Lars Ovesen
Lars Ovesen
Curriculum Vitae PERSONAL INFORMATION Lars Ovesen WORK EXPERIENCE July 1979–June 1980 Asst Professor of Medicine & Asst Director of Clinical Nutrition. Albany Medical Center Hospital, Albany, New York, (United States) Clinical Nutrition, Gastroenterology August 1980–January 1984 Physician Glostrup University Hospital, (Denmark) Gastroenterology February 1984–April 1985 Physician Københavns Kommunehospital, (Denmark) General Internal Medicine May 1985–October 1985 Physician Hvidovre Hospital, (Denmark) Pediatrics November 1985–August 1986 Physician Gentofte University Hospital, (Denmark) Gastroenterology September 1986–August 1991 Physician Bispebjerg University Hospital, (Denmark) Oncology September 1991–May 1992 Visiting Professor Albany Medical College, (United States) Clinical Nutrition June 1992–August 2003 Head of Research Ministry of Food, National Food Agency, (Denmark) September 2003–March 2007 Head of Prevention Danish Heart Foundation, (Denmark) April 2007–Present Chief Physician Slagelse Sygehus, (Denmark) Gastroenterology EDUCATION AND TRAINING 21/1/15 © European Union, 2002-2014 | Page 1 / 16 Curriculum Vitae 1965–1973 Lars Ovesen Medical Education, MD University of Copenhagen, (Denmark) 1973–1974 Internship in General Internal Medicine Sct. Joseph's Hospital, (Denmark) 1978–1979 Residency in General Internal Medicine Sct. Joseph's Hospital, (Denmark) 1978–1980 Fellowship Clinical Nutrition Program, Albany Medical Hospital, New York, (United States) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Expertise Clinical and Epidemiological Nutrition Gastroenterology Natural Medicine Gastroenterological Medicine Publications 1. Ovesen L. Hypovitaminosis B6 and oral contraception. Ugeskr Læger 1978;140:1733-5. (R) 2. Ovesen L. Drug-induced hypovitaminoses. Ugeskr Læger 1978;140: 1774. (R) 3. Ovesen L. Mb Hartnup. Ugeskr Laeger 1979;141:448-9. (R) 4. Ovesen L. Drugs and vitamin deficiency. Drugs 1979;18:278-98. (R) 5. Møgelvang JC, Petersen EN, Folke PE, Ovesen L. Antiarrhytmic properties of a neuroleptic butyrophenone, Melperone, in acute myocardial infarction. Acta Med Scand 1980;208:61-4. (O) 6. Howard L, Chu R, Feman S, Mintz H, Ovesen L, Wolf B. Vitamin A deficiency, a complication of long term parenteral nutrition. Ann Intern Med 1980;93:576-7. (O) 7. Ovesen L, Olesen ES. Salt and hypertension. Ugeskr Læger 1980;142:2961-4. (R) 8. Ovesen L. Drugs and vitamins. Pharmakon 1980;43:169-71. (R) 9. Ovesen L, Olesen ES. Ernæring og diætetik [Nutrition and dietetics]. Copenhagen: Nyt Nordisk Forlag. Eds 1981, 1986, 1989, 1993. (BC) 10. Pagnotta I, Daudiss K, Ovesen L, Howard L. Changes in lipoprotein cholesterol distribution in weight-stable postjejuno-ileal bypass patients. J Parent Ent Nutr 1982;6:47-9. (O) 11. Friis U, Ovesen L. Hypothermia in Wernicke's syndrome. Ugeskr Læger 1982;144:156. (O) 12. Howard L, Ovesen L, Satya-Murti S, Chu R. Reversible neurological symptoms caused by vitamin E deficiency in a patient with short bowel syndrome. Am J Clin Nutr 1983;38:270-7. (O) 13. Ovesen L, Chu R, Howard L. The influence of dietary fat on jejunostomy output in patients with short bowel syndrome. Am J Clin Nutr 1983;38:270-7. (O) 14. Smith DK, Ovesen L, Chu R, Sackel S, Howard L. Hypothermia in a patient with anorexia nervosa. Metabolism 1983;32:1151-4. (O) 15. Bendtsen F, Ovesen L, Tage-Jensen U, Pedersen NT, Rune SJ. pH in the duodenum and proximal jejunum in pancreatic insufficiency. In: Gyr KE, Singer MV, Sarles H, eds. Pancreatitis. Concepts and classification. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishers, 1984:197-9. (O) 16. Ovesen L. Vitamin therapy in the absence of obvious deficiency. What is the evidence? Drugs 1984;27:148-70. (R) 17. Lauritsen K, Rune SJ, Bytzer P, Kelbæk H, Jensen KG, Rask-Madsen J, Bendtsen F, Linde J, Højlund M, Andersen HH, Møllmann K-M, Nissen VR, Ovesen L, Schlichting P, Tage-Jensen U, Wulff HR. Effect of Omeprazole and Cimetidine on duodenal ulcer. N Engl J Med 1985;312:958-61. (O) 18. Ovesen L, Madsen PM, Lynggaard F. The differential diagnosis between infectious proctitis and ulcerative colitis. Ugeskr Laeger 1985;147:1758-60. (O) 21/1/15 © European Union, 2002-2014 | Page 2 / 16 Curriculum Vitae Lars Ovesen 19. Ovesen L, Ebbesen K, Olesen ES. The effects of oral soybean phospholipid on serum total cholesterol, plasma triglyceride, and serum high-density lipoprotein cholesterol concentrations in hyperlipidemia. J Parent Ent Nutr 1985;9:716-9. (O) 20. Rasmussen SN, Ovesen L, Madsen PM, Hansen D. Acute proctitis. Ugeskr Læger 1985;147:1753-7. (R) 21. Ovesen L, Bendtsen F, Tage-Jensen U, Pedersen NT, Gram BR, Rune SJ. Intraluminal pH in the stomach, duodenum, and proximal jejunum in normal subjects and patients with exocrine pancreatic insufficiency. Gastroenterology 1986;90:958-62. (O) 22. Hamberg O, Ovesen L, Hess K, Olesen ES. A vegetable-rich diet reduces the response to oral anticoagulants. In: Wahlquist ML, Truswell AS, eds. Recent advances in clinical nutrition: 2. London: John Libbey & Co Ltd, 1986:319-20. (O) 23. Hessov I, Ovesen L. Klinisk ernæring [Clinical nutrition]. Copenhagen: Munksgaard. Eds. 1986, 1992. Swedish translation 1988. (BC) 24. Lyduch S, Ovesen L. Maintenance dosage of warfarin anticoagulant. Calculation on the basis of the initial effect. Ugeskr Læger 1987;149:1945-7. (O) 25. Bendtsen F, Rosenkilde-Gram B, Tage-Jensen U, Ovesen L, Rune SJ. Duodenal bulb acidity in patients with duodenal ulcer. Gastroenterology 1987;93:1263-9. (O) 26. Ovesen L. Megavitamin therapy - fraud or fact? Ugeskr Læger 1987;149:2068-71. (R) 27. Ovesen L, Lyduch S, Idorn ML. The effect of a diet rich in brussels sprouts on warfarin pharmacokinetics. Eur J Clin Pharmacol 1988;33:521-3. (O) 28. Andersen JR, Bendtsen F, Ovesen L, Pedersen NT, Rune SJ, Tage-Jensen U. Jejunal bile acid precipitation and micellar lipid solubilisation in patients with steatorrhea due to chronic pancreatitis. In: Schroder T, ed. Pancreas in focus. Helsinki, 1988:55-8. (O) 29. Hannibal J, Ovesen L. A case of scurvy occurring during prolonged hospitalisation. Ugeskr Læger 1989;151:246. (O) 30. Danish Omeprazole Study Group. Omeprazole and Cimetidine in the treatment of ulcers of the body of the stomach: a double-blind comparative trial. Br Med J 1989; 298: 645-647. (O) 31. Danish Omeprazole Study Group. Relapse of gastric ulcers after healing with Omeprazole and Cimetidine: a double-blind follow-up study. Scand J Gastroenterol 1989; 24: 557-560. (O) 32. Bendtsen F, Ovesen L, Rosenkilde-Gram B, Rune SJ. Effect of Omeprazole on intragastric and duodenal bulb acidity in duodenal ulcer patients. Aliment Pharmacol Therapeut 1989; 3: 151-158. (O) 33. Ovesen L, Lyduch S, Ott P. A simple technique for predicting maintenace dosage of warfarin - is it better than empirical dosing? Eur J Clin Pharmacol 1989; 37: 573-576. (O) 34. Hamberg O, Ovesen L, Dorfeldt A, Loft S, Sonne J. The effect of dietary energy and protein deficiency on drug metabolism. Eur J Clin Pharmacol 1990; 38: 567-570. (O) 35. Andersen JR, Bendtsen F, Ovesen L, Pedersen NT, Rune SJ, Tage-Jensen U. Pancreatic insufficiency. Duodenal and jejunal pH, bile acid activity, and micellar lipid solubilisation. Intern J Pancreatol 1990; 6: 263-270. (O) 36. Ovesen L, Hannibal J, Sørensen M. Taste thresholds in patients with small-cell lung cancer. