Goodman-Hewitt Products
Goodman-Hewitt Products
Goodman-Hewitt Goodman-Hewitt Products Products CEMA CEMAB,B,C C &&D D Ball Ball Bearing Bearing Series Series CEMA CEMA C C& &D D Roller Roller Bearing Bearing Series Series Idler Identification Guide C5 - 35 T - 36 CEMA Series & Roll Dia. B - 4" & 5" C- 4", 5", & 6" D - 5" & 6" E - 6" & 7" Angle 10° - V-RETURN 20° 35° 45° Idler Type T = Troughing Idler TP = Troughing Idler Picking/Feeder TO = Troughing Idler Offset TPO = Troughing Idler Picking Feeder Offset TI = Troughing Idler Impact TPI = Troughing Idler Picking/Feeder Impact TOI = Troughing Idler Offset Impact TA = Troughing Self-Aligning TAB = Troughing Self-Aligning Bidirectional Reversing TSS = Troughing Scale Service TSQ = Troughing Scale Quality TCM = Troughing Inside Channel Mount TCMI = Troughing Inside Channel Mount Impact TSM = Troughing Low Profile Standard Mount TV = Troughing Idler Variable Trough Angle TW = Troughing Wire Rope or Rigid Rail RF = Return/Flat Roll (hangers or stands separate) RFD = Return/Flat Disc (hangers or stands separate) RFI = Return/Flat Impact (hangers or stands separate) RA = Return Self-Aligning RAD = Return Self-Aligning Disc RAB = Return Self-Aligning Bidirectional Reversing RAW = Return Self-Aligning Wobbler RV = Return V FV = Inverted V FA = Flat Carrying Self-Aligning L = Live Shaft (Pillow block bearings separate) LI = Live Shaft Impact (Pillow block bearings separate) 2 2 B U Suffix U = Polyurethane E = Polyethylene G = Grain Troughing Idler C = Catenary/Garland Idler W = Wide base, BW+15” 7 = 7 gauge shell thickness 4 = 1/4” shell thickness X = Special XP = Special Project Retrofit Rolls CSL = return roll only GCC CSL Series DBT = roll only Bucyrus FMC = roll only FMC PPI = roll only Precision REX = roll only REX SA = roll only Stephens Adamson SUP = roll only Superior SUPN = old Superior roll with nut 2000S = return roll HR 2000 S Series Others = consult factory Bearing B = Ball Bearing Sealed R = Tapered Roller Bearing (Sealed Roll) Belt Width B = 18" - 48" C = 18" - 60" D = 24" - 72" E = 36" - 96" Roll Examples: Troughing replacement roll Impact troughing replacement roll C5-T-36B C5-TI-36B Roll Design Features B Series Roll Design Features Inner Shield Interference Press Fit Grease Filled Horizontal Labyrinth 17 MM SOLID SHAFT 17mm Ball Bearing Exterior Outer Shield C Series Roll Design Features Flinger 20 mm 6304 Ball Bearing Exterior Shield 3/4" Tapered Roller Bearing Flinger Exterior Shield 3/4" SOLID SHAFT 20MM SOLID SHAFT Grease Filled Multi-Path Labyrinth Grease Filled Multi-Path Labyrinth Contact Seal Back Seal Contact Seal CEMA D Roll Design Features Special 25 mm 6305 Ball Bearing Flinger Exterior Shield Flinger Exterior Shield Contact Seal � 1" SOLID SHAFT REDUCED TO 25 MM AT BEARING Grease Filled Multi-Path Labyrinth 3/4" Tapered Roller Bearing 1-1/4" SHAFT REDUCED TO 3/4" AT BEARING Grease Filled Multi-Path Labyrinth Back Seal Contact Seal 3 3 CEMA B Ball Bearing 20 DEG TROUGHING IDLER B4-20T-(BW)B Std. Base Wide Base A B C D 18 Wt. 24 Wt. 28 215⁄8 615⁄16 71⁄8 95⁄8 24 29 32 279⁄16 9 71⁄8 103⁄8 30 33 37 33 ⁄2 1 11 ⁄16 1 7 ⁄8 111⁄16 53/4 - 61/2 36 40 44 397⁄16 131⁄8 71⁄8 113⁄4 81/2 42 44 53 453⁄16 151⁄8 71⁄8 127⁄16 48 50 57 51 171⁄8 71⁄8 131⁄8 Roll dia. A Belt Width B 20° C / - Bolt D / 14 12 5" 1 Belt width +9" for standard base Belt width +15" for wide base Wide Base Shown 2" Standard Base Shown / x 11/2 lg. Center slot for optional one bolt mounting 9 16 20 DEG TROUGHING IDLER B5-20T-(BW)B 20° C Wide Base A B C D 18 Wt. 28 Wt. 32 215⁄16 615⁄16 75⁄8 101⁄8 24 33 36 271⁄4 9 75⁄8 1013⁄16 30 38 42 3 33 ⁄16 1 11 ⁄16 5 7 ⁄8 119⁄16 / - Bolt 53/4 - 61/2 36 46 49 391⁄8 131⁄8 75⁄8 121⁄4 81/2 42 51 54 447⁄8 151⁄8 75⁄8 1215⁄16 48 57 64 505⁄8 171⁄8 75⁄8 139⁄16 / 14 12 1 Belt width +9" for standard base Belt width +15" for wide base Wide Base Shown 2" Standard Base Shown / x 11/2 lg. Center slot for optional one bolt mounting 9 16 35 DEG TROUGHING IDLER B4-35T-(BW)B Wide Base A B C D 18 Wt. 25 Wt. 29 197⁄16 615⁄16 71⁄8 111⁄4 24 30 33 247⁄8 9 71⁄8 121⁄2 30 34 38 5 30 ⁄16 1 11 ⁄16 1 7 ⁄8 135⁄8 53/4 - 61/2 36 41 45 353⁄4 131⁄8 71⁄8 1413⁄16 8 1 /2 42 45 48 411⁄16 151⁄8 71⁄8 16 48 51 - 45 ⁄16 17 ⁄8 7 ⁄8 171⁄8 Belt Width B 35° D C / - Bolt / 14 12 1 2" Belt width +9" for standard base Belt width +15" for wide base Wide Base Shown Standard Base Shown / x 11/2 lg. Center slot for optional one bolt mounting 9 16 35 DEG TROUGHING IDLER B5-35T-(BW)B 35° 5" 2" Belt width +9" for standard base 1 Belt width +15" for wide base Wide Base Shown Standard Base Shown A B C D 18 Wt. 28 Wt. - 187⁄8 615⁄16 75⁄8 1111⁄16 24 34 37 241⁄4 9 75⁄8 127⁄8 30 39 43 293⁄4 111⁄16 75⁄8 141⁄16 5/ -6/ 36 47 50 353⁄16 131⁄8 75⁄8 151⁄4 8/ 42 52 55 7 40 ⁄16 15 ⁄8 5 7 ⁄8 163⁄8 48 58 - 453⁄4 171⁄8 75⁄8 171⁄2 / 4 4 9/16 x 11/2 lg. Center slot for optional one bolt mounting 1 Wide Base 14 12 1 5" DIAMETER ROLL Belt Width D C 5 Std. Base Roll dia. A B / - Bolt 4" DIAMETER ROLL Std. Base Roll dia. A 5" 5" DIAMETER ROLL Belt Width B D 1 Std. Base Roll dia. A 5" 4" DIAMETER ROLL 34 12 12 1 Ball Bearing CEMA B 45 DEG TROUGHING IDLER B4-45T-(BW)B Std. Base Wide Base A B C D 18 Wt. 27 Wt. 31 181⁄2 