Urinary tract infection
Urinary tract infection
urinary tract infection (UTI) • DEFINITIONS: UTI is the microbial invasion of any tissue of the urinary tract, extending from the urethral meatus to the renal cortex. • Categories: upper tract infections ( pyelonephritis: fever, flank pain + dysuria and frequency), lower tract infection ( cystitis: dysuria, frequent passage of small volumes of urine), acute urethral syndrome • Asymptomatic bacteriuria is the colonization of the urinary tract in the absence of symptoms. It is usually defined by the presence of greater than 105 colonies per ml of urine. The urin sediment Diagnostic testing: Urinanalysis of the centrifugated urin sediment: upper limit: 5-10 WBC/ high power field on microscope evalutaion The presence of WBC casts is indicative for uper tract infection Dipstick test for nitrit is highly specific for infection Urin culture: sign. bacteriuria defined as more than 105/ml of a single organism in culture of a clean-catch midstream urine specimen Other forms of UTI • Chronic pyelonephritis: chronic interstitial nephritis resulted from chronic ascending bacterial infection • Papillary necrosis: infection of the renal pyramids seen mostly in diabetic patients. Symptomes:haematuria, flank pain, chills,fever, acute renal failure. X-ray finding: ring shadow on iv pyelography. Nephrectomy might be life saving • Perinephric and renal abscesses: a complication of bacterial pyelonephritis. Predisposing conditions: diabetes, nephroliths causing local obstruction of urinary flow, immunodeficiency. Suspition for this complication should arise when patient cured for acute pyelonephritis remain febrile after 5 days. Urine culture yields a polymicrobial flora. US or CT useful in the diagnosis. Treatment: drainage of pus, antibiotic diretcted at the organisms recovered
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