Love Lights - Mayo Clinic Health System


Love Lights - Mayo Clinic Health System
Love Lights
Love lights are a special way to remember and
honor loved ones during the holiday season.
White lights serve as memorial lights. Colored
lights honor living friends or relatives, or
simply say “Happy Holidays” to those dear
to us. Blue lights honor those serving or
who have served in the military.
All proceeds benefit Mayo Clinic Health
System’s hospice program. Hospice provides
care and support to terminally ill patients
and their families, in 11 counties throughout
northwest Wisconsin.
Referral to hospice can be made by the
person needing hospice services, family,
physicians, clergy, health and/or social
service agencies.
For more information about the
hospice services and programs, call
1-800-236-8408 (toll-free), or visit
mother of six, grandmother to 18 and great-grandmother to two, Diane
Rosenbrook was a family woman through and through.
“Her family came first. If she went shopping or something, she’d always buy
for everybody else first,” Bloomer, Wisconsin, resident Dean Rosenbrook says
of his late wife. “She loved her family.”
Dean’s wife of nearly 57 years also loved quilting, baking, cooking,
gardening, snowmobiling and spending time at their lake home near New
“We had a lot of good memories up there — a lot of reunions and gettogethers with family,” says Denise Lesny of Bloomer, who is one of Dean
and Diane’s six children.
A generous soul, Diane also helped with the family farm, completed
bookwork at the couple’s snowmobile dealership and, for more than 30 years,
volunteered faithfully at Mayo Clinic Health System – Chippewa Valley
in Bloomer.
Even when her passing was imminent, Diane continued to put others’
concerns first.
“Even in the end, she would never complain. ‘Are you
hurting?’ ‘Nope, I’m OK,’” recalls daughter Dawn Johnson of
Eau Claire. “She never once said she didn’t feel good. She
didn’t want anybody to worry about her.”
Diane was 73 when she passed away Jan. 9, 2013,
at home, assisted by the hospice team at Mayo Clinic
Health System.
Dean Rosenbrook sits near the
quilts his wife Diane sewed before
she passed in 2013.
“Even with three girls in the medical field, it was just
unreal how hospice helped us,” Dean says, noting how
Denise is a radiologic technologist at Mayo Clinic Health
System – Chippewa Valley in Bloomer, Dawn is a registered
nurse at Mayo Clinic Health System in Eau Claire and
daughter Donna is a dental hygienist. “The hospice team
knew exactly what to do, and they were there when we needed them.”
In 2009, Diane was diagnosed with a disease called polycythemia vera, a
slow-growing blood cancer, which progressed to the bone marrow disorder
myelofibrosis in March 2012. In late 2012, following a 21-day hospitalization,
Dean remembers Diane telling him she wanted to go home.
“That’s when hospice came in,” he says.
Mayo Clinic Health System’s hospice program is a comprehensive line of
services providing comfort and care for the terminally ill and their families.
An interdisciplinary team of professionals, including registered nurses,
hospice aides, social workers, spiritual care providers, a registered dietitian,
rehabilitation therapists, volunteers, a massage therapist and the program’s
medical director, provide care. On-call nursing service is available 24 hours a
day, seven days a week, and medical equipment, supplies and medications
also are offered.
2014 Tree Lighters
Each year, community members are selected to light Mayo
Clinic Health System love light trees. These individuals have
given many hours to support our facilities and to make patients’
experiences better. Lighting the trees is our way of honoring
their gift of time, financial support, kindness and friendship to
our organization.
Dean Rosenbrook with his six children, pictured left to right.
Front row - Dawn Johnson, Donna Bowman, Denise Lesny and Dean Rosenbrook
Back row - Dean D. Rosenbrook (Charlie), Dale Rosenbrook, and Dennis Rosenbrook
Dawn praises the service for its helpfulness in her family’s time of need,
assisting them with medical equipment and medications, and offering
compassion and support.
“The whole burden of the illness was taken away,” she says.
“It’s just unreal what they did for us,” Dean adds.
Diane’s wish was to die at home and, through hospice, it was a wish fulfilled.
“Bringing Mom home with hospice was an experience I will always
treasure,” Dawn tearfully recalls. “It was a decision that took us to the next
step. Even though it was very difficult emotionally, it was a decision that
brought us closer together. Mom was ecstatic when she was able to come
home, and we were all there to help support her. We had a lot of laughs and
tears, and, in the end, we know we did the best for Mom.”
In appreciation, the family made a donation to the hospice program in
Diane’s memory a few months after her passing.
“We’d gotten in a lot of memorials, and we just figured that was one of the
important places to put that memorial money toward,” Dean says.
The family also has participated in the love light tree fundraiser, which
benefits the hospice program.
“I purchased one last year in Mom’s memory, in years past in my
grandparents’ memory,” Denise says.
Looking back at the family’s experience, Dawn cautions families not to be
afraid of hospice or reluctant to utilize its services.
“I kind of even was afraid of it, too, because you’re thinking of what the end
is,” she says. “The end’s going to come either way, and, with hospice, you
can choose a program that’s going to make it easier on everybody. It’s a great
program, and it worked for our family.”
Michael Damroth, M.D., retired as a family medicine physician after treating
patients for 41 years in Barron. Dr. Damroth demonstrated commitment,
compassion and concern for his patients. In addition to his work in the clinic,
he has worked in the Emergency Department and Obstetrics & Gynecology.
He has been a great colleague, and ensured his patients felt secure and safe.
Although he retired from a full-time practice, he will continue to provide care
in the clinic starting in January. Bloomer
Dr. Richard and Mrs. Mary Gladitsch have touched the lives of many
patients, staff and students throughout the community. Richard Gladitsch,
M.D. retired as a family medicine physician after 35 years of practice in
Bloomer and Colfax. Dr. Gladitsch also has served as chief of staff and was a
board member. Mary Gladitsch worked as a teacher for the Bloomer School
District for 18 years and retired in 2011.
Eau Claire
Jo Ann Smith was an Eau Claire volunteer for 24 years. She volunteered
in the gift shop, Library and Information Desk. She also volunteered as a
seamstress and sewed reflective tape on Mayo One uniforms. Her dedication
to the organization was an inspiration to her fellow volunteers and staff. We
were extremely blessed to have her support for so many years.
Ginnie Gierke was a registered nurse in Menomonie for 32 years. After
retirement, she returned to volunteer here, accumulating more than 10,000
hours of volunteer service. Gierke oversees a sewing group named Lady
Bugs, creating items for patients. Her endless devotion to patients and staff
has been remarkable. We are fortunate to call her a friend.
Pete and Edie Oftedahl of Osseo were selected to light this year’s love
light tree because of their many years of dedication and volunteer service to
patients and staff. Edie currently volunteers at the clinic greeter station. In
past years, she served on the auxiliary, providing volunteer service at bake
sales, as well as other events and fundraisers. The Oftedahl’s have been
advocates and supporters of patient care throughout our history.
The following is a list of names received by the Nov. 24 deadline
to be included in this publication. Names received after Nov. 24
will be included in the 2015 listings. Numbers in parenthesis
denote additional lights as requested by one or more donors.
