HM Where can our reader find you?
HM Where can our reader find you?
HANSUM MAGAZINE 335 East Albertoni Street. Suite #200-456,Carson CA 90746 Office: 310.466.4145 - Fax: 310.885.9586 Email: [email protected] 3 ! GOOD FELLAS TATTOO ARTIST TONY2TIMESS 4 HM: W e are sitting here with Tony2Timess at Good Fellas tattoo parlor. We are going to start with a few questions so we can figure out what it's like to be him and see things through his eyes. So Tony, when did you start doing tattoos? Tony: About 2008 I was 18. I always loved the industry; I was in to art and went around to a bunch of tattoo shops out here in California. Being an 18 year old kid trying to start tattooing and do that, you know take it the hard way. I got into a couple shops, didn't like them, moved on went over to English Ink down in Costa Mesa and it was about the worst year of my life (giggles). I had a very gnarly apprenticeship. I got freakin beat up battered and bruised but everyday I worked my ass off you know to where I am now. I was about 18 years old and 2010 is where I started my term profession. It's been about 3 years now that I've been professionally tattooing, but I been in the industry about 5 or 6 years. HM: Is that right? Is there any type of gear that you recommend, like something that is easier to work with? Tony: You mean as far as tattoo wise? HM: Yea! Tony: There's so much stuff that you can use. I mean it's pretty much whatever your comfortable with but what I use for machines are Workhouse Irons, Infinite Irons, I have a couple of Clean Rock one machines. I also use Internal Ink. The best out there is Internal ink for sure. Well I say so. Yea pretty much that. HM: Ok! Now I noticed a lot of different styles in tattooing. Now, I seen tags before, you know like taking it back to the New York bombers style but you guys, this is like straight art. I don't even know if this fits in your tattoo ram because I've seen your work, it's like you really put art on people. Tony: Yea. Growing up I did a lot of Juxtaposition style artwork, not necessarily graffiti but it was like Juxtaposition paintings. I actually got really good at that when I was younger, doing a lot of realism stuff so I tie in a lot of that stuff to my art because that’s pretty much what I know. Mixed with traditional tattooing, falling back to the early 1900's tattooing in the pike and super old school. I just pretty much mixed up all that stuff and put it all together and made it my own. I'm still really early in the game and I have year’s year’s and year’s down the line before I make my own style. I'm headed in the right direction for that for sure. I feel good about it. I feel good about where it's coming. I don't see my style around, it's my own and that’s what I'm going to make it. Like in the next 2 to 3 years I'm going to bum some people out with my style for sure. HM: Yea sounds good! Sounds good! Also I noticed that you worked with a couple of different artist. Would you like to tell us who is wearing your art? Tony: you mean like people that I've tattooed? HM: Yea! Tony: I'd say a lot of the younger group of people in the mid twenties. I'm starting to tattoo a lot more people that are heavily tattooed called a collector of tattoos. My work is really cool and people are actually starting to see it. So people are like " oh you know I wanna get a piece from you" so when they say they want to get a piece from you that means a lot you know. It makes me feel good when somebody says that. 5 HM: so you say you tattoo a lot of the younger crowd. You know our magazine is based in that younger feel that hip hop style. Do you have anything to say to those that are looking to get into the tattoo the market? Should they start with knowing how to draw first? Tony: To get into tattooing you have to know how to draw for damn sure (giggles). You know draw, paint, you just have to have a drive to want it. You know, you have to want everyday. Other then drawing, it’s that. If you don't live, smell, eat, shit, piss, breathe fuckin tattooing then your not gonna go anywhere in this industry. You have to want it. Five to seven days a week, you gotta have it. You don't necessarily have to know how to draw because you will learn it. Other then that, it's a fuckin headache! Toni & HM: giggles HM: Do you have a favorite piece that you've done? Something that you're proud of ? ! Tony: Probably a piece that I'm starting on my coworker Ivan. It's a sleeve down his whole arm. He's from Nicaragua and there's birds going up his arm and like a church from the city, it's like an old torn down church. I'm tying in a lot of elements to it, color. At the top there’s a vulture at the top that is watching the rest of the animals in it. There's that piece and I have a couple more. There's this chest piece with an eagle on top of a lantern like looking down, looking