Cameron Diaz - Totally Marbella Magazine
Cameron Diaz - Totally Marbella Magazine
MARBELLA January & February 2015 Pre-Nuptial Agreements The 1938 Panic Broadcast An EMPTY Restaurant Review The Cause of Stock Market Crashes A Little Bit of England - near Marbella Ресторан, который не разочарует Cameron Diaz on “Tallying Up a few Scars” 2 MARBELLACarole Malone “At last, a magazine worth reading” MARBELLA 3 Contents A Little Bit of England - Near Marbella The publisher, authors and contributors reserve their rights in regards to copyright of their work. No part of this work covered by copyright may be reproduced or copied in any form or by any means without the written consent of the publisher. Totally Marbella S.L. takes no responsibility for claims made in advertisements in this magazine ©Totally Marbella S.L. Depósito Legal: MA 2277-2013 4 MARBELLA 8 Biting the Hand that Feeds You 10 Life Codes with Heidi Sawyer 14 Avoid Surprises - Insurance for High Net Worth Individuals 16 The Power Struggle 22 A Miracle Slimming Treatment 24 A Spanish Will 28 An Empty Restaurant Review 32 The Panic Broadcast - A Popular Myth? 36 The Cause of Stock Market Crashes - Men 40 Restaurants that won’t Disappoint 42 An Interview with Cameron Diaz 44 How They Mislead Us 48 Positive Thinking 52 How Safe are you on Spanish Roads? 54 Pre-Nuptial Agreements 60 Is Blenheim Palace in Safe Hands? 64 Publisher Totally Marbella SL Editor Sara Soto Obando Email: [email protected] Marbella Sales Office 951 190 489 Totally Marbella Magazine SL Paseo de la Castellana 179 Planta 1 C1, 28046 Madrid Telephone: 91 2865 689 Fax: 91 1881 475 Tel. 633 464 077 [email protected] Nueva Andalucía - Las Brisas Ref. 161-03378P Marbella East - Bahía de Marbella €3,295,000 Beds: 5 Baths: 6 Built: 560 Ref. 161-03415P €4,300,000 Plot: 1,047 Terrace: 132 Beds: 7 Baths: 4 Built: 769 Plot: 1,639 Contemporary 5 bedrooms villa located in the heart of Nueva Andalucia. The property offers on the ground floor open plan living and dining space complete with a state of the art custom kitchen; access to the garden and covered terrace and swimming pool area; stylish outdoor living area within outdoor kitchen and BBQ as well as a lounge space; double bedroom with en-suite bathroom and a study leading out to a private terrace. Cosy villa in Marbella built to the highest standards. On the first floor has master bedroom with bathroom en-suite; there are a further two bedrooms with shared bathroom. The lowel level has garage and fully equipped gymnasium ; a double bedroom with en-suite bathroom can be used as staff accommodation. The property consist of spacious living room with the fireplace; fully fitted kitchen; dining area an direct access to the brightly terrace with the swiming pool and tropical garden. The property located in a prestigious place Bahia de Marbella in a walking distance to the beach and a 5 minuts drive from the town center. The property situated just a few minuts to the all amenities and famous Puerto Banus. WWW.CROWNMARBELLA.COM • [email protected] • +34 952 765 620 Main and Sales Office: Hotel Puente Romano - Sales and Rental Office: Guadalpin Banus Hotel WWW.CROWNMARBELLA.COM • [email protected] • +34 952 765 620 Main and Sales Office: Hotel Puente Romano - Sales and Rental Office: Guadalpin Banus Hotel A Little Bit of England Near Marbella “As you start down the path it is hard to believe you are in southern Spain; it really is just like being on a footpath in Devon.” by Emily Williams E ach autumn I go to stay with friends who have a small hotel in Lynmouth in Devon, a village that in the winter has just 70 inhabitants. I spend hours walking in the hills and by the river; it’s wonderful, with the cleanest air you will ever breathe and absolutely peaceful. This year I couldn’t go, like many from the UK, I need to retain that connection with my roots. A friend suggested that instead I take trip up to Istan – of all places – and go for a walk there. So, one day recently I rather doubtfully made my way up to the village, finding it hard to believe that there could 8 MARBELLA be anything remotely like Lynmouth in an inland Spanish village. If approaching from the centre of Marbella, the turning to Istan is just after the Puente Romano hotel; it’s well signposted, and it takes about half an hour on the mountain road to get there. As you enter the village you will see a fork in the road; take the right-hand fork signposted for Plaza del Calvareo, follow that road round for about 100 metres, park wherever you can then walk down that road, which is Calle Calvareo. You take the first right off there, and after about 50 metres you will reach a footpath. As you start down the path it is hard to believe you are in southern Spain; it really is just like being on a footpath in Devon. You generally won’t see anyone else along the way, although there is an elderly gentleman who takes his goats for a walk along the path, as we would a dog. Walking to the end of the footpath and back at a leisurely pace will take you half an hour. However, if you are feeling energetic, you can go for the day, as Istan has six hours of country walks. 9 Biting the Hand that Feeds You by James Dunbar T hose who were around at the time will tell of how they can remember exactly where they were and what they were doing when they heard President Kennedy had been assassinated or when 9/11 happened. In the same way, I can remember exactly where I was in 1991 when I heard Gerald Ratner’s infamous speech to the Institute of Directors. Although not a major disaster for the world, this was certainly a personal disaster for Ratner. Ratner, who’d left school with no qualifications, took over the Ratner family jewellers business in 1984 at age 34. Most of their 100 shops were loss making, but he quickly transformed the company into the biggest jeweller in the world. He mounted audacious takeover after audacious takeover until eventually the group had 2,500 shops and annual profits of £121 million. Shares were worth 27p when he took over; within two years, they rocketed to £4.20. There were different parts to the group, some selling very expensive jewellery and watches under various brand names, and the Ratner chain of jewellers, which, although catering for the bottom end of the market, was enormously profitable; more profitable per square metre than any other retailer in Europe. Britain was in the middle of a recession when Ratner was invited to address 5,000 members of the Institute of Directors at the Royal Albert Hall. Ratner was a very shrewd businessman, but he was also rather mischievous and liked to introduce a little humour into his speeches. Although it’s hard to believe, he says the speech he made that night had been approved by his PR people and that he had actually used the same material in a previous speech. The talk was actually very good. Ratner spoke about their upmarket division Zales, the diamond specialist, H. Samuel and Watches of Switzerland, which was selling watches at up to £250,000 each. Then he moved onto the original Ratner group, at which point things started to go downhill. He said: “We do a cut-glass sherry decanter complete with six glasses on a silver-plated tray your butler can serve you drinks on, all for £4.95. People say, how can you sell this for such a low price? I say because it is total crap.” Gerald Ratner 10 MARBELLA I was driving along Kensington High Street, just passing Barkers to be precise, tuned into Radio 4’s The World Tonight, listening to Ratner’s speech. When he came out with the line about the product being “crap” it raised a laugh, but not from me; I was appalled. I said aloud, “Oh my God, what have you done”. Well what he had done – at a stroke – was bring an enormously profitable group to its knees. They do say that if you are in a hole, stop digging; but Ratner didn’t. He went on to say: “We even sell a pair of gold earrings for under £1, which is cheaper than a prawn sandwich from Marks & Spencer, but I have to say that the sandwich will probably last longer than the earrings.” The press had a field day; I can remember a journalist who was at the Royal Albert Hall telling me that once he was sure he had heard Ratner correctly, he had ran to a phone box to call his editor. His editor asked incredulously, “Are you absolutely sure he said that?” The day after the speech, the Sun headline was “Rotners”; the Mirror tastefully chose, “You 22-carat gold mugs”. The company was in crisis; the group appointed a new chairman, who proceeded to cut Ratner’s salary in half, withdraw his fleet of cars and finally, and unceremoniously, sack him. Personal bankruptcy and depression quickly followed. For five years, all he did was cycle every day to combat his depression. However, he reached a point where he could no longer cycle, and he lay in bed unable to get up, watching repeat episodes of Countdown. He tried to set up a consultancy firm, which failed, and then tried, and failed, with another. Ratner then had the idea to open a health club, and looked for a bank to fund him. By this time, he didn’t have the greatest of reputations. However, a bank was prepared to back him. But why? They loaned him the money on the strength that he had 500 members registered before it had even opened. This much was true, but what he didn’t tell the bank was that he had put an ad in the local paper saying the membership was free. Nevertheless, the club was a success, and he sold the business in 2001 for £3.9 million. He went onto set up Gerald Online, his online jewellery business, using half of the money from the health club sale; this has since become Britain’s biggest online jeweller. He now lives in an impressive Edwardian house, and there is a Bentley in the drive. He cycles 22 miles a day and is content with his life. He admits that he still makes mistakes, but perhaps not of such epic proportions as on that fateful night in 1991. 11 Life Codes January 2015 Life Codes are a combination of numerology and the tree of life. The tree of life is an ancient wisdom, when combined with numerology it unlocks the secrets of your psyche to reveal new ways of discovering your deepest potential. To work our your Life Code add all the numbers in your birthdate until you return to a single figure. A person born on the 25th July 1982 becomes 2+5+7+1+9+8+2=34. The end figure you add together until it reaches a single figure. The example figure of 34 becomes 3+4=7 Life Code 7. For the Life Codes calculator visit by Heidi Sawyer Events that have previously been left hanging finally come to a conclusion. Decisions around your self-esteem and worth are much easier to make. If the time has come to let go of something or someone then left go gracefully. Tidying up is the flavour of the month so if you need to let go of something or someone who behaved in a hurtful manner then it’s a great time to do it. You’ll feel a sense of relief. Money is becoming easier if you have finally got a handle on your income and outgoings. Life Code 1 has the habit of letting things drift, presently it’s a great time to emotionally mature and handle your affairs. This is your month of new beginnings. Relationships which have been up and down for a while start to get straightened out. Be careful of unnecessary arguments. You are more honest than usual your communication skills are good. You have a wonderful opportunity to be heard. New work projects have life this month. Clarity is essential right now as this is the time to set boundaries and see things from truth. Money issues spring to life mostly to persuade you to tackle things head on rather than burying your head away from confrontation. Personal affairs especially around friendship and true connection become important to you this month. You’ll start to see the benefit of genuine situations rather than continue to entertain the superficial or overly dramatic. This month you’ll feel more confident in your decisions. Your tendency to rescue people is out of town. The days of feeling you’re the general dog’s body has come to an end. You’ll feel better equipped to address your priorities. Spare a little time for those close to you, even have a weekend break or holiday. You’ve worked hard enough to deserve it. New beginnings are the spirit of this month so letting go of what doesn’t work for you is going through its preparation stage. People need to decide if they are with you or not. If you’re leading a new project you have a busy month with getting the necessary paperwork in order before plans are in place to get things moving. Bold statements and clear deadlines will enable people to see you’re serious. Relationships take on a new direction this month. If you’ve been in two minds about a potential mate now is the time to choose. If you stall now, but you want them later, they’ll have been snapped up. You