June 2011 - Oser Communications Group
June 2011 - Oser Communications Group
MARKET WATCH: BUYERS GUIDE: SPECIAL FEATURE: COOKWARE UPDATE GIFT BASKETS & ITEMS LICENSED PRODUCTS SEE PAGE 1 SEE PAGE 18 SEE PAGE 1 IN PR KID SIDE O D S’ : UC TS K ITCHENWARE NEWS & H o u s e w, a r e s R e v i e w S E RV I N G K I T C H E N WA R E VOLUME 17, NUMBER 6 H O U S E WA R E S A N D TA B L E T O P M A R K E T S JUNE 2011 Licensed to Sell: Companies Trade on Iconic Images, Names by Joanne Friedrick Whether it’s a celebrity chef who has become a household name or an iconic cartoon figure or brand that evokes fond memories of childhood, licensing these names and images can give an added boost and credibility to products in the kitchenware field. When a celebrity lends his or her name and is involved in the creative process of developing a product then that tells a special story to both retailers and consumers. DKB Household USA has offered kitchenware under the Jamie Oliver and Ken Hom brands for the past two years in America after launching the lines internationally several years before. Oliver is a British chef and TV personality, while Hom is best know for his Asian cooking expertise. Hom’s seven SKU line of woks debuted at this year’s Chicago International Home + Housewares Show and Oliver introduced his 40-plus SKU “kitchen kit” the previous year. Continued on Page 9 Home Cooking Keeps Cookware Market Healthy by Theresa Grant Cookware retail sales were up five percent in the first three months of 2011 compared to one year ago, with retailers and consumers showing more confidence, according to Hugh Rushing, Executive Director of the Cookware Manufacturers Association. “There was not a lot of hangover from last year, which means retailers won’t need to make deep discounts to move older stock,” he said. With regard to trends, Rushing said, “I was in a museum in Greece, and cookware from 3,000 years ago was the same shape and size it is today.” Continued on Page 16 w w w . k i t c h e n w a r e n e w s . c o m 2 Kitchenware News & Housewares Review • JUNE 2011 www.kitchenwarenews.com june 2011 contents 6 10 18 22 GUEST COLUMN Colleen Kennedy, Aladdin-PMI RETAILER PROFILE BUYERS GUIDE AD INDEX a { shorts } Retailer Sur La Table Teams With TV Shopping Channel ShopNBC, an interactive retailer via TV, Internet, mobile and social networks, has teamed with national kitchenware retailer Sur La Table. “The Sur La Table Kitchen Show” featured the retailer’s namesake line of kitchenware and gadgets, including exclusive Cuisinart appliances. As part of the premiere, The Sur La Table Kitchen Show in April included cookware, bakeware, gadgets, cutlery and table settings as well as Cuisinart appliances including mixers, food processors, blenders and more. Viewers were educated and entertained by “Sur La Table” Guest Expert Jacob Maurer. In addition, ShopNBC Culinary Guest Expert and Author Bob Bowersox launched the Sur La Table 10-Piece Hard Anodized Cookware Set with a Bonus Cookbook on that day only. “We are thrilled to bring the premium brand of Sur La Table and its unique brand experience live to our customers,” said Bob Ayd, President of ShopNBC in prepared remarks. “We’re excited to partner with ShopNBC on the premiere of “The Sur La Born in 1953 in Winnipeg, Kostick explored different careers, including in the travel industry and as a modeling agent, before a friend, who had just enjoyed one of the self-taught cook’s dinner parties, invited him to pitch a TV show about cooking and entertaining. The result was the Gemini Award-nominated “What’s for Dinner”, which featured Kostick trading comic banter with co-host Mary Jo Eustace as they prepared meals together. The show debuted in 1995 on Life Network and, based on the pair’s on-camera rapport, continued for more than 600 episodes. It was eventually syndicated for broadcast on other Canadian networks and worldwide. The duo also teamed up on later lifestyle c Table Kitchen Show,” said Maurer, VP Merchandising. “We are delighted to bring our passion for cooking and artful entertaining to the ShopNBC customer.” d e Sur La Table, which began in Seattle’s Pike Place Market in 1972, now has more than 80 Sur La Table stores. It also sells online at www.surlatable.com, through the Sur La Table Catalog and via the Sur La Table Gift Registry. With cooking classes in more than 25 locations, Sur La Table operates the largest avocational cooking school nationwide. Canadian Cooking Show Personality Kostick Dies Ken Kostick, best known as one of the hosts of the Canadian TV cooking show “What’s for Dinner,” died in late April in Toronto. Kostick suffered acute pancreatitis in February and suffered a complication earlier in April while recovering at home. b shows, including TV’s “He Said, She Said with Ken & Mary Jo,” and reunited in 2007 as radio morning show co-hosts on Toronto station 103.9 FM. Other TV projects included “Ken Kostick and Company,” one of the first shows on Food Network Canada, and “Countertop to Table Cuisine.” Over the years, Kostick published more than a dozen cookbooks, most recently “The $10 Gourmet.” He also served as a celebrity pitchman for kitchen products firm Starfrit, and opened a catering business called Gourmet by Ken Kostick. f ON THE COVER a VITA CRAFT CORP. Vita Craft Cookware [tel] 800.359.3444 www.vitacraft.com b JURA CAPRESSO Capresso Cool Grind [tel] 800.767.3554 www.jura-capresso.com c WEST BEND/FOCUS ELECTRICS West Bend Platinum Edition Ovens [tel] 224.513.2326 www.focuselectrics.com d CORE BAMBOO 7-Piece Organic Coaster Set [tel] 646.845.6000 www.corebamboo.com e LSARTS Bordeaux II Wine Decanter/Aerator [tel] 877.929.1414 www.lsarts.com f CURIOUS CHEF/TAILOR MADE PRODUCTS Fruit & Veggie Prep Kit [tel] 262.560.2200 www.curiouschef.com future feature JULY Summer Gift Shows Home Entertaining Bakeware Graters www.kitchenwarenews.com Kitchenware News & Housewares Review • JUNE 2011 3 & KITCHENWARE NEWS Housewares Review w w w. k i t c h e n w a r e n e w s . c o m publisher’s note PUBLISHER EDITORIAL DIRECTOR EDITOR Greetings and welcome to the June issue of Kitchenware News & Housewares Review. Here in Tucson, the home office of Oser Communications Group, we’re beginning to feel the arrival of summer and looking forward greatly to the return of the Gourmet Housewares Show, resurrected as part of the New York International Gift Fair. GLM, the show’s producer, consulted extensively with exhibitors and attendees to come up with a plan for the show’s revival that combines its former August timing with a new venue that will give the manufacturers exhibiting at the show greater access to the New York news media and all of us a chance to take a long look at products for the holiday season. Judging by what we’ve seen already this year, manufacturers and importers have homed in on products that are really going to appeal to consumers now that the economy is strengthening. You’ll be hearing a lot more about the Gourmet Housewares Show from us this summer. In particular, we’re pleased that, along with sister-publication Gourmet News, Kitchenware News & Housewares Review is sponsoring a Gourmet Giveaway at the show. Exhibitors will be invited to contribute a product sample to a prize basket to be given away to one lucky attendee during the show. In return for their participation, we’ll be recognizing contributors to the Gourmet Giveaway in an upcoming issue of both magazines. Manufacturers, importers, and distributors, this is a great opportunity to get some national publicity for your products for the cost of your product sample. We hope that it’ll also be a way for the show to build excitement among its attendees and prompt them to spend a little extra time on the show floor—placing orders as they go, of course. You can read more about the show in Theresa Grant’s Trade Show Buzz column on page 23 of this issue. Lee M. Oser EDITOR-IN-CHIEF ASSOCIATE EDITOR Lorrie Baumann [email protected] Joanne Friedrick [email protected] [tel] 207.780.8656 Theresa Grant [email protected] CREATIVE DIRECTOR Valerie Wilson [email protected] GRAPHIC DESIGNER Yasmine Brown [email protected] TRAFFIC MANAGER Selene Pinuelas [email protected] SUBSCRIBER SERVICES 1877 N. Kolb Road Tucson, Arizona 85715 [tel] 520.721.1300 [fax] 520.721.6300 KITCHENWARE/HOUSEWARES ADVERTISING Also in this issue, don’t forget to check out the buyers guide to gift basket items that starts on page 20 and the kids products featured on pages 11-14. And on page 10, be sure you stop in for a visit to The Green Eyeshade, a gift and kitchen shop in Port Townsend, Wash. The shop is owned by Marilyn Staples, who credits the store’s great customer service, a strong demonstration program, and attention to social media and electronic marketing for its success. Lee M. Oser, Publisher SENIOR ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER editor’s note Licensing is big business and it’s not surprising to see why. Putting a well-known name, face or logo onto merchandise gives it a certain cachet and, as licensees will tell you, a level of credibility. Celebrity chefs are among the leaders in our industry for bringing licensed products to market. They usually segue from successful restaurants to TV shows, from TV shows to cookbooks, and from cookbooks to merchandise that supports all of these other channels. Chefs whom we have come to know by name—Paula, Rachael, Emeril, Mario and Jamie—have all put their names, but more importantly their input, behind product lines. Countless retailers have told me how the use of a single gadget by one of these noted chefs has caused people to come to the store or visit their website in search of just that item. Savvy suppliers, knowing how all this works, have collaborated with chefs to bring those tools into the retail stores so customers can re-create the on-TV or in-cookbook experience at home. One of the newest licensing deals, between ARG Manfacturing and the folks at Bravo who produce “Top Chef ” will result in tools that will go from the competition floor to the home kitchen. Another aspect of licensing that seems to be as popular as ever is the use of iconic images from TV, movies, sports and entertainment. Those of us who carried a Barbie lunch box in elementary school may be pleased to know that Barbie continues to be one of the popular licenses. Of course, these days she has competition from SpongeBob and Harry Potter, as well as Hello Kitty and The Simpsons. But the bottom line is that licensed merchandise has an audience and it may make sense, depending on your customer base, to incorporate some of these products into the mix. Kate Seymour [email protected] [tel] 520.721.1300 Lyle Sapp [email protected] [tel] 520.721.1300 Kitchenware News & Housewares Review is a publication of ELM Communications, a division of Oser Communications Group, Inc. 1877 N. Kolb Road Tucson, AZ 85715 www.oser.com PRESIDENT Lee M. Oser Periodicals postage paid at Tucson, AZ and additional mailing office. Kitchenware News & Housewares Review (USPS012-625) is published 12 times per year (Jan., Feb., March, April, May, June, July, Aug., Sept., Oct., Nov. and Dec.) by Oser Communications Group, 1877 N. Kolb Road, Tucson, AZ, 85715 (520) 721.1300. Publisher assumes no responsibility for unsolicited material or prices quoted in newspaper. Contributors are responsible for proper release of proprietary classified information. ©2011 by Oser Communications Group. All rights reserved. Reproduction, in whole or in part, without written permission of the publisher, is expressly prohibited. Back issues, when available, cost $8 each within the past 12 months. Back issue orders must be paid in advance by check. Kitchenware News & Housewares Review is distributed without charge in North America to qualified professionals in the retail and distribution channels of the upscale kitchenware and tabletop trade. For subscriber services, including subscription information, call (520) 721.1300. Printed in the USA. