Phat Azz - Copr Choppers
Phat Azz - Copr Choppers
IilljililtJ#jjjjj **n*w*q JIJjJI :ij,ljiJJilil IIJJ]JJ $10,ooo iJIJ]J JJI IIJiJ J]JJ IJJ:IJJ]J iJ:ll T h e 5 ' hA n n u a lB i k eS u p e rS h o w w a s viewingandjudgingareafor the generalpublicto hosted by Route66 MotorsportsInc. on March picktheir favoritewithout havingany knowledge 1 2 4 , 1 5& 1 6 2 0 0 8i n A l b u q u e r q u eT.h e s h o wa t - of who builtthe bikes. tracted motorcyclesand visitorsfrom Colorado, Visitorsalso got to see the world's ArizonaandTexasaswell as NewMexico, largestmotorcycleand meet the man who built Visitorsto the show were treatedto full everyinchof it, GregDunhamfrom Stockton, Calcustomsfrom El PasobuilderJuanZavalas with Z- ifornia.The show quality motorcycleis 11 feet tall BROS and 2l feet long,lt took threeyearsto buildat an CUSTOM,ChUCKZEttNErWith Z CYCLEREPAIR iN AI- expenseof 5300,000,The bikeisvisuallyoverpowbuquerque, RalphRandolph with KnockoutMotor ering but only gets more impressivewhen Greg cycle Companyin Mesa Arizonaand Thornton, firesup the 502ci Chevroletmotorthat powersthe ColoradobuilderTonyMartinezwith COPRCHOP- awesomemachine, PERS. Everyonewho purchaseda generaladmisTheOrangeCountyChoppersAir Force sionticket got to vote for their favorite tributebikewason displayto enhancethe theme bike.Afterthreedaysof voting,the greenfull rad- of the show,whichwashonoringallveterans,Two ical custom from COPRCHOPPERS known as militaryvehiclepreservationorganizations disPHAT AZZ,was determinedto be the winner,Tony playedrestoredmilitaryvehicles. A portionof the Martinezhad alreadywon three times with the showproceeds wentto organizations that support bikepriorto the Albuquerqueeventbut in Tony's the needsof New Mexicoveterans. own words,"lt'sthe toughestnot beingableto be Therewere 25 bikejudging categories in the judging area,it createsa lot of tensionand besidesthe S 10,000championship; the firstplace anxiety'iAll four bikeswere segregatedinto one winnersareasfollows: Metric Modified T h o m a sM c H u g h DomesticSportBike DustinHall OldSchool AlainAngelos BestChrome DavidVasquez MetricTouringCustom ReggieHardway Domestic Antique MarkCamrud FullCustom BestPaint MarkMcCluney Metric Custom WillyFisher DomesticCruiser Stock M i c h e l lLea B l a n c RadicalFull Custom DavidMicklevitz SickestBike MarkValdez Best Patriotic Display MaryAnn Gonzales Bestof Show M a r kC a m r u d Metric 3-Wheel Dave& DonnaBrown Metric Sport Bike BrentRiffel European RonChavez AutomotiveTrike TomOdell HarleyTrike Custom MaryAnn Gonzales Sportster Custom KarenGreen Domestic Classic EricBaca DomesticCruiser Modified Abraham Olivas DomesticCruiser Custom DavidVasquez DomesticCustom Touring EricCarnero DomesticFactory Custom J o h n nA yquilar (rntt I)alen