In memory of
(white lights)
Mayo Clinic
Health System –
Chippewa Valley
Karen Ahlquist
Evelyn Amodt
Loyal (Bud) Anderson
Marvin Babbitt
Donnie Baier
Jamie Lynn Baier
Don Barlow
Esther Barlow
Janet Barlow
Millard Barlow
Karen Barton
Rex Barton
Julius Bathke
Kristen Bathke
Al Bauer
Sarah Bauer
Alfred Bauer Sr.
Eleanor Berg
Arlene Berge
Arlene and Gerald Berge
Gerald Berge
John Bernier
Daniel Bischel
Ephriam Bitney
Ida Bitney
Myrtle Bitney
Orville Bitney
Zane Bitney
Eric Bleskacek
Florence and John Bleskacek
Gerald E. Bleskacek
Loretta Bleskacek
Joe Blum
Joni Blum
Sharon Bobb
Harold Boese (2)
Helen and Edwin Boettcher
Adolph Bohaty
Dan Bohaty
Marian Bohaty
Vicki Bohaty
Herman and Clara Bohl
J. Bernard Bohl
J. Bernard and Lorraine Bohl
Lorraine Bohl
Tom Bohl
Kenneth Boos (2)
Anna Bowe
Ben Bowe
Clayton Bowe
Clement (Huntz) Bowe
Emery and Eunice Bowe
Gloria Bowe
Leonard and Gertrude Bowe
Luke Bowe
Luke A. Bowe
Raymond Bowe
Raymond G. Bowe
Lawrence Bremer (2)
Evan Bresina (3)
Arnold Buchner
Mr. and Mrs. August Buchner
Camilla and Elmer Buchner
Florence and Carl J. Buchner
Herbert Buchner
Marie Buchner
Norbert Buchner (3)
Marie S. Buchner (Grandma)
Marie S. Buchner (Great
Gertrude Caron
Homer Caron
Sister Gertrude Caron
Vernon Caron (2)
Sheila Castel
Deb Cecchini
Ed and Hermina Chermack
Ruth Chevrier
Walter Chevrier
Joan Choo
Leslie Conrad
Anna Corrick
Frank and Evelyn Cudney
Dennis Dachel
Herbert and Violet Dachel
Roland and Frances Dachel
Toni Dachel
Bob Davis
Estella Davis
Frieda Davis (2)
Jack Davis
LaVonne Davis (2)
Berdine Decker
Dan (Wayne) Donahue
Margaret and Tony Durch
John Dutton
William and Eva Durch
Izetta and Betty Eder
Charles Ehrhard
Jean Ehrhard
Baby David Evans (2)
Lane-Lehrer Family
Angeline Fanetti
Duane Fanetti
Gene Fanetti (2)
Paul and Bernice Fanetti
Tony and Florence Fanetti
Leonard and Amanda
Robert and Evelyn
Jerry Faschingbauer (3)
Eugene Ferstenou
Eva Ferstenou
Jeanette Ferstenou
Melvin Ferstenou
Eugene Ferstenou - Dad
Eugene Ferstenou - Grandpa
Mary Jane Fisher
Arlyn Frank
Ira Frank
Marlene Franz
Carl Gasper
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Frenz
Evelyn Gates
Dorothy Gehring
Herman Gehring
Susan Gehring
Allen Geissler
Bonnie Geissler
Muriel and Gib Geissler (3)
Luella and Bill Getzie
Bill Gladitsch
Clifford Goettl (2)
Veronica Goettl (2)
Albert Goettl Sr. (2)
Angela Grassini
Charles Grassini
Helen Grill
John Grill
Thomas Grill
Ann Gunderson
Helen Gunderson
Oswald Gunderson
Clara Haakenstad
Herbert Haakenstad
Burton Hable
Catherine and Joseph Hable
John Hable
Leroy Hacker
Elsie Hanson
Steve Hanson
Raymond Harnisch
Andrea Hartman
Gib Hartman
Gwen Hartman
LaVern Hass
Violet Hass
Christine Hassemer
Dr. D. J. Hassemer
Elayne M. Hassemer
Todd Hassemer
Walter Hassemer
Art and Jo Haverly
Bob and Fran Haverly
Doris Haverly
Albert Henneman
Alfred Henneman
Ella Henneman
Herbert Henneman
Lena Henneman
Norman Henneman
Rose Henneman (2)
Jenny Hensgen
Frank Roger Hones (3)
Karen Hophan
Mr. and Mrs. Gayle Hopkins
Larry Hughes
Iris and Francis Hurt
Jean Ingebretson
Robert Ingebretson
Marion Jacobson (2)
Bob Jacobson Sr.
Robert Jacobson Sr.
Kenneth Johnson
Maurice Johnson (2)
Allie Kellen
Aloysius Sr. and
Josephine Kellen (2)
Eldred Kellen
Josephine Kellen
Vernon Kellen
Al Kellen Jr.
Aloysius Kellen Jr.
Aloysius Kellen Sr.
