Royal Gazette July 23, 2016
Royal Gazette July 23, 2016
Prince Edward Island Postage paid in cash at First Class Rates PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY VOL. CXLII – NO. 30 Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, July 23, 2016 CANADA PROVINCE OF PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND IN THE SUPREME COURT - ESTATES DIVISION TAKE NOTICE that all persons indebted to the following estates must make payment to the personal representative of the estates noted below, and that all persons having any demands upon the following estates must present such demands to the representative within six months of the date of the advertisement: Estate of: Date of the Advertisement Personal Representative: Executor/Executrix (Ex) Administrator/Administratrix (Ad) Place of Payment BLANCHARD, Reginald J. Rita Doiron Blanchard (EX.) Rustico Queens Co., PE July 23, 2016 (30-43)* HBC Law Corporation 25 Queen Street Charlottetown, PE CAMPBELL, William Calder Eleanor Anne Gallant (EX.) Cornwall Queens Co., PE July 23, 2016 (30-43)* Key Murray Law 119 Queen Street Charlottetown, PE CLEMENTS, Mary Loretta Carol Ann Matheson St. Charles (formerly Carol Ann Jones) Kings Co., PE Albertine Clements (EX.) July 23, 2016 (30-43)* Stewart McKelvey 65 Grafton Street Charlottetown, PE HATTON, Paul George Colette Hatton (EX.) Allen J. MacPhee Law Marie Corporation Kings Co., PE 106 Main Street July 23, 2016 (30-43)* Souris, PE HICKEN, Reta Barry Hicken Pembroke Charles Hicken (EX.) Kings Co., PE July 23, 2016 (30-43)* Cox & Palmer 4A Riverside Drive Montague, PE MacDONALD, Carol Ann Gail Gray (EX.) Meadowbank Queens Co., PE July 23, 2016 (30-43)* T. Daniel Tweel 105 Kent Street Charlottetown, PE *Indicates date of first publication in the Royal Gazette. This is the official version of the Royal Gazette. The electronic version may be viewed at: ROYAL GAZETTE 762 July 23, 2016 CANADA PROVINCE OF PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND IN THE SUPREME COURT - ESTATES DIVISION TAKE NOTICE that all persons indebted to the following estates must make payment to the personal representative of the estates noted below, and that all persons having any demands upon the following estates must present such demands to the representative within six months of the date of the advertisement: Estate of: Date of the Advertisement Personal Representative: Executor/Executrix (Ex) Administrator/Administratrix (Ad) Place of Payment McINNIS, Hector Rita McInnis (EX.) Tignish Prince Co., PE July 23, 2016 (30-43)* Cox & Palmer 347 Church Street Alberton, PE MacNEILL, Amy Wallace Vere MacKay (EX.) Murray Harbour Kings Co., PE July 23, 2016 (30-43)* HBC Law Corporation 25 Queen Street Charlottetown, PE KELLY, Ellen Mary Leonard Kelly (AD.) Toronto, ON July 23, 2016 (30-43)* Cox & Palmer 4A Riverside Drive Montague, PE DOYLE, Leo Augustine Irene Sanderson (EX.) Charlottetown Queens Co., PE July 16, 2016 (29-42) Carr Stevenson & MacKay 65 Queen Street Charlottetown, PE LIVINGSTON, Carl Daniel Stratford Queens Co., PE July 16, 2016 (29-42) Daniel Livingston Kent Livingston Lori Livingston (EX.) Campbell Lea 65 Water Street Charlottetown, PE MacLEAN, Bertha M. Larry F. Welton (EX.) Montague Kings Co., PE July 16, 2016 (29-42) Stewart McKelvey 65 Grafton Street Charlottetown, PE MacPHERSON, Alvin E. Ann Berneta MacPherson (EX.) Pinette Queens Co., PE July 16, 2016 (29-42) Campbell Stewart 137 Queen Street Charlottetown, PE MacQUARRIE, Charles William Caroline Helen MacQuarrie South Rustico Lori Anne McLean (EX.) Queens Co., PE July 16, 2016 (29-42) Campbell Lea 65 Water Street Charlottetown, PE CAVAGNARO, Jean M. Lauren Cavagnaro (AD.) Boston, Massachusetts July 16, 2016 (29-42) Cox & Palmer 4A Riverside Drive Montague, PE ROYAL GAZETTE July 23, 2016 763 CANADA PROVINCE OF PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND IN THE SUPREME COURT - ESTATES DIVISION TAKE NOTICE that all persons indebted to the following estates must make payment to the personal representative of the estates noted below, and that all persons having any demands upon the following estates must present such demands to the representative within six months of the date of the advertisement: Estate of: Date of the Advertisement Personal Representative: Executor/Executrix (Ex) Administrator/Administratrix (Ad) Place of Payment MICHAEL, Christopher Mary Setlik (AD.) Chicago, Illinois July 16, 2016 (29-42) Cox & Palmer 97 Queen Street Charlottetown, PE PETERS, Mary Margaret Ann Margaret Creed (AD.) Charlottetown Queens Co., PE July 16, 2016 (29-42) Peter C. Ghiz Law Corporation 240 Pownal Street Charlottetown, PE STEELE, Reginald F. Reginald J. Steele Natick, Middlesex County Derek C. Steele (AD.) Massachusetts, USA July 16, 2016 (29-42) Peter C. Ghiz & Associates 240 Pownal Street Charlottetown, PE FORD, Florence Maria Eva MacNeill York Cheryl MacNeill (EX.) Queens Co., PE July 9, 2016 (28-41) Carpenters Ricker 204 Queen Street Charlottetown, PE MacDONALD, John Bernard Diane MacDonald Allen J. MacPhee Law Monticello Blayne MacDonald (EX.) Corporation Kings Co., PE 106 Main Street July 9, 2016 (28-41) Souris, PE McDONALD, Leonard Joseph Floyd McDonald (EX.) Charlottetown Queens Co., PE July 9, 2016 (28-41) Carr Stevenson & MacKay 65 Queen Street Charlottetown, PE NELSON, Caroline Joanne Ronald Frederick Nelson (EX.) (also known as Joanne Nelson) Calgary, AB July 9, 2016 (28-41) Carr Stevenson & MacKay 65 Queen Street Charlottetown, PE PHILLIPS, Sadie Gladys (also John Carr, Q.C. (EX.) known as Gladys Sadie Phillips) Charlottetown Queens Co., PE July 9, 2016 (28-41) Carr Stevenson & MacKay 65 Queen Street Charlottetown, PE ROYAL GAZETTE 764 July 23, 2016 CANADA PROVINCE OF PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND IN THE SUPREME COURT - ESTATES DIVISION TAKE NOTICE that all persons indebted to the following estates must make payment to the personal representative of the estates noted below, and that all persons having any demands upon the following estates must present such demands to the representative within six months of the date of the advertisement: Estate of: Date of the Advertisement Personal Representative: Executor/Executrix (Ex) Administrator/Administratrix (Ad) Place of Payment ROPER, Dorothy E. Donald Ling (EX.) Charlottetown Queens Co., PE July 9, 2016 (28-41) Campbell Stewart 137 Queen Street Charlottetown, PE NORTHCOTT, Dawn Carol Peter Ivan Northcott (AD.) Hampshire Queens Co, PE July 9, 2016 (28-41) Stewart McKelvey 65 Grafton Street Charlottetown, PE CAMPBELL, Whylie Roy Fenton Campbell (EX.) Lot 16 Prince Co., PE July 2, 2016 (27-40) Key Murray Law 494 Granville Street Summerside, PE CLOW, Robert Cecil Frances Sheila Gallant (EX.) Charlottetown (formerly Grand Tracadie) Queens Co., PE July 2, 2016 (27-40) HBC Law Corporation 25 Queen Street Charlottetown, PE JEFFERY, Troy Joseph Sherri-Dawn Jean Jeffery (EX.) Tignish Prince Co., PE July 2, 2016 (27-40) Cox & Palmer 250 Water Street Summerside, PE MacLURE, A. Aileen Judy L. Johnston Montague Gary B. MacLure (EX.) Kings Co., PE July 2, 2016 (27-40) Cox & Palmer 4A Riverside Drive Montague, PE MEYER, Robert John Gloriana Glory (EX.) French River Prince Co., PE July 2, 2016 (27-40) Cox & Palmer 250 Water Street Summerside, PE YOUNGS, Richard C. Rosemary A. Dooley (EX.) Normal, Illinois USA July 2, 2016 (27-40) Stewart McKelvey 65 Grafton Street Charlottetown, PE ROYAL GAZETTE July 23, 2016 765 CANADA PROVINCE OF PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND IN THE SUPREME COURT - ESTATES DIVISION TAKE NOTICE that all persons indebted to the following estates must make payment to the personal representative of the estates noted below, and that all persons having any demands upon the following estates must present such demands to the representative within six months of the date of the advertisement: Estate of: Date of the Advertisement Personal Representative: Executor/Executrix (Ex) Administrator/Administratrix (Ad) Place of Payment BROOKS, John Frederick Doreen Alma Dyment (AD.) Tyne Valley Prince Co., PE July 2, 2016 (27-40) Ramsay Law 303 Water Street Summerside, PE KILBRIDE, Katherine Blanche James Rice (AD.) Cardigan Kings Co., PE July 2, 2016 (27-40) Cox & Palmer 4A Riverside Dr. Montague, PE SCHURMAN, David Wayne Robert Wayne Schurman (AD.) Travellers Rest Prince Co., PE July 2, 2016 (27-40) Robert R. MacArthur 3291 West River Road Cornwall, PE VENN, Paula Doreen Julie Elaine Strilesky Bay Fortune Andrew James Strilesky (AD.) Kings Co., PE July 2, 2016 (27-40) Stewart McKelvey 65 Grafton Street Charlottetown, PE BROOME, Muriel Anne Glenda Anne Broome (EX.) Chelton Prince Co., PE June 25, 2016 (26-39) Donald Schurman 155A Arcona Street Summerside, PE DYCK, Dorothy Geraldine James Rogers (EX.) (also known as Dorothy Dyck) Summerside, PE Prince Co., PE June 25, 2016 (26-39) Cox & Palmer 250 Water Street Summerside, PE HEWITT, Arthur James Patricia Jane Hewitt (EX.) Lower Montague Kings Co., PE June 25, 2016 (26-39) Paul J. D. Mullin, Q.C. 14 Great George Street Charlottetown, PE JONES, Sarah Elizabeth Gerwyn R. Jones Summerside Susan Escoffery (EX.) Prince Co., PE June 25, 2016 (26-39) Ramsay Law 303 Water Street Summerside, PE ROYAL GAZETTE 766 July 23, 2016 CANADA PROVINCE OF PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND IN THE SUPREME COURT - ESTATES DIVISION TAKE NOTICE that all persons indebted to the following estates must make payment to the personal representative of the estates noted below, and that all persons having any demands upon the following estates must present such demands to the representative within six months of the date of the advertisement: Estate of: Date of the Advertisement Personal Representative: Executor/Executrix (Ex) Administrator/Administratrix (Ad) Place of Payment MORONEY, Hazel Noreen Watts (EX.) Charlottetown Queens Co., PE June 25, 2016 (26-39) Philip Mullally Law Office 51 University Aveune Charlottetown, PE NICHOLLS, Helen Melinda Sandra Ann Mutton Hamilton Patricia Helen Nicholls (EX.) Ontario June 25, 2016 (26-39) Cox & Palmer 250 Water Street Summerside, PE REID, Albert Joseph Rita Reid (EX.) Suffolk Queens Co., PE June 25, 2016 (26-39) Birt & McNeill 138 St. Peters Road Charlottetown, PE ROPER, Helen Isabel Janet L. Bevan Charlottetown Arleen H. Harris (EX.) Queens Co., PE June 25, 2016 (26-39) McInnes Cooper 141 Kent Street Charlottetown, PE ROSS, Clayton Emmanual (also Randy Ross known as Clayton Emmanuel Ross) Robert Ross Tyne Valley Georgia MacKinnon (EX.) Prince Co., PE June 25, 2016 (26-39) Key Murray Law 494 Granville Street Summerside, PE SIMMS, David Gordon D. Michael Simms (EX.) Charlottetown (formerly Cornwall) Queens Co., PE June 25, 2016 (26-39) Key Murray Law 119 Queen Street Charlottetown, PE SIMPSON, Douglas Reagh E. Lorraine Gordon Iroquois Donald O. Simpson (EX.) Ontario June 25, 2016 (26-39) Stewart McKelvey 65 Grafton Street Charlottetown, PE STONEFIELD, Charles Ralph Kevin Stonefield (EX.) Brudenell Kings Co., PE June 25, 2016 (26-39) Birt & McNeill 138 St. Peters Rd. Charlottetown, PE ROYAL GAZETTE July 23, 2016 767 CANADA PROVINCE OF PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND IN THE SUPREME COURT - ESTATES DIVISION TAKE NOTICE that all persons indebted to the following estates must make payment to the personal representative of the estates noted below, and that all persons having any demands upon the following estates must present such demands to the representative within six months of the date of the advertisement: Estate of: Date of the Advertisement Personal Representative: Executor/Executrix (Ex) Administrator/Administratrix (Ad) Place of Payment KING, Everett Archibald, Jr. Ian Douglas King (AD.) Lower Montague Kings Co., PE June 25, 2016 (26-39) Lecky Quinn 37 St. Peters Road Charlottetown, PE MacQUARRIE, Raymond Florence MacQuarrie (AD.) Oyster Bed Bridge Queens Co., PE June 25, 2016 (26-39) Carr Stevenson & MacKay 65 Queen Street Charlottetown, PE REEVES, Anna Marie Peter Wayne Reeves (AD.) Shamrock Prince Co., PE June 25, 2016 (26-39) Robert R. MacArthur 3291 West River Rd., Rte. 9 Cornwall, PE SADLER, Clifford Norman Jane Sadler (AD.) Charlottetown Queens Co., PE June 25, 2016 (26-39) Key Murry Law 119 Queen Street Charlottetown, PE CAMPBELL, Faye Edgar Allen Gay (EX.) Central Bedeque Prince Co., PE June 11, 2016 (24-37) McCabe Law 193 Arnette Avenue Summerside, PE HARDAGE, Margaret Ruth Anne Bean (also known as Margaret Yeo) Kenneth Hardage (EX.) Ottawa, ON June 11, 2016 (24-37) Cox & Palmer 97 Queen Street Charlottetown JELLEY, Inez Marion Parris Mitchell Jelley O’Leary Cathie Ellen Rivard (EX.) Prince Co., PE June 11, 2016 (24-37) Key Murray Law 446 Main Street O’Leary, PE MacDONALD, Spencer Blaine James Wendell MacDonald (EX.) Mayfield Queens Co., PE June 11, 2016 (24-37) Carr Stevenson & MacKay 65 Queen Street Charlottetown, PE ROYAL GAZETTE 768 July 23, 2016 CANADA PROVINCE OF PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND IN THE SUPREME COURT - ESTATES DIVISION TAKE NOTICE that all persons indebted to the following estates must make payment to the personal representative of the estates noted below, and that all persons having any demands upon the following estates must present such demands to the representative within six months of the date of the advertisement: Estate of: Date of the Advertisement Personal Representative: Executor/Executrix (Ex) Administrator/Administratrix (Ad) Place of Payment MacLEOD, Frederick Cobb Gina MacLeod Charlottetown Bruce MacLeod (EX.) Queens Co., PE June 11, 2016 (24-37) Carr Stevenson & MacKay 65 Queen Street Charlottetown, PE PHILLIPS, Marjorie Irene Eric Phillips (EX.) Knutsford Prince Co., PE June 11, 2016 (24-37) Key Murray Law 446 Main Street O’Leary, PE PHILLIPS, Waldo Orie Eric Phillips (EX.) Knutsford Prince Co., PE June 11, 2016 (24-37) Key Murray Law 446 Main Street O’Leary, PE LECLAIR, Danny John Tami Lyn Marie Leclair (AD.) Summerside Prince Co., PE June 11, 2016 (24-37) Cox & Palmer 250 Water Street Summerside, PE MacARTHUR, Robert Eldon Douglas Eldon MacArthur Tyne Valley Donald James MacArthur (AD.) Prince Co., PE June 11, 2016 (24-37) Key Murray Law 446 Main Street O’Leary, PE MacAUSLAND, Rachel Dawn Stephen Gregory MacAusland Charlottetown (AD.) Queens Co., PE June 11, 2016 (24-37) Birt & McNeill 138 St. Peters Road Charlottetown, PE MacINNIS, Colin Lloyd Bonnie Stewart (AD.) Glen William Kings Co., PE June 11, 2016 (24-37) Cox & Palmer 4A Riverside Dr. Montague, PE ARSENAULT, Margaret Bernetta Wendell Arsenault (EX.) (Marjorie) St. Louis Prince Co., PE June 4, 2016 (23-36) Cox & Palmer 479 Church Street Alberton, PE ROYAL GAZETTE July 23, 2016 769 CANADA PROVINCE OF PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND IN THE SUPREME COURT - ESTATES DIVISION TAKE NOTICE that all persons indebted to the following estates must make payment to the personal representative of the estates noted below, and that all persons having any demands upon the following estates must present such demands to the representative within six months of the date of the advertisement: Estate of: Date of the Advertisement Personal Representative: Executor/Executrix (Ex) Administrator/Administratrix (Ad) Place of Payment CANNON, Leo Alfred Cannon (EX.) Pownal Queens Co., PE June 4, 2016 (23-36) Philip Mullally 51 University Avenue Charlottetown, PE COMPTON, Lorne Hensley Lillian Ada Campbell (EX.) Summerside Prince Co., PE June 4, 2016 (23-36) McCabe Law 193 Arnett Avenue Summerside, PE DIXON, Major Robert Donna Campbell-Dixon (EX.) Souris Kings Co., PE June 4, 2016 (23-36) Stewart McKelvey 65 Grafton Street Charlottetown, PE FRASER, James Alexander Murray Fraser (EX.) Charlottetown Queens Co., PE June 4, 2016 (23-36) MacNutt & Dumont 57 Water Street Charlottetown, PE MacDONALD, Nora Galbraith Barbara Elizabeth Stevens (EX.) Charlottetown Queens Co., PE June 4, 2016 (23-36) Elizabeth S. Reagh, Q.C. 17 West Street Charlottetown, PE MacLENNAN, Edwin Lloyd Wayne MacLennan (EX.) Tyne Valley Prince Co., PE June 4, 2016 (23-36) McLellan Brennan 37 Central Street Summerside, PE MacPHAIL, David Winston L. Ferne MacPhail (EX.) Meadowbank Queens Co., PE June 4, 2016 (23-36) Carr Stevenson & MacKay 65 Queen Street Charlottetown, PE McALDUFF, George Richard Frances Genevieve McAdulff St. Louis RR (EX.) Prince Co., PE June 4, 2016 (23-36) Cox & Palmer 347 Church Street Alberton, PE ROYAL GAZETTE 770 July 23, 2016 CANADA PROVINCE OF PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND IN THE SUPREME COURT - ESTATES DIVISION TAKE NOTICE that all persons indebted to the following estates must make payment to the personal representative of the estates noted below, and that all persons having any demands upon the following estates must present such demands to the representative within six months of the date of the advertisement: Estate of: Date of the Advertisement Personal Representative: Executor/Executrix (Ex) Administrator/Administratrix (Ad) Place of Payment MORRISSEY, Kenneth Alphonsus Arn C.J. Reisler (EX.) Toronto, ON June 4, 2016 (23-36) McInnes Cooper 14 Kent Street Charlottetown, PE RIX, Myrtle Jean Cleve Rix (EX.) Alberton Prince Co., PE June 4, 2016 (23-36) Key Murray Law 494 Granville Street Summerside, PE RUSSELL, Eugene Catherine J. MacKinnon (EX.) Five Houses Kings Co., PE June 4, 2016 (23-36) Carr Stevenson & MacKay 50 Water Street Charlottetown, PE WILLIAMS, Judy Marven Williams (EX.) MacNeills Mills Prince Co., PE June 4, 2016 (23-36) Robert McNeill 251 Water Street Summerside, PE COTTRELL, Thelma Christine John Edward Cottrell Niagara on the Lake Ruth Carol Jaeger (AD.) Niagara, ON June 4, 2016 (23-36) Stewart McKelvey 65 Grafton Street Charlottetown, PE MORGAN, Gwendolyn (Goldie) Gail A’Hearn (AD.) Mary Ebbsfleet Prince Co., PE June 4, 2016 (23-36) Carla L. Kelly 102-100 School Street Tignish, PE RADVANYI, Teresa Ann Lorna Lannigan (AD.) Montague Kings Co., PE June 4, 2016 (23-36) Carpenters Ricker 204 Queen Street Charlottetown, PE BUELL, Leon R. Heather G. Buell (EX.) (also known as Leon Ray Buell) Murray River Kings Co., PE May 28, 2016 (22-35) Cox & Palmer 4A Riverside Drive Montague, PE ROYAL GAZETTE July 23, 2016 771 CANADA PROVINCE OF PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND IN THE SUPREME COURT - ESTATES DIVISION TAKE NOTICE that all persons indebted to the following estates must make payment to the personal representative of the estates noted below, and that all persons having any demands upon the following estates must present such demands to the representative within six months of the date of the advertisement: Estate of: Date of the Advertisement Personal Representative: Executor/Executrix (Ex) Administrator/Administratrix (Ad) Place of Payment GALLANT, John William Frank Murphy (EX.) Summerside Prince Co., PE May 28, 2016 (22-35) Ramsay Law 303 Water Street Summerside, PE HOLMES, Margaret Elizabeth Thomas Harwood Holmes (EX.) Wellington Prince Co., PE May 28, 2016 (22-35) Key Murray Law 494 Granville Street Summerside, PE JACKSON, Julia Ann Elsie O’Gorman (EX.) Summerside Prince Co., PE May 28, 2016 (22-35) Robert McNeill 251 Water Street Summerside, PE MacKENZIE, J. Gordon Lowell MacKenzie Charlottetown Brian MacKenzie (EX.) Queens Co., PE May 28, 2016 (22-35) Stewart McKelvey 65 Grafton Street Charlottetown, PE SMITH, Elizabeth Josephine Merrill Patrick Smith Stratford Wayne Ambrose Smith (EX.) Queens Co., PE May 28, 2016 (22-35) Catherine M. Parkman Law Office 82 Fitzroy Street Charlottetown, PE THOMAS, Marian Isabel Gerald Carrol Thomas (EX.) Courtenay, BC May 28, 2016 (22-35) McLellan Brennan 37 Central Street Summerside, PE TOOMBS, Wilma Jean L. Garth Toombs Summerside Alan L. Toombs (EX.) Prince Co., PE May 28, 2016 (22-35) Key Murray Law 494 Granville Street Summerside, PE HUGHES, Ronald Frederick Judith Kathleen Profitt (AD.) Brackley Beach Queens Co., PE May 28, 2016 (22-35) Ian Bailey 513B North River Road Charlottetown, PE ROYAL GAZETTE 772 July 23, 2016 CANADA PROVINCE OF PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND IN THE SUPREME COURT - ESTATES DIVISION TAKE NOTICE that all persons indebted to the following estates must make payment to the personal representative of the estates noted below, and that all persons having any demands upon the following estates must present such demands to the representative within six months of the date of the advertisement: Estate of: Date of the Advertisement Personal Representative: Executor/Executrix (Ex) Administrator/Administratrix (Ad) Place of Payment BOULTER, James A. (also Anne Boulter (EX.) known as James Arthur Boulter) Victoria Queens Co., PE May 21, 2016 (21-34) Key Murray Law 494 Granville Street Summerside, PE DAVIS, Melvin (also known Deborah Lynn Davis (EX.) as Melvin Jerome Davis) Floral Park, NY USA May 21, 2016 (21-34) Carr Stevenson & MacKay 50 Water Street Charlottetown, PE HARRIS, Eileen (also known Edwin Alexander Harris as Eileen Furze Harris) Benjamin Jenkins (EX.) Summerside Prince Co., PE May 21, 2016 (21-34) McCabe Law 193 Arnett Avenue Summerside, PE HAWBOLT, Mary Eileen Barry Burton Gosby (EX.) Charlottetown Queens Co., PE May 21, 2016 (21-34) Carr Stevenson & MacKay 50 Water Street Charlottetown, PE MURPHY, Thelma Mary Steven Gerard Sherry (EX.) Summerside Prince Co., PE May 21, 2016 (21-34) Ramsay Law 303 Water Street Summerside, PE ROSE, David Allen Susan Ann Rose (EX.) St. Andrews Kings Co., PE May 21, 2016 (21-34) Cox & Palmer 97 Queen Street Charlottetown, PE TAYLOR, Viola Steven W. MacEachern Charlottetown W. Dean MacEachern (EX.) (formerly of Rice Point) Queens Co., PE May 21, 2016 (21-34) Cox & Palmer 97 Queen Street Charlottetown, PE ROYAL GAZETTE July 23, 2016 773 CANADA PROVINCE OF PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND IN THE SUPREME COURT - ESTATES DIVISION TAKE NOTICE that all persons indebted to the following estates must make payment to the personal representative of the estates noted below, and that all persons having any demands upon the following estates must present such demands to the representative within six months of the date of the advertisement: Estate of: Date of the Advertisement Personal Representative: Executor/Executrix (Ex) Administrator/Administratrix (Ad) Place of Payment GALLANT, Matthew David Melissa Dawn LeBlanc Thomas Brenton Thomas Gallant (AD.) Amherst, NS May 21, 2016 (21-34) McLellan Brennan 37 Central Street Summerside, PE PETRIE, Judith Marie (also Jaime Petrie (AD.) known as Judy M. Petrie) Millcove Queens Co., PE May 21, 2016 (21-34) MacNutt & Dumont 57 Water Street Charlottetown, PE ARMSTRONG, Joan Winifred Guy William Armstrong (EX.) Stratford Queens Co., PE May 14, 2016 (20-33) MacNutt & Dumont 57 Water Street Charlottetown, PE BLACQUIERE, Joseph Louis (also Terry Blacquiere known as Louis Joseph Blacquiere) Ann Marie Farrar (EX.) Charlottetown Queens Co., PE May 14, 2016 (20-33) Carr Stevenson & MacKay 65 Queen Street Charlottetown, PE MacMILLAN, Daniel Hector Neil Peter MacMillan (EX.) Eldon Queens Co., PE May 14, 2016 (20-33) Cox & Palmer 4A Riverside Drive Montague, PE MacPHEE, Stephen Roy Michelle Stuart (EX.) Lower Montague Kings Co., PE May 14, 2016 (20-33) Michelle Stuart Roseneath, PE McCORMACK, Joan Audrie Clayton McCormack (EX.) Allen J. MacPhee Law Souris Corporation (formerly of Bear River North) 106 Main Street Kings Co, PE Souris, PE May 14, 2016 (20-33) MOLYNEAUX, Waldron Gordon Randy James Molyneaux (EX.) Charlottetown Queens Co., PE May 14, 2016 (20-33) Carr Stevenson & MacKay 65 Queen Street Charlottetown, PE ROYAL GAZETTE 774 July 23, 2016 CANADA PROVINCE OF PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND IN THE SUPREME COURT - ESTATES DIVISION TAKE NOTICE that all persons indebted to the following estates must make payment to the personal representative of the estates noted below, and that all persons having any demands upon the following estates must present such demands to the representative within six months of the date of the advertisement: Estate of: Date of the Advertisement Personal Representative: Executor/Executrix (Ex) Administrator/Administratrix (Ad) Place of Payment SMITH, Father Brady Joseph (also Gerard Murnaghan (EX.) known as Joseph Brady Smith) Charlottetown Queens Co., PE May 14, 2016 (20-33) Philip Mullally Law Office 51 University Avenue Charlottetown, PE CALDER, Barry Vincent Mary Michelle Calder (AD.) Bonshaw Queens Co., PE May 14, 2016 (20-33) Robert R. MacArthur 3291 West River Road Cornwall, PE HIGGINBOTHAM, George Hector Florence Mabey Higginbotham Murray River (AD.) Kings Co., PE May 14, 2016 (20-33) Catherine M. Parkman Law Office 82 Fitzroy Street Charlottetown, PE ARSENAULT, Albert Arthur David Arthur Arsenault Charlottetown John “Kevin” Arsenault (EX.) Queens Co., PE May 7, 2016 (19-32) Catherine M. Parkman Law Office 82 Fitzroy Street Charlottetown, PE BURKE, Helen Deborah Burke Charlottetown Philip Mullally (EX.) Queens Co., PE May 7, 2016 (19-32) Philip Mullally Law Office 51 University Avenue Charlottetown, PE LINKLETTER, Susan Clark Frank Hennessey (EX.) Charlottetown Queens Co., PE May 7, 2016 (19-32) E. W. Scott Dickieson Law Office 10 Pownal Street Charlottetown, PE McISAAC, Francis D. Darlene McGuirk Eldon (formerly Uigg) Leonard McIsaac (EX.) Queens Co., PE May 7, 2016 (19-32) HBC Law Corporation 25 Queen Street Charlottetown, PE PROFITT, Gerald Wayne Eleanor Evans (EX.) Kensington Prince Co., PE May 7, 2016 (19-32) Key Murray Law 494 Granville Street Summerside, PE ROYAL GAZETTE July 23, 2016 775 CANADA PROVINCE OF PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND IN THE SUPREME COURT - ESTATES DIVISION TAKE NOTICE that all persons indebted to the following estates must make payment to the personal representative of the estates noted below, and that all persons having any demands upon the following estates must present such demands to the representative within six months of the date of the advertisement: Estate of: Date of the Advertisement Personal Representative: Executor/Executrix (Ex) Administrator/Administratrix (Ad) Place of Payment WILSON, Mary Elizabeth “Teresa” Judy Morrison (EX.) Souris Kings Co., PE May 7, 2016 (19-32) Cox & Palmer 4A Riverside Dr. Montague, PE DICKIESON, Ralph Leland (also Erna Glydon known as Ralph L. Dickieson) Evelyn F. Ford (EX.) Charlottetown Queens Co., PE April 30, 2016 (18-31) E. W. Scott Dickieson 10 Pownal Street Charlottetown, PE MAYHEW, Jack Merrill Deborah MacPhee (EX.) (also known as Jack Mayhew) Charlottetown Queens Co., PE April 30, 2016 (18-31) Cox & Palmer 97 Queen Street Charlottetown, PE MORRISEY, Byrne Joseph Nancy Gaudet (EX.) Earnscliffe Queens Co., PE April 30, 2016 (18-31) Cox & Palmer 97 Queen Street Charlottetown, PE OSBORNE, Audrey A. Frederick Cameron Osborne (EX.) Cox & Palmer Guernsey Cove 4A Riverside Dr. Kings Co., PE Montague, PE April 30, 2016 (18-31) SHEPERD, Francis Gerard Ann Teresa Shepherd (EX.) Cardigan Kings Co., PE April 30, 2016 (18-31) Cox & Palmer 4A Riverside Dr. Montague, PE MITCHELL, Janet Brown Gregg Brown Mitchell Milford, Connecticut Tracey Mitchell-Devine (AD.) USA April 30, 2016 (18-31) HBC Law Corporation 25 Queen Street Charlottetown, PE BUELL, Catherine M. Alistair Aiken Charlottetown Andrew Aiken (EX.) Queens Co., PE April 23, 2016 (17-30) E. W. Scott Dickieson 10 Pownal Street Charlottetown, PE ROYAL GAZETTE 776 July 23, 2016 CANADA PROVINCE OF PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND IN THE SUPREME COURT - ESTATES DIVISION TAKE NOTICE that all persons indebted to the following estates must make payment to the personal representative of the estates noted below, and that all persons having any demands upon the following estates must present such demands to the representative within six months of the date of the advertisement: Estate of: Date of the Advertisement Personal Representative: Executor/Executrix (Ex) Administrator/Administratrix (Ad) Place of Payment CAMPBELL, J. Michael Patrick Campbell (EX.) York Point Queens Co., PE April 23, 2016 (17-30) Philip Mullally Law Office 51 University Avenue Charlottetown, PE CREELMAN, M. Sylvia Robin Prescott Creelman (EX.) Charlottetown Queens Co., PE April 23, 2016 (17-30) Ian Bailey Law Office 513B North River Road Charlottetown, PE HERMANN, Ernest Gordon Norma Elizabeth Hermann (EX.) Cornwall Queens Co., PE April 23, 2016 (17-30) HBC Law Corporation 25 Queen Street Charlottetown, PE LAMBIE, Roy (also known R. Kenneth Lambie (EX.) as Roy Weston Lambie) Souris West Kings Co., PE April 23, 2016 (17-30) Cox & Palmer 97 Queen Street Charlottetown, PE LECLAIR, Joseph Leonard Karen Lavoie Catherine M. Parkman Law Charlottetown Andre Lavoie (EX.) Office Queens Co., PE 82 Fitzroy Street Charlottetown, PE April 23, 2016 (17-30) LEWIS, Harry Beverley Hingley Woodstock Karen Hill (EX.) Prince Co., PE April 23, 2016 (17-30) Robert McNeill 251 Water Street Summerside, PE LYONS, Mylon A. Mylon A. Lyons, Jr. (EX.) Dunedin, Pinellas County Florida, USA April 23, 2016 (17-30) Carr Stevenson & MacKay 65 Queen Street Charlottetown, PE MacDONALD, Joyce Marie Douglas Boyce MacDonald (EX.) Carr Stevenson & MacKay Charlottetown 65 Queen Street Queens Co., PE Charlottetown, PE April 23, 2016 (17-30) ROYAL GAZETTE July 23, 2016 777 CANADA PROVINCE OF PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND IN THE SUPREME COURT - ESTATES DIVISION TAKE NOTICE that all persons indebted to the following estates must make payment to the personal representative of the estates noted below, and that all persons having any demands upon the following estates must present such demands to the representative within six months of the date of the advertisement: Estate of: Date of the Advertisement Personal Representative: Executor/Executrix (Ex) Administrator/Administratrix (Ad) Place of Payment MacDONALD, Mary Catherine Linda Furjan (EX.) Rice Point Queens Co., PE April 23, 2016 (17-30) Carr Stevenson & MacKay 65 Water Street Charlottetown, PE MacFARLANE, Margaret Louise Joan Aletha MacFarlane Charlottetown Jill Elizabeth Moore (EX.) Queens Co., PE April 23, 2016 (17-30) MacNutt & Dumont 57 Water Street Charlottetown, PE MacKINNON, William Allison Royal Trust Corporation of Charlottetown Canada (EX.) Queens Co., PE April 23, 2016 (17-30) McInnes Cooper 141 Kent Street, Suite 300 Charlottetown, PE MAYNARD, Wendell James Blanche Marilyn Maynard (EX.) Birch Hill Prince Co., PE April 23, 2016 (17-30) Key Murray Law 446 Main Street O’Leary, PE OLAFSON, David Peter Malcolm Harold Olafson (EX.) Cornwall Queens Co., PE April 23, 2016 (17-30) Campbell Lea 65 Water Street Charlottetown, PE WALSH, Sandra Lee George Peter Walsh (EX.) Charlottetown Queens Co., PE April 23, 2016 (17-30) Cox & Palmer 97 Queen Street Charlottetown, PE CAMPBELL, Maryellen (also Barbara Jean Power (AD.) known as Maryellen Lowther) Waterside Queens Co., PE April 23, 2016 (17-30) Carr Stevenson & MacKay 65 Queen Street Charlottetown, PE ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ROYAL GAZETTE 778 July 23, 2016 The following order was approved by His Honour the Lieutenant Governor in Council dated July 12, 2016. EC2016-431 FATHERS OF CONFEDERATION BUILDINGS ACT FATHERS OF CONFEDERATION BUILDINGS TRUST APPOINTMENTS Pursuant to section 3 of the Fathers of Confederation Buildings Act R.S.P.E.I. 1988, Cap. F-6 Council made the following appointments: NAME TERM OF APPOINTMENT via subsection (1) Chief Brian Francis Rocky Point (vice Sherry Huang, term expired) 31 July 2016 to 31 July 2019 H. Wayne Hambly Charlottetown (reappointed) 31 July 2017 to 31 July 2018 Dr. Colin MacMillan Charlottetown (reappointed) 31 July 2015 to 31 July 2017 Dr. Gregory Mitton Charlottetown (reappointed) 31 July 2015 to 31 July 2018 Mike Schurman Summerside (reappointed) 31 July 2015 to 31 July 2018 Bob Sear Charlottetown (reappointed) 31 July 2016 to 31 July 2019 Barbara Stevenson, Q.C. Charlottetown (reappointed) 31 July 2015 to 31 July 2017 James C. Travers, Q.C. Charlottetown (reappointed) 31 July 2016 to 31 July 2017 via subsection (2) Bill Andrew Alberta (reappointed) 31 July 2015 to 31 July 2018 July 23, 2016 ROYAL GAZETTE Richard Homburg Nova Scotia (reappointed) 31 July 2016 to 31 July 2019 Dr. Frederic L.R. Jackman Ontario (reappointed) 31 July 2017 to 31 July 2019 Aldéa Landry New Brunswick 31 July 2016 to 31 July 2019 Naomi Levine Manitoba (reappointed) 31 July 2016 to 31 July 2017 Louis W. MacEachern Alberta (reappointed) 31 July 2016 to 31 July 2018 Dan Mathieson Ontario (reappointed) 31 July 2016 to 31 July 2019 Claude Métras Quebec (reappointed) 31 July 2016 to 31 July 2017 Taleeb Noormohamed British Columbia (reappointed) 31 July 2015 to 31 July 2018 Arlene Perly Rae Ontario (vice Jeffrey D. Symons, resigned) 31 July 2016 to 31 July 2019 Charles F. Scott Jr. Ontario (reappointed) 31 July 2017 to 31 July 2019 Janis Sobey-Hames Nova Scotia (reappointed) 31 July 2016 to 31 July 2017 779 Further, Council reappointed H. Wayne Hambly to serve as chairperson of the Board for the duration of his term. Signed, Paul T. Ledwell Clerk of the Executive Council and Secretary to Cabinet ROYAL GAZETTE 780 July 23, 2016 PROCLAMATION CANADA PROVINCE OF PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND (Great Seal) ELIZABETH THE SECOND, by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom, Canada and Her other Realms and Territories, QUEEN, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith. HON. H. FRANK LEWIS Lieutenant Governor TO ALL TO WHOM these presents shall come or whom the same may in any wise concern: GREETING A PROCLAMATION WHEREAS in and by section 2 of Chapter 13 of the Acts passed by the Legislature of Prince Edward Island in the Second Session thereof held in the year 2016 and in the sixty-fifth year of Our Reign intituled “An Act to Amend the Liquor Control Act (No. 2)” it is enacted as follows: “This Act comes into force on a date that may be fixed by proclamation of the Lieutenant Governor in Council.”, AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that the said Act, Stats. P.E.I. 2016, c. 13 should come into force on the 23rd day of July, 2016, NOW KNOW YE that We, by and with the advice and consent of our Executive Council for Prince Edward Island, do by this Our Proclamation ORDER AND DECLARE that the said Act being the “An Act to Amend the Liquor Control Act (No. 2)” passed in the sixty-fifth year of Our Reign shall come into force on the twenty-third day of July, two thousand and sixteen of which all persons concerned are to take notice and govern themselves accordingly. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF We have caused these Our Letters to be made Patent and the Great Seal of Prince Edward Island to be hereunto affixed. WITNESS the Honourable H. Frank Lewis, Lieutenant Governor of the Province of Prince Edward Island, at Charlottetown this twelfth day of July in the year of Our Lord two thousand and sixteen and in the sixtyfifth year of Our Reign. By Command, Paul T. Ledwell Clerk of the Executive Council and Secretary to Cabinet July 23, 2016 ROYAL GAZETTE 781 PROCLAMATION CANADA PROVINCE OF PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND (Great Seal) ELIZABETH THE SECOND, by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom, Canada and Her other Realms and Territories, QUEEN, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith. HON. H. FRANK LEWIS Lieutenant Governor TO ALL TO WHOM these presents shall come or whom the same may in any wise concern: GREETING A PROCLAMATION WHEREAS in and by section 2 of Chapter 27 of the Acts passed by the Legislature of Prince Edward Island in the Second Session thereof held in the year 2016 and in the sixty-fifth year of Our Reign intituled “An Act to Amend the Securities Act” it is enacted as follows: “This Act comes into force on a date that may be fixed by proclamation of the Lieutenant Governor in Council.”, AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that the said Act, Stats. P.E.I. 2016, c. 27 should come into force on the 1st day of August, 2016, NOW KNOW YE that We, by and with the advice and consent of our Executive Council for Prince Edward Island, do by this Our Proclamation ORDER AND DECLARE that the said act being “An Act to Amend the Securities Act” passed in the sixty-fifth year of Our Reign shall come into force on the first day of August, two thousand and sixteen of which all persons concerned are to take notice and govern themselves accordingly. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF We have caused these Our Letters to be made Patent and the Great Seal of Prince Edward Island to be hereunto affixed. WITNESS the Honourable H. Frank Lewis, Lieutenant Governor of the Province of Prince Edward Island, at Charlottetown this twelfth day of July in the year of Our Lord two thousand and sixteen and in the sixtyfifth year of Our Reign. By Command, Paul T. Ledwell Clerk of the Executive Council and Secretary to Cabinet 30 ROYAL GAZETTE 782 July 23, 2016 NOTICE OF CHANGE OF CORPORATE NAME Companies Act R.S.P.E.I. 1988, Cap. C-14, S. 81.1 NOTICE OF GRANTING LETTERS PATENT Companies Act R.S.P.E.I. 1988, Cap. C-14, s.11, Public Notice is hereby given that under the Companies Act the following corporation has changed its corporate name: Public Notice is hereby given that under the Companies Act Letters Patent have been issued by the Minister to the following: Former Name STRAITWAY FARMS INC. New Name KARMA FARMS INC. Effective Date: July 13, 2016 Name: 101948 P.E.I. INC. 77 Upper Prince Street Charlottetown, PE C1A 4S6 Incorporation Date: July 08, 2016 30 ______________________________________________________ NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION Partnership Act R.S.P.E.I. 1988, Cap. P-1 Public Notice is hereby given that a Notice of Dissolution has been filed under the Partnership Act for each of the following: Name: 2 PETES Owner:Joshua Paterson Shane Turner Registration Date: July 12, 2016 Name: D AND L CONTRACTING Owner:8874590 Canada Inc. Registration Date: July 15, 2016 Name: DAVIES CONSTRUCTION Owner:Jordan Davies Michael Davies Registration Date: July 12, 2016 Name: IDEAL TILES AND BATHROOMS Owner:Jordan Davies Michael Davies Registration Date: July 12, 2016 Name: KARMA FARMS Owner:Cole Joshua Noonan Registration Date: July 13, 2016 30 Name: 101989 P.E.I. INC. 203 Royalty Junction Road Charlottetown, PE C1E 3C7 Incorporation Date: July 12, 2016 Name: 101993 P.E.I. INC. 550 Malpeque Road Charlotttown, PE C1A 0P4 Incorporation Date: July 14, 2016 Name: 101994 P.E.I. INC. 49 Maple Avenue Charlottetown, PE C1A 6E6 Incorporation Date: July 18, 2016 Name: 101995 P.E.I. INC. 16 Wallace Drive PO Box 520 Alberton, PE C0B 1B0 Incorporation Date: July 14, 2016 Name: ADEEM MANAGEMENT INC. 111 Point Farm Road PO Box 149 Cornwall, PE C0A 1H0 Incorporation Date: July 13, 2016 Name: GLO P.E.I. INC. 124 Sydney Street Charlottetown, PE C1A 1G4 Incorporation Date: July 08, 2016 Name: IGYC (2016) INC. 106 - 73 Trans Canada Highway Cornwall, PE C0A 1H8 Incorporation Date: July 15, 2016 July 23, 2016 ROYAL GAZETTE Name: IN FOCUS EYE CARE INC. 111 Northumberland Street Summerside, PE C1N 3W7 Incorporation Date: July 12, 2016 Name: PANDA AMUSEMENT INC. 9 Jordan Crescent Charlottetown, PE C1A 2W2 Incorporation Date: July 11, 2016 30 ______________________________________________________ NOTICE OF REGISTRATION Partnership Act R.S.P.E.I. 1988, Cap. P-1, s.52 and s.54(1) 783 Name: CREATION ENERGY Owner:100148 P.E.I. INC. 223 Water Street Summerside, PE C1N 1B4 Registration Date: July 14, 2016 Name: ADDICAN Owner:Cana-add Inc. 126 Kent Street Suite 205 Charlottetown, PE C1A 1N2 Registration Date: July 15, 2016 Public Notice is hereby given that the following Declarations have been filed under the Partnership Act: Name: CENTENNIAL CERTIFIED OF CHARLOTTETOWN Owner:GRANVILLE AUTO CENTER LTD. 610 South Drive Summerside, PE C1N 3Z7 Registration Date: July 15, 2016 Name: SUBWOLF CANADA Owner:MAROLINE DISTRIBUTING INC. DISTRIBUTIONS MAROLINE INC. 1751 Richardson Street Suite 4600 Montreal, PQ H3K 1G6 Registration Date: July 12, 2016 Name: EZI-WAY DISASTER KLEENUP Owner:FIRSTONSITE RESTORATION LIMITED 1300 - 1969 Upper Water Street Purdy’s Wharf Tower II Halifax, NS B3J 3R7 Registration Date: July 15, 2016 Name: RMSQUANTIFY Owner:SCM RISK MANAGEMENT SERVICES LP #101, 5083 Windermere Blvd. SW Edmonton, AB T6W 0J5 Registration Date: July 11, 2016 Name: EZI-WAY Owner:FIRSTONSITE RESTORATION LIMITED 1300 - 1969 Upper Water Street Purdy’s Wharf Tower II Halifax, NS B3J 3R7 Registration Date: July 15, 2016 Name: NORRAY PROPERTIES Owner:NORRAY HOLDINGS INC. 134 Kent Street P.O. Box 2860 Charlottetown, PE C1A 8C4 Registration Date: July 14, 2016 Name: ACADIAN PEAT MOSS Owner:SCOTTS CANADA LTD./SCOTTA CANADA LTEE. 199 Bay Street Suite 5300, Commerce Court West Toronto, ON M5L 1B9 Registration Date: July 14, 2016 Name: EZI-WAY CLEANING SERVICE Owner:FIRSTONSITE RESTORATION LIMITED 1300 - 1969 Upper Water Street Purdy’s Wharf Tower II Halifax, NS B3J 3R7 Registration Date: July 15, 2016 Name: FIRSTONSITE RESTORATION Owner:FIRSTONSITE RESTORATION LIMITED 1300 - 1969 Upper Water Street Purdy’s Wharf Tower II Halifax, NS B3J 3R7 Registration Date: July 15, 2016 784 ROYAL GAZETTE July 23, 2016 Name: THE REAL ESTATE BOOK OF NEW BRUNSWICK Owner:MRE GROUP INC. 94 Kent Street Charlottetown, PE C1A 1M9 Registration Date: July 18, 2016 Name: DARLENE’S STORE TO DOOR SERVICES Owner:Darlene Ramsay 32790 Western Road Springhill, PE C0B 2C0 Registration Date: July 12, 2016 Name: AWAY PROPERTY INSURANCE CHECKS Owner:Brenda Victor 405B Queen Street Charlottetown, PE C1A 4E4 Registration Date: July 13, 2016 Name: DAVIES CONSTRUCTION HOME IMPROVEMENTS Owner:Julie Davies 836 Crooked Creek Road Wheatley River, PE C1E 0M4 Registration Date: July 12, 2016 Name: CHALETS RENDEZ-VOUS COTTAGES Owner:Bernard LeBlanc 60 Rural Estates Drive Moncton, NB E1G 4W2 Owner:Cheryl LeBlanc 60 Rural Estates Drive Moncton, NB E1G 4W2 Registration Date: July 14, 2016 Name: DOWN EAST APPLIANCE REPAIR Owner:Matthew Lamont 4532 Alley’s Mill Road RR#6 Cardigan, PE C0A 1G0 Registration Date: July 12, 2016 Name: CORKUM ARSENAULT CROZIER Owner:Troy J. Arsenault Professional Corporation 105 Primrose Drive Cornwall, PE C0A 1H4 Owner:Kevin B. Crozier Professional Corporation 1215 Route 19 New Dominion, PE C0A 1H6 Registration Date: July 08, 2016 Name: COUNTRY LANE BED & BREAKFAST Owner:Mike (Michel) Cavallin 417 York Point Road Cornwall, PE C0A 1H4 Registration Date: July 15, 2016 Name: D AND L CONTRACTING Owner:Courtney Hughes 2377 Route 112 Bedeque, PE C0B 1C0 Registration Date: July 15, 2016 Name: FES PAINTING Owner:Frank Shanahan 93 Wynn Road Elmwood, PE C0A 1C0 Registration Date: July 14, 2016 Name: GEORGE LARTER PEI GUIDE AND DRIVE SERVICE Owner:George Larter 1 Beacon Hill Drive Stratford, PE C1B 1M2 Registration Date: July 13, 2016 Name: HONEYPIE HOMESTEAD Owner:Leslee Larsen 11435 Shore Road Murray River, PE C0A 1W0 Registration Date: July 13, 2016 Name: IDEAL TILES Owner:Julie Davies 836 Crooked Creek Road Wheatley River, PE C1E 0M4 Registration Date: July 12, 2016 Name: JD ENTERPRISES Owner:Julie Davies 836 Crooked Creek Road Wheatley River, PE C1E 0M4 Registration Date: July 12, 2016 July 23, 2016 ROYAL GAZETTE Name: KUSTIM AESTHETICS Owner:Stephanie Mitsuk 151 Main Street P.O. Box 347 Souris, PE C0A 2B0 Registration Date: July 13, 2016 Name: LEVYS ELECTRIC Owner:Christopher D. Isnor 9 Hunter Lane Charlottetown, PE C1A 9K9 Registration Date: July 13, 2016 Name: MACDONALD THE PEI MONUMENT COMPANY Owner:Dawna MacDonald 41 Cambridge Drive P.O. Box 502 Charlottetown, PE C1A 1P2 Registration Date: July 12, 2016 Name: NATURAL POWER SOLAR PRODUCTS Owner:Xiaolei Han 5 - 98 Maypoint Road Charlottetown, PE C1E 1W3 Registration Date: July 13, 2016 Name: PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND TELECOMMUNICATIONS INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION Owner:PEITIA INC. 13647 St. Peters Road Dunstaffnage, PE C1A 7J7 Registration Date: July 13, 2016 Name: SEVEN MILE RANCH Owner:Della LeClair 2579 Seven Mile Road Glenfanning, PE C0A 1G0 Registration Date: July 15, 2016 Name: SHORE MARKET Owner:Josh Patterson 105 Doc Soper Crescent Stanhope, PE C0A 1P0 Owner:Shane Turner 63 Warburton Drive Charlottetown, PE C1A 8Z3 Registration Date: July 12, 2016 785 Name: SOUTH LAKE SHELLFISH Owner:Ronnie MacDonald 4695 East Point Road RR#1 Elmira, PE C0A 1K0 Owner:Francis MacDonald 4695 East Point Road RR#1 Elmira, PE C0A 1K0 Registration Date: July 12, 2016 Name: TAIL-FEATHERS SKINCARE PRODUCTS Owner:Nadine Lloyd 61 Glen Stewart Drive Stratford, PE C1B 2A8 Registration Date: July 07, 2016 Name: THE BROTHERS CRANE Owner:Ryan Crane 6268 Cardigan Road Cardigan, PE C0A 1G0 Registration Date: July 08, 2016 Name: TMG ELECTRIC Owner:Terry MacGregor 765 Baltic Road Souris, PE C0A 2B0 Registration Date: July 14, 2016 30 ______________________________________________________ NOTICE OF REVIVED COMPANIES Companies Act R.S.P.E.I. 1988, Cap. C-14 s.73 Public Notice is hereby given that under the Companies Act the following companies have been revived: Name: VALENTINE INVESTMENTS LIMITED Effective Date: July 08, 2016 30 ROYAL GAZETTE 786 NOTICE MARRIAGE ACT Prince Edward Island [Subsection 8(1) of the Act] Notice is hereby published that, under the authority of the Marriage Act, the following clergy has been registered for the purpose of solemnizing marriages in the province of Prince Edward Island: Rev. Allan Emery 63 Evergreen Village Summerside PE C1N 4B8 Adam Peters Director of Vital Statistics 30 ______________________________________________________ NOTICE MARRIAGE ACT Prince Edward Island [Subsection 8(1) of the Act] Notice is hereby published that, under the uthority of the Marriage Act, the following clergy has been registered for the purpose of solemnizing marriages in the province of Prince Edward Island: Rev. Joan Emery 63 Evergreen Village Summerside PE C1N 4B8 Adam Peters Director of Vital Statistics 30 ______________________________________________________ NOTICE MARRIAGE ACT Prince Edward Island [Subsection 8(1) of the Act] Notice is hereby