Annual Report - Epilepsy Foundation of Greater Chicago


Annual Report - Epilepsy Foundation of Greater Chicago
Public Outreach
Professional Education & Training
Increasing Epilepsy Awareness and Knowledge throughout Greater Chicago
The Epilepsy Foundation of Greater
Chicago is committed to educating the
general public about epilepsy, whether
or not they have a personal connection
to the disorder. The Foundation reaches
out to a wide variety of people including, school nurses who may not know the
appropriate care for someone having a
seizure, parents who want to be aware
of the latest treatments available for
their child with epilepsy, an employee
unclear of their disability rights under the
new ADA, or even someone who simply
wants to become a fan of the Foundation on facebook. The Foundation’s
educational programs and outreach
initiatives are geared to reaching out to
as many people as possible.
In the 2010 Fiscal Year, the Foundation’s Director of Education gave 155 presentations about
epilepsy and represented the
Foundation at numerous educational programs across its 43
county service area. In total,
6,079 people attended these
presentations/programs, a 12%
increase over the FY2009 attendance record. These presentations focused on a variety of
subjects and would cater toward
the specific demographic of
those attending the presentations. For example, the “Seizures
and You: Taking Charge of the
Facts” program was designed to
educate the general teen population about epilepsy and was presented to schools across the greater Chicagoland area.
The “Seizure Training for School Personnel” and “Managing Students with Seizures Nurses
Program” presentations focused on educating student caregivers on the best practices for
caring for someone with epilepsy.
While the majority of presentations
were given to the academic community, other groups were also
addressed. The Epilepsy Foundation had a consistent presence at
many Chicago area Health Fairs
and gave presentations to people
whose employment is based on
serving the general public, such as
hotel staff.
The Epilepsy Foundation of Greater Chicago and
the Midwest Business Group on Health present
and the ADA
What Employers Need to Know
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
8:00 am - 10:30 am
A free continental breakfast will be served
Mid-America Club • 200 E. Randolph St. • Chicago, IL 60601
Along with these ongoing educational programs, the Foundation also addressed a time-sensitive and relevant topic to those impacted by a disability,
such as epilepsy. The Americans with Disabilities Act was amended in 2009 and became the
Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act (ADAAA). This new legislation was created
to reinforce and enhance the workplace rights of people with disabilities and the Foundation hosted two seminars to address the new regulations, their benefits, as well as the myths
that may still surround them. In October of 2009, the Foundation hosted “Employment and
the (New) ADA: What you Need to Know.” This seminar focused on the ADAAA’s reinforced
power that requires employers to comply with its
obligation to protect workplace rights. The
speakers, which included an attorney who specializes in employment law and an employee
of the Mayor’s Office for People with Disabilities,
clarified an employee’s workplace rights and
spoke on the best ways to address your disability
with an employer. In April of 2010, the second
seminar was co-hosted with the Midwest Business
Group on Health and addressed the same issues,
this time, however to a crowd of employers.
Making sense of the ADAAA and making sure
your company is in compliance with the Act,
along with the benefits of hiring someone with a
disability, were among the key topics covered
by industry experts. In total, 47 people attended
these seminars.
In January of 2010, the Foundation co-hosted
with the Alexian Brothers Neurosciences Institute
“Seizures, Spells, Epilepsy & Co-morbidities: Advances in Diagnosis and Treatment.” This semi-
• Gently ease the person to the ground.
• Cushion their head.
• If they are wearing glasses, remove them.
• Loosen any tight neckwear, such a tie or
• Turn the person on their side to keep their
airway clear.
• Track time. If the seizure lasts more than five
minutes, call for medical assistance.
• Check for epilepsy or seizure disorder ID.
• Afterward, reassure the person. Allow him to
rest, if necessary. Stay with the person until
he is fully awake and reoriented.
You may have heard epilepsy
called different things. Because
the word “epilepsy” can be a
scary thing to hear, some doctors
may refer to a “childhood seizure
disorder” or just “seizures.”
If your child has had two or more unprovoked seizures, however, that’s epilepsy.
And yes, it can be scary. But armed with
the right information, you can make
choices that maximize your child’s safety
and quality of life—and leave you with a
feeling of control and empowement over
lives may be affected by the frequency and
severity of their seizures as well as by the
effects of their medications.
Epilepsy is a disorder of the nervous system characterized by recurring seizures
that result in sudden, brief changes in
the way the brain works. Epilepsy is not a
disease, it is not a mental illness, and it is
not contagious. But it is far more common
than you may think.
• DO NOT put anything in the mouth of the
person experiencing the seizure.
• DO NOT panic.
• DO NOT give oral medications during the
• DO NOT restrain the person.
• DO NOT administer food or drink until the
person is completely conscious.
nar, held in the western suburbs, focused on issues
such as ‘Epilepsy, Autism, & Behavioral Disorders,’
‘Epilepsy & Pregnancy,’ ‘Epilepsy & Dementia,’
‘Antiepileptic Drugs in the Treatment of Neurological Conditions’ and ‘Non Epileptic Seizures.’ Led by
some of the region’s top epileptologists and neurologists, the seminar included a panel review and
was intended for those working within the medical
field (family practitioners, internists, psychiatrists,
etc.). A total of 59 people were in attendance.
The Foundation’s Marketing & Communications
Department continued its commitment to raising
awareness about epilepsy in FY10 and utilized different mediums to do so. Two issues of Epilepsy
Connections, the Foundation’s magazine, were
published--one in the fall of 2009 and the second in
the spring of 2010. The magazine has a circulation of
15,000 and along with home mailings, it is distributed
to hospitals and epilepsy centers in the Chicagoland area. Topics addressed in the issues’
articles included a review of the Foundation’s annual Camp Blackhawk; the FDA’s approval of the antiepileptic drug, Sabril; pregnancy and epilepsy; living with epilepsy as a
college student; puberty and epilepsy; and more. The Foundation also partnered with the
Danny Did Foundation to produce the publication Seizure Safety: A Publication for Families
Facing the Challenges of Epilepsy. A central focus of
Seizure Safety was to raise awareness and educate
The Greater Chicago
the community on Sudden Unexplained
Death in
Epilepsy (SUDEP), a rare but fatal consequence of
epilepsy that little is known about.
A diagnosis of epilepsy is a life-changing
experience, both for the person receiving the diagnosis and for the parents and
loved ones. Questions abound: What does
this mean? Will our lives—and our child’s
life—ever be the same again?
Call for medical help if:
• A seizure lasts for more than five minutes.
• The person does not resume breathing after
the seizure.
• The person has one seizure after another.
• The person is injured, pregnant, diabetic, or
appears ill.
No matter what level of impact the person
with epilepsy experiences, safety is of the
utmost importance. Whether your child
is playing around the house, at school, out
with friends, or even asleep in bed, keeping safe—by thinking ahead and planning
ahead—can make all the difference. In
this publication, we outline some easy
ways that you and your child can be safe
and lead a healthy and active life.
The answer is that most children living
with epilepsy do go about their daily
routines just like children who are not
affected by epilepsy. They go to school,
they play sports, they ride their bikes,
they participate in activities that make life
enjoyable. However, they also live with the
knowledge that at any moment they could
have a seizure and that the quality of their
Over 130,000 people in the Greater
Chicago area have epilepsy. Nationally,
that number jumps to over three million,
which is equal to the number of people
with cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, and
Parkinson’s disease combined. Chances
are, we all know someone with epilepsy.
Spring 2010
Foundation was
Chicagoans Mike
ton following the
Danny. The DDF’s
ent deaths caused
mainstreaming of
home use that act
or seizure activity,
ing of communicaDEP between mednd the families of
A p u b l i c a t i o n fo r fa m i l i e s fa c i n g t h e c h a l l e n g e s o f e p i l e p s y
S EIZ U R E safety
Television and radio media were also utilized. In April
of 2010, ABC7’s Disabilities’ Reporter, Karen Meyer,
did a segment on the Epilepsy Foundation’s suburban clinic. This clinic provides medical care and
treatment to people with epilepsy who are unable
to afford it. Debbie Flader, the Director of Clinical
Outreach was interviewed and explained the goals
and importance of running this clinic.Saturday,
8 • Wheaton
May 15 • Lincoln
the Director of Education, was also
onPark • 1-800-273-6027
the Claire Woods Radio Show on WRAM 1410. This
hour long program focused on the medical basics
of epilepsy, as well as the social/emotional impact it
can have on a person’s life.
A 5K Walk/Run to Benefit
the Epilepsy Foundation
of Greater Chicago
Epilepsy Foundation of Greater Chicago
17 North State Street, Suite 1300
Chicago, Illinois 60602
Everything You Ever
Wanted to Know About
(but didn’t know
who to ask)
U.S. Postage
Permit No. 111
Chicago, IL
Client Services
Community Support
Providing Support to the Epilepsy Community
For those living outside of the
city that are unable to travel
to a hospital with a neurology
department or even to the
Epilepsy Foundation of Greater
Chicago’s downtown office
to meet with a case manager,
throughout FY2010, the Foundation has managed a suburban
Outreach Clinic in Elk Grove
Village (featured on ABC7
News). This clinic, located at the
Alexian Brothers Neurosciences
Institute, provides care people
with epilepsy, regardless of
whether or not they have insurance. Open on average three days per month, in FY10 the clinic successfully scheduled 399
appointments for people with epilepsy. It is staffed by an Epilepsy Foundation case manager
and visited by a neurologist to offer medical care and assistance. Patients visiting the clinic
are also offered social services support from the Epilepsy Foundation’s case management
team. These services include: information and referral, enrollment in patient assistance and
charity care programs, and are informed of and encouraged to take part in other programs
that the Foundation offers, such as employment services, advocacy, and education.
The Epilepsy Foundation of Greater Chicago’s Support Groups continue to be a popular
attraction for its clients and people whose lives are impacted by epilepsy. With 22 groups
meeting on a monthly basis throughout FY10 (including two new ones in Evanston and St.
Charles), the Support Group members, some who have been involved with the Foundation’s
programs for several years, are able to enjoy one another’s company and knowledge while
enhancing their social lives. Each group is geared towards addressing the needs of a specific demographic such as parents of children with epilepsy; adults, teenagers and seniors with
epilepsy; and Spanish speaking people with epilepsy.
Throughout FY10, the Foundation’s Young Adult Group, a support group that caters toward
clients in their 20s who feel that their personal issues and needs are not properly being addressed in other adult groups, continued to grow. The Young Adult Group’s primary goal is
to help its members build a social network as young adults that they can use beyond the
Foundation’s scheduled monthly meetings. Charles Cochran, 23, a part-time employee and
Young Adult Group member finds that meeting other people within his age bracket
who have epilepsy has been a very positive experience. “I’ve
learned how to meet people and become more involved,”
he says. “We do activities together as adults. Adults who have
epilepsy,” Cochran says. Each month the group will either get
together for a casual afternoon at the Foundation’s office, or
will organize an outside activity, such as bowling, going to a
Bulls game, or seeing a movie at the IMAX Theater. As time has
progressed, these 20 somethings have grown close to each
other and have developed friendships beyond their group’s
The Foundation has also been supervising an adult support
group that meets at Stroger Hospital once a month. This group
is consistently well attended as it is led in both English and Spanish by one of the Foundation’s bilingual case managers. Three
neurologists from the hospital attend the group so that they
may be available to answer any medical questions the participants have. “I want to help them become educated about
epilepsy,” says Rosario Rivares, the supervisor of the group, “in
words they can understand… the doctors are wonderful and
very knowledgeable.” The advantages of this group—the fact
that it is offered in English and Spanish, plus the attendance of
three renowned neurologists who serve on the Foundation’s
Professional Advisory board—attracts a wide group of people.
Their ages span from 24 to 82 years old, but they all have something in common: their desire to learn more about epilepsy and their eagerness to connect
withothers who all share a common ground.
The Epilepsy Foundation of
Greater Chicago continued to
strengthen its personal relationships with children impacted by
epilepsy as they take part in its
programs. The children range,
not only in age, but in the levels
to which epilepsy impacts their
lives. Through their involvement
in its programs, the Foundation
focuses on helping them accept
their condition, build relationships with those who share similar
experiences, and develop a true
sense of self worth.
In July of 2009, 50 participants between the ages
of 6-18 years old took part in the annual weeklong venture to Camp Blackhawk at the Red
Leaf Village in Ingleside, Illinois. This was the first
year Camp Blackhawk was held at the Red Leaf
Village and proved to be a big hit, both among
the campers, as well as the Foundation’s two
case managers who spent the week with them.
The participants took part in traditional camping
activities such as fishing, swimming, and arts and
crafts, but were also able to take advantage
of Red Leaf’s state-of-the-art facility and spent
afternoons rock-climbing and riding a 100 foot
zip-line. All activities were practiced in a safe
and medically monitored setting. For some, this was their first taste of independence away
from their parents. While this can be exciting, it may also be a little intimidating. The Foundation’s case managers developed solid relationships with the campers and their parents in the
months leading up to Camp (or at Camp in years past) thus leading the campers and their
families to feel comfortable when their week-long trip began. Along with the facility’s fully
trained staff and campers, the Foundation’s case managers were also able to enjoy themselves and as the week progress their relationships with these young clients only grew stronger. As one camper’s mother noted, “Camp Blackhawk in the highlight of our daughter’s
summer. She thinks about it all year.”
Throughout the year, Shining Stars continued to
attract and bring together teenagers living with
epilepsy. Participants and their families met several times and went on various excursions including
their highly anticipated trips to local sports games.
Whether these teenagers were packed into Toyota Park watching the Chicago Fire, attending
a Chicago Wolves game at the United Center,
or at the Arena Center for a Chicago Sky game,
these outings were a popular retreat and fun for
everyone. The participants also had a great time
immersing themselves in a friendly game of bowling, or even simply enjoying some pizza and a
movie in the Foundation’s family room. No matter
what the activity was, all of the participants were
able to spend valuable time connecting with others their age living with epilepsy, without having
to worry about any of the stigmas that might be
associated with their condition.
Foundation Development
Fundraising Events
Financial Support Sustains Foundation’s Programs & Services
In November of 2009, the Foundation
launched its inaugural “Talk About It! @
Dinner.” This campaign was designed
to encourage individuals to host their
own dinner parties throughout Chicago
and use that social activity to talk to
their guests about epilepsy and to ask
for donations. In total, the Talk About It!
dedicated and committed dinner hosts
raised over $50,000 with minimal help
from the Foundation.
On March 9, 2010 the Foundation held its
first “Heroes Night Gala.” Nearly 350 people attended the event, which netted over $190,000. The Heroes Night Gala was developed as a way to honor the memory
and legacy of the late Richard N. Rovner, MD. The Foundation presented a “Richard N.
Rovner Epilepsy Hero Award” to Illinois State Senator Dan
Kotowski and Brian J. Flynn. A “Richard N. Rovner Epilepsy
Award” was also presented to the Rovner family by Dr.
Rovner’s former colleague and Foundation Professional
Advisory Chair, Michael C. Smith, MD. The award was
accepted by Dr. Rovner’s son, Max. Dr. Rovner was also
honored via a specially-produced memorial video featuring remembrances by some of his friends and colleagues.
The event was a powerful evening as it honored three
very special individuals who have meant so much to the
Epilepsy Foundation of Greater Chicago and its cause
over the years.