615⁄16 71⁄8 123⁄8 24 32 35 231⁄2 9 71⁄8 1313⁄16 30 36 40 281⁄2 111⁄16 71⁄8 155⁄16 36 42 47 7 33 ⁄16 13 ⁄8 1 7 ⁄8 163⁄4 53/4 - 71/2 42 47 50 381⁄4 151⁄8 71⁄8 183⁄16 81/2 48 53 – 431⁄8 171⁄8 71⁄8 195⁄8 Roll dia. A Belt Width B 45° D C / - Bolt 12 Belt width +9" for standard base Belt width +15" for wide base 1 2" / 14 / x 11/2 lg. Center slot for optional one bolt mounting 9 16 45 DEG TROUGHING IDLER B5-45T-(BW)B Std. Base Wide Base A B C D 18 Wt. 29 Wt. – 1713⁄16 615⁄16 75⁄8 123⁄4 24 36 39 22 ⁄4 9 5 7 ⁄8 1413⁄16 30 41 45 273⁄4 111⁄16 75⁄8 1511⁄16 36 49 52 323⁄4 131⁄8 75⁄8 171⁄8 5/ -7/ 42 54 57 379⁄16 151⁄8 75⁄8 189⁄16 81/2 48 60 – 423⁄8 171⁄8 75⁄8 1915⁄16 Belt Width B 45° D C / - Bolt 12 Belt width +9" for standard base Belt width +15" for wide base 2" / 14 34 9/16 x 11/2 lg. Center slot for optional one bolt mounting RETURN/FLAT CARRYING IDLER 3 3/ 4 12 B4-RF-(BW)B 4" / " x 11/8" lg. slots - center slot also provided 58 4" Belt width +15" for wide base Belt width +9" for standard base 6" / " - Bolts 12 11/2" Drop hanger no.: 3766850 31/2" Drop hanger no.: 3767733 41/2" Drop hanger no.: 779931 11/2" Rise bracket no.: 71H6001 31/2" Rise bracket no.: 3322115 41/2" Rise bracket no.: 779930 RETURN/FLAT CARRYING IDLER 3 3/ 4 B5-RF-(BW)B 4" / " x 11/8" lg. slots - center slot also provided 58 6" 4" 6" / " - Bolts 12 11/2" Drop hanger no.: 3766850 31/2" Drop hanger no.: 3767733 41/2" Drop hanger no.: 779931 1 / " Rise bracket no.: 71H6001 3 / " Rise bracket no.: 3322115 41/2" Rise bracket no.: 779930 12 12 Belt Width 4" Std. Wt. A 18 15 211⁄8 24 18 271⁄8 30 21 331⁄8 36 24 391⁄8 42 27 451⁄8 48 31 511⁄8 5" DIAMETER ROLL 2 3/ 4 Belt width +15" for wide base Belt width +9" for standard base 3 4" DIAMETER ROLL 2 3/ 4 6" 1 5" DIAMETER ROLL Roll dia. A 1 4" DIAMETER ROLL Belt Width 5" Std. Wt. A 18 17 211⁄8 24 21 271⁄8 30 25 331⁄8 36 28 391⁄8 42 32 451⁄8 48 35 511⁄8 Dimensions in inches. Weights in pounds. All dimensions approximate. Obtain certified drawings for exact dimensions. Note: Bolt slots on troughing idlers allow up to 5⁄8" bolt. CEMA allows 1⁄2" bolt through 36" belt width. Bolt slots on drop hangers allow up to 1⁄2" bolt. For Reverse Belt Conveyors, consult factory. 5 5 CEMA C Ball Or Tapered Roller Bearing 20 DEG. TROUGHING IDLER C5-20T-(BW)B OR C5-20T-(BW)R Belt Std. Wide A Width Wt. Wt. 18 44 48 2115⁄16 Roll dia. A B D 20° / " 5 16 C / " Bolt E 58 Belt width +9" for standard base 1" Belt width +15" for wide base Wide Base Shown Standard Base Shown 101/2" 1" 20 DEG. TROUGHING IDLER B D C / " 5 16 / " - Bolt 58 Belt width +9" for standard base 1" Belt width +15" for wide base Wide Base Shown Standard Base Shown 1" 35 DEG. TROUGHING IDLER 35 DEG. TROUGHING IDLER 113⁄4 30 58 60 331⁄8 11 89⁄16 127⁄16 61⁄4 - 9 36 66 67 38 ⁄8 13 9 8 ⁄16 131⁄8 61⁄4 - 9 42 78 80 445⁄8 15 87⁄8 141⁄8 61⁄4 - 9 48 90 92 503⁄8 17 87⁄8 1413⁄16 7-9 54 100 103 56 ⁄8 19 1 9 ⁄4 15 ⁄8 7-9 60 109 111 6115⁄16 21 91⁄4 169⁄16 7-9 7 1 / " - Bolt Belt width +9" for standard base 1" Belt width +15" for wide base Wide Base Shown Standard Base Shown C D E 71⁄8 91⁄16 115⁄8 61⁄4 - 9 24 59 63 27 9 91⁄16 121⁄4 61⁄4 - 9 30 69 70 323⁄4 11 91⁄16 131⁄4 61⁄4 - 9 36 77 78 381⁄2 13 91⁄16 135⁄8 61⁄4 - 9 145⁄8 61⁄4 - 9 48 104 106 50 ⁄16 17 9 ⁄8 5 15 ⁄16 7-9 101/2 54 116 118 13 55 ⁄16 19 3 9 ⁄4 3 16 ⁄8 7-9 60 125 128 61 ⁄16 21 9 ⁄4 17 7-9 D E 9 / " E 101/2 B C 71⁄8 89⁄16 1213⁄16 61⁄4 - 9 24 51 57 243⁄4 9 89⁄16 137⁄8 61⁄4 - 9 30 60 62 30 11 89⁄16 15 61⁄4 - 9 36 68 70 355⁄16 13 89⁄16 163⁄16 61⁄4 - 9 42 81 83 9 40 ⁄16 15 7 8 ⁄8 175⁄8 61⁄4 - 9 48 93 95 457⁄8 17 87⁄8 1813⁄16 7-9 54 106 108 51 ⁄8 19 1 9 ⁄4 5 20 ⁄16 7-9 60 115 118 56 ⁄8 21 9 ⁄4 7 21 ⁄16 7-9 D E 1 3 1 6" DIA ROLL Belt Std. Wide A Width Wt. Wt. 18 52 57 191⁄4 5 16 3 5" DIA ROLL Belt Std. Wide A Width Wt. Wt. 18 45 50 1913⁄16 D 58 B 3 Roll dia. C 7 6" DIA ROLL C6-35T-(BW)B OR C6-35T-(BW)R 35° 6 6 89⁄16 93⁄8 B 1" 9 15 101/2 A 61⁄4 - 9 273⁄8 1 E Belt width +9" for standard base 1" Belt width +15" for wide base Wide Base Shown Standard Base Shown 61⁄4 - 9 445⁄16 / " 1" 111⁄8 93 5 16 / " - Bolt 89⁄16 90 D 58 71⁄8 42 B C E E Roll dia. 35° D 55 C5-35T-(BW)B OR C5-35T-(BW)R A C 50 Belt Std. Wide A Width Wt. Wt. 18 51 – 215⁄8 Roll dia. B 24 C6-20T-(BW)B OR C6-20T-(BW)R A 20° 5" DIA ROLL B C 71⁄8 91⁄16 133⁄16 61⁄4 - 9 3 1 24 59 65 24 ⁄16 9 9 ⁄16 145⁄16 61⁄4 - 9 30 71 73 297⁄16 11 91⁄16 157⁄16 61⁄4 - 9 36 79 81 343⁄4 13 91⁄16 169⁄16 61⁄4 - 9 42 93 95 40 15 93⁄8 181⁄16 61⁄4 - 9 48 107 109 451⁄4 17 93⁄8 193⁄16 7-9 54 121 124 509⁄16 19 93⁄4 2011⁄16 7-9 60 132 134 55 ⁄16 21 9 ⁄4 21 ⁄8 7-9 13 3 7 Ball Or Tapered Roller Bearing 45 DEG. TROUGHING IDLER C5-45T-(BW)B OR C5-45T-(BW)R A Belt Width 18 Roll dia. B 45° 45 DEG. TROUGHING IDLER RETURN/FLAT CARRYING IDLER 11 89⁄16 163⁄4 61⁄4 - 9 36 75 76 1 33 ⁄8 13 9 8 ⁄16 18 ⁄8 61⁄4 - 9 42 88 90 38 15 87⁄8 197⁄8 61⁄4 - 9 E 48 101 104 4213⁄16 17 87⁄8 215⁄16 7-9 101/2 54 110 113 44 ⁄8 19 1 9 ⁄4 1 23 ⁄16 7-9 60 120 123 52 ⁄2 21 9 ⁄4 24 ⁄2 7-9 Belt Width 18 101/2 Center slot provided rise bracket - only Belt width +9" for standard base Belt width +15" for wide base 33/4" 4 / " Rise stand Part no.: 779932 12 RETURN/FLAT CARRYING IDLER 33/4" Std. Wide A Wt. Wt. 56 61 181⁄4 C D E 71⁄8 