2016 Welwyn Festival programme
2016 Welwyn Festival programme
The 4 2nd Friday 24th June to Sunday 3rd July, 2016 UR O Y E E FRCOPY 1 2 C h a ir m an ’ s In tr o … It's good bye from me! Well this is my 17th and last year as Festival chairman and I have had a great time over the years, helped by great committee members and a small army of volunteers. The Festival has run every year for 42 years: 25 years by the Round Table and for 17 years by the Welwyn Festival Group committee. The WFG has raised donations of over £60,000 for local charities and services and we have hosted or helped publicise roughly a thousand events in that time. St Mary's Church, charities, individuals and local businesses have all been involved and have helped to make Welwyn a great community and place to live, that my family have enjoyed since we moved here in 1981. I am now Group Scout Leader for 1st Welwyn Scout Group, which has around 70 girls and boys in beavers, brownies, cubs and scouts, from 6 to 14 years old, meeting in the Derek Nash Scout HQ each week. The numbers continue to grow so if you have family or friends interested please get in touch. I intend to continue the search for a Festival Chairperson successor, and to help during the Week for some years to come, and I wish the new and existing committee members all the best in taking the Festival from strength to strength. This year we have over 70 events in total, including several which the committee are running themselves and are detailed in the centre of this Programme. We will welcome anyone who wants to join the committee or volunteers to help with individual events during the Week. If you can help, let me know and I will pass you on to the appropriate event organiser. Fingers crossed for good weather! Andy Trotter Chairman, Welwyn Festival mobile 07580942319 e mail [email protected] As this year’s programme has swelled to a bumper 60 pages, we’ve changed the format a little and, to help you find your way around, we’ve included an Index, below. Don’t forget that you can keep up with events and news throughout Welwyn Festival Week by looking at our website or following us on social media: www.welwynfestival.org.uk www.facebook.com/ welwynfestivalweek www.twitter.com/welwynfestival INDEX Chairman’s Introduction 3 Welwyn Festival Theme 2016 5 Parish Council Message 7 Festival Charities 9 – 23 Week Long Events 25 Events day by day 27 – 29 Village Map 31 The Festival Charities 32 The Main Festival Events 33 Open Gardens 34 Events day by day continued 37 -57 Raffle Donors 59 Thanks 61 Contacts and Sponsors 62 Front Cover Artwork by Bryan Parkes, 44 Mill Lane, Tel: 01438 715103. Many thanks Bryan. 3 4 Festival Theme 2016 – Space Welcome to the 42nd Welwyn Festival! The number 42 will be familiar to fans of the Hitch-Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, as the answer to the Ultimate Question. That’s just one reason for choosing space as a theme for the 2016 Festival. Back in the 1980s I was in the stage play of the Guide, playing an alien in the restaurant at the end of the Universe! It is now 55 years since Yuri Gagarin became the first person to fly in space. Since then around 550 people have followed him - an average of just 10 new people per year. However that will increase dramatically once Virgin Galactic starts carrying tourists. If you have about £140,000 to spare, you could be one of them! Someone from Britain who has made a real impact on the public with his magnificent work on the International Space Station is Tim Peake, becoming the first European Space Agency astronaut from the UK. This year’s Reith lectures from the BBC were on the subject of Black Holes, and presented by Stephen Hawking. Also in the field of astronomy, in March the Hubble Space Telescope detected the most distant galaxy yet found. Named GN-z11, it is 13.3 billion light-years away, which means that the light we are seeing set out not that long (astronomically speaking) after the Big Bang. The Old Welwyn Florist 29 High Street Welwyn, Herts AL6 9EE tel. 01438 716569 Fax. 01438 712010 www.welwynflorist.co.uk email [email protected] NEW PREMISES March also saw the launch of the latest spacecraft to Mars, and I was on Sky News to cover this. The two craft are part of a project by the European Space Agency, and will reach Mars in October. One of them will test the entry, descent and landing procedures to be used by the ExoMars rover which is due to be launched in 2018. With parts from all over Europe, the rover will actually be assembled in the UK just up the road at Airbus Defence & Space in Stevenage. 2016 also marks the 90th anniversary of the launch by Dr Robert Goddard of the world’s first liquidfuelled rocket. I shall be speaking about this on Friday, 24 June in the Civic Centre. It is a free event and starts at 7:30. It is highly visual and you’ll find it an entertaining presentation, so come along and discover the significance of Nell, Esther and Aunt Effie! During the Festival Week we will be giving details of when the Space Station is passing over Welwyn. Log on to the festival website www.welwynfestival.org.uk to find out when you can see the space station yourself. Thank you to Jerry Stone for contributing this article about the theme for this year’s festival. Jerry Stone is a freelance space presenter. He runs Spaceflight UK and travels all over the country giving public talks on space topics and presenting space workshops in schools. He is often interviewed on BBC 3 Counties Radio and on Sky News, and is the author of a book about the Moon flights, called “One Small Step”. He will be signing copies (price £15) at his talk on June 24. For more details of his activities, visit www.spaceflight-uk.com 5 6 From the Chair, Welwyn Parish Council Once again it is my pleasure to contribute to the Festival programme. I had the pleasure of working with many of the Festival team when we put up and took down the village Christmas lights. I hope the Festival week weather will be much better than we had then and more conducive to outdoor activity! The festival team do such a great job in creating Festival Week each year and bring new things for us to enjoy – at the Street Market, at the multitude of activities during the week and at the real family treats of the Parade and Fun Day. The Committee, event organisers and stall holders do a wonderful job that really puts Welwyn on the map. Everyone who takes part should be aware that so many charitable and well-deserving organisations benefit from the financial help given by the Festival each year and we all get a “feel-good” factor as a bonus. It was a real delight last year at our Civic Centre and at the Christmas Lights “switch-on” for me to present cheques to so many wonderful causes. There are so many events planned as you will read in the Programme. There is no excuse for not enjoying yourself and getting out to a corner of our area that you may not have visited before! Don’t neglect the smaller events either: gardens to envy (and emulate), shows and lectures. On behalf of all at Welwyn Parish Council, I wish the Festival another successful year and I hope everyone attending an event will have an enjoyable time. Bill Morris 7 8 Charity Gombards Care Home Our mission is to ensure that individuals with learning disabilities, mental or physical support needs have the opportunity to live their lives to the full. Founded in 1973 with just one service in West Sussex, we now support around 2,000 people, work in over 300 locations across England and Wales and employ over 3,500 staff. As well as providing support, we run campaigns to raise awareness and to lobby for change on key issues, run fundraising appeals and events, and provide guidance and information via our website, as well as through various publications. Gombards care home is located in Welwyn village and provides accommodation and support to adults with complex learning disabilities. We are currently