
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Rothberg International School
Hebrew & Israeli Culture Program
Location: Jerusalem
Duration: Semester or academic year
Cost: Basic Costs: Registration fee $80
Tuition Full Year $12,500, Accommodation $6,100
Fall Semester $7,900, Dorms $3,000
Spring Semester $7,900, Accommodation $3,280
Additional Ulpan Costs: Summer Ulpan, Tuition
(Ulpan) Tuition $2,240, Dorms $1,700, Winter
Ulpan Tuition (Ulpan) Tuition $1,250, Dorms $770
Estimated Masa Israel Grant: $1,000
Accommodations: Not included. Can request to
be housed in the modern Scopus Student Village.
Upcoming Program Dates: Full Year: August – July
Semester 1 : August – February
Semester 2: February -July
Open To: High School Graduates
Contact Info:
Jonathon Madoff (Israel contact)
[email protected]
Student Liaison Coordinator (Australian contact)
[email protected]
*Visit for exact dates
The Rothberg International School of the Hebrew
University of Jerusalem is introducing an innovative option
designed for recent high school graduates entitled The"
Hebrew and Israeli Culture Program." This academic program will enable students on all Hebrew
levels to achieve a high degree of fluency in Modern
Hebrew through full immersion into the language and
culture of Israel. In addition to 10–14 weekly hours of
Hebrew language instruction, students will take, in both
Hebrew (at their level) and English, a wide range of
"immersion courses" in Israeli Politics, Culture, History
and Society. They will also have the option of taking an
introductory-level course, in such areas as Psychology,
Business Administration, Math, International Relations,
Middle East History, Archaeology, and much more. Participants will not only benefit from first-rate
academic instruction, they will also enjoy a special
course titled: "Perspectives on Israeli Society" which
includes study trips, guest lectures, and tours of Israel,
as well as opportunities to interact with a diverse
selection of Israeli communities. All this, while living
15 minutes from downtown Jerusalem on the beautiful
Mount Scopus campus.
Several courses are accredited (including the intensive
Hebrew Language studies), and upon completion of
the program, students will receive a transcript which
can be used to obtain transfer credits at universities in
Australia (Melbourne University & Monash University),
North America, and around the world. Students at
the Rothberg International School hail from over 60
countries. They benefit from a wide range of services,
including social, emotional, and academic support from
a well-trained, caring staff of teachers, counselors,
academic advisor, school administrators and a boardcertified psychologist.
What’s included in the cost of the program:
Orientation upon arrival
Intensive Hebrew language study
Supplementary educational programming including
field trips, overnight trips, seminars, and lectures
Medical insurance
What’s not included in the cost of the program:
Flights to and from Israel
Personal transportation in Israel
Masa Israel visa
Books and personal expenses
Academic Gap Year Programs 11
Technion Israel Institute of Technology
Gap Year of Engineering
and Science
Location: Haifa
Duration: Academic year
Cost: $16,000
Estimated Masa Israel Grant: $1,000
Accommodations: Included
Upcoming Program Dates: July-July*
Open To: High school graduates
Contact Info:
Talya Teger
+972 (0)4 829-3325
[email protected]
The Gap Year of Engineering and Science allows students
to study at the Technion for one year in English. It is the
ideal solution for students interested in engineering and
science and who wish to spend meaningful time in Israel.
Besides all the basic engineering and science courses,
taught throughout the year, students can explore a variety
of general courses such as Hebrew language, Middle
Eastern history, and Jewish studies, which fosters a deep
connection to Israel. Extracurricular activities also play
a central role in the freshman year experience. Students
have the opportunity to take part in religious activities,
travel throughout the country, and participate in seminars
and social events. Program participants live on campus
with Israeli students and are fully integrated into life at
the Technion. At the closing of the year, students have the
option to continue at the Technion International School of
Engineering for a full undergraduate degree in English in
Civil and Environmental Engineering. They may also apply to
transfer to the Technion faculties of Chemical Engineering,
Aerospace Engineering, Biotechnology Engineering, Biology,
or Mechanical Engineering.
Academic Gap Year Programs
Orientation upon arrival
Supplementary educational programming including
field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, and lectures
Intensive Hebrew language study
Other included features:
*Visit for exact dates
What’s included in the cost of the program:
Trips and social activities
Tutors, guides and advisors
What’s not included in the cost of the program:
Flights to and from Israel
Medical insurance
Personal transportation in Israel
Personal expenses
Educational support materials
Tel Aviv University–TAU International
Gap Year Program
Location: Tel Aviv
Duration: Semester or academic year
Cost: $7,000 (semester) $11,000 (year)
Hebrew Ulpan: $1,450
Estimated Masa Israel Grant: $1,000
Accommodations: Not included (available
upon request)
Upcoming Program Dates:
July-December (semester)*
July-June (year)*
Open To: High school graduates
Contact Info:
Alison Rubin
(212) 742-9030
(800) 665-9828
[email protected]
*Visit for exact dates
What’s included in the cost of the program:
Orientation upon arrival
Intensive Hebrew language study
Supplementary educational programming including
field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, and lectures
Medical insurance
What’s not included in the cost of the program:
Educational support materials
Flights to and from Israel
Personal transportation in Israel
Masa Israel visa
Personal expenses
Situated in the heart of Israel’s coastal region, Tel
Aviv University is the country’s largest academic
institution, boasting a diverse and dynamic student
body. Its faculty is comprised of nationally and
internationally renowned scholars and scientists,
many of whom are leaders in their fields. The
overseas student program at Tel Aviv University
offers accomplished high school graduates the
opportunity to learn Hebrew and take collegelevel courses in English for full academic credit
while immersing themselves in Israeli culture. The
program offers a rich variety of exciting courses
in the fields of International Relations, Social
Sciences, Arts, Environmental Studies, History,
Religion, Business, and more.
Academic Gap Year Programs 13
Traditional Gap Year Programs
A note about program costs: Prices are subject to change.
Please contact program organizers for the current pricing.
Aardvark Israel
Aardvark Semester Program
Location: Central Israel
Duration: Semester
Cost: $9,990
Estimated Masa Israel Grant: $1,000
Accommodations: Included
Upcoming Program Dates: January-June*
Open To: Ages 17-22
Contact Info:
[email protected]
*Visit for exact dates
Aardvark Israel Semester Program is a fully accredited
university program that combines immersion into
Israeli society, community service, and internships
with learning about Israel and Judaism through both
formal academic and informal educational experiences.
Students choose to live either in Tel Aviv or Jerusalem—
the cultural and spiritual centers of Israel. Aardvark
Israel also offers the option of choosing add-ons—
special-interest programming and world travel—
allowing students to create an experience which is the
most relevant and exciting to them! From medicine and
psychology to law and government, entrepreneurship
to the Israeli military, sea sports to hiking the Israel
National Trail­
—Aardvark Israel has something for
everyone. Optional trips abroad include Poland, China,
Kenya, and Italy.
What’s included in the cost of the program:
Orientation upon arrival
Intensive Hebrew language study
Supplementary educational programming
including fi eld trips, overnight hikes,
seminars, and lectures
Educational support materials
Personal transportation in Israel
Medical insurance
Other included features:
American Jewish University in Los Angeles
Housing in attractive apartments in
Jerusalem and Tel Aviv
Connections with Israelis
Strong staff support
What’s not included in the cost of the program:
Flights to and from Israel
Personal expenses
Traditional Gap Year Programs
Aardvark Israel
Aardvark Year Program
Location: Central Israel
Duration: Academic year
Cost: $14,990
Estimated Masa Israel Grant: $1,000
Accommodations: Included
Upcoming Program Dates: September-May*
Open To: Ages 17-22
Contact Info:
[email protected]
*Visit for exact dates
Aardvark Israel Year Program combines immersion into
Israeli society, community service, and internships with
learning about Israel and Judaism through both formal
academic and informal educational experiences. Students
live in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem—the cultural and spiritual
centers of Israel. Aardvark Israel also offers the option of
choosing add-ons—special-interest programming and
world travel—allowing students to create an experience
which is the most relevant and exciting to them! From
medicine and psychology to law and government,
entrepreneurship to the Israeli military, sea sports to
hiking the Israel National Trail—Aardvark Israel has
something for everyone. Optional trips abroad include
Poland, China, Kenya, and Italy.
Traditional Gap Year Programs
What’s included in the cost of the program:
Orientation upon arrival
Intensive Hebrew language study
Supplementary educational programming including
field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, and lectures
Educational support materials
Personal transportation in Israel
Medical insurance
Other included features:
Housing in attractive apartments in Jerusalem and
Tel Aviv
Connections with Israelis
Strong staff support
What’s not included in the cost of the program:
Flights to and from Israel
Personal expenses
Aardvark Israel
Aardvark International, Jerusalem,
Tel Aviv, and the World
Location: Jerusalem and Tel Aviv
Duration: 9 months
Cost: $33,790
Estimated Masa Israel Grant: $1,000
Accommodations: Included
Upcoming Program Dates: September-May*
Open To: Ages 17-22
Contact Info:
[email protected]
*Visit for exact dates
Aardvark International is a program that is based in Israel
with 8 trips to different countries of the world: Norway,
Ireland, Spain, China, Germany, Czech, Italy, and Holland.
Aardvark combines immersion into Israeli Society,
service to the community through volunteer work and
internships, and learning about Israel and Judaism
through both formal academic and informal educational
encounters. During the 9-month program, participants
spend one semester in Tel Aviv and one semester in
Jerusalem. This multi-denominational program brings
together participants from around the world. Participants
are immersed into Israeli society by living in apartments
in desirable neighborhoods in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem
and are encouraged to establish relationships with their
Israeli neighbors, become part of their communities, and
grow to feel “at home” in each city. With the guidance of
qualified counselors, students learn to be self-sufficient
and live together as a group.
What’s included in the cost of the program:
We have the best locations, lots of staff, you get
to travel, and the price is great
In addition to volunteering and studies, built into
the program are weekly field trips, extracurricular
activities, hiking trips, seminars, and more
Other included features:
As a fully accredited university program, students
may earn university credit for their coursework
while on the program
Special interest programs are also available in army,
medicine/psychology, sea sports, law & government,
digital art & media, and entrepreneurship
Personal attention and flexibility of the program
staff provides the best service and experience for
Traditional Gap Year Programs
Aardvark Israel
Aardvark Steinsaltz Program
Location: Jerusalem and Tel Aviv
Duration: 9 months
Cost: $17,490
Estimated Masa Israel Grant: $1,000
Accommodations: Included
Upcoming Program Dates: August-May*
Open To: Ages 17-22
Contact Info:
Australia: 03-9999-6521
Israel: +972 (0)52 429-3681
[email protected],
*Visit for exact dates
Aardvark Israel—Steinsaltz Track is a 9-month
program in Israel that combines immersion into Israeli
society, chesed in the community through volunteer
work and internships, and learning about Israel and
Judaism through both formal academic and informal
educational encounters. With a strong core program
and a menu of add-on options, the highlight of the
Steinsaltz Track is its unique Jewish enrichment
program designed for students seeking a deeper
approach to the study of Judaism in Israel. Guided by
Rav Adin Steinsaltz’s approach to Torah, creativity,
and the Jewish People, the student’s gap year
experience will be genuinely transformative­—spiritually,
emotionally, and intellectually. Students spend half of
their year in Jerusalem and half of their year in Tel Aviv
where there are countless opportunities for quality
and diverse experiences. The students are also taken
on field trips and hikes all over the country throughout
the year to see various places in Jerusalem and Tel
Aviv as well as in the northern and southern parts
of the country. In addition, a variety of seminars and
Shabbatonim are held throughout the year. Students
in the Steinsaltz Track of Aardvark Israel may also
elect to enroll in special interest programs focusing
on law and government, medicine and psychology, or
entrepreneurship. Optional trips abroad also available
to Poland and China.
Traditional Gap Year Programs
What’s included in the cost of the program:
Orientation upon arrival
Torah studies at the world-renowned Steinsaltz
Hebrew language study
Supplementary educational programming
including field trips, overnight hikes, seminars,
Shabbatonim, and more
Educational support materials
Personal transportation in Israel
Medical insurance
Other included features:
Housing in attractive apartments in Jerusalem
and Tel Aviv
Connections with Israelis
Strong staff support
What’s not included in the cost of the program:
Flights to and from Israel
Personal expenses
Authentic Israel
IBC Gap Year
Location: Multiple regions around Israel
Duration: 5 or 10 months
Cost: Contact program
Estimated Masa Israel Grant: $1,000
Accommodations: Included
Upcoming Program Dates: February-June*
Open To: High school graduates
Contact Info:
Israel: Mimi Lax +972 (0)50 725-8886
[email protected]
Australia and NZ: Helen Lewitan
61-412-469-626, [email protected]
What’s included in the cost of the program:
Orientation upon arrival
Supplementary educational programming including
field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, and lectures
Educational support materials
Medical insurance
*Visit for exact dates
Israel by Choice (IBC) is a leadership development
program for high school graduates who want
to experience freedom and autonomy within a
supportive group framework. Participants develop
group projects and work in self-management
committees. The program includes a great variety
of seminars, trips, and volunteering options; some
of which are done together with elite Israeli young
adults. All program guides are Israelis. Participants
gain a deeper insight into Israeli society and the
Jewish people, and are aided by the program to
develop new initiatives with their local community
on their return home.
Traditional Gap Year Programs
BINA Merchavim
BINA: Social Action and
Study in Tel Aviv
Location: Tel Aviv-Jaffa
Duration: 5 or 10 months
Cost: $8,500 (semester) $15,000 (year)
Estimated Masa Israel Grant: $1,000
Accommodations: Provided (shared
apartments in south Tel Aviv)
Upcoming Program Dates:
September-February (with an option to
continue for 10 months)*
Open To: High school graduates
Contact Info:
Itamar Manoff
+972 (0)54 443-0727
[email protected]
*Visit for exact dates
BINA: Social Action and Study in Tel Aviv is a unique
gap year program that offers you a once-in-a-lifetime
opportunity to live, study and volunteer with Israeli peers
in Tel Aviv, Israel’s cultural center and most exciting
city, and experience Israeli society from within. BINA’s
combination of study and action (Limmud VeMa’aseh) will
allow you to explore your Jewish identity and promote
social justice. BINA participants volunteer in various
organizations, and work with a wide range of populations.
Volunteering activities include teaching children of
different ethnicities in elementary schools in south Tel
Aviv, working with senior citizens in the local community
center, teaching sports to children with disabilities,
and more. BINA’s program includes intensive study of
classical Jewish texts, Jewish philosophy, social justice,
and Israeli studies, taught by Israel’s leading scholars
and educators. Throughout the course of the program,
you will embark on day-tours as well as overnight trips
in different areas of Israel, with a focus on encounters
with local populations. Trips range from places like Druze
villages, to ultra-orthodox communities and Arab towns.
Traditional Gap Year Programs
What’s included in the cost of the program:
Prepared meals during programming hours
Accommodations in Tel Aviv (furnished shared
apartments, utilities included)
Group living expenses for collectively buying
food and cleaning supplies; bus fare to and from
volunteer assignments, program trips, etc. (tuition
does not include bus fare for private traveling in
Health insurance
Other included features:
Trips and tours throughout the country
Intensive Hebrew studies (Ulpan)
Experienced staff to accompany you during the
Bnei Akiva Hachshara
Location: All over the country, based in
Duration: One year
Cost: $24,000
Estimated Masa Israel Grant: Depends on
each candidate
Accommodations: Included
Upcoming Program Dates:
Open To: Post-high school students from
Australia, New Zealand and South Africa
Contact Info:
Aviva Berniger, [email protected]
+972 (0)2 620-9017, Fax: +972 (0)2 625-8799
*Visit for exact dates
What’s included in the cost of the program:
Room and board
Other included features:
On Hachshara, all necessary expenses are covered:
food, accommodations, medical insurance and
What’s not included in the cost of the program:
If you need more information:
On Limmud you’ll spend significant time at Yeshiva or
Midrasha, as well as the legendary Bnei Akiva experiences
of Israel, including kibbutz, community volunteering,
Marva and Magen David Adom. A key element of
Limmud is Machon, which includes seminars, Shabbatot
and trips that feature guidance and leadership, Zionism
and Jewish Identity, religion and state, Torah va’Avodah,
and more. Limmud will also enable you to grow in your
Jewish identity. You will come back with a much better
understanding of what it means to be Jewish for you,
and the skills, drive and passion to develop your own
Jewish identity.
Traditional Gap Year Programs
Bnei Akiva Hachshara
Location: All over the country, based in
Duration: One year
Cost: $24,000
Estimated Masa Israel Grant: Depends on
each candidate
Accommodations: Included
Upcoming Program Dates:
Open To: Post-high school students from
Australia, New Zealand and South Africa
Contact Info:
Aviva Berniger, [email protected]
+972 (0)2 620-9017, Fax: +972 (0)2 625-8799
*Visit for exact dates
On MTA you’ll have a year of learning Torah in some of
the best learning centers that Israel has to offer. During
the times when you are not at Yeshiva or Midrasha,
we’ll provide a varied schedule of activities letting
you really live and feel the pulse of the Land of Israel.
Various volunteer options, together with seminars about
current Jewish and Israeli issues, will complement the
educational goals of MTA. You’ll be more independent
than you’ve ever been in your life, yet you can relax in
the knowledge that your needs are being looked after.
Traditional Gap Year Programs
What’s included in the cost of the program:
Room and board
Other included features:
On Hachshara, all necessary expenses are covered:
food, accommodations, medical insurance and
What’s not included in the cost of the program:
If you need more information:
Bnei Akiva Hachshara
Location: Jerusalem
Duration: Academic year
Cost: Varies by Program
Estimated Masa Israel Grant: $1,000
Accommodations: Included
Upcoming Program Dates: August-July*
Open To: High school graduates
Contact Info:
Israel: World Bnei Akiva
Jonny Lipczer +972 2 620-9012 x270
[email protected]
What’s included in the cost of the program:
Shabbatot, tiyulim and seminars
Medical insurance
*Visit for exact dates
On Torani, you’ll have a year of learning Torah in
some of the best learning centres that Israel has
to offer—Yeshivat Eretz Hatzvi, Yeshivat Hakotel,
Midreshet Harova, or Midreshet Yeud. During the
times when you are not at Yeshiva or Midrasha,
we’ll provide a varied schedule of activities letting
you really live and feel the pulse of the Land of
Israel. Various volunteer options, together with
seminars about current Jewish and Israeli issues,
will complement the educational goals of Torani.
You’ll be more independent than you’ve ever been
in your life, yet you can relax with the knowledge
that your needs are being looked after.