Margaret Kennedy
Wright Kennedy
Edith Kennedy Family
Gerald F. King (2)
Hazel and Harold Klund (3)
Howie Koehler
Leona and Bob Koehler
Ron Koehler
Tim Koehler
Leo Kolmer
Lois Kolmer
Marie Kolmer
Richard Kolmer
Michael J. Kramer (4)
Kris Kramschuster
Wilmar and Bernice
Harry and Betty Kressin
Ida and Maynard Kressin
John Kressin
Leona Kressin
Norbert Kressin
Vernon Kressin
Andrew Kuba
Jack Kuhn
Lucy Kuhn
Susan E. (Peterson) Kulzer
Dick Kunsman
Frank and Irma Kunsman
Richard Kunsman
Clifford LaGesse
Tom LaGesse
Bill Lambert
Jan Lane (2)
Jeanie Lang
Dr. L. J. Larson
Mary L. Larson
David Lauer
Judi Lebeis
Roger and Helen Lebeis
Aaron Lee (2)
Bobbi Jo Lewis
Doris Lewis
Tom Lewis
Noreen Lieberherr
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Lien
LaVerne Ludwigson
Norbert Ludwigson
Lorraine and Wilbur Lueck
Florence Lueck (2)
Harold Lueck (2)
Gloria Lunemann
Logan and Devin Lunemann
Mona Marquardt
Roger Marquardt
Trevis Marquardt
Garland Marshall
Irene McCracken
Albert McFarlane
Loretta McFarlane
Celina Meinen
Gilbert Meinen
Ralph Meinen (2)
Gregory and Elsie Meinen Family
William and Edna Mercier
David and Loretta Metcalf
Ella Metcalf
Jess Metcalf
Phoebe Metcalf
Vernon Metcalf
Wendy Metcalf
Kelli Meyer
Allan Michaelis
Albert and Anne Michels
Larry Michels
Mr. and Mrs. George Mickesh
Dorothy Miller
Marie (Hartman) Miller
Susan Mohr
Diane Molitor
Henry and Alice Monpas
Barney Neary
Ellen Neary
Jack Neary
Eddie Nelson
Shari (Schroeder) Nelson
Lyman and Pearl Nielsen
Bernadette Nimtz
Fred Nimtz
Shorty Nimtz
Werner Nimtz
Louis Nosal (2)
Dennis Oldenberg
Dennis “Snort” Oldenberg
Leonard Oldenberg
Lloyd Oldenberg (2)
Errol Olsen
Alice Olson
Bill Olson
Herman Olson
Otis Olson
Vic and Lettie Olson
Ervan and Leona Pagenkopf
Leon and Leona Paulus
Marie and Tom Peaslee
Arnold Peil
Elsie Peil
Lorraine Peil
Peter and Gladys Peil
Nellie Penning
Noah Penning
Vernie Perrin
Audrey Peterson (2)
Dennis Peterson (2)
Donald H. Peterson
Hans and Coral Peterson (2)
Henry E. Peterson
Irma A. Peterson
Mason Peterson (2)
Robert Peterson
Robert E. Peterson
Robert J. Peterson
Wayne Peterson (2)
Bill and Lucile Pietz
Larry Pinter (2)
Frank Plansky
Katherine Plansky
Bernice Plante
Dennis Poirier
Leona Poirier
Marvin Poirier
Ron Poirier
Taylor Lynn Poirier
Verona Poirier
Dr. Leo Prill
Gib and Leona Prince
Gilbert Prince
Leona Prince
Rollie Prince
Rollie and Lorena Prince (2)
Don Pritchard
Cecilia “Sissy” Rada
Carl Rasmussen
Joseph Raykovich
Violet Raykovich
Lorraine Raven
Robert Rediger
Betty Lou Reed
Hugh “Snook” Reed
Anna Reischel
Jerome Reischel (2)
Wm. Reischel
Dick Revoir
Bud Richardson
Herman Rihn
Skylar Robichaud
Jerome M. Rogge (2)
Alice Rosenbrook (2)
Gilbert Rosenbrook (2)
Diane Rosenbrook (9)
Gilbert and Alice Rosenbrook
Doris Rubenzer (2)
Jacob Rubenzer
Jake Rubenzer
Wyatt Rubenzer
Andrew Ruf
Mark Ruf
Theodore Ruf
Wilhemina Ruf
Ted Rufledt
Toni Rufledt
William Ryder
Walter and Matilda Samens
Emil Sarauer (3)
Brenda Schemanauer (2)
Herman and Ludwina Schindler
Ginny Schleis
Harold and Mabel Schlender
John and Anna Schmidt
Shirley Schmidt (2)
Elmer Schroetter
Evelyn Schroetter
Gilbert Schwab
Verdene Schwab
Verdene and Gib Schwab
Dorothy and Andrew Schwartz
Roma Schwartz
Carl Score
Earl Score (2)
Nancy Score (2)
William and Mildred Score
Dale Seckora
Debra Seckora
Douglas Seckora
Gregory Seckora
Joe Sr. and Elnora Seckora
Karen Seckora
Karin Seckora
Kevin Seckora
Mary Kay Seckora
Joe and Elnora Seckora Family
Frank and Mary Seibel (3)
Matthew Seibel
Herman and Lillian Seidling
Robert Seidling
LaVerne Seidling (3)
Edmund Shipman
Gertrude Shipman
Paul Shipman
Elnora Siker
Milton Siker
Buzz Simmerman
Dolly Simmerman
Wendy Simmerman
Corky Siverling
Floyd Siverling
Homer Siverling
Darrell Smetana
Jeanette Smetana
Maryanne Smetana
Adrian Sobotta
Jake and Cecelia Sobotta
Tim Sobotta
LaVonne Spacek
Gertrude Sparby (2)
Ben Stanley
Ed Stanley
Lee Stanley
Lyle Stanley
Marjory Stanley
Charles Steinmetz
Lena Steinmetz
Pat Steinmetz (2)
Steve Steinmetz
Edwin Stelter
Julie Stelter
Margaret Stelter
Timothy E. Stelter
Clesson Stewart
Esther Stewart
John and Nina Stewart
Wanda Stewart
Fred Stickney
Melva Stickney
Ida and Eugene Stoffel
Joseph and Clara Stoffel
Cale Stoik (4)
Levoyd “Red” Stolt
Don Strand
Doris Stuckert
Jake Stuckert
Patricia Sumstad
Curt Swartz
Bernadette Swoboda
Bernard Wm. Swoboda
Wanda B. Tandberg
Jack Thome
John Thompson
Allen and Vi Turner
Archie and Marie Turner
David Urban
Dianne Urban
George and Gladys Urban
Harry Vahlenkamp
Harry and Loretta Vahlenkamp
Loretta Vahlenkamp
Anne Van Valkenburg
Floyd Van Valkenburg
Joyce Vetterkind
James Veum
Lelah Veum
Robert Veum
Roy Veum
Wallace Veum
Anna and Eugene Waldbuesser
Verlyn Waldolfski
Harlen Wallsch
Mike Webb (2)
Evrette, Diedre and
Kimmee Week
Joanne Wiensch
Lorraine and Pete Wildenberg
Homer Wittrock
Jean Wittrock
Julie Wittrock
Coletta Wofford
Hazel Woods
Dorothy Worthington (3)
Robert J. Yakesh (2)
Brandon Young
Sam Young
Valeria Young
Adeline “Pewee” Younger
Jane Younger
Ray Younger
Quentin J. Zinsmaster
Delvin Zwiefelhofer (4)
Frank Zwiefelhofer
Grandpa Albert and Grandma
Hilda Zwiefelhofer
Joe T. and Anna K. Zwiefelhofer
Marilyn Zwiefelhofer (4)
Larry Zwiefelholfer (3)
Leon J. Zwiefelholfer
Mayo Clinic
Health System
in Eau Claire
Annabel Ableidinger
Elgene Ableidinger
Lee Ableidinger
Myron Ableidinger
Roger Ableidinger
Florence Ackerman
Raymond Ackerman
Edna Alfuth
Peter Alfuth
Bradley Anderson
Loved Ones of Dorthy
C. Anderson
Marian B. Anderson
Marieta “Rita” Anderson
Robert J. Anderson
Rodger Anderson
Steven J. Anderson
Viola J. Anderson
Najeb Anwar
Parents of Dr. Shamim Anwar
Parents of Marilyn Anwar
Dean Arnold
Muriel and George Arnoth
John Arnstad
Alan P. Aspenson
Rhonda Awino
Owen Ayres
Margret J. Babbitt
Dorothy Backstrom
Norman Baehr
Calvin Baehr (2)
Ellen Bammel
Paul F. Bammel
Charles Barnes
Christel J. Barta (10)
Arthur W. Beaver (2)
Clarence Behlke
Hilda Behlke
Amy Leigh Berg
Eugene Berg
Gloria Berg
Jeananne Berg
Roger Berg
Art Bernhardt
Harriet Bernhardt
James Biegel
Cheryl E. Bilot
John Bitney
David Black
Donald E. Blink
Muriel O. Blink
Bobo and Poppy
Dan Bonner
Clem B. Bowe
Delvin Bowe
Rose Bowe
Mary Boxeth
Jayne Branshaw
Kathy Branshaw
Maxine and Fred Branshaw
Juliana Brantner
Lawrence Brantner Jr.