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Kitchenware News & Housewares Review, 1877 N. Kolb Road, Tucson, AZ 85715. Joanne Friedrick, Editor [email protected] 4 Kitchenware News & Housewares Review • JUNE 2011 www.kitchenwarenews.com { headlines } Gourmet Catalog & Buying Group Releases Spring Catalog Gourmet Catalog & Buying Group has released its 2011 Spring/Summer Catalog featuring essentials for gift giving, spring cleaning and outdoor entertaining. The 20-page, full-color catalog contains more than 150 products from 50-plus vendors as well as recipes and tips. Celebrating 30 years in 2011, Gourmet Catalog works to ensure the success of independent retailers with a variety of programs and services, including discounts provided by nearly 200 vendors. The 2011 Spring/Summer Catalog features more than 35 new items, including products from Chef ’n’s FreshForce line, Trudeau’s Stress Less gadgets, and Revol’s Revolution Cocottes. “We are excited to feature in the spring assortment four Emile Henry cobalt stoneware dishes that are exclusive to Gourmet Catalog,” said Karen Chandler, Director of Kitchenware Vendor Relations for Gourmet Catalog, in prepared remarks. “Each catalog season we work with our vendor members to negotiate new exclusives and direct imported products that will be available only to Gourmet Catalog store members.” “Our catalog program is designed to provide store members with an option to reinforce their brand image and advertise to new and existing customers at an affordable cost,” said Meggan Spehar, Operations Manager for Gourmet Catalog. “Our catalog allows independent retailers to let their customers know they have the same clout as the big box brands.” “The Gourmet Catalog is an important part of our advertising and marketing. It strengthens the relationship with our customers by putting something tangible in their hands before their shopping experience at Board & Basket,” said Drew Nelson from Board & Basket in West Lebanon, N.H., in a prepared release. In addition to print, Gourmet Catalog offers members the option of a digital, turn-thepage catalog that can be published to a store’s website and emailed to customers for instant viewing. “Being able to provide store members with multi-channel marketing options allows them to reach more customers,” said Spehar. For more information on joining Gourmet Catalog & Buying Group store owners can contact Gourmet Catalog at 214-855-0005 or [email protected]. Evriholder Purchases Drake-Williams’ Bath, Spa Lines Evriholder Products LLC acquired the assets and business of Drake-Williams Consumer Products in May. DrakeWilliams, based in Sacramento, has been producing bath, shower and spa products for more than 30 years. Evriholder, which has headquarters in Anaheim, Calif., and distribution centers in Anaheim and Chicago, will move the Drake-Williams operations in house. Drake-Williams’ lines include Paradiso bath, shower and spa accessories; Bamboo Naturals bath accessories; Splashies for Kids; and the Essence of Touch luxury bath and spa lines. The products are currently sold at CVS, Sally’s Beauty Supply, Eckerd, Safeway and Wal-Mart. “Given my personal desire to retire, Evriholder is an ideal purchaser for DrakeWilliams given the common customer base, and the opportunity to sell our range across a very broad distribution base, and we are confident they will continue to grow the brands in our portfolio,” said Jim Munn, CEO of Drake-Williams, in a prepared statement. “We are delighted with this opportunity to expand our impulse bath products range,” said Gary Seehoff, Evriholder’s CEO, in prepared remarks. “In addition to the impulse nature of the products, their comprehensive range of products are also excellent gift items and can be merchandised in a cohesive planogram set,” he said. Evriholder Products designs, develops and manufactures products for the kitchen, cleaning, storage and organization and bath and personal care categories. www.kitchenwarenews.com Kitchenware News & Housewares Review • JUNE 2011 5 guest column From How We Eat to Product Design by Colleen Kennedy Lunchtime used to be fun. Remember the eagerness with which you discovered what had been carefully packed for you, and what you got to trade with your friends? Or the favorite food you would save to eat last before blasting out to the playground? Fast forward to present day, when busy lives and time-crunched lunch lead to the need for products that allow for quick, easy and healthy meals. When developing Aladdin’s Collapsible Lunch Collection, we set out to make healthy, delicious lunches easier—from multiple-sized containers that allow for a variety of lunch food combinations, from steaming fresh vegetables to preparing and packing a salad in a stylish, portable and easy-to-clean container. Understanding the perpetual on-the-go lifestyle is something that we dove into headlong when researching this collection. People are spending more time away from home, yet are yearning for the comfort and consistency that harken back to the past in an effort to capture the carefree energy of youth. We looked at changing lifestyles, new food trends and design solutions for the timecrunched lives that challenge consumers every day. Listening carefully to consumers is at the core of learning about their needs and aspirations, and understanding those needs makes it possible to create products that best fit consumers’ lifestyles. Consumers we worked with were not shy about voicing their dissatisfaction and disdain for lunch containers that don’t work—mostly because their current solutions are meant for the cupboards and the fridge, not for use on the go. Consumer commutes are a critical part of the equation; designing containers for convenient transport to and from home and work presents different challenges than designing containers for home food storage. Containers made for use on the move need to be designed with that in mind—when empty they should take up less space than when they’re full. Convenience is king. We know that with busy lifestyles, microwaves and dishwashers are ubiquitous appliances. Microwave cooking is inevitable in the workplace, and when consumers get home after a busy day, the last thing they want to worry about is containers that are difficult to clean or store. Taking and making food on the go add to the reasons consumers’ days are so time crunched. Products that make the process more efficient and convenient are the products that people gravitate toward. Having the right tools, the right containers and a sense of style in portable lunch solutions are key incentives to pack a mid-day meal. Accessories are a big part of consumers’ personal style, and lunch solutions are a great way to express that style in an arena that easily could be boring. Style is a motivating factor, and the design of lunch containers and the totes make an impact on how consumers feel about themselves as they share a personal experience—eating lunch with others in their workplace environment. Efficient, fashionable carrying solutions and cute, compact, leakproof containers are on the rise. Bringing lunch is cool again, and bringing lunch in style is in vogue. More than ever, economic trends are influencing consumers to save money and time in their lives. Packing a lunch every day can save 200 calories and $3.57 per day— that’s $892.50 per year. Packing a lunch from home not only saves money, but also allows consumers to take what they want the way they want it—and take better care of themselves in the process. Bringing lunch allows extra time for a quick walk around the block for exercise rather than waiting in a line at a deli for a less-than-satisfying and often calorie-laden lunch. Options are also important. Containers that are designed to be taken on the go, and for specific meals such as salads or steamed vegetables, bring versatility and variety to the lunch rut. When consumers are given options, it makes packing a lunch more efficient and more satisfying—leftovers one day, veggies from the farmers market to steam at work the next. Food trends are influencing what consumers want to take with them for lunch, and in turn, so do our design solutions. The trends of snacking, portion control and more frequent, smaller meals throughout the day translate to the need for multiple-sized containers that are appropriate for a variety of different foods such as nuts, granola, and dried fruits. This also translates to more containers, which need to be stored more efficiently. Collapsible solutions meet that need, while eliminating the waste of serving-size or disposable bags. Shopping at farmers markets in the summer and taking advantage of the trend toward local, sustainable food sources spreading across the nation can lead to healthy, fresh lunches and new food options. Salads are the most desired lunch food for women, and exemplify healthy eating while offering the most choice possible. Our Salad Set, for example, provides separate-yet-compact and portable containers for lettuce and other ingredients as well as leak-proof containers for dressings and sauces. Another major trend we are seeing is that consumers are more savvy about the contents of their foods. Many states now require transparency from take-out restaurants including calories, nutritional and ingredient information. This information influences choices made at lunchtime and often inspires packing a healthier, more balanced meal. Finally, we are learning more about the impact of skipping or skimping on a meal. An “opportunivore” diet can lead to stress-related ailments and may tie into greater health issues such as obesity. Packing a healthy lunch is one action that can make a big difference on consumers’ health, happiness and personal well being. Colleen Kennedy is Project Manager for Aladdin-PMI, which is based in Seattle. CONTIGO AUTOSEAL BELLA DOUBLE WALL TRAVEL MUG The Bella Double Wall Travel Mug is a reusable, portable 14-ounce travel mug featuring patented technology that prevents spills and leaks. The self-sealing lid technology offers press-to-sip drinking, so there are no lids to remove and no spouts to open. The double wall construction reduces external condensation and helps retain beverage temperatures. The sleek design fits most car cup holders and the unit is top-rack dishwasher safe for easy care. It is available in eggplant and black. Suggested Retail Price: $9.99 Contigo/Ignite USA [tel] 312.432.6223 www.igniteusa.com 6 Kitchenware News & Housewares Review • JUNE 2011 www.kitchenwarenews.com { headlines } 2012 Housewares Show Adds Half Day, Responds to Retailers’ Requests In a move that will provide increased value to exhibitors as well as to U.S. and international buyer attendees, the International Housewares Association announced May 16 that the 2012 International Home + Housewares Show will open at 12:30 p.m. on Saturday, March 10, and run through 5 p.m. Tuesday, March 13. IHA’s Board of Directors approved this additional time in response to everintensifying requests from multiple show stakeholders. Additionally, being mindful of minimizing incremental costs to exhibitors, the board approved a freeze of booth space fees to remain at 2011 rates. “This additional show time will allow exhibitors to schedule ample time for appointments with key retailer partners in a more relaxed and unhurried atmosphere,” said Phil Brandl, IHA President, in a prepared release. “It will offer all buyer attendees additional time to seek out new supplier partners while also giving time for meetings with current suppliers.” The Board considered