published that, under the authority of the Marriage Act, the following clergy has been registered for the purpose of solemnizing marriages in the province of Prince Edward Island: Rev. Dottie Gamble 1781 O’Leary Road July 23, 2016 O’Leary PE C0B 1V0 Adam Peters Director of Vital Statistics 30 ______________________________________________________ NOTICE MARRIAGE ACT Prince Edward Island [Subsection 8(1) of the Act] Notice is hereby published that, under the authority of the Marriage Act, the following clergy has been registered for the purpose of solemnizing marriages in the province of Prince Edward Island: Rev. Robert Gamble 1781 O’Leary Road O’Leary PE C0B 1V0 Adam Peters Director of Vital Statistics 30 ______________________________________________________ NOTICE MARRIAGE ACT Prince Edward Island [Subsection 8(1) of the Act] Notice is hereby published that, under the authority of the Marriage Act, the following clergy has been registered for the purpose of solemnizing marriages in the province of Prince Edward Island: Rev. Leona O’Brien M221 Linden Avenue, Apt. 14 Summerside PE C1N 2K4 Adam Peters Director of Vital Statistics 30 July 23, 2016 ROYAL GAZETTE NOTICE MARRIAGE ACT Prince Edward Island [Subsection 8(1) of the Act] Notice is hereby published that, under the authority of the Marriage Act, the following clergy has been temporarily registered from July 22, 2016 to August 29, 2016 for the purpose of solemnizing marriages in the province of Prince Edward Island: Jason McVicar 31 Katie Avenue Douglas NB E3G 7Z8 Adam Peters Director of Vital Statistics 30 ______________________________________________________ INDEX TO NEW MATTER VOL. CXLII – NO. 30 July 23, 2016 APPOINTMENTS Fathers of Confederation Buildings Act Fathers of Confederation Buildings Trust Andrew, Bill................................................778 Francis, Chief Brian....................................778 Hambly, H. Wayne (chair)...........................778 Homburg, Richard.......................................779 Jackman, Frederic L.R., Dr. .......................779 Landry, Aldéa..............................................779 Levine, Naomi.............................................779 MacMillan, Colin, Dr. ................................778 MacEachern, Louis W. ...............................779 Mathieson, Dan...........................................779 Mitton, Gregory, Dr. . .................................778 Métras, Claude............................................779 Noormohamed, Taleeb................................779 Perly Rae, Arlene........................................779 Schurman, Mike..........................................778 Scott, Charles F., Jr. . ..................................779 Sear, Bob.....................................................778 Sobey-Hames, Janis....................................779 Stevenson, Barbara, Q.C. ...........................778 Travers, James C., Q.C. . ............................778 COMPANIES ACT NOTICES Change of Corporate Name Karma Farms Inc. ........................................782 Straitway Farms Inc. ....................................782 787 Granting Letters Patent 101948 P.E.I. Inc. . .......................................782 101989 P.E.I. Inc. . .......................................782 101993 P.E.I. Inc. . .......................................782 101994 P.E.I. Inc. . .......................................782 101995 P.E.I. Inc. . .......................................782 Adeem Management Inc. .............................782 GLO P.E.I. Inc. ............................................782 IGYC (2016) Inc. .........................................782 In Focus Eye Care Inc. . ...............................783 Panda Amusement Inc. ................................783 Revived Companies Valentine Investments Limited.....................785 ESTATES Administrators’ Notices Kelly, Ellen Mary..........................................762 Executors’ Notices Blanchard, Reginald J. .................................761 Campbell, William Calder............................761 Clements, Mary Loretta................................761 Hatton, Paul George......................................761 Hicken, Reta..................................................761 MacDonald, Carol Ann.................................761 McInnis, Hector............................................762 MacNeill, Amy..............................................762 MISCELLANEOUS Marriage Act Registrations Emery, Rev. Allan........................................786 Emery, Rev. Joan.........................................786 Gamble, Rev. Dottie....................................786 Gamble, Rev. Robert...................................786 O’Brien, Rev. Leona....................................786 Temporary Registrations McVicar, Jason............................................787 PARTNERSHIP ACT NOTICES Dissolutions 2 Petes...........................................................782 D and L Contracting......................................782 Davies Construction......................................782 Ideal Tiles and Bathrooms............................782 Karma Farms.................................................782 Registrations Acadian Peat Moss........................................783 Addican.........................................................783 Away Property Insurance Checks.................784 788 ROYAL GAZETTE Brothers Crane, The......................................785 Centennial Certified of Charlottetown..........783 Chalets Rendez-Vous Cottages.....................784 Corkum Arsenault Crozier............................784 Country Lane Bed & Breakfast.....................784 Creation Energy............................................783 D and L Contracting......................................784 Darlene’s Store to Door Services..................784 Davies Construction Home Improvements....784 Down East Appliance Repair........................784 Ezi-Way.........................................................783 Ezi-Way Cleaning Service............................783 Ezi-Way Disaster Kleenup............................783 FES Painting.................................................784 Firstonsite Restoration..................................783 George Larter PEI Guide and Drive Service....................................................784 Honeypie Homestead....................................784 Ideal Tiles......................................................784 JD Enterprises...............................................784 July 23, 2016 Kustim Aesthetics.........................................785 Levys Electric...............................................785 MacDonald The PEI Monument Company....785 Natural Power Solar Products.......................785 Norray Properties..........................................783 Prince Edward Island Telecommunications Industry Association...............................785 Real Estate Book of New Brunswick, The.....784 Rmsquantify..................................................783 Seven Mile Ranch.........................................785 Shore Market.................................................785 South Lake Shellfish.....................................785 Subwolf Canada............................................783 Tail-Feathers Skincare Products...................785 TMG Electric................................................785 PROCLAMATIONS An Act to Amend the Liquor Control Act (No. 2).....................................................780 An Act to Amend the Securities Act.............781 The ROYAL GAZETTE is issued every Saturday from the office of Michael Fagan, Queen’s Printer, PO Box 2000, Charlottetown, PEI C1A 7N8. All copy must be received by the Tuesday preceding the day of publication. The subscription rate is $75.00 per annum, postpaid; single copies are $2.00 each, postpaid or $1.25 each, over the counter. July 23, 2016 ROYAL GAZETTE PART II REGULATIONS EC2016-432 HIGHWAY TRAFFIC ACT BICYCLE SAFETY HELMET REGULATIONS AMENDMENT (Approved by His Honour the Lieutenant Governor in Council dated July 12, 2016.) Pursuant to section 312 of the of the Highway Traffic Act R.S.P.E.I. 1988, Cap. H-5, Council made the following regulations: 1. Clause 2(1)(a) of the Highway Traffic Act Bicycle Safety Helmet Regulations (EC329/03) is amended (a) in subclause (i), by the deletion of the words “CAN/CSA D113.2-M89” and the substitution of the words “CAN/CSA D113.2-M89 (R2009)”; (b) in subclause (vi), by the deletion of the words “ASTM F 144794” and the substitution of the words “ASTMF 1447-12”; and (c) in subclause (vii), by the deletion of the words “ANSI Z90.41984” and the substitution of the words “ANSI/ASTM F144615”. 2. These regulations come into force on July 23, 2016. EXPLANATORY NOTES SECTION 1 amends clause 2(1)(a) of the regulations by revoking references in subclauses (i), (vi) and (vii) to three outdated standards that were applicable to bicycle safety helmets and substituting references to the current standards applicable to bicycle safety helmets in those subclauses. SECTION 2 provides for the commencement of these regulations. Certified a true copy, Paul T. Ledwell Clerk of the Executive Council and Secretary to Cabinet 115 116 ROYAL GAZETTE July 23, 2016 EC2016-433 HIGHWAY TRAFFIC ACT COMMERCIAL VEHICLE (CARGO SECUREMENT) REGULATIONS AMENDMENT (Approved by His Honour the Lieutenant Governor in Council dated July 12, 2016.) Pursuant to section 148 of the Highway Traffic Act R.S.P.E.I. 1988, Cap. H-5, Council made the following regulations: 1. Section 10 - Steel Strapping of Part 4 - Manufacturing Standards of Schedule I to the Highway Traffic Act Commercial Vehicle (Cargo Securement) Regulations (EC383/05) is amended by the deletion of the words “(ASTM D3953-91)” and the substitution of the words “(ASTM D3953-15)”. 2. These regulations come into force on July 23, 2016. EXPLANATORY NOTES SECTION 1 amends section 10 of Part 4 of Schedule I to the regulations to revoke a reference to an outdated ASTM standard specification for strapping, flat steel and seals and substitute a reference to the current ASTM standard that deals with those specifications. SECTION 2 provides for the commencement of these regulations. Certified a true copy, Paul T. Ledwell Clerk of the Executive Council and Secretary to Cabinet EC2016-434 HIGHWAY TRAFFIC ACT HYDRAULIC BRAKE FLUID REGULATIONS REVOCATION (Approved by His Honour the Lieutenant Governor in Council dated July 12, 2016.) Made by the Lieutenant Governor in Council under the Highway Traffic Act R.S.P.E.I. 1988, Cap. H-5: 1. The Highway Traffic Act Hydraulic Brake Fluid Regulations (EC1190/67) are revoked. 2. These regulations come into force on July 23, 2016. July 23, 2016 ROYAL GAZETTE EXPLANATORY NOTES SECTION 1 revokes the Hydraulic Brake Fluid Regulations. The requirements of these regulations are now completely covered by the Federal Canadian Motor Vehicle Safety Standards sector 116. SECTION 2 provides for the commencement of these regulations. Certified a true copy, Paul T. Ledwell Clerk of the Executive Council and Secretary to Cabinet EC2016-435 HIGHWAY TRAFFIC ACT SLOW MOVING VEHICLE SIGNS REGULATIONS AMENDMENT (Approved by His Honour the Lieutenant Governor in Council dated July 12, 2016.) Made by the Lieutenant Governor in Council under the Highway Traffic Act R.S.P.E.I. 1988, Cap. H-5: 1. Section 1 of the Highway Traffic Act Slow Moving Vehicle Signs Regulations (EC320/81) is amended (a) in clauses (a) and (b), by the deletion of the word “and” after the semicolon; (b) in clause (c), by the addition of the word “and” after the semicolon; and (c) in clause (d), by the deletion of the words “number CSA D1981967” and the substitution of the words “standard CSA D198M77”. 2. These regulations come into force on July 23, 2016. 117 118 ROYAL GAZETTE July 23, 2016 EXPLANATORY NOTES SECTION 1 amends section 1 of the regulations to revoke the citation of an outdated CSA standard applicable to slow moving vehicle signs, and substitute a reference to the current CSA standard. The section also corrects minor grammatical errors in clauses 1(a) and (b). SECTION 2 provides for the commencement of these regulations. Certified a true copy, Paul T. Ledwell Clerk of the Executive Council and Secretary to Cabinet EC2016-436 HIGHWAY TRAFFIC ACT VEHICLE STANDARDS REGULATIONS AMENDMENT (Approved by His Honour the Lieutenant Governor in Council dated July 12, 2016.) Made by the Lieutenant Governor in Council under the Highway Traffic Act R.S.P.E.I. 1988, Cap. H-5: 1. Clause 3(b) of the Highway Traffic Act Vehicle Standards Regulations (EC856/72) is revoked and the following substituted: (b) the following CSA standards, including any amendments to them: (i) CSA Z240 MH Series 92 (R2005), entitled “Mobile homes”, (ii) CSA Z240 RV Series-14, entitled “Recreational vehicles”. 2. Section 4 of the regulations is amended (a) in clause (a), (i) by the deletion of the words “D106.1-1972” and the substitution of the words “CSA D106.1-1977”, and (ii) by the deletion of the word “Vehicles” and the substitution of the word “Vehicle”; and (b) by the revocation of clause (b) and the substitution of the following: (b) ANSI Z26.1-1996 Safety Standard entitled “Safety Glazing Materials for Glazing Motor Vehicles and Motor Vehicle Equipment Operating on Land Highways”, for each piece of glazing material on the motor vehicle. 3. These regulations come into force on July 23, 2016. July 23, 2016 ROYAL GAZETTE 119 EXPLANATORY NOTES SECTION 1 amends clause 3(b) of the regulations to delete references to 8 out-dated standards and substitute references to the current standards applicable to motor homes and recreational vehicles: CSA Z240 MH Series 92 (R2005), and CSA Z240 RV Series-14. SECTION 2 amends section 4 of the regulations to delete references to out-dated standards and substitute references to the current CSA standards for vehicle lighting equipment and the current ANSI standard for glazing materials. SECTION 3 provides for the commencement of the regulations. Certified a true copy, Paul T. Ledwell Clerk of the Executive Council and Secretary to Cabinet EC2016-463 LIQUOR CONTROL ACT REGULATIONS AMENDMENT (Approved by His Honour the Lieutenant Governor in Council dated July 12, 2016.) Made by the Prince Edward Island Liquor Control Commission and approved by the Lieutenant Governor in Council under section 8 of the Liquor Control Act R.S.P.E.I. 1988, Cap. L-14: 1. Subsections 10(3) and (4) of the Liquor Control Act Regulations (EC704/75) are revoked and the following substituted: (3) Upon receipt of an application in the form required by the Commission and a license fee of $50, the Commission may issue to the applicant a license to keep and sell items referred to in subsection (2), if the Commission is satisfied that the applicant requires a license under this section and will comply with the terms of the license. License to sell preparations etc. 2. Section 11 of the regulations is revoked and following substituted: 11. Subject to section 12, upon receipt of an application in the form required by the Commission, a non-refundable application fee of $200 and a license fee of $250 from the proprietor or operator of a dining room, the Commission may issue a dining room license to the applicant, if the Commission is satisfied (a) with respect to the standards of the space, service, food, furnishings and equipment of the dining room; (b) with respect to the location and character of the dining room; Dining room license 120 ROYAL GAZETTE July 23, 2016 (c) that the premises of the dining room meet the requirements in subsection 14(1) and any other requirements established by the Commission; and (d) that the applicant, or management employed by the applicant, has adequate experience in the hotel, motel or food service business or other acceptable business experience. 3. Sections 18 and 19 of the regulations are revoked. 4. Section 20 of the regulations is revoked and the following substituted: Annual fee 20. The annual fee to renew a dining room license in accordance with section 57 is $250. 5. Section 20.1 of the regulations is amended by the deletion of the words “Upon application in writing by” and the substitution of the words “Upon receipt of an application in writing from”. 6. Section 21 of the regulations is revoked and the following substituted: Lounge license 21. Upon receipt of an application in the form required by the Commission, a non-refundable application fee of $200 and a license fee of $250 from the holder of a dining room license, the Commission may issue a lounge license to the applicant, if the Commission is satisfied (a) with respect to the standards of the space, service, food, furnishings and equipment of the proposed lounge; (b) with respect to the location and character of the proposed lounge; (c) that the premises of the proposed lounge are adequate for that purpose and may be operated in compliance with the Act and these regulations; and (d) that the applicant has operated, and will continue to operate, the dining room under the dining room license in compliance with the Act and these regulations. 7. Section 27 of the regulations is revoked. 8. Section 28 of the regulations is revoked. 9. Section 29 of the regulations is revoked and the following substituted: Annual fee 29. The annual fee to renew a lounge license in accordance with section 57 is $250. 10. Section 31 of the regulations is revoked and the following substituted: July 23, 2016 121 ROYAL GAZETTE 31. (1) Subject to section 32, upon receipt of an application in the form required by the Commission, a non-refundable application fee of $200 and a license fee in the amount required under subsection (2), the Commission may issue a club license to the applicant. (2) The license fee for a club license is (a) $75, for a club with a membership of 100 members or less; (b) $150, for a club with a membership of more than 100 members but not more than 150 members; or (c) $250, for a club with a membership of more than 150 members. Club license Club license fee 11. Section 38 of the regulations is revoked. 12. Section 39 of the regulations is revoked. 13. Section 40 of the regulations is revoked and the following substituted: 40. The annual fee to renew a club license in accordance with section 57 is (a) $75, for a club with a membership of 100 members or less; (b) $150, for a club with a membership of more than 100 members but not more than 150 members; or (c) $250, for a club with a membership of more than 150 members. Annual fee 14. Section 41 of the regulations is revoked and the following substituted: 41. Upon receipt of an application in the form required by the Commission, a non-refundable application fee of $100 and a license fee of $75, the Commission may issue a military canteen license to the person in charge of a canteen located in (a) a camp, armoury or barracks of active or reserve units of the Canadian Armed Forces, under the direct supervision and control of the Canadian Armed Forces; (b) the quarters of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police; or (c) a branch of the Royal Canadian Legion or other recognized armed services veterans association. Military canteen license 15. Sections 48 and 49 of the regulations are revoked. 16. Section 50 of the regulations is revoked and the following substituted: 50. The annual fee to renew a military canteen license in accordance with section 57 is $75. 17. (1) Subsection 50.1(1) of the regulations is amended by the deletion of the words “Upon receipt of an application and the prescribed fee, the Commission may issue a special premises license if satisfied” and the substitution of the words “Upon receipt of an application in the form required by the Commission, a non-refundable application fee of Annual fee 122 ROYAL GAZETTE July 23, 2016 $200 and a license fee of $250, the Commission may issue a special premises license to the applicant, if the Commission is satisfied”. (2) Subsection 50.1(4) of the regulations is revoked and the following substituted: Annual fee (4) The annual fee to renew a special premises license in accordance with section 57 is $250. (3) Subsection 50.1(7) of the regulations is revoked. 18. (1) Subsection 50.2(1) of the regulations is revoked and the following substituted: Caterer’s license 50.2 (1) Upon receipt of an application in the form required by the Commission and a license fee of $250 from the holder of a dining room license, the Commission may issue a caterer’s license to the applicant. (2) Subsection 50.2(4) of the regulations is revoked. (3) Subsection 50.2(5) of the regulations is revoked and the following substituted: Annual fee (5) The annual fee to renew a caterer’s license in accordance with section 57 is $250. 19. (1) Subsection 50.3(2) of the regulations is amended by the deletion of the words “Upon application in such form as the Commission may require and on payment of the prescribed fee, the Commission may issue a winery license to an applicant if the Commission is satisfied that” and the substitution of the words “Subject to subsections (6), (7) and (8), upon receipt of an application in the form required by the Commission, a non-refundable application fee of $300 and a license fee of $400, the Commission may issue to the applicant a winery license of a type described in subsection (5), if the Commission is satisfied that”. (2) Subsection 50.3(3) of the regulations is revoked. (3) Subsection 50.3(10) of the regulations is revoked and the following substituted: Annual fee (10) The annual fee to renew a winery license in accordance with section 57 is $400. (4) Subsection 50.3(12) of the regulations is amended by the deletion of the words “the prescribed fee” and the substitution of the words “an annual fee of $100 per retail outlet”. (5) Subsection 50.3(13) of the regulations is revoked. July 23, 2016 123 ROYAL GAZETTE 20. (1) Subsection 50.4(1) of the regulations is amended by the deletion of the words “Upon receipt of an application and the prescribed fee, the Commission may issue a tourist home license, if satisfied that” and the substitution of the words “Upon receipt of an application in the form required by the Commission, a non-refundable application fee of $100 and a license fee in the amount required under subsection (1.1), the Commission may issue a tourist home license to the applicant, if the Commission is satisfied that”. (2) Section 50.4 of the regulations is amended by the addition of the following after subsection (1): (1.1) The license fee for a tourist home license is (a) $75, for a license that is valid for six months; or (b) $125, for a license that is valid for more than six months until it expires in accordance with section 56. Tourist home license fee (3) Subsection 50.4(4) of the regulations is revoked and the following is substituted: (4) The annual fee to renew a tourist home license in accordance with section 57 is (a) $75, for a license that is valid for six months; or (b) $125, for a license that is valid for more than six months until it expires in accordance with section 56. Annual fee (4) Subsection 50.4(5) of the regulations is revoked. 