Traditional Gap Year Programs
Habonim Dror
Maslul Ishi–iTrack
Location: Multiple regions
Duration: Semester or academic year
Cost: Dependent on chosen program content
Estimated Masa Israel Grant: $1,000
Accommodations: Included
Upcoming Program Dates:
Any time of the year*
Open To: Ages 18-29
Contact Info:
Nurit Gershon, Director
+972 (0)3 530-1420
[email protected]
Maslul Ishi is a customizable program designed by the
Habonim Dror youth movement that allows you to
choose your own personal experience in Israel. Whether
you wish to study at an academic institution, intern
at an Israeli company, or volunteer at an international
NGO, Maslul Ishi staff will work with you to create
your own personal path in Israel. The program includes
mandatory Hebrew language study and ongoing support
and guidance from a professional and knowledgeable
staff. Depending on your interests, the staff will help
you to create your own personal, tailor-made program.
Traditional Gap Year Programs
Intensive Hebrew language study
Supplementary educational programming including
field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, and lectures
Educational support materials
Medical insurance
What’s not included in the cost of the program:
*Visit for exact dates
What’s included in the cost of the program:
Flights to and from Israel
Habonim Dror
Workshop HDNA
Location: Various
Duration: 9 Months
Cost: Approx. $16,500
Estimated Masa Israel Grant: $1,000
Accommodations: Included
Upcoming Program Dates: September-May*
Open To: Ages 17-19
What’s included in the cost of the program:
Contact Info:
Shani Bob
(212) 255-1796
[email protected]
*Visit for exact dates
Israel’s longest running gap year, Habonim Dror’s
Workshop focuses on collective education and
dialogue meant to develop your Jewish leadership.
As a participant in Workshop, you will actively
contribute to the building of peace and social
justice in Israel through community volunteerism.
You will live collectively in kvutzot (small groups)
and travel the country while learning about the
diverse history of Israel, the Israeli people, and the
Hebrew language. During the first half of the year,
you will focus on learning important life skills; you
will spend the second half using them in a variety
of volunteer placements with Israeli youth. In
addition, Workshop offers you the opportunity to
visit important historical sites in Poland, witnessing
the Holocaust and learning about the role of youth
movements in its history.
Flight to and from Israel
Learning and volunteering
Intensive Hebrew study
Meals and apartment accommodations for the
duration of the program
Transportation in Israel
Supplementary educational programming
including trips, seminars, and lectures
Medical insurance
What’s not included in the cost of the program:
Personal expenses
Masa Israel visa
Traditional Gap Year Programs
Hanoar Hatzioni
Israel Challenge–English Track
Location: Multiple regions
Duration: 5 months
Cost: Contact program
Estimated Masa Israel Grant: $1,000
Accommodations: Included
Upcoming Program Dates: August-January*
Open To: High school graduates and
undergraduate university students
Contact Info:
Ariel Goldgewicht, Program Director
[email protected]
Office: +972 (0)3 530-1396
Fax: +972 (0)3 530-1384
*Visit for exact dates
Israel Challenge is a non-profit, ideological organization
committed to strengthening Jewish/Zionist Identity in a
pluralistic way to Jewish young adults from around the
world via long-term programs in Israel. We are uniquely
qualified to offer a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity
to experience Israeli culture within a framework of
service and education. This personal journey promises
to be both challenging and rewarding. We offer diverse
possibilities for a hands-on experience with projects
both instructive and inspirational. Our basic 5-month
curriculum is divided into four stages giving each
participant the possibility to choose among various
options; such as: Kibbutz Volunteering, Marva—army
basic training, MDA—Magen David Adom—emergency
medical services, and social volunteering all combined
with trips and excursions throughout Israel. There is also
a series of specialized courses to choose from including:
Self-Defense, Mediterranean Cuisine, Photography,
Scuba-Diving/Water Sports and more!
Traditional Gap Year Programs
What’s included in the cost of the program:
All accommodation costs are included
All meals are included in the cost
Day trips
Extracurricular events
Jewish holiday special events
Courses in Eilat
Medical insurance
Educational sessions and materials
What’s not included in the cost of the program:
Flights to and from Israel
Personal expenses
Hashomer Hatzair
Shnat Hachshara Gap Year
Location: Kibbutz Holit, Ulpan in Haifa,
Comuna in the north of Israel
Duration: Academic year
Cost: $14,000-$15,000
Estimated Masa Israel Grant: $1,000
Accommodations: Included
Upcoming Program Dates:
Open To: Ages 17-19
What’s included in the cost of the program:
Contact Info:
Iudith Wolffberg Dank
+972 (0)3 695-6575
+972 (0)50 767-7950
[email protected]
A group-focused experience
Intensive Hebrew language study
Transportation in Israel
Dormitory accommodations for the duration of
the program
Supplementary educational programming
including trips, seminars, and lectures
Medical insurance
*Visit for exact dates
Hashomer Hatzair’s Shnat Hachshara allows
members of the Hashomer Hatzair movement
to live and work on a kibbutz; volunteering with
vulnerable communities in Israel, learning Hebrew
and building a community with their kvutzah
(group). You will spend the first three months of
the program at The Pedagogic Centre in Kibbutz
Holit, learning and experiencing Hebrew, Israeli
society and humanistic Judaism, and building an
alternative society. You will then spend four months
at the Ulpan in Haifa while teaching English at
Barta Arab Village. During the final six months of
the program, you will experience communal life in
the city of Naharia.
What’s not included in the cost of the program:
Flights to and from Israel
Personal expenses
Masa Israel visa
Traditional Gap Year Programs
Israel Experience
AUJS Aviv Program
Location: Multiple regions
Duration: Semester
Cost: $10,000
Estimated Masa Israel Grant: $1,000
Accommodations: Included
Upcoming Program Dates: January-June*
Open To: High school graduates
Contact Info:
AUJS Australia:
+61 2 9381 4292
[email protected]
What’s included in the cost of the program:
Orientation upon arrival
Intensive Hebrew language study
Supplementary educational programming including
field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, and lectures
Educational support materials
Medical insurance
*Visit for exact dates
This program is intended for young adults who want
a combined experience of inspirational, educational,
vocational, political and leadership seminars,
excursions, hikes and extensive sightseeing. AUJS
Aviv is a five-month program which is based
upon AUJS’ pluralist, Jewish Zionist, and activist
framework. Participants will experience Israel
through volunteering opportunities, from short
one-day experiences, to longer one- and two-week
optional periods, which are interspersed throughout
the program. Additionally, participants learn about
and interact with other cultures, religions, and
minorities within Israel. Aviv participants have
extensive interaction with Israeli counterparts
through the encounters program. Another program
highlight will be a week-long trip to Poland and
Prague as part of an intensive Holocaust education
Traditional Gap Year Programs
Other included features:
Prague and Poland Heritage tour
Social Action
What’s not included in the cost of the program:
Flights to and from Israel
Personal transportation in Israel
Masa Israel visa
Personal expenses
Israel Experience
Hineni Shnat Hachshara
Location: Multiple regions
Duration: Academic year
Cost: $14,000
Estimated Masa Israel Grant: $1,000
Accommodations: Included
Upcoming Program Dates: January-November*
Open To: High school graduates
Contact Info:
Ari Silbermann
+972 (0)2 621-6537, +972 (0)2 621-6572 Fax
[email protected]
[email protected]
*Visit for exact dates
This program provides a wide range of Zionist and
Jewish experiences where participants will be immersed
in different Israeli lifestyles, enabling them to gain
leadership skills as well as deepen their own identities
and connection to the movement. Participants enjoy a
combination of experiences starting with learning in
an institute for leaders of all Zionist youth movements,
focusing on studies of Judaism, Hebrew, Zionism and
leadership, excursions, seminars, and volunteering.
Participants join a Jewish Learning Seminar, enjoy a
period of volunteering, a period on a kibbutz, and finally
an elective period where participants have a choice of the
Marva army program, Magen David Adom (emergency
medical service), fire fighters, and midrasha/yeshiva.
The program also includes various seminars, Shabbatot
together, and excursions that will run throughout the
year. Why should you choose this program? You will
enjoy a wide range of Zionist and Jewish experiences;
you will be immersed in different Israeli lifestyles; you will
learn leadership skills along with various Jewish studies;
and, you will live on a kibbutz, experience army life and
What’s included in the cost of the program:
Orientation upon arrival
Intensive Hebrew language study
Supplementary educational programming including
field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, and lectures
Educational support materials
Medical insurance
What’s not included in the cost of the program:
Flights to and from Israel
Personal transportation in Israel
Masa Israel visa
Personal expenses
Traditional Gap Year Programs
Israel Experience
Israel Journey
Location: Multiple regions
Duration: Semester
Cost: $10,000
Estimated Masa Israel Grant: $1,000
Accommodations: Included
Upcoming Program Dates: January-June*
Open To: High school graduates
Contact Info:
Tal Allen, International Programs Director
Australasian Union of Jewish Students
(02) 9381 4292, [email protected]
*Visit for exact dates
This program is intended for young adults who want
a combined experience of inspirational, educational,
vocational, political and leadership seminars,
excursions, hikes, and extensive sightseeing. Israel
Journey is a 5-month program which is based upon
UJIA IE UK pluralist, Jewish Zionist, and activist
framework. Participants will experience Israel
through volunteering opportunities, from short
one-day experiences, to longer one- and two-week
optional periods, which are interspersed throughout
the program. Additionally, participants learn about
and interact with other cultures, religions, and
minorities within Israel. Israel Journey participants
have extensive interaction with Israeli counterparts
through the encounters program. Another program
highlight will be a week-long trip to Poland and
Prague as part of an intensive Holocaust education
Traditional Gap Year Programs
What’s included in the cost of the program:
Intensive Hebrew language study
Supplementary educational programming including
field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, and lectures
Educational support materials
Medical insurance
What’s not included in the cost of the program:
Flights to and from Israel
Personal transportation in Israel
Masa Israel visa
Personal expenses
Israel Experience
Maccabi Leadership Program:
Location: Central Israel
Duration: Semester
Cost: $18,000
Estimated Masa Israel Grant: $1,000
Accommodations: Included
Upcoming Program Dates: January-June*
Open To: High school graduates
Contact Info:
[email protected]
Sarai Tuval: +972 2 621-6487
+972 (0)2 621-6572 Fax
[email protected]
What’s included in the cost of the program:
Orientation upon arrival
Intensive Hebrew language study
Supplementary educational programming including
field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, and lectures
Educational support materials
Medical insurance
What’s not included in the cost of the program:
Flights to and from Israel
*Visit for exact dates
Maccabi Leadership program is a 5-month program for
participants from Australia, New Zealand, or South Africa;
who are involved in sport competitively or socially; who
want to combine a creative gap year in Israel exploring
the land, the people, and their Jewish identity with
their love of sport; and, who are keen to come back
and contribute to Maccabi. This program developed by
Maccabi Australia an Maccabi World Union for young
adults who are in the interest of sports. The program
is planned to be partly based in Israel’s state of the art
sports facility, the Wingate Institute, which is located on
the beach between Tel Aviv and Netanya. It is the Israeli
equivalent of the AIS. Participants will receive training
in their chosen sport, whilst also partaking in a variety
of educational, Zionist, and leadership seminars, tiyulim
(tours) throughout the country, Gadna (a weeklong
army experience), Hebrew Ulpan, kibbutz and more.
Participants will attend major sporting events and meet
players from Tel Aviv Maccabi basketball games to the
Israel Tennis Open and local rugby and netball games. The
program is suitable for both boys and girls.
Traditional Gap Year Programs
Israel Experience
Nachshon: The Israeli Mechina
Location: Negev
Duration: Academic year
Cost: $13,100
Estimated Masa Israel Grant: $1,000
Accommodations: Included
Upcoming Program Dates: September-June*
Open To: High school graduates ages 17-20
Contact Info:
Gilad Olshtein/ Orly Shafir
+972 (0)8 868-6891, +972 (0)52 604-8224
[email protected]
[email protected]
What’s included in the cost of the program:
Orientation upon arrival
Intensive Hebrew language study
Supplementary educational programming including
field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, and lectures
Educational support materials
Host family
Medical insurance
Other included features:
Nachshon is a gap year program both for Israeli
young adults and Jewish graduates from the Diaspora
that emphasizes social leadership development.
The program focuses on study of a wide range of
subjects including Judaism, Israeli history, Zionism,
environmental studies, current events and more.
Learning at Nachshon is not confined to the classroom.
During the year you will have the opportunity to
participate in feld trips and excursions throughout
Israel, including: challenging journeys on foot, an
outdoor survival week, themed trips, experiential
army activities, and more organized by participants
themselves (with guidance from Nachshon staff).
If you are looking to be in a Hebrew speaking
environment with your Israeli peers while taking an
active role in exploring the country and giving back
to your community, Nachshon is the program for you.
Traditional Gap Year Programs
Transportation to the center every week after
All meals on campus
What’s not included in the cost of the program:
Flights to and from Israel
Masa Israel visa
Personal expenses
PZC Hagshama
Kibbutz Ulpan
Location: Multiple regions
Duration: 5 months
Cost: $4,750
Estimated Masa Israel Grant: $1,000
Accommodations: Included
Upcoming Program Dates: Rolling*
Open To: Ages 18-28, High school graduates,
undergraduate university students, and university
Contact Info:
Ariane Boeken-Rubin, +972 (0)3 530-1255
[email protected]
*Visit for exact dates
Want to learn Hebrew while living and working
on a kibbutz and taking part in its rich and unique
culture? Kibbutz Ulpan is one of the most affordable
long-term programs in Israel and offers programs
at different kibbutzim throughout the year.
Participating in a Kibbutz Ulpan is a time-honored
tradition that visitors from all over the world have
experienced for more than six decades. Today it is
an ideal choice for anyone looking to spend some
time away from home to become part of a type of
community that only exists in Israel.
What’s included in the cost of the program:
Orientation upon arrival
Intensive Hebrew language study
Supplementary educational programming including
field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, and lectures
Medical insurance
Other included features:
Different Hebrew proficiency levels
Meals and dormitory accommodations on the home
kibbutz for the duration of the program
24 hours studying and 24 hours working alongside
kibbutzniks in various branches on the kibbutz
What’s not included in the cost of the
Flights to and from Israel
Personal transportation in Israel
Masa Israel visa
Personal expenses
Traditional Gap Year Programs
United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism
Location: Jerusalem
Duration: Semester or Academic year
Cost: $23,900
Estimated Masa Israel Grant: $1,000
Accommodations: Included
Upcoming Program Dates: September-May*
Open To: High school graduates ages 17-19
Contact Info:
[email protected]
(212) 533-7800 x1119
What’s included in the cost of the program:
University/Yeshiva/Intensive Hebrew studies
Supplementary educational programming including
field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, and lectures
Flights to and from Israel
Personal transportation in Israel
Medical insurance
*Visit for exact dates
Nativ is a challenging academic-year program
dedicated to creating and inspiring tomorrow’s
Conservative Jewish leaders. Nativ, which means
“path” in Hebrew, offers two distinct components:
studying in Jerusalem and volunteering in other
areas of Israel. You will have the option to study
in one of three different areas during the fall
semester: Hebrew University, intensive Hebrew
language study, or the Conservative Yeshiva.
During the spring semester, you can choose
between working on an agricultural youth village
or doing community service in a town or city. This
unforgettable experience is an intricate balance
between academics and volunteer work, learning
and teaching, personal challenge and community
living. You will return from your year in Israel with
a stronger attachment to the land of Israel and a
deeper passion for Judaism.
Traditional Gap Year Programs
Other included features:
University/Yeshiva/Ulpan studies
What’s not included in the cost of the program:
Educational support materials
Personal expenses
Union for Reform Judaism and
Netzer Olami
Netzer Year
Location: Jerusalem
Duration: 81/2 months
Cost: $18,000
Estimated Masa Israel Grant: $1,000
Accommodations: Included
Upcoming Program Dates:
October-June (Northern Hemisphere)*
February-November (Southern Hemisphere)*
Open To: High school graduates
Contact Info:
Rinat Israeli
+972 (0)2 620-3510 Office
[email protected]
*Visit for exact dates
What’s included in the cost of the program:
Orientation upon arrival
Intensive Hebrew language study
Supplementary educational programming including
field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, and lectures
Educational support materials
Host family
Medical insurance
What’s not included in the cost of the program:
Personal transportation in Israel
Target audience: High school graduates
The Netzer Year is a unique leadership training
program in Israel for recent Reform Jewish high school
graduates. On the Netzer Year you will develop the
skills and knowledge necessary to become a leader in
the Reform Movement, your community, or on your
college campus. The program facilitates personal
development, study of Jewish and Zionist ideals, as well
as the Reform Movement’s principles and ideology,
both in and out of the classroom. During the first
month of the program you will live on kibbutz with
the rest of your group. Next you can choose between
two options: volunteering in a community in northern
Israel or volunteering in an existing Reform kibbutz
in the Arava region. During the second semester,
you will live, learn and grow in Jerusalem, choosing
either to live and volunteer in one of its communities
or learning about Israel, leadership and Zionism in a
diverse community of young leaders.
Traditional Gap Year Programs
Young Judaea
Year Course
Location: Multiple regions
Duration: Academic year
Cost: $20,950
Estimated Masa Israel Grant: $1,000
Accommodations: Included
Upcoming Program Dates:
Olami Track: August–June*
All Other Tracks: September-June*
Open To: Primarily students from North
America and Great Britain. Also open to any
appropriate student.
Contact Info:
[email protected]
*Visit for exact dates
Young Judaea Year Course offers you the opportunity to
immerse yourself in all aspects of Israeli life and culture:
learning Hebrew, interacting with your Israeli peers,
developing an appreciation for your Jewish heritage, and
exploring Israel through a variety of different volunteer
placements. You will spend one third of your program
on each of three components in Israel: Jerusalem, Bat
Yam and Israel Experience.In Bat Yam, you will live in
a lower socioeconomic neighbourhood and have the
opportunity to contribute mightily to the community
through volunteer work. In Jerusalem, you will have
access to the history and majesty of the Old City as
well as the vibrancy and culture of Emek Refaim as you
study. During your Israel Experience component, you
will choose from several options including Marva/Sar-El
(the IDF army experience); Kibbutz Ketura/Shvil Yisrael;
outdoor desert experience; and social action experience.
Traditional Gap Year Programs
What’s included in the cost of the program:
Orientation upon arrival
Intensive Hebrew language study
Supplementary educational programming including
field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, and lectures
Educational support materials
Flights to and from Israel
Host family
Personal transportation in Israel
Medical insurance
Other included features:
What’s not included in the cost of the program:
Masa Israel visa
Visas to countries outside of Israel
Personal expenses
*Information about Year Course programs for UK and European
high school graduates can be found on pages 24-28
Special Interest Programs
A note about program costs: Prices are subject to change.
Please contact program organizers for the current pricing.