Lawrence Brantner Sr.
Evan Bresina (2)
Terry Brott (3)
Geraldine Brown
Reuben Brown
Dan Bunce
LaMoine and Alvina Bunce
Milo “Mike” Burkart
Archie W. Burlingame
Dana Burns (5)
Roger Burrows
George and Berniece Burt
Charles and Marion Bushendorf
Violet Bushendorf
Chris Buttikofer
Scott Buttikofer
James H. Byers (4)
Beth Candell
Simon Candell
Joanne Cardinal (5)
Hugh Chambers
Robert Chambers
Wanda Chambers
Kevin M. Chartier
Evelyn Christenson
Ron Christner (2)
Robert Clarke
Frank Close
Verona Close
Douglas Clough
Bonnie Coequyt
Raymond Coequyt
Gary W. Cripe
Charlie Cummings
Dale Cummings
Berdean Curtis
Everett Curtis
Orville Dammen
Clifford Davidson
Richard Davidson
Emory Davie
Melita Davie
Davies Family (5)
Cindy Day
Harold DeGrasse
Lorraine DeGrasse
Valerie A. Dehnke
Fern B. DeMoe
Jack S. DeMoe
Martin J. Denial
Mitchell Ryan Denk
Grace Denning
Charles Dickoff
Bernard Diers
Gail Diers
Darrell Doers
Lottie Draheim
Larry Duerkop
Ann Dumond
Lois Dumond
Robert Dumond
Mike Durocher
Orlin D. Durocher
John Durtschi Sr.
Cindy Dwyer
John Eberhardt
Tom Ebert
Jerry Ekern
Marty Ekern
Amanda Endru (2)
Lloyd Endru (2)
Beverly Erickson
Duane “Dewey” Evenson (4)
Helen and John Fabiny
Clyde Fenner (5)
Betty Finanger
Betty Finn
Richard Finn
Thomas Fisher
Joshua Fleming
Christopher Flick
Harvey Flick
Herbert Flick
Lora Flick
Betty Franko
Joseph Franko
Ronny Franson
George Frase
Melissa Freeland
Marion Froseth
George Gardow
Richard Gehlen
Christopher Geigle
Phyllis Geigle
Judy Geissler
Nicholas Geissler
Donald W. and Jane E. George
Doris Gibson (4)
John L. Giese
Patricia Giese
George Girard
Ophelia and Philip Gleason
Connie Glenz
Ellen Gomieo
Duane Grasser
Bernice Green
Jeanette Gruen
Carole Gruen-Turner
Brad Gunderson
Robert Gunderson
Barbara Gustaveson
Jack Gustaveson
Sherman Haapala
Helen Haas
Albert Hakes
Marie Hakes
John Hakes (3)
Arlene Hamman
Vic A. Hanson
William Hanson (2)
Marilyn Hare
Robert C. Harris
Esther Hartl
Henry Hartl
Arlyle M. Hartman (2)
Connie Hatfield
Lawrence “Bud” Hatfield
Skeeter Hatleli
Clement W. Hayden (4)
John J. Hazen
John James Hazen (20)
Jim Hegg
Jim Hennig
Ralph E. Henning
Elizabeth A. Henning (2)
PVT 1st Class Michael
Jason Hiatt
Lorraine B. Higgins
Steve Hilgenberg
Lois Hillert
Ted Hillert
Mildred Hilson
Noel Hilson
Grandma and Grandpa Hoch
LaVerne Hoch
Donna Hoffman
Janeen Holstein
Kirk Holstein
Larry Holthus
Lucille M. Horel
Eileen Huntington
Harvey Huntington
Harvey and Eileen Huntington
Perry Hurlburt
Dayna E. Huseth
Rakhshanda Hussain
Christopher Iannone
Larry Iehl
Rich Immormino (2)
Clarence Jacobson
Frances Jellen
Frank Jellen
Lance Jevne
Joseph and Frances Jobe
Chelsea M. Johnson
Judith Johnson
Milford Johnson
Renee Johnson
Ella Jungerberg
Walt Jungerberg
Henry Kadzielawski
Byron “Oscar” Kallenbach
Rodney Lee Kallenbach
Lisa Kallenbach (2)
Sharon Kaminski
Kenneth Keck
Erv Keilholz
Fern Keilholz
Joan Keller
Dr. Walter M. Kelley (11)
Claire Kewan
John L. (Jack) Kildahl (2)
Carol L. Kinney
David Shane Klohs
Jason Koshoshek
Ken Kozak
Rachelle Kretschmer
Roy Larrive
Adele Larson
Bowman Larson
Eleanor Larson
Lorraine Larson
Sam Larson
Tony Laskowski (4)
Suzanne Lear
Gerald B. Lee Family (2)
Ruby Lemke
Leone Lennie
Olive Lerdahl
Orin Lerdahl
Bill Lewis
Sean Lewis
Jim Lindstedt
Dr. Natalie Bousfield Linse (5)
Agnes Lisker
Harold E. Loe
Lincoln (Lonnie) Lokrantz
William “Bill” Lulloff
Barbara MacNaughton
Donald MacNaughton
Dwight MacNaughton
Myrtle MacNaughton
Walton Manz, M.D.
Laurel Marcks
Ronald Marcks
Baby Martin
Dennis Martin
Rev. Dick Maser
Clarence Maske
Dolly Maske
Ervin E. Maske
Darrel Mattison
Harold Mayer
Carol Ann McMiller
John Sr. and Rosemary Menard
Gerrie Meyer
Joe Meyer
Steve Meyer
Rollie Meyer Jr.
Rollie Meyer Sr.
Terry Mezera
Doris Michaud
Robert Michaud
Francis Michels
Ardell “Rod” Miller
Ardie Mooney
Rosena Morris
Roy Morris
Joe Mullen
Lucille Mullen
Denise Murch (2)
John Nelson
Marvin C. Nelson
Ovila M. Nelson
Adolph and Anga Ness
Anga Ness (2)
Howard Nicolet
George Nuesse
Jim Nyre
James O’Connor, M.D.
Ernest and Josie Oldenberg
Linda Y. Olson
Thorwald Olson
Dorothy Ottow
Ernest Pahl
Amanda and Baby Peterson
Evie and Pete Peterson
Frederick Piehl
Jennifer Poeschel
Chester Quale (15)
Arthur Quarberg
Louise Quarberg
William and Louise Quast
Dora Rabideaux (2)
Charles Rauscher
Patricia Raycher
Harold Reed
Jean L. Relyea
Renee J. Riley (3)
Anna Risler
Charles Risler
Richard Robelia
Bryan J. Roberts
Joan E. Roberts
Jerry Roffler
Mary Roffler (2)
Amy Nelson Rogers
Francis Rogness Jr.