like things to have some semblance of order it helps you to keep secure in the world. This month is perfect for solving the past and beginning to grow. You’ll feel more mature in your outlook and less emotional than you have been over the past year. This enables your confidence in new projects to come to the fore. Great time for you to plan your year ahead, it will then feel much less overwhelming. If finances need sorting out be brave this month to tidy up your bank balance and start to create a bright new future. If a new job is part of that picture, get to work changing what you currently do. This month you’re finally rolling forward even though it feels like baby steps at times. You’re now ready to embrace the new and you’re excited about it. There are choices this month for you, perhaps too many. This will create confusion but instead of being immobilised by it, make a bold step forward and go for what you actually want rather than continuing in the stop / start fashion you’ve been used to. There are fewer places to hide and excuses to make. You’re going to need to finally tackle those fear monsters and take a bold step out into the world. Trust that nothing can really shoot you down. Your energy as a Life Code 4 is learning about the meaning of love. You are though extra cautious in all matters of the heart. This month you may find yourself even more cautious than usual. It’s time to take a step back and a realistic look. What’s the worst that can happen? More importantly: What’s the best that can happen? Others are looking for trouble. Your idea of methodical is your colleague’s idea of procrastination. Don’t be intimidated but you do need to finish things up this month as the feel is that of endings. Family and friends appear more argumentative than usual. Roll your eyes and keep out of it. You’ve got better things on your mind. You are beginning to feel more settled and at peace with the world. Finances have the opportunity for a brighter year beginning. This month is about endings, finishing before a beginning can reveal itself. If you’ve been in denial about change, an awakening is about to happen. Boundaries set and favourable outcomes. If you’ve recently upset someone close with your lack of availability, the resentment will ease up and things will get back to normal. You’ll feel you have more of a central balance and focus. Your instinctual deeper senses are stronger this month, your intuitive senses become more reliable as you learn to relax. Major decisions should not be made this month from frustration or anger. If frustration is part of the picture then leave things until others resolve their own issues and you can calm down. Any family difficulties will come to a conclusion this month. Previous arguments are now settled, igniting them again only delays things. Life Code 6 people often find themselves the centre of much attention and activity. Some of that is wanted, other times it isn’t. Be careful not to get involved with gossip as it could get out of hand and others hurt. You’re a kind person so gossiping will only leave you with a feeling of unease. 14 February 2015 You’ll be tempted to withdraw this month into your internal world and explore the meaning of life whilst contemplating future courses or new paths of education. This will involve you reading books on subjects you have an interest in to explore potential avenues deeper. You’re looking for something new to inspire you to help manifest your sense of life purpose. As a Life Code 4 you like to experience things in a solid form with plenty of progress this year is great under the energy of the soul’s progress for such an endeavour. If your life purpose has eluded you, now you will start to see the way forward but remember the crucial aspect – Purpose comes from within. You’re a bit confused at the moment as life is changing to something unfamiliar and unrecognisable territory. You can either go with the flow and accept the changing path is beneficial to you in the long-term or try to punish those who want things to adjust. The latter option will not entice compliance in fact the opposite will occur. You’re in danger of losing everything if you insist on having it your way. Compromise and fair behaviour is necessary even if you can’t see things from a different point of view. Letting go will free your thinking and take you on a new adventure, one which leads to more security. Travel is highlighted for you this month. Take the time to enjoy yourself. Relationship wise this month you may be feeling a new beginning is necessary for things to work. Try not to trigger arguments with loved ones, walk away into another room if necessary. At the moment you want to relax, and get to know yourself. Your world is busy this month with lots of new beginnings and important decisions. It’s time to calm down, and get your priorities straight. If you can’t get them straight in your outer world work on getting them straight in your head. This is your year of intuition this month allow yourself to use it. It’s time to delegate, let others help you in the areas they know best whilst you stick to your strengths rather than trying to do everything. Make more time this month for relationships and loved ones you have lots to learn from them as they have from you. You’re now in the fast-track to soul development so make the most of what you learn from others. After a previous time of turmoil and emotional loss in one sense or another, you are now getting back on an even keel. If there is anything left to be said, that will happen this month as things start to come to a conclusion. A long period of time where your life has been ruled by self-esteem issues now has its chance to finally solve and straighten out once and for all. You have the opportunity to find your sense of self is stronger and let go of old habits, frameworks and family patterns. Take the incredible opportunity for change. New starts and transformation always brings a mixed response of heightened emotions for you. This month is full of new starts some of them a welcome change, some of them a little unexpected. Try not to allow your thoughts to skip back to the past, this unleashes old anxieties and it’s now time to step forward rather than worry about what could have been. Allow a sense of freedom, peace, and a tickle of excitement to come into your life. Working relationships started this month could have an up and down motion to them but will in time even out. Try not to feel too emotionally paranoid even if the circumstances call for it. You’re learning to trust more these days, the trust is in your own ability to make intuitively correct decisions. Life is quieter this month as events both internally and externally begin to slow down. Your emotional world has had its moments in the last few months, now you’re feeling more settled it’s easier to make long-term commitments. Money wise life events start to solve themselves so you can make better financial decisions. It’s a great time for some rest and relaxation so if you haven’t yet had time to book your holiday, now is the time to decide where you’re going. Now that you’ve calmed down, you’ll find people are a lot easier to get along with. Transformative change begins this month but may not properly manifest for a little while longer. The changes feel too huge to handle in the first instance but will soon transform into wonderful new opportunities. On balance, you’ll come out a lot stronger. It’s now time to balance your life whilst accepting responsibility for yourself. The acceptance of responsibility will bring instant relief and a settled inner world. It’s been a long time coming but the instant acceptance will help things to move forward substantially. Keep working to balance the family finances and you’ll get there even if it feels a long way off. You’re distracted this month so it’s not the best time to start relationships both on the personal and work front. Concentrate on getting your priorities straightened out so your confidence can grow. You like to see the finished product of all that you start. This month you’ll see the end result of many things you’ve been working hard on. Conclusions, seeing your results from all your personal efforts and development make life richly rewarding for you. If you’ve been in a ball of procrastination you need to get out. If you have recently been following the flow of the Life Code 9’s natural energy you’ll be feeling much lighter than you have done in recent times. All that hard work will start to pay off and you’ll start to feel proud of yourself. Relationships are easier because you’re feeling better not because the person has changed. Confidence is your key this month, let it rise to the surface and make the most of things. You’re being asked to take on new roles and responsibilities in the home and work place. This is both an exciting and daunting time. All the recognition you’ve been desperate for is about to land in your lap. Suddenly you move from invisible to completely seen. Last month you were completing unfinished business. This month you’re starting afresh. Health worries relating to stress have and will continue to be on your mind. Relationships take on a new guise and level of commitment. Unsavoury characters you’ve been holding onto finally begin to drop into the background. Popular at work, your opinion and abilities are starting to be seen by those who matter the offers begin to come in. You have more attention for personal relationships. Focus on making these strong. MARBELLA 15 DENTAL CLINIC Our objective is the satisfaction of all our patients by offering our best personalised quality treatments. Avoid Surprises Insurance for High Net Worth Individuals W hat follows is an example of an actual case: Mr. and Mrs. Granger are British and own a nice villa on the Costa del Sol. They have happily spent the last eight years in Spain, but recently had an unfortunate experience. During a trip abroad, a neighbour informed them that their home had been burgled. They cut short their holiday and flew home. After passing through security at the airport, in the middle of the stress, 16 MARBELLA Mr. Smith realised that he had lost his iPad, valued at e800. Back at home, they found that amongst other things several valuable items were missing: silverware valued at e16,000, an eighteenthcentury cuckoo clock valued at e10,000 and a stamp collection valued at e8,000. Additionally there was some damage to a window and a door. They immediately contacted their insurers, and discovered that not all the items were covered and therefore they were not able to claim for everything they had lost. The iPad was classed by the insurer as a “loss” rather than theft, and so was not covered. The clock’s value was not taken into consideration because it was not individually declared in the policy as a special valuable object; the same rule was applied to the silverware. Our COIMAR team of doctors and hygienists are in constant training and regular seminars in order to offer you the newest treatments available. • We always find a way to treat our patients in the least aggressive manner. Therefore we strongly believe in the importance of prevention check-ups every 6 months. • “Teeth in 1 hour” Having a 3D radiography, our own exclusive laboratory and our specialist team of doctors will enable you have the best smile in Marbella, without delay. • 24 h, emergencies at weekends: we look after you 7 days a week. • Sedation: Clinic COIMAR offers you all the treatments with Sedation. • Specialists in the gentle care of children’s teeth, treating those small mouths and teeth making it a fun time. We have a kid’s waiting room and perfectly suited treatment room to relax them. Dental Esthetics | Dentineers | Implants | Incrustations | Orthodontic treaments Preventive check ups | Root Canals | Sedation | Sinus elevation | Whitening C/ Estébanez Calderón, 6. Edf. Nereira Poseidón Local 9 29602 Marbella (Málaga) +34 952 771 464 [email protected] So can standard off-the-shelf insurance provide adequate coverage for those who own luxury homes where high-value buildings and contents coverage is required? 5 As the owner of a high-value home, you probably take great care when choosing your financial advisors or when deciding on whether to make a particular investment. Many people do not take the same care when selecting an insurer for their home, however. 6 Nearly all High Net Worth householders (97 percent) insure their property with a standard off-the-shelf insurance policy, simply because many are unaware that specialised High Net Worth insurance exists. 