f) Newsletter May 2016 - Kastam Diraja Malaysia
f) Newsletter May 2016 - Kastam Diraja Malaysia
Opening remarks Director general message Assalamualaikum w.b.h, Salam 1 Kastam, 1 Malaysia. First and foremost, I would like to thank you for everyone’s patience for the much awaited uCustoms system this year. My sincere apology that part of Phase 1 modules 5 namely the Registration and Broker Affairs modules that were expected to Go-Live in January 2016 did not happen. This was due to the committee’s decision to wait for the release of the remaining modules in Phase 1 namely Cargo, Declaration, Assessment, Inspection, Clearance and Transit to be completed. This will allow the stakeholders to acquire a better understanding on the 9 holistic pictures of the uCustoms system. In addition to the Phase 1 modules, the Phase 2 (Inward and Outward Processing, Temporary Admission, Drawback, Bonded Warehouse and Free Zone) with part of the integrated tariff module will also be released in the same time as well. Depending on the outcome of the vigorous testing processes that we are having right now, Insyallah the system will be to be piloted in some of the identified sites sometime in the middle of this year. Therefore, I would like to take this opportunity to request all stakeholders to give your fullest support and highlight your comments if any concerns that are impacting your day-to-day operations. We will take your comments/concerns seriously as this is a system developed for you to ease your operations on the ground. I hope with Allah SWT blessings, our prayers for the project’s success will be realised in time to come. With this, I thank you especially to the project team and all stakeholders for their hard work, contributions and their tireless effort in making this project a success. CONTENTS 1 DIRECTOR GENERAL’S OPENING MESSAGE 2 projECT progrEss UpdATE & MAjor MIlEsToNEs hIghlIghTs 3 ThE ChAMps oF ThE ChAMpIoNs goEs To... pENANg! 4 uCUsToMs projECT: A sINCErE rEvIEW 6 sTATE ChAMpIoNs For ChANgE MANAgEMENT NATIoNWIdE 7 6Th sTATE ChAMpIoNs MEETINg @ dE rhU bEACh rEsorT, kUANTAN, pAhANg 9 TrANsFEr, AdopTIoN ANd dIFFUsIoN oF TEChNology: ThE FIrsT sTEp ToWArds sElFsUsTAINAblE ENvIroNMENT. COMING SOON This May And June. Yours sincerely, Dato’ Sri Khazali bin Hj Ahmad Director General of the Royal Malaysian Customs Department, Malaysia. uCustoms Voices May 2016 1 ProjecT ProGress UPDaTe uCustoms Voices May 2016 2 Proud state champions and PKN Penang posing with uCustoms trophy THE CHAMP OF THE CHAMPIONS GOES TO... PENANG! B ravo to the Penang State Champions! Once again, the uCustoms State Champions prestige award was held during the 6th State Champions meeting at De Rhu Beach Resort, Kuantan on the 30th March 2016. The state of Sabah, who was the past winner of the award had handed the uCustoms Champs of Champion trophy to the new winner, PENANG!! The evaluation was based on the state’s uCustoms related activities for being the most active in engagements coverage and training activities in the state. The close competitor was Customs Call Center (CCC) unit, Kelana Jaya headed by Tuan Bhaskaran A/L Vythilingan Pillai. RMCD Penang, under the great leadership of Tuan Sutam A/L Eh Di and Tuan Anuar bin Ibrahim, the state had conducted numerous engagements with the stakeholders internally and externally. Within 2 years, the number of champions had grown from four (4) to twenty (20). They have also set up the uCustoms clinic stations as a preparation for the GoLive of uCustoms for clients to seek any enquiries with Registrations and free guidance on to use the system. Once again, congratulations to the team on job well done. Keep it up Penangites! Proud moment: Penang Champions receiving the trophy from the Project Director; Tuan Zaini Md Desa uCustoms Voices May 2016 3 uCustoms Project: a Sincere Review R oyal Malaysian Customs Department (RMCD) has embarked on a very interesting and exciting project. This particular project has a wider vision of transforming not only the organization to be world class, but it also encompasses by improving trade facilitation, providing better compliance, improving international ranking and ease of doing business, as well as improving the skillsets of our own officers nationwide. In short, this is like a total makeover of the whole landscape of customs and trade facilitation per se. Thus, a project named as uCustoms: fingertips , anytime, anywhere & any device, come into being. It is a collaboration between RMCD as owner of the technology, Brilliance Information Sdn. Bhd. as the vendor providing the technology solution, as well as KPMG as our Project Management Office (PMO) to monitor its progress and the highly dedicated uCustoms Project Team in Cyberjaya to collaborate and implement the project respectively. In this project, all aspects are taken into consideration, for example development and improvement in term of infrastructure, system application, integration, business process reengineering as well as change management, training and transfer of technology. Looking back at history, a decision was made via the Mesyuarat Jawatankuasa Khas Kabinet Mengenai Keutuhan Pengurusan Kerajaan (JKKMKPK) on 27th July 2011 stating the need to revamp the current legacy system