SUMMER 2016 - Bruce Trail


SUMMER 2016 - Bruce Trail
The Iroquoian
Official Newsletter of the Iroquoia Bruce Trail Club
Our AGM was held Sat. April 16th, and it was a great success. It was well attended, and everyone had a
great time. The two proceeding hikes had fantastic weather and a great time exploring the Bruce Trail. A
new board was ratified, and we made some minor changes to our club by-laws. Congratulations to the
following recipients for their awards.
Phill Armstrong: Volunteer Hike Leader Vern Erickson: Volunteer Hike Leader
Errol Mackenzie: Co-ordinator and Hike Leader for Happy Wanderers
Don Matheson: Volunteer Weekly Hike Leader Connie Rusynyk: Co-ordinator for Midweek Hikes/Hike Leader
Nancy Stevens: Volunteer Weekly Hike Leader
Charlotte Stewart: Co-ordindator and Hike Leader for Hikers R Us
Trail Maintenance worker of the year went to a very deserving Peter Rumble.
A special thanks to Deputy Environmental Commissioner of Ontario, Ellen Schwartzel for her talk on
our environmental rights.
Doug Stansbury 905-545-2715
[email protected]
1st Vice-President & BTC Board Rep
Paul Toffoletti - 905-634-2642
2nd Vice-President & Director of
Michael McDonald 905-928-5324
[email protected]
Hiking Director
Anne Armstrong - 905-337-3937
[email protected]
Trail Director
Lynn Desforges
[email protected]
The Iroquoian Newsletter is
published quarterly by the IBTC,
one of nine member clubs of the
Bruce Trail Conservancy, a
registered non-profit organization.
We welcome submission of articles
or photographs for publication from
our members. All submissions will
be reviewed and must be approved
by the Board of Directors.
Contact the Newsletter Editor at
[email protected]
Iroquoia Bruce Trail Club
PO Box 71507
Burlington, ON, L7T 4J8
Publicity & Public Education Director
Allan Meyer
[email protected]
Membership Director
Vern Erickson 905-667-4370
[email protected]
Landowner Relations Director
Leslie Arnott
[email protected]
Justin Park
[email protected]
Land Stewardship Director
Gary Beaudoin
Land Securement Director
Scott Beveridge
[email protected]
Cynthia Archer
[email protected]
Volunteer Director
Gloria PennyCook
[email protected]
Director at Large
John Farquharson
Advertising rates, per issue, are
as follows:
1/4 page - 3.5 x 5: $60.00
1/2 page - 7.5 x 5: $90.00
Full page - 8 x 10: $150.00
Ads MUST be sent print ready as PDF or WORD
For Advertising submissions
please contact KATHY BOYCE [email protected]
Fundraising Director
Joelle Efford-Gibbons
[email protected]
Iroquoia Badges Explained
Regular End to End - Jack in the Pulpit Badge
To receive a badge, you are required to hike the entire Iroquoia Section from
Forty Mile Creek in Grimsby to the bottom of Kelso Conservation Area in
Milton. Keep a record of the days you hiked, the start and end points, and
any other details you wish to add.
Send $5 for each badge you require, a self stamped and addressed envelope
and your hike log to Iroquoia Bruce Trail Club, P.O. Box 71057, Burlington,
ON L7T 4J8.
You will receive your badges back in the envelope you supplied in about two
Official End to End - Waterfall Badge
The annual Iroquoia Club End to End consists of four hikes over two
weekends and will take place over the first and second weekends after
Thanksgiving each year. The section is approximately 122.5 km. long and
each hike averages 30 km. or more with one being 27.2. This is a
challenging, but richly rewarding series of hikes. Volunteers will be at
“check points” with water and snacks along the way. The hike will be
completed independently and at your own pace, which means there is no
official hike leader and you need to understand the blazes marking the trail. The registration fee is $45 for all four hikes, or $15 per day that you wish
to hike. The fee covers the cost of transportation, entry to Mount Nemo
Conservation Area for two days, snacks and receiving a Waterfall badge
for those who complete all four hikes. Badges to be distributed at the end
of the last hike. Check the BTC and IBTC websites and our newsletters for full information.
Snowshoe Badge
Participants must complete four snowshoe hikes within the Iroquoia Bruce
Trail Club section which runs between Grimsby and the bottom of Kelso
Conservation Area near Milton. You may create and complete your own hikes
or take part in the series of four hikes carried out by Club hike leaders or take
part in any four snowshoe hikes offered by various leaders throughout the
winter. Please send your hike log, a self addressed and stamped envelope plus
$5 to receive your Snowshoe Badge. Send to Iroquoia Bruce Trail Club, Box
71507, Burlington, Ontario, L7T 4J8. You will receive your badge in about two
Official Iroquoia Club End to End 2016 October 15,
16 October 22, 23
The annual Iroquoia Club End to End consists of four hikes over two
weekends and will take place on October 15, 16 and October 22, 23, 2016. The section is approximately
122.5 km. long and each hike averages 30 km. or more with one being 27.2. This is a challenging, but
richly rewarding series of hikes. All hikes will start at 7:45 to 8:00 am. at predetermined locations.
A bus will take all participants to the start of the hike. Space is limited to the number of people on the bus.
Volunteers will be at “check points” with water and snacks along the way. The hike will be completed
independently and at your own pace, but it is expected that participants will be able to finish by 5:00 pm.
The registration fee is $45 for all four hikes, or $15 per day that you wish to hike. The fee covers the cost of
transportation, entry to Mount Nemo Conservation Area for two days, snacks and receiving a Waterfall
badge for those who complete all four hikes. Hikes will go rain or shine. As part of the registration process
you will receive an email with information re your hiker number, each day’s meeting point and a few
The first day meeting location is at Mount Nemo Conservation Area (overflow parking
area), on the east side of Guelph Line, north of Dundas St., Burlington. Map 10, km.
91.7. Check in is at 7:00 am. with buses departing at 7:30 am.
Please make your cheque payable to the Iroquoia Bruce Trail Club, and mail to
Suzanne Macpherson
320 - 2040 Cleaver Avenue, Burlington, Ont. L7M 4C4
Please include your phone number and email address. For further information contact Suzanne Macpherson
[email protected] or Anne Armstrong at [email protected] or 905-337-3937.
Deadline for registration is October 10, 2016.
Photo Credits - Holly Sluiter
Trails to the Past
By Paul Toffoletti
By the summer of 1966, a great deal of trail was opened and blazed in Grimsby and between Guelph Line and the Village of
This included a project for Trail Development to come up with a way to cross the 12 Mile Creek without getting your feel wet.
This illustration appeared in the July 1966 issue of the Iroquoian with the following caption “ Almost sixty feet long and three
feet wide overall, the suspension bridge at Cedar Springs over the 12 Mile Creek, represents the most ambitious construction
project in the Iroquoia Section. Designed and constructed by a team led by Mr. W. Ledger and Mr. C. Arnold, the bridge was
prefabricated and trucked to the site”. Eventually it was replaced with a strong sturdy metal bridge in the approximate location
that is still there today.
The following also appeared in the July 1966 issue and summarises the work done to this date to complete the Bruce Trail.
“It is the intention of the Association to have the whole Trail complete by July 1967; the Iroquoia BTC plan to complete its
section by the end of this year, so as to be able to assist other sections in trail building in thinly populated areas in the spring of
1967. The remaining portion of the Trail for which the Club is responsible, a ten mile stretch between Twiss Road and Kelso
Conservation area in under survey, and will be ready for building by the fall.
As the trail building activity of the Club comes to a halt for the summer holiday season, it is possible to view with satisfaction
the progress made in the last twelve months. The Trail lies blazed and complete from Beamers Falls, through Stoney Creek, King
Forest, Hamilton, Ancaster, Copetown, Dundas, Waterdown, Mount Nemo and Cedar Springs without interruption – a distance
of sixty miles.
The newly organized trail maintenance groups have been active in their appointed sections, and as more trail is completed,
further volunteers will be required for these duties.”
Comfortable Hiking Holidays
(416) 445-2628
[email protected]
We’re cooking up something new and we can’t wait
to tell you all about it!
Sunday, September 11th at 3:30 pm
Crescent School Auditorium
2365 Bayview Ave, Toronto
(1 light north of Lawrence Ave. E on the east side of Bayview)
Corfu ● Patagonia ● Amalfi Coast ● Iceland ● Ireland
Machu Picchu Kenya ● Turkey ● Japan ● Camino de Santiago
May 9 to 21, 2016
This Greek island is the perfect combination of European flare
and tranquil sea-side living. Hike to the heavens to visit holy
monasteries and trek in shade of ancient olive groves. We
promise - you will never tire of the deep, deep blue of the sea
that surrounds you. Opa!
July 15 to 25, 2016
Slovenija, where the Alps meet the Mediterranean, is a country
of amazingly unspoiled beauty. Our program includes hikes
behind the thundering Slap Pericnik waterfall, through Vintgar
Gorge gushing with white water, on the slopes of & Mt. Triglav,
and around the glacier-fed Lake Bohinj. Home base for the
entire holiday will be the fairy-tale setting of Bled.
September 16 to 28, 2016
Explore the Sacred Valley of the Incas by hiking through the
famed salt pans of Maras, the ancient ruins of Pisac, and
trekking high up into the Urubamba mountain range.
Then that all important day arrives when we hike into Machu
Picchu – rounding the corner of the Sun Gate and seeing
Machu Picchu for the first time will give you goose bumps!
(Note: This trip does not involve ANY camping – all
accommodations are in hotel & lodges.)
October 15 to 26, 2016
Hike in Cappadocia with its secret frescoed churches,
underground cities and volcanic tuff sculpted into fairy
chimneys. Visit ancient ruins, shop the bazaars of Istanbul and
take a history lesson through time. Steeped in tradition and a
masterpiece of nature, Turkey will impress you.