91⁄16 143⁄8 61⁄4 - 9 2213⁄16 9 91⁄16 1511⁄16 61⁄4 - 9 30 78 79 275⁄8 11 91⁄16 171⁄16 61⁄4 - 9 36 86 87 327⁄16 13 91⁄16 181⁄2 61⁄4 - 9 42 100 102 5 37 ⁄16 15 3 9 ⁄8 20 ⁄4 61⁄4 - 9 48 115 118 421⁄8 17 93⁄8 2111⁄16 7-9 54 125 129 15 46 ⁄16 19 3 9 ⁄4 7 23 ⁄16 7-9 60 137 139 51 ⁄4 21 9 ⁄4 24 ⁄8 7-9 3 4 / " Rise stand Part no.: 779932 7 5" DIA ROLL Belt Width 5" Std. Wt. A 6" 18 23 21 24 28 27 30 32 33 36 36 39 42 40 45 48 45 51 / " 6" DIA ROLL Return/Flat Carrying 23/4" / " 3 4" 3 16 3 16 1 Return/Flat Carrying 23/4" A 4 / " Drop hanger Part no.: 69H5834 B 69 / " 12 1 6" DIA ROLL C6-RF-(BW)B OR C6-RF-(BW)R Center slot provided rise bracket - only Belt width +9" for standard base Belt width +15" for wide base 1 64 3 16 12 1 C5-RF-(BW)B OR C5-RF-(BW)R 41/2" Drop hanger Part no.: 69H5834 6" 5 1 24 A / " Bolts 61⁄4 - 9 285⁄16 / " 12 14 68 3 16 4" 89⁄16 67 E / " - Bolt Belt width +9" for standard base 1" 1" Belt width +15" for wide base Wide Base Shown Standard Base Shown 33/4" 71⁄8 30 5 16 58 2 3/ 4" 19 155⁄16 61⁄4 - 9 / " C 6" E 89⁄16 D / " Bolts D 9 Roll dia. 45° 12 C 231⁄2 B 4" B C6-45T-(BW)B OR C6-45T-(BW)R A 33/4" A 61 / " / " - Bolt Belt width +9" for standard base 1" 1" Belt width +15" for wide base Wide Base Shown Standard Base Shown Std. Wide Wt. Wt. 49 54 56 5 16 58 5" DIA ROLL 24 D C 2 3/ 4" CEMA C 4" Belt Width 6" Std. Wt. A 6" 18 29 21 24 34 27 30 40 33 36 45 39 42 51 45 48 57 51 Dimensions in inches. Weights in pounds. All dimensions approximate. Obtain certified drawings for exact dimensions. Note: Bolt slots on troughing idlers allow up to 5⁄8" bolt. CEMA allows 1⁄2" bolt through 36" belt width. Bolt slots on drop hangers allow up to 1⁄2" bolt. For Reverse Belt Conveyors, consult factory. 7 7 CEMA C Ball And Tapered Roller Bearing DISC RETURN C5-RFD-(BW)B 5" DIA ROLL Belt width +9" for standard base Belt width +15" for wide base 5 Inch Return Rubber Disc 6" A / Bolts 4" 1 2" 4/" 4 1/ 2 " 12 Drop hanger pn: 69H5834 DISC RETURN / " Bolts 4" 12 4 1/ 2 " Drop hanger pn: 69H5834 10 DEG. V RETURN IDLER C5-10RV-(BW)B OR C5-10RV-(BW)R For wide base use next larger belt width Belt width +9" for standard base 1 1/ 2" 101/2" 4" - 81/2" A 41/4" B 10° 10 DEG. V RETURN IDLER Belt width +9" for standard base / " Bolt 58 10° 8 8 24 211⁄8 24 29 271⁄8 30 34 331⁄8 36 39 391⁄8 42 44 451⁄8 48 49 511⁄8 1/" 10 / " 12 12 4" - 81/2" A 41/4" B Belt Width Std. Wt. A 18 30 211⁄8 24 35 271⁄8 30 42 331⁄8 36 48 391⁄8 42 54 451⁄8 48 61 511⁄8 5" DIA ROLL Belt Width 5" Std. Wt. A B 24 63 13 101⁄4 30 71 17 103⁄4 36 76 19 115⁄16 42 83 23 1113⁄16 48 87 27 125⁄16 54 101 29 127⁄8 60 107 33 133⁄8 C6-10RV-(BW)B OR C6-10RV-(BW)R For wide base use next larger belt width 1 1/2 " 18 6 Inch Return Rubber Disc 41/2" / " Bolt A 6" DIA ROLL 6" A 58 Std. Wt. C6-RFD-(BW)B Belt width +9" for standard base Belt width +15" for wide base 1 1/ 2 " Belt Width 6" DIA ROLL Belt Width 6" Std. Wt. A B 24 69 13 101⁄4 30 79 17 103⁄4 36 84 19 115⁄16 42 93 23 1113⁄16 48 100 27 125⁄16 54 115 29 127⁄8 60 123 33 133⁄8 Ball Bearing CEMA C 20 DEG. IMPACT TROUGHING IDLER C5-20TI-(BW)B 42" Belt and above have reinforced frame and center stand Belt Width 18 Roll dia. A B D 20° C / " Bolt Belt width +9" for standard base Belt width +15" for wide base / " 5 16 E 58 1" 101/2" 1" 20 DEG. IMPACT TROUGHING IDLER B D C / " 5 16 E 58 1" 101/2" 1" 35 DEG. IMPACT TROUGHING IDLER B 35° D C / " 5 16 / " Bolt E 58 Belt width + 9" for standard base Belt width + 15" for wide base 1" 101/2" 1" 35 DEG. IMPACT TROUGHING IDLER A B 35° D C / " Bolt E 58 1" Belt width + 9" for standard base Belt width + 15" for wide base / " 5 16 1" 101/2" 71⁄16 89⁄16 11 61⁄4 - 9 61⁄4 - 9 89⁄16 115⁄8 30 61 63 327⁄16 1015⁄16 89⁄16 125⁄16 61⁄4 - 9 36 70 72 383⁄16 1215⁄16 89⁄16 13 61⁄4 - 9 42 91 95 1415⁄16 87⁄8 14 61⁄4 - 9 48 112 114 49 ⁄4 16 ⁄16 7 8 ⁄8 11 14 ⁄16 7-9 54 123 126 55 ⁄2 18 ⁄16 1 9 ⁄4 15 ⁄4 7-9 60 135 138 61 ⁄4 20 ⁄16 9 ⁄4 16 ⁄16 7-9 44 3 15 1 15 1 15 1 3 7 6" DIA ROLL Std. Wide A Wt. Wt. 47 52 2015⁄16 B C D E 71⁄16 91⁄16 111⁄2 61⁄4 - 9 61⁄4 - 9 24 58 63 265⁄16 815⁄16 91⁄16 121⁄8 30 68 70 321⁄8 1015⁄16 91⁄16 1213⁄16 61⁄4 - 9 36 79 81 37 ⁄8 12 ⁄16 1 9 ⁄16 131⁄2 61⁄4 - 9 42 102 106 435⁄8 1415⁄16 93⁄8 141⁄2 61⁄4 - 9 48 124 126 493⁄8 1615⁄16 93⁄8 153⁄16 7-9 54 136 139 55 ⁄8 18 ⁄16 3 9 ⁄4 16 ⁄4 7-9 60 150 153 6015⁄16 2015⁄16 93⁄4 1615⁄16 7-9 7 15 1 15 1 5" DIA ROLL Std. Wide A Wt. Wt. 45 50 191⁄4 B C D E 71⁄16 89⁄16 125⁄8 61⁄4 - 9 24 54 59 243⁄16 815⁄16 89⁄16 1311⁄16 61⁄4 - 9 30 63 65 297⁄16 1015⁄16 89⁄16 1413⁄16 61⁄4 - 9 36 72 74 343⁄4 1215⁄16 89⁄16 42 90 93 48 113 54 60 40 16 61⁄4 - 9 1415⁄16 87⁄8 177⁄16 61⁄4 - 9 116 45 ⁄4 16 ⁄16 7 8 ⁄8 189⁄16 7-9 122 126 50 ⁄16 18 ⁄16 1 9 ⁄4 20 ⁄8 7-9 135 138 55 ⁄16 20 ⁄16 9 ⁄4 21 ⁄4 7-9 1 15 9 15 13 15 1 1 1 6" DIA ROLL Belt Width 18 Roll dia. E 2611⁄16 815⁄16 C6-35TI-(BW)B 42" belt and above have reinforced frame and center stand D 57 Belt Width 18 Roll dia. A C 52 C5-35TI-(BW)B 42" belt and above have reinforced frame and center stand B 24 Belt Width 18 Roll dia. A / " Bolt Belt width +9" for standard base Belt width +15" for wide base Std. Wide A Wt. Wt. 43 48 215⁄16 C6-20TI-(BW)B 42" Belt and above have reinforced frame and center stand 20° 5" DIA ROLL Std. Wide A Wt. Wt. 49 50 185⁄8 B C D E 71⁄16 91⁄16 13 61⁄4 - 9 24 59 65 23 ⁄16 8 ⁄16 9 ⁄16 14 ⁄16 61⁄4 - 9 30 70 72 287⁄8 1015⁄16 91⁄16 151⁄4 61⁄4 - 9 36 81 83 341⁄8 1215⁄16 91⁄16 163⁄8 61⁄4 - 9 42 112 120 397⁄16 1415⁄16 93⁄8 1713⁄16 61⁄4 - 9 48 136 140 4411⁄16 1615⁄16 93⁄8 19 7-9 54 148 151 50 18 ⁄16 3 9 ⁄4 20 ⁄2 7-9 60 164 166 55 ⁄4 20 ⁄16 9 ⁄4 21 ⁄16 7-9 9 1 15 15 15 1 3 Dimensions in inches. Weights in pounds. All dimensions approximate. Obtain certified drawings for exact dimensions. Note: Bolt slots on troughing idlers allow up to 5⁄8" bolt. CEMA allows 1⁄2" bolt through 36" belt width. Bolt slots on drop hangers allow up to 1⁄2" bolt. For Reverse Belt Conveyors, consult factory. 