Budokan Israel
Budokan Israel Martial Arts and
Fitness Program
Location: Central Israel
Duration: Semester
Cost: $9,875
Estimated Masa Israel Grant: $1,000
Accommodations: Included
Upcoming Program Dates: February-June*
September– February*
Open To: Ages 18-26
Contact Info:
[email protected]
Israel: Danny Hakim
+972 (0)54 464-9546
[email protected]
*Visit for exact dates
Budokan is a challenging program that combines
Krav Maga, world-class martial arts, and fitness
instruction with innovative educational courses in
Hebrew language and Jewish heroes, exciting field
trips, inspiring volunteer projects, and great people!
This “mind, body, and spirit” experience enables you
to improve your fitness and develop personal skills
while learning about Israel’s land, history, and people.
Whether you are looking for an adventure abroad,
trying to get into better shape, interested in Krav
Maga, or achieving a higher Karate or Judo belt,
Budokan offers you an unforgettable experience.
You will gain a priceless sense of independence,
personal empowerment, and self-confidence through
Budokan’s unique martial arts and fitness program.
38 Special Interest Programs
What’s included in the cost of the program:
Orientation upon arrival
Intensive Hebrew language study
Supplementary educational programming including
field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, and lectures
Educational support materials
Medical insurance
Other included features:
Daily martial arts and fitness instruction (focus on
Krav Maga, Judo, and Karate)
History course on Jewish and Israeli Heroes
Meal and dormitory accommodations for the
duration of the program
What’s not included in the cost of the program:
Flights to and from Israel
Personal transportation in Israel
Masa Israel visa
Personal expenses
Givat Haviva
Intensive Arabic Semester
Location: Central Israel
Duration: Semester
Cost: $11,900
Estimated Masa Israel Grant: $1,000
Accommodations: Included
Upcoming Program Dates:
Session 1: January-June*
Session 2: August-January*
Open To: Ages 18-31
Contact Info:
Inon Tagner, +972 (0)52 865-5337
[email protected]
*Visit for exact dates
Want to learn Arabic in a dynamic, immersive
environment? The Intensive Arabic Semester offers
you the opportunity to learn spoken Arabic on a
highly skilled level while immersing yourself in the
local Jewish and Arab culture. In conjunction with
learning the language, you will also explore a wide
selection of fascinating courses in various topics
relating to Jewish and Middle Eastern studies. While
the program is based at Kibbutz Barkai in northwest
Israel, you will become regularly involved in social
and community projects in the nearby Arab village
of Arara. There, with your host family, you will be
able to “give back” to the community while actively
practicing your Arabic in its natural surroundings.
What’s included in the cost of the program:
Orientation upon arrival
Supplementary educational programming including
field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, and lectures
Educational support materials
Host family
Medical insurance
What’s not included in the cost of the program:
Flights to and from Israel
Personal transportation in Israel
Personal expenses
Special Interest Programs 39
The Betar Wingate Program
Location: Ra’anana
Duration: 5 months
Cost: $8,500
Estimated Masa Israel Grant: $3000
Accommodations: Included
Upcoming Program Dates: February-June &
September-January (5 months)
Open To: Ages 20-30
Contact Info:
Barak Cohen
Program coordinator: [email protected]
+972 2 679 2954
*Visit for exact dates
Betar Wingate: An Unprecedented Study And Cultural
Program In Israel
Expressed through a memorable sports and fitness
experience, Betar Wingate is a five-month long
program that also offers a dynamic and unique
perspective of Israel.
The program is specially designed for young people
from around the world who are between the ages
of 20 to 30 and speak English. They will reside in
Ra’anana and enjoy the total experience of living in the
central region of Israel. The social coordination from
the Betar movement will accompany participants
along with professional staff from the Wingate
Academic College.
Our program accepts applicants in the fields of
sports and health. At the end of the course work, each
participant will become a certified gym instructor—a
certification that’s recognized around the world. In
addition, participants will take a course in sports
management and will have the opportunity to take
40 Special Interest Programs
various classes at the campus, including spinning,
yoga, dance and more.
In addition to the sports component, students will
study in a special Hebrew Ulpan, as well as visit a
range of landmarks and other sites in Israel. In doing
so, they will get to know the State of Israel and its
society firsthand. At the same time, it will engage
Israeli students with a young, hip and dynamic cultural
Each of the classes will be held at the Wingate Academic
College, a noteworthy institution for professionals in
the field of sports.
What’s included in the cost of the program:
All courses offered by the program
Hebrew classes
Trips and seminars
Local health insurance (does not cover pre-existing
Accommodation in Ra’anana
What’s not included in the cost of the program:
Flights to and from Israel
Most meals
Mobile phone
Personal expenses
Hava and Adam Eco-Educational Farm
Location: Central Israel
Duration: Semester
Cost: $5,300
Estimated Masa Israel Grant: $1,000
Accommodations: Included
Upcoming Program Dates:
Fall: September-February*
Spring: February-July*
Open To: Ages 18-30
Contact Info:
Gili Chupak (718) 360-4558
[email protected]
*Visit for exact dates
What’s included in the cost of the program:
Orientation upon arrival
Intensive Hebrew language study
Supplementary educational programming including
field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, and lectures
Educational support materials
What’s not included in the cost of the program:
Medical insurance
Personal transportation in Israel
Personal expenses
Eco-Israel, the international program of the Hava
and Adam Eco-Educational Farm located halfway
between Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, is a five-month Masa
program that allows students to explore how ecology,
Judaism, and Israel blend together in a working model
of a self-sustaining ecological community. Eco-Israel
offers English-speaking young adults, ages 18-30, the
opportunity to embrace permaculture and sustainable
living through intensive hands-on experience and
coursework on an organic farm in Israel. Upon completion
of the program, participants receive an internationally
recognized certificate in Permaculture Design. The
Hava and Adam Eco-Educational Farm is completely
dependent upon the energy, creative resources, and
time of her residents. All members of the farm, including
a group of young Israelis on a year of service, share
responsibility in running the site and making it their
home. As a large family, Eco-Israel participants cook,
eat, and work alongside Israeli volunteers.
Special Interest Programs 41
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Rothberg International School
Location: Jerusalem
Duration: Semester or academic year
Cost: $7,900 + Ulpan fees (semester)
$12,500 + Ulpan fees (year)
Estimated Masa Israel Grant: $1,000
Accommodations: Not included (available for
an additional fee)
Upcoming Program Dates:
Semester: September-January*
Year: September-June*
Open To: High school graduates, undergraduate
university students, and University graduates
Contact Info:
Arlene Gorodenchik
+972 (0)2 588-2610 Fax: +972 (0)2 588-2363
*Visit for exact dates
ArtJerusalem, a joint initiative of the Bezalel Academy of
Arts and Design, Jerusalem, and the Hebrew University
of Jerusalem, Rothberg International School, combines
artistic training, university study, and first-hand
exposure to Israel’s challenging social, historical, and
cultural environment. Studies include a wide variety
of art courses in such areas as painting, sculpture,
drawing, and screen-printing. Art studies are offered at
basic and advanced levels. Students also choose from a
broad selection of university courses in religious, Israel
and Middle Eastern Studies, behavioral sciences, and
environmental studies, as well as Hebrew language. The
program begins with a month-long, intensive Hebrewlanguage course (Ulpan).
42 Special Interest Programs
What’s included in the cost of the program:
Orientation upon arrival
Intensive Hebrew language study
Supplementary educational programming including
field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, and lectures
Medical insurance
What’s not included in the cost of the program:
Flights to and from Israel
Personal transportation in Israel
Art supplies, books and personal expenses
The Israel Experience
Magen David Adom
Overseas Volunteer Program
Location: Tel Aviv
Duration: 5 months
Cost: $7,900
Estimated Masa Israel Grant: $1,000
Accommodations: Included
Upcoming Program Dates:
Session1: September–January*
Session2: February-July*
Open To: Ages 18-30
Contact Info:
+972 (0)2 621-6295
[email protected]
*Visit for exact dates
When did you last save a life? The Magen David
Adom Ambulance Volunteer Program in memory of
Yochai Porat, gives young adults ages 18-30 from all
over the world the opportunity to become medics
and to work on ambulances all over Israel as part
of MDA’s life-saving efforts. There are also options
to continue to higher levels of first-aid training
and to become first-aid instructors. This experience
and training can be invaluable in applications to
graduate schools in medical professions.
What’s included in the cost of the program:
Volunteer placement with Magen David Adom
(Israel’s ambulance service)
Certification as a medic
Hebrew language study
Accommodations for 5 months
Transportation in Israel
Supplementary educational programming including
trips, seminars, and lectures
Medical insurance
What’s not included in the cost of the program:
Flights to and from Israel
Meals and personal expenses
Masa Israel visa
Special Interest Programs 43
Israel Experience
Rimon Music Experience
Location: Tel Aviv
Duration: Academic year
Cost: $18,000
Estimated Masa Israel Grant: $1,000
Accommodations: Included
Upcoming Program Dates: September-July*
Open To: High school and University graduates,
undergraduate university students ages 18-30
Contact Info:
+972 (0)2-621-6907
[email protected]
*Visit for exact dates
Expose yourself to music and ideas that can be
found only in Israel. Open your mind and expand
your musical horizon through a new culture. The
Rimon Music Experience offers you the opportunity
to combine music studies with a long-term
Israel experience. The Rimon School of Jazz and
Contemporary Music, with 600 students and 90
faculty, is Israel’s largest independent, professional,
contemporary music school. Located in Ramat
Hasharon (a suburb of Tel Aviv), Rimon offers
seven majors: Composition and Arranging, Film
Scoring, Song Writing, Jazz Performance, General
Performance, Music Production and Engineering, and
a combined program of Composition Performance
and Music Production. A special articulation
agreement with Berklee College of Music in Boston
enables Rimon students to continue learning and
complete their degree at Berklee within two years.
Deserving students receive generous scholarships
towards their studies.
44 Special Interest Programs
What’s included in the cost of the program:
Orientation upon arrival
Intensive Hebrew language study
Supplementary educational programming including
field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, and lectures
Educational support materials
Personal transportation in Israel
Medical insurance
What’s not included in the cost of the program:
Flights to and from Israel
Masa Israel visa
Personal expenses
Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance
in cooperation with the
Rothberg International School,
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Location: Jerusalem
Duration: Semester or academic year
Cost: $7,900 + Ulpan fees (semester)
$13,000 + Ulpan fees (year)
Estimated Masa Israel Grant: $1,000
Accommodations: Not included (available for
an additional fee)
Upcoming Program Dates:
Semester: September-January*
Year: September-June*
Open To: Undergraduate university students
and University graduates
Contact Info:
Paul Bloom, (646) 425-1246
Arlene Gorodenchik
+972 (0)2 588-2610 Fax: +972 (0)2 588-2363
*Visit for exact dates
Sciences, and Environmental Studies, as well as Hebrew
Language. The program begins with a month-long, intensive
Hebrew-language course (Ulpan).
What’s included in the cost of the program:
Orientation upon arrival
Supplementary educational programming including
field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, and lectures
Medical insurance
Intensive Hebrew language study
What’s not included in the cost of the program:
Flights to and from Israel
Personal transportation in Israel
Masa Israel visa
Books and personal expenses
DanceJerusalem, initiated jointly by the Rothberg
International School and the Jerusalem Academy of Music
and Dance, combines artistic training in dance technique
and creativity with academic exposure to Israel’s challenging
social, historical, and cultural environment. DanceJerusalem
offers university-level training in the disciplines of Classical
Ballet, Contemporary Dance (including Ohad Naharin’s
GaGa), Choreography, Repertoire, and Improvisation. Within
the framework of a comprehensive survey course, “Dance
in Israel,” students create, rehearse, and perform works
with outstanding Israeli composers and choreographers.
Students can choose from a wide range of academic courses
in Religious, Israel and Middle Eastern Studies, Behavioral
Special Interest Programs 45
Kibbutz Contemporary Dance Company
Dance Journey
Location: Kibbutz Ga’aton, northern Israel
Duration: 5 or 9 months
Cost: $7,800 (5 months) $10,500 (9 months)
Estimated Masa Israel Grant: $1,000
Accommodations: Included
Upcoming Program Dates:
Five months: February-June*
Nine months: September–January*
Open To: Ages 18-26
Contact Info:
Yehuda Maor
+972 (0)52 637-6130
[email protected]
[email protected]
*Visit for exact dates
Discover yourself as an artist while experiencing the
unique dance culture of Israel. Dance Journey is a
vibrant dance program for dancers with at least five
years of ballet training. Housed in the Galilee Dance
Village in northern Israel, and part of the Kibbutz
Contemporary Dance Company’s Dance Center, the
program offers a comprehensive general education in
dance, including classical ballet, contemporary dance,
yoga/pilates, repertory, repertoire, improvisation, and
dance composition. A specialized course in Israeli dance
history and music supplements the curriculum. With
its direct relationship to one of Israel’s most esteemed
choreographers, Rami Be’er, this dance program stands
alone in offering students access to a choreographer as
he develops a new ballet.
46 Special Interest Programs
What’s included in the cost of the program:
Orientation upon arrival
A variety of cooking classes
Intensive Hebrew language study
Dormitory accommodations at Kibbutz Ga’aton
for the duration of the program
Supplementary educational programming
including field trips, overnight hikes, seminars,
and lectures
Medical insurance
What’s not included in the cost of the program:
Flights to and from Israel
Personal transportation in Israel
Meals and personal expenses
Personal expenses
Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance
in cooperation with the
Rothberg International School,
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Jerusalem Sounds
Location: Jerusalem
Duration: Semester or academic year
Cost: $8,750 + Ulpan fees (semester)
$14,500 + Ulpan fees (year)
Estimated Masa Israel Grant: $1,000
Accommodations: Not included (available for
an additional fee)
Upcoming Program Dates:
Semester: September-January*
Year: September-June*
Open To: Undergraduate and graduate music
Contact Info:
Paul Bloom, (646) 425-1246
Arlene Gorodenchik
+972 (0)2 588-2610 Fax: +972 (0)2 588-2363
What’s included in the cost of the program:
Orientation upon arrival
Supplementary educational programming including
field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, and lectures
Medical insurance
Intensive Hebrew language study
What’s not included in the cost of the program:
Flights to and from Israel
Personal transportation in Israel
Masa Israel visa
Books and personal expenses
*Visit for exact dates
Jerusalem Sounds, an initiative of the Jerusalem
Academy of Music and Dance and the Hebrew
University of Jerusalem’s Rothberg International
School, includes a full music program consisting
of individual instruction, performance in small
and large ensembles, and classes in Jewish and
Israeli music. Students can also choose from a
wide range of university courses in Religion, Israel
and Middle Eastern Studies, Behavioural Sciences,
and Environmental Studies, as well as Hebrew
Language. The program begins with a month-long,
intensive Hebrew-language course (Ulpan).
Special Interest Programs 47
Lotan Center for Creative Ecology
Green Apprenticeship
Location: Arava
Duration: 5 months
Cost: $6,750
Estimated Masa Israel Grant: $1,000
Accommodations: Included
Upcoming Program Dates: February-July*
Open To: Ages 18-30
Contact Info:
Leah Zigmond, +972 (0)54 979-9024
[email protected]
*Visit for exact dates
The Green Apprenticeship trains participants to
understand and create alternative solutions to issues
facing the modern world. By incorporating both
theoretical studies and hands-on experiences, the Green
Apprenticeship provides a solid background in every
aspect of Green living. Topics covered include: Organic
gardening; composting; permaculture; ecological design
techniques; natural and alternative building; sustainable
technologies; community design, and environmental
ethics. Participants also gain project management
skills with individual and group permaculture design
projects. Additionally, the program includes: Two hours/
week of Hebrew instruction; culture and history of the
land of Israel; educational trips to other areas of the
country; connections to community members through
participation in kibbutz vocations; Volunteering in the
wider Israeli community; and, an opportunity to gain
valuable teaching experience by becoming counselors
in the Center for Creative Ecology’s Summer Informal
Education Experience. Participants receive internationally
recognized Permaculture Design and Ecovillage Design
Education certificates.
48 Special Interest Programs
What’s included in the cost of the program:
Educational materials
Supplementary trips within the scope of the
Hebrew instruction, two hours a week
Room and full board
What’s not included in the cost of the program:
Medical insurance (required)
Student visa (required)
Personal expenses and travel
Flights to and from Israel
Nitzana Educational Community
Desert Sports Challenge
Location: Negev
Duration: 5 months
Cost: $8,225
Estimated Masa Israel Grant: $1,000
Accommodations: Included
Upcoming Program Dates: October-March*
Open To: Ages 18-26
Contact Info:
Karen Kellerman
+972 8 656-1445
[email protected]
What’s included in the cost of the program:
Intensive Hebrew language study
Supplementary educational programming including
field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, and lectures
Medical insurance
What’s not included in the cost of the program:
*Visit for exact dates
Flights to and from Israel
Personal transportation in Israel
Personal expenses
Looking for an experience that combines sports
activities in the desert, studying Hebrew, touring
Israel, and learning about Israeli culture? Desert
Sports Challenge, based in southern Israel’s
Negev desert, offers you theoretical and hands-on
instructions in activities such as rappelling, offroad jeeping, diving, navigation, mountain biking,
swimming, and running. In addition, you will spend
three mornings a week studying Hebrew and your
evenings exploring Israeli culture through dance,
pottery, and social activities.
Special Interest Programs 49
Shalom College
Krav Maga Israel
Location: Central Israel
Duration: Semester
Cost: $9,650
Estimated Masa Israel Grant: $1,000
Accommodations: Included
Upcoming Program Dates:
Session 1: January-May*
Session 2: August-December*
Open To: High school graduates, undergraduate
university students, and University graduates (21+)
Contact Info:
Dror Shalom or Yael Lobel
+972 (0)77 205-7001
[email protected]
*Visit for exact dates
Krav Maga Israel is a 5-month program for anybody
from the ages 18-25, in all skill levels, with no previous
experience required. Participants will increase their
confidence, health, and leadership skills through the
practice of Krav Maga while immersing themselves
in the beauty of Israel. This program is designed to
sharpen reflexes, senses, and level of physical strength
and performance through Krav Maga. Participants
will learn how to “think outside of the dojo (training
studio)” and use Krav Maga in a multitude of settings,
such as in a car, on an airplane, outdoors, in water,
and at night. Participants will receive a unique Krav
Maga Trainer Certificate upon completion of the
program. Krav Maga Israel is the only program of its
kind to offer this certification! In addition to learning
Krav Maga, participants will have the opportunity to
take tours around Israel, experience the country’s rich
culture and history, and learn Hebrew.
