CV - Ole Martin Moen
CV - Ole Martin Moen
Ole Martin Moen, PhD Post-Doctoral Research Fellow in Philosophy Centre for the Study of Mind in Nature, University of Oslo Box 1020 Blindern, N-0315 Oslo, Norway 605 G. Morgenstiernes hus (+47) 416 86 074 [email protected] b: April 28, 1985 tw: @oleMMoen Area of Specialization : Ethics Areas of Competence : Political Philosophy; Action Theory; Philosophy of Mind; Didactics of Philosophy; Modern Intellectual History Education University of Oslo PhD, Philosophy, 2013. Dissertation: Because it Feels Good: A Hedonistic Theory of Intrinsic Value . Advisers: Panos Dimas and Roger Crisp. Examiners: Peter Railton and Julia Driver. PPU, Practical Pedagogy, 2013. 60 ECTS. MA, Intellectual History, 2009. Thesis: Wilhelm von Humboldt’s Influence on John Stuart Mill (grade A, “clearly outstanding”). BA, Intellectual History, 2007. University of Oxford Visiting PhD Student, Faculty of Philosophy, Oxford Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics, fall 2011. University of California, Berkeley Visiting Student Researcher, Department of Philosophy, fall 2008. Positions and Affiliations University of Oxford, Faculty of Philosophy, Oxford Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics, Visiting Scholar, spring 2015. Humanistskolen, Chairman of the Board, spring 2015–p. University of Oslo, Centre for the Study of Mind in Nature (CSMN), Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, spring 2014–p. University of Oslo, Stipendiary Lecturer in Philosophy (teaching introduction to philosophy and intermediary applied ethics), 2013. Norwegian Institute at Athens, Greece, Visiting Scholar, fall 2011. University of Oslo, Doctoral Research Fellow in Philosophy, 2010–2013. Civita, Project Assistant, 2007. Ullern Upper-Secondary School, Philosophy teacher (2 hours/week), 2005–2006. 1 Publications Books Aktiv dødshjelp - etikk ved livets slutt [Assisted dying - ethics at the end of life]. (co-authored with Aksel Braanen Sterri). Cappelen Damm Akademisk, forthcoming. Essayskriving - kort og klart [Essay writing - short and to the point]. Høyskoleforlaget, 2011. Articles and reviews “Checking People Out” (chapter), Philosophers’ Take on the World . David Edmonds (ed.). Oxford: Oxford Univ Press, forthcoming. “Smarter Babies”, Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics (Cambridge Univ Press), forthcoming. “Bright New World”, Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics (Cambridge Univ Press), forthcoming. “An Argument for Hedonism”, Journal of Value Inquiry (Springer), forthcoming. “Paying for Sex - Only for People with Disabilities?” (co-authored with Brian Earp), Journal of Medical Ethics(BMJ) 42 (1) 2016: 54–56 “The Case for Cryonics”, Journal of Medical Ethics (BMJ) 41 (8) 2015: 677–681 “Hedonism Before Bentham”, Journal of Bentham Studies (UCL) 17 (1) 2015: 1–19 “Review: Peter Singer and Katarzyna de Lazari-Radek: ‘The Point of View of the Universe: Sidgwick and Contemporary Ethics’”, Utilitas (Cambridge Univ Press) 27 (1) 2015: 115–17 “The Ethics of Pedophilia”, Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics (NTNU) 9 (1) 2015 111–24 “Should We Give Money to Beggars?”, Think (Cambridge Univ Press), 13 (37) 2014: 73–76 “Prostitution and Sexual Ethics: A Reply to Westin”, Journal of Medical Ethics (BMJ) 40 (2) 2014: 88 “Prostitution and Harm: A Reply to Anderson and McDougall”, Journal of Medical Ethics (BMJ) 40 (2) 2014: 84–85 “Is Prostitution Harmful?” Journal of Medical Ethics (BMJ) 40 (2) 2014: 73–81. Feature article with invited responses. “Review: Michael Huemer, ‘The Problem of Political Authority’” Philosophical Quarterly(Oxford Univ Press) 64 (256) 2014: 198–200 “The Unity and Commensurability of Pleasures and Pains” Philosophia (Springer) 41 (2) 2013: 527–543 “Bokanmeldelse: Morten Magelssen, ‘Menneskeverd i klinikk og politikk” Norsk filosofisk tidsskrift (Universitetsforlaget) 48 (3/4) 2013: 315–317 “Åpenhet om eget livssyn overfor