FR-1X/FR-1XB (DK/NO) FR-1X/FR-1XB DANSK BRUGSANVISNING RSC-0959 Tillykke med dit nye instrument fra Roland! Registrer dig online på / og blive medlem af My Roland – Rolands VIP klub. Ved online registrering får du ekstra garanti på dit Roland/BOSS-produkt. På alle Roland/BOSS-produkter giver vi ved produktregistrering 1 års ekstra garanti i forhold til købelovens lovpligtige 2-årige garanti, dvs. du får i alt 3 års garanti. Hvis du har købt et HP-piano, LX-piano, RG-piano, V-Piano Grand eller Classic Orgel C-330/C-380, får du ved registrering ekstra 3 års garanti, dvs. i alt 5 års garanti. Du har også muligheden for at sige ”ja tak” til at modtage Rolands nyhedsmail og være på forkant med information fra Roland omkring produktnyheder, produktdemoer hos forhandlere, spændende artikler om forskellige musikere, koncerter, events, konkurrencer og meget mere. Roland har produceret instrumenter i mange år, og er i dag en af de førende producenter indenfor mange forskellige instrumentkategorier. Uanset om du spiller klaver, keyboard, orgel, synthesizer, guitar, trommer, bas eller er indehaver af et større eller mindre studie, så har Roland det rigtige produkt. På Rolands hjemmesider og via Rolands nyhedsmail kan du læse om de mange produkter, og læse artikler om brug af MIDI og computer. Hvis du har brug for hjælp, så har Roland en telefonsupport du kan ringe til, på hverdage mandag til torsdag imellem 14-16 og fredag imellem 9-11. Telefonnummeret er 39 16 62 29 og du er meget velkommen til at ringe. Vi svarer også på support via e-mail. Du kan skrive til os på [email protected]. Der tages forbehold for trykfejl. Gå nu i gang med at spille og glæd dig over, hvor dejligt det er at spille musik. God fornøjelse! INDHOLD SIKKERHEDSFORSKRIFTER / DANSK5 SIKKERHETSFORSKRIFTER / NORSK7 INDLEDNING9 PANELBESKRIVELSE10 Diskant-sektionen10 Bas-sektionen12 Batteri-boks13 Tilslutninger13 OPSÆTNING15 Brug FR-1x med Batterier 16 Batteri Status 16 Lyt til demo melodier 17 SKIFT MELLEM SET Vælg Set (harmonika) 18 19 SKIFT LYD MED REGISTER KNAPPERNE Diskant sektionen Bas sektionen 20 20 21 SPIL MED ORKESTER LYDE I DISKANT SEKTIONEN SOLO og DUAL Spil tromme/perkussion i bas og akkord sektionen 22 22 23 SPIL MED ORKESTER LYDE I BASS SEKTIONEN 23 AFSPIL AUDIO-FILER VIA USB (Musik) 24 Kopier audio filer til USB-memory 24 Afspil audio filer 24 Skift mellem musiknumre 25 Justere volumen på audio filen 26 Metronom27 Transponering27 PRAKTISKE FUNKTIONER Justere balancen mellem diskant og bas delen Vælg parameter som skal ændres 27 28 29 REDIGERING AF PARAMETRE Gem dine Parameter indstillinger 29 30 GEM DINE INDSTILLINGER (USER PROGRAM) Gem dine personlige indstillinger Brug dine personlige indstillinger Lav om på dine personlige indstillinger Gem User Program indstillinger på USB-key (købes separat) 31 32 33 33 35 HÅNDTERING AF DATA VIA FR-1X’s USB PORT Hent User Program indstillinger fra USB-key (købes separat) Hent User Set indstillinger fra USB-key (købes separat) 35 36 36 HENT FABRIKSINDSTILLINGERNE (Factory Reset) 38 SIKKERHEDSFORSKRIFTER / DANSK Det er vigtigt, at du læser disse sider inden du bruger dit nye musikinstrument. Selvom instrumentet er produceret efter de højeste standarder og naturligvis gennemgår omfattende test fra vores fabrik ker, er det vigtigt, at du læser denne lille guide, der er skrevet, for at du skal undgå problemer med dit instrument. Strømforsyning Det er vigtigt at bruge den rette strømforsyning til dit nye instrument. Anvender du en forkert strømforsyning, kan du risikere, at instrumentet ikke fungerer, at det kan gå i stykker eller det kan udgøre brandfare. Sørg derfor for at bruge enten den strømforsyning, der følger med instrumentet, eller brug den strømforsyning, som anbefales i den medfølgende engelske manual. Husk at bruger du andre strømforsyninger end den, der anbefales af Roland, så vil en evt. skade ikke være omfattet af din Roland garanti. Sørg også for, at de ledninger og kabler, som du bruger, er i god stand. Et strømkabel, der ikke er i god stand, kan udgøre en stor brandfare og skade både dig, instrument og det lokale, hvor instrumentet er placeret. Anvender du en strømforsyning med fejl, kan det gå ud over lydkvaliteten og ødelægge dit instrument. Vær også opmærksom på, at tilslutter du strømforsyningen til samme strømkilde som f.eks. køleskab, fryser eller stikkontakter med dæmper, kan det medføre støj. Når du tilslutter instrumentet til stikkontakten er det vigtigt, at instrumentet er slukket. Når du tilslutter instrumentet til en stikkontakt så vær opmærksom på, at spændingen svarer overens med de krav, der står på instrumentet. Placering Alle elektriske apparater påvirkes af den place ring apparatet har og det gælder naturligvis også for dit nye instrument. Du kender sikkert den lyd, der kan komme i fjernsyn og stereo anlæg m.v., hvis f.eks. mobiltelefonen ringer tæt på apparatet. Denne støj stammer fra den elek tromagnetisme, som elektriske instrumenter udsender og den letteste måde at undgå støjen på, er at placere dit nye instrument væk fra potentielle støjkilder. Det kan være computerskær me, kraftige forstærkere, fjernsyn m.v. Sørg også for at instrumentet ikke er placeret i ekstrem varme, direkte sollys, steder med fugt, støv eller under andre ekstreme forhold. Sørg for at holde dit instrument rent. Skidt og snavs kan være medvirkende årsag til at dit instrument går i stykker. Alle Rolands instru menter indeholder elektronik og som du sikkert allerede ved, er elektronik følsomt overfor fedt, støv og snavs. Pas derfor godt på dit instrument. Når du skal fjerne støv skal du anvende en tør blød klud. Er der fedtpletter skal disse fjernes med en klud der er let fugtet og brug evt. lidt opvaskemiddel, hvis pletterne er svære at fjerne. Du må under ingen omstændigheder anvende væsker med opløsningsmidler. Pas også på at instrumentet ikke kommer i for bindelse med væsker (øl, sodavand, m.v.) eller ting som kan skade instrumentet - f.eks. skarpe genstande m.v. Det er ikke alle Roland instrumenter, der har ekstern strømforsyning. Faktisk er der mange, der har indbygget strømforsyning og som derfor kun leveres med et netkabel. QUICK GUIDE 5 Almindelig brug Når du i det daglige anvender instrumentet, så lad være med at trykke hårdt på knapper m.v. Knapperne på dit instrument skal virke uden at øve vold - Føler du, at du er nødt til at trykke hårdere end sædvanligt, bør du kontakte din autoriserede Roland-forhandler. Har du et instrument, der kører på batteri, så bør du skifte batterier og derved checke, om det afhjælper problemet. Når du tilslutter eller fjerner kabler fra instru mentet, så tag fat i stikket og ikke i selve led ningen. Det er helt almindeligt at instrumentet kan blive varmt når det er tændt. Når du transporterer dit nye instrument, bør du bruge enten en Flightcase eller den originale papkasse, instrumentet blev leveret i. Selvom det vel for de fleste er naturligt så udsæt ikke instrumentet for voldsomme belastninger. Sørg for ikke at kaste med instrumentet, sætte tunge ting ovenpå det eller på andre måder øve vold imod instrumentet. Reparation Skulle uheldet være ude så husk altid at kontak te din forhandler. Roland giver 2 års garanti på alle produkter og reparation og service skal ske på et Roland-autoriseret værksted. Kontakt Rolands tekniske afdeling på telefon 39 16 62 40 for yderligere information. Du må under ingen omstændigheder selv forsø ge at åbne og reparere dit instrument, hvis det går i stykker. Husk at din garanti bortfalder, hvis du alligevel gør det. 6 QUICK GUIDE Data Mange af Rolands instrumenter har indbygget hukommelse til lagring af data (lyde, sequencer data, brugeropsætninger m.v.). Har dit instru ment en hukommelse, så husk at tage backup af data med jævne mellemrum og under alle omstændigheder, hvis instrumentet skal service res på et værksted. Når du tager backup sker det enten på det indbyggede medie (diskette, SmartMedia, Zip o.l.) eller via MIDI til computer. For nærmere detaljer omkring dette bør du læse i den engelske manual eller ringe til Rolands support på hverdage imellem 14 og 16 på tele fon 39 16 62 29. Vær opmærksom på at de forskellige medier også skal håndteres med omhu. Generelt vil digitale-medier kunne miste data, hvis de opbevares i nærheden af magnetiske kilder, f.eks. computerskærme, højttalere m.v. Læs mere om brugen af de enkelte medier i din engelske manual. SIKKERHETSFORSKRIFTER / NORSK Det er viktig at du leser disse sidene før du begynner å bruke ditt nye musikkinstrument. Selv om instrumentet er produsert etter de strengeste standarder og naturligvis gjennomgår omfattende tes ter ved våre fabrikker, er det viktig at du leser denne lille guiden som er skrevet for at du skal unngå å få problemer med ditt instrument. Strømforsyning Det er viktig at du bruker den riktige Strømforsyningen til instrumentet. Bruker du feil strømforsyning kan du risikere at instrumentet ikke fungerer, at det blir ødelagt eller at det kan utgjøre brannfare. Sørg derfor og enten bruke den strømforsyningen som følger med instrumentet, eller bruk den strømforsyningen som anbefales i den medfølgende engelske bruksanvisningen. Husk at hvis du bruker en annen strømforsyning enn den som anbefales av Roland, så vil ikke eventuelle skader komme inn under Rolands garantiansvar. Sørg også for at ledninger og kabler som du bruker er i god stand. En defekt strømkabel kan utgjøre stor brannfare og skade både deg selv, instrumentet og lokalet der instrumentet er plassert. Bruker du en strømforsyning med feil kan det både gå ut over lydkvaliteten og ødelegge ditt instrument. Vær også oppmerksom på at hvis du kobler strømforsyningen til samme strømkurs som for eksempel kjøleskap, fryser eller lysdemper, kan dette generere støy i instrumentet. Når du kobler instrumentet til strømnettet er det viktig at strømbryteren på instrumentet er slått av. Før du kobler instrumentet til strømnettet må du være sikker på at spenningen stemmer overens med de krav som står på instrumentet. Plassering Alle elektriske apparater påvirkes av den plasseringen apparatet har, og dette gjelder naturligvis også ditt nye instrument. Du kjenner sikkert den lyden som kan oppstå i TV-apparater eller lydanlegg hvis en mobiltelefon befinner seg i umiddelbar nærhet. Denne støyen kommer fra det elektromagnetiske feltet som stråler ut fra alle elektriske apparater. Den letteste måten å unngå slik støy på er å plassere instrumentet i tilstrekkelig avstand fra slike forstyrrende støykilder. Disse kan også være dataskjermer, kraftige forsterkere, fjernsynsapparater osv. Sørg også for at instrumentet ikke utsettes for ekstrem varme, direkte sollys, fuktighet, støv eller andre ekstreme påvirkninger. Rengjøring Sørg for å holde instrumentet rent. Støv og skitt kan være en medvirkende årsak til at instrumentet går i stykker. Alle Rolands instrumenter inneholder elektronikk som kan ta skade av uheldige kombinasjoner av fuktighet, støv og fremmedelementer som kan skape kortslutninger. Pass derfor godt på ditt instrument. Når du skal fjerne støv og skitt bør du bruke en tørr, myk klut. Fjerning av fettflekker gjøres med en lett fuktet klut, eventuelt med litt oppvaskmiddel hvis flekkene er vanskelige å fjerne. Du må under ingen omstendigheter bruke rensevæsker som inneholder løsningsmidler. Pass også på at instrumentet ikke kommer i forbindelse med væsker (øl, mineralvann osv.) eller ting som kan skade instrumentet, for eksempel skarpe gjenstander osv. Det er ikke alle Roland instrumenter som har ekstern strømforsyning. Det er mange som har innebygget strømforsyning og som derfor bare leveres med en nettkabel. QUICK GUIDE 7 Alminnelig bruk Når du bruker instrumentet til daglig skal du ikke trykke overdrevent hardt på knapper osv. Knappene på instrumentet skal trykkes på uten bruk av hard kraft. Føler du at du er nødt til å trykke hardere enn vanlig bør du kontakte din autoriserte Roland-forhandler. Har du et instrument som bruker batterier, bør du først skifte til nye batterier og sjekke om dette løser problemet. Når du kobler til eller fra ledninger skal du holde i kontakten - ikke dra i selve ledningen. Det er helt normalt at elektroniske instrumenter blir varme når de er slått på. Når du transporterer ditt nye instrument bør du enten bruke en egnet transportkasse eller den originale emballasjen som instrumentet ble levert i. Ikke utsett instrumentet for voldsomme belastninger selv om det i blant kan være en fristelse... Sørg for å behandle ditt instrument med forsiktighet. Reparasjon Skulle uhellet være ute så husk å kontakte din forhandler. Roland gir 2 års garanti på alle produkter og reparasjon, og service skal skje på et Roland-autorisert verksted. Du må under ingen omstendighet selv forsøke å reparere ditt instrument hvis det går i stykker. Dette vil kunne resultere i at din garanti ikke lenger gjelder. 8 QUICK GUIDE Data Mange av Rolands instrumenter har innebygget minne til lagring av data (lyder, sequencerdata, brukeroppsett osv.) Hvis ditt instrument har dette, så husk å ta sikkerhetskopier av verdifulle data med jevne mellomrom, og under alle omstendigheter hvis instrumentet skal leveres til service på et verksted. Når du tar sikkerhetskopier skjer dette enten på det innebygde mediet (SD-kort, USB minne, CD og lignende) eller via MIDI til en datamaskin. For nærmere detaljer om dette kan du lese den engelske brukerveiledningen eller ringe Rolands brukerstøtte man-tors mellom kl 14.00 og 16.00 på telefon 22 73 48 44. Vær oppmerksom på at de forskjellige lagringsmedier også skal håndteres med forsiktighet. Les mer om bruken av de enkelte lagringsmedier i din engelske manual. INDLEDNING I denne danske Quickguide får du en indføring i generel betjening og hovedfunktioner i din nye FR-1x digital harmonika, samt forklaring til hvordan du betjener instrumentet. Er der specifikke detaljer, du ikke kan finde ud af, må du konsultere den engelske hovedinstruktionsbog (Owners Manual), hvor du også kan finde mere uddybende forklaring samt diverse skemaer osv. Din nye harmonika fungerer grundlæggende på samme måde som et akustisk instrument. Man kan vælge imellem hele 16 forskellige harmonikaer. Hver harmonika inkluderer 14 diskant registre samt 7 bas registre som er tilgængelige ved at trykke flere gange på registerknappen. Dette gælder også hvis man vil spille med orkesterstemmerne. Det er som udgangspunkt nødvendigt at bruge bælgen for at instrumentet spiller, hvis man vil spille dynamisk, på samme måde som et akustisk instrument, men man kan hvis man vil, slå bælgen fra! Det er også muligt at ændre knapsystem (FR-1x knap version), så man f.eks. kan spille med systemer som benyttes i andre lande (f.eks. norsk eller finsk system). Disse funktioner er ikke omtalt i denne guide, så der henvises til den engelske Owners Manual. God fornøjelse med din nye V-Accordion, FR-1x! QUICK GUIDE 9 FR-1x Page 12 Tuesday, November 8, 2011 11:44 AM PANELBESKRIVELSE FR-1x V-Accordion Panel descriptions 4. Panel descriptions Diskant-sektionen Treble control panel B C J K L A M D E F A USB MEMORY port G H I F SET register TheMEMORY FR-1x’s USB port allows you to connect an This register is used to recall one of 16 Sets from one 1. USB port optional USB memory. It can be used to save and of the 4 Set families: press the [SET] register and one load UserUSB Programsport as well as to load User Setsmulighed and offor the 4 at trebletilslutte registers. FR-1x’s giver dig en USB-Memory, hvor man kan new sounds. The [SET] register has additional functions: gemme og hente egne registreringer (User Programs) såvel User Set og nye • To edit function and MIDI parameters: press andsom hold NOTE [SET]. Use USB memory sold by Roland (M-UF series).er We cannot lyde. (USB-Memory key ekstra udstyr). • To change octaves: press [SET] and [1/OCT–] or [2/ guarantee operation if any other USB memory is used. B ORCHESTRAL BASS button OCT+]. • To activate the metronome: press [SET] and then tre2. ORCHESTRAL BASS This button activates the orchestralknap section for the ble register [3/(METRON)]. bass buttons, allowing you to play the bass notes • To alternate between and Solo modes: press Denne knap aktiverer orkester sektionen for basDual knapperne og gør dig i stand til at using an orchestral sound instead of an accordion [SET] and then treble register [4/(DUAL/SOLO)]. sound. spille med orkester lyde i stedet for harmonika lyd i bassen G Treble registers C ORCHESTRAL CHORD/FREE BASS button This button activates the orchestral section for the The treble section contains 4 registers that allow you to select accordion, orchestral and organ sounds, Sets chord buttons, allowingCHORD/FREE you to play chords using an 3. ORCHESTRAL BASS knap and User Programs. orchestral sound instead of an accordion sound. Denne knap aktiverer sektionen for akkord knapperne og gør dig i stand til at When the FREE BASS section is active,orkester this button NOTE activates the orchestral section for the Free Bass secBy pressing and holding any register, you can switch off spille lyd i akkord delen. tion. med orkester lyde i stedet for harmonika the treble or Treble Orchestra and Organ sections. Press D LEFT HAND FREE BASS button another register to switch it back on. r H USER PROGRAM/ENTER buttonknap aktivere orkester stemmerne this button if you want to use all buttons in HvisPressFREE BASS sektionen ertheaktiveret, så vil denne left hand to play bass notes (in which case no chords This button is used to recall one of the 8 User Proavailable). gram memories: first press [USER PROGRAM] and for are Free Bass sektionen. Press and hold this button to check the state of the batteries you installed. then one of the treble registers. See page 38. It is also used to confirm settings and commands. 