The Epilepsy Foundation of Greater Chicago held two
very successful fundraising walks this year, which had a
combined net of over $163,000. These 5K Walks/Fun Runs
were held on Saturday, May 8, 2010 in Wheaton, Illinois
and on Saturday, May 15, 2010 in Chicago’s Lincoln Park.
This is the tenth annual Greater Chicago Epilepsy Walk
and records were broken both in the number of participants (1,864 – a 24% increase from 2009) and in the number of teams (165 – a 20% increase from 2009).
Revenue Sources - FY2010
Illinois Dept. of Healthcare and Family Services 29.40% 39.14% Other Grants United Way HluJs and OrganiLaMons Horporate GiNs FoundaMons and Orusts Individual GiNs 0.15% 11.16% Legacies and Bequests Investment Income 6.09% 6.88% Special Events 2.18% 2.96% 1.80% 0.37% Distribution of Resources - FY2010
6.98% 10.64% ,a.ent Services 10.40% 48.61% Community Services ,ro=essiona> ?duca.on and Araining ,uC>ic Dea>tE ?duca.on Fundraising 8.16% Management 15.21% 9
Statement of Activities - June 30, 2010
Revenues, gains and other support:
Public support and revenue
Clubs and organizations
Corporate gifts
Foundations and trusts
Individual gifts
Legacies and bequests
Total public support and revenue
Other revenues
Departement of Human Services
Other grants from affiliate
United Way
Other Income
Special events:
Gross proceeds (net of direct costs of $161,989)
In-Kind Goods and Services
Investment income
Total other revenues
Total expenses
Program services
Management and general
$ 4,626.00
Total revenues, gains and other support
Net asets released from restrictions:
Restrictions satisfied by payments
Change in net assets
Net assets, beginning of year
Net assets, end of year
Statement of Financial Position - June 30, 2010
Accounts receivable:
Contributions and fees, including legacies and bequests
Government Grants
Prepaid expenses
Security Deposit
Total current assets
Property and Equipment
Furniture and fixtures
Leasehold improvements
Less accumulated depreciation
Other assets
Contributions receivable
Current Liabilities
Acccounts payable
Accrued expense
Deferred rent
Total current liabilities
Net assets:
Board designated
Total unrestricted
Temporarily restricted
Donors - July 1, 2009 to June 30, 2010
The following contributions to the
Epilepsy Foundation of Greater
Chicago were received during the
fiscal year beginning July 1, 2009
and ending June 30, 2010. We
sincerely regret any omissions
or errors.
$25,000 +
Alexian Brothers Health System
Brian J. and Michelle Flynn
Donald and Beverly Flynn
Illinois Department Of Human Services
BMF Foundation
Dean L. and Rosemarie Buntrock
Kevin and Susan Flynn
Jenner & Block LLP
Lundbeck Inc.
The Wachovia Wells Fargo Foundation
USG Corporation
Arete Foundation
Jeff Aronin
Community Health Charities
Elizabeth Morse Charitable Trust
Enterprise Holdings Foundation
Frank Erlain
Tyrone Fahner
Kurt and Linda Florian
Robert and Patricia Flynn
Jerome and Linda Girsch
Joseph Holsten
Jayne Thompson & Associates, LTD
Law Office of Kupets & DeCaro, PC
The Northern Trust Company
The Oxford League, Inc.
Paul & Joan Rubschlager Foundation
Ilana Rovner
Rush University Medical Center
Dan Webb
The Acorn Foundation
Advocate Christ Medical Center
Aileen S. Andrew Foundation
Arthur Allen
Allstate Giving Campaign
John and Laurel Alyea
Patrick Callaghan
Victor and Janet Casini
Cat In The Hat Trading III, LLC
Kevin Courtney
Cull Family Foundation
Grant and Joanna DePorter
Illinois DECA
Scott and Deborah Early
Enterprise Rent-A-Car
First Nonprofit Insurance Company
Delilah Flaum
Kenny and Barbara Flaxman
Kevin Forde
Foresters Community Initiative
Jim Gassel
Phil and Jill Gattone
George J. and Theresa L. Cotsirilos Family Foundation
Matt Greby
Greenberg Traurig, LLP
Barbara Greenstein
Gregga Jordan Smieszny, Inc.
Greg Grunberg
Hanover Township
Richard Horwich
Tony and Tania Huamani
Tim Iida
Illinois Branch Independent Order of Foresters
Indiana University
ITW Foundation 3 for 1 Matching Gift Program
JB & MK Pritzker Family Foundation
K&L Gates LLP
Michael Keenan
John Landis
Harry Leinenweber
Patrick and Mary Leone
Patrick Livney
Kevin and Maria Lynch
David Manning
Richard McCann
William McKenna
John and Kelly McMahon
Steven Molo
Michael Moritz
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Block
Michael and Emer Mulvihill
Robert Murphy
David Nelson
Northshore University Health
Northwestern Memorial Hospital
George and Billie Paige
Patricia and David Schulte
Joseph and Nancy Petrowski
John and Manjula Pfingston
Mike and Liz Pribaz
Rosario Rivares
Sean and Lynne Ross
Eugene Ruark
Michael and Celeste Scimo
Gerald and Betty Seegers
Keith and Elizabeth Skibicki
Jean-Pierre Sommadossi
Bradley and Paige Sullivan
Thorn River Foundation
UCB, Inc
University of Chicago Children’s
Brian Wiedenhoeft
William Blair & Company Foundation
James Zagel and Margaret Maxwell
A/2 Gun/Tact/Sat & 005 Tact
Unit 212
Abbott Fund
Adventist Bolingbrook Hospital
Robert and J.M. Alley
Howard Alport
Fred and Charlotte Alyea
Amalgamated Bank Of Chicago
Barbara Anasenes
Peter and Sue Babilla
David Bagley
Bender Consulting Services, Inc.
Lawrence and Alice Bernstein
James and Nancy Blanche
Philip and Judy Block
Robert and Eleanor Bloom
William and Nancy Boyk
Theresa Brieske
John Bross
Karen Brozynski
William Bruno
Robert Buford
Paquito Bugayong
John Butler and John Vanderlinden
Mary Cameli
David Carson
Central DuPage Hospital
Victoria Chaney
Chessboard Consulting, Inc.
Mariah Christensen
Mary Coclanes
Chris Columbus
Jeff and Kathy Conrad
Steve and Lynn Corda
Dawn Daniels
Jim Danko
Dennis and Sandra DeCaro
Jonathan Defreytas
Jeffrey Delheimer
Barbara Dershin
Julianne Diaz
James Donnelley
Matthew Dopp
Mark Dupont
Joan Eagle
Charles Ealy
John and Kristin Epstein
Suzanne Faber
Pam Farley
Rosemarie Fates
Catherine Feddor
First Hospitality Group
Ira Fishman
Martin and Karla Flanagan
Kurt and Louise Florian
Friends Of Edward M. Burke
Dominick and Susan Gatto
Lauren Gottlieb
Frederick and Janice Grede
Lt Gregory
Robert and Maureen Haga
Ali and Alison Haghighat
Catherine Haskins
Frank and Joyce Healy
Peggy Healy
Irene Hogstrom and Mark Bragen
Melinda Hosler
Michael Hosler
Jaffee Foundation
Rich and Jane Jander
Jewish Communal Fund
Daniel and Caitlin Jisa
Hellee Johanson
Thomas and Le Anne Kadlee
Michael Kamlet
David and Geralyn Kendall
Patrick King
Richard Kirsch
Casimir and Mary Kotowski
Ian Larkin
Jim Lee
Legion Friends
Myra Lipman
Kathy Loftus
Patricia Lopez
Michael Love
Robert and Peggy Lyons
David Mack
Tom Madden
Kevin Mahoney
Charles Margosian
Edward and Fadua Maslak
Lisa Maxwell
Beth McClory
David McCormick
Jeff and Janell McDonald
Tad McGwire
Merchants and Manufacturers Bank
David and Gail Mocklow
James Montana
Kristin Morrison
Andrea Murphy
Joe and Sue Murphy
Terry Murphy
Paul Nelson
Mr. & Mrs. Nimmagadda
Nobuyuki Iida Trust
David O’Donovan
Robert Olsen
Olympia Fields Park District
David Ortiz
Julie Palles
Loren Palmer
Jay and Linda Pape
Lembit and Carol Parik
Mike Parilla
Patricia Hurley and Associates, Inc.
Alex and Janeen Paul
Noel and Stephanie Penisten
Gino Perrone
Joseph and Jill Pfingston
Michael Pfingston
Paul and Catherine Pfingston
Ali Pinchot
Butchamamba Polineni
Barry and Kim Pope
Jenny Potanos
Robert Powell
Brett Pritchard
Professional Mortgage Solutions
Judy Quintero
Lauren Raphael
Christopher and Angela Reed
Richard & Barbara Metzler Charitable Fund
Howard and Joann Rockman
Diane Rowe
Lawrence and Elissa Rubinstein
Nancy Rugero
Samuel Weinstein Family Foundation
W. Stephen Saunders
Jeff Schiedemeyer
Joseph and Christine Schrom
Rose Semmler
Dennis Sheridan
Roberta Shoemaker
Dan Shoman
Peter Silverman
Scott and Holly Simmons
Stanford Slovin
Donald Smith
Joseph and Linda Smith
Stacey Stepek
Robert Swagger
The Baxter International Foundation Matching Gift Program
The Jaffee Foundation Trust
The John Buck Company
Susan Thompson
Kiran Thotakura
Tamica Tolliver-Burnett
David Tridle
James C. Tucker
Roxane Tyssen and James Wolfgram
Darren and Kimberly Udaykee
Michael and Diane Wachel
Steven and Elaine Lee Wade
Wal*mart Stores, Inc.
Douglas Walker
Annamarie Weaver
Adele Wexler
Richard and Laurel Ann Wilk
George Williams
Tabetha Wirtz
Warren Wolfson
Donna Wood
Mike (Ag Logistics) Yedinak
Gary and Carole Young
Michael Zack
Lawrence and Jenifer Zeno
Marvin Zonis and Lucy Salenger
Bradley Zwirn
John and Madhuri Zyla
Stacey Abe
Marlene Abiodun
George and Janice Abizaid
Bobby Abragan
Lynn Abramic
Badesch Abramovitch
Accudent Dental Laboratories
Herberto Aceves
Kendall Acharya
Katherine Ackermann
Melissa Adamczyk
Jackie Adamle
Alan Adams
Bonnie Adams
Carol Adams
Christine Adams
Doris Adams
Greg Adams
Jason Adamson
Bayo Adeku
Jody Adler
Steven Agran
Ernesto Agron
Jennifer Aguayo
John and Joanne Aher
Karen Aiello
Lina Aiello
Deb Akins
Pat Alaimo
Shawna Alaimo
Shirley Alaimo
Sandra Alanis
Angelina Alban
Barbara Alban
Suzanne Albanese
Enedelia Albarran
Jana Albert
Norma Albor
David Alden
Linda Alden
Jessica Alex
Bradley Alexander
Cynthia Alexander
Mohammad Ali
Israel Alicea
Kristian Allcroft
Elizabeth Allen
Marilyn Allen
Wesley Allen
Tonette Allmon
Myra Almaraz
Stella Almassian
Lori Aloisio
Patrick Aloisio
Louis Alonzo
Hannah Alterson
Anthony and Jayne Altimari
Rhonda Altman
Alto Vineyards, LTD
Alma Alvarez
Avah Alvarez
Beatrice Alvarez
Edith H Alvarez
Enrique Alvarez
Little Rick Alvarez
Jaclyn Alyea
Jean Alyea
Jim Alyea
Stefanie Alyea
Himelda Alyo
Natalie Amato-Zech
Betty Amato
Victor Amato
Marissa Ambrosio
Meg Amen
American Blue Ribbon Holdings, LLC
David Amram
Diane Amstutz
Donna Amundson
Bailey Anasenes
Branden Anasenes
Maddalyn Anasenes
Nicole Anasenes
Terri Anasenes
Carol Andersen
Kathy Andersen
Randy Andersen
Joseph Anderson Jr
Carilyn Anderson
Chuck and Dale Carol Anderson
David Anderson
Debbie Anderson
Greg Anderson
Jessica Anderson
Kaisa Anderson
Kieley Anderson
Lela Anderson
Lyle Anderson
Megan Anderson
Micae Anderson
Michael Anderson
Nicole Anderson
Margherita Andreotti
Ruth Andrew
Amanda Andrews
George Andrews
Joe Andrews
Melissa Andrews
Nicholette Andrews
Sharon Andrews
Linda Andruch
Angelina Angela
Lauren Angela
Alicia Angiulo
Frank Angiulo
Jody Annoreno
Amanda Anthony
Kozue Aochi
Brenda Aranda
Sylvia Arellano
Tracy Arendt
Bashkim Arifi
Carol Armour
John Armour
Jesse and Robbin Arnfelt
John Arnish
Cathy Arnold
Rebecca Arnold
Melissa Arquette
Michele Arrigo
Wayne Arrigo
Craig Arrigoni
Tracy Arvanites
Gerard Ascencio
Marlene Ascencio
Carol Ashman
Anna Aspi-Pura
Frank Assorgi
Kylene Assorgi
Assurance Agency, Ltd.