7 Standard off-the-shelf insurance is fine for standard homes, but if you have a little more to protect, or if you lead a dynamic lifestyle, then a standard policy is unlikely to provide you with the coverage you need, as Mr. and Mrs. Granger’s case shows. Unfortunately, this usually only comes to light when you make a claim, and many realise that saving a few euros on the premium can mean losing thousands of euros in the event of an actual claim. 10 Reasons why you should get a quote from a specialised High Net Worth Insurer: 1 A specialist High Net Worth Insurer only insures high-value, quality homes, and will therefore understand your needs and requirements far better than a mass market insurer would. 2 They will arrange for an Independent Valuer to visit the property and advise on the correct sums insured, and all aspects of security and precautions vis-à-vis fire and burglary. 3 You will have the benefit of a worldwide “All Risks Covered” programme and much broader coverage in general. 4 High Net Worth policies tend to be “warranty free”—in other words, no restrictive clauses that can cause problems in the event of a claim. 18 MARBELLA The limits and sub-limits will be much higher and will be far better-suited to the dynamic lifestyle of those with high-value possessions to protect. No average clause will generally apply, and buildings tend to be insured on an “Extended Reconstruction Value”, meaning that in the event of a total loss, the insurer will bear the full cost of reconstruction of your home, even if it is greater than the sum insured. High Net Worth Insurers will provide coverage that addresses the multitude of new risks facing wealthy families—for example, when an artist dies and a work of “Standard off-the-shelf insurance is fine for standard homes, but if you have a little more to protect, or if you lead a dynamic lifestyle, then a standard policy is unlikely to provide you with the coverage you need.” art goes up in value, high-risk insurers will normally take this into account, even if they hadn’t previously been informed. Other risks covered include defective titles, stolen credit cards, new possessions, emergency travel, acquired disability coverage and much more. 8 Communication with specialist High Net Worth Insurers tends to be fluid and based on good old-fashioned common sense, as opposed to the more modern “one size fits all” approach that so many mass-market insurance companies seem to have adopted. 9 High Net Worth Insurers and Brokers tend to make the whole claims experience far more bearable and will not have you running around getting endless quotes. In fact, recent studies show that up to 40 percent of claims paid under a High Net Worth policy would not be covered under a standard policy. 10 A tailored High Net Worth product need not cost more than a massmarket product, and can in fact often cost less—in particular if the sums insured are very high or if there is a considerable collection of art and/or antiques. Mr. and Mrs. Granger received a pay-out of just e8,000, when they could have received e34,800 if they had been insured under a High Net Worth policy. This prompted them to study their case with an insurance broker, who advised them to take out insurance with a specialised company. They finally decided to extend their home protection and changed to a High Net Worth Insurer that provided the specific coverage they needed. The additional benefits provided by the new policy were worth the change. We hope that this article has highlighted that there is a little more to insuring a high-value home than simply going with the cheapest quote, and just because there is a global household brand name attached to the policy does not necessarily mean that the coverage is suitable for high-value homes and dynamic lifestyles. This is where a specialist High Net Worth Broker can be of great assistance, as he or she will be able to identify the insurance that is best suited to your requirements, and will discuss your personal requirements and highlight any specific areas you should be aware of. The Broker can advise you on the differences between the types of coverage available in Spain when compared to northern Europe, and proactively service your policy. In particular, the Broker can ensure that if you are unfortunate enough to have to make a claim, it will be dealt with swiftly, fairly and professionally. Written by Danni Worth, of Op de Beeck & Worth Insurance Brokers Sánchez & Beck Abogados es un despacho especializado en todo tipo de procedimientos judiciales de materia civil, penal, administrativa, mercantil e inmobiliario, así como asesoramiento extrajudical, emisión de dictámenes e informes jurídicos e intervención en compraventas y otros contratos. Nuestra filosofía es la del trabajo serio y profesional, prestando a nuestros clientes un servicio directo y personalizado. Sánchez & Beck Abogados is a law firm that specialises in all kinds of court proceedings of civil, criminal, administrative, company and real estate nature as well as in delivery of legal opinions, advice, legal reports and intervention in sale/purchase operations and other contracts. Our philosophy is that of responsible and professional work and rendering a direct and one-to-one service to our clients. Sánchez & Beck Avocats est un cabinet d’avocats spécialisés dans les procédures judiciaires de tous types; en matière civile, pénale, administrative, commerciale et dans l’immobilier, ainsi que dans le conseil juridique, dans l’émission de rapports et d’expertises juridiques et dans le contrat de vente et d’achat et autres contrats. Notre philosophie est celle d’un travail sérieux, professionnel, assurant à nos clients un service directe et personnalisé. C/ Notario Luis Oliver 6, 6º - 29600 Marbella, Málaga Tel. +34 952 903 306 • Fax +34 952 902 608 [email protected] www. The Power Struggle One of the many and varied joys of spending a large part of each year in our home in southern Spain is the thrill of opening the pile of post delivered in our absence. Despite owning a home here for nearly 12 years, it is a matter of great regret that our grasp of Spanish is limited fundamentally to the essentials; ordering a meal and a drink while using the fail-safe pointing and smiling system developed over many a gruelling evening. So while bills can be neatly stacked on one area of the kitchen table, any letters, particularly from utility companies or government or tax departments, are carefully scrutinised for a hint of their meaning. Clearly, we are “esteemed clients”, I get that. But thereafter, the words are simply a jumble on the page and the attachments, which look even more daunting and important, appear unfathomable gibberish. It is at times like this that our wonderful Spanish cleaner/angel rides to the rescue. Her English shames us, even though she is married to an Englishman (no excuse I know!). It is only ever on her arrival that we learn that a visit was planned to a) repair a valve on the boiler b) check the gas supply or c) cut us off for underpaying by €3 due to an unexpected shortage of funds in the Spanish bank account. All of these events were to take place, naturally, while we were thousands of miles away in blissful ignorance, or at home, as we prefer to call it! So it was on our most recent arrival. On a previous visit, we discovered we were being “fined” by Endesa to the tune of €90 per month due the kW rating of our meter. I hadn’t actually fitted the meter myself, having assumed that was their job, and had never applied for a particular kW rating when we bought the apartment from the friendly and helpful developer. However, I now needed to (as my wife would say) “deal with it”, and found myself on my way to old town Marbella in the company of our cleaner/angel who had insisted on picking me up, driving me and acting as interpreter in helping to resolve this matter. If you’ve never had the pleasure of a trip to these offices, I really think you’re missing 22 MARBELLA out on one of the genuine experiences of Spanish living. First, you need to get up at some ungodly hour like 7.30 am so that you can get into Marbella and park. The parking place of choice for our cleaner/angel is a bombsite high above the town where a young man who has acquired the badge of office of all parking attendants (a high-vis vest) will accept your cash and allow you to park in this particular spot. You then make your way by foot to the offices themselves, which are ideally situated up a cramped and narrow side street not far from Orange Square. Unprepossessing is the word that springs to mind most readily. If you were expecting shiny, state-of-the-art offices with a whizzy reception and lots of steel and glass you would be dreadfully disappointed. Outside, at 8.10 am, there is already a gathering of “esteemed clients” dodging the traffic and jostling for position. You have to announce your arrival very clearly to establish who is last in line before you, and then ensure that any subsequent “esteemed clients” arriving are fully appraised of their place in the hierarchy developing on the pavement as the temperature increases considerably. The offices do not open until 9 am, but this is only what you might call a preliminary queue. Once the old wooden doors covered in typed instructions creak open both slowly and grudgingly, you have to fight your way through to be greeted by a young lady whose days on the customer service course were sadly wasted. Her job is to organise what I will call the queue proper; you are handed a ticket, on which there is a number that will be called when you are considered esteemed enough to be dealt with. The excitement at this stage is so intense that it is sometimes difficult to remember the purpose of your visit. Getting a seat in front of one of these highly trained and motivated operatives seems somehow to be reward enough in itself. But the queue proper does at least afford you time to take in the shabbiness and total air of neglect in the offices; every expense has clearly been spared. The objects of your (now) raging desire sit behind small metal desks that house huge computer screens and telephones. There is also a forest of Post-it notes, a large amount of personal detritus and all sorts of handwritten sheets, one of which, I’d be prepared to bet, says in Spanish, “You don’t have to be mad to work here…”. Still, as you sit in the by David Lawson stifling heat, with the slightly acrid scent of more and more “esteemed clients” talking ever more animatedly on their mobile phones and invading your personal space, you are at least safe in the knowledge that you have your numbered ticket and, at some stage, you will be dealt with. When that finally happens, a rush of gratitude and relief and joy wash over you, a bit like being a supporter of the Spanish national football team not all that long ago, I imagine. As soon as you scoot into the seat on the esteemed side of the desk of course, the operative lumbered with the job of dealing with your query always seems to have some pressing business involving her neighbouring operative, the acquisition of chewing gum (apparently essential for all of them) or a phone conversation that simply cannot wait. When what she can spare of her attention is with you, the matter of the fine, the meter, the kW supply level, et al. is both swiftly and sympathetically dealt with. Only thanks, of course, to the presence of my native-speaking cleaner/angel who, as we skip out of the office laughing slightly hysterically and high-fiving each other down the cobbled street, is to be rewarded with a coffee at the best place in town! So that, you may think, is that. But that is as far from that as that can be actually, as we discovered on arriving back this time. After our visit to their offices, they had written to us to confirm everything that was agreed at the meeting. Unfortunately, this involved signing and returning an attached form within 20 days of that visit. Since we had left the country seven days after the heady excitement of spending a few hours in their offices, the letter lay unopened for over a month, meaning none of the agreed actions were carried through. Your lawyer, your accountant. Working together for you. Your business is in good hands at marbella’s leading spanish property lawyers, accountants and tax consultants. Also, to make your legal and financial matters easier for you to understand, at arcos & lamers asociados we speak several languages including spanish, english, dutch, German and french. ¨civil legal and extrajudicial proceedings ¨purchase and sale of real estate ¨tax law: tax and accounting advice ¨corporate law, trade companies ¨inheritance, wills and succession ¨spanish employment advice ¨trademarks and patents ¨criminal law ¨bankruptcy proceedings ¨legal and fiscal advice in general maite arcos & wim lamers Laugh? Well, no, not really. avda. ricardo soriano, 12 · edif marqués de salamanca, 10 -3 · 29601 marbella · tel: +(34) 952 775 010 · fax: +(34) 952 900 577 | email: [email protected] 23 