over everything. That one is pretty cool too. HM: so we've been blessed to see your art down here in California, what other states have you conquered? Tony: In the United States, I've tattooed in Washington, Florida, Nevada, Arizona, all over Northern California, Southern California. I did a little bit of a long spread in Texas. That was really fun. I've also been to Europe quite a few times. I was flying on airplane to Washington about three years ago and sitting right next to me was this Danish guy from Denmark. His name was Rasmusssen. He was messing around on the keyboard on his computer. On his Mac and I had just previously worked for Mac so I was like hey I can help you. He started talking to me in his weird accent and I fixed his..... 6 7 computer for him then we start talking about tattoos. Now he gets tattooed. One time he was like " why don't I fly you to Denmark so you can tattoo me and my friends?" So I'm like ok cool, awesome. Two weeks later he asked for my info so he can fly me to Denmark. I'd never been out of the United States besides to Mexico. So I was like what? Really? Couple weeks later I flew out to Denmark, stayed there for a month. Tattooed in Copenhagen, Denmark then came back to the United States. I waited a little longer then I started flying out more. I went to Germany, tattooed in Denmark quite a few times, in Norway, Sweden, Amsterdam, Poland and Czecho- ! slovakia, been to a couple other Tattoo conventions out there. The one in Norway was a really fun one. You know, just back and fourth. My next trip is in August to Berlin; I'm going to do that Tattoo convention there to. So that's my next trip. HM: alright so keep us posted. We will come back and talk to you a Lil later. Check to see how it went in Berlin. We will post that in there and make sure everything get out. Tony: Thank you, I appreciate it. HM: alright man, Thanks A lot 8 BATTLE OF THE GAME CONSOLES PLAY STATION 4 - XBOX1 WHICH CONSOLE IS BETTER, FOR YOU XBOX ONE OR PS4? IF YOU BUY YOUR CONSOLE PURELY FOR EXCLUSIVE GAME FRANCHISES, THE DECISION IS PROBABLY FAIRLY EASY. IF YOU GO PURELY ON PRICE, THE DECISION IS VERY EASY: THE PS4 IS $400, WHILE THE XBOX ONE IS $500. IF YOU’RE A DISCERNING BUYER WHO PREFERS TO MAKE A DECISION BASED ON A CONSOLE’S HARDWARE, SOFTWARE, AND USAGE POLICIES THE DECISION IS A LOT MORE COMPLEX. BOTH CONSOLES HAVE VERY SIMILAR HARDWARE SPECS. THE CPUS ARE VIRTUALLY THE SAME, THEY BOTH HAVE A GPU THAT’S DERIVED FROM THE RADEON 7000 SERIES, AND OVERALL MEMORY BANDWIDTH IS COMPARABLE BETWEEN THE TWO SYSTEMS. ON THE SOFTWARE AND POLICY SIDE OF THINGS, THE XBOX ONE AND PS4 WERE INITIALLY VERY DIFFERENT, WITH THE XBOX ONE 10 REQUIRING AN ALWAYS-ON INTERNET CONNECTION — BUT NOW, FOLLOWING MICROSOFT’S MASSIVE POLICY REVERSAL, BOTH CONSOLES ARE ESSENTIALLY VERY SIMILAR. THE XBOX ONE, WITH AN HDMI INPUT AND MANDATORY KINECT, IS MORE OF A LIVING ROOM MEDIA CENTER, BUT ULTIMATELY BOTH THE XBOX ONE AND PS4 ARE BOTH JUST HIGHER-POWERED VERSIONS OF THEIR PREDECESSORS, WITH LOTS OF NEW, INTERNETORIENTED FUNCTIONALITY (SOCIAL, STREAMING, ETC.) ADDED. 11 THE HARDWARE FROM MICROSOFT’S MOUTH, WE KNOW THAT THE XBOX ONE HAS AN 8-CORE AMD CPU WITH 8GB OF DDR3 RAM, A 500GB HARD DRIVE, HDMI IN/OUT, USB 3.0, AND GIGABIT ETHERNET. FOR MORE DETAILED SPECS, WE MUST LOOK TOWARDS THE LATEST INFO FROM THE GAMES DEVELOPMENT SECTOR, WHICH HAS BEEN PROGRAMMING XBOX ONE GAMES SINCE LAST YEAR AND THUS HAS INTIMATE KNOWLEDGE OF THE HARDWARE. THE LATEST LEAKS SUGGEST THAT THE XBOX ONE WILL HAVE AN 8CORE 64-BIT X86 JAGUAR AMD CPU @ 1.6GHZ, COUPLED WITH A GPU. THE XBOX ONE WILL HAVE 68GB/SEC OF BANDWIDTH BETWEEN THE CPU/GPU AND RAM, THE GPU WILL HAVE 102GB/S OF BANDWIDTH TO A LOCAL 32MB SRAM CACHE, AND ANOTHER 30GB/S OF BANDWIDTH TO GAMEPADS, KINECT, AND OTHER PERIPHERALS. THE PS4, IN COMPARISON, HAS AN 8-CORE JAGUAR AMD CPU, WITH A GPU THAT’S AROUND THE SAME LEVEL AS THE RADEON 7870 (WHICH IS SIGNIFICANTLY MORE POWERFUL THAN THE 7790). THE PS4 HAS 8GB OF GDDR5 RAM, PROVIDING 176GB/S OF BANDWIDTH TO BOTH THE CPU AND GPU. THE XBOX ONE MOSTLY AMELIORATES THIS DIFFERENCE WITH 32MB OF HIGH-SPEED SRAM ON THE GPU, BUT IT WILL BE A MORE COMPLEX ARCHITECTURE TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF. 12 CONTROLLERS WITH ITS NEW TOUCHPAD, THE DUALSHOCK 4 IS THE MOST OBVIOUSLY CHANGED OF THE TWO JOYPADS, AND SONY HAS ALSO ADDED A SPEAKER FOR UP-CLOSE, PLAYER-SPECIFIC AUDIO. ALSO IMPORTANT IS THE NEW SHARE BUTTON WHICH WILL LET PLAYSTATION GAMERS RECORD FOOTAGE OF THEIR VIRTUAL FEATS WITH WHICH TO IMPRESS/SPAM THEIR FRIENDS. THE XBOX ONE CONTROLLER, WHICH APPARENTLY WENT THROUGH OVER 200 PROTOTYPE STAGES AND FEATURES 40 IMPROVEMENTS, IS MORE SUBTLE – IT HAS IMPROVED TRIGGERS THAT BOAST GREATER ANALOGUE SENSITIVITY AS WELL AS THEIR OWN DEDICATED RUMBLE PACKS. MEANWHILE, THE D-PAD IS NOW A CROSS SHAPE (GOOD FOR FIGHTING GAMES) AND THE STICKS ARE MORE COMFORTABLE TO GRIP. OH AND THERE'S A HEADPHONE SOCKET, TOO. BOTH CONTROLLERS LOOK AND FEEL REALLY NICE, AND WHILE THE DUALSHOCK HAS MORE GIMMICKS, THE XBOX EQUIVALENT FEATURES SMART ERGONOMICS AND GREAT GAMING COMFORT. 