HoofPrint - The Pony Club Branches


HoofPrint - The Pony Club Branches
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What a busy summer! This edition of Hoofprint contains details of our three camps (Senior, Junior and Mini), a report
on our fantastic One Day Event, and results from Area, Regional and National competitions. As well as this, we had
children preparing for tests, and rallies continued at intervals throughout the holidays.
Chief organisers for our camps were Tina Skipworth and Zoe Donald (Mini Camp), Fiona McAlister and Tamsin
Raymond (Junior Camp) and Auriol Adams (Senior Camp). The One Day Event was organised by Lisa Heneghan
and Frances Pusinelli. To run their events, each of our chief organisers needed an army of helpers. Nobody in the
branch, with the exception of some of the instructors, is paid. So a big ‘thank you’ not only to our Team Leaders but to
everyone who joined in. Whether your children are Minis, Juniors or Seniors we need you!
Our next major riding event is the Show Jumping Show at Sparsholt College, Winchester on 2 March 2014. Please
contact Auriol Adams ([email protected]) if you are available to help. If you are brand new to Pony Club,
helping is the fastest way to learn how it all works.
Out of the saddle, the Annual Meeting and Prize Giving is on Thursday 24 October. Details to follow but please keep
the date free.
We have been privileged this year to be supported by two main sponsors, Macbeth Insurance and Chapel Forge
Farriers. Their involvement enabled us to support the camps as necessary and to buy equipment for the Minis. We
did have three sponsors to begin with but one had to pull out for business reasons. So for 2014 we are looking for at
least one new main sponsor.
Finally, we have a new payment system for rallies. The bank has started charging us a lot of money for each cheque
used. They are trying to encourage us to use online payments. Accordingly, details of the new system to register and
pay for a rally are at the end of this newsletter and I would urge you to read these thoroughly and ask if in doubt!
Hope that you all continue to enjoy your riding over the winter months. See you soon.
Vine PC District Commissioner
Junior Camp at Three Maids Kings Worthy
Monday 29th July – Friday 2nd Aug
28 girls; 1 boy; 18 day guys; 11 campers!!
With all the blazing sunshine and hard ground we were a little
concerned how camp would run this summer. But we have had
some lovely feedback which seems to prove junior camp was a
great success!
We gave the ponies two quiet afternoons and managed to cram in
loads of activities. One of the highlights was discovering the
skeleton and muscle build of your pony. The children became
totally absorbed in painting the structure and shape of each
muscle and bone on their ponies. There were some amazing
artists among us but we also required great imagination for others!
Amongst other things we looked at lunging correctly (they lunged
each other), rode bareback, spent a very energetic afternoon on a massive treasure hunt and rode the jumping lane at
every opportunity.
Our instructors, Southerly Roberts, Dani Bizzarro, and Clare Chamberlain, with afternoon help from Sharon and Craig,
provided some amazing and at times challenging and exciting action. The Chase-me-Charlie was won by Sophie Hext
clearing an incredible 132cm and Lottie Ledger was a clear winner of the ‘barrel’ jumping by clearing a single cone –
no mean feat.
All the instructors worked really hard and we saw huge progress made over the
week. The yard groups became extremely competitive and it was fantastic to see the
leaders looking after and motivating the youngsters.
“I'm Jessica. I am 9 years old and have an 11.2 h.h. black Dartmoor x mare called
Fantasy. This was my 5th time at Pony Club Camp and it has always been great
fun. This year I was in a group with 3 other riders and my Instructor was called Julia.
Show jumping was the highlight but I also loved the cross country, I am always really
sad when camp ends and I am really looking forward to another camp next year.”
We had 3 evening speakers when I hope the children
learnt as much as I did. Richard Gillatt very kindly stood in
at the last minute for Andrew McGonnall (stuck on the
A303) to do a talk on basic veterinary issues; Ben Tillett
talked us through the intricacies of shoeing a horse and
Sarah McGonnell did a fantastic first aid talk to arm us all
with some potentially life- saving procedures.
Learning a dressage test!
All the classic camp antics kept everyone busy, and as a treat for the campers
Caroline (our DC) asked them all to swim and eat Pizza at her house on the last
night. One of the ‘camping’ members wrote:
Lane jumping
“This was my first year sleeping over at camp. It was fun staying with all of my
My instructor was Sam Albert and she was very nice. We did dressage & showjumping. We had a contest to see who
could ride around the arena the longest standing in our stirrups! We practised jumping cross country corners with
show jumps. I had to jump a very wide corner on my pony. We also had to see how narrow we could jump over
blocks. My favourite thing was jumping a 1 metre oxer up hill.
Thank you to all the people who helped with camp and to the instructors for making it such a fun week.
