TTL 5 Unit of Instruction
TTL 5 Unit of Instruction
TTL 5 Unit of Instruction Unit Overview Title: Discovering Water Author: Linda Outcalt Subject(s) Addressed: Please check all that apply Grade Level: 1st Arts (Visual and Musical) Library/Information Literacy Communication Mathematics English/Language Arts Science Employability Skills for a Healthy Life Geography Technology Government and Citizenship World Language History Other: Duration: 14 Days Synopsis: Introduction on the uses and power of water. Desired Results Enduring Understanding: Water is powerful. Essential Question: How does water affect life? Standards: Content, Cultural, Performance, &/or Grade Level Equivalents Standard: Text & Reference Number (if applicable) Method of Assessment: Written Product, Quiz, Model, etc. A student who meets the content standard should: 1) Develop an understanding of the processes of science used to investigate problems, design and conduct repeatable scientific investigations, and defend scientific arguments; Learning logs, pair shares, self-assessments, teacher observations, selection of pictures creation of posters, class multi media presentation. A student should understand and be able to apply the concepts, models, theories, universal principles, and facts that explain the physical world. 4) Develop an understanding of motions, forces, their characteristics and relationships, and natural forces and their effects. Learning logs, pair shares, self-assessments, teacher observations, selection of pictures creation of posters, class multi media presentation. Page 1 of 5 Knowledge & Skills: Knowledge & skills students will need in order to successfully complete the Culminating Task Students Need to Know: • • Students Need to be Able to: An understanding of how water is used by animals, people, plants. Understand how waterways, watersheds and weather relate our lives. • • • • Identify how animals, people and plants use water. Identify waterways and watershed. Identify how water and weather relate to each other. Identify how pollution affects waterways. Evidence of Understanding Culminating Performance Task: Scoring Guide Attached Types of Understanding Culminating Performance Task Emphasizes: Student Self-Assessment, Logs, and Peer Reviews: Written, Oral, or Visual Products: Formal Observations or Interviews of Students: Quizzes & Tests: Public Performances, Exhibits, &/or Models: Using pictures for various resources, students will create posters identifying 2 different uses of water by animals, people or plants and 1 way that water relates to watershed or waterways. They will be able to explain how their picture relates to the topic listed above. These pictures will later be integrated into a multi media presentation to be shared with others. Application Interpretation Empathy Perspective Explanation Self-Knowledge Students will self-assess their participation during small group activities. Students will share information about what they’ve learned during pair shares. Students will keep learning logs consisting of drawings and writings after each activity (labels from vocabulary list will be a resource). Students will located pictures from various resources (magazines, internet, taking pictures of environment) to be placed on posters and integrated into a multi media presentation. Teacher observation will be taken during group discussion and small group activities. Individual interviews will be conducted with students to explain student’s choice of pictures. None Individual presentation of finished posters will be give to the class. Posters will be displayed in halls. Multi media presentation will be display for viewing during Parent / Teacher Conferences. Learning Experiences & Instruction Handouts Attached Activity: Guiding Question: What are the ways in which plants, animals and people use water? Reference: 1st Grade Science Kit Exploration 2 Activity: Review of iMovie – Water is Powerful. Assessment: Learning logs, teacher observation, completion of worksheet. Guiding Question: What are the three phases of water? Reference: 1st Grade Science Kit Exploration 4 Activity: Large group discussion and observation Timeline: 45 minutes Brainstorm different ways water is needed or used by plants, animals and people. Complete Water, water everywhere worksheet 45 minutes Discussions about 3 phases of water – solid, liquid and gas. Group demonstration. Page 2 of 5 Guiding Question: What are the three phases of water? Reference: 1st Grade Science Kit Exploration 4 Activity: Large group discussion and observation