Pollination of Campanula rapunculus L. (Campanulaceae): How
Pollination of Campanula rapunculus L. (Campanulaceae): How
Plant Syst. Evol. 250: 147–156 (2005) DOI 10.1007/s00606-004-0246-8 Pollination of Campanula rapunculus L. (Campanulaceae): How much pollen flows into pollination and into reproduction of oligolectic pollinators? C. Schlindwein1, D. Wittmann2, C. F. Martins3, A. Hamm2, J. A. Siqueira1, D. Schiffler2, and I. C. Machado1 1 Departamento de Botânica, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil Institut für Landwirtschaftliche Zoologie und Bienenkunde, Universität Bonn, Bonn, Germany 3 Departamento de Sistemática e Ecologia-CCEN, Universidade Federal da Paraı́ba, João Pessoa, PB, Brazil 2 Received October 2, 2003; accepted September 8, 2004 Published online: January 31, 2005 Springer-Verlag 2005 Abstract. We studied an isolated population of Campanula rapunculus and two oligolectic bee species of Chelostoma (Megachilidae), their main pollinators. The population of C. rapunculus consisted of 2808 plants. Measurements of pollen flow showed that 3.7% of the pollen produced by a flower contribute to pollination, 95.5% was collected by bees for their offspring and 0.8% remained on the styles. Pollen analyses of brood cells of Chelostoma rapunculi revealed that females collected on average 4.9 million Campanula pollen to rear one bee. We calculated that approximately 1588 bees of this species could have been reared at the study site during the studied season. The amount of potentially viable pollen deposited on stigmas was 3.6 to 10.7 times higher than the number of ovules. We discuss morphological features of the flowers which may lower the pollen removal rate per bee visit and consequently cause a high visitation and pollination rate. Key words: Campanula rapunculus L., pollen partitioning, Chelostoma rapunculi, Chelostoma campanularum, Megachilidae, effective pollinators. Pollen has two main functions in ecosystems: it is essential for the reproduction of plants and serves as food for flower visiting and pollinating insects. In the case of pollen collecting female bees, huge amounts of pollen are withdrawn from the flowers and serve as food for bee larvae. This pollen is lost for immediate pollination but indirectly benefits pollination as it serves to feed future pollinators. The allocation of pollen between the pollen producing flower and the pollinating bee can best be studied in cases in which flowers are visited almost exclusively by oligolectic pollinating bee species. Bees of these species are specialized to collect pollen only in flowers of the same genus or family of plant. Such a case is given in most species of Campanula which are frequently visited by bees of the genus Chelostoma (Müller 1873, Westrich 1989). In several cases, this close relationship between plant and bee species is the result of a coevolutionary process (Schlindwein and Wittmann 1997, Alves-dos-Santos and Wittmann 2000). 148 C. Schlindwein et al.: How much Campanula pollen flows into pollination and reproduction of bees? Campanula comprises about 400 species, distributed mainly in temperate Europe, Asia and North Africa and some species in North America. Campanula rapunculus is a biannual, ruderal herb, 30–100 cm high, with funnel to bell shaped violet flowers. The species occurs from Northern Germany and the Netherlands to Northwest Africa and Syria in the South, Spain in the West and the Caucasus in the East (Rosenbauer 1996). Flowers of Campanula have a peculiar mechanism of secondary pollen presentation: the anthers with introrse dehiscence open before anthesis and shed their pollen on the pollen collecting-hairs of the style (Sprengel 1793, Müller 1873, Kirchner 1897, Knuth 1899, Jost 1918, Shetler 1979, Yeo 1993). At the beginning of anthesis, all pollen grains adhere to these pollen-collecting hairs. During this functional male phase the hairs are retracted into the style (Müller 1873; Leins and Erbar 1990; Nyman 1992, 1993a, b). Leins (2000) suggests that the retraction, which is stimulated by mechanical contacts of the flower visitors starts at the apex of the style and continues in direction of the base, has the function to gradually liberate the pollen grains. One to several days later, depending on the Campanula species, the stigma lobes spread and the functional female phase starts. Bees of numerous species are cited as flower visitors of Campanula (Blionis and Vokou 2001). Besides the two Chelostoma species recorded in our study (Ch. rapunculi and Ch. campanularum), Westrich (1989) lists further eight species out of four families as Campanula oligoleges: Andrena curvungula, A. pandellei, A. rufizona (Andrenidae), Dufourea dentiventris, D. inermis (Halictidae), Chelostoma distinctum, Osmia mitis (Megachilidae) and Melitta haemorrhoidalis (Melittidae). Where does the pollen go? In the case of the oligolectic bee Ptilothrix plumata (Anthophoridae) Schlindwein and Martins (2000) calculated how many pollen grains and flowers of Pavonia cancellata (Malvaceae) are necessary to feed one bee larva. However, in general, there are no quantitative data about 1) the amount of pollen of a plant population collected by female bees to rear offspring-these data permit to calculate the potential population size of an oligolectic bee species at a given site and 2) the amount of pollen that reached the stigmas-a measure for the efficiency of the pollination mechanism and the functioning of the plant-pollinator system. Thus, in this study we asked: How much pollen is available in the population of C. rapunculus at the study site? How much of this pollen is transferred to the stigmas of the flowers of C. rapunculus and how much is needed to fertilize all ovules? How much pollen flows into (offspring of) Chelostoma rapunculi? Material and methods Study site and population size of Campanula rapunculus. The field study was performed during June and July 2001 and 2002 in an abandoned and isolated 50 ha gravel-pit area which has been under protection as ‘‘Nature Reserve Dünstekoven’’ since 1988. It is located W of Bonn, Germany (E 656¢0900 , N 5042¢03¢). The vegetation is characterized by pioneer plants. This reserve borders on one side a forest area and is surrounded by plantations of different cereal species, Brassica napus, Sinapis arvensis and Beta vulgaris (Fig. 1). To estimate the availability of Campanula pollen we mapped the study site and its surroundings and counted all flowering plants of C. rapunculus. The average number of flowers produced in the lifetime of a plant was determined from counts on 45 individuals near the end of the flowering period. The total number of flowers was calculated by multiplying the number of flowering plant individuals with the average number of flowers per plant. Flower morphology, anthesis, floral longevity and breeding system. Floral diameter, length of the flower and length of the pollen presenting area on the style were measured in ten flowers. Buds of 79 flowers were marked individually and anthesis of these flowers, which were accessible to flower visitors, was monitored until senescence paying particular regard on duration of functional male and female phases. We considered the beginning of anthesis and the functional male phase when the petals opened wide enough to permit flower visitors to enter. Functional female phase was defined to C. Schlindwein et al.: How much Campanula pollen flows into pollination and reproduction of bees? 149 Fig. 1. Study site ‘‘Natural Reserve Dünstekoven’’ with 27 mapped patches of Campanula rapunculus (circles with numbers of individual plants) begin with separation of the stigma lobes (Evanhoe and Galloway 2002). The duration of anthesis of the Campanula flowers is given in daylight hours at the study site (14 hours in June/July). We determined the breeding system by controlled pollination tests. 1. Spontaneous selfing: flower buds were bagged before anthesis and maintained enclosed until flower senescence. 2. Hand self-pollination: flower buds were bagged before anthesis and pollinated with pollen of the same flower during the female phase and 3. Hand cross-pollination: bagged flowers were opened and pollinated during the female phase with pollen from two other individuals of C. rapunculus. 4. Open, free pollination: for control marked flowers were kept accessible to pollinators. Pollen counts. Pollen grain numbers were determined with a particle counter (CASY I; Schärfe, Germany) which measures the exact number, size and volume of pollen grains in a sample. For the measurements, the grains were dispersed in 10 ml Casyton, an isotonic liquid provided by Schärfe, Germany. To evaluate the number of pollen grains presented at the pollen collecting hairs, ten flowers were collected before anthesis. Pollen grains which adhered to the pollen collecting hairs were washed with 10% KOH solution, centrifuged, transferred to the isotonic liquid and counted with the particle counter. From a sub-sample of each, a microscope slide with basic fuchsine stained glycerin was prepared (Louveaux et al. 1978) to determine the percentage of pollen grains without protoplasm (empty, not developed grains) by counting 600– 800 grains. Grains which remained at the style and other floral parts were collected with glycerin gelatin and embedded on microscope slides. To