4. LEFT HAND FREE BASS knap E LEFT HAND DRUMS button I PLAYER buttons to add drum/percussion soundsdu to theønsker at These buttons are used toknapperne operate the FR-1x’s built-in TrykAllows påyoudenne knap hvis bruge alle i venstre hånden til at bass and chord section. USB player. [œ] allows you to return to the beginning thedet currentikke song. [®÷π] is used to start and pause akkorder. spille melodi bas. I denne indstilling ofer muligt at spille playback of the selected song. Denne knap bruges også til at kontrollere batteri niveau. 12 5. LEFT HAND DRUMS knap Med denne knap kan det tilføjes tromme/perkussions lyde til akkord og bas sektionen. 6. SET knap Denne knap bruges at vælge en af de 16 Set (harmonikaer) som kan vælges i de 4 harmonika Set familier: Tryk [SET] knappen og efterfølgende én af de 4 diskant register knapper. 10 QUICK GUIDE SET knappen har også følgende funktioner: Ændre i MIDI parametre: Tryk og hold [SET] Ændre oktav: Tryk og hold [SET] og [1/OCT–] eller [2/OCT+]. Aktivere metronom: Tryk [SET] og register [3/(METRON)]. Skifte mellem Dual og Solo indstilling: Tryk [SET] og register [4/(DUAL/SOLO)]. 7. Diskant registre Diskant sektionen indeholder 4 registerknapper, hvormed du kan skifte harmonika stemmer, orkester og orgel lyde, Set og bruger registreringer. 8. USER PROGRAM/ENTER knap Bruges til at genkalde en af de 8 personlige bruger registreringer. Tryk på [USER PROGRAM] og en af de 4 diskant registre. 9. Player knapper Disse knapper betjener den indbyggede USB afspiller. Venstre knap returnerer til start af valgte sang. Højre knap starter sang eller sætter afspilning på pause. 10. RIGHT HAND ORCHESTRA knap Denne knap aktiverer orkester sektionen for diskantdelen (højre side). Trykkes denne nede, samtidig med [ORGAN] knappen, så aktiveres FR-1x demo funktion. 11. RIGHT HAND ORGAN knap Denne knap aktiverer orgel sektionen for diskantdelen (højre side). Trykkes denne nede, samtidig med [ORCHESTRA] knappen, så aktiveres FR-1x demo funktion. 12. Power knap Tryk på denne knap for at tænde FR-1x (knappen lyser) Fra fabrikken er FR-1x indstillet, så instrumentet automatisk vil slukke 10 min. efter at du har stoppet med at spille på FR-1x. Dette kan slås fra i parameter indstillingerne (”Auto off”/ ”Off”)! 13. Volume knap Med denne drejeknap kan du hæve og sænke lydniveauet for hele instrumentet. QUICK GUIDE 11 AM J RIGHT HAND ORCHESTRA button K RIGHT HAND ORGAN button This button activates the organ section for the right hand (treble). Press it together with the [ORCHESTRA] button to select the FR-1x’s demo function. L POWER button With the factory settings, the FR-1x’s power will automatically be switched off 10 minutes after you stop playing or operating the FR-1x. If the unit’s power has been turned off automatically, you can use the [Power] switch to turn the unit back on again. If you don’t want the power to turn off automatically, change the “Auto Off” setting to “Off” as described on page 55. M VOLUME knob This knob allows you to set the V-Accordion’s overall volume. NOTE orchestral section for the t together with the the FR-1x’s demo function. tton V-Accordion r Bass control panel Press this button to switch the V-Accordion on (the button lights) and off (button dark). A button organ section for the right ther with the [ORCHESTRA] ’s demo function. NOTE This button activates the orchestral section for the right hand (treble). Press it together with the [ORGAN] button to select the FR-1x’s demo function. NOTEWith the factory settings, the FR-1x’s power will automatically be offpower 10 minutes after you stopusing playing or If you need to switched turn off the completely (when operating the FR-1x. the supplied AC adaptor), first turn off the [POWER] button, If the unit’s has beenplug turned automatically, then disconnect thepower AC adaptor’s fromoffthe wall outlet. you can use the [Power] switch to turn the unit back on again. If you don’t want the power to turn off automatically, change the “Auto Off” setting to “Off” as described on page 55. Bas-sektionen Bass control panel M VOLUME knob h the V-Accordion on (the ton dark). N This knob allows you to set the V-Accordion’s overall volume. ower completely (when using t turn off the [POWER] button, tor’s plug from the wall outlet. l o select the desired bass register, you can switch off section. Press another register N O N Bass registers P O Bass and chord buttons These registers allow you to select the desired bass These 72 buttons are used to play bass notes and By pressing and holding any register, you can switch off the Bass/Chord (or Free Bass) section. Press another register to switch it back on. This wheel allows you to specify the bellows’ inertia sound. chords (they are velocity-sensitive). They also allow 14. Bas register knapper you to play drum sounds. NOTE Med disse registre kan du vælge den ønskede bas lyd. P Bellows resistance regulator and air button (the force needed to push and pull it). See page 11. Note: Hvis man trykker på en af registerknapperne og holder den nede kan man slå By pressing it you can purge the air that still remains the af bellows after playing. P fra. Ved at trykke på in sektionen en registerknapperne slås register til igen. O O Bass and chord buttons Q15. Display Bas akkord These 72og buttons are used toknapper play bass notes and The display keeps you informed about the FR-1x’s chords (they are velocity-sensitive). They also allow status and helps you locate the functions you may you to play drum sounds. wish to set. Disse 72 knapper anslagsfølsomme og kan også benyttes til at spille trommelyde P Bellows resistance regulator and air button 16. Bælg This wheel modstandsregulator allows you to specify the bellows’ inertia og luft knap (the force needed to push and pull it). See page 11. Dette giver dig mulighedQfor at kunne regulere kraften som skal bruges for By pressingdreje it you can hjul purge the air that still remains in the bellows after playing. at spille på instrumentet. Ved at trykke på knappen kan luften lukkes ud af bælgen. rmed about the FR-1x’s e the functions you may 13 Q 17. Display 13 om FR-1x indstillinger og gør det nemt for dig at Displayet holder dig informeret lokalisere hvad du ønsker at indstille. 12 QUICK GUIDE FR-1x Page 14 Tuesday, November 8, 2011 11:44 AM FR-1x V-Accordion Panel descriptions Batteri-boks Battery compartment FR-1x Page 14 Tuesday, November 8, 2011 11:44 AM R FR-1x V-Accordion Panel descriptions Battery compartment R R Battery compartment This is where you install 8 commercially available rechargeable AA-type Ni-MH batteries (see p. 16). R Battery compartment This is where you install 8 commercially available rechargeable AA-type Ni-MH batteries (see p. 16). 18. Batteri boks Connection panel Her kan installeres 8 stk. genopladelige batterier (AA-type Ni-MH) S T U V W Tilslutninger Connection panel S DC IN socket S T U V This is where you need to connect the supplied power adapter (PSB-1U). Note that you can also purchase 8 rechargeable AA-type Ni-MH batteries and use the FR-1x without the adapter. W NOTE Using these sockets and switching off the FR-1x’s speakers (see “Speaker Mode” on p. 55) allows you to save battery power. T MIDI OUT socket S DC IN socket NOTE On the FR-1x, connecting jacks to these sockets does not mute the internal speakers. This socket can be used to transmit MIDI data. NOTE 19. DC IN-bøsning Tilslut den medfølgende AC-strømforsyning (PSB-1U). Uneed USB This is where you to COMPUTER connect the port supplied power W PHONES On the FR-1x, connecting jacks tosocket these sockets does not This that port you can can be connected to one adapter (PSB-1U). Note also purchase 8 of your computer’s This is where you can connect stereo headphones mute the internal speakers. USB portsbatteries (see p. 63). use a commercially rechargeable AA-type Ni-MH andPlease use the (Roland RH-series). available USB cable. FR-1x without the adapter. NOTE NOTE these sockets and switching off the FR-1x’s speakers V OUTPUT L/MONO (TREBLE) & R/MONO (BASS) T MIDI OUT socket Bemærk: Brug kun den Using strømforsyning følger med instrumentet. Connecting a der pair the internal speak(see “Speaker Mode” on p. 55) allows youoftoheadphones save batterymutes sockets This socket can be used to transmit MIDI data. ers. r Andre strømBemærk, at du kan anvende 8 genopladeThis port can be connected If one you of useyour bothcomputer’s connectors, the FR-1x’s outThis is where you can connect stereo headphones lige batterier og spille med instrumentet uden strømforsyning. USB ports (see p. 63). Please use a commercially power. forsyninger kan ødelægge dit instrument. U USB COMPUTER port mixing console or a commercially available Wwireless PHONES socket These sockets can be connected to an amplifier, a r put is stereo. In that case the signals of the Treble (Roland RH-series). available USB cable.section are transmitted to the L/MONO socket, while the R/MONO socket transmits 20. MIDI OUT-bøsning V OUTPUT L/MONO (TREBLE) & R/MONO (BASS) the bass (and chord) signal. If you only use one jack (connected to Connecting the “L” a pair of headphones mutes the internal speaksockets ers. NOTE Denne bøsning sende eller modtage MIDI-informationer. orconnected “R” socket), the FR-1x’s output is mono. These sockets can be to an amplifier, a kan mixing console or a commercially available wireless system. If you use both connectors, the FR-1x’s output is stereo. In that case the signals of the Treble section are transmitted to the L/MONO socket, while the R/MONO socket transmits the bass (and chord) signal. If you only use one jack (connected to the “L” or “R” socket), the FR-1x’s output is mono. 21. USB COMPUTER port 14 Denne port kan blive tilsluttet til din computers USB port ved hjælp af USB kabel (ekstra tilbehør) 14 QUICK GUIDE 13 22. OUTPUT L/MONO (TREBLE) & R/MONO (BASS)-bøsninger Tilslut disse jack stik til indgangen på dit forstærkersystem, hvis du ønsker dit spil forstærket. Når du tilslutter 2 ledninger, vil diskantspillet sendes ud af TREBLE-udgangen og basspillet sendes ud af BASS-udgangen. Hvis du anvender mono-signal, skal du benytte L/MONO-bøsningen eller R/MONO-bøsningen. Bemærk, at når du tilslutter jack stik til disse bøsninger på FR-1x afbrydes instrumentets højttalere ikke. Hvis du ønsker at afbryde de interne højttalere i FR-1x ved brug af ekstern forstærker, så kan disse slås fra (se Speaker Mode i engelsk manual side 55.) 23. PHONES-bøsning Instrumentet har en hovedtelefonudgang. Når du tilslutter et par hovedtelefoner til denne bøsning, afbrydes instrumentets højttalere, og du kan spille uden at forstyrre andre. 14 QUICK GUIDE FR-1x Page 15 Tuesday, November 8, 2011 11:44 AM FR-1x Page 15 Tuesday, November 8, 2011 11:44 AM V-Accordion r Before you start playing V-Accordion r Before you start playing 5. Before you start playing 5. Before you start playing OPSÆTNING Getting ready to play The FR-1x is an electronic instrument thatelektronisk requires 3.instrument Connect the AC adaptor to the FR-1x’s DC strøm for at kunne spille. Man kan FR-1x erready et og kræver derfor Getting play some form of electrical power. This chapterto explains IN jack. instrumentet den medfølgende eller how to power yourtilslutte FR-1x using isthe supplied adaptor or that The FR-1x an electronic instrument requires 3. Connectstrømforsyning the AC adaptor to the FR-1x’s DC indkøbe 8 stk genoplade8 commercially available batteries (AA-This chapter explains somerechargeable form of electrical power. IN jack. lige type Ni-MH). In addition, will learn to(AA-type connect how you tobatterier power yourhow FR-1x using the suppliedNi-MH). adaptor or your FR-1x to an external amplification system. 8 commercially available rechargeable batteries (AAtype Ni-MH). In addition, you will learn how to connect Connecting the ACyour adaptor FR-1x to an external amplification system. NOTE 1. Connecting the AC adaptor Tilslutning til lysnet To prevent malfunction and/or damage to speakers or other devices, always turn down the volume, and turn off the NOTE power on all devices before makingmalfunction any connections. To prevent and/or damage to speakers or other devices, always Turn the [VOLUME] knob allturn thedown waythe volume, and turn off the power onned all devices before[VOLUME] making any connections. Skru for knap (helt mod uret til towards1. the small dot to minimize the vol1. Turn the [VOLUME] knob all the way ume. To a wall outlet towards the small dot to minimize the volume. To a wall outlet 4. den lille prik) Plug the power cord into a power outlet. Now that the FR-1x is connected to a wall outlet, you can continue with section the into powera power outlet. 4. thePlug the“Switching power cord on and off” on p. 21. Now To use thethe FR-1x with batteries, to a wall outlet, you that FR-1x is connected see “Installing and removing batteries” 16. “Switching the power can continue with on thep.section on and off” on p. 21. To use the FR-1x with batteries, NOTE see “Installing and removing batteries” on p. 16. If the FR-1x is to remain unused for an extended period of time, unplug the adaptor. NOTE 2. If the FR-1x is to remain unused for an extended period of Connect the included power cord to the AC NOTE time, unplug the adaptor. (PSB-1U) adapter.2. Tilslut strømkabel til AC-adapter To prevent the inadvertent disruption of power to your unit Connect power cord to the ACthe plug be pulled The indicator will2.light once youthe plugincluded the AC adapter (should out accidentally), and to avoid NOTE into a wall outlet. adapter. applying undue stress to AC adaptor jack, anchor the of power to your unit Tothe prevent the inadvertent disruption To the FR-1x’s DC IN connector Indikatorlampe adapter vil når der tændes for strømmen. cord. lyse See “Securing the adapter MIDIout cable” The indicator will light oncepå you plug the ACpower adapter (should the plugand/or be pulled accidentally), and to avoid V-Accordion r into a wall outlet. Before you start playing on p. 20. AC adaptor To the FR-1x’sPower DC IN cord connector rt playing that requires hapter explains upplied adaptor or e batteries (AAn how to connect on system. o speakers or other d turn off the onnections. applying undue stress to the AC adaptor jack, anchor the power cord. See “Securing the adapter and/or MIDI cable” on p. 20. To a AC outlet AC adaptor Power cord Indicator To a AC outlet Place the AC adaptor so the side with the indicator Indicator (see illustration) faces upwards and the side with textual information faces downwards. Place the AC adaptor so the side with the indicator (see illustration) upwards and 3. Connect the AC adaptor tofaces the FR-1x’s DC the side with texNOTE tual information faces downwards. IN jack. 3. Tilslut adapter til FR-1x’s DC IN-bøsning. Depending on your region, the included power cord may differ from the one shown above. NOTE Depending on your region, the included power cord may NOTE differ from the one shown above. Be sure to use only the AC adaptor supplied with the unit (PSB-1U). Also, make sure the line voltage at the installaNOTE tion matches the input Be voltage specified theAC ACadaptor adap- supplied with the unit sure to use onlyonthe tor’s body. Other AC adaptors mayAlso, use make a different polarity, (PSB-1U). sure the line voltage at the installaor be designed for a different voltage,the so input their use could tion matches voltage specified on the AC adapresult in damage, malfunction, or electric shock. tor’s body. Other AC adaptors may use a different polarity, or be designed for a different voltage, so their use could result in damage, malfunction, or electric shock. he way imize the vol- To a wall outlet 4. 