50 Special Interest Programs
What’s included in the cost of the program:
Orientation upon arrival
Intensive Hebrew language study
Supplementary educational programming including
field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, and lectures
Personal transportation in Israel
Medical insurance
What’s not included in the cost of the program:
Educational support materials
Flights to and from Israel
Masa Israel visa
Personal expenses
Garin Tzabar
Location: Multiple regions
Duration: One year of preparation and
then army
Cost: $700
Estimated Masa Israel Grant: $1,000
Accommodations: Included
Upcoming Program Dates: July-August*
Open To: High school graduates ages 17-19
Contact Info:
[email protected]
*Visit for exact dates
The members of your Garin Tzabar, a group for
Diaspora Jews and children of Israelis who choose
to spend signficant time in Israel and serve in the
IDF, are adopted by the Israel Scouts and placed
in a hosting kibbutz that quickly becomes their
home away from home throughout the duration
of their army service. Once arriving in Israel, your
Garin unit is helped through your absorption into
the state of Israel. You will participate in seminars
with educators and soldiers to build a solid Garin
unit and to prepare for your army service. Members
of the Garin will also build a solid foundation of
Hebrew and Israeli history and culture. The program
is largely funded by the Ministry of Immigrant
What’s included in the cost of the program:
Orientation upon arrival
Intensive Hebrew language study
Supplementary educational programming including
field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, and lectures
Educational support materials
Host family
Medical insurance
What’s not included in the cost of the program:
Flights to and from Israel
Personal transportation in Israel
Masa Israel visa
Personal expenses
Special Interest Programs 51
Religious Studies
Programs for Men
A note about program costs: Prices are subject to change.
Please contact program organizers for the current pricing.
Aliyah and Integration Program at Keshet
Yehuda Pre Military Yeshiva
Location: Ramat HaGolan
Duration: Academic year
Cost: $18,900
Estimated Masa Israel Grant: $1,000
Accommodations: Included
Upcoming Program Dates: August-June*
Open To: High school graduates
Contact Info:
Avraham Venismach
[email protected],
*Visit for exact dates
The Aliyah and Integration Program at Mechinat Keshet
Yehuda is for young religious men who are thinking about
making Aliyah, serving in the IDF but wanting to “test the
waters” before making any commitments. You’ll feel what
it’s like to live like an Israeli, develop close relationships with
the rabbis and form lifelong friendships. When you are ready
to make Aliyah, we help you by working hand in hand with
all the agencies that are relevant to you, including Nefesh
B’Nefesh, the IDF, etc. Improve your Hebrew by living with
over 100 Israeli’s your age and by attending our on campus
Ulpan. (Please note that Israeli Pre-Army academies are
not at all like a “boot camp,” but rather a relaxed, collegetype environment.) This is your chance to make your own
decisions about your growth, with a full schedule of Torah
learning, pre-army training (no guns), trips around Israel,
camping, hiking and other exciting, fun, and challenging
activities! In order make the integration work; our program
is very selective and accepts only 15-20 English speakers.
Mechinat Keshet Yehuda is one of the most well-known
and respected pre-military religious academies in Israel
with close to 2,000 graduated students since its founding
in 1992. Most graduates go on to serve in combat units and
many make it into elite units and become officers.
What’s included in the cost of the program:
Torah classes in English
Hebrew classes
Pre-Army training (No guns)
Enlistment advice
Supplementary educational programming, including
field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, and lectures
to help strengthen your connection with Israel
Host family
Other included features:
Transportation to and from campus on Shabbats
and holidays
Professional fitness training
Outdoor survival training course
Washer and dryer on campus
What’s not included in the cost of the program:
Flights to and from Israel
Medical insurance
Masa Israel visa
Personal expenses
Religious Studies Programs for Men 53
Atzei Rachel
Derech Etz Chaim
Location: Jerusalem
Duration: Academic year
Cost: $22,000
Estimated Masa Israel Grant: $1,000
Accommodations: Included
Upcoming Program Dates: August-June*
Open To: High school graduates
Contact Info:
[email protected]
*Visit for exact dates
Yeshivat Derech Etz Chaim is an ambitious and
exciting learning program that gives you the
ability and confidence to carry on learning Torah
independently. The program offers close guidance
on a continual course of growth that incorporates
Torah as a means for individual development.
Through close kesher (connection) with your Rebbes,
coupled with a dynamic learning environment and
small classes, you will lay the foundation upon
which your future learning will firmly stand.
Religious Studies Programs for Men
What’s included in the cost of the program:
Orientation upon arrival
Intensive Hebrew language study
Supplementary educational programming including
field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, and lectures
Other included features:
Intensive Gemara study and additional courses
Meals and dormitory accommodations for the
duration of the program
Fitness facilities
Medical insurance
What’s not included in the cost of the program:
Flights to and from Israel
Masa Israel visa
Beit Levi Yizhak
Netiv Hageula
Location: Tzfat
Duration: 2 semesters
Cost: $12,000 (year)
Estimated Masa Israel Grant: $1,000
Accommodations: Included
Upcoming Program Dates: August-July*
Open To: High school graduates
Contact Info:
Beit Levi Yizhak
[email protected]
*Visit for exact dates
The Levi Yitzhak Institute was established in 1977.
Our institution sees a strong Jewish education in
leadership to be the cornerstone of the future of the
Jewish nation. In the early eighties, we established a
special department for foreign students. The program is
successfully running to this day. Our goal is to educate
our students in authentic Jewish values, with a strong
and clear Jewish identity, and to provide education in
giving and outreach that will bring out their personal
commitment to being a “lamplighter” and to elevate his
standing back at home in his community or where ever
he may choose. Our program puts a special emphasis
on leadership and outreach skills. Throughout the
course of the program, the students participate in
many volunteer and outreach activities. In addition, our
students are exposed to Israeli culture, learn the land
of Israel and experience its holy and historical sites,
meet and get to know the components that make up
the Israeli community, and recognize the importance of
Yiddishkiet. This all attributes to their acknowledgment
of the role of leadership within the community.
What’s included in the cost of the program:
Intensive Hebrew language study
Supplementary educational programming including
field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, and lectures
Educational support materials
Medical insurance
What’s not included in the cost of the program:
Orientation upon arrival
Flights to and from Israel
Personal transportation in Israel
Masa Israel visa
Personal expenses
Religious Studies Programs for Men 55
Yeshivat Orayta
Location: Jerusalem
Duration: Academic year
Cost: $23,500
Estimated Masa Israel Grant: $1,000
Accommodations: Included
Upcoming Program Dates: August-June*
Open To: High school graduates
Contact Info:
[email protected]
Rings in Israel
Orientation upon arrival
Supplementary educational programming including
field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, and lectures
Educational support materials
Other included features:
*Visit for exact dates
Orayta, located in the Old City of Jerusalem overlooking the
Kotel, is housed in a magnificent 900-year-old Crusader
building with an incredible view of the Temple Mount (Har
Habayit), the Mount of Olives (Har Hazeitim), and the Judean
Desert. At Orayta students will develop leadership skills and
become philosophically equipped to cope with the challenges
of living a Torah life in a modern secular world. Students will
be introduced to a wide range of Jewish thinkers including the
teachings of Rav Abraham Isaac Kook, Rabbi J.B. Soloveitchik,
and the Chassidic Masters. At Orayta, students will understand
why they learn Gemara and the vital role it plays in their
personal development. The year will not simply focus on
one or two tractates. Rather, we will probe sections selected
from the entire Talmud that are relevant to the student’s life
and typify the gamut of archetypical modalities of Talmudic
logic. At Orayta, the student’s study of Emunah (faith and
philosophy), Chumash and Nach (Bible) is undertaken with
the same serious depth of intellectual intensity as the study of
Talmud. At Orayta, no question is out of bounds. Students are
encouraged to ask any and every question necessary to forge
their own unique individualized relationship with Hashem,
Torah life, and Eretz Yisrael.
What’s included in the cost of the program:
Religious Studies Programs for Men
Ulpan Torani
Massive digital library
Student lounge
Safe in every dorm room
Chesed activities
Weekly Israel advocacy courses
What’s not included in the cost of the program:
Flights to and from Israel
Medical insurance
Personal transportation in Israel
Personal expenses
Cell phone rental
Jerusalem College of Technology
Machon Lev Israel College
Location: Jerusalem
Duration: Semester or academic year
Cost: $9,500
Estimated Masa Israel Grant: $1,000
Accommodations: Included
Upcoming Program Dates: August-June*
Open To: Men ages 17-29
Contact Info:
Rabbi Shalom Miller, +972 (0)52 899-6502
[email protected]
*Visit for exact dates
Machon Lev is the oldest of the Jerusalem College
of Technology’s academic institutions for men.
Graduates enter industry and contribute to science
and technology in Israel with high Jewish ethics.
Combine your Torah studies in the framework of a
Yeshiva Gevoha with academic studies towards a
Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering or Management.
Machon Lev offers its technology curriculum in the
most advanced fields utilized in Israel’s high-tech
industries and its comprehensive Judaic Studies
curriculum includes Talmudic Texts Commentaries,
Response Jewish Philosophy, and Business Ethics.
Machon Lev serves the entire spectrum of the
religious community in Israel and around the world.
What’s included in the cost of the program:
Orientation upon arrival
Intensive Hebrew language study
Supplementary educational programming including
field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, and lectures
Educational support materials
Other included features:
Additional academic services
Shabbat and yom tov programming
What’s not included in the cost of the program:
Flights to and from Israel
Medical insurance
Personal transportation in Israel
Masa Israel visa
Personal expenses
Religious Studies Programs for Men 57
Foreign Language Program
Location: Jerusalem
Duration: Semester or academic year
Cost: $8,000 (semester) $10,000 (year)
Estimated Masa Israel Grant: $1,000
Accommodations: Included
Upcoming Program Dates: Rolling*
Open To: High school graduates,
undergraduate university students, and
University graduates (18+)
Contact Info:
Israel: R’ Oren Halevy
+972 (0)50 307-1513 +972 (0)2 646-1317
[email protected]
[email protected]
*Visit for exact dates
An exciting opportunity for you to study Judaism and
Hebrew in a truly Zionist environment. The Machon
Meir English Department caters to newcomers with
little previous Jewish studies background, as well
as students with more advanced skills. We provide
Jewish studies in the morning, followed by Hebrew
Ulpan studies in the afternoon. At Machon Meir,
you will have the opportunity to be immersed in an
Israeli environment while still studying in English.
Regularly scheduled trips are an integral part of the
program to enable you to get to know the Land of
Israel up close and develop a true love for the land
and the people of Israel. Room, board, and Ulpan
studies are all located on our beautiful campus
in Kiryat Moshe, just minutes from downtown
Religious Studies Programs for Men
What’s included in the cost of the program:
Orientation upon arrival
Intensive Hebrew language study
Supplementary educational programming including
field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, and lectures
Educational support materials
Host family
Other included features:
Room and board
What’s not included in the cost of the program:
Flights to and from Israel
Medical insurance
Personal transportation in Israel
Masa Israel visa
Personal expenses
Mechinat Yeud
Location: Efrat- Gush Etzion
Duration: Academic year
Cost: $22,000
Estimated Masa Israel Grant: $1,000
Accommodations: Included
Upcoming Program Dates: August-June*
Open To: Men ages 17-20
Contact Info:
Josh Ettinger—Program Director
[email protected]
+972 (0)52 599-4259
*Visit for exact dates
Mechinat Yeud is a “mechina” or “preparation”
program for post high school young men with an
Orthodox background that are looking to both learn
and to grow into young Jewish leaders. Modeled
after the pre-army “mechina” programs in Israel, this
program is appropriate for serious boys who would
like to add to their daily Torah study, participate
in a serious volunteer program, strengthen their
leadership skills, as well as participate in some
challenging physical training in order to be better
prepared for the challenges of life. The atmosphere
is quite “Israeli” (we are located on the same
campus as the Israeli Hesder Yeshiva “Machaniam”)
and gives training in leadership as well as offers a
variety of Torah learning.
What’s included in the cost of the program:
Orientation upon arrival
Daily study of Jewish topics including Talmud,
tanach, Jewish Philosophy, Halacha, religious
Zionism, and prayer
Army training
Krav maga/martial arts
Treks, survival course
Intensive Hebrew study
Meals and dormitory accommodations for the
duration of the program
Supplementary educational programming including
field trips, overnight hikes, seminars and lectures
Volunteer placement
What’s not included in the cost of the program:
Flight to and from Israel
Personal transportation in Israel
Personal expenses
Medical insurance
Religious Studies Programs for Men 59
Midreshet Lindenbaum
Darkaynu for Men
Location: Jerusalem
Duration: Academic year
Cost: 84,000 NIS (price in dollars available
upon request)
Estimated Masa Israel Grant: $1,000
Accommodations: Included
Upcoming Program Dates: August-June*
Open To: Men ages 17-19 with special needs
Contact Info:
Midreshet HaRova
+972 (0)2 626-5970
[email protected]
*Visit for exact dates
Midreshet Lindenbaum offers a combination of
a rigorous, challenging learning program and a
supportive religious environment that encourages
students to develop and to delve into study, to
discuss and to debate, and ultimately to decide
on a more mature and profound commitment to
Torah and Mitzvot. Midreshet Darkaynu is a new
and innovative program developed for religious
young men and women with special needs who are
looking for the perfect way to spend a year in Israel.
The program is designed for students who want to
continue their learning, develop vocational skills,
build independence, improve self-esteem, and
expand their love of Israel and the Jewish people.
Religious Studies Programs for Men
What’s included in the cost of the program:
Orientation upon arrival
Intensive Hebrew language study
Supplementary educational programming including
field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, and lectures
Educational support materials
Host family
Medical insurance
What’s not included in the cost of the program:
Flights to and from Israel
Personal expenses
Neveh Zion
Location: Jerusalem
Duration: Academic year
Cost: $22,000
Estimated Masa Israel Grant: $1,000
Accommodations: Included
Upcoming Program Dates: September-June*
Open To: High school graduates
Contact Info:
United States and Israel:
Rabbi Moshe Prager (917) 685-6581
Rabbi Avraham Falk (347) 325-0039
[email protected]
*Visit for exact dates
Neveh Zion creates a positive, encouraging, and
accepting environment in which students can
reconnect with themselves and move forward to
achieve success in life. The Neveh staff carefully
monitors the progress of each student and addresses
the disillusionment that troubles many youth today.
Our students are able to explore issues that are
important to them and find answers to questions
that will shape their outlook and help them grow.
Our goal is to help each student develop his skills
and find his own niche in Torah Study. We offer
different tracks for Gemara learning from beginner
to advanced. Neveh Zion’s program is designed
to accommodate students who are working and
striving to strengthen their commitment to living a
Torah lifestyle.
What’s included in the cost of the program:
Supplementary educational programming including
field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, and lectures
Educational support materials
Other included features:
Fully equipped workout room
A music room including keyboards, drums, and
What’s not included in the cost of the program:
Flights to and from Israel
Medical insurance
Personal transportation in Israel
Personal expenses
Religious Studies Programs for Men 61
Ohr Somayach
Location: Jerusalem
Duration: Academic year
Cost: $11,400 (semester) $22,800 (year)
Estimated Masa Israel Grant: $1,000
Accommodations: Included
Upcoming Program Dates: August-June*
Open To: Men ages 17-19
Contact Info:
United States: Rabbi Yitzchok Friedman
(917) 687-6319, [email protected]
England: Rabbi Yossi Pincus
020 8458 4588, [email protected]
*Visit for exact dates
The Derech Institute for Torah Studies at Ohr
Somayach is designed for motivated post-high school
students who may not have had a strong formal Jewish
education but have the intellectual capabilities and
motivation to independently study classical Jewish
texts. The Derech experience combines serious
skill-oriented and information-packed inspirational
study with a fun-filled Israel experience. We have
regular tiyulim, some which are educational and
some that are just for fun. Daily, in-depth shiurim
in Talmud, Mishnah, and Gemara will not only help
you build your vocabulary, reading skills, and textual
analysis, but will also provide you with background
information and an introduction to the fascinating
world of fundamental Talmudic commentaries. In
addition, our daily academic program also combines
philosophy, Jewish History, ulpan, etc., on an elective
basis. Chesed (community service) activities are also
an integral part of the curriculum.
Religious Studies Programs for Men
What’s included in the cost of the program:
Orientation upon arrival
What’s not included in the cost of the program:
Educational support materials
Flights to and from Israel
Medical insurance
Masa Israel visa
Ohr Torah Stone
Yeshivat Torat Yosef–Hamivtar
Location: Jerusalem
Duration: Academic year
Cost: $7,500 (semester) $15,000 (year)
Estimated Masa Israel Grant: $1,000
Accommodations: Included
Upcoming Program Dates: September-July*
Open To: High school and University graduates
ages 21 and up
Contact Info:
Yair Spitz
+972 (0)2 993-3462, +972 (0)50 201-0302
[email protected]
*Visit for exact dates
For the past 30 years, Yeshivat Torat Yosef-Hamivtar
has been empowering young men to study Talmud
and other classic Torah texts in a methodical and
systematic way. Our faculty gives each student
the attention needed to grow intellectually
and spiritually in a manner deeply respectful of
individuality. At Yeshivat Hamivtar, you will: learn
how to understand and analyze Jewish texts, grow
spiritually, and understand modernity and the State
of Israel.
What’s included in the cost of the program:
Orientation upon arrival
Supplementary educational programming including
field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, and lectures
What’s not included in the cost of the program:
Intensive Hebrew language study
Educational support materials
Flights to and from Israel
Medical insurance
Personal transportation in Israel
Personal expenses
Religious Studies Programs for Men 63
Shalom Rav
Eretz Avotenu
Location: Old City, Tsfat
Duration: Academic year plus summer option
Cost: $21,000
Estimated Masa Israel Grant: $1,000
Accommodations: Included
Upcoming Program Dates: September-June*
Open To: Men 17 and up
Contact Info:
Rabbi Avraham Shimon Weingot
[email protected]
*Visit for exact dates
Yeshiva Shalom Rav has a wide array of courses
including Gemara, Mishnah, Chumash, Tanach,
Halachah, Philosophy, Ethics, and Contemporary Issues.
Yeshiva Shalom Rav has an open philosophy enhancing
one’s love of Torah, the Jewish people, and Israel. You
will receive personal attention, actualize your potential
in learning with the help of personal tutors and
mentors, deepen your understanding and appreciation
of Shabbat and the Yomim Tovim, and access and
explore the dimensions of your Jewish identity.