1 1 11 9 9 CEMA C Ball Bearing 45 DEG. IMPACT TROUGHING IDLER C5-45TI-(BW)B Belt Width 18 42" belt and above have reinforced frame and center stand Roll dia. A B 45° D / " C / " Bolt Belt width + 9" for standard base Belt width + 15" for wide base 5 16 58 1" 1" 45 DEG. IMPACT TROUGHING IDLER 52 57 223⁄16 815⁄16 89⁄16 147⁄8 61⁄4 - 9 30 61 63 27 10 ⁄16 8 ⁄16 16 ⁄4 61⁄4 - 9 36 70 72 3113⁄16 1215⁄16 89⁄16 1711⁄16 61⁄4 - 9 42 91 95 3611⁄16 1415⁄16 87⁄8 197⁄16 61⁄4 - 9 7-9 465⁄16 1815⁄16 91⁄4 225⁄8 7-9 101/2" 60 135 138 511⁄8 2015⁄16 91⁄4 241⁄16 7-9 D E 6" DIA ROLL Belt Width 18 B 5" dia. C 4" D 3" 35° 1" 9/16" x 1" slot - typ. Belt width + 55/8" 10 10 21/4" 4" 1315⁄16 61⁄4 - 9 91⁄16 151⁄4 61⁄4 - 9 30 70 71 265⁄16 1015⁄16 91⁄16 165⁄8 61⁄4 - 9 36 79 81 311⁄8 1215⁄16 91⁄16 181⁄16 61⁄4 - 9 42 112 120 35 ⁄16 14 ⁄16 3 9 ⁄8 193⁄4 61⁄4 - 9 48 136 140 403⁄4 1615⁄16 93⁄8 213⁄16 7-9 54 148 151 45 ⁄8 18 ⁄16 3 9 ⁄4 23 7-9 60 164 166 50 ⁄16 20 ⁄16 9 ⁄4 24 ⁄16 7-9 15 5 7 15 15 15 3 7 5" DIA ROLL Belt Width 24 Std. Wt. 44 A B C D 251⁄4 11 63⁄4 815⁄16 30 49 311⁄2 13 9 911⁄16 36 57 371⁄4 15 11 103⁄8 42 65 43 17 13 111⁄16 48 73 483⁄4 19 15 113⁄4 54 80 54 ⁄2 21 17 127⁄16 60 87 601⁄2 23 19 131⁄8 C5-35TCMI-(BW)B Top of center roll 91⁄16 815⁄16 4" A 71⁄16 211⁄2 21/4" Belt width + 55/8" C 63 3" 1" / " x 1" slot - typ. B 58 C5-20TCMI-(BW)B 9 16 35 DEG. IMPACT CHANNEL MOUNT IDLER Std. Wide A Wt. Wt. 49 55 1615⁄16 24 Top of center roll D 1 126 5" dia. 4" 9 123 A 20° 15 54 101/2" C 139⁄16 61⁄4 - 9 2013⁄16 E B 89⁄16 87⁄8 / " 20 DEG. IMPACT CHANNEL MOUNT IDLER 71⁄16 411⁄2 1615⁄16 5 16 1" E 114 D 58 D 112 B C C 48 Roll dia. 45° B 24 C6-45TI-(BW)B A 1" Std. Wide A Wt. Wt. 43 46 1711⁄16 E 42" belt and above have reinforced frame and center stand / " Bolt Belt width + 9" for standard base Belt width + 15" for wide base 5" DIA ROLL 1 5" DIA ROLL Belt Width 24 Std. Wt. 45 A B C D 233⁄16 11 63⁄4 101⁄2 30 50 287⁄8 13 9 1113⁄16 36 59 341⁄8 15 11 13 42 66 7 39 ⁄16 17 13 141⁄8 48 75 4411⁄16 19 15 151⁄4 54 82 50 21 17 167⁄16 60 89 551⁄4 23 19 179⁄16 Ball Bearing CEMA C 20 DEG. CHANNEL MOUNT IDLER C4-20TCM-(BW)B A B Top of center roll C 4" 20° 2 / " for 4" rolls 12 D 1" 9/16" x 1" slot - typ. 21/4" Belt width + 55/8" 4" 20 DEG. CHANNEL MOUNT IDLER B Top of center roll C 4" 3" for 5" rolls D 1" 9/16" x 1" slot - typ. 21/4" Belt width + 55/8" Std. Wt. 33 A B C D 255⁄8 11 67⁄8 81⁄2 30 37 3113⁄16 13 9 91⁄4 36 45 379⁄16 15 11 915⁄16 42 51 5 43 ⁄16 17 13 105⁄8 48 57 491⁄8 19 15 111⁄4 54 64 5413⁄16 21 17 12 60 71 60 ⁄8 23 19 1211⁄16 5 5" DIA ROLL Belt Width 24 Std. Wt. 36 A B C D 251⁄4 11 67⁄8 815⁄16 30 43 311⁄2 13 9 911⁄16 36 50 1 37 ⁄4 15 11 103⁄8 42 56 43 17 13 111⁄16 48 63 483⁄4 19 15 113⁄4 54 70 541⁄2 21 17 127⁄16 60 77 601⁄4 23 19 131⁄8 4" 35 DEG. CHANNEL MOUNT IDLER C4-35TCM-(BW)B A B Top of center roll C 4" 2 / " for 4" rolls 12 D 35° 1" 9/16" x 1" slot - typ. 21/4" Belt width + 55/8" 4" DIA ROLL Belt Width 24 Std. Wt. 34 A B C D 233⁄4 11 67⁄8 101⁄8 30 38 297⁄16 13 9 117⁄16 36 46 343⁄4 15 11 129⁄16 42 52 40 17 13 1311⁄16 48 59 451⁄4 19 15 147⁄8 54 65 509⁄16 21 17 16 60 72 55 ⁄16 23 19 171⁄8 13 4" 35 DEG. CHANNEL MOUNT IDLER C5-35TCM-(BW)B A B Top of center roll C 4" 3" for 5" rolls D 35° 1" 9/16" x 1" slot - typ. Belt width + 55/8" Belt Width 24 C5-20TCM-(BW)B A 20° 4" DIA ROLL 2 1 /4 " 4" 5" DIA ROLL Belt Width 24 Std. Wt. 37 A B C D 233⁄16 11 67⁄8 101⁄2 30 44 287⁄8 13 9 1113⁄16 36 51 34 ⁄8 15 11 13 42 58 7 39 ⁄16 17 13 141⁄8 48 64 4411⁄16 19 15 151⁄4 54 70 50 21 17 167⁄16 60 77 551⁄4 23 19 179⁄16 1 Dimensions in inches. Weights in pounds. All dimensions approximate. Obtain certified drawings for exact dimensions. Note: Bolt slots on troughing idlers allow up to 5⁄8" bolt. CEMA allows 1⁄2" bolt through 36" belt width. Bolt slots on drop hangers allow up to 1⁄2" bolt. For Reverse Belt Conveyors, consult factory. 