DSE Annual Conference 2015 - Programme
DSE Annual Conference 2015 - Programme
DSE Annual Conference 2015 - Programme Thursday, 1 October 11.15- 11.30: Welcome from the organizers. 11.30-12.30 Keynote address: Fabio Franchino, University of Milan. Title TBA. 13.00-14.00 Lunch 14.00-15.30 Panels Session I (A, B, C) Panel A: EU and the Member States Room: TBA Chair: Dorte Sindbjerg Martinsen, University of Copenhagen Discussant: Mads Dagnis Jensen, Roskilde University Papers: National Representation Before the European Parliament: The Balance between Official and External Representatives. Brendan Carroll, Leiden University; Anne Rasmussen, University of Copenhagen. Footdragging Supreme Court’s? A Quantitative Study of the Variance in the Reception of European Law Among Supreme Courts in the EU. Kristoffer Schaldemose, University of Copenhagen; Juan Mayoral, University of Copenhagen; Marlene Wind, University of Copenhagen. European Integration: Bureaucratic, Centralizing and Non-democratic? Lars Mäder, University of Copenhagen; Thomas König, University of Mannheim. Ruling European Homelessness: How Street-Level Implementation Diverges from National and EU law When Politics is at stake. Dorte Sindbjerg Martinsen, University of Copenhagen; Jessica Sampson Thierry, University of Copenhagen. Panel B: European Labour Markets in Crisis: Perspectives on Atypical Employment Room: TBA Chair: Discussant: Papers: Tracing Convergence in Flexibility and Income Security for Youth During the Economic Crisis. Janine Leschke, Copenhagen Business School; Mairead Finn, Trinity College Dublin The European Court of Justice and the Fixed-term Work Directive: Still Fixed, but at least Equal. Caroline de la Porte, Roskilde University; Patrick Emennegger, University of St Gallen. Lifting the Floor Rights of Atypical Workers – The Role of Social Partners and Sectoral Bargaining. Trine Larsen, University of Copenhagen; Mikkel Mailand, University of Copenhagen. Panel C: Symbols and Myths of European Integration Room: TBA Chair: Ian Manners, University of Copenhagen Discussant: Christoffer Kølvraa, Aarhus University (TBC) Papers: The European Union’s Institutionalisation of Symbols and Myths. Ian Manners, University of Copenhagen. The Pan-European Union Interpretation of Symbols and Myths. Kennet Lynggaard, Roskilde University. European Identity Construction in the Eurozone Crisis. Maryna Onishchenko, University of Copenhagen. 1 15.30-16.00 Coffee Break 16.00-17.45 Panels Session II (D, E, F) Panel D: Current Challenges of Parliamentary Actors in the EU Room: TBA Chair: Mette Buskjær Christensen, University of Southern Denmark Discussant: TBA Papers: National Parliaments in European Union Politics: Oversight Institutions and Scrutiny Behavior. Daniel Finke, University of Aarhus; Annika Herbel, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg. A living legislature: The EP as an ordinary legislator. Christilla Roederer-Rynning, University of Southern Denmark; Justin Greenwood, Robert Gordon University. Between Scrutiny and Agenda-setting: EU-related parliamentary questions in the Danish Folketing. Roman Senniger, University of Aarhus. The Political Dialogue between the European Commission and National Parliaments: A Tool for the ‘Losers’? Mette Buskjær Christensen, University of Southern Denmark; Maja Kluger Rasmussen, Tænketanken Europa. Panel E: European External Relations after Lisbon Room: TBA Chair: TBA Discussant: TBA Papers: Coping with a disorderly world? Denmark and the European External Action Service 2009-2014. Christine Nissen, Danish Institute for International studies; Fabrizio Tassinari, Danish Institute for International studies. Revaluating EU Power and Actorness through Internal and External Dimensions. Sanne Brasch Kristensen, Roskilde University; Tamara Hoch Jovanovic, Roskilde University The Importance of Being Earnest: EU Soft Power and Ukraine. Kristian L. Nielsen, Copenhagen Business School. Panel F: The Governance of EMU: Financial Regulation and Fiscal Rules Room: TBA Chair: TBA Discussant: TBA Papers: Fiscal Balances and Financial Regulation Based on Support from a Banking Union: The Allocation of Policies to Different Authorities. Svend E. Hougaard Jensen, Copenhagen Business School. Measurement and Effectiveness of National Fiscal Rules and Governance in the European Union. Michael Bergman, University of Copenhagen. 