land use, river flow and management zones
land use, river flow and management zones
Fourth International Symposium in GIS/ Spatial Analyses in Fishery and Aquatic Sciences Integrated management of river basin and coastal zone: land use, river flow flow, and management zones Gilberto Fonseca Barroso, Ph.D. Limnology and Environmental Planning Lab Department of Ecology and Natural Resources Federal University of Espírito Santo A Fernando Av. F d Ferrari, F i 514, 514 Vitó Vitória, i ES, ES Brazil B il CEP 29060 29060-900 900 Tel. 55 27 3335-2744 Fax 55 27 3335-2500 E-mail: E mail: [email protected] gfbarroso@gmail com Internet: Fourth International Symposium in GIS/ Spatial Analyses in Fishery and Aquatic Sciences The Global Forum on Oceans, Coasts and Islands Coasts, Islands, 4th Global Conference on Oceans, Coasts, and Islands: Advancing Ecosystem Management and Integrated C Coastal t l and d Ocean O Management M t by 2010 in the Context of Climate Change Fourth International Symposium in GIS/ Spatial Analyses in Fishery and Aquatic Sciences Fourth International Symposium in GIS/ Spatial Analyses in Fishery and Aquatic Sciences Coccossis, H., Burt, T. and Weide, V. D. J. (1999). ( ) Conceptual framework and planning guidelines for integrated coastal area and river basin management. Split: PAP/RAC, UNEP/MAP/PAP, Split, Priority Actions Programme: Mediterranean Action Plan This document should be seen as a general tool while d t il d d detailed descriptions i ti off natural t l processes, h human activities and their interactions can be found in specialised scientific literature. The document has two parts. The first p p part p presents a conceptual p framework for Integrated Coastal Area and River Basin Management, based on the hydrological, geochemical, ecological and socio-economic linkages between the river i b basins i and d coastal t l areas, while hil th the second d partt presents practical procedures for achieving the ICARM goals. The Guidelines provide a conceptual framework for initiating gp plans and can be used also on a selective basis for specific aspects of integrated coastal area and river basin management. Fourth International Symposium in GIS/ Spatial Analyses in Fishery and Aquatic Sciences Coccossis, H., Burt, T. and Weide, V. D. J. (1999). Conceptual framework and planning guidelines for integrated coastal area and river basin management. Split: PAP/RAC, UNEP/MAP/PAP, Split, Priority Actions Programme: Mediterranean Action Plan Fourth International Symposium in GIS/ Spatial Analyses in Fishery and Aquatic Sciences Study Area Fourth International Symposium in GIS/ Spatial Analyses in Fishery and Aquatic Sciences Land: 3,138.4 km2 (52.5%) Sea: 1,885.6 1 885 6 km2 (37.5%) (37 5%) Coastline: 97,0 km Fourth International Symposium in GIS/ Spatial Analyses in Fishery and Aquatic Sciences Resolution # 30 CNRH (11/30/2002): Guidelines for subdivision of national watersheds (Otto Pfafstetter Method). Resolution # 32 CNRH (10/15/2003): Define the national hydrographic framework. Fourth International Symposium in GIS/ Spatial Analyses in Fishery and Aquatic Sciences Espírito Santo State watershed framework The ‘ottobasin’ is the natural unity for the adoption of guidelines for integrated management. Verdin,, K. L. and Verdin,, J. P. (1999). A topological system for delineation and codification of the Earth’s river basins. Journal of Hydrology, 218: 112. Fourth International Symposium in GIS/ Spatial Analyses in Fishery and Aquatic Sciences Gemorphological Setting according to Martin et al al., (1997) Martin, L., Suguio, K., Dominguez, J. M. L. and Flexor, J. M. (1997). Geologia do Quaternário costeiro do litoral do norte do estado do Rio de Janeiro e do Espírito Santo. Belo Horizonte, CPRM - Serviço Geológico do Brasil e FAPESP. Fourth International Symposium in GIS/ Spatial Analyses in Fishery and Aquatic Sciences Methods Fourth International Symposium in GIS/ Spatial Analyses in Fishery and Aquatic Sciences Methods Spatial database ArcGIS 9.2 UTM coordinate di t system, t South S th A American i 1969 d datum t GEOBASES (Integrated Georeferenced Database System of E í it Santo Espírito S t State) St t ) Elevation Data: Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) Satellite imagery: CBERS 2 and Landsat TM Fourth International Symposium in GIS/ Spatial Analyses in Fishery and Aquatic Sciences Methods Basin discharge Empirical model: balance between rainfall, evapotranspiration, and runoff (Molisnai et al., 2006; Kjerfve et al., 1997; Molisani et al., 2007) Q (m3/s) = ∫ ∫A r.