John Rogstad
Charles Root
Edwin Root
Grace Root
Haroldine Root
Linda Root
Mildred Root
Eugene Rosemeyer
Diane Rosenbrook (5)
John Rossato
Orlyn Rud
Ermin Rust
Orwin Sands
Lloyd Scheuermann
Ruby Scheuermann
Caroline Schiefelbein
Layton Schiefelbein
Pat Schiefelbein
June and Ray Schilling
Sal Schilling
Leon Schmidt
Roma Schmidt
James and Dorothy Schmit
Danielle Schneider
Jerome Schuch
Mildred Schuch
Raymond Schuch
Richard Schuch
George Schulner
George and Severina Schulner
and Family
Erin Margaret Schultes
Sarah Scott
Elizabeth Searing (2)
Dick Seng (2)
Victoria Setla (21)
Dorothy Shea
Barbara Shufelt
Elnora Siker
Milton Siker
Ezidro Silva
Keith R. Simpson (5)
Vern Smith
Marvin Solberg (5)
Sandy Solfest
Rita Finn Somers
Don Sperber
Jim and Arlene Stahlbusch
Fred R. Steffen (4)
Bernard Stelter
Martin Stephenson Jr. (2)
Ava Steponik
Tom Steuding
Parents of Jo and Rodger Stolp
Chuck Swenson
Edward J. Thompson (10)
Dolores Tietz
Ellen and Harold T’Kach
Mrs. Bernie Trettin
Bernie Trettin Sr.
George Turner
Gerry Lynne Unruh (4)
Walter Ventzke
Olga Ventzke (5)
Bernard Vogler
Ann (Kildahl) Wagner (2)
Jean Waldron
Francine D. Ward
Percy and Mary Ward
Alfred, Shirley and
Norman Weber
Loriann Wedlund
Brody Weiss
Mark Weiss
Phyllis Weiss
Laurane Wendt
Lois J. Wendt (20)
Sarah Werlein
Dick Werner
Vi Werner
Geraldine E. Werth
Cecil West
Evelyn West
William Westphal
Michael Whalen
Wallace D. Wheeler
Dale White
David Williams
Dr. David Winter (11)
Dr. and Mrs. J.H. Wishart (5)
Ronald H. Witt (2)
Lloyd Wittren
Lester Wold
Virginia Wold
William and Eulalia Wolf
and Family
Esther Wolff
Gene Wolff
Harry Wolff
Mary Wolff
Tim “Doc” Wolter
Jason Yarrington
Jessica Zais
Robert Zielke
LeRoy N. Zingle
Mayo Clinic
Health System –
Bob Amundson
Patti Anderson
Paul Bader (2)
Thela Ludvigson Badger
Joseph Beard (2)
George and Bev Bever
Becky Birkholz
Rolf Blaser
Ryan Blaser
John Breckner
Darrell Bryngelson
Edward Bryngelson
Rose Bryngelson
Garold Busick (3)
Margaret Busick
Garold Busick Jr.
Stella Butler
William Butler
Virgil Coleman Sr. (3)
Clara Cusick
Marshall Cusick
George and Estella Damroth
Nick Davison
Berdine Decker
Ronald Dodge (2)
John Donica
Gunnar A. Eckman
Mary Ellis
James Ellison (5)
Christine Emely
Tina Emerson
Janice Fox
Amelia French
Donna French
Evan French
Newel French
Gerald Ganske (2)
Lorraine Gillett
Michele Goodremote
Carl Gubbin
Palma Gubbin
Lawrence Guilfoyle
Marguerite Guilfoyle
Miles and Adalia Hansen
Delores Hanson
Mike Hatch (3)
Mick Hehl
Maurice Heil
Andrew Heldt
Rhonda Hellstern
Tony Hellstern
Don Henrich
Jim Henrich
Don Hesse
Christine Holmstrom (2)
Mary Jean Holten
Christy Horstman
James (Jim) Humphrey
Pamela J. Humphrey
Shorty (Geraldine) Humphrey
Darren Hyland
Jerome W. Jackson
Doris Johnson
Melissa A. Johnson
Wallace Johnson
Art and Gertrude Kallenbach
Dale Kallenbach
Duane Keilholtz
Rick Keilholtz
Dr. J. Chris Kerr
Thomas Kieffer (2)
Kenny Knutson (2)
Raymond Knutson (2)
Albert Kolb
Milly Kolb
Reinhold Kolb
Ruth Kolb
Sue Kosednar
Lillian Koser
Adam Krahenbuhl
Ken Kuehndorf
Ken Kuehndorf Jr.
Maxine Kuehndorf
Beth Landsworth
Esther Lansin
William B. Lansin
Dolores Larson
Mary J. Larson
Ada Lee
Carroll Lee
May Lee
Pete Lee
Mary A. Liedl (4)
Florence Lindblad
Karl Ludvigson
Parents of Russ and Donna Maas
Sandy Market
James Markuson
Brad Marvin
Frosty Mathews
Gary Mathews
Alice McCracken
Brad McCracken
Walter McCracken
Elgie McDonough
Iona McDonough
Robin McDonough
Audrey Miller
Emil and Mabel Miller
Eugene E. Miller
George Miller (2)
Kay Miller (4)
Luana A. Miller
Dr. Mike Miller
Ronald Miller
Werner Miller (4)
William E. Miller
David and Lil Millermon
Ken Mosentine
Douglas M. Nagel
Henrietta K. Nagel
William A. Nagel
Harvey Nelsen
Mabel Nelsen
Etta Nelson
Matt Nelson
Clara E. Nichols
Eleanor F. Nichols
Ila Mae Nichols
William B. Nichols
Ronald Nieman Sr.