15 15 Plug the power cord into a power outlet. 4. Tilslut strøm og tænd for FR-1x på [Power] knap Now that the FR-1x is connected to a wall outlet, you can continue with the section “Switching the power on and off” on p. 21. To use the FR-1x with batteries, see “Installing and removing batteries” on p. 16. NOTE If the FR-1x is to remain unused for an extended period of time, unplug the adaptor. cord to the AC ug the AC adapter NOTE To prevent the inadvertent disruption of power to your unit (should the plug be pulled out accidentally), and to avoid applying undue stress to the AC adaptor jack, anchor the power cord. See “Securing the adapter and/or MIDI cable” on p. 20. To a AC outlet th the indicator the side with tex- d power cord may QUICK GUIDE 15 FR-1x Page 16 Tuesday, November 8, 2011 11:44 AM FR-1x Page 16 Tuesday, November 8, 2011 11:44 AM FR-1x V-Accordion Before you start playing FR-1x V-Accordion Before you start playing Brug FR-1x med Batterier Installing and removing batteries The FR-1x has a compartment into which you can The FR-1x’s display now shows the battery status. Installing and removing batteries install 8 commercially available AA-type Ni-MH batterFR-1x mulighed forcan at spille på batterier. Til dette skal The FR-1x has har a compartment into which you The FR-1x’s display now shows the battery status.der indkøbes 8 stk. genoplaies (which are rechargeable). You can therefore play install 8 commercially available AA-type Ni-MH batteryourdelige instrument without connecting the supplied batterier ies (which are rechargeable). You (AA-type can therefore playNi-MH). Spørg din forhandler om yderligere information. adaptor. your instrument without connecting the supplied 1.1. adaptor. Slukofffor FR-1x Switch the FR-1x. Switch the off the FR-1x. 2.1. Remove cover from the FR-1x’s battery by pressing theFR-1x’s two tabs and batteri boks ved at trykke på de 2 klemmer 2.2. compartment Afmonter batteriplade på Remove the cover from the battery ooo lifting the cover. compartment by pressing the two tabs and lifting the cover. 3. Insert 8 rechargeable AA-type Ni-MH batTheNOTE battery(AA-type charge indication isNi-MH) only an approximation. 3.3. side), Indsæt 8 compartment stk. genopladelige batterier i henhold til ”+” og ”-” care to orient them in accorteriestaking into the (4 on either The battery charge indication is only an approximation. dance thecare “+” to and “–” indications. side),with taking orient them in accormarkeringer Battery duration dance with the “+” and “–” indications. 4. Though it is perfectly possible to use rechargeable batterNOTE ies, be aware that they cannot be recharged simply by leavThough it is perfectly possible to use rechargeable battering them in the FR-1x’s compartment and connecting the ies, be aware that they cannot be recharged simply by leavadapter. You will need an external charging unit. ing them in the FR-1x’s compartment and connecting the adapter. You will need an external charging unit. NOTE Batteri Status When replacing batteries, be sure to insert them correctly NOTE (ensure correct polarity). When replacing batteries, be sure to insert them correctly (ensure correct polarity). NOTE -1x’s battery wo tabs and Ni-MH bat4 on either m in accordications. partment. hargeable batter- New or fully charged batteries should last about 8 Battery duration hours (for 2000mAh Ni-MH batteries) during continNew or fully charged batteries should last about 8 uous operation while the internal speakers are off hours (for 2000mAh Ni-MH batteries) during contin(see “Speaker Mode” on p. 55), or 5 hours while the uous operation while the internal speakers are off speakers are on. (see “Speaker Mode” on p. 55), or 5 hours while the speakers are on. NOTE Actual battery life varies according to usage conditions, the NOTE quality of the batteries and the number of charging cycles. Actual battery life varies according to usage conditions, the quality of the batteries and the number of charging cycles. NOTE While the adaptor is connected to the DC IN socket withNOTE out being connected to a wall outlet, the FR-1x cannot be While the adaptor is connected to the DC IN socket withswitched on, regardless of whether or not it contains batout being connected to a wall outlet, the FR-1x cannot be teries. switched on, regardless of whether or not it contains batteries. Note about rechargeable batteries Certain batteries can be recharged several times Note about rechargeable batteries Hvis, ved brug af batterier, displayet viser ”bAt” meddelelse, så er batterier opbrugte before they need to be replaced with new ones. Note Certain batteries can be recharged several times that it fuld is normalopladede for the batteries tobatterier. last increasingly og batterier skal udskiftes med nye before they need to be replaced with new ones. NoteHvis meddelelsen ”bAt” shorter as time goes by. At the end of their life cycle, that it is normal for the batteries to last increasingly they may only last one hour, forkan example. But that is at skifte til lysnet adapter blinker så er batterier næsten opbrugte og shorter as time goesman by. At the end of vælge their life cycle, a gradual process. Battery charge indication they may only last one hour, for example. But that is batterier. If,eller while using batteries, the “bAt” message appears in a gradual process. NOTE Remove the batteries whenever the FR-1x is to remain NOTE unused for an extended period of time. Remove the batteries whenever the FR-1x is to remain unused for an extended period of time. Battery charge indication the display, the remaining battery power is low. If, while using batteries, the “bAt” message appears in Replace the batteries at your earliest convenience. the display, the remaining battery power is low. A Replace flashingthe “bAt” message that you need to batteries at means your earliest convenience. replace the batteries right away (or use the supplied A flashing “bAt”shows message means that you need to The FR-1x’s display now the battery status. adaptor). replace the batteries right away (or use the supplied The FR-1x also allows you to check the remaining adaptor). battery charge at any time: The FR-1x also allows you to check the remaining 1. Press and holdatthe battery charge any[FREE time: BASS] (BATTERY) r r ch you can pe Ni-MH batterherefore play he supplied Close the FR-1x’s battery compartment. Close the FR-1x’s battery på compartment. 4.4. NOTE Monter dæksel batteriboks AM batteries Insert 8 rechargeable AA-type Ni-MH batteries into the compartment (4 on either ooo “ooo” means that the charge is still at the maximum level, “oo” refers to a medium level, and “o” to a low “ooo” means that the charge is still at the maximum charge level. If the “o” starts flashing, you need to level, “oo” refers to a medium level, and “o” to a low replace or recharge the batteries. If the message charge level. If the “o” starts flashing, you need to “AdP” is displayed, the FR-1x is powered by the supreplace or recharge the batteries. If the message plied adaptor. “AdP” is displayed, the FR-1x is powered by the supplied adaptor. NOTE Though it is perfectly possible to use rechargeable batterNOTE ies, be aware that they cannot be recharged simply by leavThough it is perfectly possible to use rechargeable batterDet er også muligt at tjekke batterierne på følgende måde: Tryk og hold [FREE BASS] ing them in the FR-1x’s compartment and connecting the ies, be aware that they cannot be recharged simply by leavadapter. You will need an external charging unit. ing them in the FR-1x’s compartment and connecting the (BATTERY) nede. 1. button. Press and hold the [FREE BASS] (BATTERY) button. 16 16 ooo “ooo” means that the charge is still at the maximum level, “oo” refers to a medium level, and “o” to a low charge level. If the “o” starts flashing, you need to replace or recharge the batteries. If the message “AdP” is displayed, the FR-1x is powered by the supplied adaptor. NOTE The battery charge indication is only an approximation. Battery duration New or fully charged batteries should last about 8 hours (for 2000mAh Ni-MH batteries) during continuous operation while the internal speakers are off (see “Speaker Mode” on p. 55), or 5 hours while the speakers are on. 16 QUICK GUIDE NOTE Actual battery life varies according to usage conditions, the quality of the batteries and the number of charging cycles. adapter. You will need an external charging unit. NOTE WeNOTE recommend using rechargeable AA-type Ni-MH batteries. We recommend using rechargeable AA-type Ni-MH batteries. ”ooo” betyder fuld kapacitet, ”oo” betyder medium kapacitet. Hvis ”o” betyder det lav kapacitet. Hvis ”o” blinker så skal batterier udskiftes. Forventet spilletid med højttalere (2000mAh Ni-MH batterier) vil typisk være 5 timer. FR-1x Page 23 Tuesday, November 8, 2011 11:44 AM Batterier kan ikke oplades når de sidder i FR-1x FR-1x Page 23 Tuesday, November 8, 2011 11:44 AM V-Accordion r Listening to the demo songs Lyt til demo melodier 6. Listening to the demo songs V-Accordion r Listening to the demo songs 6. The Listening to the demo FR-1x contains several demo songs. Here issongs how to play back those demo songs and fully appreciate the sounds conFR-1x indeholder forskellige demo melodier, som giver et indtryk af de mange fanta- FR-1x Page 23 Tuesday, November 8, 2011 11:44 AM tained in the FR-1x. stiske harmonikaer og de mange muligheder som instrumentet indeholder og som kan give inspiration til dig. 2. [ORCHESTRA] [ORCHESTRA] [ORGAN] again to 1. Switch on the FR-1x.topress [VOLUME] knob toand change the vol6. Simultaneously Listening thethe demo songs and 4. Use5.thePress [ORGAN] theonFR-1x display demo song mode. See “Switching power onuntil andfor off” p. 21. looks as ume ifleave it is too loud or too soft. 1.the buttons Tænd The FR-1x contains several demo songs. Here is how to play back those demo songs and fully appreciate the sounds conV-Accordion r 1. Switch on the FR-1x. 4. Use the [VOLUME] knob to change the volListening to the demo songs tained in the FR-1x. See “Switching the power on and off” on p. 21. ume if it is too loud or too soft. 2. follows: NOTE The FR-1x contains several Here is how to play back those demo and[ORCHESTRA] fully appreciate the sounds conSimultaneously pressdemo thesongs. [ORCHESTRA] and 5. songs Press and [ORGAN] again to tained in the FR-1x. During demo playback, the FR-1x’s keyboards cannot [ORGAN] buttons until the display looks as leave demo songsong mode. 2. Tryk samtidigt på [ORCHESTRA] og [ORGAN] indtil display be used. follows: 1. Switch on the FR-1x. 4. Use the [VOLUME] knob to change the volNOTE d01 d01 See “Switching the power on and off” on p. 21. 2. Simultaneously press the [ORCHESTRA] and [ORGAN] buttons until the display looks as follows: 5. viser følgende: ume if it is too loud or too soft. NOTE During demo song playback, the FR-1x’s keyboards cannot data[ORGAN] for the music Press [ORCHESTRA] againthat to is played back will be output be used.No and leave demo song from mode.the MIDI OUT socket or USB COMPUTER port. NOTE Playback starts automatically with the first demo NOTE data for the music keyboards that is played During demoNo song playback, the FR-1x’s cannot back will be output song (there are 8 demo songs in all). At the end ofbethe used. from the MIDI OUT socket or USB COMPUTER port. first song, the FR-1x starts playing songs “2”, “3” etc. NOTE Playback starts automatically with the first demo No data for the music that is played back will be output song (there demo songsjump in all).toAtthe thesong endyou’re of the interYou are can 8also directly from the MIDI OUT socket or USB COMPUTER port. first song, thein:FR-1x starts playing songs “2”, “3” etc. ested d01 Afspilning starter automatisk med den første demo melodi Playback starts automatically with the first demo song (there are 8 demo songs in all). At the end of the 3. Benyt diskant registerknap [1] og [2] for at vælge demo melodi. [1] and [2]etc.(VALUE song, the FR-1xregisters starts songs “2”,you’re “3” You3.first canUse alsotreble directly jumpplaying to the song interested in:√ ®) to select the demo song you want to 3. Youlisten can also to. directly jump to the song you’re interin: registers [1] and [2] (VALUE Useested treble √ select the [1] demo song you want to 3. ®) Use to treble registers and [2] (VALUE √ ®) listen to. to select the demo song you want to listen to. Følgende demosange er tilgængelige: The following demo songs are available: The following demo songs are available: No. No. Song title Song title The following demo songs available: 1 de Janeiro Forro de Janeiro 1 are Forro Ludovic Beier Ludovic Beier 2No. title Tango Dancers 2 Song Tango 31 SaxForro on thede Phone Janeiro Ludovic BeierLudovic 4 Sotto i ponti della Senna Ludovic Beier 5 Funky Night Ludovic Beier 6 3 5 Funky Passionate Red Rose Night Sergio Scappini 74 ponti della Senna Carnival (traditional) 6 Sottoini Venice Passionate Red Rose Ludovic Sergio Beier Sergio Scappini 8 5 Sonata in C Maj. by D. Scarlatti 7 Funky Night Carnival in Venice (traditional) Sergio Scappini Ludovic Sergio Beier Scappini 6 Red Rose 8 Passionate Sonata in C Maj. by D. Scarlatti Sergio Scappini Sergio Scappini 2 NOTE Performed by Performed by 3 Dancers Sax on the Phone by Ludovic BeierPerformed Ludovic 4 Tango Dancers Sotto i ponti della Senna Sax on the Phone Beier Beier Beier Ludovic Ludovic Ludovic Beier Beier Ludovic Ludovic Beier Beier Scappini 4. Tryk på [ORCHESTRA] og [ORGAN] for at forlade demo melodier. All rights reserved. Unauthorized use of this material for purposes other than private, personal enjoyment is a violation of applicable 7 Carnival in Venice (traditional) Sergio Scappini laws. NOTE 8 Sonata in C Maj. by D. Scarlatti Sergio Scappini All rights reserved. Unauthorized use of this material for purposes other than private, personal enjoyment is a violation of applicable laws. 23 NOTE All rights reserved. Unauthorized use of this material for purposes other than private, personal enjoyment is a violation of applicable laws. 23 23 QUICK GUIDE 17 FR-1x Page 24 Tuesday, November 8, 2011 11:44 AM FR-1x V-Accordion Using Sets SKIFT MELLEM SET 7. Using Sets FR-1x Page 24 Tuesday, November 8, 2011 11:44 AM FR-1x V-Accordion Using The Sets FR-1x is a “virtual” accordion. It recreates the sounds of various accordion instruments and can even generate FR-1x indeholder 16 Sets (16 harmonikaer). Hver harmonika har 14 diskantregistre, orchestral sounds (like trumpet, flute, etc.), organ and drum sounds. 7 bas/akkord osv.. a Set is similar to switching to a different 7.Recalling Using Sets registre accordion. Selecting Sets To select the desired Set, proceed as follows: User Set 16 The FR-1x Most is aof“virtual” instruments and can even generate these set- accordion. It recreates the sounds of various 1. accordion Press the [SET] register. can be saved. orchestraltings sounds (like trumpet, etc.), organ and drum sounds. Set flute, 3 GLOBAL Set 2 Set 1 Metronome Recalling a Set isReverb similar to switching to a different Chorus Level accordion. Touch :: User Set 16 Most of these settings can be saved. 3 Treble Bass & ChordSet Orchestra Orch. Bass Orch. Chord GLOBAL 1~14 1~7 1~7 Set 21~16 1~7 Metronome Set 1 Reverb Chorus Level Touch :: Free Bass 1~7 Organ 1~4 Selecting Sets 1. To select the desired Set, proceed as follows: Press the [SET] register. 