fundraising to complete our sensory garden, which will stimulate all of the senses through the different seasons, encourage local wildlife and provide a peaceful natural environment for people to enjoy. www.unitedresponse.org.uk www.facebook.com/UnitedResponse www.twiƩer.com/unitedresponse 9 10 Charity Standing up for Hertfordshire’s countryside Based in Welwyn village, CPRE Hertfordshire are the County branch of the Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE). CPRE campaigns nationally for a better future for England's countryside. CPRE Hertfordshire was founded in 1928 and is a separate registered charity; funded through subscriptions, donations, legacies and fundraising. CPRE Hertfordshire strive to protect the countryside from harm, working through the planning system and raising the alarm when it is threatened. We support communities and campaigns to protect valued areas, influence planning policies to ensure they include protection for the countryside and encourage people of all ages to take an interest in and enjoy their local area. We organise an annual ‘Rural Living Awards’ event to celebrate and promote efforts made by groups or individuals to improve life and enhance the environment in Hertfordshire. Membership is open to all and full details of who we are and what we do can be found on our website www.cpreherts.org.uk. This year, CPRE Hertfordshire will be putting on two events as part of Welwyn Week – a countryside walk at 7pm on Tuesday 28th June setting off from Whitehill Car Park and a talk on the Hertfordshire Way at 7.30pm on Wednesday 29th June. 11 12 Charity Herts Young Homeless At Herts Young Homeless we work with around 1,800 young people every year, offering support, mediation and education services. When Jamie was thrown out by his mum, it was the charity Herts Young Homeless who found him emergency accommodation using their ‘Crashpad’ service and started the mediation process that helped get him back home. Your help will make a significant difference to the lives of young people who feel they have nowhere left to turn. Thank you on behalf of everyone at hyh and the young people we work with for all of your support so far and hopefully in the future. “I couldn’t have carried on with my apprenticeship if my hosts had not offered me the placement with them. I’m so grateful that someone was kind enough to give up a room for me.” hyh is a unique charity in Hertfordshire providing services to support vulnerable, homeless young people aged primarily between 16 and 24 years old. We also have an Under 16s Mediation service which has helped children as young as 10 years old and a health service working with individuals over the age of 16 who have mental health issues. Website: www.hyh.org.uk Twitter: @hyhnews Facebook: www.facebook.com/ hertsyounghomeless 13 Charity Welwyn United Charities Welwyn United Charities is a local charity serving the parishes of Welwyn and Woolmer Green. It brings together a range of charities, some dating back to the 16th century. Nowadays the Charities actively support a wide range of local needs including the elderly, sick, disabled, schools and children’s centres, special needs residencies and hospitals, together with the health and wellbeing of the villagers. Particular consideration is given to requests from or for individuals requiring urgent assistance to help with their circumstances. Our support can be in the form of monetary gifts or grants or sometimes supplying tangible gifts such as food, household requirements or hampers. At present the total charitable giving is limited to a few thousand pounds each year as our income relies on investments and kind donations. We could justify much greater giving, should the funds be available and all donations, of whatever size, would always be very much appreciated. To make a donation, find out more about the Charities or inform us of some individual or organisation you feel we might assist, please contact us at the address below. The Trustees of Welwyn United Charities wish Welwyn Festival Week every success! Contact: Charles Eggington, Clerk to Trustees, Welwyn United Charities Telephone: 01438 715307 or email: [email protected] 14 Charities 1st Welwyn Brownies The Mixed Group is a local charity which raises money throughout the year to host a dinner event on Christmas Day for lonely and elderly people living within the borough of Welwyn Hatfield. The charity’s overall aim is to combat social isolation amongst the elderly by providing comfort and company, as well as a slap-up Christmas dinner and wrapped presents, for older people who would usually spend Christmas alone. For the past few years the charity has also hosted a summer event for our elderly guests - a Cream Tea - to build upon the relationships made at our Christmas event. The charity is staffed entirely by volunteers and we cater for over 100 guests each Christmas. The charity has been running for 42 years. For more information see www.themixedgroup.org.uk Latest Welwyn Festival info online with Twitter, Facebook and News on www.welwynfestival.org.uk Girlguiding is the leading charity for girls and young women in the UK. Thanks to the dedication and support of 100,000 amazing volunteers, Girlguiding is active in every part of the UK, giving girls and young women a space where they can be themselves, have fun, build brilliant friendships, gain valuable life skills and make a positive difference to their lives and their communities. They build girls’ confidence and raise their aspirations, giving them the chance to discover their full potential and encourage them to be a powerful force for good. The Welwyn area is lucky enough to have 10 Brownie units. This year, the Welwyn Festival Committee will be supporting one of these - the 1st Welwyn Brownies - so they can purchase a new storage cupboard. The 1st Welwyn Brownies gather 20 or so girls every week. They are also in need of new leaders if they are to keep going so, if you would like to find out more or volunteer to help, please contact Fiona Petty on 01438 712378 or 07950 878883. 15 Charity Welwyn Friendship Club For many years, Welwyn Friendship Club has been welcoming people who want to make new friends - whether they have lived in the village a long time or are new to Welwyn or the surrounding area of Welwyn Garden City, Codicote, Stevenage or other places. The Club provides lots of opportunities and organised events. This includes games of cards or bingo, lively conversation, or a chance to take part in four coach trips a year to stately homes, the coast or other places of interest. They meet every Monday afternoon from 2pm—4pm (except Bank Holidays and two weeks at Christmas) at the recently fully refurbished Scout Hall in Lockley's car park off Church Street, with its warm comfortable accommodation. So you can meet your new acquaintances and friends over a cup of tea and biscuits throughout the year. If you or a friend or relative want to join a club, then contact the club chairlady Pat Compton on 01438715202. All new members are welcome. 