13 SECOND SCREENS BOTH THE XBOX ONE AND PS4 WILL OFFER 'SECOND SCREEN' INTERACTION: THE FORMER THOUGH TABLETS AND SMARTPHONES RUNNING THE LATTER THROUGH THE VITA HANDHELD CONSOLE AS WELL AS SMARTPHONES AND TABLETS. WITH BOTH MACHINES YOU'LL BE ABLE TO USE YOUR PHONE OR TABLET AS A COMPANION DISPLAY IN SUPPORTING GAMES, PERHAPS SHOWING MAP OR INVENTORY INFORMATION, FOR EXAMPLE. BUT THROUGH SONY'S REMOTE PLAY TECHNOLOGY, PS4 OWNERS WILL BE ABLE TO ACCESS AND PLAY THEIR GAMES VIA THEIR VITA AND A LOCAL WIFI CONNECTION – SO IF YOU'RE UNABLE TO USE YOUR MAIN TV, YOU CAN GRAB YOUR HANDHELD AND PLAY ON ITS LOVELY LITTLE 5-INCH DISPLAY. AND UNLIKE WITH PS3, REMOTE PLAY IS BUILT INTO THE PS4 INFRASTRUCTURE SO ALL GAMES (EXCEPT THOSE REQUIRING EXTRA PERIPHERALS LIKE THE PS EYE) WILL SUPPORT IT. ALTHOUGH VITA HAS NOT SOLD ASTONISHINGLY WELL SO FAR, THIS IS AN INTERESTING USP, AND MAYBE A PS4/ VITA BUNDLE PACK WOULD HIGHLIGHT THE POSSIBILITIES OF THESE INTERTWINED SYSTEMS. 14 BACKWARDS COMPATIBILITY AS FOR NOW MICROSOFT HAS ABANDONED PLANS TO CONTROL THE SALE OF PRE-OWNED TITLES AND LIMIT HOW MANY PEOPLE YOU CAN LEND YOUR XBOX ONE GAMES TOO. AS WITH PLAYSTATION 4, GAMES CAN BE SOLD AND EXCHANGED FREELY. ACCORDING TO A STATEMENT ON THE XBOX SITE THERE WILL BE NO REQUIREMENT FOR REGULAR ONLINE AUTHENTICATION – JUST A SINGLE SIGN-IN ON PURCHASE. THERE WILL ALSO BE NO REGIONAL LOCK ON DISCBASED GAMES THIS WILL AFFECT SOME OF THE MORE POSITIVE ELEMENTS OF MICROSOFT'S ORIGINAL INFRASTRUCTURE FOR EXAMPLE, THE ABILITY TO SHARE YOUR LIBRARY OF GAMES WITH UP TO TEN FRIENDS OR FAMILY MEMBERS HAS NOW APPARENTLY BEEN REMOVED. FOR NOW, MICROSOFT'S ATTEMPTS TO MAKE CONSOLE GAME SALES MORE LIKE ITUNES OR STEAM HAVE BEEN THWARTED. 15 VERDICT THERE BOTH WINNERS ITS UP TO YOU WHICH GAME CONSOLES FITS YOU BETTER JUST LIKE COMPUTERS WARS SOME WOULD SAY APPLE AND SOME WILL PICK PC FORMAT. WHAT I SAY? GO TO YOUR LOCAL STORE AND GAME ON BOTH SYSTEMS AND PICK THE BEST FOR YOU!!! 16 Alex Thomas Celebrity Golf Classic Double click for full view Celebrity Red Carpet Photo’s from @funnymanalexthomas golf tournament pre party at Roosevelt Hotel WWW.HANSUMMAG.COM 18 STRAP 19 HM: This is Hansum Magazine, we're in the studio with Strap. Strap: Hey how you doin man? HM: Alright! Alright! So man how long have you been in this game? Strap: Man I been in this game like, for ltwenty years and shit. And um Can I curse? HM: it's cool! Strap: alright fasho HM & Strap: giggles Strap: Ok so I started when I was about 15. I was D-Jing. I always loved music and shit like that. A lot of the people I looked up to was like Dougie Fresh, LL, you know, a lot of them niggas. Ice T and shit, King T, Donald D, NWA, you know Ice Cube. I listened to A lot of the people in the industry growing up. But yea I started off d-Jing. You know, one day I was dating this lil Latino girl in high school, and I decided to write a rap for her birthday and everybody heard it. I ended up performing it in the lunch quad. We had a lil party, a lil dance and everybody was like " dang that' was tight" so you know, I ended up getting the pussy and shit so it was all good. Then after that I was ok I can rap, so I started rapping. But d-Jing and music was first and foremost my passion. HM: So I see a whole lot of equipment right here. So what's all this equipment that you messin with? I see a lot of different sizes, machines and beats. Strap: yea we got the machine micro, the Tascam Mixer, we got the Sony Post Digital Cd burner, the Tapco Mixer, Motif you know that's my baby. We got the KRK rocket Five, the big ass 32" screen you know, doin the damn thang. HM: yea, you can see it real clear. Strap: yea we got various programs from Fruity loops reasons to Sonar Acid, Q base. Im the master, well I would like to think that I'm the master at Sonar. When I was younger and signed to this production company back in the early 90's I would sit over my producers shoulder and ask him questions all the time like " what are you doing?" "what are you doing?" "how you do this?" "how you do that?" so you know, he would answer all my questions. That's how I learned how to produce and work with the programs and all that. I've been working with this program ever since. Any time they come out with something I get it and I know it blindly. I can be in a coma homie and still tell you how to do it. (giggles) 20 21 HM: Thats good right there. So you said back in the 90's, so you been in the game a while. Who are some of the artist that you've worked with? Strap: I worked with Donald D back in the day. I've done