A MIRACLE Slimming Treatment? by Lucia Stephens de la Rosa I onithermie is a treatment that that will remove unwanted inches instantly – or will it? This treatment is most commonly offered on cruise ships, and of course it is no coincidence that this is where many people tend to eat and drink to excess; it must seem attractive to lose the inches you are putting on during the course of the cruise. It has been hailed as a “miracle” treatment for slimming, skin toning and the removal of cellulite. Over the years, I have looked at lots of treatments and sadly have never come across anything that remotely resembles a miracle. But there will always be those who opt for a treatment that offers an alternative to the simple and straightforward – but less appealing – way of losing weight, namely eating less and exercising. This lengthy treatment starts with the body being brushed with a dry brush, similar to a hairbrush. I have been skin brushing for years. The skin is the body’s largest organ, and a third of your toxins are excreted through it; my understanding is that dry brushing assists in unclogging the pores and excreting toxins that have become trapped in the skin. Some people believe that skin 24 MARBELLA 25 brushing can assist with weight loss, but could this be a bit of window dressing when incorporated in the Ionithermie treatment? The treatment continues with a shower, which is what you should do after skin brushing. The areas you aim to lose weight from are then covered with an algae-infused clay, before electrodes are placed on the clay and a current applied to make the muscles twitch. But can clay and making muscles twitch really help you lose weight? Is there any scientific evidence that this works? I am aware of no such evidence. One website for a clinic that offers this treatment claims: “Just one session of the Ionithermie ‘Body Melt’, worldwide established French instant slimming and anti-cellulite treatment, and – Voilà! – your favourite dress fits perfectly again!” Really? They go on to say: “Ionithermie is the only cosmeceutical treatment to detoxify the body at the cellular level. The treatment gives immediate sustainable inch loss of up to eight inches per treatment.” But what is cosmeceutical? No such word existed until about 20 years ago, when the cosmetics industry invented it to describe a cosmetic product claimed to have medicinal or drug-like benefits. So can this treatment make you lose the inches it claims to? Wrapping yourself in hot clay will cause you to sweat a lot; if you cover part of the body with anything – even old rags – and make it sweat, then it will shrink. However, this is a temporary effect, and will probably last for less than a day. Many of the clinics offering Ionithermie treatment claim the effects can last for months. Aromatherapy is often introduced as part of the package, and I am always wary of packages where a product or service is padded out with various components; often there is no reason other than to justify the high cost. Weight loss and anti-ageing treatments is a multi-billion dollar industry, and when it comes to marketing and packaging, no expense is spared; the practitioners are highly trained in convincing you to part with your money. That is not to suggest they will all pull the tape tight when carrying out the “after” measurements, but it is not unheard of, and perhaps sometimes done unconsciously. M O N A C O E X C E P T I O N A L P R I V A T E V I L L A The sales people in the diet and anti-ageing industry are highly trained. Some of you will have been approached, as I was in a shopping centre in Madrid, by someone selling anti-ageing creams. They will walk up to you and before you know it, they are applying the cream to one side of your face. Then they show you in a mirror how one side of you face has less lines and wrinkles, and indeed it does. So have we at last found a miracle treatment? Well, not really; one side of your face does indeed have less lines and wrinkles, but then it did before they applied the cream, as our faces rarely age in the same way on both sides. You may have thought that they randomly chose one side of your face, but what the experienced sales person actually did was make a splitsecond assessment before choosing where to apply the cream. Perhaps one day there will be a slimming treatment that allows people to eat as much as they like, or a face cream that will put all cosmetic surgeons out of business, but I wouldn’t bet on it. So is Ionithermie worth trying? If you are on a cruise, you have the time and want to be pampered, why not? Although the exercise bike would probably do you a lot more good. n Marvellous Belle Epoque property of 900 sqm plus terraces n Option to extend by 800 sqm or more n Original period features and 4 metre high celings n Confidential file on application n €26,5 million CA ROLINE OLDS REAL ESTATE The British Agency 26 MARBELLA Please call +377 93 25 86 66/+33 680 86 82 16 Email. [email protected] A Spanish Will DES0708 by Rafael Berdaguer or stirred… when repatriating your funds back to the UK Get more money when making international money transfers with Moneycorp. M any foreign citizens in recent times have invested in real estate in Spain. Having gone through the experience of buying the property, they are now enjoying their time here and life in the sun. However, a number of those who own property here fall into the older age group. Therefore, they, and indeed anyone who would like to save their heirs legal complications on their death, are strongly advised to make a Spanish will, which will make for a speedy and smooth transfer of their Spanish estate. Advantages of having a Spanish will The will is a vehicle that will allow a person (“the testator”) to dispose of his or her assets upon their death to their chosen heirs. Wills have existed in virtually all ancient civilisations and today remain a useful tool in the majority of legal systems throughout 28 MARBELLA “Wills have existed in virtually all ancient civilisations and today remain a useful tool in the majority of legal systems throughout the world.” the world. Where foreigners have assets in Spain, the advantage of executing a Spanish will is mainly to save the heirs administrative delays upon the death of the testator, thus allowing the Spanish part of their estate to be wound up without delay and simultaneously with their foreign estate. Apart from the Spanish will, only two other documents are required to transfer the assets in Spain to the heirs: 1) The death certificate of the testator; if they die outside of Spain it must be translated into Spanish by a registered translator, and notarised and legalised at the relevant office in the foreign country, and 2) A certificate from the Registro de Ultimas Voluntades in Madrid confirming that the testator has left a To find out how easy it is, pop in for a chat or call us on +34 952 587 657, email [email protected] or visit will executed before a public notary, and also confirming that it is the last will left by the testator. The Registro de Ultimas Voluntades is an official registry where all wills executed before a Spanish notary are recorded. Once a Spanish will has been made, the notary concerned is required to provide the registry with the following information: The particulars of the testator, name of the notary, date and protocol number of the will. When a testator makes a will, under Spanish law the latest version will always supersede any previous will; therefore, the testator’s last will is always the one that appears in the register. At the registry office, wills written and notarised abroad can also be registered in Spain, providing they have been translated into Spanish and legalised. Legalised means that the relevant office in that country has officially authenticated the will and it has been witnessed and signed and sealed by a notary. With the two documents described above and a notarised copy of the Spanish will, the appointed heirs or someone with the power of attorney, usually a lawyer, can carry out the necessary legal work to ensure that 30 MARBELLA the assets are transferred to the appointed heirs. A deed has to be submitted to the Spanish inland revenue for payment of death duties within six months of the death of the testator, and once the tax has been paid and the deed has been lodged with the land registry, the assets will pass into the names of the appointed heirs. “If someone dies without having a Spanish will, the heirs will need to contact a firm of solicitors in their own country in order to wind up the foreign estate.” If someone dies without having a Spanish will, the heirs will need to contact a firm of solicitors in their own country in order to wind up the foreign estate. If the will in that country has made provision for the Spanish assets, a Grant of Probate will have to be obtained through that country’s courts to sanction the legal heirs to the part of the estate left in Spain. If a person dies intestate, the courts in their home country will need to establish who the legal heirs to the estate are. When this has been established and probate has been granted, this will have to be translated into Spanish by a registered translator, notarised and legalised. By the time the heirs have gone through this lengthy and costly process, the six-month statutory time limit allowed to submit a return for death duties in Spain that pertain to the Spanish assets will most likely have passed, and surcharges and penalties will be added to the tax bill. Therefore, the advice to all foreign property owners in Spain is to make a Spanish will. Rafael Berdaguer, lawyer from the firm Rafael Berdaguer Abogados based in Marbella, Spain 31 An EMPTY Restaurant Review D espite visiting two restaurants for this edition, we have no restaurant review for our readers. If we print a review, it is because the restaurant is good, not because we have been paid to do so. So what happened? Well, both restaurants are ones you will probably know, and are located in nice settings. In the first establishment, when the waiter came to take our order we weren’t quite ready, so we asked if we could have a moment longer. After 20 minutes, none of the waiters on duty were anywhere to be found, so I went to look for our waiter and found him in the bar, which rather irritated him because I interrupted him sending a “WhatsApp” message. The evening continued in the same vein, and we were made to feel that the waiters were doing us a favour. The shame is that the food was actually very good. However, if a restaurant has a nice setting, good food but poor service, it is not an establishment we can recommend. It’s a management problem but easily rectified; they need to re-train their staff. Then there was the house wine. We always order house wine because a house wine should be good. Our waitress gently tried to steer us off the house wine, so I guessed it wasn’t going to be good, and it wasn’t. It wasn’t like a carton of Don Simon, but I would guarantee that you could buy a bottle in the supermarket for two Euros and it would taste better. A restaurant should be proud of its house wine, not have one that forces you to order something more expensive; that should be a matter of choice. This means there is nothing to recommend for this edition, but do look at the Restaurants that won’t disappoint section – they are all fine establishments. MARBELLA Gaucho Restaurant, Tower Bridge M any of those who reside in Marbella also have property in London, so I thought I would tell you about my experience when I went to Gaucho, at Tower Bridge, just before Christmas. Situated next to the Shard and with Tower Bridge right in front of the restaurant, it’s a great setting; the interior is lovely, with low lighting. Eight of us went and had a set menu. The starter was cured, braised and spitroasted beef. It seemed a strange starter because it was like a main course; quite honestly that would have done it for me: I was ready for the dessert. We were then each served a platter with six different cuts of beef, consisting of rib eye, rump, flank, sirloin, fillet and skirt. It was enormous, and I probably ate about 10 percent of it. Those amongst us with a really big appetite ate about half and left the rest. So what was the point in serving a dish that hardly anyone can eat? It was described on the menu as a feast of hedonistic pleasure. This was followed by Malbec sorbet and a cheese platter that nobody touched. We were offered a digestif; but the digestive I really needed was an Alka Seltzer. “Our starters, which were hot – or meant to be – had clearly been in the microwave; parts were very hot but they were cold in the middle.” The second restaurant we visited was the reverse; the service was great but the food wasn’t. We had a lovely waitress who was very kind and attentive, but our starters, which were hot – or meant to be – had clearly been in the microwave; parts were very hot but they were cold in the middle. When the main courses came, the plates were cold and the food lukewarm. 