We had a marvellous team of volunteer parents who gave up their time to come and help, without these generous
people we would not have been able to provide a really fun and productive week, THANK YOU!
Taking a bath!
Southerly’s energy proved to know no bounds as she arrived straight from another
week’s camp to camp the 4 days with us along with her 2 ponies. Thanks to her 4
legged friends she was able to take each ride out on a hack and take those that
wanted for an evening bareback paddle in the water jump. Other extra curricula
entertainment included Volleyball and on the last evening a ‘concert in the tent’ from
Emma Lawrence, a recent Vine member with a budding career in singing, who kindly
came and entertained us all with songs both written by her and by others (please
watch her on Youtube and like her on her facebook page).
Thanks to all the wonderful parents for coming to help during the day and for keeping us all fabulously fed on an
endless supply of yummy cakes. Special thanks must also go to Sammy Ledger, Mandy Taylor, Camilla Hext, Katey
Harley and Angela McFarlane for not only cooking us the most amazing evening meals but for then also spending a
night camping with us, a first for some I think? Lastly, I would like to thank Russ Hardy and his Boomerang team for
being so helpful, tolerant and hospitable as we worked out our camp routine. They even let us use the Boomerang
washing and drying machines when we ceased to be amused by the rain – it could almost be called glamping!
With the much needed help of camp committee members Rachel Chamings, Michelle Loveridge, Jenny Stevens,
Phillippa Chamings, Lisa Heneghan, Caroline Blatchford and Arlina Mauree
P.S. If anyone would like photographs from camp Rachel Bays took hundreds and they are available to be viewed on
her site: photos.coldfeetphotography.co.uk by putting in ‘vine’ as the password. Images are £5.00 each and payment
can be made online via PayPal.
Boomerang Camp Report
Sunday 28 July – Thursday 1 August
Starting up a ‘new’ camp was always going to be an exciting but rather
daunting challenge even when you know that the facilities and teachers
are second to none. I am delighted to report that despite the weather
doing its best to dampen our spirits from the moment we arrived, none of
my worst fears arose and we had a fun, albeit rather exhausting, week
with 16 fabulous girls and 2 equally fabulous and brave boys.
Who slept in there?!
The first challenge for some of us was to put up tents in the pouring rain.
Some were more successful than others – it was a little disconcerting to
put my head out of my tent at 5.30am on Monday to see a tent upside
down on the electric fence with one of the Boomerang horses
nonchalantly grazing a few feet away!
Cross country bareback
I do hope everyone not only enjoyed themselves but left feeling that they had learnt something.
Minis Camp Report
Show Jumping with the Vine Summer 2013
It was decided this year that the Minis would have their own camp, held in the week following the junior and senior
camps. A venue was needed and, having convinced my husband that he would love to have between 8 and 10
(certainly no more than 12) small children and their ponies at Adbury Park in the middle of harvest for 4 days, Zoe & I
compiled an information sheet and asked people to book their place. Twenty signups later we had to close entries.
From our own experience we knew that the way the children would get
the most from camp was to make them feel safe. Arenas were
constructed for each ride and hacks out were planned so that no-one
was facing an open field and the prospect of an over enthusiastic
pony. Help was recruited from our more senior members to lead and
encourage, and mums were asked to be on hand for our lead reiners.
Confidence was the key.
What a busy and successful summer the Vine show jumpers have had this summer.
Area Show Jumping : It started with the Area Show Jumping which was moved at the last minute from Berkshire
College of Agriculture to Merriest Wood with a date change moving the date forward to the day after the Vine Pony
Club Camp. The Vine therefore had the disadvantage of some very tired ponies…but that didn’t stop us.
Ponies began arriving on Sunday afternoon and by 9.30 on Monday
morning we had a full complement, tacked up and ready for
instruction. Our three instructors took control and Zoe and I breathed
a huge sigh of relief – it had even stopped raining.
Tack cleaning
Starting the fancypants thingamyjig
The days followed a similar pattern. The mornings were taken up with
instruction in their rides. We then had lunch and a break followed by
an afternoon activity such as gymkhana games, hacking out, badge
work and on two afternoons Sharon Quant came to give show jumping
instruction. We also had a very informative talk by Nick, the
huntsman with the Vine & Craven, who brought 3 hounds for us to
meet and let us all have a go at blowing the hunting horn. Parents and
grandparents were invited to come along on the final afternoon to see
how much progress the children had made. We had show jumping,
handy pony and the team gymkhana finale. Cordelia’s ride also did
their Musical Ride to music from The Jungle Book which got
everyone’s toes tapping. This will forever be known as the ‘fancypants
thingamyjig’ as described by Ella to her mum when asked what she
had been doing that morning.