11 Orch FB 1~7 11 The FR-1x contains 16 Sets divided over 4 families. All Set families have been programmed at the factory (“CLASSIC”, “JAZZ”, and Orch. “USER”, seeChord the legTreble Bass &“WORLD” Chord Orchestra Bass Orch. 1~14 1~16 The1~7 1~7 registers). ends above the treble “USER”1~7 family can be used to load User Sets from USB Free Bass Organ an optionalOrch FB mem1~7 1~4 1~7 ory. Each Set family comprises 4 Sets (see below). Recalling The FR-1x contains 16 Sets divided over 4 families. All a Set immediately changes the settings of the sections Set families have been programmed at the factory presented on p. 26 and configures the treble and bass (“CLASSIC”, “JAZZ”, “WORLD” and “USER”, see the legregisters. ends above the treble registers). The “USER” family can be used to load User SetsTreble fromregister an optional USB memory. [1] CLASSIC [2] JAZZ Each Set family comprises 4 Sets (see below). Recalling 11 Concerto Jazz of the sections a Set immediately changes the 21 settings 12 Classic 22 FJazz presented on p. 26 and configures the treble and bass 23 Bandoneon registers. 13 Bajan The number of the selected Set flashes in the display. first digit from the left refers harmonikaer) to the Set family, FR-1x indeholder 16 forskelligeTheSets (komplette the second to the Set memory within that family. If, after pressing [SET] once, you do not press a treble register, the display returns to the main page after a while. In that case, press [SET] again and proceed with step The number of the selected Set flashes in the display. 2. The first digit from the left refers to the Set family, theNOTE second to the Set memory within that family. If, after pressing [SET][SET] once, dothan not2press a treble If you hold down foryou more seconds without register, the display returns the main page a pressing another register, thetoFR-1x switches to after PARAMEwhile. TER mode. In that case, press [SET] again to leave that mode, then repeat step (1). In that case, press [SET] again and proceed with step 2.2. Press one of the treble registers [1]~[4] to Disse er opdelt i 4 ”familier” (CLASSIC, JAZZ, WORLD og USER). USER familien kan udskiftes til andre harmonikaer ved at indlæse User Sets fra USB-Memory. Hver Set-familie indeholder 4 komplette harmonikaer, hver med 14 treble registre og 7 bas registre. 14 “I” Scala 24 Studio Treble register Treble register [1] CLASSIC [2] JAZZ [3] WORLD [4] USER 11 Concerto 21 Jazz “I” Folk Alpine 12 31 Classic 22 U1 FJazz 32 “F” Folk U2 Cajun 13 Bajan 23 Bandoneon Folk Tex Mex 14 33 “I” “D” Scala 24 U3 Studio 34 “SP” Folk U4 Scottish Treble register r r [3] WORLD 31 “I” Folk 32 “F” Folk 33 “D” Folk 34 “SP” Folk the Set family. 2. Press one of the treble registers [1]~[4] to select the Set family. 12 [4] USER U1 Alpine U2 Cajun U3 Tex Mex U4 Scottish 24 24 18 select NOTE If you hold down [SET] for more than 2 seconds without pressing another register, the FR-1x switches to PARAMETER mode. In that case, press [SET] again to leave that mode, then repeat step (1). QUICK GUIDE Set selection is handled in the following way: • If the Set family you select is the same as the one you have been using so far, the FR-1x selects the next Set within that family. Example: Pressing [1] CLASSIC while the display shows “11” selects Set memory “12” (still within the “CLASSIC” family). Set selection is handled in the following way: • If the Set family you select is the same as the one you have been using so far, the FR-1x selects the next Set within that family. Example: Pressing [1] CLASSIC while the display shows “11” selects Set memory “12” (still within the “CLASSIC” family). 12 2011 11:44 AM 11 11:44 AM dion. It recreates the sounds of various accordion instruments and can even generate et, flute, etc.), organ and drum sounds. witching to a different 16 Selecting Sets To select the desired Set, proceed as follows: Press the [SET] register. Vælg Set (harmonika) 1. on. 3 It recreates the sounds of various accordion instruments and can even generate t, 2flute, etc.), organ and drum sounds. et 1 For at skifte til en anden harmonika, gør følgende: Selecting Sets tching to a different 11 To select the desired Set, proceed as follows: hestra Orch. Bass Orch. Chord ~16 1~7 1~7 2 Orch FB 1rgan 1~4 1~7 vided over 4 families. All mmed at the factory and “USER”, see the legs). The “USER” family estra Orch. Bass Orch. Chord can 16 an optional 1~7 1~7 memm USB an Orch FB 4 ets (see below).1~7 Recalling e settings of the sections ded over 4 families. All gures the treble and bass mmed at the factory nd “USER”, see the leggister . The “USER” family can an optional USB mem- [2] JAZZ 1 Jazz ts (see below). Recalling 2settings FJazz of the sections 3 Bandoneon ures the treble and bass 4 Studio gister ster [4] USER [2] JAZZ U1 Alpine Jazz U2 Cajun FJazz U3 Tex Mex Bandoneon U4 Scottish Studio ster Tryk påregister. [SET] knap (kort tryk) 1.1.Press the [SET] The number of the selected Set flashes in the display. The first digit from the left refers to the Set family, the second to the Set memory within that family. If, after pressing [SET] once, you do not press a treble register, the display returns to the main page after a while. In that case, press [SET] again and proceed with step 2. The number of the selected Set flashes in the display. TheNOTE first digit from the left refers to the Set family, the second the[SET] Set memory within that family. If, If you hold to down for more than 2 seconds without after pressing [SET] once,the youFR-1x do not press to a treble pressing another register, switches PARAMEregister, theIndisplay returns theagain maintopage TER mode. that case, press to [SET] leave after that a mode, then repeat step (1). while. that case, [SET] againregisters and proceed with step 2. InPress onepress of the treble [1]~[4] to the Set family. 11 Nummeret for det valgte Set blinker i displayet 2. Tryk på en af de fire diskantregister knapper [1]~ [4] for at vælge Set familie (gentagne tryk på registerknap vælger næste harmonika i valgte gruppe) NOTE If you hold down [SET] for more than 2 seconds without pressing another register, the FR-1x switches to PARAMETER mode. In that case, press [SET] again to leave that mode, then repeat step (1). 2. Press one of the treble registers [1]~[4] to select the Set family. 12 [4] USER Alpine Cajun Tex Mex Scottish Set selection is handled in the following way: Eksempel: • If the Set family you select is the same as the one you have been using so far, the FR-1x selects the next Set Hvis man ønsker at vælge 23 Bandoneon (se skema for Treble register) within that family. 12 Example: Pressing [1] CLASSIC while the display shows “11” selects Set memory “12” (still within the 1. “CLASSIC” Trykfamily). på [SET] knap, hurtigt efterfulgt af 2 tryk på register 2 knap. Set selection is handled in the following way: • If the Set family you select is the same as the one you have been using so far, the FR-1x selects the next Set within that family. Example: Pressing [1] CLASSIC while the display shows “11” selects Set memory “12” (still within the “CLASSIC” family). QUICK GUIDE 19 r 8, 2011 11:44 AM SKIFT LYD MED REGISTER KNAPPERNE ngand sounds playing sounds Diskant sektionen 1. Tryk på en af registerknapperne ([1]~ [4]) for at vælge ønskede lyd. The number of the last sound you of selected that you selected for that The number the lastfor sound group (orchestra or organ) indicated or byorgan) the rightgroupis(orchestra is indicated by the rightmost digit in the display. most digit in the display. played eyboard 223. eterer [1]~ ection dion, nds. 223. In some cases, the display shows a dot the right of a dot to the right of In some cases, thetodisplay shows the treble register number. Hereregister is whatnumber. that means: the treble Here is what that means: Displayet’s ciffer, længst til højre, viser hvilket registernummer som vælges. Dot status ExplanationDot status Explanation Dark he right hand You are using an accordion Dark You sound. are using an accordion sound. Det lille punktum til højre for ciffer under ”TREBLE” indikerer følgende: Lit You are using chestral Lit an orchestral You sound. are using an orchestral sound. o select accordion, orchestral and). trebleOn section (right hand). FlashesOn You are using an organ You sound. Flashes are using an organ sound. onotes combine accordion notes n sound. 4. Press one of the ([1]~[4]) to 4. treble Press registers one of the treble registers ([1]~[4]) to 4]. To registers [1]~[4]. treble To the desired select select sound.the desired sound. eed to an sound, you first need to The rightmost digit inThe therightmost display changes digit inand theindidisplay changes and indithen a button, and [ORGAN] thenthe a number of the cates sound you haveofjust cates the number the sound you have just selected. selected. x. Slukket: Du spiller med harmonika lyd. Tændt: Du spiller med orkester lyd. spiller orgel Play a few notes to audition the sound 5.Blinker: Play a few Du notes to auditionmed the sound 5. lyd. orchestral or organ). (accordion, orchestral or organ). 1. on and off” on p. (accordion, er 21. Do not forget to moveDothe hear notbellows forget in toorder movetothe bellows in order to hear the regnotes you are playing. tnaregtreble accordion the notes you are playing. If you did not select the correct sound family, return sound family, return If you did not select the correct to step 3. to step 3. Spil nogle toner i diskant delen. (Glem ikke at trække i bælgen!) Du har mulighed for at vælge mellem 14 registre, selvom der kun er 4 register knapmåde: elect 1x, the treble registers select per. Dette gøres på følgende Additional information about the accordion Additional information about the accordion utton RA] or [ORGAN]section button section ction. FR-1x allows you The to select among 14 estral or organ The section. FR-1x allows youaccordion to select among 14[1]~[3] accordion 1. Tryk på registerknap gentagende gange for at skifte mellem en af de fire lyde (a~d, se nedenstående tabel). Register [4] giver mulighed for 2 forskellige lyde (a og b) sounds (even though sounds there are onlythough 4 treblethere registers). (even are only 4 treble registers). Pressing register [1], [2] or [3] repeatedly onerepeatedly of Pressing register [1],selects [2] or [3] selects one of the four available sounds (a~d,available see the table below). the four sounds (a~d, see the table below). Register [4] provides access to[4] twoprovides sounds access (a and to b).two sounds (a and b). Register The following accordion are accordion available: sounds are available: Thesounds following Treble registers 1 2 1 3 Treble registers 4 3 2 4 a Bassoon aMaster Bassoon Clarinet Master Piccolo Clarinet Piccolo b Bandon bOrgan Bandon Musette OrganOboe Musette Oboe cAccord Cello Celeste Accord— Celeste — Tremolo — at this RA] or [ORGAN] again at this c ou to again allow you toCello rs once .) d Harmon dViolin Tremolo Violin — Harmon Example: To go from sound “1a”Totogosound you Example: from “1c”, sound “1a” to sound “1c”, you need to press treble register twice. need to[1] press treble register [1] twice. Eksempel: Ønsker du at skifte fra lyd 1a (Bassoon) til 1c (Cello), så trykkes to gange på registerknap [1]. 20 QUICK GUIDE Bas sektionen Page 29 Tuesday, November 8, 2011 12:02 PM V-Accordion Du har mulighed for at vælge mellem 7 registre, selvomr der kun er 3 register knapper. Selecting orchestral sounds for the left hand • To select an orchestral sound for the chord rows, Switchpå on the 1. 1. Tryk enFR-1x. af de 3 registerknapper i bas sektionen for at vælge ønskede lyd. press the ORCHESTRAL [CHORD/FREE BASS] button. See “Switching the power on and off” on p. 21. NOTE 2. Displayet viser det valgte After switching on the FR-1x, the bass registers select register nummer i displayet under BASS” og CHORD/FREE accordion sounds. BASS” Press one of the 3 bass registers (1~3) to select the desired sound. The display showsharmonika the number of the selected sound Følgende lyde kan vælges ved at trykke gentagne gange på register knapin the “BASS” and “CHORD/FREE BS” columns. pen: This choice always applies to both the bass and the chord rows. The following accordion sounds can be selected for the bass and chord buttons: The last sound you selected for the section in question is recalled and its number is displayed in the “BASS” (left) or “CHORD/FREE BS” (middle) column of the display. If you select an orchestral sound, the digit in question is displayed with a dot to its right: Bass & chord registers 1 2 3 a 8’/4’/2’ 16’/8’/8-4’/4’/2’ 16’/2’ b 8-4’ 16’/8’/8-4’ 4’ c — — 2’ Note that registers “1” and “2” allow you to select two sounds, while register “3” provides access to three sounds. You may therefore have to press the register in question repeatedly. 423 . 443 Register knap 1 og 2 giver mulighed for at skifte mellem 2 forskellige lyde og Register 3 har orchestral 3 forskellige (7Theregistre i alt).The bass buttons use an accordion Selecting sounds for registreringer the left hand bass and chord buttons use an 1. 2. Here is how to select an orchestral sound for the left hand. While the bass and chord accordion sections always use the same accordion sound, orchestral sounds can be assigned to only the bass buttons, only the chord buttons, or both (in which case you can select different orchestral sounds for the bass and chord rows). Switch on the FR-1x. See “Switching the power on and off” on p. 21. Do one of the following: • To select an orchestral sound for the bass rows, press the ORCHESTRAL [BASS] button. accordion sound (no dots). sound (no dot). The chord buttons use an orchestral sound (dot). NOTE If you prefer to assign an accordion sound to the chord rows (chord section) at this stage, again press the [CHORD/ FREE BASS] button. 3. Press one of the 3 bass registers to select the desired sound. The display shows the number of the selected orchestral sound in the “BASS” or “CHORD/FREE BS” column (see the examples above). The following sounds can be selected for the bass or chord buttons: [3] [2] [1] Orchestral bass sounds ‰ [BASS] 1 Acoustic Bowed* b Fingered Jazz Pedal VTW* c — NOTE If you prefer to assign an accordion sound to the bass rows (bass section) at this stage, again press the [BASS] button. 2 a 3 Tuba Mix — Tuba* Fretless Orchestral chord sounds ‰ [CHORD/FREE BASS] 2 3 a St. Strings* 1 Jazz VTW* Steel Gtr b Jazz Doos* R&B VTW* Ac Guitar — Ac Piano c — 29 QUICK GUIDE 21 When you select Set 32, “F Folk”, the footages change as follows: The FR-1x contains the following organ sounds: Treble registers (ORGAN) Treble registers (“F Folk” set) 1 ENSEMBLE 2 BRASS a Basson Tsigane b JazzA Concerto 1 2 3 4 Jazz Latin HousPerc Theatre NOTE The organ sounds can only be controlled with bellows movements. SPIL MED ORKESTER LYDE I DISKANT SEKTIONEN c ArnoldX 4 Voix d JazzX! Violon 3 WIND 1. SW Valse Piccolo b Star 10 Mr Gus d SOS Musette To switch off the treble section, press and hold any single register ([1]~[4]) for a while. The section in question must be assigned to the registers. See above for how to decide which section can be muted. 4 PIANO/GUITAR a Switching off the treble section 2. To switch the treble section back on, briefly pressknappen any of its registers. 1. Tryk på [ORCHESTRA] eller [ORGAN] for at vælge orkester eller orgel sektioc — Pro 8M NOTE nen. This only switches off the section that is currently selected. — Remember that the treble section can control both an accordion and an orchestral or organ sound. While in Additional about the orchestral 2. Tryk på information en af register knapperne [1]~[4] gentagende Orchestra mode, you thus only switch gange off (or activate)for the at skifte mellem en af orchestral/organ section. And while in accordion mode, you section de fire lydebutton (a~d, setonedenstående tabel). only switch off the treble accordion section. The [ORCHESTRA] allows you use treble registers [1]~[4] to select from among 16 different orchestral sounds: NOTE Even if you switch off the treble section, it still transmits MIDI messages. Treble registers (ORCHESTRA) 1 ENSEMBLE 2 BRASS 3 WIND Twin Trump* Flute 1* 4 PIANO/ GUITAR a Strings* b Jazz Scat 1** Trombone* c Jazz Doos* French Horn* Clarinet 1* Mandolin d Str &Choir* Brass* HarpsStr SOLO and DUAL Ac Piano Tenor Sax 2* Ac Guitar Oboe* Each time you press a treble register [1]~[4], you select the next sound (always starting from “a” the first time the register is pressed). Example: To go from sound “2a” to sound “2d”, you need to press treble register [2] three times. 1. 