Alpine Test Site Gütsch


Alpine Test Site Gütsch
Alpine Test Site Gütsch
R. Cattin, S. Dierer, S. Kunz, A. Heimo, G. Russi, M. Russi
Icing and wind turbines: Swiss activities
Winterwind 2008, Norrköping, Sweden, December 10, 2008
Alpine Test Site Gütsch
Enercon E-40 (600 kW)
Alpine Test Site Gütsch
blade heating (hot air)
meteorological test station
Winterwind 2008, Norrköping, Sweden, December 10, 2008
Alpine Test Site Gütsch
detection of icing conditions without ice detector
monitoring of the wind turbine under icing conditions
ice throw
further plans
Winterwind 2008, Norrköping, Sweden, December 10, 2008
Alpine Test Site Gütsch
Detection of icing conditions without ice detector
Winterwind 2008, Norrköping, Sweden, December 10, 2008
Alpine Test Site Gütsch
Winterwind 2008, Norrköping, Sweden, December 10, 2008
Alpine Test Site Gütsch
Meteorological and instrumental icing
instrumental icing
meteorological icing
period of data loss
loss in production
Winterwind 2008, Norrköping, Sweden, December 10, 2008
Alpine Test Site Gütsch
Possible additional measurements
Heated vs unheated anemometer
Temperature only
Temperature + relative humidity
Temperature + relative humidity
+ incoming longwave radiation
Winterwind 2008, Norrköping, Sweden, December 10, 2008
Alpine Test Site Gütsch
Possible additional measurements
Stefan Boltzmann Law
TSky < TAir
TSky ≈ TAir
Winterwind 2008, Norrköping, Sweden, December 10, 2008
Alpine Test Site Gütsch
Possible additional measurements
Heated vs unheated anemometer
Temperature only
Temperature + relative humidity
Temperature + relative humidity
+ incoming longwave radiation
Temperature + relative humidity
+ incoming longwave radiation
+ wind speed (heated sensor)
Winterwind 2008, Norrköping, Sweden, December 10, 2008
Alpine Test Site Gütsch
Performance of wind turbine under icing conditions
Winterwind 2008, Norrköping, Sweden, December 10, 2008
Alpine Test Site Gütsch
Available data
operational data of wind turbine (10-minutes data)
Winterwind 2008, Norrköping, Sweden, December 10, 2008
Alpine Test Site Gütsch
Available data
2 web cams
Winterwind 2008, Norrköping, Sweden, December 10, 2008
Alpine Test Site Gütsch
Available data
standard meteorological data from met station
Winterwind 2008, Norrköping, Sweden, December 10, 2008
Alpine Test Site Gütsch
ice detection & blade heating of Enercon E-40
ice detection: power curve vs. power production
blade heating: hot air fan (4 kW per fan)
no power production during heating process (1.5h)
Winterwind 2008, Norrköping, Sweden, December 10, 2008
Alpine Test Site Gütsch
ice detection
- ice detection works in general
 safe operation of wind turbine
- icing at low wind speeds or light icing is not always detected
 delay in ice detection, losses in production
- no signal for „no ice on the blades anymore“
 turbine might resume production with iced blades
 automatic restart of wind turbine is a safety risk
Winterwind 2008, Norrköping, Sweden, December 10, 2008
Alpine Test Site Gütsch
blade heating
- blade heating is not powerful enough to fully melt the accreted ice
 multiple heating cycles in a row
 turbine might resume production with iced blades
Winterwind 2008, Norrköping, Sweden, December 10, 2008
Alpine Test Site Gütsch
blade heating
Winterwind 2008, Norrköping, Sweden, December 10, 2008
Alpine Test Site Gütsch
blade heating
Winterwind 2008, Norrköping, Sweden, December 10, 2008
Alpine Test Site Gütsch
blade heating
Winterwind 2008, Norrköping, Sweden, December 10, 2008
Alpine Test Site Gütsch
blade heating
Winterwind 2008, Norrköping, Sweden, December 10, 2008
Alpine Test Site Gütsch
blade heating
Winterwind 2008, Norrköping, Sweden, December 10, 2008
Alpine Test Site Gütsch
blade heating
Winterwind 2008, Norrköping, Sweden, December 10, 2008
Alpine Test Site Gütsch
blade heating
Winterwind 2008, Norrköping, Sweden, December 10, 2008
Alpine Test Site Gütsch
blade heating
Winterwind 2008, Norrköping, Sweden, December 10, 2008
Alpine Test Site Gütsch
blade heating
Winterwind 2008, Norrköping, Sweden, December 10, 2008
Alpine Test Site Gütsch
blade heating
Winterwind 2008, Norrköping, Sweden, December 10, 2008
Alpine Test Site Gütsch
blade heating
- blade heating is not powerful enough to fully melt the accreted ice
 multiple heating cycles in a row
 turbine might resume production with iced blades
- risk of ice throw very high during and right after blade heating cycle
Winterwind 2008, Norrköping, Sweden, December 10, 2008
Alpine Test Site Gütsch
Ice throw
Winterwind 2008, Norrköping, Sweden, December 10, 2008
Alpine Test Site Gütsch
ice throw
wind turbine close to ski slopes  ice throw = safety issue
after an icing event, the area around the wind turbine
is inspected for ice fragments:
- distance from wind turbine
- angle relative to wind turbine
- weight
- size
- type of ice
- photo
Winterwind 2008, Norrköping, Sweden, December 10, 2008
Alpine Test Site Gütsch
ice throw
- 200+ fragments
- distance up to 92 m
- weight up to 1.8 kg
- also during summer
Winterwind 2008, Norrköping, Sweden, December 10, 2008
Alpine Test Site Gütsch
ice throw
Winterwind 2008, Norrköping, Sweden, December 10, 2008
Alpine Test Site Gütsch
ice throw
- ice throw is a safety risk on Gütsch
 most dangerous area is underneath the blades
 most dangerous during and after blade heating cycle
(after almost every heating cycle, ice fragments could be found)
 winter walking trail was placed further away
 warning signs were installed
Winterwind 2008, Norrköping, Sweden, December 10, 2008
Alpine Test Site Gütsch
in-cloud icing conditions can be detected fairly well
by air temperature, relative humidity and the sky temperature,
ice detection via power curve seems to work
no information if blades are still iced after a heating cycle
 automatic restart is a safety risk
blade heating is not powerful enough
ice throw is a safety risk
Winterwind 2008, Norrköping, Sweden, December 10, 2008
Alpine Test Site Gütsch
Further plans
MEMFIS: Measuring, Modelling and Forecasting Icing on Structures
April 2008 to April 2010
1. Extend icing measurements to other regions in Switzerland
Winterwind 2008, Norrköping, Sweden, December 10, 2008
Alpine Test Site Gütsch
Winterwind 2008, Norrköping, Sweden, December 10, 2008
Alpine Test Site Gütsch
Further plans
MEMFIS: Measuring, Modelling and Forecasting Icing on Structures
2008 to 2010
1. Extend icing measurements to other regions in Switzerland
2. Icing simulations with the NWP model WRF
3. Evaluation of the suitability of the MeteoSwiss operational weather
model COSMO-2 for icing forecast
Winterwind 2008, Norrköping, Sweden, December 10, 2008
Alpine Test Site Gütsch
International workshop on atmospheric icing of structures
Thank you for your attention
Winterwind 2008, Norrköping, Sweden, December 10, 2008

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