Once everything was tidied away at the end of camp we held a very informal prize
giving. There were many prizes and rosettes to hand out to all the children and we
introduced a new shield this year for Best Camp Member. This award was given to
Maddie Tame – always on hand to help, tidying up and doing jobs without being
asked and always smiling. Well done Maddie!
Minis: This year we were able to produce three mini teams who came 3 , 4 and 5 which is a fantastic result for
such a small branch. Third were Oliver Bays, Tishy Akroyd, Tatiane Mauree and Izzy Fry who rode a spectacularly
fast jump off round for the team. Fourth were Jessie Blatchford, Siobhan Heneghan, Izzy Akroyd and Alice McGonnell
who again rode a very fast jump off round but couldn’t quite pip Izzy Fry. And Fifth were Tori McAlister, Georgie Vile,
Chiara Heneghan and Anouk Mauree who did ride a very fast and clear jump off round but the team had 4 points to
carry forward going into the jump off.
Novice: This year’s Novice team were Georgie Bartlett, Lotty
Ledger, Anna Jones and Gemma Raymond with Bella Moore
representing as an individual. The team did incredibly well
coming 3 with both Anna and Georgie producing clears in the
jump off and us narrowly missing qualification for the Nationals.
Georgie who came 7th individually did, in the end, qualify for
the nationals.
There are so many people to thank for making this camp such a success. We were
so fortunate to have great instructors, Jenny Englefield, Michelle Woolmer and
Cordelia House. Their enthusiasm and understanding brought the best out in all
the children. We had a wonderful team of mums who gave up so much time and
supported Zoe and I, shouldering some of the responsibility. And of course our
junior and senior members who ran miles, filled endless haynets and water buckets
and generally provided much needed help to the minis to get them tacked up and
ready for their lessons and activities.
Bertie & Birdie off the lead rein
But my final words of thanks must go to our brilliant mini members. You were all an
absolute pleasure to have at Mini Camp. Happy, polite, helping each other, trying your best even when perhaps
things weren’t going to plan… the list goes on. You were all superstars!!
There is no doubt that organising and running a pony club camp is hard work however to see smiling faces at the end
of a ride, to hear children excitedly telling their parents of the triumphs they had during their lesson or out on a hack
and to watch their confidence grow, is all the reward needed.
Jessie, Izzy, Oliver, Sharon, Georgie, Tori, Tishy, Alice (back row) Siobhan, Chiara, Tiane, Anouk & Izzy
Intermediate: The Intermediates were allowed to compete as
originally planned on the Sunday so at least their ponies did
manage to have a rest after camp. These were Millie Coyne,
Sophie Hext, Olivia Bartlett and Tara Pusinelli with Tom Burton
Georgia at the National Championships
and Miles Albert representing the Vine individually. After a
very long day the intermediates again did extremely well
coming 3 and managing to qualify for the Nationals with Olivia riding a fast, clean clear round and managing to come
5th individually. You can read later on to see how Olivia, Tara and Tom did at the Nationals.
Hickstead : Next to come was Hickstead with just 5 days rest and a mini-camp in-between it was another quick turnaround. Everybody bar one open competitor who was competing very late in the day took the option of driving up the
night before and either camping or taking the slightly salubrious option of staying in the local TravelLodge. We must
all thank Alex Mauree for managing once again the BBQ - every year it gets better and better - and Fiona Coyne for
producing birthday cake and strawberries for Millie. As we all went up the night before we were very lucky as we
managed to walk the course with Sharon Quant that night making the 6:30am start not so hectic.
First to go were the Minis: who were Jessie Blatchford, Katie
Blatchford and Tatiane Mauree they managed to get through to
the jump off with 4 faults and Tatiane rode a lovely round with an
unfortunate pole down.
Jessie, Tiane and Katie
Next up were the Novice team of Anouk Mauree, Tori McAlister,
Oliver Bays and Izzy Fry (pictured below). All four team members
managed a clear first round so were allowed to jump off again
with Anouk representing the team. Anouk, directed by Sharon,
rode a fast and successful round managing to come 7
individually and
the team came
5 .
Competing at the same time were our Intermediate teams of Holly
Hathaway, Bella Moore and Miles Albert, with a second team of
Gemma Raymond, Anna Jones, Georgia Bartlett and Bea Webber.
This was one of the youngest teams competing in this section and
they all did extremely well at a big full up to height course, Georgia
and Gemma both had clear rounds in the first round so were
allowed to compete in the jump off with Gemma completing another
clear round which unfortunately was not fast enough to be placed.
The Vine have enjoyed much success this summer and have
had a lot of fun competing.
