

Year in Review Issue
The Masonic Secret?, p3
‘Skype Recording...’, p21
Monochrome Rainbow, p27
Death Cult, p19
The Eurovision Thing, p26
Opposition Cancer, p22
EU Fissures, p18
Ultras Rising, p24
FIFA’s Dive, p23
D-Day Travesty, p29
Remember the A-Bomb, p31
Islam’s ISIS?, p34
American Torture Story, p43
Gallery, p36
Mark Birdsong 2014
The Masonic Secret
A Look at the Burning Question:
Is the Banker Elite’s Religion Devil Worship?
Masonic square and compass emblem (above),
‘G’ for God/Geometry; 1 a&-seeing eye/sun in sacred delta#
A& images unretouched unless noted otherwise (retouched
for emphasis)
Freem-s-n-y is a quasi-religious and esoteric allmale secret society “defending aristocratic principles” and invested with pre-Christian, pagan symbology, especially that of the Egyptian Isis-Osiris
It is a “system...with profound political influence” 2
-- a recognized historical force behind
the American and French revolutions--with cells in
the seats of power in government, military, banking
and business, medicine, law, judiciary and police internationally (in the West). The UK alone counts
some 10,000 individual lodges with up to one million members (ibid).
Ha&oween/Guy Fawkes Day, 5 Nov. (Revised)
career’; the definitive ‘Old Boys’ Club’; a mechanism
of elite power for the social emanation of its aims; a
forum for collusion or a network of well-placed
fixers...freemasonry in its ceremony is said to recreate the religious rites (playlets) of ancient Egypt-arguably the progenitor of Western and Near Eastern religions.
It was condemned by Papal bull in 1738 and banned
in Austria 1795 and Russia 1799, 1822, 1917 (rehabilitated 1995) variously on suspicion of organized political subversion and conducting “demonic seances”
based on the declared heretical practices of the suppressed (1312) Knights Templar chivalric and banking
Order. 5
The Obelisks
Paris, London, NYC, DC
Above le(: Wi&iam Blake’s Urizen with nets or webs, representing absolutist (scorched-earth) self-interested rationalism; Above right: Victor Deni i&ustration
Claimed to have been formed over the operative
medieval guilds of itinerant, cathedral-building
stonemasons, modern speculative freemasonry
(founded England 1717--contemporary with the rationalist Enlightenment) can be viewed as informed
by Gnostic3 and Deist4 philosophy and English antiPapist/clerical sentiment, in a departure from dogmatic faith to reasoned self- interest, under the
motto ‘Do as thou wilt.’
While sometimes considered to be Christian;
an eccentric bourgeois social club; ‘good for your
Pagan Monuments 6 -- The Egyptian obelisks standing at
the heart of the Western capitals are monumental evidence
of the ‘profound influence’ of Freemasonry in the 19th century, as are the euro currency banknotes today (see below).
The American capital, Washington D.C., is itself a monument to the Cra( in its architecture and urban design, as is
The Egyptian obelisks standing at the heart of the
Western capitals are monumental evidence of the
‘profound influence’ of Freemasonry in the 19th century, as are the euro currency banknotes today (see
below). The American capital, Washington D.C., is
itself a monument to the Craft in its architecture
and urban design, as is well-known.
Freem-s-n- y
Before: Humanist Europe -- bank notes on national currencies celebrating art, culture, humanity and fu& national
sovereignty (above le(, right)
After: EU euro notes celebrating...stonemasonry (Freemasonry)
My what beautiful...Geometry
Its modern nadir was the sacrifice of a generation of
youth in the maw of the industrial death machinery
of WWI, sparking revolution; and again in WWII,
with the death camps of the Holocaust to exterminate the spreading revolution--according to the
standards of the grinding mill of Western industrial/
finance capital--still reigning--that human value is
labour value alone.
Which standards are more
reflected today in the edifice
of the Brussels EU? With its
participation in genocidal
wars on Muslim nations; “Let
(Opposite) Heil! --Pro-West Ukraine PM (Right) with
them drown” policy on refuSvoboda Party (formerly ‘National Socialist’ Party) leader
gee asylum seekers; Ruthless
Tyahnybok (unretouched)
class-war austerity; Financial
sacking of its own member
The Two Europes
states; Its monetary control
begetting 50 percent
The Glory of Europe was its humanism, celebrating
eugenic war on
the mosaic of its unique, long-fermented, diverse
free reproduction and family, featuring creeping sterethnic and cultural character, coming to fruition in
ilization and euthanasia? Its street riots in a growing
the Arab-catalyzed Renaissance, then
police state of mass surveillance? Its continuing imEnlightenment--after the long winter of the dark
ages of the Holy Roman Empire--and culminating in perial expansion with NATO wars or proxy wars of
the cream of European arts in its classical music, its aggression or forced membership, of late in Kiev,
painting and architecture, its temples of learning, its where its Sieg heil-ing neo-Nazi surrogates down passenger airliners and bomb their Russian-speaking
compatriots, like old times, with NATO forces
massing near the Eastern border?
Freem-s-n- y
Below, Oleh Tyahnybok 7 (unretouched)
Like Freemasons, the Nazis’ darling Nietzsche favored pre-Christian pagan values--the virtues
of strength & power undeterred by the moralism of the weak. See Nietzsche’s Genealogy of Morals; Beyond Good & Evil.
“If any civilization is to survive, it is the morality of altruism that men have to reject”
--Rothschild 8 associate Ayn Rand.
Masonic costume
(Above le(): Mock Romans bearing club-bundled ax ‘fasces,’ emblem of punitive power of the state and of
fascism; (Above right): Fasces emblems either side of the US flag, US Capitol House of Representatives.
Freem-s-n- y
Eye on the EU
Angela’s “G” spot
A&-Seeing Eye -- Below: ‘Supreme Council’ (à la Masonic Lodge organization/terminology) and Masonic ‘A&-Seeing
Eye’ symbol; (below right) Letterhead
Eye of Horus symbol
...Based on the circumpunct (le+), an ‘ancient solar symbol and alchemical symbol
for gold’ (--Dan Brown, see note 10), the AllSeeing Eye “suggests the heavens’ unblinking sun” and the Egyptian sun god Re, associated
with Horus, ruler of earth. The reigning king is a
NB Father of ‘king’ is god of underworld
manifestation of Horus or Re, whose name formed
cf. later Roman cult of Light god Mithras, ‘Patron
part of the Pharaoh’s title--Britannica.
and Protector of Empire, sacrificer, associated with
Creation (ibid). Masons date historical years as Anno
Sacrificer & Protector of Power
Lucis (in the year of Light).
In mythology of ancient Egypt, Horus,
a falcon-headed god--son of Osiris and
(Below) Osiris flanked by stylized sun and moon on tomb
Isis--ruler of earth and protector of
of Sennedjem .esco
power. His “right eye represents the
sun or morning star” -- a Lucifer symbol [son of the morning, from Isa.
14:12]; his left eye, the moon (ibid).
(Le() Falcon-headed Horus statue with
sacrificial offering for underworld god
Osiris in Egyptian funerary rite, 800BC
--Giraudon/Art Resource, New York
Above: Eye of Horus ‘Protector’
on Mediterranean fishing boats.
Freem-s-n- y
European Parliament: The Eyes Have It
Above le(: official EU Parliament 9 logo; ! !
Above right: ‘Restored’ EU Parliament logo, as stylized !
Horus-eye glyph [subliminal association made explicit]. #
Far le(: actual ‘parliament,’ Palace of Europe, Strasbourg; Le+:
Tower of Babel, Babylon--site of Baal (devil) worship .
History Repeating
Far le(: Horus eye (denoting sacrifice for protection of power):
Sinister Holocaust-era advertisement (1938) by IBM Germany
(DEHOMAG), which reads: ‘Supersight with Hollerith card
readers’ (for finding Jewish populations)--reproduced in Edwin
Black’s “IBM and the Holocaust.” Note smokestack plume.
Le(: US Total Information Awareness logo, ca. 2002; with perverted educational motto Scientia est Potentia: “Knowledge (of you)
is Power (over you).”
cf. European Centre for Disease Control logos (le+)
USA--Masonic Republic
Far le(: Great Seal of the United States on
Federal Reserve one dollar note--Masonic AllSeeing Eye capstone on unfinished pyramid
Center: Unfinished pyramid 10 top of Masonic
House of the Temple, Washington, D.C., Masonic capital of US.
Le(: Mural depicting historical cornerstone
laying of US Capitol by G. Washington, in masonic apron (1793).
Freem-s-n- y
Prometheus statue, Rockefe&er Center, NY, NY
Prometheus--Greek god (of masons/craftsmen) who stole fire from
the gods, symbolizing power over Nature (e.g. through science &
technology)...but also ‘Bringer of Light’ (sun/fire) -- literal meaning
of ‘Lucifer’-- out of darkness.
US Statue of Liberty, with sun crown,
gi( .om French Lodge Freemasons to American Brethren (le+);
(Right): Pont d’Alma flame torch, Paris
In Entertainment
US Big Three TV broadcast network logo...
Pop Culture
Below le(: Cosmo cover;
Right: Still from Katy Perry “Dark Horse” music video
Diamonds--crime pays
[“So Good to be Bad”--David Guetta]
Late R&B/Gospel singer Whitney
A little extravagance, a little flair, a little sexiness or
Houston on talent versus gimmicks: a sultriness is cool but some of them are very dark...“
“There are some extremely gifted
and talented young women and
young men out there who don't
have to really put on Halloween
costumes, just be themselves...
Freem-s-n- y
(Above le(:) Gaga: Marry the Night/Welcome
to the Dark side; (Center:) Grammys 2012
‘Black Mass with sacrifice’ number--on day
after Whitney Houston’s death (pyramid tracing added); (Right:) the late Wendy O. Williams, with head horn and pentagram
“Devil worship” -- South Africa Council of Churches (on Gaga)
Freemasonry: What’s the Big Secret ?
Scions of society and royal figureheads “.. [confer]
an aura of indisputable approbation on ..freemasonry." 11
“The English Mafia ?”
A salient feature of freemasonry is, like organized
crime, its Omerta or strict Code of Silence, on stated
penalty of death in blood-curdling oaths 12 contained
within ‘rituals often based around murder’ stories
(‘Hiram,’ Jacques de Molay, etc. -- Knight).
Masons identify as ‘Brothers of the Widow’s Son,’
meaning the mythological ‘Hiram Abiff ’ of their
rites--interpreted by some as a camouflaged Horus,
son of the ‘widowed’ Isis, and sacrificer/protector of
Above le+-- Queen of the Night in Masonic handshake with the Grand Patroness of World Masonry,
United Grand Lodge of England (UGLE)
Above right -- Lady & the Beast: Gaga in Baphomet
headgear...Lucifer is God (“I swear to Lucifer”)
Brethren judges, lawyers, police, government officials, business leaders and accepted criminals 13 further vow to : ‘vindicate [a brother’s] character when
wrongly traduced and to suggest in his behalf the
most candid, favourable and palliating circumstances in extenuation of his conduct even when it is
justly reprehended...’ 14
Freem-s-n- y
Pictured at le(:
Top: Reported hidden camera footage of robed,
high-degree mason initiates in wine/blood ritual 15
within a pentagram ‘magic’ circle, during a secret
lodge rite in Turkey (click above for video)
Middle: Lower echelons on the gravy train
Bottom: Public face--Charity PR-front on parade:
“Enemies of the Brotherhood have been denouncing its
rituals as devil worship for more than 250 years.”
(Knight, p. 230)
Freemasonry banned in Austria 1795 until
1918 fall of the empire.
Broken Secrecy Oath?
Amadeus: Apprentice mason [Dec. 5],
dead at 35 the same year (Dec. 5, 1791)
as the production of his allegorical
opera on Freemasonry, “The Magic
Flute,” and before finishing an anonymously commissioned Requiem (his
own?): A courtier spitefully? buried in
a pauper’s mass grave.
“An evil spirit presides over this brotherhood.”-- Tamino
character inThe Magic Flute (die Zauberflotte)”
“fair dawn [ & morning star ]--to your delight our .iend
Tamino wakes soon to swear a&egiance to our sacred
Above: Magic Flute opera’s pan-flute piper (far left);
Fertility god Pan (center) with pipes;
Goat god, Baphomet 16 (right)
... “a seed of evil ” -- US Pres. John Quincy Adams
(Letters on the Masonic Institution) Washington D.C
Freem-s-n- y
House of the Temple 17
Guided tour video images (youtube) : Above le+,
serpentine/dragon motif decoration, torch lamps;
Center: double phoenix symbol, pyramid and sun?
glory; Right--double phoenix/eagle of Lagash OR
Trompe l’oeil bearded crowned Baphomet horned
head image? on end wall of gallery of seals of the
masonic orders. See enlargement (retouched--reads
clockwise from upper right: ‘crown; beard; necklace;
goat ears; horns’. click for youtube. video T=14:58
[Update: removed; restored.]
Below: crowned double phoenix Masonic emblem on ‘Grand
Master’/ ‘High Priest’/ Magus’s throne
‘Ancient evenings’ 18
Incantations: ‘Sacred prostitution’ practiced by the ancients in temples to Tanit (Carthage), Ishtar--Babylonian
red-light ‘Queen of Night’
--objects of sacrifice (below)
Don’t take my word for it. Take Stanley Kubrick’s ...
Eyes Wide Shut
Eight-pointed Star of Ishtar -associated with the planet Venus
(morning star)
Masonic references:
Above le(: The giving of passwords like ‘Shibboleth,’
‘Jachin,’ Boaz’ form part of the Masonic rites.
‘Fidelio’ -- Fidelity a sacred obligation in Freemasonry (repeated four times in unison in closure ceremony).
A hireling pays the ultimate price for breach of secrecy...