2. The orchestral or organ sound assigned to the treble section can be played in isolation or together with the treble accordion sound. Select an orchestral or organ sound. See “Selecting sounds for the right hand” on p. 26. Hold down the [SET] register and press treble register [4] (DUAL/SOLO) to alternate Note: Lyde i tabellen som er mærket medDUAL enand ”*” kan kun kontrolleres ved hjælp af between SOLO modes. bælgen. Lyde mærket ”**” kan kontrolleres både med bælgen, men også ved anslaNOTE getThe på tangenten. De resterende lyde er anslagsbestemte. dynamics of sounds marked with an asterisk (*) can only be controlled by bellows movements. Those sounds are not velocity sensitive. The dynamics of sounds marked with M Vælges [ORGAN] kan man vælge mellem fire lyde [1]~[4]. Trykkes register knap én a double asterisk (**) can be controlled by bellows movements and playing velocity. For the other sounds, see also gang mere så kan skifte mellem Rotary effekt (hurtig ”FSt og langsom ”SLo” “Orchestra Bass/Chord Touch” on p. man 48. V-Accordion r Additional information about the orchestral section Additional Du information the organ sounds følgende orgel lyde: effekt). kan about vælge mellem and the Rotary (organ The FR-1x contains theeffect following organsection) sounds: The FR-1x allows you to recall 4 organ sounds with treTreble registers (ORGAN) ble registers [1]~[4]. 1 2 3 4 Pressing the register of the selected organ sound again Jazzyou to switch Latin between HousPerc Theatre allows the slow (“SLo”) and fast (“FSt”) speeds of the Rotary effect. The display briefly NOTE shows which one is selected. k”, the footages change sters (“F Folk” set) 2 BRASS Tsigane The organ sounds can only be controlled with bellows movements. Concerto 4 Voix 1. Violon 4 PIANO/GUITAR Switching off the treble section To switch off the treble section, press and hold any single register ([1]~[4]) for a while. The section in questionDUAL must be assigned to the regSOLO og isters. See above for how to decide which section can 27 2. To switch the treble section back lydene on, briefly kan benytte som Solo lyde (orkester lyd alene) men kan Orkester eller orgel press any of its registers. også blandes med diskant harmonika lyden: NOTE — This only switches off the section that is currently selected. Remember that the treble section can control both an accordion and an orchestral or organ sound. While in Orchestra mode, you thus only switch off (or activate) the orchestral/organ section. And while in accordion mode, you only switch off the treble accordion section. — Vælg en harmonika orkester eller orgel lyd bout the orchestral Hold [SET] knappen nede og tryk på register [4] (DUAL/SOLO) for at skifte mellem NOTE SOLO (kun orkester lyd) eller DUAL (samlet). ws you to use treble regisong 16 different orches- Even if you switch off the treble section, it still transmits MIDI messages. (ORCHESTRA) Flute 1* NOTE If you hold down [SET] for more than 2 seconds without pressing another register, the FR-1x switches to PARAMETER mode. In that case, press [SET] again to leave that mode, then repeat step (1) above. be muted. Piccolo Mr Gus 3 WIND PIANO/GUITAR 4 PIANO/ GUITAR SOLO and DUAL Ac Piano Tenor Sax 2* Ac Guitar Clarinet 1* Mandolin Oboe* HarpsStr egister [1]~[4], you select ng from “a” the first time 1. 2. a” to sound “2d”, you 2] three times. d with an asterisk (*) can movements. Those sounds are mics of sounds marked with ntrolled by bellows mover the other sounds, see also on p. 48. 22 The orchestral or organ sound assigned to the treble section can be played in isolation or together with the treble accordion sound. Select an orchestral or organ sound. See “Selecting sounds for the right hand” on p. 26. Hold down the [SET] register and press treble register [4] (DUAL/SOLO) to alternate between DUAL and SOLO modes. QUICK GUIDE bout the organ sounds gan section) PIANO/GUITAR 4 organ sounds with tre- lected organ sound again NOTE wing accordion sounds can be nd chord buttons: The last sound you selected for the section in question is recalled and its number is displayed in the “BASS” (left) or “CHORD/FREE BS” (middle) column of the display. If you select an orchestral sound, the digit in question is displayed with a dot to its right: & chord registers 2 3 16’/8’/8-4’/4’/2’ 16’/2’ 16’/8’/8-4’ 4’ — 2’ and “2” allow you to select ster “3” provides access to y therefore have to press the peatedly. 423 . SPIL443 MED ORKESTER LYDE I BASS SEKTIONEN FR-1x Page 30 Tuesday, November 8, 2011 11:44 AM sounds for the left hand orchestral sound for the left d chord accordion sections ordion sound, orchestral to only the bass buttons, only th (in which case you can select nds for the bass and chord 1x. wer on and off” on p. 21. TheV-Accordion bass and chord buttons use an FR-1x accordion sound (no dots). Selecting and playing sounds The bass buttons use an accordion sound (no dot). The chord buttons use an orchestral sound (dot). 1. For at vælge orkester lyd i grundbassen, tryk ORCHESTRA [BASS] knappen Note that registers “1” and “2” allow you to select NOTE The display shows the number of the last Drum Set two sounds, while register “3” provides accesschord selected (“d-x”, where “x” represents a number) If you at prefervælge to assign an accordion sound to the 2. For orkester lydtothei akkord you delen, tryk ORCHESTRA [CHORD/FREE BASS] three sounds. You may therefore have to press or “doF” if you switched off the drum/percussion rows (chord section) at this stage, again press the [CHORD/ register in question repeatedly. function. FREE BASS] button. (Displayets indikerer et lysende punktum under nummeret på register hvor knappen. NOTE one of the 3 bass registers to select 3. orkester Press lyd er valgt) The dynamics of sounds marked with an asterisk (*) can the desired sound. dof only be controlled bythe bellows movements. Those sounds are The display shows number of the selected orchesnot velocity sensitive. For the other sounds, see also owing: tral sound in the or “CHORD/FREE BS” column 3. Tryk på en“BASS” af de “Orchestra Bass/Chord Touch” on p.348.bas registre for at vælge den ønskede orkester lyd i ”BASS” eller (see the examples above). ”CHORD/FREE kolonnen i skemaet: The following sounds can beBASS” selected for the bass or NOTE sound for the bass rows, L [BASS] button. chord You canbuttons: change the volume level of the orchestral bass or chord sound if it is too loud or too soft with respect to the other available [3] sections. See [2] “Orchestra Bass [1] Level, Orchestra Chord Level, Orchestra Free Bass Level” on p. 46. 1. Switching off the bass and/or chord section Orchestral bass sounds ‰ [BASS] To switch off a left-hand section you do not 1 2 3 want to hear, press and hold any of the a Acoustic Bowed* Tuba Mix three bass registers for a while. bTheFingered Jazz Pedal Tuba* section in question mustVTW* be assigned to the assocciated registers. — — Fretless See the previous pages for how to 2. Start playing in the left-hand section to hear the drum and percussion sounds. Those sounds are added to the accordion or orchestral notes you play. NOTE See page 46 for how to select another Drum Set. NOTE The drum/percussion sounds also remain active while an orchestral sound is selected in Bass-to-Treble mode. decide which section can be muted. Orchestral chord sounds ‰ [CHORD/FREE BASS] accordion sound to the bass rows ge, again press the [BASS] button. NOTE 1 2 3 Even if you switch off the bass or chord section, it still a St. Strings* Jazz VTW* Steel Gtr transmits MIDI messages. b Jazz Doos* R&B VTW* Ac Guitar 2. cTo — a muted section — switch back Ac on,Piano briefly press any of the associated registers. 29 Playing drum/percussion sounds Spil tromme/perkussion i bas og akkord sektionen The FR-1x allows you to play drum and percussion sounds with bass and chord buttons and to trigger the bass and chord sections simultaneously. FR-1x kan spille tromme og perkussions lyde i bas og akkord sektionen, samtidig med NOTE bas og akkorder. This function is not available in Free Bass or Orchestra Free Bass mode. r To add sounds toog the perkussions bass 1. 1. For atdrum/percussion tilføje tromme lyde til bas sektionen (eller fjerne den igen), tryk and chord section (or to remove them på (DRUMS) knappen again), press the [DRUMS] button. d-1 30 QUICK GUIDE 23 AFSPIL AUDIO-FILER VIA USB (MUSIK) FR-1x Page 32 Tuesday, November 8, 2011 11:44 AM FR-1x V-Accordion Using the FR-1x’s audio player FR-1x kan afspille Audio filer i mp3 og WAV-format direkte fra en USB memory som du har tilsluttet. 9. Using the FR-1x’s audio player The FR-1x can play back audio files in the mp3 and WAV formats directly from a USB memory you connect to its USB MEMORY port. See below for a description of the supported file types. Kopier audio filer til USB-memory Copying audio files to a USB Playing back audio files 1. Insert an optional USB memory into the memory FR-1x’s MEMORY port. så er det nødvendigt først at kopiere Before being abledu to play back audio (mp3 or WAV) on Før kan afspille audio-filer (mp3USBeller WAV), the FR-1x, you must first copy them from your comdem over på USB memory fra computeren. puter’s hard disk to a USB memory that can be connected to the FR-1x. Copy your audio files to the root level. X X Kopier altid dine The USB memory can only be connected in one direcaudiotion. filer Inserttil the roden. USB memory without applying excessive force. Be aware that the FR-1x can only play back files located in the USB memory’s root directory (i.e. on the same level as any folders the USB memory may contain). Never copy audio files to a folder if you wish to be able to play them back on the FR-1x. NOTE Følgende formater kan afspilles på FR-1x: Carefully insert the USB memory all the way in—until it is firmly in place. NOTE WAV format: 16-bit lineær, Sampling frekvens: 44,1kHz, Stereo/mono About audio files Use a USB memory sold by Roland (M-UF-series). We cannot guarantee operation if any other USB memory is used. Mp3 format: MPEG-1 Audio Layer 3, Sampling frekvens: 44,1kHz, Bit rate: 32/40/48/56/ The FR-1x automatically loads the first audio file in 64/80/96/112/128/160/192/224/256/320kbps, VBRin (variable alphabetical order that it detects the USB mem- bit rate) • Audio files in the following formats can be played back: • WAV format • 16-bit linear • Sampling frequency: 44.1kHz • Stereo/mono • mp3 files: • MPEG-1 Audio Layer 3 • Sampling frequency: 44.1kHz • Bit rate: 32/40/48/56/64/80/96/112/128/160/192/224/256/ 320kbps, VBR (variable bit rate) ory’s root folder. 2. Press the PLAYER [®÷π] button to start playTip for navngivning af filer back. Da FR-1x kun viser de tre første karakterer af filnavnet i displayet, så kan det anbefales at starte med et ciffer, da dette gøre det lettere at lokalisere den ønskede audio fil på USB memory. 11:44 AM Tip for naming audio files The FR-1x only displays the first three characters of the audio file names. If the USB memory contains several -1x’s audio player files whose first three characters are the same, we rec- Afspil audio filer o a USB r ommend renaming those files on your computer by adding a number to their names. es in the mp3 and WAV formats directly from a USB memory you connect to its USB Here is an example: if the USB memory contains a file scription of the supported file types. named “Amazing Grace.wav” and another one called “Amazing.mp3”, consider renaming them as follows to be able to distinguish between them: 1Amazing Grace.wav 2Amazing.mp3 1. Insert an optional USB memory into the 1. Indsæt USB memory (købes seperat) i FR-1x USB memory port. Playing back audio files FR-1x gør automatisk den første fil klar (sorteret i alfabetisk orden) FR-1x’s USB MEMORY port. dio (mp3 or WAV) on m from your comy that can be con- X X 32 The USB memory can only be connected in one direction. Insert the USB memory without applying excessive force. play back files located y (i.e. on the same ory may contain). f you wish to be able NOTE Carefully insert the USB memory all the way in—until it is firmly in place. NOTE Use a USB memory sold by Roland (M-UF-series). We cannot guarantee operation if any other USB memory is used. be played back: 24 QUICK GUIDE The FR-1x automatically loads the first audio file in alphabetical order that it detects in the USB memory’s root folder. 2. Press the PLAYER [®÷π] button to start playback. The USB memory can only be connected in one direction. Insert the USB memory without applying excessive force. n only play back files located irectory (i.e. on the same FR-1x memory may contain). folder if you wish to be able R-1x. NOTE Page 33 Tuesday, November 8, the 2011USB 11:44 AM Carefully insert memory all the way in—until it is firmly in place. NOTE V-Accordion r Selecting audio files Use a USB memory sold by Roland (M-UF-series). We cannot guarantee operation if any other USB memory is used. mats can be played back: Playback of the first audio file in alphabetical order in The FR-1x automatically loads the first audio file in the root folder starts. The display briefly shows the alphabetical order that it detects in the USB memfirst three characters of the audio file’s name as well ory’s root folder. as three dots that flash from left to right: z NOTE Press the PLAYER buttons [œ] and [®÷π] simultaneously to view the name of the currently selected audio file. thepå PLAYER [®÷π] button to start play- for at starte afspilning. 2.2. Press Tryk PLAY/PAUSE knap back. z 96/112/128/160/192/224/256/ te) Selecting audio files ama . . . les FR-1x Page 33 Tuesday, November 8, 2011 11:44 AM 1. As stated above, the FR-1x automatically selects the first audio file it detects on the USB memory you insert. To select a different file, proceed as follows: Press and hold the [SET] register to enter first three characters of the The “scrolling” dots (alternate flashing from left to PARAMETER mode. right) mean that playback is running. B memory contains several The display shows the name of the last parameter acters are the same, we recyou selected. V-Accordion r (In the example above, the display shows the first les on your computer by Selecting audio files three characters of a file called “Amazing ames. Grace.wav”.) SB memory contains a Playback file of theThe firstFR-1x audioonly file displays in alphabetical the firstorder threeincharacters of NOTE v” and another one called the root folderthe starts. Thefile display briefly shows audio names. See “Tip for the naming audio files” Press the PLAYER buttons [œ] and [®÷π] simultaneously to naming them as followsfirst to three characters of the audio file’s name as well on p. 32 for how to ensure that you can tell the files view the name of the currently selected audio file. een them: as three dots that flash from left to right: apart. See page 71 for how the FR-1x displays the characters of the selected file name. Displayet viser navnet på filen: If you are using the audio file as your Selecting audio files As stated above, the FR-1x automatically selects accompaniment, start playing the FR-1x Deontre punktummer skiftes med atthelyse i first audio file it detects on the USB memory you insert. as you normally would. To select a different file,mod proceed as follows: en løbende sekvens højre.. 2. If Parameter mode is not yet selected, press 4. To pause playback of the audio file, press 1. Press and hold theregister [SET] register to enter treble [3] or [4] (PARAM LIST) until the [®÷π] button again. The “scrolling” dots (alternate flashing from left to PARAMETERthe mode. right) mean that playback is running. display looks as follows: Playback of the selected audio file stops and the 3. ama . . . The display shows the name of the last parameter three dots flash simultaneously for a moment (afteryou selected. (In the example above, the display shows the first which the display returns to the main page): three characters of a file called “Amazing Grace.wav”.) The FR-1x only displays the first three characters of the audio file names. See “Tip for naming audio files” on p. 32 for how to ensure that you can tell the files apart. See page 71 for how the FR-1x displays the characters of the selected file name. 3. Hvis du bruger audio afspiller som akkompagnement, så spil på FR-1x sammen med filen. 4. For at pause afspilningen af musik filen tryk på Play/PAUSE knap. ama . . . Skift mellem musiknumre WIND 3. PIANO/GUITAR AUd If playback is stopped, the three dots flash If you are using the audio file as your simultaneously. r accompaniment, start playing onV-Accordion the FR-1x Selecting audio files 5. To return to the beginning of the current as you normally would. song, press the PLAYER [œ] button. 