At the Area Dressage we had two Novice teams taking part
and one Intermediate individual. The Novice Green team Tom Burton, Miles Albert and Tori McAlister - came 8th, with
Tom Burton 5th individually. The Novice Red team
comprising Georgia Bartlett, Siobhan and Chiara Heneghan
and Gemma Raymond came 3rd, narrowly missing out on
Championship qualification. Individually Chiara and Gemma
were both 7th. Georgia won her section with a mark of 76%
and qualified for the National Novice Championships at
Kelsall Hill in Cheshire. She thoroughly enjoyed her
experience at Kelsall and did really well to finish in the
middle of the section.
In the Intermediate Olivia won her section by 6 marks, qualifying
for the National Championships at Cholmondeley Castle in
Cheshire in the middle of August. At the Championships the
competition was extremely tough and Olivia was thrilled to finish
4th individually - a great achievement for Olivia and for the Vine.
There was further success for the Vine at the Mini
Championships. Our team of Katie and Jessie Blatchford and
Oliver Bays just missed out on a team placing but individually
Jessie had a great result, coming 4th, closely followed by Oliver
who came 9th.
Tori, Izzy, Anouk and Oliver
And finally in the Open class we had Olivia Bartlett, Millie Coyne, Tara Pusinelli and Tom Burton representing us over
a very well built solid course. Everybody did extremely well as once again we had one of the youngest teams
competing most of whom had never competed at this height. Olivia did get through to the jump off and rode a fast
competitive round to put the team in 4 place as well as coming 4 individually.
The Mini Team Championships
This year was held at The Bisley pony club which always builds an interesting and spooky course. Unfortunately we
were only able to put up a team of three as one of the ponies went ‘sick’ the night before (who is now fine) and these
were Oliver Bays, Jessie Blatchford and Katie Blatchford unfortunately the team were not able to go through in to the
jump off but both Oliver and Jessica did produce two lovely clear rounds.
Once again this summer The Vine did extremely well show jumping and this of course is really all down to one person
- our team trainer Sharon Quant, who not only trains our little ones over trotting poles but also our senior members
jumping well over a metre. Sharon comes with us to all our team events to warm everyone up, walk courses and
generally give us all a big moral boost and without the enthusiasm and her expertise I am sure we would not only do
as well as we do but wouldn’t be able to produce some lovely riders in the process – so thank you Sharon we all
appreciate you very much and look forward to many more years of training from yourself and any little assistant’s you
may have!
Olivia with Munro
P.S. An enormous thank you to Maggie Richardson for the unerring support she has given our Area teams this
summer. It was greatly appreciated and made all the difference!
Area Horse Trials Report
The Area Horse Trials was held on the 7th of July at Iping. The
intermediate team were the first to go on the very hot day we had in front
of us. The team was just three of us, Olivia Bartlett, Tara Pusinelli and I
and we all did very nice tests.
The show jumping was causing many problems with very few clears
throughout the class and unfortunately all three of us had one annoying
pole down.
Finally, as the Vine show jumping has become so popular not only with rally's and training but also competing, Arlina
Mauree, who has two young children Anouk and Tatiane who both are very keen show jumpers, has agreed to come
along side and help me with the organisation of the rallies and team competitions. Arlina will therefore be receiving
some show jumping rally forms - so please check who these are to be sent to as advised on each form. Arlina will
also be looking out for any team show jumping competitions we can do throughout the winter months, if you would like
to email Arlina with any ideas etc please feel free to do so at: [email protected].
We then set off on the cross country which was also causing many
problems and a lot of time faults so we were all told to kick on!! I thought I
was going very fast as I caught the person in front of me up so slowed
down a bit too much and ended up getting 3 time faults, but did a lovely
clear. Olivia did a great round with being one of the few to get inside time
in the whole class. Tara had an annoying step back which meant she had
a stop, but otherwise did a super round with a few time faults.
As I write we now just have the Southern Novice Championships at the end of September to look forward to, before
we start our Sunday training rallies once a month with Sharon to which everyone is welcome to come along to – look
out for the dates in the back of Hoofprint. If you want any other information on show jumping with the Vine please
email me at [email protected].
Chiara, Siobhan, Miles, Tori, Georgia, Tom, Gemma
Olivia,Tara and Annabel
There was a very long and agonising wait to see the results, I ended up
it was incredibly technical - every other fence was a combination, and endless angles and skinnies. As we walked this
first time, we met up with the course builder by chance as I was trying to get the right line into fence number 4 - a
brush, four long strides to a very narrow corner. He happily informed us that the course had been criticised the
previous year for being too straightforward so this year it was maximum height, maximum distance, with a maximum
number of combinations. Just what we needed to hear! There was little time to get too bothered about it as I now
needed to concentrate on the Show-jumping for the following day.
