2015 spring catalog
2015 spring catalog
Young Plant and Prefinished 2015 SPRING CATALOG www.galemas.com [email protected] e m o c l e W to Galema’s Greenhouse Dear Growing Partner, If growing living things is not enough of a challenge for all of us, throw in “THE WINTER of 2013/14” to stretch us even more. Enough said! We value you, our small growers. In the big scheme of young plant propagators, we are a small grower too. We have been expanding the last few years thanks to all of you. Tim & Bev Galema and Family Our specialty geranium program and our “Grandma’s Little Angels” program for begonias are very popular. We could not keep up with the demand during the long, cold, dark winter this past year. This summer we are increasing our stock base of these heirloom favorites. With Mother Nature’s cooperation, we hope to fill every order this coming season. What’s old is new again. 100 cell, 72 cell, 50 cell. What should you purchase? The 72 plug tray was a standard size 30 years ago when planting from rooted cuttings became popular. A 72 cell (30mm plug) is an economical size plug and gains you 3-5 days over 100 cell plugs and using elle pots gains another 3-5 days. That’s over 1 week growing time! The 25 count elle pot strips are easy to order from Galema’s. If you need 100 of the same thing, no problem…just order 4 -25 strips. If you need 25 strips of 100 different plants...no problem. Mix and match all you want since there are no minimums. We are always looking for the best assortment of plants from the best breeders in the industry from Westhoff and Danziger to The Dummen Group, as well as old favorites. We wish you success in the season to come as we prepare to grow the best young plants for you. Thank you for your business! Tray Strip Information 26 Strip sold as 25 (30mm Ellepot) Packed 3 per Tray 50 Elle sold as 50 (40mm Ellepot) Packed 1 per Tray 3 strips are equivalent to a 72 count tray 50 ProTray sold as 50 per tray Broker Contact Information Our liner and prefinished products are available through these major brokers. Carlin Horticultural Supplies Toll Free: 800.661.0271 Fax: 414.355.3107 www.carlinsales.com Eason Horticultural Resources Toll Free: 800.214.2221 Fax: 859.578.2266 www.ehrnet.com Fred C. Gloeckner & Company Toll Free: 800.345.3787 Fax: 914.698.0848 www.fredgloeckner.com Grimes Horticulture Toll Free: 800.241.7333 www.grimes-hort.com M & M Flowers Voice: 260.301.1793 Fax: 260.692.6576 M & M Plant Sales Inc Voice: 831-801-6049 Fax: 831-637-3338 www.mmplants.com Henry F. Michell Company Toll Free: 800.422.4678 Fax: 610.265.4208 www.michells.com McHutchison Toll Free: 800.943.2230 Fax: 973.317.1219 www.mchutchison.com For pricing information, please contact your broker. Syngenta Horticultural Services Toll Free: 800.454.8159 Fax: 630.969.9456 www.sg-flowers-us.com The Plant Connection BFG Supply Co. Toll Free: 800.883.0234 www.bfgsupply.com Vandenberg Bulb Toll Free: 800.955.3813 Fax: 517.546.3429 www.vandenbergbulb.com Waldo & Associates Toll Free: 800.468.4011 Fax: 419.666.2079 www.waldoinc.com Young Plant Program Effective Dates: August 1, 2014 - July 31, 2015 Feature - Sampler Boxes & Trays......... 2 Feature - Confetti Garden Liners........3-5 Ajuga..................................................6-7 Alternanthera......................................6-7 Angelonia............................................6-7 Argyranthemum..................................6-7 Artemisia.............................................6-7 Bacopa...............................................8-9 Begonia Angel Wing...........................8-9 Begonia.......................................... 10-11 Begonia Reiger............................... 10-11 Begonia Rex................................... 10-11 Bidens.............................................12-13 Bolivian Jew....................................12-13 Brachyscome..................................12-13 Bridal Veil........................................12-13 Brugmansia....................................12-13 Calendula.......................................12-13 Calibrachoa....................................12-13 Calitunia..........................................14-15 Chenile...........................................14-15 Cissus.............................................14-15 Coleus............................................14-15 Creeping Charlie.............................16-17 Cuphea...........................................16-17 Dahlia.............................................16-17 Diascia............................................16-17 Dichondra.......................................16-17 Dracaena........................................16-17 Duranta...........................................16-17 Euphorbia.......................................18-19 Evolvulus........................................18-19 Fuchsia...........................................18-19 Geranium, Interspecific...................18-21 Geranium, Vining............................20-21 Geranium, Zonal.............................22-23 Geranium, Specialty.......................22-25 German Ivy.....................................24-25 Glechoma.......................................24-25 Gomphrena.....................................24-25 Hedera............................................24-27 Helichrysum....................................26-27 Heliotrope.......................................26-27 Herb................................................26-29 Heuchera........................................28-29 Iboza...............................................28-29 Impatien, Double............................28-29 Impatien, Sunpatiens......................30-31 Ipomoea..........................................30-31 Iresine.............................................30-31 Lamiastrum.....................................30-31 Lamium...........................................32-33 Lantana..........................................32-33 Lobelia............................................32-33 Lobularia.........................................32-33 Lotus...............................................32-33 Lysimachia......................................32-33 Manettia..........................................34-35 Nemesia.........................................34-35 New Guinea....................................34-35 Oplismenus.....................................34-35 Osteospermum...............................36-37 Pennisetum.....................................36-37 Perilla..............................................36-37 Petunia...........................................36-39 Philodendron..................................38-39 Phlox...............................................40-41 Plectranthus....................................40-41 Portulaca........................................40-41 Pothos............................................40-41 Salvia..............................................40-41 Sanvitalia........................................40-41 Scaevola.........................................40-41 Senecio...........................................42-43 Setcreasea.....................................42-43 Solanum.........................................42-43 Spider Plant....................................42-43 Sprengerii.......................................42-43 Stenotaphrum.................................42-43 Streptocarpella...............................42-43 Strobilanthes...................................42-43 Succulent........................................42-43 Swedish Ivy....................................44-45 Thunbergia.....................................44-45 Torenia............................................44-45 Verbena..........................................44-47 Vinca Vine......................................46-47 Wandering Jew...............................46-47 Early Order Discount........................... 46 Packing, Box Charges & Labels.......... 46 Delivery, Variety & Availability.............. 47 Unrooted Varieties..........................48-49 Prefinished Program............................ 50 Over 200 new items have been added to our 2015 Young Plant Catalog including... New Guinea Impatiens, Heuchera, Lantana, Geraniums, Begonias, Senecio and much more! Turn to Page 50 for our Prefinished Program! www.galemas.com • [email protected] 1 feature Young Plant Sampler Boxes Is our variety list a little overwhelming? Then let us help! We’ve created full boxes of the most popular items on our list Simply order a sampler box and we’ll do the rest! Sampler Boxes have NO box charge and a $15 Shipping Credit - a savings of $20 per box. 1 (26) Strip of Each Sampler Box: Shady Solutions 2015 A sampling of 12 varieties that desire shady conditions. Sampler Box: Sunny Settings 2015 A sampling of 12 varieties that thrive in sunny conditions. Sampler Box: Calibrachoa Concoctions 12 Strips of our best selling Calibrachoa. Sampler Box: Geranium - Pelargonium 12 Strips of our best selling Geraniums - a mix of Zonal, Vining, and Interspecific varieties. Sampler Box: Geranium - Specialty 12 Strips of our unique collection of Specialty Geraniums. Sampler Box: 12 Strips of our Angel Wing Begonia collection affectionately called Grandma’s Little Angels. Sampler Box: Petunia Power 12 Strips of our best selling Petunias. Sampler Trays Sampler trays offer the flexibility of ordering fewer quantities of these items - ideal when 50 of one variety is too many…with these sampler trays you can get just 10 plants of each of 5 varieties. Pricing per individual item plus $3.00 split tray charge 1 – 50 Tray Sampler Tray: Rex Begonia 10 plants of each of 5 varieties of Rex Begonias - Grower Assortment Sampler Tray: Succulents 10 plants of each of 5 varieties of Succulents - Grower Assortment 2 2015 Young Plant & PreFinished Catalog feature Confetti Garden Liners Confetti Liners are in 50 Elle Containers Price CodeBreeder Details Confetti Afternoon Delight J Red Fox Pet Sweetunia Mystery / Verb Empress Flair Burgundy / Calib Aloha Tiki Orange Confetti Bacopa Bahia Coconut Coast J Red Fox Bacopa Bahia White Sand / Bahia Purple Sand / Bahia Pink Sand Confetti Bel Air Red J Red Fox Pet Potunia Dark Red / Verb Empress Flair Peach / Calib Aloha Kona Hot Orange Confetti Blazing Maple J Red Fox Calib Aloha Kona Mandarin / Verb Empress Godiva / Pet Potunia Plus Banana Confetti Calypso J Red Fox Pet Surprise Red / Verb Empress Imperial Blue / Calib Aloha Tiki Orange Confetti Cupcake Party J Red Fox Portulaca Cupcakes Cherry Baby / Cupcakes Yellow Chrome / Cupcakes Peachy Confetti Fleur De Edna J Red Fox Calib Aloha Volcano Neon / Verb Empress Flair Lav Blue / Bidens Bidy Gonzales Confetti Glossy Cherry J Red Fox Pet Peppy Cerise / Verb Empress Flair Cherry / Lobularia Yolo White Confetti Glossy Grape J Red Fox Pet Surprise Purple Ice / Surprise Grape / Lobularia Yolo Lavender Confetti Glossy Strawberry J Red Fox Pet Peppy Red / Verb Empress Flair Red / Lobularia Yolo White Confetti Hawaiian Calibrachoa Aloha Flamingo J Red Fox Calib Aloha Purple / Aloha Tiki Neon / Aloha Tiki Soft Pink Confetti Hawaiian Calibrachoa Aloha Kona Country J Red Fox Calib Aloha Kona Dark Red / Aloha Kona Midnight Blue / Aloha Kona White Confetti Hawaiian Calibrachoa Aloha Kona Fruit Bowl J Red Fox Calib Aloha Kona Mango/ Aloha Kona Pineapple/ Aloha Kona White Confetti Hawaiian Calibrachoa Aloha Kona Hilo J Red Fox Calib Aloha Kona Dark Red / Aloha Kona Pineapple / Aloha Kona Midnight Blue Confetti Hawaiian Calibrachoa Aloha Kona Kalani J Red Fox Calib Aloha Kona Hot Pink / Aloha Kona Hot Orange / Aloha Kona Pineapple Confetti Hawaiian Calibrachoa Aloha Kona Mahalo J Red Fox Calib Aloha Kona Hot Pink / Aloha Kona Cherry / Aloha Kona Dark Lavender Confetti Hawaiian Calibrachoa Aloha Kona Pink Fusion J Red Fox Calib Aloha Kona Hot Pink / Aloha Kona Soft Pink / Aloha Kona White Confetti Hawaiian Calibrachoa Aloha Kona Summer J Red Fox Calib Aloha Kona Cherry / Aloha Kona Pineapple / Aloha Kona Hot Orange Confetti Hawaiian Calibrachoa Aloha Luau J Red Fox Calib Aloha Red / Aloha Tiki Orange / Aloha Purple Confetti Hawaiian Calibrachoa Hula Lilli J Red Fox Calib Hula Orange / Hula Hot Pink / Aloha Kona Pineapple Confetti HoneyBee Mine J Red Fox Verb Empress Violet Blue / Pet Surprise Queen Bee / Calib Aloha Volcano Gold Confetti Afternoon Delight Confetti Bacopa Bahia Coconut Coast New Confetti Fleur De Edna Confetti Bel Air Red Confetti Blazing Maple New Confetti Glossy Grape Confetti Glossy Strawberry New Confetti Hawaiian Calibrachoa Aloha Kona Fruit Bowl Confetti Hawaiian Calibrachoa Aloha Kona Hilo Confetti Cupcake Party Confetti Hawaiian Calibrachoa Aloha Flamingo Confetti Hawaiian Calibrachoa Aloha Kona Country New New Confetti Glossy Cherry Confetti Calypso New Confetti Hawaiian Calibrachoa Aloha Kona Kalani Confetti Hawaiian Calibrachoa Aloha Kona Mahalo Confetti Hawaiian Calibrachoa Aloha Kona Pink Fusion Confetti Hawaiian Calibrachoa Aloha Kona Summer New Confetti Hawaiian Calibrachoa Aloha Luau www.galemas.com • [email protected] Confetti Hawaiian Calibrachoa Hula Lilli Confetti HoneyBee Mine 3 feature Confetti Garden Liners Confetti Liners are in 50 Elle Containers Price CodeBreeder Details Confetti Hot Pink Jazz J Red Fox Pet Potunia Neon / Verb Empress Strawberry Charme / Calib Aloha Tiki Soft Pink Confetti Hula Hoopla J Red Fox Calib Aloha Hula Gold / Verb Empress Flair Cherry / Bidens Bidy Gonzales Confetti Hula Kula J Red Fox Calib Aloha Hula Gold / Verb Empress Flair Cherry / Pet Potunia Popcorn Confetti Hunny Bunny J Red Fox Pet Potunia Popcorn / Verb Empress Flair Lav Blue / Calib Aloha Kona Soft Pink Confetti Lavender Spring J Red Fox Pet Sweetunia Strawberry Morning / Verb Empress Flair Lav Blue/ Calib Aloha Tiki Soft Pink Confetti Mambo Beach J Red Fox Bacopa Bahia White Night / Verb Empress Flair Burgundy / Calib Aloha Tiki Orange Confetti Mochaccino Melt J Red Fox Pet Potunia Mochaccino / Verb Empress Godiva / Calib Aloha Milk & Honey Confetti Monterey Beach J Red Fox Verb Empress Flair Burgundy / Bacopa Bahia White Night / Pet Sweetunia Mystery Confetti Mountain’s Majesty J Red Fox Pet Potunia Plus Purple / Verb Empress Flair White / Calib Aloha Volcano Pink Confetti Nightlights J Red Fox Bidens Bidy Gonzales / Pet Potunia Plus Purple / Calib Aloha Purple Sky Confetti Patchwork J Red Fox Verb Empress Flair Violet Blue / Calib Aloha Kona Dark Red / Bidens Bidy Gonzales Confetti Patriot J Red Fox Calib Aloha Kona Midnight Blue / Verb Empress Flair White / Pet Surprise Red Confetti Petunia Potunia Banana Split I Red Fox Pet Potunia Plus Banana / Potunia Plus Strawberry Ice Confetti Petunia Potunia Peppermint I Red Fox Pet Potunia Piccola Hot Pink / Potunia Piccola Purple Ice Confetti Petunia Potunia Twist I Red Fox Pet Potunia Plus Papaya / Potunia Plus Yellow Confetti Petunia Surprise Bumblebee I Red Fox Pet Surprise Yellow / Surprise Midnight Cowboy Confetti Petunia Surprise Cotton Candy I Red Fox Pet Surprise Blue / Surprise Blue Vein Confetti Petunia Surprise Peppermint I Red Fox Pet Surprise Neon / Surprise White Ice Confetti Petunia Surprise Spring I Red Fox Pet Surprise Marine / Surprise Yellow Confetti Petunia Sweetunia Clash I Red Fox Pet Sweetunia Hot Rod Red / Sweetunia Grape Ice Confetti Pineapple Punch J Red Fox Bidens Bidy Gonzales / Pet Potunia Plus Yellow / Verb Empress Flair White Confetti Hot Pink Jazz Confetti Hula Hoopla Confetti Hula Kula Confetti Lavender Spring Confetti Hunny Bunny Confetti Mambo Beach New 4 Confetti Mochaccino Melt Confetti Monterey Beach Confetti Mountain’s Majesty Confetti Nightlights Confetti Patchwork Confetti Patriot Confetti Petunia Potunia Banana Split Confetti Petunia Potunia Peppermint Confetti Petunia Potunia Twist Confetti Petunia Surprise Bumblebee Confetti Petunia Surprise Cotton Candy Confetti Petunia Surprise Peppermint Confetti Petunia Surprise Spring Confetti Petunia Sweetunia Clash Confetti Pineapple Punch 2015 Young Plant & PreFinished Catalog feature Confetti Garden Liners Confetti Liners are in 50 Elle Containers Price CodeBreeder Details Confetti Pirates Beauty J Red Fox Pet Sweetunia Johnny Flame / Verb Empress Flair Pink Charme / Calib Aloha Kona Tiki Soft Pink Confetti Pismo Beach J Red Fox Bacopa Bahia White Night / Verb Empress Flair Red / Pet Sweetunia Strawberry Morning Confetti Pumpkin Spice J Red Fox Calib Aloha Tiki Mango / Verb Empress Peach / Pet Sweetunia Orange Flash Confetti Purple Cleopatra J Red Fox Pet Sweetunia Purple Vein / Verb Empress Purple / Calib Aloha Purple Sky Confetti Rockin Red J Red Fox Pet Potunia Dark Red / Calib Aloha Tiki Soft Pink / Verb Empress Flair Red Confetti Shocking Blue J Red Fox Calib Aloha Kona Midnight Blue / Verb Empress Wicked Cool Blue / Pet Surprise Blue Sky Confetti Shocking Pink J Red Fox Pet Sweetunia Hot Pink / Verb Wicked Hot Pink / Calib Aloha Kona Tiki Soft Pink Confetti Shocking Purple J Red Fox Pet Sweetunia Purple Vein / Verb Wicked Purple / Caliba Aloha Kona Dark Lavender Confetti Spring Break J Red Fox Calib Aloha Kona Midnight Blue / Verb Empress Hot Pink Charme / Bidens Bidy Gonzales Confetti Sunshine J Red Fox Bidens Bidy Gonzales / Pet Potunia Plus Yellow / Calib Aloha Tiki Orange Confetti Tangerine Tango J Red Fox Verb Empress Peach / Calib Aloha Kona Hot Orange / Pet Potunia Plus Papaya Confetti Verbena Liberty J Red Fox Verb Empress Flair Red / Empress Flair Violet Blue / Empress Flair White Confetti Verbena Royal Charme J Red Fox Verb Empress Flair Pink Charme / Empress Flair Dark Red Charme / Empress Imperial Blue Confetti Verbena Royal Highness J Red Fox Verb Empress Flair Burgundy / Empress Flair White / Empress Flair Pink Charme Confetti Water Colours J Red Fox Lobelia Bella Acqua / Verb Empress Flair Dark Red Charme / Pet Potunia Plus Yellow Confetti Water Wheel J Red Fox Lobelia Bella Mare / Calib Aloha Kona Hot Pink / Aloha Kona Mandarin Confetti Water Wonders J Red Fox Lobelia Bella Acqua / Verb Empress Flair White / Pet Potunia Neon Confetti Waterbury J Red Fox Calib Aloha Kona Cherry Red / Hula Gold / Lobelia Bella Oceano Confetti Waterfall J Red Fox Pet Potunia Cobalt Blue / Calib Aloha Kona White / Lobelia Bella Mare Confetti Waterlily J Red Fox Calib Aloha Kona White / Kona Soft Pink / Lobelia Bella Acqua Confetti Waterloo J Red Fox Calib Aloha Tiki Neon / Aloha Royal White / Lobelia Bella Mare Confetti Pirates Beauty New Confetti Pismo Beach Confetti Pumpkin Spice Confetti Purple Cleopatra Confetti Rockin Red Confetti Shocking Blue Confetti Spring Break Confetti Sunshine Confetti Tangerine Tango Confetti Verbena Liberty New Confetti Shocking Pink Confetti Shocking Purple New Confetti Verbena Royal Charme Confetti Verbena Royal Highness Confetti Water Colours New Confetti Waterfall www.galemas.com • [email protected] New Confetti Waterlily New Confetti Water Wheel Confetti Water Wonders Confetti Waterbury New Confetti Waterloo 5 Young Plant a Ajuga Price Container CodeBreeder Details Ajuga Black Scallop 26 Strip D Dark foliage with gorgeously scalloped leaves; 4-6”. Ajuga Burgundy Glow 26 Strip A PlantHaven Foliage mottled white, pink & purple; May-June; 6”. Alternanthera Alternanthera Burgundy Threads 26 Strip B A compact and tidy foliage plant with thin burgundy leaves. It forms a compact tidy ball of about 8”. Alternanthera Golden Threads 26 Strip B Golden, needle-shaped leaves. Alternanthera Mai Tai 26 Strip C ItSaul A collage of mixed greens, brilliant pinks and white. Alternanthera True Yellow 26 Strip B Vigorous groundcover with a chartreuse green color perfect for mass plantings. Angelonia AngelWings Dark Blue 26 Strip C Westflowers Angelonia AngelWings Pink 26 Strip C Westflowers Angelonia AngelWings White 26 Strip C Westflowers Argyranthemum Angelic Dark Pink 26 Strip C Danziger Daisy-like flowers with dark pink petals surround a bright yellow center. Argyranthemum Beauty Yellow 26 Strip C Westflowers Beautiful yellow flowers; fresh green foliage. Upright mounding. Argyranthemum Butterfly 26 Strip B Large, bold, daisy-yellow blooms on strong plants that go through heat. Angelonia AngelWings AngelWings Series Flowering plant - spectacular summer garden performance, long lasting bloomer, many flower spikes, thrives in heat and humidity, deer resistant, easy to grow. Argyranthemum Argyranthemum Neptune 26 Strip C Danziger Bright white daisy with golden yellow center. Vigorous plant, well-branched for lots of blooms. Argyranthemum Reflection Pink Large size daisy flowers with pink petals; vigorous growth intensity. 