of 3 phases. Assessment: Teacher observation, pair shares, learning logs. Guiding Question: How much space does water take up in cups? Does it change when frozen? Reference: 1st Grade Science Kit Exploration 8 Activity: Changing liquids to solids, measuring results. Assessment: Teacher observation, pair shares, learning logs. Guiding Question: How much water is really on earth? Reference: 1st Grade Science Kit Exploration 10 Activity: Compare maps and images of earth, locating water and land. Assessment: Learning logs, pair shares, teacher observation, finished diagram / graphs. Selfevaluation Guiding Question: What is the difference between fresh water and saltwater evaporation? Reference: 1st Grade Science Kit Exploration 11 Activity: Observe fresh water and saltwater evaporation and complete observation sheet. Assessment: Learning logs, pair shares, teacher observation. Guiding Question: What is the water cycle? Reference: 1st Grade Science Kit Exploration 13 Activity: Demonstrate water cycle with explorations, view animations of water cycle, complete worksheet. Assessment: Learning logs, pair shares, teacher observation, self-evaluation. Guiding Question: Can you tell what happens during the water cycle? Reference: 1st Grade Science Kit Exploration 14 Activity: Exploration game to demonstrate the water cycle. Assessment: Learning logs, pair shares, teacher observation, self-evaluation. Guiding Question: What is a raindrop doing in the sky? Reference: 1st Grade Science Kit Exploration 15 Activity: Read story and complete as a class. Assessment: Teacher observation, Learning logs. Guiding Question: What are watersheds? Reference: 1st Grade Science Kit Exploration 16 Activity: View animation of watershed. Discuss how they work and how pollution enters the watersheds. Assessment: Learning logs, Teacher observation 45 minutes Discussions about 3 phases of water – solid, liquid and gas. Group demonstration. Two 30 minutes sessions over 2 days Observe water going from liquids to solids and back and forth, measuring the outcomes. (Cups of water placed in a freezer) 45 minutes View maps / images of the world, discuss various types of water (oceans, rivers, streams, glaciers). Using ten equal pieces of paper, small groups will make a diagram / graph to represent the percentage of water verses land on earth. 45 minutes on first day 15 each minutes for 3 additional days. Students will observe 2 different containers of water and saltwater, drawing what they observed. 45 minutes Using boiling water, bottled water and ice cubes, students discuss how water cycles, students complete worksheet. 45 minutes Using buckets, water and cups, student create the water cycle. 30 minutes Read story from page 82 of Science kit. Students contribute to finishing the story as a group. 60 minutes Complete explorations demonstrating how watersheds work using water, sponges and trays. Page 3 of 5 Guiding Question: How does water move through the watershed Reference: 1st Grade Science Kit Exploration 17 Activity: Build a watershed Assessment: Learning logs, self-evaluation, teacher observation. Guiding Question: How do people pollute the waterways? Reference: 1st Grade Science Kit Exploration 18 Activity: Add pollutants to watershed models. Assessment: Teacher observation, learning logs, self-evaluation. Guiding Question: How do you get pollution out of the waterways? Reference: 1st Grade Science Kit Exploration 19 Activity: Exploration of adding water to polluted waterway on watershed models. Assessment: Teacher observation, learning logs, self-evaluation. Guiding Question: How do water and weather relate? Reference: 1st Grade Science Kit Exploration 21 Activity: View animation of storms; discuss what can happen to land, animals, people and plants during the storms. Assessment: Learning logs, teacher observation. 60 minutes Students build samples of watersheds in small groups using clay, and water. 45 minutes Students use models from last lesson. They add sand, food coloring and soap to demonstrate pollution. 30 minutes Class discussion about how to clean the polluted water on the watershed models. Next, share information how water might be cleaned and how to keep the waterways clean. 