16 Charity The Hertfordshire Society for the Blind “Supporting and empowering people in Hertfordshire with a visual-impairment”. The Woodside Centre, The Commons, Welwyn Garden City, AL7 4SE The Hertfordshire Society for the Blind is a locally based charity. We are in contact with over 4,000 visually impaired people who receive one or more of our services. These include: • Advocacy services (provided by our partners at POhWER) • Community exhibitions • Computer classes • Counselling services • Gadgets - demonstration and supply of specialist equipment to assist daily living • Home visits by staff and volunteers and befriending services • Hospital service providing support in eye clinics • Information via our sightline newsletters and website • Reading clubs • Social Activities • Telephone advice line • Training for those who come into contact with the visually-impaired • We also have good and well established links with other organisations that we refer clients to. For further information please phone 01707 324680 or email [email protected] or visit our website: www.hertsblind.com Registered Charity Number 1047148 Company Registration Number 3033089 17 18 Charities Herts Air Ambulance Digswell Playing Fields Herts Air Ambulance, part of the Essex & Herts Air Ambulance Trust (EHAAT) is a Charity providing a free life-saving Helicopter Emergency Medical Service (HEMS) for the critically ill & injured of Hertfordshire and surrounding areas. Our aim is to save lives, reduce or prevent disability, or suffering from critical illness and injury, by delivering a first class pre-hospital emergency medical service. Each HEMS Team consists of a Pilot, a Pre-hospital Care Doctor and a Critical Care Paramedic who can be rushed to the scene of an incident with life-saving support equipment to deliver advanced clinical care that is normally only found in the Hospital Emergency Department. Once stabilised, the patient will be conveyed by air or land to the most appropriate hospital for their needs. It costs £6.5 million every year to cover all charitable costs and aircraft operations. Without access to National lottery funding and with only limited support from Government, we rely upon the generosity and goodwill of the people and businesses of Essex & Hertfordshire to remain operational and keep saving lives. Essex Air Ambulance was established and began fundraising in 1997, the Essex Air Ambulance was launched in July 1998 followed by the Herts Air Ambulance in November 2008. Over 13,400 missions have been flown since the launch of the Essex Air Ambulance. Having suffered from a lack of investment in overall maintenance and development, in 2013 the Digswell Residents Association (DRA) set down a ‘Vision’ for the improvement and development of the Digswell Playing Fields. Since then, with the support of Welwyn Parish Council, Digswell Brownies and Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council, the playing fields have seen the installation of new pieces of play equipment for children including a net pyramid; new footpath access to the playground; the creation of a riverside path; and the pond has been dredged and cleared of intrusive vegetation. The DRA are now seeking to continue their work to include picnic benches and other seating (as requested by the Brownies!); information boards regarding the pond, riverside and history of the viaduct; and equipment to form a “trim trail” exercise area. www.hertsairambulance.uk.com twitter.com/HertsAirAmb facebook.com/HertsAirAmbulance 19 20 Canine Partners is a registered charity that assists people with disabilities to enjoy a greater independence and quality of life through the provision of specially trained dogs. During 2015, they celebrated their 25th Anniversary and have provided more than 530 trained dogs to help disabled people. More than 1.2 million people in the UK use a wheelchair, and a significant number of those would benefit from a canine partner. The dogs are trained to help with everyday tasks such as opening and shutting doors, unloading the washing machine, picking up dropped items, pressing buttons and switches and getting help in an emergency. The Charity aims to train dogs to meet the needs of people with even the most complex disabilities including members of HM Armed Forces and is working closely with the Forces charity Help for Heroes who have funded several partnerships of injured ex-servicemen and women with canine partners. These life transforming dogs also provide psychological and social benefits including increased independence, confidence and self-esteem. Charity A canine partner also brings companionship, a sense of security and can increase social interaction. Canine Partners receives no government funding and relies solely on public donations. For further information please visit www.caninepartners.org.uk or phone 08456 580480. facebook.com/caninepartners twitter.com/canine_partners Registered charity no: 803680 (England and Wales) and SC039050 (Scotland) 21 22 Charity Medical Detection Dogs is a growing UK charity that relies entirely on the generosity of public support to fund groundbreaking work using dogs to detect the odour of life threatening disease. The charity focuses on two main areas: Cancer Detection Dogs are advancing research into early diagnosis of cancers through cheap non-invasive tests. Improving accuracy and speed of testing, particularly of cancers that are difficult to diagnose, will improve the prognosis for thousands of patients. The charity works in partnership with researchers, NHS Trusts & universities. Medical Alert Assistance Dogs are trained to assist individuals who manage complex health conditions. These dogs save lives daily, give greater independence and save money with reduced paramedic call outs or the need for hospital stay. Currently these assistance dogs help people with a variety of medical conditions including: Brittle Type 1 diabetes, Addison’s disease, Narcolepsy, Severe Nut Allergy, Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS), Congenital Central Hypoventilation Syndrome (CCHS), Pain Seizures and Non-epileptic seizures. The charity may also consider other conditions for which there are no warning symptoms prior to a life threatening medical episode. To learn more about this amazing work www.medicaldetectiondogs.org.uk Facebook.com/MedicalDetectionDogs Twitter.com/MedDetectDogs 23 24 ~ ~ ~ ~ Events Day by Day – Week Long Events ~ ~ ~ ~ 'Cuckoo in the Nest'. Mystery objects to find in the windows of local shops and other buildings. Entry sheets from local primary schools, Welwyn Florist and the Danesbury Charity Shop. Raffle tickets for the 'Big Prize Draw' Available at the Danesbury Charity shop, the Street Market, events during the week, and at the Family Fun Day. Open Gardens. A variety of gardens are open to visitors during the Festival, some with swimming pools and Jacuzzis so don’t forget your swimwear. See listing on page 34 (centre page) for the full list of venues and times Inter-Pub Pool Tournament Monday 27th June - Thursday 30th June Teams: The Steamer / The Tavern / The Rose & Crown / Welwyn Sports & Social Club Matches: 5 singles and 1 double. First frame at 7:30pm Monday Tavern (Home) v WSSC Steamer (Home) v Rose & Crown Tuesday Tavern (Home) v Steamer WSSC (Home) v Rose & Crown Wednesday Steamer (Home) v WSSC Rose & Crown (Home) v Tavern Thursday Finals at Welwyn Sports & Social Club. Each venue will donate £100 to Gombards (a Welwyn Festival charity, pic below) plus collections on the night. Cuckoo in the Nest Throughout Welwyn Week, shops and businesses in the village will be taking part in the annual ‘Cuckoo in the Nest’ competition for children. Mystery objects will be in windows throughout the village and the challenge will be to identify those out of place – or the ‘cuckoos’. You can get your entry sheets from local schools, The Welwyn Florist, Danesbury Charity Shop or The Festival Tent. Completed entries can be handed in at these venues too. Two prizes for each age group (4-7 years and 8-11 years) will be awarded during the following week. Happy hunting! WFG Grand Raffle Draw Tickets on sale at the Danesbury shop, the Street Market, the Family Fun Day and Festival events during the week. Landlords in Welwyn Hatfield… we really are worth a call or email! Transparent, open, friendly service, managing local properties for local landlords. [email protected] 07989 945769 [email protected] 07795 617613 Have a look at our new website: www.keypadproperties.co.uk 25 The Welwyn Festival website is maintained by volunteers from TheBPc & Professional Solutions, website designers, internet services plus PC support services to home users and small businesses. www.thebpc.org.uk www.prosolutions.co.uk 26 Events Day by Day – Friday 17th June 4pm-7pm Open Gardens & Picnic Guessens, Codicote Road Cat Survival Trust After last year’s success, the Cat Survival Trust is laying on more activities for this year’s Welwyn Week: Friday 24th June 6.00pm Talk on the Cat Survival Trust and Meet the Cats Monday 27th June 6.30pm Cat Survival Trust Film Evening & Meet the Cats Wednesday 29th June 6.30pm Talk on the Cat Survival Trust & Meet the Cats Friday 1st July 6.30pm Cat Survival Trust Film Evening and Meet the Cats Saturday 2nd July 6.30pm Talk on the Cat Survival Trust and Meet the Cats All events will be at the Farm Shop, 46 Codicote Road and donations are welcome. Events Day by Day ~ Friday 24th June ~ 2:15–2:45pm Toddler Tales. Stories with an Olympics Theme, Welwyn Library 11:00-6:00pm Open Gardens (Please see details listed on page 34). 