Freem-s-n- y
Final Cut
Curious coincidence: Stanley Kubrick‘s
death followed the release of his director’s cut of the film by some six
days, March 7, 1999
(24 minutes subsequently censored).
Bohemian Grove
Mock human sacrifice to “cremate care” (conscience) for the
Power Elite. Moloch as horned owl
The Elite Unmasked
Note: Venetian masks were used historica&y by easilyrecognizable elite to hide identity while partaking in the
Bacchanalia of Carnival (L. lit. ‘farewe& to flesh’).
Of Baal, to whom ancient peoples offered human
sacrifice at Moloch or temple altars, it is, according
to a noted Grand Commander Mason, an “appellation of the devil” (--Albert Pike).
Freem-s-n- y
The secret name of the Masonic ‘god,’ also referred
to as ‘The Great Architect of the Universe,’ is revealed only in the higher rites of exaltation--to Royal
Arch Masons of the Third Degree--as a composite,
denoting the “full god- head” 19
N.B. The controversial name ‘Jah-Bul-On’ is said to
have been dropped from Royal Arch ritual in 1989,
after more than 150 years, 21 concurrently with the
publication of the Martin Short exposé “Inside the
Brotherhood,” and replaced with substitute JHVH
(Jehovah)--giving new meaning to the phrase ‘unmentionable name of God.’
JAH-BUL-ON, said to refer respectively to the ancient Yahweh; Baal, the Phoenician (sun) god of
thunder and fertility; and lastly ON--variously interpreted as Osiris or the Egyptian site of the Re/Osiris
sun cult (Gr.: Heliopolis--City of the Sun; see note 6 Obelisks). ‘Inside the Brotherhood’ author Short renders
the made-up name ‘Jah-Bul-On’ as ‘God, Lord of
On.’ Other information suggests a Triad of three
gods or attributes. 20
While banned in most Muslim countries, Masonic
temples where they do exist in them are known in
Arabic as El Beit es Sheitan or ‘House of the Devil’
(Short, p.170).
“Go Longhorns!”22
Hail Satan !
--’Rosemary’s Baby,’ 1967 (Roman Polanski)
Jack the Ripper--The Final Solution, laid blame for the
infamous, Victorian-era crime on the Masons. ]
1 ‘Geometry’--i.e. ‘Sacred geometry’ in
Freemasonry--of esoteric significance, as Numerology in the Kabbala.
3 Gnosticism --from ‘Gnosis,’secret knowledge. A
philosophy ‘profess[ing] to reveal to an inner elite of
initiates esoteric teachings concealed from the
2 ‘Profound influence’-- “The Brotherhood,” Stephen many” (Walton Hannah, ‘Darkness Visible’)
Knight, p. 32. Knight cites example of the French
"...influence[d by] Platonic philosophy, from which was
monarchist and Lisbon Treaty/EU Constitution co- borrowed the doctrine that a lower demiurge (divine
being; Gr: literally ‘craftsman’) was responsible for the
architect Giscard, who according to a French
Grandmaster, joined the brotherhood in 1974 to win creation of this world...-- Britannica 2005
the French presidency that year, overcoming the
4 Deism - 18th-century Enlightenment philosophy
overwhelming post-’68 favorites, the Socialists.
[ Knight died aged 33, 18 months after publication of characterized by devotion to Reason and Nature:
“The Brotherhood” (an admittedly flawed book but Rationalism and Natural religion.
still useful with discernment). His first book,
Freem-s-n- y
"The spirit of the sun god was supposed to enNOTES, Cont.-ter the stones at certain periods (sunrise) and
5 While official freemasonry denies any link to the
on these occasions...[receive the] human sachistorical Knights Templar, there is a Masonic Order rifices ...offered to it" (ibid, p. 115).
within british freemasonry by that name, which for
its part, claims direct descent (Knight, p. 168); some
Vatican sundial,
Masonic rituals are based on Solomon’s Temple in
St. Peter’s Sq., Rome
Jerusalem, site of the Templar Order’s palace headquarters in the Kingdom of Jerusalem during the
Crusades; other rites focus on the
Templar’s last Grandmaster, Jacques de Molay,
burnt at the stake, Paris, 1314, after which time
the Order is sometimes speculated to have gone underground; the Inns of the Court (the English Bar)
in the City of London are housed in the former
headquarters of the historical Knights Templar there
(ibid). Templars were founded ca. 1120 by crusading
French knights.
Bible stories name Hiram of Tyre builder of Solomon’s Temple--prime focus of Masonic ritual.
Melqart (‘Phoenician Baal’) god of Underworld at
Tyre, modern Lebanon (‘Baal Hammon’ [Amon] in
Carthage) = bearded idol of Templars?
6 Obelisk--architectural symbol of Osiris, 'consecrated to the divinity of the sun'--Pliny ( ‘Inside
the Brotherhood,’ p. 116)
With the exception of the example at St Peter’s
Square, the sponsorship, transport and/or installation of the obelisk monuments was a ‘wholly Masonic affair’ (ibid).
Of many obelisks in Rome since antiquity, Caligula’s
obelisk was erected in St Peter’s Square (topped with
a cross and exorcised) in 1586 (ibid, p. 122).
Sun worship was practiced in ancient Rome, as in
Egypt, in the cult of “Sol Invictus,” the unconquerable sun, whose festival (the Saturnalias) we now
know as Christmas. Christian Sabbath falls on the
day of the Sun (or the ‘Lord’)--two examples of the
pagan temple on which the Christian cathedral rests.
The Egyptian obelisks are obviously phallic (Osiris’s
missing organ?), and paired with their pedestal or
enclosing circle--the feminine principle--become a
symbol of fertility, associated with the Sun and Creation: Circle would also represent the “universe ‘fertilized’ by the Sun's generative rays” (ibid, p. 142). cf.
steeple and dome.
An aerial view gives the circumpunct, a solar symbol.
Paris obelisk, Place de la Concorde, from Luxor;
London Obelisk, known as ‘Cleopatra’s Needle,’ at
Victoria Embankment, 1878 (cf. Dublin Needle,
2000). Originally from Heliopolis, like its twin in
New York City Central Park, 1880. Two obelisks
would have stood as pair at entrance to Re/Osiris
temples at Heliopolis (ibid, p.117).
Washington DC’s obelisk was not from Egypt but
built in situ.
Similarly, the ankh (le+) , an ancient Egyptian symbol of life (also adopted by Christianity)
denotes the act of copulation, with an
almond-shaped vesica piscis (vulva
symbol) in union with a sword phallic symbol.
Freem-s-n- y
[Rockefeller interests (University of Chicago)
bought the Scottish Encyclopedia Britannica around
Trick or Treat
Chicago is home base of the Rockefeller research/
educational institution, the University of Chicago,
Papism protestors (.om NATO NGO (femen) make Death
founded by John D. Rockefeller, the Standard Oil
gesture (reverse ‘Life’ sign), desecrate Christian icon, in
monopolist, and known for economics and social
Rome’s St. Peter’s Square, 6 Nov. 2014 ((RT video sti&)).
science, esp. behavioral science. The two disciplines
would meet in the effort to control behavior for the
7 EU/NATO’s Tyahnybok, his Svoboda Party (forpurpose of achieving better private economic remerly ‘National Socialist’ Party), and their paramili- sults. First sociology department in an American
tary wing Right Sector--instrumental in the
university (1892).
violent removal of Ukraine’s elected president
Similarly, New York City is the base for RockefellerYanukovych last year--are widely recognized as neo- funded medical research, associated with AIDS,
Nazi not only for anti-Russian ‘ethnic cleansing’ but Mengela (RF funded his boss, Verschuer--War on the
also for their outspoken anti-Semitism and their
Weak, E. Black)...
celebration of the ‘Ukrainian nationalist’ Stepan
Bandera--a Nazi collaborator in the mass murder of 10 ‘Unfinished pyramid’ --said to be Masonic symbol
of transformational ‘perfecting’ process, leading to
Jews, Gypsies and Communists in WWII.
apotheosis, analogous to medieval alchemy.
8 “The Rothschilds have been freemasons for genInterestingly, in hagiographer Dan Brown’s Apologia
erations” (--Knight).
for Freemasonry “The Lost Symbol,” [Corgi Books,
2009 (not recommended) ] the author has obliquely
devised a character known as ‘The Architect,’ described as dark and elegant. Also interesting, (in the
mouth of the antagonist): “In order to create, I must
destroy. Such was the nature of polarity” p. 433.-- cf.
purported Masonic notion of ‘full godhead.’
And: “Darkness and blood were where the true
Baroness Philippine de Rothschild (dec.)
power lay. The ancients knew this.” ibid p.587
9 The EU Parliament is a parliament in name only
The following excerpt from a
and not a legislative body, as the globalist designers
transcription of a Masonic ‘Mysof the EU themselves attest, in an early publication
tical Lecture’ (Royal Arch) deFrom the globalist horse’s mouth :
scribes the delta/triangle/
[EU Parliament in the Palace of Europe, Strasbourg]
pyramid form itself as sacred to
: "The group functions mainly as an advisory body to
the ancients and whatever is enthe Executive Commission and the Supreme Counclosed in it as divine, e.g. Allcil of Ministers, which run [Common Market]
seeing eye/Sun--see illustration
affairs...Its legislative powers are negligible."
-- 'The Standard Quarterly Review,' 1979 in the "World
Sun caps pyramid top of House of the Temple,
Progress Yearbook," 1979--Standard (Oil) Educational
Corp., Chicago, ‘a supplement to the New Standard Encyclopedia.’
Freem-s-n- y
Sacred Delta
“In times of antiquity, names of God and symbols of divinity were always enclosed in triangular figures. In the
days of Pythagoras, the triangle was considered the most
sacred of emblems...The Egyptians termed it the sacred
number [6(0),6(0), 6(0)?--ed.], or number of perfection,
and so highly was it prized by the ancients, that it became
amongst them an object of worship [Great pyramids of
Giza?]. They gave it the sacred name of God...This sacred
delta is usually enclosed within a square and circle,
thereby expressing its vivifying influence, extending its
ramification through all created nature; for these reasons,
it has ever been considered the Great All, the Summum
Bonum. The word on the [altarpiece] triangle [Jah(weh)Bul(Baal)-On] is that sacred and mysterious name you
have just solemnly engaged yourself never to pronounce.”
--Inside the Brotherhood, Martin Short, p. 93
forming mock murders, lying in ...coffins, and drinking wine from... human skull[s] (symbolic human
sacrifice ritual).’ (Dan Brown’s The Lost Symbol,
16 Satanic Sigil (magic circle) of Baphomet [©], a hermaphrodite goat; originally a ram--search: Goat of Mendes (Egypt).
Pentagram inscribed within ouroboros tail-inmouth snake circle, also to be found in House of the
Temple decor.
17 Scottish Rite masonic temple, around the corner
from The Black Cat pub.
18 cf. Norman Mailer’s eponymous novel:
“I do not know if I wi& labor in greed forever among the
demonic or serve some noble purpose I cannot name.”
--cited by Harold Bloom in New York Review of Books
Sun motif, US Senate ha&
11 “The Brotherhood,”
Knight, 1983
12 oaths: “ ...under no less penalty than to have my
body cut across, my bowels taken out and burnt to
ashes, and those ashes scattered to the four winds of
heaven; to have my body dissected into four equal
parts, and those parts hung on the four cardinal
points of the compass, there to hang and remain as a
terror to all those who shall presume to violate the
sacred obligation of a Master Mason.” --Masonic
19 Knight, ‘The Brotherhood’
fu& godhead--As sun gods and underworld gods (polar
contraries) merged historically with Re/Osiris; Baal
Hammon/Melqart (Baal of Tyre) ? ...Osiris can be
considered the nocturnal version of Sun god
Re, some sources agree.
Dualistic deity? Or Triad? : From Royal Arch rites:
“the three greater [lights of Royal Arch Masonry] are
emblematic of the creative, preservative and annihilative [destructive] powers of the Deity.” (Hannah,
Darkness Visible, p. 175) cf. Hinduism
The Great Architect of the Universe--a French
13 accepted criminals - ‘ibid, pp. 308-310
‘Fu& godhead’ -- also possibly a reference to
(Manichaean) Dualism or ‘bipolarity’ of material
(Natural) and spiritual world, Darkness/Light, Good/
Evil, etc.; cf the French (et al) “Cathar heresy” ca.
1140, which rejected Old Testament/ Genesis and
held (via Gnosticism) that the devil Lucifer was responsible for Creation, and the material world corrupt, with life springing forth, as sunlight out of
darkness, from below (underworld). Lux e tenebris
(Light out of Darkness) is a Masonic motto.
14 even when justly [charged] -- Royal Arch Rites,
excerpted from Hannah, Darkness Visible, p. 157
15 Some compelling aspects of the secret rites performed by higher Masons summed up as ‘pressing
knives to bare chests, swearing violent oaths, per-
Templars were founded ca. 1120, by crusading French
knights. Cathars/Cathar theology suppressed by
force in Albigensian Crusades of 1208-1244, in
France. Britain under Norman French rule from late11th century. Scottish Rite Freemasonry is actually a
French Order (--Short).
If the penalties are symbolic, rather than literal
threats, as argued by masons, then the masonicBible-sworn oath-taking (‘taken without equivocation or reservation of any kind’) is a profane parody,
Hannah says, [Darkness Visible, 1952, p. 24] and in
any case, is still connected with effective rigid secrecy ...symbolic perhaps of ‘a fate worth avoiding’
(--Inside the Brotherhood, Martin Short).
terial world and was wholly alien to the supreme God of
goodness." -- Britannica 2005
Freem-s-n- y
20 Triad: “Father Lord” (Osiris); “Word Lord” (Yahweh?); “Spirit Lord” (Baal) [cf Catholic Holy Spirit/
Ghost--dove descending] referenced in Royal Arch
God-Name secret ceremony (Hannah/Short)
21 over 150 years--Royal Arch Ritual dates from ca.