Michele Atchison
Scott and Becky Atlas
Kimberly Aubuchon
Josh Auchenbach
Garett Auriemma and Brenda Groeper
Amy Austin
Diana Aviles
Rudy Aviles
Robert and Maureen Avina
Susan Axelrod
Jacob Ayers
Sunny B
Lucy Badillo
Kim Badon
Raymond and Cynthia Badtke
Dorothy Bagley
Erin Bagley
Meghan Bagley
Terry Bagley
Jim Bagneschi
Kathy Bagneschi
Virginia Bagni
Robert Bagnuolo
James Bahcall
Roxane Baillet
Jennifer Bailye
Albert and Baime Baime
Karen Bair
Genella Bakas
Bakers Square
Roumen and Antoaneta Balabanov
Niki Baldassano
Barbara Baldini
The Baldwin Family
Lynelle Balediata
Katherine Ball
Maria Balourdos
Elise Balsamo
Lori Banach
John Bandy
Lindsey Bandy
Subir Banik
Bank of America
Irene Banks
Charles Baranowski
Sara Baratta
Bolas Barba
Lynn Barclay
Steve Barczak
Julie Barker
Traci Barnes
Maureen Barney
Caroline Barnwall
Carney and Patrice Barr
Eden Barragan
Maureen Barrett
Michelle Barrett
Sheila Barrett
Eric Barrette
Kevin Barron
Tracy Bartell
Angela Bartle
Michael and Rebecca Bartsch
Gail Basar
Connie Bashaw
Angela Basile
Denise Basile
Amanda Bass
Dorothy Battle
Nikki Battles
Gideon and Mindy Baum
Kathleen Bauman
Mary Lou Baumann
Brandon Bawel
Karen Bear
Benjamin and Elena Beatriz
Joseph Beatty
Ralph Beatty
Katie Beaumont
Joan Becker
Laura Becker
Heather Beckett
John Bee
Jennifer Beese
Larry and Peg Bell
Lindy Bell
Matthew Bell
Sheleene Bell
Lori Belluomini
Cathy Belmonte Newman
Roni Ben-David
David Bender
John and Lisa Benedeto
The Benes Family
Lynn Benesch
Angie Bengs
Melissa Benigno
Mariuxi Benitez
Michelle Benitez
Lisa Bennetts
Tom Benoit
Beth Benson
Jim Benson
John Benway
Patricia Benway
Sarah Benway
Keith Berchman
Mary Carol Berchman
Michael Berchman
Ellen Berg
Gary Berg
Jackie Berg
Katie Berg
Stephen and Meg Berger
Margaret Berglund
Glenn and Marilynn Bergmark
Addie Berk
Miriam Berkowitch
Adriana Bermeo
Eric and Paula Bermont
Ruth Bernard
Derek Berndt
Frieda Bernstein
Jennifer Bernstein
Jenny Berry
Patricia Berry
Angela Berryhill
Barbara Berryhill
Beverly Berryhill
Gregory and Ladonna Berryhill
Baiba Berzins
Ann Beteta
Christie Bethman
Larissa Bettenhausen
Robert Betts
Rochelle Beyda
Bob Bielanski
Stacey Biggs
Chad and Amy Bilski
Martha Bimschleger
Stella Binion
Ilan Binness
Zvi Binor
Joanne Biondi
Carol Birch
Celery Bitchida
Amy Biundo
Paul Bjekich
Sarah Bjornstad
Sandra Bjorum
Danielle Black
Jennifer Black
Karrie Blackburn
Robyn Blackford
Cynthia Blacklidge
Christi Blair
Katie Blair
Yvette Blakely-Alexander
Christina Blamire
Susan Blanchette
Mary Blanchflower
Randall Blankenhorn
John and Martha Blanton
Richard and Maria Blase
Douglas and Joanne Blatt
Cindy Blau
Melissa Bleichman
Rosemary Blessman
William and Carole Blocker
Laura Blogg
Nicole Blotnick
Katie Blum
Sonia Blum
Erica Blumberg
Rob Blumberg
Dan Blyth
Scott and Laura Boak
Dorathy Bobzin
Margaret Bogner
Terry and Susan Bohle
Andrew Bohmart
Christian and Mary Bohne
Dolores Boike
Joan Boike
Kristine Boike
Marguerite Boike
Michael Boike
Victor Boike
Maggie Bolenbaugh
Bolingbrook Fire Fighters Association
Daniel and Marjorie Bomben
The Bombens Family
Mary Bonen
Martha Bones
Emily Bonga
Michael and Kate Bonino
Andrea Bonkowski
Dena Bonnike
Matt Boothby
Isabella Borden
Tabitha Borden
Kim Borges
Natalie Borrini
The Bosak Family
Mellody Bose
Therese Botwinski
Andrea Boucher
Delbert Bowers
Ethan Bowman
Philip Boxall
Deanna Boyd
W. J. Douglass Boyd
Henri Boylan
Janet Bozza
Paul Brackemeyer
Dave Brackmann
Sarah Brackmann
Alpuche Brad
Ryan Bradford
Ben Bradley
Erin Bradley
Edward Branson
Sarah Branson
Bella Braun
Brenda Braun
Toby Braun
Bradford Bray
Colleen Bray
Jordan Bray
Maria Bray
Perry Bray
Sarah Bray
Terri Bray
William Bray
John Brazzale
Margaret Brejnak
Katie Brenghause
Daniel and Nicole Brennan
Mary Brennan
Jessica Bresnen
Sherry Brezina
D Bridge
Linda Bridgman
Aimee and Douglas Briles
Sharon Brill
Linda Brinker
Megan Briskey
Jackie Bristen
Nole Bristen
Kevin Brock
Kathy Brockhoff
Susan Brockway
Dawn Broers
Elizabeth Broers
Tom Broers
Rebecca Brogren
Marie Broniszewski
Jeff Bronswick
Ileana Brooks
Lynne Brooks
Tina Brooks
Valerie Broucek
Dawn Broughton
Allison Brower
Barbara Brown
Charles Brown
Courtney Brown
Deanna Brown
Dennis Brown
Dorothy Brown
Harper Brown
Lori Brown
Marlene Brown
Marshall Brown
Phoebe Brown
Mara Brucato-Colin
Kathleen Bruner
Rita Bruner
Melanie Brunkel
Becky Brunner
Charles and Anne Bruser
Douglas and Michelle Bruser
Amber Brutzkus
Patricia Bryant Allen
Gwen Bryant
Beverly Bryce
Gina Bryce
John and Lori Brzegowy
Allison Bubar
Barbara Bucaro
Catherine Bucaro
Madeline Bucheit
Brad Buckey
Brooke Budwick
Gary and Carrie Budwick
Holly Budwick
Matt Budwick
Tom Budwick
Bernadette Budz
Carole Buedel
Tiffany Bullard
Ruth Buntman
Kimberly Burch
Monica Burch
Kerry Burckart
Christine Burd
Lawrence Burge
Mary Burge
Chelsea Burgos
Denny Burke
John Burke
Kathy Burke
Lydia Burke
Meghan Burke
Michael Burke
Susan Burke
Dario Burks
Shamiese Burks
Brad and Karen Burmeister
Anne Burnett
Rachael Burnette
Kayla Burns
Patsy Burns
Trudi Burns
Christopher Burton
Peter Bury
Joe and Beth Busch
Amy Buscher
Lee Sr. and Debora Bush
Rufino Bustos Jr
Emily Butcher
Georgette Butler
Octavia Byars
Catherine Byrd
Lisa Byrne
Robin Byrne
Jacob Byrnes
Patti Byrnes
Mary Caban
Jillian Cabrera
Jack Cacioppo
Rebecca Cadena
Catherine Cagney
Colleen Cagney
Nicholas Cahill
Karen Calabrese
Christine Calace
Peggy Caldrone
Jami Cali
Cynthia Caliendo
Barrett Callaghan
Karen Callaghan
Mary Ellen Callaghan
Matthew Callaghan
Meghan Callaghan
Michael and Mary Callaghan
Mike Callahan
Richard Calland
Hilda Callison
Jose Calvo
Raquel Camacho
Carl and Jennifer Cameron
Caryn Camp
Chris Camp
Michael and Angelique Campagna
Jim and Dana Campbell
Marilyn Campbell
Susan Campbell
Jane Campeau
Jana Campise
Maryann Campisi
Sandy Canchola
Rob Canetta
Sarah Cannavino
Jennifer Cannon
Ramon Cantu Jr.
Michele Capanyola
John Cappiello and Leanne Fiet
Renee Caputo
Javier Cardona
Kelly & Sarah Cardwell
Julie Carey
Robert and Susan Carey
Veronica Cariveau
E.L. Carlberg
Nellie Carlos
Ann Carlson
Ken Carlson
Meredith Carlson
Greg Carney
Colleen Carolan
Linda Carollo
Mr. & Mrs. Carollo
Cara Carothers
Thomas and Janet Carpenter
Erin Carper
Emily Carr
Milijana Carral
Victor Carranza
Laurie Carrigan
Chely Carrillo
Martha Carrillo
Andi Carrino
Katherine Carroll
Lauren Carroll
Lori Carroll
Patrick Carroll
Louise Carrozza
Jr Carson
Katie Carson
Carthage Township Health Fund
Laurie Casas
Beverly Casey
Brianne Casey
Josephine Casey
Libbie Casey
Myah Casey
John Casperson
Mary Casperson
Pat Casperson
Clay Cassato
Cory Cassidy
Patti Cassidy
Anthony Castellano
Lisa Castello
Eric Castellucci
Angela Castillo
Danny Castillo
Jazmin Castillo
Maricel Castillo
Monica Castillo
Anthony Catania
Michael Catania
Patrick Catania
Raymond Catania
Sara Catania
Michele Cathey
Jack and Linda Cattero
Joseph Cavalier
Kathy Cavalier
Louis Cavalier
Nicholas Cavalier
Rosemary Cavalier
Edward Cavaliere
Carm Cavallaro Rongere
Donna Cavallaro
Debbie Cavanaugh
Elizabeth Cavanaugh
Kirsten Cecchin
Adele Centner
Lisa Centner
Pam Cerchio
Nick Cermak
Denise Cervantes
Anthony Cervini
Della Cesaretti
Frank Cesario
Gloria Cesario
Sally Cesario
Monica Chairez
Jake Chaitkin
John Chambers
David Chameli
Stephanie Chang
Jacklyn Chatou
Jimmy Chau
Kathleen Cheevers
Debra Chen
Rebecca Cherwin
Holly Cheslak
Wayne Chesson
Mary Lou Cheuvront
Wesley Chiasson
Justin and Jennifer Chibucos
Childrens Service, Inc.
Bryan Childress
Steven Chisnell
Ashlee Chivari
Vivian Chou
Barbara Christ
Cristy Christensen
Jackie Christian
Lene Christiansen
Michelle Christopher
Tatiana Christopher
Sue Cienkus
Donna Ciezki
John Cimino
Gregorio and Judy Cirone
Citizens for Gregory Harris
Greg and Karol Clapper
Staci Clapper
David Clark
Jeanne and Marguerite Clark
Katie Clark
Robert and April Clark
Margaret Clarkin
Mr. and Mrs. Claudio
Anita Clay
Monia Clay
Tom Cleary
Kerrie Cleve
Margie Cleveland
Jon Clopton
Jen Clum
CNA Foundation
Elizabeth Cochran
Marilyn Cocogliato
Judy Cody
Nancy Cody
Michael Cohan
Georgia Ann Cohen
David Cohn
Ali Cole
Shane and Amy Cole
Sharon Cole
Edward Coleman
Daniel Colin
Douglas Collins
Herbert and Aurea Collins
Joe Collins
Robert Collins
Beth Colodny
Comfort Services, Inc.
Ellen Compere
Computing Technology Industry
The Comsan Family
Esther Condro
Sean Conlon
John Connell
Mary Lou Connelly
Michelle Connelly
Jamie Conner
Joanne Conners
Linda Conoscenti
David and Joan Conover
Jim Conover
Megan Conquest
Niki Conrad
Joe Contorno
Romona Conversa
Erica Cook
Linda Cook
Amy Cooper
Armecia Cooper
Denise Cooper
Robyn Cooper
Betsy Corbett
Big Daddy Corbett
Cynthia Corbett
Joseph Corbett
Kevin Corbett
Patrick Corbett
Ava Corda
Jack Corda
Scott Corirossi
Maria Corral
Oscar Corral
Kelly Corrigan
Joan Cortez
Marc Cosentino
Leslie Coslet
Natalie Costa Lesny
Christa Costales
Robyn Costantini
Jill Costello
Jim Costello
Linda Costigan
Martina Costilla
Kenneth Coston
Matt Cotton
Frank Covello
Gail Cox
Jeremy Cox
Kate Cozzani
Bob Craig
James Craig
Michael Cramer and Harlene Ellin
Caren Crangle
Diane Crawford
Kathleen Crawford
Shawna Crawford
Stephanie Crawford
Marie Crebs
John and Angela Crilly
Jamie Crockett
Marty and Deb Cronberg
Buzz Croner
Jean Crowder
Carol Crowley
Dean and Gail Crue
Lucy Cruz
Ashley Cullen And Monir Sarkarati
Kim Cullen
Todd Cullen
Joseph and Jennifer Culotta
Michelle Cummings
Timothy Cunniff
Jon and Heather Cunningham
Linda Cunningham
Maren Cunnington
Jennifer Curgian
Tim Curran
Jimmy Currire
Michelle Curry
CUSD 200 Special Ed Teachers
Paulette Cushnier
Paul Cussen
Michael Cwik
Will Cwik
Michael Cybulski
Robin Cyr
Joey Czaja
Stan Czaja
John Czapkowicz and Morgan Murphy
Leonard Czapkowicz
D. M. and L. M.
Carl D’Amico
Bob and Diane D’Andrea
Susan Dahlstedt
Margie Dalcour
Dale Carol Anderson, LTD.