Sophus and Margaret Nordlee
Ron Novotny
Ronald Novotny (2)
Dorthy Olson
Amy Lynn Olson (2)
Art Olson
Robert “Bobby” Otto
Ida Pankonien
Ken Pfaff
John L. Porter
Kathleen Puls
Raymond Puls
Ethel Quaderer
Marge (Seeger) Ramsey
Dean Raven
Deceased Members of
Paul Revere H.C.E. Club (2)
LaVern Rockow (5)
Bud Rogers
Bruce Rogers (2)
Calvyn Romsos
Harris Runge
Tracy Rykal
Austin Shimon
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Sinclair
Wilbur and Wendell Sinclair
Gerald F. Sirovatka
Duane Skjerly (2)
Ervin Skjerly (2)
Eleanor F. Solberg
Ernest Solberg
Wren Sprague
Wren Sprague (3)
Dr. Glen Springer (4)
Mike Steffek (2)
Cliff Sundsmo
Donald Swan
Monica Swanson
Harold and Reda Thorson Family
Carl and Gena Tuftin
Casper and Dorothy Tuftin
Edwin and Grace Tuftin
DeWayne Lee Varnes (2)
Walter (Bud) Vaughn
Bob Vollendorf
Ina Vollendorf
Harry Vruwink
Luke Vruwink
Margaret Vruwink
Reid Wallmow
Valeria Walz (2)
Lowell Weber (4)
Ron Widlund
Douglas Wilcox
Anna and Edwin Wold (2)
Eric and Shirley Wuorenma (2)
Larry Wuorenma (3)
Mayo Clinic
Health System –
Bernice Abbott
Herbert Abbott
John Aguillard
Lulu Aguillard
Agnes Amundson
Harry Amundson
Dean Anderson
Erling Anderson
Ervin Anderson
Evelyn Anderson
John Anderson
Norma Anderson
John “Moose” Anderson (4)
Iola Bidney
Mr. and Mrs. James Bjornstad
Grace Blahnik
Gary Bloom
Gordon Bloom
Louie Bolka
Gertie Bratsven
Hilda Bratsven
Issac Bratsven
Joe Bratsven
Joe and Gertie Bratsven
Glen Brown
Selma Brown
Norman Bunderson (2)
Mildred Burns (8)
Wayne Coey
Allen B. Dahl (2)
Robert L. Dahl (2)
Clifford Davidson
Richard Davidson
Roger Dehnke
Tayah Dehnke
Alvin Douglas
Doris Douglas
Myrtle Douglas
Orval Douglas
Reid Erickson
Edwin Fethke
Esther Fethke
Mark Finstad
John L. Giese
Patricia Giese
Eva Plomedahl Gilbert
Avis Goss
Wayne Goss
Harry Hageness
Blanche Hageness (2)
Alma Halverson
Bert Halverson
Beverly Hanson
Leonard Hanson
Perscilla Hanson
Ralph E. Herman
Rudolph Herman
Thelma Hermstad
Steve Higley (2)
Betty Holman (2)
Floyd Holmen
Marv Hong
Andrew Hunchar (5)
James T. Hunchar (4)
Marge (Shoemaker) Ihle
Marge Ihle
Philip Ihle
Tilla Ihle
Helen Isom
Howard “Stub” Jermstad
Philip Jermstad
Zackary Jermstad
Georgine Johnson (2)
Jerald Johnson
Jonathan J. Johnson
Marie Johnson (2)
Pamela (Myren) Johnson
Richard Johnson (3)
David Julson
James Julson
Matt and Emma Kattastad
Olive Kattestad
Eugene Krause
LaVern “Bud” Krszjzaniek
Mr. and Mrs. Emil Krszjzaniek
Vern LaBelle
Ernes Langner
Eva Langner
Ronald Langner
Lawrence Larson
Mamie Larson
Palmer C. Larson
Selma Larson
Duane Lauterbach
Edwin Lauterbach
Lillian Lauterbach
Dr. Robert Leasum (8)
Gertrude Leasum (8)
Nels Leasum (8)
Milton Lee (2)
Chet Lien
Loretta Lien
Connie Little
Darold Lowe
Steve Lowe
Golga and Gustave Lundberg
Pat Majewski
Henry Martini
Linda McGaver
Ingwald Myhers
Ruth Myhers
Ernest Myhre
Robert and Esther Myhre
Steven Myhre
Theodore and Minnie Myhre
Minnie Myren
Jerry Nelson
Tommy Nelson
Oakridge Nursing Home
residents that have passed in
the last year (2)
Lauritz and Mina Oftedahl
Annette Olson
Arlene Olson
Donna Olson
Larry Olson
Skin Olson
Todd S. Olson
Ray Ottestad
Art (Red) Peterson
Bev (Myren) Peterson
Cora Peterson
Harold Peterson
Helen Peterson
Marion Peterson
Melvin Peterson
Sandra Peterson Johnson
Leslie Plomedahl
Deceased Legion and
Auxiliary Members of Post 453
Karolyn (Lucy) Ressel
Chuck Rongstad
Cora Rongstad
Dorothy Rongstad
Johnny Rongstad
Walter Ruchotzke
Arnold Rue
Julia Rue
Andy Sampson
Roman Schermetzler
Margie Scow
Palmer Scow
Bonnie Senn (4)
Gertie Shoemaker
Don Sieg
Jeane Sieg
Elnora Siker
Milton Siker
Jay Smith
Robert and Henrietta Smith
Alice Steen (2)
James Steen
Eddie Steig
Eileen Steig
Gerald Stendal
Mae Thill
Clarence Thompson
Marvel Thompson
Gladys Thorpen (2)
Harry Thorpen (2)
Arthur Tollefson
Emma Tollefson
Gary S. Tollefson
Philip Torpen
Bud Vold
Edwin Vold
Ester Vold (3)
Gladys Vold
John Vold (2)
Larry Vold
Luke Vold (2)
Sena Vold
Betty Wright
Wendell Zell
Mayo Clinic
Health System –
Red Cedar
Steven Aasen
Terry V. Aasen
Jesse Alne
Jim and Mary Lou Alseth
Albert Andraschko
Albert M. Andraschko
Mathew J. Andraschko
Will and Dorothy Ashman
Verla Auth
Mary Jo and Fred Baglio
Esther Barnes
Albin Barros
Thressa Barros
Matthew Baskin (2)
Charles Bates
Charles L. Bates
Juanita Bates
Juanita Smith Bates
LaVerne Bates
Mabel Denning Bates
Todd Bauer
Ned and Muriel Bayrd
Lyle and Margie Beguhn
Charles Belden
Jim Belden
Marge Belden
Howard Bengtson
Dorothy Benoit
Brent Bergeron
Walt Beverung
Esther Bird
Ray and Violet Bley
James Bloss
Mary Boxeth
Hub and Jan Bradford
Gary A. Brown
John Brunstad (6)
Ann Bryan
Christine Bryan
Clarence Bryan
Thomas Bryan
Don J. Buckley
Garrett Buckley
Baby Angel Buhr
Sandy Burr
Sebastian and Theresa
Marlene Cable
Eunice Calhoun
Joseph D. Chastan (2)
Dallas Chryst
Alton and Oma Clark
Clarence Clark
Leo R. Clark
Mamie Clark
Leslie and Helen Cole
Collin Condit
Vera Condit
Donald Cook
Kevin Cook
Darrell Cotts
Stanley Cotts
Carol Cox
Loren Cropp
Sherry Dahl
Janet Davis
Frank Davis, IV
Frank Davis, Sr.
Carl Dehnert
George Didrikson
Ila Donley
Jerry Donley
Mike Donley
Beth Bliss Dunn
James T. Dunn
Beverly Ebling
Bill Edwards
John Edwards
Margaret Edwards
Russell Edwards
Harry W. Egan
Lloyd (Ike) Eiseth
Rod Eiseth
Avis Eitland
Eli Maynard Eitland
Harlow, Lorraine and
Tommy Ellefson
Jenny Elliott
John Eng
Marcia Ann Eng
Mary Eng
Selma Eng
Simon Eng
Merton Erickson
Jeannine C. Evan
Judy Faber
PFC Thomas W. Faber
Sylvia Faber
Walter Faber
Dennis Falde
Ray Fencl
Teresa Fencl
George Frank
Tena Frank
Shirley (Wyss) Freiermuth
Arnie Gerth
Ed and Ann Gerth
Betty Gesche
Eric Goers
Dorothy Greeley
Kathleen Green (2)
Loris Groskopp
Merlin Groskopp
Norma Jean Gustum
Clarice Haesly
Leo Hafele
Ernie and Helen Halvorson
Jack and Lucille Hammond
Rochelle Hardy (2)
Scott Harrison
David Hartung
Jack and Lois Hase
Janet Hase
Jenni Hase
Sandy Hase
Tom Hase
O.K. Hedlund
Gladys Heitkamp
James Heitkamp
Raymond Heitkamp
Lainey Jean Helgeson
Doris Hemauer
Laurence Hemauer
Elmer Hermann
Margaret Hermann
Lionel Hillman
Barbara Rudiger Hintz
Rich Hintz
Richard Hintz
Richard F. Hintz
Willard Hintz
Darlene Hintzman
Marlys and Larry Hinzman
John and Lois Hitz (2)
Myrtle Hobbick
Anna Hoff
Donald Hoff
Richard Hoff
Wayne Hoff
Alfred Hoff Jr.