which was build in the 80’s named the Sistem Maklumat Kastam (SMK) to be replaced with a new and more user friendly system which will promote trade facilitation and secure trade supply By Tuan Mohammad Haizam bin Hashim Change Management Team Lead, Cyberjaya chain in Malaysia, based on findings and report done by a team led by MAMPU, a government agency overseeing the ICT and eGovernment initiative in Malaysia. The mandate to kick start the project was then being given the approval by the Prime Minister of Malaysia. “This is not an easy task and indeed it is currently our key challenges as many parties are involved in various many stages of the project” T hus far, a lot of effort has been carried out to realise this project to reality, though challenges may arise from time to time, eventually this project has been the pinnacle to ensure trade facilitation is being materialised and excercised effectively in Malaysia as the Trade Facilitation Agreement(TFA) which has been recently signed by our country and along with many other bilateral and multilateral agreements being signed over the years, this project has defintely, should be able to cover most of the requirements much needed by RMCD, Cross Border Regulatory Agencies (CBRAs), Ports Authorities as well as the players involved in the supply chain. In short, the scope of this project has now blown bigger then Customs itself, where it also covers the whole supply chain, end to end. With respect to continuous engagement with key stakeholders, it is done namely to gain their Buy-In and creating high level of synergy, to work a way for integration and support to perform once Go Live stage comes into picture later on. This is all done in order to ensure that uCustoms which among other, to replace the role of National Single Window (NSW) currently managed by DagangNet, could be realised. It is extremely important as Malaysia is already known to have its mechanism in NSW, however, this time the difference is that it is now owned by the Government and managed by RMCD, with the aim to further REDUCE the clearance time(hence providing rooms for pre-arrival clearance), cost of doing business and the number of documents needed in order to clear cargoes for import, exports and other related activities pertaining to trade covering all modes i.e sea, air and land. uCustoms Voices May 2016 4 However, if we managed to realised its true potential and benefit, this initiative will provide huge impact and form part of the major favourable results in benefit realisation of this particular project later on. With respect to change management, training and transfer of technology, RMCD acknowledge that while it is important to improve and transform our legacy system i.e SMK to further facilitate trade and improve compliance, it is also equally important to enhance the skillsets of our own officers to support, embrace and accept the change occuring, especially senior officers. Hence, the change management, training and transfer of technology is equally important to ensure the successfulness of this project especially with respect to the Change Readiness in human aspect. uCustoms Voices May 2016 5 State Champions for Change Management Nationwide Challenges of Change? - Bumpy Roads C urrently, there are more than 196 State Champions for Change Management nationwide, all able to carry out their duties to inform, communicate, engaged and assist internal and external stakeholder in familiarising themselves with uCustoms concepts and later on the application itself once ready. This is a very high commitment which RMCD and eventually PERKASA can be proud of as it marks the level of highly strong support that any Government Agencies in Malaysia could ever had in a given IT project such as uCustoms. It has been endorsed, not only by the uCustoms Project Team Director, but also professional consultant such as Pricewaterhouse Coopers(PwC) who regularly collaborate together with the Project Team (Change Management sector) and Brilliance Information Sdn. Bhd. (Change Management sector) with respect to Change Management, Training and Transfer of Technology initiatives. I salute to all of them for their energy, collaboration, courage and commitment personally! Having said that, we should all look forward for this project to continue it’s journey towards success, regardless of any challenges ahead. I am confident that this project will provide the necessary boost that our organization as well as the nation needed and more importantly what other key stakeholders wished for. We want to cease this opportunity to recount back the experience we had while delivering the uCustoms Roadshow nationwide in 2014. It was very encouraging as most of our officers, especially Senior Officers of RMCD, including our external stakeholders, are really looking forward and have positive vibes about this project. This shows us that we are currently on the right track, but more importantly is for us to keep the good work and push further ahead with continuous collaborations and engagements to successfully implement the project that is where we finally reach our vision: To be a world class customs administration. uCustoms Voices May 2016 6 6th State Champions Meeting @ De Rhu Beach Resort, Kuantan, Pahang