input from several show audiences when making this decision: Many exhibitors across show categories express concern about the lack of time during the show to conduct in-depth, strategic meetings with key retailer partners and were seeking dedicated time to achieve this goal. As well, independent retailers and key channel buyers with broad category responsibilities they are not able to both visit their current suppliers and investigate relationships with the show’s many new exhibitors. And many senior retail managers already schedule meetings on Saturday before the show with key supplier partners, but would prefer to hold those meeting in suppliers’ booths. “It is clear from the feedback we are hearing from retailers large and small that the industry would benefit from a longer Show, said Bruce Kaminstein, CEO of Casabella Holdings LLC and IHA’s Chairman of the Board, in prepared remarks. Along with buyer attendees, manufacturers’ representatives and news media attendees will be allowed on the exhibit floor Saturday. Trade guests, however, will not be allowed on the show floor Saturday. The 2012 International Home + Housewares Show is slated to take place at Chicago’s McCormick Place March 10 to 13. Forty One Madison Prepares for New York Gift Show Buyers More than 30 premier showrooms at Forty One Madison will be open and displaying their latest designs for giftware buyers and retail executives who are attending the New York International Gift Fair. As has become its custom, the tableware building will offer complimentary luxury bus service between Forty One Madison and the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center, beginning Aug. 14 and continuing through Aug. 17 during show hours, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. For the shuttle schedule, showrooms listing and to register, visit www.41madison.com. “So many new showrooms have opened at Forty One since the winter edition of the Gift Show, and among them are brands that gift show attendees will want to be sure to see,” said Laurie Burns, Forty One Madison’s Senior Vice President Director, in a prepared release. “What’s more,” she added, “the showrooms that are open for the Gift Show have the type of product assortments and opening minimums that gift buyers are looking for. Several of the exhibiting showrooms will offer a preview display of their ‘best of show’entries in the Forty One Madison lobby.” Burns reminded that show goers can avail themselves of the Buyers’ Lounge on Level A, a Forty One Madison convenience with full WiFi access. It’s a good meeting spot, as well as a great place to relax and catch up on emails in between appointments. In addition, Forty One Madison again has joined with George Little Management, 230 Fifth Avenue and 7 West New York to offer attendees a cultural treat. The week of the show, Aug. 12 to 18, attendees who show their badges will be entitled to free admission to the Museum of Arts & Design at Columbus Circle. On view then are three exhibits: Otherworldly: Optical Delusions and Small Realities; Stephen Burks: Are You A Hybrid?; and A Bit of Clay on the Skin: New Ceramic Jewelry. www.kitchenwarenews.com Kitchenware News & Housewares Review • JUNE 2011 7 licensed products Licensing Expo Unveils Conference Program The International Licensing Industry Merchandisers’ Association will offer a comprehensive lineup of more than 30 seminars for Licensing International Expo 2011 at the Mandalay Bay Convention Center in Las Vegas, June 14 to 16. The conference program runs from June 12 to 15. Part of LIMA’s Licensing University™ program, the sessions feature industry leaders and cover a variety of topics to help licensors and licensees build their businesses in the changing economy. Additionally, the conference program offers a strategic look at virtually all major industry segments. To kick off the expo, Rick Darling, President of LF USA, a subsidiary of Hong Kongheadquartered Li & Fung Limited, the multinational consumer goods export and logistics group, will deliver the keynote address on June 14. The first Brand Licensing Competition will provide a high-visibility platform for new, not-yet-available-at-retail brands and properties across categories. One winner will receive one-year, free membership in LIMA, free booth space at Licensing International 2012 and advice from top executives in the field. A pre-show State of Retail Session and Tour is planned for June 12 from 12:30 to 5:30 p.m. The presentation by retail consultants Lisa Carver and Carol Spieckerman of NewMarketBuilders will address retailers’ new perspectives of themselves as brands and what drives retailers’ branding decisions. Immediately following, Carver, Spieckerman and LIMA will host a bus tour of selected retailers. Cost for the presentation, tour and lunch is $75 for LIMA members and $80 for non-members. Free Roundtables with Industry Executives are scheduled for June 15 from 9 to 10 a.m. To give Licensing International Expo attendees a small taste of its year-round educational programs, LIMA, for the first time, will offer a session of free roundtables led by industry executives. Attendees will be able to participate in a pair of half-hour small group discussions; at the end of the first half hour, everyone will move to a different discussion topic. Expo Sessions include: An Appetite for Licensing Understand how food and beverage licensing can help grow brands and support core business objectives. Moderator: Carla Bernosky, President and Co-Founder, IMC Licensing. Marketing and Licensing Experiential Brands: Case Studies Hear from leaders who work with Cirque du Soleil, the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame and Museum and others on how they have expanded their brands. Moderator: Melissa Frayley Aquinni, VP of Merchandise and Licensing, Gaylord Entertainment. Issues in Sourcing and Manufacturing Learn how to protect licensed brands by assuring socially responsible treatment of workers in the supply chain. Moderator: Christian Ewert, President and CEO, International Council of Toy Industries CARE Foundation. Big Fish, Small Pond Cracking the U.S. market remains the benchmark of global brand success. Hear what strategies helped the BBC achieve its success. Moderator: Neil Ross Russell, Managing Director, BBC Worldwide Children’s and Licensing. Great Royaly Rates Hear leading industry experts discuss royalty rates across categories and how to improve the licensee-licensor relationship. Moderator: Adina Avery-Grossman, Founding Partner, Brandgenuity LLC. Navigating a Cause Licensing Relationship Licensing between for-profits and non-profits can be tricky. Learn what makes partnerships succeed or fail. Moderator: Tony Summers, Director of Production and Licensing, National Wildlife Federation. To view the complete 2011 seminar lineup and see which sessions are CLS-certified, visit www.licensingexpo.com. SCARLET POSY TABLETOP COLLECTION FROM KATIE ALICE Scarlet Posy is a gorgeous new vintageinspired tabletop collection designed by English lifestyle designer, Katie Alice. Alice lives and works from her beautiful cottage in rural Northamptonshire. Together with her husband, Justin, she runs the local village pub and is a very important part of village life.Life revolves around the pub and her home. With an eye for detail,her home reflects how she and her husband like to live,surrounding themselves with color and inspiration taken from the natural world around them.Inspiration for this pretty collection came from an old piece of 1950s printed textile, painted in watercolor and paint. The range includes bullet-shaped, oversized mugs in various designs on super white porcelain, as well as bowls, dinner plates, side plates, melamine trays and cork-backed mats and coasters. Creative Tops Ltd. www.creative-tops.com ROMA BY WESTON ELECTRIC TOMATO STRAINER GUY FIERI SQUIRT BOTTLES Ready, aim and squirt! Each Guy Fieri squirt bottle holds 16 ounces of a favorite sauce, marinade, cooking oil or whatever the main squeeze happens to be. Bottles are a part of the rockin’ BAR B Krew Collection from chef and restaurateur, Guy Fieri. The bottles feature original smokin’ hot graphics in red, green and yellow. The bottles are sold in a set of three and include individual bottle caps to prevent spilling or unwanted pests from joining the party. Stay organized and efficient—label flavors with the new Guy Fieri squirt bottles. Suggested Retail Price: $9.99 Fox Run Brands [tel] 215.675.7700 www.foxrunbrands.com 8 Kitchenware News & Housewares Review • JUNE 2011 New from Weston Products is the Electric Tomato Strainer, a powerful tool to process large quantities of tomatoes and other produce. The Tomato Strainer’s powerful motor removes skins and seeds from fruits and vegetables while making fresh sauces,purees and juices. Included is an extra large hopper for holding large quantities of foods and a stomper to safely push the food into the straining chute. It comes with three straining screens for processing into different consistencies: a fine screen for tomatoes and berries, medium for pumpkins and squash (also great for mashed potatoes) and a coarse screen that works great for salsas.The Electric Tomato Strainer is part of Weston’s popular Roma product line, which includes pasta machines, sauce makers and other preparation tools for making homemade meals with “a touch of Italian flair.” Suggested Retail Price: $149.99 Weston Products [tel] 800.814.4895 www.westonproducts.com PLATE-MATES The new Crayola® Plate-Mates™ from Evriholder hold true to Crayola ® ’s philosophy by providing a fun plate for meals. It’s a modular plate that can be taken apart and reassembled in different configurations, making it a fun activity in addition to being fully functional for meals. This multi-colored plate is kid-friendly and encourages interaction. The unique, divided plate encourages children to be creative and illustrates that creativity is not necessarily bound by the rules of convention. Plate-Mates® come in assorted bright colors familiar to Crayola kids and allows each child to have a unique plate color combination. The functional plate comes with three sections to accommodate a main dish, sides and dessert or drink. It is made of BPA-free, FDA-approved food safe plastic and is dishwasher, microwave, refrigerator and freezer safe. Suggested Retail Price: $5.99 Evriholder [tel] 800.975.0335 www.evriholder.com www.kitchenwarenews.com licensed products LICENSED (Cont. from p.1) “In the case of Jamie Oliver,” said Tim Yee, Director of Marketing for DKB, “it offers another story, another brand for our target consumer to catch on to.” Hom’s affiliation with the new wok line, added Yee, “lends credibility to the product range.” He said DKB works closely with both men on product development, which is different from a celebrity simply endorsing an existing product. In Oliver’s case, he said, Jamie had the concept for the Flavour Shaker “but he needed someone to partner with to bring it to life.” Other times, said Yee, the company may develop a product but then works with the chef to refine it. The downside of such collaboration, said Yee, is that it takes longer to bring a product to market. “But the upside is that it is a better product,” he explained. DKB also works with the chefs on the collateral materials because, in addition to the product itself, the licensor may also want to see how the brand is being marketed and merchandised and if that works with DBK’s image. ZAK DESIGNS INTRODUCES EMERIL SERVEWARE Zak Designs, the company known for its colorful tabletop and kitchen prep products, is partnering with one of the most well-known personalities and chefs in the housewares industry—Chef Emeril Lagasse. At the core of the products in Zak’s new Emeril