26 Strip C Danziger Argyranthemum Angelic Series Vigorous, strong; grows to form a ball-shaped flowering shrub; tolerance to extreme weather conditions; abundant flowering. Artemisia Artemisia Parfum d’Ethiopia 26 Strip D Red Fox Lacy silver leaves leave off a delightful fragrance. Artemisia Silver Brocade 26 Strip B Habit similar to trailing Dusty Miller. 6 2015 Young Plant & PreFinished Catalog Young Plant a Alternanthera Burgundy Threads Ajuga Black Scallop Ajuga Burgundy Glow Alternanthera Golden Threads Alternanthera Mai Tai Alternanthera True Yellow Angelonia AngelWings Dark Blue Angelonia AngelWings Pink Angelonia AngelWings White Argyranthemum Angelic Dark Pink Argyranthemum Beauty Yellow Argyranthemum Butterfly Argyranthemum Neptune Artemisia Parfum d’Ethiopia www.galemas.com • [email protected] Argyranthemum Reflection Pink Artemisia Silver Brocade 7 Young Plant b Bacopa Price Container CodeBreeder Details Bacopa Bahia Lavender Blue 26 Strip C Red Fox Bacopa Bahia Pink Halo 26 Strip C Red Fox Bacopa Bahia Sky Blue 26 Strip C Red Fox Bacopa Bahia White 26 Strip C Red Fox Bacopa Bahia White Night 26 Strip C Red Fox Bacopa Bahia Blue Sand 26 Strip C Red Fox Bacopa Bahia Sand Series Bacopa Bahia Pink Sand 26 Strip C Red Fox Very good branching, compact mounding habit, rich flowering. Bacopa Bahia Purple Sand 26 Strip C Red Fox Bacopa Bahia White Sand 26 Strip C Red Fox Bacopa Scopia Double Ballerina Pink 26 Strip C Danziger Double pink flowers; compact, branched plants; mounded growth habit. Bacopa Scopia Double Indigo 26 Strip C Danziger Double blue flowers; compact, branched plants; mounded growth habit. Bacopa Scopia Double Snowball 26 Strip C Danziger Double white flowers; compact, branched plants; mounded growth habit. Bacopa Scopia Great Pink Ring 26 Strip C Danziger Unique light pink blooms with darker, center eye. Bacopa Bahia Series Bahia Bacopa varieties offer a range of white or lavender colors, early growth, big flower size and a medium compact habit. Bacopa Scopia Series Early flowering, strong growth habit, nice branching, big flowers. Begonia - Grandma’s Little Angels Begonia Angel Wing Benigo 26 Strip F Begonia Angel Wing Fannie Moser 50 Elle H Small white flowers that blush the palest pink atop “angel wing” leaves that are sharply ruffled. The foliage color is mostly dark sage- green on the upper side and vibrant cherry red on the underside. Liberally spotted with the signature white speckles, but sometimes taking on an overall ruby blush depending upon the light it receives. Begonia Angel Wing Frosty 26 Strip F Short upright stems hold richly silver dotted pebbly angel wing leaves with rose blush beneath; brilliant red stems; pink tinted flower clusters. Begonia Angel Wing Lana Green leaves with irridescent white splashes mark the tops and deep burgundy undersides. 50 Elle H Begonia Angel Wing Looking Glass 50 Elle H Begonia Angel Wing Louis Burks 8 Small, dark coppery green fluted leaves finely spotted deep pink; pink flowers. 26 Strip D The large silver leaves have a green vein thru them and a beautiful red back. The canes will be fully leaved and produce umbels of pink blooms. This begonia will be a strong grower. Red flowers and forest green leaves dotted with silver spots. Begonia Angel Wing My Special Angel 50 Elle H Shows off grape-like clusters of single, pinky-lavender blossoms that sometimes appear almost translucent- they are so delicate. The foliage though, is dark, medium-green with generous white, round speckles, as opposed to splashes, making this a quite showy and special specimen. Begonia Angel Wing Miss Mummy 26 Strip F This Angel Wing Begonia blooms white flowers. The foliage is a very dark bronze color with a burgundy backing and lots of white spots. It is a tall grower and very easy to grow. Begonia Angel Wing Richmondensis 26 Strip D Blooms with salmony-pink flowers and leaves that are green with reddened edges and undersides. The leaves are succulent and oval, with small teeth on their edges and often held a slight fold down the center. Stems and leaf undersides are reddish, and increased light exposure intensifies the red blush all across the plant. Begonia Angel Wing Sophia Large showy dark maroon foliage is excellent for shade combinations. 50 Elle H Begonia Angel Wing Sunbrite Pink 26 Strip D Robust semi cane type that will mature into a very large semi-trailing plant. Huge pink flowers most of the year; super showy and vigorous. Begonia Angel Wing Sunbrite Red 26 Strip D Robust semi cane type that will mature into a very large semi-trailing plant. Huge red flowers most of the year; super showy and vigorous. Begonia Angel Wing Torch 26 Strip G Fiery orange red flowers having dark green almost black leaves if exposed to bright sunlight. 2015 Young Plant & PreFinished Catalog Young Plant b Bacopa Bahia Lavender Blue Bacopa Bahia White Bacopa Bahia White Night Bacopa Bahia Sky Blue Bacopa Bahia Pink Halo Bacopa Bahia Blule Sand Bacopa Bahia Pink Sand Bacopa Bahia Purple Sand Bacopa Scopia Double Snowball Bacopa Scopia Great Pink Ring New Bacopa Bahia White Sand Begonia Angel Wing Benigo Bacopa Scopia Double Ballerina Pink Begonia Angel Wing Frosty Bacopa Scopia Double Indigo Begonia Angel Wing Lana Begonia Angel Wing Louis Burks Begonia Angel Wing Richmondensis Begonia Angel Wing Fannie Moser Begonia Angel Wing Looking Glass Begonia Angel Wing My Special Angel Begonia Angel Wing Miss Mummy Begonia Angel Wing Sophia Begonia Angel Wing Sunbrite Pink Begonia Angel Wing Sunbrite Red Begonia Angel Wing Torch 9 www.galemas.com • [email protected] Young Plant b Begonia Arcada Begonia Arcada Apricot Bicolor Begonia Arcada Light Pink Begonia Arcada Orange Begonia Arcada Pink Begonia Arcada Scarlet Begonia Arcada White Begonia Arcada Yellow Price Container CodeBreeder 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip G G G G G G G Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip G G G G Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip G G G G Red Fox G G G Red Fox G Red Fox G Red Fox G Red Fox G Red Fox G Red Fox G Red Fox Detail Begonia Arcada Large, double flowered plants, excellent branching. Perfect for baskets. Begonia Unstoppable Persistent flowering, strong branching. Begonia Unstoppable New New Begonia Unbelievable Lucky Strike Begonia Unbelievable Miss Montreal Begonia Unstoppable Upright Fire Begonia Unstoppable Upright White Dark green foliage. Dark green foliage. Bronze foliage. Bronze foliage. Begonia Reiger Begonia Reiger Amstel Blitz Begonia Reiger Amstel Britt Dark Begonia Reiger Amstel Camilla Begonia Reiger Amstel Carneval Begonia Reiger Amstel Clara Begonia Reiger Amstel Netja Dark Begonia Reiger Amstel Polly Begonia Reiger Amstel Veronica Begonia Reiger Dragone Champagne Begonia Reiger Dragone Dusty Rose Begonia Reiger Dragone Rosewood Begonia Reiger Dragone Sunset Begonia Reiger Dragone White Blush Yellow Orange White/Rose Orange/Yellow White/Rose Deep Pink Rose/White Cherry Red Cognac Rose Pink Begonia Amstel Series Medium vigor, great flower power. Begonia Dragone Series Pink-Yellow Blush White/Rose Large double flowers with stunning dark foliage; early flowering. Begonia Rex 10 Begonia Rex Calypso 50 Elle I Begonia Rex Celia 50 Elle I Begonia Rex Chocolate Man 50 Elle I Begonia Rex Escargot 50 Elle J Begonia Rex Ester 50 Elle I Begonia Rex Fireworks 50 Elle I Begonia Rex Hurricane 50 Elle I Begonia Rex Misty Island 50 Elle I Begonia Rex Mystery 50 Elle I Begonia Rex Northern Lights 50 Elle I Begonia Rex Pink Banded Silver 50 Elle I Begonia Rex Purple Snow 50 Elle I Begonia Rex Raspberry Swirl 50 Elle I Begonia Rex Red Robin 50 Elle I Begonia Rex Rum Painkiller 50 Elle I Begonia Rex Sandstorm 50 Elle I Begonia Rex Superstar 50 Elle I Begonia Rex Tradewinds 50 Elle I Limited Supply Limited Supply Limited Supply Begonia Rex Calypso Begonia Rex Celia Begonia Rex Misty Island Begonia Rex Mystery Begonia Rex Rum Painkiller Begonia Rex Sandstorm Limited Supply / Good sub for Escargot Limited Supply Limited Supply Limited Supply 2015 Young Plant & PreFinished Catalog Young Plant b Begonia Assorted Price Container CodeBreeder Begonia Charm Pink 26 Strip C Begonia Charm Red 26 Strip C Begonia Double Cherry Blossom 26 Strip C Begonia Double Lady Carol Red 26 Strip C Begonia Double Lady Francis Pink 26 Strip C Begonia Double Lady Snow White 26 Strip C Begonia Charm Pink Begonia Charm Red Begonia Reiger cont. New Begonia Double Cherry Blossom Price Container CodeBreeder Begonia Reiger Fringed Cindy Begonia Reiger Fringed Janny Begonia Reiger Rhine Baladin Begonia Reiger Rhine Barkos Begonia Reiger Rhine Berseba Begonia Reiger Rhine Borias Begonia Reiger Rhine Brigitte Begonia Reiger Rhine FireBalls Begonia Reiger Rhine Nadine Begonia Reiger Rhine Olympic Red Begonia Reiger Rhine Rio Begonia Reiger Rhine Round Red Details Salmon pink flower clusters on a mounding 10-12 inch plant. Foliage is variegated with swirls of creamy white on green - almost always in bloom. Red flower clusters on a mounding 10-12 inch plant. Foliage is variegated with swirls of creamy white on green - almost always in bloom. Green leaved double flowered Begonia with pink and white bicolor flowers. Double flowered with bronze leaves. Double flowered with bronze leaves. Double flowered with bronze leaves. 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip G G G G G G G G G G G G BBA BBA KR KR KR KR Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Begonia Double Lady Carol Red Details Begonia Double Lady Francis Pink Begonia Solenia Begonia Double Lady Snow White Price Container CodeBreeder White/Rose 26 Strip G EBS New Begonia Solenia Apricot Coral Rose Begonia Solenia Dark Pink 26 Strip G EBS Intense Red Begonia Solenia Light Pink 26 Strip G EBS Red New Begonia Solenia Light Yellow 26 Strip G EBS Intense Blue Lilac Begonia Solenia Orange 26 Strip G EBS Soft Pink Begonia Solenia Red 26 Strip G EBS Deep Orange EBS New Begonia Solenia Salmon Coral26 Strip G Red Begonia Solenia Velvet Red 26 Strip G EBS Rich Yellow Red Begonia Rhine Series Red Begonia Solenia Series Big flowers; medium vigor; Proven garden performance; ideal Red good branching. for basket applications. Begonia Frinzies Series Unique fringed edges Begonia Rex Chocolate Man Begonia Rex Escargot Begonia Rex Ester Begonia Rex Fireworks Begonia Rex Hurricane Begonia Rex Northern Lights Begonia Rex Pink Banded Silver Begonia Rex Purple Snow Begonia Rex Raspberry Swirl Begonia Rex Red Robin Begonia Rex Series A varied collection of our favorite Rex Begonias. Begonia Rex Superstar Begonia Rex Tradewinds www.galemas.com • [email protected] 11 Young Plant b c Bidens Bidy Bidens Bidy Gonzales Bidens Bidy Gonzales BIG Bidens Bidy Gonzales TOP Bidens Bidy Gonzales Trailing Price Container CodeBreeder 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip B B B B Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Details Upright habit with medium vigor. Extra large flowers with medium vigor. Compact growth. Moderate vigor with trailing habit. Bolivian Jew, Brachyscome, Bridal Veil, Brugmansia Bolivian Jew 26 Strip B Brachyscome Brasco Violet 26 Strip C Danziger Bridal Veil 26 Strip C Brugmansia Green Leaf, Equador Pink 50 Elle K Brugmansia Green Leaf, Jean Pasco (Yellow) 50 Elle K Brugmansia Variegated Leaf, Peach 50 Elle K Tradescantia minima. Extra large vivid violet flowers; dark green wide foliage; compact; branched with mounded habit. Tradescantia geniculata. Tropical trees or bushes with pendulous, not erect, flowers. Tropical trees or bushes with pendulous, not erect, flowers. Tropical trees or bushes with pendulous, not erect, flowers. Calendula Calendula Sky Fire 26 Strip D GGG Bright large yellow flowers; early flowering; compact. 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Light Blue Yellow Cherry Red Hot Pink with Yellow stripes Bright Red Intense Purple White, Yellow center Lilac Blue Light Purple Intense Red Calibrachoa New New New New Calibrachoa Aloha Blue Sky Calibrachoa Aloha Canary Yellow Calibrachoa Aloha Cherry Calibrachoa Aloha Cherry Cartwheel Calibrachoa Aloha Fire Calibrachoa Aloha Midnight Purple Calibrachoa Aloha Milk and Honey Calibrachoa Aloha Purple Calibrachoa Aloha Purple Sky Calibrachoa Aloha Red Calibrachoa Aloha Royal White Calibrachoa Aloha Tiki Lychee Calibrachoa Aloha Tiki Mango Calibrachoa Aloha Tiki Neon Calibrachoa Aloha Tiki Orange Calibrachoa Aloha Tiki Soft Pink Calibrachoa Hula Cherry Calibrachoa Hula Godiva Calibrachoa Hula Gold Calibrachoa Hula Hot Pink Calibrachoa Hula Lavender Calibrachoa Hula Orange Calibrachoa Hula Soft Pink E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E Light Apricot, Red center Calibrachoa Aloha Series Medium vigor; semi-upright growth; big flowers, tropical colors…Use this series in combinations or monoculture pots. Tikis have a dark throat. Calibrachoa Aloha Hula Series Hoops of color in the throat of these large bicolor flowers. Orange Yellow, Red center Light Pink with Red Eye 12 2015 Young Plant & PreFinished Catalog Young Plant Bidens Bidy Gonzales Bolivian Jew Brachyscome Brasco Violet b c Bidens Bidy Gonzales BIG Bidens Bidy Gonzales TOP Bridal Veil Brugmansia Green Equador Pink Bidens Bidy Gonzales Trailing Brugmansia Green Jean Pasco Brugmansia Variegated Peach Calendula Sky Fire Calibrachoa cont. Calibrachoa Aloha Kona Cherry Red Calibrachoa Aloha Kona Dark Lavender Calibrachoa Aloha Kona Dark Red Calibrachoa Aloha Kona Hot Orange Calibrachoa Aloha Kona Hot Pink Calibrachoa Aloha Kona Mandarin Calibrachoa Aloha Kona Mango Calibrachoa Aloha Kona Midnight Blue Calibrachoa Aloha Kona Pineapple Calibrachoa Aloha Kona Soft Pink Calibrachoa Aloha Kona Tiki Soft Pink Calibrachoa Aloha Kona True Blue Calibrachoa Aloha Kona White Calibrachoa Volcano Gold Calibrachoa Volcano Neon Calibrachoa Volcano Pink Calibrachoa Volcano Sunset Calibrachoa Calipetite Blue Calibrachoa Calipetite Pink Calibrachoa Calipetite Red Calibrachoa Calipetite White Calibrachoa Calipetite Yellow Calibrachoa Volcano Series Unique floral pattern; decorator colors. Price Container CodeBreeder 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Sakata Sakata Sakata Sakata Sakata Details Cherry Red Dark Lavender Dark Red Intense Orange Intense Pink Apricot Calibrachoa Aloha Kona Series Medium compact habit; semi-upright growth; big flowers, tropical colors… Use this series in monoculture baskets and pots. Tikis have a dark throat. Intense Blue White, Yellow center Soft Pink Light Pink with Red Eye Intense Royal Blue Cherry Red, White Star Pink, White Star Calibrachoa Calipetite Series Very compact, round habit; ideal for table decorations. www.galemas.com • [email protected] 13 Young Plant c Chenile, Cissus Chenile / Acalypha Pendula Firetail Price Container CodeBreeder Details 26 Strip B Pendulous plant with 2” bright red fuzzy ‘tails’. Cissus rhombifolia Grape 26 Strip E Climbing plant. Their foliage is a luxurious glossy green. Cissus rhombifolia Oak Leaf 26 Strip E Climbing plant. Their foliage is a luxurious glossy green. Coleus Abbey Road 26 Strip C Red Fox Coleus 14 Coleus Alabama Sunset 26 Strip A Coleus Broad Street 26 Strip C Red Fox Gold and red mottled foliage with scalloped edges. Coleus Burgundy Sun 26 Strip A Burgundy red. Coleus Burning Bush 26 Strip A Copper/red leaf, edged with yellow. Coleus Chaotic Rose 26 Strip A Bright fuchsia center with yellow, green and fuchsia scalloped edge. Coleus Creamy Pineapple 26 Strip A Cream yellow with green speckles, burgundy veins/stem. Coleus Dark Star 26 Strip A Deep purple rounded leaves on a compact plant. Coleus Defiance 26 Strip A Bright red with wide golden edge. Coleus Dipt in Wine 26 Strip A Smooth, shiny, rounded leaves are crimson with a lime-green edge. Coleus Fifth Avenue 26 Strip C Red Fox Coleus Finger Paint 26 Strip A Large toothed green leaves with splashes of red and yellow. Coleus Fishnet Stockings 26 Strip A Wide, bright green leaves with sharply contrasting deep purple vein. Coleus Gay’s Delight 26 Strip A Stocky plants; chartreuse foliage with burgundy accents; bold texture. Coleus Glennis 26 Strip A Interesting scalloped margin with tones of apricot and yellow. Coleus Gran Via 26 Strip C Red Fox Coleus Jupiter 26 Strip A Coleus Kingswood Torch 26 Strip A Coleus Kiwi Fern 26 Strip A Ruffled burgundy leaf with green edges; 18-24”. Coleus Moonglow 26 Strip A Wide, salmon/cream leaves with purple veins and green edge. Coleus Oxblood 26 Strip A Coleus Oxford Street 26 Strip C Red Fox Coleus Peter’s Wonder 26 Strip A Light green and white leaf with large areas of bright rose pink; curled edges. Coleus Pineapple Beauty 26 Strip A Toothed red leaves with gold tips; 31”. Coleus River Walk 26 Strip C Red Fox Coleus Rodeo Drive 26 Strip C Red Fox Coleus Rustic Orange 26 Strip A Golden yellow leaves with orange tracings; 34”. Coleus Saturn 26 Strip A Deep maroon leaves with a green/gold center and edge. Coleus Solar Flair 26 Strip A Green center with yellow fringe. Coleus Solar Shade 26 Strip A Bright yellow foliage. Coleus Solar Spectrum 26 Strip A Creamy yellow with speckling of red & green. Coleus Sunset Boulevard 26 Strip C Red Fox Coleus Swinging Linda 26 Strip A Coleus Wall Street 26 Strip C Red Fox Coleus Wild Lime 26 Strip A Ruffled dark rose leaf with orange undertones. Bright yellow leaves edged with green. 