Peter and Teresa Daleske
Donna Dalton
Jill Dalton
Paul and Debbie Daly
Karen Damato
Anjanette Damman
Deanne Daneck
Heidi Daniels
Jacelyn Daniels
Joan Daniels
John Daniels
John and Sally Daniels
Kaitlyn Daniels
Sharon Daniels
Patricia Danko
Bryn Dannegger
Nancy Dano
Cheryl Danta
Helen Dantino
Lindsey Dantino
Nancy Dantino
Ralph Dantino
Russell and Dawn Danwin
Griffin Darby
Sarah Darby
Al and Karen Dargatz
William Darley
Marla Darman
Greg Dart
Karl and Geraldine Dash
Sandra Dave
Uday Dave
Shirley David
Gretchen Davidson
Stephanie Davidson
Nancy Davies
Courtney Davis
Jackson Davis
Casandra Dawe
Yendi De La Luz
Caryn De La Rosa
Betty De Leon
Lillian De Luna
Jordan De Shon
Lydia De Shon
Tyler De Shon
Beth Dean
Nailani Deaton
Nathalia Deaton
Frank Debartolo
Liza Debartolo
Maria Debartolo
Melissa Decabooter
Wayne Deese
Maria Rosaria Degirolamo
Michael and Pamela DeGregorio
The Degrush-Sacinskis Family
Constance Deja
Laura Dejmek
Sean Delahunty
Al and Deb Delcorse
Maria Delgado
Lisa Deliberto
Maria Demeas
Rod Demeny
Dawn Demien
Kellie Demik
Joe and Paula Dempsey
John and Marilyn Dempsey
Maureen Denhof
Linda Denhoff
Gale Dennison
Joseph Dennison
Randall Dennison
Sarah Dennison
Therese Deptula
Michelle Derosier
The Derouin Family
Randal and Heidi DeRousse
Vanessa Dettore
Elizabeth Devereux
Amanda Dezout
Catherine Dezout
Masood and Kerry Dhunna
Mark Diab
Ellis and Bonnie Diamond
Erika Diaz
Kathryn Dibadj
Kimberle Dibble
Ernest and Kathryn Dibenedetto
Patricia Dibenedetto
Milan Dickens
William Dieber and Sandra Prolman
Jessica Dietrich
Paul Digiacomo
Bart and Sandy Digiovanni
Greg Digles
Lisa Digles
Tara Dillinger
Marcie Dillon
Mike Dillon
Suzanne Dinardi
Michele Dinella
Dan Dinges
Donna Dinges
Ralph Dinges
Rachel Dinneen
Alyssa Diviero
Lori Diviero
Michael Diviero
Tony Diviero
Senita Dizdaric
John and Celia Dizonno
Mike Dizonno
Colleen Doherty
Teresa Doherty
Kevin Dolan
Marie Dolan
Caryn Dombro
Carla Dominguez
Kevin Dompke
Robert and Deborah Dompke
Colleen Donahue
Paul Donnelly
Maria Donovan
Daniel Dooley
Suzanne Doran
Toni Dorband
Amy Dordek
Fred and Mary Dornback
Pamela Dorne-Ayres
Neil Doruff
Stacie Doublin
John Douglas
Brad Downey
Michele Downey
Robert Downey
Joel Downing
Kim Downing
Gianna Doyle
Leslie Doyle
Molly Drescher
Lisa Drew
Courtney Drey
Rhona Driggs
Mike Drop
Alex Drott
Becky Drummond
Frances Dubrock
Sue Dudek
Kenneth and Carolyn Dudkowski
Mary Duffy
Mike Dugger
Edward Duglow
Elise Duguay
Debra Duke
Helen Dukhan
Bonnie Duncan
David and Kimberly Duncan
Holl Duncan
Virginia Duncan
Moira Dunn
Debra Dunne
John Dunne
Kelly Dunne
Megan Dunne
Annette Dupre
Danilo Duran
Lisa Durham
Eric Dusch
Katarina Dutra
Pamela Duzakowitcs
Laura Duzan
Eileen Dvorak
Jane Dweck
Jane Dweckl
Chris Dwyer
Lynn Dwyer
Jesica Dy
Arthena Dye
Liz Dynowski
Valerie Eagle
Carole Ealy
Michael Early
East High School Of Aurora
East Park Elementary
David Eaton
Stephanie Eaton
Joe Eberle
Jessica Eckmayer
Janis Edelheit
Amy Edgar
Andrew Edgar
Mary Edmeier
Ronald Edwards Jr
Christopher Edwards
Lawrence Edwards
Mary Edwards
Stephanie Edwards
Sueellen Edwards
Terri Edwards
Valencia Edwards
Robert Egel
Jacqueline Eggleston
Danny Egnash
Irwin Ehrlich
Roberta Eisenberg
Phil Elbling
Annette Elder
Neko Elizondo
Tracy Elliott
Aubrey Ellis
Christi Ellis
Ralph Elwell
Todd Embury
Jamie Ende
Kurt Ende
Elaine Engel
Ronald and Pam Engel
Kimberly Engelhardt
Shane and Stephanie Engels
Sydney Engelsman
Arlene Englander
Joseph and Lisa English
William Engmann
Javier Enriquez
Mikee Entona
Kelly Epstein
Sarka Eraneva
Colbin Erdahl
Nancy Erdmann
Aimee Ergas
John and Gail Erickson
Ken Erickson
Mary Erickson
Renee Erickson
Eric Ericson
Allan Erlandson and Lisa Berich-
Catherine Ann Erpelo
Cathy Erway
Ellen Erway
Tina Erway
Erin Espeland
Rodolfo Espinosa
Nicole Espinoza
Flor Esquivel-Benitez
Don and Beth Esser
Patricia Esslinger
Anthony Esteban
Kaylani Esteban
Paige Evangelista
Jane Evans
Tami Evans
Amy Everett
William Fagan Jr
Lisa Fagan
Dale Fahnstrom
Marilee Fahrenbach
Kenneth Fairman
Larry and Ann Faith
Adrian and Donna Falbo
Holly Falk-Krzesinski
Donna Falk
Kimberly Falk
Jennifer Fangmann
Nancy Fanning
Margaret Farago
Diana Farias
Karen Farinella
Nicole Farinella
Martin and Eva Farkas
Patti Farlee
Patrica Farley
Tim Farley
William and Victoria Farley
Roderick and Cecilia Farrar
Teena Farris
John Farritor
Bill Fates
Tyler Fates
Steve and Nadine Fatora
Dennis Favale and Mona Cataluna
Cristina Favia
Josephine Favia
Tamara Fedczyna-Kulba
The Feder Family
Tommy Fedrigon
Nicole Fegan
George and Esther Feinberg
Erin Fekete
Chris Felderman
Anne Marie Felix
Sarah Fell
Stacy Fell
Dave Feller
Susan Fellios
D.C. Felman
Melissa Felman
Rebecca Felman
Richard and Norine Fendrych
Joseph Fenner
Jen Fenster
Lisa Ferbracke
Amy Ferguson
Heather Ferguson
Krista Ferguson
Anthony Ferino
Ashley Ferkovich
Brenda Ferkovich
Jean Ferkovich
John Ferkovich
George Ferrante
Julie Ferree
Andrea Ferrso
Kim Fiedler
Martin Field
Leslie Fields
Sheil Fierros
Tracy Fiese
Tom Figarelli
Ramon Figueroa
Michael Filerman
Anna Filipski
Rebecca Fincher
Christopher Findysz
George and Mary Fink
Kenny Finke Jr
Abbey Finke
Bill and Ruth Finke
Kenneth Finke, Sr
Kenny Finke, Jr
Pamela Finke
Sara Finke
Rachael Finkel
Terry and Nancy Finkel
Melinda Finkral
Laura Finnegan
David Fireside
Susan Fireside
Kelly First
Breanne Fisher
Alan Fishman
Rebecca Fishman
Nick Fitkas and Taylor Nora
Heather Fitzgerald-Stade
Alissa Fitzgerald
Collins and Mary Fitzpatrick
Jeanine Fitzpatrick
Lawrence and Annemarie Fitzpatrick
John and Debbie Flader
Stanley and Anna Flader
Anna Jean Flanagan
Dennis and Leslie Flanagan
Nancy Fleming
Joanne Fleshman
Aaron and Estevan Flores
Angelica Flores
David Flores
Monica Flores
Ruby Flores
Wendy Flores
Laura Floretta
Sylvia Floretta
Jenni Florian
Linda Florian
Brendan Flynn
Donny Flynn
Katie Flynn
Kelly Flynn
Shannon Flynn
Susan Flynn
Janet Focosi
John Focosi
Stephanie Fodor
Kendra Fogarty
James Fogerty
Jimmy and Kimmy Fogerty
Pat Fogerty
Tim Fogerty
Jeannine Folan
James Foley
Lauren Fontana
Peter Foote
Jodi Foran
Gail Forberg
Jennilyn Foronda
Susan Forss
Andrew Fortin
Carolyn Fortin
Daniel Fortin
Kevin Fortin
Kristine Fosbinder
Peter Fountotos
Norah Fournier
Paul Fournier
Daniel and Pamela Fowler
Lisa Fowler
Claudia Fox
William and Betty Fox
Cathy Foy
Ryan Fraher
William Frampton
Cindy Franceschini
Holly Francis
Betty Frangella
Annette Frank
Christine Frank
Frank’s Employment, Inc.
Stephanie Frankel
Allen and Patricia Frankovich
Thomas Frankowicz
Michael Frantz
Nicole Frantz
Sally Franz
Dave Fraser
John and Susan Fraser
Rosa Frausto
Lisa Fredette
David Freeman
Larry Freeman
Melody Freeman
Rhea Freeman
Jesse Freese
Megan Frei
Douglas and Valerie French
Adam Freund
Dana Freund
Stanley Freund
Zach Freund
Bernardina Fricano
Salvatore Fricano
Susanna Fricano
Jane Fridrick
Fred and Loriann Friedl
Jodi Friedman
Tami Friedman
Jeff Friend
Arthur Frigo
Adam Frommelt
Sheena Frydrych
Gabriel and Patricia Fuentes
Joanna Fuka
Dennis and Kelly Fuller
Peter and Marsha Fuller
Kelly Fulscher
David Fulton
Laura Fulton
Staci Fulton
Robert and Jane Funk
Robert and Frances Funston
Katy Furton
Jill Futransky
Futures Unlimited, Inc.
Joseph Fye
Sean Gaddis
Trevor Gaddis
Deanna Gage
Marilyn Gagnon
Julie Gahlbeck
Lorinda Gahlbeck
Dan Gaibel
Linda Gaibel
Danielle Gaimari
Penny Gaimari
Dean and Christine Galanopoulos
Meghan Galbreath
Kristina Galla
Brian Gallagher
Ember Gallagher
Martin and Helen Gallagher
Matt Gallagher
Peg Gallagher
Peggy Gallagher
Timothy Gallagher
Ed Gallo
Tiffany Galmari
Porfirio Galvez
Elizabeth Galvin
Theresa Gamberale
Julie Gana
Karen Gana
Robert and Deborah Gana
William and Alexis Gannon
Eric Ganz
Sigrid Garavito
Adriana Garcia
Alicia Garcia
Aliya Garcia
Anaya Garcia
Edgar Garcia
Estela Garcia
Hector Garcia
Hortencia Garcia
Laura Garcia
Yiselle Garcia
Thomas Garden
Patricia Gardner
Paul Gargano
Irena Garic
Joseph Garnett
Ed and Monica Garofalo
Melissa Garrigan
Tom Garritano
Mary Garst
Adrian Garza
Carmen Garza
Genaro Jr. and Michele Garza
Guadalupe Garza
Juan Garza
Lee Gaston
Deb Gates
Charles Gattone
Elizabeth Gattone
Frank and Jean Gattone
Katie Gattone
Philip Gattone
Diane Gaudreau
Joseph Gaudreau
Ken Gaudreau
Douglas and Laura Gavigan
Jennifer Gawel
Nate Gawel
Paul and Pamela Geallis
Eamon Geary
Janice Gedmin
Katherine Gehl
Bryan Gehrling
Trey Gehrt
Sandor Geiger
Hal and Linda Geiser
John Geiser
Stephen Genovese
Susan Genson
Carol George
Flora George
Thomas George
Ann Geraci
Elizabeth Gerard
Richard Gerard
Laura Gerstner
Get Stirred Up
Amy Getz
Melissa Ghera
Brittany Giametta
Beth Giammarino
Jennifer Giangrande (Cavalier)
Dominic Giangrande
Jessica Giangrande
Sara Giangrande
Frank and Bonnie Gianpetro
Julie Gibbons
Matthew Gibbs
Kyle Gibson
Kimberly Giet
Michele Gil
Maureen Gildea
Tim Gilkison
Kevin Gillihan
Barbara Gironda
Laura Gironda
Elizabeth Givens
Alec Gizzi
Annamarie Gladkowski
James and Barbara Glore
Robin Gloss
Kathleen Glosson
Debbie Glowacki
Daniel and Jane Glynn
Barbara Goff
Angela Goffrier
Sarah Gojdas
Salmon and Judy Goldberg
Abigail Golde
Tom Golden
Beth Goldman
Esther Goldman
Jo Ann Goldman
Lorelei Goldman
Mara Goldman
Michael and Veronica Goldman
Peter and Carol Goldman
Brad Goldstein
Becky Jo Goldyn
Emily Gomez
Janetza Gomez
Jessica Gomez
Elizabeth Gomorczak
Natalya Goncharov
Blanca Gonzalez
Gabriela Gonzalez
Gloria Gonzalez
Gus Gonzalez
Jocelyn Gonzalez
Laura Gonzalez
Lou and Renee Gonzalez
Lucy Gonzalez
Marisol Gonzalez
Mellissa Gonzalez
Nestor Gonzalez
Nicole Gonzalez
Bailey Goodman
Beth Goodman
Bob Goodman
Kristin Goodman
Tami Goodman
Will Goodman
Goodrich School Organization
Goodrich School Social Fund
Paxton Goodwine
Gary Gordon
Vallerie Gordon
Arna Gorender
David Gorka
Karen Gorman
Shanna Goronson
Robin Gosse
Marilyn Gosz
Sarah Gottesman
Bernie Goulet
GPC Sales, Inc.
