newsletter - Sam Houston State University


newsletter - Sam Houston State University
Division of Student Services
Fall 2006
Volume 6, Issue 5
What’s Inside:
Cover:• A Message from the Vice President
Inside:• Outstanding Programs & Events
• Memorable Events
• Achievements & Accomplishments
• New Employees
• Still to Come!
Mr. Frank Parker, VP for Student Services
Managing Editor:
Rosa Coss
Assisting Editors:
Donna Artho and Debbie Nichols
A Message from the Vice President
The fall semester has been very busy and productive. As it comes to an end, we prepare for final exams, the
holidays, and spending time with family and friends. I wish you all the best during finals and a safe and happy
holiday season.
I invite you to read this issue of the division newsletter and learn about
the many exciting things that have happened throughout the semester.
Highlighted are some of our outstanding programs, memorable events,
achievements and accomplishments. We recognize those who have
brought recognition to Sam Houston State University through their involvement, and introduce new staff members, as well as provide information concerning activities that are still to come.
We encourage your participation in the many sporting events, programs
and activities that take place on campus. For more information about
these events, please refer to our Student Services Activities Calendar at We also invite you to visit the Student Services homepage at and
become familiar with the departments and services available to serve our Sam Houston Bearkats!
Student Services is dedicated to providing our students with opportunities and resources that will promote life
skills within the academic environment, as conveyed in the division motto, “Enhancing Learning for Student
Mr. Frank Parker
VP for Student Services
Outstanding Programs & Events
At the beginning of each school year, the departments within Student Services plan and coordinate several
programs and events to help our students become more familiar with everything that Sam Houston has to offer.
The pages that follow highlight a few of the many events that were held at the beginning of this semester. Be
sure to check the Student Services Activities Calendar at for programs and events that
are still to come!
One of the first activities to kick off Welcome Week. Students
are invited to hang out with Sam Houston friends at the first big
bash of the school year! ...a time to socialize and celebrate being a Bearkat, meet new people, eat free food, and have fun.
Bearkat Mania
Local vendors set up booths and provide information about
the services they offer to the Huntsville community, as well as
hand out lots of free food and giveaways.
Casino night
This event offers free casino games and prizes. All students are
welcome to participate in this popular annual event!
Sponsored by the Office of Multicultural and International
Student Services, this fun-filled event welcomes SHSU
students, faculty, and staff back to campus! The UnityFest
theme this year was, “Texas: It’s like a whole other country!” This event featured free food, crafts, giveaways, and
Administrators’ & Organizations’ Fair
The Administrators’ & Organizations’ Fair takes place in the
Lowman Student Center Mall. Once a year, administrators,
faculty and staff members volunteer their time to serve food
prepared by Aramark to the student population who are on a
current meal plan. Traditionally, this event takes place in conjunction with the Student Organizations’ Fair, which is another
event sponsored by Student Activities that provides one of
many opportunities for existing and prospective student organization members to interact and mingle with each other. This is
also a great opportunity to recruit new members and publicize
their organization.
Student Services Day
Departments within the Division of Student Services invite students, faculty and staff to stop by the LSC Atrium to receive lots
of giveaways and learn valuable information about individual
departments and the services each provides.
SHSU Scavenger Hunt
Ahoy, matees! SHSU students, staff, and faculty are all invited to
explore the SHSU campus for the hidden treasure by participating in
this fun-filled event. An easy-to-navigate map is provided at the starting point. You will end up with lots of free stuff and become much
more familiar with the various departments on campus. Sponsored by
the Office of the Vice President for Student Services in collaboration
with various departments on campus.
Student Services Halloween Trick or Treat
SHSU students, staff, and faculty are all invited to stop by the different departments within Student Services which include: Bearkat
OneCard Services, Counseling Services, Dean of Students, Health
Services, Lowman Student Center, Recreational Sports & Activities,
Student Activities, and Students’ Legal & Mediation Services for fun
games, treats and prizes! Prizes are awarded to the top three Halloween Costumes, and participants vote for the best decorated department.
