Fall 2010 Fall 2010 Fall 2010 Fall 2010 - WSSRA
Fall 2010 Fall 2010 Fall 2010 Fall 2010 - WSSRA
Fall 2010 WEST SUBURBAN SPECIAL RECREATION ASSOCIATION Our greatest contribution... Quality of Life asistencia en Espanol pagina 2 a w ssr ssra WEST SUBURBAN SPECIAL RECREATION ASSOCIATION 2915 Maple Street, Franklin Park, IL 60131 847.455.2100 (voice or TTY) Office Hours: 8:30 AM. - 5:00 PM Monday through Friday (After hours please leave message on voice mail.) Fall 2010 The West Suburban Special Recreation Association is a part of your local park district or village recreation program. We provide recreation programs for adults and children who have a physical impairment, a mental disability, or any other type of disability. Your park district or village governs the operation of the Association. The partner districts and villages and their representative to our Board of Directors are listed below: BOARD OF DIRECTORS WSSRA STAFF Berwyn Park District ................................................................ Jeff Janda Clyde Park District ................................................................... Alex Rueda Village of Elmwood Park .................................................. John Lannefeld Park District of Forest Park .................................................. Larry Piekarz Park District of Franklin Park ....................................... Joseph D. Modrich Village of Harwood Heights ......................................... Michael Gadzinski Hawthorne Park District .................................................... Dennis Raleigh Norridge Park District ........................................................... Mark DeSalvo North Berwyn Park District ............................................ Joseph C. Vallez Park District of Oak Park ...................................................... Marty Bracco River Forest Park District ....................................................... Mike Sletten Sandra Gbur ............... 236 Marianne Birko ............ 226 Robert A. Foster ......... 238 Maryellen Bilek ............ 228 Sherry Scouffas ........ 225 Gretchen Dennis ........ 219 Matt Barber ................. 235 Dawn Krawiec ........... 231 Ahren Hoffman ........... 234 Annie Lhotka ............... 230 April Ryan ................... 240 Amy Mepham .............. 232 Kristy Dacanay ........... 224 Lisa Gershak .............. 221 Noelia Hernandez ....... 222 Aileen Maldonado ....... 220 Luz Rocha-Serrano .... 245 Larry Feldt .................. 245 Joe Wolfe .................... 245 Mike Zych ................... 245 BOARD MEETINGS The Board of Directors of the Association meets on the second Tuesday of the month 8 times per year, at 7:00 PM. Call the office at 847.455.2100 for the location of the meetings. The public is invited to attend. REGISTRATION UPDATE ALL FALL 2010 REGISTRATIONS TAKEN ON A FIRST-COME, FIRST-SERVED BASIS AFTER ................. August 16, 2010 FALL PHONE-IN REGISTRATION BEGINS: ..................... August 16, 2010 FALL REGISTRATION ENDS: .................................... September 17, 2010 FALL 2010 BROCHURES Distributed .............................. December, 2010 .......................................... Executive Director ........................ Superintendent of Recreation ........ Superintendent of Safety & Operations ........................................ Outreach Specialist ........................................ Outreach Specialist .......................................... Inclusion Manager ............................ Human Resource Manager ........................................... Program Manager .................................. Recreation Coordinator .................................. Recreation Coordinator ...................................... Recreation Specialist ...................................... Recreation Specialist .............................................. Lekotek Leader ........................................... Finance Manager ......................................................... Registrar ................................ Administrative Assistant ................................................ WSSRA Driver ................................................ WSSRA Driver ................................................ WSSRA Driver ................................................ WSSRA Driver BEAT THE PHONE RUSH FAX your registration today at 847.455.2157. Contact your local Park District for use of their FAX machine for your WSSRA registration. ON OUR COVER Success Quest participants from Giles School enjoy preparing some Halloween fun. Participants Audry Majer, Xavier Rodriguez, Rebecca Garcia and Gavin Czarnecki. PARA ASISTENCIA EN ESP ANOL ESPANOL Por favor llamar a la oficina de WSSRA. Deje un mensaje en extension 222. Noelia Hernandez les respondera lo mas pronto posible. Tel: 847.455.2100 ext. 222. INDIVIDUALS WHO HAVE A HEARING IMPAIRMENT OR COMMUNICATION DISORDER… CALL 847.455.2100 TO UTILIZE OUR TDD! WSSRA WEB SITE Check out the WSSRA web site for up to date program information. E-Mail your comments to us. www .wssr a.net www.wssr Fall Programs WSSRA’s fall program session is 9 weeks in length for most programs. Fall programs begin September 27, 2010. For exact times and days, please consult each individual program description in this brochure. 2 3 programs at a glance SPECIAL OL YMPICS OLYMPICS BOBCATS BASKETBALL .............................................................. MI, AUT, DD, 15 YEARS & UP ........................... TUESDAY ...................... 6:30-8:00 PM ................................ 8 FVSRA SWIM MEET .......................................................................................................................................................... SATURDAY .................... 10:00-2:00 PM .............................. 8 SEASPAR SWIM MEET ..................................................................................................................................................... SATURDAY ..................... 7:30-1:00 PM ................................ 8 SPECIAL OLYMPIC APPLICATION FORM ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 7 SPORTS BANQUET ......................................................................................................................................................... SUN. SEPT 19 .................. 3:00-6:00 PM ................................ 8 WSSRA STINGRAY SWIM TEAM ................................................. AUT, MI, DD, 8 YEARS & UP ............................. MONDAY ........................ 7:00-8:10PM ................................ 8 CHILDREN CREATIVE MOVEMENT & TUMBLING TOO! .............................. ALL ABILITIES, 3-7 YEARS ................................ FRIDAY ............ 3:00-3:45 PM/3:50-4:35 PM ................... 9 FUN FACTORY, MORNING ........................................................... ALL ABILITIES, 3-7 YEARS ............................. THURSDAY .................... 11:45-1:15 PM ............................ 11 FUN FACTORY, AFTERNOON ...................................................... ALL ABILITIES, 3-7 YEARS ............................. THURSDAY ..................... 3:45-5:15 PM .............................. 11 LEKOTEK ........................................................................................... ALL ABILITIES BIRTH TO 6 YEARS ....... BY APPOINTMENT ....................................................................... 9 SATURDAY FUN CLUB .................................................................. ALL ABILITIES, 3-6 YEARS ............................. SATURDAY .................... 9:00-11:30 AM ............................ 11 SUPER SATURDAYS ....................................................................... ALL ABILITIES, 7-11 YEARS ........................... SATURDAY .................... 12:15-2:45 PM ............................ 11 SWIM LESSONS ............................................................................... ALL ABILITIES ............................................... MON-THUR-FRI ................. SEE CHART .............................. 10 TUMBLING INTO FUN .................................................................... ALL ABILITIES, 3-6 YEARS ............................... MONDAY ....................... 3:15-4:30 PM ................................ 9 SCHOOL AGE BERWYN SPORTS GALORE ......................................................... LD, BD, VI, PI ................................................... WEDNESDAY ................... 3:15-4:30 PM .............................. 12 DANCE MANIA ................................................................................ MI, AUT, DD ........................................................... MONDAY ....................... 2:45-4:00 PM .............................. 14 EXPLORE THE ARTS ...................................................................... ALL ABILITIES, 3-11 YEARS ............................. TUESDAY ...................... 4:15-5:00 PM .............................. 12 FALL ZEBRA SPORTS ................................................................... ALL ABILITIES. 4-8 YEARS .......................... WEDNESDSAY ................. 6;30-7:15 PM .............................. 12 GOAL! ................................................................................................ LD, BD, VI, PI ................................................... WEDNESDAY ................... 2:50-4:20 PM .............................. 14 GOODWIN VARIETY SPORTS & MAD SCIENTISTS ................. MI, DD, AUT .......................................................... TUESDAY ...................... 2:50-4:00 PM .............................. 14 JR BULLS PREPARATORY WHEELCHAIR BASKETBALL ... 12 YEARS & UNDER ......................................... SATURDAY ................... NOON-2:00 PM ........................... 13 JR BULLS JV WHEELCHAIR BASKETBALL ........................... 13 YEARS & UP .................................................. SATURDAY ................... NOON-2:00 PM ........................... 13 JR BOBCATS .................................................................................... ALL ABILITIES, 9-14 YEARS ............................. TUESDAY ...................... 7:00-8:00 PM .............................. 13 OUTDOOR ADVENTURES ............................................................. MI, LD, VI, 12-22 YEARS .................................. SATURDAY .................... 9:30-12:30 PM ............................ 18 SATURDAY BOWLING LEAGUE .................................................. MI, AUT, DD, SP, MH, 13 YEARS & UP ......... SATURDAY ..................... 1:00-3:00 PM .............................. 15 SENSATIONAL SATURDAYS ......................................................... ALL ABILITIES, 3-11 YEARS ........................... SATURDAY .................... 9:00-11:30 AM ............................ 11 SPORTS N MORE ............................................................................ PI, 6-21 YEARS ................................................... SATURDAY ..................... 10:00-NOON .............................. 13 STRIKE OUT BOWLERS ................................................................ ALL ABILITIES ................................................... THURSDAY ..................... 3:00-4:30 PM .............................. 14 SUPER BOWLERS .......................................................................... ALL ABILITIES, 7-22 YEARS .......................... THURSDAYS ................... 3:45-5:15 PM .............................. 12 SWIM LESSONS ............................................................................... ALL ABILITIES ............................................... MON-THUR-FRI ................. SEE CHART .............................. 10 TAE KWON DO ................................................................................. ALL ABILITIES 9-14 YEARS .............................. TUESDAY ...................... 7:15-8:00 PM .............................. 12 TACTILIANS ...................................................................................... ALL ABILITIES, 3-10 YEARS ............................. MONDAY ....................... 3:15-4:45 PM .............................. 12 WEDNESDAY EXPLORERS CLUB .............................................. HI, DEAF, HARD OF HEARING .................... WEDNESDAY ................... 3:30-6:00 PM .............................. 14 WEIRD SCIENCE ............................................................................. TMI, AUT, MI, DD, 7-22 YEARS ....................... THURSDAY ..................... 2:50-4:00 PM .............................. 14 WE’VE GOT TALENT ....................................................................... ALL ABILITIES, .................................................... MONDAY ....................... 2:45-4:15 PM .............................. 14 WSSRA STINGRAY SWIM TEAM ................................................. AUT, MI, DD, 8 YEARS & UP ............................. MONDAY ....................... 7:00-8:10 PM .............................. 10 YOGA FOR ALL ............................................................................... ALL ABILITIES, 6-12 YEARS ............................. TUESDAY ...................... 3:30-4:10 PM ................................ 