2015 Young Plant & PreFinished Catalog Young Plant c Chenile / Acalypha Pendula Firetail Cissus rhombifolia Grape Cissus rhombifolia Oak Leaf Coleus Abbey Road Coleus Alabama Sunset Coleus Broadway Coleus Burgundy Sun Coleus Burning Bush Coleus Chaotic Rose Coleus Creamy Pineapple Coleus Dark Star Coleus Defiance Coleus Dipt in Wine Coleus Fifth Avenue Coleus Finger Paint Coleus Fishnet Stockings Coleus Gay’s Delight Coleus Glennis Coleus Gran Via Coleus Jupiter Coleus Kingswood Torch Coleus Kiwi Fern Coleus Moonglow Coleus Oxblood Coleus Oxford Street Coleus Peter’s Wonder Coleus Pineapple Beauty Coleus River Walk Coleus Rodeo Drive Coleus Rustic Orange Coleus Saturn Coleus Solar Flair Coleus Solar Shade Coleus Solar Spectrum Coleus Sunset Boulevard Coleus Swinging Linda Coleus Wall Street Coleus Wild Lime New 15 www.galemas.com • [email protected] Young Plant c d Creeping Charlie, Cuphea Price Container CodeBreeder Details 26 Strip A Creeping Charlie With its bumpy leaves, this is a favorite indoor plant; not only for its interesting appearance, but for its ease of care. Cuphea Allyson Lavender Abundant lavender-pink flowers; dense plant; 12-15”. 26 Strip B Dahlia Dahlia Dahlinova California 26 Strip E Yellow-Red Dahlia Dahlinova Carolina 26 Strip E Red Dahlia Dahlinova Carolina Burgundy 26 Strip E Burgundy Dahlia Dahlinova Carolina Orange 26 Strip E Orange Dahlia Dahlinova Florida 26 Strip E White-Pink Dahlia Dahlinova Lisa Dark Pink 26 Strip E Dark Pink Dahlia Dahlinova Montana 26 Strip E Yellow-Red Dahlia Dahlinova New York 26 Strip E Pink Dahlia Dahlinova Texas 26 Strip E Pink-Salmon Dahlia Dreamy Blush White 26 Strip E Cultivaris Almost White - a tinge of pink. Dahlia Dreamy Eyes 26 Strip E Cultivaris Orange with Red Eye Dahlia Dreamy Fantasy 26 Strip E Cultivaris Intense Pink, Yellow center Dahlia Dreamy Fusion 26 Strip E Cultivaris Intense Pink Violet Dahlia Dreamy Inspire 26 Strip E Cultivaris Coral Rose Dahlia Dreamy Kiss 26 Strip E Cultivaris Light Pink with darker center Dahlia Dreamy Nights 26 Strip E Cultivaris Dark Pink with Magenta center Dahlia Dreamy Moonlight 26 Strip E Cultivaris Yellow with Blush Pink Dahlia Dreamy Passion 26 Strip E Cultivaris Dark Red Dahlia XXL Alamos 26 Strip F Red Fox Dark Red Dahlia XXL Chiapas 26 Strip F Red Fox Intense Pink Dahlia XXL Durango 26 Strip F Red Fox Yellow Dahlia XXL Hidalgo 26 Strip F Red Fox Apricot Dahlia XXL Paraiso 26 Strip F Red Fox Pink, White Dahlia XXL Sunset 26 Strip F Red Fox Peach & Yellow Dahlia XXL Taxco 26 Strip F Red Fox Wine Red Dahlia XXL Veracruz 26 Strip F Red Fox Pink, White Dahlia XXL Yucatan 26 Strip F Red Fox Replaces Mayo - White Diascia Genta Giant Pink 26 Strip D Danziger Diascia Genta Mandarin 26 Strip D Danziger Diascia Genta Ruby 26 Strip D Danziger Dahlia Dahlinova Series Dahlinovas are well branched, medium sized plants with a medium flower. They are real eye-catchers - especially the bi-colored varieties. Known for their intense flower color, attractive foliage and uniform habit. Dahlia Dreamy Series Mid-sized series with dark burgundy foliage and medium sized semidouble flowers in two tone colors with dark eye. Dahlia XXL Series Large container Dahlias with good branching; enormous flower size and radiant colors. Diascia Diascia Genta Series Known for its large flowers, compact growth habit and good branching. They are commonly grown as bedding or in containers. Dichondra, Dracaena, Duranta 16 Dichondra Silver Falls 26 Strip C Rounded, silver foliage; cascading. Dracaena indivisa 26 Strip A Spikes / Stickups Duranta Gold Edge 26 Strip B Green 3-4” leaf with a gold serrated edge on an upright plant. 2015 Young Plant & PreFinished Catalog Young Plant c d Creeping Charlie Cuphea Allyson Lavender Dahlia Dahlinova California Dahlia Dahlinova Carolina Dahlia Dahlinova Carolina Burgundy Dahlia Dahlinova Carolina Orange Dahlia Dahlinova Florida Dahlia Dahlinova Lisa Dark Pink Dahlia Dahlinova Montana Dahlia Dahlinova New York Dahlia Dahlinova Texas Dahlia Dreamy Blush White Dahlia Dreamy Eyes Dahlia Dreamy Fantasy Dahlia Dreamy Fusion Dahlia Dreamy Inspire Dahlia Dreamy Kiss Dahlia Dreamy Nights Dahlia Dreamy Moonlight Dahlia Dreamy Passion Dahlia XXL Alamos Dahlia XXL Chiapas Dahlia XXL Durango Dahlia XXL Hidalgo Dahlia XXL Paraiso Dahlia XXL Sunset Dahlia XXL Taxco Dahlia XXL Yucatan Dahlia XXL Veracruz Diascia Genta Giant Pink Dichondra Silver Falls www.galemas.com • [email protected] New Diascia Genta Mandarin Dracaena Indivisa Diascia Genta Ruby Duranta Gold Edge 17 Young Plant e g Euphorbia Price Container CodeBreeder Details Euphorbia Star Dust Pink Pandora 26 Strip D Red Fox White with pink center; two-toned foliage. Euphorbia Star Dust Super Flash 26 Strip D Red Fox Early flowering; vigorous growth habit; light green foliage. Euphorbia Star Dust White Flash 26 Strip D Red Fox More vigorous than White Sparkle; matching the timing of Pink Shimmer. Euphorbia Star Dust White Sparkle 26 Strip D Red Fox Almost solid white. It offers a different look from others on the market; very compact. 26 Strip Light blue flowers on pendulous gray-green foliage. Evolvulus Evolvulus Blue Daze B Fuchsia Fuchsia Aretes Alwin 26 Strip C Brandkamp Red, White Fuchsia Aretes Patio Princess 26 Strip C Brandkamp Coral Red, White Fuchsia Aretes President George Bartlett 26 Strip C Brandkamp Red, Blue Fuchsia Aretes Ringwood Market 26 Strip C Brandkamp Apricot, Lavender Fuchsia Aretes Upright Allison Patricia 26 Strip C Brandkamp Red, Pink Fuchsia Aretes Upright Arroyo Grande 26 Strip C Red Fox Red, White Fuchsia Aretes Upright Boogie 26 Strip C Red Fox Light Pink, Violet Fuchsia Aretes Upright Jollies Nancy 26 Strip C Brandkamp White, Purple Fuchsia Aretes Upright Jollies Nantes 26 Strip C Brandkamp Red, Blue Fuchsia Autumnale 26 Strip C Fuchsia Winston Churchill Fuchsia Aretes Series Compact; quick to flower. Trailing fuchsia has glossy foliage that starts out yellow and green and turns coppery red in late summer. The flowers are fairly standard in color with red tubes, red sepals and purple corollas. Fuchsia Blue Eyes 26 Strip C Upright - Red and lavender flower. Fuchsia Dark Eyes 26 Strip C Trailing - Red sepal with a violet-blue corolla; double flower. Fuchsia Dollar Princess 26 Strip C Upright - Cerise sepal with a deep, rich purple corolla; double flower. Fuchsia Gartenmeister 26 Strip C Upright - Bright orange; long, single flower. Fuchsia Lena 26 Strip C Trailing - Ivory pink sepal, pale purple-blue corolla; double flower. Fuchsia Marinka 26 Strip C Trailing - Crimson sepal with a crimson corolla; small, single flower. Fuchsia Pink Delight 26 Strip C Upright - Pink corolla with sepals of white; single flower. Fuchsia Pink Marshmallow 26 Strip C Trailing - Blush sepal with a blush-pink corolla; large double flower. Fuchsia Santa Claus 26 Strip C Upright - Red sepal with a white corolla; double flower. Fuchsia Southgate 26 Strip C Upright - White, green tipped sepal, neon rose corolla; double flower. Fuchsia Starry Trails 26 Strip C Trailing - Pinkish white sepal, purple corolla; single flower. Fuchsia Swingtime 26 Strip C Trailing - Red sepal, white corolla veined with pink; double flower. Fuchsia Voodoo 26 Strip C Semi-Trailing - Red and dark purple; double flower. Fuchsia Winston Churchill 26 Strip C Upright - Rose pink sepal with a blue corolla; double flower. 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Geranium Interspecific 18 New Geranium Interspecific Cumbanita Dark Red Geranium Interspecific Cumbanita Deep Rose Geranium Interspecific Cumbanita Lilac Geranium Interspecific Sarita Dark Red Geranium Interspecific Sarita Fire Geranium Interspecific Sarita Lilac Splash G G G G G G Geranium Interspecific Cumbanita Series Cumbanita series features vigorous Interspecific Geranium; large double flowers. 2015 Young Plant & PreFinished Catalog Young Plant e g Euphorbia Star Dust Pink Shimmer Euphorbia Star Dust Super Flash Euphorbia Star Dust White Flash Euphorbia Star Dust White Sparkle Evolvulus Blue Daze Fuchsia Aretes Alwin Fuchsia Aretes Patio Princess Fuchsia Aretes President George Bartlett Fuchsia Aretes Ringwood Market Fuchsia Aretes Upright Allison Patricia Fuchsia Aretes Upright Arroyo Grande Fuchsia Aretes Upright Boogie Fuchsia Aretes Upright Jollies Nancy Fuchsia Aretes Upright Jollies Nantes Fuchsia Autumnale Fuchsia Blue Eyes Fuchsia Dark Eyes Fuchsia Dollar Princess Fuchsia Gartenmeister Fuchsia Lena Fuchsia Marinka Fuchsia Pink Delight Fuchsia Pink Marshmallow Fuchsia Santa Claus Fuchsia Southgate Fuchsia Starry Trails Fuchsia Swingtime Fuchsia Voodoo Geranium Interspecific New New cont. Geranium Interspecific Sarita Neon Sizzle Geranium Interspecific Sarita Pink Geranium Interspecific Sarita Punch Geranium Interspecific Sarita Soft Pink Splash Geranium Interspecific Sarita Sunstar Red Geranium Interspecific Sarita Wild Salmon Price Container CodeBreeder 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip G G G G G G www.galemas.com • [email protected] Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Geranium Interspecific Saritas Series Sarita series features darker leafed Interspecific Geranium; big single flowers; heat tolerant. 19 Young Plant g Geranium Details 26 Strip G Red Fox Wine Red, Pink edge Geranium - Regal Graziosa Piccola Royal Soft Pink 26 Strip G Red Fox Soft Pink with Wine Red Eye Geranium - Regal Graziosa Piccola Soft Pink 26 Strip G Red Fox Soft Pink Geranium - Regal Graziosa Merlot Picotee 26 Strip G Red Fox Geranium - Regal Graziosa Merlot Red 26 Strip G Red Fox Wine Red Geranium - Regal Graziosa Purple Picotee 26 Strip G Red Fox Purple with big white edge Geranium - Regal Graziosa Royal Lavender 26 Strip G Red Fox Lavender, Violet center Geranium - Regal Graziosa Royal Lilac 26 Strip G Red Fox Intense Lilac, dark center Geranium - Regal Graziosa Royal Salmon 26 Strip G Red Fox Salmon Pink, Red center Geranium - Regal Graziosa Royal White 26 Strip G Red Fox White, Pink center Geranium - Regal Aristo Black 26 Strip G PAC Very dark velvety red (almost black) flower. Geranium - Regal Aristo Black Beauty 26 Strip G PAC Geranium - Regal Graziosa Piccola Merlot New Interspecific pelargonium; good branching without cooling period. Ideal for late spring sales in a 6.0 pot. Geranium - Regal Aristo Candy Large candy-pink, burgundy and white flower. 26 Strip G PAC Geranium - Regal Aristo Orchid 26 Strip G PAC Geranium - Regal Aristo Petticoat 26 Strip G PAC Geranium - Regal Aristo Pink 26 Strip G PAC Beautiful lilac flowers with a hint of whiskers and a very dark red blotch. Geranium - Regal Aristo Red Beauty 26 Strip G PAC Geranium - Regal Aristo Salmon 26 Strip G PAC Geranium - Regal Aristo Velvet Red 26 Strip G PAC Geranium - Regal Aristo White with Eye 26 Strip G PAC Geranium - Vining Ville de Paris Lilac Geranium - Regal Aristo Series White with purple flowers; flowers early. Soft salmon-red with a lighter eye and dark streaks on upper petals. Rich velvety-red flowers with a very dark eye. Geranium - Vining Belle Ville Price This series of Regal Geraniums has been selected for their ease of rooting and the uniformity of blooms across the colors. The plant habit allows this series to be utilized in pot sizes from 4 ½” – 8”. Although cooling enhances the quality and uniformity of flowering, a very nice crop can be finished in a naturally cool greenhouse. Geranium - Vining Decora ContainerCode Price ContainerCode 26 Strip F Geranium - Vining Decora Lilac/Purple 26 Strip F Geranium - Vining Ville de Paris Pink 26 Strip F Geranium - Vining Decora Pink 26 Strip F Geranium - Vining Ville de Paris Red 26 Strip F Geranium - Vining Decora Red 26 Strip F Geranium - Vining Ville de Paris Rheinberg 26 Strip F Geranium - Vining Decora Rouge 26 Strip F Geranium - Vining Ville de Paris Strawberry 26 Strip F Geranium - Vining Ville de Paris Lilac 20 Geranium - Interspecific Graziosa Series Rich dark burgundy colored flower on a typical Aristo plant. Geranium - Regal Aristo Red 26 Strip G PAC New Abundant flower power; controllable habit; ideal for 4.5 pot production. Little flowers, great performance. Geranium - Regal Aristo Burgundy 26 Strip G PAC Geranium - Regal Aristo Lilac 26 Strip G PAC New Geranium - Interspecific Graziosa Piccola Series Price Container CodeBreeder Geranium - Vining Ville de Paris Pink Geranium - Ivy Decora Lilac/Purple Geranium - Vining Ville de Paris Rheinberg Geranium - Vining Ville de Paris Red Geranium - Ivy Decora Pink Geranium - Ivy Decora Red Geranium - Vining Ville de Paris Strawberry Geranium - Ivy Decora Rouge 2015 Young Plant & PreFinished Catalog Young Plant g Geranium - Regal Graziosa Piccola Merlot Geranium - Regal Graziosa Piccola Royal Soft Pink Geranium - Regal Graziosa Piccola Soft Pink Geranium - Regal Graziosa Merlot Red Geranium - Regal Graziosa Purple Picotee Geranium - Regal Graziosa Royal Lavender Geranium - Regal Graziosa Royal Lilac Geranium - Regal Graziosa Royal Salmon Geranium - Regal Graziosa Royal White Geranium - Regal Aristo Black Geranium - Regal Aristo Black Beauty Geranium - Regal Aristo Burgundy Geranium - Regal Aristo Candy Geranium - Regal Aristo Lilac Geranium - Regal Aristo Orchid Geranium - Regal Aristo Petticoat Geranium - Regal Aristo Red Geranium - Regal Aristo Red Beauty Geranium - Regal Aristo Salmon Geranium - Regal Aristo Velvet Red Geranium - Vining Great Balls of Fire Price ContainerCodeBreeder Geranium - Vining Belle Ville Series Big single flower; medium vigor; great heat tolerance. Geranium - Vining Decora Series Single flowering vigorous plants. Think the Geraniums you see in flower boxes at your Chateau in the Swiss Alps (Balcon type). New Geranium - Vining Great Balls of Fire Series Reinventing the Vining Geranium - heat tolerant; big double flowers; strong foliage. www.galemas.com • [email protected] New Geranium - Vining Great Balls of Fire Blue 26 Strip F Red Fox Geranium - Vining Great Balls of Fire Burgundy 26 Strip F Red Fox Details Geranium - Vining Great Balls of Fire Burgundy Blaze 26 Strip F Red Fox Bicolor burgundy/white Geranium - Vining Great Balls of Fire Dark Red 26 Strip F Red Fox Geranium - Vining Great Balls of Fire Deep Rose 26 Strip F Red Fox Geranium - Vining Great Balls of Fire Lavender 26 Strip F Red Fox Geranium - Vining Great Balls of Fire Light Lavender 26 Strip F Red Fox Geranium - Vining Great Balls of Fire Melon 26 Strip F Red Fox Geranium - Vining Great Balls of Fire Merlot 26 Strip F Red Fox Geranium - Vining Great Balls of Fire Pink 26 Strip F Red Fox Geranium - Vining Great Balls of Fire Violet Blue 26 Strip F Red Fox Geranium - Vining Great Balls of Fire White 26 Strip F Red Fox 21 Young Plant g Geranium Zonal Geranium - Zonal Candy Bright Red Geranium - Zonal Candy Fantasy Kiss Geranium - Zonal Candy Light Salmon Geranium - Zonal Candy Red Hots Geranium - Zonal Candy Rose Splash Geranium - Zonal Candy Violet Geranium - Zonal Candy White Parfait Price Container CodeBreeder 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip F F F F F F F Ecke Ecke Ecke Ecke Ecke Ecke Ecke Geranium - Zonal Maestro Bright Red 26 Strip Geranium - Zonal Maestro Bright Scarlet 26 Strip Geranium - Zonal Maestro Cherry 26 Strip Geranium - Zonal Maestro Deep Lavender 26 Strip Geranium - Zonal Maestro Lavender Blue 26 Strip Geranium - Zonal Maestro Lt Pink Parfait 26 Strip Geranium - Zonal Maestro Melody 26 Strip Geranium - Zonal Maestro Pink Parfait 26 Strip Geranium - Zonal Maestro Rich Red 26 Strip Geranium - Zonal Maestro Salmon 26 Strip Geranium - Zonal Maestro Sassy Dark Red26 Strip Geranium - Zonal Maestro Violet 26 Strip Geranium - Zonal Maestro White Splash 26 Strip F F F F F F F F F F F F F Ecke Ecke Ecke Ecke Ecke Ecke Ecke Ecke Ecke Ecke Ecke Ecke Ecke Geranium - Zonal Double: Appleblossom Rosebud 26 Strip I Large flowers with clusters of tightly gathered petals, all tipped in rose pink. Geranium - Zonal Double: Red Rosebud 26 Strip I Petite clusters of blooms that look like nosegays in a bright lipstick red. Geranium - Zonal Fancy: Arctic Star 26 Strip I These small plants are loved for white star shaped flowers and their notched leaves. Geranium - Zonal Melody Geranium - Zonal Sassy Dark Red Geranium - Zonal Candy Series Dark foliage accents the blooms on these medium compact plants. Geranium - Zonal Maestro Series Medium vigor. Geranium - Zonal Patriot Series Vigorous strong performer in a wide array of colors. Geranium - Zonal Pinnacle Series The Top Hits from Dummen’s Pinnacle Series. Early flowering; medium compact with very good branching. Geranium Zonal Specialty New 22 Geranium - Zonal Fancy: Chinese Cactus 26 Strip I Showy clusters of salmon-pink and white flowers above small, deeply cut, banded green leaves with a bronze zone. Geranium - Zonal Fancy: Fireworks Pink 26 Strip F Unique pink star-like flowers offset by very interesting fan-shaped foliage. Geranium - Zonal Fancy: Fireworks Red/White 26 Strip F Unique star-like flowers offset by very interesting fan-shaped foliage. Geranium - Zonal Fancy: Fireworks Scarlet 26 Strip F PAC Unique scarlet star-like flowers offset by very interesting fan-shaped foliage. Geranium - Zonal Fancy: Fireworks White 26 Strip F Unique white star-like flowers offset by very interesting fan-shaped foliage. Geranium - Zonal Fancy: Indian Dunes 26 Strip I Mounds of scalloped chartreuse leaves with bronze centers, complimented by an orange/red flower. Geranium - Zonal Fancy: Lady Plymouth 26 Strip I Upright, variegated scented Geranium as a sport off of Old-Fashioned Rose. Geranium - Zonal Fancy: Mrs. Parker 26 Strip I Green leaf, wide red zone and a cream edge. Geranium - Zonal Fancy: Mrs. Pollock 26 Strip I Stunning yellow, red and green leaves with orange flowers. Geranium - Zonal Fancy: New Life Sport 26 Strip I An antique from 1869; strawberry cream blooms. Geranium - Zonal Fancy: Occold Shield 26 Strip I PAC Light green leaf with a prominent red center. Geranium - Zonal Fancy: Persian Queen 26 Strip I Golden Geranium grown for the glorious pure yellow ochre rounded leaves. Striking as a “spot” plant, even if not full of its vivid hot fuchsia single flowers. Geranium - Zonal Fancy: Petals 26 Strip I Single pearl eyed soft pink nighty colored flower clusters fading to pinkish mauve over silvery green upcupped irregularly outlined leaves brightly margined ivory; compact habit. Geranium - Zonal Fancy: Pink Happy Thoughts 26 Strip Cream centers with dark green margins and pink flowers. I Geranium - Zonal Fancy: Platinum 26 Strip I Salmon toned single scarlet flowers arise above the quite odd waffled pale milky green rounded leaves with evenly cut creamy white margins; wide oddly angular mounding habit. 