More Outstanding
Throughout the year, Ms. Michelle Lovering, Health
on the rock climbing wall sponsored by SHSU Army
Programming Coordinator for the Student Health Cen- ROTC and the Alcohol Abuse Initiative.
ter, works in collaboration with Dr. Rosanne Keathley,
Alcohol AbuseDATE
Initiatve CommitteeEVENT
Chair, as well as
S.W.A.A.T. - Mocktail Party at Vertical Happy Hour
with other departments and organizations to provide a Participate in Vertical Happy Hour sponsored by Recseries of programs focusing on drug, alcohol, health,
reational Sports and get free, non-alcoholic cocktails
8/30/06 (W)
2:00 P.M.
and sexual awareness.
and learn about all of the alcohol-free activities ofLearn how to prevent alcohol poisoning for yourself and learn
fered by the Department of Recreational Sports.
how to recognize and respond to excessive alcohol consumption
The S.W.A.A.T (Six Weeks of Alcohol
for your
Training) Program is in its third semester. The goal
S.W.A.A.T. - Calories on the Rocks
of the S.W.A.A.T program is to provide educational
Do you know which has more calories, a 6” Subway
and alcohol-free
sandwich or three, 12 oz. beers? How many10:00 A.M.
9/5/06 (T)
first six weeks of the semester. This
pe- mall to
pound of
weight gain?
by the LSC
how you get
2:00 P.M.
riod, especially for freshmen, is a time
the nutritional
of alcohol at
or other
You will
to “getimpact
high” on
rockis climbing
Army ROTC and the
are most at risk for alcohol abuse. the
a brief wallour
table in Café
Initiative. While you are there, register to “get
summary of the various sessions held
the fall
high” at the SHSU Alcohol
Summit- Have
to be Someone
held Sep.For
Learn about the newest benefits of being a designated
S.W.A.A.T. - How Much Is Too Much?
(F) poisoning
Learn how to prevent
yourself SUMMIT
Join President
local officials, and
(S) and respond
and learn how9/9/06
to recognize
to excessive
- Risky
risk with
alcohol consumption by your friends.
Name something that should
be mixed
management for student
to sex?
an in-depth
Did you say
increase your
S.W.A.A.T. - Getting “High” Rock Climbing For Free libido, but it will decrease your _______.will
be open to all students and will place special emphasis on the
Find out how to get a high without alcohol or other
were invited to visit the LSC Mall on October 3rd to
legal and social ramifications of irresponsible choices.
drugs. You will have the opportunity to “get high”
fill in the blank.
9/14/06 (TH)
Come to the Recreational Sports Vertical Happy Hour and get
free non-alcoholic cocktails! While you are there, learn about all
For dates
and times of student events, visit the
of the alcohol-free activities offered by the Recreational Sports
Services Activities Calendar at
9/21/06 (TH)
Do you know which has more calories, a 6” Subway Club sandwich or three 12 oz beers? How many beers or margaritas equal
one pound of weight gain? Come learn about the nutritional
impact of alcohol at our table in Café Belvin.
10:30 A.M.
1:30 P.M.
Programs and Events
Alcohol Summit
SHSU personnel and the Alcohol Abuse Initiative
Committee provide an interactive, proactive summit
to SHSU students and encourage them to learn more
about risky alcohol consumption, with specific emphasis on risk management among student organizations
and young adults. More information about this program can be obtained by contacting Dr. Rosanne
Keathley at 294-1171 or by visiting the following website at:
The summit, which was held on September 8-9, 2006, was successful thanks to the participation and co-sponsorship of various individuals and departments that contributed their time and resources to the planning, facilitation and presentations for the summit. Over 220 students attended the summit.
This year the Homecoming theme was “Kat Scratch Bearkat Alley Pre-Game Party
Bearkat Alley is the tailgate party held before SHSU
home football games. Bearkat Alley is a designated
area in the north parking lot of Bowers Stadium. All
tailgate participants are asked to cook within the area
that has been marked off for this particular program.
Fever,” and, as part of the celebration leading up to
Homecoming 2006, various events were held on campus to prepare for Homecoming.
Kick-Off Rally
It all began with the Homecoming Kick-Off Rally on
October 9. Everyone was invited to come meet the
Homecoming Court Candidates. Homecoming schedules as well as free giveaways were handed out. Spirit
Points were also awarded to the most spirited BEARKATS!
SamJam Carnival
As another part of the SHSU’s Homecoming, students
were invited to attend the Annual SamJam Carnival
offering a wide range of games, rides, food, drinks and
Homecoming Parade
The entire community was invited to come out to the
Homecoming Parade to enjoy the marching band, the
different floats and receive some candy. Awards were
given to winners of the best floats in several categories. The annual Homecoming Parade began at 6:30
p.m. at the intersection of 19th Street and Sam Houston Avenue. In addition to campus organizations and
university dignitaries, a number of community groups
and civic leaders participated this year.
