Bridge Chatter September 2013


Bridge Chatter September 2013
Flotilla 85
Brigantine N.J.
Sept 2013
Volume 18 No 3
Cristen Gleason FC
Gil Finkelstein, Editor
[email protected]
Off Shore Power Races June 2013
Flotilla Commander Report
It’s been a trying year for me healthwise, but now I hope I’m on the
road to a healthy recovery.. My grateful thanks to Alan Moose who filled
in for me over the past few months.
Boating season is winding down, unfortunately we have not had as
many operational facilities available this past summer for patrols and
several of our coxswains and crew are behind on their hours. Hopefully
we can correct this problem before patrol season ends.
Our members are our most important resource. As a volunteer organization member’s pay is
the pride, satisfaction, sense of accomplishment he or she gets from serving and the recognition
of job well done. As an organization, our survival depends on recruiting new members
and retaining current ones.
We have 42 members on our flotilla roster and in September we will need to address the issue
of who will be our next Flotilla Commander and Vice Flotilla commander. Elections are in October.
The following are general eligibility requirements for elected offices:
a. To ensure Auxiliarists have sufficient knowledge concerning requirements of the various
elected offices, the completion of a one-year regular term of office at one level (flotilla, division, or
district) is required before advancement to the next higher level.
b. An individual must serve a minimum of one year as an Auxiliarist prior to the date of election as FC or VFC.
c. Successful completion of the Administrative Procedures Course (APC) or the Flotilla Leadership
Course (classroom or online version) is a specific election eligibility requirement for any Auxiliarist
who pursues their first elected office (level of office does not matter). The Elected Officer Course
(EOC) and Auxiliary Administration Specialty Course (AUXMIN) are no longer offered, but credit
for proof of successful completion may be accepted only for Auxiliarists who have held any
past elected office in lieu of this election eligibility criteria.
My thanks and congratulations fo Alan Moose, his instructors, and assistants for completing a
most successful Public Education season which started in April and finished in August.
The flotilla averaged over 30 students per class. An accomplishment of which to be proud.
Our Uniform “wearing” with pride” There is much emphasis coming down the chain on
wearing the uniform properly, and looking like we are a part of the Coast Guard, including
grooming. The public sees us as Coast Guard, so we need to look the part. Let’s start with wearing
the uniform period. if you are not wearing your uniform because it no longer fits (change in muscle
proportions as one ages), then buy a new one and wear it proudly. Check in with the “Lucky Bag”
outlet in TRACEN. The seem to have an ample supply of ODU’s.
Vice Flotilla Commander Report Alan Moose
It’s been a very active year. It seems like it took forever for summer to arrive and then before I
knew it Labor Day had come and gone and summer activities are winding down. We had another very successful series of About Boating Safely classes. A total of 148 students took our
classes this year. All five classes went smoothly. This could not have been done without the
great cooperation and teamwork that we had. Our instructors did a fantastic job of making the
classes interesting and informative. We’ve had feedback from a number of our students and it
was all very positive. I’d also like to give a huge thank you to all who helped out behind the
scenes. Registrations all went smoothly; we always had great help with the lunch and the final
cleanup. This really was a fantastic team effort! The New Jersey State Police also noticed our
efforts and Flotilla 85 was honored with an award “In recognition of their outstanding performance in Public Education.”
Now that the classes are over for the year it’s time to start thinking about next year. We need
additional state certified instructors. The process takes a long time. The rules for obtaining
state certification are very specific and at times repetitive, but the rules are set by the state and
unfortunately the Auxiliary does not have any control over this process. However don’t let the
process intimidate you, it’s not difficult. Start now and you will be set to go by the time the first
class rolls around next April. I have the forms and instructions, just let me know and I’ll send
them to you.
We have also had a lot of activity in the Human Resources area. We have three new members
who passed their Personal Security Investigations since the previous issue of Bridge Chatter.
Carl Apter and Jim MacKey were approved into Basically Qualified (BQ) status and Evan
Fontana was approved into Initially Qualified (IQ) status. We currently have one member still
waiting for approval and several additional prospective members who are working on their applications. If you haven’t already done so, be sure to take a few minutes at the next meeting to introduce yourself and welcome all of our new members and recruits. And remember to help us
keep up the momentum by identifying a prospective member and bringing them to a meeting
with you. It’s a lot easier for a prospective member to attend with you rather than walking in cold
to a group of people they’ve never met.
In the Public Affairs area, the Brigantine Times and the Beach Comber have been very cooperative in publishing our articles. Keep an eye out for the articles and pass them along to a
prospective new member or to someone who might be interested in our boating safety classes.
These publications are our best means of advertising for the boating safety classes. If you are
an advertiser in either one, be sure to let them know you are in the Auxiliary and thank them for
their help and cooperation.
