ITS Norway_Tekna Jernbane__prgr deltakerliste_De
ITS Norway_Tekna Jernbane__prgr deltakerliste_De
De-regulation of the Norwegian Rail operation market In cooperation with: Seminar on Tuesday 28 April 2015 - Ingeniørenes Hus, Oslo, Kronprinsens gate 17 The Norwegian Government is deregulating the railway market In Norway according to EU policy. An open rail market will put requirements and challenges on several critical systems and services on the various stakeholders in this industry. The main focus for this event is to discuss how new technologies can be adopted to support this new policy, as well as discuss experiences from other countries. Program 08:30 Registration and coffee 09:00 Welcome, by Trond Hovland, ITS Norway Seminar moderator: Gunnar Johansson, IBM/ITS Norway Transformation of the old rail industry with new technologies By Keith Dierkx, Global Rail Leader at IBM What is the point with an open rail market? By Gunnar Lindberg, Director, Institute of Transport Economics Experiences from deregulation of the rail market in Sweden, By Kajsa Rosen, Segmentchef Järnveg at ÅF How to manage Ticketing & Reservation for multiple operators By Lorenzo Soggiu, Global Business Services Partner, IBM Italy What is the main problems for “New Kids on the Block”? By Dan Hildebrand, MTR Nordic Best practices and use cases on Predictive Asset Maintenance By Ron Burke, Business Development Manager Advanced EAM Analytics IBM 12:00 Lunch to go Navn Trond Hovland Henning Bjørnland Gunnar Johansson Keith Dierkx Kajsa Rosen Gunnar Lindberg Lorenzo Soggiu Dan Hildebrand Ron Burke Julie Shainock Gerry Benz Elisabeth Cabrinetti Endre Sundsdal Joachim Dyrdahl Stein Erik Jensen Rune Kristian Sperlin Ragnar Johansen Jon Frøisland Even Neeb Anne Christine Torp Handstanger Mette Hendbukt Mekonnen Germiso Peng Xu Bjørn Romestrand Kjell Erik Onsrud Øyvind Reitan Jan Wright Claus Feyling Torbjørn Revheim Akif Sayan Runar Brekke Magne Glomnes Henrik Eliasson Barbara Busic Pauline Lefevre Øystein Olsen Firma ITS Norway IBM Nordic IBM Nordic Global Rail Leader, IBM Segmentchef Järnveg at ÅF Norwegian Institute of Transport Economics Global Business Services Partner, IBM Italy MTR Nordic Business Development Manager Advanced EAM Analytics IBM Business Development Manager Advanced EAM Analytics IBM Indra Navia AS NSB NSB REJLERS NORGE AS NSB NSB IBM Spekter Accenture AS Norconsult AS Statens vegvesen Spekter Saugen Jan AS Centerpoint AS For Jernbane Venua AS Venua AS Anacon AS Accenture AS . Jernbaneverket . Sporveien AS NSB Microsoft AS Tekna/ITS Norway
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