21. (1) Subsection 50.5(1) of the regulations is amended by the deletion of the words “Upon application in such form as the Commission may require and on payment of a fee of $400, the Commission may issue a distiller’s license to the applicant if satisfied that” and the substitution of the words “Upon receipt of an application in the form required by the Commission, a non-refundable application fee of $300 and a license fee of $400, the Commission may issue a distiller’s license to the applicant, if the Commission is satisfied that”. (2) Subsection 50.5(2) of the regulations is revoked and the following substituted: (2) The annual fee to renew a distiller’s license in accordance with section 57 is $400. (3) Subsection 50.5(6) of the regulations is amended by the deletion of the words “the prescribed fee” and the substitution of the words “an annual fee of $100 per retail outlet”. (4) Subsection 50.5(7) of the regulations is revoked. 22. (1) Subsection 50.6(2) of the regulations is amended by the deletion of the words “Upon application in such form as the Commission may require and on payment of a fee of $400, the Commission may issue a brew-pub license to the applicant if satisfied Annual fee 124 ROYAL GAZETTE July 23, 2016 that” and the substitution of the words “Upon receipt of an application in the form required by the Commission, a non-refundable application fee of $300 and a license fee of $400, the Commission may issue a brew-pub license to the applicant, if the Commission is satisfied that”. (2) Subsection 50.6(9) of the regulations is revoked and the following substituted: Annual fee (9) The annual fee to renew a brew-pub license in accordance with section 57 is $400. 23. (1) Subsections 50.7(2) and (3) of the regulations are revoked and the following substituted: Micro-brewery license (2) Upon receipt of an application in the form required by the Commission, a non-refundable application fee of $300 and a license fee of $500, the Commission may issue a micro-brewery license to the applicant, if the Commission is satisfied that the premises, furnishings, equipment and all other facilities of the micro-brewery are of a high standard. Annual fee (3) The annual fee to renew a micro-brewery license in accordance with section 57 is $500. (2) Subsection 50.7(11) of the regulations is amended by the deletion of the words “the prescribed fee” and the substitution of the words “an annual fee of $100 per retail outlet”. (3) Subsection 50.7(12) of the regulations is revoked. 24. (1) Subsection 50.8(2) of the regulations is revoked and the following substituted: Ferment on premises license (2) Subject to subsection (3), upon receipt of an application in the form required by the Commission, a non-refundable application fee of $300 and a license fee of $400, the Commission may issue a ferment on premises license to the applicant. (2) Subsection 50.8(3) of the regulations is amended by the deletion of the words “The Commission may issue a ferment on premises license to an applicant if the Commission is satisfied that” and the substitution of the words “A ferment on premises license shall not be issued unless the Commission is satisfied that”. (3) Subsection 50.8(6) of the regulations is revoked and the following substituted: Annual fee (6) The annual fee to renew a ferment on premises license in accordance with section 57 is $400. 25. (1) Subsection 50.9(1) of the regulations is revoked and the following substituted: July 23, 2016 125 ROYAL GAZETTE 50.9 (1) Upon receipt of an application in the form required by the Commission and a license fee of $150 from the holder of a dining room license, a club license or special premises license, the Commission may issue a package sales license to the applicant. Package sales license (2) Subsection 50.9(4) of the regulations is revoked and the following substituted: (4) The annual fee to renew a package sales license in accordance with section 57 is $150. Annual fee 26. Section 56 of the regulations is revoked and the following substituted: 56. (1) A license may be issued for a period of up to twelve months and, except where otherwise provided, expires on the date indicated on the license, unless sooner cancelled by the Commission. (2) Where a license is issued for a period of less than twelve months, the Commission may pro-rate the license fee, except where otherwise provided. License period and expiry Pro-rate license fee 27. (1) Subsection 57(1) of the regulations is revoked and the following substituted: 57. (1) Upon receipt of an application in the form required by the Commission and the applicable annual fee, the Commission may renew a license other than a license issued under section 10, including a license that expired less than twelve months before the application is received, for a period of up to twelve months. Renewal of license (1.1) Where a license is renewed for a period of less than twelve months, the Commission may pro-rate the annual fee to renew the license, except where otherwise provided. Pro-rate annual fee (2) Section 57 of the regulations is amended by the addition of the following after subsection (3): (4) Subsections (2) and (3) do not apply to an application to renew a license issued on a seasonal basis that expired less than twelve months before the application is received. 28. (1) Subsection 62(2) of the regulations is amended by the deletion of the words “the Commission may, upon application in a manner approved by the Commission and subject to payment of the prescribed fee” and the substitution of the words “upon receipt of an application in the form required by the Commission and a non-refundable application fee of $35 to alter the license, the Commission may”. (2) Subsection 62(3) of the regulations is revoked. 29. Subsection 74.2(1) of the regulations is amended by the deletion of the words “On application by a licensee, the Commission may, Exception, seasonal 126 ROYAL GAZETTE July 23, 2016 subject to this section,” and the substitution of the words “Upon receipt of an application in the form required by the Commission from a licensee, the Commission may”. 30. Subsection 85.1(2) of the regulations is revoked and the following substituted: Authorization to hold wet-dry event (2) Upon receipt of an application in the form required by the Commission from a licensee, the Commission may give the licensee written authorization to hold a wet-dry event. 31. Subsection 95(1) of the regulations is amended by the deletion of the words “Upon application, in a form prescribed by the Commission, by the holder of a lounge license” and the substitution of the words “Upon receipt of an application in the form required by the Commission from the holder of a lounge license,”. 32. Forms 9 to 12 of the regulations are revoked. 33. These regulations come into force on July 23, 2016. EXPLANATORY NOTES SECTION 1 revokes and replaces subsections 10(3) and (4) of the regulations to remove references to Form 9 and Form 10, which are being revoked, and to make wording respecting an application consistent throughout the regulations. No fees have changed. SECTION 2 revokes and replaces section 11 of the regulations to make wording respecting an application consistent throughout the regulations. No fees have changed. SECTION 3 revokes section 18 of the regulations, which is redundant after the amendments to section 11, and section 19 of the regulations to remove references to Form 11 and Form 12, which are being revoked. SECTION 4 revokes and replaces section 20 of the regulations to improve the wording respecting the annual fee to renew a dining room license and make it consistent throughout the regulations. The fee has not changed. SECTION 5 amends section 20.1 of the regulations to make wording respecting an application consistent throughout the regulations. SECTION 6 revokes and replaces section 21 to make wording respecting an application consistent throughout the regulations. No fees have changed. SECTION 7 revokes section 27, which is redundant after the amendments to section 21. July 23, 2016 ROYAL GAZETTE SECTION 8 revokes section 28 to remove references to Form 11 and Form 12, which are being revoked. SECTION 9 revokes and replaces section 29 of the regulations to improve the wording respecting the annual fee to renew a lounge license and make it consistent throughout the regulations. The fee has not changed. SECTION 10 revokes and replaces section 31 of the regulations to make wording respecting an application consistent throughout the regulations. No fees have changed. SECTION 11 revokes section 38 of the regulations, which is redundant after the amendments to section 31. SECTION 12 revokes section 39 of the regulations to remove references to Form 11 and Form 12, which are being revoked. SECTION 13 revokes and replaces section 40 of the regulations to improve the wording respecting the annual fee to renew a club license and make it consistent throughout the regulations. The fee has not changed. SECTION 14 revokes and replaces section 41 of the regulations to make wording respecting an application consistent throughout the regulations. No fees have changed. SECTION 15 revokes section 48 of the regulations, which is redundant after the amendments to section 41, and section 49 of the regulations to remove references to Form 11 and Form 12, which are being revoked. SECTION 16 revokes and replaces section 50 of the regulations to improve the wording respecting the annual fee to renew a military canteen license and make it consistent throughout the regulations. The fee has not changed. SECTION 17 amends subsection 50.1(1) of the regulations to make wording respecting an application consistent throughout the regulations. It also revokes and replaces subsection (4) to improve the wording respecting the annual fee to renew a special premises license and make it consistent throughout the regulations. It also revokes subsection (7), which is redundant after the amendments to subsection (1). No fees have changed. SECTION 18 amends subsection 50.2(1) of the regulations to make wording respecting an application consistent throughout the regulations. It also revokes subsection (4), which is redundant after the amendments to subsection (1). It also revokes and replaces subsection (5) to improve the wording respecting the annual fee to renew a caterer’s license and make it consistent throughout the regulations. No fees have changed. 127 128 ROYAL GAZETTE July 23, 2016 SECTION 19 amends subsection 50.3(2) of the regulations to make wording respecting an application consistent throughout the regulations. It also revokes subsection (3), which is redundant after the amendments to subsection (2). It also revokes and replaces subsection (10) to improve the wording respecting the annual fee to renew a winery license and make it consistent throughout the regulations. It also amends subsection (12) to set out the annual fee to operate an off-site retail outlet and revokes subsection (13), which is redundant after the amendments to subsection (12). No fees have changed. SECTION 20 amends subsection 50.4(1) of the regulations to make wording respecting an application consistent throughout the regulations. It adds subsection (1.1) to the section, setting out the license fee for an initial tourist home license, depending on whether it is valid for six months or more than six months. It also revokes and replaces subsection (4) to improve the wording respecting the annual fee to renew a tourist home license and make it consistent throughout the regulations. It also revokes subsection (5), which is redundant after the amendments to subsection (1). No fees have changed. SECTION 21 amends subsection 50.5(1) of the regulations to make wording respecting an application consistent throughout the regulations. It also revokes and replaces subsection (2) to set out the annual fee to renew a distiller’s license. It also amends subsection (6) to set out the annual fee to operate an off-site retail outlet and revokes subsection (7), which is redundant after the amendments to subsection (6). No fees have changed. SECTION 22 amends subsection 50.6(2) of the regulations to make wording respecting an application consistent throughout the regulations. It also revokes and replaces subsection (9) to set out the fee to renew a brew-pub license. No fees have changed. SECTION 23 revokes and replaces subsections 50.7 (2) and (3) of the regulations to make wording respecting an application consistent throughout the regulations and to set out the annual fee to renew a microbrewery license. It also amends subsection (11) to set out the annual fee to operate an off-site retail outlet and revokes subsection (12), which is redundant after the amendments to subsection (11). No fees have changed. SECTION 24 revokes and replaces subsection 50.8(2) and amends subsection (3) to make wording respecting an application consistent throughout the regulations. It also revokes and replaces subsection (6) to improve the wording respecting the annual fee to renew a ferment on premises license and make it consistent throughout the regulations. No fees have changed. SECTION 25 revokes and replaces subsection 50.9(1) of the regulations to make wording respecting an application consistent throughout the regulations. It also revokes and replaces subsection (4) to improve the July 23, 2016 ROYAL GAZETTE wording respecting the annual fee to renew a package sales license and make it consistent throughout the regulations. No fees have changed. SECTION 26 revokes and replaces section 56 of the Act to provide that a license may be issued for a period of up to twelve months and, except where otherwise provided, expires on the date specified on the license, unless earlier cancelled. It also provides for the Commission to pro-rate the license fee for a license issued for less than twelve months. SECTION 27 revokes and replaces subsection 57(1) to make wording respecting an application consistent throughout the regulations and to provide for an exception that a license issued under section 10 can’t be renewed. A new application is required upon expiry of such a license. It also provides for the Commission to pro-rate the annual fee to renew a license for less than twelve months. It also provides that the application deadline and late penalty in subsections (2) and (3) do not apply to an application to renew a license issued on a seasonal basis that expired less than twelve months before the application is received. SECTION 28 amends subsection 62(2) to make wording respecting an application consistent throughout the regulations. It also revokes subsection (3), which is redundant after the amendments to subsection (2). No fees have changed. SECTION 29 amends subsection 74.2(1) to make wording respecting an application consistent throughout the regulations. SECTION 30 revokes and replaces subsection 85.1(2) to make wording respecting an application consistent throughout the regulations. SECTION 31 amends subsection 95(1) to make wording respecting an application consistent throughout the regulations. SECTION 32 revokes Form 9, Form 10, Form 11 and Form 12. SECTION 33 provides for the commencement of these regulations. Certified a true copy, Paul T. Ledwell Clerk of the Executive Council and Secretary to Cabinet 129 130 ROYAL GAZETTE July 23, 2016 EC2016-464 LIQUOR CONTROL ACT LIQUOR AGENCY REGULATIONS AMENDMENT (Approved by His Honour the Lieutenant Governor in Council dated July 12, 2016.) Pursuant to section 8 of the Liquor Control Act R.S.P.E.I. 1988, Cap. L14, the Prince Edward Island Liquor Commission, with the approval of the Lieutenant Governor in Council, made the following regulations: 1. Clause 4(2)(d) of the Liquor Control Act Liquor Agency Regulations (EC343/12) is revoked and the following substituted: (d) have no current or proposed affiliation with a ferment on premises business, including the operation of a licensed premises under a ferment on premises license issued by the Commission, 2. Subsection 6(4) of the regulations is revoked and the following substituted: Fee (4) An applicant shall pay to the Commission a non-refundable fee of $300 to submit a proposal and a proposal is not considered to have been received until the fee is paid. 3. These regulations come into force on July 23, 2016. EXPLANATORY NOTES SECTION 1 provides that to be eligible to be appointed as a vendor, an applicant must have no current or proposed affiliation with a ferment on premises business, including the operation of a licensed premises under a ferment on premises license issued by the Commission. SECTION 2 requires an applicant to pay a non-refundable fee of $300 to submit a proposal and a proposal is not considered to have been received until the fee is paid. SECTION 3 provides for the commencement of these regulations. Certified a true copy, Paul T. Ledwell Clerk of the Executive Council and Secretary to Cabinet July 23, 2016 131 ROYAL GAZETTE EC2016-469 SUMMARY PROCEEDINGS ACT TICKET REGULATIONS AMENDMENT (Approved by His Honour the Lieutenant Governor in Council dated July 12, 2016.) Pursuant to section 10 of the Summary Proceedings Act R.S.P.E.I. 1988, Cap. S-9, Council made the following regulations: 1. Schedule 2 of the Summary Proceedings Act Ticket Regulations (EC58/08) is amended in Part 38 by the addition of the following after item 14: 14.1 Consuming liquor on or about a boat .......………........ 39(4) $200 (1st offence) 400 (2nd or subsequent offence) 2. These regulations come into force on July 23, 2016. EXPLANATORY NOTES SECTION 1 sets out ticket fines for an offence recently added to the Liquor Control Act R.S.P.E.I. 1988, Cap. L-14. SECTION 2 provides for the commencement of these regulations. Certified a true copy, Paul T. Ledwell Clerk of the Executive Council and Secretary to Cabinet EC2016-470 VITAL STATISTICS ACT REGULATIONS AMENDMENT (Approved by His Honour the Lieutenant Governor in Council dated July 12, 2016.) Pursuant to section 40 of the Vital Statistics Act R.S.P.E.I. 1996, Cap. V4.1, Council made the following regulations: 1. (1) Subsection 7(1) of the Vital Statistics Act Regulations (EC453/00) is amended (a) in clause (g), by the deletion of the words “32(1), (2)” and the substitution to the words “32(1)”; and 132 July 23, 2016 ROYAL GAZETTE (b) by the deletion of clauses (i) and (j) and the substitution of the following: 32(3) (i) copy of registration of birth................................................................... $35 32(4) (j) certificate of registration of marriage - framing size (long) ................. $35 (2) Subsection 7(2) of the regulations is revoked. 2. Form 11 and Form 11.1 of the regulations are revoked and Form 11 and Form 11.1 as set out in the Schedule to these regulations are substituted. 3. These regulations come into force on July 23, 2016. SCHEDULE FORM 11 APPLICATION FOR PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND BIRTH RECORD VITAL STATISTICS REGISTRY 126 DOUSES ROAD PO BOX 3000, MONTAGUE, PEI C0A 1R0 Telephone (902) 838-0880 Fax: (902) 838-0883 Toll free in Canada 1-877-320-1253 Email: [email protected] PRIVACY STATEMENT: Personal information contained on this form is collected under the authority of the Vital Statistics Act R.S.P.E.I. 1988, Cap. V-4.1, section 32, as applicable, to fulfil the requirements for registration and release of records and information. If you have any questions about the collection or use of this information please contact the Vital Statistics Office toll free at 1-877-320-1253. Your request can only be processed if this application is complete, the information provided agrees with our records, and the event is registered. Applicant Information PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY “Applicant” is the person who is completing this request. As “Applicant” you must provide the information below so you can be contacted if problems arise with this request. This contact information will be used for all correspondence and delivery purposes. SURNAME:: GIVEN NAMES: MAILING ADDRESS: CITY, PROVINCE, STATE, COUNTRY DAYTIME PHONE (include area code): POSTAL CODE EMAIL ADDRESS: AUTHORITY TO OBTAIN BIRTH CERTIFICATE: Applicant is person to whom certificate applies Applicant is parent on birth registration of person to whom certificate applies Written authorization of person to whom certificate applies or parent on registration Applicant requires certificate for the administration of the estate of deceased person to whom certificate applies or to establish eligibility to administer person’s estate Applicant is a lawyer acting for the person to whom the certificate applies Applicant is a public officer who requires the certificate for the purpose of discharging official duties Court order Written authorization of Minister AUTHORITY TO OBTAIN COPY OF BIRTH REGISTRATION: Applicant is adult person to whom registration applies Applicant is listed as a parent on the registration Applicant is a public officer who requires the registration for the purpose of discharging official duties Court order Written authorization of Minister July 23, 2016 133 ROYAL GAZETTE WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION: For the purposes of giving written authorization to an applicant in respect of a birth certificate, the person to whom the certificate applies or a parent of that person may use this section OR provide a signed letter of authorization to be attached to this application: I __________________________________________ authorize that my birth certificate be Person to whom certificate applies or Parent issued to the applicant stated above. _____________________________________________ ____________________ Signature of person to whom certificate applies or parent Date SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT DATE of APPLICATION (Month/Day/Year) Birth Certificate or Registration Information Enter the birth information of the person to whom the certificate or registration applies including the names of both parents and where they were born. If the father’s/other parent’s information is not applicable (was not on birth registration) please put N/A in corresponding fields. Person To Whom Certificate Applies Last Name (At Birth) Given Names: First ❑ MALE Middle Date of Birth: Month Day ❑ FEMALE Other Given City/Town of Birth: Province of Birth: Prince Edward Island Year Mother’s Details Mother’s Surname: (before marriage) First Name: Middle Names: Birthplace Father/Other Parent’s Details Father/Other Parent’s Surname: (If stated on Birth Record) - If not enter N/A/: First Name: Middle Names: Birthplace Administrative Information Type of Product Requested: Standard Birth Certificate ………………. $25 Detailed Birth Certificate ………………..$35 (includes parent names) Certified Copy of Registration of Birth (Not a birth certificate) …………………………….