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol 1991; 117: 70-72. (O) 37. Ovesen L, Hansen EW, Allingstrup L, Adsersen M, Langballe K, Frøkjær S. Bacterial contamination and growth in two defined formula diets of different pH. Clin Nutr 1991; 10: 114-119. (O) 38. Pedersen FM, Hamberg O, Hess K, Ovesen L. The effect of dietary vitamin K on warfarin-induced anticoagulation. J Intern Med 1991; 229: 517-519. (O) 39. Ovesen L, Sørensen M, Hannibal J, Allingstrup L. Electrical taste detection thresholds and chemical smell detection thresholds in patients with cancer. Cancer 1991; 68: 2260-2265. (O) 40. Ovesen L. Palatability and intake of two commercialliquid diets in patients with poor appetite. Eur J Clin Nutr 1991; 45: 273-275. (O) 41. Ovesen L, Hannibal J, Sørensen M, Allingstrup L. Food intake, eating related complaints, and smell and taste sensations in patients with cancer of the lung, ovary and breast undergoing chemotherapy. Clin Nutr 1991; 10: 336-341. (O) 42. Ott P, Hamberg O, Ovesen L. Optimizing warfarin treatment. Ugeskr Læger 1991; 153: 263-267. (R) 43. Ovesen L, Allingstrup L. Different quantities of two commercial liquid diets consumed by weightlosing cancer patients. J Parent Ent Nutr 1992; 16: 275-278. (O) 44. Ovesen L. The effect of a supplement which is nutrient dense compared to standard concentration 21/1/15 © European Union, 2002-2014 | Page 3 / 16 Curriculum Vitae Lars Ovesen on the total nutritional intake of anorectic patients. Clin Nutr 1992; 11: 154-157. (O) 45. Ovesen L, Hannibal J, Allingstrup L. Tumour regression following chemotherapy does not increase food intake. Eur J Clin Nutr 1992; 46: 451-453. (O) 46. Ovesen L, Hannibal J, Allingstrup L. Dietary intake in patients with small cell lung cancer: the effect of aggressive chemotherapy. Eur J Clin Nutr 1992; 46: 535-537. (O) 47. Ovesen L, Hannibal J, Mortensen EL. The interrelationship of weight loss, dietary intake, and quality of life in ambulatory patients with cancer of the lung, breast and ovary. Nutr Cancer 1993; 19: 159-167. (O) 48. Ovesen L, Hannibal J, Sørensen M, Allingstrup L. Food intake, eating-related complaints and chemosensory threshold in cancer patients treated with chemotherapy. Ugeskr Læger 1993; 155: 789-796. (O) 49. Ovesen L, Allingstrup L, Hannibal J, Mortensen EL, Hansen OP. The effect of dietary counselling on food intake, body weight, response rate and survival, and quality of life in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy: a prospective, randomized study. J Clin Oncol 1993; 11: 2043-2049. (O) 50. Simonsen L, Bülow J, Sengeløv H, Madsen J, Ovesen L. Glucose induced thermogenesis in patients with small cell carcinoma. Before and after inhibition of tumour growth by chemotherapy. Clin Physiol 1993; 13: 385-396. (O) 51. Middelboe T, Ovesen L, Mortensen EL, Bech P. Depressive symptoms in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy: A psychometric analysis. Psychother Psychosom 1994; 61: 171-177. (O) 52. Ovesen L. Pharmacological therapy of cancer cachexia. Ugeskr Læger 1994; 156: 203-206. (R) 53. Ovesen L, Olesen ES, Allingstrup L. Ernæring og diætetik [Nutrition and dietetics]. Copenhagen: Nyt Nordisk Forlag, 1994. (BC) 54. Rasmussen LB, Andersen NL, Ovesen L. Folacin and neural tube defects. Should pregnant women take supplements? Scand J Nutr 1994; 38: 15-17. (R) 55. Stender S, Dyerberg J, Hølmer G, Ovesen L, Sandström B. Health aspects of trans fatty acids. Ugeskr Læger 1994; 156: 3764-3769. (R) 56. Ovesen L (ed.). Kulhydrater - sundhed og sygdom [Carbohydrates - health and disease]. Copenhagen, National Food Agency (Publication no 224), 1994. (BC) 57. Ovesen L. Anorexia in patients with cancer with special references on its association with early changes in food intake behaviour; chemotherapeutic treatment and adjuvant enteral nutrition. Intern J Oncol 1994; 5: 889-899. (R) 58. Sengeløv H, Hansen OP, Simonsen L, Bülow J, Nielsen OJ, Ovesen L. Interrelationships between single carbon units' metabolism and resting energy expenditure in weight-losing patients with small cell lung cancer. Effects of methionine supply and chemotherapy. Eur J Cancer 1994; 30A: 16161620. (O) 59. Middelboe T, Ovesen L, Mortensen EL, Bech P. Symptoms of depression in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. Ugeskr Læger 1995; 157: 1849-1852. (O) 60. Middelboe T, Ovesen L, Mortensen EL, Bech P. The relationship netween selfreported general health and observed depression and anxiety in cancer patients during chemotherapy. Nord J Psychiatry 1995; 49: 25-31. (O) 61. Stender S, Dyerberg J, Hølmer G, Ovesen L, Sandström, B. The influence of trans fatty acids on health: a report from the Danish Nutrition Council. Clin Sci 1995; 88: 375-392 (R) 62. Ovesen L, Leth T. Trans fatty acids - time for legislative action? Nutr Food Sci 1995; 4 (May/June): 16-19 (R) 63. Lassen A, Ovesen L. Nutritional effects of microwave cooking. Nutr Food Sci 1995; 4 (July/August): 8-10 (R) 64. Knudsen I, Ovesen L. Assessment of novel foods: A call for a new and broader GRAS concept. Reg Toxicol Pharmacol 1995; 21: 365-369. (R) 65. Ovesen L. Effekten af øget indtagelse af økologiske landbrugsprodukter på folkesundheden [The effect of increased intake of ecological farming products on public health]. I: Rapport om økologisk jordbrugsreform, SID, september 1995, p: 61-74 (ISBN 87-89895-25-8). (BC) 66. Pedersen AN, Ovesen L (eds.). Anbefalinger for den danske institionskost [Dietary recommendations for Danish institutions]. Copenhagen, The National Food Agency (Publication No. 233), 1995. (BC) 67. Andersen NL, Fagt S, Groth M, Hartkopp HB, Møller A, Ovesen L, Warming DL. Danskernes kostvaner 1995. Hovedresultater [Danish Nutrition Survey 1995. Main Results]. Copenhagen, The 21/1/15 © European Union, 2002-2014 | Page 4 / 16 Curriculum Vitae Lars Ovesen National Food Agency (Publication