1 spot for gentleman to share accommodations
November 8 to 27, 2016
Enjoy a full itinerary of hiking and sightseeing through the North
and South Islands, including Tongariro Crossing, the Abel
Tasman Coastal Walk and the Milford Track.
TICO # 50018498
•Ifbadweatherisforecast,checktheclubwebsite orourFACEBOOKpageforcancellations.
Mostlyflatandusuallygoodfooting………………..EASY Somehillsand/orandpoorfooting…….……………MODERATE
Notice for hikers: if you are parking at Tiffany Falls you will be able to display your BTC
membership card on your vehicle dashboard instead of paying. However this is the only
Hamilton Conservation Area parking spot where this can be done. Please do not attempt it
anywhere else!
**Wednesday Mornings - HIKES WITH DOGS will resume in the Fall. **
Meet at 8:30 am in the parking lot of the ChedokeGolf Club in Hamilton, just off of Aberdeen. We will hike up
the Radial Trail and do a mainly loop hike in the Iroquoia Heights Conservation Area. Pace: medium. Terrain:
moderate. Map 8. Leader: Daljeet Juneja 905-648-4596 Cell: 905-870-3088 [email protected]
Brisk pace. Meet at Riverwood Visual Arts Centre in Mississauga. The centre is located just north of
Burnhamthorpe Rd. between Mississauga Rd and Creditview Rd on Riverwood Park Lane. We will meet at 6:00
pm. in the parking lot at the top of the hill and hike along the Culham trail. Hike is cancelled if there is heavy
rain. Leader: Nancy Stevens [email protected]
EVERY WEDNESDAY NIGHT - All Summer - Walk for Health and Fun (1.5hrs to 2 hrs at a Moderate to
Fast Pace - We have slowed down a bit now we are getting older!)
Climb the steps and walk the streets and trails of West Hamilton. Meet at 7 pm. at the corner of Mohawk and
Upper Paradise in the Westcliffe Mall parking lot (near Food Basics). We will continue hiking sections of the
Bruce Trail as well as the trails of Iroquoia Heights C.A. There will be weekly walks all summer. Due to extended
evening daylight, we will walk longer than usual when the weather is fine. Hike is cancelled if there is heavy rain.
Medium to fast pace and moderate terrain.
Leader: Paul Lewis - (905) 331-8600 or email: [email protected]
EVERY THURSDAY NIGHT - Grimsby Hikes - 1.5 hours. Meet at Lions Club Pool parking lot at 7:00 pm. off Main St., just west of Mountain St. lights. Hike cancelled in
poor weather. Hike difficulty: Medium. Wear appropriate footwear and bring water. Sometimes uneven terrain,
hike routes to be varied. Optional pub stop after hike. Leader: Don Matheson – 905-309-9624
[email protected] (Alternate Contact: Bruce Manion [email protected])
EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT - Burlington Waterfront - 2 hrs.
Meet at 7:30 pm. in the Lakeshore Road parking lot just east of the Waterfront Centre and restaurant for brisk
walk along Lake Ontario, to the canal and back. Hike cancelled in poor weather. Pace: brisk. Terrain: easy.
Leader: Lorne Carruthers. For information call Lorne at 905- 315-8762 or email: [email protected]
LAST SUNDAY OF THE MONTH - SPRING Walking Meditations at Dundas Valley Trail Centre - March
27, April 24, May 22, June 26th 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m
Combine walking with mindfulness Sunday mornings with writer/meditator Kelly Watt. Kelly is the author of
Camino Meditations and has studied meditation since she was seventeen and ended out in a Tibetan Buddhist
monastery in Nepal. In 2008, Kelly walked the 800-mile Camino de Santiago in northern Spain, walking in
silence every morning. Every month, she will teach you a series of meditations that can be done standing, walking
or sitting down. Come learn how to take your practice out of the meditation room and into nature on the glorious
Bruce Trail. No experience necessary. Meet at Dundas Valley Trail centre (650 Governor’s Road, Dundas, Ontario) for a 10:00 am. start. Check Bruce
Trail website or Facebook site: Camino Meditations, for directions and details. RSVP at [email protected] or
phone 905-870-2870. "10
Gentle hikes are a series of hikes introduced by Valerie Dobson, one of Iroquoia’s long time hike leaders. The
hikes are suitable for people of all ages. They are directed at people who are new to hiking, families and
experienced hikers who may want a shorter, slower hike. The hikes are always a loop, with easy terrain although
there may be rocky or muddy sections which require more care while hiking. The leader may give information
concerning trail markings, appropriate equipment and any facts of interest such as historical, geological or
environmental features along the route. These hikes are intended to give the hiker a sense of what hiking entails,
especially on the Bruce Trail. If you have any questions concerning the nature of these hikes please call the leader
for clarification. Look for these hikes throughout the hike schedule.
Caledon is offering two sets of hikes for the summer. Caledon End to End in 7 beginning June 4, ending Aug.6.
Sideways Badge Hikes beginning July 30 and ending Sept. 5. If you are interested in these hikes check out the
Caledon Bruce Trail Club website and go to the hiking section.
May 14 Beaver Valley End to end
This is the first of three weekends to hike the Beaver Valley section; May 14 and 15, June 4 and 5, June 25 and 26.
To receive full details on all six days send request to [email protected]. The last day includes an optional
short hike to obtain the Waterfall Badge Hike. Pre-registration welcomed, not required. Day hikers are welcome
to join us.
Day 1: Meet for 8:30 departure from parking area at Blantyre at 113.8 km on Map 28. We will shuttle cars to the
Epping Lookout parking lot on No. 7 Eric Winkler Parkway just north of 19 Sideroad at 92.5 km on Map 27.
Terrain: moderate. Pace: medium 4 km/hr. 21+/- km. Pub lunch to follow. Leader: Cynthia Archer cell/txt 416
573 4236
May 15 Beaver Valley End to end Day 2
Meet for 8:30 departure from the Epping Lookout parking lot on No. 7 Eric Winkler Parkway just north of 19
Sideroad at 92.5 km on Map 27. We will shuttle cars to the parking area on the 12th Concession east of Vandeleur
at 72.6 km on Map 26. Terrain difficult. Pace medium 4 km/hr. 19+/- km. Leader: Cynthia Archer cell/txt 416
573 4236
June 4 Beaver Valley End to end Day 3
Meet for 8:30 departure from the parking area on the 12th Concession east of Vandeleur at 72.6 km on Map 26.
We will shuttle cars to the parking area on North Street in Eugenia at 54.0 km on Map 26. Pub lunch to follow.
Terrain: difficult. Pace: medium 4 km/hr. 18+ km. Leader: Cynthia Archer cell/txt 416 573 4236
June 5 Beaver Valley End to end Day 4
Meet for 8:30 departure from the parking area on North Street in Eugenia at 54.0 km on Map 26. We will shuttle
cars to the parking lot near Duncan on 9th Sideroad between 10th Line and The Blue Mountain-Euphrasia
Townline, at 33.4 km on Map 25. Terrain: difficult. Pace: medium 4 km/hr. 20+/- km. Leader: Cynthia Archer
cell/txt 416 573 4236
June 25 Beaver Valley End to end Day 5
Meet for 8:30 departure from the parking area near Duncan on 9th Sideroad between 10th Line and The Blue
Mountain-Euphrasia Townline, at 33.4 km on Map 25. We will shuttle cars to the parking lot on 18th Sideroad
between 5th Line and 6th Line, at 11.3 km on Map 24. Pub lunch to follow. Terrain: difficult. Pace: medium 4 km/
hr. 22+/- km. Leader: Cynthia Archer cell/txt 416 573 4236
June 26 Beaver Valley End to end Day 6 and optional Waterfall Hike Badge hike
Meet for 8:30 departure from the parking area on 18th Sideroad between 5th Line and 6th Line, at 11.3 km on Map
24. We will shuttle cars to the parking lot on Maple Lane near Swiss Meadows at 0.0 km on Map 24. Terrain:
difficult. Pace: medium 4 km/hr. 11+ km.
Optional hike: For those who would like to earn the Waterfall Badge, after completing the Beaver Valley section,
we will drive to the Valley Crossover Side Trail on Map 26. From the parking lot on Beaver Trail off the Lower
Valley Road, we can hike up and down each side of the trail to complete the Waterfall Badge Hike requirements.
Total distance 5.2 km. Leader: Cynthia Archer cell/txt 416 573 4236
Thurs. June 2 - Mountain Brow and Wentworth Stairs Loop Extended Evening Walk -12km (2.5 - 3 hrs)
Meet at 7:00 pm at the top of the Wentworth Stairs on Mountain Park Ave. We will be hiking the Mountain Brow
Side Trail to where it meets the main Bruce Trail. Then we will be returning on the main Bruce Trail, and then the
fun part! We get to climb up the Wentworth Stairs (all 500 of them!) After the hike, there will be an optional ice
cream stop. This is the only time of the year that we have enough daylight to do a 12 km. hike as an evening walk,
so come on out and enjoy the long evening daylight! Hike Cancelled, if there is heavy rain.
Directions: Take Concession Street to Upper Wentworth and turn north toward the escarpment. Keep right and
the road becomes Mountain Park Ave. Park in the first parking lot on the left or on the street and we will meet at
the top of the Wentworth Stairs. Medium pace and moderate terrain (except for climbing the stairs).
Leader: Paul Lewis (905) 331-8600, or email: [email protected]
Sat. June 4 - Dofasco Trail, Hamilton East Mountain - 10 km. 3 hours
Meet by 9:30 am. at the Devil’s Punchbowl Conservation Area on Ridge Road, off Upper Centennial Parkway
(Hwy. 20) in Stoney Creek (see Map 6, Bruce Trail Reference Guide Ed. 28). We will car pool to Eleventh Road
East and hike back. Snack break along the way. If you need further information or directions, call or e-mail me
no later than 5 p.m. Friday before the hike. Pace: medium. Terrain: easy. Leader: Gary Wrathall 905-681-6167
(Burlington) [email protected].