2. If Parameter NOTE mode not yet selected, press 1. Tryk ogaudio hold [SET] knap nede for atofisperforming vælge PARAMETER indstillingen To pauseNOTE playback of the file, press Instead steps (1) and (2) above, you can also treble register [3] [4]the(PARAM LIST) until the [®÷π] button again. press andorhold [®÷π] button to jump to the first paramPress the PLAYER buttons [œ] and [®÷π] simultaneously to the display looks follows: eter of as Parameter mode (“AUd”). Playback of the selected audio file stops and the lphabetical order in4. briefly shows the file’s name as well view the name of the currently selected audio file. to right: three dots flash simultaneously for a moment (after which the display returns to the main page): Selecting audio files ama . . . 1. hing from left to s running. y shows the first mazing As stated above, the FR-1x automatically selects the first audio file it detects on the USB memory you insert. To select a different file, proceed as follows: Press and hold the [SET] register to enter 2. Hvis nedenstående parameter PARAMETER mode. WIND AUdså tryk på Treble register [3] eller [4] i vises i display PIANO/GUITAR If playbackshows is stopped, three dots The display thethename offlash the last parameter simultaneously. you selected. (PARAM LIST) indtil det vises: 5. hree characters of naming audio files” ou can tell the files To return to the beginning of the current song, press the PLAYER [œ] button. NOTE Instead of performing steps (1) and (2) above, you can also press and hold the [®÷π] button to jump to the first parameter of Parameter mode (“AUd”). 33 splays the charac- le as your ng on the FR-1x dio file, press e stops and the or a moment (after main page): Note 2. I stedet atselected, udføre If Parameter mode is for not yet pressde 2 ovenstående punkter, så kan du også trykke og holde PLAY/ treble register [3] or [4] (PARAM LIST) until PAUSE knappen nede indtil displayet viser første parameter i Parameter indstillinthe display looks as follows: gerne (”AUd”) 33 WIND PIANO/GUITAR AUd ee dots flash of the current button. NOTE Instead of performing steps (1) and (2) above, you can also QUICK GUIDE 25 FR-1x Page 34 Tuesday, November 8, 2011 11:44 AM FR-1x V-Accordion Using the FR-1x’s audio player FR-1x Page 34 Tuesday, November 8, 2011 11:44 AM 3. Use register [1] (√ VALUE) or [2] (VALUE ®) to select the desired audio file. NOTE Pressing registers [3] and [4] (PARAM LIST) simultaneously alternates between “AUd” (first parameter of the PARAMETER group) and “ESq” (first parameter of the MIDI group). This may come in handy to “close in” on the parameter you need. FR-1x V-Accordion Using the FR-1x’s audio player 3. Use register [1] (√ VALUE) or [2] NOTE op) for at vælge ønskede fil på USB memory3. Brug [1] (value ned) eller [2] (value (VALUE ®) to select the desired audio file. registers [3][1] and(√ [4] (PARAM 3.Pressing Use register VALUE)LIST) or simultaneously [2] sCa (In the example above, the display shows the first three characters of a file called “Scarborough.mp3”.) The display shows the first three characters of the file name you selected. If you select another audio file while playback of the previously selected file is still (Inrunning, the example above,player the display the71 first the audio stops. shows See page for how three of a the file called “Scarborough.mp3”.) the characters FR-1x displays characters of the selected file Thename. display shows the first three characters of the file name you selected. youhave select another fileaudio To check whetherIfyou selected theaudio correct while of the([®÷π]). previously selected file is still file,playback start playback running, the audio player stops. See page 71 for how theNOTE FR-1x displays the characters of the selected file The audio files are displayed based on the following sorting name. order: numbers, capital letters, small letters. To check whether you have selected the correct audio file,NOTE start playback ([®÷π]). alternates between the PARAME(VALUE ®) to“AUd” set (first the parameter playbackoflevel. TER group) and “ESq” (first parameter of the MIDI group). This may come in handy to “close in” on the parameter you need. 3. Use register [1] (√ VALUE) or [2] (VALUE ®) to set the playback level. sCa 8 The setting range is: Off, 1~10. If you select “Off”, the audio file will be inaudible. 8 (Displayet viser i dette eksempel de tre første karakterer af en fil kaldt ”Scarborough. 4. Press the [SET] register to leave the FR-1x’s PARAMETER mode. mp3) The setting range is: Off, 1~10. If you select “Off”, the file will be inaudible. 3. Tryk på [SET] knap for at forladeaudio FR-1x’s PARAMETER mode. You can only select audio files in the USB memory’s root directory. Audio files inside folders are not detected. The audio files are displayed based on the following sorting numbers, capital register letters, small 4.order: Press the [SET] toletters. leave the FR-1x’s NOTE 4. Press the [SET] register to leave the FR-1x’s PARAMETER mode. Justere volumen på audio filen PARAMETER mode. NOTE You can only select audio files in the USB memory’s root files inside folders are not detected. 1. directory. TrykAudioog hold [SET] knap nede for at vælge PARAMETER indstillingen. 4. Press the [SET]the register to leavelevel the FR-1x’s Adjusting playback PARAMETER mode. 1. Press and hold the [SET] register to enter Displayet viser navnet på de sidst valgte parameter du har haft valgt. PARAMETER mode. The display shows the name of the last parameter selected. 2.Adjusting you Tryk på register theTreble playback level [3] eller [4] (PARAM LIST) indtil nedenstående parameter vises: Use and treble register [3] or [4] (PARAM LIST) 1. 2.Press hold the [SET] register to enter to select the following parameter: PARAMETER mode. The display shows the name of the last parameter you selected. r r 2. Use treble register [3] or [4] (PARAM LIST) to select the following parameter: WIND WIND PIANO/GUITAR PIANO/GUITAR AUL AUL 3. Brug [1] (value ned) eller [2] (value op) for at indstille det ønskede lyd niveau 34 (Off,1~10) 4. Tryk på [SET] knap for at forlade FR-1x’s PARAMETER mode. 34 26 QUICK GUIDE Page 35 Tuesday, November 8, 2011 2:57 PM V-Accordion r Highlighting some practical functions 10. Highlighting someFUNKTIONER practical functions PRAKTISKE This chapter discusses functions like the metronome, the transposition function, Musette detuning and the speaker switch function. Metronom Using the metronome Changing the key of the keyboard Du kan spille sammen med instrumentets (transpose) indbyggede metronom. Your FR-1x contains a metronome that may come in handy when you are practising new pieces, or during your accordion classes. The Transpose function lets you play a song in a different key. If you’re accompanying a singer, you can use 1. For at starte og stoppe metronomen, hold the Transpose function[SET] to shift theknap pitch to a nede key that’s og tryk på registerknap [3] 1. To start or stop the metronome, hold down comfortable for the singer while you continue playing (METRONOME). Displayet vise nu henholdsvis ”Str” (start) eller ”StP” (stop) for at in the same familiar key (fingering). the [SET] register and press register [3] (METRONOME). indikere status på metronomen.The transposition interval can be set in semitones. See The display now briefly shows “Str” (start) or “StP” (stop) to indicate the status of the metronome. Str PIANO/GUITAR NOTE See “Metronome Time Sign” on p. 47 and “Metronome Tempo” on p. 47 as well as “Metronome Level” on p. 47 for how to set the metronome’s time signature, tempo and level. “Transpose” on p. 45 for how to set the transposition interval and page 44 for how to select the parameter. Adjusting the balance The FR-1x provides a parameter that allows you to set the balance between the treble and bass & chord sections. See “Treble/Bass&Chord Balance” on p. 45 for details and page 44 for how to select the parameter. Musette Detune An accordion’s 8’ treble register may consist of 2 or even 3 reeds that are usually tuned apart to provide a richer sound (accordionists call it the “musette effect”). One reed is tuned slightly above, the other slightly below the correct pitch (and the third, if available, is tuned “properly”). The FR-1x allows you to choose from among 15 different detune settings. These are called “1” (Dry), “2” (Classic), “3” (F-Folk), “4” (American L), “5” (American_H), “6” (North Eur), “7” (German L), “8” (D-Folk L), “9” (Italian L), “10” (German H), “11” (Alpine), “12” (Italian H), “13” (D-Folk H), “14” (French), “15” (Scottish). See “Musette Detune” on p. 45 for how to select the desired Musette detuning and page 44 for how to select the parameter. For at vælge anden taktarter: se næste afsnit ”Valg af parameter som skal ændres” og vælg parameter ”NtS” og følg punkt 1-4 NOTE (se værdier i skemaet i den engelske manual på side 43: 13. Other settings) If you hold down [SET] for more than 2 seconds without pressing another register, the FR-1x switches to PARAMETER mode. In that case, press [SET] again to leave PARAMETER mode, then continue with step 1. Transponering NOTE If the metronome does not start counting, check the “Metronome Function” setting on p. 47. It must be set to “1”. NOTE FR-1x har en transponeringsfunktion. Du kan transponere din musik til en anden tone“Musette Detune” only affects registers that use the 8’ reed. art, uden at ændre på dit spil. Hvis du f.eks. har indøvet et stykke musik i een toneart, og du finder ud af, at du vil spille det i en anden toneart, så behøver du ikke at øve stykket en gang til i den nye toneart. Du spiller blot stykket i den gamle toneart, og beder FR-1x om at flytte det til den nye toneart. Transponering kan ske i semitoner. For at transponere 2 semitoner op: 35 1. Tryk på SET-knappen og hold den trykket nede indtil at displayet viser et parameternummer. 2. Tryk på Registerknap [3] eller [4] for at vælge det parameter du vil redigere. ”trP” (Transpose) QUICK GUIDE 27 3. Tryk 2 gange på Registerknap [1] for at vælge +2 ærdien af den valgte parameter. 4. Tryk [SET] for at forlade Parameter mode. Justere balancen mellem diskant og bas delen På FR-1x kan du justere styrke niveauet mellem Treble (diskant) og Bass sektionen. For at indstille balance: se næste afsnit: ”Vælg af parameter som skal ændres” og vælg parameter ”bAL” og følg punkt 1-4 (se værdier i skemaet i den engelske manual side 43: (13. Other settings) 28 QUICK GUIDE FR-1x Page 44 Tuesday, November 8, 2011 11:44 AM FR-1x V-Accordion Other settings Display indication Full name Setting range Default UPG User Program load 000~999 — p. 40 *3 Snd Sound Set load 000~999 — p. 42 *3 SAv User Program save 000~999 — p. 41 *3 REDIGERING AF PARAMETRE See page The “trn”, “fbn” and “bCm” parameters are not reset when *1 Reset when you switch off the FR-1x you load the factory defaults. *2 Only on the FR-1x button type *3 These are functions. *4 This parameter is not reset when you load the factory defaults. Du kan redigere en lang række parametre på FR-1x. 2. Use treble register [3] or [4] (PARAM LIST) NOTE (se skema i den engelske manual toside (13. parameter. Other settings) select43: the desired The FR-1x’s “PARAMETERS” environment also contains MIDI parameters. For the sake of clarity, the following section only discusses parameters that are not related to MIDI. See “MIDI parameters” on p. 59 for the available MIDI parameters. Vigtigtig at bemærke omkring at gemme dine indstillinger Den interne hukommelse i FR-1x husker dine indstillinger mens FR-1x er tændt. Important remark aboutpå saving Vær opmærksom at dine ændringer er tabt når FR-1x slukkes. Dette gælder også your settings hvis FR-1x slukker automatisk ved brug af ”Auto Off”oCL funktionen. The FR-1x’s internal memory remembers your settings WIND while the FR-1x is switched on. While editing, there is no absolute need to save your settings. Be aware, however, that all changes are lost when the FR-1x is switched off. This includes situations where the FR-1x is switched off by the “Auto Off” function. Remember to save all settings as soon as you are sure that you want to keep them. PIANO/GUITAR HUSK derfor altid at gemme alle indstillinger inden instrumentet slukkes.” (Here, we selected the “Orchestra Chord Level” parameter.) NOTE Vælg parameter som skal ændres Pressing registers [3] and [4] (PARAM LIST) simultaneously alternates between “AUd” (first parameter of the PARAMETER group) and “ESq” (first parameter of the MIDI group). This may come in handy to “close in” on the parameter you need. Selecting the desired parameter Press and the [SET] register toog enter 1. 1. Tryk påhold SET-knappen hold den trykket nede indtil at displayet viser et parameter3. Use treble register [1] (√ VALUE) or [2] PARAMETER mode. (VALUE ®) to set the desired value. The display shows the name of the last parameter nummer. ber 8, 2011 11:44 AM you selected (“AUd” in our example). Full name Setting range Default User Program load 000~999 — See page Sound Set load 000~999 — p. 42 *3 User Program save 000~999 — p. 41 *3 AUd p. 40 *3 40 Cm” parameters are not reset when *1 Reset when you switch off the FR-1x aults. *2 Only on the FR-1x button type *3 These are functions. *4 This parameter is not reset when you load the factory defaults. To return to the last setting you saved for this parameter, press registers [1] and [2] simultaneously. r 2. 2. Tryk påregister Registerknap [3]LIST) eller [4] for at vælge det parameter du vil redigere. Use treble [3] or [4] (PARAM rk about saving mory remembers your settings ed on. While editing, there is your settings. all changes are lost when the s includes situations where the the “Auto Off” function. ettings as soon as you are keep them. If you want to use this change only temporarily, press the [SET] register to leave this mode. Otherwise, proceed to save your changes: WIND PIANO/GUITAR oCL 44 we selected the “Orchestra Level” (I(Here, dette tilfælde erChord ”Orchestra Chord Level” parameteret valgt) parameter.) NOTE Pressing registers [3] and [4] (PARAM LIST) simultaneously alternates between “AUd” (first parameter of the PARAMETER group) and “ESq” (first parameter of the MIDI group). This may come in handy to “close in” on the parameter you need. sired parameter [SET] register to enter 4. to select the desired parameter. S” environment also contains sake of clarity, the following seceters that are not related to MIDI. p. 59 for the available MIDI 3. name of the last parameter our example). Use treble register [1] (√ VALUE) or [2] (VALUE ®) to set the desired value. 40 AUd To return to the last setting you saved for this parameter, press registers [1] and [2] simultaneously. 4. If you want to use this change only temporarily, press the [SET] register to leave this mode. Otherwise, proceed to save your changes: QUICK GUIDE 29 bout saving members your settings While editing, there is ettings. nges are lost when the es situations where the to Off” function. s as soon as you are hem. WIND oCL PIANO/GUITAR (Here, we selected the “Orchestra Chord Level” parameter.) NOTE Pressing registers [3] and [4] (PARAM LIST) simultaneously alternates between “AUd” (first parameter of the PARAMETER group) and “ESq” (first parameter of the MIDI group). This may come in handy to “close in” on the parameter you need. d parameter register to enter 3. UseTryk treble register [1] (√ VALUE) or [2] 3. på Registerknap [1] eller [2] for at bestemme værdien af den valgte parameter. (VALUE ®) to set the desired value. f the last parameter ample). 40 AUd To return to the last setting you saved for this 4. parameter, Hvispress duregisters ikke[1]ønsker at gemme denne indstilling permanent, tryk [SET] for at forlade and [2] simultaneously. 