(∆f/r).dA where r is precipitation (mm/year, (mm/year converted to m/s) ∆f/r is the runoff ratio ∆f/r = e-E0/r where E0 is the potential evapotranspiration (mm/year) ( y ) E0 = 1.109 e-4620/T where T is the temperature in Kelvin degrees Fourth International Symposium in GIS/ Spatial Analyses in Fishery and Aquatic Sciences Methods Basin discharge Rainfall data Annual mean rainfall according to 12 meteorological stations Temperature data According to Feitoza et al. (2001) and corrected adiabatically by 0.97 per 100 m increase Fourth International Symposium in GIS/ Spatial Analyses in Fishery and Aquatic Sciences Methods Assessment of the extent and dispersal patterns of estuarine plumes Image stretch and reclassification Supervised classification of satellite imagery (Leica Image Analysis for ArcGIS 9.2) CBERS 2: band 2 Landsat 5 TM: band 2 Fourth International Symposium in GIS/ Spatial Analyses in Fishery and Aquatic Sciences Methods Land use: R l Reclassification ifi ti off GEOBASES’ land l d use unities iti Categories: • y ((aquatic q and terrestrial)) Natural systems • Semi natural systems (agriculture and pastureland) • Urban and industrial systems (cities and industrial plants) Fourth International Symposium in GIS/ Spatial Analyses in Fishery and Aquatic Sciences Methods Population data: IBGE 2000 Population Census (municipalities and counties) IBGE 2006 Population Counting (counties) Population Density: Inhabitants / county area (km2)* * Calculated from GEOBASES counties areas Fourth International Symposium in GIS/ Spatial Analyses in Fishery and Aquatic Sciences Methods River basin/Coastline Pressure Indicator – RBCP: RBCP = RBS/CL where: RBS indicates the river basin land surface (km2) CL indicates the river basin coastline length (km) C Coastal t l Human H P Pressure IIndicator di t - CHP CHP = RBCI/CL where: RBCI indicates river basin counties inhabitants CL indicates the river basin coastline length (km) Fourth International Symposium in GIS/ Spatial Analyses in Fishery and Aquatic Sciences Methods Management Zones: • a critical zone or a narrow band of land and sea a few hundred metres wide, adjacent to the shoreline, usually of highest ecological value and subject to intense pressures for development; • a dynamic zone which may extend both inland and seaward, usually a few kilometres wide, where there is strong dependence and/or i fl influence off h human activities ti iti and d natural t l processes on coastal t l ffeatures t and resources; and • a wider zone of influence, often many kilometres wide which influences in part, directly or indirectly, the other two zones. Fourth International Symposium in GIS/ Spatial Analyses in Fishery and Aquatic Sciences Results Physiographic Settings Fourth International Symposium in GIS/ Spatial Analyses in Fishery and Aquatic Sciences Relief Land Fourth International Symposium in GIS/ Spatial Analyses in Fishery and Aquatic Sciences Fluvial order, estuaries and lakes Fourth International Symposium in GIS/ Spatial Analyses in Fishery and Aquatic Sciences Fluvial density of river basins Basin Basin Area Fluvial Network Fluvial Density (km2) (km) (km/km2) 1319.9 965.5 0.7 Reis Magos 822.4 1307.7 1.6 Piraquê 425.2 502.0 1.2 Coastal Basin 1 222.8 235.5 1.1 J Jacaraípe í 200 4 200.4 562 5 562.5 28 2.8 Vitória 85.9 149.2 1.7 Coastal Basin 2 54 6 54.6 - - 3722.4 1.2 Riacho Total 3131.2 Fourth International Symposium in GIS/ Spatial Analyses in Fishery and Aquatic Sciences Mean Annual Rainfall Fourth International Symposium in GIS/ Spatial Analyses in Fishery and Aquatic Sciences Monthly Mean Rainfall 300 Ra ainfall (mm) 250 200 150 100 50 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov month Sã JJosé São éd de P Petrópolis t ó li A Arcruz litoral lit l Ri h Riacho Fundão Jacupemba Porto de Tubarão Cachoeira Suiça Sta Leopoldina Santa Maria do Jetibá Colatina - Corpo Bombeiro Povoação Aracruz Dec Fourth International Symposium in GIS/ Spatial Analyses in Fishery and Aquatic Sciences Summary of meteorological data and calculated runoff (annual mean) for the river basins. Basin Riacho Area Maximum Height T Rainfall E0 Runoff ratio Q (km2) (m) (°C) (mm/year) (mm) Df/r (m3/s) 1319.9 642 20.9 -26.7 1211 - 1323 149.7 - 202.9 0.84 - 0.89 43.0 Reis Magos 822.4 1028 17.5 - 26.2 1220 - 1515 124.6 - 198.2 0.84 - 0.90 30.0 Piraquê 425.2 984 17.5 - 26.3 1154 - 1412 124.6 - 198.2 0.84 - 0.90 14.5 Coastal Basin 1 222.8 120 26.7 1270 202,9 0.85 7.6 Jacaraípe 200.4 779 19.9 - 26.7 1240 - 1316 141.9 - 202.9 0.84 - 0.89 6.7 Vitória 85.9 44 26.7 1280 202,9 0.85 3.0 Coastal Basin 2 54.6 22 26.7 1244 202,9 0.84 1.8 Total discharge: 106.6 m3/s Fourth International Symposium in GIS/ Spatial Analyses in Fishery and Aquatic Sciences Results Socio-economic Settings Fourth International Symposium in GIS/ Spatial Analyses in Fishery and Aquatic Sciences Summary of Demographic Data Basin human population: 595 595,422 422 inhabitants Population Density: 189,7 inhabitants/km2 CHP*: 2,264.2 inhabitants/km of coastline *CHP: Coastal Human Pressure Fourth International Symposium in GIS/ Spatial Analyses in Fishery and Aquatic Sciences Population Data Population: 561,313 inhabitants Population Density: 101 1 inhab 101.1 inhab./km /km2 Fourth International Symposium in GIS/ Spatial Analyses in Fishery and Aquatic Sciences Land Use Fourth International Symposium in GIS/ Spatial Analyses in Fishery and Aquatic Sciences Landascape Compartments Area (km2) % Natural systems 1061.0 39.2 Semi-natural systems 1527.4 56.4 Urban-industrial systems y 95.6 3.5 rock/bare soil 25.7 0.9 2709.8 100 Total Fourth International Symposium in GIS/ Spatial Analyses in Fishery and Aquatic Sciences Socio-economic Setting Fourth International Symposium in GIS/ Spatial Analyses in Fishery and Aquatic Sciences Results River Basins Profiles Fourth International Symposium in GIS/ Spatial Analyses in Fishery and Aquatic Sciences Riacho basin Geophysical Setting • Area: 1,319.9 km2 • Fluvial network: 965.5 km • Fluvial order: 6th • Discharge: 43.0 m3/s • Coastline: 7.1 km (including estuarine shoreline) • Estimated estuarine area: 0.18 km2 Indicators • LCP*: 185.2 km2/km • Land use Natural systems: 291.7 km2 (27.6 %) Semi natural systems: 748.7 km2 (70.9%) Urban-industrial systems: 3.3 km2 (0.3 %) *LCP: Land Coastline Pressure indicator Fourth International Symposium in GIS/ Spatial Analyses in Fishery and Aquatic Sciences Reis Magos basin Geophysical Setting • Area: 822.4 km2 • Discharge: 29.9 m3/s • Fluvial network: 1,307.7 km • Fluvial order: 6th • Coastline: 43.1 km (including estuarine t i shoreline) h li ) • Estimated estuarine area: 0.63 km2 Indicators • LCP*: 19.1 km2/km • Land use Natural systems: 374.3 km2 (47.8%) Semi natural systems: 394.7 km2 (50.4%) Urban-industrial systems: 11.4 km2 (1.5%) *LCP: Land Coastline Pressure indicator Fourth International Symposium in GIS/ Spatial Analyses in Fishery and Aquatic Sciences Piraquê-açu basin Geophysical Setting • Area: 424.2 km2 • Discharge: 14.5 m3/s • Fluvial network: 502.0 km • Fluvial order: 5th • Coastline: 79.4 km (including estuarine shoreline) • Estimated estuarine area: 7.48 km2 Indicators • LCP*: 17.5 km2/km • Land use Natural systems: 196.3 km2 (46.4%) Semi natural systems: 222 222.2 2 km2 (52.5%) (52 5%) Urban-industrial systems: 3.0km2 (0.7%) *LCP: Land Coastline Pressure indicator Fourth International Symposium in GIS/ Spatial Analyses in Fishery and Aquatic Sciences Coastal sub-basin 1 Geophysical p y Setting g • Area: 222.8 km2 • Discharge: 7.6 m3/s • Fluvial network: 235.5 km • Fluvial order: 4th • Coastline: 16.8 km Indicators • LCP*: 13.3 km2/km • Land use Natural systems: 61.2 km2 (30.4%) Semi-natural systems: 128.8km2 (63.9%) Urban-industrial Urban industrial systems: 10.0km2 (5.0%) *LCP: Land Coastline Pressure indicator