some background vocals even on Hammer stuff back in the day. I've worked with the Dimension Group which is a publishing company and a management company. I use to work with the first white girl artist Terry B from the group Ruthless. Ive done some background vocals for her, you know introduced me to the studio game and I seen how everything was working. I did some background vocals for Donald D, and also Special K. You know, I did some shit for him. Back in the day before Hi C came out, I was suppose to be signed to a dude name Steve Which was out of The Rodeum swap meet out there in LA. My living situation at the time was not the business, I couldn't just jump up and run and role with them. After Hi C came out I moved and kind of lost that contact. After Hi C came out, DJ Quik, Second to none and Jodeci was doin they thang, I was suppose to be the next in line after Hi C but I moved and lost contact because I was still a minor at the time. I worked with Boo Yaa Tribe, I worked with one of the Keyboard players from Stylistics. You know just a bunch of random, talented cats. Especially underground new cats. HM: so what would you say to any young cats that are trying to make their way into the industry? How could they get their grind on? Strap: Just keep doin it! Keep it real, whatever your heart and whatever your passion is. If you go to sleep at night and you dreaming of something, keep it within your heart when you wake up in the morning. Don't run with the Fad. a lot of music nowadays is water down. You know homie, it's like Pixie sticks. The game has been changed to not being real and it's a Fad right now. I know that there are certain coasts that's on top right now but for me and where I come from, the West need to come back. I'm here, any artist that wants to come East Coast, West Coast whatever. I deal with a diverse group of artist. Anybody that wants to come through can just holla at me. HM: well you know, our motto is to get you out there and get you noticed. You can give me all your twitter, Facebook any social networks so we can lock it down that way they can find you out there. Strap: I'm on Facebook. (staystrizzle) Email ( [email protected]) I'm working with the homie Ditch, the homie Young Paul. Just recently collabed up with Dirty Red. He comin through in a minute. We trying to get it cracking and bring the West back. It doesn't matter what Genre of music you like or listen to, R&B, rap, Hip Hop. I write and produce for R&B,and Hip Hop all day everyday. 22 RED CARPET INTERVIEWS FROM BET AFTER PARTY BET After Party Red Carpet interviews hosted by Chris Brown Dj by Nick Cannon 24 YUNG PAUL 25 HM: Yung Paul, what's up man how you been? YP: pretty good! Pretty good! HM: so like the intro said, You're fresh out of Chicago. So what brought you over here to LA? YP: A buddy of mine is in the Marine Corp. He had me come out here to watch his home while he was in overseas. I ended up coming across Strap. He asked me if I wanted to play some basketball, I was like yup you already know. So I went to chop it up, played some ball and he started telling me about his producing. I never thought I'd be a rapper. I had a buddy in Chicago that rapped and things weren't goin to well for him so I needed up making a diss song on him. Shit got out of hand but I continued on with it and decided to keep making music. From there, I started getting better, I progressed. People started telling me I should keep going with it so here I am now rapping in the Mansion of Mayhem with Ditch and Strap, everybody. Just getting it in trying to bring the West Coast back. HM: ok, that sound 100 right there. So you made a diss record? YP: yea HM: is it still out there? YP: yea, it's on Sound cloud. That was my first song. My sound cloud and Facebook is YungPaul. Make sure it's spelled Y-U-N-G not Y-O-U-N-G. A lot of people do that but it's all good 26 HM: ok, so we know that you're on the Lay It Down track, do you have another tracks coming out? YP: yea, I just dropped another one with Ditch called Hurricane. Brought a lil country in to it. It's goin pretty good, Straps on it. We just dropped a few more recently with a few homies from Mansion of Mayhem, we gettin it in over here. HM: We also saw you blessing the mic over at Ditch's Lingerie Ball. How did you feel about that night.? YP: I was excited. That was my first big show, probably my third one. My fourth one is coming up in a week or so. 27 HM: ok cool, where are you gonna be? YP: Same place, Malones! HM: Oh ok cool! So we all know how hard it really is. People usually say when you start off in the game it's real hard, so what's been keeping you into it? YP: Basically, my mentality! I'm never down, always positive. I have to keep a good head on my shoulders. Im not worried about the haters, they come and go. They are always going to be there and they ain't goin nowhere. Just have to keep on going. HM: So what do you have to say the people that are up and coming in to the game? YP: You have to find your style and once you find it, stick with it and go from there. You always have to throw in a few different flavors. Different is always good. Always believe in yourself. Never doubt what you can do and what your capable of. HM: Alright, we're going to wrap this up and we will catch you out there on the stage. YP: Alright! 