4. If you want to use this change only tempo- indstilling gemt, så gå videre til næste punkt ”Gem indstilParameter mode. Ønskes rarily, press the [SET] register to leave this linger” mode. Otherwise, proceed to save your changes: R-1x Page 45 Tuesday, November 8, 2011 11:44 AM Gem dine Parameter indstillingerr V-Accordion Saving your changes R-1x Page 45 Tuesday, November 8, 2011 11:44 AM 1. Saving your changes Treble/Bass&Chord Balance 1. Tryk på SET-knappen og hold allows denyoutrykket This parameter to adjust thenede indtil at displayet viser følgende: Press and hold the [SET] register until the display looks as follows: 1. Saving your changes Urt Press and hold the [SET] register until the display looks as follows: Urt 2. Press register [2] (VALUE ®) to save your settings. V-Accordion r volume balance between the bass/chord Saving your changes and treble sections. Any setting with a “b” means that the bass & chord section is louder than Treble/Bass&Chord Balance the treble section (“t”). This parameter allows you to adjust the Value balance b64~b1,Cen, volume betweent1~t63 the bass/chord and treble sections. Any setting Default setting: t15 with a “b” means that the bass & chord section is louder than the treble section (“t”). bal bal Musette Detune Value b64~b1,Cen, t1~t63 This parameter allows you to choose the detuning preset. Seeop) “Musette Default setting: t15 Detune” 2. Tryk på Registerknap [2] (Value for at gemme det dine indstillinger. The display now looks as follows: 2. Press register [2] (VALUE ®) to save your Display viser nu settings. YES The display now looks as follows: YES If you don’t want to save your changes, press [1] (√ VALUE). The display briefly shows the “no” message. 3. Press the [USER PROGRAM] (ENTER) button to confirm yourtointention. If you don’t want save your changes, press [1] 3. The and the (√ settings VALUE). are The stored displayinternally briefly shows the display “no” mesbriefly sage. shows the “y.E.S.” message (the three dots flash), then “don” when the settings are stored. Press the [USER PROGRAM] (ENTER) button Next, the display returns to the master page. on p. 35 for details. You can select one of the following detuning presets: Musette Detune følgende: Valueparameter Settingallows you toValue Setting This choose the det detuning preset. See “Musette 0 No detune 8 Detune”D-Folk L on p. 35 for details. You can select one 1 the following Dry 9 Italian L of detuning presets: 2Value Classic Setting 10 Value German Setting H 30 F-Folk No detune 11 8 Alpine D-Folk L 41 American L Dry 12 9 Italian Italian HL 52 American_H Classic 13 10 D-Folk HH German 63 North F-FolkEur 14 11 French Alpine Hvis du alligevel ikke ønsker atL gemme dine indstillinger. Tryk register [1] (value ned) 74 German 15 Scottish American L 12 Italian H to confirm your intention. og display viser ”no” The 5 deafultAmerican_H 13 “oFF” message D-Folk His dissetting is “2”. If the The settings are stored internally and the display briefly shows the “y.E.S.” message (the three dots flash), then “don” when the settings are stored. Next, the display returns to the master page. played, theNorth selected be French detuned. 6 Eur register cannot 14 NOTE 3. Tryk på knappen [USER (ENTER) 7 PROGRAM] German L 15 Scottish for at bekræfte dit valg. PARAM LIST parameters Musette Detune only affects registers that use more than one Audio file name 8’The reed. deafult setting is “2”. If the “oFF” message is dis- Displayet skriver kortvarigt debe detuned. tre punktummer blinker. Når ”Don” played, the ”y.E.S” selected registerog cannot Master Tune NOTEer indstillinger gemt. AUd fremkommer på display This parameter allows you to change the PARAM LIST parameters This parameter allows you to select the audio file you want to play back. See “Selecting audio files” on p. 33. Musette Detune only affects registers that use more than one tUn Value file (file name, 3 characters) Audio name This parameter allows you — to select the Default setting: audio file you want to play back. See “Selecting audio files” on p. 33. AUd NOTE Value (file name, characters) You can only select audio3files in the USB memory’s root directory. Audio files inside folders are not detected. Default setting: — Audio Level NOTE tUn NOTE This parameter allows you to set the volYou can only select audio files in the USB memory’s root ume level of the selected audio file. See directory. Audio files inside folders are not detected. “Adjusting the playback level” on p. 34. AUl Value Level Off, 1~10 Audio 30 QUICK GUIDE This parameter allows you to Default setting: 8 set the volume level of the selected audio file. See “Adjusting the playback level” on p. 34. Value FR-1x’s overall tuning, which may be 8’ reed. necessary when you play with acoustic instruments that cannot be tuned easily. The factory Masteris Tune default 440.0Hz. This parameter allows you to change the Value overall 15.7~64.3 FR-1x’s tuning,(415.7~464.3Hz) which may be necessary when yousetting: play with Default 40.0 acoustic (440.0Hz) instruments that cannot be tuned easily. The factory default is 440.0Hz. Off, 1~10 Default setting: 8 AUl Value 15.7~64.3 (415.7~464.3Hz) The display only shows the last three digits. The setting “464.3” is therefore displayed as “64.3”. Default setting: 40.0 (440.0Hz) Transpose NOTE This parameter allows you to transpose The display only shows the last three digits. The setting all sections of the FR-1x. See “Changing “464.3” is therefore displayed as “64.3”. the key of the keyboard (transpose)” on p. 35. trP Transpose Valueparameter –6~0~+5 This allows you to transpose all sections of the FR-1x. Default setting:See 0 “Changing the key of the keyboard (transpose)” on p. 35. trP FR-1x Page 37 Tuesday, November 8, 2011 11:44 AM GEM DINE INDSTILLINGER (USER PROGRAM) V-Accordion r Saving your settings (User Program) 11. your settings (UserProgram Program)pladser som gør dig i stand til at gemme dine DinSaving FR-1x indeholder 8 User egne personlige registreringer i hver af de 8 programpladser. Disse User Programs gør det nemt at fremkalde personlige favorit harmonikaer inklusive indstillingerne i henhold til nedenstående skema: Your FR-1x contains 8 User Program memories where you can store the settings listed below. Working with those memories has the advantage that you can recall frequently used settings at the press of a button. The User Program settings also include the “address” of the last Set you selected. The following settings are saved to the User Programs: Treble Octave Tx Bass/Free Bass Octave TX Number of the current Set Set Chord Octave TX Register Treble section Orchestra MIDI parameters Octave setting Orchestra Bass Octave TX Treble valve noise Orchestra Chord Octave TX Register Orchestra Free Bass Octave TX Octave setting Level Saving the current settings Register Organ Orchestra/Organ Octave TX Bass-to-Treble mode Octave setting Level 1. Here is how to save the current settings. Press and hold the [USER PROGRAM] button to select write mode. Register Bass & Chord section Bass button noise Bass reed growl On/Off Orchestral Bass Register Level On/Off Orchestral Chord Register Level On/Off Orchestral Free Bass The display now shows a flashing “U––” message. Register Level U-- On/Off Drum mode 44 AM Drum Set number Lights Level On/Off Free Bass Register V-Accordion r Saving your settings (User Program) Free Bass button noise Free Bass reed growl our settings (User Program) Reverb Type Chorus Type Other parameters The USER PRG indicator below the display lights to indicate that the FR-1x is now in User Program mode. NOTE If you made a mistake and do not want to save your settings, press the [USER PROGRAM] button to leave this function. Reverb Level r Program memories where you can store the settings listed below. Working with those memChorus hat you can recall frequently used settings at the press of a button. TheLevel User Program settings Balance of the last Set you selected. saved to the User Programs: Treble Octave Tx mber of the current Set Bass/Free Bass Octave TX Chord Octave TX gister MIDI parameters tave setting Orchestra/Organ Octave TX ss-to-Treble mode Orchestra Bass Octave TX ble valve noise Orchestra Chord Octave TX gister Orchestra Free Bass Octave TX 37 tave setting vel Saving the current settings gister tave setting vel 1. Here is how to save the current settings. Press and hold the [USER PROGRAM] button to select write mode. gister ss button noise ss reed growl /Off gister vel /Off gister vel /Off The display now shows a flashing “U––” message. gister vel U-- /Off um Set number vel Lights QUICK GUIDE 31 V-Accordion r Saving your settings (User Program) V-Accordion r Saving your settings (User Program) gs (User Program) (User Program) es where you can store the settings listed below. Working with those memrequently used settings at the press of a button. The User Program settings selected. here you can store the settings listed below. Working with those memently used settings at the press of a button. The User Program settings Programs: Treble Octave Tx cted. Bass/Free Bass Octave TX Set Chord Octave TX Treble Octave Tx Orchestra/Organ Octave TX Bass/Free Bass Octave TX Orchestra Bass Octave TX Chord Octave TX Orchestra Chord Octave TX Orchestra/Organ Octave TX Orchestra Free Bass Octave TX Orchestra Bass Octave TX ams: MIDI parameters Gem dine personlige indstillinger MIDI parameters Orchestra Chord Octave Start med atTX lave din favorit indstillinger og prøv at spille på FR-1x Orchestra Free Bass Octave TX Saving the current settings 1. Here is how to save the current settings. 1. Tryk og hold [USER PROGRAM] knappen nede for at vælge ”gemme” menuen Press and hold the [USER PROGRAM] button Savingtothe current select writesettings mode. 1. Here is how to save the current settings. Press and hold the [USER PROGRAM] button to select write mode. The display now shows a flashing “U––” message. Display blinker og viser beskeden: “U--“ U-U-The USER PRG indicator below the display lights to The display now shows a flashing “U––” message. Lights indicate Lights that the FR-1x is now in User Program mode. NOTE The USER PRG indicator below the display lights to If youthat made mistakeisand want to save mode. your setindicate thea FR-1x nowdoinnot User Program tings, press the [USER PROGRAM] button to leave this USER PGR indikator i nederste venstre hjørne lyser for at indikere at FR-1x er nu i User Program mode. function. NOTE If you made a mistake and do not want to save your settings, press the [USER PROGRAM] button to leave this function. Note Hvis du laver en fejl eller ønsker at forlade denne funktion, tryk [USER PROGRAM] knappen. 2. Tryk på treble register ([1]~[4]) for at gemme din indstilling. Bemærk at hver registerknap kan indeholde 2 registreringer. (FR-1x kan gemme i alt 8 indstillinger) 37 Gem i knap 1’s ”A” hukommelse, tryk én gang. Hvis du ønsker at gemme i knap 1’s 37 ”B” hukommelse, tryk 2 gange. Displayet viser nu den valgte nummer plads til højre for ”U” i stedet for “--“ 3. Tryk på [SET] for at gemme dine ændringer du har lavet i User Program hukommelsen. 4. Tryk på [USER PROGRAM] knappen for at forlade indstillingen. 32 QUICK GUIDE Each treble register provides access to two User Program memories (for a total of eight). To select the “A” memory, press the register in question once. Press it select the “B” memory. Eachtwice trebletoregister provides access to two User Pro“––” to the ofof “U”eight). changes to thethe number gramThe memories (forright a total To select “A” of the selected Program. memory, press theUser register in question once. Press it twice to select the “B” memory. 3. Press the [SET] register to save your settings The “––” to the right of “U” changes to the of in in the User Program memory younumber selected the selected User Program. step 2 above. Each treble register provides access to two User Program memories (for a total of eight). To select the “A” memory, press the register in question once. Press it select the “B” memory. Eachtwice trebletoregister provides access to two User Pro“––” to the ofof “U”eight). changes to thethe number gramThe memories (forright a total To select “A” of the selected Program. memory, press theUser register in question once. Press it twice to select the “B” memory. 3. Start playing with the new settings. The “––” to the right “U”select changes to the number of If necessary, youofcan a different User Program the selected Program. (see stepUser 2 above). 3. 4. Press the the [SET][USER register to save your settings Press PROGRAM] button again to 3. 4. StartPress playing with the new settings. the [USER PROGRAM] button again to 4. 4. in the User Program leave this mode. memory you selected in stepThe 2 above. USER PRG indicator below the display goes dark to the indicate thatPROGRAM] the FR-1x is no longeragain in Userto ProPress [USER button gram At this point, the FR-1x returns to the leave thismode. mode. settings you were using before selecting User ProThe USER PRG indicator below the display goes dark gram mode, andFR-1x the display once again shows to indicate that the is no longer in User Pro- the page. grammain mode. At this point, the FR-1x returns to the If necessary, you mode. can select a different User Program leave this (see The stepUSER 2 above). PRG indicator below the display goes dark to the indicate thatPROGRAM] the FR-1x is no longeragain in Userto ProPress [USER button gram At this point, the FR-1x returns to the leave thismode. mode. settings you were using before selecting User ProThe USER PRG indicator below the display goes dark gram mode, andFR-1x the display once again shows to indicate that the is no longer in User Pro- the main page. gram mode. At this point, the FR-1x returns to the Brug dine personlige indstillinger settings you were using before selecting User Pro- settings you were using before selecting User Program mode, and the display once again shows the Recalling a User Program main page. Proceed as follows to recall a User Program you saved earlier: NOTE gramWhile mode, thePRG display oncebelow again theand USER indicator theshows displaythe lights, it is mainimpossible page. to select Sets. In order to select a Set, you will have knappen to press the [USER PROGRAM] button to leave User 1. Tryk på [USER PROGRAM] NOTE Program mode. While the USER PRG indicator below the display lights, it is impossible to select Sets. In order to select a Set, you will have to pressathe [USER PROGRAM] button to leave User Editing User Program Program mode. You can also edit existing User Programs. 1. Pressa User the [USER PROGRAM] button. Recalling Program 1. Proceed as follows to recall a User Program you saved earlier: Press the [USER PROGRAM] button. 1. Recall the User Program you want to edit. Seea “Recalling a User Program”. Editing User Program 1. r r 2. The display now shows a “U––” message. You can also edit existing User Programs. 2. Press and hold the [USER PROGRAM] button Recall the User Program you want to edit. to select User Program Edit mode. See “Recalling a User Program”. The USER PRG indicator flashes. The display shows theand main pagethe where the numbers of thebutton selected Press hold [USER PROGRAM] registers are Program displayed. Edit mode. to select User The USER PRGthe indicator flashes. display 3. Change settings youThe want to shows correct. the main page where the numbers of the selected Displayet viser ”U--” 4. Press hold the [USER PROGRAM] button registers areand displayed. U-- The display now shows a “U––” message. Lights U-The USER PRG indicator below the display lights to 3. 4. to enter write mode. Change the settings you want to correct. Press and hold the [USER PROGRAM] button to enter write mode. indicate that the FR-1x is now in User Program mode. Lights The USER PRG indicator below the display lights to indicate that the FR-1x is now in User Program mode. 38 38 USER PRG indikator lyser for at vise at FR-1x er i User Program mode. 1. Tryk på treble register knap ([1]~[4]) for at vælge din tidligere gemte indstilling. Hvis du ønsker at vælge indstilling 1B, så tryk 2 gange på registerknap 1. 2. Spil nu med den gemte indstilling. Hvis nødvendigt, så skift mellem andre gemte indstillinger med registerknapperne. 3. Tryk på [USER PROGRAM] knappen for at forlade User Program mode. Note Når FR-1x User Program mode er valgt, så kan man ikke skifte harmonika sæt. Forlad User Program mode for at skifte harmonika ”SET” Lav om på dine personlige indstillinger Du kan også ændre i dine personlige indstillinger i dine User Programmer. 1. Vælg det User Program som skal ændres 2. Tryk og hold knappen [USER PROGRAM] nede indtil den lille USER PRG indikator i displayet blinker. 