2015 Young Plant & PreFinished Catalog Young Plant Geranium Zonal g Price Container CodeBreeder cont. Geranium - Zonal Patriot Bright Pink Geranium - Zonal Patriot Bright Red Geranium - Zonal Patriot Bright Violet Geranium - Zonal Patriot Cherry Rose Geranium - Zonal Patriot Cranberry Red Geranium - Zonal Patriot Lavender Blue Geranium - Zonal Patriot Orange Geranium - Zonal Patriot Red Geranium - Zonal Patriot Rose Pink Geranium - Zonal Patriot Salmon Geranium - Zonal Patriot Salmon Chic Geranium - Zonal Patriot Soft Pink Geranium - Zonal Patriot Watermelon Geranium - Zonal Patriot White Geranium - Zonal Pinnacle Appleblossom Geranium - Zonal Pinnacle Dark Red Geranium - Zonal Pinnacle Hot Rose Geranium - Zonal Pinnacle Neon Geranium - Zonal Pinnacle Red Geranium - Zonal Pinnacle Violet Rose Geranium - Zonal Pinnacle White 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip F F F F F F F F F F F F F F Ecke Ecke Ecke Ecke Ecke Ecke Ecke Ecke Ecke Ecke Ecke Ecke Ecke Ecke 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip F F F F F F F Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Price Container CodeBreeder New New New New Geranium - Zonal Savannah Lavender Splash 26 Strip Geranium - Zonal Savannah Merlot Sizzle 26 Strip Geranium - Zonal Savannah Oh So Orange 26 Strip Geranium - Zonal Savannah Pink 26 Strip Geranium - Zonal Savannah Pink Sizzle 26 Strip Geranium - Zonal Savannah Punch 26 Strip Geranium - Zonal Savannah Really Red 26 Strip Geranium - Zonal Savannah Red 26 Strip Geranium - Zonal Savannah Ruby Sizzle 26 Strip Geranium - Zonal Savannah White 26 Strip F F F F F F F F F F Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Geranium - Zonal Survivor Baby Face Geranium - Zonal Survivor Dark Red Geranium - Zonal Survivor Fuchsia Geranium - Zonal Survivor Indigo Sky Geranium - Zonal Survivor Pink Batik Geranium - Zonal Survivor Salmon Sensation Geranium - Zonal Survivor White F F F F F F F Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip Geranium - Zonal Savannah Series The Top Hits from Dummen’s Savannah Series. Dark foliage; medium vigor with attractive flowers. Geranium - Zonal Survivor Series The Top Hits from Dummen’s Survivor Series. Big flowers; medium vigor with good branching. Geranium - Zonal Double: Appleblossom Rosebud Geranium - Zonal Double: Red Rosebud Geranium - Zonal Fancy: Arctic Star Geranium - Zonal Fancy: Chinese Cactus Geranium - Zonal Fancy: Fireworks Pink Geranium - Zonal Fancy: Fireworks Red/White Geranium - Zonal Fancy: Fireworks White Geranium - Zonal Fancy: Indian Dunes Geranium - Zonal Fancy: Lady Plymouth Geranium - Zonal Fancy: Mrs. Parker Geranium - Zonal Fancy: Mrs. Pollock Geranium - Zonal Fancy: New Life Sport Geranium - Zonal Fancy: Occold Shield Geranium - Zonal Fancy: Persian Queen Geranium - Zonal Fancy: Petals Geranium - Zonal Fancy: Pink Happy Thoughts www.galemas.com • [email protected] Geranium - Zonal Fancy: Platinum 23 Young Plant g h Geranium Zonal Specialty cont. Price Container CodeBreeder Details Geranium - Zonal Fancy: Red Happy Thoughts 26 Strip I Cream centers with dark green margins and red flowers. Geranium - Zonal Fancy: Vancouver Centennial 26 Strip I Gold leaves with a brown center splash. Bares single red-orange flowers in clusters. Geranium - Zonal Fancy: Wilhelm Languth F Soft green and white variegated foliage below attractive red flowers. 26 Strip Geranium - Zonal Scented: Chocolate Mint 26 Strip I Deeply lobed intensely fragrant foliage of soft velvet highlighted with center splotch of dark green “chocolate” brown; vigorous cascading habit. Geranium - Zonal Scented: Citronella 26 Strip I Dramatically lobed leaves; strongly scented snowflake foliage often promoted as an insect deterrent. Geranium - Zonal Scented: Ginger 26 Strip I Softly scented of spice. Geranium - Zonal Scented: Old Fashioned Rose26 Strip I Soft, furry leaves which emit a true-rose scent when rubbed. Geranium - Zonal Scented: Peppermint Rose I Medium green-grey fuzzy foliage with a pleasant rose scent. German Ivy Green 26 Strip A Dark green leaves; nice trailing habit. Glechoma Hederacea (Var) 26 Strip C Irregular white and silver marked leaves. 26 Strip German Ivy, Glechoma Gomphrena PinBall Gomphrena PinBall Purple 26 Strip E Gomphrena PinBall Snow-Tip Lavender 26 Strip E Gomphrena PinBall White 26 Strip E Gomphrena PinBall Strong semi-mounding habit; excellent heat and drought tolerance. Hedera 24 Hedera Ivy Grn Algerian Green 26 Strip C 4 Nodes Stuck per Cell. Hedera Ivy Grn Chicago 26 Strip B 4 Nodes Stuck per Cell. Hedera Ivy Grn Curly 26 Strip B 4 Nodes Stuck per Cell. Hedera Ivy Grn Duckfoot 26 Strip B 4 Nodes Stuck per Cell. Hedera Ivy Grn English 26 Strip B 4 Nodes Stuck per Cell. Hedera Ivy Grn Heartleaf 26 Strip B 4 Nodes Stuck per Cell. Hedera Ivy Grn Lady Kay 26 Strip B 4 Nodes Stuck per Cell. Hedera Ivy Grn Large English 26 Strip B 4 Nodes Stuck per Cell. Hedera Ivy Grn Needlepoint 26 Strip B 4 Nodes Stuck per Cell. Hedera Ivy Grn Patricia 26 Strip B 4 Nodes Stuck per Cell. Hedera Ivy Grn Pittsburg 26 Strip B 4 Nodes Stuck per Cell. Hedera Ivy Grn Ralf 26 Strip B 4 Nodes Stuck per Cell; 3-lobed, solid green leaves; trailing. Hedera Ivy Grn Ritterkruez 26 Strip B 4 Nodes Stuck per Cell. Hedera Ivy Grn Ruffles 26 Strip B 4 Nodes Stuck per Cell. Hedera Ivy Grn Thorndale 26 Strip B 4 Nodes Stuck per Cell. Ivy is... • Popular as a house plant or hanging plant outdoors in a shady spot • Widely used in weddings, floral arrangements, interiorscape and exterior landscaping • Used as a creeper or a climber in the landscape Ivy is an extraordinarily useful and flexible plant and is loved by many people! 2015 Young Plant & PreFinished Catalog Young Plant g h Geranium - Zonal Fancy: Red Happy Thoughts Geranium - Zonal Fancy: Vancouver Centennial Geranium - Zonal Fancy: Wilhelm Languth Geranium - Zonal Fancy Scented: Chocolate Mint Geranium - Zonal Fancy Scented: Citronella Geranium - Zonal Fancy Scented: Ginger Geranium - Zonal Fancy Scented: Old Fashioned Rose Geranium - Zonal Fancy Scented: Peppermint Rose German Ivy Green Glechoma Hederacea (Var) Gomphrena PinBall Purple Gomphrena PinBall Snow-Tip Lavender Gomphrena PinBall White Hedera Ivy Grn Algerian Green Hedera Ivy Grn Chicago Hedera Ivy Grn Curly Hedera Ivy Grn Duckfoot Hedera Ivy Grn English Hedera Ivy Grn Heartleaf Hedera Ivy Grn Lady Kay Hedera Ivy Grn Large English Hedera Ivy Grn Needlepoint Hedera Ivy Grn Patricia Hedera Ivy Grn Pittsburg Hedera Ivy Grn Ralf Hedera Ivy Grn Ritterkruez Hedera Ivy Grn Ruffles Hedera Ivy Grn Thorndale www.galemas.com • [email protected] 25 Young Plant h Hedera cont. Price Container CodeBreeder Details Hedera Ivy Var Anne Marie 26 Strip B Green & Cream / 4 Nodes Stuck per Cell. Hedera Ivy Var Birte 26 Strip B Green & Cream / 4 Nodes Stuck per Cell. Hedera Ivy Var Connecticut Yankee 26 Strip B Green & Cream / 4 Nodes Stuck per Cell. Hedera Ivy Var Eva 26 Strip B Green & Cream / 4 Nodes Stuck per Cell. Hedera Ivy Var Glacier 26 Strip B Green & Cream / 4 Nodes Stuck per Cell. Hedera Ivy Var Gold Child 26 Strip B Green & Gold / 4 Nodes Stuck per Cell. Hedera Ivy Var Gold Dust 26 Strip B Green & Gold / 4 Nodes Stuck per Cell. Hedera Ivy Var Gold Ingot 26 Strip B Green & Gold / 4 Nodes Stuck per Cell. Hedera Ivy Var Golden Kolibri 26 Strip B Green & Gold / 4 Nodes Stuck per Cell. Hedera Ivy Var Laurens Lace 26 Strip B Green & Cream / 4 Nodes Stuck per Cell. Hedera Ivy Var Marengo (Algerian type) 26 Strip C Green & Cream / 4 Nodes Stuck per Cell. Hedera Ivy Var Mint Kolibri 26 Strip B Green & Cream / 4 Nodes Stuck per Cell. Hedera Ivy Var White Mein Hertz 26 Strip B Green & Cream / 4 Nodes Stuck per Cell. Hedera Ivy Var Yellow Ripple 26 Strip B Green & Gold / 4 Nodes Stuck per Cell. 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip Gray-green spikes on bushy plant. Pale yellow, rounded foliage; 8-12”. (2 Plants per Cell) Small gray-green leaves; compact; bushy plant; 9-12”. Silver-gray foliage; 9-12”. Soft gray-green leaves with silvery-white markings; 8-12”. Details: 2 - 2 Eye Cuttings per Cell or 4 Eyes per Cell Helichrysum Helichrysum Licorice Icicles Helichrysum Licorice Lemon/Limelight Helichrysum Licorice Petite/Minus Helichrysum Licorice Silver/Gray Helichrysum Licorice Variegated B B C B B Heliotrope Heliotrope Fragrant Delight 26 Strip D Fragrant, deep purple flowers. Herb 26 Herb - Basil (Ocimum) Dwarf Purple 26 Strip B Herb - Basil (Ocimum) Greek Columnar 26 Strip B Columnar appearance; non-flowering basil; maintains flavor year round . Herb - French Tarragon 26 Strip C Artemisia dracunulus herb. Herb - Lavender Dentata (French) 26 Strip B Narrow tooth leaf french lavender. Herb - Marjoram, Sweet 26 Strip B Green foliage herb. Herb - Mentha Chocolate 26 Strip B Great dried, added to black tea, or to chocolate deserts. Herb - Mentha Orange 26 Strip B Leaves are round/oval, smooth and dark green with a red edge. Herb - Mentha Peppermint 26 Strip B Culinary herb; spreading; 36”. Herb - Mentha Pineapple 26 Strip B Faint pineapple scent; white markings on leaves; 24”. Herb - Mentha Spearmint 26 Strip B Culinary herb; cool mint flavor; spreading; 12-24”. Herb - Oregano, Golden 26 Strip B Showy yellow foliage with creeping habit. Herb - Oregano, Greek 26 Strip B Pink flowers; large wooly grey-green dark leaves; 24”. Herb - Oregano, Italian 26 Strip B Sweet flavor; pink flowers with small light green leaves; 24”. Herb - Origanum rotundifolium Kent Beauty26 Strip B Compact purple foliage. Green, dusty rose to deep mauve with ovate leaves. 2015 Young Plant & PreFinished Catalog Young Plant h Hedera Ivy Var Anne Marie Hedera Ivy Var Birte Hedera Ivy Var Connecticut Yankee Hedera Ivy Var Eva Hedera Ivy Var Glacier Hedera Ivy Var Gold Child Hedera Ivy Var Gold Dust Hedera Ivy Var Gold Ingot Hedera Ivy Var Golden Kolibri Hedera Ivy Var Laurens Lace Hedera Ivy Var Marble / Kolibri Helichrysum Licorice Icicles Hedera Ivy Var Marengo (Algerian type) Helichrysum Licorice Lemon Hedera Ivy Var White Mein Hertz Helichrysum Licorice Petite Hedera Ivy Var Yellow Ripple Helichrysum Licorice Silver/Gray Helichrysum Licorice Variegated Herb - Lavender Dentata (French) Herb - Marjoram, Sweet Heliotrope Fragrant Delight Herb - Basil (Ocimum) Dwarf Purple Herb - Basil (Ocimum) Greek Columnar Herb - French Tarragon Herb - Mentha Chocolate Herb - Mentha Orange Herb - Mentha Peppermint Herb - Oregano, Golden Herb - Oregano, Greek www.galemas.com • [email protected] Herb - Mentha Pineapple Herb - Oregano, Italian Herb - Mentha Spearmint Herb - Origanum rotundifolium Kent Beauty 27 Young Plant h i Herb Price Container CodeBreeder Details Herb - Rosemary officinalis Taurentius 26 Strip B Rosemary; upright. Herb - Rosemary Tuscan Blue 26 Strip B Bright lavender-blue flowers; upright; 60”. Herb - Salvia Off. Garden Grey 26 Strip B Gray-green leaves. Herb - Salvia Off. Icterina (Golden) 26 Strip B Green leaves marbled with golden yellow; accent; 16”. Herb - Salvia Off. Purple 26 Strip B Purplish leaves fade to gray-green; purple below; 18”. Herb - Salvia Off. Tricolor 26 Strip B Green, pink and white leaves; 16”. Herb - Stevia rebaudinana 26 Strip B Natures natural sweetener. Herb - Thyme, English 26 Strip B Green leaves on prostrate plant; whitish-lilac flowers; 6-10”. Herb - Thyme, French 26 Strip B Herb with dark green aromatic leaves. Herb - Thyme, Golden Lemon 26 Strip B Lemon scented green foliage with yellow margins; 8”. Herb - Thyme, Lemon (citriodorus) 26 Strip B Thin yellow green leaves with a strong lemon scent; 9”. Herb - Thyme, Silver 26 Strip B Light silver and cream variegated lemon scented leaves. cont. Heuchera Collection, Iboza Heuchera Amethyst Mist 50 Elle I Heuchera Carnival Coffee Bean 50 Elle I Darwin Heuchera Carnival Limeade 50 Elle I Darwin Heuchera Carnival Peach Parfait 50 Elle I Darwin Heuchera Cherry Cola 50 Elle I TerraNova Heuchera Ginger Ale 50 Elle I TerraNova Heuchera Harvest Lemon Chiffon 50 Elle I TerraNova Heuchera hybrida Can Can 50 Elle I Heuchera hybrida Hercules 50 Elle I Heuchera Neptune 50 Elle I Heuchera Root Beer 50 Elle I TerraNova Heuchera Silver Scrolls 50 Elle I CnB Large metallic silver-purple leaves with dark purple vein, white flowers. Heuchera Venus 50 Elle I CnB Large, silver leaves with deep green veining. Heuchera villosa Kassandra 50 Elle I Concept Foliage collage deep ambers, apricots & honey colors; light pink blooms. Trailing. Scalloped green leaves bold white markings. Impatien Double Musica Bicolor Dark Red 26 Strip C Danziger Double medium sized flowers of pearly white; compact. Impatien Double Musica Bicolor Pink 26 Strip C Danziger Large bicolor pink flower; medium growth. Impatien Double Musica Elegant Red 26 Strip C Danziger Large orange and white flowers; medium growth. Impatien Double Musica Magenta 26 Strip C Danziger Impatien Double Musica Pink Aroma 26 Strip C Danziger Impatien Double Musica Spicy Orange 26 Strip C Danziger Iboza Vine (Plectranthus coleoides varieg.) 26 Strip B Soft purple haze over good silver mottling. Heuchera In a shocking rainbow of colors, these beauties are hard to beat for garden foliage. Delicate blooms appear throughout the summer for contrast to their impressive foliage. Future Plants Pewter-purple leaves, very dark veining; mid-deep dividing giving texture. Impatien - Double Musica Large orange and white flowers; medium growth. Impatien Double Musica Series Musica consistently doubles customer expectations as it’s easy to grow, quick to finish and has great plant compactness. High flower count, reduced botrytis sensitivity and great retail performance add to the series’ appeal. 