3rd as an individual with only one point away from qualifying which was very
annoying. Olivia won her section which was amazing and went to the
Championships in August. Tara come 8th which is very good considering she has
only had her pony for a few months. The team ended up fourth overall.
The Novice team, being Hattie Lees, Gemma Raymond, Georgie Bartlett and
Anna Jones had the worst of the day, it was so hot for them and they all did an
amazing job in-spite of the weather. They all did very nice dressage tests and then
Georgie went clear SJ but everyone else had one down. The show jumping was
causing as much trouble as the intermediate was, so they all did very well.
We were so excited to be joined that evening by Sharon Quant, Tom Burton and Tara Pusinelli, along with a team of
supporters. Tom and Tara had both had terrible journeys taking the best part of 7 hours to get there! Getting up at
4am suddenly didn't seem so bad. Competing as an individual is great but there is nothing quite like being part of a
team and we felt extremely lucky - as we sat down to supper together in the fading light - to be experiencing all this
with our good friends.
They then all did super clears cross country but unfortunately they all had some
time faults which was expected because Iping is a very twisty and undulating
course. Georgie and Hattie both did extremely well and both ended up 5th
individually. Gemma and Anna unfortunately both just missed out on the placings.
But considering this was the first attempt for them all at the area they did
extremely well.
Georgia and Hattie
National Championships Report
An Unforgettable Experience
At 4.30 on a Friday morning in the middle of August we were on the road driving in the dark up to Cholmondeley
Castle in Cheshire with two ponies in the lorry and armed with feed, hay, endless tack, rugs for every situation, much
food and drink and a great deal of hope, anxiety and anticipation - all set to contest the National Intermediate
Championships on behalf of the Vine.
Morning came round too fast. Our Show-jumping team had been drawn fourth to compete so we had an early start,
plaiting and grooming, walking the course with Sharon - we (Mothers as much as children!) were so grateful to have
her there - studding, tacking up and then riding over to warm up. The course was up to height as expected, with some
really square oxers, an undulating arena and lots of changes of direction. We were thrilled to see the Blatchfords who must equally have had a horribly early start - arrive to cheer us on and their support was enormously appreciated.
As a team of 3 we were up against it, with all our scores counting regardless. Nonetheless, the team performed well
with Tara going clear, me knocking a pole and Tom unluckily knocking a couple. By the end of Round 1 we were 12th
equal - which out of 30 teams was a great effort.
Annoyingly my Eventing dressage test was scheduled for the same time as the Vine's 2nd Show-jumping round. The
organisers, therefore, agreed that I should jump my second round with Boy first of everyone to allow me time to
prepare for the dressage with Munro. The course was significantly bigger this time with much wider, even squarer
oxers, and the weather had turned with high winds and pouring rain. Boy was fantastic and without the benefit of
having watched anyone ride the course ahead of me, he jumped beautifully, just touching one annoying pole.
A rapid change of pony, tack and dress and I was back to
dressage mode with Munro. Whilst I was warming up for the
dressage - by now in a gale - I could only imagine how my
team mates were getting on in the Show-Jumping. Munro
performed another great test despite the weather and I have
to confess to being a bit disappointed - after our success in
the pure dressage - to have been placed a third of the way
down the field after the Eventing test. But that's the name of
the game - time to grin and bear it!
The Dressage Championships were taking place on Friday and my test was scheduled for 11.30am. In leaving early
we had hoped to beat the traffic and in this we succeeded, arriving before 9am. However, we had not made any
allowances for how far our lorry would be parked from the stables (and the Vine were stabled at the very furthest end
of the complex) and how far the stables would be from the competition area. Thankfully we had come armed with
bikes (forgot to mention them earlier!) and wheelbarrows too, but nonetheless the effort of unloading ponies, bedding
and feed into the stables was immense. Thank goodness for Georgia - my 'wonder groom' without whom the
weekend could not have happened.
By 10.30 we were on our knees! Nothing like adrenalin to spur you on and there was no rest as our dressage time
was drawing ever closer. Munro looked fantastic (thank you Mum!) and walking across the park to the dressage
arenas I felt extremely proud of everything we had achieved to get here. It was my first time in a long arena, I had
never ridden the test before in competition and my fellow competitors looked terrifyingly good. Nonetheless as I rode
into the arena I decided to give it my best shot, tried hard to remember everything Matt Hicks had told me in
preparation, smiled stupidly at the judge and concentrated as I had never concentrated before. I came out thinking
that I had done as well as I could have done. The sun had shone, Munro had risen to the occasion and hadn't been
phased by the situation. At worst it was great preparation for the Eventing test, also in a long arena, the following day.
