Dellorto DHLA Parts
Dellorto DHLA Parts
Dellorto DHLA Parts No Pt No Description £ Price No Pt No Description £ Price 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 227956 228383 8011 7848.1 7848.2 7848.3 7848.4 227484 227644 227851 3315 227772 S7772.5 S7772.6 7482 227485 227850 118099 7481 8010 8563 7298x80 7501 7413 9609 6434 45/48 Choke 40 Choke 45/48 Aux Vent 40 Aux Vent 40 Aux Vent (Turbo) 40 Aux Vent 40 Aux Vent (Turbo) Main Jet Idle Jet Pump Jet Starter Jet Emulsion Tube Emusion Tube Emusion Tube Starter Emulsion Tube Air Corrector Idle Jet Holder Needle Valve (Viton) Throttle Butterfly (DHLA 40) Throttle Butterfly (DHLA 45) Throttle Butterfly (DHLA 48) Float Choke Piston Cover Bolt Choke Piston Spring Choke Piston Choke Cable Clamp Bolt £12.70 £11.80 £30.00 £25.00 £40.00 £15.00 £15.00 £1.98 £1.95 £6.50 £2.80 £7.95 £7.95 £7.95 £6.00 £1.98 £6.00 £14.95 £16.00 £16.00 £16.00 £28.60 £4.95 £1.95 £12.95 £0.75 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 41a 42 7488 9818 9220 12033 7530 6430 4997 7062 6850 7341 6432 2906 4957 7838 7854 9611 7837 9610 7549 7511 7659 7662 1419 7660 7661 7862 7663 Choke Cable Support Bracket Top Cover Casting Anti-Surge Top Cover Gasket Turbo Top Cover Gasket Jet Cover Screw Top Cover Screw Top Cover Screw Washer Inner Choke Cable Clamp Screw Inner Choke Cable Clamp Washer Choke lever Inner Choke Cable Clamp Nut Choke Lever Nut Choke Lever Washer Choke lever Spring Cover Choke Lever Spring Choke Cam Support Choke Cam Support Washer Choke Cam Jet Cover Jet Cover Gasket Fuel Union Bolt Fuel Union Seal (Thin) Fuel Union Filter Fuel Union (90 degree) Fuel Union (T piece) Fuel Union (45 Degree) Fuel Union Seal (Thick) £6.95 £49.00 £3.40 £6.98 £1.35 £0.95 £0.45 £2.45 £0.30 £7.60 £2.30 £0.45 £0.45 £3.70 £5.90 £3.25 £0.45 £11.95 £6.50 £0.75 £7.10 £0.80 £3.40 £12.00 £14.00 £12.00 £0.80 53 Dellorto DHLA Parts No Pt No 43 7503 44 45 7540 46 7513 47 7525 48 6415 49 10747 50 6173 51 6426 52 9926 53 8678 7540 54 8857 55 7959 56 9656 8025 8381 9335 57 9336 4670 58 8260 4650 59 10714 10509 60 9754 61 6423 62 6581 63 7958 64 7537 65 7490 66 7627 67 7502 Description £ Price Float Pin £1.85 Part Of Main Gasket Kit O Ring Seal For Idle Jet Holder £0.52 Cap for Pump jet weight £3.00 Pump Jet weight £5.60 Pump Jet Weight Ball Bearing £2.30 Pump jet holder £4.95 Base seal for pump jet £0.60 Seal for pump jet holder £0.55 Air bleed screw £2.20 Air bleed/ Mixture screw ‘O’ ring (G/H Type) £2.70 Mixture Screw Seal (Early/F Type) £0.52 Progression Cover £4.70 Vacuum port plug £3.20 H’ Mixture Screw £4.10 Early mixture screw £4.20 E’ Mixture screw £4.20 G’ Mixture screw £4.20 Mixture Screw Spring (G/H Type) £0.90 Mixture Screw Spring (Early/F Type) £0.90 Spring Plate (G/H Type) £0.40 Spring Plate (Early/F Type) £0.40 Male Lever (Early Lotus) £12.00 Male Lever (Lotus Under Slung) £12.00 Throttle Stop Screw £1.85 Butterfly Shaft Nut £1.12 Lock Tab £0.60 Spindle End Cover £0.95 Spacer washer £0.60 Butterfly Shaft Bearing £7.95 Pump Rod Spring (Early/F Type) £3.90 Pump Lever Cover Assembly (40 DHLA) £24.07 £1.98 Main Jet 227484 £7.95 Emusion Tube S7772 or 227772 £1.98 No Pt No Description 68 69 70 71 72 73 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 8058 9665 7625 