No. 235), 1996. (BC) 68. SCOOP Task 7.1.1. Working Group. Scientific considerations for the development of measures on the addition of vitamins and minerals to foodstuffs. TNO Report No: V 96.347, 1996. (BC) 69. Rasmussen LB, Andersson G, Haraldsdottir J, Kristiansen E, Molsted K, Laurberg P, Overvad K, Perrild H, Ovesen L. Iodine. Do we need an enrichment program in Denmark? Intern J Food Sci Nutr 1996; 47: 377-381. (R) 70. Ovesen L, Jakobsen J, Leth T, Reinholdt J. The effect of microwave heating on vitamins B1 and E, and linoleic and linolenic acids, and immunoglobulins in human milk. Intern J Food Sci Nutr 1996; 47: 427-436. (O) 71. Pedersen OB, Ibsen H, Overvad K, Ovesen L, Skøtt P. Salt. En analyse af sammenhænge mellem indtag og helbredstilstand [Salt: an analysis of the relationship between intake and health]. Danish nutrition Council, publication No 9, 1996. (R) 72. Ovesen L. Fedme, fedmebehandling og slankeindustrien [Obesity, obesity treatment and the slimming industry]. Copenhagen: FADL, 1996. (BC) 73. Ovesen L, Leth T, Hansen K. Fatty acid composition of Danish margarines and shortenings, with special emphasis on trans fatty acids. Lipids 1996; 31: 971-975. (O) 74. Pedersen OB, Ibsen H, Overvad K, Ovesen L, Skøtt P. Sodium chloride - an analysis of the relationship between intake and health. Ugeskr Læger 1996;158:6415-6420. (R) 75. Rasmussen LB, Andersen NL, Andersson G, Lange AP, Rasmussen K, Skak-Iversen L, Skovby F, Ovesen L. Folat og neuralrørsdefekter [Folate and neural tube defects]. Copenhagen, the National Food Agency (Publication No 238, 1997. (BC) 76. Ovesen L. National policy: Denmark. In: Implementing Dietary Guidelines for Healthy Eating. Ed. V. Wheelock. Blackie Academic & Professional: London, 1997, p. 108-122. (BC) 77. Committee on public provisioning of food. Public provisioning of food in Denmark, volume 1 & 2. Report # 1334. The National Food Agency of Denmark, 1997. (BC) 78. Kondrup J, Ovesen L. Nutrition in hospitals. Ugeskr Laeger 1997; 159: 3755-3759. (R) 79. National Health Agency. Spiseforstyrrelser [Eating disorders]. Prevention and Health Promotion, 1997/10. (BC) 80. Jakobsen J, Ovesen L, Fagt S, Pedersen AN. para-Aminobenzoic acid used as a marker for completeness of 24 hour urine: assessment of control limits for a specific HPLC method. Eur J Clin Nutr 1997;51:514-519. (O) 81. Ovesen L. Danskernes kost gennem de sidste 150 år og Ernæringspolitik og lovgivning [The Danish diet during the last 150 years, and Nutrition policy and regulation]. In: Astrup A, Garby L, Stender S, Eds. Menneskets ernæring, fra molekylær bi¬ologi til sociologi, Munksgaard: Copenhagen, 1997: 197-210 and 211-221. (BC) 82. Beck AM, Ovesen L. The predictive capacity of the Mini Nutritional Assessment Method. Ugeskr Læger 1997; 159: 6377-6381. (O) 83. Ovesen L. Regulatory aspects of functional foods. Eur J Cancer Prev 1997; 6: 480-482.(R) 84. Ovesen L. Which analysis should be performed to give proper information on nutritional status? In: Thorling EB, Hansen JC, Eds. Food tables for Greenland, INUSUK, Arctic Research Journal 1997; 4: 37-38.(BC) 85. Rasmussen LB, Andersen NL, Andersson G, Lange AP, Rasmussen K, Skak-Iversen L, Skovby F, Ovesen L. Folate and neural tube defects. Recommendations from a Danish working group. Dan Med Bull 1998; 45: 213-217. (R) 86. Rasmussen LB, Andersen N, Ovesen L. Sugar - a harmless indulgence? Intern J Food Sci Nutr 1998; 49: 253-264. (R) 87. Ovesen L, Larsen E, Hillgaard D. Fakta om fisk og skaldyr Facts about fish and shelfish. Foreningen Fiskebranchen, 1998. (BC) 88. Trolle E, Fagt S, Ovesen L. Frugt og grønt. Anbefalinger for indtagelse Fruits and vegetables. Recommendations for intake. Veterinary and Food Administration, publication nr. 244, 1998. (BC) 89. Leth T, Ovesen L, Hansen K. Fatty acid composition of meat from ruminants, with special emphasis on trans fatty acids. J Am Oil Chem Soc 1998; 75: 1001-1005. (O) 90. Ovesen L, Leth T, Hansen K. Fatty acid composition and contents of trans monounsaturated fatty acids in frying fats, and in margarines and shortenings marketed in Denmark. J Am Oil Chem Soc 1998; 75: 1079-1083. (O) 91. Beck AM, Ovesen L. At which body mass index and degree of weight loss should hospitalized 21/1/15 © European Union, 2002-2014 | Page 5 / 16 Curriculum Vitae Lars Ovesen elderly patients be considered at nutritional risk? Clin Nutr 1998; 17: 195-198. (R) 92. Laurberg P, Andersen S, Hreidarsson A, Jørgensen T, Knudsen N, Nøhr S, Ovesen L, Pedersen IB, Pedersen KM, Perrild H, Rasmussen LB. Iodine intake and thyroid disorders in Denmark. Background for an iodine supplementation program. In: Elimination of iodine deficiency disorders (IDD) in Central and Eastern Europe, the Commonwealth of Independent States and the Baltic States. Eds: Delange F, Robertson A, McLoughney E, Gerasimov G. WHO/EURO/NUT/98.1; 1998: 31-42. (R) 93. Rasmussen LB, Hansen GL, Hansen E, Koch B, Mosekilde L, Mølgård C, Sørensen OH, Ovesen L. Vitamin D. Bør forsyningen i den danske kost bedres? Vitamin D. Should the supply in the Danish diet be increased?. Veterinary and Food Administration, publication nr. 246, 1998. (BC) 94. Beck AM, Ovesen L, Osler M. The “Mini Nutritional Assessment” (MNA) and the “Determine Your Nutritional Health” Checklist (NSI Checklist) as predictors of morbidity and mortality in an elderly Danish population. Br J Nutr 1999; 81: 31-36. (O) 95. Pedersen AN, Ovesen L (eds.). Anbefalinger for den danske institionskost [Dietary recommendations for Danish institutions, 2 ed.]. Copenhagen, the Veterinary and Food Administration of Denmark, Fødevarerapport 1999:01. (BC) 96. Bichel-Udvalget. Rapport fra underudvalget om miljø og sundhed Report from the subcommittee on environment and health. Copenhagen, the Ministry of Environment and Energy 1999. (BC) 97. Bichel-Udvalget. Rapport fra den tværfaglige økologigruppe Report from the cross-disciplinary ecology group. Copenhagen, the Ministry of Environment and Energy 1999. (BC) 98. Larsen SB, Bonde JP, Juhler RK, Meyer O, Jensen ND, Büchert A, Ovesen L, Larsen JC, Giwercman A, Ernst E, Spano M. Male reproduction and pesticides. Pesticides Research, 49. Ministry of Environment and Energy, Danish Environmental Protection Agency, 1999. (BC) 99. Lyhne N, Ovesen L. Added sugars and nutrient density in the diet of Danish children. Scand J Nutr 1999; 43: 4-7. (O) 100. Rasmussen LB, Ovesen L, Christiansen E. Day-to-day and within-day variation in urinary iodine excretion. Eur J Clin Nutr 1999; 53: 401-407. (O) 101. Beck AM, Ovesen L. Modification of the nutrition questionnaire for elderly to increase its