22 Bush family reportedly have a million dollar donation plaque in the House of the Temple, Washington
DC (--tour guide). cf. ‘My Pet Goat.’
Pictured above: “Fiat Lux”--Let there be light:
Stained glass window inscription of Masonic motto, House
of the Temple, Washington DC, alluding to Genesis I, 1-3
Creation story; N.B. sun crowns in ceiling; double
phoenix emblem (or dove descending?)
The Demiurge (Lesser god, Craftsman) and Ordo ab
Chao (Order from Chaos--a Masonic motto):
“Plato used the term (demiurge) in the dialog
Timaeus, an exposition of cosmology in which the Demiurge is the agent who takes the preexisting materials of
chaos, arranges them according to the models of eternal
forms, and produces all the physical things of the world,
including human bodies. The Demiurge is sometimes
thought of as the Platonic personification of active reason. (cf
Blake’s compass-wielding Urizen) The term was later
adopted by some of the Gnostics, who, in their dualistic
worldview, saw the Demiurge as one of the forces of evil,
who was responsible for the creation of the despised ma-
The late Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, addressing the UN in famed 2006 Devil speech
NB Mythological names are used in the mythological sense,
i.e. as a symbolic language interpreting and expressing the
human condition and experience.
NOTES, Islams Isis?, Cont. .om p.35
separation of Ukraine, the historical origin of Russian nationhood, from the mother country is an1 Talk about beating a dead horse--they can’t seem to other parallel -- the neo-Nazi group of Maidan Right
kill this guy enough, here by association, a singer
Sector coup paramilitaries included leaders associwho dared call for peace.
ated with the ‘jihadists’ in Chechnya, like Oleksandr
Muzchko. ◊
2 database: ...of mujahedin names on the payroll
3 The present detachment of Kurdistan from Iraq
must be seen in the light of history (to expose the
M.O.) with the previous use of KLA ‘jihadists’ to
separate Kosovo (the birthplace of the Serbian nation) from the mother country--a revealing precedent; Chechen separatism another; and the
26 Aug. 2014
spell the end of the Brussels political union, the
party leader claimed.
EU Aims to Sterilize Populations
“They want to harmonize us, they want to homogenize us-God help us they even want to pasteurize (sterilize) us.“ Malta, June 4, 2014
"If we have a clear, overwhelming expression of political
wi& against political union, then that'& be the end of it
(the EU)," Farage told us before taking the stage.
Euro break up
But even before that might happen, the eurozone
crisis, which has seen Greece's economy contract by
05 June--Fresh from a landmark victory in the Euro27 percent, would inevitably mean the coming break
pean Parliamentary elections May 25, with a historic
up of the eurozone, the former City of London metthird Party win in Britain, Eurosceptic Party leader
als broker said.
Nigel Farage vowed here yesterday to answer the call
to kill the EU 'monster.'
"People are now saying it's only a matter of time before the
In a paid keynote address at a travel and tourism in- euro [currency] breaks up," with Greece likely to be the
dustry conference at the Malta Hilton that was equal first to bail out.
parts political speech and entertainment, mixing
light-hearted one-liners with the sounding of serious Addressing the audience of travel reps, Farage took
alarms, Farage vowed to go on from the historic poll the opportunity to profess his innocence following
win to destroy 'the monster called the European Un- media accusations of racism in the run-up to the EP
vote. The anti-immigration campaigner began by
indignantly insisting that he's not an isolationist "litThe election results showed that Brussels had failed tle Englander." Instead, he said he is actually defendin its existential mission to curtail nationalisms, he
ing cultural diversity in what he described as the
said, with nationalist parties winning across northEuropean mosaic, against EU "harmonization," a
ern Europe.
defense which still however relied on old school, if
"I think Europe is headed in a very dangerous direction. W jocular, national stereotypes:
e're beginning to see...the very kind of extreme nationalisms "When I go the 23 miles to Calais (across the English
and neo-fascisms actua&y growing... the very thing that the channel to France) I want to meet a little Frenchman,
project sought to stop in the first place."
wearing a beret, smoking a Gitane and reeking of garlic,
Originally billed as a solution to the Old Continent's
historically incessant warring, the integration of
European nation states had advanced by stealth
from a Common Market, Farage said, to culminate
in an unrepresentative and unwanted political union
under an unelected Brussels Executive.
otherwise there's no point in going is there? The whole
point of travel and tourism is you go to different places and
have new experiences."
But the EU he warned was by contrast all about onesize-fits-all standardization and the erosion of national and cultural identities in a United States of
"I don't think they [Brussels] represent Europe. They've
hijacked the very word Europe, the very concept of Europe "I love Europe...but I absolutely detest this attempt to take
28 different countries and to force them a& together into
and I don't think there's any democratic support for this
project anywhere in the Union," he told the conference. one. They want to harmonize us, they want to homogenize
us--God help us they even want to pasteurize (sterilize) us,
The ringing protest vote he said meant that the idea and turn us into some new kind of European. It'& never
of the EU project's 'inevitability' was now dead.
Farage has promised to hold a referendum on Britain's pulling out of the EU conditioned on results of
UK general elections next year, if his Party wins national power. A strong anti-EU majority for his
UKIP (United Kingdom Independence Party) would
"It's better that we're French and British and German and
Danes and Dutch and Greek, and let's live together in our
own countries. Let's run our lives in our own parliaments.
And let's be .iends and trade and cooperate together ...that
is the future."
EU FISSURES, Cont.-‘Pasteurization’
While the speaker did not elaborate on his disturbing allusion to mass sterilization, the reference
comes as EU-member states are announcing plans
to re-classify infant formula as harmful, banning ads for it as for tobacco; launching streetmarketing poster ads promoting breast-feeding
among their GMO-fed populations--despite the fact
that, unlike in the developing world, access to clean
water is not a problem here--in line with directives
from Brussels (see image, right).
Critics’ concern? The herbicide chemical glyphosate,
a xeno-estrogen applied to GM crops, has been
found extensively in groundwater (in Denmark,
where it was banned in 2003) and in the urine of almost half of urban residents sampled across Europe
in a June 13, 2013 study (FoE).
EDCs (Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals) like glyphosate affecting a mother’s hormone levels can produce
developmental effects on the fetus, experts say-before birth via the placenta and after birth through
lactation -- “one of the most significant routes of exposure to
pesticides for any mammalian juveniles... [my italics]. By
contrast, exposure to pesticides in baby formula appears to be almost negligible” [Jensen, Slovach 1991
in Gillian Bentley, Infertility in the Modern World,
2000, p. 102]. See here, note 10.
Spoiler in UK
In its May 25 election victory, UKIP
won 24 MEP seats
in the Strasbourgbased parliament-and will double its EUfunding--finishing ahead of
the opposition Labour Party
and the ruling Conservatives,
who finished third. But upstart UKIP's success in
the national result--the first third-party win in a century-- does not translate for now into more national
power for itself or any tangible prospect of a referendum on the EU in the near-term. "This is unfinished business," Farage said. ■
Death Cult Marketing
Eastpak Poster Boy
The Boston marathon
bombing was not that long
ago (April 15, 2013)... in
Good marriage
which the ‘bombs’ were hidden in black backpacks, not
very unlike the one pictured
here [with cabling, captured
in photos, resembling that of
US Army M-18 Claymore
Le(- American ad .om Eastpak Corp. (spotted in life-sized
anti- personnel mines]. They
poster display in EU shop window); Right - Eurovision song
left quite a few human limbs
‘Marry Me’ videoclip.
strewn around the finish ! !
As you may have noticed, mass advertising is not !
line. Ha Ha.
just the textbook provision of info from buyer to
Meanwhile US-sponsored war makes yet more gore
seller but functions as well somehow as His Maseveryday and the streets of the American charnel
ter’s Voice, as in Big Brother’s, getting out the
house routinely fill up with more carnage, now spilling
programming message du jour -- here a nihilistic
over from TV screens in gruesome street-marketing
sneer at hetero-marriage. To be fair, we should add
scenes (see inset below). For the pro-murder ad factothat the offensive Eastpak zombie ad campaign
ries (and Wall Street), violence and war are the new
pictured is not limited to the one living-dead
normal, something to become acculturated to*--instead
bride & groom but features a whole array of zomof peace--and to laugh off. Coming from the bloody
bified young people--the typical customers of this
mouth of the world’s worst ever mass killer, the emUS backpack maker from student-crowded
blematic ad campaign is at best tactless and at worst
Boston--like this flesh-eater (above right):
yet another sobering depiction of why the US-led
Bad marriage
DEATH CULT Cont.-Western alliance is an enemy of humanity. Its
Eastpak zombie poster boy would be an excellent
candidate for a long overdue update of the Uncle
Sam character -- an American Kali.■ #
14 July
More on US death culture here or here.
Think I’m overstating the case for official Western depravity ?
Sick Society
Boston Massacre (enhanced?) crime scene
Screen capture image of news page
Note images in sidebar right in relation to main story about
execution at le(...
Corporate-sponsored ‘zombie walk’ promo downtown
Relive the trauma. Ha Ha.
Top: Crowd cheers, applauds as man (on ground) burns
to death during ‘Halloween Carnival’ festivities (straw
costume set alight), Sunset Boulevard, W. Hollywood,
CA USA, Oct. 31, 2013 (youtube video still)
Bottom: Still image from “Schindler’s List”
More on the NATO-wide zero-child policy eugenics push here
Beatles butcher cover,
1966 (US)
MB 14 July, 2014
Disclaimer: None of the preceding should be misconstrued as an objection to civil unions. The objection is to the zero-child policy and
its associated social engineering campaign--that puts especia&y men
at serious risk to their health.
Wiretap Report
Seeing Red; “Skype Recording”
Above is part of a screen shot from my iPad, which
I used to use to make international calls on Skype.
The image shows the desktop with some icons on it,
as usual, snapped while I was talking in a Skype
video call. But notice the red bar across the top of
the screen. In the upper right corner, to the left of
the battery full (100%) symbol, you’ll see a surprising message: “Skype recording.”
Microsoft’s Skype has started (openly) recording
video calls--at least for the lucky few like me--a
journalist--without consent.
Although I have long known that Microsoft and
NSA (National Security Agency) were joined at the
hip, I was still seeing red after spotting this and so I
contacted Skype/Microsoft about it in their online
chat. I was handed off once or twice before being
told I would be connected with an “agent” trained
to deal with “cases” like mine (federal?).
The specially trained agent, to be
brief, had evidently learned well how
to play dumb and did not even acknowledge the problem (the crime),
much less offer any resolution or
apology about it.
As it happens, I had been talking with someone in
North America. When I told them about the blatant new outrage and that they should be aware, if
they weren’t already, that their calls--at least with
me--were being recorded, they refused to believe it-despite many months now of headline news coverage of the gargantuan, trans-Atlantic state-spying
apparatus snarfing up private communications.
The king can do no wrong in the glazed eyes of his brainwashed subjects.
On the 40th anniversary of Watergate and the
Nixon wiretaps,* the “Skype Recording” message
shows how far Amerika has since sunk--now a lawless police state. It also shows Watergate’s legacy and
the lesson learnt: a cover-up discovered is tantamount to an admission of guilt. When you break the
law, you do it openly and righteously (warrantless
wiretaps--in violation of the US Fourth Amendment-- are now called ‘lawful intercepts’)
*While he resigned in disgrace for law-breaking (wiretaps
and burglary) on August 9, 1974, Richard ‘AIDS’ Nixon--a
former protégé of Nazi supporter Prescott Bush--was a
wayward boy scout in comparison to today’s evil doers,
who not only abuse power and violate the law but have
torn it up entirely, and instituted intrusion on an industrial
scale as an everyday matter of course--along with official
mass molestation/assault, for good measure, at airports,
under the new Total Control paradigm. And that’s just accounting for a single law (the US 4th amendment).
Note: Not only Skype but also other VOIP providers, such
as ‘Whistle,’ ‘Viber’ are systematica&y recording private IP
phone conversations...
Update: ‘App store’ and the like now offer a Skype Recorder
app--listed number one in popularity, as if the survei&ance
trend in the United Stasi States is riding a wave of popular
demand to record .iends and families’ private conversations: with .iends like these...
In the case described here, the recording takes place even
when the party on the other end is on a landline. Which
would leave only Microso(-NSA and not my interlocutor
as the culprits, in the Skype example. ■ 5 Aug. 2014
Cancer of the Opposition
When the Opposition Gets Cancer
establishment? Friend of Castro, in the process of
integrating Latin America under the Socialist model
(ALBA--Alliance Bolivarian for the people of our
Removing highly-placed political
Dead at 58, of complications from cancer (pelvic
opponents from standing in the
tumor 2011), after surviving assassination and coup
way of a given agenda--even preattempts. His successor, Nicolas Maduro, has
emptively--is as old as the proclaimed publicly that Chavez was assassinated by
verbial cup of hemlock.
cancer inoculation. Chavez himself had speculated
Now well into the 21st century
that the US had a ‘cancer weapon.’
the advances in both technical capabilities and toIn America’s ‘backyard’ fiefdom, stirrings for indetalitarian information control mean that never bependence have proven to be very bad for your
fore has there been such discretion available for
health, with a virtual epidemic of cancer breaking
covert jobs and never has the psych job on collective out among the leading opponents of Yankee rule
consciousness been stronger--where wars of aggresthere.
sion are euphemized into humanitarian intervenLatin Leader Cancer Count
tions and politically inopportune overt assassination
becomes terminal illness.
Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez
cancer, 2011. d. 2013
The ingestion (or other implantation) of tiny
amounts of a radioactive substance is a powerful
Brasil’s Lula
--throat tumor, 2011
carcinogen. ‘Depleted’ uranium ‘fallout’ in NATO
war zones is an established example of the new use
Dilma Roussef, Lula’s successor
of radiation as a non-nuclear weapon of war whose
--lymphoma, axi!ar tumor, 2009
effect is a not directly traceable slow-kill by cancer.