determine the amount of pollen which was gradually withdrawn from flowers the same procedure was performed with 16 flowers which were accessible to bee visitors. Six of them were collected 3 hours after beginning of anthesis and ten flowers at the end of anthesis (wilted flower). In these cases pollen grains were counted under a microscope, because the CASY counter is not designed to count very low particle numbers. At the end of anthesis we removed the stigmas from ten flowers and prepared microscope slides each containing the three stigma lobes. Fuchsine stained glycerin was used for mounting to improve pollen counting. The pollen grains which adhered to the stigma lobes were identified and counted. Frequency and behavior of flower visitors. Frequency of flower visitors was determined by counting female and male bees of the different species at the flowers from 11:00h (first flower visits) to 18:15h for 15 minutes per hour. Nine flowers in male and nine flowers in female phase 150 C. Schlindwein et al.: How much Campanula pollen flows into pollination and reproduction of bees? were monitored simultaneously. We noted whether the visitors collected pollen or nectar. In order to determine the origin and number of pollen grains necessary to rear one bee larva, we identified and counted the pollen grains in nine brood cells from two freshly provisioned nests of Chelostoma rapunculi. These cells were obtained from trap nests, small pieces of wood with burrows of 4–10 mm diameter, which were placed at the study site to attract female bees of solitary species looking for nesting sites. Specimens are deposited in the Entomological Collection of the Institute for Agricultural Zoology and Apiculture of the University of Bonn, Germany and in the Entomological Collection of the Laboratory of Plant Ecology of the Federal University of Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil. Results Pollen production and flower characteristics. At the study site, C. rapunculus flowered from beginning of June until mid of July 2001. The total population of C. rapunculus consisted of 2808 plants which grew in 27 patches (Fig. 1). Besides C. rapunculus, no other Campanula species occurred at the nature reserve. No Campanula plants were found in the surrounding forest and plantations. As each plant had on average 35 flowers (sd ¼ 26, N ¼ 45), the local population presented approximately 98280 flowers. On average a flower of C. rapunculus produced 82935 (sd ¼ 15674, N ¼ 10, range 66080 – 107330) pollen grains. On average 17.4% (range 8.2 – 45%) of them were empty; this means that on average 68504 grains were potentially viable. Opening time of the flowers was not synchronized. Flowers opened or changed from male to female phase at any hour between 10 – 18:00 h. Flowers which were visited by bees had an average longevity of 21.2 hours of daylight (Fig. 2). Duration of functional male and female phases were similar (Mann-Whitney U test ¼ 611.0, p > 0.05, Nfemale ¼ 52, Nmale ¼ 30). Floral diameter was 1.8 cm (sd ¼ 0.24), length of the flower 1.3 cm (sd ¼ 0.13), length of the flower tube 0.8 cm (sd ¼ 0.09) and length of the pollen presenting area 0.9 cm Fig. 2. Duration of functional male and female phase, and total time of anthesis of Campanula rapunculus. Male phase: mean ¼ 12.0 ± 5.33 h, range ¼ 2–21 h, N ¼ 52; female phase: mean ¼ 9.6 ± 5.31 h, range ¼ 5–21 h, N ¼ 30; total duration of anthesis: mean ¼ 21.2 hours ± 4.19 h, range ¼ 11– 28 h, N ¼ 27). One day equals 14 daylight hours (sd ¼ 0.1). The bases of the filaments are triangular, dilated and right above the base they adhere to the style in the middle of the flower, forming a nectar chamber. Between the basal parts of the filaments there are narrow slits which give access to the nectar. Each petal has a row with five to nine white setae (max. length 2.5 mm) which insert on the upper 2/3 of its midrib. These setae touch the style in the center of the flower (Fig. 3a). During the female phase the hairs wilted and adhered to the corolla. Thus, in the beginning of the male phase when the flower tubes are still narrow and the setae rigid, the flowers are divided into five compartments. Each of them is limited by two rows of setae and the style in the middle. Flower visitors, their frequency and behavior. Nine species were recorded as flower visitors of C. rapunculus (Table 1). Only Ch. rapunculi (body length 9–10 mm) and the tiny Ch. campanularum (body length 4.5–6 mm) visited the flowers frequently. Females and males of both species visited the flowers of Campanula rapunculus in the same manner with their sterna oriented towards the styles. The difference in abundance of