ability to detect elderly people with inadequate intake of energy, calcium, vitamin C and vitamin D. Eur J Clin Nutr 1999; 53: 560-569. (O) 102. Ovesen L. Some pertinent aspects of functional foods. Forum on Functional Foods. Strasbourg, Council of Europe 1-2 December 1998. Council of Europe Publishing, Strasbourg, Cedex, 1999, p: 265-288. (BC) 103. Ovesen L. Functional foods: some pertinent aspects? Br Food J 1999; 101: 809-817. (R) 104. Beck AM, Ovesen L. At which body mass index and degree of weight loss should hospitalized elderly patients be considered at nutritional risk? Ugeskr Læger 1999; 161: 6477-6479. (R) 105. Ovesen L, Allingstrup L, Poulsen I. Ernæring og diætetik Nutrition and Dietetics 8 udgave. København: Nyt Nordisk Forlag Arnold Busck, 1999. (BC) 106. Milman N, Ovesen L, Byg K-E, Graudal N. Iron status in Danes updated 1994, I: prevalence of iron deficiency and iron overload in 1332 men aged 40-70 years. Influence of blood donation, alcohol intake, and iron supplementation. Ann Hematol 1999; 78: 393-400. (O) 107. Knudsen N, Bols I, Bülow I, Jørgensen T, Perrild H, Ovesen L, Laurberg P. Validation of ultrasonography of the thyroid gland for epidemiological purposes. Thyroid 1999; 9: 1069-1074. (O) 108. Rasmussen LB, Larsen EH, Ovesen L. Iodine content in drinking water and other beverages in Denmark. Eur J Clin Nutr 2000; 54: 57-60. (O) 109. Beck AM, Rasmussen AW, Ovesen L. Nutritional state of hospitalised elderly and younger patients. Ugeskr Læger 2000; 162: 3193-3196. (O) 110. Rasmussen LB, Hansen GL, Hansen E, Koch B, Mosekilde L, Mølgaard C, Sørensen OH, Ovesen L. Intern J Food Sci Nutr 2000; 51: 209-215. (R) 111. Health and Human Nutrition: Element for European Action. Societé Francaise de Santé Publique. Collection Santé & Societé no 10, 2000. (BC) 112. Knudsen B, Bülow I, Jørgensen T, Laurberg P, Ovesen L, Perrild H. Goitre prevalence and thyroid abnormalities at ultrasonography: a comparative epidemiological study in two regions with slightly different iodine status. Clin Endocrin 2000; 53: 479-485. (O) 113. Knudsen N, Bülow I, Jørgensen T, Laurberg P, Ovesen L, Perrild H. Comparative study of thyroid function and types of thyroid dysfunction in two areas in Denmark with slightly different iodine status. 21/1/15 © European Union, 2002-2014 | Page 6 / 16 Curriculum Vitae Lars Ovesen Eur J Clin Endocrinol 2000; 143: 485-491. (O) 114. Rasmussen LB, Ovesen L, Bülow I, Knudsen N, Perrild H. Folate intake, lifestyle factors, and homocysteine concentrations in younger and older women. Am J Clin Nutr 2000; 72: 1156-1163. (O) 115. Milman N, Byg K-E, Ovesen L. Iron status in Danes. II: Prevalence of iron deficiency and iron overload in 139 Danish women aged 40-70 years. Influence of blood donation, alcohol intake and iron supplementation. Ann Hematol 2000; 79: 612-621. (O) 116. Osteporose. Forebyggelse, diagnostik og behandling Osteoporosis. Prevention, diagnosis and treatment. Fødevaredirektoratet og Sundhedsstyrelsen, ISBN: 87-90951-58-1, 2000. (BC) 117. Sundhedsanprisninger af levnedsmidler Health claims on Foods. Mejborn H, Ovesen L. FødevareRapport 2000:24. Fødevaredirektoratet, 2000. (BC) 118. Laurberg P, Nøhr SB, Pedersen KM, Hreidarson AB, Andersen S, Pedersen IB, Knudsen N, Perrild H, Jørgensen T, Ovesen L. Thyroid disorders in mild iodine deficiency. Thyroid 2000; 10: 951963. (R) 119. Rasmussen LB, Ovesen L, Bülow I, Jørgensen T, Knudsen N, Laurberg P, Perrild H. Evaluation of a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire to estimate iodine intake. Eur J Clin Nutr 2001; 55: 287-292. (O) 120. Mejborn H, Dragsted LO, Dyerberg J, Koch B, Poulsen M, Trolle E, Ovesen L. Guidelines and conditions for use of health claims in Denmark. Scand J Nutr 2001; 45: 35-39. (R) 121. Mathiessen J, Andersen NL, Ovesen L. Betydningen af kost og fysisk aktivitet for fedmeudviklingen i Danmark fra 1985 til 1995. Ugeskr Læger 2001; 163: 2941-2945. (O) 122. Svendsen OL, Heitmann BL, Mikkelsen KL, Raben A, Ryttig KR, Sørensen TIA, Breum L, Tauber-Lassen E, Hansen GL, Ovesen L, Richelsen B, Søndergaard K, Toubro S. Fedme i Danmark. En rapport fra dansk ”Task force on Obesity” under Dansk Selskab for Adipositasforskning Obesity in Denmark. A report from the Danish ”Task Force on Obesity” under the Danish Society for Obesity Research. Klaringsrapport Nr. 8, Ugeskr. Læger 2001. (R) 123. EFCOSUM Group. European Food Consumption Survey Method. TNO Report V3766, 2001. (BC) 124. Laurberg P, Pedersen IB, Knudsen N, Ovesen L, Andersen S. Environmental iodine intake affects the type of nonmalignant thyroid disease. Thyroid 2001; 11: 457-469. (R) 125. Beck AM, Ovesen L, Schroll M. Validation of the resident assessment triggers in the detection of undernutrition. Age Ageing 2001; 30: 161-165. (O) 126. Knudsen N, Bülow I, Laurberg P, Perrild H, Ovesen L, Jørgensen T. Alcohol consumption is associated with reduced prevalence of goitre and solitary nodules. Clin Endocrinol 2001; 55: 41-46. (O) 127. Crews H, Alink G, Andersen R, Braesco V, Holst B, Maiani G, Ovesen L, Scotter M, Solfrizzo M, van den Berg R, Verhagen H, Williamson G. A critical assessment of some biomarker approaches linked with dietary intake. Br J Nutr 2001; 86, Suppl.1, S5-S35. (R) 128. Beck AM, Balknäs UN, Fürst P, Hasunen K, Jones L, Mechior J-C, Mikkelsen B, Schauder P, Sivonen L, Zinck O, Øien H, Ovesen L. Food and nutritional care: how to prevent undernutrition – report and guidelines from the Council of Europe. Clin Nutr 2001; 20: 455-460. (R) 129. Report on tasks for scientific cooperation, Task 7.3. Collection of data on products intended for use in very-low-calorie-diets: “SCOOP-VLCD”, 2001. (BC) 130. Knudsen N, Bülow I, Jørgensen T, Perrild H, Ovesen L, Laurberg P. Serum Tg – a sensitive marker of thyroid abnormalities and iodine deficiency in epidemiological studies. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2001; 86: 3599-3603. (O) 131. Pedersen IB, Knudsen N, Perrild H, Ovesen L, Laurberg P. TSH-receptor antibody measurement for differentiation of hyperthyroidism into Graves’ disease and multinodular toxic goitre: a comparison of two competitive binding assays. Clin Endocrinol 2001; 55: 381-390. (O) 132. Astrup AV, Ovesen L, Stender S. Plantestanoler til forebyggelse af hjerte-kar-sygdom. Ugeskr Læger 2001; 163: 6437-6439. (R) 133. Beck AM, Ovesen L, Schroll M. A six months’ prospective follow-up of 65+-y-old patients from general practice classified according to nutritional risk by the Mini Nutritional Assessment. Eur J Clin Nutr 2001; 55: 1028-1033. (O) 134. Clausen I, Ovesen L. Proximate contents, losses and gains of fat, protein and water comparing raw, hospital- and household-cooked pork cuts. J Food Comp Anal 2001; 14: 491-503. (O) 135. Pedersen AN, Fagt S, Ovesen L, Schroll M. Quality control including validation in dietary surveys 21/1/15 © European Union, 2002-2014 | Page 7 / 16 Curriculum Vitae Lars Ovesen of elderly subjects. J Nutr Health Aging 2001; 5: 208-216. (O) 136. Andersen R, Brot C, Ovesen L. Towards a strategy for optimal vitamin D fortification (OPTIFORD). Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis 2001; 11: 74-77. (R) 137. Knudsen N, Bülow I, Laurberg P, Ovesen L, Perrild H, Jørgensen T. Parity is associated with increased thyroid volume solely among smokers in an area with moderate to mild iodine deficiency. Eur J Endocrinol 2002; 146: 39-43. (O) 138. Rasmussen LB, Ovesen L, Bülow I, Jørgensen T, Knudsen N, Laurberg P, Perrild H. Dietary iodine intake and urinary iodine excretion in a Danish population: effect of geography, supplements and food choice. Br J Nutr 2002; 87: 61-69. (O) 139. Pedersen IB, Laurberg P, Arnfred T, Knudsen N, Jørgensen T, Perrild H, Ovesen L. Surveyance of disease frequency in a population by linkage to diagnostic laboratory databases. A system for monitoring the incidences of hyper- and hypothyroidism as part of the Danish iodine supplementation program. Comp Methods Prog Biomed 2002; 67: 209-216. (O) 140. Beck AM, Ovesen L. Body mass index, weight loss and energy intake of old Danish nursing home residents and home-care clients. Scand J Caring Sci 2002; 16: 86-90. (O) 141. Knudsen N, Bülow I, Laurberg P, Ovesen L, Perrild H, Jørgensen T. Association of tobacco smoking with goiter in a low-iodine-intake area. Arch Intern Med 2002; 162: 439-443. (O) 142. Steimgrimsdottir L, Ovesen L, Moreiras O, Jacob S for the EFCOSUM Group. Selection of relevant dietary indicators. Eur J Clin Nutr 2002; 56 (Suppl. 2): S8-S11. (R) 143. Ovesen L, Boeing H for the EFCOSUM Group. The use of biomarkers in multicentric studies with particular consideration of iodine, sodium, iron, folate and vitamin D. Eur J Clin Nutr 2002; 56 (Suppl. 2): S12-S17. (R) 144. Biro G, Hulshof KFAM, Ovesen L, Amorim Cruz JA for the EFCOSUM Group. Selection of methodology to assess food intake. Eur J Clin Nutr 2002; 56 (Suppl. 2): S25-S32. (R) 145. Knudsen VK, Rasmussen LB, Haraldsdottir J, Ovesen L, Bülow I, Knudsen N, Jørgensen T, Laurberg P, Perrild H. Use of dietary supplements in Denmark is associated with health and former smoking. Publ Health Nutr 2002; 5: 463-468. (O) 146. Beck AM, Ovesen L. Added sugars and nutrient density in the diet of elderly Danish nursing home residents. Scand J Nutr 2002; 46: 68-72. (O) 147. Knudsen N, Bülow I, Laurberg P, Perrild H, Ovesen L, Jørgensen T. Low goitre prevalence among users of oral contraceptives in a population sample of 3712 women. Clin Endocrinol 2002; 57: 71-76. (O) 148. Jern – bør forsyningen in den danske befolkning forbedres? [Iron – should the supply be increased in the Danish population?]. Fødevarerapport 2002:18, Fødevaredirektoratet 2002. (BC) 149. Beck AM, Balknäss UN, Camilo ME, Fürst P, Gentile MG, Hasunen K, Jones L, JonkersSchuitma, Keller U, Melchior J-C, Mikkelsen BE, Pavcic M, Schauder P, Sivonen L, Zinck O, Ovesen L. Practices in relation to nutritional care and support – report from the Council of Europe. Clin Nutr 2002; 21: 351-354. (R) 150. Beck AM, Elsig M, Ovesen L (eds). Uden mad og drikke… Måltider til glæde for ældre, bind 1-3 [Without food and drink… Meals for enjoyment of the elderly, volume 1-3]. Fødevarerapport 2002:1416, Fødevaredirektoratet 2002. (BC) 151. Lassen A, Kall M, Hansen K, Ovesen L. A comparison of the retention of vitamins B1, B2, and B6, and cooking yield in pork loin with conventional and enhanced meal-service systems. Eur Food Res Technol 2002; 215: 194-199. (O) 152. Ovesen L. Kødindtaget i Danmark og dets betydning for ernæring og sundhed [Meat intake in Denmark, and its importance for nutrition and health]. Fødevarerapport 2002:20, Fødevaredirektoratet 2002. (BC) 153. Rasmussen LB, Ovesen L, Bülow I, Jørgensen T, Knudsen N, Laurberg P, Perrild H. Relations between various measures of iodine intake and thyroid volume, thyroid nodularity, and serum thyroglobulin. Am J Clin Nutr 2002; 76: 1069-1076. (O) 154. Kærgaard N, Bredahl L, Frandsen SE, Hermansen JE, Ovesen L, Sandøe P, Wegener H, Walter-Jørgensen Aa. Den danske svinesektors samfundsmæssige betydning [The social importance of the Danish pig sector]. Jordbrugsforlaget, Det Kgl. Danske Landhusholdningsselskab, 2002. (BC) 155. Bendixen H, Madsen J, Bay-Hansen D, Boesen U, Ovesen L, Bartels EM, Astrup A. An observational study of slimming behavior in Denmark in 1992 and 1998. Obes Res 2002; 10: 911-921. (O) 156. Beck AM, Ovesen L, Schroll M. Home-made oral supplements as nutritional support of old 21/1/15 © European Union, 2002-2014 | Page 8 / 16 Curriculum Vitae Lars Ovesen nursing home residents, who are undernourished or at risk of undernutrition based on the MNA. A pilot trial. Aging Clin Exp Res 2002; 14: 212-215. (O) 157. Ovesen L, Andersen NL, Dragsted LO, Godtfredsen J, Haraldsdottir J, Stender S, Sølling K, Tjønneland A, Trolle E. Frugt, grønt og helbred. Opdatering af vidensgrundlaget Fruits, vegetables, and health. An up-dating of the knowledge-base. FødevareRapport 2002:22. Fødevaredirektoratet 2002. (BC) 158. Pedersen IB, Knudsen N, Jørgensen T, Perrild H, Ovesen L, Laurberg P. Large differences in incidences of overt hyper- and hypothyroidism associated with small differences in iodine intake: a prospective comparative register-based population survey. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2002; 87: 44624469. (O) 159. Knudsen N, Laurberg P, Perrild H, Bülow I, Ovesen L, Jørgensen T. Risk factors for goiter and thyroid nodules. Thyroid 2002; 12: 879-888. (R) 160. Laurberg P, Andersen S, Knudsen N, Ovesen L, Nøhr SB, Bülow I, Thiocyanate in food and iodine in milk: from domestic animal feeding to improved understanding of cretinism. Thyroid 2002; 12: 897-902. (R) 161. Knudsen N, Bülow I, Laurberg P, Perrild H, Ovesen L, Jørgensen T. High occurrence of thyroid multinodularity and low occurrence of subclinical hypothyroidism among tobacco smokers in a large population study. J Endocrinol 2002; 175: 571-576. (O) 162. Pedersen AN, Ovesen L, Schroll M, Avlund K, Era P. Body composition of 80-years old men and women and its relation to muscle strength, physical activity and functional ability. J Nutr Health Aging 2002; 6: 413-420. (O) 163. Committtee of Experts on Nutrition, Food Safety and Consumer Protection. Food and nutritional care in