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Times of India Page-12
All the winners of the 1st Healthcare Achievers Awards across all the categories alongside Ram Vilas Paswan, Lov Verma and Bipasha Basu
The aim of these awards is to recognise the improvement and better
standards of care that healthcare providers are now focusing on
he healthcare sector in India has grown
exponentially over the course of the last
decade. This robust growth has been
made possible by a variety of factors, which
include changing consumer expectations, increasing health awareness. Unfortunately the
disease burden in India is also on the rise, especially when it comes to the lifestyle disease
trio – Diabetes, Hypertension and Cardio-
As the largest health
insurance player in this
market we have realised
that if healthcare in this
country has to improve
and people have to get
quality healthcare
treatment then there is
G. SRINIVASAN a need for all the
stakeholder to come
Chairman cum
Managing Director
together. So the idea for
of New India
this initiative is to bring
all the stakeholders
Vascular Diseases. The last decade has witnessed an increasing demand in not just disease management of these lifestyle related
health issues, as opposed to
the traditional notion of
cures; but has also witnessed
a tremendous change in the
type and standard of healthcare services that are being
increasingly demanded by patients. The response of the
private healthcare sector has
been exponential growth and
trying its very best to keep
pace with the consumer expectation.
Acknowledging the vitality and growth of
the sector and its increasing focus on patient
care, The Times of India has initiated The
Healthcare Achiever's Awards in association
with New India Assurance, one of India's premium healthcare providers to create a platform where the achievements of the healthcare sector can be recognised and
acknowledged. The inaugural awards ceremony was hosted recently in Delhi. The platform brings together the best of the healthcare fraternity at the level of individuals who
are redefining the field and hospitals and organisations that are setting the standards and
becoming examples. The selection was
through a combination – in two categories the
winners were based on jury selection. In the
other two categories the winners were selected through a
process based upon a combination of surveys and jury selection in accordance with
the process as laid out by our
process advisors Ernst &
Young. The combined information of factual data, doctor feedback and patient survey were put forth to the jury
for tabulation to shortlist the
winner in each category.
Based on the jury presentation it was clear
that the jury had burnt much midnight oil as
they shortlisted the winners from what was
an unexpectedly enthusiastic and therefore,
huge response. The official tabulation was
handled by Ernst & Young, India and if their
presentation was any indication, it was a precise and structured process that ensured fairness and transparency in the tabulation
The award night was a glittering event that
saw representatives from various hospitals
and healthcare organisations across India
gather under one roof. Ram Vilas Paswan,
Union Minister of Consumer Affairs, Food &
Public Distribution, graced the occasion as
the chief guest while the Secretary, Ministry of
Health & Family Welfare, Lov Verma, clearly
supported the initiative with not just his presence but his gracious words of encouragement to the healthcare
providers. Also gracing the
occasion was G. Srinivasan,
the Chairman and Managing
Director of New India
Assurance. Bipasha Basu,
the goodwill ambassador of
health and fitness, spoke
on what we as individuals could do to remain
fit and healthy.
But perhaps the
most spectacular
part of the evening
was witnessing the
connection that doctors, administrators
and representatives
from different hospitals and healthcare
organisations around
the country formed with
one another through the
I want to thank The Times
of India for this initiative
and the decision to enter
this field and for picking
the focus and categories
that they have chosen. It is
a pleasure to be here
amongst all of you who are
amongst the best in your
respective fields.We all
know that health is wealth
and that medical services
are the one constant required by all of us at some
or the other point in our lives; whether for ourselves directly or indirectly when the services are needed by
members of family or friends or colleagues.When we
go to hospitals we literally look to our doctors as if they
are gods and we fully expect them to perform miracles
and save the life and limb of our loved one.And even
when the outcome is not a happy one we accept it as
fate because we know that the doctors have done the
best that they could and the outcome is despite their
best efforts.The point is that we go to hospitals with a
lot of hope and expectations that centre on the medical
staff. Clearly, the role of the doctor in our lives is not
only important but near miraculous.
The standards of care and service provided by the
medical sector in the private sector is what is causing
people to flock to these service providers and centres.
And I am happy to note that. As for doctors,
whether they work in the public or the private
sector, they display equal commitment. It is a
hallmark of the profession that doctors rarely have
time for a personal life.They are available for their patients at all hours of the day and night. And for this level
of commitment and concern one cannot but thank you.
Today’s awards aim to recognise and reward best
practises and I thank all of the winners and the nominees for their excellence and for the excellence of the
care they have provided.
Ram Vilas Paswan;
Union Minister of Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution
I would like to
congratulate The Times
of India Group and New
India Assurance for taking
this initiative. All of us need
recognition and this is a
very good first step.
Lov Verma
Secretary, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
I want to congratulate everyone here because what they do is stupendous. But as a
crusader of health and fitness I want to say
that we need to change our lifestyles and realise that looking after bodies is something
that we need to do for ourselves. Being fit
will only increase our efficiency in all aspects
of our life.We should not forget that health is
the most precious bit of wealth we have.