28 WWW.COZSTUDIO.COM HTTP://YOUTU.BE/YWTSOODSWS4 Behind the scene footage of the Lay em Down Video 31 HM The question I been getting asked all the time is where did you get the name Ditch? DITCH Well it originated from Ditching class in high school, always having something better to do. And slowly evolved from Ditching class to Ditching cops on bikes, Ditching fist fights, so basically I was always Ditching the lames. One time I hooked up with this girl I met at a bar, I had my friend waiting In the car for me, so after I was done I told her i had to go to the bathroom and I climbed out the window and split. I think i left a jacket there but I was out. This made my friends start calling me by an acronym which was D. I. T. C. H- Drunken Intoxicated Thug Catchin' Ho's. I laugh at it now. It was the title of my successful 2005 debut album, which sold an amazing amount of, copies we self pressed. I have since Ditch'ed the acronym in my quest to keep it more mainstreams. HM Coming from Orange County how hard was it to get Into this rap game? DITCH It’s still hard. People see a white suburban kid who wasn’t raised in the ghetto and think oh he had it easy. Yes my family was well off but that didn’t mean I didn’t go through some BS as a teen and as a kid. I was always different. I didn’t like to blend into a pigeon hole group in school, I was friends with everyone, all races all colors, all creed’s, all social groups from popular kids to stoners. I think people were really jealous of this because they could never find a common enemy and I was accepted in all circuits. I guess looking back on it now that was the breeding of a self made, self paid boss. I do very well for myself now off of my music and several other lucrative business ventures I have going. I do not sleep until i have to and I wake early, I am always working 24 hours a day, ill wake up and the middle of the night and check messages from clients. So I am truly always about the money even when I’m sleeping. I go on vacation or out on a friend’s yacht or helicopter and I still am on the phone emailing and texting getting work done. I will truly take a break and a vacation when I’m worth 1 Billion dollars. So it was always hard being a white guy in rap music. People judge me more than anyone cause I’m a white rapper. Even though the number 1 rapper is Eminem and he is white. In my eyes NOTHING has to do with the color of your skin it’s the color of your actions. Dig dat! 32 33 HM How to you feel about ITunes and sound cloud Is that a good way to get your music out? DITCH Yes I love I Tunes. I do really well with my sales on there, its so easy with I Phones now that people can buy it right when they meet me or are at my show. I Tunes is one of the greatest distribution company’s on earth. I don’t need to go to a major label and get a HOE loan and be pimped out on shelves of dust across the world, I can have in digitally distributed for a one time cost, and sit back and collect the checks. I am very happy with I Tunes and the potential is always there for a self-made self-paid artist to benefit greatly off their platform. Sound cloud is great, I like that I can send music that way to everyone at once, and keep track of the plays. I have exclusive songs on a few sound cloud accounts that people wont hear unless they find them. HM You have worked with a lot of artist Is their any you would like to work with today. DITCH Yes I really would like to work with Gucci Mane, the guy is the only person that always keeps it truly real in rap today. Id also likes to work with 50 Cent, and I said it years ago and still would like to work with TI. Id also likes to record with Eric Clapton, Kid Rock, and a few others. I am currently almost finished with a song that I am doing with Gene Anderson aka Poo Poo Man from Parliament Funkadelic and that one is going to be a banger. It’s called "Plenty Of It" and will be out soon. I met Gene through Bishop, Gene and i may do an entire project together. He wants me to keep all lyrics clean on those songs so he may expose a different side to me as an artist. Id also like to do a little singing too, well sees where that projects goes. 34 HM You do a lot of different shows Is there a way to get In to that circle? DITCH I worked hard for 14 years to get to where I’m at now; I worked everyday at it, investing my own money into