32 by Daniela The service was faultless, but the bill was something else: for the eight of us it came to £1,600. Was it worth it? At around 250 euros a head I can’t see how it was, since we left most of what was served uneaten. I suppose they have got it right, though: the restaurant was absolutely packed. As one table was vacated it was quickly cleared and prepared for the next guests, who were waiting in the bar. The manager / head waiter who gave us the bill told us service was included and that it all went to our waitress. So we checked with the waitress as we left to make sure that was the case: “Well yes” she replied hesitantly, which I read as “Well no”. Anyone who thinks that some of Marbella’s restaurants are expensive should give some of the central London restaurants a try: it really puts things into perspective. And then there are the taxis. You should never ask a London taxi driver how things are; but if you do, he will tell you they haven’t had a good year since the 1958 London bus driver strike. Meanwhile the meter goes sky-high; sometimes you are tempted to get out before your stop, just to stop it from going any higher. I think I’ll stick to Marbella restaurants and taxis. 33 Sotogrande - Price on Application Ref: 127639 A unique villa situated in the heart of Sotogrande. Meticulously constructed to the highest standards and offering incredible sea views. On the ground level there are two large bedrooms both of which have en-suite bathrooms. There is a home office and for those relaxing evenings an eight seater cinema room with wc. The fully fitted, top of the range kitchen also has a second industrial kitchen for entertaining. The living room with generous dimensions and room for dining completes this floor and leads out on to the large wrap around terrace which looks out over a good sized garden. The semi-basement features an enormous entertainment room decorated in Ancient Egyptian sculptures and motifs. On this level are a further two en-suite bedrooms both with natural light and ventilation. There is also a gym area. Then perhaps one of the most distinctive and stunning rooms ever to be encountered: a scaled down replica of a famous London West-End Theatre. With room for up to fifty guests and featuring a stage and elegant regal boxes it is the perfect place to enjoy private performances of all your favorite theatre shows. Build: 2.000m2 Plot: 3.040m2 Beds: 8 Baths: 8 Guadalmina Baja - 8.500.000€ Ref: 127343 An incredible villa, situated in a quiet cul-de-sac, only minutes from the acclaimed Guadalmina Spa & Golf Resort Hotel and the sandy Guadalmina beach. The property combines the flavour of an original Moorish design by the well-known architect Cesar de Leyva, with modern, luxurious living standards. The stunning gardens are a particular feature and have been designed in the style of Madison Cox, the same gardener who oversaw the layout of the famous gardens within the Morrocan home of French fashion designer Yves Saint Laurent. Accommodation comprises a very spacious living room with fireplace and french windows, a separate dining room with a charming covered terrace with barbeque and Andalusian fountain, kitchen equipped with the most modern appliances including a cold room/larder and breakfast area. The upper floor hosts the master bedroom suite and one of the most amazing bathrooms we have seen! The fifth bedroom suite is also on the upper floor with its own fully decked roof terrace. Build: 1.178m2 Plot: 3.979m2 Beds: 5 Baths: 6 34 MARBELLA 35 The PANIC BROADCAST - a Popular Myth? by James Dunbar A n adaptation of H.G. Wells’ science fiction story The War of the Worlds was broadcast on radio by Orson Welles’ Mercury Theatre Group on October 30, 1938. It later became known as the “Panic Broadcast”. What the group did that night has been done many times since, but at the time it was almost unheard of; they created the radio play to sound as if it were a quite different radio broadcast being 36 MARBELLA interrupted by alarming newsflashes, giving the impression that the state of New Jersey was being invaded by Martians. This is said to have caused widespread panic throughout the United States. The story goes that phone lines were jammed as people tried to call the police, while many are said to have fled their homes and congregated in churches. It is also claimed that some contemplated suicide, whilst others armed themselves. The problem, it is claimed, was that listeners tuned into the radio programme part way through the broadcast and didn’t realise it wasn’t true. But did it really cause the panic that we have been led to believe it did by the newspapers of the day, and by the subsequent books written and films made about that memorable night in 1938? 37 After all, just how many people would have tuned into this radio programme part way through? Millions? It is claimed by those who support the mass panic claim that many households tuned into the programme during the musical interlude on the popular “Chase and Sanborn Hour”; however, there were many other shows they could have tuned into, as it wasn’t the only radio station around. A ratings firm that was conducting a survey that night confirmed that just 2% of the American public was listening, and of course many of those would have listened to the programme from the start and not believed it was real. This is not consistent with accounts of the whole United States being placed into wild panic. Also, it doesn’t account for the fact that there would have been some voices of reason around, perhaps pointing out that Martians, like Dracula and Frankenstein, don’t really exist. Over the years, this has prompted researchers to look for proof of widespread panic throughout America that night, and real evidence has been very conspicuous by its absence. It is certainly true that phone lines did become jammed as people tried to phone the police and authorities, probably in 38 MARBELLA most cases just looking for confirmation that the whole thing was a hoax. Where there was any panic, it was probably confined to New Jersey and New York – in other words, closest to home. It is certainly true that phone lines did become jammed as people tried to phone the police and authorities, probably in most cases just looking for confirmation that the whole thing was a hoax. Interestingly, if what is claimed were true, you would have expected researchers to find cases of injuries caused by panicked masses trampling others underfoot as they attempted to escape the attack, and even increased cases of heart attacks, but hospitals in the affected areas reported little evidence of this. Law enforcement agencies also had little to report in this respect. There is, however, a much more likely explanation as to how this was blown out of all proportion, which relates to how the newspapers chose to report the incident. At the time, newspaper advertising revenues had declined drastically. The culprit? Radio stations. This then became an opportunity for the newspaper industry to collectively demonise the broadcasting companies to prove to advertisers and regulators alike that radio management was irresponsible and not to be trusted. It became a crusade against radio, an attempt to drive people back to newspapers by discrediting radio as a source of news. Of course, the newspaper industry would later find that radio was the least of their worries when, in the late 1940s, television broadcasts began. In 1948, there were 102,000 TV sets in the United States, with two-thirds of them in the New York area. Today, the US has a population of 316 million people, 290 million of them have TV sets and over 75% of households have access to the internet. A bit of competition from the radio station that broadcast The War of the Worlds must seem like a dream compared to the competition newspapers face today. LUCEN TRANSLUCENT STATE-OF-THE-ART LIGHT CONCRETE GET THE WOW-FACTOR IN YOUR HOME WITH LUCEM Lucem is a German company that has recently launched on the Costa del Sol. Lucem combines translucent concrete with shimmering light and can be used in many different areas in the house - to provide the WOW-FACTOR. (+34) 630 838 264 • (+34) 620 318 480 | [email protected] | WWW.LUCEM.COM 39 The Cause of Stock Market Crashes - Men E ven since the South Sea Bubble in the 1720s (up until its collapse, the very poorly run South Sea Company offered investors guaranteed interest of 6% pa), when many investors lost everything, markets have been crashing on a regular basis. As caution turns into enthusiasm, enthusiasm turns into over exuberance, followed by fear, panic and a massive sell off. So why does history keep repeating itself? Well, it’s now official; men are the cause of stock market crashes. A recent study carried out by State Street found that men suffer from something called “self-attribution bias”, which is believed to be of particular significance in the world of finance. State Street’s Suzanne Duncan, who is responsible for research and thought leadership for the investment management industry, says this 40 MARBELLA means that when things go well for men – for example, when there are large gains in the fund they are managing – they tend to be very self-congratulatory, but when things go wrong they look to blame others. This makes them over confident, and when markets are rising, rather than simply accepting that almost everybody makes money in a bull market, they start to believe that the success is due to their special skills, which means they are less able to spot a bubble when it is on the way. Because they are quick to blame, they are less able to learn from their mistakes. One of the biggest downsides of blaming others is that you cannot learn; there is nothing to learn if it’s always someone else’s fault, so the mistakes tend to be repeated. Women on the other hand are less self- by James Dunbar congratulatory when things are going well, and generally blame themselves when they are not. So what is the answer? Well, if women make up 50% of those working in this field, we presumably have a 50% chance of avoiding the downfalls of “selfattribution bias”. The trouble is, women don’t make up 50% of those working in the investment world. They only account for 10% of those in traditional finance and 5% of those in venture capital and private equity companies. In hedge funds, this figure drops to just 3%. So, it would appear that we need more women working in these fields; but of course, with men likely to be the employers in more than 90% of the cases, we shouldn’t expect this to happen any time soon. “ I know you better than you know yourself Book your Life Plan Reading with leading Psychic, Heidi Sawyer ” • Do you wish there was an owner’s manual for your life? • Do you ever wonder why you are here and what you are supposed to be doing? You’re truly interested in growing and changing, but you’d like to handle those changes better. You welcome and follow self-knowledge and understanding, but life throws curve balls at you - sometimes big ones. Book a LIFE PLAN Reading Could there really be an owner’s manual just for you? There is - Life Plan Readings are Heidi’s most popular type of reading. Heidi has been offering deep insight and spiritual knowledge since 1996. Her sessions are known throughout the world and regularly featured in the press from the BBC to the Daily Telegraph. Your Life Plan Reading Part 1: Archetypes - The goal and mission of your life. What you are here to do. Part 2: Your Life Code - How to get out of your own way and stop sabotaging yourself. Part 3: Psychic Reading - Recognising the gifts and talents that are uniquely yours, that others can see but you don’t notice. All sections cover your LIFE including work, relationships, money, and those curve balls. In addition: You receive the recorded session and Heidi’s report of the key areas of your reading for you to refer back to. Life Plan sessions are 60 minutes phone consultation, plus report and preparation. Telephone consultations available. +44(0) 1992 531 284 “Destined to be the UK’s leading female psychic” To book pay your deposit here: today or phone the office on +44(0)1992 531 284 “Amazing” “Outstanding” 41 Restaurants that Won’t Disappoint There are some wonderful restaurants in Marbella; below are those that we have managed to review so far – and can highly recommend. Café de Ronda La Trattoria The best coffee in Marbella and some very un-café like high-quality food. Their solomillo con salsa bearnesa, which is really tender beef served with a béarnaise sauce, is definitely worth trying. A real Italian restaurant with