45 minutes Watch animation clips of storms and brainstorm what might happen to land, animals, people and plants. Make drawings about what they think the outcomes will be after a storm. Other Considerations Accommodations to be Inclusive of All Students: Author’s Reflection: Why is this a good Unit? Materials Needed: Modifications will be made to assignments for any student that requires assistance in order to be successful. Water is such an important resource for our planet. Water is versatile with many unique properties. It has a relationship with all living things. Students need to have a solid understanding of the importance of water; it’s uses and how it cycles through the watersheds in order to help preserve the water that is available. • Handouts – Explorations pages 2, 11, 13, 14 • Learning log page (copy number of pages needed per each student. • Drawing material • Clear plastic drinking glasses • Ice Cubes • Clear containers • Markers • Freezer • 2 small, clear shallow container (Petri dishes with lids) • Salt • Water • Labels • Clear Tape • Tea Kettle • Hot plate • 2 Buckets Page 4 of 5 Materials Needed: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Handouts – Explorations pages 2, 11, 13, 14 Learning log page (copy number of pages needed per each student. Drawing material Clear plastic drinking glasses Ice Cubes Clear containers Markers Freezer 2 small, clear shallow container (Petri dishes with lids) Salt Water Labels Clear Tape Tea Kettle Hot plate 2 Buckets Copy of raindrop story in teacher’s guide 2 large spoons Large measuring cup Dry drink mix 1 tray per student Clay for each student Small plastic bags Bottle with lid for “Rain Bottle” 8x8 brown or green butcher paper Copy of “Away on the Boy” in teacher’s guide Food coloring Pitcher Access to computer Access to digital camera and printer Resources: Marshall, C. (2006, December). First Graders Can Do Science. Science and Children, v44 n4 p45-49 Dec 2006, v44(n4), p45-49. Abstract retrieved June 8, 2007, from Education Resources Information Center Web site: Home.portal?_nfpb=true&ERICExtSearch_SearchValue_0=firs t+grade+science&searchtype=basic&ERICExtSearch _SearchType_0=kw&_pageLabel=RecordDetails&objectId=090 0000b809e5cbf&accno=EJ758296&_nfls=false This article discuses how approaching science experiments beginning with a questions relates to the format of my unit of instruction. It supports the idea of promoting science through inquiry. This article shares how approaching science experiments beginning with a questions relates to the format of my unit of instruction. It supports the idea of promoting science through inquiry. Krantz, D., & Kifferstein, B. (n.d.). Water Pollution and Society. Page 5 of 5 Retrieved June 8, 2007, from This article is important to my unit of study. The first grade Name_________________________________________ Date__________________________ Picture 1 relates to the use of water by: Animals Plants People Why was this pictures chosen? Picture 2 relates to the use of water by: Animals Plants Why was this pictures chosen? People Picture 3 related to: Waterways Pollution Why was this pictures chosen? Comments _____________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Make copies of the following page for students Learning Logs Water is Powerful Learning Log Name ____________________ Date_________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ Outcalt Links Water Cycle tm Water Cycle Animation html Watershed Animation onmen tal_education/support_files/poster.html Watersheds Typhoons arloop.html Resources / Research Marshall, C. (2006, December). First Graders Can Do Science. Science and Children, v44 n4 p45-49 Dec 2006, v44(n4), p45-49. Abstract retrieved June 8, 2007, from Education Resourece Information Center Web site: Home.portal?_nfpb=true&ERICExtSearch_SearchValue_0=first+grade+ science&searchtype=basic&ERICExtSearch _SearchType_0=kw&_pageLabel=RecordDetails&objectId=0900000b80 9e5cbf&accno=EJ758296&_nfls=false This article discuses how approaching science experiments beginning with a questions relates to the format of my unit of instruction. It supports the idea of promoting science through inquiry. This article discuses how approaching science experiments beginning with a questions relates to the format of my unit of instruction. It supports the idea of promoting science through inquiry. Krantz, D., & Kifferstein, B. (n.d.). Water Pollution and Society. Retrieved June 8, 2007, from This article is important to my unit of study. The first grade science kit is very limited in information so this article provide needed resource in order to teacher this lesson with accurate details. This article is important to my unit of study. The first grade science kit is very limited in information so this article provide needed resource in order to teacher this lesson with accurate details. Raindrop story for Exploration 15