Winterize the Manhood - Seasonal Male Organ Protection Tips


Winterize the Manhood - Seasonal Male Organ Protection Tips
Winterize the Manhood: Seasonal Male
Organ Protection Tips
With cold weather coming, lots of drivers are already talking steps to
winterize their car so it’s ready for any snow, frost, or ice that may come its
way. So shouldn’t a man be ready to winterize his member in the same way?
While it isn’t necessary to go to the lengths one does with a car, taking some
basic male organ protection tips geared toward cold weather can help protect
one’s male organ health – an admirable goal for any season.
With that in mind, here are some tips for guys to help winterize their
 Drink plenty of water. Actually, being sure to stay well hydrated is a
good tip for practically any season, and not just for male organ
protection reasons; the body simply functions better when it gets an
appropriate amount of water. However, the reason to perhaps up the
intake a little during the winter is because all that cold, windy weather
blowing around can deplete moisture in the body – and with the
manhood, that can result in dry, flaky skin that is not only unattractive
and unappealing, but which can sometimes result in soreness when the
manhood is in use.
 Take advantage of sunshine. Many wintery days are dark and
cloudy, so it’s important to take advantage of those days when the sun
is shining brightly. Take a walk on these days, even if it’s just for half
an hour at lunch. Why? Because sunlight is needed for vitamin D
activation and for keeping male hormone levels high, both of which
benefit the member.
 Stuff it. When the temperature drops, take extra steps to keep the
member and sacks warm. Thermal underwear is a good option, or a
guy might opt instead for wearing 2 or 3 layers of underwear. And
guys shouldn’t be afraid to wear a sock over the manhood or to stuff a
pair of briefs with fabric to keep the member warm. There also are
special wind briefs, made for athletes but useful for even couch
potatoes, which are made with extra padding in the midsection.
Whatever option(s) one chooses, be sure to take care when selecting
fabrics; they need to be soft and smooth, such as cotton. Rough fabrics
can irritate delicate, sensitive skin, and some may cause itchiness in
the manhood, which should be avoided.
 Use a humidifier. If possible, keep a humidifier running so that there
is more moisture in the air, thus avoiding drying out of the member.
This can be especially useful if one likes to walk around unclothed at
 Keep the coupling (mostly) indoors. It’s true that an occasional
sensual episode in the snow can be exhilarating and fun, but for the
most part, stick to the bedroom or some other warm, protected place.
This is especially important for men who enjoy quick hook-ups in,
say, a secluded section of the park. If that is something a guy enjoys
on a regular basis, try to limit it to the warmer months and find an
indoor spot during the winter months.
 Warm the member up. If it’s especially frigid outside, try to warm
the member up a little before venturing outdoors. Stand in front of a
fire or working radiator, or even just rub the member in one’s hands
for a few minutes.
Another good male organ protection tip for those who want to winterize the
manhood: regularly use a superior male organ health oil (health
professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven
mild and safe for skin). The best oils will feature both a high-end emollient
(such as shea butter) and a natural hydrator (such as vitamin E), the
combination of which helps to keep member skin moisturized during winter
months (and throughout the year). It’s even better if the oil also contains Larginine, which helps keep male organ blood vessels open; with circulation
negatively impacted during the winter, this is especially helpful.

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