Sat. June 4 - Burlington - Waterdown - 10 km.
Meet at 9:30 am. in City View Park on Kerns Rd. Hike to Smoky Hollow return, including one loop of Upper
Grindstone Side Trail.
Pace: medium. Terrain: moderate.
Leader: Peter McSweeney Phone or txt 905-802-0727; [email protected]
Sun. June 5 - Bluebird Walk at Cedar Brook Farm - 8 km or less
Meet for 9:30 am. start at Cedar Brook Farm in Puslinch. The farm is located at 812 8th Concession Rd. West.
This is west of Hwy #6, just north of the traffic lights at Carlyle Rd. On 8th Concession go up a steep hill and
down to the bottom of the hill. Turn left at 812. Look for the pig in the ditch. Take the laneway all the way to the
end to the barn. This will be a nature walk at the farm checking out birds and anything that moves or may move in
the near future. Pace is leisurely, terrain moderate. Leader: Dan Welsh, [email protected] 905-659–4957
Sun. June 5 - Gentle Hikes at Crawford Lake - +/- 5 km (1 ½hrs)
Meet for a 10:30 am. start in the lower parking lot at Crawford Lake on the east side of Guelph Line, north of
Derry Road. Map 11.We will do loop hike which will include a walk around a meromictic lake, then to the look
out and sections of the beautiful Bruce Trail. Mostly flat and easy, but with some rocky sections. Learn about some
of the history of the area, look for wildflowers and explore the Indian village which was discovered here. Bring
water, bug repellent, sunscreen and a snack. Pace: leisurely. Terrain: moderate. Parking fee in effect or a
Conservation Area pass. Leader: Anne Armstrong: 905-337-3937 [email protected]
Sun. June 5 - West Side Hike #8 - 7-8 km.
Meet at 10 am. in front of the Walmart Supercentre on Dundas Street (Hwy. 5) in Waterdown. We will do a 100%
loop hike on the Rockcliffe Trails (Clappison Woods).
Pace: medium. Terrain: moderate. Map 8. Leader: Vern Erickson 905-667-4370. [email protected]
Sat. June 11 - Iroquoia E2E #6 of 7 - Mount Nemo to Crawford Lake - 13.8 km.
Meet 9:00 am. at Crawford Lake Conservation Area northwest of km. 105.5, Map 11. Car shuttle to Mount Nemo
Conservation Area, km. 91.7, Map 10. Hike back to Crawford Lake. Pace: medium. Terrain: moderate. Directions to meeting place: Crawford Lake Conservation Area is located at 3115 Conservation Rd., east off of
Guelph Line. Parking fee in effect or Conservation Area pass. Bring lunch, water, sunscreen and bug spray.
Leader: Douglas Boyce [email protected]
Sun. June 12 - Red Hill Valley - 8 -10 km.
Meet at 10 am. just east (right side) of Hutch's on Van Wagner's Beach Rd. We'll car pool to the Mud Street
parking lot near Pritchard Road and hike back along the Red Hill Valley Trail. Pace: medium. Terrain: moderate.
Maps 6-7. Leader: Vern Erickson 905-667-4370. [email protected]
Sun. June 12 - Niagara Glen - 10 km.
Meet for a 10:00 am. departure from the parking lot for the Niagara Glen Nature Centre, 3050 Niagara Parkway,
half way between Whirlpool Golf Course and Botanical Gardens N43.130128/W-79.059011. Note: Parking and
entrance Fee.
Talk about geology, history, plants, trees, gigantic trees! This hike has them all! The Niagara Glen is located in
perhaps the best example of Carolinian Canada beside a raging river, amazing rock formations and a world famous
whirlpool. The hike is not long, however the path can be challenging and slippery. Trekking poles are a good idea.
You will need hiking boots. Remember that we descend into the Glen which means that after the Whirlpool we
must ascend out of the Glen. You will need a car to access this hike. More info
Pace: medium, Terrain: rocky. Leader: Greg Vincent (519) 579-8210 [email protected]
Sun. June 12 - Iroquoia E2E #7 of 7 – Crawford Lake to Kelso - 16.2 km.
Meet 9:00 am. at Kelso Conservation Area. Map 11. Car shuttle to Crawford Lake Conservation Area northwest of
km. 105.5, Map 11. Hike back through Nassagaweya Canyon to Kelso. Pace: medium. Terrain: moderate. Directions to meeting place: Kelso Conservation Area is located at 5234 Kelso Rd. off of Tremaine Rd. Parking
fee in effect or Conservation Area pass. Bring lunch, water, sunscreen and bug spray. Leader: Douglas Boyce
[email protected]
Sun. June 12 - Kilbride/Crawford - +/- 10 km.
Meet in the parking lot behind the school in Kilbride on Panton St. at 9:30 am. We will carpool to Crawford Lake
and hike back. Pace: leisurely. Terrain: moderate. (some rocky sections.) Bring water, lunch, sunscreen and insect
repellent. Parking fee or Conservation Area pass for Crawford Lake. Leaders: Anne and Phill Armstrong 905-337-3937 or [email protected]
Sun. June 12 - Gentle Hike at Mt. Nemo Conservation - +/- 4 km.
Meet at 10:30 am. at Mount Nemo Conservation Area in the parking area off Guelph Line at Colling Road.
Halton Conservation Area pass or entrance fee applies. This is a loop walk. Bring water and snack. Suitable for all
ages. No dogs please. Leisurely, easy. Leader: Judy Bourke 905-332-8741 [email protected]
June 15 - Fall Hike Submissions Due!!
June 17, 18, 19 - 14th - Annual Excellent Orchid Adventure - 10 km/day
Please join us as we explore the Tip o’ the Bruce, Tobermory, in search of orchids and other flowers. Our search
will extend to Flower Pot Island (cost approx. $50.00 for the glass bottom boat and Parks Canada fee). The wild
flowers in the Tobermory area at this time of year are wonderful and our slow paced walks will focus on these
flowers and the area’s great views. We will also visit Singing Sands, Bruce Alvar Reserve and Petrel Point Reserve
(great spot for Showy Lady Slipper Orchids). We stay and have our meals in a comfortable hotel overlooking
Little Tub Harbour. More info
Pace - slow. Terrain - moderate. Leader and for more information Greg Vincent (519)
579-8210 [email protected]
Fri. Jun. 17 - Mon. Jun. 20 - The Rideau Trail End-to-End
This series of hikes began with the first four-day session (from Kingston to Frontenac Provincial Park) in May. If
you wish to join us for the Jun. four-day session (from Frontenac Provincial Park to the town of Westport), contact
Richard Reble for details at [email protected] or 905-945-0536 before 9:00 p.m.
Sat. June 18 - Hemlock Hike, Burlington - 2.5 - 3 hrs.
Meet at 9:30 am. Km 82.3, where trail meets Guelph Line, about 2 km. north of Dundas St. Hike east towards
Cedar Spring Rd. and return, stopping occasionally on the outbound leg to examine trees. Eastern hemlock trees
don't like the warmth of the sun, they seek a shaded area exposed to cool winds, then settle in for hundreds of
years. We'll see hemlocks displaying this preference. Also, red oak versus white oak, shagbark hickory versus
bitternut hickory.
Pace: Medium when walking. Terrain: Moderate, a few hills.
Leader: Peter McSweeney Phone or txt 905-802-0727; [email protected]
Sat. June 25 - Mississauga/Culham Trail - 8 km.
This 8 km "there and back" hike will take approximately 3 hours and is at a leisurely pace over easy terrain. There
is no dropout point. No dogs please. Depart: 10:00 am. Erindale Park, Dundas St Directions: From QEW take Erin Mills Parkway north to Dundas St. Turn right and after about 1.5 km turn left
into Erindale Park. From Hwy 401 or 403 come south on Erin Mills Pkwy to Dundas and turn left. Note: The exit
from 401 is called “Mississauga Rd”. Two kms south of 401 Mississauga Rd goes left, but keep right on “Erin
Mills Pkwy”. Hike Description: We will walk north on the Culham Trail and then cross over the Credit River, returning south
on the Sawmill Valley Trail. Pre-register for the hike with the hike leader. Email or phone hike leader. Hike Leader: Peter Leeney [email protected]
Sun. June 26 - Headwaters Trail - Dundas Valley - 11 km - 3 hours
Meet by 9:30 a.m. in the Hermitage parking lot (also called the ‘Gatehouse Museum) of the Dundas Valley
Conservation Area on Sulphur Springs Road near the intersection with Mineral Springs Road (see Map 8, km. 48.4
of the Bruce Reference Guide, Ed. 28). Parking lot admission fee of $10 (in toonies & loonies, or credit card)
applies (or Conservation Area pass.) We will do a loop on the main Bruce Trail & the Headwaters Trail, taking in
the Griffin House, a national historic site. Snack break along the way. If you need further information or directions,
call or e-mail me no later than 5 p.m. Friday before the hike. Pace: Medium. Terrain: Easy. Leader: Gary Wrathall
905-681-6167 (Burlington) [email protected].
Sun. Jun. 26 - Magical Mystery Maze #1: The Short Hills – 3 - 4 hrs.
Meet for a 9:00 am. start from the Wiley Rd. parking lot on the east side of Short Hills Provincial Park. The
mystery question is: Are these hills really short or is some hike leader just lyin’ to us? Find out on this carefully
crafted loop hike through the jumble of hills created by the last glacier. Wear boots and bring lunch. Pace: medium.
Terrain: strenuous. A pub stop will follow. Directions: Follow DeCew Rd. west from the Merrittville Hwy. to the
stop sign at Cataract Rd. which is just past Morningstar Mill. Turn left on Cataract and go to Wiley Rd., the first
street on your right. Turn right on Wiley and drive to the parking lot at the dead end. Email Richard Reble with
questions and concerns at [email protected] or call him at 905-945-O536 before 9:00 p.m.