line will be a functionality that a professional chef such as Emeril demands in the serveware and kitchen prep products he uses. Among those products will be new serving bowls that make mixing, serving and storing a breeze. These bowls are available in 1.5-, 2-, and 3-quart sizes, and each size features high sides that make mixing and serving easier. Each bowl comes complete with a lid that has been reinforced with artistic ridges to help keep it sturdy and retain its shape even after it has been put in the dishwasher. So whether storing extra batter for later, or simply putting chips away after the party, the new Emeril serve bowls from Zak make it simple to snap a lid on and stack the bowls in the refrigerator or pantry. And to make them even more attractive to space-conscious consumers, the bowls have been created so they nest neatly inside each other with the lids on. Suggested Retail Price: $22.99 - 3 quart, $17.99 - 2 quart, $14.99 - 1.5 quart Zak Designs [tel] 800.331.1089 www.zak.com Retailers that offer licensed merchandise from a well-known chef are using his or her credibility to send a message that the products are reliable, said Yee. “It has the chef ’s stamp of approval and has met a certain quality standard,” he said. Of course, not all licenses are tied to a particular individual. Rather, they may be associated with images from TV, movie or cartoon characters; popular toys; college and professional sports teams; well-known food and beverage brands; or even artwork or famous landmarks. Thermos has had long-standing licenses with Barbie, Scooby-Do and Star Wars, according to Christi Lantz, Global Licensing Manager. She said these “strong evergreens” continue to gain new audiences “and have grown through additional entertainment and product offerings. The licensors know their consumers very well and strive to keep then interested and connected to these key brand franchises.” Licensing is a significant part of Thermos’ overall sales, said Lantz. “We have been very successful over the years with our licensing programs targeting back-to-school lunch kits, vacuum-insulated food storage and beverage bottles.” New this year, she said, are license programs aimed at older consumers using the popular brands Threadless and Under Armour. When choosing a licensing partner, Lantz said they look for those “who understand our business. It is also very important that there is a good fit between our products and the licensed property. We always want to make sure that the licenses we pursue target the specific consumer segments that we are interested in growing.” For instance, she said, the latest Threadless license was designed to expand the company’s current assortment of hydration and lunch products to the “young urban” segment. Under Armour, meanwhile, “has been a great fit for Thermos hydration bottles targeted specifically to the ‘active achiever’ consumer segment,” she said. Like Yee, Lantz said there is a process for rolling out licensed merchandise and the timeline can be as long as six months. “Throughout the process, the licensing, product development, creative and marketing departments have a high level of involvement, and once the line has been completed, it is presented to our sales department to present to retail,” she said. Licensed products that help them target moms with young children is the focus for Evriholder Products, which currently attributes about 15 percent of its mix to licensed merchandise, said Gary Seehoff, Chairman and CEO. Licensed products, he added, “are an important part of our business and an important part of impulse buying, which is our core.” Nesquick is the newest license for Evriholder, which already has Crayola, Campbell’s, Kellogg’s and Wonder Bread in its portfolio. When looking for partners, explained Seehoff, “we take a slightly different view. The www.kitchenwarenews.com licenses we like have broad appeal to mass market and supermarkets and are number one in their categories.” These licensed brands also have “deep, established roots,” he said, and are “tried and tested.” While moms are the key demographic, Seehoff said women in general are the audience for his licensed brands. The Nesquick products, now in development, will include sipper cups, mugs and straws: “products that speak to the core of that brand.” Product development requires teamwork, he said, as well as an emphasis on quality and testing. That can take a little more time, he conceded, “but if you have the right licenses, the reception at retail is welcoming.” That is certainly what ARG Manufacturing is hoping for as it develops products under its new “Top Chef ” license. Tied to the longrunning, Emmy-winning Bravo TV food show, Joseph Van Houten, President and CEO, said the company is planning about 40 SKUs of tools, gadgets and other kitchenware for introduction in September. ARG has produced licensed goods in the past, said Van Houten, such as the For Dummies line, and it still has Bella Professional. “But our main emphasis is on “Top Chef,” he noted. The initial SKUs are designed to cover the basics and include turners, spoons, ladles, whisks, scoops, peelers, cutting boards, salad spinners and mixing bowls. “The focus now is on developing the ‘wow’ products that don’t exist,” added Van Houten. In approaching Bravo about a licensing opportunity, Van Houten said it was important that the products not only be tied to the show, but gain exposure during each episode. In collaborating on the products, he said Bravo wanted items that spoke to the “Top Chef ” competitor, who would be using them during the show, but also to the consumer who isn’t necessarily a professional cook. The result was a line of brushed stainless tools with comfort grips in stainless, orange and black, said Van Houten. The products will debut at department, specialty and gourmet grocery stores as season nine of the chef competition show rolls out, he said. In addition to in-store sales, the tools will also be available through bravoTV.com “Every license speaks differently to consumers,” he noted. In this instance, he said, “they watch the show, they can download the recipes, and then they can be a Top Chef at home using the recipes and tools.” Kitchenware News & Housewares Review • JUNE 2011 9 Retailer Profile The Green Eyeshade As a lover of cooking and all the equipment that goes with it, it made sense for Marilyn Staples to take on the task of adding a kitchenware department to The Green Eyeshade, a gift and kitchen shop in Port Townsend, Wash. The store was originally started and owned by Dorine and Thorne Edwards to display his artwork and also gifts and fine china, said Staples, who was their neighbor. After helping out at the store’s 10th anniversary event, she says, “I never left.” “There were no stores in the area that did gifts, china and flatware,” she explained. When the couple decided to add kitchenware, Staples took on the project and worked with the Edwards’ for 10 years before purchasing the store 20 years ago. “It’s probably the oldest retail business in town,” said Staples. And over the years, she has watched the area and the clientele change. The fishing, logging and paper industries have all struggled, she said, and people’s needs have also changed along with that. Gone is the fine china and in its place is more casual dinnerware, she said. More men are among the store’s customers now, and they like their gadgets, said Staples. 10 by Joanne Friedrick Appealing to both male and female customers is the Bopla dinnerware that she brings in from Switzerland. The bold, colorful patterns are quite different, she said, and people either love it or hate it. “That’s our niche in the market. We import it ourselves,” said Staples. The store is at its busiest during the tourist season, which stretches from July through September. And the Victorian waterfront town of 9,000 also attracts shoppers during the holidays, who like its quaint, oldfashioned look. Within The Green Eyeshade, Staples said she carries many of the major, popular brands such as Cuisinart, Jura Capresso, Viking, Le Creuset, Lodge, Swiss Diamond and Chantal. wonderful staff and some of them have been with me double-digit years,” she said. Manager Judy Rich is one of those, having spent 17 years at the store. Like most bricks-and-mortar retailers, Staples sees the Internet as a major source of competition. “It used to be catalogs,” she said, but now customers shop online. “Our prices are no more than Seattle’s, but people like to shop there or online. We also have a mall about 30 minutes away.” There is another kitchen shop in town, she said, but they try to carry different products to accommodate each other. Demos, rather than classes, are featured at the store. The Green Eyeshade used to offer cooking classes, said Staples, but she found it was too costly, so they opted to focus on demonstrations instead. Among the demos she was offering in April or planning for the future were ones for the Cheese Knife, Epicurean cutting boards, Vitamix, Kuhn Rikon pressure cookers and Shun cutlery. “We have a huge wall of gadgets,” which account for the majority of the stores SKUs, she said. There are also kitchen and table linens and Shun knives. The knives are especially popular among the young chefs from the area, and Staples said they receive a 10 percent professional discount. The store has entered the social networking arena with a Facebook page to complement its website and email newsletter. They also do newspaper advertising and place ads in the summer tourists guides to attract customers. Staples credits her staff of eight and their emphasis on customer service for keeping The Green Eyeshade going. “I have a Both Staples and Rich do the buying for the store, with Rich handling the kitchenware and candles and Staples Kitchenware News & Housewares Review • JUNE 2011 Photos courtesy of the Por t Townsend Leader . concentrating on the gifts, jewelry and textiles. The Seattle Gift Show and the International Home + Housewares Show in Chicago provide plenty of opportunity to find new items, said Staples. “We find we can do so well going to Seattle and we have good vendors at the gift show,” she said. Although the store is always getting new products and seeing some categories, such as flatware, reduced, Staples said looking ahead the focus is going to be on ramping up the demo program. “We want to have a more intense program, especially on the weekends,” she said. “Otherwise we are just keeping up with Facebook and making our web design fresh and just keeping watch for new things.” www.kitchenwarenews.com & K ITCHENWARE NEWS H o u s e w,a r e s R e v i e w S E RV I N G K I T C H E N WA R E VOLUME 17, NUMBER 6 H O U S E WA R E S A N D TA B L E T O P M A R K E T S JUNE 2011 kids’ products k i d s ’ p ro d u c t s FOX RUN MINI CUPCAKE SPATULA FREEZ’R POPS Fox Run’s Mini Cupcake Spatula will bring family fun to the kitchen. This fully functional utensil is a great way to introduce kids to cooking and encourage “little helpers” to learn more about food preparation. The Mini Cupcake Spatulas are 8.5" tall and come in three brilliant colors: Blue, Pink and Green. The creative, cupcakeshaped head is made from flexible, food-safe silicone. Suggested Retail Price: $3.99 The Crayola® Freez’R Pops™ come in a set of three, BPA-free, multi-colored 2.5-ounce molds in the shape of crayons. Each crayon-shaped mold is embossed with the Crayola logo on the exterior surface. Included in the set is a unique stand to hold the molds upright and in place in the freezer. Adding to the features and benefits, every set comes with three delicious popsicle recipes. Featured recipes include Rocky Road Pops, “Dripless” Popsicles and Yogurt Popsicles. Crayola Freez’R Pops are an ideal new spring/summer