6.30pm Cat Survival Trust Talk and meet the Cats A chance to see the snow leopards and other endangered wild cats and to learn about the Cat Survival trust, Farm Shop 46 Codicote Road. 7.30pm ‘Nell, Esther and Aunt Effie – The story of the world’s first liquid-fuelled rocket’ - Admission free. Small Hall, Civic Centre. Local space expert, Jerry Stone will talk about “Nell, Esther and Aunt Effie: The story of the world’s first liquid-fuelled rocket”. Jerry will tell the story of how all of the rockets that have been used to send craft into space, to the Moon and planets can be traced back to March 16, 1926, when Robert Goddard launched the first liquid-fuelled rocket. For more information, visit www.spaceflight-uk.com 27 Welwyn Festival 2016 Wellington Events - Saturday 25th June - Sunday 3rd July 28 ~ ~ ~ Events Day by Day – Saturday 25th June ~ ~ ~ 8.45am. St Mary’s bell ringers, ring in Welwyn Week. 9am– 12:30pm The Street Market Over 70 stalls, plus the hurdy gurdy man. 9am. – noon. St Mary’s Church • Refreshments and Fair Trade stall in Church House. • Church Trail. • Tower Tours. • Musical interludes • St. John’s Ambulance: Room 4, Church House 9am. - 4pm. Willow Watercolours Art show, sale and demonstrations. Entry free. Scout HQ. Lockley’s Drive. 11am – 5.30pm Contemporary Art by Anneli Boon. 16 Mimram Place, off the High Street. Open Gardens (details on page 34) All day White Horse Family Fun Day. Bouncy Castle, Face Painting, BBQ. The White Horse, Mill Lane, Welwyn. 3.00pm. – 5.30pm. Walk Through Welwyn Quiz. The opening weekend of this year’s Welwyn Week will once again feature the ever popular Street Market on Codicote Road, next to St Mary’s Church, which will be closed to traffic for the morning. The bell ringers will ring in the start of Welwyn Week at 8.45am, with the Street Market opening from 9.00am. There will be the usual mix of over 70 stalls with games to play, crafts, produce and a variety of things to buy plus information from local charities, schools, clubs and businesses. Refreshments are available plus church tower tours. As usual, the hurdy gurdy man will be there! We look forward to seeing you to kick off Welwyn Week in style. Meet at 3:00pm. outside the White Hart pub to collect your Quiz sheet. Work in a team to answer observational, pictorial, cryptic and other questions based around the village centre. Rendezvous at the White Hart at 5:00pm. Have a drink while your quiz is marked and prizes are presented. £5 per team of 2. Additional team members £2.50 7.00 pm. Live Music with Lenny Main hall Welwyn Sports and Social Club, Ottway walk - Families welcome 7.00 pm. Sound of Music Sing Along. Come as you are or in costume. Prizes for the best costumes. Refreshments. Church House. Willow Watercolours are delighted to again take part in the Festival. On Saturday 25th June and Sunday 26th June from 9am to 4pm, there will be an art show, sale and demonstrations at the Scout HQ, Lockley’s Drive. Admission is free and the Saturday morning session will include an opportunity to participate in the normal Saturday morning class from 10am to 12.30pm. Sound of Music Sing Along In place of the ‘Scratch Concert’ at St Mary’s Church Welwyn, which has become a key part of Welwyn Week, we are holding a musical film event with a twist. Come and join a ‘Sound of Music’ Sing along on the first Saturday of the Festival. Participants can come as they are or in costume. In fact, there will be a prize for the best costume. So if you’re a fan of the songs, the film or Julie Andrews, please come to Church House at 7pm on Saturday 25th June. So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, good bye… 29 30 Friday 24th June to Sunday 3rd July 2016 Family Fun Day Map of Welwyn & Key Event Venues The Street Market SINGLER’S MARSH Parking for Family Fun Day P Th e T St Mary’s Church Rose & Crown Parish Rooms & Scout Hut avern P The White Horse P Civic Centre P P Welwyn Sports & Social Club Roman Baths P The Steamer Roman Day Tennis Club Welwyn St Mary’s School The Carnival Parade starts at the Civic Centre, proceeds along the High Street & Codicote Road to Singler’s Marsh. 31 Welwyn Festival Charities The Welwyn Festival Group is proud to have supported over 50 different local charities and organisations, both large and small, by donating over £60,000 in the last dozen or so years. We started our Charities Fund to take 100% of the surplus of income that the Festival makes each year, after deducting the running costs of events. Last year we handed out £8,000, due to the support you have all given us and the generosity of our advertisers and sponsors. This year, there is a wide range of recipients who will benefit from the funds raised during the 42nd Festival and we thank everybody who helps this work to continue. Each July we invite the charities to an open event where they describe the great work they each carry out to benefit local people. Following these brief talks, we hand over the donations. This year, the event will be held at the Civic Centre at 8pm on the 13th July and all are very welcome to attend this uplifting and inspirational event. The Charities for 2016 are listed below. You can read more about the charities and the work that they do on the pages indicated beside each charity name: • 1st Welwyn Brownies (page 15) • Herts Air Ambulance (page 19) • Campaign for Rural England • Herts Society for the Blind (page 17) Hertfordshire (page 11) • Canine Partners (page 21) • Digswell Play Area Development (page 19) • Friendship Club (page 16) • Gombards (page 9) 32 • Herts Young Homeless (page 13) • Medical Detection Dogs (page 23) • Mixed Group (page 15) • Welwyn United Charities (page 14) Main Welwyn Festival Events The Welwyn Festival Group plan and organise the main events of the Welwyn Festival Week. The proceeds from these events, after the costs of putting them on, and the money raised by advertising are used for village improvements such as the Christmas lights and funds are donated to a range of local charities selected from nominations each year. There are also a large number of other events organised by local societies, pubs and others. We have just listed the main Festival events on this page. Details of all other events can be found on the day-by-day listings starting on page 24 of the programme. Cuckoo in the Nest All week - a popular challenge for children to identify the “cuckoo” item in shop windows. Full details on page 25. Open Gardens All week - Please see page 34 for details Street Market Saturday 25th June 9:00am-12:00noon Codicote Road between St Mary’s Church and the Link Road Roundabout. Full details on page 29 Walk Through Welwyn Quiz Saturday 25th June, 3:00pm–5:30pm, Meet outside the White Hart to collect your quiz sheet, rendezvous at 5:00pm for a drink while your quiz is marked and small prizes are presented. Full details on page 29. Roman Day Sunday 26th June, 11:00am – 4:00pm Sherrardswood School, Hertford Road, or pedestrian entrance through the Roman Baths. This year with a spectacle of late Roman versus Saxon battle re-enactments. More details pages 37-40. 