Sun. June 26 - Meditation Walk - See beginning of schedule for details.
Tues. June 28 - Stoney Creek Pizza Extended Evening Walk - 2.5 - 3hrs
Meet at 7:00 pm. at the parking lot in Battlefield Park. We will hike up to the Devil’s Punch Bowl via the Bruce
Trail and various side trails. We will return on various streets, as it will be getting dark on the return journey. Enjoy
the long evening daylight! Optional Apres Hike stop for pizza (Has outdoor patio and pizza specials on Tuesday
nights! Optional)
Directions: Take Centennial Parkway to King Street (Last traffic light before climbing the escarpment). Go east on
King Street. Turn immediately right into the driveway for Battlefield Park (Sign at bottom of driveway on King
Street). Meet in parking lot. Medium Pace and Moderate Terrain
Leader: Paul Lewis 905-331-8600, or email: [email protected]
Sun. June 26 - Gentle Hikes at Scotsdale Farm - +/- 6 km. (1 - 2 hrs.) Meet for a 10:30 am. start at the parking lot of Scotsdale Farm. The farm is located on the east side of Trafalgar
Rd., north of Highway 7 and Georgetown. This is a heritage property formerly owned and farmed by the Bennet
Family. We will do a loop hike on the property using blue Bruce Trail side trails and main Bruce Trail. There will be
easy trails as well as some rocky sections. There should be wildflowers as well as evidence of old forest mixed in
with new growth. Bring water, bug repellent, sunscreen and a snack. Pace: leisurely. Terrain: moderate. Leader: Anne Armstrong: 905-337-3937 [email protected]
Fri. July 1 - Sydenham Section/6 of 8 End to End Maps 32-33) - Km 22.4 Depart 8:30 am. Map 32 Km. 103. Roadside parking on Derdy-SarawakTownline and West St. Car shuttle to Map
33, Km 125.4. Hike back through the Glen Management Area. Pace: medium. Terrain: variable and challenging. No
dropout, hiking boots, no dogs.
Leader: Ron Granger (519) 485-0879 7-10 pm or [email protected]
Sat. July 2 - Sydenham Section/7 of 8 End to End (Maps 33-34) - Km 22.0 Depart 8:30 am. Map 33 Km 125.4. Roadside parking on Lindenwood Rd. Car shuttle to Map 34 Km 147.1. Hike
back through the Kemble Mountain and Lindenwood Management Areas. Pace: medium. Terrain: variable and
challenging. No dropout, hiking boots, no dogs.
Leader: Ron Granger (519) 485-0879 7-10 pm or [email protected]
Sun. July 3 - Sydenham Section/8 of 8 End to End - (Maps 33-35) - Km 21.3
Depart 8:30 am. Map 34 Km 147.1 Roadside parking on Coles Sideroad. Car shuttle to Map 35 Km 168.4. Hike
back through Skinner’s Bluff Management Area and pass Bruce’s Caves. Pace: medium. Terrain: variable and
challenging. No dropout, hiking boots, no dogs.
Leader: Ron Granger (519) 485-0879 7-10 pm or [email protected]
Sat. July 9 - Hamilton East mountain, Albion Falls - 10 km.
3 hours
Meet by 9:30 am. in the parking lot of King’s Forest Park, on Mountain Brow Boulevard near Limeridge Road,
overlooking Albion Falls.(see Mountain Brow Side Trail, in Map 7, in the Bruce Trail Reference Guide, Ed. 28).
We’ll do a loop hike above the Falls, the Red Hill Valley Trail, and the Escarpment Rail Trail. Snack break at 11
am. A possible put stop lunch afterwards. If you need further information or directions, call or e-mail me no later
than 5 p.m. Friday before the hike. Pace: Medium. Terrain: Easy. Leader: Gary Wrathall 905-681-6167
(Burlington) [email protected]
Sun. July 10 - Offa’s Dyke Path/ Bruce Trail Friendship Trail - 11.5 km.
Meet 9:00 am. at City View Park, north of trail between km. 75.1 and km 75.7, Map 9. This is a loop hike
following the main trail, Norman Pearson and McNally side trails. Pace: brisk. Terrain: moderate. Directions to meeting place: City View Park is located at 2500 Kerns Rd., at the corner of Kerns Rd. and Dundas
St. #5. Meet in the South parking lot. From Dundas St. proceed south on Kerns and use the second entrance on
your left. Note that Kerns Rd. is closed south of City View Park and must be accessed from Dundas St. Bring
water, sunscreen and bug spray. Leader: Douglas Boyce [email protected]
Sun. July 10 - Sixteen Mile Creek Valley - +/- 11 km.
Meet for a 10:00 am start in the parking lot at the end of Old Upper Middle Rd. in Oakville. Old Upper Middle
Rd. is immediately south of Upper Middle Rd. Turn right onto Old Upper Middle Rd. We will hike the many trails
in this beautiful valley with its interesting history, geography and geology. Pace: leisurely. Terrain: easy with some
long, but gentle hills. Bring water, snack, sunscreen and insect repellent. Leaders: Anne and Phill Armstrong 905-337-393 or [email protected].
Mon. July 11 - Tew’s Falls / Webster’s Falls Evening Walk (1.5 to 2 hours)
Meet at 7:00 pm. at the Greensville School parking lot, located on Harvest Road in Greensville. We will hike
various trails in the area, including a portion of the Bruce Trail past Tews Falls, Dundas Peak, and Webster’s Falls.
Optional après hike pub stop in Waterdown on an outdoor patio.
Directions: From Burlington, take Highway 5, then turn left on Syndham Rd. Turn right onto Harvest Road.
Follow Harvest Road until you come to the school on your right.
From Hamilton, take King St (Old Highway 8) up escarpment and turn right onto Brock Rd and then turn right on
Harvest Road in Greensville and the school will be on your left.
Hike cancelled, if there is heavy rain. Medium pace and moderate terrain.
Leader: Paul Lewis (905) 331-8600, or email: [email protected]
Sat. July 16 - Caledon Hills Section, Hockley Valley to Tai Chi, Map 18,
This 15 km. shuttle hike will take approximately 5 hours and is at a medium pace over strenuous terrain. There is
no dropout point. No dogs please. Depart: 9:00 am. Sideroad 5, at km 46.6. GPS Coordinates: N43 58.442' W79 59.094'.
Directions: Take Airport Road north from Highway 9 to Sideroad 5, turn right and follow for half a kilometre to
parking on the left. From there we will shuttle to the start and hike back. Hike Description: This is a stretch of the Bruce Trail beauty that is often overlooked. A large variety of trees and
lots of hills presenting great views makes this both a scenic and energetic day out. Hiking boots required. Bring
sunscreen, insect repellent, a snack lunch and two litres of drinking water. Hike Leader: Bob Humphreys [email protected] 519-883-1840 Mon to Fri, between 7:00 & 9:00 p.m.
Sun. July 17 - Historic Lowville in Burlington - 10 km. 3 hours
Meet by 9:30 am. in the parking of Lowville Park, on the east side of the lot close to the pavilion & playground
area. Directions: Take Guelph Line north of Dundas Street (Hwy. 5) in Burlington, then right on Lowville Park Road,
then right into the parking lot. (see Map 10, Bruce Trail Reference Guide Ed. 28). We’ll do a loop hike of the
River & Ruin Side Trail, the Main Bruce Trail, and the park. Snack break at 11 a.m. Possible pub stop lunch
afterwards. If you need further information or directions, call or e-mail me no later than 5 p.m. Friday before the
hike. Pace: Medium. Terrain: Easy. Leader: Gary Wrathall 905-681-6167 (Burlington)
[email protected]
Sun. July 17 - Hiking in Niagara - 14+ km.
Meet for 10:00 am. departure from Quarry Road, Map 4 at Km. 65. No car shuttle. We will hike towards Balls
Falls and back. Difficulty: medium. Pub stop to follow. Lots of fruit stands to visit before heading home. Leader:
Cynthia Archer [email protected] cell/txt 416 573 4236.
Sun. July 17 - Gentle hike in Dundas Valley +/- 6 km
Meet at 10:30 am at Sanctuary Park in Dundas. Take Pleasant Ave. off Old Ancaster Rd., then the sixth street on
the right is Sanctuary Drive with parking at the end. We’ll walk to the Trail Centre along Spring Creek Trail, then
return along the rail trail. Bring water and snack. No dogs please. Leisurely, easy. Leader: Judy Bourke
905-332-8741 [email protected]
Fri. July 22 - Mon. July 25 - The Rideau Trail End-to-End
This series of hikes began with two four-day sessions (one from Kingston to Frontenac Provincial Park and the
other from Frontenac Provincial Park to Westport). If you wish to join us for the Jul. four-day session (from
Westport to Perth), contact Richard Reble for details at [email protected] or 905-945-0536 before 9:00
Sun. July 24 - Gentle Hikes at City View Park/Bruce Trail - +/- 5 km.
Meet for a 10:30 am. start at City View Park on the east side of Kerns Rd. just south of Highway 5 (Dundas St.).
Map 9. Make sure you use the south entrance (not the one where the baseball and soccer fields are located.) We
will do a there and back hike using main Bruce Trail, blue side trails and the Ian Reid side trail in Kerncliff Park.
Pace: leisurely. Terrain: Moderate with some rocky sections and a few hills. Bring water, bug repellent, sunscreen
and a snack. Leader: Anne Armstrong [email protected]
Sun. Jul. 31 - Magical Mystery Maze #2: “The Black Forest” - 3/4 hrs.
Meet for a 9:00 am. start from the parking lot of Mohawk Raceway on Guelph Line just north of Campbellville.