David Graham
Roberta Graham
Edith Graikowski
Adam Grais
Eileen Gramlich
William Gramlich
Grand Dental Associates PC
Cindia Grant
Deann Grant
Kyle Grant
Meagan Grant
Bonnie Graving
Lou and Rita Graving
Vicki Gravitt
Debra and William Gray
Melissa Gray
Em Green
Kristen Green
Nicole Green
Sherri Green
Caron Greenan
S Greene
William Gries
Christopher Griesmeyer
Jaymi Griesmeyer
The Griffin Family
Becky Griffin
Mary Ellen Griffin
Robert Griffith
Susan Griffith
Brad Griglione
Kelly Griglione
Mary Jo Grill
Patty Grill
Penny Grill
Sharon Grill
Vickie Grimm
Robert and Marcia Grisanzio
Elizabeth Grom
Randy and Nicole Gross
Laura Grossi
Holly Grosso
Grove Lodge #824 AF&AM
Wendy Gruber
Amy Gruden
Mark Grzywa
John and Cynthia Gubricky
Mary Guerino
Casey Guerra
Megan Guerra
Ruth Guerra
Julio Guevara
Jonathon Guff
Autry Guilbeaux
Barbara Guilbeaux
Elena Gulino
John Gulino
Karen Gunerman
Megan Gunnink
Rose Gurse
Alan and Ann Gustafson
Annemarie Gutchewsky
Eric Guthman
Rick and Andrea Guthmann
Joanne Guthrie-Gard
Josefin Guthrie
Karen Guthrie
Efrain Gutierrez
Esmerelda Gutierrez
Rodolfo Gutierrez
Andrea Gutilla
Medeny Guy
Teresa Guymon
Carmen Guzman
Christine Guzman
Janice Gyurnek
Debbie Haack
Rick Haas
Holli Habib
Carol Ann Hagemann
Jennifer Hager
Margaret Hagerman
Pam Hagey
Emily Hague
Ally Hahn
Andrew Hahn
Andy and Kris Hahn
Kristine Hahn
Nancy Hahn
V. Haish
Jon and Cynthia Hallas
Leila Halperin
Todd Halsted
J Ham
Sherry Hamaker
Gina Hamann
Jalaine Hamann
Jeffrey Hamann
John Hamann
Julie Hamann
Katie Hamann
Brian Hamill and Ellen Slezak
Scott and Linda Hamill
Sherry Hamilton Webb
Gary Hamilton
Kathleen Hamilton
Nancy Hamilton
Emma Hammer
Lisa Hammer
Michael Hammer
Mitzi Hamp
Sharon Hampton
Meghan Hancher
Neil and Leila Handelman
Kenneth Handley
Michael Hanley
Nora Hanlon
Catherine Hanna
Joanne Hansen
Rose Hanzes
Edward and Kathleen Haraburda
Paul and Kara Harada
Julie Harp
David Harris
Paul and Mary Harris
Jeff Harrison
Jenna Harrison
Bob and Stephanie Hart
Kathryn Hart
Laura Hart
John Hartford
Lawrence Hartl
Michael Hartl
Trisha Hartmann
Katie Haskins
Robert and Peggy Hatch
Kim Haugen
Lisa Haukedahl
Michel Hauser
Heidi Hausermann
Fred Hausman
Michael Havansek
Bernadette Hawk
Donna Hawkins
Bradley and Adriana Hay
Stephanie Hay
Sarah Hayes
Lori Hayman
Deborah Head
Michael Healy
Patrick Healy
Stephanie Healy
Mark Hebbeln
Maurice Hebert
Patrick Heffernan
Doris Heger
Thomas Hehr
Jessica Heide
James and Martha Heideman
Lisa Heilenbach
Lynda Heilenbach
Shannon Heilman
Lindsey Heimerle
Amanda Heinemann
Jason Heisler
Diane Helland
Jerald Helland
Kathlean Heller
Susan Heller
Amber Hellmann
Catherine Henchek
Brett Henderson
Jodi Henderson
Cassandra Hendrix
Roxanne Hendrix
Elvia Heneghan
Megan Heneghan
Dan and Jan Henkel
Kenneth and Karen Hennig
Diane Henning
Chuck Henry
David and Deborah Henry
Tiffany Henschel
Robert and Rosemary Heritage
Armando Hernandez
Fred Hernandez
Gabriel Hernandez
Michael Hernandez
Ricardo Herrera
Ashyla Herring
Holly Herrington
Melanie Herrmann
Pam Herstein
Rachel Herstein
Richard Herstein
Rick Herstein
Chris (Murphy) Hertz
Jaclyn Hertz
Charles Hessing
Gillian Hessing
James Hessing
Sandra Hessing
Nancy Hetzel
Bonnie Heydorn
Leslie Heydorn
Munn Heydorn
Ashley Hicks
Moira Higgins
Brett Hill
Joy Hill
Kayla Hill
Robert and Mildred Hill
Robert and Wanda Hill
Jacquie Hilliard
William Hillier
Cheryl Hillmert
William Hills
Steve Hillstrom
Robert Hilsabeck
Ryan Hilsabeck
Jessica Hiltner
Katie Hinkle
Melissa Hinze
Steve Hinze
Beverly Hlavka
Ed Hlavka
Gina Hnatiuk
Dennis Ho
Leo and Carol Hodes
W. Bruce Hoekema
Susan Hoerter
Paul Hoffman
Thea Hoffman
Mabel Hofreiter
Philip Hogg and Margaret Murninghan
Sandra Hogins
Carla Hojnacki
Jean Hojnacki
John Hojnacki
Laura Hojnacki
Michele Hojnacki
Stephen and Betty Hoke
Abbie Holaway
Elisabeth Holaway
Rachel Holaway
Jamie Holben
Avery Holden
David Holder
Hilda Holguin
Rosie Holguin
Norman and Barbara Hollenberg
Tammy Hollingsworth
Travon Hollis
Donald Hollstein
Liz Holm
Deborah Holman
Luann Holmes
Jan Holowicki
Daniel Hong and Jane Cooper
Jean Hooks
Dale and Sherry Hoots
Alec Hopmayer
Marlene Hopmayer
The Horan Family
Wesley Horeni
Joe and Dee Horky
Mary Horn
Richard Horn
David Hornbaker
Maranda Horning
Jeff Horowitz
Barbara Horvatin
Hagop Hosepian
Scott Hosford
Hospira Employee Giving Campaign - Foundation Match
Laura Hough
Lois Householder
Sue Houser
Gabi Houston
Jessica Hoversen
Jane Howard
Joyce Howard
Tom Howard
Vicki Howe
Jen Hoyt
Shannon Hruza
Joe Hubanks
Carmelina Hudson
Holly Hudson
Jason Huffman and Leigh Ann Moore
Megan Hughes
Susanna Hughes
Timothy Hughes
Annabelle Hull
Patricia Hull
Minerva Hulsart
Rebecca Humann
Bruce Humbert
Laurene Humbert
Abbey Humphrey
Arlene Hunter
Jenny Hunter
Jo Hunter
Jennifer Hurd
Linda Hurst
Terry Hurst
Lauren Hurt
Rita Hurts
Edward Husayko
Judy Huske
John Huston
Kyra Hutchison
Robert Hutchison
Melissa Hutton
Tanya Huver
Jenifer Hyde
Fran Hyland
IBM Employee Services Center
Udho Igwe
Dominique Iida
Luke Iida
Nancy Iida
Steve and Kris Iida
Yim Iida
Abigail Iniguez
Elida Iniguez
Griselda Iniguez
Vicente Iniguez
Luis Iniguez
Omar Iniguez
Vicente Iniguez
Dawn Ioriatti
Brenda Irwin
Suzanne Isenberg
Melissa Iserloth
Peter Ivanovich
Beverly Ivins
Cyril and Sally Jablo
Corinne Jacker
Anita Jackson
Colleen Jackson
Jamie Jackson
Jim Jackson
Joyce Jackson
Lue Jackson
Patrice Jackson
Jennifer Jacobsen
Linda Jacobsen
Julie Jacobson-Ruby
Carole Jacobson
Mark Jacobson
Thomas Jacobson
Adam Jaffe
Raymond and Marianne Jagert
Kevin Jakubauskas
Tim Jakubowski
Kathy James
Shirley Janczy
Elizabeth Janicek
Ingrid Jansson
Jorge and Regalle Jaramillo
Gary Jasutis
Samuel Jasutis
William Jasutis
Kathy Javers
Chris Jawor
Thea Jeanne
Eric Jelen
Laura Jelen
Pradeep Jella
David Jenen
Kezia Jenkins-Foster
Susan Jenks
Elia Jensen
John Jerak
Jim and Laurie Jerue
David Jeselski
Cindy Jeske
Hannah Jett
Cindy Jezuit
M.G. Jimenez
Maria Jimenez
Dennis Johanson
Erika Johanson
Steve Johanson
Bonnie Johnson Civins
Charles Johnson
Dolcye Johnson
Doug Johnson
Ed Johnson
Genesis Johnson
George Johnson
Jacob Johnson
Jason Johnson
John Johnson
Karen Johnson
Leslie Johnson
Mandy Johnson
Patricia Johnson
Patty Johnson
Thomas Johnson
Nathan Johnston
Richard and Karen Johnston
Cordella Jones
David and Betty-Jane Jones
Diana and Charles Jones
Ina Jones
Jill and Glenn Jones
Nancy Jones
Sharon Jones
Ann Jordanich
Chris and Jan Joseph
Julie Josler
Jeff Jovien
Lois Joyce
Michael Joyce
JPMorgan Chase & Co.
Danny Juarez
Nicole Juhl
Brittany Junkins
Tyler Junkins
Marilyn Jurgovan
Darin Justus
Jacqui Justus
Isadore and Dorothy Kacsh
Tami Kadera
Kelly Kahlau
Harvey Kahler
Ada Kahn
Steven Kahn
Michael Kalke
Sunita Kamboj
Sassy Kamin
Ronald Kaminski
Sharie Kaminski
Kelly Kamowski
Roberta Kamp
Erika Kane
Kendall Kane
Sherry Kane
Judy Kang
Amy Kannegiesser
Judy Kannenberg
Sophia Kannenberg
Andres and Hilary Kanner
Deanna Kanosky
Jessica Kant
Patricia Kant
Sarah Kant
Daniel Kaplan
Heather Kaplan
Morris and Judith Kaplan
Suzanne Kaplan
Marc Kaplanes
Irene Kapusciarz
Patricia Kapust
Tegan Kapustka
Alexis Kara
Deborah Kara
Jim and Janet Karabas
Dina Karant
Amy Karolewicz
Sylvia Karpinski
Jared Karstetter
Terry Kartheiser
Cheri Kasella
Barbara Kaspar
John Kasper
Bassel Kassas & Deborah Blunt
Linda Kastler
Adam Katavich
Stephen Katz
Anara Katzman
Andy Katzmann
Rachel Katzmann
Mary Kaufman
Nancy Kavanagh
Stacy Kazimer
Tiffany Kazlauskas
Keagan Cummings Family
Robert Keating
Roger & Sally Keding
Bryan Kehoe
John and Jenifer Kehoe
Catherine Keifer
Janet Keinath
Loretta Keizer
Heather Keker
Alicia Kekic
Joel Kekic
Kevin and Jennifer Kekic
Matthew Kellas
Lisa Keller-Duran
Doris Keller
Susan Kelliher
James and Patricia Kelly
Jennifer Kelly
Kent Kelly
Mary Kelly
Pat and Oona Kelly
Kathleen Kelsheimer
Allen and Carla Kelson
Adam Kemp
Ronald and Nancy Kemp
Travis Kemp
Tom Kemperas
Jill Kenealy
Erin Kennealy
Colleen Kennedy
Kathy Kennedy
Lucy Kennedy
Micki Kennedy
Kathleen Kent
Barbara Khalouf
Chris and Debbi Khayat
Hazel Khin
Douglas Kieso
Allison Kikkert
Jodi Kikkert
Sam Kikkert
Sharon Kilburg
Jolene Killian
Mindy Kimmel
Teresa Kincaid
Beth Kindregan Donovan
John Kiney
Kathleen King Singleton
Ashley King
Jillian King
Karen King
Shaun King
Tina Kingery
Karen Kinsella
Demian Kircher
Katie Kirchgessner
Michael and Mary Ann Kirchoff
Bradley Kisner
Laura Kittredge
J.D. Klaus
Amy Klein
Jeanette Klein
John Klein
Jeremy Kleinman
Linda Klepp
Sara Klepp
Terry Klepp
Scott Klespitz
Donald Kleyweg
Keli Kliebhan
Chris Klimek
Eugene Klimek
Gene Klimek
Paul Klocek
C Kloster
Maddy Kloster
Richard Kloster
Christiane Knapp-Andrews
Janna Knapp
The Knell Family
Bradley Knell
Charles and Nancy Knight
John Knizner
Lindsay Knorps
Ryoko Kobayashi
Dana Kobliska
Pauline Koch
Wesley Kochan
James Kochanny
Sarah Koehn
Marcia Koenen
Cory and Louis Koepel
Sandy Kofkin
Marv Kogan
Craig and Karen Koht
Kathy Kokkinos
Kate Kollar
Ron Kolman
Shirisha Kommu
Marian Komorowski
Patricia Konigsberg
Susan Koonce
Craig Koop
David Kopach
Donald Kopec
John and Vickie Kopplin
Jan Koranda
Joyce Koretke
Dan Korntheuer
M & B Korntheuer
Mathias Korntheuer
Stephanie Korntheuer
Kathy Korsch
Leroy Kos
Lina Kotlyar
Joe Kotowski
Lauren Koudelka
Lorrie Kovac
Bryan Kowalski
Tammy Kowalski
Matthew Kozak
Jim Kozar
Mary Kozi
Joseph Koziol
Kristen Krajewski
Meri Krajovski
Edward Kramer
Andrea Krawczyk
Audra Krebs
Jennifer Krikava
Amanda Krischke
Robert and Diana Kritzer
Robert and Lisbeth Krogman
Jeff Kroll
Stella Kroll
Jason Kronberg
Randa Kronberg
Mary Pat Krones
Karen Kroon-Harris
Randy Kroszner
Bruce and Virginia Krueger
Cheryl Krugler
Donald and Margaret Kruse
Jennifer Kruse
Rickie Kruzel
Chris Kubiak
Litsa Kubiak
Sasha Kucera
Harold Kudan
Jeremy Kudan
Bill Kugelberg
Don and Vicki Kugelberg
Leroy Kuhlin
Mike Kuhlin
Nichole Kuhlin
Sharon Kuhlin
Steven Kuhlin
Whitney Kuhlin
Megan Kuhn
Mike and Susan Kuhn
Jim and Lisa Kuiper
Colleen Kujak
Lawrence Kujovich
Robert Kujovich
Susan Kujovich
Edward and Josephine Kurek
Henry Kurek
Larry Kuznicki
Renata Lach
Carole Lackowski
Bruce Lacy
Kristin Lacy
Marilyn Laffoon
Carlos Lagunas
Diana Lagunas
Noel Lagunas
Daniel Lahey
Christine Laing
Kim Lamberg
Kathy Lamendola
Rich Lamm
Chad Lamont
Marcia Lamoureux
Philip Landers
Heather Landrus
Nikki Lane
Jo Lange
Christina Langford
Meldan Langford
Liz Langill
Lincoln and Alisha Langos
Min Langos
Doyle and Jill Lanphere
Dan Lantvit
Ann Marie LaPointe
Gretchen Larkin
John Larkin
Jack Larocca
Joseph Larson
Ralph Larson
Joanne Larussa
Carol Lasswell
Tamara Latham
Gladdies Lathrop
Keith Latz
Keith Lau
Maureen Laubach
Brenda Laughery
Kimbery Laugtug
Tiffany Lauria
Jennifer Laurinaitis
Dawn Lauryn
Denny Lawlor
Eileen Lawlor
Ann Lawrence
Greg and Debbie Lay
The Lazzara Family
Ginny Lazzara
Rick Lazzari
LB Steel, LLC
Peter and Amy Leadstrom
Natalie Leahy
Terence and Polly Leahy
Learning Express
Anna Lee
Marlene Lee
Scott Lee
Mark and Angela Leeser
Eric and Nancy Leggett
Daniel and Vickey Lehar
Brenda Leighton
Jon Leiman
Kerry Leiman
Michael Lemon
Julia and Edward Lems
Barbara Lenihan
Jennifer Lenihan
Edward Lenio
William Leonhard
David LePoire
David and Eileen Lepoire
Craig Lerner
Nicholas Leroy
Sharon Leslie
Cindy Less
Clara Less
Katie Less
Suzanne Lessin
David and Cynthia LeTourneau
Larry Letto
Dorothy Letzter
Joshua Letzter
Meredith Leuck
Gina Leuer
David Leung
Peter Leung and Krystal Sampson
Brian and Debbie Levay
Kevin Leverence
Bonnie Levin
Michael Levine
Andrew Levitt
Sally Levy
Stephen Levy
Josh Lewis
Tina Lewis
Alejandro Leza
Jenny Li
Jacki Liautaud
Adam Lieberman
Adrienne Light
Jade Light
Ron Ligocki
Celine Lillie
Jennifer Lincicome
Katie Lind
Steven and Linda Lindeen
Mary Lindgren
Kim Lindstrom
Christine Lingar
Theresa Lingar
Phyllis Lingenfelser
Richard Lingenfelser
Susan Lingle
Sonia Lingner
Tracey Lio
Jill Lipnisky
Adele Lippitt
Anna Lisby
Sam Lisby
Trish Lisby
Jeff and Lourdes Lischett
Larry Lister
Thea Little
Emanuel and Bernice Litvin
Laurie Livingston-Irwin Family
Julie Livingston
Sharon Livingston
John Lobo
Ralph Lobodzinski
Duane Locher
Margaret Loeffler
David Loffredo and Heidi Hartmann
Alyson Lofthouse
Wayne and Patricia Lofthouse
Janet Lohse-Morgan
William Lohse
Alan and Barbara London
Cricia Long
David Long
Dawn Long
Greg Long
Marilyn Long
R. Long
Steve Long
Lisa Longacre
Roger and Mary Loomis
Jason Lopata
John and Jodi Loper
Monica Lopez-Morales
Betty Lopez
Caritina Lopez
David Lopez
Gladys Lopez
Gretchen Lopez