Religious Studies Programs for Men
What’s included in the cost of the program:
Orientation upon arrival
Hebrew language study
Supplementary programming including field trips,
overnight hikes, seminars, and lectures
Educational support materials
What’s not included in the cost of the program:
Flights to and from Israel
Medical insurance
Personal transportation in Israel
Personal expenses
Yedidei Yeshivat Ohr Yerushalayim
Location: Moshav Beit Meir
Duration: Academic year
Cost: $23,000
Estimated Masa Israel Grant: $1,000
Accommodations: Included
Upcoming Program Dates: September-June*
Open To: High school graduates
Contact Info:
Mr Sigi Bessler
[email protected]
*Visit for exact dates
Ohr Yerushalayim is a Beit Midrash program for
students from the United States and other AngloSaxon countries who wish to spend a year or more of
intensive study in Israel. It is located on Moshav Beit
Meir, a religious moshav situated in the Judean hills,
about 9 miles from Jerusalem off the Jerusalem- Tel
Aviv highway. Its goal is to emphasize the primacy
of high-level Torah study and love of Klal Yisrael and
Eretz Yisrael. The primary objective of Yeshivat Ohr
Yerushalayim is to provide its students with a highly
intensive learning atmosphere in combination with
very personalized instruction. The emphasis of
study at Ohr Yerushalayim is on the acquisition of
the requisite learning skills for proper independent
study. A deep-rooted love of Eretz Yisrael is
developed via a number of tiyulim, Shabbatonim
and field trips throughout the country, plus contact
with the moshav adjoining the yeshiva.
What’s included in the cost of the program:
Orientation upon arrival
Intensive Hebrew language study
Supplementary educational programming including
field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, and lectures
What’s not included in the cost of the program:
Flights to and from Israel
Medical insurance
Personal transportation in Israel
Personal expenses
Seforim fees
Religious Studies Programs for Men 65
Yeshiva Beis Menachem
Location: Jerusalem
Duration: Semester or academic year
Cost: $6,250 (semester) $12,500 (year)
Estimated Masa Israel Grant: $1,000
Accommodations: Included
Upcoming Program Dates: April-0ctober*
Open To: High school graduates and
undergraduate university students
Contact Info:
Yeshiva Beis Menachem
+972 (0)52-262-7706
*Visit for exact dates
The RAP programs are geared for the type of bochur
that may or may not have had much success in
the conventional yeshiva environment and needs a
place that will cater specifically to him. As such, the
RAP offers a full program of Niglah and Chasidus
with an emphasis on our very successful Smicha
program. Students will be able to strive and achieve
in both the rabbinic degree as well as a thorough
Judaic studies degree. In addition, extra curricular
courses cover a wide range of academia and life
lessons in fields ranging from music to volunteer
work. The rabbi’s positive approach and loving care
and attention given to each of his students has
made the program a huge success over the years
and one of Chabad’s best kept secrets.
Religious Studies Programs for Men
What’s included in the cost of the program:
Orientation upon arrival
Supplementary educational programming including
field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, and lectures
Educational support materials
Personal transportation in Israel
Medical insurance
What’s not included in the cost of the program:
Flights to and from Israel
Personal expenses
Yeshivat Ateret Yerushalayim
Location: Jerusalem
Duration: Academic year
Cost: $20,000
Estimated Masa Israel Grant: $1,000
Accommodations: Included
Upcoming Program Dates: August-June*
Open To: Orthodox men ages 17-20
Contact Info:
(718) 689-1356, Rings in Israel
[email protected]
*Visit for exact dates
Yeshivat Ateret Yerushalayim offers a unique
opportunity for young Orthodox men interested
in developing mastery of, and self-sufficiency in,
learning Gemara, Halacha, Chumash, Machshava,
and more. Experienced and dedicated teachers who
bring Torah teaching and application to life provide
each student with individual attention. In addition,
there is the opportunity to participate as an active
contributing member of the yeshiva community.
Special activities, Shabbatot, tiyulim, and sports
make building a tangible connection to Eretz Yisrael
an integral part of the curriculum.
What’s included in the cost of the program:
Orientation upon arrival
Supplementary educational programming including
field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, and lectures
What’s not included in the cost of the program:
Intensive Hebrew language study
Educational support materials
Flights to and from Israel
Medical insurance
Personal transportation in Israel
Masa Israel visa
Personal expenses
Religious Studies Programs for Men 67
Yeshivat Birkat Moshe
Shana Ba’aretz
Location: Ma’ale Adumim
Duration: Eleven months
Cost: $22,000
Estimated Masa Israel Grant: $1,000
Accommodations: Included
Upcoming Program Dates: August-June*
Open To: Young men ages 17-20
Contact Info:
Rabbi Gilad Gross
[email protected]
*Visit for exact dates
The overseas program at Birkat Moshe allows young
Orthodox men from abroad to take full advantage
of the yeshiva’s unique educational program in
intensive Talmudic study. Students integrate fully
into the regular Israeli program, with international
and Israeli students interacting as a single student
body. Overseas students study in Israeli shiurim and
usually participate in at least three daily chevrutot.
Students contribute to the community of Ma’ale
Adumim, giving shiurim, tutoring, doing guard duty,
and planting trees. While fluency in Hebrew is not
required, incoming students should have a working
knowledge of the language.
Religious Studies Programs for Men
What’s included in the cost of the program:
Orientation on arrival
Intensive Talmudic study
Meals and accommodations for the duration of the
Volunteer placement
Supplementary educational programming including
field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, and lectures
Medical insurance
What’s not included in the cost of the program:
Flights to and from Israel
Personal expenses
Israel visa
Yeshivat Eretz HaTzvi
Location: Jerusalem
Duration: Academic year
Cost: 86,750 NIS (approximately $24,000)
Estimated Masa Israel Grant: $1,000
Accommodations: Included
Upcoming Program Dates: August-June*
Open To: Men ages 17-20
Contact Info:
Rabbi Todd Berman
+972 (0)2-679-1424
+972 (0)52-598-4441
[email protected]
*Visit for exact dates
Yeshivat Eretz Hatzvi is dedicated to instilling
students with a commitment to Avodat HaShem
and a love for Torah learning, empowering them to
become Jewish leaders by developing their skills in
Jewish learning and their love of Am Yisrael, Torat
Yisrael, and Eretz Yisrael, preparing them for success
in college and in their future. The curriculum places
a major emphasis on teaching the skills that will
enable you to pursue independent study. In addition
to Gemara, Limud Tanach, Halacha, Machshava and
leadership development figure prominently.
What’s included in the cost of the program:
Orientation upon arrival
Intensive Hebrew language study
Supplementary educational programming including
field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, and lectures
Educational support materials
What’s not included in the cost of the program:
Flights to and from Israel
Medical insurance
Personal transportation in Israel
Personal expenses
Religious Studies Programs for Men 69
Yeshivat Hakotel
Location: Jerusalem
Duration: Academic year
Cost: $21,500
Estimated Masa Israel Grant: $1,000
Accommodations: Included
Upcoming Program Dates: August-June*
Open To: Men ages 17-20
Contact Info:
Mrs. Shoshanah Selavan, Office Manager
[email protected]
*Visit for exact dates
Yeshivat Hakotel aims to cultivate Yirat Shamayim
and Avodat Hashem as a part of life by developing
the students’ appreciation of Talmud Torah and its
connection to Am Yisrael and Eretz Yisrael. Talmidim
will become familiar with the basics of Tanach,
Torah She’baal Peh, Halacha, Jewish Philosophy and
ussar while developing the ability for independent
study in all of these fields. The Yeshiva offers a
large number of shiurim in subjects other than
Gemara and helps students build a schedule most
appropriate to them. Although the average boy will
generally spend around 80 percent of his time on
Talmud, there are many who devote up to half their
time to other subjects.
Religious Studies Programs for Men
What’s included in the cost of the program:
Orientation upon arrival
Intensive Hebrew language study
Supplementary educational programming including
field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, and lectures
Medical insurance
What’s not included in the cost of the program:
Flights to and from Israel
Personal transportation in Israel
Personal expenses
Yeshivat Har Etzion
The Dr. William Major
Overseas Program
Location: Alon Shevut, Gush Etzion
Duration: Academic year
Cost: $22,000
Estimated Masa Israel Grant: $1,000
Accommodations: Included
Upcoming Program Dates: August-July*
Open To: Men ages 17-20
Contact Info:
+972 (0)2 993-7300
[email protected]
*Visit for exact dates
Yeshivat Har Etzion is one of the largest Hesder
Yeshivot in Israel, where students combine their
army service with advanced Yeshiva study in a fiveyear program. In addition to the Israeli students,
more than 120 students from overseas come for a
year or two after high school to immerse themselves
in the atmosphere of the Yeshiva, thriving on the
warm camaraderie and open, challenging approach
to learning. They come from North America,
England, France, South Africa, Switzerland,
Australia and other countries. Many return to the
Yeshiva after university for further study, preparing
to become community leaders, rabbis, and Jewish
educators through the Yeshiva’s Kollel and its
affiliated Herzog College.
What’s included in the cost of the program:
Orientation upon arrival
Intensive Hebrew language study
Supplementary educational programming including
field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, and lectures
Educational support materials
Host family
Medical insurance
What’s not included in the cost of the program:
Flights to and from Israel
Personal transportation in Israel
Personal expenses
Religious Studies Programs for Men 71
Yeshivat Kerem B’Yavneh
Overseas Program
Location: Central Israel
Duration: Academic year
Cost: $21,500
Estimated Masa Israel Grant: $1,000
Accommodations: Included
Upcoming Program Dates: August-July*
Open To: Orthodox men ages 17-20
Contact Info:
American Friends of Yeshivat Kerem B’Yavneh
Rabbi Marc Volk, Executive Director
(718) 645-3130
[email protected]
*Visit for exact dates
Kerem B’Yavneh is an elite center for high-level
Torah learning with a rich tradition of devoted,
intensive learning in a vibrant Beit Midrash. It is
an Israeli-style Yeshivat Hesder with a Zionistic
outlook that strives to develop the student’s ability
to learn Gemara and Rishonim independently on an
in-depth, sophisticated level. The Beit Midrash is
the center of the wider yeshiva community, uniting
the bachurim, the kollel families, and the families
of the ramim and staff. The spirit of learning spills
over into all the corners of the green campus,
with casual discussion of the Gemara and Jewish
thought and weekly informal learning, Shabbat
meals, Friday night tishes, and melave malkasin the
homes of rebbeim and sganei mashgichim. The Beit
Midrash remains the unquestionable nucleus of
yeshiva life.
Religious Studies Programs for Men
What’s included in the cost of the program:
Orientation upon arrival
Intensive Hebrew language study
Supplementary educational programming including
field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, and lectures
Host family
Medical insurance
Other included features:
Room and board
What’s not included in the cost of the program:
Educational support materials
Flights to and from Israel
Personal transportation in Israel
Masa Israel visa
Personal expenses
Yeshivat Ma’alot
Overseas Program
Location: Ma’alot
Duration: Academic year
Cost: $15,900
Estimated Masa Israel Grant: $1,000
Accommodations: Included
Upcoming Program Dates: August-June*
Open To: Men ages 17-22
Contact Info:
Ariel Friedman
+972 4 997-9708 x9
[email protected]
*Visit for exact dates
Yeshivat Ma’alot is located in the town of Ma’alot,
in the hills of the Galilee. The yeshiva is home to
over 200 Hesder students who combine Torah
learning and army service. Students learn Gemara,
Tanach, Emunah, Hashkafa and Halacha. The
Overseas Program at Yeshivat Ma’alot offers a
unique opportunity to be fully integrated in the
Yeshiva’s Israeli track while still receiving the
personal attention and warmth that overseas
students deserve. The devoted staff is at the
students’ side throughout the day, both during
shiurim and chevrutot, to maximize their learning
experience. The overseas students form lifelong
friendships with the Israeli students. In addition
to a full learning schedule, the students both
enjoy a variety of tiyulim and take part in different
community outreach and chesed programs.
What’s included in the cost of the program:
Orientation upon arrival
Intensive Hebrew language study
Supplementary educational programming including
field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, and lectures
Host family
Medical insurance
What’s not included in the cost of the program:
Flights to and from Israel
Personal transportation in Israel
Masa Israel visa
Personal expenses
Religious Studies Programs for Men 73
Yeshivat Netiv Aryeh
One Year Program
Location: 1 Hakotel St., Jerusalem
Duration: Academic year
Cost: $23,000
Estimated Masa Israel Grant: $1,000
Accommodations: Included
Upcoming Program Dates: August-June*
Open To: Ages 17-20
Contact Info:
Ilana Scheiner, Executive Director
+972 (0)2 626-6333
[email protected]
*Visit for exact dates
Yeshivat Netiv Aryeh’s One Year Program strikes the
delicate balance between a challenging academic
curriculum and the ultimate Israel experience. The
curriculum uses both a content-based and skillsbased approach. Daily study includes chevrutastyle classes in Halacha, Talmud, Gemara, and more.
Religious Studies Programs for Men
What’s included in the cost of the program:
Orientation upon arrival
Intensive Hebrew language study
Supplementary educational programming including
field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, and lectures
Medical insurance
What’s not included in the cost of the program:
Flights to and from Israel
Personal transportation in Israel
Masa Israel visa
Personal expenses
Reishit Yerushalayim
Yeshivat Reishit Yerushalayim
Location: Bet Shemesh
Duration: Academic year
Cost: $22,000
Estimated Masa Israel Grant: $1,000
Accommodations: Included
Upcoming Program Dates: September-June*
Open To: High school graduates
Contact Info:
[email protected]
*Visit for exact dates
Reishit Yerushalayim is an extraordinary yeshiva
with a unique approach to teaching. It is designed
to offer qualified young men an incomparable
experience of Judaism and Eretz Yisrael. We aim
to enrich each student with a genuine and lasting
connection to Judaism and Israel through classes
with an emphasis on the history of Zionism, Ulpan,
lectures, and field activities. Core contents of the
program: Jewish Philosophy and Law, Medieval
and Modern Jewish History, and Ulpan to enrich
the students’ knowledge of the Hebrew language.
Extensive studies in Tanach and Talmud. There are
weekly lectures and discussion groups on being a
positive representative and spokesperson for Israel
in the Diaspora. There will be both short and longterm Tiyulim around the country. Additionally, each
of our students participates in a volunteer program.
They volunteer in partnership with Yad Eliezer, Table
to Table, Big Brother Mentoring Program, and the
Koby Mandell Foundation.
What’s included in the cost of the program:
Orientation upon arrival
Intensive Hebrew language study
Supplementary educational programming including
field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, and lectures
What’s not included in the cost of the program:
Educational support materials
Flights to and from Israel
Medical insurance
Personal transportation in Israel
Masa Israel visa
Personal expenses
Religious Studies Programs for Men 75
Yeshivat Sha’alvim
Location: Jerusalem
Duration: Academic year
Cost: $22,000
Estimated Masa Israel Grant: $1,000
Accommodations: Included
Upcoming Program Dates: August-June*
Open To: High school graduates
Contact Info:
Yeshivat Shaalvim +972 (0)8 927-6652
[email protected]
*Visit for exact dates
Yeshivat Sha’alvim is a program of rigorous Torah and
Judaic studies for graduates of yeshiva high schools
who want to learn with Israeli students at a Hesder
Yeshiva. At Sha’alvim, students experience a broad
education, which instills in them a deep appreciation
for everything Torah represents. Sha’alvim enables its
graduates to build the necessary foundation for living
strong, religious lives. In addition, the yeshiva instills
in its students the self-confidence and leadership
qualities needed to return to their communities and
become contributing members and leaders utilizing
the skills, idealism, and determination they acquired
in Sha’alvim.
Religious Studies Programs for Men
What’s included in the cost of the program:
3 meals a day
Other included features:
Emergency medical care
Hospitalization insurance
Laundry service
Visa renewal
Field trips
What’s not included in the cost of the program:
Flights to and from Israel
Yeshivat Sha’arei
Mevaseret Zion
Location: Jerusalem
Duration: Academic year
Cost: $22,500
Estimated Masa Israel Grant: $1,000
Accommodations: Included
Upcoming Program Dates: September-June*
Open To: High school graduates
Contact Info:
Rabbi Daniel Katz
+972 (0)52-534-7382
What’s included in the cost of the program:
Orientation upon arrival
Supplementary educational programming including
field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, and lectures
Educational support materials
Medical insurance
*Visit for exact dates
Our program is tailored to each talmid’s unique
interests and skills so they can attain personal
growth, increased knowledge and the ability to
learn independently—all at his own level and pace.
Shiurim are offered in Hebrew and English. All
classes are small and offer great personal attention.
Our Rebbeim are inspiring role models and give their
time to the students both inside and outside the Beit
Midrash, as well as beyond the year in Israel. One of
our primary goals is to inspire our students with the
vision of ‫ירושלים בארץ ישראל‬, ‫עם ירושלים פי תורת‬.
Tiyulim and Shabbatonim emphasize our religious,
historical, and cultural connection to ancient
and modern Israel. The Meretz Kollel—Rabbinical
Teachers Institute of Mevaseret Zion, shares our
Beit Midrash. This institute is comprised of Israeli
young men who have chosen to devote four years to
intensive Torah study after completing their Hesder
service (five years combining Torah study with IDF
military service). Daily private sessions of learning
and discussion with members of the Meretz Kollel
give our students exposure to Israeli society.
What’s not included in the cost of the program:
Personal expenses
Flights to and from Israel
Religious Studies Programs for Men 77
Yeshivat Yesodei HaTorah
Beit Shemesh
Location: Beit Shemesh
Duration: Academic year
Cost: $21,750
Estimated Masa Israel Grant: $1,000
Accommodations: Included
Upcoming Program Dates: August-June*
Open To: High school graduates
Contact Info:
Dvarya Katz, Director of Administration
(617) 997-4626 (Rings in Israel)
*Visit for exact dates
The program is designed to provide a serious, skillbased, and student-centered curriculum in Gemara
and other central texts. It is developed by respected
educators and talmidei chachamim, with an eye
towards helping our students become independently
skillful bnei Torah. Our curriculum includes courses
in the classic works of the Jewish tradition in order
to expose students to the texts and ideas that form
the basis of Torah and Judaism. The integral parts
of our curriculum are Talmud (iyun and bekiyut),
Halacha, Chumash with Rashi and Ramban, Nach,
and Jewish philosophy. Each course is designed to
help students become independently skilled in the
text-based study. The Jewish philosophy curriculum
deals primarily with the classic medieval Jewish
philosophers, such as the Rambam, Ramban, Rav
Yehuda HaLevi, and Rav Albo. After studying the
great ideas and philosophical positions of these
Rishonim, students are exposed to those same
ideas as dealt with by modern thinkers, such as Rav
Soloveitchik and Rav Kook.