9 HOLID AY PR OGRAMS ..................................... ALL ABILITIES ............................................................................................... 22 HOLIDA PROGRAMS TEENS & YOUNG ADUL TS ADULTS BOBCATS BASKETBALL .............................................................. MI, AUT, DD, 15 YEARS & UP ........................... TUESDAY ...................... 6:30-8:00 PM .............................. 19 FOOD CRITICS ................................................................................. MLH, MI, AUT, DD, 15 YEARS & UP ................ FRIDAY ........................ 6:30-9:15 PM .............................. 15 HEALTHY START .............................................................................. 21 YEARS & OLDER ............................................ MONDAY ..................... 10:00-11:30 AM ........................... 18 INTERNATIONAL PASSPORT ........................................................ MLH MI, DD, 19 YEARS & UP ......................... THURSDAY ..................... 7:00-8:30 PM .............................. 18 OUTDOOR ADVENTURES ............................................................. MI, LD, VI, 12-22 YEARS .................................. SATURDAY .................... 9:30-12:30 PM ............................ 18 SATURDAY BOWLING LEAGUE .................................................. MI, AUT, DD, SP, MH, 13 YEARS & UP ......... SATURDAY ..................... 1:00-3:00 PM .............................. 15 SHOW TIME ...................................................................................... MI, AUT, DD, 15 YEARS & UP ............................ FRIDAY ............................. VARIES .................................. 15 SATURDAY SOCIAL CLUBS ......................................................... MI, DD, AUT, 19 YEARS & UP ......................... SATURDAY ................. SEE SCHEDULE ..................... 16-17 STAY IN THE GAME ......................................................................... EMH, TMH, AUT, DD, 15 YEARS & UP ........ WEDNESDAY ................... 6:15-7:15 PM .............................. 19 TEEN & ADULT AQUA ATHLETICS ............................................. MLH, MI, AUT, DD, 15 YEARS & UP ............... MONDAY ...................... 8:15-9:00 PM ............................. 15 WEEKLY WORKOUT ....................................................................... MI, AUT, DD, MLH, 13 YEARS & UP ............... TUESDAY ...................... 7:00-8:15 PM .............................. 15 WINTER ESCAPE ............................................................................ MI, DD, 13 YEARS & UP .................................... JAN 14-16 ............................................................................. 18 WSSRA STINGRAY SWIM TEAM ................................................. AUT, MI, DD, 8 YEARS & UP ............................. MONDAY ....................... 7:00-8:10 PM .............................. 19 ADUL TS 21 YEARS & OLDER ADULTS CITY TOURS ...................................................................................... HI, VI, PI, MLH ....................................................... FRIDAY ................... 10:00 AM-2:00 PM ......................... 21 TEEN & ADULT AQUA ATHLETICS ............................................. PI, VI, MLH, MI, AUT, DD, 15 YRS & UP ........ MONDAY ....................... 8:15-9:00 PM .............................. 21 WALK-N-DINE .................................................................................. HI, VI, PI, MLH ...................................................... TUESDAY ................. 9:30 AM-12:30 PM ......................... 20 WINNER TAKES ALL ...................................................................... HI, VI, PI, MLH .................................................... THURSDAY ..................... 6:00-9:00 PM .............................. 20 WILD CARD WEDNESDAYS ......................................................... HI, VI, PI, MLH .................................................. WEDNESDAY ............. 9:30 AM –12:30 PM ........................ 21 FAMILIES SANTA’S POLAR EXPRESS .......................................................................................................................................... DECEMBER 4 .................. 2:15-5:45 PM .............................. 22 WSSRA MAKIN’ TRACKS WALKERS ........................................ ALL ABILITIES ................................................. WEDNESDAY ................... 6:00-7:00 PM .............................. 23 MAKIN’ TRACKS 5K FUN WALK/RUN ...................................... ALL ABILITIES .................................................. OCTOBER 2 ................ 8:00 START TIME .......................... 23 WSSRA GOLF “PAR-TEE” ............................................................. ALL ABILITIES ............................................... JANUARY 2010 ........................................................................ 23 WSSRF BOWL-A-THON ................................................................. ALL ABILITITES .............................................. NOVEMBER 21 ................. 2:30-4:30 PM .............................. 23 vices services community ser Americans with Disability Act Illinois Assistive Technology Project Information Hotline The West Suburban Special Recreation Association (WSSRA) is aware of the Americans with Disability Act (ADA) which prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability. If you have any questions about WSSRA’s policy regarding the ADA, or believe you have been unfairly discriminated against by WSSRA, please call Sandra Gbur at 847.455.2100. A procedure is available to you for the resolution of complaints. It is an information and resource service for citizens of Illinois with disabilities. Call toll free 1.800.852.5110. Park District of Oak Park Splash Pads Used Equipment For fun in the summer, visit one of the four splash pads operated by the Park District of Oak Park. The splash pads, which include spray features, water jellies & other fun amenities, are located at Andersen Park, 824 N Hayes; Field Park, 935 Woodbine, Fox Park, 640 S Oak Park Ave., & Longfellow Park, 610 S Ridgeland Ave. Splash pad hours are 10:00 AM 8:00 PM, Memorial Day through Labor Day. At Longfellow Park, water wheelchairs are available for splash pad use. For information or to reserve a chair, call the Park District facility rental hotline at 708.725.2722. Used equipment for sale is often listed by an agency called Employment Resources at 1.800.447.4221. Illinois Life Span Illinois Life Span Project is a free information & referral service for people with developmental disabilities! 1.800.588.7002. www.illinoislifespan.org. “It Only Takes A Village or Two” Dial 711 The relay service works by connecting calls between a speech or hearing impaired person using a text telephone, or TTY, and a hearing person using a regular telephone. The person using the TTY types his or her conversation and the message relayed to the other party by a communications assistant (CA). The CA then relays the hearing person’s exact words by typing them back to the TTY user. Sibshops For Kids who have a brother or sister with special health or developmental needs. These new support groups are sponsored by Community Support Services. Kids enjoy lunch, play games and have fun. Call Tara at 708.354.4547, ext. 128 for details. Child & Family Connection Do you have any questions or concerns about your young child’s growth or development? If your child is under the age of three, he or she may qualify for services through the early intervention system. This system can provide evaluation and services to facilitate your child’s development. Call 708.449.0625 for more information. Autism Newsletter Is a new support group for Leyden Township area families who have children on the autism spectrum. Teacher’s & classroom aides are welcome, too. The group works to support each other and to learn more about the impact of autism on children and their families. Meetings held on the third Monday of each month at 7:00 PM at Vince’s Italian Restaurant, 4747 N Harlem Ave, Harwood Heights. Pizza & beverages are served courtesy of Vince’s Restaurant. For more information, call Tracie Rasic at 708.583.0577 or Jennifer Paoletti at 708.457.0321. Leyden Township Commission for Disabled The Leyden Township has formed a commission for individuals who have a disability. The Commission’s goal is to identify persons who reside in the Leyden Township area and have a disability. Special outings are planned on a monthly basis. If you know of anyone who is interested call Dorothy Klein at 847.455.8616. Adapted Equipment Available for Rental Having a party or special event? Recreational and adaptive equipment will now be made available to individuals residing in any of our eleven partner districts for a fee of $5.00 per item. Equipment that may be rented includes an adaptive bowling ball and ramp, parachute, pillo polo set, and a cageball with a colorful canvas cover. Please call the WSSRA office at 847.455.2100 for more information. Autism Society of America To read a monthly newsletter on autism visit: www.autismnews.net. 2200 S. Main Street, Lombard. Autism Society of America (ASA) 630.691.1270. For more information: www.autismillinois.org. KEY TO ABBREVIATIONS Religious Education ADD ................................................... Attention Deficit Disorder ADHD ....................... Attention Deificit Hyper Activity Disorder ALZ .......................................................................... Alzheimer’s AUT .................................................................................. Autism St. Bernardines in Forest Park invites youth with mental disabilities, ages 11-16, to attend a program of religious instruction on Saturdays from 9:30 - 11:30 am. For more information, call 708.366.3553. Grace Lutheran Church in River Forest will run a supported Sunday School program this Fall for children with special needs as part of their regular Sunday morning classes at 9:45 am. For more information, please call Wendy Will at 708.366.6900. BD ................................................................. Behavior Disorder DD ...................................................... Developmental Disability EC ....................................................................... Early Childhood HI ................................................................ Hearing Impairment LD .................................................................. Learning Disability MI ................................................................. Mental Impairment MLH ....................................................................... Mental Health PI ............................................................... Physical Impairment SL .................................................... Speech & Language Delay VI ................................................................... Visual Impairment DuPage Children’s Museum- 3rd Thursday of every month from 5:00-7:00 PM is a special time for families of children with autism spectrum disorder. Experience an outing the entire familiy can enjoy. See the museum during a quieter time. Meet professionals who work in the field of autism. For more information call the DCM Community Access Coordinator, Debbie Clemens, at 630.637.8000 X4800. INDIVIDUALS WHO HAVE A HEARING IMPAIRMENT OR COMMUNICATION DISORDER ... CALL US AT 847.455.2100 TO UTILIZE OUR TDD! 4 You will: ♦ Meet new people while participating in fun recreation activities. ♦ Enjoy personal growth. ♦ Have a flexible schedule (morning, afternoon, evening & weekend hours available). ♦ Gain leadership skills. ♦ Enhance self-esteem by being part of a team that brings out the best in everyone. For more information call 847.455.2100 or visit www.wssra.net. you volunt olunteer eers afff thank y ou v olunt eer s & ssttaf We thank all of WSSRA’s summer volunteers & staff. Programs could not run without them! Tania Andrade Nedum Aniemeka Rebecca Baiman Danette Baker David Banas Sule Baptiste JoAnn Barber Krystal Barnes Nick Barnes Khalil Basso Annie Baumann Alaina Bayliss Anthony Becker Elizabeth Berman Teresa Bernard Ashley Beverly Jennifer Beverly Lekesha Bey Tim Blair Claire Bracco Tom Bradley Jessica Brauer Alex Brunet Carol Caffero Jon Callahan Kristen Calvert Liz Campbell Matt Campbell Rebecca Campbell Karina Carrera Lisa Chaidez Beth Cheney Diandra Ciello Angie Coleman Katie Coleman Ashley Colletti Kaitlin Conway Conor Coughlan Gemma Cozzi Anita Dec Heather DeLaGarza Carm DePillo Dan DeRosa Bertha Diaz Nicole DiPaolo Max Domin Shelia Donoghue Marge Druska Rosie Egan Kim Egen Woods Lauren Elhert Geoff Essex Lauren Farmer Beverly Felton Brandon Felton Lena Ferrara Mullins Ken Filip Nicole Fontanetta Sarah Forte Megan Foster The Frank Family Anna Freerkson David Fruth Sarah Garvey Nancy Giangrasse Amy Gleason Carly Golden Madeline Gorman Kurt Grahnke Cory Griffith Garett Griffith Amanda Guerrero Nichole Gunn April Guzman Shandi Hammer Chloe Hannon Megan Hawkins Sara Hawkins Quentin Hawood Will Hejna Elliot Henry Jasmin Hernandez Pat Hurst Patty Iannotta Nina Iannotta Trisha Iannotta Tom Ide Corin James Rachel Jamison Dina Jones Kristen Jones Max Joubert Laura Kaiser Matt Kelly Dan Kelly Hallie Klugman Nicole Knebelsberger Dan Knickelbein Nancy Knudson Megan Kopacz Tim Kordesh Alexis Kosik Conor Kovats Kelli Krueger Sarah Kuhr Len Kunkel April Kus Daria Latocha Erin Lattyak Andrew Lee Ashley Lenardi Conchi Linares Dan Magner Carlos Marroquin Matt Matkovich Kaitlin Matthews Megan Matthews 5 Andrea Mazz Kris Mazza Sandro Mazza Peter McCoy Elizabeth McDonald Shauna McDonagh Teegan McFeely Katie McKay Brenna McNally Kaitlin McNulty Mike Meyer Natalie Meza Rhys Miles Jennifer Miller Vickie Miller Kia Moore Jim Nakatsuka Matt Nolan Jasmin Nuhonavic Christine O’Connor Anel Oilvares Annie Oliver John Oliver Ted Orphan Hector Oviedo Shannon Owsiak Japes Palles Danielle Pape Anisa Pashaj Ben Pecoraro John Pflaumer Lauren Polakowski Lou Pontillo Anne Ralenkotter Maria Ramirez Curtis Rath Leigh Reisberg Alan Renshaw Amanda Riamondi Kayde Ries Madeline Rippen Junior Rodriguez Deanna Rogers Ann Ryan Henry Ryan Billy Ryan Tommy Ryan Jessica Sabella Monica Sadek Kathryn Schoedel Rebekah Schoedel Nikki Schraub Elizabeth Schrouder Jeff Schultz Claire Shanahan Emma Shanahan Chris Sholten Gisela Solis Sarah Soszko Brianna Sullivan Irene Talavera Sydney Tauber Nandie Tense Delrita Thomas Megan Tinajero Emily Tongue Abigail Vander Laan Anais Velazquez John Vicars Mike Vinci David Vogel Stephanie Volpe Melissa Walsh Nicole Ward Sarah Weber Brandon White Stefanie Wu Amanda Ziupsnys wssra employment oppor tunities WSSRA is looking for energetic & caring staff to assist in recreation programs for individuals with disabilities. ram locations og pr ogr prog Ascension Church - Pine Room, 601 Van Buren, Oak Park .......... 