While summer activities are winding down, there is still a lot you can and should be doing.
The off season is the time to advance your skills and qualifications by taking the on-line courses
available at: You can do your course work for becoming a
Vessel Inspector or Marine Dealer Visitor. Both of these courses can be done on a Sunday afternoon and are finished by taking the on-line open book test. You can also take the Auxiliary
Procedures Course (APC) or the Flotilla Leadership course.
VFC Report continued
One or the other is needed to qualify for an elected position and we definitely need people to fill
these positions. You can also take Incident Command System (ICS) courses at: . ICS 100 and 700 are need for elected positions and also
for crew. If you are really feeling ambitious, start working on the prestigious AUX-OP qualification.
It’s slightly easier now that the dreaded Nav Rules course is no longer a requirement. There are
lots of educational opportunities out there and to become qualified to do anything in the Auxiliary
you have to take the required training courses. Fall is the perfect time to get started.
All of the training websites can be accessed from the “Members Interest” section of Flotilla 85’s
website: Take some time occasionally to look at our website. It’s excellent and is continually updated with new information and photos. Make it your portal
to the Auxiliary’s home page.
Flotilla 85 Staff Officers - 2013
VFC (Chief of Staff)
Alan Moose
[email protected]
CS - Communication Services Marie Librizzi [email protected]
CM - Communications Stan Friedman
FN - Finance - George Ciechanowski
[email protected]
[email protected]
HR - Human Resourses Marie Librizzi
[email protected]
IS - Information Services Stan Friedman [email protected]
MA - Materials Jean Stretch 609-266-0894
MT - Member Training David Cherry
Marine Safety Jack Kelly
NS - Navigation Systems
OPS - Operations
[email protected],
[email protected]
Marc Needleman [email protected]
Gil Finkelstein 609 513-1183 [email protected]
PA- Public Affairs Alan Moose
[email protected]
PE - Public Education Alan Moose
[email protected]
PV- Program Visitor Tom Nyman
[email protected]
SR - Secretary Jeannne DeCecco
[email protected]
VE - Vessel Examiner
PB - Publications
Mike Fitzpatrick
Gil Finkelstein
[email protected]
[email protected]
Powerboat Races Atlantic City, NJ June 23,2018
The Atlantic Ocean in front of the boardwalk played host to the Atlantic City Offshore Power-
boat Races. The Offshore Powerboat Racing Association, OPA and the New Jersey Offshore
Powerboat Racing Association, NJOPRA were thrilled that came to Atlantic City, NJ. The city did
everything they could ever dream of to put on one off the top boating events on the East Coast.
Thousands came to see one of the most exciting races on water, powerboats travel between 60
and 155 MPH depending on the class of the boat. 60 powerboats will competed in six different
divisions for a $50,000 winners purse! Flotilla 85 had two assets on the water.
It was a 6 hour patrol under hazy skies and calm seas.
Golden Nugget’s Megayacht stood out among the spectator boats
An Artist in our midst
Calvin Bartechkois an active member of flotilla 85, Brigantine.
Cal who recently retired as a chef after many years working at Harrah’s, now
has found the time to pursue his personal interests. Cal has recently completed his crew
qualifications and is working toward getting qualified as coxswain.
When Calvin in not boating he enjoys painting as a hobby. Recently Cal
completed an oil painting of a 47 ft MLB moored at CG Station Atlantic City.
The painting was presented to Lt. Cdr Moore on behalf of the Auxiliary, and
the painting will be displayed at the station once renovations are complete."
CG 47 ft. Motor lifeboat
Jack Kelly receiving award completing qualifications as an
Air Observer in the AUXAIR program.
Alan Moose VFC 7/16.13
Eileen Harrigan Fl 85 standing on gunwale of Auxiliary OPS 27’
during Nights of Venice Boat Parade July 20th
DIRAUX: Welcome aboard to CDR Paul DJ Arnett
Welcome aboard to CDR Paul DJ Arnett who recently reported aboard as the new Director of
Auxiliary for the Fifth District Northern Region. CDR Arnett officially reported aboard on 08 July
and has officially relieved CWO4 Sean Mcgarigal of his interim duties as the "Acting" Director
since CDR Terry Johns' departure on 07 May.
Commander Paul Arnett is currently serving as the Director Auxiliary, Fifth Coast Guard District
Northern Region, based out of Philadelphia. Prior to reporting aboard, he had served most recently as the Deputy Sector Commander for Sector Boston and Alternate Captain of the Port
Boston, having fleeted up from being the Chief of the Prevention Department. His tenure in
Boston witnessed many highlights, including SAIL BOSTON 2009, the Bicentennial of the War of
1812, Sector Boston’s winning the Congressman James Sener Award for Excellence in Marine Investigations for the F/V PATRIOT case, the $125M replacement of the Chelsea Street Bridge project, and the Boston Marathon Bombing attacks.