females of these two species was not significant (Fig. 4). Chelostoma rapunculi females were most abundant at 13:00 h in male as well as in female phase flowers, while Ch. campanularum did not show a distinct peak of activity. Chelostoma rapunculi spent significantly more time (12.4 sec, sd ¼ 9.3, N ¼ 33) collect- C. Schlindwein et al.: How much Campanula pollen flows into pollination and reproduction of bees? 151 Fig. 3. Flowers of Campanula rapunculus during the male phase. a Beginning of the male phase showing long setae on corolla midribs. b Female of Chelostoma rapunculi collecting pollen in a compartment of a flower of C. rapunculus Table 1. Flower visiting insects of Campanula rapunculus at the Natural Reserve Dünstekoven (27.6.2001/ 28.6.2001, 11:00 - 18:15h, 18 flowers, 15 min counts/hour) Species Hymenoptera Andrena flavipes (Panzer, 1799) Andrena bicolor (Fabricius, 1775) Andrena chrysosceles (Kirby, 1802) Bombus pascuorum (Scopoi, 1763) Lasioglossum cfr. pygmaeum (Schenck, 1868) Chelostoma rapunculi (Lepeletier, 1841) Chelostoma campanularum (Kirby, 1802) Diptera Episyrphus balteatus Sphaerophoria sp. Family Females Males** Sum Andrenidae Andrenidae Andrenidae Apidae Halictidae Megachilidae Megachilidae 4 1 2 1 – – – – 86 38 8 (147) 8 (106) 4 1 1 1 3* 241 152 Syrphidae Syrphidae 10* 9* * sex of the flower visitors not identified ** Numbers in parentheses refer to patrolling males that hovered in front of the flowers without contact to floral parts (include multiple counting of individuals) ing pollen than collecting nectar (4.6 sec, sd ¼ 1.4, N ¼ 15; Mann-Whitney U test ¼ 69.0, p < 0.001). Females of Ch. campanularum needed also significantly more time for pollen collection (62.3 sec, sd ¼ 46.8, N ¼ 18) than for nectar collection (5.9 sec, sd ¼ 3.7, N ¼ 22; Mann-Whitney U test ¼ 2.50, p<0.001). Pollen collecting visits of Ch. campanularum were significantly longer than those of Ch. rapunculi (U ¼ 36.5 p<0.001 NCh. campanularum ¼ 18, NCh. rapunculi ¼ 33). Chelostoma campanularum females were also observed to collect pollen grains that had become attached to the style in female phase flowers. This gleaning behavior was rare for females of the larger Ch. rapunculi. Males of both species were significantly less abundant as flower visitors than females (U test ¼ 0.0 p<0.001 for Ch. rapunculi and U test ¼ 8.0 p<0.05 for Ch. campanularum, N ¼ 156). Patrolling flights of males which inspected the flowers of Campanula in search of females were common. Males sporadically visited the flowers to take up nectar during patrolling flights. At night males of Ch. rapunculi were observed to sleep in the flowers of C. rapunculus. When females entered a flower at the beginning of the male phase, they generally restricted their visit and their pollen collecting activity to one of the five compartments limited by the setae (Fig. 3b). Later in the 152 C. Schlindwein et al.: How much Campanula pollen flows into pollination and reproduction of bees? Fig. 4. Visits of females of Chelostoma spp. during one day to flowers of Campanula rapunculus in male and female phase. C.rap.M ¼ Chelostoma rapunculi visiting flowers in male phase; C.rap.F ¼ C. rapunculi visiting flowers in female phase; C.cam.M ¼ C. campanularum visiting flowers in male phase; C.cam. F ¼ C. campanularum visiting flowers in female phase male phase, when all setae had wilted, females could rotate in the flowers during pollen collection without any restriction to compartments. In general, females and males touched the trilobed stigma with the legs and ventral part of meso- and metasoma when entering flowers in the female phase. Breeding system. Bagged flowers without treatment (spontaneous self-pollination) produced only one fruit with two seeds (Table 2). Fruit set in hand self-pollinated flowers was 50% and in hand cross-pollinated flowers 90% of the manipulated flowers. Fruits resulting from hand cross-pollination produced five times more seeds than those resulting from hand self-pollination. The bee pollinated flowers had 100% fruit set and produced on average 372 (sd ¼ 70.8, N ¼ 22) seeds per fruit. Pollen withdrawal and deposition on stigmas. Three hours after the beginning of anthesis bees had already removed 61.6% of the mean amount of pollen per flower and by the end of anthesis only 0,8% remained at the style (Table 3). Analysis of the pollen grains deposited on the stigma lobes of C. rapunculus at the end of anthesis showed that on average 99.1% were conspecific. On average bees had deposited 3075 (range 1570 - 4693) pollen grains of C. rapunculus on the stigma (Table 4). This is 3.7% of the average pollen produced by a C. rapunculus flower. Pollen