11 11 CEMA D Ball Or Tapered Roller Bearing 20 DEG. TROUGHING IDLER D5-20T-(BW)B OR D5-20T-(BW)R Roll dia. A B D 20° C / " 5 16 / " - Bolt E 58 Belt width +9" for standard base 1" Belt width +15" for wide base Wide Base Shown Standard Base Shown 1" 20 DEG. TROUGHING IDLER 101/2 Roll dia. B D C / " 5 16 / " - Bolt E 58 Belt width +9" for standard base 1" 1" Belt width +15" for wide base Wide Base Shown Standard Base Shown 35 DEG. TROUGHING IDLER 101/2 Roll dia. B 35° D / " 5 16 C / " - Bolt E 58 Belt width +9" for standard base 1" Belt width +15" for wide base Wide Base Shown Standard Base Shown 1" 101/2 Std. Wide A Wt. Wt. 61 66 27 70 76 323⁄4 83 90 389⁄16 97 100 445⁄16 107 110 501⁄16 124 127 5513⁄16 135 138 619⁄16 145 148 675⁄16 155 158 731⁄16 Belt Width 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 Std. Wide A Wt. Wt. 54 60 243⁄4 62 69 30 75 82 355⁄16 87 90 409⁄16 96 99 457⁄8 114 117 511⁄8 124 127 563⁄8 134 137 6111⁄16 144 158 6615⁄16 D6-35T-(BW)B OR D6-35T-(BW)R Roll dia. A B 35° D C / " - Bolt 58 Belt width +9" for standard base 1" 1" Belt width +15" for wide base Wide Base Shown Standard Base Shown 12 12 Belt Width 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 / " 5 16 E 101/2 Belt Width 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 B C D E 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 89⁄16 87⁄8 87⁄8 87⁄8 91⁄4 91⁄4 91⁄4 95⁄8 95⁄8 113⁄4 123⁄4 137⁄16 141⁄8 153⁄16 157⁄8 169⁄16 175⁄8 185⁄16 61⁄4 - 9 61⁄4 - 9 61⁄4 - 9 61⁄4 - 9 7-9 7-9 7-9 71⁄2 - 9 71⁄2 - 9 D E 6" DIA ROLL D5-35T-(BW)B OR D5-35T-(BW)R A 35 DEG. TROUGHING IDLER Std. Wide A Wt. Wt. 53 59 273⁄8 60 67 331⁄8 72 80 387⁄8 85 87 445⁄8 93 96 503⁄8 109 112 561⁄8 118 121 6115⁄16 127 130 681⁄8 136 139 737⁄8 D6-20T-(BW)B OR D6-20T-(BW)R A 20° Belt Width 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 5" DIA ROLL Std. Wide A Wt. Wt. 62 68 243⁄16 72 78 297⁄16 85 93 343⁄4 100 102 40 110 112 451⁄4 129 133 509⁄16 141 144 5513⁄16 152 155 611⁄8 163 166 663⁄8 B 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 C 91⁄16 121⁄4 93⁄8 131⁄4 93⁄8 1315⁄16 93⁄8 145⁄8 93⁄4 1511⁄16 93⁄4 163⁄8 93⁄4 17 1 10 ⁄8 181⁄16 101⁄8 183⁄4 61⁄4 - 9 61⁄4 - 9 61⁄4 - 9 61⁄4 - 9 7-9 7-9 7-9 71⁄2 - 9 71⁄2 - 9 5" DIA ROLL B C D E 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 89⁄16 87⁄8 87⁄8 87⁄8 91⁄4 91⁄4 91⁄4 95⁄8 95⁄8 137⁄8 155⁄16 161⁄2 175⁄8 193⁄16 205⁄16 217⁄16 23 241⁄8 61⁄4 - 9 61⁄4 - 9 61⁄4 - 9 61⁄4 - 9 7-9 7-9 7-9 71⁄2 - 9 71⁄2 - 9 D E 6" DIA ROLL B 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 C 91⁄16 145⁄16 93⁄8 1513⁄16 93⁄8 167⁄8 93⁄8 181⁄16 93⁄4 199⁄16 93⁄4 2011⁄16 93⁄4 217⁄8 101⁄8 233⁄8 101⁄8 249⁄16 61⁄4 - 9 61⁄4 - 9 61⁄4 - 9 61⁄4 - 9 7-9 7-9 7-9 71⁄2 - 9 71⁄2 - 9 Ball Or Tapered Roller Bearing 45 DEG. TROUGHING IDLER D5-45T-(BW)B OR D5-45T-(BW)R A Roll dia. B 45° D / " C 5 16 E / " - Bolt Belt width +9" for standard base 1" 1" Belt width +15" for wide base Wide Base Shown Standard Base Shown 58 45 DEG. TROUGHING IDLER CEMA D 101/2 Belt Width 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 Std. Wide A Wt. Wt. 59 65 231⁄2 68 74 285⁄16 81 89 331⁄8 95 97 38 105 107 4213⁄16 119 122 445⁄8 130 133 521⁄2 140 144 575⁄16 151 155 621⁄8 D6-45T-(BW)B OR D6-45T-(BW)R A Roll dia. B 45° D / " C 5 16 E / " - Bolt Belt width +9" for standard base 1" Belt width +15" for wide base Wide Base Shown Standard Base Shown 58 1" RETURN/FLAT CARRYING IDLER 101/2 Belt Width 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 5" DIA ROLL B C D E 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 89⁄16 87⁄8 87⁄8 87⁄8 91⁄4 91⁄4 91⁄4 95⁄8 95⁄8 155⁄16 171⁄16 187⁄16 197⁄8 2111⁄16 231⁄16 241⁄2 265⁄16 2711⁄16 61⁄4 - 9 61⁄4 - 9 61⁄4 - 9 61⁄4 - 9 7-9 7-9 7-9 71⁄2 - 9 71⁄2 - 9 D E 6" DIA ROLL Std. Wide A Wt. Wt. 59 65 2213⁄16 68 74 275⁄8 81 89 327⁄16 95 97 375⁄16 105 107 421⁄8 119 122 4615⁄16 130 133 513⁄4 140 144 569⁄16 151 155 617⁄16 B 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 D5-RF-(BW)B OR D5-RF-(BW)R C 91⁄16 1511⁄16 93⁄8 173⁄8 93⁄8 1813⁄16 93⁄8 201⁄4 93⁄4 221⁄16 93⁄4 237⁄16 93⁄4 247⁄8 101⁄8 265⁄8 101⁄8 281⁄16 61⁄4 - 9 61⁄4 - 9 61⁄4 - 9 61⁄4 - 9 7-9 7-9 7-9 71⁄2 - 9 71⁄2 - 9 5" DIA ROLL 5 Inch Return/Flat Carrying 3 3 /4 2 3 /4 4" / " x 11/8" lg. slots - center slot also provided 58 4" Belt width +15" for wide base Belt width +9" for standard base A 6" 6" / " - Bolts 12 41/2" Drop hanger no.: 69H5834 41/2" Rise bracket no.: 779932 Contact factory for other drop and rise heights. Drop/Stand weight included (4lbs/pr). RETURN/FLAT CARRYING IDLER Belt Width 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 D6-RF-(BW)B OR D6-RF-(BW)R Std. Wt. 30 34 39 44 49 54 59 63 68 A 27 33 39 45 51 57 63 69 75 6" DIA ROLL 6 Inch Return/Flat Carrying 3 3/ 4 2 3/ 4 4" / " x 11/8" lg. slots - center slot also provided 58 6" 4" Belt width +15" for wide base Belt width +9" for standard base A 6" / " - Bolts 12 41/2" Drop hanger no.: 69H5834 Contact factory for other drop and rise heights. Drop/Stand weight included (4lbs/pr). 41/2" Rise bracket no.: 779932 Belt Width 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 Std. Wt. 36 43 49 55 61 67 73 79 85 Dimensions in inches. Weights in pounds. All dimensions approximate. Obtain certified drawings for exact dimensions. Note: Bolt slots on troughing idlers allow up to 5⁄8" bolt. CEMA allows 1⁄2" bolt through 36" belt width. Bolt slots on drop hangers allow up to 1⁄2" bolt. For Reverse Belt Conveyors, consult factory. A 27 33 39 45 51 57 63 69 75 13 13 CEMA D Ball And Tapered Roller Bearing DISC RETURN D5-RFD-(BW)B Belt width +9" for standard base Belt width +15" for wide base 5" DIA ROLL 5 Inch Return RUBBER DISC Belt Std. A Width Wt. 24 29 271⁄8 30 34 331⁄8 36 39 391⁄8 42 44 451⁄8 48 49 511⁄8 54 58 571⁄8 60 63 631⁄8 72 73 751⁄8 6" A / Bolts 4" 1 2" 4/" 4 1/ 2 " 12 Drop hanger pn: 69H5834 DISC RETURN D6-RFD-(BW)B Belt width +9" for standard base Belt