elever”, Religion og livssyn 2 2013: 68–72 “Is Life the Ultimate Value?”, Reason Papers 32 (2) 2012: 84–116 “Cosmetic Surgery”, Think (Cambridge Univ Press) 11 (31) 2012: 73–79 “Book Review: Jan Narveson, ‘This is Ethical Theory’”, Journal of Value Inquiry (Springer) 45 (3) 2011: 337–41 “Innledende essay” (chapter), Statsmaktens grenser by Wilhelm von Humboldt. Andreas Harald Aure (ed.) Oslo: Unipub, 2011, 8–28 2 Media appearances The Ethics of Self-Driving Cars (interview), Typisk deg med Petter Skjerven , TV Norge, forthcoming; The Ethics of Cognitive Enhancement, Norge på dop , TV Norge, forthcoming; “Should we offend?” (article), Dagbladet , June 5, 2105; Pedophilia (interview), Verdibørsen , NRK P2, May 9, 2015; Academic hiring practices (interview), Universitas , May 12 2015; Suicide (debate), Verdibørsen , NRK P2, March 28, 2015; Hedonism (interview), Samfunnsvitern , 2/2015; Cremation (interview), Vårt land , March 23, 2015; Development aid (interview), Bistandsaktuelt , March 2015; Sport (debate), Verdibørsen , NRK P2, March 14, 2015; Shame (debate), Verdibørsen , NRK P2, March 7, 2015; Deciding over our bodies (debate), Verdibørsen , NRK P2, Feb 28, 2015; Deciding over our children (debate), Verdibørsen , NRK P2, Feb 14, 2015: Cheating, (debate), Verdibørsen , NRK P2, Feb 7, 2015; Self-Improvement and Cosmetic Surgery, (debate), Verdibørsen , NRK P2, Jan 31, 2015; Extinction (debate), Verdibørsen , NRK P2, Jan 24, 2015; Free will (debate), Verdibørsen , NRK P2, Jan 17, 2015; Terrorism and freedom of speech (debate), Verdibørsen , NRK P2, Jan 10, 2015; “Slutten på mennesket slik vi kjenner det” (article), Samtiden , 4/2014; Downs syndrome (debate), NRK Debatten , Sept 11, 2014; Surrogacy (debate), NRK Dagsnytt 18 , Sept 2, 2014; Surrogacy (interview), Vårt land , Sept 1, 2014; “PPU-monopolet” (article), Lektorbladet , 3/2014; “Underlig avvisning” (article), Vårt land , June 10, 2014; Transhumanism (interview), Vårt land , June 5, 2014; Begging (interview), Verdibørsen , NRK P2, May 3, 2014; “Hedonisme og lidelsens mening” (article), Credimus , 2/2014; Cryonics (interview), Brille , TV Norge, March 3, 2014; Organ trade (debate), Verdibørsen , NRK P2, Feb 8, 2014; Cryonics (interview), VG , Jan 26, 2014; Cryonics (interview), Verdibørsen , NRK P2, Dec 7, 2013“Hvordan tenke om klimaendringer” (article), Minerva , Nov. 6, 2013; “Åpenhet om eget livssyn overfor elever” (article), Religion og livssyn , Nr. 2, 2013; Moral enhancement (interview), Verdibørsen , NRK P2, Oct 5, 2013; Hedonism (interview), Ekko , NRK P2, Aug 12, 2013; “Filosofi, psykologi og hovmod” (article), Morgenbladet , July 5, 2013; “PPU er verken praktisk eller pedagogisk” (article), Dagbladet , July 5, 2013; “Tigging og etikk” (article), Dag og tid , Apr. 10, 2013; “En pille for bedre konsentrasjon” (article), co-authored, Universitas , Feb. 13, 2013; “Slipp prostituerte inn i varmen” (article), co-authored, Aftenposten , Feb. 7, 2013; “Did Ayn Rand Eat Babies for Breakfast?” (article), Forbes, June 19, 2012; “Open Access på 1-2-3” (article), co-authored, Universitas, May 16, 2012; “Hvorfor er lønningene i u-land så lave?” (article), co-authored, Dagsavisen, Jan. 16, 2012; “Gikk markedet plutselig amok?” (article), Dagbladet, Nov. 19, 2011; “Har liberalismen feilet?” (article), Dagbladet, Oct. 21, 2011; “Stipendiater som klager” (article), Aftenposten, Sept. 17, 2011; “Krenk i vei” (article), Dagbladet, Aug. 22, 2011; “Breivik’s Manifesto” (article), The Independent, July 29, 2011; “Jihadisten Anders Breivik” (article), Aftenposten, July 27, 2011; “Dangers of ‘Danegeld’” (article), Washington Times, July 14, 2011; “Når dyr lider” (article), Salongen, online, Nov. 9, 2010; “Hvor liberale er ‘Liberal Democrats’?” (article) Liberaleren, online, May 3, 2010; “Homofobi i fåreklær” (article), co-authored, Aftenposten, January 10, 2008; “Livssyn er like viktig som mat og drikke” (article), Verdier og Verdighet , Didrik Søderlind (ed.), Oslo: Humanist Forlag, 