Växjö Municipality Organisation


Växjö Municipality Organisation
Växjö Municipality Organisation
Where nothing to the contrary is stated, all companies are 100% owned by the
Municipality. The number of members of each committe or the percentage municipal
ownership is shown in brackets.
Municipal Council (61)
(Växjö's "Parliament")
Electoral Nominations Committee (15)
Municipal Auditors (11)
Executive Office
Chief Executive
Värends Fire and
Rescue Services (78,6 %*)
Växjö Kommunföretag AB (VKAB)
(municipal parent company)
Växjö Energi AB (VEAB)
(district heating and electricity)
■ Växjö Energi Elnät AB
Executive Committee (15)
(Växjö's "Government")
Executive Working Committee (7)
Executive Organisation and
Personnel Committee (5)
Emergency Management
Committee (7)
(broadband network)
■ IT
■ Public Relations
■ Municipal Secretariat
■ Food and Meals Organisation
■ Business Support
■ Human Resources
(electricity network)
■ Bioenergigruppen i Växjö AB
(75 %) (bio-energy group)
■ Wexnet AB (76,82 %)
■ Finance
■ Strategic Planning
Electoral Committee (5)
■ Security Function
■ Procurement
■ Development Unit
■ Videum AB (property)
■ Vidingehem AB
Committee of Guardians (5)
(housing and property)
■ Växjöbostäder AB
Town and Country
Planning Committee (15)
City Architect's Office
District Surveyor's Office
Culture and Leisure
Services Committee (15)
Culture and Leisure Services
Environmental and Public
Health Committee (11)
Environmental and
Public Health Services
Labour and Welfare Committee (15)
Labour and Welfare Services
Växjö Teateraktiebolag (theatre)
Elderly and Disabled Care
Committee (15)
Elderly and Disabled Care Services
Kulturparken Småland AB (41 %)
Technical Services Committee (15)
Technical Services
AB Regionteatern
Blekinge-Kronoberg (22 %) (theatre)
Education Committee (15)
Educational Administration
(housing and property)
Växjö Fastighetsförvaltning AB
(VöFAB) (property)
Smaland Airport AB (42 %)
Smaland Airport
Trafikledningssystem AB
(airport and air traffic control)
(event and marketing)
*) Municipal Association
Växjö Municipality also has interests in the municipal associations Vård och behandling i Kronoberg (VoB),
Samordningsförbund Värend, Kommunalförbundet Sydarkivera, Växjö & Co AB, Växjö Citysamverkan AB,
Huseby Bruk AB, as well as in two foundations, i.e., Stiftelsen Smålands Museum (Småland’s Museum) and
Stiftelsen Emigrantinstitutet (The Swedish Emigrant Institute).