Argentina’s Cristina Kirchner
Non-ionizing1 radiation like microwaves for remote
--thyroid cancer, 2011
electroshock in Radio Frequency Directed Energy
Paraguay’s Fernando Lugo
Weapons (RFDEW in Pentagonese) is a core part of !
--lymphoma, pelvic tumor, 2010
the new US Air Force non-lethal weapon covert torture arsenal.
Fidel Castro of Cuba ?
Cancer-causing radiation poisoning with fastdecaying, hard-to-trace radioactive isotopes2 like
Among Chavez’s ALBA comrades or allies, five (5)
Polonium-210 has been confirmed to have been
more Latin leaders developed cancer in just the fiveused in the recent past to eliminate VIP political
year period of 2006-11 Hugo Chavez’s inspiration,
opposition. The 2013 examination of the remains of
Fidel Castro--whether his current illness, which may
the late PLO Leader Yasser Arafat (d. 2004) by
be cancer-related, is due to age alone or not--was
Swiss investigators (CHUV, Lausanne) found very
famously targeted with hundreds of failed CIA ashigh levels of polonium, effectively confirming sussassination plots, as a longstanding thorn in the side
picions of polonium poisoning raised by the earlier
of the USA-- establishing the unmissable precedent.
posthumous examination of his personal effects,
which had also found very high levels of the poison. The cancer epidemic among the leaders of the Latin
New Left is a glaring anomaly, statistically aberrant
The scientists also found high levels of lead, which
and strategically too convenient, that argues
is a tell tale by-product of radioactive decay.
strongly in favor of the existence of NATO ‘cancer
Polonium has a half-life of 138 days. The synthetic
weapons.’ ■ 26 July
radioactive chemical astatine, which like iodine ac1 ionizing radiation--energy, from radioactive substances,
cumulates in the thyroid, has a half-life of only 8.5
sufficiently powerful as to change the net charge of, or
hours (‘evaporates’ in 17 hours).
‘ionize’ atoms on the receiving end.
Remember Hugo Chavez? That Latin bull with a
sharp Left horn buried in the ribs of the Western2 isotope--different form of the same chemical element
Broken cup
FIFA’s World Cup Dive?
Germany My Foot
The Pay-off ?
On July 11, a few
days before the fi15 July--Oh what a fine tournament it was? For these
nal, the announcetimes maybe.
ment came that
Like a con man’s mark, it’s worth asking yourself
Suarez had been re‘What just happened here?’
leased from his LivTwo extraordinary in-game incidents--a hallmark of
erpool contract, with 4 years remaining, to nearly
match- fixing--involving none other than the captain
double his pay package in a transfer to Barcelona.
of the most-favored team--Brazil--and the sport’s
The Liverpool owner--the American John Henry-top- scorer last season--Luis Suarez-- marked the
had stated publicly 08/08/2013 that Suarez would
2014 World Cup and sent the two top players in
not be let out of his earlier contract, with three
Germany’s way out of the competition, paving the
years left, before Suarez made a U-turn to sign up
way for the German win. Germany had to go up
for a four-year extension Dec. 2013 for £40m. Now
against either Brazil or Suarez’s Uruguay--whichever
after events of the World Cup, Suarez gets to break
came thru the July 04 quarter- finals face-off. Uruhis contract and transfer out of Liverpool to Barca,
guay, with 31- goal scoring Suarez on board, might
as well as a £75m package over five years--a 50 perwell have eliminated them, just as Host Brazil-cent raise of £5m yearly.
favorite at 3-to-1 going in @Las Vegas--may well have
The transfer was "not allowed to be publicly undone, armed with its captain Neymar.
veiled" by FIFA [ostensibly as part of the ban], conBut as it happened in the dodgy world of FIFA
veniently keeping what may have been the result of
football, Suarez bit the dust against Italy June 24, in shady dealings out of the limelight.
the Natal Bite incident. Deprived of the two-time
player of the year, Uruguay was eliminated in its very Similarly, in the post-tournament recap program “All
next match, in the June 28 Round of 16, by Colomthe Goals”--a comprehensive video review of highbia.
lights from match one to the final in all groups--the
Suarez bow-out bite incident was
entirely air brushed out of history--not included in
the edit and not even referred to-- although the
Neymar hit was included.
Suarez enjoys a bite of Italian
Colombia in its following match on July 04 put the
vicious, back- breaking hit on the Brazilian captain
that knocked him--and ultimately Brazil--out of the
competition. Up to then, Neymar already had four
goals and Brazil had probably the tournament's finest goal--Luiz's free kick wonder-goal, in this same
match. Before it became clear that Neymar had
been knocked out for good, sports writers were predicting a Brazil win over Germany. Without the Zuniga hit on Brazil and the Suarez ban, Germany
might well have been eliminated in the semis on July
08 facing a full- strength Brazil orUruguay.
More irregularity--distorted discipline
For his part, FIFA's Colombian hit man Juan Zuniga
went scot free--there was no ban, penalty or fine
whatsoever imposed against him for what was “not a
normal challenge” (--Neymar) but a deliberate
criminal act that broke a man’s back (vertebrae) and
reportedly nearly caused permanent paralysis to the
Brazilian captain.
The overhyped Suarez overbite-- which caused no
injury to the chomped Italian--resulted in a fourmonth ban that would sideline the sport’s top-scorer
for the rest of the World Cup tournament. FIFA’s
disproportionate discipline on the one hand--where
a yellow or red card would have done--and blind eye
to a blind-siding on the other--where a serious injury
occurred--reeks of corruption, along with the rest of
the tale.
As to the wherefores and whys of FIFAs maneuverings, lets face it. Germany and EU head Merkel can
use the PR.
And yet more irregularity--FIFA’s suspect replay refusal
Although FIFA relented in a limited way to longstanding demands for 21st century technical oversight of the rampantly questionable officials by allowing "goal line technology," it still refused to back
down on not allowing replays that would eliminate
the ridiculous diving that plagues the sport and for
many, ruins the flow of the matches.
This refusal is suspect because the only bona fide
reason to take that position is to preserve the great
leeway and influence that referees have on the
outcome--a situation that further facilitates match
Brazilian is of German ancestry. Though she has
claimed that her family has been in Brazil for six
generations or so, counterclaims on the internet
have said that there is compelling evidence that suggests her grandfather, Walter Bundchen, was one of
the Nazi fugitive “Boys from Brazil.”
In which case, she would have
made the perfect presenter of
FIFA’s 2014 World Cup in Brasil as
a sort of additional, home- coming
trophy for “the German heroes”
(--BBC). ◊
Gise&e Bundchen
Sign of the Times
We would be amiss to close an article on a German
World Cup victory taking place in Brazil if we failed
to mention Gisele Bundchen, the former model who
presented the World Cup trophy at the July 13 final
in Rio. As her surname would suggest, the
tional (FN), UK Independence Party (UKIP) and
the Danish People’s Party (DPP) are leading in their
Rise of Ultra-Right in EU
respective national polls, with the FN, founded by a
22 May--The 28 member states of the European Un- convicted racist and now run by his daughter, set to
ion (EU) begin voting today in elections to the 751gain a record 24 percent nationally, according to an
seat EU parliament, May 22-25. Though it has gener- Ipsos poll in Le Monde. (When the FN landed for
ated little public interest, the election will nonethe- the first time in a run- off vote for the presidency in
less give a certain measure of the political tempera2002, French youth took to the streets of Paris to
ture across the EU, with far-right parties expected to march in protest of what they viewed then as a fasat least double their representation since the last
cist threat to the constitutional order of the Repubelections, held in 2009.
lic. The FN then lost in a landslide to the anti-war
Turnout for the vote is not expected to better the 43 Jacques Chirac.)
percent mark of the last parliamentary election,
Politically there may not be much at stake in these
commensurate with what is seen as the limited pocampaigns but well-paid seats in a talk shop assemlitical importance of the assembly: The EU parliably within an increasingly opposed Union. But the
ment (EP) in fact has no lawmaking power. DirecEP campaigns have nonetheless stood out for the
tives and regulations are ‘proposed’ by the unresurgence of divisive identity politics on the Old
elected, executive Commission, after consultation
Continent. Immigration--a favorite far-right bugwith lobbyist ‘stakeholders,’ and then rubber
bear-- particularly from Muslim North Africa, has
stamped by the parliament before being incorpobeen an important focus of party campaigns, several
rated into the member states’ laws.
of which have included banned (or not) racist ads,
with 14 EP candidates here feeling the need to sign
As for the extreme Right surge, in France, England
and Denmark, far-right nationalist parties Front Na anti-racism pledges.
Rise of Ultra-Right -From a historical perspective, while anti-Islam
would seem like Europe’s new anti-Semitism, we are
now seeing as well the original article itself. According to the World Jewish Congress, cited in the Israeli press, an “alarming rise of neo-Nazi political
parties and anti-Semitic incidents in several European countries” has been of concern.
French PM Va&s
In Germany today, the National
Democratic Party (NDP), heir of
the German Reich Party, is poised to
enter the mainstream, with a seat in
the European assembly in Strasbourg
expected for the first time, following the Merkel government’s li(ing of Germany’s previous three percent vote
The NDP will likely be joined there by other neoNazi parties Jobbik of Hungary and Golden Dawn
of Greece, as well as the fascist British National
Party (BNP), with new highs of a few seats a piece
in the European parliament.
The polarizing trend should also see a modest increase for the Left, according to Vote,
with the European United Left group expected to
pick up about 15 seats for a total of 50. Still, the
surge on the racist hard Right would far outpace
this gain at about four times that number of new
seats won, according to the same source, for a total
of around 125.
Rounding out the far-Right are the anti-Islamic or
anti-Semitic parties: Freedom Party (PVV) of the
Netherlands, Danish People’s Party (DPP), (the late
Jorg Haider’s) Austrian Freedom Party (FPO), the
Swedish Democrats (SDP) and the fascist Northern
League (LN) of Italy.
Overall, the two majority parties in the current parliament are expected to remain on top however,
with the Christian Democrat ‘European People’s
Party’ (EPP) group tipped to edge out the ‘Socialists
and Democrats’ (SAD), 217 to 201 seats, VoteWatch
Besides the worrying climate of fascist xenophobia,
another result of trends evident in the elections will
be that the EU will be paying more money than ever
to sustain Europe’s eurosceptic far-right, to the tune
of an estimated several million euros in annual sponsorship of the seated political parties, through national public funding.
These will now include numerous racist or neo-Nazi
parties, several of which have associated criminal
convictions for racism (DPP, FN) or have been targeted with legal bans for same (NDP).
While the composition of the parliament may be
put down to national political sentiments rather
than those of Brussels, the continued funding of
racist political parties and their hateful propaganda
is an indicator of where Brussels’ sympathies lie. The
EU’s stated raison d’etre has always been its claim to
subsume dangerous nationalism but in point of fact
it funds, supports and exacerbates
this, as the current campaign and its expected results would show.
Foreign policy is another indicator of Brussels' affinities. And we need look no further than Ukraine,
where a democratically elected government was
overturned in favor of a pro-EU accession cabal of
fascists (Svoboda)--who promptly committed a massacre of Russian minorities in Odessa--to see the
dark reflection of the political character of the all
powerful EU executive, under NATO. Not to mention the new NATO-wide gay eugenics policy, which
like the current rise of the extreme Right and the
events in Ukraine all harken back to Europe’s darkest days.
It must be remembered that the first EU Commissioner, Walter Hallstein, was himself a Nazi (jurist),
charged to implement what had been Nazi plans for
rule (from Brussels) over a conquered Europe. Their
former industrial base and old money banking support would have only grown bigger since then.
But the EU’s sponsoring of new nationalist and
eurosceptic parliamentary groups, who would withdraw their nations from the Union, is still ironic. It
could be that it’s both a measure of the powerlessness of the parliament and a symptom of the pressing need for foreign scapegoats in the beleaguered
European corporate and banking Union. In former
times, the sacrifice of scapegoats in tribal cults to
lift (or shift) blame was sometimes a substitute for
the earlier practice of sacrificing kings.
Update: Despite its strong election showing, Farage’s EP
Group is denied EU funding in what members ca&ed antidemocratic sabotage by EP president Martin Schulz.
addressed to old nemeses Russia/old US and the
program viewers...!
Eugenic ‘Social Progress’
When a& the men have donned evening gowns,
then we’& know we’ve arrived
Rise Like a Phoenix
14 May
Imagine for a moment the eugenics movement--an
elite campaign par excellence-- framed as a human
rights struggle for the masses. Very up is down 1984,
To put it in perspective, from the WWII point of
view, this would mean 1940s-era Nazis posturing
that the extermination of the untermenschen was
somehow or other for the untermenschen -- a human
rights struggle (‘destroy to save?’). Fortunately they
didn’t have such sophisticated PR. Now we do.
Fast forward to the present. Now consider the
“rainbow movement” : A eugenics campaign to
stem the tide of the untermenschen birthings of the
masses, in the name of human (gay) rights, by disrupting mating through the promotion of same sex
That is very 1984, totalitarian- style public relations
spin, for the purpose of politically palatable reproductive quality control. And that is what is behind
the big gay hype. The neos may happily posture as
crusading defenders of human rights instead of the
fall-in-step brownshirts that they are. (Picture them
all straight-backed in polished black boots. Take
their insults, intimidation, smears and threats as a
badge of honor and courage.)
[Note to brutish fanatics: This is not to deny gay
rights like civil union. But it is to say that this rainbow social engineering is a manipulation--a new and
improved Public Relations facade for today’s taketwo eugenics campaign, framed as human rights
struggle. Here’s to drag queens in the cabaret, by
the way--not upheld as some absurd example of ersatz social progress (‘when all the men have donned
evening gowns, then we’ll know we’ve arrived’); or
inflammatory mockery; or racist insult to Latin
women: bearded ‘Conchita’.]