$35 Special Service Requested: Expedited Service (2 business days + delivery time) ……………………………………… $50 Emergency Service (Same day - pick up only) ………………………………………………$100: Payment Payment Method: CANADIAN FUNDS ONLY Province/State Province/State Country Country Method of Delivery Requested: Pick up Montague (expedited or emergency service only) Regular Mail (free of charge) Courier: PEI, NS, and NB ……………$10 Courier: All other Canadian destinations .$20 Courier outside Canada, please contact Vital Statistics to make arrangements: (902) 838-0880 or toll free (in Canada) 1-877-320-1253 ❑ Cash (In person only) ❑ Debit Card (In person only) ❑ Cheque or Money Order (Payable to PEI Vital Statistics) ❑ MasterCard or Visa: I authorize Vital Statistics to charge my credit card: $_______________ Credit Card Number ______________________ Expiry: Month___________ Year______ ___________________________________________________________ Cardholder’s Name (please print) ___________________________________________________________ Cardholder’s Signature Post-dated cheques are not accepted. An additional $30 will be charged for NSF cheques. 134 July 23, 2016 ROYAL GAZETTE Completed_________________ Receipt # _____________ Reg #_____________________________Certificate #____________________________ Issue Date___________________________________ IMPORTANT INFORMATION Documents can only be issued for births that occurred in P.E.I. INFORMATION PROVIDED ON DOCUMENTS: Certificates contain information extracted from the original, legal registration filed at the time of birth. Standard Birth Certificate Detailed Birth Certificate Full Name of the Individual Date of Birth Place of Birth Sex Registration Number Date of Registration Date certificate is issued The same information that appears on a Standard Birth Certificate, and also Parent information (if contained on registration): Mother’s Name and her Place of Birth Father’s Name and his Place of Birth. Note: A detailed birth certificate is recommended for minors (under age 16). Certified Copy of Live Birth Registration The information that appears on the original (legal) Registration of Birth. It is a photocopy of the registration onto certified copy paper. Note: These are most commonly required for international purposes. Certified copies are not used for identification: they do not substitute as a birth certificate. TO AVOID DELAY: - Ensure that you are authorized to make the request (see front of form) - Complete the application in full (PLEASE PRINT) - Enclose the correct fee (Canadian Funds) - Ensure that your phone number and address are correct and clear - Ensure all given names of parents are included (initials not acceptable) FEES: Every person who submits an application for service must pay the prescribed fee at the time of request. (a) Birth - Standard (b) Birth - Detailed (c) Certified Copy of Birth Registration (d) Expedited Service (2 business days) (e) Emergency Service (same day) $25 $35 $35 $50 (does not include certificate or courier fees) $100 (does not include certificate fee) *Post-dated cheques are not accepted. An additional $30 fee will be charged for NSF cheques. TYPE OF SERVICE: Regular Service Processing time: Varies (generally 10-15 business days) Delivery method options: - Regular mail* - Courier (at client request and expense) *The Vital Statistics Office is not responsible for delays or lost items by Canada Post. Expedited Service (Certificates Only) Processing time: 2 business days Delivery method options: - *Pick up at 126 Douses Road, Montague (Monday through Friday) - Courier (at client request and expense) - Regular mail *Documents not picked up on the date specified (where prior arrangements have not been made) will be placed in regular mail the following day. Emergency Service (Certificates Only) Processing time: Same day of request (minimum two hours’ notice required) or less than two business days Delivery method: Pick up Only (Montague) July 23, 2016 135 ROYAL GAZETTE FORM 11.1 APPLICATION FOR PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND MARRIAGE & DEATH RECORDS VITAL STATISTICS REGISTRY 126 DOUSES ROAD PO BOX 3000, MONTAGUE, PEI C0A 1R0 Telephone (902) 838-0880 Fax: (902) 838-0883 Toll free in Canada 1-877-320-1253 Email: [email protected] PRIVACY STATEMENT: Personal information contained on this form is collected under the authority of the Vital Statistics Act R.S.P.E.I. 1988, Cap. V-4.1, section 32, as applicable, to fulfil the requirements for registration and release of records and information. If you have any questions about the collection or use of this information please contact the Vital Statistics Office toll free at 1-877-320-1253. Your request can only be processed if this application is complete, the information provided agrees with our records, and the event is registered. Applicant Information PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY “Applicant” is the person who is completing this request. As “Applicant” you must provide the information below so you can be contacted if problems arise with this request. This contact information will be used for all correspondence and delivery purposes. SURNAME:: GIVEN NAMES: MAILING ADDRESS: CITY, PROVINCE, STATE, COUNTRY DAYTIME PHONE (include area code): POSTAL CODE EMAIL ADDRESS: AUTHORITY TO OBTAIN MARRIAGE CERTIFICATE OR COPY OF MARRIAGE REGISTRATION: Applicant is a party to the marriage to which the certificate or registration applies Written authorization of a party to the marriage Applicant is a lawyer acting for or a legal representative of a party to the marriage Applicant is a public officer who requires the certificate or registration for the purpose of discharging official duties Court order Written authorization of Minister AUTHORITY TO OBTAIN DEATH CERTIFICATE WITH CAUSE OF DEATH OR COPY OF DEATH REGISTRATION: Applicant is a parent, sibling, spouse or adult child of the deceased Applicant is a public officer who requires the certificate or registration for the purpose of discharging official duties Written authorization of Minister * Any person may obtain a death certificate that does not show the cause of death WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION: For the purposes of giving written authorization to an applicant in respect of a marriage certificate or a copy of a marriage registration, a party to the marriage may use this section OR provide a signed letter of authorization to be attached to this application: I _______________________________________________ authorize my marriage certificate or a Party named on the marriage certificate copy of my marriage registration to be issued to the applicant stated above. _______________________________________________ ___________________________________ Signature of party named on marriage certificate Date SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT DATE of APPLICATION (Month/Day/Year) Certificate or Registration Information Marriage Information (if applicable) Surname Before Marriage All Given Names Surname Before Marriage All Given Names ❑ MALE Birthplace ❑ FEMALE ❑ MALE ❑ FEMALE Birthplace 136 July 23, 2016 ROYAL GAZETTE Place of Marriage Date of Marriage Month Day City/Town: Province: Prince Edward Island Year Date of Birth Death/Stillbirth Information (if applicable) Surname of Deceased ❑ MALE All Given Names Month Day Year Day Year Age: Usual Residence Prior To Death: Marital Status Upon Death: Single Married Date of Death Month ❑ FEMALE Widow Divorced Place of Death City/Town: Province: Prince Edward Island Administrative Information Type of Product Requested: Detailed Marriage Certificate $35 Death Certificate $35 Death Certificate With Cause $50 Certified Copy of Registration of Marriage $35 (Not a certificate) Certified Copy of Registration of Death $35 (Cause of Death not included) Certified Copy of Registration of Stillbirth $35 Special Service Requested (Certificates Only): Expedited Service (2 business days + delivery time) …………………………… $50 Emergency Service (same day - pick up only) ………………………………………$100 Method of Delivery Requested: Pick up Montague (expedited or emergency service only) Regular Mail (free of charge) Courier: PEI, NS, and NB ……………..$10 Courier: All other Canadian destinations $20 Courier outside Canada, please contact Vital Statistics to make arrangements: (902) 838-0880 or toll free (in Canada) 1-877-320-1253. Payment Payment Method: CANADIAN FUNDS ONLY ❑ Cash (In person only) ❑ Debit Card (In person only) ❑ Cheque or Money Order (Payable to PEI Vital Statistics) ❑ MasterCard or Visa: I authorize Vital Statistics to charge my credit card: $_______________ Credit Card Number ______________________ Expiry: Month___________ Year______ ___________________________________________________________ Cardholder’s Name (please print) ___________________________________________________________ Cardholder’s Signature Post-dated cheques are not accepted. An additional $30 will be charged for NSF cheques. Completed_________________ Receipt # _____________ Reg #_____________________________Certificate #____________________________ Issue Date___________________________________ IMPORTANT INFORMATION Certificates and Copies of Registrations can only be issued for events (marriage, death) that occurred in P.E.I. INFORMATION PROVIDED ON DOCUMENTS: Marriage Certificate Full Name of Persons who married Place of Birth (both) Date of Marriage Place of Marriage Registration Number Date of Registration Date of Issue Death Certificate (with and without cause) Name of Deceased Date of Death Place of Death Age Sex Marital Status Registration Number Date of Registration Date of Issue Marriage/Death Registrations The information that appears on the original (legal) Registration of Marriage/Death (cause of death not included). It is a photocopy of the registration on certified copy paper. Not intended for identification: it does not substitute as a certificate. July 23, 2016 ROYAL GAZETTE TO AVOID DELAY: - Ensure that you are authorized to make the request (see front of form) - Complete the appropriate sections in full (PLEASE PRINT) - Enclose the correct fee (Canadian Funds) - Ensure that your phone number and address are correct and clear FEES: Every person who submits an application for service must pay the prescribed fee at the time of request. (a) Marriage Certificate (b) Certified Copy of Marriage Registration (c) Death Certificate (d) Death Certificate with Cause (e) Certified Copy of Death Registration (f) Certified Copy of Stillbirth Registration (g) Expedited Service (2 business days) (h) Emergency Service (same day) $35 $35 $35 $50 $35 (does not include cause of death) $35 $50 (does not include certificate or courier fee) $100 (does not include certificate) *Post-dated cheques are not accepted. An additional $30 fee will be charged for NSF cheques. TYPE OF SERVICE: Regular Service Processing time: Varies (generally 10-15 business days) Delivery method options: - Regular mail* - Courier (at client request and expense) *The Vital Statistics Office is not responsible for delays or lost items by Canada Post. Expedited Service (Certificates Only) Processing time: 2 business days Delivery method options: - *Pick up at 126 Douses Road, Montague (Monday through Friday) - Courier (at client request and expense) - Regular mail *Documents not picked up on the date specified (where prior arrangements have not been made) will be placed in regular mail the following day. Emergency Service (Certificates Only) Processing time: Same day of request (minimum two hours’ notice required) Delivery method: Pick up Only (Montague) EXPLANATORY NOTES SECTION 1 updates several Act section references in the fee schedule in section 7 of the regulations to correspond with amendments made to the Act by S.P.E.I. 2016, Cap. 29. It also revokes a provision that authorizes the Director to waive or modify fees at the Director’s discretion. SECTION 2 updates Form 11 and Form 11.1 to correspond with amendments made to the Act by S.P.E.I. 2016, Cap. 29. SECTION 3 provides for the commencement of these regulations. Certified a true copy, Paul T. Ledwell Clerk of the Executive Council and Secretary to Cabinet 137 138 ROYAL GAZETTE July 23, 2016 EC2016-471 PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND LANDS PROTECTION ACT FORMS REGULATIONS Pursuant to clause 17(1)(c) of the Prince Edward Island Lands Protection Act R.S.P.E.I. 1988, Cap. L-5, Council made the following regulations: 1. (1) Section 1 of the of the Prince Edward Island Lands Protection Act Forms Regulations (EC219/96) is amended by renumbering it as subsection 1(2). (2) Section 1 of the Regulations is amended by the addition of the following before subsection (2): Act, defined 1. (1) In these regulations, “Act” means the Prince Edward Island Lands Protection Act R.S.P.E.I. 1988, Cap.L-5. (3) Subsection 1(2) of the regulations is amended (a) in clauses (a) and (b), by the deletion of the words “Prince Edward Island Lands Protection Act” and the substitution of the word “Act”; (b) by the revocation of clauses (h) to (k) and the substitution of the following: (h) Form 6A – aggregate land holding declaration for a person pursuant to section 10 of the Act; (i) Form 6B – aggregate land holding declaration for a corporation pursuant to section 10 of the Act; (j) Form 6C – aggregate land holding declaration for a person pursuant to section 10 of the Act; (k) Form 6D – aggregate land holding declaration for a corporation pursuant to section 10 of the Act; (c) by the revocation of clause (n) and the substitution of the following: (n) Form 8A – application by or on behalf of a non-resident or corporation pursuant to clause 5.3(1)(b) of the Act; (o) Form 8B – statement for reporting land leased in pursuant to subsection 5.3(2) of the Act; (p) Form 9 – application by or on behalf of a cooperative venture pursuant to subsection 1.1(3) of the Prince Edward Island Lands Protection Act Exemption Regulations; (q) Form 10A – aggregate land holding declaration for a person pursuant to subsection 11(2) of the Act; (r) aggregate land holding declaration for a corporation pursuant to subsection 11(2) of the Act. July 23, 2016 ROYAL GAZETTE 2. (1) Forms 6A, 6B, 6C and 6D of the regulations are revoked and Forms 6A, 6B, 6C and 6D as set out in the Schedule to these regulations are substituted. (2) Form 8 of the regulations is revoked and Forms 8A and 8B as set out in the Schedule to these regulations are substituted. (3) The regulations are amended by the addition of Forms 9, 10A and 10B after Form 8B as set out in the Schedule to these regulations. 3. These regulations come into force on July 23, 2016. 139 140 ROYAL GAZETTE July 23, 2016 SCHEDULE FORM 6A AGGREGATE LAND HOLDING DECLARATION FOR A PERSON PURSUANT TO SECTION 10 OF THE PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND LANDS PROTECTION ACT (the “Act”) INFORMATION PROVIDED SHALL DECLARE THE MAXIMUM LAND HOLDING DURING THE REPORTING YEAR SECTION 1 Answer the following questions: YES or NO A. Does the corporation in which you own more than 5% of the issued voting shares own shares in any other corporation? YES NO B. Are there other corporations that own shares in a corporation in which you own more than 5% of the issued voting shares? YES NO C. Is the declaring person a trustee or a beneficiary in a trust that has an aggregate land holding? YES NO D. Has the Minister given the declaring person approval to limit disclosure pursuant to section 11.1 of the Act? YES NO If you answered YES to any of the above questions, do not use this form. Complete Form 6C. SECTION 2 Reporting Year ………………….. Name of Declaring Person ........................................................................................................ Mailing Address ………………………………….Province ................................................... Postal Code ………………………Telephone ……………….Fax ......................................... Email Address ……………………… I hereby certify that the information herein, and attached hereto, is true and correct in all respects for reporting year …….. Upon request, I undertake to provide such further information as may be reasonably required by the Commission in the processing of this declaration. Signature of Declaring Person Date Print Name of Declaring Person INFORMATION PROVIDED BY DECLARING PERSON IS SUBJECT TO AUDIT Information on this Form is collected pursuant to the Lands Protection Act and will be used by the Commission in the administration of the said Act. For additional information, contact the Commission at 902-892-3501 or by email at [email protected]. July 23, 2016 141 ROYAL GAZETTE FORM 6A - APPENDIX 1 Land OWNED by the Declaring Person: PARCEL NUMBER NAME OF REGISTERED OWNER* ACREAGE ARABLE NON-ARABLE LOCATION SUBTOTAL TOTAL *Note: If land is owned jointly or as tenants in common, list the complete name of the registered owner. FORM 6A - APPENDIX 2 Land LEASED IN by the Declaring Person: PARCEL NUMBER LEASED FROM LOCATION LEASE START DATE M/D/Y LEASE EXPIRY DATE M/D/Y ACREAGE NONARABLE ARABLE SUBTOTAL TOTAL …………… Initials FORM 6A - APPENDIX 3 Land LEASED OUT by the Declaring Person: PARCEL NUMBER LEASED TO LOCATION LEASE START DATE M/D/Y LEASE EXPIRY DATE M/D/Y ACREAGE NONARABLE ARABLE SUBTOTAL TOTAL FORM 6A - APPENDIX 4 4.1 If the Declaring Person owns more than 5% of the issued voting shares in any corporation, list the following information: 1 NAME OF CORPORATION 4.2 2 TOTAL NUMBER OF ISSUED VOTING SHARES 3 NUMBER OF ISSUED VOTING SHARES OWNED BY DECLARING PERSON 4 % OF ISSUED VOTING SHARES List the following information for each parcel of land in the province OWNED by corporations listed in 4.1. (Complete a separate Appendix 4.2 for each corporation.) Name of Corporation …………………………………………………………… PARCEL NUMBER NAME OF REGISTERED OWNER* LOCATION ACREAGE ARABLE NON-ARABLE SUBTOTAL TOTAL *Note: If land is owned jointly or as tenants in common, list the complete name of the registered owner. …………… Initials 4.3 List the following information for each parcel of land in the province LEASED IN by corporations listed in 4.1. (Complete a separate Appendix 4.3 for each corporation.) Name of Corporation ………………………………………………………………. 142 July 23, 2016 ROYAL GAZETTE PARCEL NUMBER LEASED FROM LOCATION LEASE START DATE M/D/Y LEASE EXPIRY DATE M/D/Y ACREAGE NONARABLE ARABLE SUBTOTAL TOTAL 4.4 List the following information for each parcel of land in the province LEASED OUT by corporations listed in 4.1. (Complete a separate Appendix 4.4 for each corporation.) Name of Corporation ………………………………………………………………… PARCEL NUMBER LEASED TO LOCATION LEASE START DATE M/D/Y LEASE EXPIRY DATE M/D/Y ACREAGE NONARABLE ARABLE SUBTOTAL TOTAL 4.5 List the following information for each corporation listed in 4.1 for ARABLE LAND: 1 2 3 4 5 6 NAME OF CORPORATION TOTAL ARABLE ACREAGE OWNED (from Appendix 4.2) TOTAL ARABLE ACREAGE LEASED IN (from Appendix 4.3) TOTAL ARABLE LAND HOLDING (column 2+3) % OF ISSUED VOTING SHARES (from 4.1 column 4) CONTRIBUTION TO AGGREGATE LAND HOLDING (multiply column 4 by column 5) ARABLE LAND TOTAL 4.6 List the following information for each corporation listed in 4.1 for NONARABLE LAND: 1 2 3 4 5 6 NAME OF CORPORATION TOTAL NONARABLE ACREAGE OWNED (from Appendix 4.2) TOTAL NONARABLE ACREAGE LEASED IN (from Appendix 4.3) TOTAL NONARABLE LAND HOLDING (column 2+3) % OF ISSUED VOTING SHARES (from row 4.1 column 4) CONTRIBUTION TO AGGREGATE LAND HOLDING (multiply column 4 by column 5) NON-ARABLE LAND TOTAL …………… Initials July 23, 2016 143 ROYAL GAZETTE FORM 6B AGGREGATE LAND HOLDING DECLARATION FOR A CORPORATION PURSUANT TO SECTION 10 OF THE PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND LANDS PROTECTION ACT (the “Act”) INFORMATION PROVIDED SHALL DECLARE THE MAXIMUM LAND HOLDING DURING THE REPORTING YEAR SECTION 1 Answer the following questions: YES or NO A. Does the declaring corporation own more than 5% of the issued voting shares in any other corporations? YES NO B. Do any other corporations own more than 5% of the issued voting shares in the declaring corporation? YES NO C. Do any of the shareholders of the declaring corporation own more than 5% of YES NO the issued voting shares in any other corporations? D. Is the declaring corporation or any of its shareholders a trustee or beneficiary in a trust that has an aggregate land holding? YES NO E. Has the Minister given the declaring corporation approval to limit disclosure pursuant to section 11.1 of the Act? YES NO If you answered YES to any of the above questions, do not use this form. Complete Form 6D. SECTION 2 Reporting Year ………………….. Name of Declaring Corporation ............................................................................................... Mailing Address ………………………………….Province ................................................... Postal Code ………………………Telephone ……………….Fax ......................................... Email Address ……………………… Place of Incorporation …………………………….. Date of Incorporation ……………………………………. I hereby certify that the information herein, and attached hereto, is true and correct in all respects for reporting year …….. Upon request, I undertake to provide such further information as may be reasonably required by the Commission in the processing of this declaration. Signature of Authorized Signing Officer of the Declaring Corporation Date Print Name of Signatory Title INFORMATION PROVIDED BY DECLARING CORPORATION IS SUBJECT TO AUDIT Information on this Form is collected pursuant to the Lands Protection Act and will be used by the Commission in the administration of the said Act. For additional information, contact the Commission at 902-892-3501 or by email at [email protected]. 144 July 23, 2016 ROYAL GAZETTE FORM 6B - APPENDIX 1 1.1 Report the total number of voting shares issued by the Declaring Corporation ……… 1.2 List the following information for each shareholder – both corporate and individual – owning more than 5% of the issued voting shares of the Declaring Corporation. 1 NAME OF SHAREHOLDER 2 ADDRESS 3 NUMBER OF SHARES OWNED BY SHAREHOLDER 4 % OF ISSUED VOTING SHARES FORM 6B - APPENDIX 2 2.1 List the following information for each parcel of land in the province OWNED by the Declaring Corporation: PARCEL NUMBER NAME OF REGISTERED OWNER* ACREAGE ARABLE NON-ARABLE LOCATION SUBTOTAL TOTAL *Note: If land is owned jointly or as tenants in common, list the complete name of the registered owner. 