10K and 2K Family Fun Run Sunday 26th June, 11:00am-12:30pm 10K start at Singlers Marsh, run along the High Street, through the Ayots and back along Kimpton Road in aid of the Festival Charities. Full details page 37. 11:10am 2K Fun Run round Singlers Marsh. Full details on page 37. The Welwyn Oscars Friday 1st July, 7:30 – 11:45pm at St Mary’s Church and Church House. A new event to celebrate outstanding contributions to the village in several categories, with a red carpet arrival to a prosecco and canape reception, an awards ceremony and After-Oscars party with live tribute acts, disco, photo booth and licenced bar, in a Hollywood setting. Full details on pages 50-51. Street Parade Saturday 2nd July, 12:50 -1:00pm Costume Parade from the Civic Centre along the High Street and Codicote Road to Singlers Marsh. This year’s theme is Outer Space / the Olympics. Full details on page 53. Family Fun Day Saturday 2nd July, 1:00-5:00, Singlers Marsh. Scruffs Dog Show, displays, bouncy castle, pony rides, children’s activities, the duck race and much more. Full details on page 53 & 55. 2016 www.welwynfestival.org.uk www.twitter.com/welwynfestival www.facebook.com/welwynfestivalweek 33 34 35 36 ~ ~ ~ Events Day by Day – Sunday 26th June ~ ~ ~ Welwyn 10k Run The Welwyn 10K will be back for its third year as part of Welwyn Week. This scenic road race raises money for the Welwyn Festival Committee's local projects and charities. The run will being at 11am on Sunday 26th June 2016, the first weekend of Welwyn Week. The 10km race will follow last year's route, starting at Singler's Marsh then passing through Welwyn High Street and meandering up through the beautiful local countryside before finishing back at Singler's Marsh. The race will be chip-timed and is suitable for all standards of runner - though, unfortunately, the undulating countryside means it is not suitable for wheelchairs. There is a maximum capacity of 800 runners and these sold out early last year. Entries will not be accepted on the day for the 10km. For more information and to enter please visit www.welwyn10k.org.uk 2k Family Fun Run Alongside the 10k, we will also have the third 2km Family Fun Run starting at 11.10am on the same day. This is an off-road, circular run of two laps around Singler's Marsh itself. It is ideal for families and suitable for both runners and walkers of ALL ages. Both the 10k & 2k events are sponsored by The Osteopathic Centre. 9:00am–4:00pm Willow Watercolours Art Show, sale and demonstrations. Entry free. Scout HQ. Lockleys Drive. 9:30am–4:00pm Parish Communion with the Bishop of Hertford, St Mary’s Church. Refreshments afterwards. 11:00am–4:00pm Roman Day Roman Soldiers versus The Celts. Roman re-enactors & Celtic Harmony. Sherrardswood School Playing Fields and Roman Baths. Parking: Sherrardswood School, Hertford Road (A1000). On Foot: Through the Roman Baths 12:00-5:00pm Open Gardens & Art Exhibition. Artists: Bryan Parkes, Dilys & Russell Manoy, Anneli Boon, John Somerville. Paintings, water colours, sculptures, drawings, etchings and wood engravings. Refreshments. 44 Mill Lane, Welwyn. 11:00am-12:30pm 10K Fun Run in Aid of Festival Charities Route: Starting at Singlers Marsh, along the High Street to the Ayots and back along Kimpton Road to Singlers Marsh. Parking Fulling Mill Lane. 11:10am-12:30pm 2K Children’s & Family Fun Run. Route: around the whole of Singlers Marsh. 2:00pm-5:00pm Open Gardens (Please see details listed on page 34). 4:00pm onwards Man v Food Steamer Style, The Steamer, London Road. 6:30pm Service led by Young People with Youth band, St Mary’s Church. Refreshments afterwards. Use your smartphone / mobile device to download a QR code app. Snap the image to the left to browse our website: www.welwynfestival.org.uk 37 38 Sherrardswood School Roman Day Hosting the Welwyn Festival’s captivating Roman Re-enactment on our site has become a tradition that our school and local community enjoy each year. Experience a day in the life of Welwyn between 1,600 and 2,000 years ago. Take the opportunity to experience how people lived in the four hundred years in the Roman province of Britannia. Learn about military and local life, from the Iron Age to the fifth century, in Hertfordshire and the area around the important settlement at Welwyn. As one of the few independent coeducational schools in the area for ages 2 to 18, we deliver high academic standards within a very caring and supportive school community, from PrePrep through to A level. Should you be interested in getting to know more, I warmly invite you to come and visit us, to see for yourself the vision and education we live each day here at Sherrardswood. It is with pleasure and excitement that we once again open our gates to the public for the Welwyn Festival, staging the Roman Re-enactment on our field adjacent to the Roman Baths. The baths themselves, part of a villa that dates back to the 3rd century AD, are open year-round for visitors. However, brought back to life once a year through a group of actors in sandals and full armour allows for a local piece of history to be enjoyed by the whole family, an exciting day well spent!! MM XVI 2016 See a battle between the Roman Legion and Saxon invaders, re-enacting a battle fought coincidentally on the 23rd June some 1600 years ago, just before the Romans withdrew from Britain for the last time. A display by leading re-enactment groups will be representing military, cavalry officers and horses and local life. Discover how the Roman Army changed dress and equipment over time as the local population simply got on with living and working in much the same way as they had always done. Engage with the re-enactors, watch displays of military drill and the use of weaponry from hand to hand fighting to mighty artillery and everything in between. Talk to a Gladiator or a Gladiatrix. See the range of weapons used and how they defended themselves and took on Saxon invaders. Watch the training and see the battle tactics of the Roman Cavalry. Join the Legion for your 25 year service to earn the right to Citizenship of Rome, learn the drill and some battle tactics. See daily activities from drop spindle thread making and weaving cloth through to food and cooking in a Roman kitchen, and learn about a range of practical craft skills. Celtic Harmony, based in Hertford, will also appear to demonstrate how the ancient Celtic people who fought the Romans when they invaded Britain, lived. There will be crafts and archery displays, and you will be able to try archery for yourselves. 39 Roman Baths: Sunday 26th June, 11am-4pm. Adults £8, children (under 16) £4,Family ticket £20 (up to 2 adults and 3 children). Whilst you are at the Roman Day, visit Welwyn’s very own Roman Bath House, try craft activities, dressing up, face painting and much more! See Roman cooking in action, try your hand at archaeology, can you find the skeleton or the Roman remains buried in the sand pit! Hear talks and tours and take part in games, including kid's chariot racing! From the Festival site at Sherrardswood School travel down the winding tunnel to Welwyn Roman Baths and discover a genuine and unique secret from 2,000 years ago, hidden beneath the A1M Motorway! You can also find out about Roman foods and see Roman style cooking in action and if you’re feeling brave you can even explore more about the Roman diet by investigating Roman poo! Have a go at excavating Roman finds in the sandpit excavation, get creative with ‘make and take home’ craft activities and try Roman games, dressing up and have your 40 face painted to be transformed into a fierce Roman soldier! Meet Welwyn Archaeological Society and local archaeologist Tony Rook, who first discovered Welwyn Roman Baths in the 1960s. Drop-in to a series of short talks and tours inside the Bath House and discover more about Roman history and Welwyn Roman Baths itself. Make sure you get entered ready for the starters shout of “Get on your Mark, Get Set, and Go”.... with the chance to take part in the “Wacky Roman Kids’ Chariot Races” in the main arena! Organised by Bryan Scott, Welwyn Hatfield Museum Service, and The Welwyn Festival Group, the Roman Day will take place at Sherrardswood School. The main entrance will be at Sherrardswood School with free parking in the grounds. Other parking will be in Welwyn Village. Pedestrian access and “Blue Badge parking” will be at the Welwyn Roman Baths entrance. 