promotional item. Suggested Retail Price: $3.99 Fox Run Brands [tel] 215.675.7700 foxrunbrands.com BACK TO BASICS COTTON CANDY MACHINE Back to Basics’ Old Fashioned Cotton Candy Maker is ideal for birthday parties or everyday family fun. Using colored or granulated sugar, the machine makes individual serving size cotton candy in minutes. Adding finely crushed candy pieces makes flavored cotton candy as well. Its small footprint saves counter space. The machine has a one-year warranty. Suggested Retail Price: $39.99 West Bend [tel] 866.290.1851 www.westbend.com BABY BREZZA ONE-STEP BABY FOOD MAKER With the Baby Brezza™ One-Step Baby Food Maker, cooking healthy meals for baby is a breeze. The Baby Brezza One Step Baby Food Maker’s patented, onestep design allows users to steam and blend food in the same bowl, removing the time, worry and potential danger involved in transferring hot foods to a blender. Simply add favorite fruits, vegetables, meats or fish to the bowl, select the easy-to-use “steam and blend” option, set the desired cooking time, and then let the One-Step Baby Food Maker do the rest. Built with convenience and safety in mind, Baby Brezza’s One-Step Baby Food Maker automatically processes and cooks in this one-step/one-bowl way. Options are available for “steam and blend,” “steam only” and “blend only,” and users can also reheat and defrost foods in the machine.Available accessories include: storage system, spatula, cutting board, grain basket, cleaning brushes and kitchen wipes. All products are BPA free. Suggested Retail Price: $99.99 Baby Brezza Enterprises [tel] 212.686.4666 www.babybrezza.com Evriholder [tel] 800.975.0335 www.evriholder.com BUTTER BOY CORN ON THE COB BUTTERER Butter Boy ™and Butter Girl™ are the invaluable gadgets that helps diners butter their corn on the cob. Simply insert half a stick of butter, pop the top and roll butter onto the corn. Butter Boy stores in the refrigerator between uses. Also, great for pancakes, toast and coating pots/pans with butter. Dishwasher safe, the Butter Boy comes in green and yellow. Butter Girl is available in pink and blue. Talisman Designs [tel] 877.546.7995 [email] [email protected] PAPER SCISSORS ROCK CUPCAKE ALARM CLOCK Pam Corwin’s fanciful clock designs are reproductions of her original watercolor and acrylic paintings. Lightweight and virtually unbreakable, Corwin’s clocks resemble ceramic tiles.The alarm clock is 2" square with a round face with one of Corwin’s designs and a floating second hand that is printed with on a clear plastic disk, so the image appears to float around the edge of the clock. Paper Scissors Rock [tel] 800.969.0869 www.psrock.com 12 Kitchenware News & Housewares Review • JUNE 2011 www.kitchenwarenews.com k i d s ’ p ro d u c t s ZAK DESIGNS CONFETTI CUPCAKE TRAY The festive appeal of Zak Designs’ Confetti Cupcake Tray begins with the way that the trays are designed to resemble a large cupcake.That unique feature is combined with bright orange, white and magenta and topped off with the same splattering of color that has made Confetti one of Zak’s most popular lines, to create a product that’s as fun as the treats it’s designed to hold. But the appeal of the Cupcake Tray isn’t limited to its aesthetics, it’s as functional as it is fun. Made from durable melamine, the tray is designed to hold a dozen cupcakes with enough space between them to allow each artistic creation to stand apart from the others. The balanced spacing also ensures that, whether taking them to the party, or just to the backyard, the cupcakes stay in place until it’s time to unwrap the fun. And, like all Confetti products, the Cupcake Trays are made with recycled melamine using a patented process, so it’s quite possible that they’re not only the most festive way to serve cupcakes, but the most environmentally responsible as well. Suggested Retail Price: $19.99 ZAK Designs [tel] 800.331.1089 www.zak.com SUGARBOOGER ECO-BAMBOO COLLECTION KIZMOS GET HAPPY COLLECTION Kizmos Get Happy is a new line of kitchen tools and gadgets. This whimsical collection features bright colors and fun designs. Items in the collection include peelers,pizza wheels,three-piece spatula sets, bottle openers, measuring spoons, measuring cups, ice cream scoops, salt and pepper shakers,bag clips,colanders, three-piece tool sets,trivets,can openers, mixing bowl sets,magnets,spoon holders, coasters and brushes. All tools and gadgets are dishwasher safe. Suggested Retail Price: $2.99-9.99 Oré Originals’ new Eco-Bamboo Collection from SugarBooger is the latest effort to offer environmentally aware products. The pieces are made of melamine infused with sustainable bamboo. The Feeding Collection features a divided suction plate, sippy cup, silverware set and bowl set with silverware. All products are packaged in 100 percent recyclable materials. Suggested Retail Price: $8.50-15 Lifetime Brands [tel] 800.252.3390 www.lifetimebrands.com Oré Originals [tel] 562.961.3300 www.oreoriginals.com THREADLESS LINE The new Threadless + Thermos line of on-togo hydration bottles feature images aimed at the children and tween markets. The 18ounce containers are BPA free and made with single-wall stainless steel. The leakproof lid features one-hand push button operation and an integrated carry loop. The wide mouth opening is wide enough to fit ice cubes and makes it easy to clean, although it is dishwasher safe. There are 14 different designs from which to choose. Suggested Retail Price: $13.99 The Curious Chef Fruit and Veggie Prep Kit comes with everything needed to create tasty and healthy treats and snacks. All items are designed with safety and ease of use in mind. In addition to being BPA free, product features include soft-touch button grips for easy grasping, contoured handles and safety features such as rounded corners and guarded cutting surfaces. This kit includes a nylon plastic knife that cuts food but not skin, silicone mixing spoon, melon baller; apple slicer, fruit and vegetable peeler, vegetable scrubber, shopping list and Curious Chef® stickers. Suggested Retail Price: $19.99 Thermos LLC [tel] 800.243.0745 www.thermos.com Curious Chef/Tailor Made Products Inc. [tel] 262.560.2200 www.curiouschef.com www.kitchenwarenews.com FRUIT AND VEGGIE PREP KIT Kitchenware News & Housewares Review • JUNE 2011 13 cookware SIGNATURE HOUSEWARES SORRENTO BAKEWARE Sorrento bakeware is available in classic, full-size bakers including 16" and 13" rectangular bakers, an 8.5" covered soufflé and an 11-ounce ramekin, as well as mini bakers for individual baking and serving needs. All bakeware is 500° F certified, and is composed of a high-fired stoneware body for durability and chip resistance. It is available in ivory, gold, sage green and ruby red. Suggested Retail Price: Mini bakeware $14.99, full size $29.99-39.99 Signature Housewares [tel] 805.484.6666 www.sighouse.com SWISS DIAMOND HD PRO FRYING PANS Swiss Diamond International is the manufacturer of high-quality nonstick cookware made in Switzerland. After more than four years of development, the next generation of Swiss Diamond’s legendary coating has been released—HD. In response to demand, it is available first on a new line of fry pans for professionals: The Swiss Diamond HD PRO. These products were specially created to meet the market‘s demands and developed together with professional chefs. Users of Swiss Diamond cookware love the quality and ease of use of the unique, patented nonstick. But for professional use, higher durability of body and handle were required. Swiss Diamond now has answered the challenge with the introduction of its HD PRO series VITA CRAFT COOKWARE The Wahaus Collection by Vita Craft is a true gem. This six-piece set of cookware is not only beautiful and classic, but also versatile. The stainless steel, deep chef set can go from range top to table top in minutes. The Wahaus Collection is made up of a set of three deep chef pans; an 8" deep chef, a 10" deep chef and a 13" deep chef. The series comes with stainless steel covers with optional made of a multi-ply stainless/aluminum core featuring the new HD coating. One of the main points with nonstick in a professional setting, the durability of the coating has been improved by an incredible 300 percent. Together with a welded on (no rivets), stay-cool handle, a waffle-style interior finish and rounded edges for increased safety, Swiss Diamond HD PRO products represent the highest quality of non-stick cookware for professional use. Swiss Gourmet USA is the exclusive distributor for Swiss Diamond brand cookware in North and South America. Suggested Retail Price: $230 for 10"; $260 for 11" Swiss Gourmet USA [tel] 704.900.6622 www.swissgourmetusa.com stainless steel knobs and flame guards. Glass covers are also available.The Wahaus Collection features waterlessgreaseless cooking and carries a true Vita Craft lifetime warranty. This fine cookware is made in the United States. Suggested Retail Price: $350 Vita Craft Corp. [tel] 800.359.3444 www.vitacraft.com TANGINE COOKWARE FROM JUSTIN CAPP Make a statement in the kitchen by cooking a beautifully flavored stew in a flame red tagine. Cooking in a tagine is a wonderful way to serve and share food. Tagines originated from North Africa and are traditionally used for cooking stews or casseroles at low temperatures.The shape of the lid helps to preserve moisture in the food as the steam condenses on the inside of the lid. The shape of the lid also creates circulation within the dish, infusing the food with spices and exotic flavors. The lid can be removed, with the base used for serving. The tagines are available in two sizes and are made from stoneware with a flameware base, so they can be placed in the oven. Each tagine also comes with a recipe book by Justin Capp. They are dishwasher and microwave safe. Creative Tops Ltd. www.creative-tops.com www.kitchenwarenews.com Kitchenware News & Housewares Review • JUNE 2011 15 cookware COOKWARE (Cont. from p.1) The trends are a bit different in the United States than they are in Europe where consumers are more color-oriented. “U.S. cooks tend to be more practical,” Rushing said. “However, one trend we are seeing in the United States is a substantial increase in shelf space for porcelain on cast iron— a category which brings with it more color. Also, we are seeing more enameled cast iron in private labels and lower priced cookware, such as Tramontina and Lodge.” “There is a renewed interest in cast iron cookware,” confirmed Bob Reichenbach, EVP/Division President Cookware, Bakeware & Cutlery, Lifetime Brands Inc. Lifetime Brands includes Hoffritz, Roshco, Casa Moda, Cuisine de France, Sabatier and Vasconia cookware and housewares. “Our Sabatier line of colorful cast iron cookware, which can be custom made to the retailers specifications, has enjoyed a strong reception by retailers since its launch at the International Home + Housewares Show,” said Reichenbach. “Color is an exciting trend that we are now reflecting in our cutlery, bakeware, cookware and gadget offerings. Dramatic color presentations will be at most key retailers for Fall 2011.” As consumers continue to respond to a challenging economy by cooking at home, they are spending some of the dollars that might have gone to dining out on betterquality cookware. According to the market study “What’s For Dinner 2011: Trends in Center of Plate,” published by Packaged Facts, a division of MarketResearch.com, sales growth in “center-plate proteins,” including poultry, beef, pork and seafood, have increased steadily since 2006, and are expected to increase by four percent annually for the next four years. Reichenbach said that in addition to increased cast iron cookware sales, these home cooking trends can be seen in a renewed interest in pressure