3. Lav dine ændringer på din registrering. QUICK GUIDE 33 R-1x Page 39 Tuesday, November 8, 2011 11:44 AM V-Accordion r Saving your settings (User Program) 4. Tryk og hold [USER PROGRAM] knappen nede for at gøre klar til at gemme ændring The display now shows a flashing “Uxx” message (the “xx” refers to the User Program you have been editing thus far). U1A Flashes FR-1x Page 39 Tuesday, November 8, 2011 11:44 AM 5. Do one of the following: • To replace (overwrite) the settings of the User Program you have been editing, press the [SET] register. • To save the new version to a different User Program memory, press the assigned treble register (once or Thethen display now shows a flashing “Uxx” message (the twice), press [SET]. “xx” refers to the User Program you have been editing thus far). Displayet blinker og viser ”Uxx” V-Accordion r Saving your settings (User Program) (xx refererer til det User Program som du har ændret). 5. Du har nu mulighed for at gemme din ændring på samme plads eller du kan gemme den ændrede indstilling i en anden registerplads: U1A For at udskifte din indstilling med den ændrede i samme registerplads, tryk [SET] 5. Do one of theknap following: Flashes 6. • To replace (overwrite) the settings of the User Program you have been editing, press the [SET] register. • To save the version a different Program Your settings arenew saved to thetoselected UserUser Program memory, press the assigned treble register (once or memory. twice), then press [SET]. Gemme en ny version af den valgte indstilling i et nyt register, tryk på registerknap hvor den nye indstilling skal gemmes (1 eller 2 gange). Press the [USER PROGRAM] button again to leave this mode. The USER PRG indicator below the display goes dark to indicate that the FR-1x is no longer in User Program mode. At this point, the FR-1x returns to the settings you were using before selecting User Program mode, and the display once again shows the main page. NOTE While the USER PRG indicator below the display flashes, you can select another Set. Your settings are saved to the selected User Program memory. 6. Dine indstillinger er nu gemt på din ønskede register plads. Press the [USER PROGRAM] button again to leave this mode. 6. Tryk på [USER PROGRAM] knappen for at forlade User Program mode. The USER PRG indicator below the display goes dark to indicate that the FR-1x is no longer in User Program mode. At this point, the FR-1x returns to the settings you were using before selecting User Program mode, and the display once again shows the main page. NOTE While the USER PRG indicator below the display flashes, you can select another Set. 39 39 34 QUICK GUIDE FR-1x Page 40 Tuesday, November 8, 2011 11:44 AM FR-1x V-Accordion Data management via the FR-1x’s USB port HÅNDTERING AF 12. Data management via the DATA FR-1x’s USBVIA port FR-1X’S USB PORT FR-1x Page 40 Tuesday, November 8, 2011 11:44 AM The FR-1x allows you to save and import User Program settings to/from an optional USB memory connected to its USB port. You can also import Sets and new sounds copied to your USB memory using your PC. The Sets and sounds are FR-1x giver dig mulighed for at gemme og importere User Program indstillinger til og fra en USB-key som tilsluttes til USB porten på FR-1x. Det er også muligt at importere 4. Use ved treble register [1]at or din [2] (VALUE) to see harmonika sæt kopieret til hjælp computer og gemme dem i FRProgram memories to USB-key the USB numberport of the file where the data will 12. Saving Data User management via the FR-1x’s be saved. USB (optional) 1x’smemory hukommelse. FR-1x V-Accordion stored via internally. Data management the FR-1x’s USB port The display shows the name of the first empty file on Here is how to archive the contents of the FR-1x’s 8 The FR-1x allows you to savememories and import User Program settings to/from an USB memory connected to its USB theoptional USB memory. internal User Program (file extension “.UP1”) port. You can also import Sets and new sounds copied to your USB memory using your PC. The Sets and sounds are to an optional USB memory. NOTE stored internally. Gem User Program indstillinger på USB-key 4. Use treble register [1] or [2] (VALUE) to see Saving User Program memories to the number of the file where the data will (købes separat) 1. Insert an optional USB memory into the If the USB memory doesn’t yet contain any User Program files, the display shows “000”, which represents the file name of the data you are about to save. NOTE Be sure to connect your USB memory before proceeding. USB memory (optional) NOTE be saved. FR-1x’s USB MEMORY port. The FR-1x usesthe numbers to savefile your The display shows name as of file thenames first empty onUser Programs to USB memory. It cannot display the file numthe USB memory. Here is how to archive the contents of the FR-1x’s 8 internal User Program memories (file extension “.UP1”) to an optional USB memory. bers that already are in theUser USB memory. Du kan gemme indholdet af FR-1x’s 8 interne Programmer på en tilsluttet NOTE USB-memory key (fil extension ” .UP1”) If the USB memory doesn’t yet contain any User Program NOTE 5. Press the [USER PROGRAM] (ENTER) button files, the display shows “000”, which represents the file tothe save name of datathe you data. are about to save. Be sure to connect your USB memory before proceeding. The display “Urt” (Write), then MEMORY “don” (Done), 1. Indsæt forsigtigt en USB memory-key i shows FR-1x’s USB port. after which the FR-1x returns to the main page. 1. Insert an optional USB memory into the NOTE FR-1x’s USB MEMORY port. The FR-1x uses numbers as file names to save your User Programs to USB memory. It cannot display the file numbers that already are in the USB memory. The USB memory can only be connected in one direction. Insert the USB memory without applying excessive force. 5. Loading User Program memories Press the [USER (ENTER) button from USB PROGRAM] memory (optional) to save the data. The function discussed here allows you to load the setThe tings display (Write), then “don”memory (Done),to the of shows 8 User“Urt” Programs from a USB afterFR-1x’s which internal the FR-1x returns to the main page. memory. NOTE 1. Use a USB memory sold by Roland (M-UF-series). We cannot guarantee operation if any other USB memory is used. Insert an optional USB memory into the FR-1x’s USB MEMORY port. Loading Program memories 2. PressUser and hold down the [SET] register. 2. Press and hold down the [SET] register. The USB memory can only be connected in one direcdisplay shows the(optional) name of the last parameter from The USB memory The display shows the name of the last parameter 2.tion. Tryk [SET] nede viser det sidst valgte parameter. Insert theog USB hold memory without applying exces-indtil display you selected. you selected. sive force. The function discussed here allows you to load the settings3.of Use 8 User Programs from [3] a USB to the LIST) treble register ormemory [4] (PARAM 3. Use treble register [3] or [4] (PARAM LIST) FR-1x’s internal memory. 3. NOTE Brug LIST) for at vælge select “UPG” (User Program).”Sav” (Save). to selectregister “SAv” (Save).[3] eller [4] (PARAM to Use a USB memory sold by Roland (M-UF-series). We cannot guarantee operation if any other USB memory is used. Press and hold down the [SET] register. The display shows the name of the last parameter you selected. r r 2. 3. Use treble register [3] or [4] (PARAM LIST) to select “SAv” (Save). WIND PIANO/GUITAR 1. Insert an optional USB memory into the FR-1x’s USB MEMORY port. 2. Press and hold down the [SET] register. 3. Use treble register [3] or [4] (PARAM LIST) to select “UPG” (User Program). The display shows the name of the last parameter you selected. SAv WIND PIANO/GUITAR UPG 4. Brug treble register [1] eller [2] (VALUE) for at se nummeret på filen hvor data vil blive gemt. (Displayet viser den første tomme nummerplads på USB-memory) 40 WIND PIANO/GUITAR SAv WIND PIANO/GUITAR UPG 5. Tryk på [USER PROGRAM] (ENTER) knappen for at gemme data på USB-key. 40 Displayet viser ”Urt” (Write) efterfulgt af ”don” (Done). Fr-1x skifter automatisk til normal indstilling. QUICK GUIDE 35 m memories to onal) the number of the file where the data will be saved. ntents of the FR-1x’s 8 ries (file extension “.UP1”) The display shows the name of the first empty file on the USB memory. mory before proceeding. If the USB memory doesn’t yet contain any User Program files, the display shows “000”, which represents the file name of the data you are about to save. NOTE memory into the port. NOTE The FR-1x uses numbers as file names to save your User Programs to USB memory. It cannot display the file numbers that already are in the USB memory. 5. Press the [USER PROGRAM] (ENTER) button to save the data. The display shows “Urt” (Write), then “don” (Done), after which the FR-1x returns to the main page. Hent User Program indstillinger fra USB-key (købes separat) be connected in one direcy without applying exces- land (M-UF-series). We cany other USB memory is used. he [SET] register. 1. Loading User Program memories from USB memory (optional) kan hente 8 interne User TheDu function discussed here allows you to load the set- Programmer fra en tilsluttet USB-key ind i FR-1x på tings of 8 User Programs from a USB memory to the følgende måde: FR-1x’s internal memory. Insert an optional USB memory into the USB forsigtigt MEMORY port. en USB memory-key i FR-1x’s USB MEMORY port 1. FR-1x’s Indsæt 2. Press and hold down the [SET] register. 3. Use treble register [3] or [4] (PARAM LIST) e of the last parameter display shows the name of the last parameter 2. The Tryk og hold [SET] nede indtil display viser det sidst valgte parameter. you selected. or [4] (PARAM LIST) 3. to Brug register [3] eller [4] (PARAM LIST) for at vælge ”UPG” (User Program). select “UPG” (User Program). SAv WIND PIANO/GUITAR UPG 4. Brug treble register [1] eller [2] (VALUE) for at vælge nummeret på de User Program indstillinger som du ønsker at hente. (Hvis USB-Key ikke indeholder nogen User Program filer vises ”---” i stedet for et nummer) 5. Tryk på [USER PROGRAM] (ENTER) knappen for at hente den valgte User Program fil ind i FR-1x. Displayet viser ”Lod” (Load) efterfulgt af ”don” (Done). Fr-1x skifter automatisk til normal indstilling. Hent User Set indstillinger fra USB-key (købes separat) Det er muligt at hente nye harmonikaer (Set) fra en USB-key ind i de 4 interne ”USER” Set pladser på FR-1x. Disse filer (”.ST3) skal først kopieres over på ”roden” på en USB-key før de kan overføres til FR-1x. 1. Indsæt forsigtigt en USB memory-key i FR-1x’s USB MEMORY port 2. Tryk og hold [SET] nede indtil display viser det sidst valgte parameter. 36 QUICK GUIDE after which the FR-1x returns to the main page. at a later stage. Loading User Set memories from USB memory (optional) 1. 2. The FR-1x allows you to copy individual Sets from a USB memory to the four internal “USER” Set locations. The Set files (with the extension “.ST3”) must first be copied to a USB memory’s root directory before loading them into the FR-1x’s “USER” area. Insert an optional USB memory into the FR-1x’s USB MEMORY port. Press and hold down the [SET] register. The display shows the name of the last parameter you selected. Use treble register [3] or [4] (PARAM LIST) 3. 3.Brug register [3] eller [4] (PARAM LIST) for at vælge ”Ust” (User Set) to select “USt” (User Set). WIND PIANO/GUITAR Ust Use treble registers [1] and [2] [1] (VALUE) to [2] (VALUE) for at vælge nummeret på det Set du vil 4. 4.Brug treble register eller select the file number of the Set you want hente. to load. If the USB memory doesn’t contain any Set files, the display will show “---” instead of a number. (Hvis USB-Key ikke indeholder nogen Set-filer vises ”---” i stedet for et nummer) 5. Press the [USER PROGRAM] (ENTER) button to confirm your selection. The FR-1x “USER” PROGRAM] memory “1” as target for(ENTER) knappen for at bekræfte dit valg. 5. Tryk påsuggests [USER the Set file. 6. Use treble registers [1] and [2] (VALUE) to 6. Brug treble [1] eller [2] (VALUE) for at vælge det nummer hvor Set skal select the desired register target memory (1~4). i FR-1x’s (1~4). 7.placeres Press the [USER PROGRAM] hukommelse (ENTER) button to load the selected Set. 7. Tryk på [USER PROGRAM] (ENTER) knappen for at hente det valgte Set. Displayet viser ”Lod” (Load) efterfulgt af ”don” (Done). Fr-1x skifter automatisk til normal indstilling. 41 QUICK GUIDE 37 HENT FABRIKSINDSTILLINGERNE FR-1x Page 64 Tuesday, November 8, 2011 11:44 AM FR-1xNovember V-Accordion FR-1x Page 64 Tuesday, 8, 2011 11:44 AM (Factory Reset) Restoring the factory defaults 15. Restoring the factory defaults FR-1x V-Accordion FR-1x Page 64 Tuesday, November 8, 2011 11:44 AM Restoring the factory defaults Du kan genskabe opsætningerne som FR-1x havde, da den forlod fabrikken. Dette betyder at alle indstillinger der i mellemtiden er lavet på instrumentet forsvinder. 15. Restoring the factory defaults the FR-1x contained when you first got it. You may wish to archive your settings before initializing the FR-1x (see “Sav- FR-1x V-Accordion You can reset the FR-1x to its factory settings, which means that your own Global settings are replaced by the settings Restoring the factory defaults ing User Program memories to USB memory (optional)” on p. 40). Du dine personlige indstillinger You can reset the FR-1x to itskan factorygemme settings, which alle means that your own Global settings are replaced by the settingspå en USB memory inden du gør 15. Restoring the factory defaults the FR-1x contained when you first got it. You may wish to archive your settings before initializing the FR-1x (see “Savdette og kan derfor altid genindlæse dine indstillinger igen. Loading all factory settings Restoring the User Sets to their factory defaults 1. Tænd FR-1x mens register knapperne [3] og [4] holdes nede Loading all factory settings Restoring the User Sets to their factory defaults ing User Program memories to USB memory (optional)” on p. 40). You can reset the FR-1x to its factory settings, which means that your own Global settings are replaced by the settings 1. Switch holding the FR-1x contained whenon youthe firstFR-1x got it. while You may wish todown archivethe your settings before initializing the FR-1x (see “Savregisters [3] and(optional)” [4]. ing User Programtreble memories to USB memory on p. 40). This function allows you to restore the factory settings of one of the four User Set memories (see also page 24). 1. Switch on the FR-1x while holding down the Press hold the down thesettings [SET] register. This function 1. allows you and to restore factory of one of the four User Set memories (see also page 24). treble registers [3] and [4]. 1. Loading all factory settings Switch on the FR-1x while holding down the treble registers [3] and [4]. Restoring the User Sets to their factory defaults 1.ThisPress andallows hold down the [SET] register. function you to restore the factory settings 1. of one of the four User Set memories (see also page 24). Press and hold down the [SET] register. The display changes to: Displayet skifter nu til: The display changes to: FCt 2. The display shows the name of the last parameter you selected. When all settings have been initialized, the display briefly shows the following message: 2. Use treble register [3] or [4] (PARAM LIST) The display changes to: The display shows name of the last parameter to the select “UrC”. you selected. When all settings have been initialized, the display briefly shows the following message: 2. Use treble register [3] or [4] (PARAM LIST) The display“UrC”. shows the name of the last parameter to select 2. Switch off the FR-1x,thethen switch it back on you selected. When all settings have been initialized, display again. briefly shows the following message: Use treble register [3] or [4] (PARAM LIST) The FR-1x now again sounds and behaves like2.when to select “UrC”. you first bought Switch off the FR-1x, then it. switch it back on 2. The FR-1x now again sounds and behaves like when you first off bought Switch theit.FR-1x, then switch it back on FCt FCt don don Når alle indstillinger er initialiseret ”nulstillet” fremkommer følgende besked: don again. again. WIND UrC PIANO/GUITAR 2. Sluk for FR-1x og tænd instrumentet igen.UrC The FR-1x now again sounds and behaves like when you first bought it. WIND PIANO/GUITAR Instrumentet vil nu opføre sig som da du købte det. r r r WIND PIANO/GUITAR UrC Held og lykke med din nye FR-1x V-Accordion. 64 64 64 38 QUICK GUIDE NOTER QUICK GUIDE 39 XXXXXX XXXXXXXXX (DK/NO) ROLAND SCANDINAVIA AS DENMARK Skagerrakvej 7 DK-2150 Nordhavn SWEDEN Mårbackagatan 31, 4tr SE-123 43 Farsta NORWAY Lilleakerveien 2 P.O. Box 95, Lilleaker NO-0216 Oslo FINLAND Vanha Nurmijärvent. 62 FIN-01670 Vantaa [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]