of other plants came mainly from Asteraceae (3 types) and Convolvulus (Convolvulaceae). Flowers of C. rapunculus contained a mean of 361.4 ovules (sd ¼ 44.4; range 287 – 409, N ¼ 10, pollen/ovule ratio is 229.7). Considering that on average 17.4% of the deposited grains were empty, 2540 potentially viable pollen grains were deposited on the stigmas. This is 7 times (range 3.6 – 10.7) the number of ovules. However, this number diminishes by an unknown percentage when pollen comes from one of the few open flowers in the male phase of the same plant. Brood cells of Chelostoma rapunculi. In two nests of Ch. rapunculi which contained 4 and 5 brood cells, pollen analysis of the larval provisions revealed that the bees had exclusively collected pollen from C. rapunculus. On average the brood cells contained 4.90 million (range 2,98 – 6,54) pollen grains (Table 5). This is the mean pollen content of 59.1 (range 35,9 – 78,8) flowers of C. rapunculus. Table 2. Breeding system of Campanula rapunculus. Fruit set and average seed set of bagged flowers without treatment (spontaneous self-pollination), hand self-pollinated flowers, hand cross-pollinated flowers and flowers pollinated by flower visitors (controls) Treatment N Produced fruits (N) Fruit set (%) Seeds per fruit (mean) Spontaneous self-pollination Hand self-pollination Hand cross-pollination Controls 22 12 10 22 1 6 9 22 4 50 90 100 2 11 53 372 C. Schlindwein et al.: How much Campanula pollen flows into pollination and reproduction of bees? 153 Table 3. Gradually declining numbers of pollen grains per flower during anthesis Pollen grains N average sd min max % Total pollen grains per flower Three hours after start of anthesis End of anthesis 10 6 12 82935 31865 702 15674 11622 397 66080 12880 194 107330 44850 1403 100 38.4 0.8 Table 4. Pollen grains deposited on the stigma lobes at the end of anthesis. Other pollen came from Asteraceae and Convolvulaceae Pollen grains on stigmas %Pollen of Campanula Flower Campanula Other plants Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 average sd 2247 2897 4153 1943 3386 2780 4064 3020 1570 4693 3075 959 7 103 0 4 2 1 87 40 14 32 29 36 2254 3000 4153 1947 3388 2781 4151 3060 1584 4725 3104 969 99.7 96.6 100.0 99.8 99.9 99.9 97.9 98.7 99.1 99.3 99.1 1.1 Table 5. Pollen grains of Campanula rapunculus from two nests of Chelostoma rapunculi Nest Brood cells Number pollen grains % developed % empty grains 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 average sd 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 6342501 3116677 6536252 5573332 5011253 2983332 4972920 4399170 5191255 4902965 1174671 80.4 79.1 81.9 89.1 91.5 63.2 75.3 83.0 78.6 80.2 8.2 19.6 20.9 18.1 10.9 8.5 36.8 24.7 17.0 21.4 19.8 8.2 Discussion At the end of anthesis only a few pollen grains – less than 1% - remained in the Campanulaflowers. They were widely distributed over the style so that these grains could not be gleaned even by the tiny Ch. campanularum. This shows that to the two pollen collecting oligo- lectic species of Chelostoma, Campanula pollen is scarce in the ‘‘Natural Reserve Dünstekoven’’ and that the females of these species should compete for this resource with each other and with the sporadic flower visitors. If we do not take into account predators and nest parasites as limiting factors for the 154 C. Schlindwein et al.: How much Campanula pollen flows into pollination and reproduction of bees? populations of the two Chelostoma species, Campanula pollen appears to determine the carrying capacity of the nature reserve for these bee species. This was even more so, as the population of C. rapunculus at the study site was isolated by surrounding cultivated areas and a forest where neither plants of C. rapunculus nor of other Campanula species grew. Furthermore, the small size of the Chelostoma bees makes it impossible for them to include distant Campanula resources into their foraging range. This specific situation of a closed system allows us to calculate the potential maximum size of the Chelostoma population and to make quantitative estimations about pollen fate between recipient flowers and the oligolectic bee species. Our data show that one larva of Ch. rapunculi is reared on 59 flowers of C. rapunculus. This is the equivalent to the total pollen production of about 1.7 plants, taking 35 flowers as the average number per plant. Of the approximate 8.15 billion pollen grains produced during the season by the 98280 flowers, 65 million might remain as uncollectable in the flowers and 301 million might be transferred to the stigmas, leaving 7.78 billion (95.5%) for the bees. If all these pollen grains would flow into