cookers. “The ability to prepare meals in 30 percent less time saves both energy and effort, and produces healthy and nutritious results,” he said. “Green” ceramic, non-stick coatings represent a small niche, according to Rushing. “If the product doesn’t last or perform as well as its non-green counterparts, and has to be replaced six times more than non-green products, is it really green?” Larger manufacturers with wider distribution are adding greenware, but demand is not displacing traditional, non-stick cookware, he says. Reichenbach said eco, or green cookware is post peak as a new product. “I believe that this concept has evolved into a general expectation that products will be produced in a responsible and earth-friendly manner. But ultimately what will resonate with the consumer are well-designed and effective products that never disappoint.” The color trends seen in cast iron cookware will migrate into other housewares in the American market, Reichenback predicted. Rushing said that while he doesn’t foresee a major shift in the United States toward induction cooktops any time soon, he did note that new manufacturing processes, such as All Clad’s D5 Technology, make it possible for consumers to make significant investments in cookware that will work efficiently on their current cooktops, yet will transfer smoothly to induction cooking down the line. These new technologies can deliver up to 20 percent more even heating with up to 15 percent more energy efficiency than traditional bonded cookware. FUSIONBRANDS POACHPOD STAINLESS The Max Burton® Deluxe Induction Cooktop 6200 is a high-powered, 1800watt model in a sleek, stainless steel tabletop design. It features 10 power settings from 500 to 1800 watts, or 10 temperature settings from 140 to 450 degrees, which means it provides a broad range of cooking options.With a 180-minute timer, cooking time can be controlled automatically. Inductionrated cookware is required because of the magnetic interface needed between the stove and the cookware. The Induction Interface Disk 6010 is an accessory that allows using cookware that is not induction rated.The Disk is an 8" stainless steel accessory placed between the induction cooktop and the cookware to achieve the required interface. The combination allows formerly inappropriate cookware such as copper, glass and aluminum to be used with the Induction Cooktop. Suggested Retail Price: $119.99 Cooktop; $49 Interface,$165 Set The original silicone floating egg poaching tool, Poachpod, creates perfectly poached eggs time after time. A worldwide top seller in the housewares industry, the green silicone poachpods have receiving international praise and recognition. fusionbrands® introduced a stainless steel version in 2010, the poachpod stainless, and the poachpod lift, a tool for placing the poachpod in and out of water, in 2011. The “pods” are designed to float in boiling water. Poachpods work by cooking the egg after it’s cracked into the body of the poachpod. The cooking action occurs as boiling water comes in contact with the outside of the silicone pods surface. The heat permeates the silicone forming a flawlessly poached Aervoe Industries Inc. [tel] 800.227.0196 www.aervoe.com/induction Grill, sear, fry, sauté, braise, and pressure cook with the Blue Point Pressure Pan set. The extra-large, 4.2-quart skillet is equipped with the Novogrill frying surface for low-oil grilling and the energy-saving CookStar all-stove base, and comes with a pressure lid, glass lid and steamer basket for maximum versatility. With all of its safety systems, including the Euromatic safety valve, the Pressure Pan is completely silent under pressure, dishwasher safe and works on any stove, including induction. Made in Germany with a lifetime warranty. Suggested Retail Price: $270 Fissler USA [tel] 888.347.7537 www.fissler.com 16 Kitchenware News & Housewares Review • JUNE 2011 For Lifetime Brands and cookware in general, Reichenbach said, “We foresee a strong third and fourth quarter, driven by aggressive promotions, unique product offerings such as ceramic cutlery, and extensive color statements, which will make most housewares departments lead home sales for the fall 2011 season.” But, according to Rushing, the cost of the induction cooktops MAX BURTON DELUXE INDUCTION COOKTOP FISSLER BLUE POINT PRESSURE PAN SET themselves will keep them out of most American homes for the immediate future. ATLAS 150 WELLNESS DELUXE PASTA MACHINE BY MARCATO SCI is introducing the Atlas 150 Wellness Deluxe Pasta Machine made by Marcato in Italy. It’s the first pasta machine where every part is made with materials that do not release harmful heavy metals onto the dough. The body of the machine is made of anodized aluminum, and the rollers are made of light aluminum alloy and are completely nickel and chrome free, giving you nothing but pure pasta. Only the finest materials paired with excellent egg. Once complete, flip the pod inside out and release the egg. fusionbrands [tel] 877.279.2002 www.fusionbrands.com workmanship make this a wonderful addition to any kitchen. Available in red, black and silver. SCI Cuisine Internationale [tel] 800.966.5489 www.scandicrafts.com www.kitchenwarenews.com gift basket items BUYERS GUIDE EVRIHOLDER CUPCAKE 2 GO Whether they’re home-made or store-bought, the cupcake trend is ever-growing and always popular. Whether it’s for birthday parties, or just everyday fun, cupcakes are a growing expression of love and CORE BAMBOO 7-PIECE ORGANIC COASTER SET Core Bamboo’s new collection of colorful coaster sets is perfect for entertaining. Crafted from 100 percent organically grown bamboo, these beautiful seven-piece coaster sets have both a casual and elegant design. Included in this set are six coasters and one neat case,making them easy to store. Available in a variety of bright colors in an organic, CAN-TAMER™ TWO-TIER CAN CAROUSEL This space-saving organizer keeps cans at your fingertips. The CanTamer™ Two-Tier Beverage & Food Can Carousel quickly organizes cupboards, pantries, counter space and fridge. he handy carousel holds up to 13 12-ounce (355 mL) soda cans; or up to 39 cans of food, and is perfect for 10-ounce tins of soup, veggies or fruit. “The innovative design holds food or beverage cans securely in place. The two-tiered carousel spins 360° on a stainless steel ball bearing mechanism for easy access. It is easy to assemble and enables the consumer to quickly make-over and reorganizer their kitchen space,” explained Susan Fluellon, New Product Specialist for Life-Tamers Inc. Life-Tamers 18 affection, and a great way to add fun and flavor too. And now, there’s a way to protect cupcakes wherever you go. Evriholder Products LLC introduces its new Cupcakes 2 Go – an adorable cupcake holder that not only is cute and whimsical, but will also keep cupcakes and frosting in perfect condition when on the go. With a unique dome lid and prongs designed to hold the cupcake securely in place, the Cupcake 2 Go looks like a cupcake and has ample room to keep that delicious frosting in place and looking good. No more squished cupcakes with frosting everywhere but on the cupcake. This is the ultimate cupcake on-the-go solution. Suggested Retail Price: $2.99 Evriholder [tel] 800.975.0335 www.evriholder.com grainy finish, the coasters are sure to make a statement wherever they are used around the home. Functional and durable as well as aesthetically pleasing, Core Bamboo’s coasters are the perfect choice for everyone on the gift list. Suggested Retail Price: $24 Core Bamboo [tel] 646.845.6000 www.corebamboo.com launched Can-Tamer at the 2011 International Home & Houseware Show. Life-Tamers Inc. is a division of the Prime Way Group of Companies, an award-winning product development and marketing company, based in Welland, Ontario. Prime Way is a 23 year-old successful company and is led by serial entrepreneur, Keith M. Cumming. They market their innovative products internationally through specialty retailers and larger retails such as Wal-mart, Bed Bath and Beyond, Home Hardware and Canadian Tire as well as through infomercials and mail order. Suggested Retail: $12.95 Prime Way [tel] 905.732.5445, ext 246 www.life-tamers.com Kitchenware News & Housewares Review • JUNE 2011 MAN LAW BBQ TOOLS AND ACCESSORIES Since the dawn of man, there has been honor and responsibility in providing for one’s family. To truly appreciate this honor, all men must abide by the code that comes with it.This code is known as MAN LAW™. The proper grilling of a $23 porterhouse is a feat to rival the erection of the Great Pyramids, the Hoover Dam and the brother-inlaw’s yard shed. Grilling fish or fowl, mere wienie or edible plant life is a serious endeavor. Grilling, thus, requires the proper tools. Tools crafted and honored with the care of a surgeon operating on his fantasy team’s QB. Tools, that blessing which long ago distinguished man from animal. Before MAN LAW™ BBQ Tools, there was a niche that went untouched in the outdoor living category.There had never been a product line that adapted humor into high-quality BBQ utensils.The product line is very giftable so the target demographic is not limited to men alone. We believe MAN LAW™ BBQ Tools and Accessories are the highest quality BBQ products available. Period. These BBQ products are designed by men, for men. Every tool with the MAN LAW™ name is constructed with heavy-duty materials.Each BBQ Tool is an oversized, heavy weight utensil with large, sturdy handles. Suggested Retail Price: $6.99-79.99 Parasia [tel] 763.237.7690 www.manlawbbq.com www.kitchenwarenews.com JEWELSTIK1-2-3 KNIFE SHARPENERS Whether it's chopping vegetables, slicing bread or peeling a fresh pineapple, a sharp knife is a necessary tool in living a healthy lifestyle. No more frustration of working with an old blade that was left from grandma. Problems are solved with the new JewelStik 1-2-3 Diamond Sharpeners. Three grits provide the versatility everyone needs and yet it's all on one handle: No kits, no set up or extra parts to lose. Just pull out grandma's blade and swipe it a few times on the No. 1 (coarse grit), then use the No. 2 (medium grit) to work in a sharp edge or use it to maintain KEEP CALM & CARRY ON CREATIVE TOPS TABLEWARE Creative Tops is delighted to announce the launch of a new tableware collection, currently not shown in its brochure. Creative Tops will be unveiling the new range at Exclusively Housewares in June. The everyday cutlery. Then No. 3 is used for honing to a razor's sharp edge or sharpen a new ceramic knife blade when it has dulled. JewelStik 1-2-3 works for many uses and is priced to be in every household. JewelStik 1-2-3 is available in a variety of lengths: 5", 10" or 12".The packaging is eye catching and colorful and moves the product off your shelves. The JewelStik 1-2-3 is fully made in the United States and comes with a manufacturer's lifetime guarantee: More perks to sell your customers. Suggested Retail Price: $24.95 for 5"; $49.95 for 10"; $59.95 for 12" Hewlett Manufacturing [tel] 814.683.4762 www.jewelstik.com Keep Calm and Carry On Collection for 2011 has been inspired by this long-running and intensely Cool Britannia theme. The phrase itself is a fantastic mantra for anyone seeking solace and reassurance when times are particularly hard. The Keep Calm and Carry On slogan was originally drawn up by the U.K. Ministry of Information to boost the morale of the British people during World War II. Amazingly this poster, although printed, was never actually distributed as it was only intended to be released if there was an invasion. The product range includes a gorgeous bright red, fulllength apron and gauntlet textile set; set of three brightly coloured tea towels; lap tray with comfy bean bag; a tea