2.2 List the following information for each parcel of land in the province LEASED IN by the Declaring Corporation: PARCEL NUMBER LEASED FROM LOCATION LEASE START DATE M/D/Y LEASE EXPIRY DATE M/D/Y ACREAGE NONARABLE ARABLE SUBTOTAL TOTAL 2.3 List the following information for each parcel of land in the province LEASED OUT by the Declaring Corporation: 1 2 3 PARCEL NUMBER LEASED TO LOCATION 4 LEASE START DATE M/D/Y 5 LEASE EXPIRY DATE M/D/Y 6 ACREAGE NONARABLE ARABLE SUBTOTAL TOTAL …………… Initials FORM 6B - APPENDIX 3 3.1 Land OWNED by each shareholder: (Complete a separate Appendix 3 for each shareholder): 1 PARCEL NUMBER 2 NAME OF REGISTERED OWNER* 3 LOCATION 4 ACREAGE ARABLE NON-ARABLE SUBTOTAL TOTAL *Note: If land is owned jointly or as tenants in common, list the complete name of the registered owner. July 23, 2016 145 ROYAL GAZETTE 3.2 Land LEASED IN by each shareholder: (Complete a separate Appendix 3 for each shareholder) 1 2 3 PARCEL NUMBER LEASED FROM LOCATION 4 LEASE START DATE M/D/Y 5 LEASE EXPIRY DATE M/D/Y 6 ACREAGE NONARABLE ARABLE SUBTOTAL TOTAL 3.3 Land LEASED OUT by each shareholder: (Complete a separate Appendix 3 for each shareholder): 1 2 3 PARCEL NUMBER LEASED TO LOCATION 4 LEASE START DATE M/D/Y 5 LEASE EXPIRY DATE M/D/Y 6 ACREAGE NONARABLE ARABLE SUBTOTAL TOTAL 3.4 List the following information for each shareholder listed in 1.2 for ARABLE LAND: 1 2 3 4 NAME OF SHAREHOLDER TOTAL ARABLE ACREAGE OWNED (from Appendix 3, sec. 3.1) TOTAL ARABLE ACREAGE LEASED IN (from Appendix 3, sec. 3.2) TOTAL ARABLE LAND HOLDING (column 2+3) ARABLE LAND TOTAL 3.5 List the following information for each shareholder listed in 1.2 for NON-ARABLE LAND: 1 2 3 4 NAME OF SHAREHOLDER TOTAL NON-ARABLE ACREAGE OWNED (from Appendix 3, sec. 3.1) TOTAL NON-ARABLE ACREAGE LEASED IN (from Appendix 3, sec. 3.2) TOTAL NON-ARABLE LAND HOLDING (column 2+3) NON-ARABLE LAND TOTAL 3.6 Pursuant to Section 11.(1)(f) of the Act, list any transfers of 10% or more of the issued voting shares which have been made since the last declaration: 1 NAME OF CORPORATION …………… Initials 2 NAME OF SHAREHOLDER WHO ACQUIRED 10% OR MORE OF THE SHARES 3 % OF SHARES ACQUIRED BY THE SHAREHOLDER SINCE LAST DECLARATION 146 July 23, 2016 ROYAL GAZETTE FORM 6C AGGREGATE LAND HOLDING DECLARATION FOR A PERSON PURSUANT TO SECTION 10 OF THE PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND LANDS PROTECTION ACT (the “Act”) INFORMATION PROVIDED SHALL DECLARE THE MAXIMUM LAND HOLDING DURING THE REPORTING YEAR SECTION 1 Reporting Year ………………….. Name of Declaring Person ........................................................................................................ Mailing Address ………………………………….Province ................................................... Postal Code ………………………Telephone ……………….Fax ......................................... Email Address ……………………… SECTION 2 2.1 If the Declaring Person owns more than 5% of the issued voting shares in any corporation, list the following information. (All information must be provided, unless prior approval to withhold information in columns 2, 3 and 4 has been granted by the Minister. Provide a copy of Form 7A.) 1 NAME OF CORPORATION 2.2 2 TOTAL NUMBER OF ISSUED VOTING SHARES 3 NUMBER OF ISSUED VOTING SHARES OWNED BY DECLARING PERSON 4 % OF ISSUED VOTING SHARES List the following information for each corporation listed in 2.1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 NAME OF CORPORATION TOTAL ARABLE ACREAGE OWNED (from Appendix 4) TOTAL ARABLE ACREAGE LEASED IN (from Appendix 5) TOTAL ARABLE LAND HOLDING (column 2+3) % OF ISSUED VOTING SHARES (from row 2.1 column 4) CONTRIBUTION TO AGGREGATE LAND HOLDING (multiply column 4 by column 5) ARABLE LAND TOTAL …………… Initials July 23, 2016 2.3 147 ROYAL GAZETTE List the following information for each corporation listed in 2.1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 NAME OF CORPORATION TOTAL NONARABLE ACREAGE OWNED (from Appendix 4) TOTAL NONARABLE ACREAGE LEASED IN (from Appendix 5) TOTAL NONARABLE LAND HOLDING (column 2+3 % OF ISSUED VOTING SHARES (from row 2.1 column 4) CONTRIBUTION TO AGGREGATE LAND HOLDING (multiply column 4 by column 5) NON-ARABLE LAND TOTAL 2.4 List the following information for each corporation listed in 2.1. 1 NAME OF CORPORATION 2 TOTAL ARABLE ACREAGE LEASED OUT (from Appendix 6) 3 TOTAL NON- ARABLE ACREAGE LEASED OUT (from Appendix 6) TOTAL SECTION 3 List the following information for any corporation (as defined in the Act) that is directly or indirectly controlled by any corporation listed in 2.1, but has not been reported in 2.1. (Use a separate sheet for each corporation for 3.1 to 3.5.) 3.1 Name of the corporation .............................................................................................. 3.2 Address ........................................................................................................................ 3.3 Place of incorporation …… 3.4 Date of incorporation .............................................. 3.5 Names and permanent addresses of all officers and directors .................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................... 3.6 List the following information for the corporation(s) listed in 3.1. (All information must be provided, unless prior approval to withhold information in columns 2, 3 and 4 has been granted by the Minister. Provide a copy of Form 7A.) 1 NAME OF CORPORATION LISTED IN 3.1 …………… Initials 2 NAME OF SHAREHOLDER (Corporations listed in 2.1 only) 3 TOTAL NUMBER OF ISSUED VOTING SHARES 4 NUMBER OF ISSUED VOTING SHARES OWNED BY THE CORPORATION IN 2.1 5 % OF ISSUED VOTING SHARES 148 July 23, 2016 ROYAL GAZETTE 3.7 List the following information for each corporation listed in 3.1. 1 NAME OF CORPORATION LISTED IN 3.1 2 TOTAL ARABLE ACREAGE OWNED (from Appendix 7) 3 TOTAL ARABLE ACREAGE LEASED IN (from Appendix 8) 4 TOTAL ARABLE LAND HOLDING (column 2 + 3) 5 RELEVANT AMOUNT TO BE ATTRIBUTED TO DECLARING PERSON (see example) TOTAL Example: 1. The Declaring Person owns 25% of the shares of Corporation A. Corporation A owns 75% of the shares of Corporation B (Controlled Corporation). Corporation B has a land holding of 1,000 acres. Relevant amount equals 1,000 X 75% X 25% = 187.50 acres. 3.8 List the following information for each corporation listed in 3.1. 1 NAME OF CORPORATION LISTED IN 3.1 2 TOTAL NONARABLE ACREAGE OWNED (from Appendix 7) 3 TOTAL NONARABLE ACREAGE LEASED IN (from Appendix 8) 4 TOTAL NONARABLE LAND HOLDING (column 2 + 3) 5 RELEVANT AMOUNT TO BE ATTRIBUTED TO DECLARING PERSON (see example) TOTAL 3.9 List the following information for each corporation listed in 3.1. 1 NAME OF CORPORATION LISTED IN 3.1 2 TOTAL ARABLE ACREAGE LEASED OUT (from Appendix 9) 3 TOTAL NON- ARABLE ACREAGE LEASED OUT (from Appendix 9) TOTAL SECTION 4 List the following information if the Declaring Person is involved in a trust, either as a trustee or beneficiary, which owns land in the province. (Use a separate sheet for each trust for 4.1 to 4.3.) 4.1 Name of the trust ......................................................................................................... 4.2 Address 4.3 List the names and permanent addresses of all trustees and beneficiaries of the trust .................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................... 4.4 List the following information for each trust listed in 4.1. NAME OF TRUST 1 TOTAL ARABLE ACREAGE OWNED (from Appendix 10) 2 TOTAL ARABLE ACREAGE LEASED IN (from Appendix 11) TOTAL …………… Initials 3 TOTAL ARABLE LAND HOLDING (column 1 + 2) July 23, 2016 4.5 149 ROYAL GAZETTE List the following information for each trust listed in 4.1. NAME OF TRUST 1 TOTAL NON-ARABLE ACREAGE OWNED (from Appendix 10) 2 TOTAL NON- ARABLE ACREAGE LEASED IN (from Appendix 11) 3 TOTAL NON-ARABLE LAND HOLDING (column 1 + 2) TOTAL 4.6 List the following information for each trust listed in 4.1. 1 NAME OF TRUST 2 TOTAL ARABLE ACREAGE LEASED OUT (from Appendix 12) 3 TOTAL NON- ARABLE ACREAGE LEASED OUT (from Appendix 12) TOTAL This form has been completed pursuant to section 10 of the Prince Edward Island Lands Protection Act. I hereby certify that the information herein, and attached hereto, is true and correct in all respects for reporting year ……….. Upon request, I undertake to provide such further information as may be reasonably required by the Commission in the processing of this declaration. …………………………………… Signature of Declaring Person* …………………………………….. Date ………………………………….. Name (Please Print) * This form must be signed by the Declaring Person. For further inquiries please name a contact person Name ......................................................................................................................................... Mailing Address ........................................................................................................................ Province ……………………………….. Postal Code ............................................................ Telephone ………………………………... Fax ..................................................................... Email ......................................................................................................................................... FORM 6C - APPENDIX 1 List the following information for each parcel of land in the province OWNED by the Declaring Person. PARCEL NUMBER PARCELS OWNED BY THE DECLARING PERSON NAME OF REGISTERED LOCATION OWNER* ACREAGE ARABLE TOTAL *Note: If land is owned jointly or as tenants in common list the complete name of the registered owner. …………… Initials NONARABLE 150 July 23, 2016 ROYAL GAZETTE FORM 6C - APPENDIX 2 List the following information for each parcel of land in the province LEASED IN by the Declaring Person. PARCEL NUMBER LEASED FROM PARCELS LEASED IN BY THE DECLARING PERSON LOCATION LEASE START LEASE EXPIRY DATE DATE M/D/Y M/D/Y ACREAGE LEASED IN ARABLE NONARABLE TOTAL FORM 6C - APPENDIX 3 List the following information for each parcel of land in the province LEASED OUT by the Declaring Person. PARCEL NUMBER PARCELS LEASED OUT BY THE DECLARING PERSON LEASED TO LOCATION LEASE START LEASE EXPIRY DATE DATE M/D/Y M/D/Y ACREAGE LEASED OUT ARABLE NONARABLE TOTAL FORM 6C - APPENDIX 4 List the following information for each parcel of land in the province OWNED by corporations listed in 2.1 (Complete a separate Appendix 4 for each corporation). Name of corporation ................................................................................................................. PARCEL NUMBER PARCELS OWNED BY EACH CORPORATION NAME OF REGISTERED LOCATION OWNER* ACREAGE ARABLE NONARABLE TOTAL *Note: If land is owned jointly or as tenants in common list the complete name of the registered owner. FORM 6C - APPENDIX 5 List the following information for each parcel of land in the province LEASED IN by corporations listed in 2.1 (Complete a separate Appendix 5 for each corporation.) Name of corporation ................................................................................................................. PARCEL NUMBER LEASED FROM PARCELS LEASED IN BY EACH CORPORATION LOCATION LEASE START LEASE EXPIRY DATE DATE M/D/Y M/D/Y ACREAGE LEASED IN ARABLE TOTAL …………… Initials FORM 6C - APPENDIX 6 NONARABLE July 23, 2016 151 ROYAL GAZETTE List the following information for each parcel of land in the province LEASED OUT by corporations listed in 2.1 (Complete a separate Appendix 6 for each corporation.) Name of corporation ................................................................................................................. PARCEL NUMBER LEASED TO PARCELS LEASED OUT BY EACH CORPORATION LOCATION LEASE START LEASE EXPIRY DATE DATE M/D/Y M/D/Y ACREAGE LEASED OUT ARABLE NONARABLE TOTAL FORM 6C - APPENDIX 7 List the following information for each parcel of land in the province OWNED by corporations listed in 3.1 (Complete a separate Appendix 7 for each corporation). Name of corporation ................................................................................................................. PARCEL NUMBER PARCELS OWNED BY EACH CORPORATION NAME OF REGISTERED LOCATION OWNER* ACREAGE ARABLE NONARABLE TOTAL *Note: If land is owned jointly or as tenants in common list the complete name of the registered owner. FORM 6C - APPENDIX 8 List the following information for each parcel of land in the province LEASED IN by corporations listed in 3.1 (Complete a separate Appendix 8 for each corporation.) Name of corporation ................................................................................................................. PARCEL NUMBER LEASED FROM PARCELS LEASED IN BY EACH CORPORATION LOCATION LEASE START LEASE EXPIRY DATE DATE M/D/Y M/D/Y ACREAGE LEASED IN ARABLE TOTAL …………… Initials NONARABLE 152 July 23, 2016 ROYAL GAZETTE FORM 6C - APPENDIX 9 List the following information for each parcel of land in the province LEASED OUT by corporations listed in 3.1 (Complete a separate Appendix 9 for each corporation.) Name of corporation ................................................................................................................. PARCEL NUMBER LEASED TO PARCELS LEASED OUT BY EACH CORPORATION LOCATION LEASE START LEASE EXPIRY DATE DATE M/D/Y M/D/Y ACREAGE LEASED OUT ARABLE NONARABLE TOTAL FORM 6C - APPENDIX 10 List the following information for each parcel of land in the province OWNED by trusts listed in 4.1 (Complete a separate Appendix 10 for each trust.) Name of the trust ................................................................................................................... PARCEL NUMBER NAME OF REGISTERED OWNER* PARCELS OWNED BY THE TRUST NAME OF LOCATION BENEFICARY ACREAGE ARABLE NON-ARABLE TOTAL Note: If land is owned jointly or as tenants in common list the complete name of the registered owner. FORM 6C - APPENDIX 11 List the following information for each parcel of land in the province LEASED IN by trusts listed in 4.1 (Complete a separate Appendix 11 for each trust.) Name of the trust ................................................................................................................... PARCEL NUMBER LEASED FROM PARCELS LEASED IN BY THE TRUST LOCATION LEASE START LEASE EXPIRY DATE DATE M/D/Y M/D/Y ACREAGE LEASED IN ARABLE TOTAL …………… Initials NONARABLE July 23, 2016 153 ROYAL GAZETTE FORM 6C - APPENDIX 12 List the following information for each parcel of land in the province LEASED OUT by trusts listed in 4.1 (Complete a separate Appendix 12 for each trust.) Name of the trust .................................................................................................................... PARCEL NUMBER LOCATION PARCELS LEASED OUT BY THE TRUST LEASED TO LEASE START LEASE EXPIRY DATE DATE M/D/Y M/D/Y ACREAGE LEASED OUT ARABLE TOTAL FORM 6D AGGREGATE LAND HOLDING DECLARATION FOR A CORPORATION PURSUANT TO SECTION 10 OF THE PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND LANDS PROTECTION ACT (the “Act”) INFORMATION PROVIDED SHALL DECLARE THE MAXIMUM LAND HOLDING DURING THE REPORTING YEAR SECTION 1 Reporting Year ………………….. Name of Declaring Corporation ............................................................................................... Mailing Address ………………………………….Province ................................................... Postal Code ………………………Telephone ……………….Fax ......................................... Email Address ……………………… Place of Incorporation …………………………….. Date of Incorporation ……………………………………. Names and permanent addresses of all officers and directors ..................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................... SECTION 2 2.1 Report the total number of voting shares issued by the Declaring Corporation …………… Initials NONARABLE 154 July 23, 2016 ROYAL GAZETTE 2.2 List the names and addresses of the shareholders and number of voting shares held by each shareholder — both corporate and individual — owning more than 5% of the issued voting shares of the Declaring Corporation. Corporate shareholders that hold more than 50% of the issued voting shares in the Declaring Corporation should not be reported in this section. (All information must be provided unless prior approval to withhold information in columns 3 and 4 has been granted by the Minister. Provide a copy of Form 7B.) 1 NAME OF SHAREHOLDER 2.3 2 ADDRESS 3 NUMBER OF SHARES OWNED BY A SHAREHOLDER 4 % OF ISSUED VOTING SHARES List the following information for each shareholder in 2.2. 1 NAME OF SHAREHOLDER 2 TOTAL ARABLE ACREAGE OWNED (from Appendix 4) 3 TOTAL ARABLE ACREAGE LEASED IN (from Appendix 5) 4 TOTAL ARABLE LAND HOLDING (column 2 + 3) TOTAL 2.4 List the following information for each shareholder in 2.2. 1 NAME OF SHAREHOLDER 2 TOTAL NONARABLE ACREAGE OWNED (from Appendix 4) 3 TOTAL NON- ARABLE ACREAGE LEASED IN (from Appendix 5) 4 TOTAL NONARABLE LAND HOLDING (column 2 + 3) TOTAL 2.5 List the following information for each shareholder in 2.2. 1 NAME OF SHAREHOLDER 2 TOTAL ARABLE ACREAGE LEASED OUT (from Appendix 6) 3 TOTAL NON- ARABLE ACREAGE LEASED OUT (from Appendix 6) TOTAL If any shareholder of the Declaring Corporation holds more than 5% of the issued voting shares of any other corporation, list the following information. (Use a separate sheet for each shareholder for 2.6 to 2.10.) 2.6 Name of shareholder ....................................................................................................... …………… Initials July 23, 2016 155 ROYAL GAZETTE 2.7 List the following information for the shareholders named in 2.6. (All information must be provided unless prior approval to withhold information in columns 3 and 4 has been granted by the Minister. Provide a copy of Form 7B.) 1 NAME OF OTHER CORPORATION 2.8 2 ADDRESS 3 NUMBER OF ISSUED VOTING SHARES OWNED BY A SHAREHOLDER 4 % OF ISSUED VOTING SHARES List the following information for each corporation in 2.7. 1 NAME OF OTHER CORPORATION 2 TOTAL ARABLE ACREAGE OWNED (from Appendix 7) 3 TOTAL ARABLE ACREAGE LEASED IN (from Appendix 8) 4 TOTAL ARABLE LAND HOLDING (column 2 + 3) 5 % OF ISSUED VOTING SHARES (from 2.7 column 4) 6 CONTRIBUTION TO TOTAL AGGREGATE LAND HOLDING (multiply column 4 by column 5) TOTAL 2.9 List the following information for each corporation in 2.7. 1 NAME OF OTHER CORPORATION 2 TOTAL NONARABLE ACREAGE OWNED (from Appendix 7) 3 4 5 6 TOTAL NONARABLE ACREAGE LEASED IN (from Appendix 8) TOTAL NONARABLE LAND HOLDING (column 2 + 3) % OF ISSUED VOTING SHARES (from 2.7 column 4) CONTRIBUTION TO TOTAL AGGREGATE LAND HOLDING (multiply column 4 by column 5) TOTAL 2.10 List the following information for each corporation in 2.7. 1 NAME OF OTHER CORPORATION 2 TOTAL ARABLE ACREAGE LEASED OUT (from Appendix 9) TOTAL …………… Initials 3 TOTAL NON- ARABLE ACREAGE LEASED OUT (from Appendix 9) 156 July 23, 2016 ROYAL GAZETTE SECTION 3 If the Declaring Corporation is directly or indirectly controlled by any other corporation, list the following for the controlling corporation. (Note that the Act provides that “corporation includes a partnership, cooperative association or body corporate whether formed or incorporated under the law of this province or any other province or of Canada or outside of Canada, and for the purposes of this Act a corporation and other corporations directly or indirectly controlled by the same person, group or organization shall be deemed to be one corporation.”) 3.1 Name of the controlling .................................................................................................. 3.2 Address............................................................................................................................. 3.3 Place of incorporation …………………….. 3.4 3.5 Names and permanent addresses of all officers and directors Date of incorporation..................... ................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................ 3.6 List the following information for the corporation listed in 3.1. 1 NAME OF CORPORATION 3.7 2 TOTAL ARABLE ACREAGE OWNED (from Appendix 10) 3 TOTAL ARABLE ACREAGE LEASED IN (from Appendix 11) 4 TOTAL ARABLE LAND HOLDING (column 2 + 3) List the following information for the corporation listed in 3.1. 1 NAME OF CORPORATION 2 TOTAL NONARABLE ACREAGE OWNED (from appendix 10) 3 TOTAL NON- ARABLE ACREAGE LEASED IN (from Appendix 11) 4 TOTAL NONARABLE LAND HOLDING (column 2 + 3) TOTAL 3.8 List the following information for each corporation in 3.1. 1 NAME OF CORPORATION TOTAL …………… Initials 2 TOTAL ARABLE ACREAGE LEASED OUT (from Appendix 12) 3 TOTAL NON- ARABLE ACREAGE LEASED OUT (from Appendix 12) July 23, 2016 157 ROYAL GAZETTE 3.9 List the following information for each shareholder who owns more than 5% of the issued voting shares in the corporation listed in 3.1. (DO NOT REPORT A LAND HOLDING THAT WAS PREVIOUSLY REPORTED IN THIS FORM.) 1 NAME OF SHAREHOLDER 2 TOTAL ARABLE ACREAGE OWNED (from Appendix 13) 3 TOTAL ARABLE ACREAGE LEASED IN (from Appendix 14) 4 TOTAL ARABLE LAND HOLDING (column 2 + 3) TOTAL 3.10 List the following information for each shareholder who owns more than 5% of the issued voting shares in the corporation listed in 3.1. (DO NOT REPORT A LAND HOLDING THAT WAS PREVIOUSLY REPORTED IN THIS FORM.) 1 NAME OF SHAREHOLDER 2 TOTAL NON ARABLE ACREAGE OWNED (from Appendix 13) 3 TOTAL NON ARABLE ACREAGE LEASED IN (from Appendix 14) 4 TOTAL NONARABLE LAND HOLDING (column 2 + 3) TOTAL 3.11 List the following information for each shareholder who owns more than 5% of the issued voting shares in the corporation listed in 3.1. (DO NOT REPORT A LAND HOLDING THAT WAS PREVIOUSLY REPORTED IN THIS FORM.) 1 NAME OF SHAREHOLDER 2 TOTAL ARABLE ACREAGE LEASED OUT (from Appendix 15) 3 TOTAL NON- ARABLE ACREAGE LEASED OUT (from Appendix 15) TOTAL …………… Initials SECTION 4.A If the Declaring Corporation directly or indirectly controls any other corporation(s) list the following for each corporation. (Use a separate sheet for each corporation for 4.A.1 to 4.A.5.) 4.A.1 Name of the controlled corporation............................................................................. 4.A.2 Address......................................................................................................................... 4.A.3 Place of incorporation …………………….. 4.A.4 4.A.5 Names and permanent addresses of all officers and directors Date of incorporation............. ................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................. 158 July 23, 2016 ROYAL GAZETTE 4.A.6 List the following information for each Corporation in 4.A.1. (All information must be provided unless prior approval to withhold information in columns 2, 3 and 4 has been granted by the Minister. Provide a copy of Form 7B.) 1 NAME OF EACH CONTROLLED CORPORATION 4.A.7 2 TOTAL NUMBER OF ISSUED VOTING SHARES 3 NUMBER OF ISSUED VOTING SHARES OWNED BY THE DECLARING CORPORATION 4 % OF ISSUED VOTING SHARES List the following information for each corporation in 4.A.1 1 NAME OF EACH CONTROLLED CORPORATION 2 TOTAL ARABLE ACREAGE OWNED (from Appendix 16) 3 TOTAL ARABLE ACREAGE LEASED IN (from Appendix 17) 4 TOTAL ARABLE LAND HOLDING (column 2 + 3) TOTAL 4.A.8 List the following information for each corporation in 4.A.1 1 NAME OF CONTROLLED CORPORATION 2 TOTAL NON ARABLE ACREAGE OWNED (from Appendix 16) 3 TOTAL NON ARABLE ACREAGE LEASED IN (from Appendix 17) 4 TOTAL NONARABLE LAND HOLDING (column 2 + 3) TOTAL 4.A.9 List the following information for each corporation in 4.A.1 1 NAME OF CONTROLLED CORPORATION 2 TOTAL ARABLE ACREAGE LEASED OUT (from Appendix 18) 3 TOTAL NON- ARABLE ACREAGE LEASED OUT (from Appendix 18) TOTAL 4.A.10 List the following information for each shareholder — both corporate and individual — owning more than 5% of the issued voting shares in each controlled corporation. Do not include the Declaring Corporation or shareholders listed in 2.2. (Complete a separate table for each controlled corporation.) Name of controlled corporation ............................................................................................... 