On the serious role. I t has been almost past 6 months since the champions had met. It was time again to update and inform what is going on with the uCustoms project to the fellow champions. The response from the states was extremely encouraging with the attendance of ninety-six percent (96%) with 105 out of 109 who had attended the event. The main objective of the meeting was to provide updates on the progress and the challenges of the project by the Project Director, Tuan Zaini Md Desa. On a serious note, the long dialogue session chaired by Tuan Zaini Md Desa was held on the final day of the event. During the dialogue session, majority had reflected their full support to ensure the success of this challenging project at the end of the day. In terms of communication, many had requested that they should be the first to be informed with the progress and updates instead of getting secondhand information from others by surprise. Tn Mohammad Haizam Hashim had assured that the information will be updated from time to time through more access channels such as group chat on Telegram, WhatApp and the uCustoms Portal subsite. In any circumstances champions are Dialogue Session. free to call in at any time if there are any immediate clarifications required. As requested from the previous meeting at Penang, the champions had wished for team building sessions to boost the bonding and rejuvenate their positive team spirits among the fellow team mates. Hence, there were some outdoor activities planned during the event after the meeting. The event “uCustoms Amazing Race” was organised on the second day with participants were made to race against time to perform and complete certain tasks together as a team at various pits stops. The feedback response were very positive and encouraging from the participants with majority had enjoyed the sessions and finds it interesting and meeting its objectives. On the serious role during the TOT sessions. uCustoms Voices May 2016 7 The Race has begun... Strike a POSE! Survivor: this “human skull” should be more The survivor: Your pull right, i pull left. than 500 years old? The Fear Factor: Who want to swallow this? The conspiracy theory in progress. Posing with the “tanned Phua Chu Kang”. uCustoms Voices May 2016 8 Transfer, adoption and diffusion of technology: The first step towards self-sustainable environment S ystem is built to stay, provided its technology and functions are regularly “serviced and updated”. The Government should have a change in perception and strategise on how they can be weaned off and becoming independent from vendors who provide the solution. One that requires a major drastic overhaul in perception is the assurance in technology knowledge is transferred to the officers who are designated to maintain the future system. Hence, the project governance support is very crucial in identifying and making sure that the appropriate person who are there to stay and maintain the system. uCustoms system has a dedicated team to look into the training and transfer of technology activities under the Change Management and Training committee. The training committee with members consist of all team leads from the project were brought together to strategise the approach, identify what knowledge transfer is required and the appropriate candidates who will be maintaining the system in future. Transfer of technology is a cyclical processes that should be carry out to ensure whatever knowledge transferred sticks and sustainable. KNOWLEDGE TRANSFER Where are we now ? Diffu sio n- - 100% sfer ran eT dg 5% Kn ow le Ado p ti o n - 2 5 % *As of 15 April 2016 The knowledge or tools will need to be transferred via training on how the tools are used. Tests are carried out to evaluate to see if the participants has grabbed what has been thought before and after each training sessions. ADOPTION The tools learnt are then modified or customized to see that how they are adopted to the local settings and environment. Participants should be able to apprehend that how those tools are able to assist their day-to-day work. DIFFUSION The tools learnt will need to be put into daily practice to ensure what was learnt will be put into practice. Hence, regular and continuous discussions or over-the shoulder exercises will need to be carried out to up-lift the knowledge to a higher level. What next? RMCD will need to assure the Diffusion is taking place. These activities will need to be plan carefully especially during the transition period while the vendors are still around. The organisation structure will need to be established, officers need to be identified and knowledge needs to be absorbed. Training unit will need to own this to start nurturing and mold them into proper shape. COMING SOON APRIL - MAY 2016 Walk-through and user Acceptance Test for Phase 1: Cargo, Declaration, Assessment, Inspection, Clearance, and Transits modules. MAY - JUNE 2016 Walk-through and user Acceptance Test for Phase a2: Inward Processing, Temporary Admissions, Drawbacks, Bonded Warehouse, and Free Zone modules. May-June 2016: User Acceptance Test for MyCOO modules. May-June 2016: uCustoms Risk Management Training. uCustoms Voices May 2016 9
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