Commander Arnett was born in Yorktown, Virginia while his father was on extended temporary assignment from Coast Guard Marine Inspection Office Philadelphia. He earned his Bachelor of Arts
from Salisbury State College on Maryland’s Eastern Shore. He returned to Yorktown in 1987, joining the Coast Guard through Officer Candidate School. His first orders where to Support Center
New Orleans as the Command’s Administrative Officer and Exchange Officer. In 1990 he reported
to Marine Inspection Office New York as a marine inspector trainee. During this tour he attained
Senior Marine Inspector status, stood up the first Commercial Fishing Industry Vessel Safety Program, and made multiple overseas deployments including those in support of Desert
Shield/Desert Storm (the first Iraq War).
In 1993 he left the Coast Guard and moved to Philadelphia. During this time he was still very
much connected with the maritime industry at the leading edge of the Oil Pollution Act of 1990
(OPA 90) implementation, serving as vessel representative providing training, spill management
and as qualified individual for pollution responses. In 1997 he earned his Master of Science in Environmental Protection and Safety Management from St. Joseph’s University (Philadelphia).
In 1997 he returned to Yorktown, this time as a direct commission Lieutenant. His first assignment
was to Coast Guard Headquarters, Office of Vessel Inspections where he completed the first complete revision to the Coast Guard’s Marine Safety Manual (Volume II) in decades, and implemented the Streamlined Inspection Program. He then returned to Philadelphia as the Chief of Port
State Control at Marine Safety Office-Group Philadelphia. He was in this position on
September 11, 2001. Many of the measures put in place that day by MSO-Group Philadelphia
Port State Control became the foundation for the current advanced notice of arrival requirements
for vessels calling on US ports.
Arctic Meltdown
The beautiful, stark scenery of the Arctic may be priceless, but the warming of the region could
come at a great cost to the world.
The Arctic's rapid warming could cost the global economy more than $60 trillion if melting permafrost releases huge quantities of methane, a potent greenhouse gas, a new study finds. The
cost nearly mirrors the $70 trillion size of the world economy in 2012.
Permanently frozen ground, called permafrost, beneath the Arctic's East Siberian Sea could
belch out 50 billion tons of methane at any time, researchers said in an analysis published Thursday in the journal Nature. More than a trillion tons of methane is thought to be trapped in the Arctic Ocean's icy marine sediments in the form of what are called methane hydrates, some of it in
shallow water.
As the Arctic sea ice cover shrinks and the Arctic Ocean warms, the frozen sediments may thaw
and release the stored methane, said study co-author Peter Wadhams, an oceanographer at the
University of Cambridge in the U.K. Plumes of methane gas have already been rising each summer in the
East Siberian Sea, Wadhams said.
Because methane traps atmospheric heat 25 times more efficiently than carbon dioxide, a sudden Arctic methane release would have a catastrophic effect on the global climate,
There are several proposals as to how Arctic shrinkage can be halted or slowed down, but
even the most optimistic scenarios predict further melting. The effective methods for slowing Arctic shrinkage are the same as those used to mitigate global warming in general, namely primarily
a reduction in the emission of greenhouse gases.
Arctic shrinkage poses a serious problem to polar bears. Polar bears hunt seals from platforms of
sea ice. When the ice melts earlier in the season, polar bears have less time to feed which leaves
them with less of the fat reserves necessary to survive periods with little available food.
Territorial disputes are also a future possibility because Arctic shrinkage opens up the
area to resource extraction. This makes it interesting for a number of neighboring countries.
The Coast Guard is celebrated its 223rd year
thi s A ug ust 4th. The Coast Guar d is one of Am eri c a's
fi ve a rmed for ces and tr aces its founding to Aug. 4,
1790, when the first Congress authorized the
construction o f 1 0 v e s s e l s t o e n f o r c e t a r i ff a n d
trade laws, prevent smuggling, and protect the
collection of federal revenue. Responsibilities
added over the years included humanitarian duties
such as aiding mariners in distress.
If you want to get a glimpse of some of the
action the Coast Guard sees, you could tune into
one of the two Weather Channel reality shows
based on real Coast Guard activities. "Coast
Guard Alaska: Search and Rescue" follows a
search-and-rescue unit in Kodiak, Alaska, and
"Coast Guard Florida: Search and Rescue" follows
u n i t s b a s e d i n M i a m i a n d C l e a r w a t e r, F l o r i d a .