Mr. Willie Dean and Ms. Heather Hardee were crowned
King and Queen during the Homecoming Football Game.
From L to R: Mr. Brandon Cooper, Mr. Ed Kelly, Mr. Alan Mooneyham, Ms. Nancy Gaertner,
Ms. Linda Armstrong Kelly, Ms. Leah Mulligan, Mr. Frank Parker, Ms. Sherry Mooneyham, and Mr. Onaome Mukoro
n October 10, 2006, the Student Activities Leadership Initiative of Sam Houston State University had
the distinguished pleasure of introducing Ms. Linda Armstrong Kelly, mother of the seven time Tour
de France Champion, Lance Armstrong. Her stories touched hearts and inspired those in attendance.
Faculty, staff, students, and the Huntsville community were all invited to attend.
Ms. Armstrong Kelly spoke briefly about her life experiences coping with an alcoholic father, domestic abuse,
teen pregnancy, being a single parent, and caring for a cancer survivor, all of which she was able to rise above
and demonstrate her strength, positive attitude, and her skills for survival.
She also spoke concerning her career achievements as she went from growing up in the Dallas projects to
becoming a global account executive. She shared several life lessons with the audience, such as: “always ask,
you never know when the answer will be yes,” and she promoted, “never let circumstances dictate who you
After her retirement and encouragement from her husband, Ed, she wrote her life story, No Mountain High
Enough: Raising Lance, Raising Me (Broadway/Doubleday), which went on to be published in April 2005.
To learn more about Ms. Armstrong Kelly’s story, visit her website at
Memorable Event
Student/Departmental Achiev
Catie Duhon, Program Council President, will be attending the National Association for Campus Activities
(NACA) Conference in February, 2007 in Nashville, Tennesee: “Nashville Thrill!”
She will be presenting an educational session titled: “Need to Change?... The ‘Make It Happen’ & ‘Sure, Why
Not?’ Attitude for Changing!” She and Tiffany Flenoy, Student Activities Program Coordinator, will be sharing
what they have learned in Program Council over the past year. They will talk about change and how to make
changes become a reality, and how to break through barriers and find a way to “Make Things Happen!”
The conference will consist of Educational Sessions sponsored by other schools and programming boards to
share what they have learned, helpful information, and insight on the needs of college programmers. There will
be showcases to preview different speakers, musicians, and other acts they may want to consider bringing to our
school, and a marketplace to meet all of the vendors and obtain more information and contacts, as well as try out
some of the novelty events that may be good programs.
Angie Burns, Assistant Director for Student Activities, wrote an article entitled, “Building Your Portfolio,”
for a feature in the November/December issue of Programming Magazine (a production of the National Association for Campus Activities) in which Sam Houston State University will be credited. Both Angie and Catie
presented this topic at the Central and National NACA conferences last academic year and the editor asked
uring the week of October 2, 2006, Frank Parker, Vice President for Student Services, Kristy Vienne,
Director of Bearkat OneCard Services, and Debbie Nichols, Assistant to the Vice President for Student
Services, attended the first ever Higher One Users Group (HUG) Conference in New Haven, Connecticut. Higher One
focuses exclusively on higher education and
provides refund management services to institutions, as well as banking services to university constituents through a card-based solution.
During the last three years, Higher One has
grown substantially. Sam Houston State University signed an agreement to become their
third client in 2003, and on October 4, 2006,
they could claim 60 universities as clients.
The Sam Houston contingent was asked to
make presentations that focused on the Higher
One and Bearkat OneCard experience. Mr.
Frank Parker was appointed to the Higher One
Product Steering Committee in 2005 and was
subsequently asked to make a presentation
with other members at the conference entitled
“Higher One News: What’s Coming for 2007.”
The presentation highlighted past products that were approved by the committee as well as upcoming projects
vements & Accomplishments
Angie to do a feature article.
The following highlights a brief segment of the article which was distributed nationally:
While pursuing student affairs as a profession, you may hold several positions at
various institutions throughout your career. It is crucial to have a tool that will
track your accomplishments and progress as an employee and showcase your
capabilities in a logical manner. A portfolio documents all aspects of professional
and personal growth as you progress through college and your career. Creating a
portfolio allows you to define your purpose in life as a professional and helps to
outline your skills and abilities. It also allows you to keep track of work samples
and prepares you for successful interviews. Once someone has viewed your portfolio, they should know who you are and what your purpose is. They need to know
what you bring to the table and how you can be an asset to their organization, not
just if you fit the job description on paper. Whether you already have some sort of
résumé and/or portfolio or you have absolutely no idea where to begin, the tips in
this article should help you organize your resources to create a distinctive outline
of your characteristics and capabilities.