reproduction of Ch. rapunculi, 1588 brood cells of this species could be provisioned. Certainly this number is not reached for reasons such as competition for pollen between all kinds of flower visiting insects, due to predators, nest parasites and diseases and also by loss of plants following disturbances. From the view of habitat conservation it is notable that the loss of 1.7 plants of C. rapunculus could cause the loss of one bee larva of Ch. rapunculi. Pollination success and oligolectic bees. The considerably high seed set (100%) in control flowers of our breeding experiments indicates that the two oligolectic bee species cause a very high pollen flow between conspecific plants. This is either due to a very high number of bees or, in this case, to a mechanism which causes bees to visit the flowers in high frequencies. In the flowers of Campanula, such a mechanism may be exhibited by special morphological and physiological traits. Several authors have considered pollencollecting hairs as either a morphological structure facilitating pollen presentation or as a mechanism to guide nectar seeking insects to the nectaries (Müller 1873, Kirchner 1897, Knuth 1899). Other authors have focused on stimulation of the pollen-collecting hairs which shortens the duration of the male phase (Richardson and Stephenson 1989; Nyman 1992, 1993b). Erbar and Leins (1989, 1995) and Leins (2000) interpreted the retraction of the pollen collecting hairs at the style as a mechanism to gradually liberate and portion the pollen as well as to remove self-pollen from the flower before the beginning of the female phase. They assumed that the pollen falls in succession down and adheres to flower visiting insects. However, we observed that all females actively collected pollen directly from the style. Even so, Erbar and Leins’ (1989) interpretation is valid as it points to a mechanism which is apt to reward bees with small amounts of pollen and keeps them ‘‘harried’’ and ‘‘underfed’’ (Feinsinger 1983) and thus forces them to frequent flower visits. This effect might be strengthened by another feature which the flowers exhibit at least at the beginning of the male phase, when large amounts of pollen are available at the pollen collecting hairs. The long setae on the midribs of the corolla lobes divide the corolla tube around the style in compartments and thus restrict females to collect pollen only from limited parts of the style. This might further lower the pollen removal rate per visit and consequently cause high visitation and pollination rates. The number of pollen grains deposited on the stigma was very high, several times higher than the number of ovules. As there are only one or a few open flowers in the male phase at the same plant by the same time, this was predominately outcross pollen. The stigmatic pollen load, however, can often not be directly related to the number of ovules. In some species a minimum load of pollen grains is required on a stigma to trigger seed set or to stimulate pollen tube growth C. Schlindwein et al.: How much Campanula pollen flows into pollination and reproduction of bees? 155 (Schemske and Fenster 1983, Cruzan 1986, Cruden 2000). A minimum of 4–6 pollen grains per ovule seem to be necessary for maximum seed set (Cruden 2000). Nyman (1993b) has pointed out that the more often a flower is visited by pollinators, the more frequently the pollen collecting-hairs are stimulated. This results in a shortened male phase and accelerates the onset of the female phase. Furthermore, for C. americana Evanhoe and Galloway (2002) showed that increasing pollen deposition shortens the female phase. In sum, the flower gradually releases pollen and temporarily restricts the access of pollinators to the pollen collecting hairs thus causing them to frequently visit the flowers. In return flower visitors frequently stimulate the pollen-collecting hairs and thus shorten the male phase. Frequent visits to flowers in the female phase not only cause a 100% fertilization rate but also shorten the phase. Thus, the frequent flower visits, which are forced by specific floral traits, cause shortening of male and female phases. This increases male and female fitness (Evanhoe and Galloway 2002). The study was supported by a joint project CAPES / DAAD (Probral 112/00). We thank NaBu (Naturschutzbund) Bonn and the Untere Landschaftsbehörde Siegburg for the permission to work at the Natural Reserve Dünstekoven. References Alves-dos-Santos I., Wittmann D. 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Celso Feitosa Martins, Departamento de Sistemática e Ecologia – CCEN, Universidade Federal da Paraı́ba, Joao Pessoa, PB, Brazil.