Enter the northernmost entrance to the lot and park facing Guelph Line. A loop walk on the maze of trails in this
Halton Agreement Forest, adjacent to the Mohawk Raceway, can inspire only one mystery question: “Where in the
#$%^ are we?” Wear boots and bring lunch. Pace: medium. Terrain: rocky. A pub stop will follow. Email Richard
Reble with questions and concerns at [email protected] or call him at 905-945-0536 before 9:00 p.m.
Tues. Aug. 2 - Toronto Section, Speyside – Map 12 11.2 km.
Meet 9:00 am. At the Pear Tree parking lot, km. 11.2 in Speyside. 200 m. southwest of Highway 25. We will hike
11.2 km. at a medium pace over variable terrain. This hike will include part of the Main Trail, the Al Shaw Side
Trail, Vanderleck Side Trail and the Speyside North and South Side Trails. To get there, exit the 401 at Milton and
take Highway 25 north to Speyside. Turn left on 15th Side road, and the parking lot is 300 metres along on the left
hand side. No dogs. Hiking boots recommended, bring lunch and drinking water.
Leader: Donna Hart. Day of hike contact at 905-805-1159 [email protected]
For any questions, call or e-mail no later than 5 p.m. day before hike.
Sat. Aug. 6 - North Halton Agreement Forest - 10 km. 3 hours
Meet by 9:30 am. in the small parking lot on Fourth Line. Directions: North on Guelph Line from Campbellville, right on Sideroad No. 10, then follow the left bend as it
becomes Fourth Line. Parking lot is about 500 metres north. Pace: Medium. Terrain: Easy. If you need further
information or directions, call or e-mail me no later than 5 p.m. Friday before the hike. Pace: Medium. Terrain:
Easy. Leader: Gary Wrathall 905-681-6167 (Burlington) [email protected]
Sun. Aug. 7 - Gentle Hikes at Hilton Falls - +/- 5 km.
Meet for a 10:30 am start in the parking lot of Hilton Falls Conservation Area, Map 11. Hilton Falls Conservation
Area is on Number 5 Sideroad (also known as regional Rd. 9 or Campbellville Rd.). Parking fee or Halton
Conservation Area pass. We will do a loop hike to enjoy the beauty of this area with its waterfall, old mill remains
and interesting geology. Pace: leisurely. Terrain: easy with some rocky sections and one long hill. Bring water, bug
repellent, sunscreen and snack. Leader: Anne Armstrong’ 90-337-3937 [email protected]
Sat. Aug. 13 - Dufferin Hi-Land Section, Mulmur Hills & Boyne Valley, Map 20,
This 15 km. shuttle hike will take approximately 5 hours and is at a medium pace over strenuous terrain. There is
no dropout point. No dogs please. Depart: 9:00 a.m. County Road 19, north of Primrose. GPS Coordinates: N44 6.009' W80 8.248'.
Directions: Take Highway 10 north from Orangeville to Primrose, go across the traffic lights onto County Road
19 for 1 kilometre to parking on the right at the second bend. From there we will shuttle to the start and hike back. Hike Description: A stretch of the Bruce Trail that provides opportunities for magnificent views across the
landscape. A large variety of trees and lots of hills makes this both a scenic and energetic day out. Hiking boots
required. Bring sunscreen, insect repellent, a snack lunch and two litres of drinking water. Hike Leader: Bob Humphreys [email protected] 519-883-1840 Monday to Friday, between 7:00 & 9:00 p.m.
Mon. Aug. 15 - Stoney Creek Pizza Evening Walk 1.5 - 2hrs
Meet at 7:00 pm. at the parking lot at Battlefield Park. We will hike various trails and streets in the area,
including the Battlefield Park Side Trail and the Bruce Trail. Optional Apres Hike stop for Pizza (Mother’s) If it
is raining, we will go straight to Mother’s Pizza on Queenston Road.
Directions: Take Centennial Parkway to King Street (Last traffic light before climbing the escarpment). Go East
on King Street. Turn immediately right into the driveway for Battlefield Park (Sign at bottom of driveway on
King Street). Meet in Parking Lot.
Medium ace and moderate terrain
Leader: Paul Lewis 905-331-8600, or email: [email protected]
Sun. Aug. 14 - Mount Nemo Loop - +/- 10 km. Meet at 10 am in the parking area of Walkers Line and No. 2 Sideroad, near the cemetery. We will complete a
loop hike of this lovely conservation area with its spectacular views of the countryside and some of the best
escarpment features around. Pace: leisurely. Terrain: moderate with a steep rocky climb to get up onto the
escarpment. Bring water, a snack, sunscreen and insect repellent. Leaders: Anne and Phill Armstrong
or [email protected]
Tues. Aug. 16 - Iroquoia Section, Crawford Lake to Rattlesnake Loop Map11. - 15 km +/Meet for 9:00 am. at Crawford Lake Conservation Area parking lower lot, (Km. 104.9) Parking fee required
($6.75) or Conservation Area pass. Guelph Line Conservation Rd. Hike the Main Trail along with Crawford Lake
side trail, Rattlesnake Point side trail, Leech Porter side trail,. Medium pace over variable terrain. On this trail we
will be going up and down the Nassagaweya Canyon, at times the footing will be poor. No dogs. Hiking boots
recommended, bring lunch and drinking water.
Leader: Donna Hart. Day of hike contact at 905-805-1159 [email protected]
or any questions, call or e-mail no later than 5 p.m. day before hike.
Fri. Aug. 19 - Mon. Aug. 22 - The Rideau Trail End-to-End
We are in the middle of a Rideau Trail end-to-end series. There have previously been three four-day sessions of
hikes (from Kingston to Perth). If you wish to join us for the Aug. four-day session (from Perth to Smith Falls),
contact Richard Reble for details at [email protected] or 905-945-0536 before 9:00 p.m.
Sun. Aug. 21 - Chedoke Rail Trail – Iroquoia Heights - 10 km. 3 hours
Meet by 9:30 am. in the parking lot of Hamilton’s Chedoke Golf Course, off Aberdeen Avenue. Park in the far
east end of the lot facing the golf course. We will hike up the Chedoke Radial Trail to and through the Iroquoia
Heights Conservation Area and back. Pace: Medium. Terrain: Easy. If you need further information or directions,
call or e-mail me no later than 5 p.m. Friday before the hike. Pace: Medium. Terrain: Easy. Leader: Gary Wrathall
905-681-6167 (Burlington) [email protected]
Sun. Aug. 28 - Gentle Hikes at Sixteen Mile Creek Valley, Oakville - +/- 6 km. (1 ½ - 2 hrs.)
Meet for a 10:30am start in the parking lot on the southeast corner of River Glen Blvd. and Neyagawa Blvd.
Neyagawa Blvd. runs north of Upper Middle Rd., south of Dundas St. (Highway 5) and west of Oxford.St.. This
will be an urban hike in the incredibly beautiful Sixteen Mile Creek Valley. We will do a loop hike on easy trails,
with one or two long, but gentle hills. Not only are the valley and creek beautiful, but there is a lot of history here.
Bring water, bug repellent, sunscreen and a snack. Pace: leisurely. Terrain: easy. Leader: Anne Armstrong:
905-337-3937 [email protected]
Mon. June 6 - Niagara, Merritt trail, Port Dalhousie - Glendale Avenue A - B
+/- 15 km
Meet for a 9 am. exit at parking lot west of Hutch’s Restaurant (small red brick building). Car pool to St.
Catherine’s Penn Centre parking lot on Glendale Avenue. Map 3. Hike the Merritt Trail from Port Dalhousie to
Glendale Avenue. Bring water, lunch, sunscreen, bug spray. Hiking boots, no dogs. Pace: medium to brisk.
Terrain: easy. Leader: Charlotte Stewart [email protected], cell morning of hike 905 906-0519
Mon. June 13 - Terracotta C.A. Loop Hike - +/- 16 km
Meet for 9:00 am. exit at Hwy 401/Trafalgar Rd Intersection parking lot (north east side). We will carpool to Trail
Access at 27 SR/Fallbrook Rd. (Map 13) and hike the Roberts ST & Main Trail to Terracotta C.A., then hike the
Winston Churchill ST (part) and connecting park trails and returning on the Main Trail. Ref: Maps 13 & 14 Edition
27. Terrain: medium. Pace: brisk. Hiking boots, no dogs, bring water, lunch, bug spray. Leader: Keith Barber
RSVP: [email protected] Home Phone: 289-878-2299
Mon. June 20 - Silvercreek C.A. Loop Hike - +/- 15 km
Meet for 9:00 am. exit at Hwy 401/Trafalgar Rd Intersection Parking lot (north east side). We will carpool to
Eighth Line Trail Access & Parking (Map 13) and hike the Great Esker ST, Bennett Heritage ST, including
interconnecting parts of the Main Trail. Ref: Map 13 Edition 27. Terrain: strenuous. Pace: brisk. Hiking boots, no
dogs, bring water, lunch, bug spray. Leader: Wayne & Roxanne Riley RSVP: [email protected]
Phone: 905-628-8362
Mon. June 27 - Glen Haffy C.A. to Palgrave C.A. Linear Hike - +/- 19 km.
Meet for 9:00 am. exit at
Hwy 401/Trafalgar Rd Intersection Parking lot (north east side). We will carpool to Oak Ridges Trail Parking just
south of Palgrave C.A. entrance on east (right) side of Hwy 50 by lake. We will then car shuttle to hike start at 7th
Line, just east of Airport Rd. north of Hwy 9 (Mono Mills). We will hike the Main Trail south through Glen Haffy
C.A. to the junction of the Oak Ridges Trail (Formerly Palgrave ST) and then follow this trail to Palgrave C.A. and
parking area by the lake. 2.3 km of road walking. Ref: Map 17 Edition 27MTerrain: strenuous. Pace: brisk. Hiking
boots, no dogs, bring water, lunch, bug spray Leader: Keith Barber RSVP: [email protected] Home Phone:
Mon. July 4 - Limehouse to Silver Creek A - B - +/- 15 km.
