The Best Treatment For Varicose Veins


The Best Treatment For Varicose Veins
The Best Treatment For Varicose Veins
What else can you do to treat varicose veins and spider veins without having
Your doctor or nurse can give you medicine to treat symptoms of varicose veins,
including inflammation, pain, and itching.
Other non-surgical treatments for varicose veins and Spider Vein Treatment
Options include:
Sclerotherapy- Sclerotherapy is the most common treatment for varicose veins and
smaller spider veins. The doctor injects a chemical into the vein. The chemical causes the
walls of the veins to swell, adhere and sealed. This stops the blood flow and the veins
become scar tissue. Your doctor or nurse may suggest you use compression stockings
gradient after sclerotherapy to help during the healing process. After a few weeks, the
veins disappear. You may need several treatments to make it work. There is also a chance
that varicose veins or spider veins return.
Sealing system - this system works only for veins that are below the surface of the skin.
Deeper veins cannot be treated with this option. The system permanently seals the vein
using a type of adhesive (tacky material) is injected into the vein. After treatment, the
blood will normally circulate through the healthy veins that surround the sealed veins.
Percutaneous laser treatments (surface of the skin)- Laser treatments can treat spider
veins and varicose veins with a diameter of less than 3 millimeters (about a 10th of an
inch). This procedure sends very intense light impulses to the veins through the skin. In
this way, the veins dissipate until they disappear. You may need several treatments to seal
the spider legs. It is likely that varicose veins or spider veins reappear.
Endovenous- thermal therapy (laser ablation and radiofrequency)- This procedure
treats the larger veins of the legs protruding from the skin. During the procedure, the
doctor inserts a small tube into the vein. Then, a thin probe passes through the tube. A
device at the end of the probe releases heat into the vein and closes it. The blood will
normally circulate through the healthy veins that surround the sealed veins.
How To Get Rid Of Spider Veins?
If your varicose veins or spider veins bother you, you can take Treatment for Spider
Vein Houston at home or at work to improve blood circulation in your legs.
Do regular physical activity. The muscles of the legs help the veins return blood to the
heart against the force of gravity. If you have varicose veins or spider veins in your legs,
any exercise that works your leg muscles will help prevent the development of new
varicose veins or Spider Vein Treatment Near Me.
Lose weight, if you are overweight or obese. The additional weight makes it difficult for
your veins to return blood to the heart against the force of gravity. Losing weight can
help prevent the development of new varicose veins or spider veins.
If you have to stand or sit at work or at home for a long time, take a break every 30
minutes to stand and walk. This causes the muscles of your legs to transport blood back
to the heart more than when you are sitting or standing without moving.