Fourth International Symposium in GIS/ Spatial Analyses in Fishery and Aquatic Sciences Jacaraípe basin Geophysical Setting • Area: 200.4 km2 • Discharge: 6.7 m3/s • Fluvial network: 562.5 km • Fluvial order: 6th • Coastline: 11.4 km (including estuarine shoreline) • Estimated estuarine area: 0.13 km2 Indicators • LCP*: 17.5 km2/km • Land use Natural systems: 55.9 km2 (27.8 %) Semi-natural systems: 112.5 km2 (56.0 %) Urban-industrial systems: 29.2 km2 (14.6 %) *LCP: Land Coastline Pressure indicator Fourth International Symposium in GIS/ Spatial Analyses in Fishery and Aquatic Sciences Vitória basin Geophysical Setting • Area: 85.9 85 9 km2 • Discharge: 2.9 m3/s • Fluvial network: 149 149.2 2 km • Fluvial order: 4th • Coastline: 30.2km Indicators • LCP*: 2.8 km2/km • Land use Natural systems: 27.6 km2 (32.2%) Semi-natural systems: 15.1 km2 (17.6%) Urban-industrial systems: 38.6 km2 (45.1%) *LCP: Land Coastline Pressure indicator Fourth International Symposium in GIS/ Spatial Analyses in Fishery and Aquatic Sciences Coastal sub-basin 2 Geophysical p y Setting g • Area: 54.6 km2 • Discharge: 1.8 m3/s • Fluvial network: 0 km • Fluvial order: • Coastline: 33.7 km Indicators • LCP*: 1.6 km2/km • Land use Natural systems: km2 (%) Semi-natural systems: km2 (%) Urban industrial systems: km2 (%) Urban-industrial *LCP: Land Coastline Pressure indicator Fourth International Symposium in GIS/ Spatial Analyses in Fishery and Aquatic Sciences Results Management Zones Fourth International Symposium in GIS/ Spatial Analyses in Fishery and Aquatic Sciences Management Zones Critical Zone: direct effects of human activities ((seabased and landbased activities) and natural costal processes (marine and fluvial dynamics) Estuarine ecosystems Dynamic Zone: indirect effects of human activities (seabased and landbased activities) and natural river basin and costal processes marine i and d flfluvial i ld dynamics) i ) • by law protected areas within the basin • marine area within the isobath of 10m Wider Zone of Influence: indirect effects of human activities (seabased ( and landbased activities) and natural river basin and costal processes marine and fluvial dynamics) • river i b basin i area; • Territorial Sea (12 nm). Fourth International Symposium in GIS/ Spatial Analyses in Fishery and Aquatic Sciences Management Zones Fourth International Symposium in GIS/ Spatial Analyses in Fishery and Aquatic Sciences Review Critical Zone • Mapping estuarine ecosystem: salinity classes • Define the relative spatial pattern of estuarine plumes (plume core) Review Wider Zone of Influence • Mapping other inner and other shelf waters (e.g., sediment ressuspension) • Define the relative spatial pattern of estuarine plumes (plume core + inner shelf waters) • Submarine groundwater discharge • Submarine outfalls (industrial and domestic) Fourth International Symposium in GIS/ Spatial Analyses in Fishery and Aquatic Sciences Review Critical Zone: Mapping Estuarine Ecosystems Fourth International Symposium in GIS/ Spatial Analyses in Fishery and Aquatic Sciences Estuarine Plume: assessment of extent and dispersal patterns CBERS BAND 2 03-11-04 CBERS BAND 2 03-11-04 CBERS BAND 2 03-11-04 Stretch and Reclassication Supervised classification Fourth International Symposium in GIS/ Spatial Analyses in Fishery and Aquatic Sciences Estuarine Plume: assessment of extent and dispersal patterns CBERS BAND 2 07-18-05 CBERS BAND 2 07-18-05 Stretch and Reclassication CBERS BAND 2 07-18-05 Supervised classification Fourth International Symposium in GIS/ Spatial Analyses in Fishery and Aquatic Sciences Estuarine Plume: assessment of extent and dispersal patterns Landsat 5 TM BAND 2 2005 stretch Landsat 5 TM BAND 2 2005 Supervised classification Fourth International Symposium in GIS/ Spatial Analyses in Fishery and Aquatic Sciences Estuarine Plume: assessment of extent and dispersal patterns Landsat 5 TM BAND 2 2005 stretch Aerial photography 2002 Fourth International Symposium in GIS/ Spatial Analyses in Fishery and Aquatic Sciences Thank you for your attention
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