Angie Burns
for 2007. “Best Practices in Communication & Collaboration: A Case Study of Sam Houston State University”
was presented by Kristy and Debbie and highlighted the inception of the card as well as some of the growing
pains that were overcome and what day-to-day strategies are used to keep the program thriving. The presentation concluded with an illustration of how a departmental designated webpage can help strengthen an already
successful OneCard program. Kristy was also involved in presenting “Orientation-Tools and Best Practices,”
in which she highlighted Sam Houston State University’s involvement at Freshman Orientation and how this
ensures success for OneCard programs.
It was an event-filled conference of networking, receptions, sessions, and tours. Preparations for the 2nd Annual HUG Conference have already begun. Thank you to the Higher One Team for their coordination of a fabulous
event and their hospitality during our stay.
Kristy Vienne and Debbie Nichols were also given the opportunity to visit Pace University in New York City. It
was an enlightening and informative visit with the Pace OneCard Office. Pace University was the fourth client
to sign with Higher One, so lessons learned and what works for you were the focus of the meeting. Thank you
to Mary Lieto, Pinky Johal and Frida Aminova for taking the time out of their busy schedule to meet and give
both Kristy and Debbie a tour of Pace University.
Student/Departmental Achievements & Accomplishments (Cont’d)
Throughout the fiscal year, the Office of the Vice President for Student Services is happy to provide funding to
student groups who compete on a state, national or international level through their scholastic or extracurricular
involvement thereby bringing recognition to Sam Houston State University. We are very proud of these faculty,
staff and students who do such a fine job of representing our institution through their hard work and dedication.
Since the beginning of the school year, the following groups have received funding assistance for travel expenses.
College Rodeo National Finals
Casper, WY
ACUI, 9-Ball Championship
Tucson, AZ
AAEA Convention/Quiz Bowl
Long Beach, CA
NY Fashion Week Noir Apparel
New York, NY
NCASH Annual Conference
Amarillo, TX
NABA Southwestern Regional Regional Conference
Houston, TX
ONI-Con Convention/ANIME
Houston, TX
National FFA Convention Ag Mech Club and Ag Sciences Indianapolis, IN
Webb Society
Austin, TX
PRSSA 2006 National Conference
Salt Lake City, UT
Pictured to the right are a few of the groups that have benefited from the opportunities and services provided
by the Office of the Vice President for Student Services. It is important to recognize groups who have competed or made presentations in representation of their organization and their university, and we encourage recipients to share their experiences by submitting photographs and a brief summary of their event.
The ACUI Billiards Nationals were held at the University of Arizona July 5-9. There are 16 regions repre-
sented. Only the top three players from each region are invited to attend (48 Men, 48 Women). Our region
(Region 12) consists of all the universities in Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, and the country of Mexico. At
Regionals, Michelle Moul placed 2nd, Kevin Frauenberger (‘92 SHSU graduate) placed 2nd, and Nicholas
McIntyre placed 3rd. At Nationals, Michelle Moul placed 16th, Kevin Fraunberger placed 5th, and Nicholas
McIntyre placed 17th.
Congrats to All!
College Rodeo National Finals
During the month of June 2006, some of our very own Bearkats traveled to Casper, Wyoming to compete at the College
Rodeo National Finals. Ms. Lauren Cox, Business Major,
(pictured below) placed 2nd for the Southern Regional Women’s Team. The following three are Agricultural Business Majors: Carey Scroggins (bottom right), won first in the second
round in the bull riding and Mr. Zach Bracewell (right) won
first in the 3rd go round in the team roping. John Bankhead
(right) qualified for the final go round in the calfroping, ranking #12 in the nation.
Over all, eight SHSU students qualified for the national finals.
American Agricultural Economics Association [AAEA]
National Conference
Drs. Phil Hamilton and Michael Lau along with five SHSU students, Brian Pape, Leah Lankford, David Sims,
Brett Halfman, and Chad Turley, attended the American Agricultural Economics Association [AAEA] national
conference in Long Beach, CA on July 22-26. The Academic
Quiz Bowl team placed 10 out of 33 teams. Sims and Halfman also presented scientific papers; Halfman wrote about
GPS and Sims wrote about organic beef feasibility. Intrepid
Potash of the Dallas area sponsored the orange polo shirts for
the Quiz Bowl team.