708/848-2703 Barrie Recreation Center, Garfield & Lombard, Oak Park ............... 708/383-6905 Brunswick Zone, 3111, River Road, River Grove .......................... 708/456-4100 Carroll Recreation Center, 1125 S. Kenilworth, Oak Park ............. 708/383-6906 Centre at North Park, 10040 Addison, Franklin Park ....................... 847/678-4021 Cicero Community Center, 2250 49th Ave, Cicero ......................... 708/477-6308 Cicero West School 4937 W. 23rd St., Cicero............................708/780-4487 Circle Bowl, 7244 Circle, Forest Park .............................................. 708/366-2810 Clyde Park District Stadium, 1909 S. Laramie, Cicero ................... 708/652-3545 Columbus East & West School, 5400 W. 31st, Cicero ..................... 708/780-4482 Commons Park, 2401 S DesPlaines, No Riverside ....................... 708/442-5515 Concordia University Pool, River Forest ......................................... 708/209-3118 Dole Library, 255 Augusta, Oak Park ................................................ 708/848-7050 Dominican University, 7900 Division, River Forest ........................ 708/366-2490 Elmwood Park Rec. Center., 2 Conti Parkway, Elmwood Park ... 708/452-3935 Elmwood Park Family Aquatic Ctr., 2 Conti Pkwy, Elmwood Pk . 708/452-3935 Emerson School, 3106 Clinton, Berwyn ........................................... 708/795-2306 Enger School, 10401 W Grand, Franklin Park ................................. 847/455-5299 Field Recreation Center, 935 Woodbine Ave., Oak Park ................ 708/383-6907 Field Stevenson School, 925 Beloit, Forest Park ............................ 708/366-5703 Park District of Forest Park, 7501 Harrison, Forest Park ................ 708/366-7500 Forest Park Middle School, 925 Beloit, Forest Park ........................ 708/366-5703 Fox Recreation Center, Oak Park & Jackson, Oak Park ............... 708/383-6908 Franklin Park Community Center, 9560 Franklin, Franklin Park ... 847/455-2852 Franklin Park Ice Arena, 9711 Waveland, Franklin Park ................ 847/671-4755 Freedom Park, 3701 S. Scoville, Berwyn ....................................... 708/788-1701 Giles School, 4251 Oriole, Norridge......................................... 708/453-4847 Harwood Heights Village Hall, 7300 Wilson, Harwood Heights ....... 708/867-7200 Havlicek School, 6401 15th St., Berwyn ........................................... 708/795-2450 Hawthorne Park District, 5200 W. 29th Pl, Cicero ............................. 708/863-6511 Holmes School, 500 N. Kenilworth, Oak Park ................................. 708/524-3100 Irving School, 1125 S Cuyler, Oak Park ......................................... 708/5324-3090 Jefferson School, 7035 16th St, Berwyn ........................................... 708/795-2454 Kids for Karate, 10125 W Grand, Franklin Park ............................... 847/349-5425 Liberty Recreation Center, 6445 W 27th Pl, Berwyn ....................... 708/795-2891 Lincoln School, 511 Park, River Forest ............................................ 708/366-7340 Longfellow Recreation Center, Ridgeland & Adams, Oak Park ..... 708/383-6909 Longfellow School, 610 Highland, Oak Park .................................... 708/524-3060 Mann School, 921 N. Kenilworth, Oak Park .................................... 708/524-3084 Morton East High School 2423 S Austin Blvd, Cicero ..................... 708/222-5264 Morton West High School, 2400 Home, Berwyn .............................. 708/222.5700 Norridge Park District, 4631 N. Overhill, Norridge ........................... 708/457-1244 North Berwyn Park District, 16th & Wesley, Berwyn ....................... 708/749-4900 Oak Park River Forest High School, Lake & Scoville, Oak Park .. 708/383-0700 PAV Berwyn YMCA, 2947 S. Oak Park Ave, Berwyn ................... 708/749-0606 Pavek Center, 6501 31st St, Berwyn ............................................... 708/788-2010 Proksa Park, 3001 Wisconsin, Berwyn ............................................ 708/795-2892 Roosevelt School, 1500 S 50th Ave, Cicero .................................... 708/652-7833 Stevenson Recreation Center, Lake & Taylor, Oak Park ............... 708/383-6910 Striker Lanes, 6728 16th St. Berwyn .................................................. 708/484-7831 Unity East School, 2115 S 54th Ave, Cicero .................................... 708/863-8229 Trinity High School, 7574 W Division, Oak Park ............................. 708/771-8383 Town Hall Bowl, 5025 25th street, Cicero..................................708/863-0300 Whittier School, 715 N. Harvey, Oak Park ....................................... 708/524-3080 Williard School, 1250 Ashland, River Forest..............................708/366-6740 WSSRA Office, 2915 Maple St., Franklin Park ................................. 847/455-2100 See www .wssr a.net ffor or dir ections www.wssr .wssra.net directions ections.. NEW MEMBERS The WSSRF welcomes new members. Please consider joining! No one on the Foundation is asked to “do” more than they can handle, yet by working together, WSSRF raises $20,000 each year to support WSSRA programs. At each meeting, Foundation members have the opportunity to give input and ideas about program offerings. So come join the fun and help WSSRF improve and expand programs for persons of all ages with disabiltiies. Call Sherry Scouffas at 847.455.2100 ext. 225 to learn more. The WSSRF needs you! special olympics Illinois Special Olympics provides year round sports training in a variety of Olympic-type sports for children and adults with mental impairments or closely related developmental disabilities who are 8 years of age or older. The program gives athletes opportunities to develop physical fitness, demonstrate courage, experience joy and participate in the sharing of skills and friendship with their families and other athletes. WSSRA supports the mission of Special Olympics through the participation in the following sports: * Track & Field * Softball * Aquatics * Basketball * Bowling *Volleyball * Golf * CRITERIA FOR PARTICIPATION All Special Olympic athletes must have a current, completed Application for Participation in Illinois Special Olympics form on file with the Special Olympic coordinator at WSSRA. This form contains four sections: 1. 2. Athlete Information Health Insurance and Emergency Information 2. Parent and/or Guardian Authorization & Medical Authorization 3. Medical Clearance (This MUST be completed by a physician). Applications for Participation in Illinois Special Olympics are valid for 2 years based on the earliest signed date on the medical application form. We can FAX the medical application form to you today. Anyone interested in participating, starting a new sport, or volunteering, please contact: WSSRA Special Olympics Coordinator, 2915 Maple Street, Franklin Park, IL 60131, 847/455-2100. 6 special olympics 7 special olympics 441 WSSRA STINGRAY SWIM TEAM AUT, MI, DD, 8 Years & Older 443 FVSRA SWIM MEET STINGRAY SWIM TEAM MEMBERS ONLY This is a training program for participants who are comfortable in the water. Participants will be expected to swim consecutive laps throughout a majority of the program. Those wishing to compete in Special Olympics can receive their training in the program but are not obligated to compete with WSSRA. Bring a suit and towel. Transportation is available on a limited basis. Please Note: Due to the limited swim lessons available, swim team members are not eligible for swim lessons. You will continue to do skill development as part of the swim team. Stingray Swim Team members are invited to join us at the FVSRA Swim Meet. Register today. More information will come after registration. Pick up point transportation will be available. Members are invited to partcipate in the SEASPAR annual swim meet. Pick up point transportation will be available. Saturday, December 4, 2010 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM Norris Recreation Center, St. Charles Fee: $15.00 Trans: $2.75 Saturday, November 20, 2010 7:30 AM - 1:00 PM (9:00 AM Swim Meet starts) Downers Grove South High School Fee: $15.00 Trans: $2.75 442 SEASPAR SWIM MEET STINGRAY SWIM TEAM MEMBERS ONLY WSSRA’s Very Own Brings Home the Gold! Mondays, 7:00-8:10 PM (Pool Time 7:05-8:10) September 27 - November 22, 2010 (No program Oct 11) Oak Park River Forest High School Fee: $50.00 Trans: $48.40 One of WSSRA’s very own was selected to represent Illinois at the Special Olympic Nationals held in Lincoln Nebraska in July. Frank Patterson a resident of Oak Park and a long time participant with WSSRA was selected to swim four events at the National games. Frank is a top athlete in most every sport he participates in. He especially excels at swimming and due to his consistent performances he was selected. It is quite an honor to be selected and a tremendous accomplishment to achieve a gold medal at these events. Frank won his gold by finishing first in his division in the 100 yard Freestyle race. Frank will be honored at the upcoming WSSRA Sports banquet on Sunday, September 19. Frank is the second WSSRA athlete to go to Nationals. Georgia Hunter was our first. 440 1ST ANNUAL WSSRA SPORTS BANQUET This evening is an opportunity to recognize WSSRA athletes and their accomplishments throughout the year. WSSRA sports being recognized are: Bobcats Basketball Teams Bobcats Softball Teams Bobcats Volleyball Teams Stingray Swim Team Bowling League Golf Participants Special Olympic Track & Field Team WSSRA Adapted Sports Program Sunday, September 19, 2010 3:00-6:00 PM Center at North Park, 10040 W Addison, Franklin Park Fee: $20.00 WSSRA Athletes $25.00 Guests The fee includes a buffet-style dinner, pop, coffee & tea. A cash bar is available. Franks events and results: First Place Gold - 100 Yard Freestyle 02:03.95 4th Place - 25 Yard Backstroke 00:48.58 5th Place - 4 x 25 Freestyle 01:46.47 7th Place - 50 Yard Freestyle 00:51.47 499 BOBCATS PRESEASON BASKETBALL - MI, AUT, DD - 15 Years & Older All teens and adults who are interested in joining the WSSRA Bobcats Basketball Team, register now! Practices and games will be held on Tuesday evenings. During the fall season participants will practice and prepare for the game season which begins at the end of December and goes through the end of March. All participants must participate in the practice season in order to be a part of the game season. Bobcat Basketball Philosophy: In establishing the Bobcat’s basketball program, the WSSRA has set criteria the program will follow. WSSRA will emphasize teamwork, good sportsmanship, and giving one’s best in a safe and healthy environment. Competitiveness will come from the game itself and not from emphasis on the score. Each player will ♦ Practice & develop ball handling, dribbling & shooting. ♦ Learn about play development. ♦ Be a part of a team and learn the importance of teamwork. ♦ Learn and play different positions. More information about the game schedule and locations will be available upon registration. NOTE: YOU MUST BE IN THE 1ST SESSION TO BE ABLE TO JOIN AND COMPETE IN GAMES IN THE 2ND SESSION. New players must purchase a uniform before being able to compete on the Bobcats basketball team 499 Practice Session I : 199 Session II: September 28 - December 14, 2010 January 4 - March 15, 2011 Tuesdays, 6:30-8:00 PM (Time may vary based on location) Location to be announced Fee: $120.00 for Session I & II Uniform Fee $45.00 Warm-up Fee: $67.00 (optional) Photo by Mark Kindler 8 Dance Mania 2:45-4:00 PM Tumbling into Fun 3:15-4:30 PM Tactilians 3:15-4:45 PM Advanced Swim Lessons 6:15-6:55 PM Swim Lessons 6:25-6:55 PM WSSRA Stingray Swim Team 7:00-8:10 PM TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SPECIALS Goodwin Variety Sports Meets Mad Scientists 2:50-4:00 PM Goal! 2:50-4:20 PM Fun Factory 11:45-1:15 PM 3:45-5:15 PM Creative Movement & Tumbling