Daniel and Martha Horvath
Jane Houser
Emery Howard
Gene Howe
Terry Hughes
Perry Hurlburt
Butch Husby
Riley Husby
Ron Husby
Thomas A. Jacobson (2)
Don Jenny
Eleanor Jenny
Nora Jensen
Winnie Jensen
Baby Johansson
Jean Johnson
Lorraine B. Johnson
Orville Johnson
LeRoy Kegen (2)
Grace Keilholz
Louie Keilholz
Joan Keller
Jim Kelly
Audrey Kitchner
Maxine Klatt
Annie Klosser
Anton Klosser
Ben Knopps
Allan Kuester
Helen Kuester
Sandy Kuester
Parents of Marv and
Janice Kufahl
Donald Labs
Grace Lampman
Shirley Larson
Lenora Lausted
Gary Lemke
Louis and Leona Lemke
Gertrude Lofgren (5)
Dick Lowery (5)
L. Dale Lund
Richard Lystrom
Todd Lystrom
Bob Malnory
Joyce E. Marine
Randy R. Marine
Robert R. Marine
Clifford Marlett
Irvin Mattison
Troy Maves
John Mihalek
Patsy Mihalek
Jeff Millar
Jeptha Millar
John Millar
Justin Millar
Les Miller
Erin Moe
Erling Moldenhauer
Our dog, Molly
John Morrison
Olga Morrison
David Naatz
Alan Nadler
Ed and Gertrude Noll
Ida Noll
Lloyd and Opal O’Bryan
Wesley O’Bryan
Brian Okonkowski
Arnold Olson
Dolores Olson
Doug “Ole” Olson
Kenneth Olson
Leah Nicol Olson
Verne Olson
Betty Parman
Ralph Parman
Nina Pederstuen
Paul Pederstuen
Lois Peterson
Ruth Pickerign
Charlie Price
Ray Price
Rodney Price
Ted and Ev Price
Betty Lou Prochnow
Elsie Prochnow
Elmer Prochnow (2)
George Prochnow
Myrtle Prochnow (2)
Erma Quilling
Gerald Quilling
Julia Quilling
Marvin Quilling
Ralph Quilling
Melvin Rasmussen (2)
Allene and Cy Rhead
Cy and Toots Rhead
Sue Roodell
Gene Rudiger
Lee Rudiger
Mavis Rudiger
Tina and Lape Rudiger
Marilynn Rushton
Lois E. Sampson
Lois J. Sampson
Marion Samuel
Maxine Scheel
Waldo Scheel
Caroline Scheifel
Don Scheifel
Edna Schlough
Edwin Schlough
Alvira Schultz
Ruth E. Schutz
Bob Sedlak
Edgar Seeger
Maude Seeger
Devon Shackleton
Edna Skowen
Harmon Skowen
Dana Smith
Donovan Smith
Eugene Snyder
Norm Soergel
Louis and Alda Solberg
Paul Speidel
Dale Spielman
Al Sprader
David Sprader
George and Hazel Stark
Carl Steinke
Farrah Stender (Friest)
Harvey and Oline Stevens
Pete and Myrtle Stoll
Kari Strand
Kathy Strand
William Strand
Clarence Stratton
Frances Stratton
Lyle Stratton
Arnold Strehlau
Cheryl Svatik
Elizabeth Svatik
John Svatik
Joan Svendsen
Richard Svendsen
Frank and Barbara Swannack
Joan Swisher
Richard Talmage (2)
Arlene Thatcher (2)
Clifford Thatcher (2)
Pat Thompson
Barry Timm
Carol Tischman
Rocile Townsend
Vernon Townsend
Max Tritt
Albert Tschudy
Dr. Jim Ulesich
Floyd Unser
Sis Unser
James Van Hove
Lois Van Hove
Alfred Vennes (2)
Laura Vennes (2)
All Deceased Veterans
Ben Vollendorf
Lil Vollendorf
April A. Wagner
Helen L. Wagner
Lester C. Wagner
Mable Wagner
Tara Waller
Karl Walters
David Wang
Randy Wang
Wayne Wang
Kayla Wayne (2)
Robert Wayne
Roy Wayne
Cheryl Weber
Cyril Weber
Eugene Weber
Lester Weber
Mary Weber
Susie Weber
Wayne Weber
Wendy Weber
Ardis Welch
Boyd Welch
Charles Welch
Lyman Welch
Ronald Welch
Roy Wendt
Jason Werner
Cheri Wheeler
Christopher Wier
Don Wilsey
Donald Wilsey
Jeanne R. Witt
Esther Wolbert
Verlon Wold
Joseph Wolf (2)
Tom Wolfe
Dorothy Wolske
Emil Wolske
John Wyss
Marie Wyss
Rusty Ziebell
Bill Ziegler
Evelyn Ziehme
Galen Ziehme
Tina Zunker
In honor of
(colored lights)
Mayo Clinic
Health System –
Chippewa Valley
Joe Baier
Mike and Bonnie Bauer
Clint Berge
T-Bone Bitney
Shirley Bowe
Nadine Bresina
Aline Buchner
Beulah Buchner
David Buchner and Family
Julie Buchner
Laurie Buchner Family
Mark Buchner
Sarah Chojnacki
Lou Clark
Kenneth Cole
John Dachel
Floyd and Lisa Dachel
and Jonathon
Pat Davis Family
Tom Davis Family
Russ Deckert
Eric and Janel Fanetti and Family
Gin Fanetti
Sister Jenada Fanetti
Todd Fanetti
Michelle Gasper
Doris J. Gates
Gordon Geissler
Alena Gladitsch
Carl Gladitsch
Dr. Richard and Mary Gladitsch
Elaine Gladitsch
Michael Gladitsch
Nora Elaine Gladitsch
Josephine Goettl (2)
Louise Hacker
Phyllis Hartman
Karen Hassemer
Vernon and Gaynel Hofmann
Bob Hohmann
Ruth Hohmann
Deloris Johnson
Joan Johnson
Jill Jones
Edward Kaiser
Helen Kellen
Florence King
Bud and Beulah Koehler
Lois Kressin
Antoinette Kuba
Gloria Lambert
Doris Lane
Robert Lane
Jaxin Lang
Ken Lang
Dean Lunemann
Mayo Clinic Health System
Hospice Employees (4)
Vern Molitor
Marilyn Neary
Debbie Orelup
Donna Peterson
Russell Peterson (2)
Barbara and Greg Rogge
Dianne Root
Pat and Ann Rufledt and Family
Vernon and Mary Schindler
Family of John and Anna
Rod Schmidt, Jr.