great authentic Italian food and wine. The menu is very varied and they serve a wonderful selection of Italian cheeses you won’t find anywhere else. The service is impeccable. Ramón Gomez de la Serna 23. (two minutes walk from Marbella’s Palacio de Congresos) Calle Las Malvas Edificio Online. (Next to the Marbella casino and hotel Andalucia Plaza, with easy parking) Tel: 952 90 08 99 by Daniella Tel: 952 81 75 91 C’est la Vie Bar d’o Wonderful food and excellent service. Don’t think about going into Marbella to dine if you live in San Pedro, but do consider travelling in the other direction. Bar d’o boasts one of the best chefs in Marbella, Tim de Helt. Lobster is a speciality and their Belgian stew is mouth-watering. Avd. las Palmeras, 15, San Pedro (near San Pedro’s 24-hour pharmacy). Avd. Principe de Hohenlohe, Edf. Milla de Oro (on the Golden Mile opposite Hotel Guadalpin). Tel: 952 78 33 94 Tel: 952 82 12 29 Restaurante d’Maria Villa Tiberio This is a very basic Spanish venta that is always packed – and with good reason. If it’s luxury you are looking for then Restaurante d’Maria is not for you; however, if you want some of the best-value food in Marbella then you will love this establishment. The set menu including wine is 8.50 Euros. Luxury at it it’s best, a beautiful restaurant set 6,000 square metres of gardens, with high quality food and service, run by its hands on and charismatic owner Sandro Morelli. Bulevar Principe Alfonso Hohenlohe Km 179, Marbella (just off the Golden Mile opposite Marbella Club Hotel). Carretera N-340, Km 178.5 (The Golden Mile) It’s on the same side of the road and very close to the Marbella Club hotel Tel: 952 77 17 99 Tel: 952 77 18 22 42 MARBELLA 43 Cameron Diaz, 42, stars in her first musical, Annie, playing the evil Miss Hannigan and reveals to the world that not only can she act, write a book (The Body Book), and produce - but she can also carry a tune. Starring alongside Jamie Foxx, Quvenzhane Wallis and Rose Byrne, this Broadway classic is produced by Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith. Diaz has been getting a lot of attention lately for donning a gold and diamond ring given to her by rocker boyfriend Benji Madden, 35, which has sparked rumours of an engagement. The Good Charlotte musician (whose twin brother, Joel, is married to Nicole Richie) follows other notable boyfriends of Ms Diaz including Justin Timberlake and New York Yankees baseball star, Alex Rodriguez. Q : How scary was it for you to be in a musical, and such an iconic one as Annie? Really scary. Are you kidding? I mean, I’m singing in it! It was absolutely terrifying but I wanted to take a chance. I just went for it (laughs). Q : And it’s not all about the superficial? It goes back to being grateful. I’ve been making movies for over 20 years, I’m proud of the work I’ve done and that I’m able to continue, so yeah, I’m happy. Q Q (laughs) Yes, that as well as gratitude. That’s another motto that I live by and it works. When you’re grateful you’re not in need of anything else. I don’t take anything for granted. Q . It’s incredible how happy you’ve always come across and your demeanour has never really changed throughout the years of doing these interviews with you. CAMERON DIAZ Q No, it’s not. We live outside ourselves, we are totally into Selfies and we are all totally about the exterior and what other people think of us and how our façade looks to everybody else. To me, I just don’t personally think that that’s the way that life has to be. I think of all the forms of expression that I have put out and I understand it. I am not taking anything away from wanting to look beautiful on the exterior and I think it’s part of being a human being. We are birds, we have feathers, we want to wear beautiful colours and make them look beautiful when we spread them out. That’s part of nature. I’m very aware about us being animals. We are actual living animals and we are very, very complicated, and we need to remember that. : ‘Going for it’ seems to be your motto in life? Petra Weller Interviews I have gained. Look at all these amazing things that I am capable of doing; I have maintained myself, I am taking care of myself, I have expanded my mind, I have created abilities in my body that I never thought that I could.’ It’s a journey that you take with your body. : Is that why you’re not worried about aging? It’s not that I don’t worry but I’m active and present in it. I’m accepting of it and because I am accepting of it, I try to do the best that I can. I’m not going to be able to stop it and turn it back so how do I be the strongest most capable, most vital person that I can be at this moment while I’m alive? And how can I set myself up to be that way for the rest of my life? You need to be present and pay attention. And you need to do that from a young age. Q : What age? Well, I see a lot of 25 year old girls just doing what 25 year old girls do. They are not taking care of themselves because they are living off of youth. Fine, great, go ahead. But at some point, reality sets in. We get older, and getting older is not just about your butt dropping; getting older means that your body starts to breakdown on a cellular level, and we die. (laughs) And the journey from here to there doesn’t have to be one of hatred towards one’s self. It doesn’t have to be about looking at yourself and wishing that you looked like you did when you were 25. It can be, ‘Wow, look at what : You have a great attitude towards life. I know that you maintain friendships with your exes – that’s quite a feat. You’ve even worked with some of them, including Justin (Timberlake) in Bad Teacher a couple of years ago. Well, Justin and I had a journey together and we continue to have a journey together but it’s changed and I’m okay with that; he’s okay with that. I love this man and I’ll always love him in so many different ways but love evolves and it’s a wonderful thing to be able to share that with somebody whom you really care about. I’m not mad that we are not where we were the first day we met each other and I’m glad we are not where we were the last day we said goodbye to each other. I’m grateful for where we are at right now. Q : Can you talk a little bit about your fashion sense. What would you advise women in their 30s and 40s to wear or maybe what not to wear? And how would you describe your own style? Well, I would say people should wear whatever they are comfortable in.(laughs) I think whatever you feel great in is what you should wear. MARBELLA 45 Whether it’s something that makes you want to accentuate things that you feel good in or hide things that you don’t necessarily like about your body, but also to understand your body, how it works, and how to have the best, strongest body that you can have so you can and feel as confident as you can. And how would I describe my own self as far as style? Just casual and relaxed. Q : What fashion item could you not live without and why? Q : Is that all you’ve got? (laughs) It’s life, it’s just life, and it’s what happens. It’s how you handle it. Q : You have a lot of female friends and don’t seem overly competitive? I hate competition between women. I think with everything I am not a competitive person. I am always about celebrating people. I want everybody to succeed and definitely, when it comes to other women, Q My jeans. : Can you talk a little bit about your shoe collection? Q : Why? Yeah, Pour La Victoire is a shoe line that I am branding and it’s just so much fun. I just thought, ‘How fun would it be to have shoes and bags that you looked at and you were like, God, I wish I could have that, lust over it, and then walk over and look at the price and think, I can afford this! I can have this!’ I also wanted to make a shoe that could just come into a women’s wardrobe and be able to crossover and also be contemporary to the fashion. And not just that but to be also something that’s authentic. Because they are like everything. They are just perfect, jeans are perfect. Q : How comfortable are you on the red carpet? Does it have an element of scariness to it or is it something you get used to? The red carpet is interesting. There are all different reasons to be there and I mean, the red carpet is business for everyone who is on it. For me it’s business because I am usually on it to present a product or promote a product, or participate in something that is celebratory which has to do with my business so it’s something that I have always tried to stay focused on. I just like doing the best that I can for that job, but at the same time every once in a while when you get in front of the cameras and there are so many lights going, there’s this weird thing that happens where sometimes you think your lip is shivering. (laughs) and I am trying to smile and I can’t hold that smile for so long and everybody is screaming and there are so many lights and so you just have to go into a Zen place. You bring it back in, calm down, stay focused, there’s a lot going on. I definitely want other women to succeed. I don’t believe in being jealous of other people for their beauty or their talent or their ability that’s just something that I am not really into. Q Q : I know you don’t always like to discuss your current relationship but do you get concerned about things other women obsess over, like fidelity? I think everybody has been cheated on or everyone will be cheated on. (laughs) I can’t fix that and I don’t have any judgment on anybody. We are human beings, we are complicated, you cannot go through life without tallying up a few scars, you cannot go through life unscathed, it’s just what it is. It’s all meant to happen, take your lessons; figure it out, move on. (laughs) 46 boundaries, you can never satisfy a child. But you put a boundary on them and you show them this is how it ends, this is right, this is wrong, you don’t cross over it, and if you do, shit goes down. That child is a happy child. That child can find contentment and that child has a sense of security and it understands where everything is. I think that’s what a strong, ethical sense of how life works means. It gives a person who lives by that an idea how to function and how to live life happily. MARBELLA Q : Where do you see yourself in ten years? : Do you think it’s better to go through life with a lot of boyfriends? Why not? Why would that be so bad? Q : Is it easier to live with an ethical sense of life, or be totally free and do whatever you want? I think it’s better to have an ethical sense of life, honestly. It’s like a child. If children are really crazy and unhappy and you see them acting out and are screaming and inconsolable it’s when they don’t have boundaries. When they don’t have If you go back twenty years to the first interviews that I did in this very hotel, (laughs) if you literally go back and find some of those interviews, I got asked the question, ‘Where do you see yourself in ten years?’ And I said, ‘Happy hopefully. Like, that’s my goal.’ Where else are you supposed to go? And, I am very much a person who lives in the moment. I have always been that way, and I don’t project. I don’t worry about where I am going to go or what I am going to do or how it’s going to happen, I am really a person who kind of just chips away, every day, and just keeps it going. I get it asked all the time and I just go, ‘Hopefully I am just doing something I love and I am passionate about.’ That’s where I exist today and that’s what I am doing right now. If I can keep this up, then whatever it might be and I have no idea what it’s going to be, I mean had no idea I would write a book when I did. And also, I had no idea I would be making movies for twenty years, I had no idea I would be doing any of this shit that I am doing right now in my life. (laughs) So, I don’t ask for it, it just comes to me. 47 How They Mislead Us by Lisa Parsons On the recommendation of a colleague, I recently started drinking distilled water. I listened to her telling me about the enormous health benefits, but all I was really thinking was how great it would be not to have to risk a dislocated back putting cases of bottled water into the car at the supermarket and then carrying them upstairs to my apartment. I immediately bought a water distiller. T he advertising material for the distiller I bought claimed that it cost nine cents a litre in electricity, which I took with a pinch of salt; it costs that to have the cooker hood light on for ten minutes, given that Spanish electricity costs are now off the scale. Anyway, the taste was wonderful, and I was really getting along well with it when friends who knew I was drinking distilled water started to forward me some extraordinary information and dire warnings they had read on the internet about distilled water. I then realised why a number of people had told me that they had a distiller but had since stopped using it. Some of the article headings were: “Early death as a result of drinking distilled water”, “The dangers of drinking distilled water”, “Health risks from drinking de-mineralised water” and “Distilled water – why put your life at risk?” I did become slightly concerned; if I am going to suffer an early death thanks to drinking something, I would certainly like it to be something stronger than water. It occurred to me to put the distiller back in its box and revert to carrying cases of mineral water up the stairs. 