The Coast Guard boasted 43,000 active duty
m e m b e r s , a l o n g w i t h nearly 49,000 other members
with reserve, civilian employee or volunteer auxiliary
The three official roles of the U.S. Coast Guard
a r e " m a r i t i m e s a f e t y, " " m a r i t i m e s e c u r i t y, " a n d
"maritime stewardship."
The Coast Guard is the only one of the five
branches of the military that is allowed to enforce
f e d e r a l l a w.
Coast Guard to help community remember Patriots’ Day
CAPE MAY, N.J. – Local Coast Guardsmen will help surrounding communities in South Jersey remember the terror attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, by supporting several Patriots’ Day celebrations
Coast Guardsmen from Training Center Cape May are scheduled to support three remembrance
ceremonies by providing color guards, buglers or keynote speakers at the events. Each of these
ceremonial services will serve as a key element to the many local remembrance ceremonies
being held in the area.
“We often think back to the tragedy that unfolded 12 years ago and remember exactly where we
were and what we were doing,” said Capt. Todd Prestidge, commanding officer of Training Center
Cape May. “Our goal Patriots’ Day is to allow our community an opportunity to pause and reflect
on the heavy price our Nation paid that day.”
The crew of Coast Guard Training Center Cape May will also participate in the City of Cape May’s
Patriot Day Ceremony at the Cove located at the intersection of Second Street and Beach Avenue
at 6 p.m. Prestidge will speak at the ceremony, and Coast Guard recruits and training center staff
will provide a bugler and a formation of recruits. Cmdr. Christopher Fronk, a Coast Guard chaplain, will deliver the invocation for the ceremony.
Coast Guardsmen will be participating in the Cape May County Board of Freeholders 9/11 Memorial Ceremony in Cape May Court House, N.J., at 5 p.m. The training center will be providing a bugler and Cmdr. Owen Gibbons, executive officer of Training Center Cape May, will speak at the
Coast Guardsmen will also attend a Patriots Day ceremony at Sunset Beach in Lower Township,
N.J., where Lt. Cmdr. Scott Rae, regimental officer of Training Center Cape May, will speak at 6
p.m. Coast Guardsmen and Coast Guard recruits will provide a formation of recruits and Lt. Jason
Rochester, a Coast Guard chaplain, will deliver the invocation at Sunset Beach.
The crew aboard Training Center Cape May will also gather for a private remembrance ceremony
with about 200 recruits, servicemembers, employees and veterans from various service groups e
at 8 a.m. A recruit will lay a wreath at the foot of the Douglas Munro Statue during the ceremony in
memory of those lost during the attacks on Sept. 11.
“Many of our recruits were children during the 9/11 tragedy, so we have to ensure they never forget what happened that day,” said Prestidge. “It’s imperative that they also educate future generations of Coast Guardsmen about the toll of the attacks and ensure we stand a taut watch to
protect, defend, save and shield our Nation and its people no matter the threat.”
O bi tuar y
M A S S E Y, JOS E P H C H A R L ES 92 - of Sm ithville passed peacefully on
J u l y 2 2 , 201 3 . H e w as b o rn i n Atlantic City, gr owing up in Ventnor a n d
Pleasantville. He served proudly in the United States Navy during
Wo r l d Wa r I I . J o e r e t i r e d f r o m t h e S h e e t M e t a l Wo r k e r ' s U n i o n
#27. He retired from the Coast Guard Auxiliary in 2010, after
serving for 25 years. Zane Irvine
Age 90, formerly of Brigantine, NJ,,passed
away on July 25,
2 0 1 3 . H e w a s m a r r i e d t o Ly n n ( K e n t ) I r v i n e o n J a n u a r y 1 9 , 1 9 7 4 .
While living in Brigantine. He enjoyed the Coast Guard Auxiliary
Flotilla 85, Brigantine Bocce Club and the Brigantine Pool Club..
Z a n e s e r v e d i n t h e U S A i r F o r c e d u r i n g Wo r l d Wa r I I a n d w a s r e c a l l e d f o r t h e K o r e a n W a r. H e s e r v e d a t o t a l o f 3 0 y e a r s a s e i t h e r
active or reserve duty and received the Distinguished Service
Medal. He was an employee of Dupont Corp for 25 years. Zane is
s u r v i v e d b y h i s w i f e , Ly n n . o f 3 9 y e a r s , s t e p - s o n M i c h a e l ( D a r c y )
Pantano and two grandchildren Jordan and Kendall of Danville,
C A . A g r a v e s i d e s e r v i c e w a s h e l d o n S a t u r d a y, A u g u s t 2 4 ,
2 0 1 3 a t 11 a m a t t h e A t l a n t i c C o u n t y Ve t e r a n ' s C e m e t e r y,
E s t e l l M a n o r, N J .