Too! 3:45-4:45 PM Saturday Fun Club 9:00-11:30 AM WSSRA Sports Banquet Sept 19 Weird Science 2:50-4:00 PM Swim Lessons 3:45-4:15 PM 4:20-4:50 PM 4:55-5:25 PM 5:30-6:00 PM Sensational Saturdays 9:00-11:30 AM Makin’ Tracks Saturday, Oct 2 Outdoor Adventures 9:30-12:30 PM WSSRF Bowl-A-Thon Sunday, Nov 21 Sports-N-More 10:00-12:00 PM Santa’s Polar Express Saturday, Dec 4 Jr Bulls Noon - 2:00 PM Holiday Hullaballoo See page 22! Introduction to Yoga 3:30-4:10 PM Explore the Arts 4:15-5:00 Jr Bobcats 7:00-8:00 Tae Kwon Do 7:00 - 7:45 PM Berwyn Sports Galore 3:15-4:30 PM Wednesday Explorers Club 3:30-6:00 PM Zebra Sports 6:30-7:15 PM Jr Bobcats Basketball 7:00-8:00 PM Swim Lessons Concordia University 5:00-5:35 PM 5:45-6:20 PM Strike Out Bowlers 3:00-4:30 PM Super Bowlers 3:45-5:15 PM Swim Lessons 6:30-7:05 PM 7:10-7:45 PM Super Saturdays 12:15-2:45 PM Saturday Bowl 1:00-3:00 PM 400 LEKOTEK ALL ABILITIES, Birth to 6 Years WSSRA’s Lekotek is a toy lending library and resource for family play. Families meet for 1 hour play sessions each month guided by a trained Lekotek leader. Families have the opportunity to borrow from our inventory of over 2,000 toys including adapted toys which makes play possible for all kids. Lekotek offers: ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Relaxing, guided play sessions. Home loan of up to six toys monthly. Opportunities to focus on the abilities of children. Positive parent/child interactions that increase skills. Self-esteem building. Sibling play and fun. 414 TUMBLING INTO FUN All Abilities, 3 - 6 Years Don’t miss this opportunity to have your child enjoy some fun with friends after school. Participants will have the opportunity to run, jump and tumble to music, games and activities. Monthly play sessions are 1 hour and take place at the WSSRA office. Call Kristy or Ahren at 847.455.2100 for details and to schedule your first play session. Upon the conclusion of the program parents will pick-up their children at Jefferson school. Fee: $6.00 per visit Mondays, 3:15-4:30 PM Jefferson School, Berwyn September 27 - November 22, 2010 Fee: $16.20 418 FUN FACTORY ALL ABILITIES, 3-7 Years LASEC and Elmwood Park Early Childhood students can enjoy an extension of the school day by: ♦ Enjoying music activities that will promote speech & language development. ♦ Engaging in in gross motor activities and games that help promote gross motor skills. ♦ Participating in stimulating craft activities that help promote fine motor development. ♦ Eating a healthy snack provided weekly. Transportation to the program may be available. Parents pick up at the conclusion of the program at the Franklin Park Community Center. 411 CREATIVE MOVEMENT & TUMBLING TOO! - All Abilities, 3 - 7 Years Don’t miss this opportunity to have your child enjoy some fun with friends after school. Participants will have the opportunity to run, jump and tumble to music, games and activities. This program is offered to Elmwood Park & LASEC students only. The program will begin immediately following your child’s school day. Transportation is available to the program only. Upon the conclusion of the program parents will pick-up their children at the Franklin Park Community Center. Thursdays, September 30 - November 18, 2010 418-01 11:45-1:15 PM 418-02 3:45-5:15 PM Franklin Park Community Center Fee: $3.00 each week ($24.00 / 8 week session) Pick Up Point Trans:$1.40 each week ($11.20 / 8 week session) Fridays, 3:45-5:45 PM Franklin Park Community Center October 1 - November 19, 2010 Fee: $16.20 Trans to Program: $11.20 AGE 10 SWIM LESSONS - SEE P PA 9 children/school ag age e MONDAY We’ve Got Talent 2:;45-4:15 PM c hildr en hildren 441 WSSRA STINGRAY SWIM TEAM AUT, MI, DD, 8 Years & Older This is a training program for participants who are comfortable in the water. Participants will be expected to swim consecutive laps throughout a majority of the program. Those wishing to compete in Special Olympics can receive their training in the program but are not obligated to compete with WSSRA. Bring a suit and towel. Transportation is available on a limited basis. Please Note: Due to the limited swim lessons available, swim team members are not eligible for swim lessons. WSSRA will emphasize teamwork, good sportsmanship, and giving one’s best in a safe & healthy environment. WSSRA encourages parents and families to attend meets and cheer the teens/young adults on! We expect coaches, players and parents to demonstrate good sportsmanship during these events. This includes respect and support of coaching staff and officials who are working on behalf of your player. Any person not demonstrating good sportsmanship including behavior outbursts towards a player or coaching staff and/or officials, that is deemed threatening, will not be tolerated. You may be asked to leave and your future participation and attendance at events will be in jeopardy. By registering your son/daughter/dependent for this program you are agreeing to follow these guidelines as written. Please refer any concerns or questions to the Superintendent of Recreation. We look forward to a safe and successful season. Mondays, 7:00-8:10 PM (Pool time 7:05-8:10) Oak Park River Forest High School September 27 - November 22, 2010 (No program October 11) Fee: $50.00 Trans: $48.40 451 SWIM LESSONS - ALL ABILITIES, 3 Years & Older, Preschoolers are Welcome! A new and more affordable swimming option. Parents, now you will have an opportunity to watch your child improve an already learned stroke, learn new strokes and feel comfortable in the water while floating independently. This is a WSSRA Skill Development program. All skills will be taught in a progression, and a progress report will be given at the conclusion of the season. Bring suit and towel. Parents are responsible for changing child before and after lesson. Participants are limited to one half-hour lesson per season. Lessons are designed to be appropriate for specific age groups as well as skill level. PLEASE NOTE: ANYONE WITH POSSIBLE INCONTINENCE MUST WEAR PROTECTIVE PANTS UNDERNEATH THEIR SWIMSUITS, This is for everyone’s health & safety. If your child is wearing a swim diaper, the public health code requires them to wear rubber pants in addition to the diaper. Any problems in this area with your child could risk your child’s ability to participate in this program. If you have any questions, please contact us at 847.455.2100. Thank you for your attention and support. (Note: Concordia University Pool is not accessible to persons who are non-ambulatory or use a wheelchair). Prog # Day Program Time Photo by Antonio Perez Dates Location Fee -01 Mondays 6:15-6:55 PM Advanced swimmers only - Must swim 1 length of pool Sept 27 - Nov 22 (No program Oct 11) OPRFHS $35.50 (8 weeks) -02 Mondays All Ages 6:25-6:55 PM Sept 27 - Nov 22 (No program Oct 11) OPRFHS $29.75 (8 weeks) -03 Wednesdays 0-6 Years 5:00-5:35 PM Sept 29 - Nov 17 Concordia University (Not accessible) $32.60 (8 weeks) -04 Wednesdays 7 Years & Up 5:45-6:20 PM Sept 29 - Nov 17 Concordia University (Not accessible) $32.60 (8 weeks) -05 Thursdays All Ages 6:30-7:05 PM Sept 30-Nov 18 Morton East HS (Not accessible) $32.60 (8 weeks) -06 Thursdays All Ages 7:10-7:45 PM Sept 30-Nov 18 Morton East HS (Not accessible) $32.60 (8 weeks) -07 Fridays 6 yrs & under 3:45-4:15 PM Oct 1 - Nov 19 PAV YMCA $29.75 (8 weeks) -08 Fridays All Ages 4:20-4:50 PM Oct 1 - Nov 19 PAV YMCA $29.75 (8 weeks) -09 Fridays 7 yrs & older 4:55-5:25 PM Oct 1 - Nov 19 PAV YMCA $29.75 (8 weeks) -10 Fridays 6 yrs & Under 5:30-6:00 PM Oct 1 - Nov 19 PAV YMCA $29.75 (8 weeks) 10 405 SENSATIONAL SATURDAYS ALL ABILITIES, 3-11 Years 406 SUPER SATURDAYS ALL ABILITIES-7-11 Years Participants will enjoy Saturdays filled with music, games, exercises, a field trip and much more. Participants will enjoy Saturdays filled with music, games, exercises, a field trip and much more. Participants will enjoy Saturdays filled with music, games, exercises, and much more. Saturdays, 9:00-11:30 AM Carroll Recreation Center October 2 - November 20, 2010 Fee: $10.10 week / $80.80 season Saturdays, 9:00-11:30 AM Norridge Park District October 2 - November 20, 2010 Fee: $10.10 week / $80.80 season Saturdays, 12:15-2:45 PM Carroll Recreation Center October 2 - November 20, 2010 Fee: $10.10 week / $80.80 season Register for one or all 6 weeks. An activity schedule will be sent the first week of program. Dress for indoor & outdoor play. Dates October October October October 2 9 16 23 October 30 November 6 November 13 November 20 Saturday Fun Club 404-01 404-02 404-03 404-04 Sensational Saturdays 405-01 405-02 405-03 405-04 Super Saturdays 406-01 406-02 406-03 406-04 404-05 404-06 404-07 404-08 405-05 405-06 405-07 405-08 406-05 406-06 406-07 406-08 409 YOGA FOR ALL ALL ABILITIES - 6-12 Years Participants will be introduced to simple yoga positions, meditative practice & stretching exercises in a fun, playful environment. . The program’s focus will be on: ♦ body control ♦ gaining flexibility ♦ gaining strength Tuesdays, 3:30-4:10 PM Barrie Recreation Center, Oak Park September 28 - November 23, 2010 Fee: $19.20 411 CREATIVE MOVEMENT & TUMBLING TOO! - All Abilities, 3 - 7 Years Don’t miss this opportunity to have your child enjoy some fun with friends after school. Participants will have the opportunity to run, jump and tumble to music, games and activities. This program is offered to Elmwood Park & LASEC students only. The program will begin immediately following your child’s school day. Transportation is available to the program only. Upon the conclusion of the program parents will pick-up their children at the Franklin Park Community Center. Fridays, 3:45-5:45 PM Franklin Park Community Center October 1 - November 19, 2010 Fee: $16.20 Trans to Program: $11.20 Playing It Safe - Due to new legislation, car seats or booster seats may need to be provided for children ages seven & under. For more information contact Bob Foster. 11 en ren c hild r 404 SATURDAY FUN CLUB ALL ABILITIES - 3-6 Years sc hool ag e 8-22 y ear s school age year ears W E N 415 BERWYN SPORTS GALORE LD, BD, VI, PI Put your fitness skills to the test. Learn to: ♦ Work as a team & problem-solve team activities. ♦ Refine your sports skills ♦ Develop a fitness routine you can continue on your own. ♦ Enjoy a healthy snack. 437 TACTILIANS ALL ABILITIES - 3-10 Years Jumping, crawling, smelling, touching & exploring is what we’ll do. Each week we will have sensory stations set up for your child to explore & enjoy. Participants can develop their self-confidence, decision making skills and learn how to rely on oneself. Transportation home is available. Participation numbers are limited. Mondays, 3:15-4:45 PM Irving School, Oak Park September 27 - November 22, 2010 (No program Oct 11) Fee: $30.45 Trans: $42.35 Wednesdays, 3:15-4:30 PM Havlicek School, Berwyn 415 Fall Session Fee: $12.10 Trans: 115-00 Winter Session Fee: $12.10 Trans: 215-00 Spring Session Fee: $8.10 Trans: 407 EXPLORE THE ARTS ALL ABILITIES, 3-11 Years September 29 - November 17, 2010 (No program Oct 27, Nov 24) $12.00 February 2 - March 23, 2011 (No program Feb 9, Mar 16) $12.00 April 13 - May 11, 2011 (No program Apr 27, May 18) $8.00 Grab a brush, sponge or even use your fingers to paint, build a pot with clay, or move through space in imaginary substances. Add some music and we’ll be dancing. There’s no limit to the elements we will explore including art, music & dance. Tuesdays, 4:15-5:00 PM Barrie Recreation Center, Oak Park September 28 - November 23, 2010 Fee: $23.50 Trans: $54.45 413 TAE KWON DO ALL ABILITIES, 9-14 Years This introductory class is designed to captivate the interest of our youngest student. Karate for Kids teaches the American Tae Kwon Do Association curriculum. It is based on the concepts of Positive mental attitude and high goal setting. Building blocks for this system include the following: ♦Goals ♦Friendship ♦Perseverance ♦Self-control ♦Confidence ♦Self Improvement ♦Courtesy ♦Self-awareness ♦Respect ♦Integrity ♦Self-Esteem ♦Dedication A uniform is required by all new students. Tuesdays, 7:15-8:00pm Karate for Kids, 10125 W. Grand Avenue, Franklin Park September 28 - November 23, 2010 Pick up Point: North Berwyn Park District: Drop off: 6:30 PM, Pick up: 8:30 PM Fee: $60.00 (Additional one time fee of $40 for uniform) Pick up Point Trans: $24.75 435 FALL ZEBRA SPORTS ALL ABILITIES, 4-8 Years Come join WSSRA’s rookie athletes, the “Zebras”, as they develop athletic skills and learn a variety of games & sports. Skills to be developed during this program are: 429 SUPER BOWLERS ALL ABILITIES, 7-22 Years Enjoy an afternoon of bowling fun! Participants will: ♦ be taught bowling skills in a progression ♦ learn safe & correct techniques ♦ learn basic scoring ♦ receive a progress report each week & at the end of the program. ♦ eye/hand coordination ♦ running ♦ fielding ♦ eye/foot coordination ♦ ball handling ♦ learning to work as a team Come join the fun! Thursdays, 3:45-5:15 PM Circle Lanes, Forest Park September 30 - November 18, 2010 Fee: $54.00 Trans: $48.40 Wednesdays, 6:30-7:15 PM Irving School, Oak Park September 29 - November 17, 2010 Fee: $21.00 12 These programs are open to anyone with a physical disability who is ambulatory or uses a wheelchair. All players must play from a sports chair for games and practices. WSSRA has plenty of sports chairs available for use. Check out these exciting opportunities: 453 JR Bulls Preparatory – Wheelchair Basketball, 12 Years & Under 454 JR Bulls JV – Wheelchair Basketball, 13 Years & Older Basketball season is back and the Jr. Bulls Prep team is the perfect answer for newcomers to this sport. Practices will review basic skills, learn the rules of the game and develop team play. Games are played throughout the Midwest. JR Bulls JV – is for the seasoned player. They begin with practices and then play games throughout the Midwest. Saturdays, Noon - 2:00 PM September 18 - March 26, 2010 (No program Nov 27, Dec 25, Jan 1) NEDSRA Office, 1770 W Centennial Place, Addison Fee: $300.00 (Includes tournaments) Payment plan available. 