Now consider the lyrics of the winning Eurovision
2014 song--or this year’s world government marketing jingle, if you like-- which barely work as a romantic ballad of a jilted lover’s revenge but make
more interesting reading when taken as a spiteful
and threatening New World Order celebration of
the rebirth and ‘triumph’ of Fascism in the West,
Waking in the rubble <war ruins ca. 1945>
Walking over glass
Neighbors say we’re trouble <Nazi bad rap>
We& that time has passed <we won, in the end>
Peering .om the mirror
No, that isn’t me
[A] Stranger getting nearer
Who can this person be?
You wouldn’t know me at a& today (.om blonde crew-cut
to bearded lady)
From the fading light I fly
(but same old vampire regime, bringing darkness)
Rise like a phoenix Out of the ashes <of 1945>
Seeking rather than vengeance, Retribution
<rightful revenge, for war defeat>
You were warned Once I’m transformed
Once I’m reborn
You know I wi& rise like a phoenix
But you’re my flame <pun--love or burning fuel>
Go about your business Act as if you’re .ee <(EU neo)
Nazi rule now>
No one could have witnessed
What you did to me <1945>
Cause you wouldn’t know me today
And you have got to see To believe
From the fading light I fly
And rise like a phoenix
Out of the ashes
Seeking rather than vengeance
Retribution You were warned
Once I’m transformed
Once I’m reborn
I rise up to the sky
You threw me down but
I’m gonna fly
You know I wi& rise like a phoenix
But you’re my flame <I rise as you burn>
The musical hit parade was followed up by the EU
anthem, which is of course Beethoven’s Ode to Joy,
played in a not at all triumphant but
strangely subdued style and accompanied by a ghoulish type who to tell
you the truth looks about as joyous
as a grave robber at sundown. Perhaps one meant Elegy to Joy.
Last year, the Eurovision gong show
featured a star-spangled USA motif. More out of
ghoulish hand-rubbing than anything else: “The
New World Order is gloating over the reversal of
fortunes since ‘the war’ (the Nazis ‘have won’) and
has hijacked the old American symbols of independence and turned them on their heads,” we wrote.
This year there is no sign of the now badly dam
aged US brand, like ‘Enron’ or ‘Chernobyl.’ In its
place we find the surprising inclusion of China in
this European song contest, first with a stolen and
faked Chinese ladder trick and then with one of the
evening’s emcees inexplicably dressed in Chinese
costume, and sporting a framed photo portrait of
the Asian UNO General Secretary, figurehead of the
The Eurovision 2014 Song Contest motto?
“Join Us.”
Imitation may be a form of flattery but as Ukraine
discovered much to its dismay, coming from the EU,
an invitation may at the same time be a threat.
For the Chinese, the ladder trick is a balancing act and
demonstration of human ski&. For the Eurovision show,
and in accordance with the preceding eugenic interpretation, the ladder climbing would be an a&usion to the purported human improvement possible through eugenic
breeding, or deliberately contro&ed evolution of the species.
Such is the industrial (Fordist) eugenicist dream--a nightmare for the masses whose ‘unworthy’ genetic lines would
be snuffed out as part of a reproductive ‘quality control’
process (see Issue No. 3).
the exception of Italy, boycotted the Sochi Games.
(Italy's PM has now been dismissed in a party 'coup,'
as if by way of discipline for falling out of lockstep).
As it happens, this is the very 'war camp' stymied
for now by Russia's peacemaking efforts in the MidShadow of Western War 'Games'
dle East. But this was not of course the reason given
Falls on Friendly Olympics
by the West for the attendance boycott. Instead, it
Congratulations to the people and leadership of
wrapped itself in the flag du jour, a rainbow banner,
Russia on their success at the Sochi Winter Olympic to hypocritically march into the stadium as champiGames of 2014. The spirit of the games, that the
ons of human rights, in Orwellian fashion.
friendly, peaceful competition of sporting diplomacy
Off piste of the games, in the media gallery as it
between nations can lessen risk of war was well repwere, was another spectacle --the lurid sideshow of
resented in the country whose diplomatic efforts
Western media hooliganism, raining down scorn on
recently won a stay of war escalation, if not peace, in
Russia's Olympic pageant. It's a futile exercise to
publish yet another editorial taking Western media
pronouncements at face value and weighing their
Media Hooligans in the Ga&ery
merit--like debating air quality on battle lines beIf the Games themselves were all about good will,
fogged with clouds of poison gas.
the belligerent West--the interventionist party in
One example of the grotesque distortions on offer
countless wars/coups since 2001-- was having none
will suffice to represent the whole monstrous carniof it. The leaders of the G8 NATO members, with
val Hall of Mirrors image that is the view from the
MONOCHROME RAINBOW-private Western media lens--where the fate of stray
dogs in Sochi is more noteworthy than that of Syrians saved thanks to Russia's efforts. These are our
human rights champions. If propaganda were an
Olympic sport, the shamelessly hypocritical West
would long ago have been disqualified from claiming
the moral high ground, having committed far too
many flagrant fouls.
So what to make then of the rainbow banner, the
West's prominent Sochi protest pretext? It is a human rights fig leaf for the Western New Order's policy of eugenics.
Some background
The rainbow banner sometimes seen flying at Sochi
dates from 1984 when it was originally linked to the
Rainbow Coalition, an African-American civil rights
movement taking in diverse, disadvantaged identity
groups. The coalition stood against racial discrimination but still advocated race differentiation (in
law) for the purpose of affirmative action, seen as a
temporary necessity to gain an equal footing for the
disadvantaged groups. Ultimately, the antidiscrimination goal would mean complete colorblindness in law making.
Subsequently, the progressive, grassroots coalition
was absorbed and transformed by the corporate US
Democratic Party, and made the leap from advocacy
for 'color blindness' to the feminist promotion of
'gender blindness.' (In this way, in the name of fairness, American feminism ironically would effectively
suppress traditional femininity, in a muddle of equal
rights with equivalence.) Finally, the banner would
be adopted by the 'gay rights’ movement.
Rainbow flag--Diversity or Uniformity?
The continuing trend in the US, pioneer of lookalike mass- produced cars, seems to be an eroding of
‘gender-based’ (biology-based) identity altogether: a
cultural symptom of the intolerance of difference in
a factory society that demands uniformity (machines
cannot tolerate differences in the objects they process). This enforced blindness to difference, in the
name of equality, is in reality a push towards a new
Fordist uniformity now moving forward from the
factory into the biological realm of the individual
and society.
Paradoxically, what had started as a pro-diversity
movement [hence the rainbow of colors] has become a cudgel for conformity and uniformity--in
line with the ever expanding corporate imperium of
the West. The eroding of gender difference is of a
piece with Western militarism, which demands
sameness under threat of violence (cf. 'feminist' war
propaganda in Afghanistan, for example. Here, instead of respect for sovereignty and cultural differences, we have chauvinist intolerance of difference,
masquerading as progressiveness--a convenient
mask or pretext for wars for empire, among others.)
Save the Males
Yet there may be method to the madness. If the reasons behind a policy of denying biology are not obvious, the political synergies associated with what is
effectively a new 'zero child policy' speak for themselves. Harkening back to longstanding goals of
Western power for extending control, they suggest a
move to impose a new industrial order over biological nature...
Note well that the rainbow movement's new name,
LGBT, takes the form of a Pentagonese acronym,
like USAF or NORTHCOM. If this connotes attack, the point should be well taken, because the
promotion of gay orientation (as opposed to tolerance) is a tug of war --to promote one side is to attack the other--and with political ramifications for a
nation's demographics, for the preservation of the
family unit, and for our offspring's right to freely
reproduce. Matters of preference or taste must not
be tyrannically promoted for all, like someone's loud
techno on the bus.
Attacks on gender type, hormonal or otherwise, are
also attacks on fertility, on the freedom to reproduce. What Chinese philosophy calls yin and yang
contraries, like male-female, are the form of the
creative principle itself. To oppose this with an imposed factory-like uniformity is to oppose life. This
is of course what forces of destruction often do.
Such absurdities as the EU's male-male couple 'right
to found a family' [in the gender neutral and activist
Charter of Human Rights, Article 9] or Obamacare's maternity leave for men make clear the
denial even of the biological facts of life--the inanities of factory creep trying to overturn biological
nature. Under the flag of 'equality' (read: uniformity), the West forces round pegs in square
holes, like a drooling, stink-pants toddler on
the playroom floor, blurting out “Same”
MONOCHROME RAINBOW-Even a gay, feminist American
social critic [Camille Paglia]
has lamented what she described as a new feminization
or neutering trend, and called
the blind alley of 'gender neutrality' a path to 'suicide' for
Western civilization.
The Ruling Class, 1972
Hidden Agenda
Yet there may be method to the madness. If the reasons behind a policy of denying biology are not obvious, the political synergies associated with what is
effectively a new 'zero child policy' speak for themselves. Harkening back to longstanding goals of
Western power for extending control, they suggest a
move to impose a new industrial order over biological nature...
Falling reproduction rates mean depopulation. Control over population numbers, or quantity, may also
serve as a lever of control over population 'quality,'
or genetics [as the wall flowers at the Springtime
ball, so to speak, are led away from the gene pool].
In this way (together with a chemical estrogen tsunami, from GMOs to BPA in the environment) the
New Order policies act against fertility, in a likely
move to bring the regimentation of industrial production to bear on human reproduction, for genetic
quality control. This is eugenics, an important part
of the Nazi-era, Western elites' politics.
As Russia's Sochi Games draw to a close, we see the
smoke rising from the feared Olympic terror
attack--not in Russia but on its doorstep in Kiev, yet
another regime change hotspot. This is the real danger, as an old spectre haunts Europe--and the
This time, in Ukraine, the West is finally outed, as it
supports violent neo-Nazi opposition forces (Svoboda Party) against a democratically elected government. Now flying their true colors, the remade
and resurgent Western neo-fascism is again on the
march... arriving at Russia's doorstep, as in 1941, after a prolonged blitz of pyromania that has left a
smoking trail of death and destruction since 2001
from Iraq and Afghanistan to Libya, Syria, and now
Ukraine, on the brink of civil war... ◊
MB 22 Feb. 2014
Shattered Myth of ‘the Good War’
Old myths die hard. It's a measure of the importance of the place they hold for us, like gods above,
or guiding stars in the sky, that we may still
try to navigate by them even after their light has
gone out.
The D-Day commemoration in Normandy today
must be seen not by the fading light of a dated
and dying myth from the past but colored by the
telling events seen since on the world stage that so
dramatically contradict it.
The sacrifice of the Allied soldiers who died in
Normandy and throughout the Atlantic war theater
fighting Naziism is rightly honored and sacrosanct.
But hindsight shows the famous victory as not what
it then seemed to be, and what's worse, that it has
been gradually and surreptitiously overturned.
The ceremony celebrates the myth even now that
the reality has broken the surface in a series of
events that taken together, unmistakably deny it:
the Hollywood disaster-style 9/11 fascist coup d'etat
in the USA, the endless succession of NATO wars
of aggression, the police state consolidation, the
eugenics program gay hype, and now, perhaps most
revealingly, the open installation of anti-Russian
neo-Nazis in a European country for the first time
since WWII. If the fascists lost the battle in Europe
in 1945, events have shown they ultimately won the
war, for now.
And so for the NATO contingent, now heirs of the
Third Reich, it is the Axis which celebrates its victory today, enacting a grotesque and twisted
travesty---a sacrilege on the D-Day anniversary of
2014--that can only have inspired a great turning
underfoot in the cross-filled lawns of Ouistreham.
Better done in jackboots, assembled under a waving
swastika banner, saluting in unison with a straight
armed shout of Sieg Heil. And a star-spangled banner
lowered to the tune of a dirge, before hoisting the
EU flag, while playing the old national anthem of
Deutschland. Consider a few of the parallels between Then and Now:
West Fostered Naziism as Bulwark and Bludgeon against
Agenda of world domination. Check.
Endless war or proxy wars of aggression. Check. In the emerging view, and in light of the post-2000
Fascist police states. Check.
tell-tale events, German fascism was in fact fostered
Totalitarian surveillance. Check.
by Western captains of industry and finance, to
Resurgence of racism and nationalism. Check.
crush ('Jewish') Bolshevism and save Germany from
Demonization of Russia. Check.
Glorification of military and war. Check.
Russian Communism. Private capital, with its hold
Cult of the Hero, the Strong. Check.
on oil and fuel--without which all the bombers and
Eugenics agenda. Check.
jets, ships and carriers, tanks and land vehicles of a
International Jewish Muslim Conspiracy ("al Qaeda"). Check.
nation's military are harmless as a child's toys--held
Final solution for the mass extermination
sway. The old Rockefeller- Rothschild cartel 1 enof the untermenschen. Check.
abler of Naziism was itself never vanquished but has
only grown larger with time.
What are you all waiting for? Uniformed, heelclicking, Jew-rousting goose steppers? Wake up and West Absorbed Nazi Germany
smell the kaffee !