hospitals: how to prevent undernutrition. Report and recommendations. Council of Europe Publishing, Council of Europe, November 2002. (BC) 164. Pedersen IB, Knudsen N, Jørgensen T, Perrild H, Ovesen L, Laurberg P. Thyroid peroxidase and thyroglobulin autoantibodies in a large survey of populations with mild and moderate iodine deficiency. Clin Endocrinol 2003; 58: 36-42. (O) 165. Jakobsen J, Pedersen AN, Ovesen L. Para-aminobenzoic acid (PABA) used as a marker for completeness of 24 hour urine: effects of age and dosage scheduling. Eur J Clin Nutr 2003; 57: 138142. (O) 166. Matthiessen J, Fagt S, Biltoft-Jensen A, Beck AM, Ovesen L. Size makes a difference. Publ Health Nutr 2003; 6: 65-72. (O) 167. Oplæg til national handlingsplan mod svær overvægt. Forslag til løsninger og perspektiver Discussion paper for a national plan of action against severe obesity. Proposal for solutions and perspectives. Sundhedsstyrelsen 19 marts 2003. (BC) 168. Rasmussen LB, Garne E, Hansen HB, Lange AP, Lyhne N, Olsen SF, Petersen T, Skovby F, Ovesen L. Folat og neuralrørsdefekter. Skal kosten beriges? [Folate and neural tube defects. Should the diet be fortified?]. FødevareRapport 2003:01. Fødevaredirektoratet 2003. (BC) 169. Mikkelsen BE, Beck AM, Balknäss UN, Camilo MG, Fürst P, Gentile MG, Hasunen K, Jones L, Jonkers-Schuitma C, Keller U, Melchior J-C, Pavcic M, Schauder P, Sivonen L, Zinck O, Øien H, Ovesen L. What can foodservice operators do to remedy undernutrition in hospitals? A European perspective from an ad hoc group on Nutrition Programs in Hospitals, Council of Europe. Foodservice Res Int 2003; 13: 269-279. (R) 170. Knudsen N, Bülow I, Laurberg P, Ovesen L, Perrild H, Jørgensen T. Low socio-economic status and familial occurrence of goitre are associated with a high prevalence of goitre. Eur J Epidemiol 2003; 18: 175-181. (O) 171. Ovesen L, Brot C, Jakobsen J. Food contents and biological activity of 25-hydroxyvitamin D: a vitamin D metabolite to be reckoned with? Ann Nutr Metab 2003; 47: 107-113. (R) 172. Beck AM, Ovesen L. Influence of social engagement and dining location on nutritional intake and body mass index of old nursing home residents. J Nutr Elderly 2003; 22: 1-13. (O) 173. Milman N, Byg K-E, Ovesen L, Kirchhoff M, Jürgensen KS-L. Iron status in Danish women, 1984-1994: a cohort comparison of changes in iron stores and the prevalence of iron deficiency and iron overload. Eur J Haematol 2003; 71: 51-61. (O) 174. Matthiessen L, Rasmussen LB, Andersen LB, Astrup A, Helge JW, Kjær M, Mølgaard C, Nielsen GA, Saltin B, Strube M, Tjønneland M, Ovesen L. Kost og fysisk aktivitet – fælles aktører i sygdomsforebyggelsen Diet and physical activity – common actors in disease prevention. FødevareRapport 2003:03. Fødevaredirektoratet 2003. (BC) 175. Beck AM, Balknäs U, Camilo ME, Fürst P, Gentile MG, Hasunen K, Jones L, Jonkers-Schuitema 21/1/15 © European Union, 2002-2014 | Page 9 / 16 Curriculum Vitae Lars Ovesen C, Keller U, Melchior J-C, Mikkelsen BE, Pavcic M, Schauder P, Sivonen L, Zinck O, Øien H, Ovesen L. The European view of hospital malnutrition. Nutr Clin Pract 2003; 18: 247-249. (R) 176. Clausen I, Jakobsen J, Leth T, Ovesen L. Vitamin D3 and 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 in raw and cooked pork cuts. J Food Comp Anal 2003; 16: 575-585. (O) 177. Similä M, Fagt S, Vaask S, Thorgeirsdottir H, Pudule I, Petkeviciene J, Johansson L, Becker W, Ovesen L, Steingromsdottir L, Moltchanova E, Valsta L. The NORBAGREEN 2002 Study. Consumption of vegetables, potatoes, fruit, bread and fish in the Nordic and Baltic countries. Nordic Council of Ministers, TemaNord 2003:556. (BC) 178. Ovesen L, Andersen R, Jakobsen J. Geographical differences in vitamin D status, with particular reference to European countries. Proc Nutr Soc 2003; 62: 813-821. (R) 179. Andersen JK, Büchert A, Koch B, Ladefoged O, Leth T, Licht D, Ovesen L. Helhedssyn på fisk og fiskevarer. Fødevarerapport 2003:17. (BC) 180. Laurberg P, Jørgensen T, Knudsen N, Pedersen IB, Perrild H, Rasmussen LB, Ovesen L. Implementation and monitoring of iodine supplementation in Denmark. IDD Newsletter 2003;19:5559. (R) 181. Ovesen L. Statusartikel. Julemandssyndromet og andre risici forbundet med julen [The Santa Claus Syndrome and other risks associated with Christmas]. Ugeskr Laeger 2003; 165: 4944-4946. (R) 182. Biesalski HK, Brummer R-J, König J, O’Connell MA, Ovesen L, Rechkemmer G, Stos K, Thurnham DI. Micronutrient deficiencies. Hohenheim Consensus Conference. Eur J Nutr 2003; 42: 353-363. (R) 183. Beck A-M, Balknäss UN, Camilo ME, Fürst P, Gentile MG, Hasunen K, Jones L, JonkersSchuitma C, Keller U, Melchior J-C, Mikkelsen BE, Pavcic M, Schauder P, Sivonen L, Øien H, Ovesen L. Alimentation et soins nutritionnels dans les hopitaux: une vision européenne. Nutrition clinique et metabolisme 2003; 17: 207-212. (R) 184. Laurberg P, Andersen S, Pedersen IB, Ovesen L, Knudsen N. Humic substances in drinking water and the epidemiology of thyroid disease. BioFactors 2003; 19: 145-153. (R) 185. Leth T, Bysted A, Hansen K, Ovesen L. Trans FA content in Danish margarines and shortenings. J Am Oil Chem Soc 2003; 80: 475-478. (O) 186. Harrington M, Bennett T, Jakobsen J, Ovesen L, Brot C, Flynn A, Cashman K. The effect of a high-protein, high-sodium diet on calcium and bone metabolism in postmenopausal women and its interaction with vitamin D receptor genotype. Br J Nutr 2004; 91: 41-51. (O) 187. Lassen A, Thorsen AV, Trolle E, Elsig M, Ovesen L. Successful strategies to increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables: results from the Danish '6 a day' Work-site Canteen Model Study. Public Health Nutr 2004; 7: 263-270. (O) 188. Milman N, Pedersen AN, Ovesen L, Schroll M. Iron status in 358 apparently healthy 80-year-old Danish men and women: relation to food composition and dietary and supplemental iron intake. Ann Hematol 2004; 83:423-429. (O) 189. Ovesen L. Vitamin D fortification and bone health. In: Remacle C, Reusens B, eds. Functional foods, ageing and degenerative disease. Cambridge, Woodhead Publishing Ltd. P. 139-173, 2004. (BC) 190. Ovesen L. Cardiovascular and obesity health concerns. In: Jensen, WK, Devine C, Dikeman M, eds. Encyclopedia of meat sciences. Oxford, Elsevier, p. 623-628, 2004. (BC) 191. Ovesen L. Cancer Health Concerns. In: Jensen, WK, Devine C, Dikeman M, eds. Encyclopedia of meat sciences. Oxford, Elsevier, p. 628-633, 2004. (BC) 192. Beck AM, Ovesen L. Skipping of meals has a significant impact on dietary intake and nutritional status of old (65+ Y) nursing home residents. J Nutr Health Aging 2004; 8: 390-394. (O) 