436 JR BOBCATS - ALL ABILITIES 9 Years & Older Come join the Jr. Bobcats basketball practice team. Participants will learn the basic rules of the game: ♦ ball handling ♦ passing ♦ dribbling ♦ shooting ♦ sportsmanship This program is only offered during the fall season. WSSRA will emphasize teamwork, good sportsmanship, and giving one’s best in a safe & healthy environment. WSSRA encourages parents and families to attend games and cheer the teens/young adults on! We expect coaches, players and parents to demonstrate good sportsmanship during these events. This includes respect and support of coaching staff and officials who are working on behalf of your player. Any person not demonstrating good sportsmanship including behavior outbursts towards a player or coaching staff and/or officials, that is deemed threatening, will not be tolerated. You may be asked to leave and your future participation and attendance at events will be in jeopardy. By registering your son/daughter/dependent for this program you are agreeing to follow these guidelines as written. Please refer any concerns or questions to ths Superintendent of Recreation. We look forward to a safe and successful season. Facility is not accessible. Tuesdays, 7:00-8:00 PM September 28 - November 23, 2010 Location to be announced. Fee: $28.00 450 SPORTS-N-MORE - PI 6-22 Years Have you considered playing sports like: ♦ Power Soccer? ♦ Bocce Ball? ♦ Basketball? Then join Sports-N-More for your first Paralymic experience! Individuals with physical challenges are given the opportunity to try new sporting experiences and compete in the Paralympic arena at regional games, tournaments and even state competitions. Come out and meet new friends while challenging yourself. This program is partially funded by Thumbuddy Special. Limited transportation is available - call for details. Saturdays, 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM Location varies weekly October 2 - November 20, 2010 Fee: $18.00 Trans: $36.30 13 school age year ears sc hool ag e 8-22 y ear s WSSRA ADAPTIVE SPORTS OPPORTUNITIES! WSSRA is teaming up with NEDSRA to offer adapted sports opportunities for anyone with a physical disability. WSSRA will provide the needed staffing for these programs but you must provide your own transportation to and from the program. If you have questions call WSSRA’s April Ryan at 847.455.2100 ext 240 or email her at [email protected]. school age 8-22 WEIRD SCIENCE TMI, AUT, MI, DD, 7-22 Years WE’VE GOT TALENT! CICERO STUDENTS-Dismissed by 2:00 PM ALL ABILITIES - 14-22 Years The WSSRA Talent search has begun! Come join us for some fun learning new dance moves, enjoying karaoke & creating through improvisation. A light snack will be provided. Door to door transportation available home only. Oct 4 - Nov 29, 2010 (No prog Oct 11) Trans: $16.00 Jan 31 - Mar 21, 2011 (No prog Feb 21, Mar 7) Trans: $12.00 April 11 - May 16, 2011 Trans: $12.00 Oct 7 - Dec 2, 2010 (No prog Nov 25) Feb 3 - Mar 24, 2011 Apr 14 - May 19, 2011 WEDNESDAY EXPLORERS CLUB HI, Deaf, Hard of Hearing STRIKE OUT BOWLERS - ALL ABILITIES For Cicero Students Enjoy an afternoon of bowling fun! Participants will: ♦ be taught bowling skills in a progression ♦ learn safe and correct techniques ♦ learn basic scoring ♦ bumpers and adaptive equipment will be available if needed. ♦ receive a progress report at the conclusion of the program. Transportation to the program provided by District #99. Transportation home provided by the Town of Cicero Paratransit Program. Thursdays, 3:00-4:30 PM Town Hall Bowl, Cicero 427 Fall Oct 7 - Dec 2, 2010 (No prog Nov 25) Fee: $40.00 127 Winter Feb 3 - Mar 24, 2011 Fee: $40.00 227 Spring Apr 14 - May 19, 2011 Fee: $30.00 Join us for an afternoon of fun & games. Participants will have opportunities to: ♦ be challenged in team building activities ♦ learn rules to games and about good sportsmanship ♦ enjoy expressing themselves through drama & art activities. This program is partially funded by a grant from the Town of Cicero. Wednesdays, 3:30-6:00 PM Hawthorne Park District, Cicero 425 Fall Fee: $12.10 125 Winter Fee: $12.10 225 Spring Fee: $8.10 Oct 6 - Dec 1, 2010 (No prog Oct 20, Nov 10,24) Feb 2 - Mar 23, 2011 (No prog Feb 9, Mar 16) Apr 13 - May 11, 2011 (No prog Apr 27 ) GOAL! - LD, BD, VI, PI GOODWIN VARIETY SPORTS MEETS MAD SCIENTISTS - LD, BD Jump start your afternoon with all things gooey, icky & fun to create. Then put your fitness skills to the test. Learn to: ♦ Problem-solve team activities. ♦ Develop & refine your sports skills ♦ Develop a fitness routine all your own. Don’t miss this one! Students will be bussed home by District 99 at 4:00 PM. Participation numbers are limited. Call for registration information. Tuesday, 2:50-4:00 426 Fall Fee: $16.20 126 Winter Fee: $14.15 226 Spring Fee: $12.10 Thursdays, 2:50-4:00 PM Cicero West, Cicero 423 Fall Fee: $16.20 123 Winter Fee: $16.20 223 Spring Fee: $12.10 Mondays, 2:45-4:15 PM Morton West High School 416 Fall Fee: $16.20 116 Winter Fee: $12.10 216 Spring Fee: $12.10 Explore all things gooey, icky and fun to create! Students will be transported home by Cicero School District #99 at the end of the program. If you plan to pick up your child, please notify WSSRA staff in advance. PM Goodwin School, Cicero Oct 5 - Nov 30, 2010 (No prog Nov 2) Feb 1 - Mar 22, 2011 (No prog Feb 22) Put your fitness skills to the test. Learn how to: ♦ Work as a team and problem-solve team activities. ♦ Develop & refine a variety of sport skills ♦ Develop a fitness routine you can continue on your own. ♦ Enjoy a healthy snack. Develop self-confidence, decision making skills and learn how to rely on oneself. WSSRA will bus students to Unity. Transportation home is available. Participation numbers are limited. Call for registration information. Wednesdays, 2:50-4:20 PM Unity East, Cicero 419 Fall Oct 6 - Dec 1, 2010 (No prog Oct 20, Nov 10,24) Fee: $12.10 Trans: $12.00 119 Winter Feb 2 - March 23, 2011 (No prog Feb 9, Mar 16) Fee: $12.10 Trans: $12.00 219 Spring Apr13 - May 11, 2011 (No prog Apr 27, May 18) Fee: $8.10 Trans: $8.00 April 12 - May 17, 2011 DANCE MANIA Columbus West Students Only - MI, AUT, DD Come join us after a long day at school as we get up and DANCE! We’ll learn new moves and play games. Come prepared for crafts & dancing. A light snack will be provided. This program is partially funded by a grant from the Town of Cicero. Students will be transported home by District 99 at 4:00 PM Mondays, 2:45-4:00 PM Columbus West School, Cicero 420 Fall Oct 4 - Nov 29, 2010 (No prog Oct 11) Fee: $16.20 120 Winter Jan 31 - Mar 21, 2011 (No prog Feb 21, Mar 7) Fee: $12.10 220 Spring April 11 - May 16, 2011 Fee: $12.10 14 TUESDAY WEDNESDAY Healthy Start 10:00-11:30 AM Bobcats Basketball 6:30-8:00 PM Stay in the Game 6:15-7:15 PM WSSRA Stingray Swim Team 7:00-8:10 PM Weekly Workout 7:00-8:15 PM THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SPECIALS International Passport 7:00-8:30 PM Food Critics 6:30-9:15 PM Outdoor Adventures 9:30-12:30 PM Makin’ Tracks Saturday, Oct 2 Friday Show Time Saturday Bowling League 1:00-3:00 PM WSSRF Bowl-A-Thon Sunday, Nov 21 Social Clubs 7:00-10:00 PM Santa’s Polar Express Saturday, Dec 4 Teen & Adult Aqua Athletics 8:15-9:00 PM Winter Escape Jan 14-16, 2011 410 SATURDAY BOWLING LEAGUE MI, AUT, DD, SP, MH 13 Years & older 447 WEEKLY WORKOUT MI, AUT, DD, MLH 13 Years & older Spend your Saturdays with friends while sharpening your bowling skills through practice and instruction. An adaptive ball and bowling ramp will be available. Please note: Pick up points available as listed below: Let’s work out! It’s a great way to end your day and improve your physical condition through: ♦exercise stations ♦ light weight lifting ♦low impact aerobics Location WSSRA Office, Franklin Park Harwood Heights Village Halll Elmwood Park Community Center McDonalds, 5500 Cermak, Cicero WSSRA will provide door to door transportation. Tuesdays, 7:00-8:15 PM Franklin Park Community Center September 28 - November 23, 2010 Fee: $39.20 Trans: $54.45 Drop off 3:55 PM 3:45 PM 3:20 PM 3:20 PM Saturdays, 1:00 - 3:00 PM Circle Lanes, Forest Park October 2 - November 20, 2010 Fee: $68.50 Pick up Point Trans: $22.00 460 SHOW TIME MI, AUT, DD, 15 Years & Older Enjoy a night at the movies with friends. Participants need to bring $20.00 to pay for the show and snacks. Meeting time will be based on local show schedule. Call the office the Wednesday before program for information on show time. Participants need to be able to focus on a movie 2 hours in length with limited breaks. This is to minimize the disturbance to other audience members. Registration is limited 448 TEEN & ADULT AQUA ATHLETICS MLH, MI, AUT, DD, 15 Years & Older Enjoy one of the greatest modes of exercise. Through water, participants can increase their: ♦ cardiovascular system ♦ strength ♦ flexibility ♦ mobility ♦ range of motion All while having fun in the pool with friends. Carroll Recreation Center, Oak Park Pick up Points available: WSSRA Office Cicero McDonalds 460-01 Friday, Fee $12.15 460-02 Friday, Fee: $12:15 460-03 Friday, Fee: $12:15 460-04 Friday, Fee: $12:15 Pick Up 11:55 AM 12:10 PM 12:30 PM 12:30 PM October 1, 2010 Trans: $2.75 October 15, 2010 Trans: $2.75 October 29, 2010 Trans: $2.75 November 12, 2010 Trans: $2.75 Mondays, 8:15-9:00 PM OPRFHS, Oak Park September 27 - November 22, 2010 (No program Oct 11) Fee: $37.00 Trans: $48.40 461 FOOD CRITICS - MLH, MI, AUT, DD, 15 Years & Older Want to explore some exciting new social hot spots? Come with us and compare the tastes and surroundings of 4 local restaurants as you become a Food Critic. Lively discussions about what we liked best each week will be part of the fun. Sign up for the week(s) that appeal to you. WSSRA will send out detailed restaurant information 2 weeks before the program begins. Bring $11-$20 to cover what you choose to eat and your share of the tip. Participants need to be able to sit for a meal with minimal interuptions to others. Registration is limited. WSSRA Office: 5:45 PM, 10:00 PM Cicero McDonalds: 6:15 PM, 9:45 PM Fridays, 6:30-9:15 PM Carroll Center, Oak Park October 8 - November 19, 2010 Pick up point Transportation $2.75 per week/ $11 for 4 weeks Program # Date Activity Fee 461-01 Oct 8 Buon Appetito - Italian Style Cuisine $12.00 461-02 Oct 22 Buen Apetito - Mexican Cuisine $12.00 461-03 Nov 5 Manman Chi - Chinese Cuisine $12.00 461-04 Nov 19 Bon Appetit - American Cuisine $12.00 15 teens & y oung adults young MONDAY Saturday Social Pr ogram Loca tion: Car enil wor th, Oak P ar k Pro Location: Carrroll Center Center,, 1125 S K Kenil enilw orth, Par ark ogram Times: Varies w eekl y, see eac h pr ogram description. Pro weekl eekly each pro Pr *If you sign up for transporation, you will be called for drop off time/location* Socialites @ Carroll Hot Shots @ Carroll 472-01 October 2 473-01 $12.00 October 2 $18.00 4th Annual Movie Night - We’ll make, direct & star in our own movie! Location: Carroll Center, Oak Park Time: 7.00-10:00 PM Local Surprise Event - More information to be announced. Location: TBA Time: TBA 472-02 473-02 October 9 $18.00 October 9 $12.00 Local Surprise Event - More information to be announced. Location: TBA Time: TBA 4th Annual Movie Night - We’ll make, direct & star in our own movie! Location: Carroll Center, Oak Park Time: 7.00-10:00 PM 472-03 473-03 October 16 $12.00 Chocolatiers - Tonight we’ll make everything chocolate covered in the kitchen! Location: Carroll Center, Oak Park Time: 7:00-10:00 PM 472-04 October 23 $12.00 Safely Spooky - Take a walk through the spooky trails and warm up at the bonfire. Location: Proksa Park, Berwyn Time: 6:30-10:00 PM 472-05 October 30 $12.00 Halloween Party - Dress up in your best costume for a night of spooky competitions. Location: Barrie Center, Oak Park Time: 7:00-10:00 PM 472-06 November 6 $18.00 MagiQuest - Interact with live characters & attractions with your wand! Location: MagicQuest, Lombard Time: 6:30-10:00 PM 472-07 November 13 $12.00 BINGO! Enjoy a night of board games, card games & good conversation at game night. Location: Carroll Center, Oak Park Time: 7:00-10:00 PM 472-08 November 20 $12.00 473-04 $12.00 October 23 $12.00 Chocolatiers - Tonight we’ll make everything chocolate covered in the kitchen! Location: Carroll Center, Oak Park Time: 7:00-10:00 PM 473-05 October 30 $18.00 Sonny Acres - Hayrides, haunted houses & more to celebrate Halloween! Location:Sonny Acres, W. Chicago Time: 7:00-10:00 PM 473-06 November 6 $12.00 BINGO! Enjoy a night of board games, card games & good conversation at game night. Location: Carroll Center, Oak Park Time: 7:00-10:00 PM 473-07 November 13 $18.00 MagiQuest - Interact with live characters & attractions with your wand! Location: MagicQuest, Lombard Time: 