41 42 ~ ~ ~ Events Day by Day – Monday 27th June ~ ~ ~ 3:45 Craft Tea, Church House Story telling & singing for primary school children with their parents/carers. A meal for the children and refreshments for the adults. 6pm–8pm Open Evening Digswell Lake You are welcome to visit and discover this lovely spot. Members enjoy access 365/366 days a year, and you can become a Member at the Open Evening. Main entrance off the north-east part of Digswell Park Road, nearest postcode (for satnav) AL6 0ST. Public car park under Digswell Viaduct. Admission free. 6:30pm Cat Survival Trust Film Evening & Meet the Cats, Farm Shop, 46 Codicote Rd 7:00pm Try Bridge, Welwyn Sports & Social Club, Ottway Walk - all abilities welcome to try the game of bridge from beginners to more experienced players. 7:30pm Tony Rook’s Historic Tour of the village. Meet at Fire Station. Refreshments in St Mary’s Church. 7:45pm Dr Roger Aubrey’s Religious Art Slide Lecture: "The Passion, Pieta and Pathos". Church House. Admission free. Donations to Welwyn Festival charities. Refreshments. 7:00pm for 7:30pm start: Inter Pub Pool Fundraising for Gombards Teams from Steamer, Tavern, Rose and Crown and Sports and Social Club. Sign up for your chosen team. Full details page 25 ROOK’s TOURS It is thirty-nine years since Tony Rook ventured out during a Welwyn Festival and began talking about our village; telling stories about buildings, stories about people. He’s done it every year since, and will do it again this year. He always ends up by telling us that there are lots of interesting buildings here, and that most of them have had lots of inhabitants, all of whom must have had a story to tell… Of course Tony adds to the story as he goes; this year he will include his latest discovery: Ann van Gogh’s tree! This year’s tours are on Monday 27th and Wednesday 29th June. They start at the fire station at 7.30 p.m. Every year he has also given a lavishly illustrated talk about the village, indoors. This year will be slightly different. Tony will talk about the subject of his latest book The River Mimram - in Church House on Thursday 30th June, starting at 8 p.m. Website & SEO: be seen on the Internet Business start-up, re-launch or re-branding, we build websites that are opmised to search engine guidelines for your best chance of being found on Google. Founded in 1990, The BPc offers design services, client managed websites, social media management & more. Email [email protected] 43 44 ~ ~ ~ Events Day by Day – Tuesday 28th June ~ ~ ~ 9:00am-12:00noon Community Cafe Church House 6:00pm-8:30pm Open Gardens (Please see details listed on page 34). 8:00pm ‘The Pulham Legacy – the Builders of the Danesbury Fernery' Welwyn & District History Society. Visitors welcome. Small Hall Civic Centre. 7:00pm Countryside Walk led by CPRE Herts. Meet at Whitehill car park. Local History Places limited, so please book in advance: [email protected] or phone: 01438 717587 The name of James Pulham is not one immediately associated with Welwyn, but in the 19th and early 20th century the Pulhams were involved with the construction of garden features for many Victorian houses and estates. Most notable was their use of artificial rock eventually known as Pulhamite in landscaping projects both at home and overseas. A number of Hertfordshire sites were created by the Pulhams, such as landscapes at the Node in Codicote and Benington Lordship and Rectory. In Welwyn they built the Fernery of Danesbury House, which they built in 1859-60. The Fernery has long been in a dilapidated state but is currently undergoing restoration by the Friends of Danesbury Local Nature Reserve. Find out more at the Welwyn & District History Society talk ‘The Pulham Legacy’. 7:00pm Try Table Tennis, Snooker, Pool or Indoor Bowls. Families Welcome Welwyn Sports & Social Club, Ottway Walk 7:00pm Pub Quiz, White Hart Pub. Entry £2 per person. Prizes. 7:00pm for 7:30pm start Inter Pub Pool Fundraising for Gombards • Tavern vs Steamer at the Tavern • Welwyn Sports & Social Club vs Rose & Crown at Welwyn Sports & Social Club Full details on page 25 8:00pm ‘How to Win the Tour de France!’ A talk by Rev. Dr. David Munchin. Refreshments. Church House. 8:00pm Welwyn Film Record Society. 1970 -1980 - 1991 Main Hall, Civic Centre 45 46 Events Day by Day – Wednesday 29th June 10:30am ‘ Grill the Rector.’ Rev. Dr. David Munchin. No question too small, no challenge too great. Refreshments. Church House. 6:00pm-8:30pm Open Gardens (Please see details listed on page 34). 6:30pm Cat Survival Talk & Meet the Cats, Farm Shop, 46 Codicote Road. 7:30pm Around the County in 90 hours, Walking the Hertfordshire Way. An illustrated talk by Elizabeth Hamilton from CPRE Herts. Refreshments. Church House. 7:30pm Tony Rook’s Historic Tour of the village. Meet at Fire Station. Refreshments in St Mary’s Church. 7:00pm for 7:30pm start: Inter Pub Pool Fundraising for Gombards • Rose & Crown vs The Tavern at Rose & Crown • Steamer vs Welwyn Sports & Social Club at The Steamer WFRS The Welwyn Film Record Society is in its 48th year. The society has completed a film each year without a break from 1968 to 2009. Our digital archive now provides a more than 40 year record of Welwyn’s people, places and events. Featured items include the coming of the A1M motorway, the discovery of the Roman Bathouse, housing development at Danesbury and the effects of decimalisation and the three day week on the village. Audiences are amused when the voiceover tells of houses in Welwyn costing up to £9000 and that petrol may soon cost over £1 a gallon. In short, the films are a fascinating social and environmental record of Welwyn and the surrounding area. We have now completed our 2013 film which is in this year's Festival show. Andrew Brown, Chairman, Welwyn Film Record Society Full details on page 25 8:00pm. Welwyn Natural History Society "The Hertfordshire Atlas of Mammals, Amphibians and Reptiles" by Ian Flack. Small Hall, Welwyn Civic Centre. 8:00pm. Welwyn Film Record Society. 1986 – 1996– 2013 Main Hall, Welwyn Civic Centre. Website & Social Media Keep up to date with Welwyn Festival news and events. www.welwynfestival.org.uk Follow/Like us: www.twitter.com/WelwynFestival www.facebook.com/WelwynFestivalWeek 47 WELWYN EVANGELICAL CHURCH You will find us about two hundred yards down Fulling Mill Lane Sunday services 11.00 a.m. and 6.30 p.m. For children and young people, Bible classes meet at 9.45 a.m. During the week we hold Brownies and Boys’ Club for younger children and Rendezvous for teenagers. Parent and Toddlers meets once a month; Friday Club for people with learning disabilities; regular meetings for ladies and other events as advertised. Evangelical means that we believe the Bible as God’s Word and the good news (evangel) about Jesus Christ – that God, in his great love, sent his Son Jesus Christ to die for sinners. Those who repent of their sins and believe in him are forgiven, and come to know God for themselves. For further information please telephone pastor Mostyn Roberts on 01438 715372 or visit www.welwyn-evangelical.org.uk. Or – visit our stall at the Street Market on 25th June 48 ~ ~ ~ Events Day by Day – Thursday 30th June ~ ~ ~ All day Beer Festival. Large selection of Britain’s finest Beers and Ciders. The White Horse. 5:00pm-9:00pm Contemporary Art by Anneli Boon. 16 Mimram Place, off the High Street. 5:15pm. St. Mary’s School Choir and Community Choir Concert, St. Mary’s Church. Refreshments. 