193. Beck AM, Ovesen L. The effect of diet modification on dietary intake, and body weight of elderly nursing home residents formerly receiving chopped or blended diets. A pilot trial. Foodservice Res Int 2004; 14: 211-221. (O) 194. Milman N, Pedersen P, Ovesen L, Melsen GV, Fenger K. Frequency of the C282Y and H63D mutations of the hemochromatosis gene (HFE) in 2501 ethnic Danes. Ann Hematol 2004; 83: 654657. (O) 195. Jakobsen J, Clausen I, Leth T, Ovesen L. A new method for the determination of vitamin D3 and 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 in meat. J Food Comp Anal 2004; 17: 777-787. (O) 196. Harrington M, Bennett T, Jakobsen J, Ovesen L, Brot C, Flynn A, Cashman K. Effect of a highprotein, high-salt diet on calcium and bone metabolism in postmenopausal women stratified by 21/1/15 © European Union, 2002-2014 | Page 10 / 16 Curriculum Vitae Lars Ovesen hormone replacement therapy use. Eur J Clin Nutr 2004; 58: 1436-1439. (O) 197. Clausen I, Ovesen L. Changes in fat content of pork and beef after pan-frying under different conditions. J Food Comp Anal 2005; 18: 201-211. (O) 198. Ovesen L, Astrup A, Dyerberg J, Stender S. Vand, salt, mineraler og sporstoffer [Water, salts, minerals and trace elements]. I: Astrup A, Dyerberg J, Stender S, eds. Menneskets ernæring. Munksgaard Danmark: København, p. 149-162, 2005. (BC) 199. Ovesen L. Danskernes kost fra ca. 1850 til 2000 [Dietary intake of Danes from about 1850 to 2000]. I: Astrup A, Dyerberg J, Stender S, eds. Menneskets ernæring. Munksgaard Danmark: København, p. 224-237, 2005. (BC) 200. Andersen R, Mølgaard C, Skovgaard LT, Brot C, Cashman KD, Chabros E, Charzewska J, Flynn A, Jakobsen J, Kärkkäinen M, Kiely M, Lamberg-Allardt, Moreiras O, Natri AM, O’Brien M, RogalskaNiedzwiedz, Ovesen L. Teenage girls and elderly women living in northern Europe have low winter vitamin D status. Eur J Clin Nutr 2005; 59: 533-541. (O) 201. Olsen SF, Dragsted LO, Hansen HS, Michaelsen KF, Milman N, Ovesen L, Petersen T, Tabor A. Kost til gravide. Det videnskabelige grundlag for råd om kost i forbindelse med graviditet [Diet for pregnant women. The scientific basis for advice about diet in connection with pregnancy]. Publication nr. 38, The Danish Nutrition Council, 2005. (BC) 202. Pedersen IB, Laurberg P, Knudsen N, Jørgensen T, Perrild H, Ovesen L, Rasmussen LB. A population study of the association between thyroid autoantibodies in serum and abnormalities in thyroid function and structure. Clin Endocrinol 2005; 62: 713-720. (O) 203. Ovesen L. Øget indtag af grøntsager og frugt nedsætter risikoen for iskæmisk hjertesygdom [Increased consumption of fruits and vegetables reduces the risk of ischemic heart disease]. Ugeskr Laeger 2005; 167: 2742-2747. (R) 204. Ovesen L. Er højt indtag af grøntsager og frugt forbundet med nedsat risiko for cerebrovaskulær sygdom? [Is a high intake of fruits and vegetables related to a lowered risk of cerebrovascular disease?] Ugeskr Laeger 2005; 167: 2748-2752. (R) 205. Olsen SF, Dragsted LO, Hansen HS, Michaelsen KF, Milman N, Nielsen MJ, Ovesen L, Petersen T, Tabor A. Det videnskabelige grundlag for officielle anbefalinger om kost I forbindelse med graviditet [The scientific basis of current official dietary recommendations in relation to pregnancy]. Ugeskr Laeger 2005; 167: 2782-2784. (R) 206. Ovesen L. Lifestyle and risk of heart disease among children and adolescents. European Heart Network 2005. (BC) 207. Carle A, Laurberg P, Pedersen IB, Knudsen N, Perrild H, Ovesen L, Rasmussen LB, Jørgensen T. Epidemilogy of subtypes of hypothyroidism in Denmark. Eur J Endocrinol 2006; 154: 21-28. (O) 208. Pedersen IB, Laurberg P, Knudsen N, Jørgensen T, Perrild H, Ovesen L, Rasmussen LB. Lack of association between thyroid autoantibodies and parity in a population study argues against microchimerism as a trigger of thyroid autoimmunity. Eur J Endocrinol 2006; 154: 39-45. (O) 209. Ovesen L. Har den daglige vitaminpille betydning for den raske befolknings sundhed? [Has the daily vitamin supplement any importance for the disease risk of the healthy population?] Ugeskr Laeger 2006;168:2051-2058. (R) 210. Laurberg P, Jørgensen T, Perrild H, Ovesen L, Knudsen N, Pedersen IB, Rasmussen LB, Carle A, Vejbjerg P. The Danish investigation on iodine intake and thyroid disease; DanThyr: status and perspectives. Eur J Endocrinol 2006; 155: 219-228. (O) 211. Ovesen L. Adolescence: a critical period for long-term tracking of risk for coronary heart disease? Ann Nutr Metab 2006; 50: 317-324. (R) 212. Skibsted LH, Dragsted LO, Dyerberg J, Hansen HH, Kiens B, Ovesen L, Tjønneland AM. Antioxidanter og helbred [Antioxidants and health]. Ugeskr Læger 2006; 168: 2787-2789. (R) 213. Skibsted LH, Dragsted LO, Dyerberg J, Hansen HH, Kiens B, Ovesen L, Tjønneland AM. Antioxidanter og helbred [Antioxidants and health]. The Danish Council of Physical Activity and Nutrition, Publication nr. 1, 2006. (BC) 214. Rasmussen LB, Mejborn H, Andersen NL, Dragsted LO, Krogholm KS, Larsen EH, Ovesen L, Tjønneland A, Koch B. Selen og sundhed [Selenium and Health]. Danmarks Fødevareforskning, Publikation nr. 20, 2006. (BC) 215. Vejbjerg P, Knudsen N, Perrild H, Laurberg P, Pedersen IB, Rasmussen LB, Ovesen L, Jørgensen T. The association between hypoechogenecity or irregular echo pattern at thyroid ultrasonography and thyroid function in the general population. Eur J Endocrinol 2006; 155: 547-552. (O) 216. RasmussenLB, Mejborn H, Andersen NL, Dragsted LO, Krogholm KS, Larsen EH, Ovesen L, 21/1/15 © European Union, 2002-2014 | Page 11 / 16 Curriculum Vitae Lars Ovesen Tjønneland AM. Selen og sundhed [Selenium and health]. Ugeskr Læger 2006; 168: 3311-3313. (R) 217. Carle A, Laurberg P, Knudsen N, Perrild H, Ovesen L, Rasmussen LB, Jørgensen T, Pedersen IB. Thyroid peroxidase and thyroglobulin auto-antibodies in patients with newly diagnosed overt hypothyroidism. Autoimmunity 2006; 39: 497-503. (O) 218. Pedersen IB, Laurberg P, Knudsen N, Jørgensen T, Perrild H, Ovesen L, Rasmussen LB. Increase in incidence of hyperthyroidism predominantly occurs in young people after iodine fortification of salt in Denmark. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2006;91:3830-3834. (O) 219. Ovesen L, Larsen ML. Evidensbaseret medicin: virker råd om sund kost hos raske? [Evidencebased medicine: is advice about healthy diet effective in healthy subjects?]