6:30-10:00 PM 473-08 Fall Bash - Hot Shots, City Slickers, Socialites and Moonlighters Dance! Location: Meet at Park District of Forest Park Time:7:00-10:00 PM October 16 Gameworks - Challenge your skills with interactive games, simulators & attractions. Location: Gameworks, Schaumburg Time: 7:00-10:00 PM November 20 $12.00 Fall Bash - Hot Shots, City Slickers, Socialites and Moonlighters Dance! Location: Meet at Park District of Forest Park Time:7:00-10:00 PM 16 Clubs October 2 - November 20, 2010 Pick up Point Transportation: $2.75 per week WSSRA Office, 2915 Maple Street, Franklin Park or McDonalds, 5500 Cermak (West of Laramie), Cicero New to Social Club? Please call the office for a group placement! Participants must be 15 years or older. Pr ogram Loca tion: Bar rie Center ield & Lombar d, Oak P ar k Pro Location: Barrie Center,, Garf Garfield Lombard, Par ark Pr ogram Times: Varies w eekl y, see eac h pr ogram description. Pro weekl eekly each pro *If you sign up for transporation, you will be called for drop off time/location* City Slickers @ Barrie 474-01 October 2 Moonlighters @ Barrie $12.00 475-01 4th Annual Movie Night - We’ll make, direct & star in our own movie! Location: Barrie Center, Oak Park Time: 7.00-10:00 PM 474-02 October 9 October 16 $18.00 475-02 October 23 October 9 $12.00 4th Annual Movie Night - We’ll make, direct & star in our own movie! Location: Barrie Center, Oak Park Time: 7.00-10:00 PM $12.00 475-03 Chocolatiers - Tonight we’ll make everything chocolate covered in the kitchen! Location: Barrie Center, Oak Park Time: 7:00-10:00 PM 474-04 $18.00 Local Surprise Event - More information to be announced. Location: TBA Time: TBA MagiQuest - Interact with live characters & attractions with your wand! Location: MagicQuest, Lombard Time: 6:30-10:00 PM 474-03 October 2 October 16 $18.00 MagiQuest - Interact with live characters & attractions with your wand! Location: MagicQuest, Lombard Time: 6:30-10:00 PM $12.00 475-04 October 23 $12.00 Safely Spooky - Take a walk through the spooky trails and warm up at the bonfire. Location: Proksa Park, Berwyn Time: 6:30-10:00 PM Chocolatiers - Tonight we’ll make everything chocolate covered in the kitchen! Location: Barrie Center, Oak Park Time: 7:00-10:00 PM 474-05 475-05 October 30 $12.00 October 30 $18.00 Halloween Party - Dress up in your best costume for a night of spooky competitions. Location: Barrie Center, Oak Park Time: 7:00-10:00 PM Sonny Acres - Hayrides, haunted houses & more to celebrate Halloween! Location:Sonny Acres, W. Chicago Time: 7:00-10:00 PM 474-06 475-06 November 6 $18.00 Local Surprise Event - More information to be announced. Location: TBA Time: TBA 474-07 $12.00 BINGO! Enjoy a night of board games, card games & good conversation at game night. Location: Barrie Center, Oak Park Time: 7:00-10:00 PM November 13 $12.00 475-07 BINGO! Enjoy a night of board games, card games & good conversation at game night. Location: Barrie Center, Oak Park Time: 7:00-10:00 PM 474-08 November 6 November 13 $12.00 Gameworks - Challenge your skills with interactive games, simulators & attractions. Location: Gameworks, Schaumburg Time: 7:00-10:00 PM November 20 $12.00 475-08 Fall Bash - Hot Shots, City Slickers, Socialites and Moonlighters Dance! Location: Meet at Park District of Forest Park Time:7:00-10:00 PM November 20 $12.00 Fall Bash - Hot Shots, City Slickers, Socialites and Moonlighters Dance! Location: Meet at Park District of Forest Park Time:7:00-10:00 PM 17 oung adults young teens & y 445 HEALTHY START - ALL ABILITIES 21 Years & older Get your week off to a great start with a healthy exercise class on Monday mornings! If you need a special type of exercise, this program is for you. We’ll emphasize: ♦ stretching and flexibility exercises ♦ moderate aerobics ♦ use of exercise equipment. All exercise routines will be closely monitored by staff to meet your individual needs. Transportation is available. Mondays, 10:00-11:30 AM, Franklin Park Community Center September 27 - November 22, 2010 (No program Oct 11) Fee: $41.75 Trans: $48.40 146 WINTER ESCAPE - MI, DD, 13 Years & Older Plan ahead and register for a lively winter overnight experience shared with our friends from NISRA. Weather permitting, participants will: 434 INTERNATIONAL PASSPORT MLH, MI, DD, 19 Years & Older Join your friends for evenings filled with excitement of imaginary travels around the world. Learn about customs, art, dress, and cuisines of many countries! Thursdays, 7:00-8:30 PM Field Center, Oak Park September 30 - November 18, 2010 Fee: $36.55 Trans: $42.35 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Enjoy a winter horseback ride Cross Country Ski Hike & Sled Play Snow Volleyball Enjoy A Camp Fire. Participants must be: ♦ Toilet Trained. ♦ Responsible for independent personal care including feeding, dressing & toileting. ♦ Devoid of emotional outbursts that require 1:1 staffing. ♦ Participant is successful socially within 1 staff person per 4 participants staffing ratio. More information will be sent upon registration. January 14, 15, 16, 2011 Depart & return from WSSRA Office White Pines Ranch, Oregon, Illinois Fee: $220.00 431 OUTDOOR ADVENTURES - MI, DD, LD, VI- 12-22 Years Saturdays, 9:30-12:30 PM October 2 - November 20, 2010 Park District of Forest Park Building #4 Fee: $13.30 per event Join us for a Saturday morning of thrills and excitement as we explore our communities with a special focus on our environment! Register for one or all 8 exciting events. Van will not wait longer than 5 minutes past start time for traveling programs. Program # Date Drop off Activity Special Notes Activity Destination Fee 431-01 Oct 2 9:30-12:30 Steelroot Exploration - Visit Morton Arboretum & explore 14 abstract steelroot sculptures. Dress for weather. Morton Arboretum, Lisle $13.30 431-02 Oct 9 9:30-12:30 I-Spy - Travel to Scoville Park to complete a scavenger hunt & have a fall picnic. Dress for weather. Scoville Park, Oak Park $13.30 431-03 Oct 16 9:30-12:30 Pancake Bar - Gather around the griddle to help cook pancakes. Top off with your favorite toppings. Light snack served. Park Dist. Forest Park, Bldg. #4 $13.30 431-04 Oct 23 9:30-12:30 Magi Quest - Journey to Yorktown Center to Magi Quest. Use a magic wand to interact with attractions. Bring $ to buy wand (optional). Magi Quest, Lombard $13.30 431-05 Oct 30 9:30-12:30 Pick-A-Pumpkin - Trek to Oak Park’s Farmer’s Market. Bring $10 for Choose a pumpkin & enjoy homemade donuts! pumpkin & donuts. Farmer’s Market, Oak Park $13.30 431-06 Nov 6 9:30-12:30 Support Our Troops - Join us as we make gifts & thank you letters to send to our troops. Park Dist. Forest Park, Bldg. #4 $13.30 431-07 Nov 13 9:30-12:30 Book Works - Take a stroll to the local library to read some books & take part in crafts. Dress for weather Forest Park Library, Forest Park $13.30 431-08 Nov 20 9:30-12:30 Let’s Give Thanks - Gather with friends to celebrate Thanksgiving & learn to cook some favorite foods. Light snack served. Park District Forest Park, Bldg. #4 $13.30 18 The Chicago District Golfing Foundation, CDGF is sponsoring this opportunity to keep your golf game in check. Participants will continue to work with the OPCC golf pros to focus on: Stance, swing and hitting the ball. We will enjoy this practice time under the Bushwood Golf dome in Maywood. Participants must have completed Intro to Golf or Advance golf to participate in this program. Wednesdays, 6:15-7:15 PM Bushwood Golf Dome, Maywood November 10, 17, December 1, 8, 15, 2010 Fee: $25.00 Trans: $30.25 499 BOBCATS PRESEASON BASKETBALL MI, AUT, DD - 15 Years & Older All teens and adults who are interested in joining the WSSRA Bobcats Basketball Team, register now! Practices and games will be held on Tuesday evenings. During the fall season participants will practice and prepare for the game season which begins at the end of December and goes through the end of March. All participants must participate in the practice season in order to be a part of the game season. ♦ Practice & develop ball handling, dribbling & shooting. ♦ Learn about play development. ♦ Be a part of a team and learn the importance of teamwork. ♦ Learn and play different positions. More information about the game schedule and locations will be available upon registration. NOTE: YOU MUST BE IN THE 1ST SESSION TO BE ABLE TO JOIN AND COMPETE IN GAMES IN THE 2ND SESSION. New players must purchase a uniform before being able to compete on the Bobcats basketball team 499 Practice Session I : 199 Session II: September 28 - December 14, 2010 January 4 - March 15, 2011 Tuesdays, 6:30-8:00 PM (Time may vary based on location) Location to be announced Fee: $120.00 for Session I & II Uniform Fee $45.00 Warm-up Fee: $67.00 (optional) 441 WSSRA STINGRAY SWIM TEAM AUT, MI, DD, 8 Years & Older This is a training program for participants who are comfortable in the water. Participants will be expected to swim consecutive laps throughout a majority of the program. Those wishing to compete in Special Olympics can receive their training in the program but are not obligated to compete with WSSRA. Bring a suit and towel. Transportation is available on a limited basis. Please Note: Due to the limited swim lessons available, swim team members are not eligible for swim lessons. Photo b y Ton y P er ez by ony Per ere Mondays, 7:00-8:10 PM (Pool time 7:05-8:10) Oak Park River Forest High School September 27 - November 22, 2010 (No program October 11) Fee: $50.00 Trans: $48.40 See F amil y Ev ents on pa ge 23 Famil amily Events pag 19 teens & y oung adults young 463 STAY IN THE GAME EMH,TMH,AUT,DD, 12 Years & Up adults 22 y ear s & older year ears Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Healthy Start 10:00-11:30 AM Walk-N-Dine 9:30-12:30 PM Wild Card Wednesdays 9:30-12:30 PM Winner Takes All 6:00-9:00 PM City Tours 10:00-2:00 PM Saturday Specials Makin’ Tracks Saturday, Oct 2 WSSRF Bowl-A-Thon Sunday, Nov 21 Teen & Adult Aqua Athletics 8:15-9:00 PM Santa’s Polar Express Saturday, Dec 4 467 WALK-N-DINE - HI, VI, PI, MLH Join the WSSRA Walking Club and get walking to a healthier heart while enjoying friends too! The group will walk or wheel at different locations. Afterwards, join us for an enjoyable, light, healthy lunch together at different local restaurants. Participants will be responsible for buying their own lunch. Participants must be independent in mobility. Sign up for the weeks that fit your schedule! Tuesday, 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM Location Varies September 28 - November 23, 2010 Fee: $10.70 week/ $96.30 all Trans: $6.05 week / $54.45 Prog # Date Indoor Location Outdoor Location 467-01 Fee Sept 28 North Riverside Mall Proksa Park, Berwyn $10.70 467-02 Oct 5 North Riverside Mall Scoville Park, Oak Park $10.70 467-03 Oct 12 North Riverside Mall Commons Park, North Riverside $10.70 467-04 Oct 19 Harlem Irving Plaza Lindberg Park, Oak Park $10.70 467-05 Oct 26 Harlem Irving Plaza Redman Park, Bensenville $10.70 467-06 Nov 2 North Riverside Mall Proksa Park, Berwyn $10.70 467-07 Nov 9 Harlem Irving Plaza Lindberg Park, Oak Park $10.70 467-08 Nov 16 North Riverside Mall Commons Park, North Riverside $10.70 467-09 Nov 23 Golf Mills Mall $10.70 462 WINNER TAKES ALL HI, VI, PI, MLH Join us for a night of socializing, laughter & games. Each week we will learn a different game as well as play some old favorites. Each week we will order dinner “take-out” from a local favorite. Bring $10 for dinner. 462-01 462-02 462-03 462-04 462-05 462-06 September 30 October 14 October 21 October 28 November 4 November 11 Thursdays, 6:00-9:00 PM WSSRA Office, Franklin Park September 30 - November 11, 2010 (No program Oct 1, Nov 18) Fee: $7.25 per week / $43.50 6 weeks Trans $6.05 per week / $30.25 6 weeks 20 adults 22 y ear s & older year ears 465 WILD CARD WEDNESDAYS HI, VI, PI, MLH Join us for an early morning of socializing and card shuffling fun! Light & healthy refreshments will be served. This program will alternate weeks with the traveling program entitled “DINER’S CLUB”. Particpants can register for one or all of the weeks. 465-01 October 27 Wednesdays, 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM 465-02 November 3 Franklin Park Community Center 465-03 November 10 Fee: $52.25 / 5 weeks ($10.45 per week) 465-04 November 17 Trans: $30.25 / 5 weeks ($6.05 per week) 465-05 November 24 448 TEEN & ADULT AQUA ATHLETICS VI, PI, MLH, MI, AUT, DD, 15 Years & Older Enjoy this water exercise program & increase your: ♦ cardivascular system ♦ strength ♦ flexibility ♦ mobility ♦ range of motion All while having fun in the pool with friends. Pool is accessible & assistance available in locker room if needed. Mondays, 8:15-9:00 PM Oak Park River Forest High School, Oak Park Sept 27 - November 22, 2010 (No program Oct 11) Fee: $37.00 Trans: $48.40 471 CITY TOURS - HI, VI, PI, MLH Join us Friday mornings! Select the week(s) that are of your interest and meet your budget. Each program is separate. Please share your ideas for future events. Admission costs to activities are covered in the fee. Due to tour time schedules, there may not be a planned lunch stop. Door to door transportation is available. 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM Wednesday, September 22; Friday, October 5; Friday, November 19; Friday, December 3, 2010 Fee: See each event Trans: $6.05 per week Program Drop Off/Pick Up # Date Times Activity Special Notes 471-01 Sept 22 Wed 10:00-2:00 Morton Arboretum - Explore the steel roots exhibit. Dress for weather. We’ll hit the Museum store & lunch at Ginko Cafe. Bring $10 for lunch. 