6:00pm–8.30pm Jewellery Workshop & Open Garden. Gothic House, Church Street, Entrance in Mill Lane. The Welwyn Anglo French Twinning Association (WAFTA) was formed over 40 years ago through a liaison between Welwyn St Mary's School and their opposite number in Champagne-sur-Oise. Since then, many long term friendships have developed through the annual exchange visits which take place in summer. At the time of writing, preparations are in hand to receive a party from France, as it is Welwyn's turn to be host. In addition to a programme of social events throughout the year, and a French conversation group, WAFTA is looking at potential links between clubs & societies in the two villages. Following our challenge, a team of 8 firemen (les Pompiers) will have cycled all the way from Champagne (just north of Paris) to Welwyn, and will have met up with the Welwyn Fire crew. If you were wondering what was going on at the fire station during the first week in May - well now you know. 6:00pm-8:30pm Open Gardens Please see details listed on page 34. 7:00pm for 7:30pm start: Inter Pub Pool Fundraising for Gombards. Finals between the top two teams at the Welwyn Sports & Social Club Full details on page 25. 7:30pm. ‘The River Mimram’ Talk by Tony Rook, Church House. Refreshments, 8.00pm. Festival Bingo Night. Cash prizes. Welwyn Sports & Social Club, Ottway Walk. WAFTA will have a stall at the Street Market this year, so if you fancy finding out what else we are getting up to, and would like to join, come along for a chat. If you want to find out at any other time, see www.welwyntwinning.org or follow our Facebook page. 49 Introducing… The Welwyn Oscars This year’s Welwyn Festival sees the launch of a new and exciting event – the Welwyn Oscars. This black tie event will recognise individuals, establishments, retail and businesses achievements and popularity during the year, culminating in a very special evening of celebration, including an after-show party, on Friday 1st July from 7.00pm until 11.45pm at Church House. Tickets are priced at £20 each and include: Prosecco and canapé reception, awards ceremony and After Oscars Party with special guest Michael Bublé and Robbie Williams’ tribute singer, disco, photo booth and a licenced bar. Dress Code: Black Tie We will be inviting people to vote for their favourites in a number of categories, during the build up to and during the festival. The top three nominations in each category will be invited to attend the awards ceremony, with the winners being announced on the night and presented with their Oscar, followed by a fantastic after party. The Categories are: ♦ Best take away ♦ Best Teacher/Teaching Assistant ♦ Best Shop Assistant as voted by Welwyn Village ♦ Best Village Business Award as voted by Welwyn Village ♦ Most Popular 2016 Welwyn Festival Chosen Charity ♦ Best Pub ♦ Best Bar Person or Waiting Staff ♦ Best Restaurant ♦ Outstanding Contribution to the Village Voting slips will be available throughout the area, with voting boxes to post your votes. Sponsorship opportunities for each category available - More information available on tickets, the event and sponsorship will be at www.welwynfestival.org.uk and on Welwyn Festival social media. Email [email protected] or by telephoning 01438 712456 50 ~ ~ ~ Events Day by Day – Friday 1st July ~ ~ ~ All day Beer Festival. Large selection of Britain’s finest Beers and Ciders. The White Horse. 2.15pm-2.45pm Toddler Tales. (Space Theme) Welwyn Library 5:00pm-7:30pm Open Gardens (Please see details listed on page 34). 6:30pm Cat Survival Trust Film Evening and Meet the Cats Farm Shop, 46 Codicote Road. 7:00pm–11.45pm. The Welwyn Oscars An evening of recognition and celebration, culminating in an After Oscars Party to be held at Church House. This new and exciting event is being organised by the Welwyn Festival Group. The Oscars will recognise individuals, establishments and businesses achievements and popularity during the year. Tickets £20 each to include: Red carpet arrival to a prosecco and canape reception, attendance at the awards ceremony in St Mary Church, and the after Oscars party with live tribute acts featuring Michael Buble and Robbie Williams. Disco, photo booth and licenced bar, all taking place in a Hollywood setting. Dress code: black tie. For details and tickets: www.welwynfestival.org.uk www.welwynfestival.org.uk www.twitter.com/welwynfestival www.facebook.com/welwynfestivalweek 51 12 noon - 4pm. 52 ~ ~ ~ Events Day by Day – Saturday 2nd July ~ ~ ~ 11:00am. Pram Race Pram Race around the village. Starting and finishing at the Civic Centre. Enter by signing up with your chosen public house. Dress code: Men dressed as women and babies: ladies as men and babies. Pram for each pub. 11:00am-12.45pm. Classic Cars Display of 20, lovingly restored Classic Cars. Meet the owners and find out about each vehicles history. Ottway Walk carpark. 12 noon till late. Pubstock Live Music, BBQ and Beer. The White Horse. 12.30–4:00pm. Sherrardswood Walk. ‘Flowers and Butterflies of the Meadow’ Pre- book on 01707324718 Walk starts from Pentley Park entrance AL8 7SF. Donations £3 per adult, children free. 12.50pm for 1:00pm start. THE FANCY DRESS PARADE THEME: SPACE & OLYMPICS Meet at the Civic Centre. Walking along the High Street to Singlers Marsh. Parade sponsored by Netherdown 1.00pm – 5:00pm. FAMILY FUN DAY Singlers Marsh, Codicote Road. New for 2016: "The Mexican Way" Mariachi Band, Static Steam, Petrol & Diesel Engines operating pumps plus a Photo Booth! Plus all the old favourites: Punch and Judy, Ferret Racing, Children’s Rides, Homemade Fudge and Confectionary, Tea Tent, Fresh Ground Coffee, Face Painting, Cupcakes, Metal Detecting, Children’s Craft Stalls, Doughnuts, Jewellery, Plate Smash, Coconut Shy, Sand Art, Beer Tent, Hog Roast, Ice Cream, Tombola, Local Information Stalls, Various Charity Stalls, Tug of War and the ever-popular family games area. (More information on page 55) All day Beer Festival. Large selection of Britain’s finest Beers and Ciders. The White Horse. 3:00pm till late Dan’s 30th Birthday Festival. Live bands and BBQ at the Steamer 6.30pm. Cat Survival Talk and Meet the Cats at the Farm Shop, 46 Codicote Road. 8pm for 8.30pm Festival Club Night Live entertainment with Frank Black Welwyn Sports and Social Club, Ottway Walk. Classic Cars Display This year we are gathering 20 local classic car enthusiasts and their prized possessions in what we hope will become a popular and regular feature of the Festival. All lovingly cared for over many years they seem to belie their age. Come and enjoy the sights and sounds of a previous and glorious age of motoring when Britain had a huge Automotive Industry employing tens of thousands and a supply chain around the whole of Britain. Speak to owners about how they got interested and how you might also. Some of the cars will be joining the parade through the village at 1.00pm so make sure you are in good position for this before making your way to Singlers Marsh. 53 54 FUN DAY ARENA PROGRAMME The Parade Family Fun Day - 2nd July 2016 Car Parking Please use the field opposite the event in Fulling Mill Lane (sign-posted). WFG wishes to thank Mr & Mrs Baron of Baron’s Farm for the loan of the field and 1st Welwyn Scout Group for manning the car park. Please donate at least £1 per car. 1.15 – 1.30 PA / Music / Judging of Fancy Dress 1.45 – 2.15 Mariachi Band. 2.15pm Pubs and Social Clubs ‘Tug of War’ Competition. 2.50pm Scruffs Dog Show entrants assemble by the arena 2.55 – 3.35 Scruffs Dog Show 3.40 – 4.05 Mariachi Band. 4.10 – 4.40 Kids Races & Tug of War 4.40 – 4.50 The Big Raffle Prize Draw 4.50 – 5.00 The Duck Race by 1st Welwyn Scouts & Guides at the River Mimram, Singlers Marsh. This is a German built engine by Scruffs Dog Show Bring your Dog to SCRUFFS at Family Fun Day, Singlers Marsh, Saturday 2nd July. £1 per entry/dog Just turn up with your dog and choose up to 4 categories: best puppy/adult, fancy dress, waggiest tail and most-like-owner. Heinrici in 1910. It is a coal fired stirling engine (named after the Rev Dr Robert Stirling) which generates power using hot air. It would have been used for powering small pieces of equipment either in a factory or more usually outside. 