Ines Lopez
Javier Lopez
Jessica Lopez
Jose Lopez
Leslie Lopez
Lia Lopez
Marissa Lopez
Peter Lopez
Uvaldo Lopez
Veronica Lopez
Bennie Loro
Eva Loseth
Jessica Lossman
Harry Loucks
Dana Loughlin
Patrick Loughlin
Catherine Lovitsch
Bobby and Cheryl Lowe
Melanie Lowe
Ken Lowenberg
Mark and Leanne Lowenthal
Susan Lucas
Krystal Luce
Beth Lucera
Joyce Lucera
Amy Ludwig
Bernadette Ludwikowski
Kimberly Ludwikowski
Stan Ludwikowski
Michael Lugowski
Michael Lukas
Rene Lukaszewski
The Lukov Family
Brian and Jennifer Lunt
Joan Luoma
Joseph Lureau
Douglas Luster
Karen Luster
Shannon Luster
Mitchell Luszczyk
Reg Lyell
Peter and Marie Lykos
Aaron and Beth Lyons
Bogdant and Inessa Lysenko
Jonathan Lythcke
Beth Maas
Robert Macarthur
Gordon Maccracken
Mathew MacCumber and Judith Weinstein
Ryan Mack
Susie Mack
Micheal Macken
Alec Mackenzie
Susanne Madden
Marquice Maeweather
James Maggio
Gregory Maglaya
Leslie Maguire
Eileen Maher
Kara Maher
Marshall and Vicki Mahler
David and Kristine Mahon
Brian Mahoney
Dave Mahoney
Jennifer Mahoney
Judy Mahoney
Karen Mahoney
Liam Mahoney
Lisa Mahoney
Nancy Mahoney
Richard Mahoney
Jackie Maiden
Jay Majewicz
Nancy Major
Dmitriy Makhovik
Jason Malartsik
Laura Malartsik
Mary Ann Malartsik
Jennifer Malec
Donna Mallo
Kelly Maloney
Janice Mamminga
Cheryl Manade
Lan Manalo
Kim Mandekich
Sue Manganiello
Charyn Manietta
Andrew and Amy Manion
Charles Mann
Terry Mann
Betty Manna
Nichole Manning
Alexis Mansfield
Benetta Mansfield
Leslie Mansfield
Seymour and Susan Mansfield
Kevin and Karen Mantz
Scott Mantz
Billy Manuel
Joe Manzzullo
Danny Marchiori
Ginamarie Marcin
Barbara Marcus
Barry Marcus
Darlene Marek
Joseph Marek
Laura Marek
Matt Marek
Nancy Marek
Bernice Margolis
Jena Maric
Sado Marinovic
Lauren Mariuchi
Nina Markgraff
Wayne Markgraff
Anthony Marnell
Timothy and Maryanne Marr
Mary Beth Marro
Jessica Marsh
Frank Marshall
Melissa Marshall
Richard Marsik
Betty Martin
Caitlyn Martin
Eileen Martin
Emily Martin
George Martin
Gerri Martin
Jeremy Martin
Joellen Martin
Nancy Martin
Nikki Martin
Quentin Martin
Ron Martin
Sharon Martin
Bobby Martinez
Heather Martinez
Leticia Martinez
Nancy Martinez
Oscar Martinez
Paul Martinez
Tina Martinez
Veronica Martinez
Scott Marvel
Mr. & Mrs. Marwitz
Maryanne Marymont
Geertruida Marzaroli
Angela Marzullo
Monique Masghati
Negeen Masghati
Dawn Mashayekhi
Linda Mashek
Joseph Maslak and Jeanette Valentin
James Mason
Paul Mason
Shelby Massaro
Travis Mastroddi
Susan Mathews
Caroline Mathison
Marcia and Jeffrey Matson
Haresh Matta
Aimee Mattes
Nancy Mattes
John and Lisa Matthews
Mashuska Matthews
David and Dawn Matuzewich
Bridget Matzdorf
Eric Mauch
Patricia Mautner
Cecilia Maxham
Jonathan Maxwell
Al May
Renata Mayfield
Wayne Mayfield
Joseph Mazza
Kevin Mazzarella
Ron Mc Cue
Ryan Mc Murray
Maureen McAndrew
Carrie Mcateer-Fournier
Katie McAteer
Owen and Rosalie McAteer
Dinorah McBride
Benny Mcburney
Brian McCabe
Deborah McCabe
Maryann McCabe
Lynn McCann
Jason McCauley
Tim McCauley
Marjorie McCaw
Nicole Mcclay
Clare Mccloskey
Ellen Mccloskey
Kathleen Mccloskey
Margaret McCloskey
Paul Mccloskey
Ron McConville
Becky McCormack
Tom McCormack
Donna McCormick
Robert and Barbara McCormick
Danny McCoy
Dylan Mccoy
Philoniese McCray
Barbara McCue
Brenda McCue
Judy McCue
Randy McCue
Ron McCue
Robert and Heidi McDermott
Bruce McDonald
Mary McDonald
Paul McDonald
E Joseph McDonnell
John and Carol McDonough
Erin McDowell
Jennifer McEvoy
Kyle McFarren
David and Molly McGinley
Bridget McGoldrick
McGrath Acura
Maragret McGrath
Amy McGuire
Maria McGuire
Martin McGuire
Maureen McIntyre
Ralph McKee
Kevin McKelvie
Tami Mckenna
Steven McKenzie
Mary McKevitt
The Mckey Family
Leslie Mckillop
John and Nicole McKinnon
Ben Mclaughlin
Lauren Mclaughlin
Susan McLean
Christine Mclinden
Darcy Mclinden
Kevin Mclinden
Maggie Mclinden
Patrick McManamon
Len Mcmillan
Robert Mcmonigle
Victoria McMonigle
Elizabeth McNulty
Jakob Mcnulty
Michael McNulty
Richard Mcnulty
Lisa McPeak
Talleri McRae
Christine McWard
Ralph and Ann Meckel
Brittney Mee
Erin Mee
Katie Mee
Marilyn Mee
Joy Meitz
Becky Mejdrich
Jeremy and Michelle Mejdrich
Morgon Mejdrich
Shannon Mejdrich
Kim Melancon
Karen Melchert
Alma Melendez
Barbara Mellody-Pizzato
James Mellody-Pizzato
Joshua Mellody-Pizzato
Hamed Memovic
John and Marcia Mendala
Amy Mendelson
Kelly Mendelson
Dawn Menon
Beata Merckx
Doug Merges
Ryan Merle
Taryn Merle
Mary Merriman
Don Mershon
Rae Ann Mertz
Samer Meshreki
Hannah Mesi
John Meskill Jr
Christina Meskill
Elliot Meskis
Mary Anne Meskis
Ruthann Messick
David and Gail Metta
Michael Mette
Carol Mevis
Duane Mevis
Alyce Meyer
Jodi Meyer
Pam Meyer
David and Gladdies Meyerhoff
Kent and Mary Meyers
Fred Meyes
Mario and Angelica Meza
Irene Michaels
Chris Michalek
Allie Michel
Microsoft Matching Gifts Programs
Sue Mielke
Karen Migut
Amalia Mihalakakos
Andrea Mikaitis
Karen Mikesh
Kathryn Mikicich
Carol Miklautsch
Jenn Miklautsch
Tamara Mileham
Amanda Milla
Adam Miller
Beth Miller
Bruce Miller
Carla Miller
Deborah Miller
Gail Miller
Hal Miller
Kent and Becky Miller
Kim Miller
Kyle Miller
Lisa Miller
Nick Miller
Patti Miller
Timothy Miller
Megan Millirons
Myrna Milstein
Nancy Milton
Scott Minauskas
John and Susan Minger
Myra Mintu
Lisa Mirecki
Peter Mirkovich
Kristi Miroballi
Elizabeth Mitchell
Jamie Mitchell
John Mitchell
Katie Mitchell
Sylvia Mitsopoulos
Mike and Lynn Mitsui
Paul and Katheen Mix
Cecylia Mizera
Marianna Mizera
Ben Mlot
Denise Mlynski
Dennis Mlynski
Mary Ann Mlynski
James and Sherry Moawad
Ginni Mocerino
Jon Mocey-Hanton
John and Renee Modransky
David and Nancy Moe
Jonathan Moe
Jeannine Mokrousov
Jose Molina-Ortega and Debra Moughamian
Adolfo Mondragon
Irene Mondragon
Yolanda Mondragon
Lorena Montenegro
Maira Montenegro
Jenny Montgomery
Barbara Moore
Judi Moore
Thomas and Joyce Moore
Elias Morales
Rene Morales
Michael Moran
Siobhan Moran
Tania Morawiec
Adair Mordecai
Jennifer Mordecai
Courtney Morel
Morgan Stanley C/o Cybergrants
Ronald and Diane Morgan
Morgenroth’s Home Inspection, LLC
Melissa Morice
Richard Morley
Audrey Morrill
Mark Morrill
Alan Morris
Dorothy Morris
James Morris
Jamie Morris
Kathy Morris
Mr. & Mrs. Morris
R.J. Morrison
Kathy Morrow
Rachel Mortenson
Jeffrey and Doreen Moskal
Amy Mosquera
Erik Mota
Jennifer Mota
Michelle Motherway
George and Karen Motta
Mark Motta
Richard Motta
Lisa Motter
Margie Moulton
Erin Mouritsen
Jason Mouritsen
Pat Mouton
Mr Scott’s Dog Spa
Patricia Mudra
Ashley Mueller
Jill Shellabarger Mueller
Kellie Mueller
Kristine Mueller
James Muetzel
MaryEllen Mufich
Margaret Mugica
Hakim Muhammad
Jalil Muhammad
Naimah Muhammad
Yolanda Muhammad
Rina Mukh
Matt and Krystyn Mulava
Kourtney Mulcahy
Nora Mulchrone
Edward and Jodiann Muldoon
Elizabeth Muldoon
John Muldoon
Kevin Muldoon
Kirby Muldoon
Maureen Muldoon
Michael Muldoon
Patricia Muldoon
Patrick Muldoon
Rosemary Muldoon
Sheila Muldoon
Thomas Muldoon
Virginia Muldoon
George M Mullen
Jennifer Mullenhoff
Brian Mulligan
Multimarket Real Estate Services, LLC
Robert and Linda Mulvihill
Niko and Isa Muniz
Jon and Jennifer Munson
Carol Murawski
Mabel Murawski
Marilyn Murchison
Blanca Murillo
Nicole Murnik
Brigid Murphy
Kathleen Murphy
Leo Murphy
Mandy Murphy
Matthew Murphy
Michael Murphy
Rita Murphy
Scott Murphy
Sean Murphy
Camille Murray
Carolyn Murray
Laura Murray
Mary Murray
Raquel Musial
Colette Musson
Michael Musto
Wanda Mustp
Ramona Myers-Jones
Ashley Myers
Thomas Nagelli
Julie And Misty Nagler
Donna Najewski
Glenn Nakashima
Adele Nandan
Thogaru Nandan
Srishti Nangia
Christina Napoles
Melissa Narancich
Apple Naughton
William Naumann
Juan Navarro
Jeri Nawotka
Brian Neale
Margaret Neenan
Tammy Neff
Georgette Neita
The Nekoliczak Family
Cherylyn Nelson
Daniel Nelson
Dawn Nelson
Gwen Nelson
Jill Nelson
Melanie Nelson
Richard Nelson
Roger Nelson
Ryan Nelson
Sue Nelson
Suzanne Nelson
Joyce Nemecek
Karen Nemeth
Theodore Nenov
Teresa Neri
Holly Ness
Will Neu
Rob Neufelder
Jill Neumayer
Gregory Nevills
Jill Newman
Laura Newman
Marla Newman
Constance Newton
Helene Ngoy
Janet Niccolai
Art Nicholas
Susan Nicholas
William Nicholson
Julie Nickel
Nadine Nickelson
Gabriela Nicolau
Lee Nidetz
Beth Nielsen
Brenda Niemi
Ed Niemi
Janice Niemi
Jason Niemi
Jim Nienhouse
Lourdes Nieto
Brian Niezabitowski
Richard and Donna Niles
Angela Nilles
Vijaya Nimmagadda
William Nisius
Annika Noetzel
Lana Nogic
Barbara Nolan
Bill and Leslie Nolan
Terry Nolan
Susan Noll
Ernest and Karen Nora
Carl Norbut
Darrin Norbut
Nancy Norbut
Sherian Norcross
Stephanie Noreiko
Maricela Normandin
Leslie North
Karen Norton
Jackie Nosko
Jennifer Novak
Stephen Novak
Trisha Bess Novak
Chris Novy
James Novy
Marta Nowakowski
Wes and Maryanne Nowakowski
Carol Nowdomski
Mary Nowicki
Thomas and Nancy Nugent
Norman and Nancy Nuzbach
Jennifer Nykiel
Caroline O’Boyle
Bridget O’Brien
Robert and Judi O’Brien
Sarra O’Connell
Donna O’Connor
Virginia O’Connor
Amy O’Donnell
Nancy O’Gradu
Molly O’Halloran
Jackie O’Kane
Mary O’Kane
Tim and Sally O’Neil
Abby O’Rourke
Jennifer Oberbeck
Jennifer Obirek
Christopher Obrien
Amy OCallaghan
Janice Ochenkowski
Betty Ochoa
Lupe Ochoa
Nora Ochoa
Rafael Ochoa
Ricky Ochoa
Jean Ochsenhirt
Tina Odeh
Katie Odell
Nancy Odell
Carolyn Oden
Yasuyuki Ogikubo
Larry and Blanca Ogle
Kari Oglesby
Barb Ogorek
Jennie Oh
John and Janet Ohaver
Angela Ohl
Timothy Ohm and Tamara Gardner
Geni Olejniczak
Kari Olglesby
Dominick Oliverio
Marge Ollearis
Martha Olmos
Pedro Olmos
Clara Olsen
Misty Olsen
Mike Olson
Mary Olsson
Charles Ondrusek
Patrick Onuscheck
Luke Optholt
Paul Orenick
Bernard Orenstein
Warren and Louise Ores
Susan Organ
Alan Orlowsky
Demetrio Ornelas
Ben Orr
Bob and Sue Orrico
Elizabeth Orser
Denise Ortiz
Elizabeth Ortiz
Veronica Ortiz
Shawna Orzutt
Kathleen Oskandy
Rich Osmanski
Elyssa Osmonson
Ron and Roberta Ostis
Ernst and Maricela Ostrand
Dan Otting
Jim Otting
Karen Otting
Lauren Ounjian
Maria Pacheco-Castellanos
Teresa Pack
Sandy Pagels
Nicole Paglia
Erin Paisley
Rex Paisley
Veronica Palacios
Mary Palacz
Michele Paladino
Steve Pales
Anita Paljetak
David Palmatier
Robert Palo
Melina Palomo
Jalpa Pandya
Majida Panfil
Tressa Pankovits
Kathy Pantano
The Pantazi Family
Peter Pappas
Philip Pappas
Joseph and Melanie Paral
John Paraoan
Cherie Pareja
Rhys Pareja
William Park and Esmeralda Llanas
Eileen Parker
Kelly Parker
Sharri Parker
Jen Parkinson
Robert and Catherine Parks
Terrence Parks
Joe Parra
Joe and Irene Parra
Joshua Parra
Mary Parra
Laura Parrish
V. Parson
Jim and Carrie Parsons
Nick Parsons
Rodney and Sandra Parsons
Christina Parton
Alvin Paschal
Frank Pasquesi
Larry and Maria Pasquesi
Amit Patel
Brijesh Patel
Jamie Patel
E. Travers Paterson
Analilia Patino
Joshua Patino
Miguel Patino
Angela Patrick
Ross Patronsky
Karen Patt
Debbie Patterman
Valerie Patterman
Craig Patterson
Michelle Patterson
Karen Patton
Lindsay Paunicka
Matt Paunicka
Jovanka Paunovich
John Pavela
Natalie Pearson
Pam Pearson
Andrea Pease
Jenna Pedersen
Kim Pedersen
Shaylee Pedersen
Luciano Pedroza
Heather Peel
Jennifer Pehlke
Alexis Pelaez
Catalina Pelaez
Ricardo and Kimberly Pena
Carla Penley
Janice Penn
Tiffany Pennington
Lori Penoyer
Cynthia Perez
Damian Perez
Mary Jo Perlongo
Sarah Perron
Julie Perry
Jana Peters
Deb Peterson
Jane Peterson
Janelle Peterson
Kerensa Peterson
Lars Peterson
Nichole Peterson
Ron and Ala Peterson
Sandra Peterson
Tanisha Peterson
Amy Petkus
Gina Petkus
James Petkus
Jim Petkus
Patricia Petkus
Gregory Peto
Petros and Kadidia Petridis
Laura Petrucci
Mia Pfifer
Edward Pfingston
Robert Pfingston
Pfizer United Way Campaign
Frank and Sarah Phillips
Victoria Phillips
Blue Phongsavane
Cynthia Pickerl
Jason Pickleman
Eileen Picman
Jacqueline Picman
Jennifer Picman
Michelle Piek
Joan Piel
Cheryl Pienkowski
Mark Pienkowski
Laurie Pierce
Maria Pietrusiewicz
Stephania Pilarz
Annette Pilousek
Susan Pincich
Piotrowski & Gebis
Jack and Patsy Piper
Gino Pisani
Anna Pittman
Gene Pizzato
Katherine Pizzato
PK Ladies
Arlene Placzek
Kelly Plaza
Marci Plomski
Bruce Plumley
Lisa Plumley
Buddy and Linda Plummer
Jeanette Plummer
Jerry and Gay Lynn Plummer
Suzanne Pocica
Laura Pociunas
Rosalyn Podjasek
Natalie Podlasek
Riley Podschweit
Chris and Andrea Poetzel
Dara Pogoff
Nadine Poland
Joseph Poli and Maureen Hamill
Cheri Polick
Virginia Pollaro
James and Marianne Polous
Julia Ponce
Adam Poorbaugh and Trisha
Andrei Pop
Andy Pope
Brittany Pope
Christine Pope
Dawn Pope
Craig Popowcer
Amy Populorum
Portillo’s Hot Dogs, Inc.