471-02 Oct 8 Fri 10:00-2:00 Navy Pier - Visit the stained glass exhibit & lunch at Billy Goat Tavern & Grill. 471-03 Nov 19 Fri 10:00-2:00 Christmas Shopping - Get a head start on shopping Bring $ to shop & & we’ll grab lunch at a local hot spot. for lunch. 471-04 Dec 3 Fri 10:00-2:00 Christmas Tea! - A holiday party with Franklin Towers, Wear your where we’ll enjoy tea & biscuits! holiday attire. 21 Bring $15 for lunch. Activity Destination Fee Morton Arboretum, Lisle $15.00 Navy Pier, Chicago $15.00 The Quarry, Hodgkins $12.15 Franklin Towers, Franklin Park $8.00 y hullaballoo holida holiday 490-00 HOLIDAY HULLABALOO 2010 Enjoy fun-filled days of holiday festivities with WSSRA. Participants will be grouped according to age and ability levels. Your child will need to bring a sack lunch each day. WSSRA will provide a drink. Due to the great demand for these events, program availability is limited but not guaranteed to 3 events per individual. A lottery will be drawn after Friday, October 22nd. TO REGISTER FOR HOLIDAY HULLABALOO PROGRAMS: Step 1: Step 2: Step 3: Step 4: Determine the events that are appropriate for your child. Be sure to register for all events that you are interested in. If space is available, your child may be added to more than three events. All completed registrations must be received by 4:30 PM October 22, 2010 in order to be included in the lottery. FAX, walk-in, or mail your registration as soon as possible. FAX 847.455.2157. Remember you can FAX from your local park district. Be sure to call WSSRA and confirm we received your FAX. Phone-in registration begins Wednesday, August 16th and will be accepted from 9:00 to 4:30 PM daily. Registrations will be accepted in the order received until 4:30 PM on Friday, October 22, 2010 WSSRA staff will contact you by November 5, 2010, after the lottery drawing, to confirm the actual events your child can attend. PICK UP/DROP OFF POINT: PARTICIPANTS ELIGIBLE: FEES: Carroll Recreation Center, Kenilworth & Filmore, Oak Park WSSRA Office, 2915 Maple Street, Franklin Park All Abilities See each event TRANS: $6.05 each event 490-01 Pump, Pump, Pump It Up! - 3-22 Years 490-04 Animalpalooza - 3-22 Years Tuesday, December 21, 2010- 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM We’re heading to an inflatable, jumping wonderland at Pump It Up in Elmhurst. We’ll jump our way through inflatable slides, bounce houses & obstacle courses. Tuesday, December 28, 2010- 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM Lions, tigers & bears! Oh my! Enjoy a wintery day with the animals at Brookfield Zoo. Dress for the outdoors. Brookfield Zoo, Brookfield Fee: $21.00 Trans: $6.05 Pump It Up, Elmhurst Fee: $26.00 Trans: $6.05 490-05 Splashtastic - 3-22 Years 490-02 Mrs. Claus, The Musical - 6-22 Years Wednesday, December 22, 2010- 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM See the Chicago Kids Company’s production of Mrs. Claus, The Musical. Participants must be able to sit for a 75 minute performance with limited breaks. This is to minimize the disturbance to other audience members. Chicago Kids Company, Chicago Fee: $26.00 Trans: $6.05 Tuesday, December 29, 2009- 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM Grab your suit & towel & get ready to for a day of water park craziness! We’re heading to the Water Works Indoor Water Park. Water Works, Schaumburg Fee: $28.00 Trans: $6.05 490-06 Dusty Trails - 6-22 Years 490-03 Magical Mystery Tour 6-22 Years Thursday, December 23, 2010- 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM Spend a magical morning exploring MagiQuest. After lunch we’ll go on a scavenger hunt in the Yorktown Mall. Yorktown Shopping Center, Lombard Fee: $26.00 Trans: $6.05 Thursday, December 30, 2010- 9:00AM-3:00 PM Eeeeha! We’re heading to Equestrian Connection for a fun day of horseback riding & art therapy. Equestrian Connection, Lake Forest Fee: $28.00 Trans: $6.05 491 SANTA’S POLAR EXPRESS FOR WSSRA FAMILIES Join us for our third annual “Santa’s Polar Express” train ride. The train ride will follow the popular book “Polar Express” by Chris Van Allsburg. This delightful story will be read on our journey. WSSRA’s “Polar Express” will leave the Berwyn train station and travel to the North Pole (Aurora train station). Upon our arrival, Santa Claus will join us and accompany us on our ride home. This event is co-sponsored by Thumbuddy Special. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ All children must be accompanied by an adult. Light refreshments will be served. Seating for wheelchairs is available. Limited tickets are available (5 per family) Saturday, December 4, 2010 2:15-5:45 PM Train Departs at 2:45 PM Train Returns at 5:30 PM All ages are welcome. Berwyn Metra Train Station (Oak Park Ave. & Windsor) Fee: $8.00 per child 11 years & under $15.00 per adult 12 years & older photo by Jim White 22 Families 489 WSSRA MAKIN’ TRACKS WALKERS All WSSRA families are welcome to join us for the Makin’ Tracks Walkers! WSSRA participants and family members will have the opportunity to enjoy the change of seasons and get fit at the same time. Meet with us weekly to prepare for the upcoming Makin’ Tracks 5K on Saturday, October 2, 2010. WSSRA staff will meet with WSSRA participants and their families and walk together in the neighborhood. Participants must be supervised by parents/family members. Call 847.455.2100 for more information & to register. Register & walk in this program & get a free WSSRA t-shirt. Wednesdays, 6:00-7:00 PM September 8, 15, 22, 29, 2010 Corcordia University Track (North end), River Forest Fee: Free MAKIN’ TRACKS - 5K FUN WALK/RUN WSSRA invites all of our families to run/walk the scenic tree-lined streets of River Forest. T-Shirts & goody bags for all. Last year this event raised $10,000 to support WSSRA! Register at www.rfparks.com or at www.signmeup.com/69106 WSSRF “BOWL-A-THON’ YOU’RE INVITED TO A AR-TEE” FUNDRAISER GOLF “P “PAR-TEE” WSSRF is once again hosting its annual Bowlathon. Be sure to join the fun while raising funds for WSSRA! Bring your family and friends for an afternoon of kid-friendly bowling plus snacks and a raffle. Watch for further details this fall and call for a Bowl-A-Thon packet! Sunday November 21, 2010 2:30-4:30 PM Circle Lanes, Forest Park Enjoy 3 hours of golf fun: driving range, swing evaluation, longest drive competition, virtual golf, drinks, refreshments & tips from a pro. January 2011 Check our web site, www.wssra.net for updates. White Pines Golf Dome at the White Pines Golf Course 500 W Jefferson Street, Bensenville (Funds raised support WSSRA programs) Call 847.455.2100 to RSVP 23 ence erence e a Dif Difffer Make Donations Mak On July 17, 2010 WSSRA, along with the Berwyn Park District, hosted the 12th annual Wacky Quacky Duck Splash. 583 persons attended the event. $7,600 was raised. We would like to thank the following sponsors: Premiere Sponsors Silver Sponsors Children’s Dentistry, Dr. Jerry Udelson Kiwanis Club of Berwyn Adolf Funeral Home Amaro Family Berwyn Development Corporation C L O Technical Sales Commissioners Amaro & Manfredini Firestone Complete Auto Care I.A.C.O.B. Ms Eve Kelly Ms Mary McCabe McCarthy Family Mr & Mrs Joe Milburn Nuwireless Kathy & Christine O’Connor Friends of Michael O’Connor Shanahan Family Ms Susan Stall Robert R Andreas & Sons Inc Donald J Swiatek DDS Media Sponsor The Mark News Online Brochure Printer Northwest Mailing Services Inc Gold Sponsors Bugles Across America Mr Steven Fruth Hawthorne Park District R A James Construction photos by: essison 24 NON-RESIDENT POLICY WSSRA programs are limited to people who live in the WSSRA member districts and village. If you live outside the WSSRA communities and are interested in participating in a special recreation program, call your park district or village recreation department. Call the WSSRA Outreach Specialists for more information. CLOSED PROGRAMS If a program closes because we have reached maximum enrollment, you will be put on a waiting list and contacted if additional space is available. CANCELLED PROGRAMS A. B. C. If four participants or less register, a program may be cancelled. A program reimbursement or credit will be issued. If a program is cancelled because of unforeseen circumstances you will be contacted at the soonest possible time. A program credit will not be issued for weather related cancellations. No programs will be made up unless otherwise specified. REFUNDS Refunds will only be issued when the registrant cannot participate for extended medical reasons and/or hospitalization verified by a physician. For the majority of the season the refund/credit will be prorated. Call for more information. 847.455.2100. NON-DISCRIMINATION The West Suburban Special Recreation Association (WSSRA) is aware of the Americans with Disability Act (ADA) which prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability. If you have any questions about WSSRA’s policy regarding ADA, or believe you have been unfairly discriminated against by WSSRA, please call Sandra Gbur at 847.455.2100. A procedure is available to you for the resolution of complaints. WSSRA SKILL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS Due to popular demand, we have selected specific programs that will focus on progressive development of specific skills. Each skill will be gradually introduced, based upon the participant’s ability level. At the end of each session, each participant will receive a progress report. WSSRA will keep these reports on file for our use in planning additional programs. In keeping with our overall philosophy, we will stress enjoyment of the program by participants. Recreation for the fun of it remains our number one objective! PARTICIPANT ILLNESS PAYMENT POLICY Payment of program fees is due upon registration unless other arrangements are made. Statements are mailed out the first week of the program season (4 times per year). If changes are made in the registration (adding programs, cancelling programs) please call the office for your account balance as no other statement will be sent.Call the Finance Manager to arrange a payment plan, Monday through Thursday, 8:30 AM to noon. A participant cannot register for the next season until balance from previous season is paid. For the protection of all the participants in programs, you/your child must be kept at home or will be sent home if he/she shows any of the following symptoms: ♦ A temperature of over 100.3. ♦ Stomach ache accompanied by diarrhea or vomiting. ♦ Any undiagnosed rash. ♦ Sore or discharging eyes or ears. ♦ Profuse nasal discharge (green or yellow). Please keep children with active colds home. ♦ Have a highly contagious condition such as chicken pox, measles, lice, etc. PARTICIPANT ABSENCE RETURNED CHECK POLICY A $20.00 fee will be charged for any checks returned to WSSRA. The $20.00 fee, as well as the balance, will need to be paid before registering for future programs. If you or your child are not going to attend a recreation program that you are registered for, please notify WSSRA office 847.455.2100 AS SOON AS POSSIBLE! Please leave a message on Voice Mail after hours. MEDICATION I t is the parent/guardian and participant’s SCHOLARSHIP REQUEST WSSRA is in a position to offer scholarships to WSSRA residents for a percentage of fees for two programs each season. Persons requesting a scholarship must complete a scholarship application, which will be mailed to you upon request. Scholarship applications need to be filled out once a year. If you are interested in a scholarship, check the box on the registration form: Request Scholarship. All scholarship applications must be completed and in the WSSRA office by September 13, 2010 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Some participants in WSSRA programs and special events may be carriers of infectious disease(s). Staff and volunteers have been provided inservice training concerning proper hygienic procedures. WSSRA seeks to provide a safe environment for all of our participants, staff volunteers and the public. If you have any specific questions, please call the WSSRA Executive Director or Superintendent of Safety & Operations at 847.455.2100. responsibility to inform WSSRA of any medication a participant is taking. This information is very important in case of an emergency. Medication information should be noted on the registration forms, as well as the Annual Information Form. Any changes in medication should be communicated to WSSRA. INSURANCE The Association takes every reasonable precaution to prevent injuries and accidents from occurring. However, if an accident does occur or if you or your child is injured, you are solely responsible for any costs incurred or caused by an injury that happens in an Association program. 