At the end of WWII, the US absorbed Germany's
scientists (Operation Paperclip), notably gaining V2
The Red Army Won It
rocket technology for NASA; its spies, including the
Academics like Jacque Pauwels (The Myth of the Good Gestapo's anti-Soviet network, reactivated in a reWar) and others have put some of the learned, orarmed West Germany; and some ex-Nazi military
thodox history into better perspective, describing
top brass, integrated into NATO, with its seat (EUhow the Normandy invasion that accelerated the
COM) located in the unscathed IG Farben headend of the war in Europe came only after the Soviet quarters in Frankfurt (pictured) :
Union had already borne the brunt of the Nazi
Wermacht's force, with tens of millions of Russians
dead, and the Germans already stopped by the Red
EU Modeled
Army at the Battle of Stalingrad.
on Nazi Plans
West Preserved the Nazi Gains
for Rule .om
Once Germany's defeat seemed inevitable at that
turning point in the Great Patriotic War by the end
By the time
of 1942, the US finally entered the conflict in the
Atlantic theater, landing in North Africa, a fu& year
had fallen in
a(er Germany's declaration of war on the US (a vain atthe East in
tempt to open up a new front for the Soviets in the
1990, the US
Pacific, with Japan--Pauwels), and a fu& three years
had formed one in Western Europe (EU), which
a(er the start of the war. Even then, in North Africa,
then expanded east to Russia’s borders. As if Nazi
the US recognized Vichy there, with whom it had
Germany had been successful in Europe, with Musfriendly diplomatic relations. It would be almost
lims as the new scapegoats, and serial wars of aganother year before US troops finally landed on the
gression then continuing as part of a remade neocontinent, in the Italian campaign, nearly four years
fascism, operating on an audience of subjects agape
a(er the war had started (summer of 1943).
at powerful modern media and cringing from the
state terror of mass shootings, engineered disasters
The Normandy invasion (June 1944) in the end
checked Soviet momentum towards western Europe (like 9/11), profitable health scares and threats of
more to come.
(and ultimately salvaged Nazi gains there). D-Day
Russia may be no longer Stalinist but it is still relawill go down for the record, as the old myths sink
tively independent of the Rockefeller-Rothschild/
out of view, as a last-minute salvage operation for
US-EU Axis. Thus we now see re-emerging in 2014
capitalism in western Europe, rather than the
the postwar standoff of the Cold War after Russia
schoolbook-taught, economically incoherent interpretation of western capitalist opposition to rabidly successfully resisted full integration into the worldgrasping western structures. ! →
capitalist Naziism.
my chair and asked him, "Where is it?"
Looking in the direction he was pointing towards, I
was still getting out of my seat when it happened.
6Aug 2014
Testimony of Yoshitaka Kawamoto
Transcripts translated .om the French (AFP)
Mr. Yoshitaka Kawamoto was 13
years old at the time of the atomic
bombing of Hiroshima. He was in a
classroom at Zakoba-cho, 0.8
kilometers away .om the hypocenter.
He is now the director of the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum,
te&ing visitors .om a& over the
world what the atomic bomb did to
the people of Hiroshima.
All I can remember was a bright lightning flash for
two or three seconds. Then I collapsed. I don't
know how much time passed before I came to.
It was awful, awful. The smoke was coming in from
somewhere above the debris [of the ruined school
building.] Sandy dust was flying around. I was
trapped under the debris and I was in terrible pain
and that's probably why I came to. I couldn't move
an inch.
Then I heard about 10 of my surviving classmates
singing our school song. I remember that. I could
hear sobs. Someone was calling his mother. But
those who were still alive were singing the school
song for as long as they could. I think I joined the
Young Nagasaki Atom bomb survivors, 1945
chorus. We thought that someone would come and
KAWAMOTO: One of my classmates, I think his
help us out. That's why we were singing a school
name was Fujimoto, he pointed outside the window song so loud. But nobody came to help, and we
saying, "A B-29 is coming." He kept pointing outside stopped singing one by one. In the end, I was singwith his finger. So I began to get up from
ing alone. ! !
D-DAY TRAVESTY, Cont.-‘Western Progress’ Devolved to Political Regress
Certainly today the political debate is no longer
about democracy versus dictatorship, unfortunately.
In an irony of history, the West has taken on the
totalitarian form of its erstwhile Cold War enemy,
throwing out political freedom in favor of totalitarianism, with the unchecked growth of private corporate power for over a century. But instead of dictatorship by the majority under Socialism, tracing its
mandate to popular revolution, the Western decline
into authoritarianism is a dictatorship by capital,
which is just “arbitrary privilege” for an elite minority-- the ancien regime (old order), transposed onto a
financial hierarchy --an aristocracy of bankers with a
pretended electoral mandate.
9/11 Coup to Exploit Closing Window of Opportunity
Unlike the 1930s when Fascism developed in response to a definite challenge to Capitalism from
rising Socialism in Germany, in 2001 the compromised American empire sought to capitalize on its
military superiority with a fascist coup before the
closing of a ‘window of opportunity,’ with a rising
China and a Russian comeback. If this relapse is in a
new, bifurcated (‘two-party’), civilian shape, the East
too has been remade with new kinds of state
capitalism--a third way--offering high degrees of
economic freedom but with a firewall of state political control, exercised in the name of the majority, to
correct the American mistake and hold unaccountable private power in check to protect the public
commons and the people’s interest.
1 SO (Esso/Exxon)-IG Farben--IG Farben was the German
name of the world's bi4est chemicals group of companies, or cartel, the industrial core of the Nazi war machine, supplying strategic war materials such as synthetic fuel and rubber, with a giant
factory complex and its own concentration camp at Auschwitz.
IG Farben companies also made pharmaceuticals, vaccines, explosives and poison gas, including the one used for exterminations
in the Holocaust. Part of a global petrochemical cartel, IG's
commercial partner was the American Standard Oil Company,
which for its part supplied the Reich with oil and vital fuel additives.
Many of IG's top executives were condemned for war crimes at
Nuremberg. Standard Oil later changed its name to Exxon. A(er
the war, the IG Farben cartel was disbanded into its constituent
companies (Hoechst, now Sanofi-Aventis, Bayer, BASF) and its
monumental headquarters building--spared .om A&ied
bombing--housed the American military government in Germany, CIA Europe and for many years, NATO Command, and
became known as Europe's Pentagon. ◊
REMEMBER THE A-BOMB-Then I started to feel fear creeping in. I started to
feel my way out pushing the debris away little by
little, using all my strength. Finally I cleared the
things around my head. And with my head sticking
out of the debris, I realized the scale of the damage.
The sky over Hiroshima was dark. Something like a
tornado or a big fire ball was storming throughout
the city. I was only injured around my mouth and
around my arms. But I lost a good deal of blood
from my mouth, otherwise I was OK. I thought I
could make my way out. But I was afraid at the
thought of escaping alone. We had been going
through drills everyday, and they had told us that
running away by oneself is an act of cowardice, so I
thought I must take somebody along with me. I
crawled over the debris, trying to find someone still
alive. Then I found one of my classmates lying alive.
I held him up in my arms. It is hard to tell [what I
saw]. His skull was cracked open, his flesh was hanging down from his head. He had only one eye left,
and it was looking right at me. First, he was mumbling something but I couldn't understand him. He
started to bite his finger nail. I took his finger out
from his mouth. And then I held his hand, then he
started to reach for his notebook in his chest
pocket, so I asked him, I said, ``You want me to
take this along to hand it over to your mother?'' He
nodded. He was going to faint. But still I could hear
him crying out, saying ``Mother, Mother.''
I thought I could take him along. I guess that his
body below the waist was crushed. The lower part
of his body was trapped, buried inside of the debris.
He couldn't go, he told me to go away. And by that
time, another wing of the school building, or what
used to be the school building, had caught on fire. I
tried to get to the playground. Smoke filled the air,
but I could see the white sandy earth beneath. I
thought this must be the playground, then I started
to run in that direction. I turned back and I saw my
classmate Wada looking at me. I still remember the
situation and it still appears in my dreams. I felt
sorry for him, but it was the last time I ever saw
him. As I was running, hands were trying to grab my
ankles, they were asking me to take them along. I
was only a child then. And I was horrified at so
many hands trying to grab me. I was in pain, too. So
all I could do was to get free of them, it's terrible to
say, but I kicked their hands away. I still feel bad
about that.
I went to Miyuki Bridge to get some water. At the
river bank, I saw so many people collapsed there.
And the small steps to the river were jammed, filled
with people pushing their way to the water. I was
small, so I could push through to the river along the
small steps. The river was filled with dead people. I
had to push the bodies aside to drink the muddy
water. We didn't know anything about radioactivity
at that time. I stood in the water and so many bodies were floating away along the current. I can't find
the words to describe it. It was horrible. I was horrified. Instead of going into the water, I climbed up
the river bank. I couldn't move. I couldn't see my
shadow. I looked up and I saw the cloud--the mushroom cloud growing in the sky. It was very bright. It
had so much heat showed the colors of the
rainbow... Looking at the cloud, I thought I would
never be able to see my mother again, I wouldn't be
able to see my younger brother again. And then, I
lost consciousness.
When I came to, it was about seven in the evening.
I was in the transportation bureau at Ujina. I found
myself lying on the floor of a warehouse. And an old
soldier was looking in my face. He gave me a light
slap on the cheek and he said, "You are a lucky boy."
He told me that he had gone with one of the few
trucks left to collect the victims' corpses at Miyuki
Bridge. They were loading bodies like sacks. They
picked me up from the river bank and threw me on
top of the pile. My body slid off and when they
grabbed me by the arm to put me back onto the
truck, they felt that my pulse was still beating, so
they put me onto the truck carrying survivors.
I was very lucky. But I couldn't stand for about a
year. I was so weak. My hair came off, even the hair
in my nose fell out. My hair started to fall out about
two weeks later. I became completely bald. I lost my
eyesight...I couldn’t see for about three months. But
I was only thirteen, I was still young, and I was still
growing when I was hit by the A- bomb. So about
one year later, I regained my health. I recovered
good health. Today I am still working as you can see.
As the director of the Hiroshima Peace Memorial
Museum, I am handing down my message to the
children who visit. I want them to learn about Hiroshima. And when they grow up, I want them to
hand down the message accurately to the next generation. I'd like to see them conveying good judgment so that mankind will not be led to annihilation. That is our responsibility. →
A-BOMB, Cont .--
view finder was obscured with my tears. I felt that
everyone was looking at me and thinking angrily,
Testimony of Yoshito Matsushige
"He's taking our picture and will bring us no help at
Yoshito Matsushige was a 32-year old photographer for the
all." Still, I had to press the shutter, so I hardened
Hiroshima Chugo-ku newspaper until August 6, 1945.
my heart and finally I took the second shot. Those
On that day he was at home, 2.7 kilometers .om ground
people must have duly thought me cold-hearted.
zero when the A- bomb was dropped at 8:15 a.m. In the
ruins of the city a(er the bombing, he was able to take five Then I saw a burned-out streetcar which had just
turned the corner at Kamiya-cho. There were passenphotographs which have become important historical
gers still in the car. I put my foot onto the steps of
the car and I looked inside. There were perhaps 15
MATSUSHIGE: I had finished breakfast and was
or 16 people in the front of the streetcar. They lay
getting ready to go to the newspaper when it hapdead one on top of another. Kamiya-cho was very
pened. There was a flash from the indoor wires as if close to ground zero, about 200 meters away. The
lightening had struck. I didn't hear any sound--how
passengers had all had their clothes burned off of
shall I say--the world around me turned bright
them. They say that when you are
white. And I was momentarily blinded, as if a magterrified, you tremble and your hair stands on end.
nesium light had lit up in front of my eyes. Immedi- And I felt just this tremble when I saw that scene. I
ately after that, the blast came. I was bare from the
stepped in to take a picture and I put my hand on
waist up, and the blast was so intense, it felt like
my camera. But I felt so sorry for those dead and
hundreds of needles were stabbing me all at once.
naked people, whose photo would be left to posterThe blast blew out the walls of the first and second
ity, that I couldn't take the shot. Also, in those days
floor. I could barely see the room because of all the
we weren't allowed to publish photographs of
dust. I pulled my camera and clothes...out from un- corpses in the newspapers.
der the mound of debris, and I got dressed. I
After that, I walked. I walked through the section
thought I would go to either the newspaper or to
of town which had been hit hardest. I walked for
the office. That was about 40 minutes after the
close to three hours. But I couldn't take even one
picture of that central area. There were other phoNear the Miyuki Bridge, there was a police box.
tographers in the [Mitsubishi] shipping group and at
Most of the victims who had gathered there were
the newspaper as well. But the fact that not a single
junior high school girls. They had been mobilized to one of them was able to take pictures seems to indievacuate buildings and they were outside when the
cate just how brutal the bombing actually was. I
bomb fell. Having been directly exposed to the heat don't pride myself on it, but it's a small consolation
of the blast, they were covered with blisters, the size that I was able to take at least five pictures. During
of balls, on their backs, their faces, their shoulders
the war, air- raids took place practically every night.
and their arms. The blisters were starting to burst
And after the war began, there were many food
open and their skin hung down like melted wax.
shortages. Those of us who experienced all these
Some of the children even had burns on the soles of hardships hope that such suffering will never be extheir feet. They'd lost their shoes and run barefoot
perienced again by our children and grandchildren.
through the burning fire. When I saw this, I
Not only our children and grandchildren, but all futhought I would take a picture and I picked up my
ture generations should not have to go through such
camera. But I couldn't push the shutter release behorror. That is why I want young people to listen to
cause the sight was so pathetic. Even though I too
our testimonies and to choose the right path, the
was a victim of the same bomb, I only had minor
path which leads to peace. ◊
injuries from glass fragments, whereas these people
were dying. It was such a cruel sight that I couldn't
bring myself to press the shutter. I hesitated there
for perhaps about 20 minutes. But I finally summoned up the courage to take one picture. Then, I
moved four or five meters forward to take a second
picture. Even today, I clearly remember how the
On to the studio-like execution
EU Hate Sheets 2014 / 1941 (below/ right)
First, why is it censored at the source?
Tellingly, Bowdlerization (sanitization)
is an American thing.
Next, victim appears to be reading
from cue cards, even stumbling on one
line (at word “read”).
This fact alone would not necessarily
undermine the video’s authenticity because hypothetically he could have been made to read a statement under duress.
