, פרווה, גם לפסח. למהדרין ים דלעיל כשר ים הריני מאשר


, פרווה, גם לפסח. למהדרין ים דלעיל כשר ים הריני מאשר
konespr 3.2015
Herewith I confirm that the following products :
Nespresso Classic ( NC ) Range: o
Nespresso Professional ( NP ) Range: o
Ristretto range: Ristretto, Arpeggio, Roma, Kazaar, Dharkan, Arpeggio decaffeinato, Indriya from India. Espresso range: Cosi, Volluto, Capriccio, Livanto, Deca intenso, Volluto decaffeinato, Dulsao do Brasil, Rosabaya de Colombia, Limited edition, Special club, Special reserve. Lungo range: Decaffeinato lungo, Vivalto lungo, Finezzo lungo, Fortissio lungo, Linizio lungo, Bukeela Ka Ethiopia, Vivalto decaffeinato. Ristretto origin india, Espresso forte, Espresso leggero, Espresso decaffeinato, Espresso origin Brazil, Lungo decaffeinato, Lungo origin Guatemala, Lungo Leggero, Lungo forte, Limited edition, Special club, Special reserve, Ristretto, Ristretto intenso Nespresso Vertuo Range: o
Atom range: Diavolitto, Altissio, Voltesso, Decaffeinato intenso Galaxy range: Stormio, Odacio, Melozio, Elvazio, Half caffeinato, Decaffeinato, Intenso produced by Nestle Nespresso, in Orbe, Avenches and Romont,Switzerland, are
kosher, Parve also for Passover use. This certificate is valid for the year 2015
.‫ גם לפסח‬,‫ פרווה‬,‫הריני מאשר שהמוצרים דלעיל כשרים למהדרין‬
.‫ למספרם‬2015 ‫תוקף התעודה לשנת‬
‫ ג' ניסן התשע"ה‬,‫ באזעל‬,‫ב"ה‬