Meet for a
9 am. exit at the car pool lot at Trafalgar Road/ 401. Move some cars to Fallbrook Trail, Map 13. Hike from
Limehouse Conservation Area Map 12 to Fallbrook Trail. Bring water, lunch, sunscreen, bug spray. Hiking boots,
no dogs. Pace: medium to brisk. Terrain: moderate. Leader: Charlotte Stewart [email protected], cell morning of hike 905 906-0519
Mon. July 11 - Niagara Gorge - +/- 16 km. Meet for 9:00 am. exit at parking lot east ( Burlington side) of Hutch’s on Hamilton Beach. Carpool to Niagara
Falls to parking lot across from the Butterfly Museum on Niagara Parkway. In and out hike to Whirlpool Rapids.
Terrain: medium. Pace: Moderate. Hiking boots, no dogs, bring water, lunch, bug spray. Leader: Wayne and
Roxanne Riley RSVP: [email protected] Home Phone: 905-628-8362
Mon. July 18 - Iroquoia, RBG, Borer’s Falls and Ray Lowes ST Loop - +/- 15 km.
Meet for a 9
am. exit at parking lot on York Road, Dundas, by the leash free dog park. Hike the Ray Lowes ST and main trail to
Borer’s Falls, back on Ray Lowes ST and on to Rasberry House ST. Map 8. Bring water, lunch, sunscreen, bug
spray. Hiking boots, no dogs. Pace: medium to brisk. Terrain: moderate (hilly) Leader: Charlotte Stewart
[email protected], cell morning of hike 905 906-0519
Mon. July 25 - Mono Cliffs (incl. Split Rock ST) Loop Hike - +/- 16 km.
Meet for 9:00 am. exit at Hwy 401/Trafalgar Rd Intersection parking lot (north east side). We will carpool to the
Mono Centre Community Centre parking at Hwy 8 Mono Centre. We will hike the Walter Towell, Splitrock,
Lookout ST’s and interconnecting parts of the main trail. Ref: Map 19 Edition 27 Terrain: strenuous. Pace:
brisk. Hiking boots, no dogs, bring water, lunch, bug spray.
Leader: Keith Barber RSVP: [email protected] Home Phone: 289-878-2299
Mon. Aug. 1
Mon. Aug. 8 - Forks of the Credit Loop Hike (Long) - +/- 17 km.
Meet for 9:00 am. exit at Hwy 401/Trafalgar Rd Intersection Parking lot (north east side). We will carpool to
parking on Grange SR at junction of Creditview Rd. km 6.5 Map 14. We will hike the Main Trail, Ring Kiln ST,
Quarry ST & McClaren ST including interconnecting parts of the Main Trail. Ref: Map 14 & 15 Edition 27.
Terrain: strenuous. Pace: brisk. Hiking boots, no dogs, bring water, lunch, bug spray. Leader: Wayne & Roxanne Riley RSVP: [email protected] Home Phone: 905-628-8362
Mon. Aug. 15 - Boyne Valley Prov. Pk. Loop Hike - +/- 15 km.
Meet for 9:00 am. exit at Hwy 401/Trafalgar Rd Intersection Parking lot (north east side). We will carpool to
Prince of Wales Rd. parking, 1.2 km north of Primrose. We will hike the Primrose ST, Boyne Valley and
interconnecting parts of the main trail. Ref: Map 19 Edition 27. Terrain: strenuous. Pace: brisk. Hiking boots, no
dogs, bring water, lunch, bug spray.
Leader: Keith Barber RSVP: [email protected]
Home Phone: 289-878-2299
Mon. Aug. 22 - Chedoke Radial Trail - +/- 16 km.
Meet for 9:00 am. exit at Sherman Falls, B.T. map 8, 46.4 mark. In and out hike along Radial Trail. Terrain:
moderate. Pace: brisk. Hiking boots, no dogs, bring water, lunch, bug spray.
Leader: Wayne and Roxanne Riley RSVP: [email protected] Home Phone: 905-628-8362
Mon. Aug. 29 - Humber Valley Heritage Trail - +/- 16 km.
Meet for 9:00 am. exit at 401/Trafalgar Rd. Commuter Parking NE Corner. We will carpool to Dick’s Dam Park
(Parking off Hickman St), Bolton and then car shuttle to the hike start at Humber Station Rd and Caledon Trailway
Crossing (limited parking). We will hike the Humber Valley Heritage Trail back to Bolton. Terrain: medium Pace:
brisk. Hiking boots, no dogs, bring water, lunch, bug spray.
Leader: Keith Barber RSVP: [email protected]
Home .Phone: 289-878-2299
Hike Leader: Bill Fulton [email protected]
Tues. June. 7 - King Road Parking Area (km. 73.5)
Meet on Tuesday, June 7th at 10:30 a.m. at the King Road Parking Area (km. 73.5) for a short loop hike using
the Offa Dyke Friendship path, as well as the McNally and Norman Pearson side trails (approx. 5 Km.) Lunch
afterward at the Royal Coachman in Waterdown.
The Tuesday Morning Hikers are switching to evening hours in summer to keep cool. All weekly, 1.5 - 2 hr. walks
will start at 7:00 p.m. (Morning hikes will resume in September.) Bring water and wear hiking boots, unless
running shoes are specifically permitted. The speed and the terrain vary, as do the meeting points which revolve
between Hamilton, Greensville, Ancaster, Dundas, Stoney Creek, Waterdown, Binbrook, Grimsby, and Burlington.
An optional social hour at a nearby pub concludes each hike. If you have questions or concerns, contact Richard
Reble before 9:00 p.m. at 905-945-0536 or e-mail him at [email protected]
Tues. June 7 - Meet on Upper Lion’s Club Rd. at the corner of the Old Dundas Rd. next to Sherman Falls in
Ancaster for a loop walk in the valley. (See Km 46.4 of Map 8 in Edition 28 of The Bruce Trail Reference.) The
après-hike pub stop will be the Coach and Lantern on Wilson St. in Ancaster.
Tues. June 14 - Meet in the parking lot of Centennial Park in Grimsby for a mystery loop walk. (Drive east on the
QEW to the ramp for Christie/Ontario/Maple streets in Grimsby.) At the top of the ramp, turn right on Christie and
go to the light at the corner of Christie and Main St. Turn left on Main St. and go to Centennial Park on your right,
a short distance beyond the second traffic light.) The après-hike pub stop will be at whichever nearby pub has room for us.
Tues. June 21 - Meet at the dead end of Filman Rd. in Ancaster for a loop walk featuring Tiffany Falls and the
ravine lands bordering Lower Lion’s Club Rd. (Filman is at the first traffic light on Rousseaux on the Ancaster side
of Hwy. 403. Turn right. See Km 44.0 of Map 8 in Edition 28 of The Bruce Trail Reference.) Our après-hike
location will be the Coach and Lantern on Wilson St. in Ancaster.
Tues. June 28 - Meet in the municipal parking lot at the corner of Elgin and Brant St. in Burlington for a thereand-back walk to the Burlington Canal. (This parking lot is on Brant one block north of Lakeshore Blvd.) The
après-hike pub stop will be the Beaver and Bulldog on Lakeshore Blvd. overlooking Burlington’s new pier.
Tues. July 5 - Meet on Flanders Dr. at the corner of Mountain Brow Rd. in Waterdown for a loop walk along the
escarpment to the east. (See Km 71.8 of Map 9 in Edition 28 of The Bruce Trail Reference. Access Mountain Brow
Rd. by taking Waterdown Rd. south from downtown Waterdown or north from Plains Rd. W. Mountain Brow Rd.
is just south of the parking lot at Grindstone Creek Falls.) Pub stop will be at the American Hotel in Wateydown at
the corner of Mill St. and Dundas St.
Tues. Jul. 12- Meet in the parking lot of Shoppers’ Drug Mart at the corner of Upper Wentworth and Concession
on Hamilton mountain. (I’ll fix it with the store manager so we can use the parking lot on a one-time basis.) We’ll
hike some “kinky” parts of lower Hamilton. Pub stop will be at Ye Olde Squire’s in the plaza on the southeast
corner of Fennell and Upper Wentworth.
Tues. July 19 - Meet in the parking lot of the RBG on Plains Rd. W. in Burlington. (We park in the part of the lot
closest to the street behind the RBG.) Our loop hike will take us to a spit of land sticking out into Burlington Bay
and to a hidden park in Grindstone Creek Valley. The après-hike pub stop is a mystery, even to me.
Tues. July 26 - Meet on the shoulder of Ridge Rd. directly opposite the entrance to the parking lot of the Devil’s
Punch Bowl Conservation Area in upper Stoney Creek for a loop walk above and below the escarpment. (To get
there, turn onto Ridge Rd. from Centennial Pkwy.) The après-hike pub stop will be the Friggin’ Firkin in the
parking lot of the plaza at the northwest corner of Barton St. and Nash Rd.
Tues. Aug. 2- Meet in the parking lot of the small plaza on Kirby Ave. in Greensville for a hike in Dundas Valley.
Drive west through Dundas on King St. (Hwy. 8) and continue up the Dundas Hill to Bullock's Corners. Turn left
at the corner to stay on Hwy. 8 and drive to the top of the hill. Turn right on Kirby Ave. at the top and park between
the two rows of shops in the plaza on your right. Pub stop will be at the Winchester Arms on King St. in Dundas.
Tues. Aug. 9 - Meet on Mountain Brow Blvd. at the corner of Margate for a loop walk in Red Hill Valley. (Drive
east on Fennell Ave. on Hamilton mountain till you reach the end. Turn left on Mountain Brow Blvd. and go one
block to Margate.) Be prepared for adventure. Pub stop will be at the Brown Barrel on Upper Ottawa.