Tom and Dundee
Meanwhile the Show-jumping for Tom and Tara in the second
round didn't go entirely according to plan and our hope of a
place slipped away. This was not to be the Vine's day for
rosettes, but the experience gained (for next year!!) was
worth its weight in gold.
As the scores came up we were completely amazed and delighted
to discover that we had come 4th in our arena - beyond our wildest
dreams. The Vine had made it into the placings and we were
chuffed to bits!
That evening - despite feeling exhausted - we were back out
walking the cross-country again. Munro also needed a practice
show-jump and we wanted to walk the show-jumping course
too. When bedtime came we were asleep in seconds. That
evening we had been sad to see our fellow Vine members
leave us. It wouldn't be the same the following day without
their support and encouragement.
Time to celebrate was limited as we were now thinking about the
Eventing on Sunday and the Show-jumping the following day. On
Friday afternoon, having exercised Boy, we walked the crosscountry course for the first time. It wasn't too big or too terrifying but
Sunday morning was an early start all over again. The showjumping course was tricky - with deep going after the rain of the
previous day and the undulating ground was again likely to take
its toll. I was able to watch a few of the early competitors jump
before I warmed up. There were a lot of faults and several competitors eliminated before it was my turn. Sharon's
help again was invaluable in the warm up. The first fence was the only straight-forward one and small in comparison
to the rest. I approached it on a perfect stride and was devastated to touch the top rail. The rest of the round was
clear but leaving the show-jumping with 4 faults was disappointing.
I therefore arrived at the cross country hoping to finish on a good note but with no expectation of a place. The course,
however, was causing unbelievable problems and the time faults were numerous. Munro was brilliant throughout - he
flew, loved the challenge and my lines thankfully seemed to be spot on. I came through the finish without faults elated - to huge congratulations. It had been a great round - well inside the time thanks to the training Phillippa
Chamings had kindly allowed us to do on her gallops. Incredibly we came 3rd! A podium finish for the Vine was a
great way to end the most unforgettable experience at my first Intermediate Championships.
The biggest thank you to the Vine for supporting me throughout this adventure; to Sharon for her expertise and calm
in the face of huge anxiety; to Georgia without whom I would have been lost; to all those who sent me messages of
good luck which meant such a lot; and to my parents without whom none of this would have been possible
On the 1 of September we went to the Area 13 Mini Champs. It was a sunny day but a bit cold. When we arrived we
had to decide what to do about our eventing team because one of the team had had to drop out because their pony
was ill (it is better now). We all decided that Tatiane had better change from the show jumping team to the eventing
team – that way there would be a team of 3 for each class.
Cordelia came to help us walk the course and warm up. The first to ride were the show jumpers (Katie & Jessie
Blatchford and Oliver Bays). Sadly they didn’t get through to the team jump off, though Jessie and Oliver were able to
ride the second round. Over the two rounds they ended on 4 faults each.
What another fantastic day but if it weren’t for Frances Pusinelli the event really would not have happened. We all
know how generous Frances and David have been to let the Vine invade their beautiful home for the last two years
but very few probably realise quite how much hard work Frances has done herself each year. Aside from the fantastic
signage that goes up and the hundreds of metres of temporary fencing erected to ensure competitors have no doubt
of their route, Frances spends hours meticulously maintaining the fences, building new ones, watering the ground,
clearing the wonderful barn where the secretary can be found and generally making the entire setting a mini
Badminton – an American guest of one competitor commented it was the best setting and signage she had ever seen
at that level! Frances would be the first to admit she couldn’t do it without her farm team of John and Shaun but noone should underestimate the hours of physical hard labour Frances does herself.
Jenny Englefield did an amazing job judging the dressage in both classes and was joined for Class 2 by Susie
Jennings. Brenda Sampson had built an interesting show jumping course which had riders thinking about their turns
and distances but was also manageable for the youngest riders having assistance from their ever enthusiastic
parents. The cross country course, fantastically labelled, gave all riders options at the slightly more testing fences but
proved to be an immensely enjoyable course to ride with plenty of beaming smiles crossing the finishing line.
In spite of the fierce competition, the 12 Vine riders put up a very good performance with placings in each section,
Katie Blatchford lifting the cup for the highest placed Vine member in Class 1 and Siobhan Heneghan adding her
name to the cup awarded to the highest placed Vine member in Class 2.
Thank you must go to all the helpers that turned out on the day, particularly those from the Vine who didn’t have
children riding and even more so to ‘friends’ who gave up their time to make it happen. Thank you also to the various
sponsors who contributed fantastic prizes and gave the Vine another memorable day.
Financial Matters!