2007. Teaching and Advising Main adviser for master’s students Karl Martin Mertens (business ethics, completed in 2013); Tor Mikkel Wara (evolutionary debunking arguments, exp. 2015); Daniel Gitlesen (polyfocal consequentialism, exp. 2015); 3 Eirik Falao (cognitive enhancement, exp. 2016), University of Oslo. Intermediary Applied Ethics (FIL2302), University of Oslo. Course designer and instructor. Spring 2013. Teaching evaluations are available upon request. Examen Philosophicum (EXPHIL-03), University of Oslo. Seminar leader. Spring 2013. Teaching evaluations are available upon request. Introduction to Philosophy, Ullern Upper-Secondary School. Instructor. Fall 2005 and spring 2006. Scholarships and Grants Writing grant, Fritt ord (NOK 100,000), 2015. Writing grant, Fritt ord (NOK 50,000), 2014. Humanities Grant (NOK 34,000), University of Oslo, 2011. Humane Studies Fellowship (USD 2,000), Inst. for Humane Studies, 2010. Culture and Ideas Studies Grant (NOK 2,000), University of Oslo, 2008. Memorial prize (USD 1,000), Charles Bloomfield Foundation, 2007. Presentations “Judicial Corporal Punishment”, Sokratisk aften, University of Oslo, Oct 1, 2015. “The Ethics of Recreational Drug Use”, Oxford Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics, University of Oxford, May 26, 2015. “How to Reason about Euthanasia”, Verdigheskonferansen, Oslo, April 26, 2014. “Hedonism Before Bentham”, Oxford Hedonism Conference, University of Oxford, March 7, 2014. “The Ethics of Gestational Surrogacy”, Oslo Student Union, Nov. 1, 2013. “Accounting for the Interests for Future Generations”, Trail Lecture, University of Oslo, June 13, 2013. “Intensive Course in Philosophical Writing”,training lecture, Norway’s International High School Philosophy Olympics Team, March 21, 2013. “The Choice to Live”, TAS Graduate Conference on the Foundations of Morality, Catholic University of America, Aug. 2, 2012. “How to Grade Essays and Assignments Using Webcams and Screencasts”, ‘The Art of Teaching’ Workshop, George Mason University, July 14, 2012. “Philosophical Writing”, Seminar for the Student Steering Committee for Philosophy, University of Oslo, May 8, 2012. “The Mind-Body Problem”, Norwegian Institute at Athens, Greece, Dec. 1, 2011. “Is Prostitution Harmful?”, Applied Ethics Seminar, University of Oxford, Nov. 3, 2011. “Pleasure and Pain”, Norwegian Institute at Athens, Greece, Oct. 21, 2010. “Peace, Violence, and Retaliation”, Norwegian University Center in St. Petersburg, Russia, Feb. 8, 2010. “When, If Ever, Is Prostitution Justified?”, Moral Philosophy Club, University of Oslo, Dec. 1, 2009. “Is Egoism a Worthwhile Ethical Theory?”, Well-Being, Needs, and Human Rights, University of Bergen, May 22, 2009. 4 “Determinism and Moral Responsibility”, Moral Philosophy Club, University of Oslo, March 24, 2009. “An Indirect Cognitive Cause Theory of Emotion”, Graduate seminar, University of California. Berkeley, Sept. 9, 2008. Academic service Referee for Political Studies , Journal of Medical Ethics , Utilitas , Journal of Value Inquiry , Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics , Norsk statsvitenskapelig tidsskrift , and Palgrave Macmillan. Civita (Norway’s largest think tank), Member of Board of Advisors, 2015–p. PhilPapers, Leaf editor, 2010–p. Filosofisk Supplement, Member of Board of Editors, 2008–2010 . University of Oslo, Student Member, Board of the Faculty of Humanities, 2006–2007. University of Oslo, Leader, Student Steering Committee for Intellectual History, 2005–2007. References Prof. Panos Dimas Department of Philosophy University of Oslo [email protected] Prof. Roger Crisp Faculty of Philosophy University of Oxford (St. Anne’s College) [email protected] Prof. Peter Railton Department of Philosophy University of Michigan, Ann Arbor [email protected] Prof. Julian Savulescu Faculty of Philosophy University of Oxford [email protected] Kristin Clemet Civita Director [email protected] CV updated in January 2016 5