Religious Studies Programs for Men
What’s included in the cost of the program:
Room & Board
Tiyulim (once a month)
All classes and guest lecturers
Host families for out-shabbatot
What’s not included in the cost of the program:
Flights to and from Israel
Personal transportation in Israel
Yeshivat Yishrei Lev
Location: Jerusalem
Duration: Academic year
Cost: $20,500
Estimated Masa Israel Grant: $1,000
Accommodations: Included
Upcoming Program Dates: August-June*
Open To: High school graduates
Contact Info:
Rabbi Moshe Gordon
+972 (0)52 456-3723
[email protected]
*Visit for exact dates
Yishrei Lev provides its talmidim with a “classical
yeshiva” experience, while embracing the realities
of the contemporary Orthodox community. Yishrei
Lev is marked by a high level of learning and
instilling in its students a love for, and commitment
to, Torah, Klal Yisrael, and Eretz Yisrael. At Yishrei
Lev, we provide a structure in the daily schedule
which allows the students to realize tangible
accomplishments in their learning. The program
focuses on advanced Gemara study but emphasizes
and includes daily study of Chumash, Halacha
L’Maaseh, Jewish philosophy, and Mussar. The
students in the Yeshiva enjoy the benefits of
totally accessible Rabbeim who guide them as they
develop into well-rounded, balanced Bnei Torah.
Our Rabbeim and Kollel members live around the
Yeshiva and the talmidim become part of their
extended family.
What’s included in the cost of the program:
Orientation upon arrival
Intensive Hebrew language study
Supplementary educational programming
including field trips, overnight hikes, seminars,
and lectures
Educational support materials
Other included features:
Meals and accommodations for the duration of
the program
What’s not included in the cost of the program:
Flights to and from Israel
Medical insurance
Personal transportation in Israel
Masa Israel visa
Personal expenses
Religious Studies Programs for Men 79
Religious Studies
Programs for Women
A note about program costs: Prices are subject to change.
Please contact program organizers for the current pricing.
Amutat Menachem
Shoshanat Yerushalayim
Location: Jerusalem
Duration: Academic year
Cost: $15,900
Estimated Masa Israel Grant: $1,000
Accommodations: Included
Upcoming Program Dates: January-June*
Open To: Women ages 17-19
Contact Info:
Shoshanat Yerushalayim
P.O.B 5955 Jerusalem 91058 ISRAEL
Mrs Y Goldshmid 972-2-587-1711/2
[email protected]
*Visit for exact dates
Machon Shoshanat Yerushalayim is designed for the
personal growth of Lubavitch girls through the teaching
of yiddishe-chassidishe values. Its educational approach
offers a program of solid learning that develops vital
study skills and broadens one’s personal horizons in
a very warm, chassidishe setting. Its Limudei Kodesh
program, which includes both Nigle and Chassidus,
will enable you to learn texts with familiarity and ease.
You will participate in a wide variety of discussions on
topics ranging from personal change and relationships
to Shidduchim and Hashkafos on Taharas Hamishpacha.
You will also spend one afternoon a week volunteering.
What’s included in the cost of the program:
Orientation upon arrival
Intensive Hebrew language study
Supplementary educational programming including
field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, and lectures
Educational support materials
Medical insurance
Other included features:
University transcript and credits
What’s not included in the cost of the program:
Flights to and from Israel
Personal transportation in Israel
Masa Israel visa
Personal expenses
Religious Studies Programs for Women
Anfei HaTomer
Tomer Devorah
Location: Jerusalem
Duration: Academic year
Cost: $19,500
Estimated Masa Israel Grant: $1,000
Accommodations: Included
Upcoming Program Dates: September-June*
Open To: High school graduates
Contact Info:
[email protected]
*Visit for exact dates
The bedrock of the Tomer Devorah educational
philosophy is that in order to maximize growth,
a student must have the very best educational
opportunities open to her, along with an
environment that is maximally conducive to
introspection, maturing, and personal character
development. As a Tomer Devorah student, you will
have many opportunities to delve into the particular
areas of Torah law and philosophy that you, as an
individual, have a personal interest in pursuing.
The core curriculum consists of a wide range of
fundamental topics that form the backbone of
Torah knowledge for any Jewish woman. Elective
courses include classroom courses taught in school
and an afternoon Beit Midrash.
Religious Studies Programs for Women
What’s included in the cost of the program:
Orientation upon arrival
Intensive Hebrew language study
Supplementary educational programming including
field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, and lectures
Educational support materials
Medical insurance
What’s not included in the cost of the program:
Flights to and from Israel
Personal transportation in Israel
Masa Israel visa
Personal expenses
Beit Chana Zefat
Teacher’s Seminary
Location: Galil
Duration: Academic year
Cost: $15,900
Estimated Masa Israel Grant: $1,000
Accommodations: Included
Upcoming Program Dates: September-June*
Open To: High school graduates
Contact Info:
What’s included in the cost of the program:
Orientation upon arrival
What’s not included in the cost of the program:
Yosef Chitrik
+972 52 569-6059
*Visit for exact dates
Flights to and from Israel
Personal transportation in Israel
Masa Israel visa
Personal expenses
Beit Chana Seminary is situated on the Beit Chana
campus in Zefat. The seminary is a recognized teachers’
seminary by the Ministry of Education for Israeli
high school graduates. Beit Chana offers a special
Chassidishe Torah orientated learning and teaching
program for students from abroad, which is accredited
by the government, and hence an official certificate
‘Morot Lagolah’ is granted to those completing all their
obligations. Beit Chana is pleased to accept students
from abroad who want to experience and receive the
special taste of Beit Chana education seasoned with
the unique Chassidishe flavor, and weathered with an
extraordinary tie to the Rebbe. Students are expected
to excel in Chasidishkiet, Tzniyut, Yirat Shamaim,
Tefilla, Hiskashrus etc. A ten month program, with full
board, and nourishing meals is offered, packed with
trips, Shabbatonim and true lifetime experience.
Religious Studies Programs for Women
Bnei Ubnot Chayil
Ba’er Miriam
Location: Jerusalem
Duration: Semester or academic year
Cost: $22,900–Scholarships available
Estimated Masa Israel Grant: $1,000
Accommodations: Included
Upcoming Program Dates:
End of August-June*
Open To: Women ages 17-19
Contact Info:
United States: Rav Orbach
(646) 402-1646
Fax (718) 412-3253
[email protected]
*Visit for exact dates
Ba’er Miriam is an intellectually challenging Bet
Midrash centered advanced Jewish studies program
for girls with proven academic success. If you enjoy
advanced textual learning as well as in-depth
exploration on topics in Halacha and Machshava,
this program is for you. Your fellow students will
be girls like yourself of proven academic ability and
motivation, who want to spend a year developing
their Torah knowledge and an ability to analyze
text on their own, while growing in Ruchnius. The
outstanding faculty at Baer Miriam is comprised
of Noted Talmidei Chachomim, world renowned
lecturers as well as young, dynamic women teachers.
The staff interaction with students extends beyond
the confines of the classroom. An emphasis on
tiyulim throughout the country, as well as extracurricular activities, makes Baer Miriam a unique,
all-around program for the gifted student.
Religious Studies Programs for Women
What’s included in the cost of the program:
Orientation upon arrival
Supplementary educational programming including
field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, and lectures
What’s not included in the cost of the program:
Educational support materials
Flights to and from Israel
Medical insurance
Personal transportation in Israel
Masa Israel visa
Personal expenses
Bnei Ubnot Chayil
Location: Jerusalem
Duration: Semester or academic year
Cost: $22,900-Scholarships available
Estimated Masa Israel Grant: $1,000
Accommodations: Included
Upcoming Program Dates:
End of August-June*
Open To: Women ages 17-20
Contact Info:
United States: Rav Orbach
(646) 402-1646
Fax: 718-412-3253
[email protected]
What’s included in the cost of the program:
Orientation upon arrival
Supplementary educational programming including
field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, and lectures
What’s not included in the cost of the program:
*Visit for exact dates
Ma’ayanot is designed for dynamic, motivated
students who wish to maximize their growth and
character development, to be inspired and to be an
inspirational role model for others. At Ma’ayanot we
learn not only what, but why! Ma’ayanot is renowned
for our excellent program, warm staff of outstanding
educators, our fun, exciting tiyulim to all parts of
the country, the warmth and inclusiveness of our
student body, and our concern for the comfort and
well being of our students. Ma’ayanot is open to the
motivated student who is a baalat midot and wants
to grow in Yirat Shamayim, Ahavat Hashem, and a
deeper love and understanding of Torah and Mitzvot.
The Ma’ayanot educational program emphasizes
inspirational and discussion-based classes as well as
offering textual classes. The students forge lasting
relationships with our teachers and become part of
the extended Ma’ayanot family.
Educational support materials
Flights to and from Israel
Medical insurance
Personal transportation in Israel
Masa Israel visa
Personal expenses
Religious Studies Programs for Women
Bnos Chava Seminary
Location: Jerusalem
Duration: Academic year
Cost: $19,500
Estimated Masa Israel Grant: $1,000
Accommodations: Included
Upcoming Program Dates: September–June*
Open To: Female high school graduates from
English-speaking countries
Contact Info:
Mrs. Burstein
[email protected]
*Visit for exact dates
The Bnos Chava Seminary is a one year teacher’s
training program for recent Bais Yaakov high school
graduates who enter the school with advanced
standing in Torah studies. The school is known for
its outstanding faculty and for its emphasis upon
a strong student/teacher relationship. Bnos Chava’s
challenging curriculum places great emphasis
on in-depth understanding and appreciation of
Jewish learning and spiritual values. In addition
to taking high-level courses in limudei kodesh,
you will participate in seminars in pedagogy
and methodology conducted by prominent
figures in the field of Jewish education. You will
also observe experienced teachers at work and
engage in supervised student teaching in actual
classroom settings. Included in the program is a
very rich extracurricular program, filled with ‫חסד‬
opportunities, Shabbatonim, and tours throughout
Religious Studies Programs for Women
What’s included in the cost of the program:
Orientation upon arrival
Intensive Hebrew language study
Supplementary educational programming including
field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, and lectures
Educational support materials
What’s not included in the cost of the program:
Flights to and from Israel
Medical insurance
Personal transportation in Israel
Masa Israel visa
Personal expenses
Darchei Binah
Afikei Torah
Location: Jerusalem
Duration: Academic year
Cost: $20,000
Estimated Masa Israel Grant: $1,000
Accommodations: Included
Upcoming Program Dates: September-June*
Open To: High school graduates
Contact Info:
Rabbi Ilan Segal
+972 (5)45 774-4193
[email protected] Israel
What’s included in the cost of the program:
Orientation upon arrival
Supplementary educational programming including
field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, and lectures
Other included features:
Seven-day trip to Poland
*Visit for exact dates
Afikei Torah is the realization of our belief that
every young woman who dedicates a year to
Limud HaTorah and spiritual refinement is entitled
to a learning experience of the highest academic
standard. Afikei Torah offers a program of study
that goes beyond the ordinary. Our study sessions
and classes are designed to challenge our students
intellectually and nurture them spiritually. We expose
our students to the multiplicity of Torah and give
them the confidence to navigate a Torah-true path.
Consistent with our belief in excellence for all, we
have included a skill-strengthening track so that any
student with a desire to learn can find her place in
our school. While Afikei Torah students stem from
diverse academic backgrounds, they are unanimous
in their total commitment to Torah observance and
their aspirations to spiritual growth and fulfillment.
The prospective Afikei Torah student is someone who
is sincerely committed to Mitzvah observance and
has a genuine desire to advance in both learning and
What’s not included in the cost of the program:
Educational support materials
Flights to and from Israel
Medical insurance
Personal transportation in Israel
Personal expenses
Religious Studies Programs for Women
Darchei Binah
Women’s School for
Advanced Torah
Location: Jerusalem
Duration: Academic year
Cost: $20,000
Estimated Masa Israel Grant: $1,000
Accommodations: Included
Upcoming Program Dates: September-June*
Open To: Recent high school graduates,
women ages 17-19
Contact Info:
American Friends of Darchei Binah
[email protected]
*Visit for exact dates
Are you searching for a richly variegated program
that exposes you to the foremost educators that
Jerusalem can provide? Darchei Binah offers
young women the opportunity to blossom as
they begin the path toward becoming our future
Nashim V’Emahos BeYisrael. Prominent Torah
scholars transmit the mesora in a way which is
both timeless and appropriate for the needs of the
student body. Faculty members meet with students
on an individual basis to provide caring guidance
and insight into confronting the challenges of life.
You will spend an intensive week exploring the
glorious history of Torah in Poland and its tragic
end. Discover the roots of Halacha by visiting Batei
Midrash and Kevarim of leading figures such as the
Rama, Bach, Tosefos Yomtov, Maharshal, Rav Chaim
Brisker and Netziv.
Religious Studies Programs for Women
What’s included in the cost of the program:
Orientation upon arrival
Supplementary educational programming including
field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, and lectures
Educational support materials
What’s not included in the cost of the program:
Flights to and from Israel
Medical insurance
Personal transportation in Israel
Masa Israel visa
Personal expenses
Emunah v’Omanut
Location: Jerusalem
Duration: Academic Year
Cost: $22,750
Estimated Masa Israel Grant: $1,000
Accommodations: Newly renovated A/C dorms
Upcoming Program Dates: August-June*
Open To: Orthodox women ages 17-22
Contact Info:
Rabbi David Debow, Director
Israel: +972 (0)77 433-0860 or 052.522.7017
*Visit for exact dates
ADVANCE your learning in a challenging Torah program taught by
outstanding educators.
DEVELOP your creative artistic and musical ability in a rich array of
courses and experiences.
DISCOVER your spiritual potential in a reflective, supportive, and
inspiring environment.
Are Torah, Art, and Music significant parts of who you are? Midreshet
Emunah v’Omanut dedicates itself to integrating Torah, Art, and
Music into a single religious pursuit. Choose to concentrate in either
our Art or Music track while enhancing your creative experience
with additional courses in Drama, Dance, Film, and Creative Writing.
Your Torah study will concentrate on the traditional areas of textual
study in order to expand your breadth of knowledge, advance your
independent learning skills and deepen your religious understanding.
Build your perfect schedule with a combination of high-level text
courses and discussion-based learning. This will provide you with
a reservoir for authentically Jewish artistic expression. A rich array
of experiences beyond classroom deepens your education and
encounter with Israel. Chesed opportunities encourage you to give
back to Israeli society, while gallery visits and concerts show you the
best of Israeli’s art and music. We travel extensively, Tanach in hand,
learning about ancient and modern Israel and about your part in it.
Religious Studies Programs for Women
What’s included in the cost of the program:
Supplementary educational programming
including overnight trips to Eilat and the Golan, field
trips, Gallery visits, concerts, seminars, Shabbatonim
Two hot, catered meals a day and a simple breakfast
Wireless Internet
Individualized music instruction including voice and
studio production
High-level fine arts courses: Painting, Drawing,
Photography, Ceramics, Printmaking
Basic art supplies
Transportation to and from classes at the
EMUNAH College of Art
Medical insurance
Other included features:
Inspiring Jewish studies in Tanach, Halacha, Midrash,
Jewish philosophy, Israel activism
Film studies
Intensive Hebrew language program
Creative classes in Dance, Drama, Creative Writing
Workshops in Stained Glass, Calligraphy,
What’s not included in the cost of the program:
Flights to and from Israel
Personal transportation in Israel
Personal expenses
Machon Alte
Seminary Chaya Mushka
Location: Galil
Duration: Academic year
Cost: $17,000
Estimated Masa Israel Grant: $1,000
Accommodations: Included
Upcoming Program Dates: September-June*
Open To: Women ages 17-30
Contact Info:
Tova Mordecai
+972 (0)4 697-4306/7
[email protected]
*Visit for exact dates
Located in the historic city of Tzfat (Safed), Machon
Alte is the only Chabad-Lubavitch School in Israel
that offers a challenging full-time academic
program for young Jewish women seeking to
discover and nourish their Jewish roots. Machon
Alte’s unique curriculum offers deep insights into
the mystical teachings of Torah. Its comprehensive
program of Jewish studies focuses on Jewish Law,
Torah and Prophets, Jewish Meditation and Prayer,
Jewish Philosophy (Chassidut), and Hebrew Ulpan.
There are classes for beginning and advanced
students conducted in English, Hebrew, and Russian.
Classes in additional languages are available upon
What’s included in the cost of the program:
Orientation upon arrival
Intensive Hebrew language study
Supplementary educational programming including
field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, and lectures
What’s not included in the cost of the program:
Educational support materials
Flights to and from Israel
Medical insurance
Personal transportation in Israel
Masa Israel visa
Personal expenses
Religious Studies Programs for Women
Machon Maayan
Location: Beit Shemesh
Duration: Academic year
Cost: $23,000
Estimated Masa Israel Grant: $1,000
Accommodations: Included
Upcoming Program Dates: September-June*
Open To: High school graduates
Contact Info:
[email protected]
*Visit for exact dates
Machon Maayan is an innovative one-year program
in Israel offering young women a unique posthigh school opportunity that combines thoughtprovoking courses, interactive seminars, challenging
internships, and meaningful experiences—in a
comfortable Torah observant atmosphere. Machon
Maayan is for students committed to personal
and religious development, leadership, community
involvement, and a positive relationship with the
land and people of Israel.
Religious Studies Programs for Women
What’s included in the cost of the program:
Orientation upon arrival
Intensive Hebrew language study
Supplementary educational programming including
field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, and lectures
What’s not included in the cost of the program:
Flights to and from Israel
Medical insurance
Personal transportation in Israel
Personal expenses
Me’ohr Bais Yaakov
Me’ohr Bais Yaakov
Teacher’s Seminary
Location: Jerusalem
Duration: Academic year
Cost: $19,500
Estimated Masa Israel Grant: $1,000
Accommodations: Included
Upcoming Program Dates: September-June*
Open To: High school graduates
Contact Info:
Mrs Sharona Rosen
[email protected]
*Visit for exact dates
Me’ohr Bais Seminary offers a challenging, highlevel, religious seminary education to graduates of
Bais Yaakov type schools. Even though the learning
environment is serious, the schedule of tests and
reports is reasonable. Students are expected to
fulfill their assignments in the best possible way,
out of a sense of responsibility and love of Torah
learning. In addition to limudei kodesh, students
take courses in education that include methodology
and psychology, as well as intensive classes on
child development and chinuch habonim (child
education). These studies prepare students for
teaching in Jewish schools in the Diaspora.
What’s included in the cost of the program:
Orientation upon arrival
Supplementary educational programming including
field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, and lectures
Educational support materials
Other included features:
Full room and board
Placement and meals for Shabbos and Chagim
What’s not included in the cost of the program:
Intensive Hebrew language study
Flights to and from Israel
Medical insurance
Personal transportation in Israel
Masa Israel visa
Personal expenses
Religious Studies Programs for Women
Merkaz Tiferet
Location: Beit Shemesh
Duration: Academic year
Cost: $23,900
Estimated Masa Israel Grant: $1,000
Accommodations: Included
Upcoming Program Dates: September-June*
Open To: High school graduates
What’s included in the cost of the program:
Orientation upon arrival
Supplementary educational programming including
field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, and lectures
Contact Info:
Rabbi Azriel Rosner
[email protected]
What’s not included in the cost of the program:
*Visit for exact dates
Whether you’re immersed in a thought-provoking
class or involved in an animated discussion, whether
you’re in school or whether you’re in a teacher’s
home, Tiferet will provide you with the most
inspiring learning experience you can imagine.