But despite what should be an obviously emotionally charged situation, both the victim and his executioner are incongruously devoid of emotion. The
The New Jews: ‘Ki& those Muslims’
victim manages a frown at one point but other than
that, just seems put out or peeved rather than in
mortal fear for his life. His underlying confidence
suggests that he has been given some kind of assur‘Isis’ Execution Videos - Observations
ance, perhaps shown the rubber blade of the too
Many problems with this video. Lets start at the
small prop knife.
beginning of the tape, with Obama. Personally, I am
This last would also explain the otherwise impossiincapable of listening to the Nobel Peace Prizewinning state terrorist for longer than it takes me to ble bloodless application of the weapon for a good
20 frames or so near the end of the clip.
find the mute button. Yet we are to believe that a
rabid ‘jihadist’ group gives over nearly half the whole Finally, according to the UK tabloids, the Londoner
in the black bespoke ka(an (which remains unlength (3 mins) of its big mass communication mostained) is known to his Muslim counterparts as ‘the
ment to the sonorous prevarications of the AmeriBeatle, John.’ 1 I’m sorry but does that sound to you
can Anti-christ?
like the correct cultural context--or time frame-- for
Only someone who respects the speaker and gives
a group of battle-hardened and fanatical young jicredence to his prepared remarks would devote such hadists? Or more like a reflection of the vantage
a long portion of his self-produced video to the
point of old timer ‘military intelligence’ types who
glossy and meaningless phrasings of the “US
manufacture this war propaganda theater of the mapresident”...someone like the US/NATO security
cabre for their corporate masters?
state itself for example.
Whether or not an execution actually did eventually
By the way, in the long Obama speech clip, interest- take place, it’s clear that terrorist Muslim paramiliingly there is no US flag on display as is the custom. taries commit atrocities, made for TV or otherwise:
Instead, Obama speaks next to an all-black, warThe devastation of Syria speaks for itself. But the
hawk, raptor-emblazoned flag, which must be the
point here is 1) at whose behest? and 2) the hand of
banner of the post- 2001 coup, neo-fascist police
the puppet masters is evident in the production of
state that he represents. The stars and stripes, like
this ISIS well as in numerous other inconthe American constitutional republic, fell on 9-11.
gruities (see below).
al Qaeda Rebranding
New flag
More important however than all the ill-fitting details, is the big’s long been established
that the “jihadists” are the empire’s cat’s paw-mercenary proxies--giving PR cover for endless wars
of aggression in oil- rich or otherwise strategic Muslim lands, in the name of fighting an equally endless
ISLAM’S ISIS?, Cont.-list of groups with bamboozling, exotic names--from
al Qaeda (‘the database,’ 2 as Robin Cook pointed
out before his fatal, highlands hiking accident) to
Boko Harum (Procol Harem?) to ISIS (fanatical Allah worshippers naming themselves after a pagan
goddess--I don’t think so) to the Qaa Qaa brigade
(Libyan militia)--in a cynical and murderous game of
whack-a-mole, where turbaned puppet-fighters pop
up wherever you want to attack next...
This has gone on now since at least 1999, when the
mujahedin-led KLA (Kosovo Liberation Army)
helped to break up Socialist Serbia (strong antifascists) for the EU -- leading edge of the empire’s
Eurasian expansion 3 -- and ultimately, since CIAhead William Casey’s initial mujahedin ‘jihadists’ in
Afghanistan in 1979 (or even back to ‘Lawrence of
The game may be getting old, so the one who cries
“Wolf ” has changed his tune, rebranding “al Qaeda,”
now with a new moniker of menace. After 13 years
of the American ‘War on Terror’ the worn out al
Qaeda brand, with its dead bogeymen, inevitably
needed a refresh. And still after so many years of
this, even Russian and Chinese media will go along
for the ride, picking up the Western media’s US
government-sourced story lines on “Islamists,” as if
Chechnya and Xinjiang had no relation to Western
imperial interests in instability/war on its rivals.
The proxy ‘cat’s paw’ attacks and/ or NATO followup have left a trail of smoldering destruction and/or
‘failed states’ in their wake also in Afghanistan, Iraq,
Libya and Syria, Sudan, Somalia...
The original 9/11 attack--the called for “New Pearl
Harbor” needed to catalyze the wars necessary to
ensure a new century of American hegemony (see
PNAC; Brzezinski’s ‘Chessboard’) is the prime example of how the star and crescent false flag is used
to serve imperial interests by simultaneously providing a casus be&i, demonizing Muslims, and neatly laying blame on the war victims themselves, as Muslims. The Foley video caption online: “Muslim
In criminology, an established pattern or M.O. (modus operandi) such as this constitutes evidence in itself, pointing to the real perpetrator, along with the
answer to the question ‘who benefits?’
Cui Bono?
In Syria it was the empire (NATO) and its allies
supporting these same petro-paramilitaries who,
losing the regime-change battle there, sought refuge
in neighboring, US-controlled Iraq. There, they
should benefit NATO and Israel alike in their drive
for still more war, on Syria and Iran, and by facilitating other adjustments in the aftermath of NATO’s
Iraqi genocide, notably a Balkanized Iraq with a
more autonomous Kurdish region, if not a new
state--at the risk of alienating NATO-member Turkey.
Never mind the glaring contradictions--that today’s
barbarous enemy was yesterday’s freedom fighter
ally (ISIS in Syria)--vice versa for ‘al Qaeda’--or that
the white knight (‘international community’) riding
to the rescue in Iraq is in fact himself covered in its
people’s blood, having committed genocide there-which give the lie to this otherwise neatly-tied bow
of cloak and dagger war propaganda: Taping atrocities for the six o’clock news ‘two minutes hate’ session. ◊ 26 Aug
NOTES, see p. 17
Update: News item: USA, Canada, Ukraine reject UN
resolution condemning the glorification of Naziism.
EU nations abstain.
An impartial examination of the conditions of international
conduct today a&ows no other conclusion but that the standards
of behavior which were held by nazism and fascism have become
general and accepted. -- Bertrand Russe&
Funeral for a four-year old Gazan (Saher Abu Namous),
July 13, 2014
The NYSE Welcomes ISIS...
Pentagon Pentagram
Note dissimulating star-shaped perimeter wa&/
fence in white
Government that Listens
Pink Propaganda Tsunami -- Riposte
Eugenics: A Peculiar View of the Family
Ronald Reagan (le() in “Bedtime for Bonzo,” 1951
Google doodles:
Sochi ‘Go gay’ rainbow; Jane Gooda& monkey mirror
On the Natural Right to a mother and father...
Rescued While Black
On EU Diktat
Farben’s Angel(a)
Clap along...
NATO Coup in Ukraine
Climate change.. world's most fearsome weapon of mass destruction’
-- John Kerry
Gorgon- female monster
Update: Knox conviction thrown out,
without retrial, for “lack of evidence”
(March 27, 2015)
“[Knox case has become ] a very political case
in the US. [There is] very considerable evidence against her. If the case is decided by law
she wi& be extradited [to serve sentence in Italy]. If it’s decided by politics, perhaps not.”
--Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz
femen @ the Vatican, Nov. 6, 2014
American Torture Story
Torture Testimony .om a ‘Targeted Individual’
16 December 2014
Listening to the media para-reality narrative in its recent programming on American-NATO torture, we
felt compelled to post additional information from our previous interview with a claimed victim in rebuttal
to the posturing...
...that US torture is an aberration, occurring only under the Cheney-Bush regime, in practices like the
water-boarding of Guantanamo inmates, and has been since 'reined in' by the ‘liberal’ Obama.
In fact, according to the following testimony--and completely consistent with our research on US nonlethal weapons policy (or here), research and development--US torture is not new, over with or out-of-theordinary nor is it limited to inmates of America’s Muslim-internment camps.
Rather, Obama would be an egregious and avid torturer, making 'liberal' use of 'non-lethal' weapons of torture like microwave RFDEW (Radio Frequency Directed Energy Weapons), whose development under defense budgets in the tens of millions of dollars during the 90s and 00s was well documented at the time but
which have since (tellingly) dropped off the media radar.
Far from being a novelty, US torture has in fact always gone together with domination and exploitation, as
victims of the Nixon-era government torturer Dan Mitrione or ‘School of the Americas’ graduates would
attest, as did the USAID labels on their hand-crank electricity generators used in Latin America (--John
Stockwell, The Secret Wars of the CIA, June 1986).
What is new is that while US torture is still covert it is also now systemic; institutionalized as another
weapon (NLW--non-lethal weapons) integrated into the military arsenal (see: Air Force Human Effectiveness Directorate) for day-to-day use against selected political targets, our sources say, with torture as a calibrated lesser ‘degree of lethality.’
Facing compromised US courts, public defenders are not having any of it (see ‘ACLU’ in interview testimony), leaving victims to seek asylum abroad--without evidence--and where however the remote torture
doesn’t stop.
The following is a firsthand account by a journalist and claimed ‘targeted individual’. The allegations made
in this informal affidavit describe what would be a dark corner of a 21st-century virtual Bastille, foreshadowing a nightmare Totalitarian future made in the US A.
Torture testimony
Revised 28 Feb. 2015
Call me Dave.
I am a US-born author, blogger and artist with published creative
work reviewed in The New York Times, London Times, France3 TV, etc.
As a journalist, I have written, edited and translated for three international news agencies.
With the highly critical nature of both my commentaries and my creative work, I may be fairly described as a US political dissident, in
This statement is to put on record my experience as a victim of state
torture, harassment and surveillance, to demonstrate the fact of political prisoners in NATO countries today, and to contribute to the
evidence of the crimes against human rights committed to repress political dissent in the US-EU police states.
Important to note as background is that the same futuristic technological advancement that has helped give rise to mass surveillance
has also made possible the development and deployment of exotic new
‘non-lethal’ weapons (NLWs) like ‘radio frequency directed energy
weapons’ (RFDEW). These focused-microwave arms of the new Western totalitarianism are instruments of remote push-button torture of individuals used for silently suppressing critical voices in the drive to
total control.
Return to US and Start of Targeting
Back in 2006, I self-published my second multimedia work. The first
one, still in retail distribution, happened to be a sendup of capitalism. When revenues from the latest effort didn’t pan out as expected, I returned to the US at the end of 2007, against my better
judgment, to take up a full-time job offer after living abroad for
many years. Soon after, in early 2008, I began to be targeted.
Torture testimony
The first manifestation of the targeting was the sudden onset of tinnitus, which is a constant ringing in the ears―-a condition I’ve had
ever since. This doesn’t mean it was naturally acquired. It’s obvious
to me that it wasn’t but that it’s artificial or induced. This is because the tone or strength of the hum, almost always constant, may
sometimes suddenly change noticeably, something like a stepped audio
tone in a hearing test. The doctor I consulted at the specialized
hospital found normal hearing ability and no physical problem and
seemed surprised to learn that my symptoms began suddenly on my return to the US. It turns out as you may see in official, declassified
US Army documents, that tinnitus is identified as one of the many
symptomatic effects caused by targeting with focused microwaves.
Here is a brief description of the phenomenon:
A Beating Brain
Pulsed microwave energy incident on the brain causes an infinitesimal
heating and cooling response. The rapid on-off heating results in a
likewise very small degree of thermal expansion and retraction of the
organ, in response to the pulses. As the brain expands and contracts,
rapid up and down changes in intra-cranial pressure result and are
picked up internally by the ears, as sound. This well-known phenomenon is known as MAE (microwave auditory effect) or the 'Frey Effect.'
As the chronic targeting was gradually intensified over time such
that other symptoms began to appear, I had to quit the office (after
about six months) to try and work part-time from home. On my own I
could work sporadically, when able, and also avoid any scenes or
questions about something I could not discuss.
The Fever
Besides tinnitus, the directed-microwave targeting also induces what
is called in the official documents an 'artificial fever.' This is a
mind-numbing ‘tase’ of low-level 1 electrical current at the head.
The debilitating 'fever' may be accompanied by (RF-) radiationinduced extreme fatigue and weakness, usually followed by the 'Delgado Effect'2 --forced ‘sleep’ or loss of consciousness caused by inducing current back and forth across the two lobes of the cerebrum.
Torture testimony
Microwave 'electroshock' may be used to cause many other debilitating
effects in addition to the above, all of which have presented in the
daily torture regimen :
...disorientation; disequilibrium (poor balance); dry or stinging eyes
(from microwave heating); inability to concentrate; headache; nausea
(rare); extreme fatigue, weakness; loss of consciousness (forced sleep);
tremors, spasms, mini-seizures; joint 'thickness' and pain; nearincontinence (rare); short-term (working-) memory loss; tunnel vision:
foreshortening of time perception (to the immediate present only); blocking
of 'executive functioning' (shuffling victim reduced at times to eat-sleep
creature existence); cataracts (long term)
Classification and Scale
Militarily, the use of RFDE-type non-lethal weapons is categorized as
electronic warfare--a type of information war--for the ‘jamming’ of
‘enemy information systems’; only here the ‘systems’ are human brains
and the ‘enemy’ is individuals exercising their rights. The ‘signals
interference’ consists in zapping the victim with low-scale current
to cause debilitating ‘physiological disruption’ effects (see note 1)
for the openly declared aim of ‘degrading’ or disabling personnel.
The bio-interference form of ‘micro’ torture is somewhat analogous to
the forced administration of chemical drugs, one of the torture techniques reported at Guantanamo. To an observer, some effects of microwave torture might be confused with a medical problem. To the victim,
the unique tingling sensation of electrical current is unmistakable.
When the juice is turned up (rarely), strong current courses down the
lower right arm. The target's only protection from the microwavedelivered electroshock (and its sadistic practitioners) is by electromagnetic shielding, which is difficult to adequately provide for
an active human body. The usual effect is of the penetrating electric
burn of the ‘fever,’ groggy disorientation, spasms, extreme fatigue
and weakness, induced ‘sleep.’
