Weekly Derivative Report for 10 Apr 2017- 14 Apr 2017 by TradeIndia Research
Weekly Derivative Report for 10 Apr 2017- 14 Apr 2017 by TradeIndia Research
301, 3rd Floor, Mangal City, Vijay Nagar, Indore Toll Free : 18003157801 MARKET WRAP UPCOMING EVENTS OF WEEK ➢ INFOSYS quarterly results on 13th April.… ➢ Colpal & Vedl will give Ex-Dividend on 10th &11th April of 3.00 & 17.70... ➢ AGM meetings of AB NUVO on 10th April... ➢ This week CPI Data on 12th April and WPI Data on 14th April … 301, 3rd Floor, Mangal City, Vijay Nagar, Indore Toll Free : 18003157801 Nifty FUTURE 1 2 RESISTANCE 9310.00 9440.00 SUPPORT 9219.00 9074.00 301, 3rd Floor, Mangal City, Vijay Nagar, Indore Toll Free : 18003157801 Bank nifty FOR FUTURE 1 2 RESISTANCE 21765.00 22165.00 SUPPORT 21486.00 21051.00 INCREASE IN OPEN INTEREST IN STOCKS 301, 3rd Floor, Mangal City, Vijay Nagar, Indore Toll Free : 18003157801 Symbol CGPOWER CADILAHC TVSMOTORS JINDALSTEEL IOC Curre nt Price Futur e Price Price Chang e% Open Interest Previou s Days OI % Chang e in OI Future Contract s %Chang e in turnover 70.95 71.55 2.51 216.00 K 156.00 K 38.46 15 413.36 455.4 5 456.2 1.46 3777.60 K 3286.40 K 14.95 4960 911.72 468.4 460.3 3.09 5666.00 K 5006.00 K 13.18 4585 297.86 129 129.7 5 -2.773 45117.0 0K 40113.0 0K 12.47 7378 -29.005 397.3 5 399.1 5 3.11 19161.0 0K 17382.0 0K 10.23 7165 212.11 DECREASE IN OPEN INTEREST IN STOCKS Curren t Price Future Price Price Chang e% Open Interest Previou s Days OI % Chang e in OI Future Contract s %Chang e in turnover 88.45 88.4 -3.229 29170.0 0K 34010.0 0K 14.231 1198 -25.719 1121.2 5 1120.8 5 6.35 1238.12 K 1410.00 K -12.19 4982 135.03 JSWSTEEL 199.85 200.6 -2.075 43887.0 0K 48693.0 0K -9.87 11657 17.14 BPCL 675.35 675.7 4.45 11002.8 0K 12142.8 0K -9.388 10745 210.53 M&MFIN 335.35 334.8 0.15 12152.5 0K 13312.5 0K -8.714 7665 18.21 SYMBOL IBREALEST CONCOR OPEN INTEREST IN INDEX OPTIONS 301, 3rd Floor, Mangal City, Vijay Nagar, Indore Toll Free : 18003157801 Symbol Expiry Date NIFTY 27-Apr17 NIFTY 27-Apr17 27-Apr17 NIFTY 27-Apr17 NIFTY BANKNIFTY 13-Apr17 Option Strike Last Chg(Rs) High Shares Increase/ Open Type Price Price Chg (%) Low Contracts Decrease -24.40 69.15 12816150 CE 9,300.00 49.1 CE CE CE CE 9,500.00 9,200.00 9,400.00 21,800.00 -33.20% 45 170,882 -6.35 9.8 8985150 6.1 -51.00% 5.5 119,802 -35.30 128.15 8148525 97.05 -26.67% 90.7 108,647 -13.55 30.3 10070175 20.4 -39.91% 18.3 134,269 -41.30 44.25 4006000 12.8 4.73% 56.6 Interest Increase in OI Increase (%) 13.72% 7,447.46 4,517,700 985,500 16.40% 726.9 5,305,800 783,525 25.10% 8,968.27 3,222,000 546,525 22.88% 2,508.48 3,956,475 461,700 396.65% 1,106.86 476,000 297,760 78,361 BUY SCRIPTS 301, 3rd Floor, Mangal City, Vijay Nagar, Indore Toll Free : 18003157801 Scripts Level Target Stop Loss TVSMOTOR 460.00 466.00 456.00 DALMIABHA 2170.00 2200.00 2155.00 SELL SCRIPTS Scripts Level Target Stop Loss AMARAJABAT 888.50 880.00 895.00 SRF 1637.00 1623.50 1650.00 Market highlights OF WEEK 301, 3rd Floor, Mangal City, Vijay Nagar, Indore Toll Free : 18003157801 ➢ CREDIT POLICY : RBI KEEPS REPO RATE UNCHANGED @ 6.25%… ➢ SBI cuts base rate to 9.10% & HDFCBANK cuts base rate.. ➢ Shankara Building Products closes 37% above listing price... ➢ L&T Technology wins Golden Peacock National Quality Award, 2017.. ➢ United Spirits dives down on liquor ban . DISCLAIMER 301, 3rd Floor, Mangal City, Vijay Nagar, Indore Toll Free : 18003157801 The information and views in this report, our website & all the service we provide are believed to be reliable, but we do not accept any responsibility (or liability) for errors of fact or opinion. Users have the right to choose the product/s that suits them the most. Sincere efforts have been made to present the right investment perspective. The information contained herein is based on analysis and up on sources that we consider reliable. This material is for personal information and based upon it & takes no responsibility. The information given herein should be treated as only factor, while making investment decision. The report does not provide individually tailor-made investment advice. Trade India Research Recommends that investors independently evaluate particular investments and strategies, and encourages investors to seek the advice of a financial adviser. 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