55 56 Scouts and Guides Local scout groups are based in Welwyn village and at Oaklands where almost 300 young boys and girls from 6-18 years old meet every week. Over 40 brownies meet in Welwyn at Lockleys Drive and Fulling Mill Lane. Around 200 rainbows, brownies and guides meet in Welwyn Garden City in Guessens Road in a wooden HQ that dates back to the 1920s! That HQ is about to be demolished and replaced with a modern structure for which they still need many tens of thousands of pounds to complete. The Festival donated a £1,000 to that fundraising effort recently and will be helping brownies in the village buy new storage equipment this year. If you know of young people who want to join either of the two organisations then contact me at the number or email given below. The brownies in the village are in real need of parent helpers and leaders to help keep running as a leader has left at Easter and they are spread very thinly to cope with a successful set of brownies. Andy Trotter Group Scout Leader 1st Welwyn Scout Group [email protected] Events Day by Day ~ Sunday 3rd July ~ 11:00am Welwyn Tennis Club Open Day, Ottway Walk, off London Road (at the top of the playing field) 11:00am Free coaching for all ages and standards. 11:30am Cardio Tennis, fun way to fitness 1:00pm BBQ lunch. 2:00pm Fun tournament for all standards. Special Membership Deal on the day. All day Beer Festival. Large selection of Britain’s finest Beers and Ciders, The White Horse. 5:00pm-7:30pm Open Gardens (see details listed on page 34). 7.30pm. Quiz Evening Max. team size 8. Welwyn Sports & Social Club, Ottway Walk. Tickets £5 per person. Details & booking: call Anne on 01438 717550 WELWYN ALLOTMENTS ASSOCIATION Welwyn Allotments Association exists to support allotment holders and home gardeners too. Joining us gives you access to a full range of horticultural goods from our allotment hut next to the car park in Lockleys Drive. We also publish quarterly newsletters for our members and hold social events and competitions throughout the year. Annual membership is only £8. Why not drop into the allotment hut, Sundays 11.30 am – 12.30 pm March – October or come and meet us on the WAA plant stall at the Welwyn Festival Street Market. 57 58 Austins C.E. Wilkinson M.C. Fencing The White Hart Hotel The White Horse The Rose & Crown The Wellington The Wellington Katie’s Bakery Chic Beauty Tesco Off Broadway Travel & Box of Delights Neel Dentistry The Steamer Lemon Plaice Welwyn Florist & Laura Kate, Richard Tucker Derek Lofty & Company Susu and Essy and Betsy Aqua The Barbers Room and Carnegie’s Bryan Bishop, Country Properties & Village Wines Beauty Lounge Sagar Tandoori No 15 Hairdressers & Lloyds Chemist Hill and Company Putterills and Carnegies Peter Morgan Hair, Richard Tucker Welwyn Garden Cinema Welwyn RoofBox Hire, Richard Tucker Richard Tucker Barrett and Coe photographers List of Prizes and Donors for the 2015 Raffle £100 Cheque £75 Cheque £50 Cheque Dinner Bed & Breakfast for Two £50 lunch/Dinner Voucher Magnum of Lanson Champagne £25 Meal Voucher £25 Meal Voucher £30 Voucher Voucher for luxury facial Hamper of goodies Bottle of Champagne and £20 Gift Voucher Electric Toothbrush Breakfast for Two Fish & Chip Supper for Two Bouquet, Six Laura Kate Cupcakes & cookery book Bottle of Armagnac and Glasses £20 Voucher and Large Basket Bag Lunchtime Special for Two Men’s Haircut and Bottle of Whisky 3 x wine and Corkscrew £20 Beauty Voucher £20 Meal voucher Voucher for Blow dry and Treatment & Perfume Set Silver plated 1930’s bowl Golf Umbrella and Bottle of Whisky Bottle of Champagne, Google Encyclopaedia Four Cinema Tickets Voucher and Atlas of the World Horrible History Books 59 60 Welwyn Festival Group - Thanks to... Our committee of around two dozen people who work from October to July to organise events and help publicise many others, our sponsors, event organisers for over 60 events not run by the Festival committee, Smart Light and Sound, Shirley Guy who has now retired from our committee yet for many years she handled the advertising in this Programme and sales of raffle tickets at many venues, raising tens of thousands of pounds for our Charity Fund; she also worked at Fun Day and many other events. Thanks this year to the Steamer, Tavern, Rose & Crown and Welwyn Sports & Social Club for organising the inter pub/club tournament and, along with the White Hart, White Horse and the Wellington, will provide teams for an adult tug o war competition at Fun Day. To David Gregg for helping us to organise the Classic Car event, J & N Tyres for the free loan of vans for Street Market and Fun Day. The Welwyn Hatfield Museum Service / Mill Green Museum have provided help with the organisation, tickets and publicity for Roman Day. The BPc for countless hours since 2001 working on the Programme and our on-line presence, including the modernisation and updating of our website. All have helped to make this 42nd Welwyn Festival happen, and lastly to all of you in Welwyn, Oaklands, Digswell and the surrounding areas, whose support makes these community event go from strength to strength, and whose generosity has meant we have been able to donate over £60,000 to local and county charities benefiting the people of Welwyn and nearby communities. Andy Trotter, Chair. 61 Committee Our Sponsors, 2016 Due to space limitations we have just named the lead organisers of each event. There are a number of other people who have contributed to the organisation of the Festival and our thanks go to them too. Street Market: Welwyn Parish Council for the free use of venues and support in many other ways; Netherdown Developments, sponsors of the Kid's Fancy Dress Parade; Strutt and Parker Estate Agents for their general sponsorship; Garden City Runners and Welwyn Osteopaths for donating the profits from the 10k/2k run to the Festival Charity Fund; St Mary's Church for donating the profits from their event to the Welwyn Festival Charity Fund; Sherrardswood School for use of their playing field and other facilities for the Roman Day; Councillor Richard Smith and Ringway PLC for free use of road closure equipment for Street Market; The Steamer, Tavern, Rose and Crown and Welwyn Sports and Social Club for their fund raising for Gombards Home for Disabled Young Adults, one of the Charity Fund charities; The Welwyn Hatfield Times, The Best of Welwyn Hatfield and the St Mary's Church Magazine for their support in promoting the Festival.; Judy Tucker, Wen Evans [email protected] Family Fun Day: Mark Caudle [email protected] Fancy Dress Parade: Caroline Williams Kids Corner Games: Malcolm Temple Classic Cars: Malcolm Temple 10K & Family Fun Run: Patrick Pearce Welwyn Oscars: Catherine Farrell [email protected] Raffle: Maryke Parker Open Gardens: Sarah Marsh Cuckoo in the Nest: Margo Todd, Lynn Evenett Event Co-ordination: Kathy Beale Volunteer Co-ordinator: Opal Reid Publicity & Advertising: Christine Goodwin, John Curnow [email protected] Treasurer: Terrence Miller [email protected] Chair: 2016 Andrew Trotter 2017 tbc [email protected] We are always looking for new volunteers. If you would like to help with the 2017 Welwyn Festival ,email [email protected] You can contact any of the subgroups through the email addresses shown above. 62 No.7 Catering Cooking Academy & Catering Services, Bestwallscapes, The Rose and Crown, Reg Parsons and HomeInstead Care Homes for sponsoring the Welwyn Oscars. WELWYN FESTIVAL DATES 2017 Friday 15th June to Sunday 25th June Website & Social Media Keep up to date with Welwyn Festival news and events. www.welwynfestival.org.uk Follow/Like us: www.twitter.com/WelwynFestival www.facebook.com/WelwynFestivalWeek 63 64