Arthur and Madonna Seibel
Bob and Bea Seibel
Kevin and Maria Seibel and
Kim and Rollie Seldal
Natalie Siverling
Rex and Jenn Spicer and Family
Eunice Steinmetz
Vernon Steinmetz
Delbert Stewart
Greta Thome
Mary Tschida
Herb and Carol Vahlenkamp
Arlene Waldolfski
Ed P. Wittrock
Gracie Yohnk
Mayo Clinic
Health System
in Eau Claire
Dr. Shamim Anwar
Grandchildren of Marilyn and
Dr. Shamim Anwar
William J. Arries
Earl Benning
Mary Burns (5)
Mary Jane Dahlkemper
JoAnn Danberg
Dolores Durtschi
Bill Feirn
Gary Gehlen
Lisa Goettl
Margaret Gratz
Marian Haapala
Carrie, Mike, Kelsey and
Jamie Hallquist
Emily Hayden
Nick Hayden
Lowell Hellie
Hemodialysis Patients (4)
Carl W. Higgins
Jacob Hoepner
Cathy Jensen
3 Grandchildren of Sarah
4 Daughters of Sarah Kallenbach
Mary Jane Larson
Patricia Larson
John Marcon (2)
Mayo Clinic Health System
Hospice Employees (4)
Frank and Betty Mezera
Rose Michels
Laura Miller
Vaneva Nolfi
Karli Peterson
Riley and Sarah, Adam and
David Peterson
Steven Peterson
Mary Jane Quarberg
Lynn Salter
Carl Searing
Steven Skaare
JoAnn Smith
Children of Jo and Rodger Stolp
Grandchildren of Jo and
Rodger Stolp
Great Grandchildren of Jo
and Rodger Stolp
Sarah Vatne
Carcyn Wathke
Cayci Wathke
Weight Management
Services Employees (10)
Children of Pam and Dave White
Grandchildren of Pam and
Dave White
Parents of Pam and Dave White
Jerome Wittren
Arnold Zimmerman
Mayo Clinic
Health System –
Grandchildren of Caroline
Great Grandchildren of
Caroline Amundson
Jackson and Evan Blaser
Karl Damroth
Kelly Damroth
Michael Damroth, M.D.
Rachel Garbo
Shirley Hehl
Emily Hellendrung (2)
Mayo Clinic Health System
Hospice Employees (4)
Lillie Miller (2)
Lyle Minor
Mabel Minor
Karen Novotny
Aericka Olson
Anton Olson
Bea Pfaff
Living Members of Paul Revere
H.C.E. Club
Past and Present Members of
Paul Revere H.C.E. Club
Carna Rogers
Garrett and Axeton Sadtler (2)
Ted and Pauline Seeger (2)
Children of Esther Skjerly
New Great Granddaughter
Violett Ann, born 11/15/14
Jim West
Mayo Clinic
Health System Oakridge
Lavina Anderson
Leonard Anderson
Ann Austin
Tegan Bell (2)
Margaret Bloom
Marion Chappelle
Russ and Ione Dodge
Delores Erickson (2)
Skyler Hicks
Elbert Hom
Clarice Hong
Una (Klendby) Ihle
Donna Julson
Augusta Krause
Charlie Kurth
Joan Kurth
Mildred Leasum
Mayo Clinic Health System
Hospice Employees (4)
Pete and Edie Oftedahl
Corrine Ottestad
Ellen Myhre Poast
Marion Sampson
Children and Grandchildren of
Gary and Colleen Schwerke
Payton Slaby
John and Lorena Stoffel Family
Pastor Lewis Thompson
Kristi Vold
Ronett Langner Ward
Mayo Clinic
Health System –
Red Cedar
Karen Alfrey
All Veterans
Tammy Anderson
Aquacise Class
Jeff Belzer
Laura Berglin
Peggy Biondich
Mary Busalacchi
Tianna Canfield
Suzanne Carlsrud
Jane Crosby
Dennis Dahl
Mary Dicks
Dave Eitrheim
Wilma Erickson
Chad Evenson
Chris Evenson
Emily Evenson
Shannon Evenson
Jay Fahl
Nancy Frank
Richard Frank
Steven Gerth
Ginnie Gierke
Rachel Gray
Stacey Gray
Lori Hansen
John Hazen
Debbie Hitz
Sarah M. Jacobson (2)
Samantha Johanson
Julie Karnick
Liz Kramer
Maxine Kramer
Paul Kramer
Paul Kramer Jr.
Lorraine Manor
Mayo Clinic Health System
Red Cedar Employees
Mayo Clinic Health System
Hospice Employees (4)
Menomonie Fire Dept.
Betty Lou Millar
Betty Moldenhauer
Judy Morgan
Angela Rahl
Loved Ones of Ann and
Dennis Rhead
Marcie Rosas
Rhonda Schneider
Charlotte Sims
Janice Spicha
Jean Westberg
Jeanne Wier
Pastor Heather Wigdahl
(blue lights)
Jeremy A. Crowder
Kale Danberg
Donald Dumond
Emily Erickson (2) Air Force
Bruce Freeland Sr.
Taylor Galbraith
Richard Gifford
PVT 1st Class Michael
Jason Hiatt
Verne Indrebo
Clinton Jenson
Cody A. Kallenbach
John Robelia
Ray Rumberg (deceased)
Harrison Tietz
George Werth Sr. CW04
Derek Wold
Ingrid Wold
Mayo Clinic
Health System Northland
David Bellefeuille
Chief Petty Officer Dustin Hyland
Jordan Jensen
Pastor Steve Timm
Edwin Wold (2)
Larry Wold (2)
Monte Wold (2)
Mayo Clinic
Health System Oakridge
Krista Coey
Jeff and Luanne Dodge
Kent and Melody Dodge
Don Holman (2)
Verne Indrebo
Jarrod M. Jermstad
WO4 Jarrod Jermstad
Brian Ottestad
Mayo Clinic
Health System –
Chippewa Valley
Mayo Clinic
Health System –
Red Cedar
Martin Brill
Arnold Buchner
Kenneth W. Cole
Gerald F. Davis
Michael S. Davis
Cory M Davis and Family
Jacob Johnson (2)
Joe Pecha
Richard L. Revoir
Norbert C. Ruff
Jack Thome
Richard Andraschko - Navy
Jason Baumgardner
Mike Belden
Lawrence Coss
LaVerne Gustum
Sylvia Anne Hazen
George J. Kinney, Sr.
Elwood Manor
Walter Peterson
Lawrence E. Quilling
Larry and Fritz Shock
Tyler Theberge
Adam Wyss
Brianna Wyss
Mayo Clinic
Health System
in Eau Claire
Robert Theodore Cahow
Terry Clough (2)
Gary W. Cripe

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