Genetic Condition Could Cause Dry Male Organ Skin


Genetic Condition Could Cause Dry Male Organ Skin
Genetic Condition Could Cause Dry Male Organ
Considering the fact that the manhood is put through some pretty physical
exercises during sensual activity and self-pleasuring, it’s surprising that male
organ skin itself is rather delicate. But that’s all the more reason to take good
care of it and practice excellent male organ health techniques to maintain
healthy male organ skin and avoid dry male organ skin. There often are
easily identifiable reasons for dry male organ skin, such as dry weather or air
conditioning. But sometimes the cause can be more difficult to identify.
Such is the case with ichthyosis vulgaris, a rare genetic condition.
About ichthyosis vulgaris
“Ichthyosis” has its basis in the Greek word for fish, and that’s
understandable because one of the characteristics of ichthyosis vulgaris is
that it tends to create a scaly appearance (like fish scales) as it dries out the
skin. There are several forms of ichthyosis, and ichthyosis vulgaris is the
mildest – fortunately. As mentioned, it is a rare genetic condition, affecting
perhaps 1 in 300 people, so not many men will suffer from it.
So, ichthyosis vulgaris produces very dry skin, which takes on a scaly
appearance. How does it do this?
Like other parts of the body, the skin has a process for rejuvenating. When
old skin cells reach a certain point, they essentially die and then are shed.
But when a person has ichthyosis vulgaris, something happens that gets in
the way of that shedding. As a result, old, dead skin cells accumulate while
new skin cells try to push through to the surface. This battle results in the
scaly appearance of the skin and in its dryness. The scales can be whitish,
greyish, or brown in appearance, with darker skin usually having darker
The dryness results in cracked skin, and sometimes the cracks can be pretty
deep. Many patients report that the deeper cracks are somewhat painful.
Most of the time, the scales appear in the lower legs, but they can appear
anywhere, and they have resulted in scaly dry male organ skin in some
Where does it come from?
People are often afraid they will “catch” ichthyosis vulgaris if they touch the
scales, but this is not the case. Because it is a genetic condition, it is
something one is born with; it is carried in one’s genes. It’s not something
that can be passed on to another individual simply by touch.
Ichthyosis vulgaris tends to be more pronounced in a person if they are in a
cold, dry climate; warm, moist climates provide a soothing effect that
decreases the severity of the disorder. Thus, for some people it may “come
and go” with the seasons.
When ichthyosis vulgaris causes dry male organ skin, it can have an impact
on a man’s self-esteem and also on his ability to attract sensual partners.
While it is not contagious, many partners might still opt to avoid coming
into such close personal contact with it.
Treating the condition usually requires keeping the affected area nice and
moist, as well as keeping the body as a whole well-hydrated by drinking
plenty of fluids. The use of very mild soaps and detergents rather than
heavily scented ones or those with many chemicals also helps.
Whether dry male organ skin is due to a genetic condition like ichthyosis
vulgaris or another reason, a man still needs to make use of a first-class male
organ health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil,
which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Since keeping the skin
well-hydrated is key, the chosen creme should contain both a high-end
emollient (such as shea butter) and a natural hydrator (such as vitamin E).
It’s advisable to find a creme that also contains vitamin B5, a vital nutrient
that is required for cell metabolism and the maintenance of healthy tissue.