width +15" for wide base 6" DIA ROLL 6 Inch Return RUBBER DISC Belt Std. A Width Wt. 24 35 271⁄8 30 42 331⁄8 36 48 391⁄8 42 54 451⁄8 48 61 511⁄8 54 64 571⁄8 60 68 631⁄8 72 79 751⁄8 6" A / " Bolts 4" 12 4/" 4 1/2 " 12 Drop hanger pn: 69H5834 10 DEG. V RETURN IDLER D5-10RV-(BW)B OR D5-10RV-(BW)R For wide base use next larger belt width Belt width +9" for standard base 1 1 / 2" / " Bolt 58 1/" 101/2" 12 4" - 81/2" A 41/4" B 10° 10 DEG. V RETURN IDLER 1 1 /2" / " Bolt 58 10° 14 14 Belt Width 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 D6-10RV-(BW)B OR D6-10RV-(BW)R For wide base use next larger belt width Belt width +9" for standard base 5" DIA ROLL 11/2" 101/2" 4" - 81/2" A 41/4" B 5" Std. Wt. 63 71 76 83 87 101 107 126 133 A B 13 17 19 23 27 29 33 35 39 101⁄4 103⁄4 115⁄16 1113⁄16 125⁄16 127⁄8 133⁄8 14 141⁄2 6" DIA ROLL Belt Width 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 6" Std. Wt. 76 84 92 102 109 125 134 143 150 A B 13 17 19 23 27 29 33 35 39 101⁄4 103⁄4 115⁄16 1113⁄16 125⁄16 127⁄8 133⁄8 14 141⁄2 Ball Bearing CEMA D 20 DEG. IMPACT TROUGHING IDLER D5-20TI-(BW)B 42" Belt and above have reinforced frame and center stand Roll dia. A B D 20° C / " Bolt Belt width +9" for standard base Belt width +15" for wide base / " 5 16 E 58 1" 101/2" 1" 20 DEG. IMPACT TROUGHING IDLER D6-20TI-(BW)B 42" Belt and above have reinforced frame and center stand Roll dia. A B D 20° C / " Bolt Belt width +9" for standard base Belt width +15" for wide base / " 5 16 E 58 1" 10 / " 12 1" 35 DEG. IMPACT TROUGHING IDLER Roll dia. A B 35° D C / " 5 16 / " Bolt E 58 1" 101/2" 1" 35 DEG. IMPACT TROUGHING IDLER Roll dia. A B 35° D C / " Bolt 1" Belt width + 9" for standard base Belt width + 15" for wide base / " 5 16 E 1" Belt Width 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 D6-35TI-(BW)B 42" belt and above have reinforced frame and center stand 58 Belt Width 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 D5-35TI-(BW)B 42" belt and above have reinforced frame and center stand Belt width + 9" for standard base Belt width + 15" for wide base Belt Width 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 101/2" Belt Width 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 5" DIA ROLL Std. Wide A Wt. Wt. 57 61 2611⁄16 64 67 327⁄16 73 95 333⁄16 102 105 44 114 117 493⁄4 123 126 551⁄2 141 144 611⁄4 148 150 67 154 158 723⁄4 B C D E 815⁄16 1015⁄16 1215⁄16 1415⁄16 1615⁄16 1815⁄16 2015⁄16 2215⁄16 2415⁄16 89⁄16 87⁄8 87⁄8 87⁄8 91⁄4 91⁄4 91⁄4 95⁄8 95⁄8 115⁄8 125⁄8 135⁄16 14 151⁄16 153⁄4 167⁄16 171⁄2 183⁄16 61⁄4 - 9 61⁄4 - 9 61⁄4 - 9 61⁄4 - 9 7-9 7-9 7-9 71⁄2 - 9 71⁄2 - 9 D E 6" DIA ROLL Std. Wide A Wt. Wt. 60 66 265⁄16 68 74 321⁄8 84 91 377⁄8 100 102 435⁄8 112 114 493⁄8 128 131 551⁄8 141 144 6015⁄16 154 157 6611⁄16 163 166 727⁄16 B C 815⁄16 91⁄16 121⁄8 1015⁄16 93⁄8 131⁄8 1215⁄16 93⁄8 133⁄4 1415⁄16 93⁄8 141⁄2 1615⁄16 93⁄4 159⁄16 1815⁄16 93⁄4 161⁄4 2015⁄16 93⁄4 1615⁄16 2215⁄16 101⁄8 18 2415⁄16 101⁄8 1811⁄16 61⁄4 - 9 61⁄4 - 9 61⁄4 - 9 61⁄4 - 9 7-9 7-9 7-9 71⁄2 - 9 71⁄2 - 9 5" DIA ROLL Std. Wide A Wt. Wt. 58 62 243⁄16 66 69 297⁄16 75 97 343⁄4 105 108 40 117 120 451⁄4 129 132 509⁄16 147 150 551⁄8 155 157 611⁄8 162 165 663⁄8 B C D E 815⁄16 1015⁄16 1215⁄16 1415⁄16 1615⁄16 1815⁄16 2015⁄16 2215⁄16 2415⁄16 89⁄16 87⁄8 87⁄8 87⁄8 91⁄4 91⁄4 91⁄4 95⁄8 95⁄8 1311⁄16 151⁄8 161⁄4 177⁄16 1815⁄16 201⁄8 211⁄4 223⁄4 2315⁄16 61⁄4 - 9 61⁄4 - 9 61⁄4 - 9 61⁄4 - 9 7-9 7-9 7-9 71⁄2 - 9 71⁄2 - 9 D E 6" DIA ROLL Std. Wide A Wt. Wt. 61 67 239⁄16 70 76 287⁄8 86 94 341⁄8 102 105 397⁄16 115 117 4411⁄16 133 137 50 147 150 551⁄4 161 164 609⁄16 171 174 6513⁄16 B C 815⁄16 91⁄16 141⁄16 1015⁄16 93⁄8 159⁄16 1215⁄16 93⁄8 1611⁄16 1415⁄16 93⁄8 1713⁄16 1615⁄16 93⁄4 193⁄8 1815⁄16 93⁄4 201⁄2 2015⁄16 93⁄4 2111⁄16 2215⁄16 101⁄8 233⁄16 2415⁄16 101⁄8 245⁄16 Dimensions in inches. Weights in pounds. All dimensions approximate. Obtain certified drawings for exact dimensions. Note: Bolt slots on troughing idlers allow up to 5⁄8" bolt. CEMA allows 1⁄2" bolt through 36" belt width. Bolt slots on drop hangers allow up to 1⁄2" bolt. For Reverse Belt Conveyors, consult factory. 61⁄4 - 9 61⁄4 - 9 61⁄4 - 9 61⁄4 - 9 7-9 7-9 7-9 71⁄2 - 9 71⁄2 - 9 15 15 CEMA D Ball Bearing 45 DEG. IMPACT TROUGHING IDLER D5-45TI-(BW)B 42" belt and above have reinforced frame and center stand Roll dia. A B 45° D / " C 5 16 E / " Bolt Belt width + 9" for standard base Belt width + 15" for wide base 58 1" 101/2" 1" 45 DEG. IMPACT TROUGHING IDLER Roll dia. A B 45° D / " C 5 16 E 58 1" 101/2" 1" Accessories Roll dia. 6/" 34 20° D / " 5 16 C / " Bolt E 58 Belt width +9" for standard base 11/2" Belt width +15" for wide base Wide Base Shown Standard Base Shown 101/2" 1" 20 DEG. PICKING EXTENDED CENTER ROLL C D E 815⁄16 1015⁄16 1215⁄16 1415⁄16 1615⁄16 1815⁄16 2015⁄16 2215⁄16 2415⁄16 89⁄16 87⁄8 87⁄8 87⁄8 91⁄4 91⁄4 91⁄4 95⁄8 95⁄8 147⁄8 165⁄8 18 197⁄16 211⁄4 225⁄8 241⁄16 2513⁄16 271⁄4 61⁄4 - 9 61⁄4 - 9 61⁄4 - 9 61⁄4 - 9 7-9 7-9 7-9 71⁄2 - 9 71⁄2 - 9 D E 6" DIA ROLL Belt Width 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 Std. Wide A Wt. Wt. 66 72 211⁄2 76 82 265⁄16 93 100 311⁄8 110 112 3515⁄16 123 126 403⁄4 138 141 455⁄8 153 156 507⁄16 167 170 551⁄4 178 181 60 B C 815⁄16 91⁄16 151⁄4 1015⁄16 