Tiferet is a Religious-Zionist school that aims to give
its students an all-encompassing Israel experience
that appeals to the mind, body, and soul. We
aspire to enlighten our students and broaden their
understanding and knowledge of Judaism, as well
as inspire them toward a closer connection to Torah,
Am Yisrael, Eretz Yisrael, and Medinat Yisrael. Our
experienced and dynamic staff instill pride in Torah
and love for every Jew in each and every student. The
chesed (acts of kindness) program at Tiferet lets you
translate your Torah knowledge into action. There’s
a wide variety of opportunities to choose from,
including packing food for needy families, aiding
victims of terror, helping new immigrants, and more.
If you want a top-notch school and a warm, vibrant
community, you want Tiferet.
Religious Studies Programs for Women
Flights to and from Israel
Personal transportation in Israel
Personal expenses
Medical insurance
Michlelet Mevaseret Yerushalayim
Academic Program
for Women
Location: Jerusalem
Duration: Academic year
Cost: Approximately $22,500 (86,000 NIS)
Estimated Masa Israel Grant: $1,000
Accommodations: Included
Upcoming Program Dates: September-June*
Open To: Women ages 17-19
Contact Info:
Israel: +972 (0)2 652-7257
Fax +972 (0)2 652-7162
[email protected]
What’s included in the cost of the program:
Classes and programs
One meal per day
Health insurance
*Visit for exact dates
MMY students are a small, select, and diverse group
of Bnot Torah who come together for the same
goals: learning, thinking, growing, and connecting
to Israel. You will quickly become part of a very
close-knit group that resembles a family as much
as a school. Following the classical style of Yeshivot,
MMY’s learning revolves around chavruta study in
the Bet Midrash. Most of the classes are taught
in two-hour blocks, with about half of this time
devoted to chavruta preparation.
Religious Studies Programs for Women
Midreshet AMIT
Location: Jerusalem
Duration: Academic year
Cost: $23,500
Estimated Masa Israel Grant: $1,000
Accommodations: Included
Upcoming Program Dates: September-June*
Open To: High school graduates
Contact Info:
Israel: +972 (0)2-645-0435
[email protected]
*Visit for exact dates
What’s included in the cost of the program:
Academic programming
Room and board
Extra curricular activities
Other included features:
A Chance to be a “Big Sister” to a foster child in
A place to live Torah—At Midreshet AMIT, you will
spend your day learning, questioning, and growing
in Torah. From interesting and challenging classes
to guided chavruta study, your year will be packed
with learning geared to help you develop a lifelong
connection to Torah. A place to live Chesed—Our
home is in Beit Hayeled, AMIT’s well-known foster
home for disadvantaged youth. You will spend time
each day teaching, playing, and caring for some of
Israel’s most needy children. As a “big sister,” you
will be challenged to give of yourself in a way you
have never experienced before and you will be
transformed in the process. A place to live Israel—
Your connection to Israel will be deepened through
the unique experience of living and interacting with
dedicated Israeli couples and committed Sheirut
Leumi young women. Through adventurous tiyulim
you will travel the length and breadth of Israel,
learning about our history and gaining a greater
appreciation for the State of Israel.
Religious Studies Programs for Women
Midreshet B’erot Bat Ayin
B’er Bracha Seminary
Location: Gush Etzion
Duration: Academic year
Cost: $7,000 (semester) $12,000 (year)
Estimated Masa Israel Grant: $1,000
Accommodations: Included
Upcoming Program Dates: September-June*
Open To: Women ages 18-30
Contact Info:
Israel: Penina Taylor
(212) 444-1979 (US# rings in Israel)
[email protected]
*Visit for exact dates
B’er Bracha is a very special, post-high school seminary
program for young women looking for a more spiritual
Israel seminary experience. Directed by Mrs. Penina Taylor
in conjunction with Rebbetzin Chana Bracha Siegelbaum
of Midreshet Be’rot Bat Ayin, the program combines
serious Torah learning and spirituality to inspire our
students to develop a deep, meaningful, and relevant
relationship with God and a love for Eretz Yisrael. B’er
Bracha is a program geared towards girls who grew
up in religious homes. These girls are strong in their
yiddishkeit, while looking for a more creative, spiritual,
and informal approach. B’er Bracha offers serious textual
Torah learning with emphasis on tefilah integrated with
creative exploration through art, music, and drama in
breathtaking natural surroundings. Traditional classes
such as Chumash, Parsha, Navi, Halichot bat Yisrael,
Women in Tanach, Jewish History, and Hasbarah (Israel
in the media), will be balanced with the somewhat
less traditional: Meditation on the Morning Brachot,
Hitbodedut, Chassidut, Gardening, Meditative Movement,
Herbal Workshop, and Artistic Expression.
What’s included in the cost of the program:
Orientation upon arrival
Supplementary educational programming including
field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, and lectures
What’s not included in the cost of the program:
Intensive Hebrew language study
Educational support materials
Flights to and from Israel
Medical insurance
Personal transportation in Israel
Personal expenses
Religious Studies Programs for Women
Midreshet B’erot Bat Ayin
Holistic Torah Education for
Women on the Land
Location: Gush Etzion
Duration: Most students join our year
program, some come for a semester, or a
summer program. It is also possible to come
for just a week or a holiday seminar.
Cost: $10,000 (year)
Estimated Masa Israel Grant: $1,000
Accommodations: Included
Upcoming Program Dates: Rolling*
Open To: Women ages 18-30
Contact Info:
Israel: Elana Roth, +972 (0)2 993-4945
[email protected],
*Visit for exact dates
If you wish to explore your spiritual side through
intensive textual study and creative expression or if you
want to enjoy nature, connect with the Land of Israel,
and live a healthy lifestyle in natural surroundings,
Midreshet B’erot Bat Ayin is the ideal place for you.
Whether you are new to Judaism, or seeking a wider,
more open-minded holistic perspective, B’erot Bat
Ayin offers the opportunity to improve your learning
skills while discovering your spiritual essence and
strengthening your commitment to Judaism within
the parameters of Halacha. Our Torah and Art program
gives you the opportunity to express your Torah learning
through art, music, creative writing, drama, and dance.
Our Garden of Emuna Program includes nature hikes,
herbal workshops, meditative movement, organic
landscape projects, and all kinds of horticulture. At
Midreshet B’erot Bat Ayin, you learn and practice Torah
of the Land.
Religious Studies Programs for Women
What’s included in the cost of the program:
Orientation upon arrival
Supplementary educational programming including
field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, and lectures
Educational support materials
Host family
Personal transportation in Israel
What’s not included in the cost of the program:
Flights to and from Israel
Medical insurance
Personal expenses
Midreshet Ein Hanatziv
Yuval Program
Location: Kibbutz Ein Hanatziv
Duration: Academic year
Cost: $18,500
Estimated Masa Israel Grant: $1,000
Accommodations: Included
Upcoming Program Dates: September-June*
Open To: Women ages 17-21
Contact Info:
Rachel Keren, Head of Yuval Overseas program
Midreshet Ein Hanatziv
Israel: +972 (0)50 652-0978
+972 (0)4 606-2900
[email protected]
*Visit for exact dates
Midreshet Ein Hanatziv teaches in-depth Jewish
studies combined with social awareness to advance
a core of learned women with a deep commitment
to Judaism to take active roles contributing to the
development of Jewish society and to the state of
Israel. You will study a wide array of Jewish subjects
in Hebrew at the Beit Midrash, as well as participate
in community-based social action. The high level of
study assures that, by the end of the year, you feel
comfortable with the Hebrew language and can
study independently from a wide variety of Judaic
What’s included in the cost of the program:
Orientation upon arrival
Intensive Hebrew language study
Supplementary educational programming including
field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, and lectures
Host family
Medical insurance
Other included features:
Laundry services
Full room and board
What’s not included in the cost of the program:
Flights to and from Israel
Personal transportation in Israel
Masa Israel visa
Personal expenses
Religious Studies Programs for Women
Midreshet Eshel
Sephardic Seminary
Location: Old City of Jerusalem
Duration: Semester and academic year
Cost: $9,800 (semester) $19,600 (year)
Estimated Masa Israel Grant: $1,000
Accommodations: Included
Upcoming Program Dates:
Open To: Women ages 17-19
Contact Info:
Miriam Tawil
[email protected]
[email protected] (Secretary)
*Visit for exact dates
Midreshet Eshel is a post-high school seminary
that provides young women with a comprehensive
educational program emphasizing excellence in
Jewish studies, Jewish values, and experiential
learning. As the first Sephardic seminary in Israel,
Eshel also emphasizes Sephardic Halacha, customs,
and history. The one-year study program combines
textual learning with stimulating discussion of
topics that are relevant to your life and enhance
personal and religious growth. Courses include:
Tanakh, Jewish thought, Halacha, Torah, psychology,
the Jewish woman, group dynamics, modern
Israeli history, Hebrew language and character
development (Middot), Jewish history, yoga, dance,
and Sephardic cooking.
Religious Studies Programs for Women
What’s included in the cost of the program:
Intensive Hebrew language study
Supplementary educational programming including
field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, and lectures
Other included features:
Comprehensive Jewish study program based in
Sephardic tradition
Two meals a day and dormitory accommodations
for the duration of the program
What’s not included in the cost of the program:
Flights to and from Israel
Personal transportation in Israel
Masa Israel visa
Personal expenses
Midreshet HaRova
Overseas Program
Location: Jerusalem
Duration: Academic year
Cost: 87,000 NIS (price in dollars available
upon request)
Estimated Masa Israel Grant: $1,000
Accommodations: Included
Upcoming Program Dates: August-June*
Open To: Women ages 17-19
Contact Info:
Midreshet HaRova
+972 (0)2 626-5970
[email protected]
*Visit for exact dates
What’s included in the cost of the program:
Room and full board (including vacation periods)
Health and personal affects insurance
What’s not included in the cost of the program:
Optional Poland trip
Midreshet Harova offers an ideal setting for mature
and motivated women from Israel and around the
world who wish to achieve spiritual and intellectual
growth in a religious Zionist framework. HaRova
combines intimate settings with the resources of a
large educational institution. Its open intellectual
environment, combined with a wide variety of
faculty, is particularly attractive to the creative
student interested in exploring a range of ideas and
approaches. Students participate in a full day of
learning focused on chevruta study and development
of textual skills that create the necessary basis for
continued learning and growth after leaving the
Midrasha. Programs focusing on current events and
the political situation in Israel are a regular part of
the informal education program, as is an annual
journey to Poland that serves as the focal point of
the Midrasha’s Holocaust education program.
Religious Studies Programs for Women
Midreshet Lindenbaum
Darkaynu for Women
Location: Jerusalem
Duration: Academic year
Cost: $27,500
Estimated Masa Israel Grant: $1,000
Accommodations: Included
Upcoming Program Dates: Rolling*
Open To: Women with special needs ages 18-30
Contact Info:
Elana Goldscheider
+972 (0)52-653-8132
[email protected]
*Visit for exact dates
Midreshet Lindenbaum offers a combination of
a rigorous, challenging learning program and a
supportive religious environment that encourages
students to develop and to delve into study, to
discuss and to debate, and ultimately to decide
on a more mature and profound commitment to
Torah and Mitzvot. Midreshet Darkaynu is a new
and innovative program developed for religious
young men and women with special needs who are
looking for the perfect way to spend a year in Israel.
The program is designed for students who want to
continue their learning, develop vocational skills,
build independence, improve self-esteem, and
expand their love of Israel and the Jewish people.
Religious Studies Programs for Women
What’s included in the cost of the program:
Orientation upon arrival
Intensive Hebrew language study
Supplementary educational programming including
field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, and lectures
Educational support materials
Host family
Medical insurance
What’s not included in the cost of the program:
Flights to and from Israel
Personal expenses
Midreshet Lindenbaum
Overseas Program
Location: Jerusalem
Duration: Academic year
Cost: $23,000
Estimated Masa Israel Grant: $1,000
Accommodations: Included
Upcoming Program Dates: September-June*
Open To: Women ages 18-20
Contact Info:
Israel: +972 (0)2-671-0043
Fax +972 (0)2-671-0144
[email protected] www.midreshet
What’s included in the cost of the program:
Orientation upon arrival
Supplementary educational programming including
field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, and lectures
Educational support materials
Medical insurance
*Visit for exact dates
Midreshet Lindenbaum provides an intensive
experience of living and learning Torah that
broadens and deepens your commitment to Torah,
Eretz Yisrael, and Am Yisrael. You will experience
the dynamism of the world’s largest Beit Midrash
for women, where you will learn Tanach and Torah
She’beal Peh with unrivaled depth and intensity.
You will gain a love of Torah and self-confidence in
your learning as you grow religiously and spiritually
in an atmosphere that respects your individuality.
You will determine the emphasis in your learning
through our flexible scheduling that allows you
to maximize hours in Tanach and Gemara, choose
shiurim in Hebrew or English, and take classes in
the overseas or Israeli programs.
Religious Studies Programs for Women
Midreshet Moriah
Location: Jerusalem
Duration: Academic year
Cost: $24,000
Estimated Masa Israel Grant: $1,000
Accommodations: Included
Upcoming Program Dates: September-June*
Open To: Orthodox Jewish women ages 17-19
Contact Info:
Ruthie Gershinsky
[email protected]
*Visit for exact dates
Midreshet Moriah is a proudly Zionist center of
learning where you design your own schedule to
match your interests, goals, level, and learning
style. Focus on Tanakh, Halakhah, Jewish Thought,
Gemara, Mussar, Machshavah and Hashkafah,
Tefilah, Ethics, Jewish History, Zionism, and more.
The program includes tiyulim to explore the
land, experience different kinds of communities,
have a great time with friends and teachers, and
take a break from the daily learning routine. Our
chesed program is a fantastic way to do handson volunteering. We offer volunteer options in the
Shaare Zedek Medical Center, working with victims
of terror, volunteering in soup kitchens, helping
disabled children, and more.
Religious Studies Programs for Women
What’s included in the cost of the program:
Orientation upon arrival
Intensive Hebrew language study
Medical insurance
Other included features:
Personalized schedule of intensive Jewish learning
in the topics of Tanakh, Halakhah, Jewish Tought,
Gemara, Mussar, Machshavah and Hashkafah,
Tefilah, Ethics, Jewish History, Zionism, and more
Volunteer placement
Meals and accommodations for the duration of the
What’s not included in the cost of the program:
Educational support materials
Flights to and from Israel
Personal transportation in Israel
Masa Israel visa
Personal expenses
Midreshet Tzvia
Location: Jerusalem
Duration: Semester and academic year
Cost: $10,000 (semester) $21,000 (year)
Estimated Masa Israel Grant: $1,000
Accommodations: Included
Upcoming Program Dates:
Open To: High school graduates
Contact Info:
Rabbi Avi Baumol
[email protected]
+972 (0)52-616-3232
Orientation upon arrival
Intensive Hebrew language study
Educational support materials
Other included features:
*Visit for exact dates
Midreshet Tzvia, a religious seminary for young
women, is built on Torah, Zionism, and Creativity.
Through a profound encounter with the land,
language, and people of Israel, as well as many
courses in exploring one’s own creativity, Tzvia
offers an ideal formula for a women’s midrasha
experience. Located in the heart of Jerusalem, Tzvia
facilitates self-growth and positive integration into
What’s included in the cost of the program:
Two home cooked, fresh, healthy meals a day
Classes in art, dance, design, music, kickboxing
Weekly field trips
What’s not included in the cost of the program:
Flights to and from Israel
Medical insurance
Personal transportation in Israel
Personal expenses
Religious Studies Programs for Women
Midreshet Yeud
Location: Jerusalem
Duration: Academic year
Cost: 85,000 NIS
Estimated Masa Israel Grant: $1,000
Accommodations: Included
Upcoming Program Dates: September-June*
Open To: Modern orthodox women
ages 18-19
Contact Info:
Rav Hillel Van-Leeuwen
+972 (0)52 686-8666
[email protected]
What’s included in the cost of the program:
Orientation upon arrival
Option for intensive Hebrew study track
Supplementary educational programming including
field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, and lectures
Other included features:
Free wireless Internet and email services
*Visit for exact dates
Are you a mature, focused, self-motivated young
woman with a centrist Jewish Hashkafa? Are you also
looking for an exciting, meaningful year of spiritual
growth through in-depth Torah study, while blending
advanced Jewish studies with Sherut Leumi volunteer
service? At Midreshet Yeud, you will live, learn, dine,
and tour the land together with Israeli students. The
Overseas Program is designed for girls coming for their
gap year between high school and university. It blends
daily Torah study with Sherut Leumi community service.
Religious Studies Programs for Women
What’s not included in the cost of the program:
Flights to and from Israel
Medical insurance
Personal transportation in Israel
Personal expenses
Shana Ba’Aretz
Location: Jerusalem
Duration: Academic year
Cost: $21,600
Estimated Masa Israel Grant: $1,000
Accommodations: Included
Upcoming Program Dates: August-June*
Open To: Women ages 17-19
Contact Info:
Israel: +972 (0)2 640-4339
Fax +972 (0)2 640-4353
[email protected]
*Visit for exact dates
Nishmat’s Shana Ba’Aretz is a unique program
for recent high school graduates looking for
a challenging year of Torah study in an Israeli
environment. With its well-deserved reputation for
intensive text-based Torah study, Nishmat will give
you the opportunity to spend a year in a beautiful
Beit Midrash, studying in chevruta side-by-side
with Nishmat’s advanced scholars, developing
proficiency in Gemara, Halacha, Machshava, and
Tanach. After your Shana Ba’Aretz year, you will
be able to pick up a sefer kodesh on any topic and
learn it independently.
What’s included in the cost of the program:
Orientation upon arrival
Intensive Hebrew language study
Supplementary educational programming including
field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, and lectures
Other included features:
Intensive Jewish learning in Gemara, Halacha,
Machshava, and Tanach
One meal per day and apartment accommodations
for the duration of the program
Volunteer placement
What’s not included in the cost of the program:
Flights to and from Israel
Medical insurance
Personal transportation in Israel
Masa Israel visa
Personal expenses
Religious Studies Programs for Women
Or Chaya
Overseas Visitor’s Program
Location: Jerusalem
Duration: 10 Months
Cost: $10,000
Estimated Masa Israel Grant: $1,000
Accommodations: Included
Upcoming Program Dates: September-June*
Open To: High school graduates, undergraduate
university students, and university graduates
Contact Info:
Mrs. Batya Lev
[email protected]
*Visit for exact dates
The day begins with intensive study of the Hebrew
language followed by a lunch and a rest. A variety
of classes are offered in the afternoons and parties
and other social activities take place in the evenings.