cosy; tea bag tidy; set of six assorted fine china mugs; and an extremely useful double walled ceramic travel mug with funky colored silicon lid.Also soon to be added will be a 6-cup tea pot, glass worktop saver and retro-style memo board. Creative Tops Ltd. www.creative-tops.com DECANTUS AERO WINE AERATING POURER The Decantus Aero™ Wine Aerating Pourer enhances wine’s flavor and bouquet: It is all in the taste. A new breakthrough in wine aerating pourers lets users experience softer tannins, a more aromatic bouquet and great flavor. Decantus Aero is the only wine pourer on the market to have been scientifically proven to reduce sulfites an average of 56 percent. The Decantus Aero utilizes the Bernoulli effect, wherein the reduced pressure of a stream of wine draws an air flow through diagonal thin tubes inside the Decantus Aero, making it the most effective decanting pourer available. The Decantus Aero is a dripless pourer and includes a removable top for covering contents between pours, which helps preserve the wine. Restaurant owner Bill S. of Sunbury, Pa., recently stated the following: “The Decantus Aero does an unbelievable job in improving the taste of wine. We are using it every day in our operation.” The Decantus Aero comes in clear or black and is beautifully gift boxed, 12 each to a counter display. Suggested Retail Price: $16.99 Franmara [tel] 831.442.4000 www.franmara.com www.kitchenwarenews.com These party picks are as beautiful as they are useful. Thirty party picks come packaged in a readyto-use holder. They’re great for summer entertaining, weddings, graduations and other gift-giving events, and are perfect for olives, cheese, fruit, drink garnish, wraps and other hors d’oeuvres. Party Picks are available in seven styles, complete with convenient and giftable packaging, and match many other Talisman gift and entertainment items. Hand washing recommended. Suggested Retail Price: $9.99. Talisman Designs [tel] 877.546.7995 www.talismandesigns.com ZAK DESIGNS FLIP-ITS LSARTS BORDEAUX II WINE DECANTER/AERATOR LSArts debuts the second generation of its wine aerator product line. The Bordeaux II aerator attaches directly onto the opened wine bottle. Users first gently pour a small amount of wine into the bowl/decanter section of the aerator and then pour it directly into the wine glass. In essence, they are decanting one glass of wine at a time, allowing the wine to expand and breathe. Each aerator is made of hand-crafted glassware and fits all standard bottles. The Bordeaux II aerator is available in two different shapes and comes individually gift boxed. LSArts is a designer and importer of quality art glass products in the wine and housewares industry. There are more than 100 different wine stopper designs available as well as the affordably priced Bordeaux wine aerators. Suggested Retail Price: $15 LSArts [tel] 877.929.1414 www.lsarts.com TALISMAN PARTY PICKS IN READY-TO-USE HOLDER The bright,innovative and functional pieces in Zak Designs’ Garden Series have made it one of the most popular lines in the company’s 35year history. The newest product addition to Zak’s Garden series is the Flip-it. This sculpted rose candleholder features a wide opening on one side that’s perfect for holding tea lights or other shorter, wider candles. Flip it over, and the rose becomes a wide base perfect for holding long, narrow dinner candles. The Flip-Its are available in red, orchid or white. Like all products in the Garden Series, the Flip-Its are created to complement the other items in the line, giving consumers the option to use them separately or in conjunction with other pieces to make an even rosier statement. Suggested Retail Price: $2.99 Zak Designs [tel] 800.331.1089 www.zak.com Kitchenware News & Housewares Review • JUNE 2011 19 COLE & MASON BUTTON MILL SET gift basket items BUYERS GUIDE Originally made for British Airways first-class service, the Button Mill Set adds a touch of elegance to any meal, whether for guests, for the hostess or for the dinner table. These Cole & Mason mini mill sets are crafted from highly refractive acrylic and topped with a bright chrome finish. Each mill measures 2.5" tall and is sized to fit in the hand. Suggested Retail Price: $9.99 FLEX-IT MEASURING CUP SET MAXWELL & WILLIAMS SPRINKLE DINNERWARE COLLECTION Maxwell & Williams’ Sprinkle, the new fun and colorful dinnerware collection, features 20 open stock dinnerware pieces in nine different colors. As the name suggests, each item features a “sprinkle” of white spots across the surface. Sprinkle can be purchased by individual colors or can be mixed and matched to create a beautiful, eclectic dinnerware collection. Suggested Retail Price: $19.95 Maxwell & Willams [tel] 646.355.0614 VINTURI RED WINE AERATOR This award-winning, sleek wine accessory is designed to decant red wine in the time it takes to pour a glass. Simply hold the aerator over a glass and pour wine through. Designed to blend form with function, it draws in and mixes the proper amount of air for the right amount of time, allowing wine to breathe instantly. Suggested Retail Price: $39.95 KUHN RIKON MELON KNIFE Designed to slice through any melon, this knife features an 11" serrated blade of high-quality Japanese carbon steel with a nonstick coating. Seed-shaped cut-outs help prevent sticking. Suggested Retail Price: $24.95 Kuhn Rikon [tel] 800.662.5882 www.kuhnrikon.com GARDEN GODDESS STRIPED WOOD TROWEL GardenGoddess is the latest addition to the Boston Warehouse Goddess line of products. Following on the success of Spotless Goddess whimsical, fashionpatterned cleaning gadgets, Garden Goddess does the same outdoors with an extensive line of shears, forks, trowels, rakes, watering cans and other gardening tools. The Striped Wood Trowel is 12.5" long and available in four color options: green, yellow, pink or blue. Suggested Retail Price: $14.99 Boston Warehouse [tel] 781.352.1810 www.bwtc.com Vinturi [tel] 877.846.8874 www.vinturi.com The Flex-it Measuring Cup Set from iSi North America offers three silicone cups with gradation lines marked in U.S. and metric measurements. While the cups flex to allow pouring control, the base is firm to provide stability when filling and mixing. The three-cup set offers 1-, 2- and 4-cup measures. They can also be purchased separately. Suggested Retail Price: $25 for the set iSi North America [tel] 800.447.2426 www.isinorthamerica.com PRODYNE WINE BOTTLE STOPPERS Prodyne introduces the Acrylic Mini “Wine Chiller” Bottle Stoppers. These new fun and functional acrylic mini “Wine Chiller” Bottle Stoppers will be the talk of the party. Each stopper is hand decorated with little ice chips and wine bottles with printed labels. Choose from three designs; Vino Duo (two bottles), Vino Gondola (three bottles) and Salsa (one bottle). They feature air-tight silicone seals to allow a bottle to lay flat without leaking. The stoppers may also be used for many spirit, oil and vinegar bottles. They are available packaged in individual clear PVC display box or as a set of three with black acrylic stand. Suggested Retail Price: $5.99 or $19.99 for a set Prodyne [tel] 888.822.4776 www.prodyne.com JO!E FLOWER POWER DECORATIVE CUTTER Transform ordinary into extraordinary using this flower-shaped fruit cutter. Also works great with veggies, cookies, party sandwiches, pizza and more. Suggested Retail Price: $3.99 MSC International [tel] 514.745.0400, ext. 27 www.msc-international.com Cole & Mason/DKB Household USA [tel] 888.794.7623 www.coleandmason.com CAPRESSO COOL GRIND With the press of a button, the Cool Grind spins into action. It preserves more flavor and aroma because it’s designed for low heat build-up when grinding. It also offers low-noise operation. The handy, pulse action feature allows the user to grind from coarse to fine with ease. Once ground, simply invert the grinder, and the contents are deposited in the see-through lid, from which the ground ingredients can be poured into a bowl or scooped out with a measuring spoon. The grinder’s safety stop ensures that the blade stops turning in less than 1½ seconds. It comes with convenient wrap-around cord for storage. It is available in white, black or stainless steel. Suggested Retail Price: $19.99-24.99 Jura-Capresso [tel] 800.767.3554 www.jura-capresso.com FARBERWARE BAGEL POD The Bagel Pod offers a safe and easy way to slice bagels, muffins, buns and rolls. Users simply unlock the pod, insert the bagel and pull the lever to slice. The sides lock when the blade is engaged so the blades are never exposed during the cutting process. The Bagel Pod features a non-skid base and built-in crumb catcher. Suggested Retail Price: $19.99 Lifetime Brands [tel] 800.252.3390 www.lifetimebrands.com 20 Kitchenware News & Housewares Review • JUNE 2011 www.kitchenwarenews.com n e w p ro d u c t s JURA ENA 9 ONE TOUCH WEST BEND PLATINUM EDITION OVENS Jura combines two of the biggest trends in automatic coffee centers— “one touch” convenience and space-saving design—in the new Jura ENA 9 One Touch, the first ENA model that creates cappuccinos and latte macchiatos at the touch of one button. Less than 9½" wide, it is a space-saving choice for coffee lovers. The new Aroma Boost button makes an extra strong coffee. There is also a dual coffee spout that adjusts to any height from approximately 3" to 5". The machine froths or steams milk directly into the cup, and then extracts the espresso or coffee from a separate nozzle. Available for shipping in June. Suggested Retail Price: $1,499 Jura [tel] 800.767.3554 www.jura-capresso.com Suggested Retail Price: $89.99 and $99.99 West Bend celebrates its 100th anniversary with its Platinum Edition line of kitchen electrics. The Countertop Oven and its Countertop Convection Oven counterpart both have a large capacity, handling up to six slices of toast or a 12" pizza. The ovens offer brushed stainless accents, adjustable rack positions, removable crumb tray, reversible wire rack and bake tray and one-hour timer with automatic shutoff. The convection model includes a convection fan that helps circulate heat and cook food more evenly. West Bend/Focus Electrics [tel] 224.513.2326 www.focuselectrics.com CUISINART PULP CONTROL CITRUS JUICER CUPCOOLEY REUSABLE SILICONE CUP COZY The cupcooley from fusionbrands is designed to replace disposable cardboard sleeves used with hot beverage cups. The cupcooley fits all standard cup sizes and is heat and slip resistant as well as reusable and dishwasher safe. The flexible and collapsible sleeve can be used with coffee, tea, chai, hot cocoa and soup. It is available in green, hot pink and brown. Suggested Retail Price: $4 The new Cuisinart Citrus Juicer is equipped with an adjustable reamer with three pulp control settings to allow users to customize juices to their liking. The final spin feature is designed to extract every last drop of juice from the pulp. Additionally, the juicer has a deep juicing container and an extralong, snap-up spout to accommodate more glasses and prevent dripping. The removable parts on the stainless steel juicer easily can be cleaned in the dishwasher. Suggested Retail Price: $29.95 fusionbrands [tel] 877.279.2002 www.fusionbrands.com Cuisinart [tel] 203.975.4600 www.cuisinart.com KUHN RIKON’S BISTRO SALT & PEPPER GRINDERS Fresh flavor is just a twist away using the new Bistro Salt & Pepper Grinders. The visually appealing Swiss design combines glass with colorful and easyto-clean tops and bases. The tapered glass grinders, measuring 6½-inches tall, showcase the sea salt or peppercorns inside. The grinders feature a highquality ceramic grinding mechanism that adjusts from coarse to fine grind. These mills grind upside down, which helps keep counters and tabletops mess free. For added convenience, the handy