Bipasha Basu, Actress
Thought Leaders
There are some who become the leading lights in their field,
setting standards and becoming the ‘Thought Leaders’
Catch the coverage of the ET Healthcare Achievers Awards ET NOW on December 27,
2014 at 7:30 p.m. and repeat telecast on December 28,2014 at 4:30 p.m.
L to R: Meeta Rajivlochan, Commissioner, Municipal Administration, Government of
Maharashtra; Dr. Kiran Marthak, Member of Board of Directors and Global Head Clinical Development, Lambda Research; Sharad Tyagi, Managing Director,
Boehringer Ingelheim India
L to R: Ranjana Smetacek, Director General, Organisation of Pharmaceutical Producers
of India (OPPI); Vishal Bali, Asia Head, Healthcare, TPG Growth; Dr. C.A.K. Yesudian,
Dean, School of Health Systems Studies, Tata Institute of Social Sciences
he Awards were grouped under
different categories and the jury
had a busy task ahead of them in
sifting and selecting the eventual winners. The process of selection took
into account the different criteria for
each of the categories.
Practice leaders: The winners in the
practice leader category were based
on a doctor patient research methodology where over 1000 patients, care
givers and GPs and Specialists were
interviewed. The research was based
on critical attributes of care delivery
from a patient's perspective, and the
winners were declared for the following sub categories:
● Single Specialty Hospitals - 4
Specialties (Orthopedics, Oncology,
Cardiology & Neurology) - Pan India
(Top 8 metros).
● Multispecialty Hospitals - Metro
wise (Top 8 metros).
● Best Hospital in Secondary Care;
Zone wise - 4 Zones (North, South,
East & West).
It has been a tough process because there is so much good
work that the Indian healthcare delivery sector is doing, particularly all the big names of the healthcare and the many innovators that are now beginning to disrupt healthcare in this
country. So I think that this is a fantastic platform for all the
trendsetters and innovators to come together and it is definitely a very, very tough task to bring out the best among the best.
Vishal Bali,
Asia Head-Healthcare, TPG Growth
Encouraging Innovation & Setting
Standards: There were 6 Awards under this Innovations and Setting
Standards of Care Delivery category
that were open for all hospitals across
various segments.
● Innovations in managing long
term conditions
● Innovations in patient diagnostics
● Empowering the healthcare in-
dustry with technology
● Innovation in quality of service
● Customer service excellence
● Patient wellbeing and quality care
To determine the winners for these
six Awards, more than 140 hospitals
vied for the 6 Awards in the category.
After the first round of screening, all
the valid entries were put in front of a
Screening Jury who determined the
top three finalists in each category.
The finalists were then called for an inperson presentation to the Final Jury
panel following which the winners
were declared. The process was validated and tabulated by Ernst & Young,
the process partners for the Awards
Recognizing the thought leaders: In
this category the contenders were
based upon jury nominations. Winners
were selected based on unanimous
● Most Inspiring healthcare leader
● Rising star award
● Social NGO group
hile it is vital to focus on the
good work that has been done
across categories, it is equally
important to acknowledge the importance of ‘Thought Leaders’. Because
these are the people and the organisations which create innovative, compassionate and workable out-of-the-box
models in the healthcare eco-system. In
the process they have impacted thousands of lives for the better.
The ‘Most Inspiring
Healthcare Leader
of the Year’ this
year is Dr.
Thulasiraj Ravilla,
Executive Director,
LAICO, Aravind Eye
Care System. He
has been a part of
Dr. Thulasiraj Ravilla, the leadership
team that built
Executive Director,
Aravind Eye care
LAICO, Aravind Eye
System into the
Care System
world’s largest eye
care provider. It is
also known for its sustainable, scalable
and replicable model of service delivery
to all rich and poor.
He brought in the management competence to the organization through effective systems and processes. He was the
South East Asia’s Regional Chair for the
International Agency for the Prevention
of Blindness and was the founder
President of Vision 2020 The Right to
Sight: India. He has also been listed
among the 30 Most Influential People in
Public Health.
This award acknowledges the vision and
passion of Vikram
Vupalla, Founder &
CEO, India’s largest
dialysis network –
NephroPlus. After
spending 10 years in
the US healthcare industry, his passion to
Vikram Vuppala,
redefine healthcare
Founder & CEO,
delivery in India
prompted him to
found NephroPlus in
Dec 2009. He has expanded NephroPlus to
India’s largest dialysis network of 33 centers across 10 states and continues to grow
towards the plan of 150 centers by 2017 to
become the largest network in Asia.
This award goes to
Maharogi Sewa
Samiti, Warora,
Anandwan. The organization, founded
by Baba Amte in
1949, has been
working relentlessly
towards the betterment of stigmatized
Dr. Sheetal Amte,
and marginalized
Chief Development
people such as those
Officer, Maharogi
afflicted with lepSewa Samiti, Warora
rosy, the hearing and
speech impaired,
the visually challenged, the orthopedically challenged and
the socially and economically backward
rural and tribal populace.