until I was ever paid for a show. Now I’m comfortable but I stay hungry. The only way to get into that circle is to work hard and constantly be a self-promoting machine like I am. I really don’t think there is any other independent artist out there that grinds as hard as i do, that does the stuff i do. I would even say I work harder than a lot of the major artists too. I stay hungry. I don’t let this thing or that thing get to me and slow me down, its enjoy it, do it, kill it! Then on to the next show. Like in July the Playboy Mansion parties and August 3 I’m with Bishop Don Juan, Rappin 4Tay and others at Bishops 1 year anniversary radio show, then August 4th i will perform at Players Toast Awards again with Ice T and Coco. Then Bay Area Hemp fest with Bishop, Shock G, Rappin 4Tay and others, and so much more. Red carpet appearances, lavish mansion parties. I really truly have earned the good life that I live, but I am always grateful to GOD above. Bishop Don Juan has helped me a lot in my career as well. I do really appreciate him and Big Marv as friends. They really have opened a lot of doors for me and given me credibility as an artist, so I am also always grateful for them in my life. HM Is there anything you would like are reader to Know about this rap game? DITCH Get out while you still can, this rap game too wicked for you and the years of sweat and dedication will wear on you. If your as strong and passionate as me after I told you to give up, hit me up that’s someone who music I MIGHT take a listen to. Also its not a GAME so there is no rap game, keep it 100% authentic and 100% you, no one wants to hear a copy of a copy. I’m so tired of hearing stuff that sounds like Soulja Boy. HM How hard is it for and artist to get paid In todays rap market? DITCH Very hard. As a new artist you have to assume they don’t want you, they want your money. I had to draw a fine line years ago what I do, I do good so I will always be paid for it, or I wont do it. I love when people ask me " you rap? Bust a freestyle" NO, FUCK YOU, PAY ME! I don’t do anything with the word free in it. I get a few thousand a show now, air and hotel, etc. I am happy to be able to do what i love and get paid for it. If they aren’t paying you for it, u needs to find something else to do. 35 HM We have all noticed you recently shed like 40 pounds, how did you do that and how can others follow your trend to successful weight loss? DITCH I work out every day for 90 mins, if I’m hung-over TOUGH, if I’m too tired TOUGH. I look at my old pics and videos since I started all this and the wild parties, late nights; heavy champagne drinking, steak and lobster eating made me heavy. So I look at them and stay motivated. I use health products by Vemma. helped me do this. I drink Verve energy drink and that gives the vitamins I need for the day. They have several products that can assist anyone in weight loss. I learned of them a year ago when I saw Dr. OZ endorse it I was in. I was already using supplements and vitamins, so I simply started auto delivery from Vemma and made it easier. Plus their products make you feel alert and clear. Anyone serious about their health should look into it, I’m walking proof that it works. 36 HM What steps would you give for someone that’s want to get in the rap game today? DITCH GIVE UP! Everyone wants to be a rap star; everyone wants the glamorous life they used to look to in movies and desire, now they see it in rap music. I mean honestly, as far as new rappers- IM GOOD man... I’m so tired of hearing every single person and their mothers say " i rap too" or "My neighbor raps" I don’t need to know about all that. Then they say, "oh my son raps, you should work together" naw I’m good on working with anyone that doesn’t bring a serious offer to the table. So id says first step and second step is to give up, I’m not here to motivate you I’m here to show you what I have crafted for my life. Another thing i think is hilarious "I have never heard of you" mother fucker: YOU JUST DID! There are enough rappers already; I’m not feeling any of the new stuff out right now I’m really not. Chainz (2Chainz) is cool, I like his swag, Gucci Mane is one of my favorite rappers cuz he just doesn’t give a fuck. All that other stuff is just gaming man, I’m all good on new rappers. Is that too harsh? Well I told Hansum Mag when we set out to do this I’m give them the keep it 100 interview¥! 