1 NAME OF SHAREHOLDER 2 TOTAL ARABLE ACREAGE OWNED (from Appendix 19) 3 TOTAL ARABLE ACREAGE LEASED IN (from Appendix 20) TOTAL …………… Initials 4 TOTAL ARABLE LAND HOLDING (column 2 + 3) July 23, 2016 159 ROYAL GAZETTE 4.A.11 List the following information for each shareholder — both corporate and individual — owning more than 5% of the issued voting shares in each controlled corporation. Do not include the Declaring Corporation or shareholders listed in 2.2. (Complete a separate table for each controlled corporation.) Name of controlled corporation ................................................................................................ 1 NAME OF SHAREHOLDER 2 TOTAL NON ARABLE ACREAGE OWNED (from Appendix 19) 3 TOTAL NON ARABLE ACREAGE LEASED IN (from Appendix 20) 4 TOTAL NONARABLE LAND HOLDING (column 2 + 3) TOTAL 4.A.12 List the following information for each shareholder — both corporate and individual — owning more than 5% of the issued voting shares in each controlled corporation. Do not include the Declaring Corporation or shareholders listed in 2.2. (Complete a separate table for each controlled corporation.) Name of controlled corporation ............................................................................................... 1 NAME OF SHAREHOLDER 2 TOTAL ARABLE ACREAGE LEASED OUT (from Appendix 21) 3 TOTAL NON- ARABLE ACREAGE LEASED OUT (from Appendix 21) TOTAL SECTION 4.B If the Declaring Corporation owns more than 5% of the issued voting shares in any other corporation(s) list the following for each corporation (DO NOT REPORT CORPORATIONS THAT WERE REPORTED IN 4.A). (Use a separate sheet for each corporation for 4.B.1 to 4.B.5.) 4.B.1 Name of the corporation .............................................................................................. 4.B.2 Address......................................................................................................................... 4.B.3 Place of incorporation …………………….. 4.B.4 4.B.5 Names and permanent addresses of all officers and directors Date of incorporation ............. .................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................... 4.B.6 List the following information for each corporation listed in 4.B.1. (All information must be provided unless prior approval to withhold information in columns 2, 3 and 4 has been granted by the Minister. Provide a copy of Form 7B.) 1 NAME OF CORPORATION …………… Initials 2 TOTAL NUMBER OF ISSUED VOTING SHARES 3 NUMBER OF ISSUED VOTING SHARES OWNED BY DECLARING CORPORATION 4 % OF ISSUED VOTING SHARES 160 July 23, 2016 ROYAL GAZETTE 4.B.7 List the following information for each corporation in 4.B.1. 1 NAME OF OTHER CORPORATION 2 TOTAL ARABLE ACREAGE OWNED (from Appendix 7) 3 TOTAL ARABLE ACREAGE LEASED IN (from Appendix 8) 4 TOTAL ARABLE LAND HOLDING (column 2 + 3) 5 % OF ISSUED VOTING SHARES (from 2.7 column 4) 6 CONTRIBUTION TO TOTAL AGGREGATE LAND HOLDING (multiply column 4 by column 5) TOTAL 4.B.8 List the following information for each corporation in 4.B.1 1 NAME OF CORPORATION 2 TOTAL NONARABLE ACREAGE OWNED (from Appendix 22) 3 TOTAL NONARABLE ACREAGE LEASED IN (from Appendix 23) 4 TOTAL NONARABLE LAND HOLDING (column 2 + 3) 5 % OF ISSUED VOTING SHARES (from 4.B.6 column 4) 6 CONTRIBUTION TO TOTAL AGGREGATE LAND HOLDING (multiply column 4 by column 5) TOTAL 4.B.9 List the following information for each corporation in 4.B.1 1 NAME OF CORPORATION 2 TOTAL ARABLE ACREAGE LEASED OUT (from Appendix 24) 3 TOTAL NON- ARABLE ACREAGE LEASED OUT (from Appendix 24) TOTAL …………… Initials SECTION 5 The aggregate land holding of the Declaring Corporation includes the land holdings of its shareholders (pursuant to subclause 1(1)(b)(ii) of the Act) and other corporations that may be part of the deemed corporation as defined in clause 1(1)(d) of the Act. If there are such shareholders or corporations that are not reported in prior sections of this form, provide the applicable information of shareholdings and land holdings.(Complete a separate sheet for each corporation.) 5.1 Name of the corporation .................................................................................................. 5.2 Address............................................................................................................................. 5.3 Place of incorporation …………………….. 5.4 5.5 Names and permanent addresses of all officers and directors Date of incorporation..................... .................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................... July 23, 2016 5.6 List the following information for the corporation listed in 5.1. 1 NAME OF CORPORATION 5.7 2 TOTAL ARABLE ACREAGE OWNED (from Appendix 25) 3 TOTAL ARABLE ACREAGE LEASED IN (from Appendix 26) 4 TOTAL ARABLE LAND HOLDING (column 2 + 3) List the following information for the corporation listed in 5.1. 1 NAME OF CORPORATION 5.8 161 ROYAL GAZETTE 2 TOTAL NONARABLE ACREAGE OWNED (from Appendix 25) 3 TOTAL NON-ARABLE ACREAGE LEASED IN (from Appendix 26) 4 TOTAL NONARABLE LAND HOLDING (column 2 + 3) List the following information for the corporation listed in 5.1. 1 NAME OF CORPORATION 2 TOTAL ARABLE ACREAGE LEASED OUT (from Appendix 27) 3 TOTAL NON- ARABLE ACREAGE LEASED OUT (from Appendix 27) TOTAL 5.9 List the following information for each shareholder who owns more than 5% of the issued voting shares in the corporation listed in 5.1. 1 NAME OF SHAREHOLDER 2 TOTAL ARABLE ACREAGE OWNED (from Appendix 28) 3 TOTAL ARABLE ACREAGE LEASED IN (from Appendix 29) 4 TOTAL ARABLE LAND HOLDING (column 2 + 3) TOTAL 5.10 List the following information for each shareholder who owns more than 5% of the issued voting shares in the corporation listed in 5.1. 1 NAME OF SHAREHOLDER 2 TOTAL NONARABLE ACREAGE OWNED (from appendix 29) 3 TOTAL NON-ARABLE ACREAGE LEASED IN (from appendix 29) 4 TOTAL NONARABLE LAND HOLDING (column 2 + 3) 5.11 List the following information for each shareholder who owns more than 5% of the issued voting shares in the corporation listed in 5.1. 1 NAME OF SHAREHOLDER 2 TOTAL ARABLE ACREAGE LEASED OUT (from Appendix 30) 3 TOTAL NON- ARABLE ACREAGE LEASED OUT (from Appendix 30) TOTAL …………… Initials SECTION 6 6.1 If any of the shareholdings listed in this form are held in trust, list the names of the trustee(s) and beneficial owner(s). (Use a separate sheet for each trust.) 162 ROYAL GAZETTE July 23, 2016 6.2 Name of the trust ............................................................................................................. 6.3 Address ............................................................................................................................ 6.4 Name of the Corporation in which the trust holds the shares ......................................... 6.5 List the names and permanent addresses of all trustees and beneficiaries of the trust .................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................... SECTION 7 7.1 Pursuant to clause 11(1)(f) of the Act, list any transfers of 10% or more of the issued voting shares which have been made since the last declaration. 1 NAME OF CORPORATION 2 NAME OF THE SHAREHOLDER WHO ACQUIRED 10% OR MORE OF THE SHARES 3 % OF SHARES ACQUIRED BY THE SHAREHOLDER SINCE LAST DECLARATION This form has been completed pursuant to section 10 of the Prince Edward Island Lands Protection Act. I hereby certify that the information herein, and attached hereto, is true and correct in all respects for reporting year ______. Upon request, I undertake to provide such further information as may be reasonably required by the Commission in the processing of this declaration. …………………………………………………… …………………………… Signature on behalf of the Declaring Corporation* Date * This form must be signed by an authorized signing officer of the Declaring Corporation. Name of Signatory ................................................................................................................... Title ............................................................................................................................................ For further inquiries please name a contact person Name ......................................................................................................................................... Mailing Address ........................................................................................................................ Province ……………………………….. Postal Code ............................................................ Telephone ………………………………... Fax ................................................................... Email ........................................................................................................................................ INFORMATION PROVIDED BY DECLARING CORPORATION IS SUBJECT TO AUDIT Information on this Form is collected pursuant to the Lands Protection Act and will be used by the Commission in the administration of the said Act. For additional information, contact the Commission at 902-892-3501 or by email at [email protected]. July 23, 2016 163 ROYAL GAZETTE FORM 6D - APPENDIX 1 List the following information for each parcel of land in the province OWNED by the Declaring Corporation which includes lands held in trust where the Declaring Corporation is a trustee or beneficiary of the trust. PARCEL NUMBER PARCELS OWNED BY DECLARING CORPORATION NAME OF REGISTERED LOCATION OWNER* ACREAGE ARABLE NONARABLE TOTAL * Note: If land is owned jointly or as tenants in common list the complete name of the registered owner. FORM 6D - APPENDIX 2 List the following information for each parcel of land in the province LEASED IN by the Declaring Corporation. PARCEL NUMBER PARCELS LEASED IN BY DECLARING CORPORATION LOCATION LEASED LEASE START LEASE EXPIRY FROM DATE DATE M/D/Y M/D/Y ACREAGE LEASED IN ARABLE NONARABLE TOTAL FORM 6D - APPENDIX 3 List the following information for each parcel of land in the province LEASED OUT by the Declaring Corporation. PARCEL NUMBER PARCELS LEASED OUT BY DECLARING CORPORATION LOCATION LEASED TO LEASE START LEASE EXPIRY DATE DATE M/D/Y M/D/Y ACREAGE LEASED OUT ARABLE NONARABLE TOTAL FORM 6D - APPENDIX 4 List the following information for each parcel of land in the province OWNED by each shareholder listed in 2.2. (Complete a separate Appendix 4 for each shareholder.) Name of Shareholder ............................................................................................................. PARCEL NUMBER PARCELS OWNED BY SHAREHOLDER OF DECLARING CORPORATION NAME OF REGISTERED LOCATION ACREAGE OWNER* ARABLE NONARABLE TOTAL *Note: If land is owned jointly or as tenants in common list the complete name of the registered owner. 164 July 23, 2016 ROYAL GAZETTE FORM 6D - APPENDIX 5 List the following information for each parcel of land in the province LEASED IN by each shareholder listed in 2.2. (Complete a separate Appendix 5 for each shareholder.) Name of Shareholder ............................................................................................................. PARCEL NUMBER PARCELS LEASED IN BY SHAREHOLDER OF DECLARING CORPORATION LOCATION LEASED LEASE START LEASE EXPIRY ACREAGE LEASED FROM DATE DATE IN M/D/Y M/D/Y ARABLE NONARABLE TOTAL FORM 6D - APPENDIX 6 List the following information for each parcel of land in the province LEASED OUT by each shareholder listed in 2.2. (Complete a separate Appendix 6 for each shareholder.) Name of Shareholder ............................................................................................................. PARCEL NUMBER PARCELS LEASED OUT BY EACH SHAREHOLDER OF DECLARING CORPORATION LOCATION LEASED TO LEASE START LEASE EXPIRY ACREAGE DATE DATE LEASED OUT M/D/Y M/D/Y ARABLE NONARABLE TOTAL FORM 6D - APPENDIX 7 List the following information for each parcel of land in the province OWNED by each corporation listed in 2.7. (Complete a separate Appendix 7 for each corporation.) Name of Corporation ............................................................................................................. PARCEL NUMBER PARCELS OWNED BY OTHER CORPORATION NAME OF REGISTERED LOCATION OWNER* ACREAGE ARABLE TOTAL * Note: If land is owned jointly or as tenants in common list the complete name of the registered owner. …………… Initials NONARABLE July 23, 2016 165 ROYAL GAZETTE FORM 6D - APPENDIX 8 List the following information for each parcel of land in the province LEASED IN by each corporation listed in 2.7. (Complete a separate Appendix 8 for each corporation.) Name of Corporation ............................................................................................................. PARCEL NUMBER LOCATION PARCELS LEASED IN BY OTHER CORPORATION LEASED LEASE START LEASE EXPIRY FROM DATE DATE M/D/Y M/D/Y ACREAGE LEASED IN ARABLE NONARABLE TOTAL FORM 6D - APPENDIX 9 List the following information for each parcel of land in the province LEASED OUT by each corporation listed in 2.7. (Complete a separate Appendix 9 for each corporation.) Name of Corporation ............................................................................................................. PARCEL NUMBER LOCATION PARCELS LEASED OUT BY OTHER CORPORATION LEASED TO LEASE START LEASE EXPIRY DATE DATE M/D/Y M/D/Y ACREAGE LEASED OUT ARABLE NONARABLE TOTAL FORM 6D - APPENDIX 10 List the following information for each parcel of land in the province OWNED by the corporation listed in 3.1. PARCEL NUMBER PARCELS OWNED BY OTHER CORPORATION NAME OF REGISTERED LOCATION OWNER* ACREAGE ARABLE TOTAL *Note: If land is owned jointly or as tenants in common list the complete name of the registered owner. …………… Initials NONARABLE 166 July 23, 2016 ROYAL GAZETTE FORM 6D - APPENDIX 11 List the following information for each parcel of land in the province LEASED IN by the corporation listed in 3.1. PARCEL NUMBER PARCELS LEASED IN BY THE CONTROLLING CORPORATION LOCATION LEASED LEASE START LEASE EXPIRY FROM DATE DATE M/D/Y M/D/Y ACREAGE LEASED IN ARABLE NONARABLE TOTAL FORM 6D - APPENDIX 12 List the following information for each parcel of land in the province LEASED OUT by the corporation listed in 3.1. PARCEL NUMBER PARCELS LEASED OUT BY THE CONTROLLING CORPORATION LOCATION LEASED TO LEASE START LEASE EXPIRY DATE DATE M/D/Y M/D/Y ACREAGE LEASED OUT ARABLE NONARABLE TOTAL FORM 6D - APPENDIX 13 List the following information for each parcel of land in the province OWNED by a shareholder listed in 3.9. (Complete a separate Appendix 13 for each shareholder.) Name of Shareholder.............................................................................................................. PARCEL NUMBER PARCELS OWNED BY SHAREHOLDER OF A CONTROLLING CORPORATION NAME OF REGISTERED LOCATION ACREAGE OWNER* ARABLE NONARABLE TOTAL *Note: If land is owned jointly or as tenants in common list the complete name of the registered owner. …………… Initials July 23, 2016 167 ROYAL GAZETTE FORM 6D - APPENDIX 14 List the following information for each parcel of land in the province LEASED IN by a shareholder listed in 3.9. (Complete a separate Appendix 14 for each shareholder.) Name of Shareholder ............................................................................................................ PARCEL NUMBER PARCELS LEASED IN BY SHAREHOLDER OF A CONTROLLING CORPORATION LOCATION LEASED LEASE START LEASE EXPIRY ACREAGE LEASED FROM DATE DATE IN M/D/Y M/D/Y ARABLE NONARABLE TOTAL FORM 6D - APPENDIX 15 List the following information for each parcel of land in the province LEASED OUT by a shareholder listed in 3.9. (Complete a separate Appendix 15 for each shareholder.) Name of Shareholder ................................................................................................................ PARCEL NUMBER PARCELS LEASED OUT BY SHAREHOLDER OF A CONTROLLING CORPORATION LOCATION LEASED TO LEASE START LEASE EXPIRY ACREAGE DATE DATE LEASED OUT M/D/Y M/D/Y ARABLE NONARABLE TOTAL FORM 6D - APPENDIX 16 List the following information for each parcel of land in the province OWNED by each corporation listed in 4.A.1. (Complete a separate Appendix 16 for each corporation.) Name of Corporation ............................................................................................................. PARCEL NUMBER PARCELS OWNED BY CONTROLLED CORPORATION NAME OF REGISTERED LOCATION ACREAGE OWNER* ARABLE NONARABLE TOTAL *Note: If land is owned jointly or as tenants in common list the complete name of the registered owner. …………… Initials 168 July 23, 2016 ROYAL GAZETTE FORM 6D - APPENDIX 17 List the following information for each parcel of land in the province LEASED IN by each corporation listed in 4.A.1. (Complete a separate Appendix 17 for each corporation.) Name of Corporation ............................................................................................................. PARCEL NUMBER PARCELS LEASED IN BY CONTROLLED CORPORATION LOCATION LEASED LEASE START LEASE EXPIRY FROM DATE DATE M/D/Y M/D/Y ACREAGE LEASED IN ARABLE NONARABLE TOTAL …………… Initials FORM 6D - APPENDIX 18 List the following information for each parcel of land in the province LEASED OUT by each corporation listed in 4.A.1. (Complete a separate Appendix 18 for each corporation.) Name of Shareholder ............................................................................................................. PARCEL NUMBER PARCELS LEASED OUT BY CONTROLLED CORPORATION LOCATION LEASED TO LEASE START LEASE EXPIRY DATE DATE M/D/Y M/D/Y ACREAGE LEASED OUT ARABLE NONARABLE TOTAL FORM 6D - APPENDIX 19 List the following information for each parcel of land in the province OWNED by each shareholder listed in 4.A.10. (Complete a separate Appendix 19 for each shareholder.) Name of Shareholder ............................................................................................................. PARCEL NUMBER PARCELS OWNED BY EACH SHAREHOLDER OF CONTROLLED CORPORATION NAME OF REGISTERED LOCATION ACREAGE OWNER* ARABLE NONARABLE TOTAL *Note: If land is owned jointly or as tenants in common list the complete name of the registered owner. …………… Initials July 23, 2016 169 ROYAL GAZETTE FORM 6D - APPENDIX 20 List the following information for each parcel of land in the province LEASED IN by each shareholder listed in 4.A.10. (Complete a separate Appendix 20 for each shareholder.) Name of Shareholder PARCEL NUMBER PARCELS LEASED IN BY EACH SHAREHOLDER OF CONTROLLED CORPORATION LOCATION LEASED LEASE START LEASE EXPIRY ACREAGE FROM DATE DATE LEASED IN M/D/Y M/D/Y ARABLE NONARABLE TOTAL FORM 6D - APPENDIX 21 List the following information for each parcel of land in the province LEASED OUT by each shareholder listed in 4.A.10. (Complete a separate Appendix 21 for each shareholder.) Name of Shareholder ............................................................................................................. PARCEL NUMBER PARCELS LEASED OUT BY EACH SHAREHOLDER OF CONTROLLED CORPORATION LOCATION LEASED TO LEASE START LEASE EXPIRY ACREAGE DATE DATE LEASED OUT M/D/Y M/D/Y ARABLE NONARABLE TOTAL FORM 6D - APPENDIX 22 List the following information for each parcel of land in the province OWNED by each corporation listed in 4.B.1. (Complete a separate Appendix 22 for each corporation.) Name of Corporation ............................................................................................................. PARCELS OWNED BY EACH CORPORATION IN WHICH DECLARING CORPORATION OWNS MORE THAN 5% PARCEL NAME OF REGISTERED LOCATION ACREAGE NUMBER OWNER* ARABLE NONARABLE TOTAL *Note: If land is owned jointly or as tenants in common list the complete name of the registered owner. …………… Initials 170 July 23, 2016 ROYAL GAZETTE FORM 6D - APPENDIX 23 List the following information for each parcel of land in the province LEASED IN by each corporation listed in 4.B.1. (Complete a separate Appendix 23 for each corporation.) Name of Corporation ............................................................................................................. PARCELS LEASED IN BY EACH CORPORATION IN WHICH DECLARING CORPORATION OWNS MORE THAN 5% OF SHARES PARCEL LOCATION LEASED LEASE START LEASE EXPIRY ACREAGE LEASED IN NUMBER FROM DATE DATE M/D/Y M/D/Y ARABLE NONARABLE TOTAL FORM 6D - APPENDIX 24 List the following information for each parcel of land in the province LEASED OUT by each corporation listed in 4.B.1. (Complete a separate Appendix 24 for each corporation.) Name of ................................................................................................................................. PARCELS LEASED OUT BY EACH CORPORATION IN WHICH DECLARING CORPORATION OWNS MORE THAN 5% OF SHARES PARCEL LOCATION LEASED TO LEASE START LEASE EXPIRY ACREAGE NUMBER DATE DATE LEASED OUT M/D/Y M/D/Y ARABLE NONARABLE TOTAL FORM 6D - APPENDIX 25 List the following information for each parcel of land in the province OWNED by each corporation listed in 5.1 (Complete a separate Appendix 25 for each corporation). PARCEL NUMBER PARCELS OWNED BY A CORPORATION NAME OF REGISTERED LOCATION OWNER* ACREAGE ARABLE TOTAL *Note: If land is owned jointly or as tenants in common list the complete name of the registered owner. …………… Initials NONARABLE July 23, 2016 171 ROYAL GAZETTE FORM 6D - APPENDIX 26 List the following information for each parcel of land in the province LEASED IN by each corporation listed in 5.1 (Complete a separate Appendix 26 for each corporation). PARCEL NUMBER LOCATION PARCELS LEASED IN BY A CORPORATION LEASED LEASE START LEASE EXPIRY FROM DATE DATE M/D/Y M/D/Y ACREAGE LEASED IN ARABLE NONARABLE TOTAL FORM 6D - APPENDIX 27 List the following information for each parcel of land in the province LEASED OUT by each corporation listed in 5.1 (Complete a separate Appendix 27 for each corporation). PARCEL NUMBER LOCATION PARCELS LEASED OUT BY A CORPORATION LEASED TO LEASE START LEASE EXPIRY DATE DATE M/D/Y M/D/Y ACREAGE LEASED OUT ARABLE NONARABLE TOTAL FORM 6D - APPENDIX 28 List the following information for each parcel of land in the province OWNED by each shareholder listed in 5.9 (Complete a separate Appendix 28 for each shareholder). PARCEL NUMBER PARCELS OWNED BY A SHAREHOLDER NAME OF REGISTERED LOCATION OWNER* ACREAGE ARABLE TOTAL *Note: If land is owned jointly or as tenants in common list the complete name of the registered owner. …………… Initials NONARABLE 172 ROYAL GAZETTE July 23, 2016 FORM 6D - APPENDIX 29 List the following information for each parcel of land in the province LEASED IN by each shareholder listed in 5.9 (Complete a separate Appendix 29 for each shareholder). PARCEL NUMBER LOCATION PARCELS LEASED IN BY A SHAREHOLDER LEASED LEASE START LEASE EXPIRY FROM DATE DATE M/D/Y M/D/Y ACREAGE LEASED IN ARABLE NONARABLE TOTAL FORM 6D - APPENDIX 30 List the following information for each parcel of land in the province LEASED OUT by each shareholder listed in 5.9 (Complete a separate Appendix 30 for each shareholder). PARCEL NUMBER LOCATION PARCELS LEASED OUT BY A SHAREHOLDER LEASED TO LEASE START LEASE EXPIRY DATE DATE M/D/Y M/D/Y ACREAGE LEASED OUT ARABLE TOTAL …………… Initials FORM 8A “GLOBAL LEASE PERMIT” APPLICATION BY OR ON BEHALF OF A NON-RESIDENT OR CORPORATION PURSUANT TO CLAUSE 5.3(1)(b) OF THE PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND LANDS PROTECTION ACT (the “Act”) 1. Applicant’s name ............................................................................................................... 