top-grinding design makes for easy grinding directly into pots, salad bowls and on individual plates. The three-piece set is available in red, white and black. Suggested Retail Price: $40 Kuhn Rikon [tel] 415.883.1101 www.kuhnrikon.com www.kitchenwarenews.com Kitchenware News & Housewares Review • JUNE 2011 21 { news in brief } Swiss Gourmet USA Inc., the exclusive distributor for Swiss Diamond brand cookware in North and South America, began shipping orders in March, less than two months after establishing its business. “This really is amazing when you consider that on (Feb. 16) Swiss Gourmet USA didn’t exist and here we are two months later and we’re fulfilling customers’ orders,” said Mark Harris, president of Swiss Gourmet USA in a prepared statement. Amir Alon, CEO and Wwner of Swiss Diamond International GmbH, who had decided to create the U.S. distributorship, said: “We are very happy to work with our new, dedicated team at Swiss Gourmet USA. We already see the professionalism they bring to the business and our customers.” Wüsthof announced the appointment of Michael Garaghty as Executive Chef of Wüsthof-Trident of America Inc. In this newly created position, Garaghy will preside and appear in Wüsthof-sponsored TV segments, retail events, cooking videos, social media initiatives, trade shows, consumer food festivals and other elements of the brand’s sales and marketing campaigns. Reporting to Scott Severinson, President-Sales and Marketing, Garaghty first appearance was on Lifetime’s “The Balancing Act,” with an educational segment on how to select, use, store and sharpen quality kitchen knives. “We’re pleased to welcome Chef Mike to our team, where his culinary expertise and longstanding preference for Wüsthof knives will significantly bolster our sales and marketing programs,” said Severinson in a prepared statement. Garaghty has more than 25 years experience in the professional foodservice industry, including founding and managing his Plymouth, Minn.-based catering company, A Call to Catering. In related news, Annette Garaghty has been promoted to Vice President of Sales and Marketing at Wüsthof-Trident of America, a newly formed position at the company. Garaghty continues to report to Severinson. In her new position, Garaghty is in charge of all marketing activities, including advertising and public relations campaigns. She is also the key sales account contact for Williams-Sonoma, the company’s largest retail customer. Garaghty will also continue to service other major accounts in cooperation with Severinson. Todd Myers remains Vice President of Sales for the organization. Based in Minneapolis, Garaghty first joined Wüsthof in 1986 in customer service, and held various posts at the company before being appointed Sales Coordinator in 2004. Before her current promotion to Vice President, Garaghty was Director of Sales and Marketing for two years. Todd Figi, patriarch of a gift industry family and the founder of Figi Giftware has been named the recipient of the Icon Honors 2011 Lifetime Achievement Honor by unanimous action of the ICON executive committee, according to Jeffrey L. Portman Sr., President and Chief Operating Officer of AmericasMart, Atlanta. Figi’s gift industry career and contributions will be celebrated posthumously at the Second Annual Icon Honors 2011 Event on July14 in conjunction with the Atlanta International Gift & Home Furnishings Market. The Lifetime Achievement Honor "recognizes a single individual demonstrating distinguished advancement and enduring industry impact over the course of a career." Figi, who died in January at age 66, first made his mark on the industry more than 40 years ago when he created namesake Figi Giftware, one of the leading gift companies manufacturing everything from photo frames and wall decor to refrigerator magnets. Mary Moore, owner and founder of The Cook’s Warehouse, plans to open a fourth store in East Cobb, Ga., according to reports in the Atlanta Business Chronicle. “For years, our customer base has driven into the city to shop for cookware, kitchen accessories and appliances and especially to learn in our cooking school," Moore told the newspaper. The new cookware store and cooking school will cater "to many more gourmet enthusiasts who live anywhere from 15 to 50 miles outside downtown Atlanta," Moore said. The 4,800-square-foot store, which is being built to LEEDS (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) standards in Merchant’s Walk is expected to open in late summer. Other Cook’s Warehouse stores are in Midtown, Decatur and Brookhaven. In the space that previously housed Allyson’s Kitchen in Bend, Ore., comes another cookware shop, Ginger’s Kitchenware, according to reports on KTVZ TV. The Bend retailer is currently located on Newport Avenue on Bend’s Westside. Owners Jaime Aguirre and his wife, Ginger, told the TV station they will be hosting cooking classes in the test kitchen at the new location and hope to be open by early summer. For now, Ginger’s Kitchenware will keep its Newport Avenue location while it expands to the Old Mill District. Because the space it is moving into is so large, the other half will be a new restaurant. TV star, entrepreneur and author Sandra Lee has entered into a direct-to-retail license agreement with Sears Holdings for home products. The exclusive collection of home products, Sandra by Sandra Lee, will be available in Sears and Kmart stores in spring 2012. The initial launch of the collection will include cookware, utensils, gadgets, bakeware, small kitchen appliances and tabletop items. “The new Sandra by Sandra Lee collection is a welcome and timely addition to the value we offer our customers in the home category and underscores our commitment to making everyday special,” said John Goodman, Executive Vice President of Apparel and Home for Sears Holdings in a prepared statement. “I have waited a long time to find the right retail partner—one that would be able to execute my vision for the brand,” said Lee in prepared comments. The Sandra by Sandra Lee license agreement with Sears Holdings was entered into by Sandra Lee in association with Iconix Brand Group Inc. KNHR Clarification Regarding RSVP In the April issue, we reported on the closing of a specialty kitchenware store in Colorado named RSVP. This store is not affiliated in any way with RSVP International, the Seattle wholesale supplier of high-quality kitchen basics and gadgets, which has been in operation since 1984 and continues to offer more than 600 products in multiple categories. ADVERTISER INDEX Aervoe ..................................................................15 AmericasMart.....................................................24 Baby Brezza .........................................................14 Bella Tavola/The Alison Group .....................10 Creative Tops ........................................................8 Cucina Pro...........................................................17 Evriholder............................................................13 Franmara ................................................................2 Linden Sweden .....................................................2 NYIGF...................................................................2 Parasia.....................................................................6 Parrish.....................................................................7 Pragotrade..............................................................9 Prodyne................................................................21 SCI Scandicrafts ................................................10 Swiss Gourmet....................................................17 Talisman Designs ...............................................12 Tribest ..................................................................22 Vita Craft ............................................................17 Wilshire ...............................................................23 Zak Designs...........................................................5 22 Kitchenware News & Housewares Review • JUNE 2011 www.kitchenwarenews.com GHS Joins NYIGF Summer 2011 by Theresa Grant Leading gourmet products and housewares suppliers from around the world will participate in the summer 2011 Gourmet Housewares Show in New York, which runs from Sunday, Aug. 14 through Thursday, Aug. 18. Making its debut as part of the New York International Gift Fair at Jacob K. Javits Convention Center, the Gourmet Housewares Show will feature about 150 exhibitors alongside 200 specialty tabletop suppliers from NYIGF's Tabletop and Housewares Division. In addition to exhibits and seminars focusing on gourmet housewares, there will be a Gourmet Giveaway buyer promotion sponsored by Oser Communications Group, publisher of Kitchenware News & Housewares Review and Gourmet News, and a Best New Products Award for Gourmet. Showcased at the summer show will be cookware, bakeware, kitchen gadgets, kitchen textiles, bar and wine accessories, small electrics, specialty food, cookbooks, storage/containers and picnic/barbecue accessories. Seminars and special events include: Defining the New Gourmet Consumer – How & Why They Buy An in-depth explanation of Millennial consumers and their buying behaviors, 3 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Aug. 15. Tickets are $20 in advance, $25 at the door. Manhattan Mixer The gourmet industry is invited to celebrate the Gourmet Housewares Show’s New York City debut, 5:30 p.m., to 6:30 p.m., Aug. 15. Free for retailers and no pre-registration required. Everything Goes With Gourmet! Visual Merchandising To Boost Cross-Category Sales This image-rich presentation illustrates successful ways to engage gourmand customers through visual merchandising, 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m., Aug. 16. Tickets are $20 in advance, $25 at the door. SustainAbility: The Fair Trade Kitchen Fair Trade is moving beyond coffee and chocolate to encompass a full range of gourmet housewares. Learn the basics about Fair Trade—what it is and who the key players are—as well as how you can benefit from selling products with tremendous societal and cultural impact, noon to 1 p.m., Aug. 16. Tickets are $20 in advance, $25 at the door. 2011 { t ra d e s h o w b u z z } TRADE SHOW CALENDAR JUNE 2011 14-16 Licensing International Expo Las Vegas, NV, 888.644.2022 www.licensingexpo.com 26-30 Tendence Lifestyle, Collection Frankfurt Fair & Exhibition Center Frankfurt, Germany, +49 69 75 75 0 www.messefrankfurt.com 13-15 NEOCON World’s Trade Fair The Merchandise Mart Chicago, IL, 800.677.6278 www.neocon.com SEPTEMBER 2011 10-12 Atlanta Fall Gift & Home Furnishings Market and The Atlanta Gourmet Market® AmericasMart Atlanta, Atlanta, GA, 800.ATL.MART www.americasmart.com 22-28 Dallas Total Home & Gift Market Dallas Market Center Dallas, TX, 800.DAL.MKTS www.dallasmarketcenter.com JULY 2011 13-20 Atlanta International Gift & Home Furnishings Market AmericasMart Atlanta Atlanta, GA, 800.ATL.MART www.americasmart.com AUGUST 2011 14-18 The Gourmet Housewares Show at NYIGF Jacob K. Javits Convention Center New York, NY, 800.272.SHOW www.thegourmetshow.com 14-19 New York International Gift Fair Jacob K. Javits Convention Center New York, NY, 800.272.SHOW www.nyigf.com 10-12 Dallas Total Home & Gift Market Dallas Market Center Dallas, TX, 800.DAL.MKTS www.dallasmarketcenter.com 26-28 Fall L.A. Mart Market L.A. Mart Los Angeles, CA, 800.LAMART4 www.lamart.com OCTOBER 2011 25-28 New York Tabletop Market New York Showrooms, 41 Madison, 7 West 34th, 230 Fifth Ave. New York, NY, 212.686.1203, 212.279.6063, 800.698.5617 www.41madison.com www.7wnewyork.com www.230fifthave.com
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