. Ugeskr Læger 2007;169:27-29. (R) 220. Ovesen L, Allingstrup L, Poulsen I. Ernæring og diætetik Nutrition and Dietetics 9 udgave. København: Nyt Nordisk Forlag Arnold Busck, 2007. (BC) 221. Vejbjerg P, Knudsen N, Perrild H, Carle A, Laurberg P, Pedersen IB, Rasmussen LB, Ovesen L, Jorgensen T. Effect of a mandatory iodization program on thyroid gland volume based on individuals' age, gender, and preceding severity of dietary iodine deficiency: a prospective, population-based study. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2007;92:1397-401. (O) 222. Carle A, Laurberg P, Pedersen IB, Perrild H, Ovesen L, Rasmussen LB, Jorgensen T, Knudsen N. Age modifies the pituitary TSH response to thyroid failure. Thyroid 2007;17:139-144. (O) 223. Rasmussen LB, Ovesen L, Christensen T, Knuthsen P, Larsen EH, Lyhne N, Okholm B, Saxholt E. Iodine content in bread and salt in Denmark after iodization and the influence on iodine intake. Intern J Food Sci Nutr 2007;58:231-239.(O) 224. Ovesen L. Naturlægemidler [Nature drugs].I: Kampmann JP, Brøsen K, Simonsen U, eds. Basal og klinisk farmakologi. FADL’s Forlag: København, p. 843-851, 2007. (BC) 225. Pedersen IB, Laurberg P, Knudsen N, Jørgensen T, Perrild H, Ovesen L, Rasmussen LB. An increased incidence of overt hypothyroidism after iodine fortification of salt in Denmark: a prospective population study. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2007;92:3122-3127. (O) 226. Knudsen VK, Hansen HS, Ovesen L, Mikkelsen TB, Olsen SF. Iron supplement use among Danish pregnant women. Publ Health Nutr 2007;10:1004-10. (O) 227. Laurberg P, Andersen S, Bjarnadottir RI, Carle A, Hreidarson AB, Knudsen N, Ovesen L, Pedersen IN, Rasmussen LB. Evaluating iodine deficiency in pregnant women and young infants – complex physiology with a risk of misinterpretation. Publ Health Nutr 2007;10(12A):1547-52. (R) 228. Rasmussen LB, Carlé A, Jørgensen T, Knudsen N, Laurberg P, Pedersen IB, Perrild H, Vejbjerg P, Ovesen L. Iodine intake before and after mandatory iodization in Denmark: results from the Danish Investigation of Iodine Intake and Thyroid Diseases (DanThyr) study. Br J Nutr. 2008;100:166-73. (O) 229. Andersen R, Mølgaard C, Skovgaard LT, Brot C, Cashman KD, Jakobsen J,Lamberg-Allardt C, Ovesen L. Effect of vitamin D supplementation on bone and vitamin D status among Pakistani immigrants in Denmark: a randomised double-blinded placebo-controlled intervention study. Br J Nutr. 2008;100:197-207. (O) 230. Milman N, Pedersen AN, Ovesen L, Schroll M. Hemoglobin concentrations in 358 apparently healthy 80-year-old Danish men and women. Should the reference interval be adjusted for age? Aging Clin Exp Res 2008;20:8-14. (O) 231. Pedersen IB, Laurberg P, Knudsen N, Jørgensen T, Perrild H, Ovesen L, Rasmussen LB. Smoking is negatively associated with the presence of thyroglobulin autoantibody and to a lesser degree with thyroid peroxidase autoantibody in serum: a population study. Eur J Endocrinol 2008;158:367-73. (O) 232. Toft U, Kristoffersen L, Ladelund S, Ovesen L, Lau C, Borch Johnsen K, Pisinger C, Jørgensen T. The impact of a population-based multi-factorial lifestyle intervention on changes in long-term dietary habits The Inter99 study. Prev Med 2008 Jun 4. [Epub ahead of print]. (O) 233. Toft U, Kristoffersen L, Ladelund S, Ovesen L, Lau C, Pisinger C, Smith LH, Borch-Johnsen K, Jørgensen T. The effect of adding group-based counselling to individual lifestyle counselling on changes in dietary intake. The Inter99 study - a randomized controlled trial. Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act 2008 Nov 21;5:59. (O) 234. Vejbjerg P, Knudsen N, Perrild H, Laurberg P, Carlé A, Pedersen IB, Rasmussen LB, Ovesen L, Jørgensen T. 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Carlé A, Pedersen IB, Knudsen N, Perrild H, Ovesen L, Rasmussen LB, Laurberg P. Development of autoimmune overt hypothyroidism is highly associated with live births and induced abortions but only in premenopausal women. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2014;99:2241-9. 280. Bjergved L, Jørgensen T, Perrild H, Laurberg P, Krejbjerg A, Ovesen L, Rasmussen LB, Knudsen N. Thyroid function and body weight: a community-based longitudinal study. PLoS One. 2014 Apr 11;9(4):e93515. 281. Krejbjerg A, Bjergved L, Pedersen IB, Knudsen N, Jørgensen T, Perrild H, Ovesen L, Banke Rasmussen L, Laurberg P. Thyroid nodules in an eleven-year DanThyr follow-up study. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2014 Sep 18:jc20142438. [Epub ahead of print] 282. Carlé A, Pedersen IB, Knudsen N, Perrild H, Ovesen L, Laurberg P. Hypothyroid symptoms and the likelihood of overt thyroid failure: a population-based case-control study. Eur J Endocrinol 2014;171:593-602. 283. Rasmussen LB, Carlé A, Jørgensen T, Knuthsen P, Krejbjerg A, Perrild H, Bjergved L, Sloth JJ, Laurberg P, Ovesen L. Iodine excretion has decreased in Denmark between 2004 and 2010 - the importance of iodine content in milk. Br J Nutr 2014 Oct 30:1-9. [Epub ahead of print] Projects Memberships Other Relevant Information Certifications 1979 Physician Nutrition Specialist, American Board of Physician Nutrition Specialists (USA). 1986 Specialist in General Internal Medicine (DK). 1986 Specialist in Medical Gastroenterology (DK). 1996 Master of Public Administration. Copenhagen Business University, Denmark Academic and other appointments 1986-1991 Asst. Professor of Oncology and Endocrinology. Bispebjerg University Hospital, Copenhagen. 1982-1984 21/1/15 © European Union, 2002-2014 | Page 15 / 16 Curriculum Vitae Lars Ovesen 1986-1989 Lecturer in General Internal Medicine. University of Copenhagen. 1989-1991 Lecturer in Human Nutrition. University of Odense. 1993-2001 Member of the Danish Nutrition Council. The Danish Medical Association. 1998Project coordinator. The Danish Investigation of Iodine Intake and Thyroid Diseases (DANTHYR). 1999 Chairman. Nutrition Programmes in Hospitals, Committee of Experts on Nutrition, Food Safety and Consumer Health, Council of Europe. 1999-2000 Designated expert on European Nutrition Policy. European Commission. 2000 Project coordinator. Towards an optimal strategy for vitamin D fortification (OPTIFORD). European Commission RTD Project funded within the 5th Framework Programme. 2001 Chairman. The ad hoc group on Nutrition in Schools, Committee of Experts on Nutrition, Food Safety and Consumer Health, Council of Europe. 2003 Scientific Reviewer. The North-South Research Programmes, National Development Plan and the Higher Education Authority, Ireland and Northern Ireland. 2007 Consultant. Clinical nutrition. The Danish Technical University. 2007-2008 Consultant, Nature drugs. Danish Medicines Agency. 2008Consultant, Gastroenterology drugs. Danish Medicines Agency. 21/1/15 © European Union, 2002-2014 | Page 16 / 16