Tues. Aug. 16 - Meet in the parking lot under the hydro towers at the west end of Scenic Drive on Hamilton’s west
mountain. (This parking lot is located at the edge of the escarpment where the Chedoke Radial Trail reaches the top
of the escarpment. It is also next to the east entrance of Iroquoia Heights Conservation Area. See Km 40.6 of Map
8 in Edition 28 of The Bruce Trail Reference.) We’ll do pub stop at Montana’s in Ancaster’s Meadowlesslands.
Tues. Aug. 23 - Meet in the parking lot of Greensville Public School on Harvest Rd. in Greensville for a mystery
walk. (Drive up the Dundas Hill on King St., aka Hwy. 8, to Bullock’s Corners at the top of the hill. Hwy. 8 turns
left, but you will go straight ahead onto Brock Rd. Drive to the flashing light, and turn right on Harvest Rd. At the
top of the hill, turn left into the school parking lot which is at the far end of the building.) Pub stop will be at the
Winchester Arms in Dundas.
Tues. Aug. 30 - Park in the lot beside William’s Coffee Pub on Discovery Lane in Hamilton for a there-and-back
walk on the waterfront trail. After you’ve parked, meet at the front door of William’s. (To get to William’s, follow
John St. north from downtown Hamilton to Guise St. at the end. Turn left on Guise and then immediately right on
Discovery Lane.) The après-hike pub stop will be at William’s Coffee Pub. Bring a jacket in case we decide to sit in
their outdoor section.
All hikes begin at 10.00 am. unless otherwise noted, and are at a leisurely pace. Please wear appropriate
footwear and clothing for summer hiking. Bring water, a snack, bug spray, sunscreen and a sense of humour!
Remember, as in life, it` s the journey that matters, not the destination. Kathy and Brian (905) 632-8934.
Wed. June 1. - Hamilton Bayfront. 2hrs
Meet at the parking lot at the bottom of Bay St. in Hamilton. We will hike along the Waterfront trail and return.
There should be Wildflowers and wildfowl. Leisurely ,easy. flat.
Wed. June 8 - Kerncliff Park 2hrs.
Meet at the new City View park,( soccer fields) in Burlington. Drive north on Kerns Rd. We will hike along the
Bruce Trail, through the woods and return on the blue trail. Leisurely, some poor footing.flat.
Wed. June 15 - Confederation Park. 2hrs.
Meet at Hutch`s at Van Wagoners Beach Blvd. in Hamilton. We will hike into Globe Park and then along the
Waterfront Trail, and return. Optional lunch after, Leisurely flat, easy.
Wed. June 22 - Beachway Park 2 hrs.
Meet at the parking lot on Lakeshore Rd.. We will hike along the pathway and beach to the Canal and return to the
pier. Leisurely, easy, flat.
Wed. June 29 - Lowville 2 1/2hrs.
Meet at the parking lot in Lowville, to the right of the Bistro. We will hike the `River and Ruin` trail and then
along the creek. Nature at its finest. Leisurely, poor footing some hills.
Wed. July 6 - Coronation Park. 2hrs.
Meet at the parking lot of the Coach and Four, in Bronte. We will hike the Waterfront Trail to Coronation Park
and back. Some road, some pathway, optional lunch after. Leisurely, flat ,easy.
Wed. July 1 - Bluebird hike 2 1/2 hrs.
Meet Dan Welsh at Cedarbrook Farm. Drive north on #6 Hwy. to 8th. Concession West. #812. At# 812 turn left and
go to the end of the lane, Leisurely some hills.
Wed. July 20 - LaSalle Park 2hrs.
Meet at the parking lot for Geraldo’s on North Shore Bld. We will hike this historic waterfront area, Swans and
Wildfowl galore. Leisurely, hilly.
Wed. July 27 - Paletta Mansion 2hrs.
Meet at the eastern end of Fairview St. in Burlington (Sherwood Park). We will hike down along the pathway and
roads to the lakefront and the old mansion, and return. Leisurely, flat, easy.
Wed. Aug. 3 - Mountain Trails. 2hrs.
Meet at the Old Mud St. parking lot on East mountain (Pritchard Rd.) We hike along the mountain brow and then
on to the Rail Trail. Leisurely, some poor footing. Flat.
Wed. Aug. 10 - Canal hike. 2hrs.
Meet at Hutch’s restaurant on Van Wagoners Beach in Hamilton. We will hike out to the war memorial and back.
Leisurely, flat, easy.
Wed. Aug. 17 - Burlington Waterfront.2 1/2hrs
Meet at the rear parking lot at Central Library. We will walk the paths of Burlington to Spencer Smith Park and
return. Leisurely, flat. easy.
Wed. Aug. 24 - Agreement forest South. 3hrs.
Meet at the hidden parking lot on Guelph Line, opposite Mohawk Raceway. (North of the 401 Hwy.) We will hike
the many trails leading to Hilton Falls. Leisurely, some poor footing.
Wed. Aug. 31- Dundurn Castle. 2hrs.
Meet at the parking at Dundurn Castle. We will hike along the path to the stairs and then into Hamilton along the
Waterfront Trail. Leisurely, some hills, easy.
Summer is a great time of year for hiking. Bring a snack/lunch and water, sunscreen and bug spray, wear
hiking boots. No dogs. It’s essential to carry lots of water for hiking in the hot weather. Please be sure to notify
the hike leader if you plan to attend as sometimes weather or other circumstances mean changes to the meeting
spot etc. For a late change in the hike you will be notified by email by 7:00 am the morning of the hike.
Hike convenor: Charlotte Stewart [email protected] (905) 628-0509. Map references 28th edition unless
otherwise noted.
Wed. Jun. 1 - Iroquois Woods - Chedoke to Sherman Falls In and Out - +/- 16km.
Meet for a 9:00 am. exit at Chedoke Golf Course parking lot (Map 38.5). We will hike along Chedoke radial
trail, Iroquois Woods, Tiffany Falls to Sherman Falls and return. Hiking boots, no dogs, bring water, sunscreen,
bug spray and lunch/snacks.
Pace: medium. Terrain: moderate to strenuous.
Leader: Ruth Merz [email protected] Cell on day of hike 905 928 5491
Wed. June8 - Fletcher Creek Conservation Area - +/- 8-10 km.
Meet for a 9:00 am. exit at the parking lot, on Concession 7, 230 meters north of Gore Road. We’ll enjoy a nice
picnic lunch by the old quarry.
Pace: medium. Terrain: easy (flat)
Leader: Louise Langlais [email protected] Cell phone on day of hikes: 519-222-4040 (usually email is
the best way to reach me)
Wed.June15 - Elora (Gerrie Rd) to Bellwood Linear Hike - +/- 17 km
Meet for 9:00 am. exit at Hwy 401/Hwy 6 Commuter Parking lot. We will carpool to Bellwood and park some
cars and then car shuttle to Elora (Gerrie Rd./Elora Cataract Trailway Parking Lot). We will then hike the Grand
Valley Trail back to Bellwood.
Pace: brisk. Terrain: moderate.
Leader: Keith Barber [email protected] Home Phone: 289-878-2299
Wed. June22 - Waterdown Smoky Hollow to Fisher Access Trail - +/- 16K
Meet for 9:00 am. exit at Smoky Hollow parking lot on Mill St in Waterdown. Map 9, km 71.0. This is an in and
out hike. Bring water, lunch, sunscreen, bug spray. Hiking boots, no dogs. Pace: medium to brisk. Terrain:
moderate. Leader: Wayne & Roxanne Riley
[email protected]
cell morning of hike: 289-456-3498
Wed. June 29 - Iroquoia, Crawford Lake to Rattlesnake Loop - +/- 15 km.
Meet for 9:00 am. exit at Crawford Lake Conservation Area, Conservation Road, off Guelph Line Map11, Km.
105.5. Hike the Crawford Lake ST, Main Trail, Rattlesnake Point ST. Hiking boots no dogs. Bring water,
sunscreen, bug spray, lunch. Halton Conservation pass or parking fee required. Pace: medium to brisk. Terrain:
moderate/some hills.
Leader: Charlotte Stewart [email protected] cell/text morning of hike 905 906-0519
Wed. July 6 - Lafarge Trail. "The Camel's Humps Drumlins hike" - +/- 12 km.
Meet for 9:00 am. exit at Fletcher Creek Conservation Area parking lot and shuttle cars to Maddaugh Road. This
is a linear hike. Hiking boots, water, lunch/snack, bug spray, sunscreen. Pace: brisk. Terrain: moderate to strenuous
(very hilly).
Leader: Louise Langlais [email protected] Cell phone on day of hikes: 519-222-4040
(usually email is the best way to reach me)
Wed. July 1 - 3 Waterdown Smoky Hollow to Valley Rd. - +/- 16 km
Meet for 9:00 am. exit at Smoky Hollow parking lot on Mill St in Waterd.own. Map 9, 71.0 marker. This is an in
and out hike. Bring water, lunch, sunscreen, bug spray. Hiking boots, no dogs. Pace: medium to brisk. Terrain:
moderate to strenuous.
Leader: Wayne & Roxanne Riley [email protected]
Cell morning of hike: 289-456-3498
Wed. July 20 - Lowville Park to Twiss Road Loop - +/- 15 km.
Meet for 9:00 am. exit from Lowville Park on east side of Guelph Line (Map 10). Hike along River and Ruins
Side trail loop and main trail to Twiss Road and return. Hiking boots, no dogs. Bring water, lunch/snacks,
sunscreen and bug spray.
Pace: medium to brisk. Terrain: moderate.
Leader: Ruth Merz [email protected] Cell on day of hike 905 928 5491
Wed. July 27 - Hockley Valley Nature Reserve Loop - +/- 15 km
Meet for 9:00 am. exit at Hwy 401/Trafalgar Rd Intersection parking lot (north east side). We will carpool to
Hockley Rd. parking just east of 2nd Line EHS. We will hike the Main Trail then return on Cam Snell ST, Glen
Cross ST & Tom East ST. Ref: Map 18 Edition 27 Pace: brisk. Terrain: strenuous.
