DHS Head Office Letter - Department of Human Services, Victoria


DHS Head Office Letter - Department of Human Services, Victoria
Department of Human Services
Risk Management and Occupational Rehabilitation
The Department of Human Services (DHS) will make every effort to ensure that the Department’s
Values are implemented in workplaces and that, as far as is practical, the working environment is
safe and without risks to employee health, safety and wellbeing. Despite these efforts, injuries
and illnesses may occur. In the event of a work related injury, DHS will take all necessary steps to
ensure the injury does not happen again.
DHS is committed to assisting staff who are injured or ill because of work. This involves taking
prompt action, consistent with medical advice, and to assist staff remain at or return to work
provided it is safe and practical to do so. In all circumstances, the wellbeing of the injured staff
member, other staff, clients, contractors and visitors is considered.
Risk Management Program
DHS will:
• Take all practicable steps to identify, assess and control any known or potential risks to staff
members and visitors
• Encourage the early reporting of hazards and risks of work related injury or disease
• Investigate all incidents, accidents, injuries or near misses to identify their cause(s) and
remove or minimise the potential for them re-occurring
• Comply with all our legal obligations, including notification of incidents to WorkSafe Victoria
when required
Occupational Rehabilitation Program
Return to Work Policy
All staff are expected to assist and co-operate in ensuring this policy is followed. DHS’
commitment to this policy means:
• There must be early reporting and early intervention at the workplace to enable an injured staff
member to stay at work, if appropriate
• Rehabilitation and planning for return to work will commence as soon as possible after an
injury, will be consistent with medical advice, and will comply with the employers obligations
described in the VWA Return to Work Guide for Employers.
• A Return to Work Plan and Offer of Suitable Employment will be established for any staff
member when an initial absence of 10 days or more, or modification of duties is indicated
• Remaining at, or returning to work as soon as is safely possible after illness or injury is a
normal workplace practice and expectation
• Suitable duties which do not jeopardize the wellbeing of the staff member, other staff or
clients, will be provided as part of the return to work program in accordance with s.122 of the
Accident Compensation Act 1985
• There will be full involvement of staff in their own rehabilitation and return to work
• Appropriate confidentiality of information during rehabilitation and return to work will be
• Return to work programs will be reviewed at agreed internals in consultation with injured staff
and treating practitioner with necessary adjustments made to reflect any changes in the staff
member’s work capacity in order to progress towards recovery
• Consultation with the injured staff member, and where applicable, the union representative will
occur to ensure that the occupational rehabilitation program operates effectively
• Participation in a return to work plan will not, of itself, prejudice any injured worker
• Staff will be informed of their rights and responsibilities under the Accident Compensation Act
Injury Management Co-ordinators
DHS regions will appoint suitably trained persons to fulfil the role of Injury Management Coordinator within that region. Every opportunity for on-going training and support will be provided
to ensure these persons are fully equipped to perform the role expected of them.
Assistance with rehabilitation and return to work
The supervisor and injury management co-ordinator will work together with staff injured at work
and their treating practitioners to ensure this occupational rehabilitation program is implemented.
Occupational Rehabilitation Providers
DHS works with a variety of specialist occupational rehabilitation providers from the Victorian
WorkCover Authority’s list of approved providers to facilitate rehabilitation and return to work
where occupational rehabilitation services are reasonable and necessary.
4When an injury or illness occurs staff must notify their supervisor at the first available
opportunity and complete a DINMA (disease/injury/near miss/accident) report. The supervisor will
notify local Work Health staff as soon as possible. The injury management co-ordinator will
contact the injured staff member to ensure that they have access to appropriate medical
treatment and discuss with them and their treating practitioner, the expected future work capacity
and rehabilitation strategy.
4Involving a rehabilitation provider: when an injured staff member needs specialist
assistance with the rehabilitation and return to work process, assistance from a DHS preferred
occupational rehabilitation provider may be sought. The Authorised Agent will be consulted
regarding referral of an injured staff member to an occupational rehabilitation provider.
4Finding suitable duties: the supervisor and injury management co-ordinator, in consultation
with the injured staff member and treating practitioner will develop an individual return to work
program which is meaningful, productive and consistent with work capacity. Suitable duties may
mean modification to equipment, work practices, duties or working hours. Where the injury
precludes an immediate return to pre-injury duties, every attempt will be made to provide
alternate duties. Where appropriate, opportunities will be provided for skill development.
4Consultation: the supervisor and injury management co-ordinator will consult with the injured
employee, their treating practitioners and, where applicable, the union representative, on how the
workplace can assist the injured staff member and determine what arrangements are necessary
for a return to work.
4Disputes: in the event of a dispute over a return to work program, immediate action should be
taken to resolve the situation through discussion with all parties. If resolution is not possible, the
matter can be referred to the WorkCover Conciliation Services.
For more information:
Contact your regional Department of Human Services injury
5226 4927
5333 6089
9843 6077
5722 0609
5177 2542
Loddon Mallee
5434 5504
management co-ordinator:
9412 2661
9213 2419
9275 7344
This Program was developed in consultation with the Department of Human Services’ WorkCover
agent: QBE Mercantile Mutual Workers’ Compensation, 628 Bourke St, Melbourne 3001.
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