2. Place of incorporation (for applicant corporation): .......................................................... 3. Type of business in which applicant corporation is engaged: .......................................... 4. Applicant’s permanent address: ........................................................................................ 5. Total acreage proposed to be leased: ................................................................................ 6. Intended use of proposed leased land: .............................................................................. IF THE APPLICANT IS A PERSON: 7. State the parcel number, arable land acreage and non-arable land acreage of each parcel of land1 in the Province in which the applicant and the applicant’s minor children hold an interest, including land1 held by way of lease. (Attach a separate sheet if necessary.) 8. If the applicant or the applicant’s minor children hold more than 5% of the shares of any corporation owning or leasing land1 within the Province, provide on a separate sheet and attach: (a) the name and permanent address of the corporation; (b) the total number of shares2 issued by the corporation; (c) the total number of shares2 owned by the applicant and the applicant’s minor children; and NONARABLE July 23, 2016 ROYAL GAZETTE (d) he parcel number, arable land acreage and non-arable land acreage of each parcel of land1 in the province now owned, leased in or leased out by the corporation. IF THE APPLICANT IS A CORPORATION: 9. Provide on a separate sheet and attach: (a) the parcel number, arable land acreage and non-arable land acreage of each parcel of land1 in the province now owned, leased in or leased out by the corporation (including global leases); (b) the names and permanent address of each officer and director of the corporation; (c) the total number of shares2 issued by the applicant corporation; (d) the names, addresses and number of shares held by shareholders, both corporate and individual, who hold more than 5% of the issued shares of the applicant corporation; (e) for the shareholders listed in clause (d) above provide: (i) the parcel number, arable land acreage and non-arable land acreage of each parcel of land1 in the province now owned, leased in or leased out by each shareholder (including holdings of minor children), and (ii) the parcel number, arable land acreage and non-arable land acreage of each parcel of land1 in the province now owned, leased in or leased out by any other corporation in which each shareholder owns more than 5% of the shares, total number of shares issued by that corporation and number of shares held by that shareholder; (f) for the corporate shareholders listed in clause (d) above provide: (i) the names and permanent address of each officer and director of that corporation, (ii) the names, addresses and number of shares held by shareholders, both corporate and individual, who hold more than 5% of the issued shares of that corporation, (iii) the parcel number, arable land acreage and non-arable land acreage of each parcel of land1 in the province now owned, leased in or leased out by each shareholder that owns more than 5% of the shares, total number of shares issued by that corporation and number of shares held by that shareholder; (g) if the applicant corporation holds more than 5% of the shares in any other corporation(s), provide the following for each corporation: (i) the percentage of shares held by the applicant corporation, and (ii) the parcel number, arable land acreage and non-arable land acreage of each parcel of land owned, leased in or leased out. 1 The Act excludes any parcel of less than one acre that is situated within the boundaries of a municipality with an official plan approved by the Minister under the Planning Act R.S.P.E.I. 1988, Cap P-8. 2 “share" means (i) in relationship to a partnership or co-operative association, a unit representing a proportion of the ownership of the partnership or association, (ii) in relation to a corporation, an issued share carrying voting rights under all circumstances or by reason of the occurrence of an event that has occurred and that is continuing, and includes (A) a security currently convertible into such a share, and (B) currently exercisable options and rights to acquire such a share or such a convertible security. FOR APPLICANT PERSONS AND CORPORATIONS: 10. Indicate any other circumstances that are relevant ............................................................ ........................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................... 173 174 ROYAL GAZETTE July 23, 2016 11. I hereby certify that this application is complete and that the information herein, and attached hereto, is true and correct in all respects. Upon request, I undertake to provide such further information as may be reasonably required by the Commission or Executive Council in the processing of this application. ……………………………………… ............................................. Signature of applicant or attorney Date (in the case of a corporation, an authorized corporate officer) ……………………………………… Name of signatory (please print) ……………………………. Address ………………………………………………………………………………………….. Telephone Email address Refer to the Prince Edward Island Lands Protection Act Fees Regulations to determine if a fee is applicable. If applicable, please attach a cheque made payable to The Island Regulatory and Appeals Commission. RETURN COMPLETED FORM TO: The Island Regulatory & Appeals Commission Suite 501 – 134 Kent Street P. O. Box 577 Charlottetown PE C1A 7L1 Telephone: 902-892-3501 or 1-800-501-6288 (Toll Free within the province) Fax: 902-566-4076 Website: NOTE: In accordance with subsection 5.3(2) of the Act, where permission has been granted by the Lieutenant Governor in Council for a lease of land, the person or corporation, shall within one year of receiving permission and in every subsequent year, prior to December 31, file a statement disclosing information prescribed by subsection (3). (Form 8B – Global Lease Permit Report) Subsections 5.3(2) and (3) of the Act state: (2) Where permission has been granted by the Lieutenant Governor in Council for a lease of land pursuant to an application made under clause (1)(b), the person or corporation shall (a) within one year of receiving permission; and (b) in every subsequent year, prior to December 31, file a statement disclosing information prescribed by subsection (3). (3) The statement required by subsection (2) shall disclose (a) the parcel number; (b) the acreage leased; and (c) the term of the lease or leases, for each parcel leased during the reporting period covered by the statement. Information on this Form is collected pursuant to the Lands Protection Act and will be used by the Commission in the administration of the said Act. For additional information, contact the Commission at (902)892-3501 or by email at [email protected]. July 23, 2016 175 ROYAL GAZETTE FORM 8B “GLOBAL LEASE PERMIT REPORT” STATEMENT FOR REPORTING LAND LEASED IN PURSUANT TO SUBSECTION 5.3(2) OF THE PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND LANDS PROTECTION ACT Name of Lessee: ....................................................................................................................... Address: …………………………………. Email: ................................................................... Phone:……………………… Global Lease file: #LL ...................................................... Report all land leased in during the past calendar year. List the following information for each parcel: (1) (2) (3) PARCEL # LOCATION LEASED FROM LEASED LAND (4) LEASE START DATE M/D/Y (5) LEASE END DATE M/D/Y (6) ACRES ARABLE NONARABLE SUBTOTAL TOTAL Sign the appropriate declaration below: Declaration – Corporation Declaration – Non-Resident Person I hereby certify that the information herein, and attached hereto, is true and correct in all respects for the reporting calendar year ………………….. I hereby certify that the information herein, and attached hereto, is true and correct in all respects for the reporting calendar year ………………… ………………………………………………………………… Signature on behalf of the Lessee Corporation* ………………………………………………………… Signature of Declaring Lessee** ………………………………………………………………… Date ………………………………………………………… Date * This form must be signed by an authorized signing officer of the Lessee Corporation. ** This form must be signed by the Declaring Lessee. …………………………………………………………………. Name of Signatory (Please Print): Title: …………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………… Name (Please Print) 176 July 23, 2016 ROYAL GAZETTE FORM 9 APPLICATION BY OR ON BEHALF OF A COOPERATIVE VENTURE PURSUANT TO SUBSECTION 1.1(3) OF THE PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND LANDS PROTECTION ACT EXEMPTION REGULATIONS 1. Name of the applicant corporation: ................................................................................... 2. Date and place of incorporation: ....................................................................................... 3. Address of the applicant corporation: ............................................................................... 4. State the intended primary resource use for the parcel, including infrastructure or facilities to be used by the applicant corporation: .................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................... 5. Is the application being made solely for the purpose of raising capital or procuring investments for the applicant corporation? ............................................................................... 6. State the following for the parcel(s) owned, leased or being acquired through lease or purchase by the applicant corporation (use an additional sheet, if necessary): Parcel Number 7. Owned or Leased/ Being Acquired Acreage Arable Nonarable Community Township or lot number County State the agreed purchase price of the parcel(s) being acquired: ..................................... 8. Provide full disclosure of any relationship, including operating agreements, between the applicant corporation’s shareholders: ............................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................... 9. State the reasons that the applicant corporation requires a land holding of the size proposed: .................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................... 10. (a) the names and permanent address of each officer and director of the corporation; (b) the total number of shares2 issued by the applicant corporation; (c) the names, addresses and number of shares held by shareholders, both corporate and individual, who hold more than 5% of the issued shares of the applicant corporation; (d) for the shareholders listed in clause (c) above provide: (i) the parcel number, arable land acreage and non-arable land acreage of each parcel of land1 in the province now owned, leased in or leased out by each shareholder (including holdings of minor children), and (ii) the parcel number, arable land acreage and non-arable land acreage of each parcel of land1 in the province now owned, leased in or leased out by any other corporation in which each shareholder owns more than 5% of the shares, total number of shares issued by that corporation and number of shares held by that shareholder; (e) for the corporate shareholders listed in clause (c) above provide: (i) the names and permanent address of each officer and director of that corporation, July 23, 2016 ROYAL GAZETTE (ii) the names, addresses and number of shares held by shareholders, both corporate and individual, who hold more than 5% of the issued shares of that corporation, (iii) the parcel number, arable land acreage and non-arable land acreage of each parcel of land1 in the province now owned or leased by each shareholder that owns more than 5% of the shares, total number of shares issued by that corporation and number of shares held by that shareholder; (f) if the applicant corporation holds more than 5% of the shares in any other corporation(s), provide the following for each corporation: (i) the percentage of shares held by the applicant corporation, and (ii) the parcel number, arable land acreage and non-arable land acreage of each parcel of land1 in the province now owned, leased in or leased out. 1 The Act excludes any parcel of less than one acre that is situated within the boundaries of a municipality with an official plan approved by the Minister under the Planning Act R.S.P.E.I 1988, Cap P-8. 2 11. “share" means (i) in relationship to a partnership or co-operative association, a unit representing a proportion of the ownership of the partnership or association, (ii) in relation to a corporation, an issued share carrying voting rights under all circumstances or by reason of the occurrence of an event that has occurred and that is continuing, and includes (A) a security currently convertible into such a share, and (B) currently exercisable options and rights to acquire such a share or such a convertible security. Indicate any other circumstances that are relevant ......................................................... ........................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................... I hereby certify that the information contained in this application and the attachments is true and correct in all respects. ……………………………………… Signature of corporate officer or attorney ……………………………………… Name of signatory (please print) ............................................. Date …………………………………. Signatory’s telephone number ………………………………………………………………………………………….. Signatory’s email address Attach: (a) a legal description describing the parcel(s) listed in Item #6; (b) a GeoLinc showing the parcel(s) listed in Item #6, outlined in red; (c) a cheque made payable to the Island Regulatory and Appeals Commission in the amount of $550. (refer to the Fees Regulations to determine if the fee is applicable). RETURN COMPLETED FORM TO: The Island Regulatory & Appeals Commission Suite 501 – 134 Kent Street P. O. Box 577 Charlottetown PE C1A 7L1 Telephone: 902-892-3501 1-800-501-6268 (Toll Free within the province) Fax: 902-566-4076 Website: Information on this form is collected pursuant to the Lands Protection Act and will be used by the Commission in the administration of the Act. For further information call 902-8923501 or e-mail [email protected]. 177 178 July 23, 2016 ROYAL GAZETTE FORM 10A AGGREGATE LAND HOLDING DECLARATION FOR A PERSON PURSUANT TO SUB-SECTION 11(2) OF THE PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND LANDS PROTECTION ACT Pursuant to subsection 10(2) of the Prince Edward Island Lands Protection Act (the “Act”) any person having an aggregate land holding of more than 750 acres shall, not later than December 31 of each year, file an aggregate land holding declaration with the Island Regulatory and Appeals Commission. An aggregate land holding declaration is intended to reflect your maximum aggregate land holding in a given year. The date on which you held your maximum aggregate land holding becomes your reporting date. You must file any changes to your aggregate land holding which occurred between last year’s reporting date and this year’s reporting date. Pursuant to subsection 11(2) of the Act, where an aggregate land holding declaration has been made under section 10 by a person or corporation in any year, the aggregate land holding declaration delivered in any subsequent year shall declare the changes to the particulars provided in the original declaration. Declaration I, hereby declare that I have completed an aggregate (Name of person making declaration) land holding declaration pursuant to sections 10 and 11 of the Act. Attached hereto is a list of my maximum aggregate land holdings for the calendar year ……….. My maximum aggregate land holdings in the calendar year ……. was …..… acres held on (mm/dd/yy) ____/____/____ (my reporting date). I hereby certify that the information herein, and attached hereto, is true and correct in all respects for reporting year …………. Upon request, I undertake to provide such further information as may be reasonably required by the Commission in the processing of this declaration. ……………………………………… Signature of the Declaring Person ............................................. Date Name: Address: Telephone: Email: AGGREGATE LAND HOLDING DECLARATION SHALL BE FILED WITH THE ISLAND REGULATORY AND APPEALS COMMISSION NOT LATER THAN DECEMBER 31 OF THE REPORTING CALENDAR YEAR July 23, 2016 ROYAL GAZETTE FORM 10B AGGREGATE LAND HOLDING DECLARATION FOR A CORPORATION PURSUANT TO SUB-SECTION 11(2) OF THE PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND LANDS PROTECTION ACT Pursuant to subsection 10(2) of the Prince Edward Island Lands Protection Act (the “Act”) any corporation having an aggregate land holding of more than 2,250 acres shall, not later than December 31 of each year, file an aggregate land holding declaration with the Island Regulatory and Appeals Commission. An aggregate land holding declaration is intended to reflect the corporation’s maximum aggregate land holding in a given year. The date on which the corporation held its maximum aggregate land holding becomes the corporation’s reporting date. The corporation must file any changes to its aggregate land holding which occurred between last year’s reporting date and this year’s reporting date. Pursuant to subsection 11(2) of the Act, where an aggregate land holding declaration has been made under section 10 by a person or corporation in any year, the aggregate land holding declaration delivered in any subsequent year shall declare the changes to the particulars provided in the original declaration. I, (Name of person making declaration) (name of declaring corporation- the “Corporation”) Title (president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer) hereby declare that the Corporation has completed an aggregate land holding declaration pursuant to sections 10 and 11 of the Act. Attached hereto is a list of aggregate land holdings for the Corporation for calendar year ……….. The Corporation’s maximum aggregate land holdings in the calendar year ……. was …..… acres held on (mm/dd/yy) ____/____/____. I hereby certify that I am duly authorized by the Corporation to make this declaration and that the . information herein, and attached hereto, is true and correct in all respects for reporting year……… Upon request, I undertake to provide such further information as may be reasonably required by the Commission in the processing of this declaration. ………………………………………………………. Signature on behalf of the declaring Corporation* ...................................... Date *This form must be signed by an authorized signing officer of the declaring Corporation. Name: Address: Telephone: Email: AGGREGATE LAND HOLDING DECLARATION SHALL BE FILED WITH THE ISLAND REGULATORY AND APPEALS COMMISSION NOT LATER THAN DECEMBER 31 OF THE REPORTING CALENDAR YEAR 179 180 ROYAL GAZETTE July 23, 2016 EXPLANATORY NOTES SECTION 1 amends section 1 of the regulations by renumbering it as subsection 1(2) and adding a new subsection (1) to provide a definition of “Act” for the purposes of the regulations. The section also amends subsection 1(2) of the regulations to revoke listings of outdated forms and substitute references to the new forms contained in the Schedule to these regulations. SECTION 2 revokes the specified forms in the regulations and substitutes the new forms set out in the Schedule to these regulations. SECTION 3 provides for the commencement of the regulations. Certified a true copy, Paul T. Ledwell Clerk of the Executive Council and Secretary to Cabinet July 23, 2016 181 ROYAL GAZETTE PART II REGULATIONS INDEX Chapter Number Title Original Order Reference Amendment Authorizing Order and Date Page H-5 Highway Traffic Act Bicycle Safety Helmet Regulations EC329/03 s.2(1)(a)(i) s.2(1)(a)(vi) s.2(1)(a)(vii) [eff] July 23, 2016 EC2016-432 (12.07.2016) 115 H-5 Highway Traffic Act Commercial Vehicle (Cargo Securement) Regulations EC383/05 Sched 1, Part 4 [eff] July 23, 2016 EC2016-433 (12.07.2016) 116 H-5 Highway Traffic Act Hydraulic Brake Fluid Regulations EC1190/67 [rev] [eff] July 23, 2016 EC2016-434 (12.07.2016) 116-117 H-5 Highway Traffic Act Slow Moving Vehicle Signs Regulations EC320/81 s.1(a) s.1(b) s.1(c) s.1(d) [eff] July 23, 2016 EC2016-435 (12.07.2016) 117-118 H-5 Highway Traffic Act Vehicle Standards Regulations EC856/72 s.3(b) [R&S] s.4(a) s.4(b) [R&S] [eff] July 23, 2016 EC2016-436 (12.07.2016) 118-119 L-14 Liquor Control Act Regulations EC704/75 s.10(3) [R&S] s.10(4) [rev] s.11 [R&S] s.18 [rev] s.19 [rev] s.20 [R&S] s.20.1 s.21 [R&S] s.27 [rev] s.28 [rev] s.29 [R&S] s.31 [R&S] s.38 [rev] s.39 [rev] s.40 [R&S] s.41 [R&S] s.48 [rev] s.49 [rev] s.50 [R&S] s.50.1(1) s.50.1(4) [R&S] s.50.1(7) [rev] s.50.2(1) [R&S] s.50.2(4) [rev] s.50.2(5) [R&S] s.50.3(2) s.50.3(3) [rev] EC2016-463 (12.07.2016) 119-129 182 ROYAL GAZETTE July 23, 2016 PART II REGULATIONS INDEX Chapter Number Title Original Order Reference Amendment Authorizing Order and Date Page s.50.3(10) [R&S] s.50.3(12) s.50.3(13) [rev] s.50.4(1) s.50.4(1.1) [added] s.50.4(4) [R&S] s.50.4(5) [rev] s.50.5(1) s.50.5(2) [R&S] s.50.5(6) s.50.5(7) [rev] s.50.6(2) s.50.6(9) [R&S] s.50.7(2) [R&S] s.50.7(3) [R&S] s.50.7(11) s.50.7(12) [rev] s.50.8(2) [R&S] s.50.8(3) s.50.8(6) [R&S] s.50.9(1) [R&S] s.50.9(4) [R&S] s.56 [R&S] s.57(1) [R&S] s.57(1.1) [added] s.57(4) [added] s.62(2) s.62(3) [rev] s.74.2(1) s.85.1(2) [R&S] s.95.1 Forms 9-12 [rev] [eff] July 23, 2016 L-14 Liquor Control Act Liquor Agency Regulations EC343/12 s.4(2)(d) [R&S] s.6(4) [R&S] [eff] July 23, 2016 EC2016-464 (12.07.2016) 130 S-9 Summary Proceedings Act Ticket Regulations EC58/08 Sched 2, Part 38 [eff] July 23, 2016 EC2016-469 (12.07.2016) 131 V-4.1 Vital Statistics Act Regulations EC453/00 s.7(1)(g) s.7(1)(i) [R&S] s.7(1)(j) [R&S] s.7(2) [rev] Form 11 [R&S] Form 11.1 [R&S] [eff] July 23, 2016 EC2016-470 (12.07.2016) 131-137 July 23, 2016 183 ROYAL GAZETTE PART II REGULATIONS INDEX Chapter Number L-5 Title Lands Protection Act Forms Regulations Original Order Reference EC219/96 Amendment s.1(renum) s.1(1) [added] s.1(2) s.1(2)(a) s.1(2)(b) s.1(2)(h)-(k) [R&S] s.1(2)(n) [R&S] s.1(2)(o)-(r) [added] Forms 6A, 6B, 6C & 6D [R&S] Form 8 [rev] Forms 8A & 8B [added] Forms 9, 10A & 10B [added] [eff] July 23, 2016 Authorizing Order and Date EC2016-471 (12.07.2016) Page 138-180