28 2015 Young Plant & PreFinished Catalog Young Plant h i Herb - Rosemary Off. Taurentius Herb - Rosemary Tuscan Blue Herb - Salvia Off. Garden Grey Herb - Salvia Off. Icterina (Golden) Herb - Salvia Off. Purple Herb - Salvia Off. Tricolor Herb - Stevia rebaudinana Herb - Thyme, English Herb - Thyme, French Herb - Thyme, Golden Lemon Herb - Thyme, Lemon (citriodorus) Herb - Thyme, Silver New Heuchera Amethyst Mist New New New Heuchera Carnival Coffee Bean Heuchera Carnival Limeade Heuchera Carnival Peach Parfait Heuchera Cherry Cola Heuchera Harvest Lemon Chiffon Heuchera hybrida Can Can Heuchera hybrida Hercules Heuchera Neptune Heuchera Silver Scrolls Heuchera Venus Heuchera villosa Kassandra Iboza Vine Impatien Double Musica Bicolor Dark Red Impatien Double Musica Bicolor Pink Impatien Double Musica Elegant Red Impatien Double Musica Magenta Impatien Double Musica Pink Aroma Impatien Double Musica Spicy Orange New Heuchera Ginger Ale New Heuchera Root Beer www.galemas.com • [email protected] 29 Young Plant i l Impatien SunPatiens Impatien SunPatiens Compact Blush Pink Price Container CodeBreeder 26 Strip E Sakata Impatien SunPatiens Compact Coral 26 Strip E Sakata Impatien SunPatiens Compact Deep Rose 26 Strip E Sakata Impatien Sunpatiens Compact Electric Orange 26 Strip E Sakata Impatien SunPatiens Compact Lilac 26 Strip E Sakata Impatien SunPatiens Compact Orange 26 Strip E Sakata Impatien SunPatiens Compact Red 26 Strip E Sakata Impatien SunPatiens Compact Royal Magenta 26 Strip E Sakata Impatien SunPatiens Compact White 26 Strip E Sakata Impatien SunPatiens Spreading Carmine Red 26 Strip E Sakata Impatien Sunpatiens Spreading Clear White 26 Strip E Sakata Impatien SunPatiens Spreading Corona 26 Strip E Sakata Impatien SunPatiens Spreading Pink Flash 26 Strip E Sakata Impatien SunPatiens Spreading Salmon (Var) 26 Strip E Sakata Impatien Sunpatiens Spreading Scarlet Red 26 Strip E Sakata Impatien Sunpatiens Spreading Shell Pink 26 Strip E Sakata Impatien SunPatiens Spreading White (Var) 26 Strip E Sakata Impatien SunPatiens Vigorous Lavender 26 Strip E Sakata Impatien SunPatiens Vigorous Magenta 26 Strip E Sakata Impatien SunPatiens Vigorous Orange 26 Strip E Sakata Impatien SunPatiens Vigorous White 26 Strip E Sakata 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip C C E Floranova E Floranova E Floranova C E Red Fox C C C Details Impatien SunPatiens Collection Sunpatiens are revolutionary hybrid impatiens bred by Sakata. These remarkable plants represent a breakthrough in flower breeding: robust, sun-loving, heat-loving impatiens that thrive in full sun or part shade and deliver continuous color from spring thru frost. Impatien SunPatiens Compact Blush Pink Impatien SunPatiens Compact Coral Ipomoea Ipomoea Ace of Spades Ipomoea Blackie Ipomoea Bright Ideas Black Ipomoea Bright Ideas Lime Ipomoea Bright Ideas Rusty Red Ipomoea Bronze Ipomoea FloraMia Nero Ipomoea Margie Compact Ipomoea Marguerite/Golden Ipomoea Tricolor Deep red/black spade shaped leaves. Deep red/black leaves; lobed foliage; spreading. Vigorous grower; light “bronzy red” lobed foliage. Flowering Ipomoea Lime-green; cut-leaf; branching; compact. Bright yellow foliage; spreading. White, pink, red colored leaves. Iresine Iresine Bloodleaf 26 Strip B Bright red foliage; grows 12” high. 26 Strip B Mounding plant with broad silver variegation; 10-12”. Lamiastrum Lamiastrum Hermans Pride 30 2015 Young Plant & PreFinished Catalog Young Plant Impatien SunPatiens Compact Deep Rose i l Impatien Sunpatiens Compact Electric Orange Impatien SunPatiens Compact Lilac Impatien SunPatiens Compact Magenta Impatien SunPatiens Compact Orange New Impatien SunPatiens Compact Red Impatien SunPatiens Compact White Impatien SunPatiens Spreading Carmine Red New Impatien SunPatiens Spreading Pink Flash Impatien SunPatiens Spreading Salmon (Varigated) Impatien SunPatiens Vigorous Lavender Impatien SunPatiens Spreading Corona New Impatien SunPatiens Spreading Scarlet Red Impatien SunPatiens Vigorous Magenta Impatien SunPatiens Spreading Clear White Impatien SunPatiens Spreading Shell Pink Impatien SunPatiens Vigorous Orange Ipomoea Ace of Spades Ipomoea Blackie Ipomoea Bronze Ipomoea Tricolor Ipomoea FloraMia Nero Ipomoea Bright Ideas Black Impatien SunPatiens Spreading White (Varigated) Impatien SunPatiens Vigorous White Ipomoea Margie Compact Ipomoea Bright Ideas Lime Ipomoea Marguerite/Golden Ipomoea Bright Ideas Rusty Red Iresine Bloodleaf Lamiastrum Hermans Pride www.galemas.com • [email protected] 31 Young Plant l Lamium Price Container CodeBreeder 26 Strip B Details Lamium Beacon Silver 26 Strip B Silver leaves edged in green; pink flowers; 6-10”. Lamium Pink Pewter 26 Strip B Looks similar to Beacon Silver; 4-8”. Lamium White Nancy 26 Strip B White flowers; silver leaves thinly edged with green. Lamium Aureum/Yellow Lantana Chartreuse foliage; low plant; lavender flowers; 4-8”. Lantana Chipotle Blaze 26 Strip C Lantana Chipotle Caress 26 Strip C Lantana Chipotle Chill 26 Strip C Lantana Chipotle Dazzle 26 Strip C Lantana Chipotle Flare 26 Strip C Lantana Chipotle Sizzle 26 Strip C Lantana Confetti 26 Strip B Yellow, pink, orange flowers; upright. Lantana Dallas Red 26 Strip B Flowers finish red with upright big, dark green leaves. Lantana New Gold 26 Strip B Golden-yellow flowers; habit like Gold Mound; 12”. Lantana Tropic Pink Bird 26 Strip B Brandkamp Pink, Yellow Bicolor 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip D D D D D D D C D D D Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Westflowers Westflower Westflower Westflowers Medium Blue White Light Blue Blue, White Star Bright Blue with a White Throat Bright Blue Antique Pink The largest flowers of any Lobelia with an intense, true-blue color. Lobelia Lobelia Bella Acqua Lobelia Bella Bianca Lobelia Bella Cielo Lobelia Bella Donna Lobelia Bella Mare Lobelia Bella Oceano Lobelia Bella Rosa Lobelia Big Blue Lobelia Hot Purple Lobelia Hot Royal Blue Lobelia Hot Waterblue Lantana Chipotle A series of care-free, easy and reliable lantanas that will flower non-stop all summer long in sunny locations. Light blue flowers; mounding habit. Lobularia Lobularia Lavender Stream 26 Strip E Danziger Trailing - Early flowering; lots of flower power. Lobularia Silver Stream 26 Strip E Danziger Trailing - Early flowering; lots of flower power. Lobularia Yolo French Vanilla 26 Strip E Red Fox Lobularia Yolo Purple Halo 26 Strip E Red Fox Lobularia Yolo White 26 Strip E Red Fox Lotus Vine Parrot’s Beak 26 Strip C Soft silver needle foliage; red blooms. Lysimachia congest. Variegated 26 Strip B Variegated foliage with gold margins; yellow flowers. Lysimachia nummularia Goldilocks 26 Strip B Chains of trailing, bright yellow, rounded foliage; 4”. Lotus Vine, Lysimachia 32 2015 Young Plant & PreFinished Catalog Young Plant l Lamium Aureum/Yellow New Lantana Chipotle Blaze Lamium Beacon Silver New Lamium Pink Pewter New Lamium White Nancy New New Lantana Chipotle Caress Lantana Chipotle Chill Lantana Chipotle Dazzle Lantana Chipotle Flare Lantana Confetti Lantana Dallas Red Lantana New Gold Lantana Tropic Pink Bird New Lantana Chipotle Sizzle New Lobelia Bella Acqua Lobelia Bella Bianca Lobelia Bella Cielo New Lobelia Bella Rosa Lobelia Big Blue Lobelia Hot Purple New Lobularia Lavender Stream Lobularia Silver Stream Lobularia Yolo French Vanilla Lotus Vine Parrot’s Beak Lysimachia congest. Variegated Lobelia Bella Donna Lobelia Bella Oceano New Lobelia Hot Royal Blue New Lobularia Yolo Purple Halo Lobelia Hot Waterblue New Lobularia Yolo White Lysimachia nummularia Goldilocks 33 www.galemas.com • [email protected] Young Plant m o Manettia Manettia Bicolor/ Candy Corn Vine Price Container CodeBreeder Details 26 Strip C Tender vine; brilliant red flowers tipped with bright yellow; loves sun. 26 Strip D Danziger Dark blue flowers on an early and upright growth habit. Nemesia Nemesia Nesia Dark Blue Nemesia Nesia Dark Magenta 26 Strip D Danziger Large magenta flowers; upright growth habit; highly foliferous and tolerant to extreme temperatures. Nemesia Nesia Fantasy 26 Strip D Danziger Purple and white with yellow eye; upright growth habit. Nemesia Nesia White 26 Strip D Danziger Medium white flower; upright compact growth habit; delicate fragrance. New Guinea New New New New New New New Impatien New Guinea Magnum Blue 26 Strip Impatien New Guinea Magnum Dark Red 26 Strip Impatien New Guinea Magnum Fire 26 Strip Impatien New Guinea Magnum Hot Pink 26 Strip Impatien New Guinea Magnum Lav Splash 26 Strip Impatien New Guinea Magnum Orange 26 Strip Impatien New Guinea Magnum Pink 26 Strip Impatien New Guinea Magnum Purple 26 Strip Impatien New Guinea Magnum Red Flame 26 Strip Impatien New Guinea Magnum Salmon 26 Strip Impatien New Guinea Magnum White Blush 26 Strip Impatien New Guinea Magnum Wild Salmon 26 Strip Impatien New Guinea Petticoat Allegro 26 Strip Impatien New Guinea Petticoat Aubergine 26 Strip Impatien New Guinea Petticoat Blue 26 Strip Impatien New Guinea Petticoat Brt Red Star 26 Strip Impatien New Guinea Petticoat Fire 26 Strip Impatien New Guinea Petticoat Hot Rose 26 Strip Impatien New Guinea Petticoat Lavender 26 Strip Impatien New Guinea Petticoat Mandarin Star 26 Strip Impatien New Guinea Petticoat Neon Night 26 Strip Impatien New Guinea Petticoat Pastel Pink 26 Strip Impatien New Guinea Petticoat Pink 26 Strip Impatien New Guinea Petticoat Pink Charme 26 Strip Impatien New Guinea Petticoat Pink Eye 26 Strip Impatien New Guinea Petticoat Pink Night 26 Strip Impatien New Guinea Petticoat Purple Star 26 Strip Impatien New Guinea Petticoat Red 26 Strip Impatien New Guinea Petticoat Red Star 26 Strip Impatien New Guinea Petticoat Salmon Night 26 Strip Impatien New Guinea Petticoat Soft Pink 26 Strip Impatien New Guinea Petticoat White 26 Strip D D D D D D D D D D D D C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox New Guinea Impatien Magnum Red Flame Bright Red Dark Violet, Velvet Blue Lilac New Guinea Impatien Petticoat Soft Pink Intense Orange Intense Blue Pink New Guinea Impatien Magnum Series Intense Pink Violet Soft Salmon Pink Pink with White Eye White with Pink Eye White, Red Star Orange The bigger, better Impatien. Strikingly strong plants, enormous flower size; easy to grow. New Guinea Impatien Petticoat Series Medium growth; early flowering; uniform in timing and habit. Oplismenus Oplismenus hirtellus, Variegated 26 Strip C Basket Grass - Leaves of green and creamy variegation overlaid with varying shades of pink. 34 2015 Young Plant & PreFinished Catalog Young Plant m o Manettia bicolor/ Candy Corn Vine Nemesia Nesia Dark Blue New Guinea Nemesia Nesia Dark Magenta Nemesia Nesia White New Guinea Impatien Riviera Series Price Container CodeBreeder cont. Impatien New Guinea Riviera Blue 26 Strip C Red Fox Impatien New Guinea Riviera Blue Star 26 Strip C Red Fox Impatien New Guinea Riviera Bright Red 26 Strip C Red Fox Impatien New Guinea Riviera Deep Salmon 26 Strip C Red Fox Impatien New Guinea Riviera Lavender 26 Strip C Red Fox Impatien New Guinea Riviera Pink 26 Strip C Red Fox Impatien New Guinea Riviera Pink Eye 26 Strip C Red Fox Impatien New Guinea Riviera Red 26 Strip C Red Fox Impatien New Guinea Riviera Red Star 26 Strip C Red Fox Impatien New Guinea Riviera White 26 Strip C Red Fox Impatien New Guinea Strike Bright Orange 26 Strip C Impatien New Guinea Strike Magenta 26 Strip C Impatien New Guinea Strike Orange 26 Strip C Impatien New Guinea Strike Orchid 26 Strip C Impatien New Guinea Strike Pink 26 Strip C Impatien New Guinea Strike Plum 26 Strip C Impatien New Guinea Strike Salmon 26 Strip C Impatien New Guinea Strike Snow 26 Strip C New Guinea Impatien Strike Orchid Nemesia Nesia Fantasy New Guinea Impatien Strike Pink Vigorous, uniform in timing and habit. Lilac, Red Star White with Pink markings White, Red Star New Guinea Impatien Strike Series Striking variegated leaf of the disease resistant New Guinea Impatiens. Large, compact, uniform vibrant blooms. New Guinea Impatien Strike Bright Orange New Guinea Impatien Strike Magenta New Guinea Impatien Strike Orange New Guinea Impatien Strike Plum New Guinea Impatien Strike Salmon New Guinea Impatien Strike Snow Oplismenus hirtellus, Variegated www.galemas.com • [email protected] New Guinea Impatien Riviera Pink Eye 35 Young Plant o p Osteospermum Osteospermum Summerdaisy Dark Orange Price Container CodeBreeder Details 26 Strip D GGG Osteospermum Summerdaisy Intense Yellow 26 Strip D GGG Osteospermum Summertime Blueberry 26 Strip E Red Fox Osteospermum Summertime Hot Pink 26 Strip E Red Fox Osteospermum Summertime Kardinal 26 Strip E Red Fox Osteospermum Summertime Pink Charme 26 Strip E Red Fox Osteospermum Summertime Purple 26 Strip E Red Fox Osteospermum Summertime Toffee 26 Strip E Red Fox Osteospermum Summertime White 26 Strip E Red Fox Osteospermum Summertime Yellow 26 Strip E Red Fox Osteospermum Summertime Swt Blue Sunrise 26 Strip E Red Fox Light Yellow, Pink stripes Osteospermum Summertime Swt Copper Sun 26 Strip E Red Fox Orange, Copper Osteospermum Summertime Sweet Lavender 26 Strip E Red Fox Osteospermum Summertime Sweet Purple 26 Strip E Red Fox Osteospermum Summertime Swt Red Velvet 26 Strip E Red Fox Osteospermum Summertime Sweet Yellow 26 Strip E Red Fox Osteospermum Swing Gold 26 Strip E Red Fox Osteospermum Swing Lavender 26 Strip E Red Fox Osteospermum Swing Purple 26 Strip E Red Fox Osteospermum Swing Royal White 26 Strip E Red Fox Red Orange, Blue center Osteospermum Summertime Series Special colors; good habit; with varieties ideal for spring and fall production. Pink, White center Osteospermum Summertime Sweet Series Dark Red Purple Compact growth; requires little growth regulator; ideal for intense production. Osteospermum Swing Series Medium and spreading growth; ideal for baskets and landscaping; early flowering. Pennisetum, Perilla Pennisetum Rubrum 50 ProTrayG Perilla Tricolor 26 Strip B 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip Westflower Westflower Westflower Westflower Westflower Westflower Westflower Westflower Westflower Westflower Westflower Best foliage accent for the landscape or large containers. Dark purple foliage. Petunia New New New 36 New New Petunia Crazytunia Cherry Cheesecake Petunia Crazytunia Cloud No. 9 Petunia Crazytunia Kermit Purple Petunia Crazytunia Kermit Rose Petunia Crazytunia Knight Rider Petunia Crazytunia Mandeville Petunia Crazytunia Pulse Petunia Crazytunia Sparky Petunia Crazytunia Starlight Blue Petunia Crazytunia Stonewashed Petunia Crazytunia Terracotta E E E E E E E E E E E Petunia Crazytunia Series Westflowers by the German breeder Westhoff is shaking up the Vegetative Petunia category with its Crazytunias — a collection of unique Petunias with exciting flower colors and patterns that are grower and consumer friendly. Petunia Crazytunia Sparky 2015 Young Plant & PreFinished Catalog Young Plant Osteospermum Summerdaisy Dark Orange o p Osteospermum Summerdaisy Intense Yellow Osteospermum Summertime Blueberry Osteospermum Summertime Hot Pink Osteospermum Summertime Kardinal New Osteospermum Summertime Pink Charme Osteospermum Summertime Purple Osteospermum Summertime Toffee Osteospermum Summertime White Osteospermum Summertime Yellow Osteospermum Summertime Sweet Blue Sunrise Osteospermum Summertime Sweet Copper Sun Osteospermum Summertime Sweet Lavender Osteospermum Summertime Sweet Purple Osteospermum Summertime Sweet Red Velvet Osteospermum Summertime Sweet Yellow Osteospermum Swing Gold Osteospermum Swing Lavender Osteospermum Swing Purple Osteospermum Swing Royal White Pennisetum Rubrum Petunia Perilla Tricolor cont. Petunia Littletunia Bicolor Illusion Petunia Littletunia Blue Vein Petunia Littletunia Merlot Petunia Littletunia Purple Blue Petunia Littletunia Red Star Petunia Littletunia Rose Petunia Littletunia Ultra Purple Petunia Littletunia White Grace 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip E E E E E E E E Danziger Danziger Danziger Danziger Danziger Danziger Danziger Danziger Purple and white starred flower. Intense blue with vein. Royal-wine colored flowers. Very dark blue flowers. Small red and white flowers. Small rose flowers. Dark Purple White Petunia Littletunia Series Sensational mini-flowers Petunia series never fails to excite with its profusion of continuous flowers all season. Enhanced vigor, superior heat tolerance and improved disease resistance take Petunias to new heights. Spectacular alone or as a partner with other annuals. 37 www.galemas.com • [email protected] Young Plant p Petunia New New New New New cont. Price Container Code Breeder Petunia Peppy Blue 26 Strip E Red Fox Petunia Peppy Cerise 26 Strip E Red Fox Petunia Peppy Lavender 26 Strip E Red Fox Petunia Peppy Neon 26 Strip E Red Fox Petunia Peppy Plum 26 Strip E Red Fox Petunia Peppy Purple 26 Strip E Red Fox Petunia Peppy Red 26 Strip E Red Fox Petunia Peppy Sunset 26 Strip E Red Fox Petunia Potunia Piccola Petunia Potunia Piccola Blue Ice 26 Strip E Red Fox Petunia Potunia Piccola Grape Ice 26 Strip E Red Fox Petunia Potunia Piccola Hot Pink 26 Strip E Red Fox Petunia Potunia Piccola Lilac Blue 26 Strip E Red Fox Petunia Potunia Piccola Pink 26 Strip E Red Fox Petunia Potunia Piccola Purple Ice 26 Strip E Red Fox Petunia Potunia Piccola White 26 Strip E Red Fox Petunia Potunia Blackberry Ice 26 Strip E Red Fox Petunia Potunia Cobalt Blue 26 Strip E Red Fox Petunia Potunia Dark Red 26 Strip E Red Fox Petunia Potunia Mochaccino 26 Strip E Red Fox Petunia Potunia Neon 26 Strip E Red Fox Petunia Potunia Plus Banana 26 Strip E Red Fox Petunia Potunia Plus Denim 26 Strip E Red Fox Petunia Potunia Plus Hot Pink 26 Strip E Red Fox Petunia Potunia Plus Papaya 26 Strip E Red Fox Petunia Potunia Plus Pinkalicious 26 Strip E Red Fox Petunia Potunia Plus Purple 26 Strip E Red Fox Petunia Potunia Plus Red 26 Strip E Red Fox Petunia Potunia Plus Soft Pink Morning 26 Strip E Red Fox Petunia Potunia Plus Strawberry Ice 26 Strip E Red Fox Petunia Potunia Plus White 26 Strip E Red Fox Petunia Potunia Plus Yellow 26 Strip E Red Fox Petunia Potunia Popcorn 26 Strip E Red Fox Petunia Potunia Purple Halo 26 Strip E Red Fox Details Blue, White Star Petunia Peppy Series Lavender, White stripes Neon, Yellow Star Purple, White stripes Red, White Star Irregular Star Petunias with semi-upright habit and good branching. Note from the Breeder: The star pattern may not appear until the plants are fully mature. Supplier will not offer credit for plants that aren’t showing a consistent star pattern. Round habit; small flowers; very early flowering. White, Blue Vein Pink, Purple Vein Hot PInk White, Pink Vein White White with Burgundy Vein Petunia Potunia Piccola Series Round habit; small flowers; very early flowering. Petunia Potunia Series Round habit; compact; very early and easy to produce…PLUS have bigger flowers. Intense Red Cream, Brown Vein Hot Pink Yellow, Rose Orange, Yellow center Intense Pink with Eye Intense Purple Red Pink, Red Vein Yellow, White edge White, Yellow center Petunia Potunia Plus Denim Petunia Wave Double Petunia Double Wave Blue 26 Strip E Petunia Double Wave Blue Vein 26 Strip E Petunia Double Wave Pink 26 Strip E Petunia Double Wave Purple 26 Strip E Petunia Double Wave Red 26 Strip E Petunia Double Wave Rose 26 Strip E Petunia Double Wave White 26 Strip E Petunia Double Wave Series This double-flowered series delivers the same high performance and versatile uses that have made the entire Wave® family the most-asked-for-by-name plant brand ever! Fully double flowers in vibrant colors cover the mounded and spreading, dark green-leafed plants to make outstanding mixed containers, baskets and gardens. Philodendron Philodendron Green 50 Elle C Philodendron Swiss Cheese 50 Elle C The leaves have several irregular holes in them as if it were shot with a shotgun. 