93⁄8 1615⁄16 1215⁄16 93⁄8 183⁄8 1415⁄16 93⁄8 193⁄4 1615⁄16 93⁄4 219⁄16 1815⁄16 93⁄4 23 2015⁄16 93⁄4 247⁄16 2215⁄16 101⁄8 263⁄16 2415⁄16 101⁄8 275⁄8 61⁄4 - 9 61⁄4 - 9 61⁄4 - 9 61⁄4 - 9 7-9 7-9 7-9 71⁄2 - 9 71⁄2 - 9 Roll dia. 63/4" 20° D C / " Bolt 58 Belt width +9" for standard base 1 1 /2 " 1" Belt width +15" for wide base Wide Base Shown Standard Base Shown Belt Width 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 72 Std. Wide A Wt. Wt. 52 61 291⁄8 63 70 351⁄8 74 76 411⁄8 82 83 471⁄8 93 94 531⁄8 102 105 591⁄8 110 113 651⁄8 126 141 771⁄8 5" DIA ROLL B C D E 15 21 27 33 39 45 51 63 89⁄16 87⁄8 87⁄8 87⁄8 91⁄4 91⁄4 91⁄4 95⁄8 11 115⁄16 115⁄16 115⁄16 1111⁄16 1111⁄16 1111⁄16 121⁄16 61⁄4 - 9 61⁄4 - 9 61⁄4 - 9 61⁄4 - 9 7-9 7-9 7-9 71⁄2 - 9 D6-20TP-(BW)B OR D6-20TP-(BW)R A 16 16 B D5-20TP-(BW)B OR D5-20TP-(BW)R A B Std. Wide A Wt. Wt. 59 63 223⁄16 68 71 27 77 99 3113⁄16 108 111 3611⁄16 120 123 411⁄2 135 138 465⁄16 153 156 511⁄8 162 164 56 170 172 6013⁄16 Ball or Tapered Roller Bearing 20 DEG. PICKING EXTENDED CENTER ROLL B Belt Width 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 D6-45TI-(BW)B 42" belt and above have reinforced frame and center stand / " Bolt Belt width + 9" for standard base Belt width + 15" for wide base 5" DIA ROLL / " 5 16 E 101/2" Belt Width 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 72 Std. Wide A Wt. Wt. 55 64 283⁄4 68 75 343⁄4 80 82 403⁄4 89 90 463⁄4 101 102 523⁄4 112 115 583⁄4 121 124 643⁄4 140 155 763⁄4 6" DIA ROLL B 15 21 27 33 39 45 51 63 C D 91⁄16 111⁄2 93⁄8 1113⁄16 93⁄8 1113⁄16 93⁄8 1113⁄16 93⁄4 123⁄16 93⁄4 123⁄16 93⁄4 123⁄16 101⁄8 129⁄16 E 61⁄4 - 9 61⁄4 - 9 61⁄4 - 9 61⁄4 - 9 7-9 7-9 7-9 71⁄2 - 9 Accessories 20 DEG. TROUGH SELF-ALIGNING WITH GUIDE ROLLS A 3/" 34 Belt Travel Approx. 23/8" B D5-20TA-(BW)B OR D5-20TA-(BW)R 9 3 /4 " 21/4" dia. Roll dia. 4/"± / 34 14 D ± 1/ 4 20° C /" 38 / " Bolt for 18" - 24" belt / " Bolt for 30" - 72" belt 12 58 1 1/4" 61/2" - 9" 3/" 14 Belt width +9" for standard base Belt width +15" for wide base Wide Base Shown Standard Base Shown 10" E 20 DEG. TROUGH SELF-ALIGNING WITH GUIDE ROLLS A 3/" 34 Belt Travel Approx. 23/8" B 93/4" Roll dia. 43/4" ± 1/4 D ± 1/ 4 C / " Bolt for 18" - 24" belt / " Bolt for 30" - 72" belt 12 58 1 1/ 4" /" 38 61/2" - 9" 3/" 14 Belt width +9" for standard base Belt width +15" for wide base Wide Base Shown Standard Base Shown 10" E 35 DEG. TROUGH SELF-ALIGNING WITH GUIDE ROLLS A Belt Travel Approx. 43/8" 43/4" ± 1/4 B 93/4" Roll dia. D ± 1/ 4 C / " Bolt for 18" - 24" belt / " Bolt for 30" - 72" belt 12 58 1 1/4" /" 38 61/2" - 9" 31/4" Belt width +9" for standard base Belt width +15" for wide base Wide Base Shown Standard Base Shown 10" 35 DEG. TROUGH SELF-ALIGNING WITH GUIDE ROLLS A Belt Travel Approx. 43/8" 43/4" ± 1/4 B 9 3 /4 " Roll dia. D ± 1/ 4 C / " Bolt for 18" - 24" belt / " Bolt for 30" - 72" belt 12 58 1 1/4" /" 38 31/4" Belt width +9" for standard base Belt width +15" for wide base Wide Base Shown Standard Base Shown Std. Wide A Wt. Wt. 104 107 335⁄8 116 123 393⁄8 131 134 451⁄8 148 154 507⁄8 163 166 565⁄8 175 180 627⁄8 196 203 685⁄8 212 216 741⁄4 225 229 80 Belt Width 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 Std. Wide A Wt. Wt. 98 101 333⁄4 108 115 39 122 125 445⁄16 137 143 499⁄16 150 154 551⁄16 161 166 609⁄16 181 188 661⁄16 196 200 715⁄16 208 212 765⁄8 D6-35TA-(BW)B OR D6-35TA-(BW)R 21/4" dia. 35° Belt Width 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 D5-35TA-(BW)B OR D5-35TA-(BW)R 21/4" dia. 35° Std. Wide A Wt. Wt. 96 99 335⁄8 106 114 393⁄8 121 124 451⁄8 136 141 507⁄8 149 152 565⁄8 160 165 627⁄8 179 186 685⁄8 195 198 741⁄4 207 210 80 D6-20TA-(BW)B OR D6-20TA-(BW)R 21/4" dia. 20° Belt Width 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 61/2" - 9" 10" Belt Width 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 Std. Wide A Wt. Wt. 105 108 333⁄4 117 124 39 132 135 445⁄16 150 155 499⁄16 164 168 551⁄16 177 181 609⁄16 197 205 661⁄16 214 217 715⁄16 227 231 765⁄8 5" DIA ROLL B 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 C D 8 ⁄16 145⁄8 813⁄16 155⁄16 813⁄16 16 813⁄16 1611⁄16 813⁄16 173⁄8 91⁄8 183⁄8 91⁄8 191⁄16 91⁄2 201⁄8 91⁄2 2013⁄16 13 6"DIA ROLL B C D 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 95⁄16 95⁄16 95⁄16 95⁄16 95⁄16 95⁄8 95⁄8 10 10 145⁄8 155⁄16 16 1611⁄16 173⁄8 183⁄8 191⁄16 201⁄8 2013⁄16 5" DIA ROLL B 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 C D 813⁄16 163⁄4 813⁄16 177⁄8 813⁄16 191⁄16 813⁄16 203⁄16 813⁄16 215⁄16 91⁄8 223⁄4 91⁄8 2315⁄16 91⁄2 257⁄16 91⁄2 265⁄8 6" DIA ROLL B C D 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 95⁄16 95⁄16 95⁄16 95⁄16 95⁄16 95⁄8 95⁄8 10 10 163⁄4 177⁄8 191⁄16 203⁄16 215⁄16 223⁄4 2315⁄16 257⁄16 265⁄8 Dimensions in inches. Weights in pounds. All dimensions approximate. Obtain certified drawings for exact dimensions. Note: Bolt slots on troughing idlers allow up to 5⁄8" bolt. CEMA allows 1⁄2" bolt through 36" belt width. Bolt slots on drop hangers allow up to 1⁄2" bolt. For Reverse Belt Conveyors, consult factory. 17 17 Accessories 45 DEG. TROUGH SELF-ALIGNING WITH GUIDE ROLLS A Approx. 