Exercises that relieve Sciatic pain


Exercises that relieve Sciatic pain
Exercises that relieve Sciatic pain
Sciatic nerve pain is debilitating and you may not be able to get out of the couch.
Some of the possible causes are ruptured disk, injury, and narrowing of the spine. The
hips and lower back are the most problematic parts that will require sciatic nerve
treatment. In order to alleviate the pain, you will have to stretch once in a while.
Here are exercises that you should do when you want to reduce the sciatica symptom
before you opt for seeing a doctor for sciatica pain.
Reclining pigeon pose
The pigeon pose opens the hip and is a common pose in yoga. It can be done on
different stretches and is one of the best treatment for sciatica. The reclining pose is
suitable if you are just getting started with the treatment. When on your back, you
should bring your right leg up so that it is at a right angle. You need to clasp your
hands behind your thighs and lock your fingers. Next, you should lift your left leg
and place your right ankle on your left knee. You need to hold that position for a
while and it will stretch the piriformis muscle. Repeat the exercise with the other leg.
Sitting pigeon pose
If you want to do the sitting pigeon pose, you should sit on the floor and your legs
should be stretched straight infront. Next, you should bend your right leg and put your
right ankle on top of your left knee. Lean forward so that your upper body reaches
your thigh. You need to hold the position for 15 to 30 seconds. The exercise will
stretch your lower back and glutes. Repeat the exercise on the other side.
Forward pigeon pose
To do this exercise, you need to start by kneeling on the floor with all fours. The next
thing that you have to do is put your right leg and move it forward in front of your
body. Make sure that your lower leg is on the ground and horizontal to your body.
You should place your right foot in front of your right knee while keeping your right
knee on the right. Make sure that you stretch your leg all the way behind you while
the top of your foot is on the ground and the toe is pointing back. Make sure that your
body weight shifts from your arm to your legs; your legs should support your weight.
Take deep breaths and exhale while leaning your upper body forward over your front
leg. Repeat the exercise on the other side.
Sitting spinal stretch
Sciatica pain occurs when the vertebra is compressed. The sitting spinal stretch gives
the spine space to and thus relieves pressure on the sciatic nerve. Toper form this
exercise, you should sit on the ground and stretch your legs forward. Bend your right
knee and make sure that your foot is flat on the floor. Place your left elbow on the
outside of your right knee and turn your body gently to the right. Hold the pose for 30
seconds and repeat it three more times and then switch your legs. You can get a
sciatic nerve specialist near me to help you out with this position.