Tiane at prize giving
Finally the dressage team (Katie, Jessie and Oliver) rode their tests.
They all rode really well and Jessie and Oliver were both placed in
their sections. Jessie came 4 and Oliver came 9 .
It was really great fun and my pony enjoyed it. Everyone was so
friendly and it felt like a championship because they had flowers on
the arenas. Cordelia was brilliant getting us warmed up and feeling
ready and excited. If you are under 12 you could be chosen to take
part. If you think you might like to have a go next year you should let
the rally organisers know.
Vine One Day Event
Meanwhile: With a total of 84 entries against just 60 last year, the Level 1 class got underway at 9.00 with the first two
riders in the dressage arenas, judged by Jenny Englefield and Clare Chamberlain. Entries had been received from a
vast number of branches including the Craven, Hampshire Hunt, Old Berks Hunt, Hursley Hambledon, South Berks,
Garth Hunt, RA, Staff College & Sandhurst, Chiddingfold, Garth South and even an entry from the Island South
branch in Ireland! And there were still some on the waiting list for Class 1.
Mini Champs Report
Next the eventing team (Izzy Ackroyd, Tatiane and I) did our
dressage and then our show jumping. Izzy and I were clear but
Tatiane had the last pole down. We were very excited to do the
cross country. It was a tricky course and lots of riders were
eliminated. Sadly Izzy had trouble at the trakehner and, although
she finished, she was eliminated. Tatiane had 3 stops in the first
part of the course but she flew round the last part. Lots of people
in her section had trouble and so she was still able to finish 5 .
She was pleased as she only joined the team at the last minute. I
was clear and finished on 29 penalties (just my dressage) and
came 4 in my section.
As mentioned in the last issue of Hoofprint, due to the ever increasing costs of banking, the committee has decided it
is time to bring payments for rallies and, where possible, events into the 21 century and as a result will be starting an
‘on-line’ or electronic transfer payment process with immediate effect. This will hopefully make paying for rallies
easier for all members too.
On-Line Banking: When you log into your banks on-line banking to make payments, you will be asked for the Vine
Pony Club bank account number (00019934) and sort code (40-52-40) which are also at the top of the 'What's On'
pages. You will then be asked for a REFERENCE. The reference is the relevant code for the rally (highlighted on the
Booking Form) together with the rider's(') surname - this is vital otherwise we will not know what the payment is for.
The slip should still be sent to the relevant organiser clearly indicating that an electronic payment has been made.
In the unfortunate event that any rally is cancelled, you will receive an email from the organiser to advise you that the
rally fee will be held over to the following rally of that same discipline. Should you wish the fee to be refunded please
contact Bo De Groot directly via email at [email protected] and copy your email to the relevant rally
This is a new system for all of us and there will, inevitably, be some teething problems which we ask for your patience
with. We are sure, however, that the banking charges this will save us will help to keep the Vine the financially sound
and active branch it is.
Sunday 20th October
Show Jumping Rally
with Sharon Quant
East End Farm
East End
RG20 0AB
Arlina Mauree
Monday 21st October
General Rally
to include 1 hour mounted and
30 mins stable management
Park Farm
RG23 7EH
Fiona McAlister
From 10.00
Wednesday 23rd
Dressage Rally
Equestrian Centre
Manor Farm
RG28 7SE
Katie Bartlett
West Soley
RG17 0TW
Carrie Lees
Park Farm
RG23 7EH
Fiona McAlister
Yew Tree Stables
Ball Hill
RG20 9EF
Fiona McAlister
East End Farm
East End
RG20 0AB
Tamsin Raymond
 
 
 
 
 
Thursday 24th
From 14.00
In addition to the rally
fee £20 per horse is
payable at Boomerang
on the day
Eventing Rally
Monday 28th October
General Rally
From 12.00 (there is
hound exercise before)
to include 1 hour mounted and
30 mins stable management
Thursday 31st
Grid Work Rally
Sunday 24th
Show Jumping Rally
What’s On – Autumn 2013
sessions will be with Matt
Hicks or his assistant Matthew
with Phillippa Chamings and
Southerly Roberts
Must be able to jump 2’3” +
with Sam Albert
with Sharon Quant
From 10 am
Following are details of all the rallies that have been organised so far this autumn. Please send your forms in well in
advance and certainly before the ‘by’ date to help the organisers discuss rides with the instructors.
Sunday 15th
Show Jumping Rally
with Sharon Quant
East End Farm
East End
RG20 0AB
Tamsin Raymond
Friday 20th December
Dressage Rally
Equestrian Centre
Manor Farm
RG28 7SE
Katie Bartlett
Please book at least two weeks before the date and send your booking slip to the organiser whilst following
the new payment instructions as detailed in Financial Matters.