There are bad days, very bad days and better days and I’ve managed to
work sporadically from home despite the targeting, which has continued daily since 2008 even across several different countries. Between
‘sessions,’ I manage to slowly go about the business of living, usually without anyone the wiser. There are some days though when you
never make it out the door.
Torture testimony
Lack of Proof
Professional torturers do not normally leave identifiable marks on
their victims. In the case of microwave weapons, they may leave red
marks on the skin--light microwave burns, which may appear on the
neck, head, groin. But the medical presentation of skin discoloration, which can be put down to various causes, is not prima facie
evidence of torture.
The same is true of chronic symptomatic effects like worsening eyesight and handwriting. My handwriting has degenerated and sometimes
comes out as a scrawl, to the point that even I often have trouble
making it out myself. In fact, a bank clerk once disputed my signature because of its lack of resemblance to the one on my passport ID.
In the same category, I've also developed very premature cervical
osteo-arthritis (of the neck)―-a 'drying out' associated with age but
which here is more likely an effect of the chronic, low-level microwave heating. Also prematurely, I sometimes need to walk with a cane
for balance.
Detecting the targeting microwave radiation does not seem to be an
option either for collecting evidence. An RF (radio frequency) power
meter with an upper detection limit of 3.5 GHz is unable to detect
anything higher than low-level background microwave energy (unfocused, like wi-fi). A higher military frequency band may be used to
administer the microwaves or alternatively, multiple low-level beams
may be aimed to converge or create standing waves for combined or
maximal effect to occur only at the target point itself―-the victim's
head--making it undetectable externally.
Because of constant surveillance, videotaping the visible effects of
the weapons as evidence has also not worked out.
My only documentary evidence is my copies of the numerous anonymous
and taunting e-mails, making delighted double entendre reference to
the ongoing electroshock torture, surveillance, harassment and general life hacking―-and encouraging suicide (which for the record is
against my religion).
Guinea Pig in a Fishbowl
Along with the torture came indicators of surveillance. Anonymous,
frequent and bizarre e-mail messages made subtle but knowledgable
reference to events from my day-to-day private life, which could only
have been known to an observer. This included observation from within
all rooms of my home. In other words, the perpetrators themselves
Torture testimony
notified me of their continual violation of my privacy, 'necessary'
to evaluate the weapons effects, and ‘advertised’ probably for psychological pressure.
Going out of doors does not defeat the surveillance; nor does changing homes--or countries: ‘bugs’ are quickly installed anew (for both
audio and video).
Various kinds of harassment seem to be an integral part of the targeting and take many forms (see also ‘Interview’--ed.):
•! Threatening anonymous messages...“How will you die?”--a spoof web
ad with a cartoon corpse face-down on a pavement; veiled threats against
family members, made in e-mails; and many others.
•! Telephone harassment
•! Insecurity flags: Signs of regular home break-ins―-too subtle to
go to police--such as objects moved within the apartment: window curtains
open in the morning that had been closed at night; slippers paired neatly
and set by the door--I live alone and don't have a maid... And once, more
overtly, a paper poppy 'calling card' left on the coffee table with the tag
“Disabled American Veterans.” The break-ins have been on-going.
•! Computer or cyber hacking; censorship of material published on the
web (temporary, i.e. fixable);
Data CDs wiped clean (notably containing
legal documents)
•! Blocked internet access
•! Blocked bank account (temporary--see ‘Entrapment’)
•! Enforced isolation
•! Slashed tires
'Street Theater' or 'Gas-Lighting'
In this line are the bizarre 'street theater' incidents, too numerous
to list but I will mention a few of the stand-outs (which have been
telescoped here--not chronological; some came later) :
'Tails’, Stalkers, Persistent starers
Picture takers
A plague of Lolitas
Torture testimony
Speeding oncoming cars (when you cross the street, where you have
to jump)(3x)
A 'North by Northwest'-style swooping helicopter (1x)
Believe it or not (and you couldn't make it up), a statistically
impossible, veritable parade of... dwarves and Down's Syndrome sufferers-people with manifest genetic disorders
(in multiple countries)
The aim of the mad street theater scenes or incidents would be generally to discredit the target's opinion if and when he should report
the unbelievable manipulations to anyone. The gas-lighting victim's
critical voice is then rendered suspect and neutralized. Some of
these may also be mere provocations, aimed at triggering paranoiac or
unhinged reactions; may relate to other set-up attempts; or may simply be to frighten the target into silence. In the last example mentioned above, the odd 'casting' may also havesomething to do with my
outspoken criticism of eugenics; or might just be mockery: The targeting victim, by means of torture, also becomes 'disabled.'
I Become a Political Refugee
Around the beginning of the following year (2009) I left the US permanently after the targeting as well as a frame-up attempt and the
infliction of a permanent injury described at the end of this affidavit.
In a second country, where the torture and targeting continued, I
sought legal help (not forthcoming), worked online and continued
blogging on local political news.4 There was another frame-up attempt
(see ‘forgery,’ below). In the end an unwelcome asylum seeker, I was
After some international travel (and an MRI, for evidence, which came
back normal) I then settled in an EU country as I am also an EU national thanks to a dual citizenship.
There I was immediately effectively blacklisted from working in a
chosen field in which I also had qualifications. But I was able to
take up journalism again, freelancing for a non-NATO foreign news
agency, part-time because of continued targeting.
Torture testimony
'Disability' through Torture
In the course of my work I happened to interview several government
ministers. During one of the exclusive, sit-down interviews I found
the minister’s manner a little curious--he was surprisingly complimentary, almost patronizing. I was aware at the time that the same
morning of our interview he had had a visit from the American ambassador. Did the ambassador prepare the ground for the interview by
planting a cover story for the torture? I could not confirm this but
it stands to reason that she may have told him―-in a smear―-that I
had a disability. This would account for his behavior and also would
not have been a gratuitous insult: If the local government had me
under surveillance in the home (or otherwise had access to the video
feed), they would have witnessed the daily torture sessions and their
effects, which may mimic mild epilepsy. The ambassador may have been
putting out the needed cover story and she would have diplomatic immunity to do so with impunity.
In any case, I was unable to find legal help in this third country,
where I have also been harassed, now into leaving (power cuts―only my
house; a changed lock on my post office box; blocked internet; a
veiled threat; more entrapment attempts, etc.).
Attempts at Legal Entrapment
Above and beyond the usual targeting, the expedient of legal entrapment has also been part of the package from the beginning. Here are
some (telescoped) examples:
You make a large deposit by bank cheque into your bank account and later
find that access to the account is blocked. The bank informs you that the
reason is because there’s a problem with the cheque: the numbered amount
differs from the written amount. They show you the altered cheque. On your
copy of the original draft, the two amounts are the same.
The honey trap:
• You meet a woman (who had been following you in her car) who later invites you home and introduces her underage “daughter” before sending her to
bed. Her photographer friend waits upstairs. You flee.
Torture testimony
• An attractive stranger from a boisterous table at a beach bar comes over
and introduces herself, flirts, says she’s drunk, and with a smiling tilt
of the head invite, excuses herself to go to the ladies, visited by the new
barman just after you arrived, you'd noticed (installing a 'rape cam'?).
You stay put. (Not that you wouldn’t.)
• A slight female acquaintance in a chance meeting on the street says she's
locked out of her flat for the night. Can she stay over? Slips into bed
from the couch and then refuses advances (rape charge set-up?). Next morning, she asks you to go to the bank and try to cash her endorsed (forged?)
paycheck (on CCTV). She doesn't have her ID and her friend did this for her
once before. You tell her to bugger off.
Veiled Death Threats
This next example might not necessarily be construed (legally) as a
menace but taken in context, as part of a pattern, it takes on the
aspect of a threat...
You go to a terrace cafe to watch a football match. It’s crowded and all
the tables are full. The waitress knew you were coming and leads you to a
table where a bald, heavily tattooed man sits. You join him. He speaks broken English. After a short time he says, ‘Look here.’ And beside you under
the table he flicks open a large shining knife. He says: “I have a collection. Pistols too. 9mm.”
He mentions that he’s an ex-con. ‘What were you in for?’ ‘Everything.’
You ask what he does now. “I work with bodies. I open them. For the
Later, he adds: ‘There are lots of murders here.’
You think the stranger may have been put up to this--trying to put a scare
into a journalist, in a coached, legally very circumspect way. You also believe the man may have been wired, asking some leading questions. You won’t
be threatened and you make an appointment with a criminal lawyer.
Next you receive an e-mail from another government minister--six weeks after you requested an interview--scheduling one at the same time as your legal appointment.
You hand off this assignment to your boss and go to see the lawyer. He
knows the element, the guy from the cafe, and his name--a known criminal.
But he’s not interested in pursuing the matter when you suggest he was put
up to it.
Torture testimony
You leave the offices and on the way out the city gate you see ahead a
small crowd looking down from the walkway railing to the pavement 30 feet
below. There is a corpse...
Not long after this, you return home one late afternoon and enter the lift.
On the ride up to your floor you look down and notice red drops of fresh
blood on the grey tile. You snap pictures with your phone for the record.
They will later disappear, blocked.
Seeing the worrying pattern of developing events, you notify your lawyer,
by e-mail, for maximum exposure. ‘Noted,’ he says. ‘Not to worry.’ He
thinks it’s scare tactics. He doesn’t know the whole story. You know anything can happen.
At this point you are cut loose by your employer.
The phone pictures reappear.
Permanent Injury
I mentioned that professional torturers don’t normally leave marks.
Actually, besides microwave burns, I've since suffered two shattered
teeth, both perfectly healthy before, which in the absence of accidents, can only be put down to the ringing electrical current of my
'treatments.' One of the teeth was reconstructed and the other pulled
because fractured. I’ve been unable to interest any lawyer in this.
One top local lawyer fought desperately... to stifle his yawning, as
I talked of torture and death threats. He then uselessly advised me
to go to the police. Another (elsewhere) suggested I go to Iraq ('go
to hell').
Cancer is another established effect of radiation exposure―-both of
the ionizing and non-ionizing (RF) kinds―in the longer-term but without any causal link.
Other permanent damage may have been already done, the evidence of
which, childless, I’m frankly afraid to produce―-genetic damage―another of the effects of high-level (or cumulatively high) radiation
exposure. Something happened that leads me to believe that I may have
been targeted for this specifically.
Torture testimony
In the summer of 2008, shortly after the targeting began, the woman
next door--'Claudia' from Germany―invited me to go sailing from the
harbor with some other chartered-yacht club members.
The four other sailors turned out to be what I would call 'heavies'
in the professional egghead sense but who introduced themselves unconvincingly with incongruous, generic cover occupations like 'internet marketer.' One of these (who happened to resemble the late Washington Post columnist Bob Novak) strangely could not bring himself to
make eye contact at any time. Another admitted when questioned later
(at the after-dinner) that he had worked for the Pentagon contractor
Draper Labs, which he had tried to make out as an NGO (nongovernmental organization). At dinner he also aired his strong anticommunist political views, without prompting, a strange non sequitur
as it happened.
Shortly after this outing―-maybe in fact some sort of evaluation, in
retrospect--I noticed for the first time in the parking lot of my
apartment block a civilian car with a “Go Army” logo on the door. By
itself, this needn’t raise suspicion. But I was in for quite a shock
soon after.
One fine blue-sky summer afternoon as I was sitting comfortably in my
living room I was suddenly gripped by an electric jolt of what felt
like low-power lightning. It lasted just a very short time as I remember. Without budging, wide-eyed, I looked around and out the window but with no sign of anything amiss. Then, still seated, came an
after-shock--my breathing stopped--respiratory arrest. I am not asthmatic. Before too late, the very narrowest of airways barely opened
up to keep me going, just. This is acute respiratory distress―-a
symptom of actual lightning strike victims. I stayed calm, waited and
hoped. After a minute or two, I was breathing again. I was surprised
to see everything as before, blue sky―-no storm clouds―and nothing
out of the ordinary. No one running from the scene, outside. I supposed that the low power targeting had just been cranked way up. And
I feared that I had just been sterilized. A fear that's still with
me--a test for genetic damage is not easily had (I am working on it).
Eugenic (Political) Sterilizations
In North America and Europe in the 20th century (1930s to mid-70s)
hundreds of thousands of individuals were forcibly sterilized under
eugenics laws. In Europe, the Nazis sterilized nearly half a million
people in one year alone, 1934 (Edwin Black, War Against the Weak,
2003). Dachau concentration camp (which I’ve visited) was established
(1933) for political prisoners (E. Black, IBM and the Holocaust,
Torture testimony
2001), initially “German Communists, Social Democrats, trade unionists, and other political opponents” of the Nazis (--Holocaust Memorial Museum), later to include “the Bolshevik Jews.”
Here is a paraphrased description from a concentration camp victim of
a Nazi doctor who performed X-ray and surgical sterilizations on the
I heard a buzzing sound for (several) minutes and felt a general feeling of
malaise... When another man (surgical sterilization victim) asked why he
was being operated on when he was perfectly healthy, Dr. Dering replied,
“Stop barking like a dog. You will die anyway (in the camp).”
--Robert Jay Lifton, The Nazi Doctors, 1986, p283
1 Less than 200 microamperes is sufficient for a ‘measure of control
of cerebral activity’--Nick Begich.
2 ‘Delgado Effect’ (1950s) -- It is rightly not the practice to name
discoveries of scientific phenomena after abusers of science. We use
the name of the MKULTRA researcher on electromagnetic brain influence, Jose Delgado, only as a kind of shorthand.
3 “Gas-lighting”--Setting someone up as having an unreliable opinion;
From the Hitchcock film 'Gaslight'
4 ‘Continued writing’--Targeting continues consistently, whether I
publish or not. It must be continuous to keep up the cover of a medical problem. Also, it is in part ‘weapons testing.’
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