6390 7626 7515 10742 5011 6429 7509 9859 7542 7526 6416 7668 8352 8604 8058 8059 7667 7957 7507 3793 7496 7540 4650 4670 6898 8304 Pump Lever Cover Assembly (45/48 DHLA) £24.07 Pump Lever Cover Assembly (40 DHLA G/H)£24.07 Pump Rod Nut £3.42 Pump Rod Lock Nut £0.78 Pump Diaphragm Spring £2.10 Pump Diaphragm (Early/F Type) £4.95 Pump Diaphragm (G/H Type) £6.00 Spring Washer £0.74 Screw £0.80 Intermediate Base Cover Seal £2.45 Intermediate Base Cover £27.80 One Way Valve £5.95 Screw £0.72 Butterfly Screw £2.15 Throttle Shaft (40 DHLA) £26.95 Throttle Shaft (45 DHLA) £26.95 Throttle Shaft (48 DHLA) £26.95 Pump Lever Rod (40 DHLA) £16.95 Pump Lever Rod (45/48 DHLA) £16.95 Pump Lever Rod Clamp Screw £3.90 Return Spring £2.45 Locking Screw £2.80 Split Pin £0.45 Balance Lever Pin £2.45 Seal £0.50 Washer £0.30 Spring £1.22 Screw £1.85 Female Lever (Early Type) £15.50 £6.50 Pump Jet 227851 Air Jet 227485 £6.85 £ Price £1.95 Idle Jet 227644 £14.95 Idle Jet Carrier 227850 DHLA Needle Valve 228809 54 DHLA Service Kits See Page 52 CARBURETTOR SERVICE KITS DCOE 40/45 32/36 DGAV 38 DGAS Part No Description SK2201 SK2202 SK2202B SK2202C SK2202D SK2202E SK2203 SK2204 SKD22101 SKD22511 SKD22521 SKD22532 SKD22542 SKD22902 SKD22912 Weber DCOE 40 Competition (Single) 175 n/v Weber DCOE 45 (Single) 175 n/v Weber DCOE 45 Competition (Single) 200 n/v Weber DCOE 45 Competition (Single) 225 n/v Weber DCOE 45/48 Competition (Single) 250 n/v Weber DCOE 45/48 Competition (Single) 300 n/v Weber DGAV/DGV (200 n/v) Weber DGAS (250 n/v) Dellorto DHLA40 (Single) 150 n/v Dellorto DHLA45 (Single) 170 n/v Dellorto DHLA48 (Single) 225 n/v Dellorto DHLA40 Turbo (Pair) 200 n/v Dellorto DHLA40 Turbo (Pair) 200 n/v Dellorto DRLA36 (Twin) Dellorto DRLA40 (Twin) DHLA 40/45/48 £ Retail 52 £9.95 £9.95 £9.95 £10.48 £11.20 £12.50 £11.95 £11.95 £13.75 £22.00 £22.00 £65.00 £65.00 £44.00 £44.00 Weber Dellorto Super-Flow Chokes SUPER-FLOW CHOKES - SUITABLE FOR WEBER DCOE High Flow Venturi Profile Size - Clearly marked WEBER DCOE CHOKE RANGE AVAILABLE:- Part No Description Size £ Retail 2272302.28 2272302.30 2272302.32 2272302.34 2272302.36 2272116.32 2272116.34 2272116.36 2272116.38 2272116.40 2272136.38 2272136.40 2272136.42 2272136.44 40 Dcoe Choke 40 Dcoe Choke 40 Dcoe Choke 40 Dcoe Choke 40 Dcoe Choke 45 Dcoe Choke 45 Dcoe Choke 45 Dcoe Choke 45 Dcoe Choke 45 Dcoe Choke 48/50 Dco/Sp Choke 48/50 Dco/Sp Choke 48/50 Dco/Sp Choke 48/50 Dco/Sp Choke 28mm 30mm 32mm 34mm 36mm 32mm 34mm 36mm 38mm 40mm 38mm 40mm 42mm 44mm £11.60 £11.60 £11.60 £11.60 £11.60 £10.80 £10.80 £10.80 £10.80 £10.80 £19.90 £19.90 £19.90 £19.90 SUPER-FLOW / ORIGINAL EQUIPMENT - DELLORTO DHLA High Flow Characteristics OE Quality DELLORTO DHLA CHOKE RANGE AVAILABLE:- Part No Description Size £ Retail 228383.30 228383.32 228383.33 228383.34 228383.36 227956.34 227956.36 227956.38 227956.40 227956.41 227956.42 227956.43 2210527 2210758 Choke DHLA 40 Choke DHLA 40 Choke DHLA 40 Choke DHLA 40 Choke DHLA 40 Choke DHLA 45 Choke DHLA 45/48 Choke DHLA 45/48 Choke DHLA 45/48 Choke DHLA 45/48 Choke DHLA 45/48 Choke DHLA 45/48 Chokes DRLA 36/40 Chokes DRLA 45 30mm 32mm 33mm 34mm 36mm 34mm 36mm 38mm 40mm 41mm 42mm 43mm 30 to 34mm 36 to 38mm £11.80 £11.80 £11.80 £11.80 £11.80 £12.70 £12.70 £12.70 £12.70 £12.70 £12.70 £12.70 £9.60 £9.60 51 MOTORSPORT Motorsport Equipment DCOE Carburettor Mountings DHLA A Wide Range of popular Carburettor - Manifold Spacer Plates are available from Stock. CSP002 CSP004 CSP003 CSP001 48 Part No Description £ Retail CSP001 Original ‘MISAB’ Plate DCOE/DHLA £2.05 CSP002 Nylex Plate & Seals 40mm DCOE/DHLA £1.26 CSP003 Nylex Plate & Seals 45mm DCOE/DHLA £1.26 CSP004 Nylex Plate & Seals 48mm DCOE/DHLA £1.26 CSA100 ‘O’ Ring £0.20 CSA101 40mm Plate Only £0.98 CSA102 45mm Plate Only £0.98 CSA103 48mm Plate Only £0.98 Part No Description £ Retail CSA004 Thackery Washer £0.24 CSA005 Cone Rubber & 2 Steel Cups £0.63 Motorsport Equipment ‘Twin Cable’ Throttle Linkage Kits Weber / Dellorto TLK1/W & TLK1/D Designed to mount onto one carburettor top, the benefits of which are as follows: * Main unit already assembled * Supplied with twin throttle cables * Low profile operating height * Cable pulls across engine * SUITABLE FOR SINGLE & TWIN CARBURETTORS TLK2/W & TLK2/D Designed to mount onto twin carburettors only. The main benefits are as follows: *Cable pulls in line with engine *Main units already assembled Part No Description TLK1/W TLK1/D TLK2/W TLK2/D Single Carb/Twin Cable Linkage Kit Weber DCOE Single Carb/Twin Cable Linkage Kit Dellorto DHLA Twin Carb/Twn Cable Linkage Kit Weber DCOE Twin Carb/Twin Cable Linkage Kit Dellorto DHLA £ Retail £42.00 £42.00 £48.80 £46.80 2 Cables & Pedal Block included TLK1/D TLK1/W TLK2/D TLK2/W All Linkage Spares are Original Equipment, and manufactured to meet specific design requirements for Strength and Reliability. Accessories Available Part No Description £ Retail TLK001 TLK002/10 TLK003 TLK004 TLK005 TLK006 TLK007 TLK008M TLK010 Blue throttle cable (1 mtr) Blue throttle cable (3 mtr) Cable Adjuster + Nuts Cable Cross Bolt + Nuts (TLK1/D & W) Cable Cross Bolt + Nuts (TLK2/D & W) Bolt-Ally spacer kit (TLK1/W) Bolt-Ally spacer kit (TLK1/D) Pedal Block + Allen Key (suits all kits) Return Spring (TLK2/W & D) £3.80 £4.40 £0.85 £3.60 £3.60 £3.90 £3.90 £6.90 £2.35 46 All new thottle cables have a nylon inner liner TLK003 TLK010 TLK001 Fuel Unions & Adaptors Weber & Dellorto Carburettor Unions WU004 CUA001 Part No WU001 WU003 WU004 CUA001 CUA003 CUA004 WU001 WU003 Description Dcoe 90 deg Union Dcoe ‘T’ Union Dcoe fuel union bolt (Brass) Dcoe Straight Union & Bolt Assembly Dellorto DHLA 90 Deg Union Assembly Dellorto DHLA ‘T’ Union Assembly £Retail £6.95 £8.78 £3.80 £6.00 £24.50 £24.50 CUA004 CUA003 Fuel Hose Joiners & ‘T’ Pieces (Metal) Part No Description Metal Hose Joiners J0303 Hose Joiner 5mm-5mm J0404 Hose Joiner 6mm-6mm J0604 Hose Joiner 8mm-6mm J0606 Hose Joiner 8mm-8mm J0806 Hose Joiner 10mm-8mm J0808 Hose Joiner 10mm-10mm J1006 Hose Joiner 12mm-8mm J1008 Hose Joiner 12mm-10mm J1010 Hose Joiner 12mm-12mm J1310 Hose Joiner 15mm-12mm Metal ‘T’ Pieces MTP001 Metal ‘T’ Piece 6x6x6mm MTP002 Metal ‘T’ Piece 8x8x8mm MTP003 Metal ‘T’ Piece 10x10x10mm Metal ‘Y’ pieces MYP000 Metal ‘Y’Piece 6x6x6mm MYP001 Metal ‘Y’Piece 8x8x8mm MYP002 Metal ‘Y’Piece 10x10x10mm £Retail £1.96 £1.88 £1.53 £1.59 £1.64 £3.40 £3.40 £3.20 £3.20 £4.90 £3.20 £3.35 £3.95 £3.30 £3.55 £3.68 20 Multi-Grip
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