Raquel Portway
Jill Postma
Alex Potanos
Elena Potanos
John Potanos
Jody Poulter
Joe Powell
Dennis Powers
James and Janene Powers
Ray and Ann Powers
Rob and Gwynn Powers
Robert and Melody Powers
Todd Powers
Brigitte Powidzki
Jonathan Pozulp
Gregory Pozzi
Sharon Preble
Debbie Presbitero
Heather Prescott
James Prescott
Kelley Prescott
Alan Press
Connie Pribaz
Sergio Pribaz
Anna Prohaska
Mary Ann Prohaska
Amanda Pryce
Thomas Puccinelli and Connie McCormick
Joseph Puccio
Anuradha Pundari
Dr. Yerneni
Donna Puscheck
Tracy Pyka
Andrea Pynaker
Janet Pynaker
Heather Queen
Claudia Quezada
Mary Quigg
Alex Quinn
Maggie Quinn
John and Cheryl Rabchuk
Susan Racine
Randall and Alexandra Radtke
Audrey Raffanti
Brian Rafferty
Cheri Rafferty
Janice Rafferty
Ray Raffin
Sandy Ragagli
Alecia Rahn-Blakeslee
Julia Rahn
Marilee Rahn
Thomas Rak
Denise Ralph
Elizabeth Ralston
John Ramaker
Ana Ramijanc
Gavin Ramirez Lohse
Adelina Ramirez
Cheryl Ramirez
Gilbert Ramirez
Gwen Ramirez
Jairo Ramirez
Jennifer Ramirez
Jesenia Ramirez
Jonathan Ramirez
Jorge Ramirez
Jose Ramirez
Katrina Ramirez
Leticia Ramirez
Veronica Ramirez
Beatriz Ramos
Diana Ramos
Illiana Ramos
Rosalba Ramos
Laura Ramser
Michael Ramser
William Ramser
Paula Rancilio
Alex Randak
Ben Randak
Gardenia Rangel
Karen Raniere
Kristina Raniere
Robert Raniere
Patti Rank
Lalita Rao
Peter Rasey
Elizabeth Rath
Travis Ratzloff
Mark Raulston
Gabriella Rauzi
Debbie Rawski
Bonnie Rayes
Ed Rayford
Laura Raymond
John Raysa
Melissa Read
Ryan Read
Sharon Ready-Turner
Julianne Reardon
Sandra Recendez
Edward Redd
Yamuna Reddi
Venoodhar Reddy
Flo Redmond
Nora Reece-Orr
Matt Reece
Patrice Reece
Christine Reed
Steve and Pam Reed
Emily Reedy
Scott Reel
Marilyn Rees
Claudia Regalado
Astrid Rehbock
Timo Rehbock
Gerald Rehr
Keith Rehr
Lisa Reich
Kevin Reichart
Hilary Reiff
Karen Reisdorf
Krista Reisdorf
Jessica Rekar
Mary Rekar
John Relias
Cheryl Remke
Arthur and Elaine Renas
Egidio Rende
Mary Kay Rensch
Michael Rensch
Neil Renzi
Rachel Repke
Republic Services, Inc.
Alan and Susan Resnick
Daniel Rest
Natalie Resteghene
Jessica Reyes
Shelia Reynolds
Julie Rhodes
Daniel Ribolzi
Neil Rice
Joe Rich
Mackenzie Rich
Jack Richards
John Richards
Karen Richards
Randy and Kelly Richards
Barbara Richardson
Beth Rieger
Donita Ries
Mark Riesche
Paula Riggins
Daniel Riley
Mary Riley
Michelle Ring
Jeannine Ringland Zwirn
Inez Ringland
Joseph Rios
Roberta Rioux
Ronald Rioux
Teresa Rioux
Spencer Rippstein
Maria Olivia Rivas
Sergio Rivas
Sergio Antonio Rivas
Alexis Rivera
Ariel Rivera
Laura Rivera
Lourdes Rivera
Maribel Rivera
Marisol Rivera
Michael Rivera
Monica Rivera
Natalia Rivera
Teresa Rivera
James Rizzo
Betty Roach
Bonnie Robb
Kathy Robbins
Rhonda Robers
Robert Bosch Tool Corporation
Dan Roberts
Sarah Roberts
Brian and Abigail Roche
John Rock
Deb Rodeghero
Sarah Rodeghero
Melissa Rodenas
Rosa Rodriguez-Pelaez
Daniel Rodriguez
Emmanuel Rodriguez
Erika Rodriguez
Hector and Juanita Rodriguez
Jesse Rodriguez
Jose Rodriguez
Maria Rodriguez
Sandy Rodriguez
Dana Roeser
Ryan Roessler
David Rog
Paul and Jane Rogers
Amy Rolewicz
Joe Rolewicz
Gwen Rollins
Richard Rollis
Shirley Roma
Edwin Roman
Sam Romano
Kathy Romanski
Natasha Rominski
Jackie Romolo
Edwin and Jesenia Ron
Heather Ronaldson
Pam Roncone
Emily Rook
Kevin Rooney
Nancy Rosa
Melinda Rosales
F A. Roseborough
Jennifer Rosen
Molly Rosen
Amy Rosenberg
Jan Rosenberg
Skip and Michele Rosenmutter
Amy Rosenow
Joshua Rosenow
Sharon Rosenthal
Stephanie Rosley
Jack Ross
Maureen Ross
Michelle Ross
Shari Ross
Ingrid Rosser
Kristina Rosser
Larry Rossi
James Rost
Donna Rosuck
Alex Roth
Michael Rothbaum
Michelle Rotstein
Bobbie Rottman
George Rounds
Gabrielle Rousso
The Rovner Family
Laura Rowan
Brian Rowe
Cadance Rowland
Dan Rowlen
Veronica Rowlett
M Royce
Bruce Rozeboom
Jim and Angela Rozeboom
Mark Rozeboom
Ann Ruark
Beth Ruark
Hannah Ruark
John Ruark
Mary Ruark
Patrick Ruark
Sally Ruark
Michael Rubano
Alexis Rubar
Gina Rubar
Sharon Rubar
Robert Rubenstein
Katherine Ruberton
Merly Rubi
Michael and Kelly Rubin
Jill Rudzinski
Mike and Sandy Ruhl
Brianna Ruhnke
Crimsen Ruhnke
Heather Ruhnke
Robert Ruhstorfer
Cecilia Ruiz Gonzalez
Angelica Ruiz
Angie Ruiz
Richard Ruiz
Gina Rupert
Travis and Janice Rush
Eric-Todd Rushing
Heidi Ruskusky
Paul Ruskusky
Meghan Russell
Allan and Jill Ruter
Cecelia Ryan
Jason Ryan
Mike and Monica Ryan
Mollie Ryan
Mike and Lisa Ryba
Brittany Rys
Arletha Rzepecki
Jack Rzepecki
Randy Rzepecki
Thomas Rzepecki
Lee & Barb Saberson
Andy Sacinski
Desi Sacinski
Agatha Sacks
Anthony and Lynn Sacramento
Gerry Sadowski
Mariya Safvi
Paul Safyan
Alberto Salas
Cookie Salerno
Costantina Salerno
Diana Salerno
Gina Salerno
Phil Salerno
Ralph Salerno
Arturo Salinas
Debbie Salinas
Erick Salinas
Marisela Salinas
Raul Salta
Emily Salyer
Karen Salzinger
James Samargis
Lau Sambrano
Kelly Samperi
Debra Sampson
Martin Sampson
Ruth Sampson
Steven Samso
Patty San Martin
Andrea Sanchez
Dominica Sanchez
Rhonda Sanchez
Ruben Sanchez
Jeff Sanders
The Sandvik Family
Frank Sangiorgio
Elizabeth Santiago
John Santina
Rolando Santoyo
Mary Santry
April Sapp
Ivy Saqui
Jennifer Satut
Maggie Sauer
Daniel Sauri
Ben and Caryn Scaduto
Thomas and Cheryl Scaletta
Catherine Scalise
Chris Scalzitti
Angela Scarlata
Debi Scarpelli
Nicholas Scarpino
Joy Schaad
Laura Schaefer
Marianne Schaefer
Marlene Schaefer
Robert and Barbara Schaefer
Christopher Schaffer
Jeremy Schaffer
Laura Schaffer
Glen Schallman
Craig Schallmo
Shelby Schanz
The Schechter Family
Amy Schejbal
Jennifer Schejbal
Carol Schellhorn
Rei Schenk
Adam Schenkenberg
Brian Scherbaum
Natalie Scherbaum
Susan Scheuerman
Penny Schick
Kyra Schifferer
James Schiller
Mary Schleicher
Carolrose Schlesinger
Audrey Schlicht
Jeanne Schlicht
Howard Schlossberg
Nancy Schmalenberger
David Schmidt
Matthew Schmidt
Michael Schmidt
Michelle Schmidt
Kimberly Schmit
Autumn Schmitz
Kati Jo Schmitz
Mary Jo Schmitz
Chuck and Marian Schmoller
Laura Schmuck
The Schmucker Family
Terri Schmutz
Debra Schneider
Susan Schneider
Michael Schnitzer
Tracy Schoenberg
Jennifer Schoenherr
Jean Schousen
Mary Schraidt
Christine Schreiner
Candace Schroeder
Kimberlie Schroeder
Michael Schroeder
Virgil and Marilyn Schroeder
Ginny Schubert
Jorie Schubert
Maggie Schubert
Matthew Schubert
Susan Schubert
Tommy Schubert
Stephan Schuele
John Schuessler
David Schuh
Kathryn Schuldt
Angelica Schultz
Jeff Schultz
Jennifer Schultz
John and Karen Schultz
Lindsey Schultz
Patricia Schultz
Tracy Schultz
John Schulze
Nicolee Schulze
Alexa Schumacher
Beth Schumacher
Elizabeth Schumacher
Virginia Schumacher
Mary Schur
Schwab Charitable Fund
Schwab Foundation
Colleen Schwanz
Denny Schwartz
Eric Schwartz
Leaann Schwartz
Stuart Schwartz
Mary Ellen Schwartzhoff
Katy Schwarzenberg
Enza Scianna
Doris Scirrotto
Kimberly Scott
Melissa Scott
Jennifer Scramuzzo
Carol Scripp
James and Nancy Scruggs
Al Seagren
Alan Sear
Richard Sedman
Rosie Seerup
Gigi Segarra
Gina Segarra
Alejandro Segoviano
Alyssandra Segoviano
Elizabeth Segoviano
Imelda Segoviano
Ulysses Segoviano
John Segura
Jose Segura
Lisa Segura
Wanda Segura
Almir and Jasna Sehovic
Frances Seidman
Pam Seiser
James Seitzinger
Joyce Selander
David Sells
Gregory and Rebecca Sells
Lynn Sells
Gail Seltzer
Deann Selvaggio
Dave Seman
Christopher Sengco
Erika Sestok
Mary Sestok
Pradip Sethi
Lisa Setinc
Sandra Setmayer
Sandra Setzke
Doug Sewart
Philip and Iris Seydel
Kate Shaber
Dawn Shad
Elizabeth Shafer
Anish Shah
Niket Shah
Trista Shah
B.L. and Mary Ann Shank
Seth Shankle
Marcia Shapiro
Shark Electric, Inc.
Angela Sharkey
Maria Sharkey
James and Katherine Sharko
Donna Sharp
Kara Sheaffer
Linda Shearer
Heather Sheedy
Craig Sheehan
Diana Sheehan
Eva Sheehan
Margaret Sheehan
Jonathan Sheinkop
Walter Sheldon
Ashley Shelton
Becky Shepard
Marianna Sheridan
Robert Sheridan
Sara Sheridan
Thomas Sheridan
Marcy Shinbaum
Ray and Suzy Shinkle
Carol Shipp
Bob and Jane Shoemaker
Julie Shoemaker
Bryan Shore
Bill Shores
Jill Siar
Zachaary Siejha
James Sieradzki
Chuck Sierra
Steve Sierra
Lisette Sierrs
Gabriel Silva
Barbara Silvestri
Kim Silvestri
Michael Sim
Peter and Sharon Simandl
Robin Simandl
Sonny and Sheila Simkin
Marita Simmons-Peyton
Jason Simmons
Sue Simmons
Amy Simon
George Simon
Kaitlyn Simoneau
Mariamou Sims
Todd Sinclair
Alicia Singer
Rita Singer
Priti Singh
Erin Sivak
Brian Sizemore
Joan Sjosteen
Kirsten Sjosteen
Lindsay Skalon
Megan Skeffington
Molly Skelton
Judy Skiniotes
Joseph and Edith Skom
Grace Skoskiewicz
Beth Skrypek
Jan Slager
Nicole Slager
Mary Pat Slattery
Patrick Slattery
Alan Slomowitz
Diane Slomowitz
Jonathon and Shirley Slomowitz
Marcia Slomowitz
Adam Slowinski
Michael Small
Smile Studio 87
Cynthia Smith-Jans
Annie Smith
Breanna Smith
Carrie Smith
Christina Smith
Christyn Smith
Elizabeth Smith
Gordon Smith
James and Peggy Smith
Jeffrey Smith
Jeffry Smith
Jennifer Smith
Jimmy Smith
Kendra Smith
Kimberly Smith
Margaret Smith
Mary Smith
Michelle Smith
Sarah Smith
Steven and Lori Smith
Thomas Smith
Violet Smith
Mary Snider
Jenna Snyder
Scott Snyder
Dennis Sobkowicz
Christine Socher
Patricia Soderberg
Tricia Soderberg
Marilyn Sodergren
Steven Soehn
Briana Solarte
Cindy Solarte
Jaime Solarte
Kurt Solarte
Erica Solecki
Javier Soler
Isabelle Solis
Sailaja and Chalapati Somayajula
Vanessa Soto
South Park Baptist Church
Shari Soverino
Marilyn Sowa
Scott Sowa
Terri Sowa
Scott Spasojevich
Michele Spector
Glenn and Karen Spence
Joseph Spielman
Mary Spielman
Fred Spiro
Karen Spizzo
Lisa Sprandel
T Lynn Spring
Jill St. Clair-Mccann
Jane Stachura
David Stadelman
Jim Staley
Laura Stalling
Dawn Stanek
Laura Stange
Nathan Stange
Andrew Staniec
Anna Staniszewski
Ewa Staniszewski
Tommy Staniszewski
Wesley Staniszewski
Sharon Stanley
Tracy Stanley
Cheryl Stanton
Mike Stanton
Tom Stanton
John Starczynski
Mark Starczynski
Michelle Starczynski
Dave Staszak
Nancy Staszak
Stan Staszak
Dana Stearns
R. and Karen Steeves
Todd Stefanowski and Laura Fedak
Dawn Steffen
Carol Stein
Jeff and Lori Stein
Robert Stein
Jo Steller
Carol Stelzer
Dennis Stenson
Tonia Stenson
Marie Stepanek
Leslie Stephenshaw
Ellie Sterner
Mary Sterner
Dorothy Stevens
Rob Stevo
Alyson Stewart
Amy Stewart
Maggie Stewart
Alma Stiffin
Jennifer Stiles
James Stinespring
Pat and Laurie Stinson
Tom Stinson
Shari Stodola
Bradley Stone
Brian Stone
Gary and Lisa Stone
Lauren Stone
George and Linda Stoops
Patricia Storako
Phoebe Caroline Storey-Sabetti
Margaret Storey
William Storey
Amy Storm
Frances Strang
Robert and Laura Stranges
Karyn Stratton
Susan Straus
Patricia Strebing
Richard Streetman
Trina Strigenz
Mayann Strnad
John and Marianne Strokirk
Patricia Strong
Wes and Sherry Stuart
Jason Studer
Kathy Stumpf
Ted Stumphauzer
Carol Sturenfeldt
Karyn Sturtevant
Nina Stymacks
Traci Suazo
Barbara Suber
Roy Sucholeiki, M.D.