17.45-19.00 Drinks 19.30 Dinner (for members who signed up for it) Friday, 2 October 09.00-10.45 Panels Session III (G, H, I and PhD student workshop) PhD student workshop Room: TBA Convenor: Mette Buskjær Christensen, University of Southern Denmark Panel G: EU Economic Governance: Alternative Perspectives Room: TBA Chair: TBA Discussant: TBA Papers: Banking on the Union? Financial Regulation and Public Trust. Sine Nørholm Just, Copenhagen Business School. How can the Economists (still) be so wrong on the European Monetary Union? Jesper Jespersen, Roskilde University. Think Tanks as Epistemic Arbiters under Economic Crisis. Jesper Dahl Kelstrup, Roskilde University. Panel H: Attitudes Towards EU Integration Room: TBA Chair: TBA Discussant: TBA Papers: Welfare regimes and attitudes towards EU integration. Julie Hassing Nielsen, University of Copenhagen. Addressing the challenges of Euroscespticism to the accommodation of “complex diversity” within the EU governance and policy making. Alessandra Cenci, Roskilde University. The Nationalist Debate and the Building of New Identities in Europe: an Analysis through the Danish case. Thiago Babo, University of São Paulo. Panel I: European Labour Market and Social Policy Room: TBA Chair: Janine Leschke, Copenhagen Business School Discussant: Janine Leschke, Copenhagen Business School Papers: The Supplementary Pension Rights Directive: Positive Integration at the Crossroads between the Internal Market and Social Europe. Igor Guardiancich, University of Southern Denmark. Institutional Change in Danish Labour Market Policy and Education and Vocational Education. Martin Bæk Carstensen, Copenhagen Business School; Christian Lyhne Ibsen, University of Copenhagen. Social Investments over the Life Course in Europe. Jon Kvist, Roskilde University. 10.45-11.15 Coffee Break 11.15-13.00 Panels Sesssion IV (K, L, M) Panel K: Social Movements’ Mobilization Beyond the State as a Response to Austerity - I Room: TBA Chair: Sevasti Chatzopoulou, Roskilde University Discussant: TBA Papers: 3 The Transnational Contestation of European Austerity. Yannick Harrison, Roskilde University. Blockupy Against the European Central Bank: The Multiple Geographies of Protest in Times of Crisis and Austerity. Bjarke Skærlund Risager, Aarhus University. Title TBC. Bjørn Thomassen, Aarhus University. Panel L: Dimensions of Trans-National Policy-making. Room: TBA Chair: TBA Discussant: TBA Papers: Geographical Spill-Over – An Underrated Phenomenon? Wolfgang Zank, Aalborg University Variants of Transnational Regulation. Morten Kallestrup, University of Southern Denmark. Think tanks and Knowledge Regimes in the EU: Towards Transnationalism? Jesper Dahl Kelstrup, Roskilde University. Panel M: EU Neighbourhood Policy and the Responsibility to Protect Room: TBA Chair: TBA Discussant: TBA Papers: Is a European Practice of Mass Atrocity Prevention Emerging? The European Union, Responsibility to Protect and the 2011 Libya Crisis. Chiara de Franco, University of Southern Denmark; Annemarie Peen Rodt, Roskilde University. The Strategic Choice for Europe: The EU-Russia Power Struggle in the Eastern Neighborhood. Iulian Romanyshyn, Institute for Advanced Studies Lucca; Kristian L. Nielsen, Copenhagen Business School. The Impact of EU Multifacetedness on EU Strategic Actorness. Anne Ingemann Johansen, Roskilde University. 13.00-14.00 Lunch 14.00-15.45 Panels Session V (N, O, P) Panel N: Multi-Level Governance and Redefinition of Policy Competences Room: TBA Chair: TBA Discussant: TBA Papers: Subsidiarity and Diversity: What is the Subsidiarity Principle According to the European People? Julie Hassing Nielsen, University of Copenhagen. Depoliticisation and the ‘Two Types’ of Multi-Level Governance: the Politics of Arena shifting. Holly Snaith, University of Copenhagen. Measuring and explaining incompleteness of EU treaty provisions. Manuele Citi, Copenhagen Business School and Mads Dagnis Jensen, Roskilde University. Panel O: Writing the Rules of 21st Century Trade: The EU and the New Trade Bilateralism Room: TBA Chair: Christilla Roederer-Rynning, University of Southern Denmark Discussant: TBA Papers: Writing the Rules of 21st-Century Trade—The New Majoritarian Politics. Jan Guldager Jørgensen, University of Southern Denmark; Finn Laursen, University of Southern Denmark; Christilla Roederer-Rynning, University of Southern Denmark. 4 The Industrial Dimension of the New EU Bilateral Trade Agreements (tbc). Dapeng Cai, Nagoya University; Jan Guldager Jørgensen, University of Southern Denmark. The Parliamentary Dimension of Regulatory Cooperation, Mette Buskjær Christensen, University of Southern Denmark; Morten Kallestrup, University of Southern Denmark; Christilla Roederer-Rynning, University of Southern Denmark. Panel P: Social Movements’ Mobilization Beyond the State as a Response to Austerity - II Room: TBA Chair: TBA Discussant: TBA Papers: Transnational cooperation among social movements and Trade Unions against austerity. Sevasti Chatzopoulou, Roskilde University; Angela Bourne, Roskilde University. Neither austerity nor charity: Articulating solidarities in Spain. Óscar García Agustín, Aalborg University. EU Labour Law and Chinese workplaces in Prato, Italy: When different legal cultures meet and compete. Louise Munkholm, Roskilde University 16.00-16.30 DSE General Assembly 16.30 -17.30 DSE Board meeting 17.30 – Final reception & chill out 5