The images is based on Agfacolor CT-18 120 slide film taken with a
The images is based on Agfacolor CT-18 120 slide film taken with a
Price calculated on September 02. 2015 The images is based on Agfacolor CT-18 120 slide film taken with a Zeiss Ikon Nettar 515 and the motion film is a Kodak double 8 film taken with two different cameras, one Braun fixfocus and a Paillard double 8. Printed with an Epson Stylus Pro 9800. 310g Canson Arches Velin and 315g RAG Photographique from Canson without any OBA (Optical Brightening Agents). Epson Ultra Chrome K3 ink, except for the black which is Eboni from Inksupply, a matte carbon ink created to achieve a deeper black. This combination of ink and paper is created to achieve a extreme good archival length. The Agfacolor has three price categories. Frame not included. Tax not included. Different rules are complied from country to country and for private or non private sales. Big Image size, 44 x 55.8 inch 7 + 3 artist proofs Medium Image size, 22 x 26.9 inch 15 + 3 artist proofs [email protected] Small Image size, 14.7 x 18.1 inch 21 + 3 artist proofs Film stripes Image size, 7.1-8.7 x 23.6 inch 50 + 3 artist proofs +46 (0) 704 88 27 28 Visual Perception · Lindvägen 13, 459 31, Ljungskile, Sweden · 720327-5099 · SE720327509901 Orust Sparbank · bg.: 216-0539 · 835350037404027 · IBAN.: SE41 8000 0835 3500 3740 4027 · BIC.: SWEDSESS Price catagory 1 Big 1 730 € / 2 300 $ Medium 610 € / 810 $ Small 290 € / 380 $ Vid ka j på slutdestination Livorno At the quay in Livorno (FC_01) Vattenskidor, livbåt redo Water-skiing, lifeboat ready (FC_02) Fockmasten Foremast (FC_03) Bramrånocken Topp gallantyard arm (FC_06) Däcket från focktoppen Ships deck seen from foremast head (FC_09) Bram och försegel från focktoppen Top gallant and fore staysails from foremast head (FC_10) Plaza de Coll Plaza de Coll (FC_12) Utanför Palma de Mallorca Off Palma de Mallorca (FC_14) Andrum Breathing space (FC_18) Riggen skuggar ka jen i Livorno Foremast rigging shadows the quay in Livorno (FC_33) Capri, Marina Grande med Flying Clipper sett från San Michele Capri, Marina Grande and Flying Clipper seen from San Michele (FC_41) Price catagory 2 Big 1 400 € / 1 850 $ Medium 470 € / 625 $ Small 210 € / 280 $ Palma (de Mallorca) Palma (de Mallorca) (FC_04) Sjömen i Pompeji Sailors in Pompeji (FC_07) Till ankars, speedbåten At anchor, the speedboat (FC_13) Till ankars vid Bonifatio, rökpaus At anchor by Bonifatio, smoking break (FC_15) Bonifatio Bonifatio (FC_17) Bonifatio, fästningen Bonifatio, the fortress (FC_19) Hästdroska i Malaga Hourse drawn cap, Malaga (FC_20) Sundet in mot Bonifatio Entering strait of Bonifatio (FC_21) Vy från backen, ankarspelet View from the forecastle with capstan (FC_22) Kust mot karga kalkklippor Barren lime stone coast (FC_25) Palma de Mallorca Palma de Mallorca (FC_28) Capri Capri (FC_29) Capri, San Michele Capri, San Michele (FC_31) Kejsaren under valven på San Michele Emperors under the valves at San Michele (FC_34) Livorno, hamnkvarter Livorno, dock district (FC_39) Price catagory 3 Big 935 € / 1 235 $ Medium 305 € / 405 $ Small 175 € / 230 $ Besättningsmän, däck och maskin Deck and engine crew members (FC_11) Kustland, vind kommer Coastland, wind approaching (FC_23) Mallorca, Pollenza Mallorca, Pollenza (FC_27) Bonifatio, sundet Strait of Bonifatio (FC_30) Capri, nordväst. På väg mot blå grottan. San Michele på kammen Capri, northwest. On our way to Grotta Azura. San Michele on the crest (FC_37) Gränd i Pompeji Alley in Pompeji (FC_40) Film stripes 110 € / 140 $ FC_S8_lined_bad FC_S8_lined_p14 FC_S8_lined_p62 FC_S8_lined_p76 Film stripes 110 € / 140 $ FC_S8_lined_p82 FC_S8_lined_tunes FC_S8_lined_bog FC_S8_lined_hissa