51/2" 43/4" ± 1/4 B Belt Travel 21/4" dia. 45° D5-45TA-(BW)B OR D5-45TA-(BW)R 9 3/ 4 " Roll dia. D ± 1/4 C /" 38 / " Bolt for 18" - 24" belt / " Bolt for 30" - 72" belt 31/4" Belt width +9" for standard base 1 1 / 4" Belt width +15" for wide base Wide Base Shown Standard Base Shown 12 58 61/2" - 9" 10" 45 DEG. TROUGH SELF-ALIGNING WITH GUIDE ROLLS A Approx. 51/2" 43/4" ± 1/4 B Belt Travel 21/4" dia. 45° 9 3 / 4" Roll dia. C /" 38 / " Bolt for 18" - 24" belt / " Bolt for 30" - 72" belt 31/4" Belt width +9" for standard base 1 1 / 4" Belt width +15" for wide base Wide Base Shown Standard Base Shown 61/2" - 9" 10" RETURN SELF-ALIGNING WITH GUIDE ROLLS Belt width +9" for standard base Belt width +15" for wide base A /" 78 21/4" dia. / " dia. bolts Roll dia. 43/4" /" 95/8" 4" - 41/2" 58 Belt width /" 58 3 3/ 4" 41/2" Drop 14 12" Wide Base Shown 6" Standard Base Shown DISC RETURN SELF-ALIGNING Belt width +9" for standard base Belt width +15" for wide base A /" 78 /" 58 11/4" Belt Travel 95/8" 4" - 41/2" 21/4" dia. / " dia. bolts Roll dia. /" 14 Wide Base Shown 18 18 43/4" Std. Wide A Wt. Wt. 94 99 333⁄16 113 118 38 125 130 4213⁄16 148 153 475⁄8 175 180 527⁄16 187 192 5711⁄16 201 206 625⁄8 211 216 679⁄16 221 226 723⁄8 5 Inch Return Trainer with Guide Rolls Belt Std. Wide A Width Wt. Wt. 24 109 112 27 30 120 124 33 36 133 136 39 42 144 147 45 48 159 162 51 54 171 174 57 60 183 187 63 66 196 199 69 72 208 211 72 D5-RAD-(BW)B OR D6-RAD-(BW)B 58 Belt width Belt Width 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 41/2" Drop 33/4" 12" Standard Base Shown 6" 5 Inch Disc Return RUBBER Belt Std. A Width Wt. 24 89 271⁄8 30 97 331⁄8 36 104 391⁄8 42 115 451⁄8 48 121 511⁄8 54 137 571⁄8 60 144 631⁄8 72 161 751⁄8 B 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 C D 8 ⁄16 177⁄8 813⁄16 191⁄4 813⁄16 2011⁄16 813⁄16 221⁄8 813⁄16 231⁄2 91⁄8 251⁄4 91⁄8 2611⁄16 91⁄2 287⁄16 91⁄2 297⁄8 13 6" DIA ROLL D5-RA-(BW)B, D5-RA-(BW)R, D6-RA-(BW)B OR D6-RA-(BW)R Belt Travel 11 / 4 " Std. Wide A Wt. Wt. 92 95 333⁄16 110 115 38 121 126 4213⁄16 143 148 475⁄8 169 174 527⁄16 185 190 5711⁄16 196 201 625⁄8 206 211 679⁄16 216 221 723⁄8 D6-45TA-(BW)B OR D6-45TA-(BW)R D ± 1/4 12 58 Belt Width 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 5" DIA ROLL B C D 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 95⁄16 95⁄16 95⁄16 95⁄16 95⁄16 95⁄8 95⁄8 10 10 177⁄8 191⁄4 2011⁄16 221⁄8 231⁄2 251⁄4 2611⁄16 287⁄16 297⁄8 5" & 6" DIA ROLL 6 Inch Return Trainer with Guide Rolls Belt Std. Wide A Width Wt. Wt. 24 115 118 27 30 129 132 33 36 142 145 39 42 155 158 45 48 171 174 51 54 184 188 57 60 198 201 63 66 212 215 69 72 225 228 75 5" & 6" DIA ROLL 6 Inch Disc Return RUBBER Belt Std. A Width Wt. 24 92 271⁄8 30 101 331⁄8 36 110 391⁄8 42 120 451⁄8 48 127 511⁄8 54 143 571⁄8 60 151 631⁄8 72 169 751⁄8 Accessories Ball Bearing CEMA D Wobbler Self-Aligning WOBBLER RETURN SELF-ALIGNING D6-RAW-(BW)B A C 6" Clamp box S08709A Clamp box M19088A Belt Travel 3 5 / 8" 91/2" 41/4" 13/8" 45° 11/4" 14 /" 7" Slotted holes for 5/8" dia. bolts Single hole for 1/2" bolt Belt Width A C 13⁄8" Wt. 41⁄4" Wt. 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 27 33 39 45 51 57 63 69 20 26 32 38 44 50 56 62 59 67 75 83 91 99 107 115 63 71 79 87 95 103 111 119 45° Centerline of pin about which idler swivels Available in 6" diameter rolls only. The Wobbler is available with 13⁄8" and 41⁄4" drop brackets as shown above. Add S08709A or M19088A for required drop hangers. Optional 1⁄4" urethane cover also available for sticky material or adverse weather conditions, add U as suffix to part number. Dimensions in inches. Weights in pounds. All dimensions approximate. Obtain certified drawings for exact dimensions. Note: Bolt slots on troughing idlers allow up to 5⁄8" bolt. CEMA allows 1⁄2" bolt through 36" belt width. Bolt slots on drop hangers allow up to 1⁄2" bolt. For Reverse Belt Conveyors, consult factory. 19 19 What You Want, When You Want It. Additional conveyor components include: • Pulleys • Impact Roller Beds • Impact Beds • Slide Seal Assemblies • Scale Idlers Goodman-Hewitt spiral idlers are designed to perform in even the stickiest applications. Their unique “corkscrew” design works to clean the conveyor belt and helps to control belt-training problems associated with installations handling sticky material. Spiral idlers are available in belt widths from 18" to 48". All designs, specifications and components of the equipment described above are subject to change at the manufacturer’s sole discretion at any time without advance notice. Data published herein is informational in nature and shall not be construed to warranty the suitability of the equipment for any particular purpose as performance may vary with the conditions encountered. The only warranty applicable is our standard written warranty for this equipment. P&H, P&H MinePro Services and Goodman-Hewitt are trademarks of Joy Global Inc. or one of its affiliates. © 2010 P&H Mining Equipment Inc. All rights reserved. Goodman-Hewitt Products P&H MinePro Services P.O. Box 866 1-888-MINEPRO 645 Floyd Outside the Wright U.S. andDrive Canada Belton, South Carolina 29627 Phone: (414) 671-4400 Phone: / Fax: 877-233-8092 Fax: (414)800-388-7701 670-7306 XS-51043BM-910
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