SORT CODE: 40-52-40
ACCOUNT: 00019934
Christmas Dressage with Matt
Sunday 20th October
Show Jumping Rally, East End Farm
Please send a separate form and cheque for each rally.
 please tick to indicate payment
Thursday 24th October
Eventing Rally
£15 (£20 also due on the day)
Boomerang, West Soley
 please tick to indicate payment
made by electronic transfer
made by electronic transfer
Member’s name …………………………………..….…. Age ……..…
Name of horse …………………..…………..……….… Height ………….
Enclosed …………
Email address…………………………………….................……………
Tel …………………………
Member’s name …………………………………..….…. Age ……..…
Name of horse …………………..…………..……….… Height ………….
Enclosed …………
Height jumping ………………….
Any medical conditions the organisers should be aware of?
Email address…………………………………….................……………
Tel …………………………
Return by 6 October to:
Any medical conditions the organisers should be aware of? …………………………………………………….
Arlina Mauree, Mud Hall Cottage, Winterbourne Road, Boxford, Berkshire. RG20 8AY
Return by 14th October to: Carrie Lees, Orchard House, Steventon, Basingstoke, Hampshire. RG25 3BE
Monday 21 October
General Rally
Park Farm
 please tick to indicate payment
Monday 28th October
General Rally
Park Farm
 please tick to indicate payment
made by electronic transfer
made by electronic transfer
Member’s name …………………………………..….…. Age ……..…
Member’s name …………………………………..….…. Age ……..…
Name of horse …………………..…………..……….… Height ………….
Name of horse …………………..…………..……….… Height ………….
Enclosed …………
Height jumping ………………….
Height jumping ………………….
Email address…………………………………….................……………
Email address…………………………………….................……………
Tel …………………………
Any medical conditions the organisers should be aware of? …………………………………………………….
Return by 7 October to:
Fiona McAlister, Holly Cottage, North Waltham, Basingstoke, Hampshire. RG25 2BZ
Wednesday 23 October
Dressage Rally
Hurstbourne Equestrian Centre
 please tick to indicate payment
made by electronic transfer
Member’s name …………………………………..….…. Age ……..…
Return by 14th October to:
Fiona McAlister, Holly Cottage, North Waltham, Basingstoke, Hampshire. RG25 2BZ
Thursday 31st October
Grid Work Rally
Yew Tree Stables
 please tick to indicate payment
made by electronic transfer
Member’s name …………………………………..….…. Age ……..…
Name of horse …………………..…………..……….… Height ………….
Enclosed …………
Tel …………………………
Name of horse …………………..…………..……….… Height ………….
Enclosed …………
Email address…………………………………….................……………
Email address…………………………………….................……………
Tel …………………………
Any medical conditions the organisers should be aware of?
Any medical conditions the organisers should be aware of?
Return by 8th October to: Katie Bartlett, Hogscombe, Greenham, Thatcham RG19 8HW
Tel …………………………
Any medical conditions the organisers should be aware of? …………………………………………………….
Enclosed …………
Return by 17th October to:
Fiona McAlister, Holly Cottage, North Waltham, Basingstoke, Hampshire RG25 2BZ
Sunday 24th November
Show Jumping Rally
East End Farm
 please tick to indicate payment
made by electronic transfer
Please send a separate form and cheque for each rally.
Member’s name …………………………………..….…. Age ……..…
Name of horse …………………..…………..……….… Height ………….
Enclosed …………
Height jumping ………………….
Email address…………………………………….................……………
Tel …………………………
Any medical conditions the organisers should be aware of?
Return by 10th November to: Tamsin Raymond, Stoken Farm, Steventon, Basingstoke RG25 3BD
Sunday 15th December
Show Jumping Rally
East End Farm
 please tick to indicate payment
made by electronic transfer
Please send a separate form and cheque for each rally.
Member’s name …………………………………..….…. Age ……..…
Name of horse …………………..…………..……….… Height ………….
Enclosed …………
Height jumping ………………….
Email address…………………………………….................……………
Tel …………………………
Any medical conditions the organisers should be aware of?
Return by 1st December to: Tamsin Raymond, Stoken Farm, Steventon, Basingstoke RG25 3BD
Friday 20th December
Dressage Rally
Hurstbourne Equestrian Centre
 please tick to indicate payment
made by electronic transfer
Member’s name …………………………………..….…. Age ……..…
Name of horse …………………..…………..……….… Height ………….
Enclosed …………
Email address…………………………………….................……………
Tel …………………………
Any medical conditions the organisers should be aware of?
Return by 6th December to: Katie Bartlett, Hogscombe, Greenham, Thatcham RG19 8HW