100% real answers, cha dig? So you the reader just sit back and enjoy the fucking show. 37 HM What releases are coming out this year from you? DITCH I will finally release O2BNLA this year, it really is kinda dated now but I have to always keep my word so I will put it out. Also the Mayhem mix tape is coming and I’m working on a few more albums too. I have Underground Gold Volume 1, 2, 3 on I Tunes now, that is a compilation CD release i do to help other artists I see making their mark right now. Volume 4 will come out this fall. Then there is the untitled project I’m doing with Gene Anderson of P Funk (George Clinton), I’m very excited to work with him on a new funk sound to my music. So look for that. Also there will be more music videos coming, low budget, high budget it doesn’t matter to me we just like to get content out. The new DITCH and STRAP song "Bills" is hyping people up right now, so we will probably do a video for that too. HM How did you get with the Mansion Of Mayhem? DITCH I met Strap in 2004 from a newspaper article advertising his recording services. We linked up and recorded my 2005 debut cd D.I.T.C.H together. We did a bunch of shows in that era as well, putting our self’s strongly on the map. We recently linked back up in November of 2012 and recorded a mix tape called "Return To The Mansion Of Mayhem" which we will put out by this fall. We already have two videos for it online "The Freak In You" by Lov Ert Tv and "Lay Em Down" filmed and edited by Hansum Magazine. In these you can see I also was in the directors seat, I like to be involved in all aspects of what I do. If I am performing at a large concert festival you may see me there in the early am watching everything be built. I like all the behind the scenes stuff, . Mansion Of Mayhem definitely helped me get my start; Strap will always be a good friend of mine. I will always be Mayhem. We all branch out and do stuff together and stuff apart but at the end of the day we are always 100. 38 HM Tell us about some of the company’s you work as far as sponsors etc.? DITCH Trend Settah Inc ( is one of my sponsors. They really take good care of me. They make the Swag Phones, Splitarillos Cigars, Hood Wraps, Crystal Clear eye drops and other stuff. Great company and they are real as it gets. I also am sponsored by Moreno Champagne ( great tasting champagne and unique bottle design. Of course you will read in here about my association with Vemma and Verve energy drink. I have recently linked with DABR vape pens we willsoon be having the DITCH Dabr available for purchase. Also E9 is making some unique Ditch t-shirts for my upcoming shows and for fans. Also linking up with Kwanza Jones and Vicious so you will be seeing a lot more of them at stuff that I do. So Cold Jewelry out of Houston Texas and my homie Smoke Deville is going to make me a custom, 12,000$ grill so I’m excited about that. I’m not going to wear it all the time, but let’s see how it looks u know? Can never forget Attorney William Daley for watching my back and getting me linked up with KYBOE USA watches. So you will most of the time see me with the big bling series of those watches on. Also we gave one to Bishop Don Juan and one to B Real from Cypress Hill, so look for that. Always have to thank my sponsors. 39 HM Where can our reader find you? DITCH Man so many places: is my official website. Facebook: DITCH MOET and also DITCH MORENO. Instagram: DITCHMUSIC, i put a lot of stuff on there i don’t put anywhere else so follow me there. Twitter im Rapperditch, but I don’t use it as much. YouTube has a lot of DITCH content over the years . You can also Google: Rapper Ditch, to see more about me. 40 WWW.HANSUMMAG.COM 42 WWW.LETHALTENDERMUSIC.COM 43 44 45 46 47 I am a Professional Dancer, Beauty pageant winner, licensed (MUA) make up artist and now Model. from San Clemente CA. My measurements are 37 - 37 - 45 Annine has been on tour with Jim Belushi and Dan Aykroyd in the Blues Brothers Tribute Tour with the House of Blues Band Sacred Hearts. She got her SAG card by dancing with the pro team Fire & Ice. She has also work on shows According to Jim and The Defenders. Now focusing on her Modeling career Annine works with Kym Couture who is a celebrity stylist. And has been seen on numerous Red Carpet Events. Bookings info: [email protected] Follow me on Instagram @annineunger 48 WWW.UNEEKCOLLECTION.COM 49 DIRTY RED THE GIFT 50 HM: We're sitting here with Dirty Red. Red: Da Gift, you gotta put that on there because it's so many Dirty Reds out there. I first started with this, well actually I been rapping for a while. I just seriously started in 2010. Strap: throw some numbers out there. The fans want to know how old you are. Red: naw I can't tell all that, that's bad for my image. Giggles Red: ok so I really got started doing music in 2010. I was doing a lot of stuff behind the scenes. I was involved in other things outside of music and I was more focused on that. 2010 is when I really got serious and took off. I dedicate everything I got to the music. Like I said, when I started back then it was a lot of Dirty Reds. Every time you type in Dirty Red, wasn't none of that me. I had to come up with my own thang, Da Gift. I will be transitioning shortly and dropping the whole Dirty Red and just be Da Gift. I gotta get Dirty Red Da gift out first. 