38 2015 Young Plant & PreFinished Catalog Young Plant Petunia New New New New New New p Price Container Code Breeder cont. Petunia Surprise Blue Petunia Surprise Blue Sky Petunia Surprise Blue Vein Petunia Surprise Grape Petunia Surprise Kardinal Petunia Surprise Lime Petunia Surprise Marine Petunia Surprise Midnight Cowboy Petunia Surprise Neon Petunia Surprise Pink Touch Petunia Surprise Purple Petunia Surprise Purple Ice Petunia Surprise Purple Sky Petunia Surprise Queen Bee Petunia Surprise Red Petunia Surprise White Petunia Surprise White Ice Petunia Surprise White Parfait Petunia Surprise Yellow Petunia Sweetunia Black Satin Petunia Sweetunia Blueberry Ice Petunia Sweetunia Bordeaux Petunia Sweetunia Bubblicious Petunia Sweetunia Grape Ice Petunia Sweetunia Hot Pink Petunia Sweetunia Hot Pink Lemonade Petunia Sweetunia Hot Pink Touch Petunia Sweetunia Hot Rod Red Petunia Sweetunia Johnny Flame Petunia Sweetunia Mystery Petunia Sweetunia Orange Flash Petunia Sweetunia Pink Ice Petunia Sweetunia Purple Touch Petunia Sweetunia Purple Vein Petunia Sweetunia Raspberry Lemonade Petunia Sweetunia Strawberry Morning Petunia Double Wave Blue 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Petunia Double Wave Blue Vein Petunia Double Wave Red Philodendron www.galemas.com • [email protected] Petunia Surprise Purple Sky & Pink Touch Details Light Blue Purple, Dark Vein Navy Blue Black Unique irregular pink flowers Intense Lilac White, Purple Vein Black, Yellow irregular star pattern White, Pink Vein White, Pink Vein with mocha undertones Black Petunia from Dummen with a much more desirable plant habit than the competition. White, Blue Vein Dark Burgundy Pink, Red center Petunia Surprise Series Pink, Purple Vein Spreading habit; medium vigor; early flowering. Intense Pink, Yellow center Unique irregular pink flowers Intense Red Cream, Burgundy Vein Intense Orange Petunia Sweetunia Series Unique irregular purple flowers White, Purple Vein Medium upright growth; medium vigor; unique colors; flower power. “Ice” varieties have distinctly dark veins. Salmon with Light Yellow Eye Petunia Double Wave Pink Petunia Double Wave Rose Petunia Double Wave Purple Petunia Double Wave White Philodendron Swiss Cheese 39 Young Plant p s Phlox Phlox Phloxy Lady Cherry Red Phlox Phloxy Lady Denim Blue Phlox Phloxy Lady Hot Pink Phlox Phloxy Lady Purple Phlox Phloxy Lady Purple Sky Phlox Phloxy Lady Strawberry Phlox Phloxy Lady White Price Container CodeBreeder 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip E E E E E E E Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Phlox Phloxy Lady Cherry Red Phlox Phloxy Lady Denim Blue Plectranthus Plectranthus ciliatus Lemon Twist 26 Strip B Large gold and green leaves; upright. Plectranthus ciliatus Vanilla Twist 26 Strip B Large leaves, cream-white edge; upright; candlestick. Plectranthus coleoides variegated (Iboza Vine) 26 Strip B Variegated green white leaves; candlevine; spreading habit. Plectranthus Swedish Ivy Green 26 Strip A Rounded “waffle puckered” mid green leaves. Plectranthus Swedish Ivy Purple 26 Strip B Slightly fuzzy, dark green leaf with purple underside. Portulaca Cupcakes Carrot 26 Strip E Red Fox Orange Portulaca Cupcakes Cherry Baby 26 Strip E Red Fox Hot Pink Portulaca Cupcakes Grape Jelly 26 Strip E Red Fox Lilac Rose Portulaca Cupcakes Peachy 26 Strip E Red Fox Salmon Portulaca Cupcakes Yellow Chrome 26 Strip E Red Fox Yellow Pothos, Golden 50 Elle C Pothos, Marble Queen 50 Elle C Portulaca Portulaca Cupcakes Series Cupcakes Series: Intense summer colors; good branching; earlier flowering. Pothos Salvia, Sanvitalia Salvia Black & Blue 26 Strip B Amazing electric blue flowers on nearly black stems. Sanvitalia Sunvy Super Gold 26 Strip C Red Fox Very early series with medium vigor. Sanvitalia Sunvy Trailing 26 Strip C Red Fox Scaevola Fancy Blue (Saphira) 26 Strip D Westflowers Exceptionally well branched plants completely covered in dark blue flowers. Scaevola Suntastic Yellow 26 Strip D Westflowers Yellow, medium-sized flower; high vigor; trailing; late. Scaevola ToppoT Blue 26 Strip D Westflowers Compact, short internodes and great branching. Scaevola ToppoT Pink 26 Strip D Westflowers Compact, short internodes and great branching. Scaevola ToppoT White 26 Strip D Westflowers Compact, short internodes and great branching. Scaevola 40 2015 Young Plant & PreFinished Catalog Young Plant Phlox Phloxy Lady Hot Pink Plectranthus Ciliatus Lemon Twist Portulaca Cupcakes Carrot p s Phlox Phloxy Lady Purple Phlox Phloxy Lady Purple Sky Plectranthus Ciliatus variegated/ Vanilla Twist Portulaca Cupcakes Cherry Baby Plectranthus coleoides variegated/ Iboza Vine Portulaca Cupcakes Grape Jelly Pothos, Golden Phlox Phloxy Lady Strawberry Phlox Phloxy Lady White Plectranthus Swedish Ivy Green Plectranthus Swedish Ivy Purple Portulaca Cupcakes Peachy Portulaca Cupcakes Yellow Chrome Pothos, Marble Queen New Salvia Black & Blue Scaevola Fancy Blue Scaevola Suntastic Yellow Sanvitalia Sunvy Super Gold Scaevola ToppoT Blue Scaevola ToppoT Pink Scaevola ToppoT White 41 www.galemas.com • [email protected] Young Plant s Senecio Price Container CodeBreeder Senecio Todaisy Blue 26 Strip E Red Fox Senecio Todaisy Midnight Blue 26 Strip E Red Fox Senecio Todaisy Pink 26 Strip E Red Fox Senecio Todaisy Purple 26 Strip E Red Fox Senecio Todaisy Red Purple 26 Strip E Red Fox Senecio Todaisy Rose Halo 26 Strip E Red Fox Senecio Todaisy White Blush 26 Strip E Red Fox Details Senecio Todaisy Series Todaisy are perfect for any early season color program. Todaisy is a grower friendly variety with a round habit and extraordinary branching, meaning less pinching. Todaisy have a good controllable habit because of their compactness and require little to no PGR applications Setcreasea, Solanum, Spider Plant, Sprengerii, St. Augustine Grass Setcreasea Purple Queen 26 Strip B Tradescantia pallida: low-growing herbaceous groundcover; purple lanceolate leaves that are slightly cupped. Solanum Jasminoides Variegatum 26 Strip B Variegated charteuse and golden vining plant. Spider Plant, Reverse Var. (White Edge) 26 Strip A Spider Plant, Traditional Var. (Green Edge) 26 Strip A Sprengerii 26 Strip A Also called Asparagus Fern Stenotaphrum secundatum (St. Augustine) 26 Strip C Buffalo Grass: Variegated green and cream. Setcreasea Purple Queen Streptocarpella, Strobilanthes Streptocarpella Concord Blue 26 Strip B Streptocarpella Petite Blue 26 Strip B 26 Strip B Streptocarpella Petite Purple 26 Strip B Strobilanthes Persian Shield Fleshy green leaves; lavender blue flowers; winter; baskets. More compact than Concord Blue for pot production. More compact than Concord Blue for pot production. Striking vibrant purple and rich green veined glossy leaves. Great in mass or in combos. Succulent 42 Succulent Aeonium haworthii Kiwi 50 Elle I Succulent Crassula capitella Campfire 50 Elle I Succulent Crassula ovata Hobbit 50 Elle I Succulent Crassula ovata 50 Elle I Variegated Jade Plant 50 Elle I Succulent Echeveria Black Prince Succulent Echeveria hybrid 50 Elle I Perle Von Nürnberg 50 Elle I Succulent Echeveria Nodulosa Succulent Echeveria Ruyoni (Topsy Turvy) 50 Elle I Succulent Graptoveria Fred Ives 50 Elle I Succulent Graptoveria s. paraquayense 50 Elle I Succulent Kalanchoe thyrsiflora Flap Jacks 50 Elle I Succulent Kalanchoe Tomentosa 50 Elle I Succulent Sedum Adolphi 50 Elle I Succulent Sedum makinoi Ogon 50 Elle I Succulent Sedum nussbaumerianum 50 Elle I Succulent Senecio mondraliscae 50 Elle I Unique color blend of chartreuse, pink and red. Fiery red and yellow stonecrop. Tubular foliage form with bright red tips. Blue-green foliage with creamy white variegation. Produces clumps of short rosettes up to 3 inches wide with dark thin and triangular blackish leaves. Soft green rosette with lavender rose centers. Rosettes of olive green leaves that are marked with red coloring on the margins and in the center. Fast-growing rosette-forming succulent with pale blue-gray leaves that curve upwards and are inversely keeled on the lower surface with leaf tips pointing inwards towards the center of the plant. A beautiful and durable succulent plant. Produces large clumps of rosettes to 8 inches tall by nearly 1 foot wide with broad bronze and pink succulent leaves atop short (< 1 foot) stems with 1’-2’ long branched inflorescences bearing red-orange centered pale yellow flowers in summer. Ghost Plant - Beautiful opalescent leaves with tones of grey, pink and amethyst are arranged in whirls and rosettes on stiff, creeping or hanging stems. Large red clam-shell shaped leaves. Panda Plant Bright green tubular foliage. Bright gold foliage that is somewhat viridescent (turns chartreuse) in late summer; part sun to light shade. Beautiful copper colored foliage. Blue chalk fingers 2015 Young Plant & PreFinished Catalog Young Plant s New New Senecio Todaisy Blue Senecio Todaisy Midnight Blue New Spider Plant, Reverse Variegation Streptocarpella Concord Blue Senecio Todaisy Purple New Senecio Todaisy Rose Halo Spider Plant, Traditional Variegation Streptocarpella Petite Blue New Senecio Todaisy Pink New Senecio Todaisy Red Purple Solanum jasminoides Variegatum New Senecio Todaisy White Blush Sprengerii / Asparagus Fern Streptocarpella Petite Purple Stenotaphrum secundatum St. Augustine Grass Strobilanthes Persian Shield Succulent Aeonium haworthii Kiwi Succulent Crassula capitella Campfire Succulent Crassula ovata Hobbit Succulent Crassula ovata Variegated Jade Plant Succulent Echeveria Black Prince Succulent Echeveria hybrid Perle Von Nürnberg Succulent Echeveria Nodulosa Succulent Echeveria Ruyoni (Topsy Turvy) Succulent Graptoveria s. paraguayense Succulent Graptoveria Fred Ives Succulent Kalanchoe thyrsiflora Flap Jacks Succulent Kalanchoe Tomentosa Succulent Sedum Adolphi Succulent Sedum makinoi Ogon Succulent Sedum nussbaumerianum Succulent Senecio mondraliscae Succulent Collection Low maintenance and high impact, they give texture and interest in a broad range of colors, forms and sizes…even in the hottest environments. www.galemas.com • [email protected] 43 Young Plant s v Swedish Ivy Swedish Ivy, Green Price Container CodeBreeder Details 26 Strip A Rounded “waffle puckered” mid green leaves. Thunbergia Thunbergia African Sunset 26 Strip E Mottled apricot to orange flowers with a dark eye; less flowers; dark green foliage; narrow leaves. Thunbergia Charles Star Clear golden yellow flower with a distinct dark eye; early flowering; green foliage. 26 Strip E Thunbergia Lemon 26 Strip E Big bright yellow flowers with a dark center; vining habit; early flowering; green foliage. 26 Strip E Thunbergia Orange Beauty Bright clear orange flowers offset by a dark eye; bigger yet less flowers; dark green foliage with narrow leaves. Thunbergia SunnySusy Red-Orange 26 Strip E GGG Dark orange-red flower; dark center; green foliage. Torenia Blue Moon 26 Strip D Danziger Periwinkle Blue flowers. Masses of color on sturdy plants. Torenia Indigo Moon 26 Strip D Danziger Bluish purple flowers with yellow throat. Torenia Magenta Moon 26 Strip D Danziger Magenta rose flowers with yellow throat. Torenia Punky Violet Moon 26 Strip D Danziger Rosy violet flower offset by darker “wishbone” lower petals; semi-trailing. Torenia Purple Moon 26 Strip D Danziger Early, deep rich purple flowers. Torenia Rose Moon 26 Strip D Danziger Pink flower with large yellow throat; compact. Torenia White Moon 26 Strip D Danziger Distinctive white flower with vibrant yellow throat; trailing. Torenia Yellow Moon 26 Strip D Danziger Yellow flowers with dark rose throat. Verbena Empress Flair Blue Charme 26 Strip E Red Fox Verbena Empress Flair Burgundy 26 Strip E Red Fox Verbena Empress Flair Cherry 26 Strip E Red Fox Verbena Empress Flair Dark Red Charme 26 Strip E Red Fox Verbena Empress Flair Lavender Blue 26 Strip E Red Fox Verbena Empress Flair Peach 26 Strip E Red Fox Verbena Empress Flair Pink Charme 26 Strip E Red Fox Verbena Empress Flair Purple Charme 26 Strip E Red Fox Verbena Empress Flair Purple Sky 26 Strip E Red Fox Verbena Empress Flair Red 26 Strip E Red Fox Verbena Empress Flair Violet Blue 26 Strip E Red Fox Verbena Empress Flair White 26 Strip E Red Fox Torenia Verbena New New 44 Verbena Empress Flair Series More compact series than Empress. Good branching, mounding habit; very cold and heat resistant. “Charme” varieties have distinctive white centers. 2015 Young Plant & PreFinished Catalog Young Plant s v Swedish Ivy, Green Thunbergia African Sunset Thunbergia Charles Star Thunbergia Orange Beauty Torenia Blue Moon Torenia Indigo Moon Thunbergia Lemon Thunbergia Suzy Red-Orange Torenia Magenta Moon Torenia Punky Violet Moon Torenia Purple Moon Torenia Moon Series Torenia Rose Moon Verbena New cont. Torenia White Moon Torenia Yellow Moon Moon shines where others don’t - in low light. Made for the shade, where they flower profusely. They also thrive in heat and humidity. Price Container CodeBreeder Verbena Empress Burgundy Charme 26 Strip E Red Fox Verbena Empress Dark Red 26 Strip E Red Fox Verbena Empress Godiva 26 Strip E Red Fox Verbena Empress Hot Pink Charme 26 Strip E Red Fox Verbena Empress Imperial Blue 26 Strip E Red Fox Verbena Empress Lavender 26 Strip E Red Fox Verbena Empress Peach 26 Strip E Red Fox Verbena Empress Purple 26 Strip E Red Fox Verbena Empress Red 26 Strip E Red Fox Verbena Empress Salmon Pink 26 Strip E Red Fox Verbena Empress Soft Pink Charme 26 Strip E Red Fox Verbena Empress Strawberry 26 Strip E Red Fox Verbena Empress Strawberry Charme 26 Strip E Red Fox Verbena Empress Violet Blue 26 Strip E Red Fox Verbena Empress White 26 Strip E Red Fox www.galemas.com • [email protected] Verbena Empress Series Empress Verbena is bred for large flowers. The unique “Charme” varieties have distinctive white centers. Noted for big flowers, semi-upright habit, very cold and heat resistant. 45 Young Plant v w Verbena New New cont. Verbena Estrella Voodoo Pink Star Verbena Estrella Voodoo Red Star Verbena Roccoco Double Burgundy Verbena Roccoco Double Peach Verbena Roccoco Double Purple Verbena Roccoco Double Red Verbena Wicked Cool Blue Verbena Wicked Great Grape Verbena Wicked Hot Pink Verbena Wicked Mad Magenta Verbena Wicked Pink Pepper Verbena Wicked Purple Price Container CodeBreeder 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip 26 Strip E E B B B B E E E E E E Westflowers Verbena Estrella Series Westflowers Large clusters of vivid flowers accented Westflowers with a white center star. Lush olive Westflowers green foliage with a mounding, semitrailing habit. Westflowers Westflowers Red Fox Red Fox Verbena Roccoco Series Red Fox Clusters of fully double flowers. Red Fox Red Fox Red Fox Verbena Wicked Series Extraordinary bicolor flowers; medium vigor; semi-upright habit. Vinca Vine Vinca Vine major Expoflora 26 Strip A A white variegated form with bold markings. Vinca Vine major Maculata 26 Strip A Dark green leaves marbled with light green. Vinca Vine major Variegated 26 Strip A Green leaves with white margins. Vinca Vine major Wojo’s Gem 26 Strip D Green leaves with bold golden-yellow markings. Vinca Vine minor Illumination 26 Strip D Glossy green leaves with bright yellow-gold margins. Wandering Jew Wandering Jew Green/White Stripe 26 Strip A Tradescantia zebrina: Green and Cream striped leaves. Wandering Jew Green/Yellow Petite 26 Strip A Tradescantia zebrina: Leaves are green with yellow streaks. Wandering Jew Purple 26 Strip A Tradescantia zebrina: Typical purple and green bicolored Wandering Jew with a purple underside. Wandering Jew Rainbow/Variegated 26 Strip A Tradescantia zebrina: Irregular coloring of red, green, yellow. Wandering Jew Red/Burgundy 26 Strip A Tradescantia zebrina: Leaves are burgundy with silver streaks. Packing Information • Minimum order is 1 Strip • Minimum per variety 1 Strip • 3 strips per Tray • Packed 3, 4 or 5 Trays per box - depending on height • We do NOT require even trays or full boxes. Box Charges • Shipping Box..............................................................................................................$5.00 • Master Box (2 Nested Shipping Boxes) “Winter Packing”........................................