Emilie Sudar
Lydia Suh
Tina Sukalo
Cheryl Sula
Laddie Sula
Rose Sula
Tracy Sula
Colleen Suljic
Bonni Sullivan
Carolyn Sullivan
Joan Sullivan
Mark Sullivan
Shannon Sullivan
Terence and Carol Sullivan
Tim Sullivan
Tom Sullivan
William and Mary Sullivan
Mary Summerville
Benny Sun
Victoria Sundin
Beth Sutherland
Hope Sutherland
Jon and Carol Sutherland
Edward Sutryk
Maria Suttemeier
Gina Svara
Jenny Swalec
Kelly Swanson
Griselda Sweeney
Rhoda Sweeney
Jessica Sweet
Stuart Swezey
Edward Swietek
Patricia Switzer
Molly Swock
Sandy Sybert
Jean Sychowski
Zahra Syed
Christine Szafranski
Jaclynn Szczepaniec
Kay Szuch
Mary Szuch
Gregg Szyplik
Dave Tabel
Maria Tacaden
Gloria Tadman
Seema Talwalker
Douglas Tanabe
Dee Tapia
Nicholas Tarnow
Elizabeth Taylor
Janet Taylor
Meredith Taylor
Robert Taylor
Tim Teagan
David Teather
Frances Teggart
Yaroslava Teliatinskaya
Mike Temes
Monica Temes
Debbie Templin
Tom Templin
Paulina Teran
Carrie Teschner
Greg Tesnow
Jeff and Sue Tessler
Sundaram Thamilavel
Lisa Tharpe
Christine Thatcher
The Wilmette Park District
Kathy Theis
Donna Theodore
Kelly Thetard
Sarah Thielen
Annie Thomas
Harvey and Sybel Thomas
Janet Thomas
Jennifer Thomas
Kathleen Thomas
Lisa Thomas
MaChelle and Alona Thomas
Martha Thomas
Melody Thomas
Suzanne Thomas
The Thompson Family
Audra Thompson
Kathryn Thompson
Nancy Thompson
Raymond Thompson
Leroy Thomson
Dianne Thornburg
Katie Thornton
Arlene Thurow
Jennifer Tichenor
Katelyn Tindell
Kathy Tindell
Nancy T Rich Tinsley
Celeste Tobey
Frank Tobey
Barbara Tobias
John Tobias
Ralph Tobias
William Tobias
Jeanne Toguri
Jennifer Toguri
Ryan Toguri
Charles Tokarski
Diane Tokarski
Jpe Tomaszewski
Thomas Tometz
Rita Tontino
Angelica Torres
Chris Torres
Margaret Torres
Diane Torti
Morgan Touman
Juan Tovar
Melanie Tovar
Paul and Carrie Town
Jennifer Townsel
Mark Trachtenberg
Sandy Tragos
Amanda Trandel
Wendy Trapani
Travellers Wine Bar
Mandy Traversa
Angela Travetto
Carol Treacy-Haugh
Susan Treacy
Janet Tredup
Amy Trench
Loretta Trentanelli
Cristine Trevino-Saucedo
Terry and Janet Trimble
Mark Trinka
Eileen Trnka
Andrea Trudeau
Jessica and Michael Trudeau
Mel Trudeau
Scott Trudeau
Kathy Trusdell
Peter Tsakiris
Liz Tsambarlis
Anthony Tsapralis
Jessica Tsapralis
Victoria Tsapralis
Elias and Kristen Tu
Randy Tucker
Sherry Tucker
Timothy Tucker
David and Susan Tuckey
Joseph and Eileen Tuckey
Jim Tukich
Sarah Tukiendorf
Robert Tukker Jr.
Thomas Tully
Charles Tunk
Bill and Barbara Turkington
Jon Turkington
Lori Turkington
Stephanie Turkington
Tom Turkot
Henry and Kelly Turner
Melissa Turner
Rachel Turner
Rodney and Laurel Turner
Kathy Turnroth
Tony Tuzzolo
Michelle Tvaroha
Richard Tye
Wendy Tyra
U.S. Bancorp Foundation Employee Matching Gift Program
Lenette Udaykee
Ilie and Mihaela Ugarcovici
Mihaela Ugarcovici
Cynthia Ullrich
Kelsey Ullrich
Laurie Ulrich
Dianna Underhill
Barbara Underwood
Shirley Unzueta
Sanjiv and Meena Upadhyay
Kim Urban
Christopher and Krisa Urchell
Amy Uribe
Edna Uribe
Robert Uribe
Naveed Usman
Sofia Uvena
Melanie Vaishnav
Frank Valadez
Sara Valadez
Silvana Valenzuela
David Valestin
Roxane Valestin
Darlene Vallejo
Shelly Vallejo
Johnny Vallone
Beth Van Dyke
Jon Van Dyke
Mary Van Geem
Ted and Sandy Van Horn
Lisa Van Tress
Geof and Liz Vance
Judy Vandenbroucke
Chris Vanderkuyl
Estela Vanderkuyl
William Vanderlaan
Lena Vanwynsberg
Melissa Vargas
David Vargo
Michele Vasquez
Olivia Vasquez
Matt Vassil
Michael Vassolo
Jennifer Vaughn
José Vega
Brandon Vejseli
Adrian Velazquez
Alheli Velazquez
Ana Velazquez
Cipriana Velazquez
Cosme Velazquez
Julian Velazquez
Maria Velazquez
Marisol Velazquez
Miguel Velazquez
Yolanda Velazquez
Karen Venetch
Judy Venkus
Joe Verdin
Jocelyn Vereb
Amanda Verner
Everett Verschave
Dawn Versetto
Bonnie Verway
Rose Vicar
Kelly Vierra
Veronica Villa
Elizabeth Villagomez
Hector Villalobos
Michelle Villasin
Margaret Vimont
Brian Vincent
Najma Viswanath
Dan Vitacco
Isabella Vitacco
Katie Vitacco
Kelly Vitacco
Maureen Vitacco
Christine Vitello
Dominick Vitto
James Vitto
Linda Vitto
Lisa Vitto
George Vlahos
Trung Vo
Kathleen Vogel
M Elizabeth Vogel
Lisa Voight
Mary Volgarino
Ralph Volgarino
Jacqui Volkmann
Diane Vor Keller
A.J. Vos
Art and Joanne Vos
Arthur Vos
Kristen Vos
Makenzie Vos
Olivia Vos
Gina Vozenilek
John Vozenilek
Mary Vozenilek
Peter Vozenilek
Thomas Vozenilek
Laura Vucelich
Preeya Vyas
W Chicago City Center
Linda Wachter
Lin Waggener
Alida Wagner
David Wagner
Margaret Wagner
Steven Walanka
John and Peggy Walding
Kim Waldman
A.J. Walker
Herb and Mary Walker
Karen Walker
Timothy and Raelyn Wall
Joy Wallace
Susan Wallace
Henry and Barbara Waller
Kelly Wallin
Donna Wallock
Lisa Walls
Kevin and Mary Beth Walsh
Michael Walsh
Michael and Kay Walsh
Patrick and Katie Walsh
Shelly Walsh
Barbara Walter
Bill Walter
Ele Walter
Henry Walter
Susan Walter
Debbie Walton
Erika Walton
Keith Waltrip
Xiaozhu Wan
Lisa Wanda
Nancy Wang
Bob Ward
Laurel Ward
Linda Ward
Mary Jo Ward
Val Ward
Don Warden
Cheri Wartan
Sandra Wasinski
Margie Waskowski
Gary Watanuki
Raymond Watanuki
Jamie Waterman
Haley Watson
Carrie Watts
Claudia Wavrek
Hannah Wavrek
Mike Wavrek
Paige Wavrek
Bob Wawrzon
Katherine Weaver
Judy Webb
Cristine Webbe
Beth Weber
Chris Weber
Dorothy Weber
Elizabeth Weber
Eric Weber
Jessica Weber
Martha Weber
Mary Jean Weber
Megan Weber
Robert Weber
Alison Wechman
Aaron Wechter
Connie Wechter
Debra Wechter
Marilyn Weekley
Monica Weibust
Stephanie Weidman
John and Noreen Weimer
Paul Weinberg
Lynn Weiner
Doug Weinstein
Karol Weinstein
Laura Weintroub
Erwin and Estelle Weiss
Jennifer Weiss
Kathy Weissenhofer
Brad Weller
Liz Weller
Sarah Weller
Mckenzie Wells
Brian and Therese Welz
Gina Weniger
Larry and Sharon Weniger
Lisa Wenta
Aaron Werner
Amy Werner
Daniel Werner
Janet Werner
Jennifer Werner
Kathy Werner
Laura Werner
Jason Wernholm
Patti Wesley
Audrey Wessman
Kevin West
La Verne West
Tim Westfall
William Westfall
N. Ch Westforth
Jack Westphall
Jeff Westrich
Keith Wetzel
Erica Weyer
Brian and Sheila Whalen
Jessie Wheeler
Larry Wheeler
Sharon Wheeler
Shea Wheeler
Helen White
Karri White
Danna Whitehead
Barb Whitmore
Katie Whitmore
Carolyn Whitson
Mr. & Mrs. Whittaker
Michele Widdes
Darrell Widen
Dave Widmer
Marcy Wiener
Shirley Wiest
Susan Wigsmoen
Amanda Wilcox
Herb Wilcox
Joann Wilcox
Julie Wilcox
Raven Wilcox
Steve Wilcox
Jen Wildman
Brooks Wilkinson
Aletha Wilks
Bradley Wilks
Rowland Williams III
Amanda Williams
Blake Williams
Crystal Williams
Daniel Williams
Janis Williams
Kent Williams
Luretha Williams
Nancy Williams
Shana Williams
Sharon Williams
Sherita Williams
Tara Williams
Teresa Williams
Kelli Willman
Jeff Wilms
Claire Wilson
Darlene Wilson
Margaret Wilson
Paige Wilson
Virginia Wilson
Anthony Windmiller
Thomas and Marion Wingo
Micki Winskill
Mindy Winskill
Doug Wirebaugh
Audrey Wirtz
Frances Wirtz
Kristine Wirtz
Sherrie Wirtz
Lisa Wirz
Mark and Jill Wisnewski
Carrie Wisniewski
Dale and Donna Wisniewski
Roman Wisniewski
Jennifer Wisniowicz
Julie Wissman
Peter With
Cristina Witnik
Theresa Witnik
Pat Witte
Matt Wladyszewski
Rebecca Woan
Dolores Wodzien
James and Therese Wohlever
Jaime Woitas
Robert Wojdacz
Dawn Wojtowicz
Diana Wolan
Jeff Wolf
Kate Wolf
Dorothea Wolfe
David Wolinski
Kathleen Wolinski
Kelly Wolinski
Wendy Woll
Sharon Wollenberg
Marcia Wolly
Bob and Danielle Wolters
Alison Womac
Robert Womac
Amy Womack
James and Sharon Wong
Warren Wong
Gerald Wood Jr
Barbara Wood
Betty Wood
Michelle Woodard
Corey Woods
Patti Woods
Terri Woods
Johanna Woodward
Carol Work
Shirley Work
Maeve Worrell
Julie Wortmann
Tommy Wortmann
Greg Wotring
Mimi Wotring
Paulanna Wotring
Barbara Wozniak
Brook Wozniak
Ellen Wright
Kim Wright
Lorraine Wright
Marshallese Wright
Peter and Sandra Wroblewski
Larry Wwechter
Elizabeth Wyman
Ken Yager
Laura Yale
Javier Yanez
Salvador Yanez
Sandra Yanez
Teresa Yanez
Francine Yates
Michael and Ines Yencich
Sophia Yi Scott
Roy Yotsuuye
Brandi Young
Joan Young
Marie Young
Marva Young
Rita Young
Sally Young
Sharon Zabransky
John Zabriskie
Jennifer Zabski
Jill Zager
Joan Zajeski
Kristi Zanin
Salvador Zaragoza
Darlene Zarate
David Zarowny
Amy Zarr
Gaspar Zavala
Sharon Zech
Steve Zech
Candace Zelle
Kevin Zematis
Katie Zemel
Anthony Zemm
John and Nancy Zero
Deanne Zettker
Patricia Zevallos-Cain
Rozanne Zibricky
George and Dorothy Zimbrakos
Jim Zimmer
Kevin Zimmer
Melissa Zimmer
Rachel Zimmer
The Zimmerivlow Family
Laura Zink
Dianne Zinkel
Dianne Zinn
Carmen Zobel
Mark Zolikoff
Renee Zoltowski
Nancy Zuckerman
Tarsi Zuganelis
Hannah Zupec
Mary Zupec
Burt and Pam Zurer
Diana Zurer
A. Zurita
Esther Zurita
Marina Zurita
Martha Zurita
Rodolfo and Tina Zurita
Allan Zwirn
Belle Zwirn
David Zwirn
Howard Zwirn
Judith Zwirn
Meredith Zwirn
Rachel Zwirn
The Epilepsy Foundation of
Greater Chicago leads the fight
to stop seizures, find a cure and
overcome challenges created
by epilepsy.
17 N. State Street • Suite 1300 • Chicago, IL 60602
312-939-8622 • 800-273-6027

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