51 HM: do you have any music out there now? Red: I do, pretty much everywhere. Just google me, I'm on Amazon, iTunes, anywhere they sale music in the United States and overseas I'm on it. Right now I'm working on my new street mix tape. I'm not trying to drop an album right now. I dropped one called Not Hiring Haters, it bombed so bad that it kind of discouraged me to where I almost gave up. It bombed just that bad. Now we got a lot of hot projects, I'm working with some hot producers. We signed the merger with Mansion of Mayhem now it's like alright lets go. So I'm just gonna drop a hot mix tape with cats that I'm affiliated with. I'm putting them on the album and they will put me on their album. My mix-tape is gonna be self entitled Dirty Red Da Gift. I feel pretty good about this mix tape so that's when I think I'm going to make my transition. HM: you mentioned something that has me thinking. So you said you had a album out that bombed? What motivated you to keep going? Red: The fact that it bombed. I was like shit how could somebody that this ain't hot. If they think that's whack and not hot, then alright I got something for them. I'm gonna drops whole new one, a whole new style, a whole new crew, a whole new everything. I'm going to give them the business just like that. HM: so where do you think the game is going? Red: I think the game is going down the toilet. Right now the game is so fake, the music industry itself. My tag line is Changing the game one song at a time. That can go either good or bad. I ain't taking away from none of the cats that's out right now, to each it's own. The industry is lacking real story tellers, real music with substance. We're losing that right now big time. There are no morals and principals when it comes to the music and listeners. 52 53 You have to think about who's listening to this music. These young chicks now, I never seen nothing like this. It was a time when it was Queen Latifah, MC Lyte, Sista Soulja, them was strong sisters. You better not come out your mouth and say bitch. You ain't bitching none of that. Now the thing is my neck my back lick my pussy and shit like that or I will fuck you and your whole crew. Every time a song comes on its Bitch get on the pole all the girls hitting he dance floor and they and dancing to no respectful shit. That shit just telling them to get on all four shake ya ass and do what you do. Not only is the music going to the toilet, the listeners are to. It being driven to a whole different direction to where we are losing music, real music. Music is suppose to be inspirational. Whatever you're going the through in you life, you should be able to pickup a good record and be like " this is what get me through these times and when I'm ready to party this the songs will play." Whenever I got dress to go to the club I would play that Outkast (singing) Ain't nobody dope as me. That was theme music for me. Even when the old school cats we be out riding in the cars they were like " let it Whip" It was real music, it had substance and you could apply that. You can't even play half of the stuff on the radio at a BBQ. You can't take that to no family reunion. "who pussy is it, who pussy is it" you can't play that with no kids at the BBQ. I think the game is going down but I come with a staff of elite members that's going to come in and rearrange this thing. That's what it is. All praises be. Mansion of Mayhem HM: now that ain't no diss on anybody, you make your money how you make you're money. We just trying to say where the game is going Red: yea we love them all. HM: alright Da Gift, thanks for the gift. 54 Los Angeles Security Group Los Angeles Executive Security is committed to providing your site with professional security and public safety services in accordance with the law, and guided by a spirit of fairness, compassion, and excellence. We are always sensitive to the needs of the client, and our company's success is built upon a community policing philosophy executed by our staff of dynamic and energetic professionals who are focused on providing effective, efficient, and professional security services to the community we serve. Los Angeles Executive Security Group, a division of Jen Co & Associates, is recognized as a Small Business Enterprise with the Los Angeles Unified School District, the Metropolitan Water District, and its reciprocating agencies. Los Angeles Executive Security Group operates under Private Patrol Operator License # 15661. We would like the opportunity to speak with you regarding our services, in the interim we encourage you to feel free and contact the Chief Executive Officer Andre Jennings at 310-704-7214 to learn more about our services. Security is our Profession, Protection is our Passion. COMING NEXT 56