25 photo by Jim White GOOD SPORTSMANSHIP WSSRA encourages parents and families to attend games and tournaments and cheer the teens/young adults on! We expect coaches, players and parents to demonstrate good sportsmanship during these events. This includes respect and support of coaching staff and officials who are working on behalf of your player. Any person not demonstrating good sportsmanship including behavior outbursts towards a player or coaching staff and/or officials, that is deemed threatening, will not be tolerated. You may be asked to leave and your future participation and attendance at events will be in jeopardy. By registering your son/daughter/ dependent for these programs you are agreeing to follow these guidelines as written. Please refer any concerns or questions to the Superintendent of Recreation. We look forward to a safe and successful season. REVISED LATE PICK-UP/DROP-OFF POLICY In order to be fair to our participants, program staff and drivers, WSSRA has enacted a Late Pick-up/Drop-off Policy. Many of our program staff and drivers need to get to a program immediately after the program your child is in. We ask that you make sure you are on time picking up your child from program, as well as home to greet your child when the WSSRA van drops them off. A $10.00 fee will be charged for every 15 minutes or portion thereof, a participant is picked up late, or a van is delayed, after a 10 minute grace period. A notice will be sent to you indicating the fee being charged to your account. Also, participants must be dropped off on time for programs that are traveling, including over night trips. Vans will not wait more than 5 minutes for participants who are late for the program. Saturday morning programs - Parents must drop off their child by 9:30 AM or call the emergency phone. If the program is traveling, the van will not wait longer than 5 minutes past the program start time. wssr a pr og ram policies ssra prog ogr REGISTRATION Any cancellations for fall programs will be accepted through September 13, 2010 and credit will be issued. Any cancellations after September 13, 2010 participants will be charged full program fee. Any unpaid balance will restrict participation in future programs. regis tr ation inf or mation egistr tration infor ormation 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. WSSRA TRANSPORTATION Door to door transportation is available for all programs noted with the transportation symbol. This extra service is available if you pay a $6.05 per round trip fee, for each day the program meets. Transportation to programs from designated pick up points is available for a fee of $2.75 per round trip, for each day the program meets. You must pay at time of registration. All participants being transported in WSSRA vehicles must abide by WSSRA guidelines. Failure to do so will result in suspension from transportation. Repeat offenders will not be transported by WSSRA. Parents or participants must notify the Association in regard to any change in transportation. If an Association vehicle cannot complete a route and family members must pick up riders, a credit will be issued for the participant’s later use. Any registration received after September 13, 2010 may result in a late program start or no transportation. Parents are requested to notify their child’s school on days students are being picked up by a WSSRA van. A participant under the age of 16 must be taken off the van by a responsible person over 12 years old. WALK-IN OR MAIL-IN OR FAXED REGISTRATION PROCEDURES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. PLAYING IT SAFE Due to new state legislation, carseats or booster seats must be provided for all children ages seven and under. For more information contact Bob Foster. WAIVER OF LIABILITY The national liability crisis the past few years has been severe for agencies like WSSRA. Our insurance premiums used to be $800 a year and now exceed $17,000 a year. To help keep the price of insurance low and to better manage our risks, we have joined a self-insurance pool with other special recreation associations and park districts. Our pool is known as the Park District Risk Management Agency (PDRMA). As a loss prevention measure, PDRMA is requiring participants to execute a release of liability for programs. The reverse side of the registration forms contains the WSSRA waiver release form. This must be signed and returned to the WSSRA office before participants can be in programs. Since we do not carry medical or accident insurance for program participants, the release of liability is necessary. The cost of such coverage would make our program fees too high for most to afford. Please review your personal health plan to be certain that you and your family have coverage in instances like these. Our objective is to offer a high quality program at a reasonable cost. The use of a release of liability when appropriate is but one way we are trying to meet that objective. If you have any questions, call Sandra Gbur at 847.455.2100. We appreciate your continued involvement and support. Complete the enclosed registration form with correct program selection, day, program fee, transportation and payment option. Contact your local park district or village for use of their fax machine to fax your registration. All signed registration forms received by September 13, 2010 will be processed by the WSSRA Registrar and approved for program and transportation information. All registrations will be accepted on a first-come, first served basis until we reach our maximum enrollment for each program. Mail-in or walk-in registrations received AFTER 5:00 PM September 13, 2010 may result in a late program start and transportation may not be available. If a program closes, you will be put on a waiting list and contacted if openings are available. Recreation Specialists MAY NOT accept program payment or registration forms at programs. This must be done by mail or at the office only. Anyone registering MUST have a working phone number. A participant cannot register for the next season until balance from previous season is paid. PHONE-IN REGISTRATION PROCEDURES ONLY 1. Phone-in registration begins August 16, 2010 and will be accepted until September 13, 2010 Any mail-in and faxed registrations received prior to August 16, 2010 will be processed in the order they are received). 2. Calls will be accepted Monday through Friday from 9:00 until 4:30 PM. 3. The WSSRA Registrar will assist you in completing the registration form. She will be sure the programs selected are age and ability appropriate. 4. A confirmation letter will be sent to you. Sign the attached waiver form and return to WSSRA by September 13, 2010. 5. The registration will be on hold until we receive the signed registration form. No participation can take place without this signature. 6. Phone-in registration WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED after September 13, 2010. 7. Faxed, mail-in or walk-in registrations will be accepted after September 13, 2010 but may result in a late program start and transportation may not be available. 8. All registrations will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis until we reach our maximum enrollment for each program. 9. If a program closes, you will be put on a waiting list and contacted if openings are available. 10. Recreation Specialists MAY NOT accept program payment or registration forms at programs. This must be done by mail or at the office only. We can accept credit card payments over the phone during business hours. 11. Anyone registering MUST have a working phone number. 12. A participant cannot register for the next season until balance from previous season is paid. * EMERGENCY PHONE * The purpose of this phone number is to allow access to WSSRA for emergencies only during non-office hours. 1. The phone may be called Monday through Friday, from 5:00 PM to 11:00 PM, Saturday, 7:00 AM to 11:00 PM when programs are in session only. 2. Leave a message with your phone number at 847.833.9611 and a WSSRA staff will return your call. 3. The emergency phone should not be a substitute for calling the office for non-emergency questions, such as pick up times. 26 PARTICIPANT’S NAME: PARENT OR GUARDIAN NAME: ADDRESS: CITY/STATE: WHO SHOULD WE CONTACT IF PARENT/GUARDIAN IS UNAVAILABLE? ZIP: PARK DISTRICT/ VILLAGE: PARENT/GUARDIAN WORK PHONE: PARENT/GUARDIAN CELL PHONE: NAME: E-MAIL ADDRESS: PHONE: DOCTOR’S NAME: DOCTOR’S PHONE: PRESENT SCHOOL/ WORKSHOP/OTHER: TEACHER/SUPERVISOR NAME: PARTICIPANT’S DISABILITY: DOES PARTICIPANT USE WHEELCHAIR/WALKER? SPECIFY DISMISSAL TIME: CAN PARTICIPANT TRANSFER? YES NO IS PARTICIPANT LIST ANY IS MEDICATION TAKEN SUBJECT TO SEIZURES?: YES NO MEDICATION: AT PROGRAM? YES IF YES, COMPLETE SEIZURE ACTION PLAN, CALL FOR FORM OR GO TO WEB SITE WSSRA.NET: LIST ANY ALLERGIES: DOES PARTICIPANT HAVE A COMMUNICABLE DISEASE? YES NO IF YES, PLEASE EXPLAIN NO fall 2010 HOME PHONE: PARTICIPANT’S BIRTHDATE: PHOTO PERMISSION ¡ YES ¡ NO TRANSPORTATION PERMISSION: We the parents of (I) _________________ do hereby grant permission for transportation of our child (myself) as part of weekly or special event activities. Registration will be accepted by mail or fax. You may mail your form to WSSRA, 2915 Maple Street, Franklin Park, IL 60131 or send by facsimile transmission to 847.455.2157. When registering by fax, it is mutually understood that the facsimile registration document (including the waiver and release of all claims) shall substitute for and have the same legal effect as the original form. PLEASE SIGN ON REVERSE Program # Program Name Day Fee Trans Program # Program Name Day Total FEE PAYMENT OPTION - CHECK ONE Due q Total Payment Enclosed q Total Payment to Follow (if FAXED) q Request Scholarship Staff Ratio HW q Payment Plan – Arranged with Finance Manager q Credit Card: Please circle VISA/Mastercard/Discover ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Signed registration must be received by September 13, 2010 Fee SC TRANS Trans FINC Exp ___ ___ ___ ___ Return registration to: WSSRA, 2915 Maple Street, Franklin Park, IL 60131 or FAX both sides of form to 847.455.2157 Comments: West Suburban Special Recreation Association WAIVER RELEASE OF ALL CLAIMS AND HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT Read Carefully Please read this form carefully and be aware that in signing up and participating in West Suburban Special Recreation Association programs, you will be waiving and releasing all claims for injuries arising out of these programs that you or the named participant might sustain. The terms “I”, “me” and “my” also refer to parents or guardians as well as participants in the programs. In registering for these programs, you are agreeing as follows: As a participant in these programs, I recognize and acknowledge that there are certain risks of physical injury, and I agree to assume the full risk of any injuries, damages or loss which I may sustain as a result of participating in any manner, in any and all activities connected with or associated with such activities and involve substantial risks of injury. I agree to waive and relinquish any and all claims I may have as a result of participating in these programs against the West Suburban Special Recreation Association, any and all participating governmental units, any and all independent contractors, officers, agents, servants and employees of the governmental bodies and independent contractors, and any and all other persons and entities of whatever nature that might be directly or indirectly liable for any injuries, that I might sustain while participating in these programs. I do hereby fully release and discharge the West Suburban Special Recreation Association and the other released parties from any and all claims for injuries, damages or loss, which I may have or which may accrue to me on account of my participation in these programs. I further agree to indemnify, hold harmless and defend, the West Suburban Special Recreation Association and any and all other parties from any and all claims resulting from injuries, damages and losses sustained by anyone, and arising out of, connected with, or in any way associated with my conduct and the activities of these programs. I further understand and agree that the terms such as “participation”, and “activities”, referred to in this Agreement, include all exercises and physical movements of any nature while I am participating in these programs and further include the provision, of or failure to provide proper instructions or supervision, the use and adjustment of any and all machinery, equipment, and apparatus, and anything related to my use of the services, facilities, or premises, involved in these programs, and transportation to and from events. I understand the nature of these programs for which I am registering, and have read and fully understand this Waiver, Release and Hold Harmless Agreement. I further understand that any advisement or warnings of the particular risks of these programs that I subsequently receive will be incorporated by reference into and become a part of this Agreement. In case of emergency, I give my permission for the participant to receive any first aid, transportation or medical attention that may be required. You may return this waiver and release of all claims by mail or fax. You may mail this release to 2915 Maple St., Franklin park, IL 60131 or send by facsimile transmission to 847.455.2157. When forwarding by fax, it is mutually understood that the facsimile document shall substitute for and have the same legal effect as the original form. Parent/Participant/Guardian Signature Date West Suburban Special Recreation Association 2915 Maple Street Franklin Park, Illinois 60131 847.455.2100 FAX 847.455.2157 POSTMASTER Dated Material Please Do Not Hold PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID COMPLETE MAILING SVC,IL