CV Kristofer Jupiter
CV Kristofer Jupiter
2015-03-13 CV och publikationslista Kristofer Jupiter Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Division of Agrarian History, Department of Urban and Rural Development Box 7012 750 07 Uppsala e-mail: [email protected] HIGHER EDUCATION 2015 (ongoing) PhD candidate in Agrarian History Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden Main supervisor: Anders Wästfelt 2008 Master of Science (fil Mag.) in Human geography. Department of Human Geography, Stockholm university. EMPLOYMENT HISTORY 2011–2014 Researchsassistent Project: Yngre geometriska kartor. National Archives Stockholm. Projectleader Clas Tollin. Financed by The Royal Academy of Letters and The Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation 2011 Forskningsassistent (3 mån) Avdelningen för Agrarhistoria. Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet. Uppsala 2008–2010 Researchsassistent Project: Nationalutgåvan av de äldre geometriska kartorna. National Archives Stockholm. Projectleader Clas Tollin. Financed by The Royal Academy of Letters and The Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation 2007–2008 Researchsassistent (6 mån) Project: Include. Department of Human Geography, Stockholm university. ACADEMIC ACTIVITIES Review articles, book chapters, books 2015-03-13 2014 Vad säger statistiken om jordbruksarrenden i Sverige? Arrendestatistik i Sverige 1927–2010. I: Att bruka men inte äga. Arrende och annan nyttjanderätt till mark i svenskt jordbruk från medeltid till idag. Wästfelt, A (red.) Skogs- och lantbrukshistoriska meddelanden. Kungliga Skogs och Lantbruksakademien. 2014 Jupiter, Kristofer & Karsvall, Olof (red.) (2014). Medeltida storgårdar: 15 uppsatser om ett tvärvetenskapligt forskningsproblem. Uppsala: Kungl. Gustav Adolfs akademien för svensk folkkultur 2010 Pilotstudie: Metoder för rumsliga analyser av tegskiften. Unpublished report, Avdelningen för agrarhistoria, SLU (13 s.) 2009 Kulturmiljövärden och infrastrukturplanering. Unpublished report. Project: INCLUDE. CBM. Uppsala. (Together with Anders Wästfelt) Conference papers and presentations 2014 09 11 “Methods for analysing spatial organization and land use in 17th century Sweden using large scale maps.” Session: “Spatial analysis based on categorial map data: How to address fluctuating landscape processes through the analysis of historical cartographic sources, landscape representations and spatial data”. The Permanent European Conference for the Study of the Rural Landscape (PECSRL). Gothenburg & Mariestad, Sweden. 2013 08 19 ”Open field systems in 17th century Sweden. Regular and irregular strip field systems in the Swedish large scale maps 1630-1655 & 1680-1700.” Special session: ”The open fields of Europé in their social and economic context: origins and use. Part 1: Continental Europé and Scandinavia”. Rural History. Bern, Schweiz. 2012 08 07 “Regulated and unregulated strip-field systems in Sweden. Regional differences in 17th century Sweden.” The 15th International Conference of Historical Geographers (ICHG). Prague, Czechia. 2010 08 24 ”Swedish national edition of the oldest geometrical maps 1630-1655. Creating a historic-geographical database”. Special session: “"Critical and problem oriented GIS in historical and landscape research". The Permanent European Conference for the Study of the Rural Landscape (PECSRL). Riga & Liepaja, Latvia.