Leader: Keith Barber [email protected]
Home Phone: 289-878-2299
Wed. Aug. 3 Sudden Tract - +/- 12 km.
Meet for a 9:00 am. exit at the parking lot near 1822 Spragues Road, Cambridge
(between Shouldice Side Road and Beeks Road, on the east side of Spragues Rd.). Sudden Tract is closer to 1841
Spragues Rd, according to Pace: brisk. Terrain: easy to moderate
Leader: Louise Langlais [email protected] Cell phone on day of hikes: 519-222-4040
(usually email is the best way to reach me)
Wed. Aug. 10 - Shorthills Prov. Pk. Loop - +/- 15 km.
Meet for 9:00 am. exit at Van Wagner’s Beach, Hamilton, Burlington side of Hutches Restaurant, near small brick
building. We will carpool to Pelham Rd. Parking Lot and hike the Black Walnut ST, Scarlett Tanager ST. Hemlock
Valley ST & Terrace Creek ST. Ref: Map 3 Edition 27
Pace: medium. Terrain: strenuous.
Leader: Keith Barber [email protected]
Home Phone: 289-878-2299
Wed. Aug. 17 - Iroquois in and out hike - +/-15 km.
Meet for 9:00 am. departure at Paramount Park side trail parking lot (Map 7 km 24.4). Take Mud St. East and left
to Winterberry Drive. Park is on left. Move cars to side street off Fifty Rd (9.1). We will hike back along BT
through Devil's Punch Bowl and Felker's Falls. Hiking boots, no dogs, bring sunscreen, bug spray, lunch/snack and
Pace: medium. Terrain: moderate to strenuous.
Leader: Ruth Merz [email protected] . Cell on day of hike 905 928 5491
Wed. Aug. 24 - Hiking Under the Trees - +/- 14 km.
Meet for 9:00 am exit at south side parking area off Speyside 15 SR, 250 meters west of Hwy 25 Map 12 km
11.2. No car shuttle. We will hike to the quarry and back. Hiking boots, no dogs. Bring water, lunch/snack, bug
spray, sunscreen.
Pace: medium. Terrain: moderate.
Leader: Cynthia Archer [email protected] cell/txt 416 573 4236.
Wed. Aug. 31 - Terra Cotta to Cheltenham Loop - +/- 15 km.
Meet for 9:00 am. exit at Hwy 401/Trafalgar Rd Intersection parking lot (north east side). The hike will take in
parts of the main trail, Rockside side trail (if reopened), Caledon Trailway, Winston Churchill side trail. Toronto
hikers can meet us at approx. 9:30 at roadside parking on Boston Mills Rd. just west of the Mississauga Road
intersection (note: driveway is private property). Map 14, km 47.5.
There will be time to visit Spirit Tree Estates Cidery. They have an excellent bakery. Hiking boots, water, lunch/
snack, bug spray, sunscreen. Pace: medium. Terrain: moderate, with some road walking.
Leader: Charlotte Stewart [email protected] cell/text morning of hike 905 906-0519
Planning a “Stay-cation” this summer. Great! Come out and enjoy the trails and some great company.
Just a few things to keep in mind...Hiking boots are recommended. Also, due to increasing concerns about
deer tics and possible lyme disease it is recommended that you wear a long sleeved shirt and socks tucked
into long pants especially when hiking through tall grasses. All hikes are at a moderate pace (unless
otherwise stated) with the likelihood of hills and rocky footing. Please note that the starting time varies! No
dogs, please. In the event of inclement weather please call the hike leader. Also, feel free to call the hike
leader if you would like to make carpool arrangements. Thursday hike convenor: Connie Rusynyk, 905 689
2203 [email protected]
Thurs. June 2 - Ancaster Dundas Valley - 3 to 4 hrs.
Meet for a 10:00 am. start at the Lions Club Pool. Park in the baseball parking lot on the Jerseyville Rd. in
Ancaster. Some loop hikes in the Headwater Trail area. Hiking boots. Bring snacks, lunch, water and sunscreen.
Pace:medium. Terrain: moderate. Leader: Lorraine Sherred. Email [email protected]
Thurs. June 9 - Kilbride/Crawford - /- 10 km.
Meet for a 9:30 am.start in the parking lot behind the school in Kilbride on Panton St. We will carpool to
Crawford Lake and hike back. Pace: leisurely. Terrain: moderate (some rocky sections). Bring water, lunch,
sunscreen and insect repellent. Parking fee or Conservation area pass for Crawford Lake. Leaders: Anne and Phill
Armstrong - 905-337-3937 or [email protected]
Thurs. June 16 - Loweville/Kilbride - 2.5 hr in /out hike (approx. 10km) Meet at 9:30 am. in the Loweville parking lot in Loweville.This is an in/out hikefrom Lowville Park to the
outskirts of Kilbride (No 8 Side Rd and Twiss). Moderate pace. Moderate terrain with one strenuous hilly section
out of/ back into Cedar Springs valley. Water and snack necessary. Bug spray a good idea. Can stop for lunch, if
desired, upon return at the lovely Lowville Bistro. Hike Leader: Karen Capindale-Smith. Please confirm attendance [email protected] or 905-332-7254 (home).
Contact morning of hike: 905-749-0914 (cell). Hike will not go if raining.
Thurs. June 23 - Bluebird Walk at Cedar Brook Farm - +/- 8 Km
Meet for 9:30 am start at Cedar Brook Farm in Puslinch. The farm is located at 812 8th Concession Rd West. This
is west of Hwy #6 just north of the traffic lights at Carlisle Rd. On 8th Concession go up a steep hill and down to
the bottom of the hill. Turn left at 812 at the Cedarbrook sign. Continue down the laneway to the second house. We
will do a nature walk around the farm, discussing bluebirds, tree swallows and many other birds. If you want to
feed the farm animals bring carrots. You can check out the Old Irish Home. Bring lunch, water, bugspray,
sunscreen. Pace leisurely, terrain moderate. Leader: Dan Welsh, The Bird Man. [email protected], 905659-4957
Thurs. June 30 - No. 1 Side Road to City View Park - 9/10 km
Meet for a 9:00 am start at City View Park (south parking lot), Kerns Road, Burlington (south of Highway 5). We
will car pool to No. 1 Side Road (off Guelph Line) and hike back using side trails and ski trails. Bring water and
snack. Pace: medium. Terrain: moderate. Leader: Terry Rose. (905) 320-6513. [email protected]
Thurs. July 7 - Sixteen Mile Creek Valley - +/- 11 km.
Meet for a 10:00 am. start in the parking lot at the end of Old Upper Middle Rd. in Oakville. Old Upper Middle
Rd. is immediately south of Upper Middle Rd. Turn right on to Old Upper Middle Rd. We will hike the many
trails in this beautiful valley with its interesting history, geography and geology. Pace: leisurely. Terrain: easy with
some long, but gentle hills. Bring water, snack, sunscreen and insect repellent. Leaders: Anne and Phill Armstrong
- 905-337-393 or [email protected].
Thurs. July 14 - Dundas - 10-12 km.
Meet for a 10 a.m. start in the Dundas Driving Park located at the end of Cross Street in Dundas. We’ll meet in the
east parking lot area We will go up to Dundas Peak, Tews Falls and Websters Falls. Please bring sticks, snack,
water, lunch. Hiking boots and sunscreen. NO DOGS. A strenuous hill. Pace: medium. Terrain: moderate.
Leader:Marion Fletcher - [email protected]
Thurs. July 21 - Ancaster Dundas Valley - 3 to 4 hrs.
Meet for a 10:00 am. start at the Lions Club Pool. Park in the baseball parking lot on the Jerseyville Rd. in
Ancaster. Walk to the Trail centre and back Hiking boots. Bring snacks, lunch, water and sunscreen. Pace: medium.
Terrain: moderate.Leader: Lorraine Sherred. Email [email protected]
Thurs. July 28 - Kilbride to the Calcium Pits - 8km
Meet for 10:00 am. departure at the baseball diamond and tennis courts behind Kilbride School on Patton Street in
Kilbride. We will make a leisurely hike to the Calcium Pits and return. If we feel adventurous we will climb the
rock face across the road for an early lunch before we return. Bring sunscreen, bug spray, water and lunch. Pace:
medium. Terrain: easy.
Leader: Gord Proudfoot 905 387 5657
Thurs. Aug,.4 - RBG Dundas - +/- 8 km. Meet for a 9:30 am. start at the former RBG North Shore parking lot on York Rd. in Dundas. Park alongside of
York Road or park at the Dog Park near Valley Rd. and walk down to the former parking lot where the group is
meeting. Bring snack and water. Pace: moderate. Terrain: easy but with some hilly sections. Leader: Linda
Robinson email [email protected]
Thurs. Aug. 11 - Mount Nemo Loop - +/- 10 km. Meet for a 10:00 am start in the parking area of Walkers Line and No. 2 Sideroad, near the cemetery. We will
complete a loop hike of this lovely conservation area with its spectacular views of the countryside and some of the
best escarpment features around. Pace: leisurely. Terrain: moderate with a steep rocky climb to get up onto the
escarpment. Bring water, a snack, sunscreen and insect repellent. Leaders: Anne and Phill Armstrong or
[email protected]
Thurs. Aug 18 - Borer’s Falls to Waterdown - +/- 11 km.
Meet for a 10:00 am start at Smokey Hollow (Great Falls) parking lot on Waterdown Road south of Hwy 5 in
Waterdown.. We will carpool to Borer’s Falls on Rock Chapel Road and hike back. Great views to begin, then
walks through the woods. The final stretch, up the Grindstone Creek cascade, is always lovely. Hiking boots. Bring
a lunch, snack and water. This is a hilly hike and fairly strenuous. Pace: medium.. Leader Janina Vanderpost
[email protected]
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PO BOX 71507, Burlington, ON L7T 4J8