48 MARBELLA 49 But then I felt slightly guilty; when I first started out I worked for a very kindly and mostly drunk London editor who took me under his wing; he used to take me down to the pub and tell me stories about politicians and royals that would make your hair stand on end. He always used to finish up – as he drained his whisky glass – with “Never believe what you read my dear”. So I started to dig a little. These voices against distilled water are very loud; is it just possible there is an axe to grind? Certainly, some of the authors had no medical qualifications whatsoever, but others were indeed doctors, although it’s not unheard of for a doctor to be in someone’s pocket. What I wanted to find were doctors in favour of distilled water because I could see that a doctor could have a financial interest in condemning it, but I couldn’t see how a doctor could have a financial interest in recommending distilled water. According to a report by Business Insider, $100 billion worth of bottled water is sold throughout the world every year, and nine billion gallons of bottled water are consumed annually in the United States, whereas there are no great fortunes to being made in the manufacture of water distillers. It wasn’t long before I found 24 doctors in America whose support for distilled water was absolute. Could they have an axe to grind? Not that I could see. Here is what a few of them said: Dr. Allen E Banik: “It is the only water that can be taken into the body without damage to the tissues. The only minerals that the body can utilize are the organic minerals from fruits and vegetables.” Dr. Paul Bragg: “When distilled water enters the body, it leaves no residue of any kind. It is free of salts and sodium. It is the most perfect water for the healthy functioning of the kidneys.” Dr. James Balch: “There is only one water, and that is clean, steam distilled water. No other substance on our planet does so much to keep us healthy and get us well as water does.” Dr. C.W. DeLacy: “There is no doubt as to the high value of distilled water used freely as a retarder of the ossifying conditions which appear to constitute the condition of old age.” Dr. Charles McFerrin: “Distilled water is ‘empty’ water – a water capable of absorbing body poisons.” Dr. Robert W. Flinchbaught: “The evidence that distilled water acts as a solvent within the body, dissolving the inorganic mineral deposits, is very important. A growing body of evidence suggests that distilled water dissolves and removes these disease- 50 MARBELLA causing minerals and flushes out the hundreds of dangerous chemicals that have been taken into the body as well.” Dr. Robert D. Willix: “The ‘gold standard’ for purifying your water is a system that distils your water and filters it. You have the comfort of knowing there is no chlorine, fluoride, bacteria, viruses, pesticides or lead. You get nothing but H2O.” Dr. Peter A. Lodewick: “The only type of water that seems to be fit for consumption is distilled water, which is water that is absolutely free of any minerals or chemicals.” Dr. Norman W. Walker: “People who say that distilled water leaches minerals out of the body are, therefore, correct only in this respect. Such minerals, having been rejected by the cells of the body, are of no constructive value. On the contrary, they are debris which distilled water is capable of picking up and eliminating from the system.” Dr. Paul Conn: “When one drinks impure, dirty water, the body acts as a filter, trapping a percentage of the solids suspended in the water. A filter eventually becomes clogged and useless – fit only to be thrown away. The human body might well face the same fate. But the basic point – that only distilled water avoids mineral build-ups in the body – is an inarguable one”. That all rings fairly true to me, and with no apparent financial benefit in making these statements, why wouldn’t I believe them? Louis Pasteur, the French chemist and microbiologist, said that “we drink 90% of our illnesses”. So what is the real motivation of those who so vociferously oppose the use of distilled water? I think the clue lies in the $100 billion worth of bottled water sold every year; there is clearly a great deal at stake in this market. If large numbers of people began drinking distilled water, it could prove disastrous for the bottled water industry. What I believe they are trying to do is nip the drinking of distilled water in the bud, and they have largely been successful. Many people want to look after their health, and that of their children, and distilled water appears a very effective way of doing this. And me? I am ashamed to admit that my main interest is not having to heave all those cases of water up to my apartment POSITIVE Thinking by Lesley Freeman OK, I know some of you are sceptical about the concept of positive thinking. The word is if we think positive, the law of attraction will kick in and we can cosmically order whatever we want. No wonder I see so many Range Rovers on the road; I guess they are being delivered directly to the latest person to discover positive thinking and who has decided to change their old banger for the latest model! I know it all seems outrageous and farfetched, but there is a science behind it. You see, it is all to do with the pineal gland. This gland or organ is situated between the two lobes of the brain. It has granular particles like crystals, similar to those contained in a crystal radio set, and these deposits are capable of sending and receiving messages. This is an organ of thought, by means of which we can acquire inner perception and thereby carry out ideas and project our thoughts out into the cosmos. We are surrounded by thought fields all the time, a continual universal broadcast just like the workings of radio waves. The pineal gland produces melatonin, and the more it produces the more receptive the wavebands. So, the higher the melatonin, the greater the increase in cosmic awareness – a state of “simply knowing”. It is interesting to note that Eastern cultures call this the “Third Eye”. So, thoughts are magnetic and have a frequency, and you are a human transmission tower; to change your thoughts, and therefore your frequency, you can change what it is you are attracting. If you are feeling negative, you will be emitting negative waves, and as the law of attraction says, “like attracts like”. Now, I can hear you say, “Well that’s easier said than done, how 52 MARBELLA do I change my thoughts in order to change my circumstances?” or “How can I improve my life just by changing the way I think?” You may be surprised that it takes very little effort; the first step is being aware of your thoughts and assessing whether you are thinking positively or negatively. Once you have identified your thoughts, you can work on whether you need to change them, and how to change them, but until you are aware, nothing will change. Einstein said, “You can never solve a problem on the level on which it was created”, meaning if you keep doing things in the same way, your life will remain the same. One of the best ways to change from negative to positive thinking is to be grateful for everything you have; that is, looking at what you have rather than what you don’t have. If you want money, act as if you have money, as that way you are not focusing on lack and therefore attracting more of it. The saying “think lucky and you’ll be lucky” is so true. If you want to be slimmer, think of yourself and imagine yourself slim. You have to develop the neurons in your brain, just as when you’re learning something new, such as a foreign language; your brain will thus learn and change direction to your new way of thinking. So, change your thought pattern and see what happens. Oh, I think that’s the doorbell; I guess it’s my new Range Rover being delivered!!! 53 M A R B E L L A How Safe are You on Spanish Roads? by Les Mitchell T here are of course many accidents involving young motorcyclists between the ages of 18 and 25, and this tends to distort the figures and make the risk to motorists appear greater. The figures are also distorted by the high number of accidents involving cyclists, while a surprisingly high number of those killed in car accidents are not wearing their seatbelts. Indeed, it is quite extraordinary how many motorists simply drape their seatbelt across them, without fastening it. Something else to consider for those who worry about their safety is that it’s an awful lot safer here in Spain than in France, Italy and Portugal, not to mention Greece, where the road traffic accident death rate is nearly three times that of Spain. 54 MARBELLA Spanish roads are probably safer than you may think, and the number of accidents has fallen significantly in recent years. And although the statistics show the death rate as 50% higher here than in the UK, this doesn’t tell the whole story. The fact is that, wherever you live, getting behind the wheel of a car is the riskiest thing most people will ever do; worldwide, 1.2 million people are killed in road traffic accidents every year. That’s the equivalent of two 747s crashing every day. If that were to happen, the air transportation system would be shut down; however, road deaths seem to have become an acceptable part of life. Again, it depends very much on where you live. Once you start to look at the Middle East, it really puts things into perspective; in Iraq, for example, where they have risks enough to worry about, road traffic accidents account for 48.3 deaths per 100,000 of the population. In Spain, this figure is 6.1. by I believe that the overwhelming majority of Spanish motorists actually drive very well and quite safely, and a proportion are even frustratingly slow. However, what you have here is the lunatic minority, who account for most of the accidents. They overtake on blind bends, drive at inappropriately high speeds and travel at a distance behind the vehicle in front that makes you think they must be harbouring some sort of death wish. Braking distance doesn’t even enter into the equation; they wouldn’t even get through the thinking distance before colliding with the car in front. I have been involved with motor racing for most of my life, and many of my friends are motor racing drivers. We take risks, but calculated risks, not the risks I see drivers Ramón Gómez de la Serna, 23 Marbella Spain Tel: +34 95290 08 99 taking on the N7; this means serious accidents on the racetrack are quite rare. Michael Schumacher’s accident happened whilst skiing, and even Frank Williams’ accident in 1986 had nothing to do with motorsport, other than the fact he was driving back from the Paul Ricard Circuit in France when he lost control of the hire car he was driving. He is the first to admit that given the way he drove in those days, it was an accident waiting to happen. The motorists who take these extraordinary risks on the road are largely those who are killed and injured in accidents, but of course innocent victims are also involved; the secret is to keep out of the way of these drivers. If you take as an example the section of the N7 between Marbella and Malaga – which incidentally at one time had no central reservation and was classed as the most dangerous road in Europe – it is not at all dangerous if you follow a couple of basic rules: keep to the inside lane and keep your distance. The only occasions I move out of the inside lane are when I have a heavy goods vehicle driving close behind me, when I have an elderly couple in a hire car travelling at 30 kph in front of me or when the same elderly couple sit for minutes waiting to join the N7 and when I come along they suddenly pull out right in front “The motorists who take these extraordinary risks on the road are largely those who are killed and injured in accidents, but of course innocent victims are also involved; the secret is to keep out of the way of these drivers.” of me. In fact, something I always do when a vehicle is waiting to join the N7 – and this has probably saved my life on a couple of occasions – is to keep a very close eye on the outside lane, which means if someone pulls out right in front of me I know if it is safe to change lanes to avoid a collision. My car has a top