5 Things Your Member is Telling You About Your Health
5 Things Your Member is Telling You About Your Health
5 Things Your Member is Telling You About Your Health There are many ways to gauge one’s overall health. Annual exams, x-rays, MRIs, and CAT scans are one way to go. The new ager may read their tongue, toss the runes, or have their aura cleansed. One sure-fire barometer of a man’s health happens to be his one-eyed snake. A man’s member can tell him a lot about his health outside of just male organ health. Here are five signals your member may be sending you that something is not quite right inside. Member Signal #1: Soft is the New Hard Member feeling tired, lackluster, or literally just hanging around? It could be your heart’s not into it, literally that is. Men who experience moderate to severe enlarged dysfunction are more likely to have heart problems. How’s the member communicate that? Firms are controlled by blood flow, and when blood flow goes down, well, so does the member. Head to your GP to get a workup and see if your ticker is what’s ticking off your pleasure life. Member Signal #2: You Don’t Have Pleasure Drive; You Have Pleasure Crawl When libido goes down, it’s time to see what’s up. There are lots of reasons pleasure drive gets thrown into neutral. Depression, new medication, and low T are all potential causes. However, one disorder that is dangerously overlooked is obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). This is a sleep disorder in which the airway is blocked. This stops the body from getting all the oxygen it needs during sleep. German researchers found that men with OSA had sensual desire levels 11 percent lower than men without the disorder. OSA can also lead to Low T. If you hear complaints of loud snoring, wake up gasping for air, and feel fatigued during the day, see a doctor to check symptoms. Member Signal #3: Seeing Red When Urinating? Seeing pink before you flush? That’s no bueno. It could be a sign of bladder, www.man1health.com prostate, or kidney disease, or maybe just an overly intense sensual experience. Regardless of the believed reason, head to the doctor ASAP to see what’s going on. Member Signal #4: Are You on Pee Patrol? Are you peeing all the time? It could be prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) which is a disease the affects nearly 90 percent of men in there 70s and 80s but is rarer in those not getting the Senior Special at Denny’s. When the prostate is enlarged, it presses on the tube that transports urine from the body, and that gives that gotta pee feeling. Most times this is treated with alpha-blockers which relax everything and return you to your usual bathroom routine. Member Signal #5: The Intense point (or the Product of it) Goes Byebye Shooting blanks or not getting it out of the barrel? Men who either aren’t intense pointing or not producing intense point could have Low T. Hormone helps produce semen. The more semen, the higher the force of the intense point. About one-third of the men who take selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) for depression have difficulty in reaching release. The remedy could be as easy as asking your doc to switch you to a more semenfriendly medication. While member problems can be sometimes be prevented and others times not, there is one consistent – good member hygiene increases male organ health. By keeping the member clean and well-cared for, it can be stronger and therefore, always ready for action. To ensure you’re doing everything you can, consider using a specially formulated male organ health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin) to hydrate, protect, and boost the member. Use a crème that is chock full of vitamins and nutrients to protect against wear and tear, sensitivity thieves, and bacteria which can early on age the member. www.man1health.com
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