Lankford was elected vice-president of the Student Section
of AAEA; Hamilton was elected to be a student advisor for a
four year term. Phil Hamilton, Art Wolfskill, and a colleague
from Illinois State University presented a poster on using the
ProStar® Fertilizer Management Simulation for teaching.
Hamilton also moderated a marketing session of presented
Charlotte, or better known as “Pie” to many both on and off campus, became a
member of the Lowman Student Center custodial team on April 1, 2006. She
came to SHSU from Gibbs Elementary. She is married to Joshua Albert and has
four children. In her spare time, Charlotte enjoys visiting family and friends,
especially her aunt, Ms. Martha.
The Division of Student Services and the staff of the LSC are pleased to welcome Charlotte.
Ms. Charlotte Albert
Lowman Student Center
A graduate of SHSU, Jacob, the new Assistant Director of the LSC, received
his BS in Agricultural Business in 2005. He is an eight-year veteran of the US
Marine Corps and is currently serving in the Army Reserve as a Civil Affairs
He and his wife, Alisa, (also an SHSU alum) have two children, Justin and Adyson. Jacob is an active outdoorsman, spends his free time with his family, and is
currently working to get the family ranch up and running.
Mr. Jacob Bullion
Lowman Student Center
On August 1, 2006, Vivian joined the Bearkat OneCard office. She is married
with two children, Kevin and Kendall, to whom she dedicates all of her spare
time with such activities as baseball and dance.
Through interactions with faculty, staff and students, Vivian hopes to have a
positive impact on many lives within the campus community.
Ms. Vivian Carlson
Bearkat OneCard Services
Originally from Hamilton, NY, Franklin received his Masters of Higher Education Administration from Old Dominion University and a Bachelors of Applied
Social Science from Binghamton University.
Mr. Harrison begins his first full year at Sam and 11th year in Recreational
Sports, having gained experience at four different institutions, most recently
at Ithaca College in upstate New York.
Mr. Franklin Harrison
Recreational Sports
His interests encompass anything in recreation, working out, hunting, fishing,
and most sports.
Odie came to SHSU from Farmer’s Insurance and previously worked at The
Worksource as a Youth and Adult Counselor. He is a six-year Army Campaign
Veteran. He is a graduate of SHSU, earning his degree in psychology. He is
currently trying to enter law school. Odie is married and is the proud parent of
two beautiful sons, Darius, 14, and Cyrus, 6.
When he is not at work or spending time with family and friends, Odie likes to
do things to improve himself or help others improve their lives.
Julia received her B.A., M.S., and Psy.D. from
Baylor University. She has previous university
counseling center experience at both Baylor University and the University of California at Santa
Ms. Julia Shojaian
Counseling Services
Mr. Odie Johnson
Counseling Services
Her professional interests include: self esteem, adjustment and developmental
issues, eating disorders, and women’s issues. In her spare time Julia enjoys
music, travel, nature, reading, knitting, and water sports.
Mr. Steve Thompson
Recreational Sports
A native Pennsylvanian, Steve earned his Bachelors in Communication at Edinboro University of Pennsylvania and is currently working on his Masters in
Natural Resource Development and Policy Analysis at Texas A&M. He has 16
years experience working in outdoor recreation and is now the Assistant Director
for Recreational Sports - Outdoor Recreation at Sam Houston State University.
Although he enjoys living in Texas, he admits missing the mountains and, believe it or not, winter. Steve enjoys spending time with his wife, Angie, and his
daughter, Kaelin. When he’s not with his family, he enjoys reading, working in
his yard, playing his guitar, riding his motorcycle, or just being outside.
Steven has been at Sam Houston for a little over two years. He began working
as a Graduate Assistant for Recreational Sports while pursuing a Masters Degree. Since graduating in May, 2006, he’s been working full-time as the Assistant Director of Intramural Sports. He received his undergraduate degree from
the University of Texas at Austin and considers himself a die hard Longhorn
fan. After a four month engagement, he plans on getting married in June, 2007.
In his spare time, he enjoys officiating high school sports, hanging out with
friends, and spending time with his fianceé and two dogs.
Mr. Steven Wright
Recreational Sports
Still to Come!
The Nutcracker
LSC Christmas Open House
Last Class Day
Finals Relief
Residence Halls Close
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!!
Office of the VP for Student Services
Huntsville, TX 77341-2237