$12.00 Labels • Automatically included for each Young Plant unless otherwise specified. • Thermal Labels................................................................................................. $0.03 Each (when Picture labels are not available) • Picture Labels.................................................................................................. $0.05 Each 46 EARLY ORDER DISCOUNT 3% off liner orders placed by October 15, 2014 Order changes made after this date will not reflect EOD. (when available - from John Henry or URC Supplier) • Labels may ship separately from the plants via USPS 2015 Young Plant & PreFinished Catalog Young Plant Verbena Roccoco Double Burgundy New Verbena Wicked Blue Vinca Vine major Expoflora Wandering Jew Green / White Stripe v w Verbena Roccoco Double Peach Verbena Roccoco Double Pink New New Verbena Wicked Hot Pink Vinca Vine major Maculata Wandering Jew Green / Yellow Petite Verbena Roccoco Double Purple New Verbena Wicked Pink Pepper Vinca Vine major Varigated Wandering Jew Purple Delivery Information • Ship dates on acknowledgements indicate the ship WEEK - not the actual ship DAY • Orders will be shipped via the method indicated on the broker acknowledgement. • Fed Ex Ground service will provide the lowest cost service and will be used instead of 2-day if the transit time is the same. • Generally, we ship product out on Tuesdays for delivery on Wednesday or Thursday unless weather conditions are severe (night temperatures below 20 degrees, blizzard, etc.) • Pool truck shipments for liners are available on a very limited basis (Charge: $0.05 per liner). • Please provide 24 hour advance notice for pick up orders. Verbena Roccoco Double Red Verbena Wicked Purple Vinca Vine major Wojo’s Gem Wandering Jew Rainbow / Variegated Vinca Vine minor Illumination Wandering Jew Red / Burgundy Variety List We have selected a broad range of products, however, if you don’t find what you need, we are willing to root anything included in the Dummen Group or Plant Source International catalogs with a minimum order of 100 cuttings. Adequate notice is required; a lead time of 12 weeks is requested for items not on our product list. Availability Availabilities are sent out weekly from Week 1 - Week 15 and sporadically other times of the year. If you wish to receive the weekly availability, please contact us at [email protected] and type AVAILABILITY LIST in the subject to ensure a response from the office. CHECK WITH YOUR SALES REP OR BROKER OFFICE FOR OTHER IMPORTANT PROGRAM DETAILS. www.galemas.com • [email protected] 47 urc Unrooted Variety List 48 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. Begonia Angel Wing Benigo Begonia Angel Wing Fannie Moser Begonia Angel Wing Frosty Begonia Angel Wing Lana Begonia Angel Wing Looking Glass Begonia Angel Wing Louis Burks Begonia Angel Wing Miss Mummy Begonia Angel Wing My Special Angel Begonia Angel Wing Richmondensis Begonia Angel Wing Sophia Begonia Angel Wing Torch Begonia Charm Pink Begonia Charm Red Begonia Double Cherry Blossom Begonia Double Lady Carol Red Begonia Double Lady Francis Pink Begonia Double Snow White Bolivian Jew (2 for 1) Bridal Veil (2 for 1) Brugmansia Green Equador Pink Brugmansia Green Jean Pasco (Yellow) Brugmansia Variegated w/ Peach Bloom Cissus rhombifolia Grape Leaf Cissus rhombifolia Oak Leaf Creeping Charlie Geranium - Zonal Specialty Fancy: Arctic Star Geranium - Zonal Specialty Fancy: Chinese Cactus Geranium - Zonal Specialty Fancy: Double Appleblossom Rosebud Geranium - Zonal Specialty Fancy: Double Red Rosebud Geranium - Zonal Specialty Fancy: New Life Sport Geranium - Zonal Specialty Fancy: Persian Queen Geranium - Zonal Specialty Fancy: Petals Geranium - Zonal Specialty Fancy: Platinum Geranium - Zonal Specialty Scented: Chocolate Mint Geranium - Zonal Specialty Scented: Citronella Geranium - Zonal Specialty Scented:Ginger Geranium - Zonal Specialty Scented: Old Fashioned Rose Geranium - Zonal Specialty Scented: Peppermint Rose German Ivy Hedera Ivy Grn Algerian Green* (Price Per Eye) Hedera Ivy Grn Chicago* (Price Per Eye) Hedera Ivy Grn Curly* (Price Per Eye) Hedera Ivy Grn Duckfoot* (Price Per Eye) Hedera Ivy Grn English* (Price Per Eye) 2015 Young Plant & PreFinished Catalog Unrooted urc Variety List 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. Hedera Ivy Grn Heartleaf* (Price Per Eye) Hedera Ivy Grn Lady Kay* (Price Per Eye) Hedera Ivy Grn Large English* (Price Per Eye) Hedera Ivy Grn Needlepoint* (Price Per Eye) Hedera Ivy Grn Patricia* (Price Per Eye) Hedera Ivy Grn Pittsburg* (Price Per Eye) Hedera Ivy Grn Ritterkruez* (Price Per Eye) Hedera Ivy Grn Ruffles* (Price Per Eye) Hedera Ivy Grn Thorndale* (Price Per Eye) Hedera Ivy Var Anne Marie* (Price Per Eye) Hedera Ivy Var Birte* (Price Per Eye) Hedera Ivy Var Connecticut Yankee* (Price Per Eye) Hedera Ivy Var Eva* (Price Per Eye) Hedera Ivy Var Glacier * (Price Per Eye) Hedera Ivy Var Gold Child* (Price Per Eye) Hedera Ivy Var Gold Dust* (Price Per Eye) Hedera Ivy Var Gold Ingot * (Price Per Eye) Hedera Ivy Var Golden Kolibri * (Price Per Eye) Hedera Ivy Var Kolibri* (Price Per Eye) Hedera Ivy Var Marengo* (Price Per Eye) Hedera Ivy Var White Mein Hertz* (Price Per Eye) Hedera Ivy Var Yellow Ripple* (Price Per Eye) Opliseminus hirtellus, Variegated (2 for 1) Philodendron Green (Price Per Eye) Philodendron Swiss Cheese (Price Per Eye) Plectranthus Swedish Ivy Green Pothos, Golden (Price Per Eye) Pothos, Marble Queen (Price Per Eye) Solanum jasminoides Variegatum Spider Plant, Reverse Variegation Spider Plant, Traditional Variegation Stenotaphrum secundatum - St. Augustine Grass Streptocarpella - Concord Blue Streptocarpella Petite Blue Streptocarpella Petite Purple Vinca Maculata Vinca Vine major Expoflora Vinca Vine major Variegated Wandering Jew Green/White Stripe Wandering Jew Green/Yellow Petite Wandering Jew Purple Wandering Jew Rainbow/Variegated Wandering Jew Red/Burgundy *In Vine Available Upon Request www.galemas.com • [email protected] 49 Prefinished Program Not sure what to do about crops that take a long time to grow? Try our PREFINISHED PROGRAM! We start Fern liners in June and grow them in 4.5 pots all summer! You can pot them up in the fall or we’ll pot them for you and you can purchase a prefinished basket in March for May sales. A smart idea for a crop that takes a long time to grow! The remaining pages of this catalog list the products, sizes, and photos for our Prefinished Program. Please reference the Table of Content below to quickly find a product. Call your broker to place an order today! Table of Contents 12.0 Prefinished Baskets.......................... 52 10.0 Prefinished Baskets..................... 52-56 General & Program Information................ 57 Combination Recipes.......................... 58-59 4.5 Prefinished Pots............................ 60-65 6.0 Prefinished Pots............................ 66-67 8.0 Prefinished Pots................................. 68 Trade Gallon Prefinished Pots............. 70-71 12.0 Prefinished Combinations................. 72 Product, Shipping, Location Information........ Inside Back Cover 50 2015 Young Plant & PreFinished Catalog Best of the Best Galema’s Greenhouse is your one stop shop for the very best varieties of calibrachoa, verbena, petunia, lantana, impatiens & more...including several hard to find items. No worries about meeting minimums or surcharges! This program pools all of our purchasing power to benefit you….bringing a diverse selection of plants available in small quantities at great prices! 6.0 Pref Tiger Fern 51 www.galemas.com • [email protected] Prefinished baskets 12.0 Prefinished Baskets Fern Macho Tiger True Boston 10.0 Prefinished Baskets Dillen Traditional Baskets Green Baskets with Wire Hangers Begonia Angel Wing............................................................ Benigo Frosty Lana Louis Burks Richmondensis Torch Dragon Wing......................................................... Pink Red Non-Stop Illumination........................................................... Apricot Shades Golden Picotee Orange Reiger by Red Fox................................................. Amstel Britt Dark Amstel Camilla Amstel Clara Amstel Dark Britt Amstel Netja Dark Dragone Champagne Dragone Dusty Rose Dragone Rosewood Dragone Sunset Dragone White Blush Rhine Baladin Rhine Barkos Rhine Berseba (Pink) Rhine Borias Rhine Brigitte Rhine Fireballs Rhine Nadine Rhine Olympic Red Rhine Red Baron Rhine Round Red Santa Cruz Sunset................................................ Rose Salmon Pink Scarlet Non-Stop (Green Leaf).......................................................... Appleblossom Deep Rose Deep Salmon Orange Red Yellow Bouganvillea New River Purple Grower Select* Barbara Karst Red *Assorted selection of unique bloom color or variegated foliage 52 2015 Young Plant & PreFinished Catalog Prefinished baskets 10.0 Prefinished Baskets (Continued) Calibrachoa/Million Bells Aloha by Red Fox................................................. Canary Yellow Cherry Cartwheel Hula Cherry Hula Lavender Purple Red Tiki Orange Tiki Soft Pink Volcano Gold Volcano Neon Chenile FireTails Cuphea Allyson (Purple) Dipladenia Pink Red Evolvulous, Blue Daze Foliage Baskets Bolivian Jew Bridal Veil Cissus rhombifolia Grape Ivy Oak Leaf Ivy Creeping Charlie Fern Tiger True Boston Philodendron Green Swiss Cheese Pothos, Golden Pothos, Marble Queen Spider Plant Green Edge White Edge Sprengerii Fern German Ivy Swedish Ivy – Green Ivy – Algerian Green Variegated Wandering Jew Green & White Stripe Green & Yellow Petite Purple Rainbow/Variegated Red / Burgundy Ivy Green Variegated 53 www.galemas.com • [email protected] Prefinished baskets 10.0 Prefinished Baskets (Continued) Fuchsia Blue Eyes Dark Eyes Dollar Princess Lena Marinka Pink Delight Pink Marshmallow Southgate Starry Trails Swingtime Aretes by Red Fox................................................ Allison Patricia Alwin Arroyo Grande Boogie Jollies Nancy Jollies Nantes Patio Princess President G. Bartlett Ringwood Market Geranium Interspecific Calliope by Syngenta..................... Burgundy Dark Red Hot Pink Lavender Rose Scarlet Fire Interspecific Caliente by Syngenta..................... Coral Deep Red Fire Hot Coral Lavender Orange Pink Rose Decora by Red Fox............................................... Purple Pink Red Rouge Vining Great Balls of Fire by Red Fox................ Blue Burgundy Burgundy Blaze Dark Red Deep Rose Lavender Light Lavender Melon Merlot Pink Violet Blue White Zonal Patriot By Oglevee/Ecke........................... Bright Pink Bright Red Bright Violet Cherry Rose Cranberry Red Lavender Blue Orange Salmon Salmon Chic Soft Pink Watermelon White 54 2015 Young Plant & PreFinished Catalog Prefinished baskets 10.0 Prefinished Baskets (Continued) Impatien New Guinea Magnum by Red Fox....................... Blue Dark Red Fire Hot Pink Lavender Splash Orange Pink Purple Red Flame Salmon White Blush Wild Salmon New Guinea Super Sonic by Syngenta................. Dark Salmon Flame Hot Pink Lavender Lilac Magenta Orange Ice Pink Purple Red Sweet Cherry White Lantana Landmark by Ball Flora........................................ Traditional Varieties............................................. Blaze Citrus Peach Sunrise Confetti Dallas Red Rose Glow Sunrise Rose Yellow New Gold Lobelia Hot Waterblue 55 www.galemas.com • [email protected] Prefinished baskets 10.0 Prefinished Baskets (Continued) Petunia Double Wave by Ball Flora Plant......................... Blue Vein Blue Velvet Lavender Pink Purple Red Double Sweet Sunshine by Selecta/First Class. Burgundy Compact Lime Compact Nostalgia Dark Blue Hot Pink Red Supertunia by Proven Winners........................... Bermuda Beach Black Cherry Bordeaux Raspberry Blast Rose Blast Charm Royal Magenta Royal Velvet Petunia by Red Fox............................................................. Potunia Cobalt Blue Potunia Papaya (Plus) Potunia Pinkalicious (Plus) Potunia Purple (Plus) Potunia Red (Plus) Surprise Blue Surprise Blue Sky Surprise Grape Surprise Kardinal Surprise Marine Surprise Midnight Cowboy Surprise Neon Surprise Queen Bee Surprise White Surprise Yellow Sweetunia Black Satin Sweetunia Bubblicious Sweetunia Hot Rod Red Sweetunia Johnny Flame Sweetunia Mystery Sweetunia Orange Flash Sweetunia Purple Vein Sweetunia Strawberry Morning Portulaca Cupcakes by Red Fox.......................................... Carrot Cherry Baby Grape Jelly Peachy Yellow Chrome Scaevola Whirlwind Blue by Proven Winners Streptocarpella, Concord Blue Torenia Summer Wave by Proven Winners..................... Blue Large Violet 56 2015 Young Plant & PreFinished Catalog Prefinished info Program Information Except where noted, our Prefinished Program is designed to produce a finished crop in the size container in which the plant is delivered to be ready for late April to mid May finished sales....not for bump ups into larger pots or combo pots. Actual crop time will vary based on the type of plant and the size container. Plants in the prefinished program are grown alongside our own finished crops. If more detailed crop time is needed, please contact us. General Information Please contact your sales rep or broker office to place an order, make changes, or make other inquiries. No cancellations will be accepted after the product is planted. The broker is responsible for resale. Please allow 12 weeks lead-time from delivery date to ensure varieties and quantities desired. Freight will be collected by and billed through broker. All claims must be made to the broker within 48 hours of delivery to be considered…pictures are preferred. Please send photos to [email protected]. The Purchaser’s exclusive remedy for any claim or loss or negligence shall be limited to repayment of the purchase price of the product. If you wish to be added to Galema’s Greenhouse e-mail availability listing, please contact us at [email protected]. Please type AVAILABILITY LIST in the memo box and watch for a response back. CONTACT YOUR BROKER FOR ADDITIONAL IMPORTANT PROGRAM DETAILS. 57 www.galemas.com • [email protected] baskets 10.0 and 12.0 Prefinished Combination Recipes Confetti Afternoon Delight Pet Sweetunia Mystery / Verb Empress Flair Burgundy / Calib Aloha Tiki Orange Calib Aloha Kona Hot Pink / Cherry / Dark Lavender Confetti Bacopa Bahia Coconut Coast Confetti Hawaiian Calibrachoa Aloha Kona Pink Fusion Confetti Bel Air Red Confetti Hawaiian Calibrachoa Aloha Kona Summer Bacopa Bahia White Sand / Bahia Purple Sand / Bahia Pink Sand Pet Potunia Dark Red / Verb Empress Flair Peach / Calib Aloha Kona Hot Orange Confetti Blazing Maple Calib Aloha Kona Mandarin / Verb Empress Godiva / Pet Potunia Plus Banana Confetti Calypso Pet Surprise Red / Verb Empress Imperial Blue / Calib Aloha Tiki Orange Confetti Cupcake Party Portulaca Cupcakes Cherry Baby / Yellow Chrome / Peachy Confetti Fleur De Edna Calib Aloha Volcano Neon / Verb Empress Flair Lav Blue / Bidens Bidy Gonzales Confetti Glossy Cherry Pet Peppy Cerise / Verb Empress Flair Cherry / Lobularia Yolo White Confetti Glossy GRAPE Pet Surprise Purple Ice / Surprise Grape / Lobularia Yolo Lavender Confetti Glossy STRAWBERRY Pet Peppy Red / Verb Empress Flair Red / Lobularia Yolo White Confetti Hawaiian Calibrachoa Aloha Flamingo Calib Aloha Purple / Tiki Neon / Tiki Soft Pink Confetti Hawaiian Calibrachoa Aloha Kona Country Calib Aloha Kona Midnight Blue / White / Dark Red Confetti Hawaiian Calibrachoa Aloha Kona Fruit Bowl Calib Aloha Kona Mango/ Aloha Kona Pineapple/ Aloha Kona White Confetti Hawaiian Calibrachoa Aloha Kona Hilo Calib Aloha Kona Dark Red / Pineapple / Midnight Blue 58 Confetti Hawaiian Calibrachoa Aloha Kona Mahalo Confetti Hawaiian Calibrachoa Aloha Kona Kalani Calib Aloha Kona Hot Pink / Aloha Kona Hot Orange / Aloha Kona Pineapple Calib Aloha Kona Hot Pink / Aloha Kona Soft Pink / Aloha Kona White Calib Aloha Kona Cherry / Pineapple / Hot Orange Confetti Hawaiian Calibrachoa Aloha Luau Calib Aloha Red / Tiki Orange / Purple Confetti Hawaiian Calibrachoa Hula Lilli Calib Hula Orange / Hula Hot Pink / Aloha Kona Pineapple Confetti HoneyBee Mine Verb Empress Violet Blue / Pet Sur Queen Bee / Calib Aloha Volcano Gold Confetti Hot Pink Jazz Pet Potunia Neon / Verb Empress Strawberry Charme / Calib Aloha Tiki Soft Pink Confetti Hula Hoopla Calib Aloha Hula Gold / Verb Empress Flair Cherry / Bidens Bidy Gonzales Confetti Hula Kula Calib Aloha Hula Gold / Verb Empress Flair Cherry / Pet Potunia Popcorn Confetti Hunny Bunny Pet Potunia Popcorn / Verb Empress Flair Lav Blue / Calib Aloha Kona Soft Pink Confetti Lavender Spring Pet Sweetunia Strawberry Morning / Verb Empress Flair Lavender Blue/ Calib Aloha Tiki Soft Pink Confetti Mambo Beach Bacopa Bahia White Night / Verb Empress Flair Burgundy / Calib Aloha Tiki Orange Confetti Mochaccino Melt Pet Potunia Mochaccino / Verb Empress Godiva / Calib Aloha Milk & Honey Confetti Monterey Beach Verb Empress Flair Burgundy / Bacopa Bahia White Night / Pet Sweetunia Mystery Confetti Mountain’s Majesty Pet Potunia Plus Purple / Verb Empress Flair White / Calib Aloha Volcano Pink 2015 Young Plant & PreFinished Catalog Prefinished 10.0 and 12.0 baskets Combination Recipes Confetti Nightlights Confetti Shocking Blue Confetti Patchwork Confetti Shocking PINK Confetti Patriot Confetti Shocking PURPLE Confetti Petunia Potunia Banana Split Confetti Spring Break Confetti Petunia Potunia Peppermint Confetti Sunshine Confetti Petunia Potunia Twist Confetti Tangerine Tango Bidens Bidy Gonzales / Pet Potunia Plus Purple / Calib Aloha Purple Sky Verb Empress Flair Violet Blue / Calib Aloha Kona Dark Red / Bidens Bidy Gonzales Calib Aloha Kona Midnight Blue / Verb Empress Flair White / Pet Surprise Red Pet Potunia Plus Banana / Potunia Plus Strawberry Ice Pet Potunia Piccola Hot Pink / Purple Ice Pet Potunia Plus Papaya / Yellow Confetti Petunia Surprise Bumblebee Pet Surprise Yellow / Midnight Cowboy Confetti Petunia Surprise Cotton Candy Pet Surprise Blue / Blue Vein Confetti Petunia Surprise Peppermint Pet Surprise Neon / White Ice Calib Aloha Kona Midnight Blue / Verb Empress Wicked Cool Blue / Pet Surprise Blue Sky Pet Sweetunia Hot Pink / Verb Wicked Hot Pink / Calib Aloha Kona Tiki Soft Pink Pet Sweetunia Purple Vein / Verb Wicked Purple / Caliba Aloha Kona Dark Lavender Calib Aloha Kona Midnight Blue / Verb Empress Hot Pink Charme / Bidens Bidy Gonzales Bidens Bidy Gonzales / Pet Potunia Plus Yellow / Calib Aloha Tiki Orange Verb Empress Peach / Calib Aloha Kona Hot Orange / Pet Potunia Plus Papaya Confetti Verbena Liberty Verbena Empress Flair Red / Violet Blue / White Confetti Verbena Royal Charme Verbena Empress Flair Pink Charme / Flair Dark Red Charme / Imperial Blue Confetti Verbena Royal Highness Confetti Petunia Surprise Spring Pet Surprise Marine / Yellow Verb Empress Flair Burgundy / Empress Flair White / Empress Flair Pink Charme Confetti Petunia Sweetunia Clash Confetti Water Colours Pet Sweetunia Hot Rod Red / Sweetunia Grape Ice Confetti Pineapple Punch Bidens Bidy Gonzales / Pet Potunia Plus Yellow / Verb Empress Flair White Confetti Pirates Beauty Pet Sweetunia Johnny Flame / Verb Empress Flair Pink Charme / Calib Aloha Kona Tiki Soft Pink Confetti Pismo Beach Bacopa Bahia White Night / Verb Empress Flair Red / Pet Sweetunia Strawberry Morn Confetti Pumpkin Spice Calib Aloha Tiki Mango / Verb Empress Peach / Pet Sweetunia Orange Flash Confetti Purple Cleopatra Lobelia Hot WaterBlue / Verb Empress Flair Dark Red Charme / Pet Potunia Plus Yellow Confetti Water Wheel Lobelia Bella Mare / Calib Aloha Kona Hot Pink / Aloha Kona Mandarin Confetti Water Wonders Lobelia Bella Acqua / Verb Empress Flair White / Pet Potunia Neon Confetti Waterbury Calib Aloha Kona Cherry Red / Hula Gold / Lobelia Bella Oceano Confetti Waterfall Pet Potunia Cobalt Blue / Calib Aloha Kona White / Lobelia Bella Mare Pet Sweetunia Purple Vein / Verb Empress Purple / Calib Aloha Purple Sky Confetti Waterlily Confetti Rockin Red Confetti Waterloo Pet Potunia Dark Red / Calib Aloha Tiki Soft Pink / Verb Empress Flair Red www.galemas.com • [email protected] Calib Aloha Kona White / Kona Soft Pink / Lobelia Bella Acqua Calib Aloha Tiki Neon / Aloha Royal White / Lobelia Bella Mare 59 Prefinished 4.5 pots 4.5 Prefinished Pots (Sold in multiples of 10 pots per tray) Ajuga Black Scallop Alocasia Burgundy Glow Angelonia Frydek Nigra Argyranthemum AngelWings........................................................ Dark Blue Pink Amazonica Baby Ray White Artemisia Parfum d’Ethiopia Butterfly Bacopa Bahai by Dummen............................................. Lavender Blue White Begonia Dragon Wing......................................................... Pink Red Grandma’s Little Angels (Angel Wing)............... Benigo Richmondensis Frosty Louis Burks Torch Miss Mummy Unstoppable by Red Fox..................................... Fire White Unbelievable by Red Fox..................................... Lucky Strike Miss Montreal Non Stop (Green Leaf)......................................... Appleblossom Deep Rose Deep Salmon Orange Red Yellow Reiger by Red Fox................................................ Amstel Blitz Amstel Britt Dark Amstel Camilla Amstel Carneval Amstel Clara Amstel Netja Dark Amstel Polly Amstel Veronica Dragone Dusty Rose Dragone Sunset Dragone Champagne Fringed Cindy Fringed Janny Rhine Baladin Rhine Barkos Rhine Berseba (Pink) Rhine Borias Rhine Brigitte Rhine Nadine Rhine Olympic Red Rex......................................................................... Calypso Celia Chocolate Man Escargot Ester Fireworks Hurricane Misty Island Mystery Northern Lights Pink Banded Silver Purple Snow Raspberry Swirl Red Robin Rum Painkiller Sandstorm Superstar Tradewinds Bidens Bidy Gonzales Top 60 2015 Young Plant & PreFinished Catalog Prefinished 4.5 pots 4.5 Prefinished Pots (Continued) Caladiums Canna Cannova Traditional varietes in Red / Pink / White Red Shades Yellow Rose Ideal for bumping up into your larger container. See BallSeed for important culture notes. Calibrachoa Aloha by Red Fox................................................. Hula Cherry Hula Gold Hula Hot Pink Hula Orange Hula Rose Kona Cherry Red Kona Dark Lavender Kona Dark Red Kona Hot Orange Kona Hot Pink Kona Mandarin Kona Mango Kona Midnight Blue Kona Pineapple Kona Soft Pink Kona Tiki Soft Pink Kona True Blue Kona White Colocasia Black Coral Black Magic Illustrus Mojito Pink China Calipetite by Sakata............................................. Blue Pink Red White Yellow Coleus Abbey Road Alabama Sunset Broadway Chaotic Rose Dark Star Dipt in Wine Fifth Avenue Gran Via Kingswood Torch Oxblood Oxford Street Riverwalk Saturn Sunset Boulevard Wall Street Cordyline australis Fairchild Red Dark Star Falcon Red Star terminalis Chocolate Electra Miss Andrea Ruby Cuphea / Mexican Heather Allyson (Purple) Dahlia Dahlinova.............................................................. California Carolina Carolina Burgundy Carolina Orange Florida Lisa Dark Pink Montana New York Texas 61 www.galemas.com • [email protected] Prefinished 4.5 pots 4.5 Prefinished Pots (Continued) Dracaena Green Colorama Red Prince Marginata Magenta Marginata Tricolor Duranta Gold Edge Euphorbia Stardust White Sparkle Fern Available Sept thru Dec Only Macho Tiger True Boston Available Feb thru Mar Only Blue Bell Rabbits Foot White Dallas Variegated Brake Fluffy Ruffles Variegated Cretan Brake Fuchsia Aretes Upright....................................................... Allison Patricia Arroyo Grande Boogie Jollies Nancy Jollies Nantes Gartenmeister Geranium Geraniums - Fancy Leafed.................................. Appleblossom Rosebud Arctic Star Chinese Cactus Indian Dunes Lady Plymouth New Life Sport Occold Shield Persian Queen Petals Pink Happy Thoughts Platinum Red Happy Thoughts Vancouver Centennial Vining - Great Balls of Fire.................................. 62 Blue Burgundy Burgundy Blaze Dark Red Deep Rose Lavender Blue Light Lavender Merlot Pink White Geraniums - Scented........................................... Chocolate Mint Citronella Ginger Old Fashioned Rose Peppermint Rose Zonal by Oglevee/Ecke........................................ Patriot Bright Pink Patriot Bright Red Patriot Bright Violet Patriot Cherry Rose Patriot Cranberry Red Patriot Lavender Blue Patriot Orange Patriot Red Patriot Rose Pink Patriot Salmon Patriot Salmon Chic Patriot Soft Pink Patriot Watermelon Patriot White Maestro Sassy Dark Red 2015 Young Plant & PreFinished Catalog Prefinished 4.5 pots 4.5 Prefinished Pots (Continued) Hedera / Ivy Algerian Green Algerian Marengo Green Solid White Variegated Gold Variegated Heuchera Amethyst Myst Can Can Harvest Lemon Chiffon Hercules Neptune Kassandra Silver Scrolls Swirling Fantasy Venus Impatien Double Musica...................................................... Bicolor Dark Red Pink Aroma Bicolor Pink Spicy Orange Elegant Red SunPatien Compact.............................................. Blush Pink Magenta Coral Orange Deep Rose Red White Electric Orange Lilac Ipomoea Ace of Spades Blackie Golden / Marguerite TriColor FloraMia Nero (Flowering) from Dummen Bright Ideas........................................................... Black Lime Rusty Red New Guinea Petticoats by Red Fox.................... Allegro Pink Aubergine Pink Charme Blue Pink Eye Bright Red Star Pink Night Fire Purple Star Hot Rose Red Lavender Red Star Mandarin Star Salmon Night Neon Night Soft Pink Pastel Pink White New Guinea Strike................................................ Bright Orange Pink Magenta Plum Orange Salmon Orchid Snow Lantana Bandana Series by Syngenta.............................. Cherry Sunrise Lemon Zest Peach Pink Red Rose Laurentia Beths Blue by Proven Winners Lobelia Bella by Dummen................................................. Acqua Rosa Donna 63 www.galemas.com • [email protected] Prefinished 4.5 pots 4.5 Prefinished Pots (Continued) Nemesia Nesia Dark Blue Ornamental Grasses White Osteospermum Summertime Sweet by Red Fox.......................... Blue Sunrise Copper Sun Lavender Purple Red Velvet Yellow Carex Red Rooster Carex Toffee Twist Cyperus papyrus Baby Tut Isolepsis Live Wire Juncus Blue Arrows Juncus effusus Spiralis Juncus Twisted Dart Pennisetum Cherry Sparkler Pennisetum Fireworks Pennisetum setaceum Rubrum Symphony by Proven Winners............................ Lemon Orange Oxalis By Proven Winners............................................... Charmed Jade Charmed Velvet Charmed Wine Molten Lava Zinfandel Perilla Magilla Petunia Crazytunia by Westflowers.................................. Cherry Cheesecake Cloud 9 Kermit Purple Kermit Rose Knight Rider Mandeville Pulse Sparky Starlight Blue Stonewashed Terra Cotta Double Petunia Sweet Sunshine by Ball Selecta...................................................... Burgundy Compact Lime Compact Nostalgia Hot Pink Red Supertunia by Proven Winners........................... Bermuda Beach Black Cherry Bordeaux Raspberry Blast Rose Blast Charm Royal Magenta Royal Velvet Petunia by Red Fox............................................................................................................................................. 64 Potunia Blackberry Ice Potunia Cobalt Blue Potunia Dark Red Potunia Mochaccino Potunia Neon Potunia Plus Banana Potunia Plus Hot Pink Potunia Plus Papaya Potunia Plus Pinkalicious Potunia Plus Purple Potunia Plus Red Potunia Plus Soft Pink Morning Potunia Plus Strawberry Ice Potunia Plus Yellow Potunia Popcorn Peppy Blue Peppy Cerise Peppy Red Surprise Queen Bee Sweetunia Black Satin Sweetunia Hot Rod Red Sweetunia Johnny Flame Sweetunia Orange Flash 2015 Young Plant & PreFinished Catalog Prefinished 4.5 pots 4.5 Prefinished Pots (Continued) Philodendron Prince of Orange Phlox Intensia by Proven Winners................................ Blueberry Cabernet Pink Portulaca Cupcakes.............................................................. Carrot Peachy Cherry Baby Yellow Chrome Grape Jelly Scaevola ToppoT Blue Sprengerii Streptocarpella Petite Blue Petite Purple Strobilanthes / Persian Shield Succulent Collection Aeonium hybrid Kiwi Crassula Campfire Crassula Hobbit Crassula Variegated Jade Plant Echeveria Perle Von Nurnberg Echeveria Black Prince Echeveria Nodulosa Echeveria Ruyoni (Topsy Turvy) Graptoveria s. paraquayense Graptoveria Fred Ives Kalanchoe FlapJacks Kalanchoe Tomentosa Sedum Adolphi Sedum makinoi Ogon Sedum nussbaumerianum Senecio mondraliscae Syngonium Gold Allusion Maria Allusion Holly M www.galemas.com • [email protected] Torenia By Proven Winners............................................... Catalina Gilded Grape Catalina Midnight Blue Catalina Pink Verbena Empress Flair by Red Fox................................... Burgundy Dark Red Charme Lavender Blue Peach Pink Charme Red Violet Blue White Wicked by Red Fox............................................... Cool Blue Hot Pink Pink Pepper Purple Vinca Vine Major / Maculata / Expoflora 65 Prefinished 6.0 pots 6.0 Prefinished Pots (Sold in multiples of 6 per Tray) Begonia Gryphon 3 Santa Cruz Sunset Grandma’s Little Angels (Angel Wing)............... Fannie Moser Lana Looking Glass My Special Angel Sophia Cassia Popcorn 3 Reiger by Red Fox................................................ Amstel Britt Dark Amstel Camilla Amstel Clara Amstel Dark Britt Amstel Netja Dark Dragone Champagne Dragone Dusty Rose Dragone Rosewood Dragone Sunset Dragone White Blush Rhine Baladin Rhine Barkos Rhine Berseba (Pink) Rhine Borias Rhine Brigitte Rhine Fireballs Rhine Nadine Rhine Olympic Red Rhine Red Baron Rhine Round Red Cordyline Dark Star Red Star Dracaena Colorama Green Marginata Magenta Marginata Tricolor Ferns Must be ordered by October 15th. Emerald Queen (Upright) Tiger Macho True Boston 4 Fuchsia Dark Eyes Dollar Princess Lena Marinka # Pink Delight Southgate Starry Trails Swingtime Plants per Pot to bump up into larger containers 66 2015 Young Plant & PreFinished Catalog Prefinished 6.0 pots 6.0 Prefinished Pots (Continued) Geraniums Fancy Leafed........................................................ Appleblossom Rosebud Arctic Star Chinese Cactus Indian Dunes Lady Plymouth New Life Sport Occold Shield Persian Queen Petals Pink Happy Thoughts Platinum Red Happy Thoughts Vancouver Centennial Scented................................................................. Chocolate Mint Citronella Ginger Old Fashioned Rose Peppermint Rose Interspecific Graziosa by Red Fox...................... Merlot Red Purple Picotee Royal Lavender Royal Lilac Royal Salmon Royal White Princess Lily Amina (Orange) Diana (Yellow/Red) Elaine (Hot Pink) Fabiana (Cream Var) Felicia (Yellow) Oxana (Red) Louise (Lilac) Sara (Yellow/Pink) Theresa (Pink) 67 www.galemas.com • [email protected] Prefinished 8.0 pots Order by October 15 for guaranteed availability 3 plants per pot / Florelled Spaced - Growing on 14” centers. Perfect for up-potting into a patio pot with none of the cleaning required of traditional stock plants! 8.0 Prefinished Pots Geraniums, Interspecific Calliope by Syngenta........................................... Burgundy Dark Red Hot Pink Lavender Rose Scarlet Fire Caliente by Syngenta........................................... Coral Dark Rose Deep Red Fire Hot Coral Lavender Orange Pink Rose Geraniums, Zonal by Dummen Group / Oglevee.............................. Patriot Bright Pink Patriot Bright Red Patriot Bright Violet Patriot Cherry Rose Patriot Cranberry Red Patriot Lavender Blue Patriot Orange Patriot Red Patriot Rose Pink Patriot Salmon Patriot Salmon Chic Patriot Soft Pink Patriot Watermelon Patriot White Maestro Sassy Dark Red Wilhelm Languth by Syngenta / Goldfisch....................................... Rocky Mountain Dark Red Rocky Mountain Deep Rose Rocky Mountain Magenta Rocky Mountain Pink Rocky Mountain Salmon Rocky Mountain Violet Rocky Mountain White Classic Mosaic Purple 68 2015 Young Plant & PreFinished Catalog Prefinished 8.0 pots/gallon 69 www.galemas.com • [email protected] Prefinished gallon Trade Gallon Prefinished Pots (Sold in multiples of 6 per tray - 17CM-H Janor in Green/Black) Alocasia Borneo Giant Lauterbaachiana (Baroque Sword) Nigra Sting Ray Brugmansia Equador Pink Leaf Jean Pasco (Yellow) Variegated Peach Bananas: Ensete & Musa Ensete ventricosum Maurelii (Red Banana) Musa Basjoo (Hardy) Musa Siam Ruby Musa Zebrina Canna Only Virus Indexed Varieties from Agristarts.... Blueberry Sparkler Hello Yellow Lemon Punch Orange Punch Maui Punch Pretoria 70 2015 Young Plant & PreFinished Catalog Prefinished gallon Trade Gallon Prefinished Pots (Continued) Colocasia Black Coral Black Magic Hawaiian Punch Illustris Maui Gold Mojito Pink China Teacup Dahlia XXL By Red Fox.................................................... Alamos Chiapas Durango Hidalgo Paraiso Taxco Veracruz Yucatan Heuchera Amethyst Mist Can Can Harvest Lemon Chiffon Hercules Kassandra Neptune Silver Scrolls Swirling Fantasy Venus Ornamental Grasses Cyperus Papyrus Baby Tut Cyperus Papyrus King Tut Pennisetum Cherry Sparkler Pennisetum Fireworks Pennisetum Setaceum Rubrum 71 www.galemas.com • [email protected] Prefinished patio 12.0 Patio Combo Prefinished Pots (12.0 Color Pot II from Dillen in Terra Cotta) Garden Party: Canyon Confetti Calypso Glossy Grape Honeybee Mine Hot Pink Jazz Nightlights Patchwork Patriot Pirates Beauty Pismo Beach Purple Cleopatra Rockin’ Red Shocking Blue Spring Break Tangerine Tango WaterFall WaterWheel Cayenne Grand King Garden Party: Dance River Slow Tap Zumba Garden Party: Balloons Burgundy Orange Pink Yellow If you didn’t find what you’re looking for...Just call us! Garden Party: Hot Spot Cairo Casablanca Lima Marrakesh Garden Party: Lights Blue Orange Pink Red White Yellow Garden Party: Night Night Glow Night Life Nightingale Starry Night Garden Party: Roundabout Wall Street Gran Via Oxford Garden Party: Tropix 72 Grenada Capri 2015 Young Plant & PreFinished Catalog Location & Directions 4340 N 250 W • West Lafayette, IN • 47906 North of West Lafayette: • From I-65 S, Exit on US 231 or Exit 193 • Turn south on US 231 to US 52 • Turn east on US 52 to County Road 250 West • Turn north on CR 250 West • Go 3/4 mile - we’re on the west side of the road South of West Lafayette: • From I-65 N, Exit on SR 25 or Exit 175 • Turn south on SR 25 to US 52 • Turn west on US 52 thru West Lafayette to County Road 250 West • Turn north on CR 250 West • Go 3/4 mile - we’re on the west side of the road Shipping Information Except 4.5 & 6.0 ferns, prefinished material CANNOT be shipped via Fed Ex. Pooled Grower Truck or Customer Pick Up Only. Prefinished delivery schedule is determined in mid-February. Pooled truck deliveries start the last week of February in Southern Indiana and finish up by late March in Northern Indiana. Product Information More variety info at: www.dummenusa.com ▪ www.fischerusa.com www.ballfloraplant.com Product must be delivered or picked up by March 27, 2015 for all Prefinished material. Prefinished program ENDS March 27, 2015. After that, finished pricing will apply. For Customer Pickups, please provide a 24-hour notice of your desired pickup date and time. Ship date on Acknowledgments indicates ship WEEK not actual dates of delivery. See delivery details below. • • • • • • • Our racks hold 16 baskets per shelf…where possible (NOT Necessary), order in multiples of 16 for truck deliveries. (Total number of baskets per order, not per variety) Grower truckload is 1,152 baskets/96 Baskets per cart. For orders less than 768 baskets, a truck will be pooled. Miniumum for delivery on grower truck is 1 full rack. For orders less than 1 rack, product will be available for customer pick up unless the customer or sales rep makes alternate delivery arrangements to another prefinished customer. No exceptions....drop charges still apply. Freight charges for orders over 1 rack are on a per unit basis…contact your sales rep for details. Approximate delivery area – generally, the State of Indiana, Eastern Illinois, Western Ohio, Southern Michigan. Call for other locations and freight quote. • • • • • • • • True 10” GREEN Hanging Basket with wire hanger. Ivy geranium hanging baskets will contain 4 plants and will have Florel treatment by March 1st to flower by May 1st. Fuchsia hanging baskets will contain 5 plants and will have a Florel treatment by March 1st to ensure flowering by May 1st. Non-Stop and Reiger Begonia baskets will contain 5 plants per basket. NOTE: Begonias require lighting till mid March. New Guinea Impatiens will contain 5 plants per basket. Foliage will be pinched and ready to hang. Labels included in each pot/basket at no additional charge. Special varieties requests will be considered, but a minimum of 15 weeks lead time and quantity minimums will apply. For addtional details, please contact your sales rep. 2015 Young Plant & PreFinished Catalog 4340 N 250 W • West Lafayette, IN • 47906 www.galemas.com • [email protected] Galema’s Greenhouse is your best choice in the Midwest! Growing high quality plants Our liners are rooted in Elle-pots for ease of transplant. The soil ball stays together! A ssure our prices are competitive Not too low to sacrifice quality Not too high to stay affordable L ow freight charges in the Midwest Usually around $10 per box for Ground Service As little as $0.03 per plant! E ase of ordering Contact your broker’s local sales representative Minimum quantities per variety Order as few as 25 plants No “fill the box” requirements - No charge to put the plant in the box! Available in broad assortment of items Our product list is extensive! We will root anything from Plant Source International, Dummen or Florexpo with 12 weeks lead time. S ame week shipping available In a hurry? We can accommodate!
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