speed of 197 mph (317 kph), which is great for the Ascari racetrack but not in my opinion for the N7. In any case, the vast majority of this section of road has an 80 kph speed limit; I just drop down to the speed limit and stay there. Some motorists know where the cameras are, and only reduce their speed to 80 kph when passing them, before speeding up again. However, I have been told – although I don’t know if it is true or not – that the authorities are operating an average speed system between Marbella and Mijas, and many motorists are being caught out. It is only when you drive in other countries that you realise we don’t have a lot to worry about here. I drove through Greece many years ago, which was a hair-raising experience. In Athens, the city’s buses were multi-coloured; that is, they started out as one colour but had every colour imaginable on their bodywork, evidence of all the cars they had hit. If you saw a bus coming towards you, you had two choices – get out of the way or get hit. Collection & delivery at departure ★★★★★ • Car hire service now available • Full range of valeting services • Short term & long term rates • All parking CCTV secure Only one car? Can't afford to be off the road? We can organise your ITV and carry out body repairs from small scratches and dents to full resprays and polishing while you are away. All work undertaken is fully guaranteed. Contact us today on: Tel: (0034) 952 105 266 | Mob: (0034) 616 660 310 E: [email protected] | Business Consulting since 1980 Tel (+34) 952 771 837 • • [email protected] 56 MARBELLA 57 58 MARBELLA 59 Connect Premium Listing Service The most effective way to quickly and efficiently sell your property Our service includes: • A professional valuation • Professional photographs, video and a floor plan • A lawyer to review the documentation • Assistance in obtaining the important energy certificate • A unique service called staging – designed to improve a property’s appeal English, Dutch, German, and Spanish spoken. Phone: 951 204 286 Mobile: 686 931 876 Email: [email protected] web: • One point of contact, we place the property with the agent or agents most likely to have success with your type of property. • Just one set of keys, regardless of the number of agents listing the property • At the time of viewings, a director of Connect is always personally present, we open up the property before the potential client and agent arrive everything is put in order for a perfect presentation. • We take full responsibility for the property leaving it locked up and fully secure after the viewing. Pre-Nuptial Agreements by James Dunbar D o prenuptial agreements work, or is this just setting off on the wrong foot and damaging the marriage before it even starts? Some would argue that by asking a partner to sign a prenuptial agreement, you are in effect saying, “I am not sure this is going to last and I don’t trust you to be fair, should we divorce”. That is one way of looking at it. I am sure Paul McCartney would at some stage have been advised to have a prenuptial agreement prior to marrying Heather Mills; however, he was very clear that he didn’t want one. So why didn’t he, given that they 60 MARBELLA 61 were, it seems, constantly fighting even before they were married? Probably for the same reason that many choose not have a prenuptial agreement; they feel there is something rather distasteful about the whole issue. McCartney again chose not to have such an agreement when he recently married Nancy Shevell. The fact that Shevell is the heiress to a haulage fortune probably had little to do with his decision. that they should continue to enjoy a good standard of living, but does that even take £24.3 million? There is of course a quite different scenario where a couple have been together for many years and the wife –not always, but usually the wife – has looked after the home and brought up the children while the husband built a successful business. Having take into account the influence often brought to bear by “friends” and family, some of whom no doubt think he should be wrung dry for “what he has done”. Also, a lawyer’s duty is to get the best possible deal for his or her client; their job is not to be reasonable. This often means that something that at first looks like it can be resolved between two reasonable people soon becomes a bitter battle. david & Co HAIRDRESSER - HAUTE COIFFURE “The one &only place where beauty is not a luxury” DAVID: +34 619 07 82 04 ESTEBAN: +34 654 01 01 23 [email protected] • Salon: +34 952 92 91 01 Urb. La Alzambra, Edif. Vasari Center • Puerto Banús 29660 YOUR CAR OUR CARE QUALITY PARKING MALAGA AIRPORT What is inescapable is that a prenuptial agreement between McCartney and Mills would have saved a lot of grief. And that raises a question: was she entitled to the £125 million she was claiming as a divorce settlement, or indeed even the £24.3 million plus £35,000 per annum she was awarded? When somebody with little in the way of assets marries into substantial wealth, why after a few years of marriage would that make them entitled to a £125 million pay out? Of course, having become accustomed to a certain quality of life, it is not unreasonable 62 MARBELLA gone through the hardship of the early days, probably helping in the business and sharing the worries about losing the house when things weren’t going well, there surely cannot be a reasonable argument as to why the wife is not entitled to half of the assets in the event of a divorce. It is something they have done together; one could not have done it without the other. Divorces can become quite acrimonious; sometimes a wife doesn’t want to take her ex-husband to the cleaners, but instead only wants to receive what is fair. But that doesn’t Therefore, perhaps there is a good argument for a couple having a prenuptial agreement if approached in the right way. It doesn’t necessarily mean that one is saying to the other that they don’t trust them; let’s face it, nobody can guarantee that they are going to stay married forever, however much they want to. So why not agree at the outset on the division of assets in the event of a parting of the ways, and keep lawyers and well-meaning family members completely out of it? • • • • • • • car parking classic car care detailing car wrapping chiptuning car sales track & trace | [email protected] | tel.: +34 952 561 689 | Pol. Ind. Villa Rosa, Málaga 63 Is Blenheim Palace in Safe Hands? by George Hodge B ut perhaps Blandford has calmed down from those days when he was rarely out of the news; we are soon to find out. Certainly, his appearance has changed, and at 58 he has put on weight and now looks rather like Kenneth Clarke, with Boris Johnson’s hair. first-born child died as a toddler in the year Blandford was born, 1955. The Duke of Marlborough remarried in 1961, to Athina Onassis, ex-wife of the Greek shipping tycoon Aristotle Onassis. This gave Blandford a step-sister, Christina Onassis, who was not a particularly good influence; she became befriended by John Hervey, the Marques of Bristol, also not the best of influences. Hervey was addicted to drugs and alcohol, with his speciality; flying helicopters whilst drunk. He went through £35 million, managed to lose the family seat and died aged 44 as a result of his drug abuse. addicted to prescription drugs, married four times and was eventually found dead in the Buenos Aires home of a friend in 1988. Her death was attributed to a heart attack brought on by years of drug abuse. Blandford went to Harrow, where he was Blandford went to New York and his trust fund supported a life of heavy drinking, fast cars, and cocaine and heroin addiction. In 1985, he further disgraced the family when caught burgling a London chemist, for which he received two years’ probation. Within a Giving him the benefit of the doubt, a Marlborough source, when referring to Blandford, said: “I am not denying that he has had a colourful past, but it’s been very much over-dramatised.” Well, Blandford’s past probably needs no over-dramatisation, and some may consider “colourful” to be quite an understatement. Until recently, drink and drugs played a major role in Blandford’s life, along with various counts of breaking and entering, theft, road rage, being on the run from the police and periods in prison; he was jailed for six months for a road rage incident, and was also imprisoned on two other occasions. On the death of his father last October, Jamie Blandford became the 12th Duke of Marlborough, and the question of whether Blenheim Palace is in safe hands is worrying many. He has not had the best of records to date. The 11th duke – who was estranged from Blandford for some time – was sufficiently worried about his son’s conduct to go through the courts in a long legal battle to try to prevent him from gaining control of the management of the Blenheim Palace estate. Not the best record you may think for someone who now has one of Britain’s most prestigious peerages and finest palaces. The privilege Blandford was born into is something most could only dream of, but he once said: “I have always resented having my life mapped out for me. I don’t really know what to do with my life.” He blames his past behaviour on his parents’ divorce and the lack of affection shown by his father, who was an Old Etonian and served with the Life Guards, where a stiff upper lip was very much the order of the day. It was certainly a rather unusual childhood. His father married Susan Hornby, a member of the W.H. Smith family, and the couple’s 64 MARBELLA 65 year, he was jailed for three months for breaching the probation order. He was also sentenced to prison – suspended for two years – for possession of cocaine. from Queen Anne. Building work started, but when the costs ran out of control, the queen refused to pay for it and the duke fled the country owing £45,000. He married in 1990 to Rebecca Few-Brown, but within a year he was in prison for driving whilst disqualified. The couple split up in 1992, and for a time Blandford was on the run from the police for refusing to pay maintenance for their son George, who was born in the year they separated. There has been a string of offences since, ranging from forging drug prescriptions to imprisonment for a violent road rage incident. He was remarried in 2002 to an artist, Edla Griffiths. Perhaps Jamie Blandford’s behaviour is in the genes; in the early 1800s, the 5th duke depleted the family fortune to the extent that most of the assets, apart from Blenheim had to be sold; he was described Blandford’s father saw little hope that this behaviour was ever going to stop and tried, through legal proceedings, to pass Blenheim directly to Blandford’s son George, but an Act of Parliament passed in 1722 prevented him from doing so. There was nothing to prevent Blandford from keeping the title or living in the palace, although it will be run by a trust. Not that Blenheim has a history of being in safe hands; quite the contrary. The 1st Duke of Marlborough won a significant battle over the French in 1704, and Blenheim was a gift “Blandford’s father saw little hope that this behaviour was ever going to stop and tried, through legal proceedings, to pass Blenheim directly to Blandford’s son George, but an Act of Parliament passed in 1722 prevented him from doing so.“ by diarist Harriet Arbuthnot, as “little better than a common swindler”. Blandford has been a regular resident at the Priory Clinic, although apparently he has been drug free for a time now. When his father had to come to terms with the fact that, come what may, Blandford would be inheriting Blenheim Palace, he capitulated and publicly said: “I am fully confident that James will be able to keep the place going, things are looking much more settled at the moment.” So how settled is he? The new Duke of Marlborough is talking about hosting Glastonbury-style music festivals – which will please the locals – and he also wants to introduce motor racing to Blenheim somehow. He has said he likes the idea of having a fountain installed in the middle of the lake, which will shoot water 400 feet into the air. None of this sounds terribly settled, but we will see. Blandford insists that he will live up to his responsibilities, and has said Blenheim Palace will be like having a high-maintenance wife; perhaps a bit like having a high-maintenance son. La Cascada Verde Golden Mile Marbella 1,000 m2 to rent in the Golden Mile close to the Aldi supermarket with private parking. Excellent location for clinic, restaurant, beauty centre or offices. For a viewing appointment please email [email protected] 66 MARBELLA 67 Custom made wine cellars Винные погреба под заказ • Bodegas a medida IN MarbellA SINCE 1995 605 871 924 619 135 747 [email protected]
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