Participants are hosted for Shabbat by families from
various towns and villages, which, together with
periodic sightseeing tours, enable them to become
acquainted with the country. Ohr Chaya students
discover the wisdom of uncompromising, authentic
Torah Judaism, study in a unique atmosphere infused
with the love and warmth of Chassidut, and benefit
from the most outstanding teachers in the country.
Certificates are awarded solely upon completion of
a professional/vocational course. Core contents of
the program: Chassidic, religious studies. What does
it include? Full-board dormitory accommodations,
tuition, the Hebrew language, land and people, tours,
social activities including integration with native
Israelis, and provision for professional/vocational
Religious Studies Programs for Women
What’s included in the cost of the program:
Orientation upon arrival
Intensive Hebrew language study
Supplementary educational programming including
field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, and lectures
Educational support materials
Host family
Personal transportation in Israel
Medical insurance
Other included features:
3 full meals a day
Accommodations in the city center
For our Russian participants: hotel accommodations
twice annually, scholarships from private donors,
Ulpan lessons, flights and personal expenses
sponsored by private donors
What’s not included in the cost of the program:
Flights to and from Israel
Masa Israel visa
Pnimiyut Seminary
Jewish Studies
Location: Tel Aviv
Duration: Academic year
Cost: $16,000
Estimated Masa Israel Grant: $1,000
Accommodations: Included
Upcoming Program Dates: September-June*
Open To: High school graduates
Contact Info:
Pnimiyut Seminary
+972 3 643-6895
[email protected]
*Visit for exact dates
Pnimiyut Seminary, established in 2007, is an
international school for higher Jewish education for
women who intend to deepen their understanding
and knowledge of Chassidus. The Seminary offers a
Bachelor and a Master Degree program in Religious
Studies and in Jewish Psychology. The classes
are taught in English. Beyond the core studies,
the students get to know Israel. The educational
philosophy of the school is practical, with the goal
to dress students with life-skills that they can
use both in building a career and in creating a
successful Jewish home.
What’s included in the cost of the program:
Orientation upon arrival
Intensive Hebrew language study
Supplementary educational programming including
field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, and lectures
Educational support materials
What’s not included in the cost of the program:
Flights to and from Israel
Medical insurance
Personal transportation in Israel
Masa Israel visa
Personal expenses
Religious Studies Programs for Women
Sha’alvim for Women
Location: Jerusalem
Duration: Academic year
Cost: $23,000
Estimated Masa Israel Grant: $1,000
Accommodations: Included
Upcoming Program Dates: September-June*
Open To: Women ages 17-20
Contact Info:
Rabbi Yamin Goldsmith
+972 (0)2 678-4062
[email protected]
*Visit for exact dates
At Sha’alvim for Women, young Orthodox women are
empowered to become independent Torah learners
and Torah thinkers and prepare for a life dedicated to
Torah, Am Yisrael, Eretz Yisrael, and Medinat Yisrael. In
a caring and warm environment infused with ruach and
excitement, you will develop the study habits, learning
skills, and middot to shape your character and guide you
throughout your life. Sha’alvim for Women provides a
warm and caring environment that engages your mind,
your heart, and your soul and helps you grow in yirat
shamayim, ahavat HaShem, derech eretz and avodah
shebalev (tefila).
Religious Studies Programs for Women
What’s included in the cost of the program:
Food—SFW provides three balanced and nutritious
meals daily; in addition, each dormitory apartment
is equipped with its own refrigerator and
kitchenette; microwaves and toasters are available
in the main kitchen for student use
Laundry—Regular laundry services are provided;
in addition, dry cleaning services are conveniently
located a block away from SFW
Medical care—Sha’alvim for Women has an
upgraded medical insurance plan enabling our
students to make an appointment and visit a
private doctor when she feels it is necessary. The
coverage also includes hospitalization and some
Visa renewal—At SFW we realize that renewing
your visa can be time consuming and we therefore
have assumed responsibility for visa renewal
Computers—All students are given an e-mail
address and free access to e-mail; computers are
also available for research and word processing
Torat Reva Yerushalayim
Midreshet Devora
Location: Jerusalem
Duration: Semester or academic year
Cost: $9,750 (semester) $19,500 (year)
Estimated Masa Israel Grant: $1,000
Accommodations: Included
Upcoming Program Dates: September-June*
Open To: Women ages 18-26
Contact Info:
Sharona Halickman
+972 (0)52 534 6260
[email protected]
*Visit for exact dates
Midreshet Devora is a Modern Orthodox Zionist
post-high school program for women who want to
live, learn, and feel the love of the Land of Israel. This
small, close knit program offers you unparalleled
individual attention and provides a warm and
unique atmosphere. The curriculum includes
Tanach, prayer, contemporary issues, Talmud,
women in Judaism, Zionism, Jewish thought,
Halacha, Hashkafa/Mussar, spiritual activism, Eretz
Yisrael, and inspirational Shabbat. Cultural minicourses including archaeological digs, museum
studies, theatre and the arts, Israeli cuisine, and
weekly guest lecturers make the Tanach and Israeli
culture come alive.
What’s included in the cost of the program:
Daily intensive Jewish learning
Intensive Hebrew language study
Meals and accommodations for the duration of
the program
Supplementary educational programming
including field trips, overnight hikes, seminars
and lectures
Cultural and culinary outings
Archeology class at the Hebrew University
What’s not included in the cost of the program:
Health insurance
Personal transportation
Personal expenses
Religious Studies Programs for Women
Yeshivat Har Etzion
Beit Midrash for Women
Location: Alon Shevut, Gush Etzion
Duration: Academic year
Cost: $21,500
Estimated Masa Israel Grant: $1,000
Accommodations: Included
Upcoming Program Dates: September-June*
Open To: Orthodox women ages 18-20
Contact Info:
+972 (0)2 993-7300
[email protected]
*Visit for exact dates
The Migdal Oz Beit Midrash for women is built upon
a conviction that the world of Torah and limmud
serves as the primary focal point from which each
student can blossom and deepen her connection to
Hashem. In addition to intellectual endeavors, the
program provides students with the opportunity to
face challenges in the spiritual realm, striving for
constant effort and growth in Yirat Shamayim and
commitment to Halacha. The program for overseas
students is completely integrated into the Israeli
program and is ideal for students with a serious
commitment to Torah study who wish to progress
in their avodat Hashem while developing a strong
bond with Israel. The school curriculum focuses on
four major areas: Gemara, Halacha, Tanach, and
Jewish Thought and is unique among programs for
young women in that the bulk of study revolves
around the Beit Midrash.
Religious Studies Programs for Women
What’s included in the cost of the program:
Orientation upon arrival
Intensive Hebrew language study
Supplementary educational programming including
field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, and lectures
Educational support materials
Medical insurance
What’s not included in the cost of the program:
Flights to and from Israel
Personal transportation in Israel
Masa Israel visa
Personal expenses
Mechina (Preparatory) Programs
for Israeli Universities
A note about program costs: Prices are subject to change.
Please contact program organizers for the current pricing.
Ariel University Center of Samaria
ATZIL Mechina
Location: Central Israel
Duration: Semester
Cost: $8,000
Estimated Masa Israel Grant: $1,000
Accommodations: Included
Upcoming Program Dates: July-November*
Open To: High school graduates
Contact Info:
Dr. Nitza Davodovitch
+972 (0)3 906-6103
[email protected]
What’s included in the cost of the program:
Supplementary educational programming including
field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, and lectures
Educational support materials
Other included features:
Cultural activities
*Visit for exact dates
The Ariel University Center’s ATZil (Academics, Torah,
and Zionism) Mechina program offers high school
graduates of all ages an opportunity to complete or
improve matriculation (Bagrut) grades and improve
their chances of acceptance into specific undergraduate
programs at the Ariel University Center. The program
is designed for applicants who currently do not meet
the admission requirements of their program of choice.
The final Mechina grade is taken into consideration,
and Mechina graduates are exempt from submitting a
psychometric score with their applications. Participants
have the option to participate in community service in
the Ariel community, and program graduates may elect
to continue to full-time programs and earn a degree
at the University. Credits can be used toward degreeprograms in Israel and are generally transferable to
universities abroad.
Mechina (Preparatory) Programs for Israeli Universities
What’s not included in the cost of the program:
Orientation upon arrival
Intensive Hebrew language study
Flights to and from Israel
Medical insurance
Personal transportation in Israel
Masa Israel visa
Personal expenses
Ariel University Center of Samaria
Location: Central Israel
Duration: Semester
Cost: $8,000
Estimated Masa Israel Grant: $1,000
Accommodations: Included
Upcoming Program Dates: January-May*
Open To: High school graduates
Contact Info:
Dr. Nitza Davodovitch
+972 (0)3 906-6103
[email protected]
Supplementary educational programming including
field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, and lectures
Educational support materials
Other included features:
Cultural activities
*Visit for exact dates
Ariel University Center of Samaria is the largest of
its kind and one of the fastest-growing academic
institutions in the country, with 8,500 students,
representing the full spectrum of Israeli society: Jew &
Arab, secular & observant, new immigrant & veteran
Israeli. Students from across the country attend the
University Center, with 70% coming from the greater
Tel Aviv area and central Israel and the remainder from
northern and southern Israel. As such, the school is a
truly national institution and serves as a “melting pot”
for all levels of Israel’s society. As a demonstratively
Zionist institution, the University Center has two key
requirements: every student must study one course per
semester on some aspect of Judaism, Jewish heritage
or Land of Israel studies, and the Israeli flag must be
displayed in every classroom, laboratory and auditorium
on campus.
What’s included in the cost of the program:
What’s not included in the cost of the program:
Orientation upon arrival
Intensive Hebrew language study
Flights to and from Israel
Medical insurance
Personal transportation in Israel
Masa Israel visa
Mechina (Preparatory) Programs for Israeli Universities
Bar-Ilan Mechina A
Pre-Academic Program
Location: Central Israel
Duration: Academic year
Cost: $8,750
Estimated Masa Israel Grant: $1,000
Accommodations: Not included
Upcoming Program Dates: August-July*
Open To: High school graduates
Contact Info:
+972 (0)3 531-8653
+972 (0)3 738-4015 Fax
[email protected]
*Visit for exact dates
The Mechina offers a year program, which aims at
familiarizing the student with the teaching methods
of the university and prepare him/her for continued
study in institutions of higher learning in Israel.
The program covers a broad spectrum of subjects
and includes Judaic studies. Graduates of the
Mechina receive a diploma specifying study track,
courses, and grades, including general average.
Courses in English and Hebrew are acknowledged
for continued studies in all academic institutions in
the country. The Bar-Ilan University will facilitate
the acceptance of students who complete with
an excellent average and will add a bonus to their
psychometric result.
Mechina (Preparatory) Programs for Israeli Universities
What’s included in the cost of the program:
Intensive Hebrew language study
The Mechina program consists of compulsory
courses and a varied number of courses which can
be chosen by the student
Compulsory courses: Hebrew, English, Math,
Government and 3 Judaic courses: Halach and
Jewish customs, Jewish History, and Land of Israel
Optional courses: Sociology, Psychology, Economics,
Computers, Chemistry, Biology, and Physics
The Mechina program include approx. 30-40 weekly
Overnight hikes, seminars, and lectures
What’s not included in the cost of the program:
Orientation upon arrival
Educational support materials
Flights to and from Israel
Medical insurance
Personal transportation
Bar-Ilan Mechina B
Pre-Academic Program
Location: Central Israel
Duration: Semester
Cost: $8,250
Estimated Masa Israel Grant: $1,000
Accommodations: Not included
Upcoming Program Dates: January-August*
Open To: High school graduates
Contact Info:
+972 (0)3-531-8653
+972 (0)3-738-4015 Fax
[email protected]
*Visit for exact dates
The Mechina offers a year program, which aims at
familiarizing the student with the teaching methods of
the university and prepare him/her for continued study
in institutions of higher learning in Israel. The program
covers a broad spectrum of subjects and includes Judaic
studies. Graduates of the Mechina receive a diploma
specifying study track, courses, and grades, including
general average. Courses in English and Hebrew are
acknowledged for continued studies in all academic
institutions in the country. The Bar-Ilan University will
facilitate the acceptance of students who complete
with an excellent average and will add a bonus to their
psychometric result.
What’s included in the cost of the program:
Intensive Hebrew language study
The Mechina program consists of compulsory
courses and a varied number of courses which can
be chosen by the student
Compulsory courses: Hebrew, English, Math,
Government and 3 Judaic courses: Halach and
Jewish customs, Jewish History, and Land of Israel
Optional courses: Sociology, Psychology, Economics,
Computers, Chemistry, Biology, and Physics
The Mechina program include approx. 30-40 weekly
Overnight hikes, seminars, and lectures
What’s not included in the cost of the program:
Orientation upon arrival
Educational support materials
Flights to and from Israel
Medical insurance
Personal transportation in Israel
Masa Israel visa
Personal expenses
Mechina (Preparatory) Programs for Israeli Universities
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Rothberg International School
Preparatory Program–Mechina
Location: Jerusalem
Duration: Year
Cost: $12,500 + Ulpan fees
Estimated Masa Israel Grant: $1,000
Accommodations: Not included (available for
an additional fee)
Upcoming Program Dates: August-July*
Open To: High school graduates
Contact Info:
Yael Weiss
+972 (0)2 588-2600, Fax: +972 (0)2 588-2363
*Visit for exact dates
The Preparatory Program–Mechina provides recent
high school graduates who plan to continue their
undergraduate studies in Israel with an introduction
to academic studies and intensive Hebrew language
instruction. The year-long program serves as a
gateway to the Hebrew-speaking Israeli society, while
helping the student refine the skills needed for regular
university studies. A supportive environment helps
the student to become independent in a new country,
culture and academic system. In general, the program
consists of intensive Hebrew language instruction,
courses in statistics/mathematics, Jewish/Israel studies,
academic skills, and introductory courses recognized by
some Hebrew University departments.
Mechina (Preparatory) Programs for Israeli Universities
What’s included in the cost of the program:
Medical insurance
Orientation upon arrival
Intensive Hebrew language study
Supplementary educational programming including
field trips, seminars, and lectures
Other included features:
Academic and career counseling
What’s not included in the cost of the program:
Flights to and from Israel
Personal transportation in Israel
Meals and personal expenses
Books and supplies
Israel Business Institute
Preparation for University
and College
Location: Raanana (Israel Center)
Duration: Academic year
Cost: $4,500 (semester) $9,000 (year)
Estimated Masa Israel Grant: $1,000
Accommodations: Not included
Upcoming Program Dates: October*
Open To: High school graduates, ages 18-25
Contact Info:
Carol Karat, Communication Director
+972 (0)9 772-8351
Mobile: +972 (0)54 200-9347
[email protected]
*Visit for exact dates
Dedicated study program for foreign students strongly
motivated to integrate in a university or academic
college in Israel while developing their Jewish identity.
Core content of the program: A 10-month program
specialized in the student’s preparation for integrating
in an Israeli university or academic college; Intensive
language courses (Hebrew & English); personal and
professional coaching (communication seminar);
preparation for psychometrics tests; study of Jewish
texts and philosophy; and discovery of the Israeli society
(culture, geopolitics, business). Why this program? The
IBI’s mission is to facilitate the students’ integration
into the Israeli academic system while developing their
Jewish identity. The study of Jewish texts and philosophy
is provided by several Rabbis. The academic courses
are jointly managed by professors from high business
schools/universities and professional experts from large
international companies in Israel. It includes courses
such as macro-economics, business law, marketing and
strategy, finance, information systems management,
mathematics and statistics.
What’s included in the cost of the program:
Orientation upon arrival
Intensive Hebrew language study
Supplementary educational programming including
field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, and lectures
Educational support materials
Other included features:
Courses: international business development, supply
chain management, entrepreneurship, finance and
risk management, and project management
Study of Jewish texts and philosophy
Personal and professional coaching
6-month internship
What’s not included in the cost of the program:
Flights to and from Israel
Medical insurance
Personal transportation in Israel
Personal expenses
Accommodations (USD 250 per month all charges
Mechina (Preparatory) Programs for Israeli Universities
Tel Aviv University
Preparatory Program–Mechina
Location: Tel Aviv
Duration: 11 months
Cost: $11,950
Estimated Masa Israel Grant: $1,000
Accommodations: Available, but not included
Upcoming Program Dates: July-July*
Open To: High school graduates
Contact Info:
What’s included in the cost of the program:
Intensive Hebrew language study
What’s not included in the cost of the program:
Dorit Steinman
+972 (0)3-640-6681
[email protected]
*Visit for exact dates
The Preparatory Program for new Olim (immigrants)
at Tel Aviv University is a one-year program
designed for newcomers and foreign students
who have graduated high school and wish to
pursue academic studies in Israel. The goal of the
program is to bridge the gap between overseas
and Israeli high school study curricula and provide
accreditation that will enable students to pursue
degree programs at the University; to provide
students with intensive preparation for academic
studies; familiarize students with Hebrew, the
teaching language of the University; to provide
basic knowledge and understanding of Israel and
Jewish history; and to acquaint students with study
tracks at the University.
Mechina (Preparatory) Programs for Israeli Universities
Supplementary educational programming including
field trips, overnight hikes, seminars, and lectures
Educational support materials
Flights to and from Israel
Medical insurance
Personal transportation in Israel
Masa Israel visa
Personal expenses
American Headquarters
Masa Israel Journey North America
Tel: (212) 339-6029
[email protected]
Israel Programs Coordinator, Australia
Tel: +61 3 9272 5584
Fax: +61 3 9272 5640
[email protected]
Daniel Fine
Masa Israel Journey Canada
Tel: (416) 398-6931 Ext.5721
[email protected]
New Zealand
Osnat Dvorkin
Tel: +64-27-494-7762
[email protected]
United Kingdom
Matt Keston
Tel: +44-782-7441422
[email protected]
South Africa:
Tanya Izaki
[email protected]
A gap year in Israel with Masa Israel Journey offers university-bound
high school graduates the opportunity to acquire a global perspective
and to gain a taste of independent living all while having an incredible
Israel experience. Many leading universities in Australia encourage
admitted students to defer entrance for a semester or a year to
explore their interests before deciding what to study in university.
Israel offers thousands of years of Jewish history, cities that fuse the
ancient with the modern, a variety of ethnic communities living side
by side and global leadership in many of today’s most relevant
fields—it’s the ideal place to take a year “on” before university.
Your gap year program awaits.
Learn more at
Masa Israel is a joint project of the Government of Israel
and the Jewish Agency for Israel and is made possible
by the generous support of the Jewish Federations of
North America and Keren Hayesod-UIA.