Benefits of Course for leaning the Permaculture Australia
Benefits of Course for leaning the Permaculture Australia
Benefits of Course for leaning the Permaculture Australia Permaculture is a design system based on ethics to establish, coordinate and improve the efforts made by individuals, households, and communities working for a sustainable future. It is the conscious design of landscapes that mimic the patterns and relationships of nature while providing abundant food, fibber, and energy to meet local needs towards the vision of a permanent or sustainable culture. Permaculture Australia is also a network of individuals, and groups that extend permacultural design solutions on all continents. Permaculture activists are contributing to a more sustainable future by reorganizing their lives and creating local changes that are having an active direct and indirect influence in the areas of sustainable development, organic farming, appropriate technologies and the design of intentional communities. To who is the permaculture, bioculture and organic farming manuals addressed? These Permaculture course are especially directed to those people who are located in the primary sector, specifically in the agricultural field. However, since no previous experience is necessary, if you are interested in learning new organic production techniques, you are welcome to make use of them. What will be studied in permaculture, bioculture and organic farming manuals? Within the manuals of permaculture, cultivation and organic farming, you can study the principles that underlie these new techniques, their history and philosophy, and more importantly, their implementation. Diploma in Applied Permaculture Design It is a proposal of continuous training, aimed at people who have completed the Permaculture Design Certificate Course (PDC), wants to deepen the concepts of Permaculture in search of the construction of a fair, egalitarian, solitary and respectful society. The study program involves intensive training over two years, in which the student has the theoreticalpractical tools and strategic thinking to perform as permaculture in the areas of design, research, education, and social projects, as well as for the development of own projects; always focused on facing the great social and environmental challenges of these times. During and after finishing your studies you will be able to: • Become a professional permaculturist and gain formal recognition for your work, ability, and experience. • Actively participate in education, whether in the UIP, the IAP or other permaculture institutes. • Collaborate as a researcher in the areas you choose and want to develop. • Serve as a professional designer to different projects in a local or global way. • Help your community to transition towards a new social, economic and ecological model. • Develop productive ventures of their own and/or in collaboration with other people, groups and institutions. • Expand your knowledge on how to apply Permaculture Queensland in different areas. • Specialize on the topic that interests you the most within permaculture and become an expert. The Permaculture course gives you the knowledge and tools necessary to accompany you in the development of your abilities and in the concretion of your objectives and projects, by means of classes dictated by experts in the different areas, the support in your projects and the specific tutoring of your designs As well as you will have the collaboration of your colleagues and graduates, who contribute their knowledge to the rest of the student community.
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